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alttitle 弘义


Today, you enter the Dongbianmen Relics Park through a railway gate that was cut in June of 1915. The railway, which no longer exists, ran around the capial from Dongbianmen to Xizhimen. It had stops at Chaoyanmen, Andingmen, and Dashengmen.

The arch itself is 8.2 meters high, 9.2 meters wide, and 7.4 meters thick. Later in the series there are several photographs of the railway and its construction. Below, the interior, or city-side of the wall is shown. The old railway lines ran between the arrow tower and a second tower, now destroyed.

The buildings to the left hold shops and offices and were build during the restoration. Behind them, the inter-city railway tracks lead to the Beijing Railway Station, bring visitors from all over China. Those tracks were never a part of the system that ran around the city of Beijing, but a later addition.

alttitle 弘义

China Index >> Historic Beijing >> Beijing City Wall

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Last update: May 2011
© Marilyn Shea, 2011