J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur (1731-1813)  
Resided in the United States (1754-1780)
Lettres d'un cultivateur am
éricain (1782)
Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans l'état de New York (1801)

Letters from an American Farmer , 1782

The first English edition of Letters from an American Farmer is shown below.  The frontispiece is followed by the Advertisement, a brief preface to the edition.  It was published in the same year as the French edition.   The handwriting on the frontispiece is from a previous owner.

 Two foldout maps were included

in the edition on pages 122 and

160.  They are shown below.

Map of Martha's Vineyard upper left, with

details of the same map upper

right and to the left.  Nantucket below with

description and location key

to the lower left.

The enlargements of the book are sufficient for easy reading -- they will be a slow download on a modem.  The photographs of the books by Crèvecoeur may be used freely on non-commercial sites (no advertisements) and for educational purposes.  Please provide a link to this page for copyright.


Further Resources:

The text of Letters from an American Farmer.  1782 from University of Virginia (Cr
èvecoeur image shown above from this site)

The text of Letters from an American Farmer -- 1782 from Project Gutenberg

The text of  Letters from an American Farmer -- 1904 from the Library of Congress in facsimile of 1904 Fox, Duffield edition

Browse other works in "American Notes:  Travels in America 1750-1920", an exhibition of the Library of Congress.

Brief critical summary of Cr
èvecoeur's work by Doreen Alvarez Saar.

D. H. Lawrence on Franklin and Crèvecoeur from D. Campbell

 (c) Marilyn Shea, 2005
 University of Maine at Farmington