Clipart ETC: An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Clipart ETC License

Clipart ETC is copyright © 2010 by the University of South Florida.

Educational Use. A maximum of fifty (50) clipart items may be used in any non-commercial, educational project (report, presentation, display, website, etc.) without special permission. The use of more than fifty clipart items in a single project requires written permission from the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) at USF.

Credit. Please credit FCIT whenever a resource is used. If resources from this site are incorporated into a website, a link to must be included on your site. If you would like to help others find the Clipart ETC site, you may choose to link to us with one of these banners or buttons instead of a text link.

Restrictions. No commercial use may be made of the clipart on this site without written permission of FCIT. Clipart from this site may not be used to create obscene or scandalous works. Clipart of individuals or businesses may not be used to suggest endorsements of products, services, or activities. Under no circumstances may the clipart on this site be included in any other published clipart collection, whether sold or distributed freely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you require a link to Clipart ETC if I use your clipart on my website?
We want to help other students and teachers find this site. We realize how difficult it is for students and teachers to find good clipart sites without lots of advertising, endless links that go in circles, and redirects to inappropriate content. If we ask students and teachers who use our clipart to link to our site, then more people will be able to use our collection.

How do I credit FCIT in printed projects?
If you are just using a few clipart items for decoration putting "Clipart courtesy FCIT" in small print is sufficient. If you have more room please include the URL "" so that others can find the site. If you are including clipart as part of the content of a report, you should cite the illustration as you would do for any other source. Your teacher may specify a particular format for citing web sources. We have tried to make it easy for you by including information about the original source where one exists. In general you should include the original source, title of the item, when you downloaded it, and the URL where you found it. Here's an example:

Gray, Asa. The Elements of Botany for Beginners and for Schools. New York: The American Book Company, 1887. "Live oak leaves." Retrieved January 1, 2010, from

Why do you have a copyright notice on really old illustrations?
It is true that the original drawings that many items in this collection are based on have long passed into the public domain. However, by the time we have scanned, cropped, cut out backgrounds, fixed broken lines, simplified, sharpened, and otherwise cleaned up the original drawing, the result is a new artwork derived from the earlier drawing. The derivative work is protected by copyright even though the original is in the public domain.

Why can't I include your clipart in the clipart collection on my free website?
We have gone to great lengths at Clipart ETC to create and present clipart in the best way we could think of for school use. If students and teachers are going to use our clipart, we want them to find it at Clipart ETC where they will have a selection of image sizes and file formats, and will have all the citation information so important for school reports, but missing from other sites we have visited.

What makes a website a "published clipart collection"?
We define a "published clipart collection" as a site (or other means of distribution such as CD-ROM) whose primary purpose is to allow visitors to download images. If you include a clipart portrait of George Washington from Clipart ETC in your webpage report about George Washington, then you are using our clipart within the license set forth above. If you put our clipart portrait of George Washington on a page with 10 other pictures of the first president and call it "Presidents' Day Clipart," then you have created a clipart collection in violation of this license.

Does that mean a teacher can't collect a number of Clipart ETC items for students to use?
Of course not! In fact, we hope that teachers will collect favorites from our site for use in the classroom. Just don't publish the collection!

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Clipart ETC is a part of the Educational Technology Clearinghouse and is funded by various grants. Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida. Email the project manager.

Clipart ETC Educational Technology Clearinghouse