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Bike - Chinese Bicycle Vocabulary and Sentences

Explore the picture with your mouse, When you see the red arrows and words above the picture, click the picture to listen to the pronunciation of the characters.

Challenge: Below, you will find a series of sentences about bikes. Make up a story using as many of the sentences as you can. You will need extra short sentences to make a good story. You may change the sentences to fit your needs. There are more sentences in the Ting Chinese English Dictionary that you may find useful for your story. Click HERE to open the dictionary in a new tab.

Each of the sentences below has one or more sound files with people from Beijing and other places in China reading for you. If you practice saying the sentences by listening and repeating them, when you make up your own story you should be able to read it fairly easily. It is easier to read if you make up the story than if you read a story someone else created. That is because the story has your ideas and imagination within it.


>>>to ride a bicycle

>>>a row of bikes
>>>My bike seat is too low
    我 的 车 座 太 低 了 !
    Wo3 de che1zuo4 tai4 di1 le!
        Du Feng  

>>>We traveled by bike.
    我 们 骑 自 行 车 旅 行 了 。
    Wo3men qi2 zi4xing2che1 lu~3xing2 le.
        Sun Xiaomei  

>>>Riding a bike's good for your legs.
>>>I have enough money to buy a new bike.
>>>I want to buy the bike I saw in the ad.
>>>I have enough money to buy a new bike.
>>>My bike was stolen two weeks after I bought it.

>>>It's rude to honk your horn at bicycles.
>>>It's sometimes hard to find your bike in the bike parking lot.
    有 时 你 很 难 在 存 车 处 找 到 你 的 自 行 车 。
    You3shi2 ni3 hen3 nan2 zai4 cun2che1chu4 zhao3dao4 ni3 de zi4xing2che1.
        Zhang Ning   WT Zheng   Li Zhen   Shu Chang  

>>>She got even with her brother by hiding his bike.
    为 了 报 复 弟 弟 , 她 把 弟 弟 的 自 行 车 藏 了 起 来 。
    Wei4le bao4fu4 di4di, ta1 ba3 di4di de zi4xing2che1 cang2 le qi3lai.
        Jin Yan   Li Shiyan   Sun Jingsu   Pan Zilong  

>>>I have a twenty-eight speed bike, but its gear shift doesn't work well.
    我 有 一 辆 二 十 八 速 自 行 车 , 但 是 它 变 速 装 置 不 太 好 使 。
    Wo3 you3 yi4 liang4 er4shi2ba1 su4 zi4xing2che1, dan4shi4 ta1 bian4su4zhuang1zhi4 bu2 tai4 hao3 shi3.
        Du Feng  

>>>Riding your bike against traffic's just stupid.
>>>My bike got rusty sitting in the rain.
>>>I don't have a car, but I can ride a bike to go there.
>>>My bike looks just like the other bikes.
    我 的 自 行 车 看 上 去 和 别 的 自 行 车 一 样 。
    Wo3 de zi4xing2che1 kan4shang4qu4 he2 bie2 de zi4xing2che1 yi2yang4.
        Zhang Ning   WT Zheng   Li Zhen   Shu Chang  

>>>You take the packages on the bus and I'll ride the bike home.

>>>If you want to sell your bike, put an advertisement in the newspaper.
    假 如 你 想 卖 掉 你 的 自 行 车 , 可 以 在 报 上 登 一 个 广 告 。
    Jia3ru2 ni3 xiang3 mai4diao4 ni3 de zi4xing2che1, ke3yi3 zai4 bao4 shang4 deng1 yi2 ge4 guang3gao4.
        Shao Danni   Feng Xie   Cao Hui   WT Zheng   Wei Xing  

>>>There's going to be a windstorm tomorrow. Don't ride your bike, take the bus.

>>>I don't want to buy a bicycle that can change speeds, I want a simple one.
    我 不 想 买 可 以 变 速 的 自 行 车 , 我 想 要 一 辆 简 单 的 。
    Wo3 bu4 xiang3 mai3 ke3yi3 bian4 su4 de zi4xing2che1, wo3 xiang3yao4 yi2 liang4 jian3dan1 de.
        Sun Bin   Feng Xie   Wang Wenjing   Zheng Jie  

>>>The committee voted to resolve to ban motor vehicles from driving in bike lanes.
    委 员 会 通 过 投 票 决 定 禁 止 机 动 车 在 自 行 车 道 上 行 驶 。 。
    Wei3yuan2hui4 tong1guo4 tou2piao4 jue2ding4 jin4zhi3 ji1dong4che1 zai4 zi4xing2che1 dao4 shang4 xing2shi3..
        Zhu Jing   Gu Chunlei   Meng Sichen   Pan Zilong  

>>>The laceration on his knee required 18 stitches. He won't be riding his bike for awhile.
    他 膝 盖 上 的 裂 口 需 要 缝 18 针 。 他 得 过 一 段 时 间 才 能 骑 自 行 车 了 。
    Ta1 xi1gai4 shang de lie4kou3 xu1yao4 feng2 shi2ba1 zhen1. Ta1 dei3 guo4 yi2 duan4 shi2jian1 cai2neng2 qi2 zi4xing2che1 le.
        Jiang Jie   Gu Chunlei   Shao Danni   Pan Zilong   Zhu Jing  

>>>When I fell off my bike I scraped my left knee. Boy, does it sting.
    当 我 从 自 行 车 上 摔 下 来 的 时 候 , 蹭 破 了 我 的 左 膝 盖 。 啊 ! 针 扎 一 样 的 疼 。
    Dang1 wo3 cong2 zi4xing2che1 shang shuai1 xia4lai2 de shi2hou, ceng4 po4 le wo3de zuo3 xi1gai4. Ah! Zhen1 zha1 yi2yang4 de teng2.
        Liu Yu Rong   Sun Jingsu   Shao Jingxian   Li Chunjiang   Gu Zheng  

Chinese Index >> Games and Stories >> Chinese Bike Vocabulary

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Last update: June 2011
(c) Marilyn Shea, 2011