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Old Pictures of Qianmen 前门

Old Pictures of Qianmen 前门 - 老图片

Above, on the left, is a sign for a paper shop 泉城涌记(?)纸老店 Quánchéng Yǒngjì (?) zhǐ lǎo diàn. Quancheng paper old shop or Ye Olde Paper Shop to make an equivalent translation.

Below and on the right, is a sign for Quanjude 全聚德 Roast Duck Restaurant in operation since 1864. If you look closely, you can see there are three ducks. On the left in the same picture, is an old sign for the 300 year old Tongrentang Drugstore 同仁堂药店 (Tóngréntáng Yàodiàn) traditional Chinese medicine store.

Quanjude 全聚德

China Index >> History of Beijing in Pictures >> Qianmen Dashila (Dazhalan) Hutong History

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Last update: August 2009
© Marilyn Shea, 2009