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Man with a Bamboo Hat
Luo Pin
罗聘 (1733-1799).
He was born in Shexian, Anhui Province and studied with Jin Nong. Like many other Chinese artists and.
intellectuals of the time, he refused to work for the Qing government and lived by selling his paintings.
This independence is also shown in his paintings. He did not have to conform to official requests or
pressures for the classics. Instead he created a highly individual style of stroke and composition.
He is known as one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, all of whom followed a similar independent path but diverged
in style. They are called eccentric because of their break with classical painting. The others are Wang Shishen (1686-1759),
Li Shan (ca. 1686-1756), Huang Shen (1687-1768), Jin Nong (1687-1764), Gao Xiang (1688-1753), Zheng Xie (1693-1765),
and Li Fangying (1696-1755)He was also known by two literary names, Qingxia Tingzhang
青霞亭长 and Gu Kuang 古狂.

The scroll dates from the Qing period.
(c) Marilyn Shea, 2006, 2007