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1937 Qianmen 前门

1937 Qianmen 前门 - 老图片

Further shopping areas developed on the cross streets off of Qianmen Dajie 前门大街. The store on the right reads 正老王麻子 (Zhèng Lǎo Wáng Mázi) - oldest Wang knives and scissors. Wang knives and scissors were very famous. They made instruments for the Palace and continued in business in Qianmen until at least 2004. I didn't see the store in 2008 and was told they had gone bankrupt. Wang Mazi still has a website, so you will have to check when you go to China and tell me if they found a home again on Qianmen.

Below, is a low contrast version, which is a bit closer to the pictures displayed in 2008

1937 Qianmen 前门

China Index >> History of Beijing in Pictures >> Qianmen Dashila (Dazhalan) Hutong History

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Last update: August 2009
© Marilyn Shea, 2009