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Human Body - Chinese Vocabulary and SentencesExplore the picture with your mouse, When you see the red arrows and words above the picture, click the picture to listen to the pronunciation of the characters.
Challenge: Below, you will find a series of sentences from daily life that refer to parts of the human body. Make up a story using as many of the sentences as you can. You will need extra short sentences to make a good story. You may change the sentences to fit your needs. There are more sentences in the Ting Chinese English Dictionary that you may find useful for your story. Click HERE to open the dictionary in a new tab.
Each of the sentences below has one or more sound files with people from Beijing and other places in China reading for you. If you practice saying the sentences by listening and repeating them, when you make up your own story you should be able to read it fairly easily. It is easier to read if you make up the story than if you read a story someone else created. That is because the story has your ideas and imagination within it.
>>> I have an ear ache.
我 的 耳 朵 疼 。
Wo3 de er3duo teng2.
>>> My suitcase fell against my leg.
行 李 箱 砸 在 我 的 腿 上 。
Xing2li xiang1 za2zai4 wo3 de tui3shang.
>>> These shoes hit the arch of my foot wrong.
这 双 鞋 和 我 的 足 弓 不 相 配 。
Zhe4 shuang1 xie2 he2 wo3 de zu2gong1 bu4 xiang1 pei4.
>>> My stomach aches.
我 肚 子 疼 。
Wo3 du4zi teng2.
>>> The boy put his hand on his chest.
男 孩 把 手 放 在 胸 上 。
Nan2hai2r ba3 shou3 fang4 zai4 xiong1 shang.
>>> The boy's resting his chin on his hand.
The boy is resting his chin on his hand.
这 个 男 孩 用 手 拄 着 下 巴 。
Zhe4 ge4 nan2hai2 yong4 shou3 zhu3 zhe xia4ba.
>>> That music is so loud it hurts my ears.
音 乐 声 太 大 了 , 震 耳 朵 。
Yin1yue4 sheng1 tai4 da4 le, zhen4 er3duo1.
>>> Her hair hides her ears.
她 的 头 发 盖 住 了 耳 朵 。
Ta1de tou2fa gai4zhu4le er3duo.
>>> Do your ears hurt? Swallow very hard.
你 耳 朵 疼 吗 、使 劲 儿 咽 几 下 儿 。
Ni3 er3duo1 teng2 ma? Shi3jin4r yan4 ji3xia4r.
>>> She has a lovely pair of eyes.
她 有 一 双 漂 亮 的 眼 睛 。
Ta1 you3 yi4 shuang1 piao4liang de yan3jing1.
>>> One foot is bigger than the other.
一 只 脚 比 另 一 只 脚 大 。
Yi1 zhi1 jiao3 bi3 ling4 yi1 zhi1 jiao3 da4.
>>> Wow, he has big feet!
瞧 , 他 的 脚 真 大 !
Qiao2, ta1de jiao3 zhen1 da4!
>>> She has very long fingers.
她 的 手 指 头 很 长 。
Ta1 de shou3zhi3tou hen3 chang2.
>>> Use your head!
动 动 脑 子 !
Dong4dong nao3zi!
>>> Does your head hurt?
你 头 疼 吗 ?
Ni3 tou2 teng2 ma?
>>> He doesn't have a brain in his head.
他 真 没 脑 子 。
Ta1 zhen1 mei2 nao3zi.
>>> He doesn't have a hair on his head.
He does not have a hair on his head.
他 没 有 头 发 。
Ta1 mei2you3 tou2fa.
>>> Watch your head!
小 心 碰 脑 袋 !
Xiao3xin1 peng4 nao3dai!
>>> Watch your head!
小 心 头 !
Xiao3xin1 tou2!
>>> He hit him over the head with a lead pipe.
他 用 铁 棍 打 了 他 的 头 。
Ta1 yong4 tie3gun4 da3 le ta1 de tou2.
>>> He gave me the thumbs-up to compliment my performance.
他 竖 起 了 大 拇 指 夸 奖 我 很 好 。
Ta1 shu4qi3 le da4muzhi3 kua1jiang3 wo3 hen3hao3.
>>> Look in the mirror, you have something on your cheek.
照 照 镜 子 , 你 脸 上 有 点 东 西 。
Zhao4zhao4 jing4zi, ni3 lian3shang you3 dian3 dong1xi1.
>>> My head itches.
我 的 头 痒 痒 。
Wo3 de tou2 yang3yang.
>>> She wears her skirts just above the knee.
她 穿 着 刚 到 膝 盖 的 裙 子 。
Ta1 chuan1zhe gang1dao4 xi1gai4 de qun2zi.
>>> When I fell off my bike I scraped my left knee. Boy, does it sting.
当 我 从 自 行 车 上 摔 下 来 的 时 候 , 蹭 破 了 我 的 左 膝 盖 。 啊 ! 针 扎 一 样 的 疼 。
Dang1 wo3 cong2 zi4xing2che1 shang shuai1 xia4lai2 de shi2hou, ceng4 po4 le wo3de zuo3 xi1gai4. Ah! Zhen1 zha1 yi2yang4 de teng2.
>>> I broke my knee and I'll need surgery.
I broke my knee and will need surgery.
我 的 膝 盖 断 了 , 需 要 开 刀 。
Wo3 de xi1gai4 duan4le, xu1yao4 kai1dao1.
>>> Zhao Mo hurt her leg roller skating.
赵 末 滑 旱 冰 扭 伤 了 腿 。
Zhao4 Mo4 hua2 han4bing1 niu3shang1 le tui3.
>>> I broke my leg and I'll have a cast for 6 weeks.
I broke my leg and will have a cast for 6 weeks.
我 的 腿 断 了 , 需 要 打 六 个 星 期 的 石 膏 。
Wo3 de tui3 duan4le, xu1yao4 da3 liu4ge4 xing1qi1 de shi2gao1.
>>> You have a beautiful mouth.
你 的 嘴 很 漂 亮 。
Ni3 de zui3 hen3 piao4liang.
>>> My mouth is sore.
我 牙 酸 倒 了 。
Wo3 ya2 suan1 dao3 le.
>>> I broke a nail.
我 指 甲 劈 了 。
Wo3 zhi1jia pi1 le.
>>> You should breathe through your nose.
你 应 该 用 鼻 子 呼 吸 。
Ni3 ying1gai1 yong4 bi2zi hu1xi1.
>>> Where is your nose?
你 的 鼻 子 呢 ?
Ni3 de bi2zi ne?
>>> My foot's asleep.
My foot is asleep.
我 的 脚 麻 了 。
Wo3 de jiao3 ma2 le.
>>> Ouch! You stepped on my foot.
哎 哟 ! 你 踩 我 的 脚 了 。
Ai1yo1! Ni3 cai3 wo3 de jiao3 le.
>>> When I hit my thumb with the hammer the wave of pain almost made me faint.
当 我 用 锤 子 砸 了 大 拇 指 , 那 阵 疼 痛 差 点 儿 让 我 晕 过 去 。
Dang1 wo3 yong4 chui2zi za2 le da4 mu3zhi3, na4 zhen4 teng2tong4 cha4 dian3r rang4 wo3 yun1 guo4qu4.
>>> He's raising his hand to ask a question.
He is raising his hand to ask a question.
他 举 手 提 问 。
Ta1 ju3shou3 ti2wen4.
>>> I have a black eye because I ran into a door. Really.
我 撞 在 了 门 上 , 弄 了 一 个 乌 眼 儿 青 。 真 的 。
Wo3 zhuang4 zai4 le men2 shang, nong4 le yi2 ge4 wu1yan3r'qing1. Zhen1 de.
>>> He has a scar over his left eye.
他 的 左 眼 上 有 块 疤 。
Ta1 de zuo3 yan3 shang you3 kuai4 ba1.
>>> I scraped my hand when I fell on the sidewalk.
我 在 路 边 摔 倒 了 , 刮 伤 了 手 。
Wo3 zai4 lu4bian1 shuai1dao3 le, gua1 shang1 le shou3.
>>> When I'm puzzled, I often scratch my head.
When I am puzzled, I often scratch my head.
当 我 困 惑 的 时 候 我 总 是 挠 头 。
Dang1 wo3 kun4huo4 de shi2hou wo3 zong3shi4 nao2 tou2.
>>> Spread your arms out.
张 开 双 臂 !
Zhang1kai1 shuang1 bi4.
>>> My stomach aches, I ate too much.
I have a stomach ache. I ate too much.
我 胃 疼 , 我 吃 得 太 多 了 !
Wo3 wei4 teng2, wo3 chi1 de tai4 duo1 le!
>>> She caught a strand of hair in the car door.
她 被 汽 车 门 卡 住 了 一 绺 头 发 。
Ta1 bei4 qi4che1men2 qia3zhu4 le yi4 liu3 tou2fa.
>>> After typing for three hours, she stretched her arms.
打 了 三 个 小 时 的 字 , 她 伸 了 个 懒 腰 !
Da3 le san1 ge4 xiao3shi2 de zi4, ta1 shen1 le ge4 lan3 yao1.
>>> She used a tissue to blow her nose.
她 用 棉 纸 擤 鼻 子 。
Ta1 yong4 mian2zhi3 xing3 bi2zi.
>>> My big toe has a bruise on it.
我 的 大 脚 趾 ( 头 ) 青 了 。
Wo3 de da4jiao3zhi3(tou2) qing1 le.
>>> I stubbed my toe!
磕 脚 趾 啦 !
Ke1 jiao3zhi3 la!
>>> He said to his girlfriend, "Whisper in my ear."
他 对 他 的 女 朋 友 说 : “ 在 我 耳 边 小 声 说 。 ”
Ta1 dui4 ta1 de nu~3 peng2you shuo1: "Zai4 wo3 er3bian1 xiao3sheng1 shuo1."
>>>When I fell off my bike I scraped my left knee. Boy, does it sting.当 我 从 自 行 车 上 摔 下 来 的 时 候 , 蹭 破 了 我 的 左 膝 盖 。 啊 ! 针 扎 一 样 的 疼 。
Dang1 wo3 cong2 zi4xing2che1 shang shuai1 xia4lai2 de shi2hou, ceng4 po4 le wo3de zuo3 xi1gai4. Ah! Zhen1 zha1 yi2yang4 de teng2.
Liu Yu Rong Sun Jingsu Shao Jingxian Li Chunjiang Gu Zheng
Chinese Index >> Games and Stories >> Human Body Parts Chinese Vocabulary
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Last update: August 2012
(c) Marilyn Shea, 2011