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General Zhou Chunquan 周纯全 Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

Babaoshan 八宝山

General Zhou Chunquan 周纯全 (1905 - 1985) was born in Hong'an County, Hubei Province. Hubei is in the eastern central portion of China. The Yangtze River flows through Hubei, although it is now diminished by the Three Gorges dam. Hong'an County has the distinction of being the birthplace of over 400 Chinese Generals over the years.

Zhou Chunquan joined the Guomindang in 1926 and the Communist Party later that year. In 1927 he took part in the Huangma Uprising led by Li Xiannian, another native of Hong'an County. Li Xiannian later became President of the PRC.

Zhou Chunquan participated the Long March in 1935 and remained a career officer. He held positions as political commissar of Red Fourth and then the 31st armies. In 1951 he went to the Korean conflict as the political commissar of the logistics department of Chinese People's Volunteer Army. (The Volunteer Army was a political convenience to distance the PLA from the Korean conflict.) As such, he served to make sure that the policies of the PRC were maintained.

After the Korean ceasefire in 1953, he became the vice director and vice political commissar of the general logistics department of the PLA. He was given the military rank of general in 1955.

He was married to Zheng Jianyan 郑坚岩 .

General Zhou Chunquan 周纯全 Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

Last update: July 2009
© Marilyn Shea, 2009