哎哟 哎喲 āiyō oh; ah interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哎 哎 āi alas interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挨 挨 ái suffer; endure v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 癌 癌 ái cancer; carcinoma n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 安 安 ān settle; stabilize; settled; stable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 安定 安定 āndìng stable; stabilize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 安装 安裝 ānzhuāng install; erect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 按期 按期 ànqī on schedule; on time adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 暗暗 暗暗 àn'àn secretly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 熬 熬 áo decoct; boil; endure; hold out v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奥秘 奧秘 àomì mystery; enigma n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扒 扒 bā push aside; hold on to; strip off; dig up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 把 把 bǎ hold; grasp; control v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 把握 把握 bǎwò grasp; hold; certainty; assurance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坝 壩 bà dam; dyke; embankment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罢 罷 bà dismiss; cease; stop v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罢工 罷工 bà gōng strike; walk out 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 白白 白白 báibái for nothing; in vain; to no purpose adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 百货 百貨 bǎihuò general merchandise n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柏树 柏樹 bǎishù cypress n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摆脱 擺脫 bǎituō free oneself from; get rid of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拜访 拜訪 bàifǎng pay a visit; call on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拜会 拜會 bàihuì pay an official visit; call on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 般 般 bān kind; sort; way; -like part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瓣 瓣 bàn valve; petal; segment; section n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 半岛 半島 bàndǎo peninsula n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 办理 辦理 bànlǐ handle; conduct; deal with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 帮 幫 bāng gang; band; group; secret society n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 绑 綁 bǎng bind; tie up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 棒 棒 bàng bar; stick; club n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 棒 棒 bàng good; strong adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 镑 鎊 bàng pound m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 包袱 包袱 bāofu a bundle wrapped in cloth; burden n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 包含 包含 bāohán contain; embody; include v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 包围 包圍 bāowéi surround; encircle v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剥 剝 bāo shell; peel; skin v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 保管 保管 bǎoguǎn keep; take care of; storekeeper n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 保密 保密 bǎo mì keep secret; maintain secrecy 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 保守 保守 bǎoshǒu guard; keep; conservative adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 保险 保險 bǎoxiǎn safe; be sure; insurance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 保障 保障 bǎozhàng ensure; guarantee; protection n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宝 寶 bǎo precious things; treasure n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宝石 寶石 bǎoshí precious stone; gem n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报 報 bào report; announce; declare v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报仇 報仇 bàochóu revenge; avenge 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报酬 報酬 bàochou reward; pay n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报复 報復 bàofù retaliate; revenge; retaliation; reprisal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报刊 報刊 bàokān newspapers and periodicals; the press n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 报社 報社 bàoshè newspaper office n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 暴露 暴露 bàolù expose; lay bare; divulge; undress v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 暴雨 暴雨 bàoyǔ rainstorm; downpour n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 爆发 爆發 bàofā erupt; burst out; break out v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode; blow up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 悲哀 悲哀 bēi'āi sad; sorrowful; grieved adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 悲观 悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辈 輩 bèi generation m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 背包 背包 bēibāo knapsack; backpack; rucksack n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 背景 背景 bèijǐng background; backdrop n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 背诵 背誦 bèisòng recite v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 背心 背心 bèixīn vest; jersey; tank n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 被动 被動 bèidòng passive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 被迫 被迫 bèi pò be compelled; be forced 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奔 奔 bēn run; rush v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奔跑 奔跑 bēnpǎo run; run about v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 本人 本人 běnrén I; me; myself; oneself pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 本身 本身 běnshēn itself; in itself pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奔 奔 bèn go straight towards; approach; go about doing sth. v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 甭 甭 béng don't; needn't adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 比方 比方 bǐfang instance; analogy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 笔试 筆試 bǐshì written examination n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 彼此 彼此 bǐcǐ each other; one another pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毕竟 畢竟 bìjìng after all; when all is said and done; in the end adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闭幕 閉幕 bìmù close; conclude v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 必 必 bì certainly; surely; definitely; necessarily adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 必定 必定 bìdìng undoubtedly; certainly; surely adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 必修 必修 bìxiū compulsory; required; obligatory v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 必需 必需 bìxū necessarily need; be essential v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 壁 壁 bì wall n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 边疆 邊疆 biānjiāng border area; borderland; frontier n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 边界 邊界 biānjiè bound; boundary; border n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 边缘 邊緣 biānyuán edge; fringe; brink n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 编辑 編輯 biānjí edit; compile; editor; compiler n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 编制 編制 biānzhì weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; size of staff n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 便利 便利 biànlì convenient; easy; facilitate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 便于 便於 biànyú be easy; be convenient v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 变动 變動 biàndòng alter; change; alteration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 变革 變革 biàngé change; transform; transformation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辩论 辯論 biànlùn argue; debate; argument n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 标语 標語 biāoyǔ slogan; poster n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 标志 標志 biāozhì indicate; mark; sign; symbol n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 表情 表情 biǎoqíng expression n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 别 別 bié stick in; fasten with a pin or clip; leave; part v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 别处 別處 biéchù another place; elsewhere n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 别字 別字 biézì wrongly written or mispronounced character n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冰棍儿 冰棍兒 bīnggùnr popsicle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柄 柄 bǐng handle of sth. n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丙 丙 bǐng the third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饼 餅 bǐng round flat cake n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 病床 病床 bìngchuáng hospital bed; sickbed n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 病情 病情 bìngqíng state of an illness; patient's condition n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剥削 剝削 bōxuē exploit; exploitation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 播 播 bō sow; seed; broadcast; spread v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 播送 播送 bōsòng broadcast; beam v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拨 撥 bō move sth. with hand, foot, or stick; turn; dial; assign v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 波浪 波浪 bōlàng water wave n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 菠菜 菠菜 bōcài spinach n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 博士 博士 bóshì one who holds the degree of doctor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 博物馆 博物館 bówùguǎn museum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 薄弱 薄弱 bóruò weak; frail adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不安 不安 bù'ān uneasy; disturbed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不比 不比 bùbǐ be unlike v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不曾 不曾 bùcéng have never done sth. adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不对 不對 bú duì not right; wrong; incorrect 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不够 不夠 búgòu not enough; insufficient; inadequate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不顾 不顧 búgù have no consideration for; have no regard for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不见 不見 bújiàn vanish; disappear; not see; not meet v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不见得 不見得 bù jiàndé not necessarily; not likely 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不禁 不禁 bùjīn cannot help; cannot refrain from. adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不觉 不覺 bújué unknowingly; unawares adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不可 不可 bùkě cannot; should not; must not 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不利 不利 búlì disadvantageous; unfavorable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不料 不料 búliào unexpectedly; to one's surprise adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不满 不滿 bùmǎn be dissatisfied; be unsatisfied; unsatisfied adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不免 不免 bùmiǎn inevitably; would naturally adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不是 不是 búshi mistake; fault; blame n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不是 而是 不是 而是 bùshì … érshì … not … but … 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不是 就是 不是 就是 bùshì … jiùshì … either … or … 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不停 不停 bùtíng ceaselessly; constantly; on and on adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不象话 不象話 búxiànghuà unreasonable; outrageous; shocking 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不由得 不由得 bùyóude can't help; cannot but adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不在乎 不在乎 bù zàihu not mind; not care 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不怎么样 不怎麼樣 bù zěnmeyàng not so good; not particularly good; pretty bad 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不止 不止 bùzhǐ be not limited to; be more than; not stop v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不只 不只 bùzhǐ not only; not merely conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 不足 不足 bùzú not enough; insufficient; inadequate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 布告 布告 bùgào notice; bulletin; edict n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 步骤 步驟 bùzhòu step; move; measure n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 部署 部署 bùshǔ dispose; deploy; deployment; plan n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猜想 猜想 cāixiǎng suppose; speculate; guess; supposition n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 裁缝 裁縫 cáifeng dressmaker; tailor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 裁判 裁判 cáipàn judge; umpire; act as referee; referee n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 才 才 cái talent; ability n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 才能 才能 cáinéng talent; ability; capacity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 财产 財產 cáichǎn property; possessions n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 财富 財富 cáifù riches; wealth n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 财政 財政 cáizhèng government finance; public economy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 餐车 餐車 cānchē dinning car; restaurant car n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 参考 參考 cānkǎo refer to; consult v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 参谋 參謀 cānmóu give advice; brain man; advisor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蚕 蠶 cán silkworm n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 残酷 殘酷 cánkù cruel; brutal adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惭愧 慚愧 cánkuì ashamed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惨 慘 cǎn miserable; tragic; cruel; inhumane adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灿烂 燦爛 cànlàn bright; splendid; brilliant; magnificent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 苍白 蒼白 cāngbái pale; wan; pallid adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 苍蝇 蒼蠅 cāngying fly; housefly n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舱 艙 cāng cabin; hold n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仓库 倉庫 cāngkù storehouse; warehouse n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 操心 操心 cāo xīn bother; worry about; take pains 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 操纵 操縱 cāozòng handle; control; operate; manipulate; rig v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 操作 操作 cāozuò operate; manipulate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 草案 草案 cǎo'àn protocol; draft (of a plan, decree, regulation, etc.) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 侧 側 cè side; turn sideways; incline to one side v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 测 測 cè measure; survey; fathom; test; exam v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 测量 測量 cèliáng measure; survey; gauge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 测试 測試 cèshì test; examine; trial; testing n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 插秧 插秧 chā yāng transplant rice seedlings 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 差别 差別 chābié difference; disparity; distinction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 茶馆 茶館 cháguǎn teahouse n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 茶话会 茶話會 cháhuàhuì tea party n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 茶叶 茶葉 cháyè tea leaf; tea n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 铲 鏟 chǎn spade; shovel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 产物 產物 chǎnwù outcome; result; product n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 产值 產值 chǎnzhí output value; value of output n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 颤动 顫動 chàndòng vibrate; quiver; shake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 颤抖 顫抖 chàndǒu tremble; shiver; shake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 常识 常識 chángshí common sense; general knowledge n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 长度 長度 chángdù length n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 长久 長久 chángjiǔ long-lasting; long time; prolonged adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 长远 長遠 chángyuǎn long-distant; long-term; long-range adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 肠 腸 cháng intestine; sausage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 厂长 廠長 chǎngzhǎng director of a factory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 场地 場地 chǎngdì space; place; site; ground n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 场合 場合 chǎnghé occasion; situation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 场面 場面 chǎngmiàn scene; spectacle; occasion; appearance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 超额 超額 chāo'é exceed the quota v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钞票 鈔票 chāopiào bill; note; paper currency n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 潮 潮 cháo tide; tidewater; upheaval; current n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 潮湿 潮濕 cháoshī wet; humid; damp; moist adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吵架 吵架 chǎo jià quarrel; wrangle; bicker; squabble 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炒 炒 chǎo stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 车辆 車輛 chēliàng vehicles; automobiles n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 车厢 車廂 chēxiāng railway carriage; railroad car n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扯 扯 chě tear; pull; drag; chat; chitchat v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 撤 撤 chè evacuate; withdraw; remove; dismiss v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尘土 塵土 chéntǔ dust n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沉 沉 chén sink; heavy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沉思 沉思 chénsī muse; ponder; meditate; contemplate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沉重 沉重 chénzhòng heavy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陈列 陳列 chénliè display; exhibit; show v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 撑 撐 chēng support; prop up; pole; open; unfurl; endure v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 称呼 稱呼 chēnghu call; address; name; term of address n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成 成 chéng one tenth; one out of ten m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成本 成本 chéngběn cost n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成千上万 成千上萬 chéng qiān shàng wàn thousands of; large quantity of 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成天 成天 chéngtiān all day long; all the time adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成语 成語 chéngyǔ idiom; concise and meaningful set phrase n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 成员 成員 chéngyuán member n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乘客 乘客 chéngkè passenger n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盛 盛 chéng fill; ladle; hold; contain v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 程序 程序 chéngxù procedure; process; program n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 承包 承包 chéngbāo contract (with); assume full responsibility v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 承担 承擔 chéngdān undertake; bear v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吃苦 吃苦 chī kǔ bear hardships; suffer 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吃亏 吃虧 chī kuī suffer losses; be in an unfavorable situation 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吃力 吃力 chīlì strenuous; painstaking; tiring; wearing adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 持久 持久 chíjiǔ enduring; lasting; persistent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 池 池 chí pool; pond; moat n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迟 遲 chí late; slow; tardy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尺寸 尺寸 chǐcun size; dimensions n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尺子 尺子 chǐzi ruler; rule n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赤道 赤道 chìdào equator n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 充实 充實 chōngshí substantial; rich; substantiate; enrich; fill v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冲击 衝擊 chōngjī impact; shock; pound; attack; interfere v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冲突 衝突 chōngtū collide; conflict; clash; collision n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冲 衝 chòng face; be towards; towards; to; because of prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仇 仇 chóu hatred; enmity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仇恨 仇恨 chóuhèn hate; hatred; animosity; rancor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丑 醜 chǒu ugly; unsightly; bad-looking; detestable; shameful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 初期 初期 chūqī beginning period; early days; initial stage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 初中 初中 chūzhōng junior middle school; junior high school n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出路 出路 chūlù way out; outlet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出卖 出賣 chūmài betray; sell out; sell v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出门 出門 chū mén go out; leave home for a long journey 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出难题 出難題 chū nántí raise a tough question; present a difficult problem 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出身 出身 chūshēn be born into; origin; family background n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出事 出事 chū shì have an accident; meet with a mishap 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出息 出息 chūxi prospect; aspiration; promise n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出洋相 出洋相 chū yángxiàng make a laughing stock of oneself 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 出租 出租 chūzū hire out; rent out; let v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 除 除 chú besides; in addition to; except prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 除非 除非 chúfēi unless; barring; only if conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 处于 處於 chǔyú be in (a certain situation, state, or condition) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 处处 處處 chùchù everywhere; in all respects adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 传达 傳達 chuándá convey; transmit; communicate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 传染 傳染 chuánrǎn infect; be contagious v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 传说 傳說 chuánshuō pass on (a story); people say; legend; folk tale n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喘 喘 chuǎn pant; breathe heavily v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 串 串 chuàn string together; mix up; bunch; cluster m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窗口 窗口 chuāngkǒu window n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窗帘 窗簾 chuānglián window curtain n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窗台 窗臺 chuāngtái windowsill n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 床单 床單 chuángdān bed sheet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 创立 創立 chuànglì found; establish; initiate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 创新 創新 chuàngxīn innovate; innovation; creativity; fresh idea n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 垂 垂 chuí droop; hang downward; hand down; approach v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 垂直 垂直 chuízhí be vertical; be perpendicular v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 春季 春季 chūnjì spring season; spring; season of spring; spring time n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 纯 純 chún pure; unmixed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 纯洁 純潔 chúnjié pure; unadulterated; purify; cleanse v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瓷 瓷 cí porcelain; china n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 词汇 詞匯 cíhuì vocabulary; words and phrases n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 此刻 此刻 cǐkè this moment; at this moment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 刺激 刺激 cìjī stimulate; irritate; provoke; stimulus; provocation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 次 次 cì not good; inferior; second; next adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 次要 次要 cìyào secondary; less important; subordinate; minor adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伺候 伺候 cìhou wait upon; serve v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 匆忙 匆忙 cōngmáng hurried; hasty adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 从容 從容 cóngróng leisurely; calm; plentiful; sufficient; enough adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丛 叢 cóng clump; tussock; thicket; grove; crowd; collection n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凑 湊 còu move close to; gather together; collect; pool v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粗心 粗心 cūxīn careless; thoughtless adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粗心大意 粗心大意 cūxīn dàyì careless; inadvertent; negligent 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 促使 促使 cùshǐ urge; impel; push; spur v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窜 竄 cuàn flee; scurry; change (wording) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摧毁 摧毀 cuīhuǐ destroy; smash; wreck; knock out; devastate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 村庄 村莊 cūnzhuāng village; hamlet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 村子 村子 cūnzi village; hamlet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 搓 搓 cuō twist; twine; rub; scrub v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挫折 挫折 cuòzhé setback; reverse; defeat; frustration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 错字 錯字 cuòzì wrong character n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 答复 答復 dáfù reply; answer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 达 達 dá extend; reach; attain; understand; express v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 达成 達成 dá chéng reach (agreement); conclude (negotiation) 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打 打 dǎ from; since prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打败 打敗 dǎ bài defeat; beat; be defeated 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打击 打擊 dǎjī strike; hit; attack; pound; frustrate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打架 打架 dǎ jià fight; scuffle; fistfight; tussle 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打交道 打交道 dǎ jiāodao come into contact with; have dealings with 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打量 打量 dǎliàng look up and down; check out; examine with the eye v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打破 打破 dǎ pò break; smash 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打扫 打掃 dǎsǎo clean; sweep v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打仗 打仗 dǎ zhàng go to war; make war; fight 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 打招呼 打招呼 dǎzhāohu notify; warn; greet sb.; say hello 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大半 大半 dàbàn over half; majority; most likely; probably adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大便 大便 dàbiàn excrement; stool; feces; shit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大大 大大 dàdà greatly; enormously adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大道 大道 dàdào wide street; thoroughfare; boulevard; broad way n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大地 大地 dàdì earth; mother earth; ground n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大都 大都 dàdū almost all; mostly; for the most part adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大队 大隊 dàduì group; production brigade; battalion; regiment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大方 大方 dàfāng of good taste; generous; natural and poised adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大哥 大哥 dàgē eldest brother; elder brother n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大力 大力 dàlì in great force; forcefully; vigorously adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大脑 大腦 dànǎo cerebrum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大嫂 大嫂 dàsǎo sister-in-law; eldest brother's wife; elder sister n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大使 大使 dàshǐ ambassador n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大意 大意 dàyì main idea; general idea; gist; main points n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大致 大致 dàzhì general; rough; overall adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大众 大眾 dàzhòng masses; general public; common people n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 大自然 大自然 dǎzìrán nature n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 带儿 帶兒 dàir string; ribbon; belt; strap n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 带动 帶動 dàidòng lead; drive v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 带领 帶領 dàilǐng lead; guide; direct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 带头 帶頭 dài tóu be the first; take the lead 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 代 代 dài take the place of; be in place of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 代办 代辦 dàibàn agency; commission; act for another v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 代价 代價 dàijià cost; price; expense n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 代理 代理 dàilǐ act as an agent; deputize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 待遇 待遇 dàiyù treatment; compensation; pay; wage; salary n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 逮捕 逮捕 dàibǔ arrest; apprehend; capture; nab v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耽误 耽誤 dānwu fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 担 擔 dān carry on a shoulder pole; undertake; shoulder v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 担负 擔負 dānfù shoulder; take on; undertake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 单纯 單純 dānchún simple; pure; uncomplicated adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 单独 單獨 dāndú alone; lone; solitary adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 胆 膽 dǎn gallbladder; courage; nerve; bladder n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 诞生 誕生 dànshēng be born; come into being; be founded v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蛋白质 蛋白質 dànbáizhì protein n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当 當 dāng should; ought to; must aux 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当初 當初 dāngchū in the beginning; at that time; originally n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当代 當代 dāngdài present time; contemporary age; nowadays n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当家 當家 dāng jiā manage household matters; keep house 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当面 當面 dāng miàn face to face; in sb.'s presence 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 当中 當中 dāngzhōng (in the) center; (in the) middle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 党派 黨派 dǎngpài party groupings; factions; cliques; clans; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 党委 黨委 dǎngwěi Party committee n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 档案 檔案 dàng'àn files; archives; records; dossiers n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 倒霉 倒霉 dǎo méi be unlucky; have bad luck 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 倒腾 倒騰 dǎoteng move around; rummage; buy low and sell high v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 岛屿 島嶼 dǎoyǔ islands and islets n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 导弹 導彈 dǎodàn guided missile n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 导师 導師 dǎoshī teacher; tutor; supervisor; mentor; adviser n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 导演 導演 dǎoyǎn director; direct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 导致 導致 dǎozhì lead to; bring about; result in; cause v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 到…为止 到…為止 dào … wéizhǐ up to …; up till …; until … 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 得病 得病 dé bìng get sick; fall ill; contract a disease 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 得了 得了 dé le a remark made for an all-right situation 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 得意 得意 dé yì complacent; conceited; pleased with oneself 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灯火 燈火 dēnghuǒ lights n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灯笼 燈籠 dēnglong lantern n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蹬 蹬 déng pedal; step on; press with the foot v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 等到 等到 děngdào by the time; when conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 等候 等候 děnghòu wait; await; expect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瞪 瞪 dèng stare; glare with displeasure v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凳子 凳子 dèngzi stool; bench n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 堤 堤 dī dike; embankment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 滴 滴 dī drip; drop v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抵 抵 dǐ support; set off; be equal to; compensate; reach v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist; stand up to; counteract; withstand v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 底 底 dǐ bottom; base; end; background; draft; record n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 底片 底片 dǐpiàn negative n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地板 地板 dìbǎn wooden floor; floor board n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地步 地步 dìbù condition; plight; extent; degree; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地道 地道 dìdao genuine; real; authentic; pure; up to standard adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地理 地理 dìlǐ geography; the natural and social features of a place n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地势 地勢 dìshì terrain; topography in terms of strategic significance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地毯 地毯 dìtǎn carpet; rug n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地形 地形 dìxíng terrain; landform; the shape of land surface n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地震 地震 dìzhèn earthquake; seism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地质 地質 dìzhì geology n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 地主 地主 dìzhǔ landlord; landowner; host n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 弟兄 弟兄 dìxiong brothers n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 典礼 典禮 diǎnlǐ ceremony; celebration; ritual; rite n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 典型 典型 diǎnxíng typical case; model; typical; representative adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电池 電池 diànchí battery; electric cell n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电力 電力 diànlì electric power n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电铃 電鈴 diànlíng electric bell n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电流 電流 diànliú electric current; electric current intensity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电炉 電爐 diànlú electric stove; hot plate; electric furnace n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电脑 電腦 diànnǎo computer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电器 電器 diànqì electric appliance; electric device n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电线 電線 diànxiàn electric wire; electric cord n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电压 電壓 diànyā voltage; electric potential difference n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 电子 電子 diànzǐ electron n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惦记 惦記 diànjì be concerned about; keep thinking about v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 垫 墊 diàn underlay; pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奠定 奠定 diàndìng establish; found; build up (a foundation) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 雕刻 雕刻 diāokè carve; engrave; sculpt; work of carving n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 调动 調動 diàodòng transfer; move; redeploy; mobilize; arouse; actuate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 爹 爹 diē dad; daddy; pa; father n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 叠 疊 dié fold; pile up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丁 丁 dīng the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems; fourth n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盯 盯 dīng gaze at; stare at; fix one's eyes on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钉 釘 dīng follow closely; tail behind; urge; press v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钉子 釘子 dīngzi nail n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顶 頂 dǐng very; most; extremely; highly; greatly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顶 頂 dǐng measure word for caps, hats, tents, etc. m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 定期 定期 dìngqī regular schedule; at regular intervals; periodical n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 订婚(定婚) 訂婚(定婚) dìng hūn engage (to get married); be betrothed to 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冬季 冬季 dōngjì winter season; winter; season of winter; winter time n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 懂事 懂事 dǒng shì be intelligent; be sensible; be understanding 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 动机 動機 dòngjī motive; intention; motivation; inner drive n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 动静 動靜 dòngjìng sound and movement; activity; happening n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 动力 動力 dònglì motivity; driving force; motive power; impetus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 动摇 動搖 dòngyáo waver; vacillate; shake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抖 抖 dǒu tremble; quiver; shake; jerk; expose; rouse v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陡 陡 dǒu steep; precipitous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 斗 鬥 dòu fight; contest with; make animals fight; denounce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 豆浆 豆漿 dòujiāng soya-bean milk n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 豆子 豆子 dòuzi bean; pea; pulse; legume n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毒 毒 dú poisonous; toxic; malicious; cruel; poison v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毒 毒 dú poison; toxin; narcotics n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 独特 獨特 dútè unique; distinctive; original adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 独自 獨自 dúzì alone; by oneself adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 读物 讀物 dúwù reading material; books, magazines, etc. n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 端 端 duān extremity; end; beginning; reason; cause n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 端正 端正 duānzhèng upright; regular; balanced; correct; rectify v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 堆 堆 duī pile; stack; heap; crowd m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 堆积 堆積 duījī pile up; heap up; accumulate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 兑换 兌換 duìhuàn exchange; convert (currencies) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 队员 隊員 duìyuán team member n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 对…来说 對…來說 duì … láishuō as far as … be concerned; to … (someone) 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 对得起 對得起 duìdeqǐ not let down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 对了 對了 duìle by the way; oh yes 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 对立 對立 duìlì oppose; counter; go against v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 对门 對門 duìmén opposite building or room n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顿时 頓時 dùnshí immediately; at once; suddenly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哆嗦 哆嗦 duōsuo shiver; tremble; quiver v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 多半 多半 duōbàn most likely; probably adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 多亏 多虧 duōkuī be lucky to; it is fortunate that; thanks to; luckily adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 多劳多得 多勞多得 duō láo duō dé more pay for more work 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 多余 多餘 duōyú unnecessary; needless; uncalled for; surplus adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夺取 奪取 duóqǔ seize; capture; wrest; strive for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 俄语(俄文) 俄語(俄文) éyǔ Russian language n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恶心 惡心 ěxin feel like vomiting; feel sick; be disgusted v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恶 惡 è bad; evil; criminal; wicked; vicious; ruthless adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恶化 惡化 èhuà worsen; deteriorate; exacerbate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恶劣 惡劣 èliè very bad; vile; abominable; odious; disgusting adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 儿女 兒女 érnǚ sons and daughters; children n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 发电 發電 fā diàn generate electricity 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 发觉 發覺 fājué become aware; sense; realize; discover; detect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 发射 發射 fāshè launch; discharge; shoot; fire; transmit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 发行 發行 fāxíng distribute; publish; issue; release v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 发育 發育 fāyù develop; grow (especially in puberty) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罚 罰 fá punish; penalize; discipline v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 法令 法令 fǎlìng laws and decrees; collection of statutes n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 法院 法院 fǎyuàn court; court of law; court of justice; tribunal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 法制 法制 fǎzhì legal system; legal institutions n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 法子 法子 fǎzi way; method; solution n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 番 番 fān time; kind; sort; measure word for abstract things m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 翻身 翻身 fān shēn roll over; turn over (in bed); emancipate oneself 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 繁殖 繁殖 fánzhí propagate; breed; reproduce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凡是 凡是 fánshì every; any; all; without exception adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 烦 煩 fán vexed; annoyed; trouble; be tired of; be fed up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 反 反 fǎn opposite; rebellious; oppose; return; reverse; rebel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 反 反 fǎn on the contrary; instead adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 反而 反而 fǎn'ér on the contrary; instead adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 反击 反擊 fǎnjī counter-attack; fight back; strike back; beat back n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 反问 反問 fǎnwèn raise a rhetorical question; ask (a question) in reply v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 返 返 fǎn return; come or go back v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 犯人 犯人 fànrén prisoner; convict; (convicted) criminal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 犯罪 犯罪 fàn zuì commit a crime 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饭馆 飯館 fànguǎn restaurant; eatery; luncheonette n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 泛滥 泛濫 fànlàn flood; overflow; spread unchecked v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 方 方 fāng square; direction; side; party; place n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 房屋 房屋 fángwū houses and rooms; buildings n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 防守 防守 fángshǒu defend and keep; guard v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 防御 防禦 fángyù defend and resist; guard v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 防治 防治 fángzhì prevent and treat (diseases) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 妨碍 妨礙 fáng'ài hinder; hamper; obstruct; impede; make difficult v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 纺 紡 fǎng spin; make thread by drawing out and twisting v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 放手 放手 fàng shǒu let go; relinquish; give a free hand, go all out 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 放松 放鬆 fàngsōng loosen; relax; slacken; become less attentive v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 放学 放學 fàng xué classes are over; students leave school after classes 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 放映 放映 fàngyìng show (a film); present images through projection v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 非 非 fēi not; must; have to; simply; it is imperative that adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 非 非 fēi wrong; mistaken; erroneous; non- adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 飞快 飛快 fēikuài swiftly; very fast; rapid; extremely sharp adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 飞行 飛行 fēixíng fly (a plane, a spacecraft, etc.); travel by air v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 飞跃 飛躍 fēiyuè leap; bound; jump; fast and great progress n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 肥料 肥料 féiliào fertilizer; manure n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 肥皂 肥皂 féizào soap n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 废 廢 fèi useless; disused; waste; abandon; abolish; ruin v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 废除 廢除 fèichú abolish; annul; abrogate; disestablish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 废话 廢話 fèihuà nonsense; superfluous words; foolish discourse n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 废墟 廢墟 fèixū ruins; remains of a place destroyed n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沸腾 沸騰 fèiténg boil; reach ebullition; seethe with excitement v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 费力 費力 fèi lì be strenuous; use or need to use a lot of effort 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分布 分布 fēnbù be distributed; be scattered; be dispersed v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分割 分割 fēngē separate; cut apart; carve up; divide up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分工 分工 fēn gōng division of labor; divide up the work 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分解 分解 fēnjiě decompose; resolve; break down; recount v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分离 分離 fēnlí dissociate; separate; sever; part; leave v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分裂 分裂 fēnliè split; break up; divide; separate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分泌 分泌 fēnmì secrete v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分明 分明 fēnmíng clear; distinct; obvious; plain adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分散 分散 fēnsàn distract; divert; decentralize; disperse; distribute adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分数 分數 fēnshù score; mark; grade; point; fractional number n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分子 分子 fēnzǐ molecule; numerator n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坟 墳 fén tomb; grave n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粉 粉 fěn powder; face powder; vermicelli made from starch n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粉碎 粉碎 fěnsuì break into pieces; grind; smash; shatter; crush v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分量 分量 fènliàng weight n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 分子 分子 fènzǐ member; element n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粪 糞 fèn excrement; feces; shit; droppings; dung n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丰产 豐產 fēngchǎn yield abundantly; produce plentifully v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丰收 豐收 fēngshōu reap a bumper harvest; have a good harvest v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 封 封 fēng seal; cap; close down; blockade v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 封锁 封鎖 fēngsuǒ blockade; seal off; cut off from the outside world v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 风格 風格 fēnggé style; character; integrity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 风气 風氣 fēngqì social atmosphere; common practice; ethos n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 疯 瘋 fēng crazy; mad; insane; deranged adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 疯狂 瘋狂 fēngkuáng crazy; maniac; mad; wild; frenzied; unbridled adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缝 縫 féng sew; stitch v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 讽刺 諷刺 fěngcì satirize; ridicule; mock v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 佛教 佛教 fójiào Buddhism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夫妻 夫妻 fūqī husband and wife; couple n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 服 服 fú take (medicine); obey; be convinced; convince v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 俯 俯 fǔ bow one's head; bend over, forward, or down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 腐蚀 腐蝕 fǔshí erode; corrode; corrupt; pervert v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 腐朽 腐朽 fǔxiǔ rotten; decayed; moldering; degenerate; decadent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 复活节 復活節 fùhuójié Easter n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 复制 複製 fùzhì reproduce; copy; duplicate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 负 負 fù shoulder; bear; rely on; suffer; betray; lose; owe v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 负担 負擔 fùdān shoulder; bear; carry; burden; load; weight n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 富有 富有 fùyǒu wealthy; rich; affluent; be rich in; be full of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 富裕 富裕 fùyù prosperous; well-to-do; well-off; rich adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 妇人 婦人 fùrén woman; married woman n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 改编 改編 gǎibiān adapt; transcribe; revise; reorganize; recompose v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 改良 改良 gǎiliáng improve; better; reform; amend; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盖子 蓋子 gàizi lid; cover; cap; top; shell n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 干旱 乾旱 gānhàn arid; droughty; dry adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 干扰 干擾 gānrǎo interfere; disturb; obstruct; interference; disturbance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 干涉 干涉 gānshè interfere; intervene; intermeddle v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 甘 甘 gān sweet; pleasant adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赶忙 趕忙 gǎnmáng hurriedly; hastily adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赶上 趕上 gǎn shàng catch up with; be in time for 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 感受 感受 gǎnshòu be affected by; taste; feel; experience; feeling v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 敢于 敢於 gǎnyú have the courage to; dare to; be bold in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 干劲 幹勁 gànjìn vigor; drive; enthusiasm; energy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缸 缸 gāng jar; vat; big container made of pottery, porcelain, etc. n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 纲领 綱領 gānglǐng guiding principle; program; platform n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 岗位 崗位 gǎngwèi post; station n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 港币 港幣 gǎngbì Hong Kong dollar; currency of Hong Kong n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 港口 港口 gǎngkǒu port; harbor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高潮 高潮 gāocháo high tide; upsurge; climax n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高等 高等 gāoděng higher; advanced adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高峰 高峰 gāofēng peak; pinnacle; acme; apex; zenith n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高级 高級 gāojí higher-grade; high-quality; advanced; high-ranking adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高粱 高粱 gāoliang Chinese sorghum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高尚 高尚 gāoshàng noble; lofty; sublime adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高速 高速 gāosù high-speed; express; rapid adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高压 高壓 gāoyā high-pressure; high-voltage; oppressive n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 高中 高中 gāozhōng senior high school n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 稿 稿 gǎo draft; sketch; manuscript; original text; article n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 告辞 告辭 gàocí say good-bye; bid farewell; take leave v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歌唱 歌唱 gēchàng sing; praise through singing v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歌剧 歌劇 gējù (Western-style) opera n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歌曲 歌曲 gēqǔ song n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歌颂 歌頌 gēsòng sing the high praises of; extol; eulogize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鸽子 鴿子 gēzi pigeon; dove n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 革新 革新 géxīn innovate; improve; innovation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 格外 格外 géwài especially; particularly; all the more adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 隔阂 隔閡 géhé estrangement; misunderstanding; gulf; barrier n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 个儿 個兒 gèr height; stature; size; physical dimensions n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 个体户 個體戶 gètǐhù self-employed worker n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 个性 個性 gèxìng personality; individuality; character n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 各式各样 各式各樣 gè shì gè yàng of all styles and types; all kinds of 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 各自 各自 gèzì each; respective pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 给以 給以 gěiyǐ give (sth.); grant (sth.) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 根源 根源 gēnyuán origin; root; source n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耕地 耕地 gēngdì arable land; cultivated land n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 工地 工地 gōngdì construction site; building site n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 工龄 工齡 gōnglíng years of employment; seniority n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 工钱 工錢 gōngqian pay; charge for a service; money paid for odd jobs n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 工序 工序 gōngxù working procedure; process n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 攻 攻 gōng attack; take the offensive; accuse; diligently study v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 攻击 攻擊 gōngjī accuse; vilify; assume the offensive; attack; onset n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 攻克 攻克 gōngkè capture; take; seize; overcome v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 功课 功課 gōngkè school work; homework; assignment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 功劳 功勞 gōngláo credit; contribution; outstanding service n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 功能 功能 gōngnéng function; functionality; feature n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 供应 供應 gōngyìng supply; provide; accommodate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公 公 gōng public; common; fair; public affairs; official business n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公安 公安 gōng'ān public security n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公布 公布 gōngbù make public; promulgate; announce; publicize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公民 公民 gōngmín citizen n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公顷 公頃 gōngqǐng hectare m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公式 公式 gōngshì formula; any established or conventional method n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 公用 公用 gōngyòng for public use; public; communal; shared v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宫 宮 gōng imperial palace; place for cultural activities; uterus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宫殿 宮殿 gōngdiàn imperial palace n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 弓 弓 gōng bow; bend; arch v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 共和国 共和國 gònghéguó republic n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 共青团 共青團 gòngqīngtuán Communist Youth League n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钩 鉤 gōu hook; crochet v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钩子 鉤子 gōuzi hook; hook-like object; tick; check mark n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 勾结 勾結 gōujié collude; collaborate; gang up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沟 溝 gōu ditch; channel; trench; rut; waterway; gully; ravine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 购 購 gòu buy; purchase v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 购买 購買 gòumǎi buy; purchase v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辜负 辜負 gūfù let down; fail to live up to; be unworthy of; disappoint v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 孤立 孤立 gūlì isolated; isolate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鼓动 鼓動 gǔdòng fan; flap; arouse; agitate; incite; stir up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 古典 古典 gǔdiǎn classical adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 骨干 骨幹 gǔgàn backbone; mainstay; key member n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谷子 穀子 gǔzi millet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 股 股 gǔ strand; stream; burst; section; share; group; m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 雇 雇 gù employ; hire; rent v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顾问 顧問 gùwèn consultant; adviser n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 固定 固定 gùdìng fixed; regular; predetermined; fix; fasten; regularize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 固然 固然 gùrán it is true; admittedly; no doubt; indeed; certainly conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 固体 固體 gùtǐ solid; solid body n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瓜 瓜 guā melon; gourd n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瓜子 瓜子 guāzi melon seed n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 寡妇 寡婦 guǎfu widow n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乖 乖 guāi obedient; well-behaved; good; clever; shrewd; lovely adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拐弯 拐彎 guǎi wānr turn a corner; make a turn; change direction 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怪 怪 guài blame; complain; accuse; impute v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怪 怪 guài quite; rather; very adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怪不得 怪不得 guài bu de no wonder; so that's why; put no blame on 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 关 關 guān col; pass; juncture; barrier; difficulty; critical part n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 关怀 關懷 guānhuái care for; show solicitude for; be concerned about v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 关头 關頭 guāntóu juncture; key moment; critical point n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 官僚主义 官僚主義 guānliáozhǔyì bureaucracy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 观测 觀測 guāncè observe and survey; observe; watch v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 观看 觀看 guānkàn watch; see; view; observe; spectate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 观念 觀念 guānniàn concept; idea; thought; sense; ideology n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 管子 管子 guǎnzī pipeline; piping; conduit; tubing n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 管道 管道 guǎndào tube; pipe; hose n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罐 罐 guàn pot; jar; pitcher; jug n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惯 慣 guàn used to; conditioned to; habitual; indulge; spoil v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灌 灌 guàn fill; pour; irrigate; record v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灌溉 灌溉 guàngài irrigate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 光 光 guāng bare; be naked; wear nothing; glorify; bring honor to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 光彩 光彩 guāngcǎi luster; splendor; brilliance; gloss; honorable; glorious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 光滑 光滑 guānghuá smooth; sleek; glossy; slippery adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 光临 光臨 guānglín visit as an honorable guest v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 广 廣 guǎng wide; broad; vast; extensive; numerous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 规划 規劃 guīhuà plan; program; layout; project; blueprint v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 规矩 規矩 guīju rule; manner; custom; decent; conforming to norms adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 规则 規則 guīzé rule; law; regulation; regular; orderly adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 归 歸 guī return; come or go back; give back; belong to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轨道 軌道 guǐdào track; rail; orbit; trajectory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柜台 櫃檯 guìtái counter; bar n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柜子 櫃子 guìzi cupboard; cabinet; closet; dresser; chest n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 贵宾 貴賓 guì bīn honored guest; distinguished guest 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 棍子 棍子 gùnzi stick; rod; wand n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锅炉 鍋爐 guōlú boiler n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国防 國防 guófáng national defense n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国籍 國籍 guójí nationality; citizenship; national identity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国旗 國旗 guóqí national flag n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国庆节 國慶節 guóqìngjié National Day n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国务院 國務院 guówùyuàn State Council (in China); State Department (in the US) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 国营 國營 guóyíng state-run; state-owned; state-operated adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 果实 果實 guǒshí fruit; fruits; gains n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 果树 果樹 guǒshù fruit tree n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 裹 裹 guǒ wrap; bind; mix and carry v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 过 過 guò exceedingly; unduly; excessively adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 过渡 過渡 guòdù change from one state or stage to another v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 过分 過分 guòfèn excessive; undue; extravagant adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 咳 咳 hāi an interjection to express sadness, regret, or surprise interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 海拔 海拔 hǎibá elevation; altitude; height above sea level n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 海军 海軍 hǎijūn navy; naval force n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 海面 海面 hǎimiàn sea surface n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 海峡 海峽 hǎixiá strait; channel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 害虫 害蟲 hàichóng injurious insect; vermin; pest n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 含糊 含糊 hánhu ambiguous; vague; unsure; careless; perfunctory adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 含量 含量 hánliàng content; quantity of an ingredient in a substance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喊叫 喊叫 hǎnjiào shout; cry out; scream v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 旱 旱 hàn dry; droughty; not related to water adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 焊 焊 hàn solder; weld v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行 行 háng line; row; trade; profession; trading company n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行列 行列 hángliè procession; rows and columns; ranks and files n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行业 行業 hángyè trade; business; industry n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 航行 航行 hángxíng sail; fly; travel by boat, plane, or spacecraft v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毫米 毫米 háomǐ millimeter m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 好 好 hǎo so that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 好比 好比 hǎobǐ be just like; may be compared to; can be likened to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耗 耗 hào cost; consume; use v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 好奇 好奇 hàoqí curious; inquisitive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 呵 呵 hē oh; ah (to express surprise) interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 核 核 hé nucleus; atomic nucleus; pit; stone n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 何必 何必 hébì why is it necessary to; there is no need to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 何况 何況 hékuàng let alone (used in rhetorical questions) conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合唱 合唱 héchàng sing in chorus; chorus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合成 合成 héchéng synthesize; compound; join to form v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合法 合法 héfǎ legal; lawful; legitimate; rightful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合格 合格 hégé qualified; up to standard; up to grade adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合金 合金 héjīn alloy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 合算 合算 hésuàn worthwhile; be worth the cost; pay v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 河流 河流 héliú rivers (in general) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 黑夜 黑夜 hēiyè night; dark night n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 痕迹 痕跡 hénjì trail; mark; trace; vestige n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 狠 狠 hěn ruthless; cruel; savage adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恨不得 恨不得 hèn bu de hate that one cannot; really want to 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 横 橫 héng traverse; place sth. horizontally; crosswise; horizontal adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宏伟 宏偉 hóngwěi grand; grandiose; magnificent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 洪水 洪水 hóngshuǐ flood; floodwater n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喉咙 喉嚨 hóulóng throat; pharynx and larynx n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吼 吼 hǒu roar; howl; shout; yell; generate loud sound v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 后代 後代 hòudài offspring; descendant; posterity; later generation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 后方 後方 hòufāng rear; rearward n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 后果 後果 hòuguǒ consequence; aftermath; (negative) outcome n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 后头 後頭 hòutou at the back; in the rear; behind; later n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 后退 後退 hòutuì back up; draw back; fall back; retreat v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 呼呼 呼呼 hūhū onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting ono 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忽视 忽視 hūshì ignore; overlook; neglect; disregard v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 胡说 胡說 húshuō talk nonsense; drivel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 胡同 衚衕 hútòng alley; lane n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 护 護 hù protect; guard; shield; be partial to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 互助 互助 hùzhù help each other; provide mutual help v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 花朵 花朵 huāduǒ flower n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 花生 花生 huāshēng peanut n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哗哗 嘩嘩 huāhuā onomatopoetic word for noisy running water ono 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 华侨 華僑 huáqiáo overseas Chinese n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 华人 華人 huárén Chinese; Foreign citizen of Chinese descent n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 滑雪 滑雪 huá xuě ski 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 画家 畫家 huàjiā painter; artist n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 画蛇添足 畫蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú ruin by adding superfluous 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 化工 化工 huàgōng chemical industry n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 化合 化合 huàhé combine; compound; synthesize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 化石 化石 huàshí fossil n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 化验 化驗 huàyàn chemically examine; conduct a lab test; assay v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 话剧 話劇 huàjù modern drama; stage play n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怀 懷 huái keep in mind; think of; be pregnant; bosom; mind n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怀念 懷念 huáiniàn cherish the memory of; think of; miss v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怀疑 懷疑 huáiyí suspect; doubt; be skeptical about v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坏蛋 壞蛋 huàidàn villain; bad person; bad egg n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 欢呼 歡呼 huānhū hail; cheer; acclaim v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 欢乐 歡樂 huānlè happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 欢喜 歡喜 huānxǐ happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缓和 緩和 huǎnhé assuage; ease up; mitigated; relaxed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缓缓 緩緩 huǎnhuǎn slowly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缓慢 緩慢 huǎnmàn slow; sluggish; tardy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 患 患 huàn get (a disease); contract; suffer from v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幻灯 幻燈 huàndēng slide; slide presentation; slide projector n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幻想 幻想 huànxiǎng fantasize; dream; fancy; fantasy; illusion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 唤 喚 huàn call out; summon v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 荒 荒 huāng waste; desolate; barren; unreasonable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 慌忙 慌忙 huāngmáng hurried; hasty; rash; flustered and busy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 黄昏 黃昏 huánghūn twilight; dusk; sundown; sunset n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 黄色 黃色 huángsè yellow color n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 晃 晃 huàng wigwag; sway; rock; shake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灰 灰 huī ash; dust; lime; grey color n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灰尘 灰塵 huīchén dust; dirt n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灰心 灰心 huī xīn lose heart; be disheartened; be discouraged 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辉煌 輝煌 huīhuáng splendid; brilliant; glorious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 回想 回想 huíxiǎng recall; recollect; think back; reminisce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毁 毀 huǐ destroy; ruin; damage; demolish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 汇 匯 huì converge; transfer funds through a post office or bank v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 汇报 彙報 huìbào give an account of, report n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 汇款 匯款 huì kuǎn transfer funds through a post office or bank; remittance 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 昏 昏 hūn lose consciousness; muddle; muddled; dark; dim adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 浑身 渾身 húnshēn from head to toe; everywhere in one's body n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 混合 混合 hùnhé mix; blend; mingle v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 混乱 混亂 hùnluàn disorderly; chaotic; unorganized; promiscuous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 混凝土 混凝土 hùnníngtǔ concrete; cement n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 混淆 混淆 hùnxiáo confound; confuse; mix up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 活 活 huó lifelike; living; alive; vivid; lively; movable; flexible adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 活该 活該 huógāi deserve (sth. undesirable); serve one right v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伙 伙 huǒ group; gang; crowd; band m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伙伴 伙伴 huǒbàn fellow; partner; mate; pal; friend n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 火箭 火箭 huǒjiàn rocket n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 火力 火力 huǒlì firepower; thermal power; one's ability to stand cold n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 火焰 火焰 huǒyàn flame; tongue of fire; blaze n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 火药 火藥 huǒyào gunpowder; powder n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 获 獲/穫 huò seize; catch; get; gain; acquire; harvest; reap v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 或多或少 或多或少 huò duō huò shǎo more or less 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 货币 貨幣 huòbì money; currency n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 货物 貨物 huòwù cargo; freight; goods; commodity; merchandise n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 基层 基層 jīcéng grassroots level; bottom level in an organization n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 基地 基地 jīdì base n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 机 機 jī machine; aircraft; crucial point; opportunity; intention n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 机动 機動 jīdòng engine-driven; power-driven; motorized adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 机构 機構 jīgòu mechanism; setup; organ; government organization n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 肌肉 肌肉 jīròu muscle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饥饿 飢餓 jī'è hungry; starving adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 激素 激素 jīsù hormone n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 极端 極端 jíduān utter; extreme; extremity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 集团 集團 jítuán group; clique; circle; bloc n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 急躁 急躁 jízào impatient; impetuous; irritable; irascible adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 疾病 疾病 jíbìng illness; sickness; disease n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 即将 即將 jíjiāng soon; right away; in a second adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 即使 即使 jíshǐ even; even if; even though; though; although conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 级别 級別 jíbié rank; level; grade; class n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 给予 給予 jǐyǔ give; render; offer; present v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 技能 技能 jìnéng skill; technical ability n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 技巧 技巧 jìqiǎo technique; artifice; knack; acrobatic gymnastics n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 季 季 jì season n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 寂寞 寂寞 jìmò lonely; lonesome; quiet; still; silent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 计 計 jì measuring device; idea; plan; consider; count v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 计算机 計算機 jìsuànjī computer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 记载 記載 jìzǎi record; put down in writing; chronicle v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 继承 繼承 jìchéng inherit; succeed; carry on; carry forward v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夹子 夾子 jiāzi clamp; clip; tongs; folder; wallet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 佳 佳 jiā excellent; good; fine; beautiful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 家伙 家伙 jiāhuo guy; fellow; animal; thing; tool; weapon; utensil n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 家属 家屬 jiāshǔ family member; (family) dependent n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 加紧 加緊 jiājǐn press on with; step up; speed up; intensify v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 加入 加入 jiārù join; enter; accede to; affiliate; add; mix; put in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 加速 加速 jiāsù speed up; quicken; expedite; accelerate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 加油 加油 jiā yóu oil; lubricate; refuel; add more gas; try harder; cheer 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 甲 甲 jiǎ the first of the ten Heavenly Stems; first n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 假如 假如 jiǎrú if; supposing; in case; in the event that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 假若 假若 jiǎruò if; supposing; in case; in the event that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 假使 假使 jiǎshǐ if; supposing; in case; in the event that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 价 價 jià price; value; valence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 价钱 價錢 jiàqian price n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 架 架 jià put up; erect; support; prop; help; fend off; kidnap v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 架子 架子 jiàzi shelf; frame; stand; rack; skeleton; outline; haughtiness n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 驾驶 駕駛 jiàshǐ drive; pilot; steer; astrogate; navigate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 假 假 jià holiday; vacation; leave of absence; furlough n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 假期 假期 jiàqī holiday; vacation; period of leave n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 嫁 嫁 jià take as a husband; (of a woman) marry (a man); shift v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歼灭 殲滅 jiānmiè wipe out; destroy; annihilate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 监督 監督 jiāndū supervise; superintend v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 监视 監視 jiānshì keep watch on; keep a lookout over; oversee v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 监狱 監獄 jiānyù prison; jail n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坚固 堅固 jiāngù solid; firm; sturdy; strong; impregnable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坚硬 堅硬 jiányìng hard; stony; solid adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尖子 尖子 jiānzi best of its kind; cream of the crop; top class talent n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 煎 煎 jiān fry in shallow oil without stirring v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 兼 兼 jiān hold (two or more jobs, positions) concurrently v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 艰难 艱難 jiānnán hard; difficult; arduous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 检讨 檢討 jiǎntǎo make a self-criticism; self-criticism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 检验 檢驗 jiǎnyàn check; test; examine; inspect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 碱 鹼 jiǎn alkali; soda n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 简便 簡便 jiǎnbiàn simple and convenient; easy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 简直 簡直 jiǎnzhí simply; utterly; totally; at all; virtually adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鉴定 鑒定 jiàndìng authenticate; appraise; identify; determine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 贱 賤 jiàn cheap; inexpensive; lowly; humble; despicable; base adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 见解 見解 jiànjiě view; opinion; understanding; idea; perspective n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 健全 健全 jiànquán healthy and complete; sound; perfect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 渐 漸 jiàn gradually; little by little; by degrees adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 溅 濺 jiàn spatter; splash v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 建造 建造 jiànzào build; construct; make; manufacture v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 僵 僵 jiāng stiff; rigid; inflexible; numb; deadlocked adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 将军 將軍 jiāngjūn general; high-ranking military officer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奖金 獎金 jiǎngjīn monetary award; prize; bonus; premium n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奖励 獎勵 jiǎnglì encourage with some incentive; reward; award n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 讲究 講究 jiǎngjiu be particular about; exquisite; tasteful; elegant adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 讲课 講課 jiǎng kè teach; lecture; prelect 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 讲义 講義 jiǎngyì teaching materials; lecture sheets n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 酱 醬 jiàng jam; spread made of nuts or fruit; thick sauce n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 焦急 焦急 jiāojí anxious; worried; agitated; impatient adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 胶卷 膠卷 jiāojuǎn film; roll of camera film n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 交待 交待 jiāodài tell; exhort; explain; make clear; confess; hand over v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 交谈 交談 jiāotán talk; chat; converse; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 交易 交易 jiāoyì transaction; deal; trade; business n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 浇 澆 jiāo water; irrigate; pour; sprinkle; cast v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 搅 攪 jiǎo mix; stir; disturb; mess up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 脚步 腳步 jiǎobù footstep; footfall; step; pace; way of walking n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 狡猾 狡猾 jiǎohuá sly; cunning; tricky; foxy; crafty adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 角度 角度 jiǎodù angle; perspective; point of view n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 角落 角落 jiǎoluò corner; nook; remote place n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 教导 教導 jiàodǎo teach; indoctrinate n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 教练 教練 jiàoliàn coach; instructor; drill master n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 教堂 教堂 jiàotáng church; cathedral; temple; synagogue n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 教研室 教研室 jiàoyánshì teaching and research section; teaching staff office n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 觉 覺 jiào sleep n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 揭 揭 jiē peel off; tear off; uncover; lift; expose; disclose; raise v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 揭露 揭露 jiēlù uncover; disclose; unmask; expose; unveil; lay bare v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 接连 接連 jiēlián one after another; in succession; in a row adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阶层 階層 jiēcéng social stratum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 结 結 jié bear (fruit or seed); produce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 截 截 jié cut; sever; block; stop; intercept; hold up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 节 節 jié save; economize; refrain; abstain; abridge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 竭力 竭力 jiélì as best one can; with all one's power and energy adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 洁白 潔白 jiébái pure white; spotlessly white adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 结 結 jié congeal; form; end; knit; weave; tie; knot n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 结果 結果 jiéguǒ result; outcome; ending n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 解放军 解放軍 jiěfàngjūn liberation army; Chinese People's Liberation Army n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 解剖 解剖 jiěpōu dissect; analyze; criticize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 界线 界線 jièxiàn boundary line; demarcation line; dividing line n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 借口 借口 jièkǒu excuse; pretext; alibi; pretense n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 金鱼 金魚 jīnyú goldfish n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 今日 今日 jīnrì today; this day; present; now n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 紧急 緊急 jǐnjí urgent; pressing; exigent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 紧密 緊密 jǐnmì close and dense; close; inseparable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 紧俏 緊俏 jìnqiào sought-after; in shortage due to great demand adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谨慎 謹慎 jǐnshèn cautious; prudent; circumspect; careful; mindful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 进军 進軍 jìnjūn march; advance v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 近代 近代 jìndài modern times n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 浸 浸 jìn soak; steep; immerse; seep v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尽力 盡力 jìn lì try one's best; do all one can 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊 驚 jīng be frightened; start; startle; alarm; stampede; shy v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊动 驚動 jīngdòng alarm; alert; disturb; interrupt v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊奇 驚奇 jīngqí amazed; astonished; surprised; shocking strange adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊人 驚人 jīngrén astonishing; amazing; alarming; shocking adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊讶 驚訝 jīngyà surprised; astonished; astounded; amazed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 惊异 驚異 jīngyì surprised; astonished; astounded; amazed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 精 精 jīng perfect; excellent; refined; selected; smart; intensive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 精神 精神 jīngshén vigorous; spirited; lively; spunky; smart adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 精细 精細 jīngxì fine; meticulous; careful; precise and detailed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 精致 精緻 jīngzhì fine; exquisite; delicate; refined adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鲸鱼 鯨魚 jīngyú whale n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 经费 經費 jīngfèi money for regular expenses; funds; expenses; outlay n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 经营 經營 jīngyíng manage; run; operate; plan and organize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 警告 警告 jǐnggào warn; admonish; caution; warning n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 警惕 警惕 jǐngtì be alert; be vigilant; be on guard against; watch out for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 景色 景色 jǐngsè scenery; view; prospect; landscape n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 景物 景物 jǐngwù objects and background seen in a view; environment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 景象 景象 jǐngxiàng scene; sight; picture n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 境 境 jìng border; boundary; place; territory; condition; situation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 敬酒 敬酒 jìng jiǔ propose a toast 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 竟 竟 jìng unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 竟然 竟然 jìngrán unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 竞争 競爭 jìngzhēng compete; rival; competition; rivalry n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 净 凈 jìng clean; net adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 净 凈 jìng only; nothing but; all; all the time adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 揪 揪 jī hold tight; seize; haul v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 酒店 酒店 jiǔdiàn hotel; inn; wine shop; liquor store n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舅舅 舅舅 jiùjiù mother's brother; maternal uncle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舅母 舅母 jiùmu wife of mother's brother; maternal uncle's wife n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 就 就 jiù with regard to; come near v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 就是…也 就是…也 jiùshì … yě … even if … still …; even though … yet … 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 就是说 就是說 jiù shì shuō that is to say; in other words, that means 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 居民 居民 jūmín resident; inhabitant n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 居然 居然 jūrán unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 居住 居住 jūzhù live; reside; dwell v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 局 局 jú bureau; office; administration; shop; part; portion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 局部 局部 júbù part; portion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 局面 局面 júmiàn situation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 举办 舉辦 jǔbàn hold; conduct; run; have v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 聚 聚 jù gather; get together; assemble; congregate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 聚集 聚集 jùjí gather; get together; congregate; convene; collect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 聚精会神 聚精會神 jù jīng huì shén with complete concentration; with rapt attention 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 据 據 jù occupy; hold; rely on; depend on; according to prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 距 距 jù from prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剧 劇 jù theatrical work; drama; play; opera n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剧烈 劇烈 jùliè acute; violent; severe adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剧院 劇院 jùyuàn theater; playhouse; troupe n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 卷 捲 juǎn roll; reel; spool m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 觉 覺 jué be conscious; think; feel; sense; wake; awake v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 决口 決口 jué kǒu (of a dike; dam, etc.) be breached 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 决议 決議 juéyì resolution; formal statement passed by an assembly n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 绝 絕 jué unique; superb; desperate; hopeless; exhausted adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 均 均 jūn equal; even adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 均匀 均勻 jūnyún even; uniform; well-distributed; regularly-paced adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 军备 軍備 jūnbèi armament; arms; military organization and armament n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 军官 軍官 jūnguān military officer; army officer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 军舰 軍艦 jūnjiàn warship; naval vessel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 军人 軍人 jūnrén soldier; serviceman n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开办 開辦 kāibàn set up and run; open; start; operate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开除 開除 kāichú dismiss; discharge; expel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开动 開動 kāidòng start; set in motion; move; march v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开发 開發 kāifā develop; exploit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开饭 開飯 kāi fàn it's meal time; start to serve meals; start to eat (meal) 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开口 開口 kāi kǒu open one's mouth; start to talk; make a cutting edge 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开幕 開幕 kāi mù raise the curtain; open; start; inaugurate 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开设 開設 kāishè set up; open up; provide; offer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开水 開水 kāishuǐ boiled water; boiling water n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 开夜车 開夜車 kāi yèchē work overtime or study at night; burn the midnight oil 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 刊物 刊物 kānwù publication; periodical; journal; magazine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 看 看 kān guard; keep under surveillance; look after; tend v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抗议 抗議 kàngyì express objection; remonstrate; protest; objection n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 考察 考察 kǎochá inspect; investigate; observe and study; research v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 考验 考驗 kǎoyàn test and prove; test; try; trial n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 靠近 靠近 kàojìn get close to; draw near; approach v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 科技 科技 kējì science and technology n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 科普 科普 kēpǔ popular science; science popularization n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 壳 殼 ké shell; hull; carapace; shuck n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可不是 可不是 kě bu shì exactly; right; cannot agree more; tell me about it 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可见 可見 kějiàn it is thus obvious that; we can see that; it shows that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可巧 可巧 kěqiǎo it happened that; by a happy coincidence adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可惜 可惜 kěxī regrettable; it's a pity that; it's too bad that adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可笑 可笑 kěxiào laughable; ridiculous; absurd; funny adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 可行 可行 kěxìng be practicable; be feasible; be viable v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 渴望 渴望 kěwàng long for; yearn for; thirst for; hanker for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 客 客 kè guest; visitor; passenger; customer; client n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 客观 客觀 kèguān objectivity; objective adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 客厅 客廳 kètīng living room; drawing room; parlor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 课堂 課堂 kètáng class; classroom; schoolroom n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坑 坑 kēng pit; hole; hollow; entrap; cheat; bury alive v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 空军 空軍 kōngjūn air force n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恐怖 恐怖 kǒngbù fearful; horrifying; horrible; terrifying; terrible adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 空 空 kòng vacate; leave empty or blank; vacant; unoccupied adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 口气 口氣 kǒuqì manner of speaking; tone; connotation; implication n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 口试 口試 kǒushì oral test; oral examination n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 口头 口頭 kǒutóu oral; spoken; verbal adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 枯 枯 kū withered; shriveled; faded; wilted; dried-up adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窟窿 窟窿 kūlong hollow; hole; cavity; loophole; flaw n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夸 誇 kuā praise; laud; commend; overstate; exaggerate; boast v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 垮 垮 kuǎ collapse; fall; break down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 快餐 快餐 kuàicān fast food; quick meal; snack n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 快活 快活 kuàihuo cheerful; happy; merry adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宽阔 寬闊 kuānkuò wide; broad adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 款待 款待 kuǎndài entertain cordially; treat cordially v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 筐 筐 kuāng basket n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 狂 狂 kuáng overbearing; mad; wild; violent; unconstrained adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 狂风 狂風 kuángfēng fierce wind; gale; force 10 gale n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 矿石 礦石 kuàngshí ore; galena; iron pyrites n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 况且 況且 kuàngqiě in addition; moreover; besides conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 昆虫 昆蟲 kūnchóng insect; hexapod n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阔 闊 kuò wide; broad; vast; rich; wealthy; extravagant adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喇叭 喇叭 lǎba trumpet; horn; suona horn; loudspeaker; speaker n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蜡烛 蠟燭 làzhú candle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辣 辣 là spicy; hot; peppery; pungent; vicious; ruthless adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辣椒 辣椒 làjiāo hot pepper; chili; chili pepper n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 来宾 來賓 láibīn visitor; guest n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 来客 來客 láikè back and forth; to and fro; round trip n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 来回 來回 láihuí visitor; guest n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 来往 來往 láiwǎng come and go; associate; association n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 来源 來源 láiyuán source; origin n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 篮子 籃子 lánzi basket n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 朗诵 朗誦 lǎngsòng read aloud with expression; recite; declaim v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牢 牢 láo firm; fast; durable; secure adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牢固 牢固 láogù solid; strong; firm; secure adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牢骚 牢騷 láosāo whine; complaint; grumble; grievance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 老年 老年 lǎonián old age; agedness n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 老婆 老婆 lǎopo wife n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 老人家 老人家 lǎorenjia elderly; old person; old parent n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 老乡 老鄉 lǎoxiāng fellow-townsman; fellow-villager; farmer buddy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 姥姥 姥姥 lǎolao maternal grandmother; grandma n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乐 樂 lè joy; laugh; love to; be happy to; enjoy v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 类似 類似 lèisì similar; analogous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 类型 類型 lèixíng type; category n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冷静 冷靜 lěngjìng quiet; calm; sober; cool adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冷却 冷卻 lěngquè cool; make cool; lower temperature v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冷饮 冷飲 lěngyǐn cold drink n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 楞 楞 lèng be startled out of one's wit; rash; brash; imprudent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 黎明 黎明 límíng dawn; daybreak n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 理 理 lǐ put in order; tide up; manage; run; pay attention to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 理 理 lǐ reason; truth; logic n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 里头 裡頭 lǐtou inside; interior; within n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 礼 禮 lǐ gift; present; propriety; courtesy; etiquette; manners n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 礼拜 禮拜 lǐbài religious service; week; Sunday n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 历年 曆年 lìnián over the past years n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 利 利 lì benefit; profit; interest n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 利润 利潤 lìrūn profit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 力求 力求 lìqiú make every effort to; strive to; try one's best to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 力争 力爭 lìzhēng do one's best to; strive for; contend vigorously v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 联络 聯絡 liánluò contact; communicate with; make liaison with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 联盟 聯盟 liánméng alliance; coalition; league; union n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 连接 連接 liánjiē connect; join; link v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 脸色 臉色 liǎnsè complexion; look; facial expression n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炼 煉 liàn refine; smelt; burn; try to find the best (word) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凉水 涼水 liángshuǐ cold water; un-boiled water n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 两旁 兩旁 liǎngpáng both sides; either side n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 量 量 liàng quantity; amount; volume; capacity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谅解 諒解 liàngjiě renounce anger or resentment through understanding v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 料 料 liào suppose; expect; manage; material; (grain) feed n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 列车 列車 lièchē train n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 裂 裂 liè split; crack; break up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 烈士 烈士 lièshì martyr; person of heroic ambitions n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猎人 獵人 lièrén hunter; huntsman n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 淋 淋 lín sprinkle; shower; drench; pour; spray; drizzle v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 零件 零件 língjiàn part; component n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灵魂 靈魂 línghún soul; spirit; conscience; guiding and decisive factor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 领会 領會 lǐnghuì understand; comprehend; grasp v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 领土 領土 lǐngtǔ territory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 领域 領域 lǐngyù field; sphere; domain; realm; area n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 令 令 lìng make; cause; order; command v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 溜 溜 liū slide; glide; slip away; sneak off v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 留学 留學 liú xué study abroad 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流传 流傳 liúchuán spread; circulate; hand down; pass down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流动 流動 liúdòng flow; run; circulate; move v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流氓 流氓 liúmáng hooligan; hoodlum; ruffian; gangster; thug n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流水 流水 liúshuǐ running water; turnover (of a shop) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流行 流行 liúxíng prevail; be in vogue; popular; fashionable; prevalent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 流域 流域 liúyù river valley; river basin; drainage area n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柳树 柳樹 liǔshù willow n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 笼子 籠子 lóngzi cage; coop n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拢 攏 lǒng approach; sum up; bring together; close; comb (hair) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 垄断 壟斷 lǒngduàn monopolize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 笼罩 籠罩 lǒngzhào envelop; shroud v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 楼道 樓道 lóudào corridor; passageway within a storied building n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 楼房 樓房 lóufáng storied building n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 搂 摟 lǒu hug; embrace; hold in one's arms v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 露面 露面 lòu miàn show one's face; make an appearance; show up 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喽 嘍 lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炉子 爐子 lúzi stove; oven; furnace n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 路过 路過 lùguò pass by (a place); pass through (a place) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 路口 路口 lùkǒu entrance to a road; crossing; intersection; crossroads n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 露 露 lù uncover; expose; reveal; show v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陆地 陸地 lùdì land; dry land n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陆军 陸軍 lùjūn ground force; land force; army n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 驴 驢 lǘ donkey; ass n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 铝 鋁 lǚ aluminum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 旅游 旅游 lǚyóu travel for pleasure; tour v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 卵 卵 luǎn ovum; egg; spawn n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 掠夺 掠奪 luèduó plunder; rob; pillage v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轮廓 輪廓 lúnkuò outline; contour; profile; silhouette; general situation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轮流 輪流 lúnliú take turns; do sth. in turn; rotate; alternate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轮子 輪子 lúnzi wheel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 论 論 lùn discuss; explain; mention; decide on; theory; opinion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 逻辑 邏輯 luóji logic; order of thinking; objective law n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锣 鑼 luó gong n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 骆驼 駱駝 luòtuo camel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 马克思主义 馬克思主義 mǎkèsīzhǔyì Marxism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瞒 瞞 mán hide the truth from; keep sb. in the dark about sth. v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 满腔 滿腔 mǎnqiāng full bosom (of emotion) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 漫长 漫長 màncháng very long; endless adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盲目 盲目 mángmù blind; lack of knowledge, understanding, and so on adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毛笔 毛筆 máobǐ Chinese writing and painting brush n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毛线 毛線 máoxiàn knitting wool; woolen yarn n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毛泽东思想 毛澤東思想 máozédōngsīxiǎng Mao Zedong Thought n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 茅台酒 茅台酒 máotáijiǔ maotai (liquor) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 梅花 梅花 méihuā plum flower n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 没说的 沒說的 méi shuō de flawless; really good; it goes without saying; no doubt 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 眉毛 眉毛 méimao eyebrow; brow n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 眉头 眉頭 méitóu eyebrows; the area where one's brows are n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 美观 美觀 měiguān pleasing to the eye; artistic; (of things) beautiful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闷 悶 mèn stuffy; cover tightly; keep silent; shut oneself in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 门诊 門診 ménzhěn outpatient service n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闷 悶 mèn bored; depressed; in low spirits; muffled adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蒙 蒙 méng cover; blindfold; suffer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猛 猛 měng brave; violent; fierce; energetic; vigorous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猛烈 猛烈 měngliè fierce; violent; vigorous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猛然 猛然 měngrán suddenly; abruptly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 梦想 夢想 mèngxiǎng dream of; hope vainly; dream; wishful thinking n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 眯 眯 mī narrow (one's eyes) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迷 迷 mī charm; fascinate; be crazy about; be lost v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迷糊 迷糊 míhu confused; dazed; muddle-headed; unconscious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迷信 迷信 míxìn have blind faith in; be superstitious; superstition n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谜语 謎語 míyǔ conundrum; riddle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 秘书 秘書 mìshū secretary n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蜜 蜜 mì honey n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 免得 免得 miǎnde so as not to; so as to avoid conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 勉强 勉強 miǎnqiǎng barely enough; reluctant; force sb. to do sth.; manage v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 面对 面對 miànduì face; confront; meet v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 面粉 麵粉 miànfěn flour; wheat flour n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 面孔 面孔 miànkǒng face; look; facial expression n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 面临 面臨 miànlín be faced with; be confronted with; be up against v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 苗 苗 miáo seedling; offspring; (some) baby animals; vaccine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灭亡 滅亡 mièwáng be destroyed; perish; become extinct; die out v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 民兵 民兵 mínbīng militia; militiaman; militia-woman n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 民间 民間 mínjiān among the people n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 民用 民用 mínyòng civil; for civil use adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 敏捷 敏捷 mǐnjié quick; nimble; agile adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 明白 明白 míngbai clear; plain; explicit; sensible; understand; see; know v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 明明 明明 míngmíng obviously; plainly; undoubtedly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 明信片 明信片 mīngxìnpiàn postcard n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鸣 鳴 míng chime; ring; sound; air; express; chirp; cry; sing v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 命 命 mìng life; life-span; fate; destiny; order; command; assign v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 模范 模範 mófàn exemplary thing or person; fine example; exemplary adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 模糊 模糊 móhu blurred; indistinct; dim; vague; unclear adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 模型 模型 móxíng model; mold; matrix; pattern; die n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摩托车 摩托車 mótuōchē motorcycle; motorbike; motor bicycle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抹 抹 mò apply; put on; smear; plaster; wipe; cross out; erase v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 末 末 mò end; tip; unimportant part; last stage; powder; dust n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 墨 墨 mò Chinese ink; ink stick; ink; handwriting or painting n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陌生 陌生 mòshēng strange; unfamiliar adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 某些 某些 mǒuxiē some; certain pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幕 幕 mù act; curtain; veil; screen n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 墓 墓 mù tomb; grave; mausoleum n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 木材 木材 mùcái wood; timber; lumber n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 目光 目光 mùguāng sight; view; vision; gaze; look n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牧场 牧場 mùchǎng ranch; livestock farm; pastureland; grazing land n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牧民 牧民 mùmín herdsman; herder n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拿…来说 拿…來說 ná … láishuō take … for example 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奶 奶 nǎi milk; breast n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耐 耐 nài stand; be able to bear or endure v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耐烦 耐煩 nàifán patient; composed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 男子 男子 nánzǐ man; male n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 难得 難得 nándé difficult to get; hard to come by; rare; seldom adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 难怪 難怪 nánguài it's difficult to blame; it's hardly a surprise; no wonder conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 难题 難題 nántī difficult problem; tough question; hot potato n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 难以 難以 nányǐ difficult to; hard to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 脑筋 腦筋 nǎojīn brains; mind; thinking capacities; ideas; concepts n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 脑力 腦力 naolì mental power; thinking ability; intelligence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闹笑话 鬧笑話 nào xiàohuà make a fool of oneself; make a silly mistake 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闹着玩儿 鬧著玩兒 nàozhe wánr frolic; be just kidding; tease; act in a frivolous manner 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 内科 內科 nèikē internal medicine; department of internal medicine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 嫩 嫩 nèn tender; delicate; rare; underdone; light; pale; callow adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 能 能 néng capable; able adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 能 能 néng energy; gift; ability; faculty n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 能歌善舞 能歌善舞 néng gē shàn wǔ be good at both singing and dancing 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 能量 能量 néngliàng energy; ability; capacity; capability n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 泥土 泥土 nítǔ mud; earth; dirt; soil n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 念书 念書 niànshū read; study (lessons); attend a school or university 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 娘 娘 niáng ma; mom; mother; woman n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 捏 捏 niē hold using a thumb and other fingers; knead; mould v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拧 擰 nǐng screw; twist; disagree; discord v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宁可 寧可 nìngkě would rather conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扭转 扭轉 niǔzhuǎn turn round; turn back; reverse; remedy; rectify v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农场 農場 nóngchǎng farm n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农具 農具 nóngjù farm tools; farm implements n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农贸市场 農貿市場 nóngmào shìchǎng market of farm produce 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农田 農田 nóngtián farmland; cultivated land; cropland; field n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农药 農藥 nóngyào agricultural chemicals; farming chemicals; pesticide n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 农作物 農作物 nóngzuòwù crops; cultivated plants n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奴隶 奴隸 núlì slave n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怒 怒 nù angry; raging; forceful; vigorous; dynamic; vehement adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 女子 女子 nǚzǐ woman; female n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 噢 噢 ō oh (I have just noticed; I have just realized) interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哦 哦 ò oh (that's why; now I understand) interj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 偶尔 偶爾 oǒu'ěr once in a while; occasionally; sometimes adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 偶然 偶然 ǒurán accidental; fortuitous; unexpected adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 趴 趴 pā lie on one's stomach; grovel; bend over; lean on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拍摄 拍攝 pāishè shoot (a photograph, movie, video clip, etc.); film v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拍子 拍子 pāizi bat; racket; swatter; beat; time; rhythm n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 排斥 排斥 páichì ostracize; repulse; repel; exclude; reject v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 排列 排列 páiliè arrange; put in order; align; line up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牌子 牌子 páizi billboard; plate; sign; brand; trademark; cí title n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 攀 攀 pān climb; grab; seek connection in high places; implicate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 攀登 攀登 pāndēng climb; clamber; scale v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盘 盤 pán coil; twist; wind; examine; look into; move; transfer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盼 盼 pàn yearn for; hope for; expect; look v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 畔 畔 pàn side; border of a river, lake, road, field, etc. n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抛 拋 pāo throw; toss; leave behind; desert; expose; show; dump v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炮弹 炮彈 pàodàn (artillery) shell n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 泡 泡 pào soak; steep; infuse; hang out; bubble; blister n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 培养 培養 péiyǎng train; groom; foster; develop; cultivate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 培育 培育 péiyù cultivate; nurture; breed; foster v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赔偿 賠償 péicháng compensate; pay for sb. else's damage or loss v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany; sb. who accompanies; company n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 配 配 pèi make a couple; find sth. to fit; mix; blend; be worthy of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 佩服 佩服 pèifú admire; have a high opinion of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盘地 盤地 péndì basin; area surrounded by land of higher elevation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蓬勃 蓬勃 péngbó vigorous; flourishing; burgeoning adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 棚 棚 péng cote; shed; shack; makeshift shelter; ceiling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 膨胀 膨脹 péngzhàng expand; extend in length; swell in size; inflate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 碰钉子 碰釘子 pèng dīngzi be rebuffed; hit a snag; encounter hostility 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 批 批 pī criticize; write comments on documents submitted v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 疲倦 疲倦 píjuàn tired and sleepy; weary; fatigued adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 屁股 屁股 pìgu buttocks; bottom; rear; rump; hindquarters; end; butt n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 譬如 譬如 pìrú for example; for instance; such as v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 偏 偏 piān inclined to one side; off-center; off-target; off-standard adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 偏偏 偏偏 piānpiān against sb.'s wish; contrary to expectations; only; just adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 飘扬 飄揚 piāoyáng wave in the wind; flutter in the wind; fly v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拼 拼 pīn piece together; join together; achieve sth. at all costs v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 贫苦 貧苦 pínkǔ poor and bitter; destitute; lacking living materials adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 贫穷 貧窮 pínqióng poor; impoverished; lacking a means of production adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 品德 品德 pǐndé moral character n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 品质 品質 pǐnzhì character; quality (of a person, product, etc.) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 平凡 平凡 píngfán common; commonplace; ordinary; trivial adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 平衡 平衡 pínghéng balanced; balance; equilibrium v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 平行 平行 píngxíng parallel; simultaneous; concurrent; at the same level adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凭 憑 píng rely on; depend on; lean on; with prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 评 評 píng comment; criticize; review; assess; judge; evaluate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 评介 評介 píngjiè evaluate; assess; appraise; evaluation; assessment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 评论 評論 pínglùn comment; remark; review; commentary n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 泼 潑 pō splash; spill; sprinkle; throw a fluid in flying masses v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 破产 破產 pò chǎn go bankrupt; go broke; come to nothing; fall through 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 破烂 破爛 pòlàn broken and rotten; ragged; worn-out; tattered adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迫害 迫害 pòhài persecute; treat sb. with cruelty; oppress cruelly v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 葡萄 葡萄 pútáo grape n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 普及 普及 pǔjí popularize; make sth. a commonplace; prevalent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 普通话 普通話 pǔtōnghuà common speech (of the Chinese language) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 欺负 欺負 qīfu bully; intimidate; bluster; coerce; tease; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 漆 漆 qī paint; lacquer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 其 其 qí it; they; she; he; its; their; her; his; that; such pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 其实 其實 qíshí in fact; actually; as a matter of fact adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 棋 棋 qí chess; board game; chessman; (chess) piece n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 奇迹 奇跡 qíjì miracle; marvel; wonder n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 旗袍 旗袍 qípáo close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 旗帜 旗幟 qízhì flag; banner; streamer; role model; leading idea n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 起初 起初 qǐchū at first; in the beginning; originally n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 起飞 起飛 qǐfēi (of aircraft, rocket, economy, business, etc.) take off v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 起义 起義 qǐyì revolt; uprise; rebel; insurrection; uprising; rebellion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 起源 起源 qǐyuán origin; genesis; originate; stem; start v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 器材 器材 qìcái equipment and material n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 器官 器官 qìguān organ; apparatus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气 氣 qì gas; air; breath; weather; smell; spirits; manner; insult n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气氛 氣氛 qìfèn atmosphere; ambience n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气愤 氣憤 qìfèn angry and resentful; indignant; furious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气概 氣概 qìgài mettle; (heroic, masculine, etc.) spirit; lofty quality n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气体 氣體 qìtǐ gas; substance in the gaseous state n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气味 氣味 qìwèi smell; odor; favor; taste; reek; smack n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 气压 氣壓 qìyā air pressure; atmospheric pressure n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 汽船 汽船 qìchuán steamship; steamboat; motorboat n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恰当 恰當 qiàdàng suitable; proper; appropriate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恰好 恰好 qiàhǎo happen to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 恰恰 恰恰 qiàqià just; exactly; precisely adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 铅 鉛 qiān (of metal) lead; graphitic substance in pencils n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 千方百计 千方百計 qiān fāng bǎi jì by every possible means; by hook or crook 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 千克 千克 qiānkè kilogram m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谦虚 謙虛 qiānxū modest; self-effacing; make modest remarks adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 前方 前方 qiánfāng front; in front; ahead; at the head; forward n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 前后 前後 qiánhòu in front of and behind; around; about; altogether n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 前头 前頭 qiántou in front; ahead; forward; above; proceeding; forepart n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歉意 歉意 qiànyì regret; apology; apologetic feeling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 墙壁 牆壁 qiángbì wall n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 强迫 強迫 qiǎngpò force; compel; coerce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 翘 翹 qiào raise; hold up; curl up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 切实 切實 qièshí realistic; practical; based on reality; in real earnest adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 侵犯 侵犯 qīnfàn intrude upon; encroach on; violate; invade v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 侵入 侵入 qīnrù invade; make incursions into; enter by force v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亲 親 qīn close; intimate; dear; related by blood adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亲热 親熱 qīnrè intimate; warm; affectionate; loving adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亲人 親人 qīnrén family member; relative; someone dear n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亲眼 親眼 qīnyǎn (see) with one's own eyes; (witness) personally adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 琴 琴 qín general name for certain musical instruments n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 勤劳 勤勞 qínláo hardworking; diligent; industrious; assiduous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 青菜 青菜 qīngcài green vegetables; plant similar to Chinese cabbage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 青春 青春 qīngchūn youth; youthfulness; youthful age n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 青蛙 青蛙 qīngwā frog n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轻视 輕視 qīngshì look down upon; despise; belittle; underestimate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 轻易 輕易 qīngyì lightly and easily; lightly; easily adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 倾向 傾向 qīngxiàng lean towards; be inclined to; tendency; inclination n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 清晨 清晨 qīngchén early morning n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 清除 清除 qīngchú clear away; eliminate; get rid of; purge; remove v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 清洁 清潔 qīngjié clean; unpolluted adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 清晰 清晰 qīngxī clear; distinct adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 清醒 清醒 qīngxǐng clear-headed; sober; regain consciousness; come to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 晴天 晴天 qíngtiān sunny day; fine day n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 情 情 qíng feeling; emotion; love; passion; lust; condition; reason n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 情报 情報 qíngbào intelligence; information; tip-off n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 请教 請教 qǐngjiào consult; ask for advice; seek advice v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 请示 請示 qǐngshì ask for instructions v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 穷人 窮人 qióngrén poor person; have-not; pauper; the poor; the destitute n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 秋季 秋季 qiūjì autumn season; autumn; fall; season of autumn n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丘陵 丘陵 qiūlíng hills; undulating topography n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 区域 區域 qūyù region; area; district n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 曲折 曲折 qūzhé zigzag; winding; tortuous; meandering; complicated adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 渠道 渠道 qúdào ditch; trench; channel; way; means n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 娶 娶 qǔ marry (a woman); take a wife v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 趣味 趣味 qùwèi interest; delight; fun; palate; taste n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 圈子 圈子 quānzi circle; ring; clique n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 权利 權利 quánlì right n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 权力 權力 quánlì power; authority; jurisdiction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 全局 全局 quánjú general or overall situation; situation as a whole n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拳头 拳頭 quántou fist n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 劝告 勸告 quàngào persuade; advise; exhort; urge; advice; exhortation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 群岛 群島 qúndǎo group of scattered islands; archipelago n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 燃料 燃料 ránliào inflammable material; fuel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 染料 染料 rǎnliào dye; dyestuff n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饶 饒 ráo forgive; spare; let off; throw in; make an extra free offer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 热带 熱帶 rèdài torrid zone; tropics n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 热量 熱量 rèliàng quantity of heat n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人家 人家 rénjia everyone else; he; him; she; her; they; them; I; me pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人间 人間 rénjiān human world; this world n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人力 人力 rénlì manpower; physical labor; ability of human beings n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人群 人群 rénqún human throng; crowd n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人士 人士 rénshì personage; person with certain social influence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人体 人體 réntǐ human body; nude n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 人心 人心 rénxīn people's heart; the will of the people; popular feeling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忍不住 忍不住 rěn bu zhù cannot help; unable to bear 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忍耐 忍耐 rěnnài forbear; restrain oneself; exercise patience v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忍受 忍受 rěnshòu bear; endure; tolerate; put up with (pain, hardship, etc.) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 任 任 rèn at will; at discretion; no matter (how, what, etc.) conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 任 任 rèn assign to a post; assume a post; bear; endure v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 任性 任性 rènxìng self-willed; self-indulgent; headstrong; wayward adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 任意 任意 rènyì arbitrarily; willfully; at will; at discretion adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仍旧 仍舊 réngjiù still; yet adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 日报 日報 rìbào daily paper; daily n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 日夜 日夜 rìyè day and night; round the clock n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 日益 日益 rìyì more and more each day; increasingly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 日用 日用 rìyòng of daily use; of everyday use adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 荣幸 榮幸 róngxìng honored and fortunate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 溶液 溶液 róngyè liquid solution; liquor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 容 容 róng contain; hold; tolerate; forgive; allow; permit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 容器 容器 róngqì container; vessel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 容许 容許 róngxǔ allow; permit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 揉 揉 róu knead; roll; crumple; rub; massage v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柔软 柔軟 róuruǎn soft; supple; lithe; limber adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 如此 如此 rúcǐ that be like this; that be so pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 如同 如同 rútóng be like; be the same as v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 如下 如下 rú xià as follows 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 软弱 軟弱 ruǎnruò soft and weak; weak; feeble; wishy-washy; infirm adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 若 若 ruò if conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 若干 若干 ruògān a certain number of; some; several; a few num 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 塞 塞 sāi fill in; stuff v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 散 散 sǎn come loose; fall apart; scattered; disintegrated adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 散文 散文 sǎnwén prose; literary works including scribbles; essays, etc. n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 散 散 sàn break up; disperse; distribute; give out; dispel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 散布 散布 sànbù scatter; disseminate; spread; sow v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丧失 喪失 sàngshī lose; forfeit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 色彩 色彩 sècǎi color; hue; flavor; appeal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 纱 紗 shā yarn; sheer; gauze; name of certain textile products n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 删 刪 shān delete; strike out; expunge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 山地 山地 shāndì mountainous area; hilly topography n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 山峰 山峰 shānfēng mountain peak n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 山谷 山谷 shāngǔ mountain valley n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闪电 閃電 shǎndiàn lightning n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闪烁 閃爍 shǎnshuò twinkle; glimmer; glitter; hum and haw; equivocate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扇子 扇子 shànzi fan (that can create airflow through waving) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伤害 傷害 shānghài hurt; harm; damage; injure; wound v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伤口 傷口 shāngkǒu wound; cut; laceration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伤脑筋 傷腦筋 shāng nǎojīn troublesome; knotty; bothersome 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 商人 商人 shāngrén merchant; business person; trader n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上帝 上帝 shàngdì God; the ruler in heaven n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上升 上升 shàngshēng rise; go up; ascend; move upward v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上述 上述 shàngshù aforementioned; above-mentioned; aforesaid n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上头 上頭 shàngtou the higher authorities; foregoing; above; on top of n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上下 上下 shàngxià up and down; high and low; old and young n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上旬 上旬 shàngxún period of the first ten days of a month n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 上游 上游 shàngyóu upper reaches (of a river); advanced position n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 少女 少女 shàonǚ young girl; unmarried girl; teenage girl n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 少先队 少先隊 shàoxiānduì Young Pioneers n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哨兵 哨兵 shàobīng sentinel; sentry; guard n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舍不得 捨不得 shě bu de hate to part with, spend, or use; grudge; begrudge 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舍得 捨得 shěde be willing to part with, spend, or use; not grudge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摄氏 攝氏 shèshì Celsius; centigrade n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摄影 攝影 shè yǐng take a photo; shoot a film 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 射击 射擊 shèjī shoot; fire v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 社会主义 社會主義 shèhuìzhǔyì socialism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 社论 社論 shèlùn editorial n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 设 設 shè set up; establish; work out; suppose v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 设法 設法 shèfǎ work out a way; try; do what one can v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 设想 設想 shèxiǎng imagine; have consideration for; idea; tentative plan n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 申请 申請 shēnqǐng apply for; file an application for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 身材 身材 shēncái stature; figure n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 身分(身份) 身分(身份) shēnfen identity; status; capacity; honorable position; dignity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 身子 身子 shēnzi body; pregnancy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 深度 深度 shēndù depth degree; depth; profundity; higher level n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 深夜 深夜 shēnyè late at night; period around midnight n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 神话 神話 shénhuà mythology; myth; fairy tale; preposterous theory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 神秘 神秘 shénmì mysterious; mystical adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 神气 神氣 shénqì expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; proud; cocky adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 神情 神情 shénqíng expression; look; air; mien n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 神圣 神聖 shénshèng sacred; holy adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 审查 審查 shěnchá check; inspect; examine; investigate; censor v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 婶子 嬸子 shěnzi aunt; wife of father's younger brother n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 甚至 甚至 shènzhì even; and even conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 甚至于 甚至於 shènzhìyú and even; it goes so far that conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 慎重 慎重 shènzhòng careful; cautious; prudent; discreet adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 声明 聲明 shēngmíng state; declare; proclaim; statement; declaration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 生 生 shēng life; all one's life; livelihood; existence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 生病 生病 shēng bìng get sick; fall ill; contract a disease 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 生存 生存 shēngcún live and persist; subsist; exist; survive v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 生理 生理 shēnglǐ physiology n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 省得 省得 shěngde so as to avoid; so as to save conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 省长 省長 shěngzhǎng governor of a province; premier of a province n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 圣诞节 聖誕節 shèngdànjié Christmas; Christmas Day n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 剩余 剩餘 shèngyú remain; have a surplus; surplus; remainder; residue n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 师范 師範 shīfàn teacher training; person of exemplary virtue n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 失掉 失掉 shīdiào lose; no longer possess; miss; let slip v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 失眠 失眠 shīmián lose sleep; be unable to sleep; suffer from insomnia v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 湿润 濕潤 shīrùn moist; damp; humid adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 诗人 詩人 shīrén poet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 时常 時常 shícháng time and again; often; frequently adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 时机 時機 shíjī moment of opportunity; opportunity; opportune time n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 时节 時節 shíjié season; time n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 时时 時時 shíshí time and time again; constantly; very often adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 实话 實話 shíhuà truthful words, truth n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 实况 實況 shíkuàng actual situation; what is actually happening n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 实施 實施 shíshī put into effect; implement; carry out; enforce; execute v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 实习 實習 shíxí practice; praxis; exercise and learn in the real world v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 实质 實質 shízhì essence; substance; gist n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 使得 使得 shǐde cause; render; make v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 使劲 使勁 shǐ jìn use strength; exert all one's strength; make efforts 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 驶 駛 shǐ drive; sail; speed; move or pass quickly v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 示威 示威 shìwēi demonstrate; put on a show of strength and prowess v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 士兵 士兵 shìbīng rank-and-file soldier; private; rank and file n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown …似的 …似的 … shìde as if; -like; as … as part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 事故 事故 shìgù event that is unforeseen; accident; mishap n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 事迹 事跡 shìjì praiseworthy act; deed; achievement; merit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 事务 事務 shìwù work; routine; affair; transaction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 逝世 逝世 shìshì pass away; die v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 势力 勢力 shìli (political, economic or military) force; power; influence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 是的 是的 shìde right and wrong; dispute; conflict over trivialities n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 是非 是非 shìfēi yes; right; that's it part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 是否 是否 shìfǒu yes or no; whether or not; if adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 事宜 事宜 shìyí suitable; fit; appropriate; just right adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 市长 市長 shìzhǎng mayor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 收割 收割 shōugē gather and cut; reap; harvest v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 收集 收集 shōují collect; gather v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 收缩 收縮 shōusuō contract; shrink; reduce; concentrate one's forces v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 手枪 手槍 shǒuqiāng handgun; pistol n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 手势 手勢 shǒushì gesture; sign; signal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 守 守 shǒu guard; defend; keep watch; observe; be close to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 寿命 壽命 shòumìng life-span; life; life time n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 售 售 shòu sell v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 售货 售貨 shòu huò sell goods 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 梳 梳 shū comb v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 梳子 梳子 shūzi comb n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舒畅 舒暢 shūchàng comfortable and happy; pleased and satisfied adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 书本 書本 shūběn (general term for) book n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 书籍 書籍 shūjí (collective term for) books; works; literature n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 树立 樹立 shùlì (of abstract good things) set up; establish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 树木 樹木 shùmù (collective term for) trees n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 束 束 shù bunch; bundle; sheaf m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 束缚 束縛 shùfù tie down; bind down; constrain; fetter v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 数据 數據 shùjù data n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 数目 數目 shùmù number; amount n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 刷子 刷子 shuāzi brush n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 耍 耍 shuǎ play with; perform; make fun of; give full play to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 衰弱 衰弱 shuāiruò weak; feeble; weakened adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拴 拴 shuān tether; tie; fasten; tie down; bind up v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 霜 霜 shuāng frost; frost-like substance; white color; hoary color n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 双 雙 shuāng two; both; twin; dual; double; twofold; even adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 水分 水分 shuǐfèn water element; moisture content; untruthful information n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 水库 水庫 shuǐkù reservoir n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 水利 水利 shuǐlì water resources; water conservancy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 水力 水力 shuǐlì waterpower; hydraulic power n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 睡眠 睡眠 shuìmián sleep n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 税 稅 shuì tax; duty; tariff n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顺 順 shùn smooth; put in order; be agreeable to; yield to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顺手 順手 shùnshǒu smooth and handy; convenient; without difficulty adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 说不定 說不定 shuōbudìng cannot say for sure; maybe; perhaps adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 说法 說法 shuōfa wording; way to put it; argument; saying; parlance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 说服 說服 shuō fú talk to convince; talk over; persuade; convince; 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 思考 思考 sīkǎo think over; ponder over; reflect upon; consider v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 思念 思念 sīniàn miss; think of; long for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 思索 思索 sīsuǒ think and seek solutions; think in depth; ponder v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 思维 思維 sīwéi thinking; thought n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 私有 私有 sīyǒu privately owned; private adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 司令 司令 sīlìng commander; commanding officer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丝毫 絲毫 sīháo very little; of the slightest amount or degree adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 死 死 sǐ dead; fixed; rigid; deadly; implacable; impassable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 死亡 死亡 sǐwáng die; expire v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 四处 四處 sìchù four places; all around; hither and thither; everywhere n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 四面八方 四面八方 sì miàn bā fāng four sides and eight directions; in every direction 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 四周 四周 sìzhōu surround in four directions; on all sides; all around n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饲养 飼養 sìyǎng raise; rear (domestic animals) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 松树 松樹 sōngshù pine-tree; pine tree; pine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 送礼 送禮 sòng lǐ give-gift; give a gift; present a gift to sb. 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 搜集 搜集 sōují seek-gather; collect; hunt high and low for (things) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 艘 艘 sōu measure word for ships or boats m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 俗话 俗話 súhuà popular-saying; folk adage; colloquialism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 速成 速成 sùchéng rapidly-master; quickly accomplish; crash (course) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 算是 算是 suànshì can be counted as; can be regarded as v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 算术 算術 suàn shù count-number; count; hold; be valid 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 虽 雖 suī although; though; even if; even though conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 虽说 雖說 suīshuō although-say; although it can be said that; although conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 随后 隨後 suíhòu following-rear; afterward; shortly after; in a minute adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 随即 隨即 suíjí following-moment; right afterward; immediately afterward adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 随手 隨手 suíshǒu following-hand; without extra trouble adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 岁数 歲數 suìshù age-figure; age; years n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 孙女 孫女 sūnnǚ grandchild-daughter; son's daughter; granddaughter n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 孙子 孫子 sūnzi grandchild-son;son's son; grandson n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 损害 損害 sǔnhài damage-harm; harm; injure; hurt v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 损坏 損壞 sǔnhuài damage-break; damage; break; spoil v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缩短 縮短 suōduǎn shrink-shorter; shorten; curtail; cut short; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缩小 縮小 suōxiǎo shrink-smaller; reduce; lessen; deflate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锁 鎖 suǒ lock; padlock n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锁 鎖 suǒ lock (up); lockstitch v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 所在 所在 suǒzài where-be; place; location; where sth. or sb. is n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 塌 塌 tā fall down; collapse; crumple; sink; slump; calm down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 踏实 踏實 tāshi step-solid; down-to-earth; anxiety-free adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 踏 踏 tà step; tread; stamp; stomp; trample v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摊 攤 tān spread out; unfold; lay out; share; (of sth. bad) befall v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摊 攤 tān booth; stall; stand; measure word for pools of liquid m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 滩 灘 tān beach; shoal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谈话 談話 tánhuà talk; chat; statement issued in the form of an interview n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谈论 談論 tánlùn talk-comment; talk about; discuss; chat v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 坦克 坦克 tǎnkè tank n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 探索 探索 tànsuǒ feel-seek; try to find (information); explore; probe v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 叹气 嘆氣 tàn qì sigh (a breath); sigh; have a sigh 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 倘若 倘若 tǎngròu supposing; if; in case conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 桃 桃 táo peach; sth. resembling a peach; walnut n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 逃避 逃避 táobì escape-avoid; evade; shirk v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 特 特 tè special; particular; extraordinary adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 特务 特務 tèwu special-task; special-task agent; secret agent; spy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 特征 特徵 tèzhēng distinctive-sign; characteristic; feature; trait n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 提包 提包 tíbāo carrying-bag; handbag; shopping bag; valise n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 提纲 提綱 tígāng lifting-rope; lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net; outline n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 提问 提問 tíwèn ask-question; raise a question (in a class or meeting) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 提醒 提醒 tíxǐng prompt-awareness; remind; call attention to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 提议 提議 tíyì raise-idea; propose; move; proposal; motion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蹄 蹄 tí hoof n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 体操 體操 tǐcāo body-exercise; gymnastics n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 体力 體力 tǐlì physical-strength; physical power; thews n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 体面 體面 tǐmiàn decent-face; dignity; honorable; creditable; handsome adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 体温 體溫 tǐwēn body-temperature; body temperature n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 体现 體現 tǐxiàn bodily-express; embody; incarnate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天才 天才 tiāncái heavenly-talent; genius; gift; endowment; gifted person n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天空 天空 tiānkōng sky-space; sky; heavens n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天然 天然 tiānrán naturally-formed; naturally-developed; natural adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天然气 天然氣 tiānránqì naturally-formed-gas; natural gas n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天上 天上 tiānshàng heavenly-above; in the sky n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天文 天文 tiānwén celestial-phenomena; astronomy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天下 天下 tiānxià under-sky; world; rule; domination n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 天主教 天主教 tiānzhǔjiào heavenly-lord-religion; Catholicism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 田地 田地 tiándì field-land; cropland; farmland; plight; pitiful situation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挑选 挑選 tiāoxuǎn pick-choose; select; pick out v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 条例 條例 tiáolì itemized-rules; regulations; ordinances; rules n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 调节 調節 tiáojié adjust-regulate; adjust; regulate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 调皮 調皮 tiáopí playful-naughty; mischievous; disobedient; tricky adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 跳动 跳動 tiàodòng jump-move; jump up and down; beat; pulsate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 厅 廳 tīng hall; department in a large government organization n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 停留 停留 tíngliú stop-remain; stay for a period of time; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亭子 亭子 tíngzi pavilion-thingpavilion; kiosk n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挺 挺 tǐng straighten up; stick out; erect; endure; put up with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 通常 通常 tōngcháng common-frequent; usual; general; normal adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 通顺 通順 tōngshùn logical-smooth; clear and coherent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 通信 通信 tōng xìn communicate-letter; correspond; communicate by letter 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 同伴 同伴 tóngbān accompanying-partner; companion; mate; comrade n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 同胞 同胞 tóngbàn same-afterbirth;sibling; compatriot n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 同盟 同盟 tóngméng same-vow;alliance; league; ally n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 筒 筒 tǒng thick bamboo segment; tube-shaped container n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 统计 統計 tǒngjì totally-count; tally; collect statistic data; statistics n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 统统 統統 tǒngtǒng totally-totally; all; entirely; completely; wholly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 投机 投機 tóujī invest-chance; congenial; opportunistic; speculate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 投降 投降 tóuxiáng join-surrender; surrender; capitulate; give up resistance v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 头脑 頭腦 tóunǎo head-brain; brains; intellectual power; mind; wit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 透明 透明 tòumíng penetrating-brightness;transparent; lucid adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 突破 突破 tūpò charge-breach; break through; breakthrough n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 图画 圖畫 túhuà drawing-painting; composition of lines and colors n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 徒弟 徒弟 túdì apprenticing junior; apprentice n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 途径 途徑 tújìng route and path; way; approach; avenue; channel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 土 土 tǔ local; indigenous; native; crude; rustic; unfashionable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 土壤 土壤 tǔrǎng earth-and-soil; soil n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 团体 團體 tuántǐ group-entity; group; organization; team; society; circle n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 团员 團員 tuányuán group-member; delegation member; League member n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 团长 團長 tuánzhǎng regiment-commander; colonel; head of a delegation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 推迟 推遲 tuīchí push-later; put off; postpone; delay; defer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 推辞 推辭 tuīcí push-decline; decline; refuse; turn down (an offer) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 推翻 推翻 tuīfān push-topple; overthrow; overturn; reverse; cancel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 推荐 推薦 tuījiàn push-commend; recommend v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 推进 推進 tuījìn push-progress; propel; advance; drive forward v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 退步 退步 tuìbù back-steps; regress; fall behind; retrogression n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 退休 退休 tuìxiū withdraw-rest; retire v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吞 吞 tūn swallow; devour; gulp down; annex v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拖拉机 拖拉機 tuōlājī hauling-pulling-machine; tractor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 托儿所 托兒所 tuō'érsuǒ entrust-child-place; nursery; child care center n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 驮 馱 tuó carry or bear on the back v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 妥当 妥當 tuǒdang sound-appropriate; proper; suitable; appropriate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 娃娃 娃娃 wáwa baby-baby; baby; child; doll n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瓦 瓦 wǎ tile n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 歪曲 歪曲 wāiqū slant-crook; distort; misrepresent; twist; contort v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外部 外部 wàibù external-part; outside; exterior; surface n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外界 外界 wàijiè external-world; outside n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外科 外科 wàikē external-department; surgical department n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外头 外頭 wàitou outside-place; outdoor space; outside n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外衣 外衣 wàiyī outer-garment; outerwear; coat; apparel; jacket n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外祖父 外祖父 wàizǔfù external-grandfather; maternal grandfather n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 外祖母 外祖母 wàizǔmǔ external-grandmother; maternal grandmother n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 弯曲 彎曲 wānqū curving-meandering; winding; zigzag; anfractuous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顽固 頑固 wángù unyielding-firm; stubborn; obstinate; obdurate adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 顽强 頑強 wánqiáng unyielding-firm; tenacious; indomitable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 玩笑 玩笑 wánxiào play-laugh; joke; jest; prank n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 玩意儿 玩意兒 wányìr play-thing; toy; thing; certain performing folk art forms n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 丸 丸 wán measure word for pills and boluses m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 完备 完備 wánbèi whole-complete; complete; entire; perfect adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 完善 完善 wánshàn whole-good; perfect; consummate; improve v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挽 挽 wǎn roll up; pull; draw; reverse; retrieve v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挽救 挽救 wǎnjiù retrieve-save; get back and save; rescue; remedy v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 晚报 晚報 wǎnbào evening-newspaperevening newspaper n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 万分 萬分 wànfēn thousands-portions; very much; extremely adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 万古长青 萬古長青 wàn gǔ cháng qīng thousands-age-ever-green; remain fresh forever 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 万岁 萬歲 wàsuì thousands-years; long live; Your Majesty v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 万万 萬萬 wànwàn thousands-thousandsin millions of cases; in any case adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 万一 萬一 wànyī thousands-oneone in thousands; eventuality; in case adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 网 網 wǎng net; netting; network; web; meshwork n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 往来 往來 wǎnglái come-go; be in contact with; have relations with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 威胁 威脅 wēixié menacingly-coerce; intimidate; threaten; menace; imperil v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 微小 微小 wēixiǎo micro-small; tiny; little; small; minute adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 违背 違背 wéibèi violate-disobey; go against; run counter to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 围巾 圍巾 wéijīn enclosing-cloth; scarf; muffler; shawl; neckerchief n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 危难 危難 wéinán make-difficulties; feel awkward; make things difficult for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 为首 為首 wéishǒu as-head; be headed by; be led by v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 为止 為止 wéizhǐ as-end; till; up to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 维持 維持 wéichí maintain-preserve; keep; support; safeguard v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 维生素 維生素 wéishēngsù maintain-life-element; vitamin n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 委屈 委屈 wěiqu bent-distorted; grieved due to being mistreated adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 委托 委托 wěituō entrust-trust; consign; commission; delegate; devolve v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 未必 未必 wèibì not-necessarily; may not; perhaps not adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 味 味 wèi taste; flavor; smell; odor; interest; food n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 位于 位於 wèiyú position-at; lie on; be located in; be situated in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 慰问 慰問 wèiwèn comfort-ask; express sympathy and solicitude v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 温 溫 wēn warm; lukewarm; mild; gentle; warm up; review v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 温带 溫帶 wēndài warm-belt; temperate zone n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 温和 溫和 wēnhé warm-kind; temperate; moderate; mild; genial adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蚊子 蚊子 wénzi mosquito n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闻名 聞名 wénmíng hear-name; know by reputation; be well-known v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吻 吻 wěn lips; kiss; touch or caress with one's lips v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 翁 翁 wēng buzz; hum; drone ono 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 卧 臥 wò lie; take a prone position; (of certain animals) crouch v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 污 污 wū dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; smeared adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 诬蔑 誣蔑 wūmiè slander-smear; slander; smear; vilify; libel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无比 無比 wúbǐ nothing-compare; incomparable; unsurpassed adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无产阶级 無產階級 wúchǎn jiējí no-property-rank-level; proletariat; working class 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无法 無法 wú fǎ no-way; have no way; be incapable; be unable 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无可奈何 無可奈何 wú kě nàihé nothing-could-make-what; be helpless 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无论如何 無論如何 wúlùn rúhé no-matter-like-what; in any case; in any event; at any rate 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无情 無情 wúqíng no-feeling; unfeeling; heartless; merciless; ruthless adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无所谓 無所謂 wúsuǒwèi no-what-say; be indifferent; not care; cannot be called v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无线电 無線電 wúxiàndiàn wireless-electricity; radio n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 无疑 無疑 wúyí no-doubt; undoubted; beyond doubt; unquestionable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 武装 武裝 wǔzhuāng military-equipment; weaponry; arm forces; arm; equip v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舞蹈 舞蹈 wǔdǎo move-step; move and step rhythmically; dance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舞会 舞會 wùhuì dance-party; dance; ball n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 舞台 舞臺 wǔtái dance-platform; stage; arena n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 侮辱 侮辱 wǔrǔ bully-humiliate; insult; affront; humiliate; dishonor v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 物品 物品 wùpǐn substance-matter; article; goods; thing n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 物体 物體 wùtǐ substance-object; body; substance; object n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 物资 物資 wùzī substance material; goods and materials n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 误 誤 wù by mistake; by accident; miss; delay; harm; damage v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 西服 西服 xīfú Western-garment; Western-style garment; suit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 西医 西醫 xīyī Western-medicine; doctor trained in Western medicine n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 吸取 吸取 xīqǔ absorb-get; absorb; draw; assimilate; extract v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 稀 稀 xī rare; uncommon; sparse; scattered; watery; thin adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锡 錫 xī tin; stannum (Sn) n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 袭击 襲擊 xíjī raid-attack; assault by surprise; attack by surprise v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 媳妇 媳婦 xífù daughter-woman; son's wife; daughter-in-law n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喜爱 喜愛 xǐ'ài like-love; like; love; be fond of; be keen on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 喜悦 喜悅 xǐyuè happy-pleased; joyful; joyous; delighted; cheerful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 戏剧 戲劇 xìjù opera-drama; drama; theater; play; play script n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 细胞 細胞 xìbāo tiny-cell; cell n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 细致 細緻 xìzhì meticulous-careful; attentive to detail; rich in detail adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 瞎 瞎 xiā become blind; groundlessly; to no purpose; aimlessly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 虾 蝦 xiā shrimp; prawn; lobster n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 峡谷 峽谷 xiágǔ ravine-valley; gorge; canyon n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 下降 下降 xiàjiàng lower-descend; decline; get down; drop; fall v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 下列 下列 xiàliè below-listed; following; listed below adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 下旬 下旬 xiàxún last 10 days; from the 21st to the last day of a month n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 下游 下游 xiàyóu lower reaches (of a river); backward position n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夏季 夏季 xiàjì summer season; summer; season of summer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鲜明 鮮明 xiānmíng with bright colors and clear; vivid; distinct; distinctive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鲜血 鮮血 xiānxuè fresh-blood; blood n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鲜艳 鮮艷 xiānyàn bright-colorful; bright-colored; gaily-colored adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 咸 鹹 xián salty; salted adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 闲话 閑話 xiánhuà idle words; gossip; claver; tattle; digression n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 嫌 嫌 xián dislike; mind v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 显示 顯示 xiǎnshì reveal-displaymake it obvious and show; manifest v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 险 險 xiǎn dangerous; perilous; sinister; vicious; venomous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 现 現 xiàn appear; reveal; show; impromptu; extemporaneously adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 现成 現成 xiànchéng now-made; ready-made adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 县城 縣城 xiànchéng county-town; county seat n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宪法 憲法 xiànfǎ constitutional-law; constitution n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 陷 陷 xiàn get stuck; get bogged down; sink; cave in; frame; fall v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 线路 線路 xiànlù wire-route; circuit; line; route; path; connection n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 相对 相對 xiāngduì mutually-face; face each other; be opposite; relative adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 香烟 香煙 xiāngyān fragrant-smoke; cigarette; incense smoke n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 箱 箱 xiāng measure word for boxes, cases, chests, trunks, etc. m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乡村 鄉村 xiāngcūn countryside-hamlet; rural area; countryside; village n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 响亮 響亮 xiǎngliàng loud-bright; loud and clear; sonorous; resonant adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 巷 巷 xiàng alley; lane; narrow street n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 相声 相聲 xiàngshēng comic dialogue; cross-talk n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 向导 向導 xiàngdǎo direction-guide; guide n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 向来 向來 xiànglái from beginning coming towards now; always; all along adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 象征 象徵 xiàngzhēng symbol-sign; symbolize; signify; symbol; token n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 削 削 xiāo pare; skive; peel (with a knife); cut v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 消除 消除 xiāochú eliminate-remove; clear up; get rid of; dispel v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 消毒 消毒 xiāo dú remove-poison; disinfect; sterilize; sanitize 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 消耗 消耗 xiāohào reduce-expend; consume; deplete; consumption n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 消极 消極 ziāojí eliminate-urgency; negative; passive; inactive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 小便 小便 xiǎobiàn little-excrement; urine of human beings n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 小组 小組 xiǎozǔ small-team; team; group n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 笑容 笑容 xiàoróng smiling-look; smiling expression; smile n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 协定 協定 xiédìng joint-decision; agreement; accord n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 协会 協會 xiéhuì cooperating-organization; association; union n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 协助 協助 xiézhù assist-help; lend a hand; assist; help v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 协作 協作 xiézuò jointly-work; cooperate; coordinate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 写作 寫作 xiězuò write-create; compose; write v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 卸 卸 xiè unload; discharge; remove; take off; unhitch; get rid of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 欣赏 欣賞 xīnshǎng love-enjoy; appreciate; admire; like v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 辛勤 辛勤 xīnqín hardworking-diligent; industrious; hardworking adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 新生 新生 xīnshēng new-life; newborn; new; rebirth; regeneration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 新式 新式 xīnshì new-style; new type; latest type; of a new form or rite adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 新型 新型 xīnxíng new-type; new model adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 心爱 心愛 xīn'ài heartfelt-love; loved; treasured; precious; dear adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 心理 心理 xīnlǐ heart-mechanism; psychology; mentality; thought n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 心事 心事 xīnshì heart-thing; a load on one's mind; worry n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 心思 心思 xīnsī heart-thought; thought; idea; thinking; mind; mood n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 心意 心意 xínyì heart-intention; regard; kindly feelings; meaning n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 信号 信號 xìnhào information-signal; signal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 信念 信念 xìnniàn believing-thought; belief; faith; conviction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 信任 信任 xìnrèn believe-trust; trust; confide in; depend on; have faith in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 信息 信息 xìnxī letter-message; information; news; message n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 形态 形態 xíngtài shape-state; form; shape; pattern; morphology n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行人 行人 xíngrén walking-person; pedestrian; foot passenger n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行使 行使 xíngshǐ move-drive; (of a boat, vehicle, etc.) go; travel; drive v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行为 行為 xíngwéi action-doing; act; action; behavior; conduct n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行星 行星 xíngxīng moving-star; planet n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 行政 行政 xíngzhèng do-affairs; administration n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 兴高采烈 興高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè spirits-high-mood-ardent; be in high spirits; be raptured 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幸亏 幸虧 xìngkuī luckily-fortunately; luckily; fortunately adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 性别 性別 xìngbié sexual-distinction; sex; gender n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 性能 性能 xìngnéng property-capability; performance; capability; property n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凶 凶 xiōng inauspicious; vicious; fierce; ferocious; brutal; terrible adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凶恶 凶惡 xiōng'è ferocious-vicious; fierce; ferocious; fiendish; vicious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 修建 修建 xiūjiàn build-construct; build; construct; erect v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 修正 修正 xiūzhèng revise-rectify; correct; amend; revise v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 修筑 修築 xiūzhù build-construct; (of roads, dikes; etc.) build; construct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 锈 鏽 xiù rust; become rusty v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 绣 繡 xiù embroider v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 需 需 xū need; want; require v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 须 須 xū must; have to aux 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 叙述 敘述 xùshù tell-state; narrate; relate; recount v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宣告 宣告 xuāngào propagate-declare; declare; proclaim v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宣言 宣言 xuānyán declare-words; declaration; manifesto; statement n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 悬 懸 xuán suspend; hang; feel anxious; be unsettled; disclose v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 悬崖 懸崖 xuányá hanging-cliff; overhanging cliff; steep cliff; precipice n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 旋转 旋轉 xuánzhuǎn revolve-turn; gyrate; rotate; spin; revolve; turn; whirl v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 选修 選修 xuǎnxiū elect-study; take as an elective course v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学会 學會 xuéhuì learned-society; association; academy; institute n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学科 學科 xuékē learning-subject; discipline; branch of learning; course n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学年 學年 xuénián academic-year; school year n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学时 學時 xuéshí study-hour; class hour; teaching period; period n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学说 學說 xuéshuō academic-theory; doctrine; theory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学位 學位 xuéwèi academic-position; academic degree; degree n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学员 學員 xuéyuán learning-member; trainee; student n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学者 學者 xuézhě learned-person; person of learning; scholar n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 学制 學制 xuézhì school-system; education system; length of schooling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 雪花 雪花 xuěhuā snow-flower; snowflake n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 血汗 血汗 xuèhàn blood-vessel; blood vessel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 血管 血管 xuèguǎn blood-sweat; sweat and toil; industrious work n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 循环 循環 xúnhuán follow-cycle; circle; cycle; circulate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 询问 詢問 xúnwèn ask-question; ask about; inquire about; solicit opinions v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 寻 尋 xún look for; search; seek v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 押 押 yā give as security; pawn; mortgage; detain; escort; bet v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 压力 壓力 yālì pressure-force; pressure; overwhelming force; stress n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 压缩 壓縮 yāsuō press-shrink; compress; constrict; reduce; cut down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 压制 壓制 yāzhì oppress-control; suppress; stifle; inhibit; keep down v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 鸭子 鴨子 yāzi duck; drake; duckling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 芽 芽 yá sprout; bud; shoot; sprout-like thing n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牙齿 牙齒 yáchǐ tooth n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 牙膏 牙膏 yágāo tooth-paste; toothpaste n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 亚军 亞軍 yàjūn second-army; second place (in a contest); runner-up n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 烟 煙 yān smoke; tobacco; cigarette; opium n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 烟囱 煙囪 yāncōng smoke-hole; chimney; funnel; stovepipe n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 淹 淹 yān inundate; flood; submerge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 严 嚴 yán strict; stern; tight; close; severe; heavy; extreme adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 严禁 嚴禁 yánjìn strictly-prohibit; forbid; prohibit; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 严厉 嚴厲 yánlì strict-severe; stern; severe; harsh; austere; stringent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 严密 嚴密 yánmì close-tight; close; tight; well-conceived v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 研究生 研究生 yánjiūshēng research student; postgraduate; graduate student n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 研制 研製 yánzhì research-produce; trail-make; develop v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 岩石 岩石 yánshí rock-stone; rock; stone n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沿海 沿海 yánhǎi edge n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沿儿 沿兒 yánr along-sea; coast; coastal area; seaboard n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 掩盖 掩蓋 yǎngài cover-hide; cover up; conceal; hide; cloak v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 掩护 掩護 yǎnhù cover-protect; shield; cover; screen v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 眼光 眼光 yǎnguāng eye-sight; eye; vision; foresight; insight; point of view n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 眼看 眼看 yǎnkán eye-see; look on helplessly; in a moment; very soon adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 演说 演說 yǎnshuō present-speech; make a speech; address; speech n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 燕子 燕子 yànzi swallow; house swallow n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 厌恶 厭惡 yànwù hate-dislike; detest; abominate; abhor; be disgusted at v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扬 揚 yáng raise; fly; throw up and scatter; spread; make known v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 洋 洋 yáng vast; multitudinous; foreign; Western; modern adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 氧化 氧化 yǎnghuà oxygen-change; oxygenate; oxidize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 氧气 氧氣 yǎngqì oxygen-gas; oxygen n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 养成 養成 yǎngchéng cultivate-succeed; form; acquire; cultivate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 养料 養料 yǎngliào nutritional-material; nutriment; nourishment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摇摆 搖擺 yáobǎi rock-sway; sway; swing; rock; wigwag; vacillate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 摇晃 搖晃 yáohuàng rock-shake; sway; shake; swing; rock v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遥远 遙遠 yáoyuǎn distant-far; faraway; remote; distant; very far adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 窑 窯 yáo kiln; stove; oven; old-style coal pit; cave dwelling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 谣言 謠言 yáoyán rumor-words; rumor; canard; unfounded report; hearsay n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 药方 藥方 yàofāng medicine-prescription; recipe; prescription n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 药品 藥品 yàopǐn medicine-article; (general term for) medicines n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 药水 藥水 yàoshuǐr medicinal-liquid; liquid medicine; lotion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 药物 藥物 yàowù medicine-substance; medicines; pharmaceuticals n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要 要 yào if; suppose; in case; or conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要不 要不 yàobù if-not; otherwise; or else; or conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要不然 要不然 yàoburán if-not-so; otherwise; or else; or conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要不是 要不是 yàobúshì if-not-be; if the fact weren't that; hadn't; shouldn't conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要点 要點 yàodiǎn important-point; main point; essential; gist; strongpoint n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 要好 要好 yàohǎo want-good; on good terms; friendly to each other adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 钥匙 鑰匙 yàoshi key n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 野兽 野獸 yěshòu wild-beast; wild animal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冶金 冶金 yějīn smelt-metal; metallurgy n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 夜间 夜間 yèjiān night-period; at night n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 液体 液體 yètǐ liquid-substance; liquid n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一一 一一 yīyī one-one; one by one; one after another n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一带 一帶 yídài one-belt; area (nearby a place); (adjacent) zone adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一路平安 一路平安 yī lù píng ān all-way-peace-safe; have a safe trip adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一路顺风 一路順風 yī lù shùn fēng all-way-along-wind; have a good journey adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一面…一面 一面…一面 yīmiàn … yīmiàn … one-side … one-side …; at the same time 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一系列 一系列 yīxìliè one-system-line; a series of 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一下儿 一下兒 yīxià one-time; in a short while; all of a sudden; all at once 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一向 一向 yīxiàng all-along; always; consistently n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一再 一再 yīzài always-again; time and again; again and again adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一阵 一陣 yīzhèn one-while; a short period of time; a burst; a fit; a gust adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一口气 一口氣 yīkǒuqì one-mouth-breath; in one breath; at one go adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一连 一連 yīlián in a row; in succession adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一旁 一旁 yīpáng one-side; aside; on one side; by n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一心 一心 yīxīn one-heart; of one mind; wholeheartedly; heart and soul n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 一行 一行 yīxíng one-group; a group (traveling together) adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 医疗 醫療 yīliáo cure-heal; medical treatment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 依旧 依舊 yījiù still-before; still like before; unchanged as before adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 依据 依據 yījù rely-base; be in line with; base … on; basis; grounds n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 依然 依然 yīrán still-so; as before; still adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 依照 依照 yīzhào comply-follow; according to; in the light of prep 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 伊斯兰教 伊斯蘭教 yīsīlánjiào Islam religion; Islam; Muslim religion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遗产 遺產 yíchǎn left-property; heritage; legacy; inheritance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遗憾 遺憾 yíhàn remaining-regret; pity; regret adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遗留 遺留 yíliú leave-remain; leave behind; hand down; bequeath v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仪表 儀表 yíbiǎo instrument-meter; meter; instrument; appearance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 仪式 儀式 yíshì ceremony-ritual; ceremony; ritual; rite; function n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 疑心 疑心 yíxīn doubtful-mind; suspicion; doubt; suspect; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 姨 姨 yí aunt; maternal aunt; mother's sister; wife's sister n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 倚 倚 yǐ lean on or against; rest on or against; rely on; count on v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乙 乙 yǐ the second of the ten Heavenly Stems; second n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 以便 以便 yǐbiàn so as to make it convenient to; so that; in order to conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 以至 以至 yǐzhì so-to; up to; down to; so … that … conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 以致 以致 yǐzhì so-incur; so that; as a result; consequently conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 抑制 抑制 yìzhì restrain-control; restrain; control; repress; check; bate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 易 易 yì easy; amiable adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 意识 意識 yìshí think-realize; consciousness; be conscious of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 意味着 意味著 yìwèizhe mean-flavor-doing; signify; mean; imply v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 毅力 毅力 yìlì perseverance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 义务 義務 yìwù righteous-affair; duty; obligation; moral responsibility n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 议会 議會 yìhuì discussing-assembly; parliament; congress n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 音 音 yīn sound; news; tidings; syllable n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阴谋 陰謀 yīnmóu hidden-plot; plot; conspiracy; machination n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阴天 陰天 yīntiān cloudy-day; overcast day; gloomy day n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 银幕 銀幕 yínmù silver-screen; screen; projection screen n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 饮料 飲料 yǐnliào drinking-stuff; drink; beverage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 引 引 yǐn draw; stretch; lead; guide; leave; induce; cause; quote v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 引导 引導 yǐndǎo lead-guide; lead; guide; show; direct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 引进 引進 yǐnjìn lead-enter; introduce; import v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 隐约 隱約 yǐnyuē latent-sketchy; indistinct; faint (to the eye or ear) adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 印染 印染 yìnrǎn print-dye; print and dye v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 英镑 英鎊 yīngbàng English-pound; pound sterling; pound n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 英明 英明 yīngmíng outstandingly-bright; brilliant; wise adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 婴儿 嬰兒 yīng'ér baby-child; baby; infant; babe n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 迎 迎 yíng welcome; greet; go to meet; go against; go towards v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 影片 影片 yǐngpiàn image-film; movie; film n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 应 應 yìng answer; reply; comply with; respond to; suit; deal with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 应酬 應酬 yìngchou respond-toast; be sociable; treat with courtesy v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 应付 應付 yìngfu cope-give; deal with; cope with; make do with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 应邀 應邀 yìngyāo accept-invitation; on invitation; at sb.'s invitation v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 硬 硬 yìng obstinately; stubbornly; forcibly adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 哟 喲 yo (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 拥挤 擁擠 yōngjǐ throng-squeeze; push; squeeze; press; shove v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 踊跃 踴躍 yǒngyuè jump-leap; vying with one another; enthusiastic; eager adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 涌 涌 yǒng gush; pour; surge; rise; spring; well; emerge v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 用品 用品 yòngpǐn use-article; articles for use n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 用途 用途 yòngtú use-way; use; purpose; application n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 用心 用心 yòng xīn use-heart; attentively; intently; diligently 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 优胜 優勝 yōushèng superior-victorious; winning; victorious; superior adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 优势 優勢 yōushì superior-situation; superiority; dominance; advantage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 优越 優越 yōuyuè superior-surpassing; superior; advantageous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 邮包 郵包 yóubāo postal-parcel; parcel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 犹豫 猶豫 yóuyù hesitant; irresolute; undecided; unsure adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 油田 油田 yóutián oil-field; oil field n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 游 游 yóu swim; rove around; travel; tour; make friends with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 游戏 游戲 yóuxì tour-play; game; recreation n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 游行 游行 yóuxíng move-go; parade; march; procession; rove about v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有机 有機 yǒujī have-organism; organic adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有两下子 有兩下子 yǒu liǎng xiàzi have-two-feats; know a few tricks of the trade 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有限 有限 yǒuxiàn have-limit; limited; finite; not many in number adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有(一)些 有(一)些 yǒu(yì)xiē have-a-little; somewhat; rather; a little adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有意 有意 yǒuyì have-mind; have a mind (to do); be attracted sexually v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有益 有益 yǒuyì have-benefit; beneficial; profitable; useful; good adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 有爱 有愛 yǒu'ài friendship-love; friendly and close; friendly affection n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幼儿园 幼兒園 yòu'éryuán young-child-garden; kindergarten; nursery school n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幼稚 幼稚 yòuzhì young-childish; childish; puerile; immature; naive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 愚蠢 愚蠢 yúchǔn foolish-stupid; foolish; stupid; silly; unintelligent; dumb adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 余 餘 yú leave; remain; surplus; spare time; beyond; more than num 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 渔民 漁民 yúmín fishing-person; fisherman; fishing people n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 娱乐 娛樂 yúlè amuse-enjoy; amuse; entertain; entertainment; hobby n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 与其 與其 yǔqí with-such; rather than; better than conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宇宙 宇宙 yǔzhòu space-time; universe; cosmos; metagalaxies n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 语文 語文 yǔwén speech-writing; language and literature; Chinese n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 浴室 浴室 yùshì bath-room; bathroom; shower room; public bathhouse n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 愈…愈… 愈…愈… yù … yù … the more … the more … 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 寓言 寓言 yùyán implying-word; fable; allegory; parable n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 预报 預報 yùbào beforehand-report; predict; forecast; prediction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 预防 預防 yùfáng beforehand-guard; prevent; take precautions against v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 预告 預告 yùgào fore-announce; announce in advance; advance notice n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 预先 預先 yùxiān beforehand-before; in advance; beforehand adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 预祝 預祝 yùzhù beforehand-wish; wish; may v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 冤枉 冤枉 yuānwang wrong-mistreat; treat unjustly; wrong; not worthwhile adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 元旦 元旦 yuándàn first-day; New Year' s Day n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 元素 元素 yuánxiāo basic-element; essential factor; element n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 元宵 元宵 yuánsù Yuan-night; night of Shangyuan Festival; rice dumpling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 原理 原理 yuánlǐ original-reason; theory; principle; principium n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 原始 原始 yuánshǐ original-initial; original; firsthand; primeval; primitive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 原先 原先 yuánxiān original-earlier; former; original adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 原子 原子 yuánzǐ original-particle; atom n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 原子弹 原子彈 yuánzǐdàn original-particle-bomb; atom bomb; atomic bomb n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 援助 援助 yuánzhù rescue-help; aid; help; assist; support v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 园林 園林 yuánlín garden-grove; garden; park n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 圆满 圓滿 yuánmǎn round-full; perfect; satisfactory adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 猿人 猿人 yuánrén ape-man; ape man; pithecanthropus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 缘故 緣故 yuángù reason-cause; reason; cause n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 愿 願 yuàn hope; wish; desire; be willing aux 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 怨 怨 yuàn complain; blame; resentment; discontent; hatred v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 越 越 yuè jump over; leap over; exceed; overstep; rob; loot v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 跃进 躍進 yuèjìn leap-advance; leap forward; make a leap; jump v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 月光 月光 yuèguāng moon-light; moonlight; moonbeam n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 乐器 樂器 yuěqì musical-instrument; musical instrument n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 运气 運氣 yùnqi fortune-luck; fate; destiny; lot; odds; luck; fortune n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 运转 運轉 yùnzhuǎn revolve-turn; revolve; turn round; run; operate; work v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 晕 暈 yūn swoon; faint; pass out; lose consciousness v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 砸 砸 zá pound; tamp; break; smash v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 杂文 雜文 záwén extra-composition; essay; satirical essay n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 杂质 雜質 zázhì mixed-record; magazine; journal; random notes; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 杂志 雜志 zázhì mixed-substance; impurity n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 栽 栽 zāi grow; plant; erect; insert; plant (stolen goods); tumble v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 灾难 災難 zāinàn disaster-catastrophe; calamity; disaster; suffering n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 载 載 zài carry; hold; be loaded with; (of roads) be filled with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 载重 載重 zàizhòng carry-load; carrying capacity; load v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 再三 再三 zàisān again-three; again and again; over and over again adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 再说 再說 zàishuō more-say; what's more; besides; talk about sth. later conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 在于 在於 zàiyú be-at; lie in; consist in; depend on; rest with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 在座 在座 zàizuò be-seated; be present (at a meeting, banquet, etc.) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赞美 贊美 zànměi eulogize-praise; eulogize; praise; glorify; laud v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赞扬 贊揚 zànyáng praise-show; commend; praise; speak highly of v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遭 遭 zāo meet with (sth. unfortunate); suffer; sustain v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遭遇 遭遇 zāoyù encounter-meet; meet with (sth. unfortunate); encounter v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 糟 糟 zāo rotten; decayed; in a wretched state; in a mess adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 凿 鑿 záo chisel; dig; cut a hole v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 早期 早期 zǎoqī early-period; early stage; early phase; initial period n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 早晚 早晚 zǎowǎn early-late; morning and evening; sooner or later adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 早已 早已 zǎoyǐ early-already; long ago; (have done) for a long time adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 责备 責備 zébèi demand-integrity; accuse; blame; reproach; criticize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 增产 增產 zēng chǎn increase-production; increase production 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 增进 增進 zēngjìn improve-advance; enhance; promote; further; improve v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 增强 增強 zēngqiáng reinforce-strengthen; enhance; strengthen; reinforce v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赠送 贈送 zèngsòng present-give; present as a gift; give as a gift v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 扎实 扎實 zhāshí press-solid; sturdy; strong; robust; sound; firm adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 渣 渣 zhā residue; dregs; sediment; broken bits; crumb; dross n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炸 炸 zhá fry in deep fat or oil; deep-fry v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 炸 炸 zhá explode; burst; bomb; fly into a rage; be disordered v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 债 債 zhài debt n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 沾 沾 zhān soak; wet; be stained with; touch; gain by association v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 盏 盞 zhǎn measure word for lights m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 崭新 嶄新 zhǎnxīn very-new; nascent; brand new; completely new adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 占领 占領 zhànlǐng occupy-administer; seize; occupy; capture; possess v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 占有 占有 zhànyǒu take-possess; own; hold; have (a certain status); grasp v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 战场 戰場 zhànchǎng battle-field; battlefield; battleground; battlefront n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 战略 戰略 zhànluè war-strategy; strategy; stratagem; overall plan; tactic n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 战术 戰術 zhànshù battle-method; (military) tactics; tactic; maneuver n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 战线 戰線 zhànxiàn battle-line; battle lines; battlefront; battlefields; front line n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 战友 戰友 zhànyǒu battle-fellow; battle companion; comrade in arms n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 张 張 zhāng open; spread; stretch; lay out; display; show; look v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 张望 張望 zhāngwàng peep-look; peep (through a crack, etc.); look around; v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 长 長 zhǎng chief; head; chief (secretary-general) suf 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 掌声 掌聲 zhǎngshēng palm-sound; applause n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 帐 帳 zhàng account; account book; debt; credit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 胀 脹 zhàng expand; distend; swell; inflate; bulge; be bloated v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 障碍 障礙 zhàng'ài block-stop; barrier; obstacle; hinder; block; obstruct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 招 招 zhāo confess; beckon; recruit; provoke; attract (sth. bad) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 招手 招手 zhāo shǒu wave-hand; beckon; wave one's hand as a signal 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 着凉 著涼 zháo liáng suffer-cold; catch a cold; catch a chill 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 照例 照例 zhàolì follow-rule; as usual; as a rule; usually adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 照相机 照相機 zhàoxiàngjī take-photo-machine; camera n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 照样 照樣 zhàoyàng follow-appearance; in the same old way; as before adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 照耀 照耀 zhàoyào shine-illuminate; shine; illuminate; radiate; blaze v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罩 罩 zhào envelop; wrap; cover; hood; casing; shade; chimney n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 召集 召集 zhàojí summon-gather; call together; convoke; convene v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 遮 遮 zhē cover; screen; conceal; hide from view; cloak; hinder v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 折合 折合 zhéhé convert-equal; convert into; amount to; be equivalent to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 折磨 折磨 zhémo torment-trouble; afflict; torture; gnaw; suffering; ordeal n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 者(爱好者) 者(愛好者) zhě one who; -er; -ist; (fan; fancier; lover; enthusiast) suf 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 这会儿 這會兒 zhèhuìr this-moment; now; at present; at the moment n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 这样一来 這樣一來 zhèyàng yī lái this-way-ever-since; in this way; in such a case; thus 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 珍贵 珍貴 zhēnguì valuable-precious; valuable; precious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 珍惜 珍惜 zhēnxī value-cherish; treasure; value; cherish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 珍珠 珍珠 zhēnzhū valuable-pearl; pearl; genuine pearl n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 真是 真是 zhēn shi really-be; really; indeed; what a shame; too bad 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 针灸 針灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture-moxibustion; acupuncture v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 枕头 枕頭 zhěntou pillow-thing; pillow n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 震 震 zhèn shake; shock; vibrate; quake; be excited; be shocked v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 震动 震動 zhèndòng shock-move; quiver; vibrate; quake; shock; astonish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 振动 振動 zhèndòng vibrate-move; vibrate; tremble; flutter; oscillate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 镇 鎮 zhèn town; garrison post; trading center n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 镇静 鎮靜 zhèngjìng calm-tranquil; calm; cool; composed; poised; unruffled adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 镇压 鎮壓 zhènyā suppress-repress; crackdown; put down; execute v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阵地 陣地 zhèndì position-place; battlefront; front; ground; position n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蒸发 蒸發 zhēngfā evaporate-emanate; vaporize; evaporate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 蒸汽 蒸汽 zhēngqì evaporate-stream; water vapor; steam n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挣扎 掙扎 zhēngzhá struggle-strain; struggle; battle; flounder v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 征 徵 zhēng levy; draft; recruit; call up; collect; ask for; solicit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 征服 征服 zhēngfú go-conquer; conquer; subjugate; subdue v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 争夺 爭奪 zhēngduó fight-seize; fight for; contend for; scrabble for v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 整 整 zhěng whole; entire; neat; tidy; put in order; do; repair; punish v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 整顿 整頓 zhěngdùn organize-arrange; restructure; consolidate; reorganize v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 整风 整風 zhěng fēng rectify-style; rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 整体 整體 zhěngtǐ whole-entity; whole; entirety; integer n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 正当 正當 zhèng dāng just-when; just when; just as; just the time for 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 正经 正經 zhèngjing upright-normal; decent; respectable; formal; serious adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 正面 正面 zhèngmiàn face-side; facade; the front; the right side; positive adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 正义 正義 zhèngyì righteous-justice; righteousness; justice; just; righteous adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 政党 政黨 zhèngdǎng political-party; political party n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 政权 政權 zhèngquán political-authority; political (or state) power; regime; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 症状 癥狀 zhèngzhuàng sick-condition; symptom n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 挣 掙 zhèng struggle to get free; try to break loose; earn; make v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 证件 證件 zhèngjiàn certificate-paper; credentials; certificate; papers n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 证据 證據 zhèngjù proof-evidence; proof; evidence; testimony n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 证实 證實 zhèngshí prove-true; confirm; verify; validate; bear out v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 证书 證書 zhèngshū certificate-document; certificate; credentials n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 枝 枝 zhī branch; twig; measure word for guns, pens, flowers, etc. m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 支 支 zhī raise; put up; send away; order about; pay or withdraw v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 支配 支配 zhīpèi arrange-apportion; control; dominate; arrange v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 知 知 zhī know; realize; be aware of; inform; notify; tell v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 知识分子 知識分子 zhīshi fènzǐ knowledge-realization-member-person; intellectual 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 之 之 zhī (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) part 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 之 之 zhī it; they; them; I; me; he; him; she; her; we; us; you pron 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown …之类 …之類 zhīlèi (someone or sth.)'s-sort; and so on; and the like 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown …之内 …之內 zhīnèi (sth.)'s-interior; inside of; interior of; within 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown …之外 …之外 zhīwài (sth.)'s-exterior; outside of; exterior of; beyond 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 职员 職員 zhíyuán job-person; office worker; staff member; staffer; clerk n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 直达 直達 zhídá direct-reach; go straight (or nonstop) to the destination v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 直径 直徑 zhíjìng straight-diameter; diameter n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 殖民地 殖民地 zhímíndì propagate-people-territory; colony n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 指头 指頭 zhǐtou finger; toe n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 值 值 zhí be worth; happen to; be on duty n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 指标 指標 zhǐbiāo pointing-mark; index; target; quota; norm; indicator v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 指点 指點 zhǐdiǎn point-direct; instruct; give directions; find fault with v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 指南针 指南針 zhǐnánzhēn point-south-needle; compass; sth. that gives guidance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 指引 指引 zhǐyǐn point-lead; show the way; direct; lead; guide v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 只得 只得 zhǐdé only-must; be obliged to; have to; have no choice but adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 志愿 志願 zhìyuàn aspiration-wish; aspiration; wish; ideal; will; desire n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 至于 至於 zhìyú go-to; (go) so far as to; to such an extent; as for; as to adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 致 緻 zhì extend; send; devote; concentrate; achieve; lead to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 制 製 zhì make; manufacture; work out; formulate; rule; control n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 制止 制止 zhìzhǐ control-stop; prevent; stop; curb; restrain; check; deter v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 制作 製作 zhìzuò make-do; produce; make; build; construct v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 智慧 智慧 zhìhuì intelligence-wisdom; wisdom; wits; brightness; brains n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 质 質 zhì quality; character; nature; matter; substance; material n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 治疗 治療 zhìliáo cure-heal; treat; cure; heal v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中部 中部 zhōngbù central-part; central area; central section; middle part n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中断 中斷 zhōngduàn midway-break; interrupt; suspend; break off; intermit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中年 中年 zhōngnián middle-age; middle age; mid-life n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中旬 中旬 zhōngxún mid-period; period of the second ten days of a month n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中医 中醫 zhōngyī Chinese-doctor; traditional Chinese medical science n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忠诚 忠誠 zhōngchéng loyal-honest; loyal; true; staunch; faithful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 忠实 忠實 zhōngshí loyal-dependable; faithful and trustworthy; truthful adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 衷心 衷心 zhōngxīn inside-heart; wholehearted; heartfelt; hearty; cordial adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 终身 終身 zhōngshēn all-life; life-time; all one's life n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 种类 種類 zhǒnglèi sort-category; kind; type; sort; variety n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 肿 腫 zhǒng swell; bloat; distend; puff up; be swollen v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 中 中 zhòng hit; be affected; get hit; suffer; fall into v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 种植 種植 zhòngzhí plant-grow; plant; grow; crop; put in v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 周末 周末 zhōumò week-end; weekend n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 周年 周年 zhōunián orbit-year; anniversary n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 粥 粥 zhōu porridge; congee; gruel n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 皱 皺 zhòu crinkle; wrinkle; furrow; shrivel; frown; knit v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 皱纹 皺紋 zhòuwén wrinkle-line; wrinkle; furrow; rimple; crumple; pucker n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 嘱咐 囑咐 zhǔfù enjoin-instruct; enjoin; exhort; advise; urge; tell v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 主持 主持 zhǔchí manage-control; direct; preside over; manage; uphold v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 主力 主力 zhǔlì main-force; main force; main strength; principal player n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 主权 主權 zhǔquán primary-right; sovereign rights; sovereignty n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 柱子 柱子 zhùzi pillar-thing; pillar; post; column n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 助 助 zhù help; assist; aid v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 助手 助手 zhùshǒu assisting-hand; assistant; helper; aide n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 铸 鑄 zhù cast; found v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 住宅 住宅 zhùzhái living-house; residence; residential building; dwelling n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 注射 注射 zhùshè pour-shoot; inject; shoot v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 注视 注視 zhùshì attentively-watch; look attentively at; gaze at; stare at v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 祝愿 祝願 zhùyuàn wish-desire; call upon; invoke upon; wish; desire n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 驻 駐 zhù halt; stay; be stationed; encamp v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 专 專 zhuān particular; special; narrow; specialty; specialization n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 专政 專政 zhuānzhèng monopolize-government; rule by violence; dictatorship n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 砖 磚 zhuān brick; sth. shaped like a brick n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转播 轉播 zhuǎnbō relaying-broadcast; relay; rebroadcast; broadcast live v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转达 轉達 zhuǎndá relaying-reach; pass on; convey; communicate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转动 轉動 zhuǎngdòng turn-move; turn; move; turn around; change direction v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转换 轉換 zhuǎnhuàn turn-change; transform; change; translate; convert v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转入 轉入 zhuǎnrù turning-enter; change over to; shift to; transfer v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转弯 轉彎 zhuǎn wān turn-corner; turn a corner; change one's point of view 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转移 轉移 zhuǎnyí transferring-move; transfer; divert; displace; change v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 赚 賺 zhuàn make money; earn; make a profit; profit; gain v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 转动 轉動 zhuàndòng revolve-moving; turn; revolve; rotate; spin; gyrate v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 桩 樁 zhuāng stake; peg; picket; measure word for matters; piece m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 装备 裝備 zhuāngbèi install-equip; fit out; equip; furnish; equipment; outfit n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 装饰 裝飾 zhuāngshì dress-adorn; decorate; adorn; ornament; accessory n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 装置 裝置 zhuāngzhì install-establish; install; fit; installation; unit; apparatus n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 幢 幢 zhuàng measure word for buildings m 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 壮 壯 zhuàng strong; robust; magnificent; grand; strengthen; augment v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 壮大 壯大 zhuàngdà strengthen; grow in strength; expand; thick and strong adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 壮丽 壯麗 zhuànglì magnificent-beautiful; majestic; splendid; magnificent adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 追求 追求 zhuīqiǔ pursuing-seek; pursue; seek; woo; run after (a woman) v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 着手 著手 zhuóshǒu put-hand; put one's hand to; set about; begin; start v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 着重 著重 zhuózhòng place-weight; emphasize; stress; underline; highlight v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资本 資本 zīběn money-principal; capital; asset n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资本家 資本家 zīběnjiā money-principal-person; capitalist n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资本主义 資本主義 zīběnzhǔyì money-principal-main-meaning; capitalism n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资产阶级 資產階級 zīchǎnjiējí money-asset-rank-level; capitalist class; bourgeoisie n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资格 資格 zīgé qualification-standard; qualification; condition; seniority n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 资金 資金 zījīn money-fund; funds; money for business use; capital n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 姿势 姿勢 zīshì carriage-posture; posture; gesture; pose; carriage n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 姿态 姿態 zītài carriage-attitude; carriage; bearing; attitude; gesture n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 子 子 zǐ child; son; person; seed; egg; copper coin; bead n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 子弹 子彈 zǐdàn ball-bullet; bullet; cartridge n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自豪 自豪 zìháo self-outstanding; proud adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自来水 自來水 zìláishuǐ self-come-water; tap water n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自满 自滿 zìmǎn self-satisfied; complacent; self-contented; conceited adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自身 自身 zìshēn self-oneself; self; oneself n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自始至终 自始至終 zī shǐ zhì zhōng from-beginning-to-end; from start to finish 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自私 自私 zìsī self-favor; selfish; self-centered; self-concerned adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自相矛盾 自相矛盾 zì xiāng máodùn self-mutually-spear-shield; self-contradiction 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自信 自信 zìxìn self-trust; be self-confident; be self-assured; confident adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自言自语 自言自語 zì yán zì yǔ self-talk-self-say; talk to oneself 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自愿 自願 zìyuàn self-desire; volunteer; be willing to v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自治 自治 zìzhì self-administer; exercise autonomy; self-govern v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自治区 自治區 zìzhìqū self-administer-area; autonomous region n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 自主 自主 zìzhǔ self-decide; decide for oneself; act on one's own v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 字典 字典 zìdiǎn character-classic; dictionary of characters; dictionary n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 字母 字母 zìmǔ character-origin; letter of an alphabet; letter n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宗教 宗教 zōngjiào god-teaching; religion n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 宗派 宗派 zōngpài sect-faction; sect; faction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总 總 zǒng put together; assemble; total; overall; general; chief adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总得 總得 zǒngděi eventually-must; must; have to; be obliged to aux 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总而言之 總而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī generalize-and-say-it; in short; in brief; in a nutshell 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总共 總共 zǒnggòng overall-total; altogether; in all; in the aggregate; in total adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总算 總算 zǒngsuàn totally-count; at long last; finally; in the end; on the whole adv 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 总之 總之 zǒngzhī generalize-it; in short; in brief; in a nutshell; to sum up conj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 走后门儿 走後門兒 zǒu hòuménr walk-back-door; gain advantages through connection 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 走廊 走廊 zǒuláng walking-corridor; corridor; passage; passageway n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 走弯路 走彎路 zǒu wānlù walk-roundabout-way; go in a roundabout way; detour 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 租 租 zū charter; let; lease; hire; rent; n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 足 足 zú enough; sufficient; ample adj 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 足 足 zú foot; leg n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 祖父 祖父 zǔfù grandparent-father; (paternal) grandfather n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 祖母 祖母 zǔmǔ grandparent-mother; (paternal) grandmother n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 祖先 祖先 zǔxiān ancestor-forebear; forefather; forebear; ancestor n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阻碍 阻礙 zǔ'ài hinder-stop; impede; hinder; block; obstacle; hindrance n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阻力 阻力 zǔlì resisting-force; resistance; drag; obstruction n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 阻止 阻止 zǔzhǐ hinder-stop; prevent; preclude; stop; arrest; hold back v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 组成 組成 zǔchéng form-accomplish; form; compose; constitute; make v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 组长 組長 zǔzhǎng group-leader; team leader; head of a group n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 嘴唇 嘴唇 zuǐchún mouth-lip; lip n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罪 罪 zuì crime; guilt; sin; fault; blame; suffering; pain; hardship n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罪恶 罪惡 zuì'è crime-evil; crime; evil; sin; villainy; maleficence; vice n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 罪行 罪行 zuìxíng criminal-act; crime; guilt; offence; misdeed; maleficence n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 尊重 尊重 zūnzhòng revere-respect; respect; value; esteem; honor v 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 作风 作風 zuòfēng behaving-style; style; way; attitude; behavior; conduct n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 作物 作物 zuòwù cultivated-thing; crop; cultivated plant; farm produce n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 作战 作戰 zuò zhàn do-battle; engage in a battle; fight; battle; campaign 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown 座儿 座兒 zuòr seat; place; stand; pedestal; base n 1-6 [sound:##] Unknown