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New Qianmen

This is another landmark, and judging from the complete overhaul it is getting it will be there for awhile. This is the Beijing Zhushikou (珠市口 Zhūshìkǒu) Christian Church on April 5th, 2008. It is located at the end of the new Qianmen Dajie on the corner of Zhushikou Xidajie and Qianmen Dajie. It gets its name from the road and nearby bus stop. The church was built by a Methodist congregation between 1904 and 1921. It was the first tall building in area.

Go a little west and south of the church and you will reach the open air market listed on the index for these pages.

China Index >> History of Beijing in Pictures >> Qianmen Dashila (Dazhalan) Hutong History

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Last update: August 2009
© Marilyn Shea, 2009