5. Setting the scene

The American is in the metro and finds himself/herself in need of assistance.

Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.

5.1. Диалог №2

Какая следующая станция?

Извините, какая следующая станция?

Excuse me, what's the next station?





А скоро будет «Краснопресненская»?

Is "Krasnopresnenskaya" coming up soon?


«Краснопресненскую» уже проехали.

We already passed "Krasnopresnenskaya".


Что же мне делать?

What should I do?


Вам надо выйти на следующей станции и ехать в обратную сторону.

You need to get off at the next station and go back.




5.2. Диалог №3

Вы сейчас выходите?
A.Вы сейчас выходите?Are you getting off now?
P.Это какая станция?What station is this?
P.Нет, не выхожу.No, I'm not.
A.Тогда разрешите пройти.Then let me through.
P.Пожалуйста.Go ahead.

5.3. Упражнение №11.

With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.

5.4. Упражнение №12.

Translate the following into Russian:

  1. Excuse me, what's the next station?

  2. Is "Krasnopresnenskaya" coming up soon?

  3. What should I do?

  4. Are you getting off now?

  5. Let me through.

5.5. Упражнение №13.

In the metro, ask a fellow passenger (played by your instructor) which station is next as you travel around the «Кольцевая линия». Start at «Октябрьская» and move clockwise. Use the following model:

Извините, какая следующая станция?

5.6. Упражнение №14.

Beginning at one of the end stations on any line, move along that line and verify that you know which station is coming up next by asking a fellow passenger (your instructor):

Простите, следующая станция «Проспект Вернадского»?

5.7. Упражнение №15.

You fell asleep on the metro and woke up at an unfamiliar station. Find out where you are.

5.8. Упражнение №16.

You need to get off at the next station. Ask the person in front of you if he/she is getting off. If the answer is no, ask him/her to let you through. What should you do if the answer is yes?

5.9. Упражнение №17.

Using the phrases given here, create your own dialogs.

Извините, какая следующая станция?

Извините, это какая станция?

Извините, следующая станция ?

Скоро будет станция ?

Простите, вы сейчас выходите? Вы выходите на следующей?

Да, выхожу. Нет, не выхожу.

Разрешите пройти. Дайте пройти, пожалуйста.

5.10. Упражнение №18.

You live on «Ломоносовский проспект» in the vicinity of МГУ. You commute to work at the embassy by metro. Using the metro map, describe the route you take each day. Name the stations in order both going and coming.

5.11. Упражнение №19.

Using the description you prepared for the previous exercise, describe how your route home would vary if you decided to stop off at the Третьяковская галлерея or wanted to make a side trip to Измайловский парк.

5.12. Диалог №4

«Где здесь переход?»
A.Скажите, пожалуйста, это переход на «Кольцевую линию»?Excuse me, is this the transfer to the Ring Line?
P.Нет, это выход в город.No, this is the exit to the city.
A.А где здесь переход?Then where's the transfer?
P.Переход на «Кольцевую линию» направо.The transfer to the Ring Line is to the right

5.13. Упражнение №20.

With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.

5.14. Упражнение №21.

Translate the following into Russian:

  1. Is this the transfer to the Ring Line?

  2. Is this the exit to the city?

  3. Where is the transfer to the Ring Line?

  4. The exit to the city is to the right.

  5. This is the transfer to the Ring Line.

5.15. Упражнение №22.

Choose the correct translation for each sign.

  • a. exit

  • b. entrance

  • с passage

  • a. exit

  • b. entrance

  • c. transfer

  • a. yield

  • b. crossing

  • c. stop

  • a. up

  • b. transfer

  • c.yield

  • a. up

  • b. down

  • c. straight ahead

  • a. up

  • b. down

  • c. straight ahead

  • a. up

  • b. down

  • c. straight ahead

5.16. Упражнение №23.

Create your own dialogs, using the phrases given here and dialog #4 as a model.

Простите, это переход на

  • Таганско-Краснопресненскую линию?

  • Калужско-Рижскую линию?

  • Серпухово-Тимирязевскую линию?

Скажите, пожалуйста, где здесь переход на

  • Замоскворецкую линию?

  • Филёвскую линию?

  • Калининскую линию?


  • направо.

  • налево.

  • прямо.

  • вверх.

  • по эскалатору.

  • вниз по эскалатору.

  • в центре зала.