happy,joyous 開拓, 开拓 (kāituò) - open up,develop,enlarge/expand (territory/etc.) 龍, 龙 (lóng) - dragon,dinosaur 團結, 团结 (tuánjié) - unite,rally 價錢, 价钱 (jiàqián) - cost,monetary value,rate,price 盡速, 尽速 (jǐnsù) - as quickly/soon as possible 領導人, 领导人 (lǐngdǎorén) - leader 慢性, 慢性 (mànxìng) - chronic,slow (in taking effect) 台商, 台商 (táishāng) - Taiwan merchants 不致, 不致 (búzhì) - without resulting in 打工, 打工 (dǎgōng) - work part-time while studying in college,work as an employee,etc. 創, 创 (chuàng) - initiate,create,start doing,achieve ... for the first time,initiate (sth.) 限, 限 (xiàn) - set a limit,restrict 公營, 公营 (gōngyíng) - publicly owned/operated 根本, 根本 (gēnběn) - essence, foundation 行, 行 (xíng) - m.[proximation] 珍惜, 珍惜 (zhēnxí) - treasure,value,cherish,foster,appreciate,hold dear,prize,care for 容量, 容量 (róngliàng) - volume,measure of capacity,can,capability,capacity (of container),capacity,bulk,volumetric,canful,content 園區, 园区 (yuánqū) - park 抬頭, 抬头 (táitóu) - raise one's head,gain ground,improve,go up (in price) 空地, 空地 (kòngdì) - gap,area,open,vacant lot,clear,open ground/space,vacancy,open ground,building site,open space,space,frontage,sandlot,clearing,opening 所長, 所长 (suǒzhǎng) - head of an institute/etc. 喜悅, 喜悦 (xǐyuè) - happy,joyous 停車, 停车 (tíngchē) - park the car 馬來西亞, 马来西亚 (mǎláixīyǎ) - Malaya,Malaysia(country in Asia),Malaysia 停車, 停车 (tíngchē) - park the car 國防, 国防 (guófáng) - national defence,national defense 帶有, 带有 (dàiyǒu) - have, partake of 淘汰, 淘汰 (táotài) - weed out,competition,eliminate through selection,supersede,superannuate,weed,eliminate through selection or competition,screen_out,eliminate through competition,eliminate through selection/competition,fall into disuse,die out,eliminate,comb out,weed_out,selective 抬頭, 抬头 (táitóu) - raise one's head,gain ground,improve,go up (in price) 注音, 注音 (zhùyīn) - phonetic symbols 實用, 实用 (shíyòng) - practical,pragmatic,functional 夢想, 梦想 (mèngxiǎng) - fond dream 奮鬥, 奋斗 (fèndòu) - struggle,fight,strive 奮鬥, 奋斗 (fèndòu) - struggle,fight,strive 頗為, 颇为 (pǒwéi) - rather,somewhat 構造, 构造 (gòuzào) - constitution,configuration,make-up,build,anatomy,construction,structure,tectonic,fabric,compages,making,contexture,texture,conformation,apparatus,formation,architecture,makeup 熱情, 热情 (rèqíng) - enthusiastic 必定, 必定 (bìdìng) - inevitably,sure,for sure,by all means,needs,necessarily,sure enough,sure as shooting,be sure to,surely,certainly,of necessity,for certain 水平, 水平 (shuǐpíng) - level,horizontal,grade,degree,standard,horizontality 比賽, 比赛 (bǐsài) - compete in a game/activity/match 在乎, 在乎 (zàihū) - care about,take ... to heart,lie in,rest with,worry,care,mind 協議, 协议 (xiéyì) - agreement 編制, 编制 (biānzhì) - authorized staff/force 平面, 平面 (píngmiàn) - smooth,planar,planeness,plane,tabulate,level,flatness,two-dimensionality,table,sheet,horizontal surface,flat 剛好, 刚好 (gānghǎo) - exact,just right 彭, 彭 (péng) - Surname 放心, 放心 (fàngxīn) - disburden,set one's mind at rest,set one's mood at rest,be at ease,feel relieved,rest assured 含有, 含有 (hányǒu) - have,involve,infer,imply,tinge,include,number,carry,contain 停留, 停留 (tíngliú) - stay for a time or at a place 停車場, 停车场 (tíngchēchǎng) - parking_lot,parking area,parking,car_park,parking lot,car park,halt,yard,park 停留, 停留 (tíngliú) - stay for a time or at a place 售價, 售价 (shòujià) - asking price,selling price,selling_price,sell price,price 解除, 解除 (jiěchú) - remove,relieve,get rid of 照, 照 (zhào) - shine,illuminate 無形, 无形 (wúxíng) - invisible 違法, 违法 (wéifǎ) - illegal,be illegal,offend,violate,violate law,transgress,illegitimate,break the law 解除, 解除 (jiěchú) - remove,relieve,get rid of 北方, 北方 (běifāng) - norland,septentrion,compass north,northern part of country,northernness,northern,magnetic north,northward,north,the North,the northern part of the country 感覺到, 感觉到 (gǎnjuédào) - become aware,feel,sense 打擊, 打击 (dǎjí) - stun,frustration,blow 幢, 幢 (chuáng) - Buddhist stone pillar,ancient streamer,ancient pennant,ancient pennant/streamer,m.[general], 模糊, 模糊 (móhú) - dim,fade,befog,blur,mix up,slur,fade out,blear,confuse,obscure 對抗, 对抗 (duìkàng) - baulk,pit,combat,antagonise,encounter,counterwork,countervail,counteract,opposition,resistance,cope,breast,defend,fight,stem,play,battle,fight down,meet,fight back,antagonize,face,confront,front,oppose,contradict,controvert,balk,resist,jib,countercheck,take on,counterbalance,match 駐, 驻 (zhù) - halt,stay,be stationed at 會場, 会场 (huìchǎng) - assembly_hall,fraternity house,conference,assembly hall,conference/assembly hall,theater,meeting-place,chapterhouse,meeting place,venue,conference hall,frat house 贏, 赢 (yíng) - lick,beat,whip,gain,capot,win 負, 负 (fù) - betray,abandon,go against 景, 景 (jǐng) - view,Jing,shot,routine,bit,act,number,situation,scene,scenery,Surname,turn,condition 回饋, 回馈 (huíkuì) - reward,feedback 歧視, 歧视 (qíshì) - treat with bias,despise 昆蟲, 昆虫 (kūnchóng) - bug,creeper,hexapod,coreid,insect,dor,coreid bug 原料, 原料 (yuánliào) - making,stuff,feedstock,ingredient,primary,raw_material,fodder,material,staple,raw material 歧視, 歧视 (qíshì) - treat with bias,despise 被迫, 被迫 (bèipò) - forced,be forced,be compelled/forced,be compelled 雲, 云 (yún) - cloud 郵件, 邮件 (yóujiàn) - mail,postal items,V-mail,mailing,postal matter,post,postbag,posting 守, 守 (shǒu) - guard,defend,keep watch 下來, 下来 (xiàlái) - [aspect] 槍, 枪 (qiāng) - rifle,gun 劍, 剑 (jiàn) - sword,skewer,fox,sabre,steel,snickersnee,brand,bilbo,saber,blade,glaive,falchion 課外, 课外 (kèwài) - extracurricular,outside class,after school 寧靜, 宁静 (níngjìng) - peaceful,tranquil,quiet 寧靜, 宁静 (níngjìng) - peaceful,tranquil,quiet 論, 论 (lùn) - discuss,talk about,consider,regard,mention,determine,decide on,discourse 編, 编 (biān) - group,arrangement,arrange,invent,entwine,weave,organize,edit,compilation,write,invention,pleach,cook up,plait,make up,braid,raddle,fabricate,compose,compile,fabrication 分組, 分组 (fēnzǔ) - divide into groups 預測, 预测 (yūcè) - calculate,forecast 一同, 一同 (yītóng) - together 密集, 密集 (mìjí) - concentrated,crowded together 代替, 代替 (dàitì) - fill in,replace,supply,supersede,replacement,substitute for,surrogate,oust,substitute,stand_in,stand in,cover,supplant,take the place of,fill_in,sub 凡是, 凡是 (fánshì) - conj.: whatever 開辦, 开办 (kāibàn) - open,set up,start (business/etc.) 意志, 意志 (yìzhì) - volition,will,zap,determination,pleasure,heart,willpower 創造力, 创造力 (chuàngzàolì) - imagination,creativeness,creative power,numen,device,creativity,Shakti,originality,ability,ingenuity,creative ability,wallop,creative power/ability 開辦, 开办 (kāibàn) - open,set up,start (business/etc.) 猜, 猜 (cāi) - guess,conjecture,speculation,suspect,put_on,speculate 晚間, 晚间 (wǎnjiān) - (in the) evening,night,in the evening,evening,(at) night,at night 密集, 密集 (mìjí) - concentrated,crowded together 掙扎, 挣扎 (zhēngzhá) - pull,buffet,flounder,labour,scrabble,struggle,worry,twist,grapple,tug,baffle,touse,wallow,flounce,writhe,welter,agonize 瓶, 瓶 (píng) - cruse,flask,vase,bottle,ninepin,jug,jar,pot,ampulla,m.[container], 美金, 美金 (měijīn) - buck,dollar,U.S. dollar 挖, 挖 (wā) - scrape,scoop up,scoop,pick,excavate,excavation,grub,lift out,take up,scoop out,dig,grave 投手, 投手 (tóushǒu) - pitcher,twirler,hurler,caster,bowler 歸, 归 (guī) - return ... to,put in sb.'s charge,take refuge,turn over to,return sth. to,come together,belong,give back to,marry,converge,return,take refuge (in Buddha/etc.),go back to 發明, 发明 (fāmíng) - invent,expound 分組, 分组 (fēnzǔ) - divide into groups 考察, 考察 (kǎochá) - inspect,make on-the-spot investigation,observe and study 驚訝, 惊讶 (jīngyà) - amazed,astounded 聽眾, 听众 (tīngzhòng) - auditor,listener,hearer,audience,auditory,gallery,listeners 驚訝, 惊讶 (jīngyà) - amazed,astounded 不可以, 不可以 (bùkěyǐ) - cannot,should not,must not 考察, 考察 (kǎochá) - inspect,make on-the-spot investigation,observe and study 外國人, 外国人 (wàiguórén) - tramontane,gaijin,outlander,foreigner,alien,stranger,foriegner,uitlander,noncitizen,malihini 工資, 工资 (gōngzī) - earning,hire,remuneration,screw,laborage,pay,paycheck,wages,earnings,pay_packet,salary,wage_scale,differential,wage 平台, 平台 (píngtái) - patio,terrace,hathpace,platform 模樣, 模样 (móyàng) - sign,air,aspect,form,look,front,appearance,shape,suggestion 說到, 说到 (shuōdào) - touch_on,touch on,mention,refer to 遙遠, 遥远 (yáoyuǎn) - distant,faraway,remote 豪華, 豪华 (háohuá) - luxurious,sumptuous 交, 交 (jiāo) - associate with,make friends,fall in with,mate 心力, 心力 (xīnlì) - study,mental and physical efforts,mental and physical effort,work 決賽, 决赛 (juésài) - runoff,fight-off,cup_final,playoff,cup final,match_game,finals,final,run-off 剩, 剩 (shèng) - leave,be left (over),surplus,remnant,be left,remain 安慰, 安慰 (ānwèi) - comfort,console 安慰, 安慰 (ānwèi) - comfort,console 取向, 取向 (qǔxiàng) - orientation 兩性, 两性 (liǎngxìng) - amphiprotic,hermaphroditic,both sexes,bi,amphoteric 度過, 度过 (dùguò) - pass,spend (time/etc.) 哇, 哇 (wā) - particle: formed by linking syllable ending in u-sound and the final particle a 哈哈, 哈哈 (hāhā) - sound of laughter, haha 笑容, 笑容 (xiàoróng) - grinning,smiling expression,laugh,smiling,a smile,a smiling face,smile,grin 專用, 专用 (zhuānyòng) - use for special purpose 把握, 把握 (bǎwò) - grasp firmly 擴張, 扩张 (kuòzhāng) - expand,enlarge,extend,dilate 載, 载 (zài) - transport,fill 傷心, 伤心 (shāngxīn) - injure,offend,broken-hearted,be sad,pierce,hurt,grieved,sad,spite,aggrieve,grieve,be grieved,sadden,smart,wound 盡, 尽 (jìn) - to the greatest extent,utmost 疑問, 疑问 (yíwèn) - interrogation,enquiry,question,interrogatory,demand,dubiousness,inquiry,interrogative,interrogative mood,doubtfulness,query,quaere,doubt 遵守, 遵守 (zūnshǒu) - honour,comply with,obey,keep,hold back,abide,keep back,comply,observe,abide_by,observance,abide by,respect,restrain,honor 介面, 介面 (jièmiàn) - interface 共和國, 共和国 (gònghéguó) - commonweal,commonwealth,republic 下雨, 下雨 (xiàyǔ) - rain 感受, 感受 (gǎnshòu) - be affected by,experience,feel 擴張, 扩张 (kuòzhāng) - expand,enlarge,extend,dilate 示範, 示范 (shìfàn) - demonstrate,exemplify,exhibit 大戰, 大战 (dàzhàn) - war, world war 定位, 定位 (dìngwèi) - orientate 亮, 亮 (liàng) - bright,light,loud and clear 示範, 示范 (shìfàn) - demonstrate,exemplify,exhibit 間接, 间接 (jiànjiē) - collaterally,indirect,collateral,indirectly,roundabout,secondhand 偵辦, 侦办 (zhēnbàn) - investigate (crime) 特有, 特有 (tèyǒu) - characteristic,especial 消除, 消除 (xiāochú) - smooth,lull,removal,cancel,eradicate,rase,to clear up,turn back,counteract,iron_out,wipe,drive off,abate,die,eliminate,drive away,obviate,avoid,exorcise,chase away,wipe out,annihilate,run off,unblock,drive out,stamp out,kill,lift,disarm,get rid of,slake,rid of,decimate,to remove,demagnetize,undo,to clear,sublate,carry off,blue-pencil,exterminate,sa 區分, 区分 (qūfēn) - section,demarcate,compart,sectionalize,zone,screen,compartmentalize,individuate,differentiation,distinguish,mark off,secern,district,segment,separate,mark,sieve,differentiate,mark out,classify,divide,ramify,screen out,set apart,sort 評價, 评价 (píngjià) - estimate,diagnoses,appraisal,mark,rating,rate,value,assessment,esteem,image,estimation,valuation,appraisement,opinion,rank,remark,evaluation 發掘, 发掘 (fājué) - excavate,unearth,explore 發掘, 发掘 (fājué) - excavate,unearth,explore 外銷, 外销 (wàixiāo) - sell abroad or elsewhere within country 還可以, 还可以 (háikěyǐ) - can,may 外銷, 外销 (wàixiāo) - sell abroad or elsewhere within country 不宜, 不宜 (bùyí) - be unsuitable 不如, 不如 (bùrú) - conj.: it would be better to 隨即, 随即 (suíjí) - therewith,thereupon,presently,hereupon,soon after that,immediately 隨意, 随意 (suíyì) - as one pleases 踴躍, 踊跃 (yǒngyuè) - enthusiastical,leap,jump,eager 能量, 能量 (néngliàng) - energy,capabilities 接下來, 接下来 (jiēxiàlái) - next,immediately after 接到, 接到 (jiēdào) - welcome,receive,meet 治安, 治安 (zhìān) - peace,order,public security,police,public order,security,public order/security 指示, 指示 (zhǐshì) - directive,instructions 同步, 同步 (tóngbù) - synchronize 茶葉, 茶叶 (cháyè) - tea,tea leaf,tea leaves 騙, 骗 (piàn) - chisel,cozen,palter,green,cheat,slang,put one over,defraud,befool,trick,jockey,victimize,outjockey,take in,leap on a horse,gum,put on,pigeon,humbug,betray,fob,flimflam,dupe,gyp,illude,mulct,deceit,put one across,rook,gull,bunco,hoodwink,beguile,diddle,fox,bilk,swindle,cod,fool,do,nobble,sting,deceive,con 富裕, 富裕 (fùyū) - plentiful,abundant,rich 優美, 优美 (yōuměi) - graceful,exquisite 壓抑, 压抑 (yāyì) - constrain,inhibit 優美, 优美 (yōuměi) - graceful,exquisite 預料, 预料 (yūliào) - expect,predict,anticipate 預料, 预料 (yūliào) - expect,predict,anticipate 劇團, 剧团 (jùtuán) - opera troupe,theater company,showman,rep,theatrical company,troupe,company 跨, 跨 (kuà) - lead,go,bestride,straddle,go beyond,run,pass,extend,stride,ride,cut across,step 壓抑, 压抑 (yāyì) - constrain,inhibit 開闢, 开闢 (kāipì) - open/set up,start,build (road) 沒關係, 没关系 (méiguānxì) - it doesn't matter,never mind 機能, 机能 (jīnéng) - function 名叫, 名叫 (míngjiào) - be called,be known as 開闢, 开闢 (kāipì) - open/set up,start,build (road) 念頭, 念头 (niàntóu) - thing,purport,spirit,intention,idea,vision,notion,thought,train,intent 富裕, 富裕 (fùyū) - plentiful,abundant,rich 改良, 改良 (gǎiliáng) - improve,ameliorate 改良, 改良 (gǎiliáng) - improve,ameliorate 利, 利 (lì) - profit,interest,advantage,benefit 核准, 核准 (hézhǔn) - check and approve,ratify 接收, 接收 (jiēshōu) - receive,take over (property/etc.) 核准, 核准 (hézhǔn) - check and approve,ratify 接收, 接收 (jiēshōu) - receive,take over (property/etc.) 相似, 相似 (xiāngsì) - resemblance,alike,be alike,be similar/alike,match,be similar,resemble 聞, 闻 (wén) - smell 貧窮, 贫穷 (pínqióng) - poor,needy 動物園, 动物园 (dòngwùyuán) - zoological_garden,zoo,zoological garden,menagerie 接近, 接近 (jiējìn) - intimate,close 餓, 饿 (è) - starve 瞧, 瞧 (qiáo) - look at,lay eyes on,behold,see,look,glaum,regard 諸如, 诸如 (zhūrú) - such as,all are alike 分公司, 分公司 (fēngōngsī) - branch 總統府, 总统府 (zǒngtǒngfǔ) - The Office of the President 同情, 同情 (tóngqíng) - sympathize with 貧窮, 贫穷 (pínqióng) - poor,needy 鎮公所, 镇公所 (zhèngōngsuǒ) - town_hall,public affairs office of town,town hall,townhouse,tolbooth 沙漠, 沙漠 (shāmò) - desert 放下, 放下 (fàngxià) - set_down,set down,lay/put down,lay,lower,lay_down,draw,lay down,dismount,put_down,plank,drop_away,deposit,digress,drop_off,depose,put down,place down 音色, 音色 (yīnsè) - tone color,clang,speech,colour,tone,timbre,quality,timber,color 相較, 相较 (xiāngjiào) - compare 拖, 拖 (tuō) - pull,drag,haul 好友, 好友 (hǎoyǒu) - peer,chum,crony,great friend,good friend,brick 吸, 吸 (xī) - drop,absorption,absorb,draw to oneself,sip,breathe in,attraction,suck,suck up,sup,draw_in,puff,drink,inhale,attract,inhaust 同情, 同情 (tóngqíng) - sympathize with 走勢, 走势 (zǒushì) - alignment,run,tendency,trend 西洋, 西洋 (xīyáng) - West,New World,the Western world,the West,occident,western hemisphere 書目, 书目 (shūmù) - booklist,bibliography,title catalogue,bibliology 資本主義, 资本主义 (zīběnzhǔyì) - capitalistic,capitalist economy,capitalism 增, 增 (zēng) - add,increase,rise,gain 歷程, 历程 (lìchéng) - appendage,kinetics,process,journey,course,outgrowth 濃厚, 浓厚 (nónghòu) - thick,strong,dense,rich,pronounced 失業, 失业 (shīyè) - lose one's job; be out of work 視野, 视野 (shìyě) - visual_field,eyeshot,view,ken,horizon,visual field,field of regard,purview,field of view,coast,sight,eyesight,field of vision,field,sight-shot,eyereach 永恆, 永恒 (yǒnghéng) - eternalize,perpetual,eternize,eternal 同志, 同志 (tóngzhì) - brother,pal,chum,crony,coterie,confrere,colleague,frater,tovarisch,compeer,paisano,brotherhood,copemate,brethren,sidekick,fellow,buddy,tavarish,comrade 中年, 中年 (zhōngnián) - middle age 極了, 极了 (jíle5) - extremely,very 清大, 清大 (qīngdà) - National Tsing Hua University 記錄, 记录 (jìlù) - record 風味, 风味 (fēngwèi) - race,gust,special flavour,savor,flavor,savour,local color,relish,sapor,spice,tasting,local colour,smack,gusto,snack,savoriness,special flavor,flavorsomeness,zest,taste 合格, 合格 (hégé) - measure_up,reach standard,measure up,qualify,nail,make it,pass,qualified 身子, 身子 (shēnzi5) - body 百姓, 百姓 (bǎixìng) - common_people,civvy,vulgus,crowd,common people,husbandman 太空, 太空 (tàikōng) - firmament, outer space 大力, 大力 (dàlì) - vigorously, energetically 勉強, 勉强 (miǎnqiǎng) - do with difficulty 外來, 外来 (wàilái) - foreign,adventive,externally,incoming,external,outside,exotic 失業, 失业 (shīyè) - lose one's job; be out of work 生病, 生病 (shēngbìng) - come down,ail,fall ill,traik,sick,sicken 鋼琴, 钢琴 (gāngqín) - forte-piano,piano,pianoforte 號碼, 号码 (hàomǎ) - pressmark,call mark,identification number,(serial) number,call number,no.,number 另, 另 (lìng) - conj.: in addition, besides 口味, 口味 (kǒuwèi) - a person's taste,flavor of food 天生, 天生 (tiānshēng) - inbred,born 回頭, 回头 (huítóu) - turn one's head,turn round,repent 心想, 心想 (xīnxiǎng) - think, assume 包裝, 包装 (bāozhuāng) - package, packing, packaging 對待, 对待 (duìdài) - treat,approach,handle 遊, 遊 (yóu) - travel,rove 感激, 感激 (gǎnjī) - feel grateful/indebted 單, 单 (dān) - singly,alone 師, 师 (shī) - teacher,master 學科, 学科 (xuékē) - study,area,school subject,science,subject field,subject,course,subject area,discipline,branch of learning,course of study,field of study,branch of knowledge,field 感激, 感激 (gǎnjī) - feel grateful/indebted 弟子, 弟子 (dìzǐ) - scholar,pupil,disciple,student,follower,child,adherent,youngster 招生, 招生 (zhāoshēng) - recruit students 好人, 好人 (hǎorén) - a healthy person,good person,goodman,sb. who tries to get along with everyone,bawcock,good,agreeable individual,good egg,a person who tries to get along with everyone (oft 倒, 倒 (dào) - pour 捕, 捕 (bǔ) - prawn,seizure,seize,arrest,catch 招生, 招生 (zhāoshēng) - recruit students 針, 针 (zhēn) - needle,pin,stitch,injection,shot,acupuncture 溫度, 温度 (wēndù) - barothermohygrograph,temperature,barothermohygrogram 長久, 长久 (chángjiǔ) - permanently,long,for a long time 運動, 运动 (yùndòng) - move,turn around,arrange things through pull 焦慮, 焦虑 (jiāolù) - anxious,apprehensive 支出, 支出 (zhīchū) - defrayal,payout,outgo,outgoing,expense,disbursal,expenditure,outlay,disbursement 焦慮, 焦虑 (jiāolù) - anxious,apprehensive 上班族, 上班族 (shàngbānzú) - office worker 一律, 一律 (yīlù) - equally, without exception 轉移, 转移 (zhuǎnyí) - shift,transfer,divert,change,transform 關注, 关注 (guānzhù) - follow with interest,pay close attention to 響, 响 (xiǎng) - make a sound 黨部, 党部 (dǎngbù) - local party committee 轉移, 转移 (zhuǎnyí) - shift,transfer,divert,change,transform 硬, 硬 (yìng) - hard,stiff,firm,tough,obstinate 洗澡, 洗澡 (xǐzǎo) - have a bath,lave,take a bath,tub,bath,wash,bathing,bathe 關注, 关注 (guānzhù) - follow with interest,pay close attention to 老鼠, 老鼠 (lǎoshǔ) - mouse,rat 昂貴, 昂贵 (ángguì) - cost,costly,expensive 決議, 决议 (juéyì) - resolution 動員, 动员 (dòngyuán) - mobilize,arouse 在場, 在场 (zàichǎng) - present,be present,be on the spot,stand_by,spot,be on the scene 兼顧, 兼顾 (jiāngù) - take account of,give consideration to,deal with two or more things 相比, 相比 (xiāngbǐ) - liken,equate,compare,comparison 後果, 后果 (hòuguǒ) - aftereffect,aftermath,consequent,wake,backwash,sequel,consequence,subsequence 混合, 混合 (hùnhé) - associate,immingle,muddle,incorporate,mixed,meld,confect,amalgamate,blend in,fuse,interblend,hybrid,admix,mingle,wuzzle,mix,shuffle,mercurify,engraft,concoct,interlace,interweave,immix,go,interfuse,mix_up,sophisticate,marry,combine,mix in,conflate,merge,intermix,jumble,commingle,decompound,intermingle,knead,coalesce,interflow,compound,commix,blend, 動員, 动员 (dòngyuán) - mobilize,arouse 陰影, 阴影 (yīnyǐng) - umbrage,shadow,shadiness,hatching,spectre,hatch,blight,umbra,penumbra,cloud,umber,shade,shadowiness 海峽, 海峡 (hǎixiá) - narrow,channel,straits,gullet,sound,strait,gut 幻想, 幻想 (huànxiǎng) - imagine,daydream,reverie,stargaze,fantasticate,fancify,dream,visionary,fancy,illusion,fantasize,chimerical,woolgather,illusory,fantasy 劇場, 剧场 (jùchǎng) - theater 衡量, 衡量 (héngliáng) - weigh,measure,judge 頻率, 频率 (pínlù) - relative frequency,frequency,periodicity 衡量, 衡量 (héngliáng) - weigh,measure,judge 親切, 亲切 (qīnqiè) - cordial,genial,warm 藍, 蓝 (lán) - blue 大膽, 大胆 (dàdǎn) - courageous,audacious,venture 議會, 议会 (yìhuì) - Sanhedrin,general assembly,Cortes,Knesset,diet,senate,Majlis,duma,law-makers,forum,junta,parliament,legislature,meeting place,parliamentary,assembly,president,house,legislative assembly 語意, 语意 (yǔyì) - semantic 主因, 主因 (zhǔyīn) - main reason,major cuase 團員, 团员 (tuányuán) - member (of delegation/organization/etc.) 親切, 亲切 (qīnqiè) - cordial,genial,warm 世, 世 (shì) - generation, life, lifetime, age, era, epoch, world, Surname 激動, 激动 (jīdòng) - boil,tingle,kindle,seethe,toss,inflammatory,tizz,excited,fire,throb,carry_away,ferment,effervesce,stirred,bespirit,heat,agitation,hound,agitate,invigorate,burnt,actuate,inflame,stir,agitated,excite,move,impassion 村民, 村民 (cūnmín) - village,villager,cottager 投, 投 (tóu) - heave,agree with,throw,drop,mail,join,toss,go to,cater to,lodge,send,put into,fit in with,flip,peck,pitch,hurtle,betoss,project,deliver,stay,sky,post,cast,delivery,throw into,throw oneself into,hurl,fling,poll,vote 交, 交 (jiāo) - hand over,deliver 官, 官 (guān) - government official,officeholder 次數, 次数 (cìshù) - number of times,frequancy,frequency,absolute frequency,legal case,oftenness,lawsuit,time,frequence 恐怖, 恐怖 (kǒngbù) - fearful,horrible 恐怖, 恐怖 (kǒngbù) - fearful,horrible 弱, 弱 (ruò) - infirm,a little less than,young,inferior,weak,a bit less than,feeble 屋頂, 屋顶 (wūdǐng) - roofing,rigging,rooftree,cap,roof top,house top,rooftop,attic,roof,housetop 迷宮, 迷宫 (mígōng) - inner ear,maze,labyrinth,internal ear 批判, 批判 (pīpàn) - criticize 民生, 民生 (mínshēng) - the people's livelihood,people's livelihood 規畫, 规画 (guīhuà) - plan,program 唯, 唯 (wéi) - only,alone,but 感, 感 (gǎn) - feel,sense,move,touch,be affected (by cold) 賞, 赏 (shǎng) - admire,enjoy 綠色, 绿色 (lùsè) - verdure,green,greenness,green color,verdancy,bice,virescence,vert,pistachio,viridity 遺憾, 遗憾 (yíhàn) - regret,pity 遺憾, 遗憾 (yíhàn) - regret,pity 靈活, 灵活 (línghuó) - nimble,agile,flexible,elastic 內閣, 内阁 (nèigé) - cabinet 山區, 山区 (shānqū) - mountain area 做成, 做成 (zuòchéng) - put,form,crimp,accomplish,successfully complete,model 觀光客, 观光客 (guānguāngkè) - rubberneck,dude,tripper,traveler,excursionist,visitant,holidaymaker,tourist,tourism,sightseer 出, 出 (chū) - go/come out,exit 老先生, 老先生 (lǎoxiānshēng) - deary,dearie,old gentleman 靈活, 灵活 (línghuó) - nimble,agile,flexible,elastic 研習, 研习 (yánxí) - examine and study 周邊, 周边 (zhōubiān) - circumference,computer peripheral,environs,peripheral device,precinct,peripheral,periphery,perimeter 希臘, 希腊 (xīlà) - Ellas,Hellas,Greece,Greek 姓名, 姓名 (xìngmíng) - surname and personal name,name,full name 抓住, 抓住 (zhuāzhù) - clutch,grip,grab,kep,nail,grapple,get_hold_of,catch,seize hold of,take_hold_of,grip sb.'s attention,cleek,grasp,hold,nab,seize,tackle,capture,snatch,take,take hold of,prehend,catch hold of,glaum,hold on 合適, 合适 (héshì) - set,fit,accommodate,befit,suitable,right,appropriate,belong,beseem,becoming,suit 老百姓, 老百姓 (lǎobǎixìng) - plebe,populace,mister,civilians,roturier,ordinary people,common people 再見, 再见 (zàijiàn) - good-bye,see you again 指責, 指责 (zhǐzé) - censure,criticize 限於, 限于 (xiànyū) - be confined,restrict,be limited to,be confined to,limited to 研習, 研习 (yánxí) - examine and study 車禍, 车祸 (chēhuò) - smash-up,road accident,traffic accident 曝光, 曝光 (pùguāng) - expose 優惠, 优惠 (yōuhuì) - give preferential/special treatment 無意, 无意 (wúyì) - have no intention,not be inclined to,have no intention to 優惠, 优惠 (yōuhuì) - give preferential/special treatment 漲, 涨 (zhàng) - rise, go up (of water/prices/etc.) 實務, 实务 (shíwù) - matter-of-factness 潛能, 潜能 (qiánnéng) - latent,possibility,latent energy,potency,ability,latent ability,ergal,potentiality,latent energy/ability,potential 聞名, 闻名 (wénmíng) - known,famous,know sb. by repute,be familiar with sb.'s name,well-known,famed 擠, 挤 (jǐ) - squeeze,press 說完, 说完 (shuōwán) - after saying something 歹徒, 歹徒 (dǎitú) - evildoer, ruffian, scoundrel 職位, 职位 (zhíwèi) - slot,appointment,character,berth,post,archbishopric,job,ministry,situation,office,position,spot,billet,place,posting 排列, 排列 (páiliè) - arrange,put in order 曝光, 曝光 (pùguāng) - expose 師資, 师资 (shīzī) - persons qualifies to teach,teachers,person qualified to teach 菲律賓, 菲律宾 (fēilùbīn) - ylang-ylang,Philippine Islands,Philippine,Philippines 媽祖, 妈祖 (māzǔ) - a deity of China 名義, 名义 (míngyì) - title,name 客氣, 客气 (kèqì) - be polite,stand on ceremony 服飾, 服饰 (fúshì) - neckline,attire,furnishings,costume,dress,trappings,finery,rig-out,apparel,dress and personal adornment 哎, 哎 (āi) - dissatisfaction,of surprise,swounds,warning 恐嚇, 恐吓 (kǒnghè) - threaten,intimidate 恐嚇, 恐吓 (kǒnghè) - threaten,intimidate 專心, 专心 (zhuānxīn) - occupy,immerge,pore,zoom in,concentrate,betake,dive,pay attention,concentrate effort,advert,give ear,center,rivet,concentrate one's attention,focus,hang,pay heed,devote,apply,be absorbed,be absorbed in,centre,attend 排列, 排列 (páiliè) - arrange,put in order 執政黨, 执政党 (zhízhèngdǎng) - ruling party 完畢, 完毕 (wánbì) - end,conclude,complete,completion,finish 氣, 气 (qì) - anger,get angry 卡通, 卡通 (kǎtōng) - cartoon 犀牛, 犀牛 (xīnióu) - rhino,rhinoceros 遍, 遍 (biàn) - m.[activity] 誕生, 诞生 (dànshēng) - be born,come into being,emerge 誕生, 诞生 (dànshēng) - be born,come into being,emerge 出售, 出售 (chūshòu) - offer for sale, sell 用品, 用品 (yòngpǐn) - succedaneum,articles for use,replacer,substitute 欠缺, 欠缺 (qiànquē) - lack, be deficient, be short of 自由化, 自由化 (zìyóuhuà) - liberalize 住戶, 住户 (zhùhù) - denizen,resident,inhabitant,building,household,dweller 台北縣, 台北县 (táiběixiàn) - Taipei County 擺脫, 摆脱 (bǎituō) - disembroil,free oneself,cast/shake off,fling_off,break away from,shake_off,disinvolve,disentangle,shake off,shift,wangle,cast off,extricate oneself from,shake,waste,free oneself from,disburden,ditch,manage,lose,cast,unload,extricate oneself,prescind,unship,slip,wriggle,shunt 供應商, 供应商 (gōngyìngshāng) - outfitter,provide merchant 講究, 讲究 (jiǎngjiù) - be particular about,pay attention to,stress,strive for,backbite 自由化, 自由化 (zìyóuhuà) - liberalize 命令, 命令 (mìnglìng) - commend,order 伯伯, 伯伯 (bóbó) - uncle-in-law,father's elder brother,uncle 東亞, 东亚 (dōngyǎ) - East Asia 若要, 若要 (ruòyào) - conj.: if sb. want... 笑話, 笑话 (xiàohuà) - joke,jest 胸, 胸 (xiōng) - thorax,pectus,pectoral,heart,chest,petto,bosom,breast,mind,bust 被害人, 被害人 (bèihàirén) - injured party,dupe,the injured party,victim 啟用, 启用 (qǐyòng) - start using/hiring 拿來, 拿来 (nálái) - bring,take something for,fetch 帶回, 带回 (dàihuí) - bring,bring_back,take back 啟用, 启用 (qǐyòng) - start using/hiring 必需, 必需 (bìxū) - need 配置, 配置 (pèizhì) - dispose (troops/etc.),deploy 輔仁, 辅仁 (fǔrén) - FuJen Catholic University 提早, 提早 (tízǎo) - earlier than planned or expected,in advance,shift to an earlier time 溫柔, 温柔 (wēnróu) - gentle and soft 溫柔, 温柔 (wēnróu) - gentle and soft 談判, 谈判 (tánpàn) - negociate,treat,talks,negotiation,negotiate,talk terms,parley,palaver,negotiations,imparl 頭痛, 头痛 (tóutòng) - worry,have a headache 上級, 上级 (shàngjí) - higher level/authority 一度, 一度 (yīdù) - once 配置, 配置 (pèizhì) - dispose (troops/etc.),deploy 諸多, 诸多 (zhūduō) - det.: a good deal,a lot of 電動, 电动 (diàndòng) - electric 助益, 助益 (zhùyì) - good,benefit,help and profit 公職, 公职 (gōngzhí) - public office/employment 冷靜, 冷静 (lěngjìng) - sober,calm 鬼, 鬼 (guǐ) - sinister plot,apparition,dirty trick,sprite,spook,spectre,revenant,spirit,wraith,genie,bogle,specter,ghost 冷靜, 冷静 (lěngjìng) - sober,calm 合唱團, 合唱团 (héchàngtuán) - choir,chorus,ensemble,glee club 求學, 求学 (qiúxué) - study,attend school 求學, 求学 (qiúxué) - study,attend school 重量, 重量 (zhòngliàng) - avoirdupois weight,weight,ponderousness,heaviness,loading,heft,ponderosity,avoirdupois,heftiness,massiveness,gravity,lading 長榮, 长荣 (chángróng) - Evergreen Group 陌生, 陌生 (mòshēng) - strange,unfamiliar 通路, 通路 (tōnglù) - lane,runway,corridor,adit,passageway,gateway,road,thoroughfare,way,routeway,laneway,aisle,route,avenue,inlet,approach,door,entry,access,boulevard 國父, 国父 (guófù) - founding_father,Father of the Republic,father of a nation,father of the republic,Father of the Republic (Sun Yatsen) 目錄, 目录 (mùlù) - beadroll,docket,catalog,contents,listing,catalogue,directory,muster,list,table of contents,bill,inventory,tabulation,cataloguer,table,cataloger,tabular matter,schedule 敗, 败 (bài) - defeat,fail,lose,counteract,be defeated,beat,spoil,decay,wither 考古, 考古 (kǎogǔ) - engage in archaeological studies 高等, 高等 (gāoděng) - higher,advanced 電訊, 电讯 (diànxùn) - telegraph,telecommunications,telecommunication,flash,telegraphic dispatch 遭遇, 遭遇 (zāoyū) - meet with,encounter 趕, 赶 (gǎn) - run after,pursue 台灣省, 台湾省 (táiwānshěng) - Taiwan 體質, 体质 (tǐzhí) - habit,constitution,crasis,habitus,health,habitude,physique 考慮到, 考虑到 (kǎolùdào) - weigh,consider,count,think over 途中, 途中 (túzhōng) - en route 考古, 考古 (kǎogǔ) - engage in archaeological studies 決議, 决议 (juéyì) - resolve,decide 記載, 记载 (jìzài) - put down in writing,record 施政, 施政 (shīzhèng) - govern,administer 角, 角 (jiǎo) - horn,bugle,sth. horn-shaped 先行, 先行 (xiānxíng) - beforehand,first,in advance,in_advance 美感, 美感 (měigǎn) - estheticism,aesthetic perception,perception,sense of beauty,aesthetic feeling/perception,beauty,aesthetic feeling 施政, 施政 (shīzhèng) - govern,administer 挑, 挑 (tiāo) - pluck,provoking,stir up,choose,incite,instigation,lance,shoulder,push sth. up,selection,carry on both ends of shoulder pole,push ... up with a pole or stick,choice,defy,prick,raise,instigate,poke,provocation,plunk,select,carry on the shoulder with a pole,push/poke sth. up,poke sth. up,pick,push,provoke 姿態, 姿态 (zītài) - mannerism,set,stance,pose,attitude,affectation,port,shadow,likeness,carriage,posture,position,movement,gesture,tournure,sort 青春, 青春 (qīngchūn) - springtime,flower,prime,juvenility,youthfulness,one's youth,young adulthood,youth,prime of life,youthhood,juvenescence,may 攤販, 摊贩 (tānfàn) - street peddler 日漸, 日渐 (rìjiàn) - with each passing day,day by day,gradually 圖片, 图片 (túpiàn) - pictorial matter,picture,photograph,pic,artwork 衛生局, 卫生局 (wèishēngjú) - Department of Health 彌補, 弥补 (míbǔ) - supply,atone,make_up,renew,make up,remedy,redeem,make good,compensate,recuperate,counterbalance 獨自, 独自 (dúzì) - unaccompanied,solely,by oneself,alone 夥伴, 夥伴 (huǒbàn) - feller,brother,associate,coagent,gentry,chum,crony,butty,mate,lad,companionate,cooperator,helpmeet,pard,haver,coachfellow,sidekick,campmate,rival,consort,coadjutor,associator,number,pal,teammate,cully,coterie,supporter,gang,adherent,collaborator,gossip,companion,compadre,compeer,paisano,matey,hearty,copemate,cocker,helpmate,bedfellow,marrow,cobber, 正, 正 (zhèng) - straight,upright,central,honest,just,unbiased 回歸, 回归 (huíguī) - reunification,return,regressive,regress 分開, 分开 (fēnkāi) - rive,uncouple,unyoke,divaricate,detach,disjoint,cleave,shift,break_up,cut,segregate,isolate,divorce,severalize,unclasp,divide,dissever,disjoin,break,come off,demarcate,fork,sever,sequester,disconnect,part,come away,sunder,break up,keep apart,separate,diverge,branch,set_off,ramify,split,sequestrate,untwine,separation,set apart,parcel 難題, 难题 (nántí) - problem,Gordian knot,grief,sticker,question,enigma,difficult problem,puzzler,spinosity,stickler,a hard nut to crack,puzzle,toughie,poser,difficulty,crux,nut,challenge,tickler,conundrum,knot,hump,knottiness,stinker,puzzlement,teaser,stumper,twister 羅馬, 罗马 (luómǎ) - Babylon,Rome,capital of Italy,Roma,Italian capital,Eternal City 明亮, 明亮 (míngliàng) - brighten,well-lit,shining,bright 談話, 谈话 (tánhuà) - talk,speech 藏, 藏 (cáng) - lay by,concealment,conceal,hide,store 個體, 个体 (gètǐ) - unit,individual,individuality 順序, 顺序 (shùnxù) - system,method,taxis,gradation,consecution,succession,order,ranking,rota,sequence,orderliness,turn 助教, 助教 (zhùjiào) - demonstrator,teaching assistant,assistant,tutor 前述, 前述 (qiánshù) - above-mentioned 帝國, 帝国 (dìguó) - Reich,imperial,empery,empire 特地, 特地 (tèdì) - purposely,specially,on purpose 執照, 执照 (zhízhào) - endorsement,charter,countenance,imprimatur,permit,warrant,sanction,qualification,certificate,licence,license 名為, 名为 (míngwéi) - be called,be known as 部會, 部会 (bùhuì) - organization of government 新聞局, 新闻局 (xīnwénjú) - Government Information Office 新生, 新生 (xīnshēng) - new student 萬物, 万物 (wànwù) - all things on earth,myriads of things,creation,all living things,universe,all nature 悲劇, 悲剧 (bēijù) - tragedy 早日, 早日 (zǎorì) - at an early date,early,soon 離去, 离去 (líqù) - leave 人選, 人选 (rénxuǎn) - choice among persons 電視台, 电视台 (diànshìtái) - television station,station,spreader,broadcaster,TV station 親戚, 亲戚 (qīnqī) - belongings,relation,kinswoman,kinsman,kith,kindred,cousinry,sib,ally,relative,relatives,kin,connection,kinsfolk,cousin 營業額, 营业额 (yíngyèé) - turnover,business volume 彰化, 彰化 (zhānghuà) - Chang-hwa (a county in Taiwan) 質, 质 (zhí) - nature,character,temperament,quality,matter,substance 一點兒, 一点儿 (yīdiǎnēr) - det.: a little bit 水源, 水源 (shuǐyuán) - headwaters, waterhead, source of water 主流, 主流 (zhǔliú) - main stream/current, essential/main aspect/trend 藝術品, 艺术品 (yìshùpǐn) - work of art 離去, 离去 (líqù) - leave 薪水, 薪水 (xīnshuǐ) - stipend,emolument,remuneration,screw,pay,wages,earnings,fee,compensation,pay_packet,salary,wage,living 觀測, 观测 (guāncè) - observe,survey 愛滋病, 爱滋病 (àizībìng) - acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS 簡介, 简介 (jiǎnjiè) - brief introduction,synopsis 觀測, 观测 (guāncè) - observe,survey 光線, 光线 (guāngxiàn) - ray_of_light,shaft,beam,beam of light,radiation,light beam,sunray,light,lighting,ray,ray of light,shaft of light 範疇, 范畴 (fànchóu) - category 色情, 色情 (sèqíng) - sexy,eroticism,sex,pornographic,pornography,porn,coprology,porno,salacity 幅度, 幅度 (fúdù) - amplitude,breadth,extent,spread,range,spectrum,scope 夜間部, 夜间部 (yèjiānbù) - night division (school/college/etc.) 佛陀, 佛陀 (fótuó) - Gautama Buddha,Siddhartha,Gautama,Buddha,pickpocket,the Buddha 南方, 南方 (nánfāng) - S,due south,the southern part of the country,South,south,southern part of country,the South,southern 首度, 首度 (shǒudù) - first (time) 胖, 胖 (pàng) - fat,stout,plump 相當於, 相当于 (xiāngdāngyū) - muster,be equal to,equivalent,amount 狼, 狼 (láng) - wolf,greedy and cruel person 秘密, 秘密 (mìmì) - secret 商場, 商场 (shāngchǎng) - department store,bazar,line of business,field of operation,grocery store,emporium,bazaar,grocery,mall,commercial circle,field,market 海軍, 海军 (hǎijūn) - marine,naval,admiralty,jolly,navy 尋, 寻 (xún) - try to find,look for,seek,search 鄉村, 乡村 (xiāngcūn) - country,countryside,campong,rural,rural area,village,Kampong,hamlet 花錢, 花钱 (huāqián) - spend money 甫, 甫 (fǔ) - a moment ago,just now 煩惱, 烦恼 (fánnǎo) - vexation 逮捕, 逮捕 (dǎibǔ) - make an arrest 逮捕, 逮捕 (dǎibǔ) - make an arrest 開設, 开设 (kāishè) - open (shop/etc.),offer (course/etc.) 廁所, 厕所 (cèsuǒ) - john,W.C.,can,jakes,lavatory,lav,cloaca,crapper,privy,water closet,bathroom,bog,washroom,closet,convenience,stool,rear,latrine,loo,facility,toilet,John,cloakroom 繁殖, 繁殖 (fánzhí) - breed,reproduce,propagate 融合, 融合 (rónghé) - mix together,fuse,stick together 漁船, 渔船 (yūchuán) - fisherman,fishermen,fisherboat,fisher,fishing boat,wherry 繁殖, 繁殖 (fánzhí) - breed,reproduce,propagate 劉, 刘 (liú) - Liu,Surname 下令, 下令 (xiàlìng) - give orders,order,give order,call_out,appoint,prescribe,call out,dictate 生動, 生动 (shēngdòng) - lively,moving,vivid,lifelike 融合, 融合 (rónghé) - mix together,fuse,stick together 老太太, 老太太 (lǎotàitài) - old lady,your (my/his/etc.) mother 成長率, 成长率 (chéngzhǎnglù) - rate of increase,increase,increment,rate of growth,growth rate 老是, 老是 (lǎoshì) - always 周, 周 (zhōu) - m.[standard] 開設, 开设 (kāishè) - open (shop/etc.),offer (course/etc.) 抗, 抗 (kàng) - combat,defy,campaign,be a match for,agitate,be match for,contend with,resistance,resist,push,fight,refuse,refusal,crusade 看好, 看好 (kànhǎo) - believe something/someone will be worthy in the future 阿拉伯, 阿拉伯 (ālābó) - Arab,Arabian,Arabic 紀念, 纪念 (jìniàn) - commemoration,souvenir 長達, 长达 (chángdá) - lengthen out to 所屬, 所属 (suǒshǔ) - subsidiary 馬祖, 马祖 (mǎzǔ) - Matsu 真相, 真相 (zhēnxiàng) - fact,bottom,low-down,the real facts,dinkum,truth,real/true situation,size,score,real,lowdown,real situation,the real facts/truth,verity,the actual state of affairs,true situation,the real truth,the real situation 妥善, 妥善 (tuǒshàn) - appropriate,proper 編目, 编目 (biānmù) - catalogue 開創, 开创 (kāichuàng) - start,initiate 模特兒, 模特儿 (mótèēr) - poser,artist's model,model 圖騰, 图腾 (túténg) - totem 辦公, 办公 (bàngōng) - work (usu. in an office),transact,work,handle official business 遲, 迟 (chí) - late 編目, 编目 (biānmù) - catalogue 線路, 线路 (xiànlù) - wiring,line,route,circuit 刊物, 刊物 (kānwù) - publication, periodical 而後, 而后 (érhòu) - thereafter 人潮, 人潮 (réncháo) - stream of people 聲明, 声明 (shēngmíng) - statement,pronouncement 動手, 动手 (dòngshǒu) - attack,get to work,hit out,begin,strike,hit,start work,handle,raise a hand to strike,fall,start action,touch 購, 购 (gòu) - buy 蛋, 蛋 (dàn) - clump,egg,lump,bunch,an egg-shaped thing 薪資, 薪资 (xīnzī) - salary,wages 好吃, 好吃 (hǎochī) - delicious,good to eat,tasty,enjoy eating good food,gluttonous 開創, 开创 (kāichuàng) - start,initiate 定居, 定居 (dìngjū) - settle down 被告, 被告 (bèigào) - tenant,indictee,accused,respondent,defendant,suspect,the accused,appellee 安靜, 安静 (ānjìng) - lull,quieten,quiesce,dummy,quiet down,quiet,hush,pipe down,peaceful 災難, 灾难 (zāinàn) - affliction,tragedy,adversity,catastrophe,wo,misadventure,calamitous,mishap,bad luck,tribulation,smashup,cataclysm,trouble,mischance,disaster,mucker,fate,calamity,scourge,plague,infliction,visitation,misfortune,casualty,suffering,melt-down 交談, 交谈 (jiāotán) - converse,chat 定居, 定居 (dìngjū) - settle down 同業, 同业 (tóngyè) - fraternity,person of same business,person of same trade/business,sodality,brotherhood,same trade/business,brethren,craft,trade,same trade,business,person of same trade,faculty,same business 住宿, 住宿 (zhùsù) - stay,put up,get accommodations 缺少, 缺少 (quēshǎo) - lack,be short of 何必, 何必 (hébì) - why must...?,there is no need 住宿, 住宿 (zhùsù) - stay,put up,get accommodations 交談, 交谈 (jiāotán) - converse,chat 便當, 便当 (biàndāng) - take-out food,box lunch/dinner,fast food,boxed meal,box lunch,bento 抽煙, 抽烟 (chōuyān) - smoke (pipe/etc.) 如同, 如同 (rútóng) - like 領隊, 领队 (lǐngduì) - leader of a group/team/etc. 進出, 进出 (jìnchū) - go in and out 減, 减 (jiǎn) - knock_down,derogate,cut,lessen,reduce,subtraction,diminish,reduction,decrease,dwindle,subtract,minus,deduct 新娘, 新娘 (xīnniáng) - bride 圖案, 图案 (túàn) - miniature,device,pattern,illumination,emblem,embossment,design,imprint,cutout,designing,type 腳踏車, 脚踏车 (jiǎotàchē) - machine,bicycle,cyclist,push-bike,cycle,motorcycle,bike,scooter,velocipede 頻繁, 频繁 (pínfán) - frequent,often 落, 落 (luò) - come down,have,remain where one is,go under,leave behind,lower,decline,stay behind,lag behind,dip,precipitate,go down,be missing,fall/leave/stay behind,belong to,set (of sun),drop,ebb (of tide),set,receive,set down,drop behind,light,rest with,obtain,fall,leave/stay behind,fall onto,turn over to,fall behind,sink,get,ebb,land,leave out 進出, 进出 (jìnchū) - go in and out 電梯, 电梯 (diàntī) - lift,elevator 學分, 学分 (xuéfēn) - point,semester hour,course credit,credit 題, 题 (tí) - m.[general] 實習, 实习 (shíxí) - practice,do fieldwork 支撐, 支撑 (zhīchēng) - prop up, sustain, support 母語, 母语 (mǔyǔ) - maternal language,mother_tongue,parent language,first language,vulgate,mother tongue 包, 包 (bāo) - wrap, surround, encircle, envelop, include, contain, undertake the whole thing, assure, guarantee 補習班, 补习班 (bǔxíbān) - cram school,continuation class,crammer 實習, 实习 (shíxí) - practice,do fieldwork 吃完, 吃完 (chīwán) - finish eating 鄉下, 乡下 (xiāngxià) - country,countryside,rural,village,province,country(side),mofussil,back_country 交大, 交大 (jiāodà) - National Chiao Tung University 放寬, 放宽 (fàngkuān) - relax restrictions,ease,let out (e.g.,dress) 放寬, 放宽 (fàngkuān) - relax restrictions,ease,let out (e.g.,dress) 既有, 既有 (jìyǒu) - established,intrinsic,inherent,conventional,innate 研討, 研讨 (yántǎo) - deliberate,discuss 抽象, 抽象 (chōuxiàng) - abstract 研討, 研讨 (yántǎo) - deliberate,discuss 高山, 高山 (gāoshān) - jebel,high mountain,mountain,alp,mount,ben 假設, 假设 (jiǎshè) - suppose,assume,presume 販賣, 贩卖 (fànmài) - peddle,sell 票, 票 (piào) - m.[general] 販賣, 贩卖 (fànmài) - peddle,sell 國土, 国土 (guótǔ) - territorial dominion,state,country,colony,soil,nation,realm,soli,province,territory,mandate,dominion,land 票, 票 (piào) - m.[general] 無線電, 无线电 (wúxiàndiàn) - radio 各式各樣, 各式各样 (gèshìgèyàng) - various,kinds,sundry,all sorts,assorted 前言, 前言 (qiányán) - lead,introduction,preface,preamble,lead-in,front matter,prelims,prelim,premise,prelude,earlier remarks,foreword,prolusion,front_matter,prologue,induction 工商, 工商 (gōngshāng) - industrial and commercial circles,business circles,industry and commerce 激發, 激发 (jīfā) - spark,incite,suggest,explode,excitation,foster,motivate,arouse,stir,draw on,set off,energize,excite,stimulation,stimulate 學歷, 学历 (xuélì) - education,record of formal schooling,antecedents 趣味, 趣味 (qùwèi) - playfulness,merriment,savor,camp,interest,salt,delight,savour,liking,fun,gout,preference,spice,lust,gusto,palate,taste,delectation 天堂, 天堂 (tiāntáng) - paradise, heaven 提倡, 提倡 (tíchàng) - advocate,encourage,recommend 總裁, 总裁 (zǒngcái) - head examiner,director-general,president,governor 分數, 分数 (fēnshù) - point,score,mark,grade,fraction,football score,numeric 上山, 上山 (shàngshān) - go up a hill,go to the mountains 失, 失 (shī) - fail to achieve one's end,deviate from the normal,loss,let slip,miss,lose,fumble 肌膚, 肌肤 (jīfū) - skin 兵, 兵 (bīng) - fighter,troops,armed force,arms,dogface,pawn in Ch. chess,military,weapons,private,soldier,ranker,joe,army,pawn,rank-and-file soldier 提倡, 提倡 (tíchàng) - advocate,encourage,recommend 啤酒, 啤酒 (píjiǔ) - malt liquor,malt,suds,nappy,wallop,beery,malt_liquor,stout,barley-bree,brewage,beer 公開賽, 公开赛 (gōngkāisài) - open 信用, 信用 (xìnyòng) - honour,trustfulness,confidence,trustingness,trustworthiness,repute,affiance,credit,reposal,trust,tick,reputation,credence,jawbone,honor 測, 测 (cè) - measure out,conjecture,measure,infer,survey,fathom 提案, 提案 (tíàn) - motion,proposal,draft resolution 吋, 吋 (cùn) - m.[standard] 批評, 批评 (pīpíng) - criticism 尾巴, 尾巴 (yǐba5) - appendage,a person shadowing sb.,stern,tail-like part,servile adherent,tail 風潮, 风潮 (fēngcháo) - agitation,unrest 星, 星 (xīng) - star,heavenly body 迷信, 迷信 (míxìn) - have blind faith in,make fetish of 吐, 吐 (tǔ) - articulation,utter,ptyalize,puke,articulate,vomit,spin,spew,tell,give up unwillingly,spit,speak out,spit up,disgorge,expectorate,cough up,spue,gob,throw up,say,cough out 鐵, 铁 (tiě) - shovel,smoothing iron,iron,ferrous,arms,Surname,Fe,ferrum,spade,weapon 重心, 重心 (zhòngxīn) - focus,fulcrum,heart,focusing,focussing,barycenter,centroid,centre of gravity,centering,centre_of_gravity,center of gravity,center_of_gravity,core 迷信, 迷信 (míxìn) - have blind faith in,make fetish of 海拔, 海拔 (hǎibá) - natural elevation,ALT,height above sea level,altitude,sea_level,height,EL,above sea level,sea level,elevation 眾生, 众生 (zhòngshēng) - all living creatures 明, 明 (míng) - know,distinct,obvious,open,understand,clear,overt,bright 徵收, 征收 (zhēngshōu) - levy,collect 變更, 变更 (biàngēng) - change,modify 尊敬, 尊敬 (zūnjìng) - respect,honor,esteem 徵收, 征收 (zhēngshōu) - levy,collect 線條, 线条 (xiàntiáo) - line (in drawing,bar,etc.),printing,line (in drawing/printing/etc.),contour,lines,striation,stria,line,trace,streak,tracing 瘋狂, 疯狂 (fēngkuáng) - insane,frenzied,unbridled 瘋狂, 疯狂 (fēngkuáng) - insane,frenzied,unbridled 總共, 总共 (zǒnggòng) - in all,all told,altogether 尊敬, 尊敬 (zūnjìng) - respect,honor,esteem 人家, 人家 (rénjiā) - sb. else, I (used by females) 元素, 元素 (yuánsù) - element 永, 永 (yǒng) - perpetually,forever,always 共產黨, 共产党 (gòngchǎndǎng) - Red,Communist Party,Communist party 共產主義, 共产主义 (gòngchǎnzhǔyì) - Marxism,bolshevism,Marxism-Leninism,Leninism,Sovietism,communism,sovietism,collectivism,Bolshevism 加速, 加速 (jiāsù) - acceleratedly 鏡子, 镜子 (jìngzi5) - looking_glass,gaper,looking glass,mirror,spectacles,glass,glasses 絲毫, 丝毫 (sīháo) - scintilla,shred,shadow,vestige,det.: in the slightest amount,degree 職棒, 职棒 (zhíbàng) - Professional Baseball League 巡迴, 巡迴 (xúnhuí) - tour,make circuit of 自治, 自治 (zìzhì) - self-govern,autonomic 自治, 自治 (zìzhì) - self-govern,autonomic 終場, 终场 (zhōngcháng) - finis,end of performance,closing curtain,final period,finale,final session in an examination 同, 同 (tóng) - with,for 技藝, 技艺 (jìyì) - mechanical arts,science,feat,skill,craft,craftsmanship,artistry,craftship,workmanship 西班牙, 西班牙 (xībānyá) - Spanish,Spain,Hispania,dago,Hispanist,Espana 合乎, 合乎 (héhū) - conform with/to,accord,tally with,correspond to,accord with,conform_to,conform with,conform to,accord/tally with,to 巡迴, 巡迴 (xúnhuí) - tour,make circuit of 描寫, 描写 (miáoxiě) - describe,depict,portray 阻止, 阻止 (zǔzhǐ) - prevent,stop,prohibit 假期, 假期 (jiàqí) - season,holiday,leave,period of leave,vacation 偶像, 偶像 (ǒuxiàng) - mammet,god,Baal,hoodoo,icon,idol,image,effigy,fetich,fetish,model,graven image,matinee idol,swami,iconology,voodoo,joss,obeah,pagod,juju 描寫, 描写 (miáoxiě) - describe,depict,portray 特點, 特点 (tèdiǎn) - distinctive feature,trait,point,flavor,singularity,flavour,distinction,characteristic,excellence,speciality,specialty,idiosyncrasy,salience,distinctiveness,specialness,feature,spot,peculiarity 高血壓, 高血压 (gāoxiěyā) - high_blood_pressure,high blood pressure,hypertension 返回, 返回 (fǎnhuí) - come back,recur,turn back,come,hark back,regress,turn vehicle around,revert,come/go back,enter,return,go back,recall,take back,backtrack 阻止, 阻止 (zǔzhǐ) - prevent,stop,prohibit 懷念, 怀念 (huáiniàn) - cherish memory of,think of 乏, 乏 (fá) - lack 錯過, 错过 (cuòguò) - pass up,muff,throw_away,lose,let slip,miss,overslip,balk,overlook,cross,pass_up,slip 器官, 器官 (qìguān) - appendage,member,variety meat,penis,apparatus,organs,organ,transplant,phallus,extremity 漁民, 渔民 (yūmín) - fisherman,peterman,fisherfolk 頭腦, 头脑 (tóunǎo) - pericranium,leader,head,noggin,brain,brains,main threads,clue,nous,loaf,bean,psyche,headpiece,mind,pate,skull 樹林, 树林 (shùlín) - forest,motte,woods,wood,planting,grove,timberland,woodland,hurst,timber 分裂, 分裂 (fēnliè) - split, divide, break up 公告, 公告 (gōnggào) - declared,placard,declare,proclaim,herald,announce,bill,decree,advertise 市面, 市面 (shìmiàn) - marketplace,business/market conditions,business,market,market condition,business conditions,market conditions 羨慕, 羨慕 (xiànmù) - admire,envy 驕傲, 骄傲 (jiāoào) - be proud,take pride in 懷念, 怀念 (huáiniàn) - cherish memory of,think of 驕傲, 骄傲 (jiāoào) - be proud,take pride in 住宅區, 住宅区 (zhùzháiqū) - community,housing_development,residential quarters,residential district,residential_area,uptown,residential area 地圖, 地图 (dìtú) - map 麻煩, 麻烦 (máfán) - trouble 長度, 长度 (chángdù) - long measure,extent,long_measure,measurement,length,yardage,longness,linear measure 離, 离 (lí) - leave,part from,be away from,separate 相機, 相机 (xiàngjī) - camera 朵, 朵 (duǒ) - m.[general] 產量, 产量 (chǎnliàng) - turnout,turnoff,outturn,capacity,output,produce,product,fruitage,throughput,fruit,production,yield,crop 高層, 高层 (gāocéng) - high-level 運算, 运算 (yùnsuàn) - count,calculate,compute 執政, 执政 (zhízhèng) - hold power,govern 海岸, 海岸 (hǎiàn) - seashore,coastal,seaside,tidewater,seacoast,shore,coast,staith,rivage,seaboard,sea,beach 假, 假 (jiǎ) - borrow,avail of 運算, 运算 (yùnsuàn) - count,calculate,compute 誠實, 诚实 (chéngshí) - honest 羨慕, 羨慕 (xiànmù) - admire,envy 執政, 执政 (zhízhèng) - hold power,govern 隔間, 隔间 (géjiān) - partition,bay,divider,compartment,alcove 唸書, 唸书 (niànshū) - read,study 院校, 院校 (yuànxiào) - colleges and institutes,educational institution,school,universities and colleges 除此之外, 除此之外 (chúcǐzhīwài) - additionally,in addition,with the exception of this,in_addition,to boot,excepting this 棒球, 棒球 (bàngqiú) - no-hitter,apple,grounder,baseball game,homer,change-up,baseball,extra innings,curve,ball game,horsehide,infielder 圈, 圈 (quān) - m.[activity] 壓, 压 (yā) - weight_down,hold down,push down,compact,constrict,be getting near,suppress,squeeze,compress,risk money on,quell,bring pressure to,pull,press,keep under control,throttle,push/hold down,intimidate,scrunch,weigh down,scrouge,daunt,shelve,pigeonhole,contract,approach,keep under,push,stake,control 格外, 格外 (géwài) - piu,especially,all the more,helluva,particularly 寫信, 写信 (xiěxìn) - write a letter 對策, 对策 (duìcè) - expedient,cure,countermeasure,antidote,way to deal with a situation,countermove 及時, 及时 (jíshí) - timely, in time, promptly 種族, 种族 (zhǒngzú) - tribe,citizenry,race,nation,phyle,stem,stirp,phylon,ethnos,nationality,ethnic,folk,people,stirps,racial,ethnic group,family 分工, 分工 (fēngōng) - division of labour,divide the work 拜訪, 拜访 (bàifǎng) - pay visit,call on 前提, 前提 (qiántí) - precondition,prerequisite,reason,premiss,antecedent,stipulation,premise,presupposition,hypothesis,induction,condition 寫信, 写信 (xiěxìn) - write a letter 形狀, 形状 (xíngzhuàng) - set,figuration,physiognomy,form,appearance,shape 拜訪, 拜访 (bàifǎng) - pay visit,call on 居, 居 (jū) - occupy (position/place) 延長, 延长 (yáncháng) - lengthen,prolong,extend 向來, 向来 (xiànglái) - typically,heretofore,always,all along,forever 老婆, 老婆 (lǎopó) - old lady,broomstick,missis,missus,married woman,squaw,old_lady,wife 弄得, 弄得 (nòngde5) - make_out,cause,make 服食, 服食 (fúshí) - take (medicine etc.) 拿起, 拿起 (náqǐ) - pick 指揮, 指挥 (zhǐhuī) - conduct,direct,command 宣傳, 宣传 (xuānchuán) - propagate,disseminate,give publicity to 宣傳, 宣传 (xuānchuán) - propagate,disseminate,give publicity to 指揮, 指挥 (zhǐhuī) - conduct,direct,command 要點, 要点 (yàodiǎn) - nub,head,essentials,highlight,core,effect,message,issue,detail,key strongpoint,kernel,hinge,upshot,best,capitulation,item,essential,point,salient point,substance,outline,main points,crux,essence,burden,knot,salience,pith,pivot,sum,marrow,gist 首都, 首都 (shǒudū) - capital (of country) 延長, 延长 (yáncháng) - lengthen,prolong,extend 引用, 引用 (yǐnyòng) - quote, cite, recommend, appoint 接納, 接纳 (jiēnà) - accept 條文, 条文 (tiáowén) - article,text,assize,stipulation,clause 神秘, 神秘 (shénmì) - mysterious,mystical 專線, 专线 (zhuānxiàn) - special telephone line,special telephone/etc. line,special railway/telephone/etc. line,special railway line,telephone,special railway,etc. line,line for special use 移轉, 移转 (yízhuǎn) - transfer 詞類, 词类 (cílèi) - parts of speech 憤怒, 愤怒 (fènnù) - indignant,angry 審議, 审议 (shěnyì) - deliberate 審議, 审议 (shěnyì) - deliberate 學到, 学到 (xuédào) - understudy,learn 斷, 断 (duàn) - give up,cut off,break off,stop,abstain from,judge,snap,break,decide 潰瘍, 溃疡 (kuìyáng) - ulcer 移轉, 移转 (yízhuǎn) - transfer 憤怒, 愤怒 (fènnù) - indignant,angry 考, 考 (kǎo) - study,inspect,give test,inspection,give,give/take test,test,investigate,verify,take test,give or take an examination,quiz,check 情景, 情景 (qíngjǐng) - scene,sight,circumstances 協定, 协定 (xiédìng) - agreement,accord,pact 投機, 投机 (tóujī) - speculate,be opportunistic 投機, 投机 (tóujī) - speculate,be opportunistic 姿勢, 姿势 (zīshì) - mannerism,plant,poise,motion,pose,attitude,sign,affectation,port,likeness,carriage,posture,position,setup,gesticulation,gesture,seat 阿姨, 阿姨 (àyí) - aunt,child's address to woman of similar age as parents,girl,babysitter,aunty,elderly unattached woman,cr#4 eche attendant,maiden aunt,family nurse,nursery/cr#4eche attendant,nurse,mother's sister,auntie,nursery eche attendant,child's address to woman of similar age,one's mother's sister 幽默, 幽默 (yōumò) - humor 流傳, 流传 (liúchuán) - spread,circulate,hand down 幽默, 幽默 (yōumò) - humor 持, 持 (chí) - hold a particular opinion/belief/attitude 流傳, 流传 (liúchuán) - spread,circulate,hand down 接納, 接纳 (jiēnà) - accept 晉級, 晋级 (jìnjí) - rise in rank,be promoted 晉級, 晋级 (jìnjí) - rise in rank,be promoted 耐心, 耐心 (nàixīn) - nerves,forbearance,longanimity,endurance,patience 化解, 化解 (huàjiě) - remove 軌道, 轨道 (guǐdào) - circle,path,trajectory,railroad track,orbital,course,proper way of doing things,trackage,track,orbit,flight,rail,railway,trackway,tramroad,career,orb 這樣, 这样 (zhèyàng) - so,such 記號, 记号 (jìhào) - earmark,symbolism,reader,impress,indicium,symbol,notation,tick,token,marker,type,sign,score,signature,mark,chip,character,seal,crack,marking,dent,ostent,indicia,check,impression 格局, 格局 (géjú) - pattern,setup,structure 強勢, 强势 (qiángshì) - powerful influence 勞資, 劳资 (láozī) - labour and capital,labor and capital 試圖, 试图 (shìtú) - attempt,pretend,set about,try,seek,undertake 學術界, 学术界 (xuéshùjiè) - educational,academe,academic circles,academia 且, 且 (qiě) - moreover, still, further, for a long time 稱, 称 (chēng) - say,state,commend,praise 前進, 前进 (qiánjìn) - go forward 未曾, 未曾 (wèicéng) - have not,never,did not,not yet 實, 实 (shí) - solid,full,substantial 法官, 法官 (fǎguān) - sentencer,Bench,judiciary,judgeship,bench,tippet,wig,justice,judicature,magistrate,court,judge,jurist,recorder,hakim,justicer,judgship 炒, 炒 (chǎo) - saute,stir-fry,roast,speculate,parch,fry,saut#2e,fire,saut#2 e,sack,scramble 干擾, 干扰 (gānrǎo) - disturb, interfere 任, 任 (rèn) - allow 每當, 每当 (měidāng) - whenever,every time 怪, 怪 (guài) - find sth. strange,blame 好不容易, 好不容易 (hǎobúróngyì) - hard to come by,rarely 行動, 行动 (xíngdòng) - move/get about,act,take action 拜, 拜 (bài) - acknowledge sb. as one's godfather,do obeisance,lead to,acknowledge ... as,result in,bring about,salute,acknowledge sb. as one's master,make a courtesy call,make courtesy call,acknowledge sb. as one's master/godfather,cause 勇敢, 勇敢 (yǒnggǎn) - brave,courageous 勇敢, 勇敢 (yǒnggǎn) - brave,courageous 宣稱, 宣称 (xuānchēng) - predicate,enounce,vouch,avow,make_out,lay_down,uphold,assert,declaration,make out,swan,pronounce,aver,swear,assertion,proclaim,certify,give_out,profession,declare,affirm,put forward,profess 前進, 前进 (qiánjìn) - go forward 指揮, 指挥 (zhǐhuī) - commander,director,conductor 迎接, 迎接 (yíngjiē) - greet,receive,welcome,accolade,meet 回合, 回合 (huíhé) - round of golf,bout,go-around,overshoot,encounter,round,turn,wave-off 攜帶, 携带 (xīdài) - bring,schlep,schlepp,take along,carry 平常, 平常 (píngcháng) - ordinary,common 華盛頓, 华盛顿 (huáshèngdùn) - Washington, D.C. 圓滿, 圆满 (yuánmǎn) - satisfactory 港, 港 (gǎng) - Hong Kong 榮譽, 荣誉 (róngyū) - honour,accolade,palm,commendation,credit,lustre,kudos,luster,bay,garland,izzat,laurels,glorification,glory,distinction,honor 確認, 确认 (quèrèn) - countersign,confirm,affirmation,identify with certainty,identify,acknowledgement,acknowledge,quiet,confirmation,recognize,seal,verify,uphold,affirm,notarize 大廈, 大厦 (dàxià) - building, mansion 工作室, 工作室 (gōngzuòshì) - workroom,bottega,studio,atelier,artist's workroom 平原, 平原 (píngyuán) - champaign,plain,campagna,field,park,flatlands 聯招, 联招 (liánzhāo) - recruit students jointly 聯招, 联招 (liánzhāo) - recruit students jointly 傳達, 传达 (chuándá) - pass on,transmit,communicate 寶寶, 宝宝 (bǎobǎo) - pet,sonny,darling baby,precious baby,baby,precious,poppet,sweetie,precious/darling baby 傳達, 传达 (chuándá) - pass on,transmit,communicate 舉例, 举例 (jǔlì) - instance,quote,adduce,give an example 故鄉, 故乡 (gùxiāng) - country,home,patria,place of birth,native place,hometown,homeland,motherland,birthplace 黃色, 黄色 (huángsè) - chrome,yellowness,yellow,salacity,or 光復, 光复 (guāngfù) - restore,recover (lost land),recover 圓滿, 圆满 (yuánmǎn) - satisfactory 音響, 音响 (yīnxiǎng) - clank,acoustics,music center,sound,hi-fi set,stereo,audio,hi-fi,acoustic,hi-fi stereo component system 挺, 挺 (tǐng) - very,rather,quite 翅膀, 翅膀 (chìbǎng) - pinion,vane,plumage,pennon,flier,wing 郭, 郭 (guō) - Surname 國宅, 国宅 (guózhái) - house of government sell 記, 记 (jì) - write down,record 情慾, 情慾 (qíngyū) - desire,Kama,enamoredness,lust,Venus,letch,flesh,sexual passion,ardour,passion,amorousness 偷, 偷 (tōu) - steal 跳舞, 跳舞 (tiàowǔ) - hop,trip the light fantastic,trip,cakewalk,dancing,dance,saltate,hoof,step 猶, 犹 (yóu) - still,yet 莊子, 庄子 (zhuāngzǐ) - village,Chuang-tzu,hamlet,Chinese philosopher 縮短, 缩短 (suōduǎn) - shorten,curtail,cut down 學業, 学业 (xuéyè) - one's studies, schoolwork 緊, 紧 (jǐn) - tighten,tight,hard up,strict,urgent,tense,taut,stringent 手指, 手指 (shǒuzhǐ) - finger 不料, 不料 (búliào) - unexpectedly 矚目, 瞩目 (zhǔmù) - fix eyes on 矚目, 瞩目 (zhǔmù) - fix eyes on 黨營, 党营 (dǎngyíng) - political party owned/operated 優異, 优异 (yōuyì) - excellent,outstanding 縮短, 缩短 (suōduǎn) - shorten,curtail,cut down 集合, 集合 (jíhé) - gather,assemble,muster 護照, 护照 (hùzhào) - passport 承受, 承受 (chéngshòu) - bear,support,endure,inherit (legacy/etc.) 地帶, 地带 (dìdài) - belt,side,corridor,zone,geographical zone,terrain,region,district 訂單, 订单 (dìngdān) - order_form,order,order form,order form for goods,purchase order,indent 優異, 优异 (yōuyì) - excellent,outstanding 拓展, 拓展 (tuòzhǎn) - expand 拓展, 拓展 (tuòzhǎn) - expand 查, 查 (chá) - look into,consult,look up,search,investigate,consultation,audit,examination,investigation,check,examine 娶, 娶 (qǔ) - get married,conjoin,espouse,wive,take to wife,marry,get hitched with,hook up with,wed,take a wife 偷偷, 偷偷 (tōutōu) - on the QT,secretly,stealthily,on the Q.T.,in secret 接獲, 接获 (jiēhuò) - receive 發給, 发给 (fāgěi) - hand_out,distribution,issue,go,distribute,give_out,grant 強迫, 强迫 (qiángpò) - require,oust,press-gang,impose,obtrude,coerce,sandbag,coercion,force (sb. to do sth.),enforce,pressure,compel,force,compulsory,push out,hustle,constrain,blackmail,strain,starve,oblige,thrust out,thrust,bear,impel,bulldoze,dragoon,force-feed,blackjack,high-pressure 如此一來, 如此一来 (rúcǐyīlái) - so that,with the result that 言, 言 (yán) - word,talk,character,speech 天然, 天然 (tiānrán) - natural 暗, 暗 (àn) - unclear,dull,hidden,dim,dusk,secret,dark 愛好, 爱好 (àihào) - love,like,be fond of,be keen on 帽子, 帽子 (màozi5) - castor,lid,cap,brand,headgear,chapeau,titfer,hat,headpiece,label,amice,tag 凝聚, 凝聚 (níngjù) - condense (of vapor),coalesce,concentrate 凝聚, 凝聚 (níngjù) - condense (of vapor),coalesce,concentrate 彰化縣, 彰化县 (zhānghuàxiàn) - Chang-hwa (a county in Taiwan) 樹木, 树木 (shùmù) - trees 乙, 乙 (yǐ) - det.: second 太過, 太过 (tàiguò) - unduly,troppo 聽見, 听见 (tīngjiàn) - hear 藉以, 藉以 (jièyǐ) - conj.: so as to,for the purpose of,by way of 繳, 缴 (jiǎo) - turn_in,hand in,hand over/in,capture,pay,in,shell_out,hand over 愛好, 爱好 (àihào) - love,like,be fond of,be keen on 簡化, 简化 (jiǎnhuà) - simplify 富, 富 (fù) - be rich in,be full of 簡化, 简化 (jiǎnhuà) - simplify 防範, 防范 (fángfàn) - be on guard,keep lookout 防範, 防范 (fángfàn) - be on guard,keep lookout 論元, 论元 (lùnyuán) - argument 週期, 週期 (zhōuqí) - period,cycle 地下, 地下 (dìxià) - subterranean,underground,secretly,subsurface,secret,secret activity 肩, 肩 (jiān) - shoulder 男孩子, 男孩子 (nánháizi5) - shaver,man,lad,boy 周遭, 周遭 (zhōuzāo) - entourage,all around,about,vicinity,surrounding,round,around 悄悄, 悄悄 (qiāoqiāo) - silently,stealthily,quietly 南港, 南港 (nángǎng) - Southport,Nankang 返, 返 (fǎn) - return 淡江, 淡江 (dànjiāng) - Tamkang University 陶瓷, 陶瓷 (táocí) - pottery and porcelain,ceramic,ceramics,china 答覆, 答复 (dáfù) - answer,reply 素質, 素质 (sùzhí) - calibre,fibre,stuff,vocation,diathesis,caliber,character,strain,predisposition,quality,timber 恨, 恨 (hèn) - regret,hate,detest,be exasperated 作戰, 作战 (zuòzhàn) - do battle,war,fight,battle,conduct operations 堅定, 坚定 (jiāndìng) - stabilizing,firm,steadfast,staunch,strengthen 增強, 增强 (zēngqiáng) - strengthen,enhance 耳朵, 耳朵 (ěrduǒ) - auricle,lobe,lobule,ear,auditory,lap,lug,lappet 對立, 对立 (duìlì) - oppose,set sth. against,be antagonist to 綜合, 综合 (zònghé) - synthesize 歡喜, 欢喜 (huānxǐ) - like,be fond of 模仿, 模仿 (mófǎng) - imitate,follow example of 默默, 默默 (mòmò) - quietly,silently 申訴, 申诉 (shēnsù) - appeal,complain 歡喜, 欢喜 (huānxǐ) - like,be fond of 增強, 增强 (zēngqiáng) - strengthen,enhance 左手, 左手 (zuǒshǒu) - the left hand,left,left hand,left-hand side,one's left hand 申訴, 申诉 (shēnsù) - appeal,complain 入侵, 入侵 (rùqīn) - invade 世人, 世人 (shìrén) - earthman,tellurian,subcelestial,temporalty,laity,people,earthling,common people 入侵, 入侵 (rùqīn) - invade 友人, 友人 (yǒurén) - friend 文教, 文教 (wénjiào) - culture and education 麵包, 面包 (miànbāo) - bun,staff of life,cookie,breadstuff,bread 轉, 转 (zhuǎn) - convey, pass on, transfer, transmit 課業, 课业 (kèyè) - task,lessons,schoolwork,lesson 團, 团 (tuán) - group,society,organization 天文, 天文 (tiānwén) - astronomy 彩券, 彩券 (cǎijuàn) - lottery ticket 優先, 优先 (yōuxiān) - preferentially,preemptively 對立, 对立 (duìlì) - oppose,set sth. against,be antagonist to 材質, 材质 (cáizhí) - stuff,material 埃及, 埃及 (āijí) - Egypt 看待, 看待 (kàndài) - apprehend,treatment,treat,look upon,regard 連結, 连结 (liánjié) - join,link 貨物, 货物 (huòwù) - portage,freight,hotshot,shipment,transit,payload,lading,load,commodity,traffic,salework,shipload,bale,consignment,ware,store,cargo,goods,loading,article,merchandise,invoice,charge,freightage 米, 米 (mǐ) - rice,shelled/husked seed 做生意, 做生意 (zuòshēngyì) - merchandise,deal,trade,sell,do business 連結, 连结 (liánjié) - join,link 深度, 深度 (shēndù) - measurement,fullness,profundity,depth,level,deepness,fulness,profoundness 試用, 试用 (shìyòng) - try out 模仿, 模仿 (mófǎng) - imitate,follow example of 釣魚台, 钓鱼台 (diàoyūtái) - an island 試用, 试用 (shìyòng) - try out 起伏, 起伏 (qǐfú) - rise and fall,undulate 等級, 等级 (děngjí) - graduated table,rate,degree,graduation,gradation,ordering,magnitude,caste,grade,social status,ranking,order,class,gree,scale of measurement,step,stream,estate,station,rating,value,echelon,order and degree,ordered series,scale,rubric,notch,division,rank,order of magnitude 開學, 开学 (kāixué) - start school,begin term 椅子, 椅子 (yǐzi5) - chair 排斥, 排斥 (páichì) - repel,exclude,reject 起伏, 起伏 (qǐfú) - rise and fall,undulate 排斥, 排斥 (páichì) - repel,exclude,reject 痕跡, 痕迹 (hénjī) - spark,taint,scrape,show,imprint,trace,vestige,spoor,sign,track,nick,mark,print,scar,scratch,scent,ash,vestigial,trail,impression 總會, 总会 (zǒnghuì) - be bound to,be inevitable,be sure to happen 影子, 影子 (yǐngzi5) - umbra,sign,silhouette,reflection,trace,shadow,vague impression 製造業, 制造业 (zhìzàoyè) - manufacture,industry,manufacturing industry 應當, 应当 (yīngdāng) - should 調節, 调节 (tiáojié) - regulate,adjust 調節, 调节 (tiáojié) - regulate,adjust 總理, 总理 (zǒnglǐ) - premier,prime minister 戰場, 战场 (zhàncháng) - field of battle,plain,theatre,camp,cockpit,battlefield,theater,battleground,field,battlefront 無窮, 无穷 (wúqióng) - infinite,endless,inexhaustible 整齊, 整齐 (zhěngqí) - in good order,neat,tidy,even,regular 整齊, 整齐 (zhěngqí) - in good order,neat,tidy,even,regular 彈, 弹 (tán) - pluck/play (musical instrument) 公文, 公文 (gōngwén) - official document 牛奶, 牛奶 (nióunǎi) - cow's milk 毛病, 毛病 (máobìng) - trouble, mishap, breakdown, defect, shortcoming, fault, mistake, illness 出土, 出土 (chūtǔ) - be unearthed, come out of the ground 公正, 公正 (gōngzhèng) - impartial 轉型, 转型 (zhuǎnxíng) - change,transform 圓, 圆 (yuán) - round,satisfactory,comprehensive 轉型, 转型 (zhuǎnxíng) - change,transform 望遠鏡, 望远镜 (wàngyuǎnjìng) - telescope 類別, 类别 (lèibié) - category,cubbyhole,categorization,race,kind,categorisation,reduction,persuasion,regimentation,rubric,classification,sort 承擔, 承担 (chéngdān) - bear,undertake,assume 虛擬, 虚拟 (xūnǐ) - conjecture,fictitious,pseudo,suppositional,fantasy 經濟, 经济 (jīngjì) - economical,thrifty,of economic value 老兵, 老兵 (lǎobīng) - veteran soldier,veteran_soldier,campaigner,veteran,old soldier 江, 江 (jiāng) - river 流, 流 (liú) - spread,circulate 完全, 完全 (wánquán) - complete,whole 研究室, 研究室 (yánjiùshì) - study,research room,research group 客廳, 客厅 (kètīng) - front room,livingroom,parlour,salon,family room,parlor,drawing_room,living_room,drawing room,sitting_room,living room,sitting room,drawing,drawing/living room 捕捉, 捕捉 (bǔzhuō) - seizure,seize,tackle,capture,snare,nobble,get,catch 做人, 做人 (zuòrén) - conduct oneself,behave,be an upright person 承辦, 承办 (chéngbàn) - undertake 粒子, 粒子 (lìzǐ) - particulate,particle,apparatus 承擔, 承担 (chéngdān) - bear,undertake,assume 消極, 消极 (xiāojí) - negative,passive,inactive 排, 排 (pái) - m.[general] 得分, 得分 (défēn) - score 站起來, 站起来 (zhànqǐlái) - stand_up,stand up,rise,arise,get up 從中, 从中 (cóngzhōng) - out of,from among,therefrom 郝, 郝 (hǎo) - Hao,Surname 承辦, 承办 (chéngbàn) - undertake 註冊, 注册 (zhùcè) - register 壞人, 坏人 (huàirén) - hellion,bad person,scoundrel,badman,baddie,villain,malefactor,evildoer 問道, 问道 (wèndào) - ask 捉, 捉 (zhuō) - clutch,cop,grasp,nip,hold,seize,capture,take hold of,hent,catch 退出, 退出 (tuìchū) - withdraw from,quit 開玩笑, 开玩笑 (kāiwánxiào) - kid,spoof,jive,gag,make fun of,josh,daff,rot,quip,chaff,rib,banter,jolly,fun,sport,put_on,clown,fool,droll,jape,joke,skylark,jest,jocose,crack a joke 註冊, 注册 (zhùcè) - register 搭乘, 搭乘 (dāchéng) - travel by,travel,travel (by a conveyance),jet,take,fly,hitching,get_on 軟, 软 (ruǎn) - soft,weak,pliant,poor in quality 無關, 无关 (wúguān) - have nothing to do with