5. Setting the scene

The American is ordering a mid-day meal in a restaurant.

Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.

5.1. Диалог №2.

в pectopaнe

A.Девушка, примите, пожалуйста, заказ.Excuse me, Miss! Could you please take my order?
P.Я вас слушаю.I'm listening.
A.На закуску принесите, пожалуйста, чёрную икру.For an appetizer, please bring me some black caviar.
P.Чёрной икры нет. Есть только красная.There's no black caviar, just red.
A.Хорошо. Принесите красную.OK. Bring me the red.
P.Что вы хотите на первое?What would you like for the first course?
A.На первое борщ.I would like some borshch.
P.А что на второе?And what about the main course?
A.На второе котлеты по-киевски с гарниром.I would like Chicken Kiev and vegetables.
P.Сладкое будете заказывать?Are you going to order dessert?
A.Принесите мороженое и кофе.Ice cream and some coffee.
P.Что ещё?What else?
A.Это всё. Спасибо.That's all thank you.

5.2. Упражнение №3.

Listen to the following phrases and choose the appropriate responses from those given below.

  1. Девушка, примите, пожалуйста, заказ.

  2. Что вы хотите на первое?

  3. А что на второе?

  4. Сладкое будете заказывать?

  5. Что ещё?

  • a. Принесите мороженое и кофе.

  • b. Это всё. Спасибо.

  • c. На второе котлеты по-киевски с гарниром.

  • d. Я вас слушаю.

  • е. На первое борщ.

5.3. Упражнение №4.

Translate into Russian.

  1. Take my order, please.

  2. I would like black caviar as an appetizer.

  3. I would like salad as an appetizer.

  4. I would like borshch for the first course.

  5. I would like Chicken Kiev for the main course.

  6. I would like ice cream and coffee for dessert.

  7. I would like a pastry for dessert.

  8. Nothing else, thank you.

5.4. Упражнение №5.

With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialog. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.