哀悼 哀悼 āidào mourn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 哀求 哀求 āiqiú beseech; implore v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 艾滋病 艾滋病 àizībìng AIDS n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爱戴 愛戴 àidài love and esteem v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爱面子 愛面子 ài miànzi be sensitive about one's reputation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爱惜 愛惜 àixī cherish n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 碍事 礙事 ài shì be in the way 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 安宁 安寧 ānníng peaceful; calm adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 安稳 安穩 ānwěn smooth and steady adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 安祥 安祥 ānxiáng serene; composed adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 安置 安置 ānzhì put; arrange for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 按劳分配 按勞分配 àn láo fēnpèi distribution according to work 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暗淡 暗淡 àndàn dim; faint adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暗杀 暗殺 ànshā assassinate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暗示 暗示 ànshì suggest v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暗中 暗中 ànzhōng in secret n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 案 案 àn case n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 案件 案件 ànjiàn law case; case n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 案情 案情 ànqíng case; details of case n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 昂贵 昂貴 ángguì expensive adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 昂扬 昂揚 ángyáng high-spirited adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凹 凹 āo concave adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 袄 襖 ǎo coat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 芭蕾舞 芭蕾舞 bālěiwǔ ballet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捌 捌 bā eight num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疤 疤 bā scar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 巴结 巴結 bājie flatter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扒 扒 bā hold on to; dig up; push aside; v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 把柄 把柄 bǎbǐng handhold n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 把关 把關 bǎ guān hold the pass 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 把手 把手 bǎshǒu knob n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 把戏 把戲 bǎxì acrobatics; jugglery n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 霸道 霸道 bàdào overbearing adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 霸权 霸權 bàquán hegemony n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 霸占 霸占 bàzhàn seize; forcibly occupy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掰 掰 bāi break off with fingers and thumb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 白酒 白酒 báijiǔ distilled spirit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 百倍 百倍 bǎibèi a hundredfold adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 百分比 百分比 bǎifēnbǐ percentage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 百花齐放 百花齊放 bǎi huā qí fàng let a hundred flowers blossom 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 百家争鸣 百家爭鳴 bǎi jiā zhēng míng a hundred schools of thought contend 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摆动 擺動 bǎidòng swing; sway v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 败坏 敗壞 bàihuài defile; rot v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拜 拜 bài do obeisance v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拜年 拜年 bài nián congratulate the New Year 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斑 斑 bān speckle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 班机 班機 bān jī flight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 班子 班子 bānzi organized group n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搬运 搬運 bānyùn carry; convey v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搬 搬 bān turn; pull v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颁布 頒布 bānbù promulgate; issue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颁发 頒發 bānfā award; issue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 版 版 bǎn printing plate; edition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扮 扮 bàn disguise oneself as v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扮演 扮演 bànyǎn act; represent v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拌 拌 bàn mix v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伴 伴 bàn partner; accompany n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伴侣 伴侶 bànlǚ partner; mate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伴随 伴隨 bànsuí go with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伴奏 伴奏 bànzòu accompany v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半边天 半邊天 bànbiāntiān half of the sky n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半截 半截 bànjié half n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半径 半徑 bànjìng radius n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半路 半路 bànlù halfway n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半数 半數 bànshù half n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半途而废 半途而廢 bàn tú ér fèi give up halfway; leave sth unfinished 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 半真半假 半真半假 bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ half-genuine, half-sham 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 办学 辦學 bàn xué run a school 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绑架 綁架 bǎngjià kidnap v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 棒球 棒球 bàngqiú baseball n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 包办 包辦 bāobàn be the whole show v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 包干儿 包乾兒 bāogān'er be responsible for a task until it is completed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 包裹 包裹 bāoguǒ package n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 包装 包裝 bāozhuāng pack; put up; make up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雹子 雹子 báozi hail n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 保健 保健 bǎojiàn health care v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 保姆 保姆 bǎomǔ nurse; mammy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 保温 保溫 bǎowēn heat preservation v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 保养 保養 bǎoyǎng maintain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 保重 保重 bǎozhòng take care of oneself v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 堡垒 堡壘 bǎolěi fort; stronghold n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饱和 飽和 bǎohé saturated adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饱满 飽滿 bǎomǎn full; plump adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宝贝 寶貝 bǎobèi precious things n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宝剑 寶劍 bǎojiàn double-edged sword n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宝库 寶庫 bǎokù treasure-house n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抱负 抱負 bàofù ambition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抱怨 抱怨 bàoyuàn complain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 报答 報答 bàodá reciprocate; pay back; repay v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 报考 報考 bàokǎo enter oneself for an examination v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 报销 報銷 bàoxiāo submit and expense account v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暴动 暴動 bàodòng insurrection; rebel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暴风骤雨 暴風驟雨 bào fēng zhòu yǔ violent storm tempest 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暴力 暴力 bàolì violence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爆 爆 bào explode; burst v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爆破 爆破 bàopò blow up; blast; dynamite v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爆竹 爆竹 bàozhú firecracker n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悲惨 悲慘 bēicǎn miserable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悲愤 悲憤 bēifèn grief and indignant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悲剧 悲劇 bēijù tragedy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悲伤 悲傷 bēishāng heartbroken; sorrowful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卑鄙 卑鄙 bēibǐ despicable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 背面 背面 bèimiàn the back n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 背叛 背叛 bèipàn sellout; betray v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贝壳 貝殼 bèiké shell; conch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倍数 倍數 bèishù multiple n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 备用 備用 bèiyòng reserve; alternate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 被告 被告 bèigào accused n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奔驰 奔馳 bēnchí run quickly v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奔腾 奔騰 bēnténg gallop; surge forward v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 本能 本能 běnnéng instinct n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 本钱 本錢 běnqián capital n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 本性 本性 běnxìng nature n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 本着 本著 běnzhe in line with prep 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笨蛋 笨蛋 bèndàn idiot n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笨重 笨重 bènzhòng lumpish; ponderous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笨拙 笨拙 bènzhuō clumsy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 崩溃 崩潰 bēngkuì collapse breakdown v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绷 繃 bēng stretch tight v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绷带 繃帶 bēngdài bandage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蹦 蹦 bèng jump v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逼近 逼近 bījìn approach v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逼迫 逼迫 bīpò force; compel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鼻涕 鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus; snot n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 比分 比分 bǐfēn score n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 比价 比價 bǐjià rate of exchange n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 比喻 比喻 bǐyù comparison; trope v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 比重 比重 bǐzhòng specific gravity; proportion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笔迹 筆跡 bǐjì a person's handwriting n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笔直 筆直 bǐzhí straight; upright adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 彼 彼 bǐ that pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 碧绿 碧綠 bìlǜ dark green adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 币 幣 bì money n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闭幕式 閉幕式 bìmùshì closing ceremony n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闭塞 閉塞/蔽塞 bìsè close up; unenlightened adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弊病 弊病 bìbìng disadvantage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弊端 弊端 bìduān disadvantage; malpractice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 必将 必將 bìjiān surely adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 臂 臂 bì arm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鞭策 鞭策 biāncè urge on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鞭炮 鞭炮 biānpào firecracker n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鞭子 鞭子 biānzi whip n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 边防 邊防 biānfáng border defense n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 边境 邊境 biānjìng border; frontier n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 编号 編號 biānhào serial number n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 编者按 編者按 biānzhě àn editorial note 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贬低 貶低 biǎndī depreciate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贬义 貶義 biǎnyì derogatory sense n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贬值 貶值 biǎn zhí devaluate; depreciate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 便道 便道 biàndào pavement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 变更 變更 biàngēng change; permute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 变换 變換 biànhuàn transform; change v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 变迁 變遷 biànqiān vicissitude n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 变形 變形 biàn xíng metamorphose 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 变质 變質 biàn zhì deteriorate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辩证 辯證 biànzhèng dialectical v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辫子 辮子 biànzi queue; plait n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辨别 辨別 biànbié distinguish; discern v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辨认 辨認 biànrèn distinguish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辩护 辯護 biànhù vindicate; plead v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辩解 辯解 biànjiě exculpate; plea v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辩证法 辯證法 biànzhèngfǎ dialectics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遍地 遍地 biàndì all over n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 标 標 biāo mark v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 标本 標本 biāoběn specimen; demo n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 标题 標題 biāotí title; heading n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 表彰 表彰 biǎozhāng commend; cite v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 憋 憋 biē hold back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 别扭 別扭 bièniu unnatural; awkward adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冰淇淋 冰淇淋 bīngqílín ice cream n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秉性 秉性 bǐngxìng temper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 病虫害 病蟲害 bìngchónghài plants diseases and insect pests n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 病毒 病毒 bìngdú virus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 病号 病號 bìnghào patient n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 并存 並存 bìngcún coexist v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 并非 並非 bìngfēi not so v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 并列 並列 bìngliè appose; juxtapose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 并排 並排 bìngpái side by side v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 播放 播放 bōfàng play v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 播音 播音 bō yīn broadcast 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 播种 播種 bōzhòng/bōzhǒng seed; sow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拨款 撥款 bō kuǎn grant-in-aid; appropriation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 波动 波動 bōdòng popple v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 波涛 波濤 bōtāo wave n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 博览会 博覽會 bólǎnhuì exhibition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 薄膜 薄膜 bómó thin film; membrane n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搏斗 搏鬥 bódòu struggle; fight v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 驳斥 駁斥 bóchì refute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捕捞 捕撈 bǔlāo fish for; catch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捕捉 捕捉 bǔzhuō catch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 补偿 補償 bǔcháng expiate; compensate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 补救 補救 bǔjiù repair; remedy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 补贴 補貼 bǔtiē allowance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 补助 補助 bǔzhù allowance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卜 卜 bǔ predict v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不辞而别 不辭而別 bù cí ér bié leave without saying goodbye 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不当 不當 bùdàng improper adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不定 不定 bùdìng inconstantly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不愧 不愧 bùkuì creditably adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不正之风 不正之風 bù zhèng zhī fēng unhealthy tendency 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不亢不卑 不亢不卑 bú kàng bù bēi neither supercilious nor obsequious 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不得 不得 bùdé should not v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不得已 不得已 bùdéyǐ have no alternative but to adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不等 不等 bùděng different; various adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不法 不法 bùfǎ illegal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不妨 不妨 bùfáng might as well adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不公 不公 bùgōng unfair; unjust adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不解 不解 bùjiě not understand v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不堪 不堪 bùkān can't bear adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不良 不良 bùliáng bad adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不容 不容 bùróng not allow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不时 不時 bùshí now and then adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不惜 不惜 bùxī not spare; not hesitate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不相上下 不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià about the same; equally matched 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不朽 不朽 bùxiǔ immortalize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不宜 不宜 bùyí not suitable; inadvisable adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不言而喻 不言而喻 bù yán ér yù tell its own tale 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不知不觉 不知不覺 bù zhī bù jué unconsciously; unknowingly 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 不至于 不至於 bùzhìyú not to such an extent as to adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 布局 布局 bùjú distribution; layout n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 步兵 步兵 bùbīng infantry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 步伐 步伐 bùfá march; pace; step n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 步行 步行 bùxíng walk v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 步子 步子 bùzi pace; step n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 埠 埠 bù port; pier n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 部件 部件 bùjiàn parts n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 部位 部位 bùwèi part; section n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 猜测 猜測 cāicè guess; surmise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 裁 裁 cái cut into parts v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 裁决 裁決 cáijué judge; umpirage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 裁军 裁軍 cái jūn disarmament 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 才干 才幹 cáigàn talent; ability n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 才智 才智 cáizhì ability and wisdom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 财 財 cái wealth; money n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 财经 財經 cáijīng finance and economics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 财会 財會 cáikuài finance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 财力 財力 cáilì finance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 财务 財務 cáiwù financial affairs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng gather news v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 采集 採集 cǎijí gather; collect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 采纳 採納 cǎinà accept v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 菜单 菜單 càidān menu n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 餐 餐 cān meal; eat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 参军 參軍 cān jūn join up the army 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 参议院 參議院 cānyìyuàn senate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 参与 參與 cānyù participate in; attach oneself to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 参阅 參閱 cānyuè refer to; consult v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 参照 參照 cānzhào refer to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 残 殘 cán incomplete adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 残暴 殘暴 cánbào atrocious; barbarous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 残疾 殘疾 cánji deformity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 残忍 殘忍 cánrěn brutal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 残余 殘餘 cányú remainder n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 仓促 倉促 cāngcù hurried adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 操 操 cāo hold; exercise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 操劳 操勞 cāoláo work hard v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 操练 操練 cāoliàn drill; practice v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 槽 槽 cáo slot; groove n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 草率 草率 cǎoshuài cursory; jerry adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 策划 策劃 cèhuà plan; hatch; plot v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 策略 策略 cèlüè tactic; policy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侧面 側面 cèmiàn side; flank n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 测定 測定 cèdìng determine; measure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 测算 測算 cèsuàn survey; measure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 层出不穷 層出不窮 céng chū bù qióng emerge in endlessly 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 层次 層次 céngcì gradation; arrangement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蹭 蹭 cèng rub; be smeared with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 插嘴 插嘴 chāzuǐ interrupt 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叉 叉 chā fork v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 差错 差錯 chācuò error; mistake n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 差距 差距 chājù disparity; distance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 差异 差異 chāyì difference n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 查处 查處 cháchǔ investigate and deal with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 查获 查獲 cháhuò hunt down and seize; ferret out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 查明 查明 chámíng find out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 查阅 查閱 cháyuè refer; consult v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刹那 剎那 chànà in a instant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诧异 詫異 chàyì astonished adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 岔 岔 chà turn off; fork v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 柴油 柴油 cháiyóu diesel oil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掺 摻 chān mix into v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搀 攙 chān mix; mingle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蝉 蟬 chán cicada n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 馋 饞 chán greedy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谗言 讒言 chányán slander; backbite n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缠 纏 chán twine v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 产 產 chǎn produce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 产地 產地 chǎndì producing area n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 产区 產區 chǎnqū producing area n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 产业 產業 chǎnyè industry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阐明 闡明 chǎnmíng clarify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阐述 闡述 chǎnshù expatiate; expound v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颤 顫 chàn tremble v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 昌盛 昌盛 chāngshèng prosperous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 猖狂 猖狂 chāngkuáng furious; savage adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尝试 嘗試 chángshì attempt; try n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 常规 常規 chāngguī routine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 常见 常見 chángjiàn ordinary adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 常年 常年 chángnián perennial n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 常务 常務 chángwù day-to-day; standing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 常用 常用 chángyòng in common use adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 长处 長處 chángchù strongpoint n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 长短 長短 chángduǎn length n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 长寿 長壽 chángshòu long live adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 长征 長征 chángzhēng long march n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偿 償 cháng repay v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偿还 償還 chánghuán repay; compensate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 厂房 廠房 chǎngfáng workshop n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 厂家 廠家 chǎngjiā factory n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 厂商 廠商 chǎngshāng manufacturer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 场所 場所 chǎngsuǒ locale; place n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敞开 敞開 chǎngkāi open wide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畅谈 暢談 chàngtán talk freely v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畅通 暢通 chàngtōng unimpeded; unblocked v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畅销 暢銷 chàngxiāo sell well v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倡议 倡議 chàngyì propose; sponsor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 超产 超產 chāo chǎn over fulfill a production target 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 超出 超出 chāochū overstep; go beyond v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 超级 超級 chāojí super adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 超越 超越 chāoyuè exceed; surpass v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 朝代 朝代 cháodài dynasty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嘲笑 嘲笑 cháoxiào jeer at; deride v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 潮流 潮流 cháoliú tide; tidal current n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吵闹 吵鬧 chǎonào wrangle; kick up a row v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吵嘴 吵嘴 chǎo zuǐ quarrel 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 车床 車床 chēchuáng lathe n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 撤退 撤退 chètuì haul off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 撤销 撤銷 chèxiāo repeal; retract v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沉淀 沉澱 chéndiàn subside n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沉静 沉靜 chénjìng silent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沉闷 沉悶 chénmèn oppressive; withdrawn adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沉痛 沉痛 chéntòng deeply grieved adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沉着 沉著 chénzhuó composed; cool headed adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陈旧 陳舊 chénjiù old adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陈述 陳述 chénshù present; state; mention v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 称心 稱心 chèn xīn be gratified 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 称号 稱號 chēnghào title n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 城镇 城鎮 chéngzhèn town n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成交 成交 chéngjiāo clinch a deal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成品 成品 chéngpǐn finished product n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成人 成人 chéngrén adult n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成套 成套 chéng tào complete set 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成效 成效 chéngxiào effect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 成心 成心 chéngxīn on purpose adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呈 呈 chéng submit; assume v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呈现 呈現 chéngxiàn show; take on; present v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乘机 乘機 chéngjī seize the opportunity adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乘务员 乘務員 chéngwùyuán trainman; stewardess n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惩 懲 chéng punish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惩办 懲辦 chéngbàn punish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惩罚 懲罰 chéngfá punish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 澄清 澄清 chéngqīng clear; clarify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诚心诚意 誠心誠意 chéng xīn chéng yì sincere desire 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诚意 誠意 chéngyì sincerity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诚挚 誠摯 chéngzhì sincere; cordial; earnest adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 承办 承辦 chéngbàn undertake v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 承受 承受 chéngshòu endure; receive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秤 秤 chèng balance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 持续 持續 chíxù persist; last out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 池塘 池塘 chítáng pool; pond n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迟缓 遲緩 chíhuǎn tardy; sluggish adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迟疑 遲疑 chíyí hesitate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 齿轮 齒輪 chǐlún gear n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赤字 赤字 chìzì deficit; red ink n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 充当 充當 chōngdāng act as; serve as v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 充沛 充沛 chōngpèi abundant; plentiful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冲锋 衝鋒 chōngfēng assault v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冲破 沖破 chōngpò break through v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 重 重 chóng layer m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 重申 重申 chóngshēn reaffirm; restate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 崇拜 崇拜 chóngbài adore; worship v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 崇敬 崇敬 chóngjìng respect; revere v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抽空 抽空 chōu kòng make time 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抽屉 抽屜 chōuti drawer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 踌躇 躊躇 chóuchú hesitate; boggle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稠密 稠密 chóumì thick; dense adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筹备 籌備 chóubèi arrange; prepare v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筹建 籌建 chóujiàn prepare to construct v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绸子 綢子 chóuzi silk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 丑恶 醜惡 chǒu'è ugly; filthy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出差 出差 chū chāi be on a business trip 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出产 出產 chūchǎn produce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出动 出動 chūdòng call out; turn out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出发点 出發點 chūfādiǎn starting point n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出访 出訪 chūfǎng visit to (foreign countries) v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出境 出境 chū jìng leave the country 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出面 出面 chū miàn lend one's name; use the name of 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出名 出名 chū míng come to the top 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出品 出品 chūpǐn manufacture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出入 出入 chūrù discrepancy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出色 出色 chūsè excellent; outstanding adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出神 出神 chū shén be lost in thought 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出世 出世 chūshì born v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 出售 出售 chūshòu sale; vend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 厨师 廚師 chúshī chef n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 除 除 chú hoe; uproot v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 除此之外 除此之外 chú cǐ zhī wài in addition 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 除外 除外 chúwài except v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 除夕 除夕 chúxī the New Year's Eve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 储备 儲備 chǔbèi store v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 储藏 儲藏 chǔcáng store up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 储存 儲存 chǔcún deposited store v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 储蓄 儲蓄 chǔxù save up; bank v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 处罚 處罰 chǔfá punish for n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 处方 處方 chǔfāng prescription n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 处境 處境 chǔjìng plight; situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 处决 處決 chǔjué execute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 处置 處置 chǔzhì treat; dispose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 触 觸 chù touch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 触犯 觸犯 chùfàn offend; violate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 川流不息 川流不息 chuān liú bù xī flowing up in an endless stream 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传单 傳單 chuándān fly sheet; leaflet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传递 傳遞 chuándì pass; transfer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传授 傳授 chuánshòu initiate; teach v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传送 傳送 chuánsòng transmit; remit; carry v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传真 傳真 chuánzhēn fax n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 船舶 船舶 chuánbó watercraft; ships n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 船只 船隻 chuánzhī ships n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疮 瘡 chuāng sore; boil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 床铺 床鋪 chuángpù bed n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 床位 床位 chuángwèi bed n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 创办 創辦 chuàngbàn set up; establish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 创建 創建 chuàngjiàn establish; set up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 创业 創業 chuàngyè carve out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炊事员 炊事員 chuīshìyuán the kitchen stuff n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吹牛 吹牛 chuī niú brag; boast 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吹捧 吹捧 chuīpěng flatter; puff v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捶 捶 chuí beat; pound v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锤 錘 chuí hammer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 春耕 春耕 chūngēng spring sloughing v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纯粹 純粹 chúncuì pure adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蠢 蠢 chǔn foolish adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 磁铁 磁鐵 cítiě magnet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雌 雌 cí female adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辞 辭 cí resign diction; take leave n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辞职 辭職 cí zhí resign 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慈爱 慈愛 cí'ài fatherly; kind adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慈祥 慈祥 cíxiáng kind adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 词句 詞句 cíjù words and sentences n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 此后 此後 cǐhòu from then; henceforth conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 此时 此時 cǐshí now; this moment n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 次品 次品 cìpǐn defective goods n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 次数 次數 cìshù times n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 次序 次序 cìxù order; sequence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刺 刺 cì thorn; sting n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葱 蔥 cōng scallion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 匆匆 匆匆 cōngcōng in a hurry adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从容不迫 從容不迫 cóngróng bù pò take one's time; calm and unhurried 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从…看来 從…看來 cóng … kànlái from 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从头 從頭 cóngtóu from the beginning adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从未 從未 cóngwèi never adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从小 從小 cóngxiǎo from childhood adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 从中 從中 cóngzhōng from among adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凑合 湊合 còuhe scare up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凑巧 湊巧 còuqiǎo luckily; fortunately adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粗暴 粗暴 cūbào wild; ruthless adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粗粮 粗糧 cūliáng coarse food grain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粗鲁 粗魯 cūlǔ rude adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粗细 粗細 cūxì degree of thickness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 促 促 cù urge; promote v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摧残 摧殘 cuīcán devastate; wreck v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 翠绿 翠綠 cuìlǜ emerald green adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脆 脆 cuì crisp adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脆弱 脆弱 cuìruò flimsy; frail adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 存放 存放 cúnfàng keep v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 存款 存款 cún kuǎn saving deposit 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 磋商 磋商 cuōshāng negotiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搭配 搭配 dāpèi arrange; match v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 答辩 答辯 dábiàn reply; answer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 打发 打發 dǎfa dispatch; send v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 打猎 打獵 dǎ liè hunt 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大包大揽 大包大攬 dàbāo dàlǎn undertake the whole thing; take on every thing 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大臣 大臣 dàchén minister n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大多 大多 dàduō mostly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大公无私 大公無私 dà gōng wú sī selfless; unselfish 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大锅饭 大鍋飯 dàguō fàn meal in a big public pot 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大局 大局 dàjú overall situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大理石 大理石 dàlǐshí marble n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大拇指 大拇指 dàmǔzhǐ thumb n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大炮 大炮 dàpào big gun; cannon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大气压 大氣壓 dàqìyā atmospheric pressure n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大肆 大肆 dàsì without restraint; wantonly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大体 大體 dàtǐ in general n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大同小异 大同小異 dà tóng xiǎo yì largely identical but with minor difference 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大无畏 大無畏 dàwúwèi fearless; dauntless adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大厦 大廈 dàshà mansion; edifice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大雁 大雁 dàyàn wild goose n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大有可为 大有可為 dà yǒu kě wéi be well worth doing; have bright prospects 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 大于 大於 dàyú more … than v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 歹徒 歹徒 dǎitú gangster; mobster n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 带劲 帶勁 dàijìn energetic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 代号 代號 dàihào code name n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 代数 代數 dàishù algebra n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贷 貸 dài lend; loan v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贷款 貸款 dài kuǎn extend credit to; provide a loan 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 待业 待業 dài yè waiting for employment 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怠工 怠工 dài gōng go slow 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怠慢 怠慢 dàimàn cold-shoulder v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 担保 擔保 dānbǎo assure; hypothecate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 担忧 擔憂 dānyōu worry about; be anxious for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 丹 丹 dān pill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 单元 單元 dānyuán cell n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胆量 膽量 dǎnliàng courage; spunk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胆怯 膽怯 dǎnqiè coward adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胆子 膽子 dǎnzi courage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 氮 氮 dàn nitrogen n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 担 擔 dàn dàn m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 担子 擔子 dànzi burden n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淡季 淡季 dànjì low season n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淡水 淡水 dànshuǐ fresh water n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诞辰 誕辰 dànchén birthday n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弹 彈 dàn bomb; pellet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弹药 彈藥 dànyào ammunition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当场 當場 dāngchǎng on the spot adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当局 當局 dāngjú the authorities n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当事人 當事人 dāngshìrén client n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当心 當心 dāngxīn watch out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当选 當選 dāngxuǎn be elected; come in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 党性 黨性 dǎngxìng party spirit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 党章 黨章 dǎngzhāng party constitution n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 党中央 黨中央 dǎngzhōngyāng the Party Central Committee n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 当天 當天 dàngtiān/dāngtiān in that day n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 档次 檔次 dàngcì grade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荡 蕩 dàng sway; swing v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刀刃 刀刃 dāorèn the edge of knife n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叨唠 叨嘮 dāolao chatter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捣 搗 dǎo pug; smash v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捣蛋 搗蛋 dǎo dàn make trouble 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捣乱 搗亂 dǎo luàn make trouble 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倒闭 倒閉 dǎobì close down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倒爷 倒爺 dǎoyé profiteer; speculator n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 导航 導航 dǎoháng navigate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 导体 導體 dǎotǐ conductor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 导游 導游 dǎoyóu tourist guide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 到来 到來 dàolái come v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 到期 到期 dào qī mature; expire 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倒退 倒退 dàotuì fall back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稻子 稻子 dàozi paddy; rice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悼念 悼念 dàoniàn mourn for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盗 盜 dào steal; rob v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盗窃 盜竊 dàoqiè steal; pilfer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 得不偿失 得不償失 dé bù cháng shī be not worth the candle; get more kicks than halfpence 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 得力 得力 délì right-hand adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 得以 得以 déyǐ so that … can v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 得罪 得罪 dézuì offend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灯泡 燈泡 dēngpào bulb n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 登陆 登陸 dēng lù disembark; land 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 等级 等級 děngjí grade; rank n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 低级 低級 dījí low-grade adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 低劣 低劣 dīliè low-grade; inferior; mean adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 低温 低溫 dīwēn low temperature n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 低下 低下 dīxià low adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敌 敵 dí enemy; appose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敌对 敵對 díduì antagonize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敌视 敵視 díshì be hostile to; antagonize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笛子 笛子 dízi flute n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 的确良 的確良 díquèliáng(dílún) Dacron n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抵达 抵達 dǐdá arrive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抵制 抵制 dǐzhì resist; reject; repel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 地铁 地鐵 dìtiě subway n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帝国 帝國 dìguó empire n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帝国主义 帝國主義 dìguó zhǔyì imperialism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 递交 遞交 dìjiāo hand over; submit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 递增 遞增 dìzēng increase by degrees v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缔结 締結 dìjié conclude v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掂 掂 diān weigh in hand v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颠倒 顛倒 diāndǎo reversal; upend; bottom up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颠覆 顛覆 diānfù overthrow; topple over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颠簸 顛簸 diānbǒ bump; welter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 点火 點火 diǎn huǒ ignition; inflame 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 点明 點明 diǎnmíng point out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 点燃 點燃 diǎnrán enkindle; light up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 点缀 點綴 diǎnzhuì intersperse v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 点子 點子 diǎnzi idea n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 电动机 電動機 diàndòngjī electromotor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 电路 電路 diànlù circuit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 电钮 電鈕 diànniǔ button n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 电气 電氣 diànqì electric n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 电源 電源 diànyuán power supply n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 店员 店員 diànyuán shop assistant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淀粉 澱粉 diànfěn starch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 殿 殿 diàn palace n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刁 刁 diāo sly; tricky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叼 叼 diāo hold in mouth v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雕塑 雕塑 diāosù sculpture; statue n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 调度 調度 diàodù dispatch; attempter n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 调换 調換 diàohuàn exchange; transpose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 碟子 碟子 diézi plate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叮嘱 叮囑 dīngzhǔ urge again and again; exhort; warn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顶点 頂點 dǐngdiǎn peak; apex n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顶端 頂端 dǐngduān top; peak; apex n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定点 定點 dìng diǎn regular 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定额 定額 dìng'é ration n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定价 定價 dìngjià price n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定居 定居 dìngjū settle down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定理 定理 dìnglǐ theorem n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定量 定量 dìngliàng fixed quantity; ration n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定律 定律 dìnglǜ law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定向 定向 dìngxiàng directional adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定性 定性 dìng xìng determine the nature 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 定义 定義 dìngyì definition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 订购/定购 訂購/定購 dìnggòu place an order for sth v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 订货/定货 訂貨/定貨 dìng huò (a newspaper or magazine) order goods 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 订阅/定阅 訂閱/定閱 dìngyuè subscribe to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钉 釘 dìng nail v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 丢人 丟人 diū rén lose face 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 丢失 丟失 diūshī lose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 东奔西走 東奔西走 dōng bēn xī zǒu run around here and there; rush around 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 东道主 東道主 dōngdàozhǔ host n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冬瓜 冬瓜 dōngguā white gourd n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 董事 董事 dǒngshì director n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动荡 動蕩 dòngdàng turbulence v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动工 動工 dòng gōng start building 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动乱 動亂 dòngluàn turmoil; disturbance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动脉 動脈 dòngmài artery n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动态 動態 dòngtài development trends n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 动用 動用 dòngyòng put to use v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冻结 凍結 dòngjié freeze; congeal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 栋 棟 dòng measure word for building m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兜 兜 dōu take upon oneself; wrap up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兜儿 兜兒 dōu'er pocket n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斗志 鬥志 dòuzhì fighting will n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 都市 都市 dūshì city; metropolis n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 督促 督促 dūcù supervise and urge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毒害 毒害 dúhài sb's mind poison v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毒品 毒品 dúpǐn drug n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毒性 毒性 dúxìng toxicity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 独 獨 dú alone adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 独裁 獨裁 dúcái autocracy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 独立自主 獨立自主 dúlì zìzhǔ paddle one's own canoe 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 堵塞 堵塞 dǔsè jam; wall up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赌 賭 dǔ bet; wager v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赌博 賭博 dǔbó gamble v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杜绝 杜絕 dùjué put an end to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渡 渡 dù plating v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渡船 渡船 dùchuán ferry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渡口 渡口 dùkǒu ferry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 短处 短處 duǎnchù shortcoming n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 短促 短促 duǎncù very brief adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 短暂 短暫 duǎnzàn ephemeral; brief adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缎子 緞子 duànzi satin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 断定 斷定 duàndìng be sure; figure out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 断断续续 斷斷續續 duànduàn xùxù off and on; intermittently 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 断绝 斷絕 duànjué break off; sever v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兑现 兌現 duìxiàn cash v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对岸 對岸 duì'àn the other side of the river n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对策 對策 duìcè countermeasure n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对称 對稱 duìchèn symmetrical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对抗 對抗 duìkàng rival; antagonize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对联 對聯 duìlián antithetical couplet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对手 對手 duìshǒu rival; adversary n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对头 對頭 duìtóu right adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对应 對應 duìyìng correspond v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 对照 對照 duìzhào compare; collate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 夺得 奪得 duódé seize; get v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 躲避 躲避 duǒbì evade v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 躲藏 躲藏 duǒcáng take cover; hide out; dodge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跺 跺 duò stamp (one's foot) v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舵 舵 duò helm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 堕落 墮落 duòluò degenerate; corrupt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蛾子 蛾子 ézi moth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 额 額 é forehead n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讹 訛 é error; extort n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 额外 額外 éwài extra; additional adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恶毒 惡毒 èdú evil-minded adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恶性 惡性 èxìng vicious; malignant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恩 恩 ēn favor; kindness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恩爱 恩愛 ēn'ài conjugal love adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恩情 恩情 ēnqíng loving-kindness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恩人 恩人 ēnrén benefactor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 而后 而後 érhòu moreover adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 而已 而已 éryǐ nothing more part 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 二氧化碳 二氧化碳 èryǎnghuàtàn carbon dioxide n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贰 貳 èr two num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发病 發病 fā bìng (of a disease) come on 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发布 發布 fābù issue; put out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发财 發財 fā cái make a fortune; make a pile 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发愁 發愁 fā chóu worry; be anxious 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发奋图强 發奮圖強 fāfèn tú qiáng work with a will to make the country strong 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发火 發火 fā huǒ get angry 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发脾气 發脾氣 fā píqi get angry; lose one's temper 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发票 發票 fāpiào invoice; receipt n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发起 發起 fāqǐ initiate; originate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发热 發熱 fā rè have a fever; give out heat 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发誓 發誓 fā shì swear; pledge 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发炎 發炎 fā yán inflammation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 发扬光大 發揚光大 fāyáng guāngdà carry forward 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伐 伐 fá cut down; strike v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罚款 罰款 fá kuǎn forfeit; amerce; fine 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法 法 fǎ law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法定 法定 fǎdìng legal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法官 法官 fǎguān judge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法规 法規 fǎguī laws and regulations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法人 法人 fǎrén juridical person n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法庭 法庭 fǎtíng law court n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法西斯 法西斯 fǎxīsī fascist n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 法则 法則 fǎzé principle, theorem n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帆 帆 fān sail n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帆船 帆船 fānchuán sail boat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 番茄 番茄 fānqié tomato n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁 繁 fán numerous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁多 繁多 fánduō various adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁华 繁華 fánhuá prosperous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁忙 繁忙 fánmáng busy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁体字 繁體字 fántǐzì the original complex of Chinese character n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 繁重 繁重 fánzhòng heavy; onerous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烦闷 煩悶 fánmèn be vexed; be irritated adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烦恼 煩惱 fánnǎo bother; trouble n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烦躁 煩躁 fánzào irritable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反驳 反駁 fǎnbó retort; contradict; refute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反常 反常 fǎncháng abnormal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反倒 反倒 fǎndào on the contrary; instead adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反感 反感 fǎngǎn be disgusted with adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反革命 反革命 fǎngémìng counter revolutionaries n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反攻 反攻 fǎngōng counterattack v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反馈 反饋 fǎnkuì reflect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反面 反面 fǎnmiàn back; opposite n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反射 反射 fǎnshè echo; reflect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反思 反思 fǎnsī think again introspect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 反之 反之 fǎnzhī on the contrary; whereas conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 返回 返回 fǎnhuí return v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贩卖 販賣 fànmài vend; sell v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 范畴 範疇 fànchóu category n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 犯法 犯法 fàn fǎ violate the law 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 犯浑 犯渾 fàn hún act shamelessly 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饭碗 飯碗 fànwǎn position; job; rice bowl n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泛 泛 fàn float; flood v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 方程 方程 fāngchéng equation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 房东 房東 fángdōng landlord n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 房租 房租 fángzū rent (for house) n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 防护 防護 fánghù protect; shelter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 防线 防線 fángxiàn line of defense n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 防汛 防汛 fáng xùn flood control 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 防疫 防疫 fáng yì epidemic prevention 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 放射 放射 fàngshè radiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 非…才 非…才 fēi … cái have got to 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 非法 非法 fēifǎ illegal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 飞船 飛船 fēichuán spaceship n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 飞舞 飛舞 fēiwǔ flutter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 飞翔 飛翔 fēixiáng fly v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肥沃 肥沃 féiwò fertile adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 匪徒 匪徒 fěitú mobster n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诽谤 誹謗 fěibàng slander; defame v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 废品 廢品 fèipǐn waster n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 废气 廢氣 fèiqì exhaust gas n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 废物 廢物 fèiwù rubbish; waste n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分辩 分辯 fēnbiàn distinguish; differentiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分辨 分辨 fēnbiàn defend oneself against a charge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分寸 分寸 fēncùn proper limits for speech or action n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分队 分隊 fēnduì platoon; unit; element n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分红 分紅 fēn hóng share out bonus 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分化 分化 fēnhuà polarize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分类 分類 fēn lèi assort; classify; sort 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分母 分母 fēnmǔ denominator n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分批 分批 fēn pī in batches 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分期 分期 fēn qī by stages 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分歧 分歧 fēnqí diverge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分清 分清 fēn qīng distinguish 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 芬芳 芬芳 fēnfāng fragrant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坟墓 墳墓 fénmù tomb n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粉末 粉末 fěnmò dust; powder n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 分外 分外 fènwài especially; very n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奋勇 奮勇 fènyǒng bravely adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奋战 奮戰 fènzhàn fight bravely v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 愤恨 憤恨 fènhèn indignant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 丰满 豐滿 fēngmǎn plump adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 封闭 封閉 fēngbì occlude; close down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蜂 蜂 fēng bee; wasp n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蜂蜜 蜂蜜 fēngmì honey n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风暴 風暴 fēngbào storm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风度 風度 fēngdù grace; style n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风光 風光 fēngguāng scene; sight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风浪 風浪 fēnglàng stormy waves n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风趣 風趣 fēngqù humor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风沙 風沙 fēngshā sand blown by wind n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风尚 風尚 fēngshàng order of the day; fashion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风味 風味 fēngwèi flavor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风险 風險 fēngxiǎn risk; venture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 风筝 風箏 fēngzheng kite n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疯子 瘋子 fēngzi madman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锋利 鋒利 fēnglì incisive; sharp adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缝 縫 fèng chink; crevice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奉献 奉獻 fèngxiàn dedicate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奉行 奉行 fèngxíng pursue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凤凰 鳳凰 fènghuáng phoenix n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 否 否 fǒu deny v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 否决 否決 fǒujué veto; reject; overrule v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 否认 否認 fǒurèn deny v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 夫妇 夫婦 fūfù husband and wife; couple n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敷衍 敷衍 fūyǎn play at v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伏 伏 fú bend over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辐射 輻射 fúshè radiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幅度 幅度 fúdù range; extent n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 符号 符號 fúhào symbol n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 俘虏 俘虜 fúlǔ captive n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 服气 服氣 fúqì be convinced v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 服装 服裝 fúzhuāng costume; dress n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浮雕 浮雕 fúdiāo relief n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浮动 浮動 fúdòng fluctuate; drift v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 福 福 fú good fortune n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 福利 福利 fúlì welfare n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 福气 福氣 fúqi good luck; felicity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抚养 撫養 fǔyǎng foster; bring-up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抚育 撫育 fǔyù foster v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辅助 輔助 fǔzhù assist v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斧子 斧子 fǔzi ax n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腐败 腐敗 fǔbài corrupt adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腐化 腐化 fǔhuà degenerate; dissolute adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腐烂 腐爛 fǔlàn rot; perish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赴 赴 fù go to; attend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 副业 副業 fùyè sideline; sideline n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 副作用 副作用 fùzuòyòng side effect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 覆盖 覆蓋 fùgài overlay; cover with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赋予 賦予 fùyǔ endow; endue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 复 復 fù again; resume adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 复辟 復辟 fùbì restoration of a dethroned monarch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 复合 複合 fùhé composite; compound v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 复活 復活 fùhuó relive; revival v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 复兴 復興 fùxīng revive; renew v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 付出 付出 fùchū hand over; pay v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 付款 付款 fù kuǎn pay 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腹 腹 fù paunch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 负伤 負傷 fù shāng be wounded 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 富强 富強 fùqiáng rich and strong adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 富余 富餘 fùyu have more than needed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 附带 附帶 fùdài attach v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 附和 附和 fùhè chime in with; come to heel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 附加 附加 fùjiā append v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 附属 附屬 fùshǔ attach appertain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 改建 改建 gǎijiàn rebuild v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 改邪归正 改邪歸正 gǎi xié guī zhèng give up evil and return to good 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 改组 改組 gǎizǔ reorganize; reshuffle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 概况 概況 gàikuàng general situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钙 鈣 gài calcium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 干预 干預 gānyù intervenes v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 甘心 甘心 gānxīn be reconciled to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 甘蔗 甘蔗 gānzhe sugar can n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 竿 竿 gān pole; rod n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肝炎 肝炎 gānyán hepatitis n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秆 稈 gǎn stalk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 感(安全感) 感(安全感) gǎn(ānquángǎn) feeling; sense suf 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 感化 感化 gǎnhuà help sb, to change (by education) v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 感染 感染 gǎnrǎn infect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 感慨 感慨 gǎnkǎi sigh with emotion adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 干线 幹線 gànxiàn main stem; trunk line n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钢材 鋼材 gāngcái steel products n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钢琴 鋼琴 gāngqín piano n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纲 綱 gāng outline n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纲要 綱要 gāngyào compendium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杠杆 杠桿 gànggǎn lever; pry; bar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高产 高產 gāochǎn high yield n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高超 高超 gāochāo outstanding; superb; excellent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高档 高檔 gāodàng top grade adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高低 高低 gāodī height adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高贵 高貴 gāoguì honorable; noble adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高考 高考 gāokǎo the exam for entering universities n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高空 高空 gāokōng upper air n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高明 高明 gāomíng wise adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高烧 高燒 gāoshāo hyper pyrexia n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高温 高溫 gāowēn high temperature n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高血压 高血壓 gāoxuèyā hypertension n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 高涨 高漲 gāozhǎng run up; upswing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搞鬼 搞鬼 gǎo guǐ play tricks 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搞活 搞活 gǎo huó make vigorous 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稿件 稿件 gǎojiàn manuscript n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稿纸 稿紙 gǎozhǐ paper for making manuscript n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稿子 稿子 gǎozi draft; sketch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 告诫 告誡 gàojiè warn; caution v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 告状 告狀 gào zhuàng bring a lawsuit against 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 歌手 歌手 gēshǒu singer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 歌星 歌星 gēxīng singer star n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 歌咏 歌詠 géyǒng singing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疙瘩 疙瘩 gēda lump; pimple n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 格 格 gé square form n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 格格不入 格格不入 gé gé bù rù incompatible with; out of tune with 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 格局 格局 géjú situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 格式 格式 géshì format n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隔绝 隔絕 géjué isolate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隔离 隔離 gélí insulate; separate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 各奔前程 各奔前程 gè bèn qián chéng each goes his own way 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 各别 各別 gèbié individual; idiographic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 各行各业 各行各業 gè háng gè yè all trades and professions 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 各界 各界 gèjiè all circles pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 根据地 根據地 gēnjùdì base; citadel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 根深蒂固 根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù being deeply rooted; in grain 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跟随 跟隨 gēnsuí follow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跟头 跟頭 gēntou fall n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跟踪 跟蹤 gēnzōng run after; tail v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耕 耕 gēng plough up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耕种 耕種 gēngzhòng cultivate; culture v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 更改 更改 gēnggǎi change; alter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 更换 更換 gēnghuàn replace v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 更新 更新 gēngxīn renovate; renew v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 更正 更正 gēngzhèng correct v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 梗 梗 gěng stalk; stem n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 工 工 gōng work; labor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 工具书 工具書 gōngjùshū reference book n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 工人阶级 工人階級 gōngrén jiējí working class 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 工事 工事 gōngshì work n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 攻读 攻讀 gōngdú assiduously study v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 攻关 攻關 gōngguān tackle key problem v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 功 功 gōng merit; skill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 功绩 功績 gōngjì achievement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 功效 功效 gōngxiào efficacy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恭敬 恭敬 gōngjìng dutiful; respectful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 供不应求 供不應求 gōng bù yìng qiú supply falls short of demand 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 供销 供銷 gōngxiāo supply and marketing v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公报 公報 gōngbào gazette n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公尺 公尺 gōngchǐ meter m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公道 公道 gōngdao fair; just adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公分 公分 gōngfēn centimeter m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公告 公告 gōnggào bulletin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公关 公關 gōngguān public relations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公平 公平 gōngpíng fair adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公然 公然 gōngrán to the teeth; under one's nose adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公认 公認 gōngrèn established v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公社 公社 gōngshè commune n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公务 公務 gōngwù duty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公有 公有 gōngyǒu public-owned 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公有制 公有制 gōngyǒuzhì public ownership n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公约 公約 gōngyuē pact n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公债 公債 gōngzhài government bond n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 公证 公證 gōngzhèng notarization n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汞 汞 gǒng mercury (Hg) n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拱 拱 gǒng arch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 共产主义 共產主義 gòngchǎn zhǔyì communism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 共计 共計 gòngjì count up to; sum to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 共鸣 共鳴 gòngmíng resonance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 共性 共性 gòngxìng generality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勾 勾 gōu collude; induce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沟通 溝通 gōutōng communicate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 构思 構思 gòusī conceive; design v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 构想 構想 gòuxiǎng conceive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 购买力 購買力 gōumǎilì purchasing power n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 孤单 孤單 gūdān lonely adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 孤独 孤獨 gūdú lonely adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 姑且 姑且 gūqiě for the moment adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鼓 鼓 gǔ drum v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鼓吹 鼓吹 gǔchuī advocate; preach up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 古怪 古怪 gǔguài cranky; wacky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 古人 古人 gǔrén the ancients n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 古文 古文 gǔwén ancient prose n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 骨 骨 gǔ bone n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 骨肉 骨肉 gǔròu kindred and kin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 股东 股東 gǔdōng stockholder n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 股份 股份 gǔfèn stock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 股票 股票 gǔpiào shares; stock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雇佣 雇傭 gùyōng employ v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雇员 雇員 gùyuán employee n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 故 故 gù reason; former; so conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 故障 故障 gùzhàng malfunction; fault; hitch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顾不得 顧不得 gù bu de have no time to attend to the matter 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顾虑 顧慮 gùlǜ misgive; misgiving n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顾全大局 顧全大局 gùquán dàjú take the whole account into consideration 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 固有 固有 gùyǒu inhere adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 固执 固執 gùzhí stubborn adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瓜分 瓜分 guāfēn carve up; partition v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挂钩 掛鉤 guà gōu hook up 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挂念 掛念 guàniàn be concerned about v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 棺材 棺材 guāncai coffin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 关闭 關閉 guānbì close; shut v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 关节炎 關節炎 guānjiéyán arthritis n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 关切 關切 guānqiè be deeply concerned adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 官方 官方 guānfāng by the government official n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 官僚 官僚 guānliáo bureaucracy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 官员 官員 guānyuán official n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 观 觀 guān look at; watch; see v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 观光 觀光 guānguāng sightsee v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 观赏 觀賞 guānshǎng appreciate; watch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 管辖 管轄 guǎnxiá dominate; rule v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惯例 慣例 guànlì tradition; routine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惯用语 慣用語 guànyòngyǔ phrase n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灌木 灌木 guànmù shrub n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 光棍儿 光棍兒 guānggùn'er unmarried man; bachelor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 光亮 光亮 guāngliàng bright; brightness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 光芒 光芒 guāngmáng rays of light n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 规范 規範 guīfàn criterion; rule v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 规格 規格 guīgé standard; format n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 规章 規章 guīzhāng regulations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 硅 硅 guī silicon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 龟 龜 guī tortoise n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 归根到底 歸根到底 guī gēn dào dǐ at all time and place 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 归还 歸還 guīhuán return v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 归结 歸結 guījié sum up; end v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 归纳 歸納 guīnà conclude v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闺女 閨女 guīnü damsel; daughter n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鬼子 鬼子 guǐzi devil; enemy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 桂冠 桂冠 guìguān laurel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贵重 貴重 guìzhòng precious; valued adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贵族 貴族 guìzú noble n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 滚动 滾動 gǔndòng roll; welter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国产 國產 guóchǎn made in one's own country adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国法 國法 guófǎ national law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国会 國會 guóhuì parliament n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国际法 國際法 guójìfǎ international law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国际主义 國際主義 guójì zhǔyì internationalism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国库券 國庫券 guókùquàn treasury bill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国力 國力 guólì national power n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国民 國民 guómín citizen n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国情 國情 guóqíng the situation of a country n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国土 國土 guótǔ territory n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 国有 國有 guó yǒu state-owned 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 果断 果斷 guǒduàn decisive; manful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过度 過度 guòdù excessive adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过后 過後 guòhòu afterwards n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过滤 過濾 guòlǜ filtrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过失 過失 guòshī blame; defect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过问 過問 guòwèn concern with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 过于 過於 guòyú too; excessively adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 海岸 海岸 hǎi'àn coast n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 海滨 海濱 hǎibīn seashore n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 海港 海港 hǎigǎng seaport n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 海外 海外 hǎiwài abroad; overseas n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 害羞 害羞 hài xiū shy 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 含义 含義 hányì signification; meanings n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 含有 含有 hányǒu contain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寒 寒 hán cold adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寒暄 寒暄 hánxuān exchange of conventional greetings v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 函授 函授 hánshòu teach by correspondence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罕见 罕見 hǎnjiàn peculiar; rare adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捍卫 捍衛 hànwèi defend; guard v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旱灾 旱災 hànzāi drought n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汉奸 漢奸 hànjiān traitor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汉学 漢學 hànxué Sinology n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航班 航班 hángbān scheduled flight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航道 航道 hángdào sea-route n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航海 航海 hánghǎi navigation v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航天 航天 hángtiān space flight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航线 航線 hángxiàn sea route; skyway n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 航运 航運 hángyùn shipping n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 豪华 豪華 háohuá luxurious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好多 好多 hǎoduō a good deal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好感 好感 hǎogǎn favor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好坏 好壞 hǎohuài stand or fall n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好说 好說 hǎo shuō no problem 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好样的 好樣的 hǎoyàngde great adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好在 好在 hǎozài fortunately adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好转 好轉 hǎozhuǎn mend; straighten up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耗费 耗費 hàofèi use; waste v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 号称 號稱 hàochēng be known as v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浩浩荡荡 浩浩蕩蕩 hàohào dàngdàng go forward with great strength and vigor 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 好客 好客 hàokè hospitable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荷花 荷花 héhuā water lily n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 核桃 核桃 hétao walnut n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 核武器 核武器 héwǔqì nuclear weapon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 核心 核心 héxīn core; kernel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和蔼 和藹 hé'ǎi kind; good-tempered adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和解 和解 héjiě settle compromise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和睦 和睦 hémù concord; harmony adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和平共处 和平共處 hépíng gòng chǔ peaceful coexistence 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和气 和氣 héqi kindly adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和尚 和尚 héshang monk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和谐 和諧 héxié concordant; harmonious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 和约 和約 héyuē peace treaty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 何 何 hé which pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 何等 何等 héděng how; what kind adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合并 合併 hébìng unite; incorporate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合乎 合乎 héhū accord with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合伙 合伙 héhuǒ cooperate; join hands with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合情合理 合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ fair and reasonable 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合营 合營 héyíng jointly owned v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 合资 合資 hézī set up a joint venture v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 禾苗 禾苗 hémiáo seedlings of cereal crops n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 河道 河道 hédào watercourse; river course n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贺词 賀詞 hècí greetings; congratulations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 黑白 黑白 hēibái black and white; right and wrong n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狠毒 狠毒 hěndú venomous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狠心 狠心 hěn xīn cruel hearted 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恒星 恆星 héngxīng star n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 横行 橫行 héngxíng run amuck v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 横 橫 hèng harsh and unreasonable; perverse adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轰动 轟動 hōngdòng make a sensation; make a stir v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轰轰烈烈 轟轟烈烈 hōnghōng lièliè dynamic; vigorous 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轰炸 轟炸 hōngzhà bomb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烘 烘 hōng dry or warm by the fire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 虹 虹 hóng rainbow n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宏大 宏大 hóngdà magnificent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 红领巾 紅領巾 hónglǐngjīn red scarf n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 哄 哄 hǒng fool; cheat; coax v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 哄 哄 hòng fool v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 厚度 厚度 hòudù thickness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 候补 候補 hòubǔ be an alternate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 候选人 候選人 hòuxuǎnrén candidate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 后期 後期 hòuqī later period n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 后勤 後勤 hòuqín rear service; logistics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 后台 後臺 hòutái backstage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呼声 呼聲 hūshēng cry; voice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呼啸 呼嘯 hūxiào howl v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呼吁 呼吁 hūyù call on; appeal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忽略 忽略 hūlüè ignore; overlook v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葫芦 葫蘆 húlu gourd; cucurbit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胡 胡 hú carelessly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胡来 胡來 húlái make trouble; mess things up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 糊 糊 hú burnt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狐狸 狐狸 húli fox n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 互利 互利 hùlì mutually benefit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 户口 戶口 hùkǒu registered permanent residence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 花费 花費 huāfèi cost; expend n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 花色 花色 huāsè variety of designs; colors n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 花纹 花紋 huāwén decorative pattern n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 花样 花樣 huāyàng design n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 华丽 華麗 huálì magnificent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 画面 畫面 huàmiàn picture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 划分 劃分 huàfēn divide up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 化肥 化肥 huàféi chemical fertilizer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 化纤 化纖 huàxiān chemical fiber n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 化妆 化妝 huà zhuāng prink; make up 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 话题 話題 huàtí topic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 槐树 槐樹 huáishù pagoda tree n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怀孕 懷孕 huái yùn become pregnant 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 欢笑 歡笑 huānxiào laugh v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 环节 環節 huánjié link n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 还原 還原 huán yuán restore 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缓 緩 huǎn slow adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 换取 換取 huànqǔ get in return v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 患者 患者 huànzhě patient n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荒地 荒地 huāngdì wasteland; wilderness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荒凉 荒涼 huāngliáng desolate adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荒谬 荒謬 huāngmiù ridiculous; nonsensical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荒唐 荒唐 huāngtáng ludicrous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慌乱 慌亂 huāngluàn flurried adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慌张 慌張 huāngzhāng flurried adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 黄金 黃金 huángjīn gold n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 皇后 皇后 huánghòu empress n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蝗虫 蝗蟲 huángchóng locust n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晃 晃 huàng dazzle; shake v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挥霍 揮霍 huīhuò splurge; devour v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 回避 回避 huíbì obviate; slide over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 回顾 回顧 huígù review; look back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 回击 回擊 huíjī strike back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 回收 回收 huíshōu reclaim; callback v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毁坏 毀壞 huǐhuài destroy; demolish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毁灭 毀滅 huǐmiè destroy; ruin v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悔 悔 huǐ regret v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悔改 悔改 huǐgǎi repent v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悔恨 悔恨 huǐhèn regret; lament v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贿赂 賄賂 huìlù bribe v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 会同 會同 huìtóng jointly with other organizations concerned v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 会晤 會晤 huìwù contact v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 会员 會員 huìyuán member; insider n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汇集 彙集 huìjí converge; collect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汇率 匯率 huìlǜ exchange rate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绘 繪 huì draw; paint v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绘画 繪畫 huìhuà paint; painting n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 混纺 混紡 hùnfǎng blending n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 混合物 混合物 hùnhéwù admixture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 混浊 混濁 hùnzhuó turbid adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 豁 豁 huō sacrifice; break v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 活力 活力 huólì energy; vigor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 活计 活計 huǒji lad; counterjumper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 火山 火山 huǒshān volcano n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 火灾 火災 huǒzāi fire n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 获取 獲取 huòqǔ catch; get v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 或是 或是 huòshi or conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 或许 或許 huòxǔ maybe; probably adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 祸 禍 huò disaster n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 祸害 禍害 huòhai scourge; wreck v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 击 擊 jī attack v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 基督教 基督教 jīdūjiào Christianity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 基金 基金 jījīn fund n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机车 機車 jīchē engine; motorcycle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机灵 機靈 jīling wise; clever adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机密 機密 jīmì secret n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机枪 機槍 jīqiāng scatter-gun n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机体 機體 jītǐ organism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机遇 機遇 jīyù opportunity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 机智 機智 jīzhì tactful; resourceful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 积 積 jī amass; accumulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 积压 積壓 jīyā overstock v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 激 激 jī stimulate; surge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 激发 激發 jīfā inspire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 激光 激光 jīguāng laser n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 激励 激勵 jīlì inspirit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 激情 激情 jīqíng enthusiasm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讥笑 譏笑 jīxiào fleer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吉祥 吉祥 jíxiáng lucky; auspicious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吉普车 吉普車 jípǔchē jeep n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 极度 極度 jídù extremely adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 极力 極力 jílì do one's utmost adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 极限 極限 jíxiàn limit; utmost n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 籍贯 籍貫 jíguàn native place n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 集会 集會 jíhuì assemble; meet v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 集市 集市 jíshì bazaar; market n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 集邮 集郵 jí yóu collecting stamps philately 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 集资 集資 jí zī raise funds 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 及早 及早 jízǎo as soon as possible adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 急剧 急劇 jíjù quick; sharp adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 急切 急切 jíqiè impatient eager; imperative adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 急需 急需 jíxū to need urgently v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 急于 急於 jíyú be anxious to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 即便 即便 jíbiàn even if conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嫉妒 嫉妒 jídù envy; be jealous v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脊梁 脊梁 jíliang backbone n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 几何 幾何 jǐhé geometry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迹象 跡象 jìxiàng evidence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 季度 季度 jìdù three months n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寄托 寄托 jìtuō place on; consign or commit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寂静 寂靜 jìjìng silence adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 计较 計較 jìjiào care v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 记号 記號 jìhào mark n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 记性 記性 jìxing memory n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 记忆力 記憶力 jìyìlì memory; retentivity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忌 忌 jì fear; shun v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 继 繼 jì continue; follow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纪要 紀要 jìyào summary n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嘉奖 嘉獎 jiājiǎng reward; commend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 夹杂 夾雜 jiāzá be mixed up with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 家常 家常 jiācháng family-style n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 家畜 家畜 jiāchù domestic animals n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 家务 家務 jiāwù housework n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 家喻户晓 家喻戶曉 jiā yù hù xiǎo widely known 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 家长 家長 jiāzhǎng the parent of guardian of a child n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加班 加班 jiā bān overtime work 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加急 加急 jiājí aggravate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加剧 加劇 jiājù prick up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加热 加熱 jiā rè heat up 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加深 加深 jiāshēn deepen v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 加重 加重 jiāzhòng aggravate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颊 頰 jiá chap; cheek n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 甲板 甲板 jiǎbǎn deck n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 假定 假定 jiǎdìng assume; presume conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 假冒 假冒 jiǎmào counterfeit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 假设 假設 jiǎshè in case of conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 假装 假裝 jiǎzhuāng pretend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 驾 駕 jià drive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 监察 監察 jiānchá supervise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坚韧 堅韌 jiānrèn gritty; hard-bitten adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坚实 堅實 jiānshí solid adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坚信 堅信 jiānxìn be firmly convinced v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坚贞不屈 堅貞不屈 jiānzhēn bù qū remain faithful and unyielding; stand firm and unbending 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尖端 尖端 jiānduān top end adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兼任 兼任 jiānrèn hold a concurrent post v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肩膀 肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 艰险 艱險 jiānxiǎn difficult and dangerous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奸 奸 jiān evil; wicked adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茧 繭 jiǎn cocoon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 检测 檢測 jiǎncè examine; inspect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 检查 檢查 jiǎnchá inspect; check v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 检举 檢舉 jiǎnjǔ inform against v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 检修 檢修 jiǎnxiū examine and repair v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简称 簡稱 jiǎnchēng shortened form n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简短 簡短 jiǎnduǎn short; curt adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简化 簡化 jiǎnhuà predigest v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简陋 簡陋 jiǎnlòu simple and crude adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简明 簡明 jiǎnmíng compendious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简体字 簡體字 jiǎntǐzì simplified character n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简要 簡要 jiǎnyào in brief adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 简易 簡易 jiǎnyì simple adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 剪彩 剪彩 jiǎn cǎi cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 剪刀 剪刀 jiǎndāo scissors n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 减产 減產 jiǎn chǎn reduction of output 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 减低 減低 jiǎndī reduce; cut back on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 减弱 減弱 jiǎnruò weaken; take off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 间隔 間隔 jiàngé interval n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 间接 間接 jiànjiē indirect adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鉴别 鑒別 jiànbié differentiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鉴于 鑒於 jiànyú in view of prep 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 践踏 踐踏 jiàntà override v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 见识 見識 jiànshi experience; sense n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 见效 見效 jiànxiào take effect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 键盘 鍵盤 jiànpán keyboard n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 健美 健美 jiànměi strong and handsome adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 健壮 健壯 jiànzhuàng vigorous; strong adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 建交 建交 jiàn jiāo establish diplomatic relationship 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 姜 姜 jiāng ginger n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 将近 將近 jiāngjìn near upon v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 桨 槳 jiǎng oar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奖品 獎品 jiǎngpǐn award; prize n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奖状 獎狀 jiǎngzhuàng diploma n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讲解 講解 jiǎngjiě explain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讲理 講理 jiǎng lǐ argue 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讲述 講述 jiǎngshù tell; narrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讲演 講演 jiǎngyǎn prelect; speak v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 降价 降價 jiàng jià depreciate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 降临 降臨 jiànglín become of; befall; arrive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 降落 降落 jiàngluò land; put-down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 焦点 焦點 jiāodiǎn focus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 焦炭 焦炭 jiāotàn coke n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胶 膠 jiāo glue; pastern n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胶片 膠片 jiāopiàn film n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交叉 交叉 jiāochā intercross v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交错 交錯 jiāocuò stagger; intervene v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交点 交點 jiāodiǎn point of intersection n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交付 交付 jiāofù hand over; deliver v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交涉 交涉 jiāoshè negotiate; palaver v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交手 交手 jiāo shǒu fight hand to hand 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交替 交替 jiāotì alternate; by turn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 交往 交往 jiāowǎng affiliate with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浇灌 澆灌 jiāoguàn irrigate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 娇 嬌 jiāo finicky; frail adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 娇气 嬌氣 jiāoqì effeminate adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嚼 嚼 jiáo chaw v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搅拌 攪拌 jiǎobàn mix up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绞 絞 jiǎo wring v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缴 繳 jiǎo scar; capture; hand in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缴纳 繳納 jiǎonà capture; hand over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 教会 教會 jiàohuì church; ecclesiastic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 教唆 教唆 jiàosuō instigate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 教条 教條 jiàotiáo dogma; creed; doctrine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 教养 教養 jiàoyǎng education; upbringing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轿车 轎車 jiàochē car n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 较量 較量 jiàoliàng dispute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叫喊 叫喊 jiàohǎn cry; clamor v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叫唤 叫喚 jiàohuan cry out; call out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叫嚷 叫嚷 jiàorǎng break out; clamor v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 揭发 揭發 jiēfā disclose; expose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 揭示 揭示 jiēshì reveal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 接班 接班 jiē bān carry on 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 接二连三 接二連三 jiē èr lián sān one after another; in quick succession 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 接洽 接洽 jiēqià arrange with; consult with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 接收 接收 jiēshōu take over; receipt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 皆 皆 jiē all adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 街坊 街坊 jiēfang neighbor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 接头 接頭 jiētóu street n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 结果 結果 jiéguǒ result 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 截止 截止 jiézhǐ end; cut-off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劫 劫 jié rob; plunder v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劫持 劫持 jiéchí hijack v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 节能 節能 jié néng save energy 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 节育 節育 jiéyù birth control v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 节奏 節奏 jiézòu rhythm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杰出 傑出 jiéchū outstanding adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杰作 傑作 jiézuò master work n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 结晶 結晶 jiéjīng crystal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 结局 結局 jiéjú result; finale n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 结算 結算 jiésuàn settle accounts v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 结业 結業 jié yè complete an educational or training program 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 解除 解除 jiěchú unchain; relief v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 解雇 解雇 jiěgù fire; dismiss from v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 解散 解散 jiěsàn dismiss; disband v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 戒严 戒嚴 jiè yán enforce martial law 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 界文艺界 界文藝界 jiè(wényìjiè) group; field suf 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 界限 界限 jièxiàn limit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 借鉴 借鑒 jièjiàn take example by v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 借助 借助 jièzhù with the help of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 金额 金額 jīn'é money; sum n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 金黄 金黃 jīnhuáng golden adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 金牌 金牌 jīnpái gold medal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 金钱 金錢 jīnqián money n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 金融 金融 jīnróng finance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筋 筋 jīn tendon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 津津有味 津津有味 jīnjīn yǒu wèi with relish; with gusto 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 津贴 津貼 jīntiē allowance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 紧迫 緊迫 jǐnpò urgent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 紧缩 緊縮 jǐnsuō deflate; retrench v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锦绣 錦繡 jǐnxiù brocade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尽快 儘快 jǐnkuài as soon as possible adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 进程 進程 jìnchéng course; process n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 进而 進而 jìn'ér then conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 进取 進取 jìnqǔ keep for going ahead v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 进展 進展 jìnzhǎn evolve; get along v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晋升 晉升 jìnshēng promote v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 禁 禁 jìn ban; prohibit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 禁区 禁區 jìnqū forbidden zone preserve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 近年 近年 jìnnián in recent years n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 近期 近期 jìnqī in the near future n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 近视 近視 jìnshì myopia n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 近似 近似 jìnsì approximate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劲头 勁頭 jìntóu energy; vigor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惊慌 驚慌 jīnghuāng scared adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精打细算 精打細算 jīng dǎ xì suàn pinch pennies 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精华 精華 jīnghuá elite; distillate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精简 精簡 jīngjiǎn simplify; condense v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精美 精美 jīngměi refined adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精密 精密 jīngmì exact; close adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精确 精確 jīngquè accurate; exact adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精通 精通 jīngtōng be well up in master v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精心 精心 jīngxīn meticulous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 精益求精 精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng keep improving 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兢兢业业 兢兢業業 jīngjīng yèyè cautious and conscientious 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 经典 經典 jīngdiǎn classics; scriptures n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 经商 經商 jīng shāng be in business; trade 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 经受 經受 jīngshòu endure; go through v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 经销 經銷 jīngxiāo sell v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茎 莖 jīng stalk; stem n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 警戒 警戒 jǐngjiè guard; watch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 警卫 警衛 jǐngwèi guard v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 景 景 jǐng scene n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颈 頸 jǐng neck n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 静悄悄 靜悄悄 jìngqiāoqiāo very quiet adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 境地 境地 jìngdì condition; circumstance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 境界 境界 jìngjiè realm; extent reached n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敬 敬 jìng respect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敬而远之 敬而遠之 jìng ér yuǎn zhī keep someone at a respectful distance 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镜头 鏡頭 jìngtóu lens n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 竞选 競選 jìngxuǎn run for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 净化 凈化 jìnghuà purify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纠纷 糾紛 jiūfēn dissension; tangle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玖 玖 jiǔ nine num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酒会 酒會 jiǔhuì cocktail party n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酒精 酒精 jiǔjīng alcohol n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 救济 救濟 jiùjì redress; relief v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 救灾 救災 jiù zāi provide disaster relief 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就餐 就餐 jiùcān have meals v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就地 就地 jiùdì on the spot adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就近 就近 jiùjìn handily adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就算 就算 jiùsuàn even if conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就业 就業 jiù yè take up an occupation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 就职 就職 jiù zhí accession 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鞠躬 鞠躬 jū gōng bow 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拘留 拘留 jūliú impound v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拘束 拘束 jūshù constrained; ill at ease adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 居 居 jū reside; live v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 居室 居室 jūshì room; living room n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 菊花 菊花 júhuā chrysanthemum n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 局势 局勢 júshì situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 局限 局限 júxiàn limit; confine v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 举动 舉動 jǔdòng action n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 举世闻名 舉世聞名 jǔshì wénmíng of world known; world-famous 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 举世瞩目 舉世矚目 jǔshì zhǔmù attract worldwide attention 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聚会 聚會 jùhuì get together; party v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拒 拒 jù refuse; resist v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 据点 據點 jùdiǎn stronghold beachhead n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 据悉 據悉 jùxī it is reported v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 具 具 jù measure word m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锯 鋸 jù saw v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 剧本 劇本 jùběn play book n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 剧团 劇團 jùtuán troupe n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捐 捐 juān donate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捐款 捐款 juān kuǎn donation; collection 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捐献 捐獻 juānxiàn contribute; subscribe v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捐赠 捐贈 juānzèng donate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 圈 圈 juàn circle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掘 掘 jué grub; pick v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 觉察 覺察 juéchá detect; sense v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 觉醒 覺醒 juéxǐng rouse; awake v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 决不 決不 jué bù in no case; in no way 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 决策 決策 juécè make policy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 决赛 決賽 juésài final n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 决算 決算 juésuàn final accounts n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 决战 決戰 juézhàn decisive battle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绝望 絕望 jué wàng despair 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绝缘 絕緣 juéyuán insulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 菌 菌 jūn mushroom; bacterium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 军阀 軍閥 jūnfá warlord n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 军医 軍醫 jūnyī military surgeon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 军用 軍用 jūnyòng for military use 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 军装 軍裝 jūnzhuāng army uniform n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 君 君 jūn monarch; gentleman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 俊 俊 jùn pretty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卡 卡 kǎ block; calorie m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卡片 卡片 kǎpiàn card n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开采 開采 kāicǎi exploit (mine) v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开刀 開刀 kāi dāo operate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开工 開工 kāi gōng come into operation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开关 開關 kāiguān switch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开化 開化 kāihuà become civilized v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开垦 開墾 kāikěn reclaim v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开阔 開闊 kāikuò open and wide adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开朗 開朗 kāilǎng optimistic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开天辟地 開天辟地 kāi tiān pì dì since the beginning of the history; the creation of the world 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开头 開頭 kāitóu beginning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开拓 開拓 kāituò open up; exploit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开心 開心 kāixīn happy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 开支 開支 kāizhī expenses n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凯旋 凱旋 kǎixuán triumph v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刊登 刊登 kāndēng publish in a newspaper v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勘探 勘探 kāntàn prospect for; prove up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 看待 看待 kàndài look on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 看起来 看起來 kàn qǐlái look like 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 看望 看望 kànwàng call on; visit; see v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 看作 看作 kànzuò regard as; look upon as v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慷慨 慷慨 kāngkǎi generous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 糠 糠 kāng bran; chaff n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抗旱 抗旱 kàng hàn fight a drought 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抗击 抗擊 kàngjī resist v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抗战 抗戰 kàngzhàn war of resistance against aggression n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炕 炕 kàng bed n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 考古 考古 kǎogǔ archeology n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 考核 考核 kǎohé examine; assess v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 考取 考取 kǎo qǔ be admitted to school or college 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 磕 磕 kē knock v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颗粒 顆粒 kēlì granule n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 科目 科目 kēmù subject n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可歌可泣 可歌可泣 kě gē kě qì move one to praises and tears 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可观 可觀 kěguān considerable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可贵 可貴 kěguì worshipful; estimable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可口 可口 kěkǒu delicious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可恶 可惡 kěwù loathsome; hateful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可喜 可喜 kěxǐ delectable; delightful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 可想而知 可想而知 kě xiǎng érzhī you can imagine 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 客车 客車 kèchē passenger car; bus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 课时 課時 kèshí class hour; period n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 课题 課題 kètí a question for discussion; task n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 啃 啃 kěn gnaw v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恳切 懇切 kěnqiè fair-spoken adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恳求 懇求 kěnqiú beseech v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空洞 空洞 kōngdòng empty; hollow; shallow adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空话 空話 kōnghuà hollow words n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空调 空調 kōngtiáo air conditioning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空想 空想 kōngxiǎng escapism; dream; phantasm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空心 空心 kōng xīn hollow 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空虚 空虛 kōngxū vain; empty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恐惧 恐懼 kǒngjù dread; fear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 孔雀 孔雀 kǒngquè peacock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空白 空白 kòngbái blank; vacancy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 空隙 空隙 kòngxì interspaced; lacuna n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 控诉 控訴 kòngsù charge; complain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抠 摳 kōu dig with fingers v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 口岸 口岸 kǒu'àn port n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 口腔 口腔 kǒuqiāng mouth; oral cavity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 枯燥 枯燥 kūzào bored adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 苦难 苦難 kǔnàn tribulation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 苦恼 苦惱 kǔnǎo distressed; worried; tormented adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 库 庫 kù storehouse n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 库存 庫存 kùcún storage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 库房 庫房 kùfáng depot; storeroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 夸奖 誇獎 kuājiǎng praise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挎 挎 kuà carry on the arm v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 快速 快速 kuàisù fast; speedy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 会计 會計 kuàiji accountant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宽敞 寬敞 kuānchang spacious; commodious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宽大 寬大 kuāndà spacious; lenient adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宽广 寬廣 kuānguǎng wide adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狂妄 狂妄 kuángwàng wildly arrogant; unbridled adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 框 框 kuàng frame n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿藏 礦藏 kuàngcáng mineral resources n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿产 礦產 kuàngchǎn mine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿井 礦井 kuàngjǐng mine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿区 礦區 kuàngqū minefield n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿山 礦山 kuàngshān mine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿物 礦物 kuàngwù mineral n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 矿工 礦工 kuàng gōng miner; collier 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旷课 曠課 kuàng kè cut school 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亏 虧 kuī have deficit; thanks to conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亏待 虧待 kuīdài treat unfairly v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亏损 虧損 kuīsǔn loss; deficit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葵花 葵花 kuíhuā sunflower n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 困苦 困苦 kùnkǔ hard and difficult adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扩充 擴充 kuòchōng extend; enlarge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扩建 擴建 kuòjiàn extend; expand v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扩散 擴散 kuòsàn diffuse v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扩展 擴展 kuòzhǎn enlarge; extend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扩张 擴張 kuòzhāng expand; outspread v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 落 落 làyuè the 12th month of the lunar year n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腊月 臘月 là drop; fall v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来访 來訪 láifǎng come to visit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来回来去 來回來去 lái huí lái qù come-and-go 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来看来讲 來看來講 … láikàn (… láijiǎng) according to 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来历 來歷 láilì derivation; history n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来临 來臨 láilín come; fall v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 来年 來年 láinián the coming year n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown …来说 …來說 … láishuō concerning; on 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赖 賴 lài go back on one's word adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兰花 蘭花 lánhuā orchid n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 栏杆 欄杆 lángān balustrade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 懒惰 懶惰 lǎnduò lazy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狼狈 狼狽 lángbèi in sore straits; in a tight corner adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浪潮 浪潮 làngcháo tidal wave n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烂漫 爛漫 làngmàn romantic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劳动力 勞動力 láodònglì labor force n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牢房 牢房 láofáng prison house n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牢记 牢記 láojì engrave; bear in mind v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老成 老成 lǎochéng experienced adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老汉 老漢 lǎohàn old man n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老化 老化 lǎohuà aging v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老家 老家 lǎojiā hometown n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老鼠 老鼠 lǎoshǔ mice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老太婆 老太婆 lǎotàipó old woman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老天爷 老天爺 lǎotiānyé God n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老爷 老爺 lǎoye lord; master; grand father n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 老一辈 老一輩 lǎoyībèi older generation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 涝 澇 lào water logging v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乐趣 樂趣 lèqù joy; fun n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乐意 樂意 lèyì would like aux 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勒 勒 lēi rein in; tie v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雷达 雷達 léidá radar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雷雨 雷雨 léiyǔ thunder storm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 垒 壘 lěi rampart v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 棱 棱 léng edge; arras n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冷淡 冷淡 lěngdàn indifference; unconcerned v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 犁 犁 lí plough up; plough n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 离别 離別 líbié part with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 离休 離休 líxiū retire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 篱笆 籬笆 líba fence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 理睬 理睬 lǐcǎi show interest in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 理会 理會 lǐhuì pay attention to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 理事 理事 lǐshì trustee; director n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 理所当然 理所當然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán go without saying; of course 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 理直气壮 理直氣壯 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng one is assured and bold with justice 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 礼节 禮節 lǐjié proprieties n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 礼品 禮品 lǐpǐn gift; present n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荔枝 荔枝 lìzhī litchi n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 栗子 栗子 lìzi chestnut n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 历代 歷代 lìdài through the ages n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 历来 歷來 lìlái always n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 利弊 利弊 lìbì advantages and disadvantages n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 利害 利害 lìhài advantages and disadvantages n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 利息 利息 lìxī accrual; interest n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 例外 例外 lìwài except v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 立方米 立方米 lìfāngmǐ cubic meter m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 立交桥 立交橋 lìjiāoqiáo overpass n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 立体 立體 lìtǐ stereo-scopic; solid n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沥青 瀝青 lìqīng pitch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 力图 力圖 lìtú strive; try hard to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 联 聯 lián join; unite v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 联邦 聯邦 liánbāng federation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 联想 聯想 liánxiǎng associate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连带 連帶 lián … dài … and while; and; as well as 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 联队 聯隊 liánduì army; company n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连滚带爬 連滾帶爬 lián gǔn dài pá roll and crawl; flee in panic 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连连 連連 liánlián again and again adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连绵 連綿 liánmián uninterrupted continuous v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连年 連年 liánnián in successive years n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连同 連同 liántóng and conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连续剧 連續劇 liánxùjù serial TV drama n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 莲子 蓮子 liánzǐ lotus seed n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 连夜 連夜 liányè that very night adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 廉价 廉價 liánjià sale price n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 廉洁 廉潔 liánjié uncorrupted; clean-fingered adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 廉政 廉政 liánzhèng make the government honest and clean v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帘 簾 lián shade; curtain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镰刀 鐮刀 liándāo reaphook n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脸盆 臉盆 liǎnpén basin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恋 戀 liàn love v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 练兵 練兵 liàn bīng training 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 链子 鏈子 liànzi chain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 粮票 糧票 liángpiào food or grain coupon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 梁 樑 liáng roof beam n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 良 良 liáng fine; good adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 良种 良種 liángzhǒng improved variety n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 两极 兩極 liǎngjí the two poles n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 两口子 兩口子 liǎngkǒuzi husband and wife; couple n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 两手 兩手 liǎngshǒu two tactics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晾 晾 liàng air; dry in the sun v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亮光 亮光 liàngguāng light n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疗效 療效 liáoxiào curative effect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疗养 療養 liáoyǎng recuperate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 辽阔 遼闊 liáokuò vast adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 潦草 潦草 liáocǎo hasty and careless; illegible adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 列举 列舉 lièjǔ enumerate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 列入 列入 lièrù enter in a list v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 列席 列席 lièxí attend as a nonvoting delegate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烈火 烈火 lièhuǒ raging fire; blaze n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劣 劣 liè bad adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 林场 林場 línchǎng forestry center n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 林区 林區 línqū forest; woods n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 林业 林業 línyè forestry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 磷 磷 lín phosphorus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 临床 臨床 línchuáng clinical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 临近 臨近 línjìn draw near v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邻 鄰 lín neighbor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邻国 鄰國 línguó neighboring country n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 零售 零售 língshòu retail v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 零碎 零碎 língsuì scrap adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 零星 零星 língxīng scattered; fragmentary adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玲珑 玲瓏 línglóng exquisite adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伶俐 伶俐 línglì clever; smart; quick-witted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凌晨 凌晨 língchén before dawn n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灵 靈 líng clever adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灵敏 靈敏 língmǐn ingenious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灵巧 靈巧 língqiǎo facile; skillful; deft adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 岭 嶺 lǐng mountain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 领事 領事 lǐngshì consulate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 领先 領先 lǐngxiān keep ahead v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 领子 領子 lǐngzi collar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 硫酸 硫酸 liúsuān sulphuric acid n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 留恋 留戀 liúliàn be reluctant to leave v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 留神 留神 liú shén watch out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 留心 留心 liú xīn heed; notice 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 留意 留意 liú yì advert; mind 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 流寇 流寇 liúkòu roving bandits n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead a vagrant life; rove; roam about v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 流露 流露 liúlù reveal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 流通 流通 liútōng circulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陆 陸 liù six num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 龙头 龍頭 lóngtóu cock; tap n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聋 聾 lóng deaf adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隆重 隆重 lóngzhòng ceremonious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 漏税 漏稅 lòu shuì tax evasion 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 路程 路程 lùchéng distance; journey n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 路面 路面 lùmiàn road surface n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 路子 路子 lùzi way; approach n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鹿 鹿 lù deer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 录取 錄取 lùqǔ matriculate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 录用 錄用 lùyòng employ; hire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陆 陸 lù land n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旅 旅 lǚ brigade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旅店 旅店 lǚdiàn hostel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旅游业 旅游業 lǚyóuyè tourism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 履行 履行 lǚxíng carry out; fulfill v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屡次 屢次 lǚcì over and over; frequently adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 律师 律師 lǜshī lawyer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 率 率 lǜ rate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绿化 綠化 lǜhuà make (a place )green by planting trees v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乱七八糟 亂七八糟 luànqībāzāo in a mess; at sixes and sevens adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 略微 略微 lüèwēi appreciably; a little adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抡 掄 lūn brandish n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 论点 論點 lùndiǎn argument; thesis n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 论述 論述 lùnshù dissertate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 论证 論證 lùnzhèng demonstrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罗嗦 羅嗦 luōsuō wordy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 螺丝钉 螺絲釘 luósīdīng screw n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 骡子 騾子 luózi mule n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罗列 羅列 luóliè enumerate; set out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 箩筐 籮筐 luókuāng bamboo basket n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 落成 落成 luòchéng complete v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 落地 落地 luòdì fall to the ground adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 落实 落實 luòshí put into effect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 落选 落選 luò xuǎn lose an election 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抹布 抹布 mābù cleaning rag n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻 麻 má fiber crops n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻痹 麻痹 mábì lull; blunt; paralysis adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻袋 麻袋 mádài sack; gunny-bag n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻木 麻木 mámù numb adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻雀 麻雀 máquè sparrow n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 麻醉 麻醉 mázuì narcosis v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蚂蚁 螞蟻 mǎyǐ ant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 马车 馬車 mǎchē carriage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 马达 馬達 mǎdá motor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 马力 馬力 mǎlì horsepower n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 马铃薯 馬鈴薯 mǎlíngshǔ potato n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 马戏 馬戲 mǎxì circus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 埋没 埋沒 máimò cover up; bury; neglect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 埋头 埋頭 mái tóu immerse oneself in 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卖国 賣國 mài guó betray one's country 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脉搏 脈搏 màibó pulse n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 埋怨 埋怨 mányuàn complain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 满怀 滿懷 mǎnhuái fill v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 满月 滿月 mǎn yuè a baby's completion of its first month 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 慢性 慢性 mànxìng chronic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蔓延 蔓延 mànyán spread; creep v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茫茫 茫茫 mángmáng vast; boundless adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茫然 茫然 mángrán in a haze adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盲从 盲從 mángcóng blindly slavish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盲人 盲人 mángrén blind man n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忙碌 忙碌 mánglù busy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茂密 茂密 màomì exuberant; dense adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茂盛 茂盛 màoshèng exuberant; luxuriant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冒进 冒進 màojìn rash advance v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冒牌 冒牌 màopái impostor; imposture adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冒险 冒險 màoxiǎn take a risk v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玫瑰 玫瑰 méigui rose n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 枚 枚 méi measure word for medal m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酶 酶 méi enzyme n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 霉 霉 méi mildew n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 没吃没穿 沒吃沒穿 méi chī méi chuān have no food and clothes 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 没辙 沒轍 méi zhé have no idea 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 媒介 媒介 méijiè agent; medium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镁 鎂 měi magnesium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 美德 美德 měidé virtue n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 美满 美滿 měimǎn happy; perfect adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 美妙 美妙 měimiào dulcet; great adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 美中不足 美中不足 měi zhōng bù zú a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 门当户对 門當戶對 mén dāng hù duì be well-matched in social and economic status 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 门市部 門市部 ménshìbù salesroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 萌芽 萌芽 méngyá bud; sprout n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迷惑 迷惑 míhuò puzzle; delude v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迷失 迷失 míshī maze; wilder v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弥补 彌補 míbǔ remedy; offset v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弥漫 彌漫 mímàn permeate; fill the air v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 密度 密度 mìdù consistency n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 密封 密封 mìfēng pressurize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 棉 棉 mián cotton n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 免 免 miǎn avoid; exempt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 免除 免除 miǎnchú release; remit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 免费 免費 miǎn fèi free for charge 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勉励 勉勵 miǎnlì encourage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 面包车 麵包車 miànbāochē microbus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 面面俱到 面面俱到 miàn miàn jù dào reach every aspect of a matter 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 面目 面目 miànmù appearance; face n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 面容 面容 miànróng look; face n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 面子 面子 miànzi prestige; face n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 描 描 miáo draw; paint v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 描绘 描繪 miáohuì describe; portray v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 描述 描述 miáoshù describe v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渺小 渺小 miǎoxiǎo tiny adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蔑视 蔑視 mièshì disparage; scorn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 民航 民航 mínháng civil aviation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 民事 民事 mínshì civil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 民意 民意 mínyì public opinion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 民众 民眾 mínzhòng public n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敏感 敏感 mǐngǎn impressible; sensitive adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 敏锐 敏銳 mǐnruì keen; subtitle; acute; brisk adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 明星 明星 míngxīng star n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名称 名稱 míngchēng name; title n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名次 名次 míngcì place in a competition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名单 名單 míngdān list; roll n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名额 名額 míng'é quota of people n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名副其实 名副其實 míng fù qí shí be worthy of the name; the name matches the reality 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名贵 名貴 míngguì rare adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名牌 名牌 míngpái famous brand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名人 名人 míngrén a famous man; a man of mark n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名声 名聲 míngshēng reputation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名义 名義 míngyì in name n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 名誉 名譽 míngyù reputation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 命名 命名 mìng míng call; nominate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 命题 命題 mìng tí proposition 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谬论 謬論 miùlùn fallacy; paralogism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摸索 摸索 mōsuǒ fumble; grope v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蘑菇 蘑菇 mógu mushroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 模式 模式 móshì mode; style n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 膜 膜 mó theca n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摩擦 摩擦 mócā rub; scrape v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 魔鬼 魔鬼 móguǐ devil; demon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 魔术 魔術 móshù magic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抹杀 抹殺 mǒshā write off; obliterate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 莫 莫 mò no adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 莫名其妙 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào without rhyme or reason 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 默默 默默 mòmò silently adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谋 謀 móu consult n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谋求 謀求 móuqiú buck for; try for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 木匠 木匠 mùjiang carpenter n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 目 目 mù eye n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 目睹 目睹 mùdǔ witness; see with one's eyes v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 目录 目錄 mùlù catalog n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 目中无人 目中無人 mù zhōng wú rén consider everyone beneath one's notice 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牧区 牧區 mùqū pastoral area n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牧业 牧業 mùyè stock; raising n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 穆斯林 穆斯林 mùsīlín Muslim n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 那时 那時 nàshí at that time pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纳闷儿 納悶兒 nà mèn'er feel puzzle 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纳税 納稅 nà shuì pay taxes 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乃 乃 nǎi be; so; therefore adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奶粉 奶粉 nǎifěn milk powder n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耐力 耐力 nàilì resistance; stamina n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 男性 男性 nánxìng man, male n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难度 難度 nándù difficulty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难关 難關 nánguān difficulty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难堪 難堪 nánkān embarrassed adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难免 難免 nánmiǎn hard to avoid adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难 難 nàn disaster; blame n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 难民 難民 nànmín refugee n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恼火 惱火 nǎohuǒ angry; take fire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闹事 鬧事 nào shì make trouble 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内地 內地 nèidì hinterland; backland n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内阁 內閣 nèigé cabinet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内行 內行 nèiháng expert n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内幕 內幕 nèimù inside story; low-down n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内心 內心 nèixīn heart; bosom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内在 內在 nèizài immanent; inherent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内脏 內臟 nèizàng trips; viscera n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内战 內戰 nèizhàn civil war n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 内政 內政 nèizhèng interior n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 能手 能手 néngshǒu master-hand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尼龙 尼龍 nílóng nylon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拟 擬 nǐ draft; plan v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拟定 擬定 nǐdìng study out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逆流 逆流 nìliú adverse current n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 年度 年度 niándù year n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 年头儿 年頭兒 niántóu'er period; time n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捻 捻 niǎn twist with the finger v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 撵 攆 niǎn drive out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 念头 念頭 niàntou idea n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酿 釀 niàng make wine v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尿 尿 niào urine v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捏造 捏造 niēzào make-up fudge; fake v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 柠檬 檸檬 níngméng lemon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凝固 凝固 nínggù curdle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凝结 凝結 níngjié congeal; coagulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凝视 凝視 níngshì gaze; stare v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宁静 寧靜 níngjìng quiet; peaceful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宁肯 寧肯 nìngkěn would rather than conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宁愿 寧願 nìngyuàn would rather conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钮扣 鈕扣 niǔkòu'er button n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浓度 濃度 nóngdù chroma; consistency n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 浓厚 濃厚 nónghòu dense adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 农产品 農產品 nóngchǎnpǐn farm produce n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 农户 農戶 nónghù farmer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弄虚作假 弄虛作假 nòng xū zuò jiǎ practice fraud; resort to deception 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奴役 奴役 núyì enslave v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怒吼 怒吼 nùhǒu rave v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怒火 怒火 nùhuǒ inflammation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 女性 女性 nǚxìng female n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挪 挪 nuó move; shift v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 殴打 毆打 ōudǎ beat up; hit; drub v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呕吐 嘔吐 ǒutù sick up; retch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扒 扒 pá hold to; dig up; push aside v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拍照 拍照 pāizhào take pictures v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 排除 排除 páichú eliminate; remove; debar v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 排队 排隊 pái duì queue; stand in a line 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 排挤 排擠 páijǐ elbow out; supplant v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 排长 排長 páizhǎng platoon leader n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 徘徊 徘徊 páihuái wander v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 派别 派別 pàibié faction; group n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 派出所 派出所 pàichūsuǒ police station n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 派遣 派遣 pàiqiǎn send; dispatch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盘旋 盤旋 pánxuán convolute; hover v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 判处 判處 pànchǔ sentence v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 判定 判定 pàndìng determine; judge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 判决 判決 pànjué adjudicate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叛变 叛變 pànbiàn mutiny v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叛徒 叛徒 pàntú betrayer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 庞大 龐大 pángdà enormous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胖子 胖子 pàngzi fatso n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抛弃 拋棄 pāoqì throw over; abandon; discard v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刨 刨 páo plane; dig v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炮火 炮火 pàohuǒ fire; shellfire n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跑道 跑道 pǎodào race track n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泡沫 泡沫 pàomò bubble; froth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 培训 培訓 péixùn train v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赔款 賠款 péi kuǎn reparations 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 配备 配備 pèibèi equip; outfit; prepare v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 配方 配方 pèifāng formula n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 配偶 配偶 pèi'ǒu consort; mate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 配套 配套 pèi tào form a complete set 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 喷射 噴射 pēnshè spout; spray v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烹调 烹調 pēngtiáo cook v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烹饪 烹飪 pēngrèn cooking v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 批发 批發 pīfā wholesale; job v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 批复 批復 pīfù give a reply to a subordinate body v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 批改 批改 pīgǎi correct v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 批示 批示 pīshì make comments and instructions n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坯 坯 pī base; blank; semi-finished products n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劈 劈 pī split; chop; cleave v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疲惫 疲憊 píbèi tired out; exhausted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疲乏 疲乏 pífá tired adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 皮带 皮帶 pídài strap n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 皮革 皮革 pígé leather n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屁 屁 pì fart n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偏差 偏差 piānchā error; deviation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偏见 偏見 piānjiàn prejudice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偏僻 偏僻 piānpì out of the way; devious; outlying adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偏向 偏向 piānxiàng partial to n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 片刻 片刻 piànkè a while; a moment n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 漂 漂 piāo float v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 撇 撇 piē neglect; cast aside v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瞥 瞥 piē glance at; dart a look at v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拼搏 拼搏 pīnbó go all out in work v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 频繁 頻繁 pínfán frequent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 频率 頻率 pínlǜ frequency n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贫 貧 pín poor; be deficient in adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贫乏 貧乏 pínfá poor; lacking indigent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贫困 貧困 pínkùn poor adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贫民 貧民 pínmín pauper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 品/纪念品 品/紀念品 pǐn(jìniànpǐn) souvenir; momento suf 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 品尝 品嘗 pǐncháng taste v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 品行 品行 pǐnxíng morality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聘 聘 pìn engage; employ v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聘请 聘請 pìnqǐng employ; engage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聘任 聘任 pìnrèn appoint to a position v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 聘用 聘用 pìnyòng employ; engage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平面 平面 píngmiàn plane n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平民 平民 píngmín the common people n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平日 平日 píngrì in normal times; n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平坦 平坦 píngtǎn flat adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平稳 平穩 píngwěn steady and smooth adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 平整 平整 píngzhěng neat; smooth v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 萍水相逢 萍水相逢 píng shuǐ xiāng féng meet by chance 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 评比 評比 píngbǐ appraise through comparison v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 评定 評定 píngdìng assess v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 评估 評估 pínggū evaluate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 评审 評審 píngshěn judge; evaluate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 评选 評選 píngxuǎn chose through public appraisal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屏障 屏障 píngzhàng wall; barrier n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 颇 頗 pō quite; pretty adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 婆婆 婆婆 pópo (for woman) mother-in-law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 破除 破除 pòchú do away with; break with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 破获 破獲 pòhuò solve a criminal case v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 破旧 破舊 pòjiù shabby adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 破裂 破裂 pòliè breach; rive v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 破碎 破碎 pòsuì fall to pieces v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迫使 迫使 pòshǐ compel; force v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扑克 撲克 pūkè poker; playing card n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扑灭 撲滅 pū miè put out eradicate; tread out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葡萄糖 葡萄糖 pútaotáng dextrose n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 仆人 僕人 púrén servant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 朴实 樸實 pǔshí simple; plain adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 普查 普查 pǔchá general survey v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谱 譜 pǔ compose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谱曲 譜曲 pǔ qǔ compose; set to music 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瀑布 瀑布 pùbù waterfall n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 期待 期待 qīdài expect; look forward to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 期刊 期刊 qīkān periodical n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 期望 期望 qīwàng expect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 期限 期限 qīxiàn time limit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 七嘴八舌 七嘴八舌 qī zuǐ bā shé all talking at once 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 柒 柒 qī seven num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凄惨 凄慘 qīcǎn tragic; deplorable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凄凉 凄涼 qīliáng desolate; dreary; lonely adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 漆黑 漆黑 qīhēi as dark as night adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沏 沏 qī make tea v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 其间 其間 qíjiān meantime n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奇花异草 奇花異草 qí huā yì cǎo exotic flowers and rare herbs 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奇妙 奇妙 qímiào wonderful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奇特 奇特 qítè peculiar; fancy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 歧视 歧視 qíshì discriminate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 齐全 齊全 qíquán complete; all ready adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旗号 旗號 qíhào excuse; banner; flag n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起草 起草 qǐ cǎo draft out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起点 起點 qǐdiǎn beginning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起伏 起伏 qǐfú undulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起哄 起哄 qǐ hòng kick up a row 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起劲 起勁 qǐjìn energetic; vigorous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起码 起碼 qǐmǎ elementary; at least adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起身 起身 qǐ shēn rise 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 起诉 起訴 qǐsù indict; prosecute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 岂不 豈不 qǐ bù won't that 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 岂有此理 豈有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ outrageous; preposterous 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乞求 乞求 qǐqiú beg; entreat v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 启程 啟程 qǐchéng set out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 启示 啟示 qǐshì inspire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 启事 啟事 qǐshì announcement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 砌 砌 qì build by laying bricks and stones v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 器 器 qì ware; implement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 器具 器具 qìjù implement; ware n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 器械 器械 qìxiè instrument n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气喘 氣喘 qìchuǎn breathe; pant v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气功 氣功 qìgōng qigong n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气力 氣力 qìlì effort; energy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气流 氣流 qìliú air current; draught n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气魄 氣魄 qìpò daring; verve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汽球 汽球 qìqiú balloon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气势 氣勢 qìshì vigor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 气息 氣息 qìxī breath; smell n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汽 汽 qì vapor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掐 掐 qiā clutch; nip v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恰到好处 恰到好處 qià dào hǎo chù just right 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恰巧 恰巧 qiàqiǎo happen to; by chance adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 恰如其分 恰如其分 qià rú qí fèn just right; appropriate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 洽谈 洽談 qiàtán talk over with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牵扯 牽扯 qiānchě implicate; involve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牵引 牽引 qiānyǐn tow; draught v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牵制 牽制 qiānzhì hold down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 千军万马 千軍萬馬 qiān jūn wàn mǎ a large number of mounted and foot soldiers 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 千瓦 千瓦 qiānwǎ kilowatt m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迁 遷 qiān move v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迁就 遷就 qiānjiù indulge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 签发 簽發 qiānfā sign and issue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 签名 簽名 qiān míng sign one's name 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 签署 簽署 qiānshǔ sign; affix to; subscribe v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 签证 簽證 qiānzhèng visa n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 签字 簽字 qiān zì signature 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谦逊 謙遜 qiānxùn modest adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前辈 前輩 qiánbèi elder generations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前程 前程 qiánchéng future; prospect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前赴后继 前赴後繼 qián fù hòu jì advance wave upon wave 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前景 前景 qiánjǐng prospect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前列 前列 qiánliè front row n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前期 前期 qiánqī the earlier stage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前人 前人 qiánrén forefathers n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前所未有 前所未有 qián suǒ wèi yǒu unprecedented 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前提 前提 qiántí precondition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前往 前往 qiánwǎng go up to; head for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 前线 前線 qiánxiàn battlefront n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钳子 鉗子 qiánzi pincers; pliers n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 潜伏 潛伏 qiánfú lurk; lie low v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 潜力 潛力 qiánlì potential n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谴责 譴責 qiǎnzé condemn; accuse; censure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嵌 嵌 qiàn wedge; embed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 枪毙 槍斃 qiāngbì execute by shooting v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腔 腔 qiāng cavity; antrum n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 强化 強化 qiánghuà strengthen v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 强盛 強盛 qiángshèng powerful and prosperous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 强制 強制 qiángzhì force; oblige v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抢劫 搶劫 qiǎngjié rob v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 抢救 搶救 qiǎngjiù save v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锹 鍬 qiāo spade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乔装 喬裝 qiáozhuāng disguise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侨胞 僑胞 qiáobāo countryman residing abroad n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 茄子 茄子 qiézi eggplant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 窃取 竊取 qièqǔ grab; steal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 窃听 竊聽 qiètīng wire tapping v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钦佩 欽佩 qīnpèi admire v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侵害 侵害 qīnhài encroach on; aggrieve; infract v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侵蚀 侵蝕 qīnshí corrode; encroach v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侵占 侵占 qīnzhàn invade and occupy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲笔 親筆 qīnbǐ autography adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲密 親密 qīnmì intimate; close adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲身 親身 qīnshēn personal; firsthand adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲生 親生 qīnshēng one's own (parents, children) adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲手 親手 qīnshǒu personally adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亲友 親友 qīnyǒu relatives and friends n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勤 勤 qín diligent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勤奋 勤奮 qínfèn hardworking adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勤工俭学 勤工儉學 qín gōng jiǎn xué part-work and part-study 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勤俭 勤儉 qínjiǎn hardworking and thrifty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勤恳 勤懇 qínkěn earnest and assiduous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 芹菜 芹菜 qíncài celery n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 禽 禽 qín birds n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轻便 輕便 qīngbiàn light; portable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轻工业 輕工業 qīnggōngyè light industry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轻快 輕快 qīngkuài resilience buoyancy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轻微 輕微 qīngwēi light; slight adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 氢 氫 qīng hydrogen n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蜻蜓 蜻蜓 qīngtíng dragonfly n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倾听 傾聽 qīngtīng give ear to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 倾斜 傾斜 qīngxié gradient; inclined adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 清查 清查 qīngchá check; uncover v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 清理 清理 qīnglǐ clean up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 清新 清新 qīngxīn fresh and pure adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 清早 清早 qīngzǎo morning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 清真寺 清真寺 qīngzhēnsì mosque n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晴朗 晴朗 qínglǎng sunny adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 情感 情感 qínggǎn mood; feeling n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 情节 情節 qíngjié story n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 情理 情理 qínglǐ sense; reason n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 请柬 請柬 qǐngjiǎn invitation card n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 请帖 請帖 qǐngtiě invitation card n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 请愿 請願 qǐngyuàn petition v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 庆贺 慶賀 qìnghè congratulate; felicitate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 穷苦 窮苦 qióngkǔ indigent; destitute adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秋收 秋收 qiūshōu harvest in autumn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 球队 球隊 qiúduì (sport) team n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 球迷 球迷 qiúmí fans n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 求得 求得 qiúdé get v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 趋势 趨勢 qūshì trend n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 趋向 趨向 qūxiàng tend to n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 区分 區分 qūfēn distinguish; v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 曲线 曲線 qūxiàn curve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屈服 屈服 qūfú submit; give in; bend v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 驱逐 驅逐 qūzhú drive out; banish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 取代 取代 qǔdài replace; supersede v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 曲子 曲子 qǔzi melody n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 去世 去世 qùshì die; pass away v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 圈套 圈套 quāntào trap; snare n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 权 權 quán power; rights n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 权威 權威 quánwēi authority n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 权限 權限 quánxiàn extent of authority n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 权益 權益 quányì rights and interest n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泉 泉 quán spring n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全都 全都 quándōu all adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全会 全會 quánhuì plenary meeting n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全集 全集 quánjí collected edition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全力 全力 quánlì all-out n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全力以赴 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù do one's level best; go all out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全民 全民 quánmín the whole people; all the people n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 全心全意 全心全意 quán xīn quán yì with all one's heart 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 犬 犬 quǎn dog n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劝说 勸說 quànshuō reason; persuade v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 劝阻 勸阻 quànzǔ dissuade v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 券 券 quàn ticket n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缺口 缺口 quēkǒu breach; gap n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缺席 缺席 quē xí absent; default 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 缺陷 缺陷 quēxiàn disfigurement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瘸 瘸 qué lame v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确保 確保 quèbǎo insure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确立 確立 quèlì establish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确切 確切 quèqiè exact; definite adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确认 確認 quèrèn confirm v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确信 確信 quèxìn be certain of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 确凿 確鑿 quèzáo authentic; irrefutable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 群体 群體 qúntǐ colony; group n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 燃 燃 rán burn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 让步 讓步 ràng bù give in; concede to 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扰乱 擾亂 rǎoluàn disturb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 热潮 熱潮 rècháo upsurge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 热泪盈眶 熱淚盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng one's eyes brimming with tears 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人道主义 人道主義 réndào zhǔyì humanitarianism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人格 人格 réngé personality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人均 人均 rénjūn personal average adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人情 人情 rénqíng human feelings; favor; gift n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人权 人權 rénquán human rights n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人参 人參 rénshēn ginseng n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人身 人身 rénshēn person n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人生 人生 rénshēng life n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人事 人事 rénshì personnel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人为 人為 rénwéi artificial adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人性 人性 rénxìng human nature n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 人质 人質 rénzhì hostage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 仁慈 仁慈 réncí beneficent; kindhearted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 任命 任命 rènmìng appoint; instate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 认定 認定 rèndìng firmly believe v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 认可 認可 rènkě certificate; ratify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 日光 日光 rìguāng sunlight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 荣誉 榮譽 róngyù honor; glory n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 融化 融化 rónghuà thaw v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 融洽 融洽 róngqià harmonious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 熔 熔 róng melt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 溶 溶 róng dissolve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 溶化 溶化 rónghuà dissolve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 溶解 溶解 róngjiě dissolve; melt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 容积 容積 róngjī volume n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 容量 容量 róngliàng volume; capacity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 容纳 容納 róngnà accommodate; contain; hold v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 容忍 容忍 róngrěn abide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绒 絨 róng cloth with soft nap n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 柔和 柔和 róuhé soft; mild adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 如意 如意 rúyì as one wish adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 如醉如痴 如醉如痴 rú zuì rú chī enjoy (the concert, etc) very much 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乳 乳 rǔ milk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 入境 入境 rù jìng enter a country 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 入口 入口 rùkǒu entrance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 入侵 入侵 rùqīn invade v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 入手 入手 rùshǒu proceed with; start with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 入学 入學 rù xué enrollment 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 软件 軟件 ruǎnjiàn software n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锐利 銳利 ruìlì sharp; acuminate adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瑞雪 瑞雪 ruìxuě auspicious snow n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弱点 弱點 ruòdiǎn weakness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 撒谎 撒謊 sā huǎng tell a lie 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腮 腮 sāi cheek n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 三番五次 三番五次 sān fān wǔ cì again and again; time and again 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 三角 三角 sānjiǎo triangle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叁 叄 sān three num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 散发 散發 sànfā emanate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 桑树 桑樹 sāngshù mulberry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 扫除 掃除 sǎochú clean off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杀害 殺害 shāhài slay; kill v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刹车 剎車 shā chē brake 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沙 沙 shā sand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沙滩 沙灘 shātān sand beach n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沙土 沙土 shātǔ sand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 砂 砂 shā grit; sand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 傻子 傻子 shǎzi fool n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 啥 啥 shà building n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筛 篩 shāi screen griddle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筛子 篩子 shāizi sieve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 珊瑚 珊瑚 shānhú coral n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山冈 山岡 shāngāng hillock; low hill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山沟 山溝 shāngōu valley; gully n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山河 山河 shānhé the land of country n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山脚 山腳 shānjiǎo the foot of the hill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山岭 山嶺 shānlǐng mountain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山水 山水 shānshuǐ landscape n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山头 山頭 shāntóu hilltop; mountaintop n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 山腰 山腰 shānyāo mountainside n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闪耀 閃耀 shǎnyào sparkle; twinkle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 擅长 擅長 shàncháng be good at v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 擅自 擅自 shànzì do sth, without authorization adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 善 善 shàn kind; perfect adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 善良 善良 shànliáng kind; virtuous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伤痕 傷痕 shānghén scar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伤员 傷員 shāngyuán the wounded n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 商 商 shāng quotient; business v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 商标 商標 shāngbiāo trademark n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 商榷 商榷 shāngquè discuss; deliberate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 商讨 商討 shāngtǎo discuss v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 商议 商議 shāngyì consult; discuss v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赏 賞 shǎng enjoy; reward v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晌午 晌午 shǎngwu noon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上报 上報 shàngbào report to the leadership v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上层 上層 shàngcéng super stratum n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上等 上等 shàngděng outstanding; classy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上交 上交 shàngjiāo hand in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上进 上進 shàngjìn make progress v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上空 上空 shàngkōng in the sky n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上任 上任 shàng rèn take a post 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上诉 上訴 shàngsù appeal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上台 上臺 shàng tái assume the reins of government 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 上涨 上漲 shàngzhǎng rise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尚 尚 shàng yet; still adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 梢 梢 shāo end; tip n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捎 捎 shāo take alone sth, to sb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烧饼 燒餅 shāobing sesame seed cake n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烧毁 燒毀 shāohuǐ burn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 少量 少量 shǎoliàng a little; a few; a spot of adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 少数民族 少數民族 shǎoshù mínzú minority 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 哨 哨 shào whistle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奢侈 奢侈 shēchǐ luxurious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舍 捨 shě abandon; give up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摄 攝 shè take (pictures); absorb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 涉及 涉及 shèjí involve; relate to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 涉外 涉外 shèwài concerning foreign affairs adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 社 社 shè organized body n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 社员 社員 shèyuán commune member n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 设立 設立 shèlì set up; establish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 设施 設施 shèshī establishment n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 设置 設置 shèzhì set v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 申报 申報 shēnbào declare v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 申述 申述 shēnshù allege; state v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呻吟 呻吟 shēnyín moan v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伸手 伸手 shēn shǒu stretch out 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伸展 伸展 shēnzhǎn extend; stretch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深奥 深奧 shēn'ào abstruse; deep adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深沉 深沉 shēnchén deep adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深处 深處 shēnchù depth; cavern n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深化 深化 shēnhuà deepen v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深浅 深淺 shēnqiǎn depth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深切 深切 shēnqiè deep felt adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深情 深情 shēnqíng deep feelings; affectionateness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深信 深信 shēnxìn trust; convince v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深远 深遠 shēnyuǎn far-reaching adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深重 深重 shēnzhòng very grave adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 绅士 紳士 shēnshì gentleman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 神奇 神奇 shénqí miraculous; magical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 神色 神色 shénsè expression; look n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 神态 神態 shéntài expression n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 神仙 神仙 shénxiān supernatural being; immortal; fairy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审 審 shěn interrogate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审定 審定 shěndìng examine and approve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审理 審理 shěnlǐ hear; try v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 深美 深美 shěnměi appreciation of the beauty v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审判 審判 shěnpàn trial v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审批 審批 shěnpī examine and approve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审讯 審訊 shěnxùn inquest v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 审议 審議 shěnyì consider; discuss v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肾炎 腎炎 shènyán nephritis n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渗 滲 shèn seep v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渗透 滲透 shèntòu infiltrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 声势 聲勢 shēngshì impetus; momentum n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 声誉 聲譽 shēngyù reputation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生产力 生產力 shēngchǎnlì productive forces n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生产率 生產率 shēngchǎnlǜ productivity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生机 生機 shēngjī vitality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生命力 生命力 shēngmìnglì vital force; life n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生怕 生怕 shēngpà for fear that; so as not to adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生前 生前 shēngqián before one's death n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生人 生人 shēngrén stranger n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生疏 生疏 shēngshū strange adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生态 生態 shēngtài ecology n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生效 生效 shēng xiào become effective 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生育 生育 shēngyù procreate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 生殖 生殖 shēngzhí procreate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牲口 牲口 shēngkou domestic animals n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 牲畜 牲畜 shēngchù livestock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 升学 升學 shēng xué enter a higher school 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 省会 省會 shěnghuì the capital of province n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 省略 省略 shěnglüè omit; overleap v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛 盛 shèng popular; vigorous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛产 盛產 shèngchǎn abound in; teem with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛大 盛大 shèngdà magnificent; grand adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛开 盛開 shèngkāi bloom v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛情 盛情 shèngqíng boundless hospitality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盛行 盛行 shèngxíng prevail v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 师 師 shī teacher n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 师长 師長 shīzhǎng teacher; division commander n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失 失 shī lose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失事 失事 shī shì wreckage; accident 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失误 失誤 shīwù misplay v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失效 失效 shī xiào lose efficacy; be no longer in force 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失学 失學 shī xué unable to go to school 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失约 失約 shī yuē fail to keep an appointment 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 失踪 失蹤 shī zōng disappear 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 施 施 shī carry out; execute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 施肥 施肥 shī féi fertilization 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 施加 施加 shījiā bring to bear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 施行 施行 shīxíng carry out; dispense v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 施展 施展 shīzhǎn put to good use v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 湿度 濕度 shīdù humidity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诗歌 詩歌 shīgē poem n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尸体 屍體 shītǐ body; cadaver n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 十全十美 十全十美 shí quán shí měi be perfect in every way; leave nothing to be desired 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 十足 十足 shízú full of adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 石灰 石灰 shíhuī lime; calcareousness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拾 拾 shí ten num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时 時 shí time n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时而 時而 shí'ér from time to time; now … now … adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时光 時光 shíguāng days; time n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时髦 時髦 shímáo in fashion adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时事 時事 shíshì current affairs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 时装 時裝 shízhuāng fashion dress n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 食 食 shí eat; food v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 食用 食用 shíyòng edible; eat v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 食欲 食欲 shíyù appetite n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 实 實 shí solid adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 实惠 實惠 shíhuì substantial adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 实力 實力 shílì strength n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 实体 實體 shítǐ substance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 实物 實物 shíwù material object; in kind n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 识 識 shí know v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 识别 識別 shíbié identify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 史 史 shǐ history n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 史料 史料 shǐliào historical materials n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 使节 使節 shǐjié ambassador n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 使命 使命 shǐmìng mission n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屎 屎 shǐ shit; feces n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 始 始 shǐ begin v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 式 式 shì formula; style n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 式样 式樣 shìyàng pattern n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 示范 示範 shìfàn lead the way; demonstrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 示意图 示意圖 shìyìtú stitch map n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侍候 侍候 shìhòu serve; wait upon v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 世 世 shì world; life n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 世代 世代 shìdài for generations n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 世界观 世界觀 shìqièguān world view n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 事变 事變 shìbiàn incident; event n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 事例 事例 shìlì example n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 事态 事態 shìtài a state of affairs; situation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 事项 事項 shìxiàng matter; item n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 誓言 誓言 shìyán pledge; parole n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 势必 勢必 shìbì certainly will adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 释放 釋放 shìfàng release; set free v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 市民 市民 shìmín citizen; townsfolk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视 視 shì look at; watch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视察 視察 shìchá survey v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视觉 視覺 shìjué vision; seeing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视力 視力 shìlì eyesight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视线 視線 shìxiàn the line of sight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 视野 視野 shìyě field of vision n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 试行 試行 shìxíng try out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 试用 試用 shìyòng on probation; try out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 试制 試製 shìzhì trial-manufacture v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收藏 收藏 shōucáng collect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收成 收成 shōucheng harvest n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收复 收復 shōufù reoccupy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收购 收購 shōugòu buy; purchase v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收回 收回 shōuhuí take back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收买 收買 shōumǎi buy over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收益 收益 shōuyì income; profit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 收支 收支 shōuzhī income and expenses n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 手电筒 手電筒 shǒudiàntǒng electric torch; flashlight n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 手法 手法 shǒufǎ tact n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 手巾 手巾 shǒujīn towel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 手榴弹 手榴彈 shǒuliúdàn hand grenade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 手艺 手藝 shǒuyì craft; handicraft n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首创 首創 shǒuchuàng initiate; originate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首领 首領 shǒulǐng leader; chieftain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首脑 首腦 shǒunǎo head n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首席 首席 shǒuxí doyen; chief adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首相 首相 shǒuxiàng premier n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首要 首要 shǒuyào chief; principal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 首长 首長 shǒuzhǎng director; principal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 守法 守法 shǒu fǎ keep the law 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 守卫 守衛 shǒuwèi guard; ward v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 授 授 shòu award; give v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 授予 授予 shòuyǔ award; confer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 受伤 受傷 shòu shāng be injured 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 输出 輸出 shūchū export; output v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 输入 輸入 shūrù import; input v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 输送 輸送 shūsòng transport; feeding v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舒展 舒展 shūzhǎn unfold; stretch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疏忽 疏忽 shūhu neglect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 书法 書法 shūfǎ calligraphy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 书刊 書刊 shūkān books and periodicals n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 书面 書面 shūmiàn in written form n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 书写 書寫 shūxiě calligraphy; make out; write v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 书信 書信 shūxìn letter; missive n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 属 屬 shǔ belong to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 树干 樹幹 shùgàn trunk; stock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 竖 豎 shù upright adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 数额 數額 shù'é amount n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 衰老 衰老 shuāilǎo decrepit adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 衰退 衰退 shuāituì decline; break up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 帅 帥 shuài handsome adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爽快 爽快 shuǎngkuài outright; frank adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水产 水產 shuǐchǎn marine lives; aquatic product n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水电 水電 shuǐdiàn hydropower n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水土 水土 shuǐtǔ natural environment and climate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水源 水源 shuǐyuán the source of water n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水灾 水災 shuǐzāi flood n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 水蒸气 水蒸氣 shuǐzhēngqì vapor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 税收 稅收 shuìshōu tax revenue n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 顺序 順序 shùnxù order; sequence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 说谎 說謊 shuō huǎng tell a lie 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 说情 說情 shuō qíng intercede for sb 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斯文 斯文 sīwen gentle; refined adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 思 思 sī think v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 思潮 思潮 sīcháo trends of thought n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 思前想后 思前想後 sī qián xiǎng hòu think over again and again 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 思绪 思緒 sīxù feeling; thinking n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 私营 私營 sīyíng privately owned 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 私有制 私有制 sīyǒuzhì private ownership n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 私自 私自 sīzì without permission; privately adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 司法 司法 sīfǎ judicature n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 司令部 司令部 sīlìngbù command; headquarters n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 死刑 死刑 sǐxíng death penalty; execution n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寺 寺 sì temple n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 四方 四方 sìfāng all sides; all directions n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 四季 四季 sìjì the four seasons n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 四肢 四肢 sìzhī arms and legs; the four limbs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肆 肆 sì four num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 似 似 sì similar; seem v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 似是而非 似是而非 sì shì ér fēi specious; apparently right but actually wrong 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 似笑非笑 似笑非笑 sì xiào fēi xiào a faint on one's face; with a spurious smile 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饲料 飼料 sìliào feedstuff; forage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耸 聳 sǒng shock; lift v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搜 搜 sōu search v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搜查 搜查 sōuchá search for; forage for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 搜索 搜索 sōusuǒ search v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 苏醒 蘇醒 sūxǐng come around v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 俗 俗 sú custom; tacky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 素 素 sù element; plain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 素质 素質 sùzhì quality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 塑造 塑造 sùzào shape; mold; figure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诉讼 訴訟 sùsòng litigate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肃清 肅清 sùqīng root up; sweep v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蒜 蒜 suàn garlic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 算盘 算盤 suànpán abaci n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 算术 算術 suànshù arithmetic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 随时随地 隨時隨地 suí shí suí dì anytime and anywhere 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 随意 隨意 suíyì random; casual adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 随着 隨著 suízhe with prep 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 岁月 歲月 suìyuè years n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 穗 穗 suì fringe n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隧道 隧道 suìdào tunnel n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 笋 筍 sǔn bamboo shoot n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 损耗 損耗 sǔnhào spoil; waste n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 损人利己 損人利己 sǔn rén lì jǐ harm others to benefit oneself 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 损伤 損傷 sǔnshāng injure; harm v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 损 損 sǔn harm; damage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 索性 索性 suǒxìng might as well adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 所得 所得 suǒdé income; earning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 所得税 所得稅 suǒdéshuì income tax n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 所属 所屬 suǒshǔ what one belongs to or is affiliated with adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 所有权 所有權 suǒyǒuquán ownership n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 所有制 所有制 suǒyǒuzhì system of ownership n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 他人 他人 tārén others pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 台风 颱風 táifēng typhoon n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 台阶 臺階 táijiē step; sidestep n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泰然 泰然 tàirán imperturbable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 太空 太空 tàikōng outer space n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 太平 太平 tàipíng peaceful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 太阳能 太陽能 tàiyángnéng solar energy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贪 貪 tān corrupt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贪污 貪污 tānwū defalcate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瘫痪 癱瘓 tānhuàn paralysis v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 痰 痰 tán sputum; phlegm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坛 壇/罈 tán (壇) platform; forum; (罈) jug n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 潭 潭 tán deep pool n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谈天 談天 tán tiān chat 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 坦白 坦白 tǎnbái confess; frank adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 探测 探測 tàncè detect; explore v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 探亲 探親 tàn qīn go home to visit one's family 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 探讨 探討 tàntǎo discuss; probe into v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 探头探脑 探頭探腦 tàn tóu tàn nǎo pop one's head in and look about 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 探望 探望 tànwàng visit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叹 嘆 tàn sigh v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炭 炭 tàn charcoal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 塘 塘 táng pool n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 糖果 糖果 tángguǒ candy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 滔滔不绝 滔滔不絕 tāotāo bù jué dash along; give it mouth 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 桃花 桃花 táohuā peach blossom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逃荒 逃荒 táo huāng flee from famine 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逃跑 逃跑 táopǎo run away; flee v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逃走 逃走 táozǒu escape; flee v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淘气 淘氣 táoqì naughty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淘汰 淘汰 táotài be sifted out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陶瓷 陶瓷 táocí ceramic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讨 討 tǎo ask for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讨价还价 討價還價 tǎo jià huán jià bargain 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特产 特產 tèchǎn special local product n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特地 特地 tèdì specially adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特定 特定 tèdìng specific; given adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特区 特區 tèqū special zone n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特权 特權 tèquán privilege n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特色 特色 tèsè characteristic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特性 特性 tèxìng characteristic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 特意 特意 tèyì specially adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 藤 藤 tēng vine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腾 騰 téng gallop; jump clear out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疼痛 疼痛 téngtòng achy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提案 提案 tí'àn draft resolution; overture; proposal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提拔 提拔 tíbá elevate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提交 提交 tíjiāo put in; refer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提炼 提煉 tíliàn abstract; refine v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提名 提名 tí míng nominate; name 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提取 提取 tíqǔ distill; pick-up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提升 提升 tíshēng upgrade; exalt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提示 提示 tíshì prompt; clue on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提要 提要 tíyào abstract n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 提早 提早 tízǎo ahead of schedule v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 题材 題材 tícái theme; subject n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体 體 tǐ body; style n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体谅 體諒 tǐliàng understand; allow for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体贴 體貼 tǐtiē show consideration for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体验 體驗 tǐyàn experience; taste v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体质 體質 tǐzhì system n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体制 體制 tǐzhì physique; constitution n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 体重 體重 tǐzhòng weight; avoirdupois n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 剃 剃 tì razor; shave v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 替代 替代 tìdài substitute; instead of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 替换 替換 tìhuàn substitute; replace v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天长地久 天長地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ everlasting 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天地 天地 tiāndì heaven and earth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天色 天色 tiānsè time; color of sky n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天生 天生 tiānshēng inherent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天堂 天堂 tiāntáng heaven n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 天线 天線 tiānxiàn antenna n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 填补 填補 tiánbǔ padded; fill up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 填写 填寫 tiánxiě fill in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 田间 田間 tiánjiān farms; field n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 田径 田徑 tiánjìng track and field n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 条款 條款 tiáokuǎn item n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 条理 條理 tiáolǐ consecution n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 条文 條文 tiáowén item n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 条子 條子 tiáozi a brief in formal note n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 调和 調和 tiáohé attempter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 调剂 調劑 tiáojì relief; temper v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 调解 調解 tiáojiě intercede v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挑 挑 tiǎo choose; pick v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挑拨 挑撥 tiǎobō provoke v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挑衅 挑釁 tiǎoxìn defy; defiance v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挑战 挑戰 tiǎo zhàn challenge 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跳高 跳高 tiàogāo high jump n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跳跃 跳躍 tiàoyuè jump; hop; skip v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跳远 跳遠 tiàoyuǎn long jump n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 铁道 鐵道 tiědào railway n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 铁饭碗 鐵飯碗 tiě fànwǎn iron bowl; a secure job 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 听话 聽話 tīng huà persuasible; docile 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 听取 聽取 tīngqǔ hear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 听众 聽眾 tīngzhòng audience; listener n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 停泊 停泊 tíngbó berth tie up; anchor v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 停顿 停頓 tíngdùn pause; halt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 停滞 停滯 tíngzhì stagnate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挺拔 挺拔 tǐngbá tall and straight adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挺立 挺立 tǐnglì stand firm v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 艇 艇 tǐng a light boat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通报 通報 tōngbào circular; circulate a notice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通道 通道 tōngdào alleyway; channels n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通风 通風 tōng fēng ventilate; tip-off 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通告 通告 tōnggào announce; notify n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通航 通航 tōngháng be open to navigation or air traffic v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通红 通紅 tōnghóng aglow adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通货膨胀 通貨膨脹 tōnghuò péngzhàng inflation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通商 通商 tōng shāng have trade relation 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通俗 通俗 tōngsú popular adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通行 通行 tōngxíng traffic; pass v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通讯社 通訊社 tōngxùnshè news agency n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 通用 通用 tōngyòng in common use v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同步 同步 tóngbù synchro- adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同等 同等 tóngděng same; equal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同行 同行 tóngháng a person of the same occupation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同类 同類 tónglèi congener n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同年 同年 tóngnián the same year n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同期 同期 tóngqī the same term n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同事 同事 tóngshì colleague n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 同一 同一 tóngyī identical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 童年 童年 tóngnián childhood n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 捅 捅 tǒng poke; stab v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 统筹 統籌 tǒngchóu plan as a whole v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 统战 統戰 tǒngzhàn united front n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 痛恨 痛恨 tònghèn abhor; abominate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偷窃 偷竊 tōuqiè steal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 偷税 偷稅 tōu shuì evade taxes; tax dodging 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投标 投標 tóu biāo bid for 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投产 投產 tóuchǎn put into production v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投放 投放 tóufàng put in; throw in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投机倒把 投機倒把 tóujī dǎobǎ engage in speculation and profiteering 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投票 投票 tóu piào vote; poll 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投掷 投擲 tóuzhì throw; toss v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 投资 投資 tóu zī invest 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 头子 頭子 tóuzi chief; head n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 透彻 透徹 tòuchè lucid; intensive adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 透明度 透明度 tòumíngdù openness; transparency; diaphaneity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秃 禿 tū bald adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凸 凸 tū protruding adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图案 圖案 tú'àn design; pattern n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图片 圖片 túbiǎo chart; diagram n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图表 圖表 túpiàn picture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图象 圖象 túxiàng image; picture n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图形 圖形 túxíng figure; graph n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 图纸 圖紙 túzhǐ blueprint n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屠杀 屠殺 túshā slaughter v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 团聚 團聚 tuánjù reunite v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 团圆 團圓 tuányuán reunion v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推测 推測 tuīcè speculate; guess; presume v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推来推去 推來推去 tuī lái tuī qù push; decline 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推理 推理 tuīlǐ inference; reasoning n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推论 推論 tuīlùn deduce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推算 推算 tuīsuàn calculate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推销 推銷 tuīxiāo promote sales v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推行 推行 tuīxíng push v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 推选 推選 tuīxuǎn elect; choose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 退出 退出 tuìchū exit; quit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 退还 退還 tuìhuán send back; hand back v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屯 屯 tún collect; village n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拖延 拖延 tuōyán delay; put off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脱落 脫落 tuōluò break off; shed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 椭圆 橢圓 tuǒyuán ellipse n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妥 妥 tuǒ ready; proper adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妥善 妥善 tuǒshàn proper; appropriate adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妥协 妥協 tuǒxié compromise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唾沫 唾沫 tuòmo saliva; spittle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挖掘 挖掘 wājué dig; excavate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě collapse; disorganize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外表 外表 wàibiǎo appearance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外宾 外賓 wàibīn foreign guest n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外出 外出 wàichū outgoing; stay out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外电 外電 wàidiàn dispatches from foreign agency n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外观 外觀 wàiguān aspect; face n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外行 外行 wàiháng laity; nonprofessional n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外汇 外匯 wàihuì foreign exchange n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外力 外力 wàilì outside force n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外流 外流 wàiliú drain; outflow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外婆 外婆 wàipó (mother's mother) grandmother n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外事 外事 wàishì foreign affairs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外向型 外向型 wàixiàngxíng extroversion adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外形 外形 wàixíng figure; shape n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 外资 外資 wàizī foreign capital n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 豌豆 豌豆 wāndòu pea n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 湾 灣 wān bay; gulf n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玩具 玩具 wánjù toy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玩弄 玩弄 wánnòng flirt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 完毕 完畢 wánbì complete; finish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 完蛋 完蛋 wán dàn be finished 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晚餐 晚餐 wǎncān supper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 晚年 晚年 wǎnnián old age; remaining years n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 惋惜 惋惜 wǎnxī regret v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 万水千山 萬水千山 wàn shuǐ qiān shān the trials of a long journey 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汪洋 汪洋 wāngyáng (of a body of water) vast; boundless n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 王 王 wáng king n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 王国 王國 wángguó kingdom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亡 亡 wáng die v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往常 往常 wǎngcháng as one used to do n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往返 往返 wǎngfǎn to and from; out and home v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往后 往後 wǎnghòu in the future n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往年 往年 wǎngnián in former years n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往日 往日 wǎngrì in former days n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 往事 往事 wǎngshì the past n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 望远镜 望遠鏡 wàngyuǎnjìng telescope n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忘却 忘卻 wàngquè forget; disremember v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妄图 妄圖 wàngtú vainly attempt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妄想 妄想 wàngxiǎng mirage; deliria n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 威风 威風 wēifēng power and prestige n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 威力 威力 wēilì might; power n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 威望 威望 wēiwàng prestige n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 威信 威信 wēixìn authority n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 微不足道 微不足道 wēi bù zú dào not worth mentioning; inconsiderable 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 微观 微觀 wēiguān microcosmic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 危急 危急 wēijí critical; impending adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 违法 違法 wéi fǎ break the law 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 违犯 違犯 wéifàn break; disobey v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 桅杆 桅杆 wéigān mast n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 围攻 圍攻 wéigōng lay siege to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 围棋 圍棋 wéiqí the game of go n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯物论 唯物論 wéiwùlùn materialism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯物主义 唯物主義 wéiwù zhǔyì materialism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯心论 唯心論 wéixīnlùn idealism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯心主义 唯心主義 wéixīn zhǔyì idealism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯独 唯獨 wéidú alone; only adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 唯一 唯一 wéiyī only adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 为期 為期 wéiqī (to be completed) by a definite date v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 维修 維修 wéixiū mend; repair v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伪造 偽造 wěizào forge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尾 尾 wěi tail m 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 为何 為何 wèi hé why 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 未免 未免 wèimiǎn rather; a bit too adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畏 畏 wèi fear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畏惧 畏懼 wèijù fear; dread v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 温度计 溫度計 wēndùjì thermometer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 温柔 溫柔 wēnróu soft; mild; gentle adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瘟疫 瘟疫 wēnyì pestilence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文 文 wén writing; character n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文盲 文盲 wénmáng illiterate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文凭 文憑 wénpíng diploma n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文人 文人 wénrén literati; bookman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文献 文獻 wénxiàn literature; document n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文雅 文雅 wényǎ elegant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 文言 文言 wényán classical Chinese n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稳当 穩當 wěndang sure; steady adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 稳妥 穩妥 wěntuǒ reliable; safe adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 问答 問答 wèndá interlocution n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 问世 問世 wènshì spacious; commodious v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 窝 窩 wō cote; nest n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 窝囊 窩囊 wōnang hopeless stupid adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卧室 臥室 wòshì bedroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乌鸦 烏鴉 wūyā crow n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乌云 烏雲 wūyún dark clouds n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 污蔑 污蔑 wūmiè smear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 巫婆 巫婆 wūpó witch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诬陷 誣陷 wūxiàn frame a case against v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 呜咽 嗚咽 wūyè sob v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无偿 無償 wúcháng volunteer adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无耻 無恥 wúchǐ cheeky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无从 無從 wúcóng have no way adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无非 無非 wúfēi nothing but; no more than adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无话可说 無話可說 wú huà kě shuō have nothing to say 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无可奉告 無可奉告 wú kě fèng gào no comment 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无理 無理 wúlǐ out of reason adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无聊 無聊 wúliáo bored; tiresome adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无能为力 無能為力 wú néng wéi lì incapable of action; powerless 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无情无意 無情無意 wú qíng wú yì merciless; ruthless 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无穷 無窮 wúqióng boundless; endless adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无所作为 無所作為 wú suǒ zuò wéi attempt and accomplish nothing 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无微不至 無微不至 wú wēi bù zhì meticulously; in every possible way 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无效 無效 wúxiào no effective adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无意 無意 wúyì have no intention v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 无知 無知 wúzhī ignorant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 梧桐 梧桐 wútóng phoenix tree n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 武力 武力 wǔlì force n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 伍 伍 wǔ five num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舞 舞 wǔ dance v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舞厅 舞廳 wǔtīng ballroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 物 物 wù thing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 物力 物力 wùlì material resources n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勿 勿 wù not adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 务必 務必 wùbì must; be sure to adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悟 悟 wù realize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 误差 誤差 wùchā error n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 误解 誤解 wùjiě misunderstand v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 吸毒 吸毒 xī dú drug abuse 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 膝盖 膝蓋 xīgài knee n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 熄 熄 xī extinguish; put out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 熄灭 熄滅 xīmiè crush out; go out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 溪 溪 xī brook n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 席 席 xí mat; feast; seat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 席位 席位 xíwèi seat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 习俗 習俗 xísú habitude n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 习题 習題 xítí exercise n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 喜 喜 xǐ be fond of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 喜鹊 喜鵲 xǐquè magpie n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 喜事 喜事 xǐshì happy events; wedding n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 喜讯 喜訊 xǐxùn good news n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 洗涤 洗滌 xǐdí wash v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 系列 系列 xìliè series n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 细节 細節 xìjié detail; specific n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 细小 細小 xìxiǎo tiny; scrappy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 峡 峽 xiá gorge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狭隘 狹隘 xiá'ài narrow adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 狭窄 狹窄 xiázhǎi narrow adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 霞 霞 xiá rosy clouds n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下达 下達 xiàdá make know to lower levels v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下放 下放 xiàfàng transfer a lower position v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下级 下級 xiàjí subordinate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下令 下令 xià lìng order; give order 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下落 下落 xiàluò whereabouts n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下台 下臺 xià tái out of power 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 下乡 下鄉 xià xiāng go to the countryside 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掀起 掀起 xiānqǐ lift (a cover) v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 先锋 先鋒 xiānfēng pioneer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 先前 先前 xiānqián anteriority n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 先行 先行 xiānxíng antecedent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 仙女 仙女 xiānnǚ fairy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鲜红 鮮紅 xiānhóng cardinal red adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 弦 弦 xián chord n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嫌疑 嫌疑 xiányí suspicion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贤惠 賢惠 xiánhuì virtuous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 衔 銜 xián hold in mouth v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 衔接 銜接 xiánjiē link up; join v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 显 顯 xiǎn show; display v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 显而易见 顯而易見 xiǎn ér yì jiàn obviously; stick out a mile 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 显微镜 顯微鏡 xiǎn wēi jìng microscope n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 现场 現場 xiànchǎng locale n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 现金 現金 xiànjīn cash n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 现钱 現錢 xiànqián ready money n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 现行 現行 xiànxíng current; in effect adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 现状 現狀 xiànzhuàng status quo; n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 献身 獻身 xiàn shēn devotion; dedicate to 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 县长 縣長 xiànzhǎng the head of a county n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陷儿 陷兒 xiàn'er stuffing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陷害 陷害 xiànhài frame up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 陷入 陷入 xiànrù plunge; run into v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 限 限 xiàn limit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 限度 限度 xiàndù limit; bound n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 限期 限期 xiànqī time limit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 限于 限於 xiànyú limit to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 线索 線索 xiànsuǒ clue; key n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相比 相比 xiāngbǐ compare v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相差 相差 xiāngchà differ v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相等 相等 xiāngděng be equal to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相符 相符 xiāngfú tally with; conform to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相关 相關 xiāngguān correlate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相继 相繼 xiāngjì one after the other adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相交 相交 xiāngjiāo intersect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相识 相識 xiāngshí be acquainted with each other v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相通 相通 xiāngtōng communicate with each other v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 相应 相應 xiāngyìng homologous; relevant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镶 鑲 xiāng inlay v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 香味 香味 xiāngwèi fragrance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乡亲 鄉親 xiāngqīn villager; local people n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 想方设法 想方設法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ do everything possible; try every means 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 响声 響聲 xiǎngshēng noise; sound n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 享福 享福 xiǎng fú enjoy a happy life 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 享乐 享樂 xiǎnglè enjoy; feast v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 享有 享有 xiǎngyǒu have; own v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 项链 項鏈 xiàngliàn necklace n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 橡胶 橡膠 xiàngjiāo rubber n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 橡皮 橡皮 xiàngpí eraser n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 向往 向往 xiàngwǎng yearn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 象棋 象棋 xiàngqí chess n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 象样 象樣 xiàng yàng up to the mark; presentable 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 销 銷 xiāo sell; cancel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 销毁 銷毀 xiāohuǐ destroy by melting or burning v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 销路 銷路 xiāolù market n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 销售 銷售 xiāoshòu sell v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 消 消 xiāo disappear; remove v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小鬼 小鬼 xiǎoguǐ devilkin; little devil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小米 小米 xiǎomǐ millet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小数 小數 xiǎoshù decimal fraction n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小数点 小數點 xiǎoshùdiǎn radix point n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小提琴 小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小心翼翼 小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn yìyì with great care 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小型 小型 xiǎoxíng small-scale adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小学生 小學生 xiǎoxuéshēng pupil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 小子 小子 xiǎozi boy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 校徽 校徽 xiàohuī school-badge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 校园 校園 xiàoyuán campus n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肖像 肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 效力 效力 xiàolì affect; force n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 效益 效益 xiàoyì benefit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 孝顺 孝順 xiàoshùn obedient adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 协调 協調 xiétiáo assort with; correspond v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 协商 協商 xiéshāng negotiate about; consult with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 协议 協議 xiéyì agreement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 挟持 挾持 xiéchí hold sb, under duress v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邪 邪 xié evil adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 携带 攜帶 xiédài take with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泻 瀉 xiè have diarrhea; rush down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泄 泄 xiè let out; v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泄露 泄露 xièlòu let out; leak; divulge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 泄气 泄氣 xiè qì pathetic; feel discouraged 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 谢绝 謝絕 xièjué refuse v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 屑 屑 xiè bits; crumb v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 锌 鋅 xīn zinc n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 欣欣向荣 欣欣向榮 xīnxīn xiàng róng flourishing; prosperous 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新陈代谢 新陳代謝 xīn chén dàixiè metabolism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新房 新房 xīnfáng bridal chamber n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新近 新近 xīnjìn recent; late n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新郎 新郎 xīnláng bridegroom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新娘 新娘 xīnniáng bride n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新人 新人 xīnrén new personality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新兴 新興 xīnxīng rising; jumped-up adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 新颖 新穎 xīnyǐng original; novel adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心里 心裡 xīnli in the mind n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心灵 心靈 xīnlíng heart; soul n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心目 心目 xīnmù mental view n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心疼 心疼 xīnténg feel distressed; love dearly v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心头 心頭 xīntóu mind n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心血 心血 xīnxuè painstaking effort n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心眼儿 心眼兒 xīnyǎn'er mind; idea n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心愿 心願 xīnyuàn wish n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 心中 心中 xīnzhōng in mind n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 薪水 薪水 xīnshuǐ(xīnjīn) stipend; salary n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信贷 信貸 xìndài credit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信件 信件 xìnjiàn letter n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信赖 信賴 xìnlài trust; rely v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信仰 信仰 xìnyǎng believe in v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信用 信用 xìnyòng credit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 信誉 信譽 xìnyù credit standing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 星 星 xīng star n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 腥 腥 xīng the smell of fish adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兴 興 xīng prosper; rise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兴办 興辦 xīngbàn set up; initiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兴建 興建 xīngjiàn build; construct v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兴起 興起 xīngqǐ rise; spring up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兴旺 興旺 xīngwàng prosperous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刑 刑 xíng punishment n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刑场 刑場 xíngchǎng execution ground n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刑法 刑法 xíngfǎ criminal law n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 刑事 刑事 xíngshì criminal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 型 型 xíng type; model n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 型号 型號 xínghào model; type n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 形 形 xíng body; form n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 形而上学 形而上學 xíng'érshàngxué metaphysics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 行程 行程 xíngchéng journey n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 行贿 行賄 xíng huì bribe 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 行径 行徑 xíngjìng act; move n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 行军 行軍 xíng jūn march 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 行使 行使 xíngshǐ perform; exercise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幸好 幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幸运 幸運 xìngyùn lucky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 性命 性命 xìngmìng life n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 性情 性情 xìngqíng temper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杏 杏 xìng apricot n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兄 兄 xiōng elder brother n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凶狠 凶狠 xiōnghěn fierce and malicious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胸怀 胸懷 xiōnghuái mind; heart n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 凶猛 凶猛 xiōngměng feral; savage adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 胸膛 胸膛 xiōngtáng thoraces n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汹涌 洶涌 xiōngyǒng surge; popple v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雄厚 雄厚 xiónghòu rich; abundant adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雄壮 雄壯 xióngzhuàng sturdy; strong adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 熊 熊 xióng bear n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 休养 休養 xiūyǎng relax; recuperate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 修订 修訂 xiūdìng revise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 修复 修復 xiūfù repair; restore v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 修养 修養 xiūyǎng training; good manners n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 羞耻 羞恥 xiūchǐ ashamed adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嗅 嗅 xiù smell; scent v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 秀丽 秀麗 xiùlì beautiful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 袖子 袖子 xiùzi sleeve n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 需求 需求 xūqiú requirement; demand n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 虚 虛 xū weak; empty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 虚假 虛假 xūjiǎ illusive; mendacious adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 虚弱 虛弱 xūruò weak adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 虚伪 虛偽 xūwěi hypocritical adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 须知 須知 xūzhī notice; information n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 徐徐 徐徐 xúxú gently; slowly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 许可 許可 xǔkě admit; allow v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蓄 蓄 xù store up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酗酒 酗酒 xùjiǔ keep to the bottle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 叙谈 敘談 xùtán chat; chitchat v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 序言 序言 xùyán prologue n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畜产品 畜產品 xùchǎnpǐn livestock product n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 畜牧 畜牧 xùmù pasturage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 絮叨 絮叨 xùdao wordy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 续 續 xù continue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宣称 宣稱 xuānchēng claim; assert v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宣读 宣讀 xuāndú read out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宣誓 宣誓 xuān shì swear; take a oath 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宣扬 宣揚 xuānyáng publicize; propagate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悬挂 懸掛 xuánguà hang v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 悬念 懸念 xuánniàn reader's involvement n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旋 旋 xuán spin; circle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 旋律 旋律 xuánlǜ rhythm; tune n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选拔 選拔 xuǎnbá choose; select v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选定 選定 xuǎndìng make a choice of; choose; select v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选集 選集 xuǎnjí selected works anthology n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选民 選民 xuǎnmín electorate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选取 選取 xuǎnqǔ choose; select v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选手 選手 xuǎnshǒu player n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 选用 選用 xuǎnyòng choose; select v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 削减 削減 xuējiǎn cut; minify; whittle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 削弱 削弱 xuēruò weaken; cripple v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 靴子 靴子 xuēzi boot n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 学历 學歷 xuélì educational background n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 学派 學派 xuépài school; school of thought n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 穴 穴 xué hole; socket n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雪白 雪白 xuěbái snow-white adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 血压 血壓 xuèyā blood pressure n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 熏 熏 xūn fume; smoke v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 循序渐进 循序漸進 xún xù jiàn jìn follow in order and advance step by step 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 巡逻 巡邏 xúnluó patrol v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寻求 尋求 xúnqiú seek v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 训 訓 xùn teach; train v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 讯 訊 xùn news; message n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 压抑 壓抑 yāyì oppress; overbear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 压韵 壓韻 yā yùn jingle; rhyme 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鸦片 鴉片 yāpiàn opium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 崖 崖 yá cliff n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 哑 啞 yǎ mute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 轧 軋 yà roll steel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烟草 煙草 yāncǎo tobacco n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烟卷儿 煙卷兒 yānjuǎn'er cigarette n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 烟雾 煙霧 yānwù smoke n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淹没 淹沒 yānmò mourn for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 严寒 嚴寒 yánhán freezing adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 严峻 嚴峻 yánjùn stern; serious; harsh adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 延缓 延緩 yánhuǎn delay; put off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 延期 延期 yán qī put off; defer 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 延伸 延伸 yánshēn extend; stretch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 延续 延續 yánxù continue v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 言 言 yán talk; word n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 言语 言語 yányǔ word; diction n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 言论 言論 yánlùn saying; speech n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炎热 炎熱 yánrè fervent; hot adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沿岸 沿岸 yán'àn coast n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沿途 沿途 yántú on the way n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掩 掩 yǎn cover; hide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掩饰 掩飾 yǎnshì cover up; conceal v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 眼力 眼力 yǎnlì vision n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 眼色 眼色 yǎnsè meaningful glance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 眼神 眼神 yǎnshén expression in one's eyes n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 眼下 眼下 yǎnxià at this stage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演变 演變 yǎnbiàn evolve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演唱 演唱 yǎnchàng sing v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演讲 演講 yǎnjiǎng give a lecture v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演算 演算 yǎnsuàn perform mathematical calculations v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演习 演習 yǎnxí rehearse v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 演奏 演奏 yǎnzòu perform v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宴请 宴請 yànqǐng entertain; fete v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宴席 宴席 yànxí feast; banquet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 验 驗 yàn check; test v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 验收 驗收 yànshōu check and accept v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 验证 驗證 yànzhèng test and verify v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杨树 楊樹 yángshù poplar n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阳 陽 yáng sun; positive adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 氧 氧 yǎng oxygen n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 痒 癢 yǎng itchy adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 养分 養分 yǎngfèn nutrient n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 养活 養活 yǎnghuo feed; support v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 养育 養育 yǎngyù foster v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 养殖 養殖 yǎngzhí breed; raise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 样品 樣品 yàngpǐn sample n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邀 邀 yāo invite v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 妖怪 妖怪 yāoguài genie; bugaboo n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遥控 遙控 yáokòng remote control v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 药材 藥材 yàocái medicinal materials n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 要领 要領 yàolǐng essential; main points n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 要么 要麼 yàome or conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 要命 要命 yào mìng confoundedly; awfully 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 要素 要素 yàosù factor; element n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 耀眼 耀眼 yàoyǎn dazzling adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 野 野 yě wild adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 野蛮 野蠻 yěmán wild; truculent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 野生 野生 yěshēng wild adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 野外 野外 yěwài open country n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 野心 野心 yěxīn ambition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冶炼 冶煉 yěliàn smelt v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 夜班 夜班 yèbān night shift n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 液 液 yè fluid; liquid n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一辈子 一輩子 yībèizi a lifetime n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一旦 一旦 yīdàn once; in case adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一度 一度 yīdù once adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一概 一概 yīgài entirely adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一概而论 一概而論 yīgài ér lùn lump together al and sundry; lump under one head 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一个劲儿 一個勁兒 yīgejìn'er persistently adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一贯 一貫 yīguàn all along; then as now adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一哄而散 一哄而散 yī hòng ér sàn break up in a hubbub 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一会儿…一会儿 一會兒…一會兒 yīhuì'er … yīhuì'er … now and then; a little while 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一技之长 一技之長 yī jì zhī cháng professional skill; specially 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一律 一律 yīlǜ all and singular adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一帆风顺 一帆風順 yī fān fēng shùn plain sailing 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一干二净 一乾二凈 yī gān èr jìng completely; thoroughly 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一举 一舉 yījǔ at one swoop adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一毛不拔 一毛不拔 yì máo bù bá miserly; very stingy; unwilling to give up even a hair 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一身 一身 yīshēn all over the body n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一手 一手 yīshǒu trick; skill n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 一头 一頭 yītóu wholeheartedly adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 壹 壹 yī one num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 医 醫 yī cure; doctor v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 医务 醫務 yīwù medical affairs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 医药 醫藥 yīyào medicine n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 医治 醫治 yīzhì cure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 依 依 yī depend on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 依次 依次 yīcì in turn adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 依赖 依賴 yīlài depend on; reply on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 衣裳 衣裳 yīshang clothes n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遗传 遺傳 yíchuán inheritance; inherit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遗失 遺失 yíshī lose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遗体 遺體 yítǐ the remains of deceased person n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遗址 遺址 yízhǐ site; ruin n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 移民 移民 yí mín migrant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疑惑 疑惑 yíhuò doubt; disbelieve v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 疑难 疑難 yínán difficult adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 以免 以免 yǐmiǎn for fear; lest conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 以身作则 以身作則 yǐ shēn zuò zé set oneself an example to others 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 以往 以往 yǐwǎng in the past n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 以致于 以致於 yǐzhìyú so that conj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亿万 億萬 yìwàn hundreds of millions num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 亦 亦 yì too; also adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 意料 意料 yìliào expect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 意图 意圖 yìtú purpose; offer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 意向 意向 yìxiàng will; intent n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 毅然 毅然 yìrán resolutely adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忆 憶 yì recall v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 议案 議案 yì'àn proposal; motion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 议程 議程 yìchéng agenda n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 议定书 議定書 yìdìngshū protocol n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 议员 議員 yìyuán Congressman n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 译员 譯員 yìyuán interpreter n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 异 異 yì different adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 羿 羿 yì wing n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 因 因 yīn cause; reason n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 音响 音響 yīnxiǎng stereo; sound; acoustics n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阴暗 陰暗 yīn'àn dark; overcast adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 淫秽 淫穢 yínhuì nasty; obscene adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饮 飲 yǐn drink v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饮食 飲食 yǐnshí food and drink n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 饮水思源 飲水思源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán never forget where one's happiness comes from 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 引人注目 引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù conspicuous; noticeable 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 引入 引入 yǐnrù import; introduce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 引用 引用 yǐnyòng quote v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 引诱 引誘 yǐnyòu tempt; entice v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隐蔽 隱蔽 yǐnbì lie up; take cover v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隐藏 隱藏 yǐncáng hide; ensconce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 隐瞒 隱瞞 yǐnmán keep in; hush up; hide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 英俊 英俊 yīngjùn handsome adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 鹰 鷹 yīng eagle; hawk n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 樱花 櫻花 yīnghuā cherry blossom n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 营 營 yíng camp n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蝇子 蠅子 yíngzi fly n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 迎面 迎面 yíng miàn head-on 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赢得 贏得 yíngdé win; bear off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 盈利 盈利 yínglì profit; gain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 硬件 硬件 yìngjiàn hardware n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 映 映 yìng reflect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拥有 擁有 yōngyǒu hold; possess of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 庸俗 庸俗 yōngsú philistine; tacky adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 涌现 涌現 yǒngxiàn come to the fore v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 永垂不朽 永垂不朽 yǒng chuí bù xiǔ immortal 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 永久 永久 yǒngjiǔ permanent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勇士 勇士 yǒngshì warrior n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 勇于 勇於 yǒngyú have the courage to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 用法 用法 yòngfǎ usage n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 用户 用戶 yònghù user; consumer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 用具 用具 yòngjù appliance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 用人 用人 yòngren servant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 用意 用意 yòngyì purpose; intention n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幽静 幽靜 yōujìng sequester adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幽默 幽默 yōumò humorous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 优 優 yōu excellent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 优惠 優惠 yōuhuì preferential; favorable adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 优先 優先 yōuxiān first; preferential adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 优异 優異 yōuyì excellent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 优质 優質 yōuzhì high quality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忧虑 憂慮 yōulǜ worry v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忧郁 憂鬱 yōuyù heavy-hearted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 由此可见 由此可見 yóu cǐ kě jiàn thus it can be seen 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邮电 郵電 yóudiàn post and telecommunication n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邮购 郵購 yóugòu mail order v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邮寄 郵寄 yóujì mail v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 邮政 郵政 yóuzhèng post n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 铀 鈾 yóu uranium n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 犹如 猶如 yóurú just as; like v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 油菜 油菜 yóucài rape n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 油画 油畫 yóuhuà painting n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 油料 油料 yóuliào oil plants n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 油漆 油漆 yóuqī oil paint n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 游击 游擊 yóujī guerrilla v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 游客 游客 yóukè tourist n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 游人 游人 yóurén tourist n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 有待 有待 yǒudài await v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 有害 有害 yǒu hài harmful 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 有口无心 有口無心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn be sharp-tongued but not malicious 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 有声有色 有聲有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè vivid and dramatic 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 友情 友情 yǒuqíng friendship n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 友人 友人 yǒurén friend n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诱 誘 yòu entice; lure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诱惑 誘惑 yòuhuò tempt; lure v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 幼 幼 yòu young adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 愚昧 愚昧 yúmèi fatuous; benighted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舆论 輿論 yúlùn consensus public opinion n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 渔业 漁業 yúyè fish culture; fishery n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 榆树 榆樹 yúshù elm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 予 予 yǔ give v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 予以 予以 yǔyǐ give v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雨伞 雨傘 yǔsǎn umbrella n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 雨水 雨水 yǔshuǐ rain n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 与此同时 與此同時 yǔ cǐ tóng shí at the same time 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 与会 與會 yǔ huì attend a meeting 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 羽毛 羽毛 yǔmáo feather n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 玉 玉 yù jade n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 愈 愈 yù more; recover adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 欲 欲 yù wish; want v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 欲望 欲望 yùwàng desire; appetite n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寓 寓 yù reside v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预测 預測 yùcè forecast v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预定 預定 yùdìng book; engage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预订 預訂 yùdìng book; subscribe for v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预计 預計 yùjì foresee; estimate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预见 預見 yùjiàn foresee n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预料 預料 yùliào anticipate; expect; predict v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预期 預期 yùqī expect; anticipate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预赛 預賽 yùsài preliminary match n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预算 預算 yùsuàn budget n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预言 預言 yùyán predict n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 预约 預約 yùyuē make an appointment v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 冤 冤 yuān injustice; bad luck adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 元件 元件 yuánjiàn element; organ n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 元首 元首 yuánshǒu head of state n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 原 原 yuán original adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 原材料 原材料 yuáncáiliào raw and processed materials n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 原告 原告 yuángào accuser n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 原油 原油 yuányóu base oil; crude oil n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 原子能 原子能 yuánzǐnéng atomic energy n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 园 園 yuán garden n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 源 源 yuán fountain; source n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 源泉 源泉 yuánquán headspring n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 远大 遠大 yuǎndà long-range adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 远方 遠方 yuǎnfāng far distance n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 远景 遠景 yuǎnjǐng distance; future n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 曰 曰 yuē call; say v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 约束 約束 yuēshù bind; restrain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 越冬 越冬 yuè dōng live through the winter 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 越过 越過 yuèguò get across; hurdle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 跃 躍 yuè jump v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 月份 月份 yuèfèn month n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乐曲 樂曲 yuèqǔ musical composition n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 乐队 樂隊 yuèduì band n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阅 閱 yuè read v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 云彩 雲彩 yúncai cloud n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 匀 勻 yún divide evenly; even adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 运送 運送 yùnsòng carry v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 运算 運算 yùnsuàn calculate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 运行 運行 yùnxíng circulate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蕴藏 蘊藏 yùncáng hold in store; contain v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酝酿 醞釀 yùnniàng brew v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 孕育 孕育 yùnyù gestate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杂交 雜交 zájiāo hybridize v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 杂乱 雜亂 záluàn disorderly adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 咋 咋 zǎ why; how; 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 栽培 栽培 zāipéi grow; educate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灾荒 災荒 zāihuāng famine due to crop failures n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宰 宰 zǎi butcher v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 再生产 再生產 zǎishēngchǎn reproduction n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 在乎 在乎 zàihu care about v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 在意 在意 zài yì care about 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 攒 攢 zǎn assemble; save money v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暂 暫 zàn temporarily adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 暂且 暫且 zànqiě for the moment adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赞赏 贊賞 zànshǎng admire; praise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赞叹 贊嘆 zàntàn highly praise v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赞同 贊同 zàntóng agree with v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 赞助 贊助 zànzhù support; sponsor v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葬 葬 zàng bury v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 葬礼 葬禮 zànglǐ funeral n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遭殃 遭殃 zāo yāng suffer disaster 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 糟蹋 糟蹋 zāotà waste; ruin; spoil v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 枣 棗 zǎo Chinese date n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 早点 早點 zǎodiǎn breakfast n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 早日 早日 zǎorì early; soon adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 噪音 噪音 zàoyīn noise n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 造反 造反 zào fǎn rebel; insurgence 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 造价 造價 zàojià cost n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 造型 造型 zàoxíng model; mold n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 灶 灶 zào kitchen range n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 责怪 責怪 zéguài blame v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 责任制 責任制 zérènzhì system of job responsibility n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 贼 賊 zéi thief n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怎 怎 zěn how; what pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 怎么着 怎麼著 zěnmezhe why pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 增 增 zēng add; increase v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 增设 增設 zēngshè increase; augment v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 增添 增添 zēngtiān add; superinduce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 增援 增援 zēngyuán reinforce v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 闸 閘 zhá brake n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 眨 眨 zhǎ wink; blink v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炸弹 炸彈 zhàdàn bomb n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 炸药 炸藥 zhàyào dynamite; detonator n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诈骗 詐騙 zhàpiàn defraud; swindle v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 榨 榨 zhà wring; squeeze v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 摘要 摘要 zhāiyào summary; brief n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 寨 寨 zhài stockade village n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 债务 債務 zhàiwù debt n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 瞻仰 瞻仰 zhānyǎng look at with reverence v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沾光 沾光 zhān guāng benefit from association with sb 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斩 斬 zhǎn cut; behead v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斩草除根 斬草除根 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn cut the weeds and dig up the roots 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 斩钉截铁 斬釘截鐵 zhǎn dīng jié tiě resolute and decisive 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 展示 展示 zhǎnshì lay out; display v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 展望 展望 zhǎnwàng prospect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 展现 展現 zhǎnxiàn express; show v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 展销 展銷 zhǎnxiāo display and sell v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 占据 占據 zhànjù hold; take up; inhabit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 战 戰 zhàn fight v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 战役 戰役 zhànyì battle; campaign n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 站岗 站崗 zhàn gǎng point duty 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 章程 章程 zhāngchéng statute; rule n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掌 掌 zhǎng palm n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掌管 掌管 zhǎngguǎn in charge of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 涨价 漲價 zhǎng jià rise in price 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 招聘 招聘 zhāopìn invite applications for a job v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 招生 招生 zhāo shēng enroll new student 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 招收 招收 zhāoshōu take in; recruit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 朝气 朝氣 zhāoqì youthful spirit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 朝气蓬勃 朝氣蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful spirit 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 朝三暮四 朝三暮四 zhāo sān mù sì blow hot and cold; play fast and loose 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 沼泽 沼澤 zhǎozé swamp; morass n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 兆 兆 zhào mega num 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照会 照會 zhàohuì memo; note n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照旧 照舊 zhàojiù as usual adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照料 照料 zhàoliào take care of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照射 照射 zhàoshè irradiate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 照应 照應 zhàoying look to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 折腾 折騰 zhēteng turn over; toss about v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 这么着 這麼著 zhèmezhe like this; such pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 真诚 真誠 zhēnchéng faithful; honor adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 真是的 真是的 zhēn shì de be really terrible 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 真相 真相 zhēnxiàng fact; truth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 真心 真心 zhēnxīn sincere; wholehearted n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侦察 偵察 zhēnchá spy; scout v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侦探 偵探 zhēntàn detective n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诊断 診斷 zhěnduàn diagnose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 震荡 震蕩 zhèndàng shake; vibrate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 震惊 震驚 zhènjīng astound v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 振 振 zhèn shake; flap v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 振奋 振奮 zhènfèn hearten v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 振兴 振興 zhènxīng vitalize; develop; promote v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镇 鎮 zhèn ease; press down v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 镇定 鎮定 zhèndìng cool; calm adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阵容 陣容 zhènróng lineup n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阵线 陣線 zhènxiàn front n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阵营 陣營 zhènyíng camp n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 正月 正月 zhēngyuè the first month of the lunar year n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蒸 蒸 zhēng steam v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 征收 徵收 zhēngshōu assess upon v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 争吵 爭吵 zhēngchǎo quarrel v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 争端 爭端 zhēngduān issue n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 争气 爭氣 zhēng qì try to make a good showing 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 争先恐后 爭先恐後 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu strive to be the first; vie with each other 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 争议 爭議 zhēngyì dispute v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 整洁 整潔 zhěngjié tidy; neat; clean adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 整数 整數 zhěngshù integer n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 整天 整天 zhěngtiān all day n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 整整 整整 zhěngzhěng full adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 正比 正比 zhèngbǐ direct ratio n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 正规 正規 zhèngguī formal adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 正气 正氣 zhèngqì healthy atmosphere n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 正巧 正巧 zhèngqiǎo just in time adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 政变 政變 zhèngbiàn coup n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 政协 政協 zhèngxié the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 症 癥 zhèng illness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 郑重 鄭重 zhèngzhòng solemn adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 证 證 zhèng card; certificate n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 芝麻 芝麻 zhīma sesame n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支部 支部 zhībù branch n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支撑 支撐 zhīchēng support; crutch v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支出 支出 zhīchū payout; expend n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支付 支付 zhīfù pay; defray v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支票 支票 zhīpiào check n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 支柱 支柱 zhīzhù mainstay; backbone n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 知觉 知覺 zhījué feeling; consciousness n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 脂肪 脂肪 zhīfáng fat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 汁 汁 zhī juice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指甲 指甲 zhǐjia fingernail n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 职称 職稱 zhíchēng the title of a technical post n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 职能 職能 zhínéng function n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 职权 職權 zhíquán power; authority n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 职务 職務 zhíwù headship; duty; position n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 直播 直播 zhíbō live broadcast v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 直辖市 直轄市 zhíxiáshì municipality directly under the Central Government n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 直线 直線 zhíxiàn beeline n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 直至 直至 zhízhì up to; till v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 植 植 zhí plant v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 殖民主义 殖民主義 zhímín zhǔyì colonialism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 执法 執法 zhífǎ execute the law v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 执勤 執勤 zhí qín be on duty 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 执照 執照 zhízhào license n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 执政 執政 zhí zhèng come into power 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 值班 值班 zhí bān on duty 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 侄子 侄子 zhízi nephew n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指定 指定 zhǐdìng appoint; designate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指令 指令 zhǐlìng order; instruction n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指明 指明 zhǐmíng point out; designate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指手划脚 指手划腳 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo make indiscreet remarks or criticism 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指望 指望 zhǐwang expect; figure on n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 指针 指針 zhǐzhēn index; finger n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 只顾 只顧 zhǐgù merely; simply; be absorbed in adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 只管 只管 zhǐguǎn by all means adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 只能 只能 zhǐnéng can but adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纸张 紙張 zhǐzhāng paper n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 志 志 zhì ideal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 志气 志氣 zhìqì ambition; backbone; spirit n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 掷 擲 zhì throw v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 至多 至多 zhìduō by most adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 致词 致詞 zhì cí address; oration 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 致电 致電 zhì diàn send a telegram 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 致富 致富 zhì fù become rich; acquire wealth 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 致敬 致敬 zhìjìng hail; greet v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 致使 致使 zhìshǐ lead v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 置 置 zhì put; set up; install v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 制裁 制裁 zhìcái punish v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 制服 制服 zhìfú tame; overmaster n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 制品 製品 zhìpǐn product; goods n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 制约 制約 zhìyuē restrict v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 智力 智力 zhìlì intellect n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 智能 智能 zhìnéng aptitude; capacity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 质变 質變 zhìbiàn qualitative change n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 质朴 質樸 zhìpǔ unpretending; unvarnished adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 治安 治安 zhì'ān public order; police n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 治理 治理 zhìlǐ administer; govern v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中等 中等 zhōngděng medium; middling adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中立 中立 zhōnglì neutrality v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中秋 中秋 zhōngqiū mid-autumn n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中途 中途 zhōngtú midway n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中型 中型 zhōngxíng medium-sized adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中游 中游 zhōngyóu middle reaches of a river n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 中原 中原 zhōngyuán Central Plains n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忠于 忠於 zhōngyú cleave; stick by v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 忠贞 忠貞 zhōngzhēn honest; loyal and steadfast adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钟表 鐘表 zhōngbiǎo clock n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钟点 鐘點 zhōngdiǎn hours; time n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终 終 zhōng end; finally adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终点 終點 zhōngdiǎn terminal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终端 終端 zhōngduān terminal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终究 終究 zhōngjiū after all adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终年 終年 zhōngnián all year long n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 终止 終止 zhōngzhǐ stop; end v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 种种 種種 zhǒngzhǒng a variety of adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 种族 種族 zhǒngzú race n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 肿瘤 腫瘤 zhǒngliú neoplasm; tumor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 种地 種地 zhòng dì cultivate 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 重工业 重工業 zhònggōngyè heavy industry n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 重心 重心 zhòngxīn center of gravity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 重型 重型 zhòngxíng heavy-duty adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 众 眾 zhòng many adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 众多 眾多 zhòngduō numerous adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 众人 眾人 zhòngrén everybody n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 众所周知 眾所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī as everyone knows; it is common knowledge that 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 众议院 眾議院 zhòngyìyuàn house of representatives n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 舟 舟 zhōu boat n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 周密 周密 zhōumì thorough; careful adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 周期 周期 zhōuqī period cycle n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 周折 周折 zhōuzhé twists and turns setbacks n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 周转 周轉 zhōuzhuǎn turn over v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 州 州 zhōu state n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 洲 洲 zhōu continent n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 昼夜 晝夜 zhòuyè day and night n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 珠子 珠子 zhūzi bead n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诸如此类 諸如此類 zhū rú cǐ lèi and all that; and so on 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 诸位 諸位 zhūwèi every one pron 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 逐年 逐年 zhúnián year after year adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拄 拄 zhǔ lean on a stick v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嘱托 囑托 zhǔtuō entrust v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主 主 zhǔ owner; host n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主办 主辦 zhǔbàn sponsor; hold v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主编 主編 zhǔbiān editor in chief n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主管 主管 zhǔguǎn in charge of v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主导 主導 zhǔdǎo leading; dominant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主流 主流 zhǔliú mainstream n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主人翁 主人翁 zhǔrénwēng master; hero n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主食 主食 zhǔshí staple food n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主题 主題 zhǔtí topic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主体 主體 zhǔtǐ principal part n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 主义 主義 zhǔyì -ism n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 著 著 zhù write; book v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 助长 助長 zhùzhǎng foster; encourage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 助理 助理 zhùlǐ assistant n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 铸造 鑄造 zhùzào found v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 筑 築 zhù build v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 住房 住房 zhùfáng housing; lodging n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 住所 住所 zhùsuǒ habitation; residence n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 注册 註冊 zhùcè enroll; register v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 注解 註解 zhùjiě note; annotation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 注目 注目 zhùmù fix one's eyes on v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 注释 註釋 zhùshì note; annotation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 注重 注重 zhùzhòng pay attention to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 祝福 祝福 zhùfú bless; benediction v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 驻扎 駐扎 zhùzhā be stationed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 爪 爪 zhuǎ claw n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 拽 拽 zhuài drag; haul v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专长 專長 zhuāncháng specialty n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专程 專程 zhuānchéng special trip adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专科 專科 zhuānkē special course n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专利 專利 zhuānlì patent n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专人 專人 zhuānrén person specially assigned for a task n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专题 專題 zhuāntí special topic n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专业户 專業戶 zhuānyèhù specialized households n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专用 專用 zhuānyòng for a special purpose v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 专制 專制 zhuānzhì despotism; autarchy v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 转换 轉換 zhuǎnhuàn transform v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 转交 轉交 zhuǎnjiāo deliver to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 转让 轉讓 zhuǎnràng make over; transfer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 转向 轉向 zhuǎnxiàng turn to; veer v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 转折 轉折 zhuǎnzhé turn v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传 傳 zhuàn biography n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 传记 傳記 zhuànjì biography n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 庄 莊 zhuāng village n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 庄重 莊重 zhuāngzhòng grand; superb adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 装配 裝配 zhuāngpèi set up; assemblage v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 装卸 裝卸 zhuāngxiè load and unload v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 壮观 壯觀 zhuàngguān grand; sublime adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 壮烈 壯烈 zhuàngliè brave; heroic adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 壮志 壯志 zhuàngzhì lofty ideal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 追查 追查 zhuīchá investigate; trace v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 追悼 追悼 zhuīdào flood; submerge v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 追赶 追趕 zhuīgǎn chase; run after v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 追究 追究 zhuījiū find out; investigate v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 追问 追問 zhuīwèn question closely; examine minutely v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 准许 準許 zhǔnxǔ permit v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 准则 準則 zhǔnzē rule; guide line n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 卓越 卓越 zhuōyuè super excellent adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 啄 啄 zhuó peck v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 酌情 酌情 zhuó qíng take the circumstance into consideration 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 着 著 zhuó wear v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 着想 著想 zhuóxiǎng consider v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 咨询 咨詢 zīxún refer; consult v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 资产 資產 zīchǎn capital; asset n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 资助 資助 zīzhù give financial aid v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 滋长 滋長 zīzhǎng grow; develop v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 滋味 滋味 zīwèi flavor; relish n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 籽 籽 zǐ seed n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 子弟 子弟 zǐdì junior; children n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 子孙 子孫 zǐsūn progeny n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自悲 自悲 zìbēi self-abased adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自发 自發 zìfā spontaneous; unprompted adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自负盈亏 自負盈虧 zì fù yíng kuī assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自古 自古 zì gǔ from of old 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自力更生 自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng self-dependence 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自杀 自殺 zìshā suicide v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自私自利 自私自利 zì sī zì lì self-concern; selfish 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自卫 自衛 zìwèi self-defense v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自行 自行 zìxíng by oneself adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 自由市场 自由市場 zìyóu shìchǎng free market 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 踪迹 蹤跡 zōngjì tail; trail; trace n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 宗旨 宗旨 zōngzhǐ tenet n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 棕色 棕色 zōngsè brown n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总的来说 總的來說 zǒng de lái shuō in general 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总督 總督 zǒngdū governor n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总额 總額 zǒng'é amount n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总和 總和 zǒnghé summation n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总计 總計 zǒngjì totalize; summed v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总数 總數 zǒngshù gross; total n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总司令 總司令 zǒngsīlìng commander in chief n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 总务 總務 zǒngwù general affairs n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 纵横 縱橫 zònghéng with great ease in length and breadth adj 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 走访 走訪 zǒufǎng call on; interview v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 走狗 走狗 zǒugǒu flunky; hatchet man n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 走漏 走漏 zǒulòu leak out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 走私 走私 zǒu sī smuggle 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 走向 走向 zǒuxiàng make for; tend n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 奏 奏 zòu play music v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 揍 揍 zòu beat v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 租金 租金 zūjīn rental n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 族 族 zú race; nationality n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 足以 足以 zúyǐ enough adv 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阻挡 阻擋 zǔdǎng block off; hold up v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阻拦 阻攔 zǔlán block off v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 阻挠 阻撓 zǔnáo obstruct; stand in the way v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 组合 組合 zǔhé assemble v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 钻石 鑽石 zuànshí diamond n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 嘴巴 嘴巴 zuǐba mouth n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罪犯 罪犯 zuìfàn criminal n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罪名 罪名 zuìmíng accusation; charge n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 罪状 罪狀 zuìzhuàng facts about a crime n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尊 尊 zūn respect v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尊称 尊稱 zūn chēng honorific title n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 尊严 尊嚴 zūnyán dignity n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遵循 遵循 zūnxún follow; keep to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 遵照 遵照 zūnzhào comply; conform to v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 琢磨 琢磨 zuómo consider; ponder v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 做工 做工 zuò gōng work 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 作案 作案 zuò àn commit an offence 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 作法 作法 zuòfa action; practice n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 作废 作廢 zuòfèi cancellation; blank out v 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 作主 作主 zuò zhǔ decide 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown 座右铭 座右銘 zuòyòumíng motto n 1-10 [sound:##] Unknown