嘿, 嘿 (hēi) - hey! 罹患, 罹患 (líhuàn) - have,suffer from,suffer from an illness 鼻子, 鼻子 (bízi5) - nasal,hooter,nozzle,snoot,sneezer,boko,schnozzle,conk,smeller,snout,beezer,proboscis,olfactory organ,snitch,nose,olfactory 擊出, 击出 (jíchū) - strike,throw,pick up 大象, 大象 (dàxiàng) - elephant 公立, 公立 (gōnglì) - public, established and maintained by the government 中部, 中部 (zhōngbù) - central section, middle 退出, 退出 (tuìchū) - withdraw from,quit 生命力, 生命力 (shēngmìnglì) - breath,animation,libido,lifeblood,Shakti,vitality,life-force,vital_force,vital force,life principle,juice,vital principle 任意, 任意 (rènyì) - willfully,at_will,arbitrarily 敘述, 叙述 (xùshù) - narrate,recount,relate 沙灘, 沙滩 (shātān) - sandy beach 多元, 多元 (duōyuán) - multiplex,multicomponent,multivariate,poly- 老人家, 老人家 (lǎorénjiā) - parent,parents,a respectful form of address for an old person,old person 深處, 深处 (shēnchù) - depth,bowel,recesses,profound,oceanic abyss,depths,deep,recess 吵, 吵 (chǎo) - shout for something 次, 次 (cì) - det.: next,second 企業家, 企业家 (qìyèjiā) - entrepreneur,industrial,big businessman,undertaker,enterpriser,business man 時段, 时段 (shíduàn) - slot,time slot,period of time 放大, 放大 (fàngdà) - megascopic,blow_up,magnify,blow up,amplify,enhance,enlarge,enlargement 派, 派 (pài) - m.[kind] 宣告, 宣告 (xuāngào) - declare,proclaim 宣告, 宣告 (xuāngào) - declare,proclaim 差不多, 差不多 (chābùduō) - almost,about 海域, 海域 (hǎiyū) - water,waters,maritime space,sea area 烤, 烤 (kǎo) - oven broil,warm (hands,bake,feet) near fire,torrefy,roast,scallop,warm (hands/feet) near fire,parch,crisp,grill,warm near fire,broil,toast 奇蹟, 奇蹟 (qíjī) - sign,prodigy,mirabilia,marvel,phenomenon,wonder,miracle,theurgy 播放, 播放 (bòfàng) - broadcast,transmit 操場, 操场 (cāochǎng) - schoolyard,school ground,school yard,drill ground,sportsground,playing field,playground,sports ground 播放, 播放 (bòfàng) - broadcast,transmit 傷, 伤 (shāng) - injure,wound,fall ill from,damage,harm 節奏, 节奏 (jiézòu) - pacing,cadency,musical rhythm,pulse,speech rhythm,rhythm,regular recurrence,pulsation,beat,pace,movement,tune,cadence,clip,tempo 匯率, 汇率 (huìlù) - interchange,exchange rate,rate of exchange,exchange,exchange_rate 提起, 提起 (tíqǐ) - mention,speak of 廢水, 废水 (fèishuǐ) - drainage,liquid waste,wastewater,sewer water,effluent,waste water 遇, 遇 (yū) - meet,encounter,treat,receive 環, 环 (huán) - ring,link 螞蟻, 蚂蚁 (mǎyǐ) - emmet,pismire,ant,carpenter ant 精力, 精力 (jīnglì) - stamina,get-up,birr,spirits,vigor,energy,cheer,vinegar,vim,whiz,pride,starch,get-up-and-go,mercury,zing,ginger,sap,verve,zip,git-up,pizazz,power,sinew,go,dynamism,oomph,vigour,foison,ambition,moxie,gimp,peppiness,pazazz,pep,pizzaz,snap,stingo,spirit,drive,pith,pizzazz,last,push,steam 上任, 上任 (shàngrèn) - take up an official post,assume post,incept,assume office 全面, 全面 (quánmiàn) - omnibearing 上台, 上台 (shàngtái) - enter 水質, 水质 (shuǐzhí) - water quality 陷阱, 陷阱 (xiànjǐng) - sweetener,pit,pitfall,hook,lure,trap,cobweb,shoal,trapan,booby_trap,noose,come-on,booby-trap,fall-trap,ambush,net,snare,quicksand,springe,decoy,trepan,mesh,bait,gin 變數, 变数 (biànshù) - variant,variable,pronumeral,variate,parameter,random variable 規畫, 规画 (guīhuà) - program,plan 糧, 粮 (liáng) - grain tax in kind,provisions,food,viand,grain 侵略, 侵略 (qīnluè) - invade 西部, 西部 (xībù) - western part,West,westward,west,the west 好手, 好手 (hǎoshǒu) - expert,professional,shake,good hand,past master 告知, 告知 (gàozhī) - acknowledge,expose,divulge,disclose,intimation,notify,impart,inform,communicate,apprize,notification,advise,give notice,assure,reveal,let on,tell,discover,acquaint,let out,send word,declare,instruct,apprise,break,give away,bring out 退, 退 (tuì) - retreat,retire,decline,ebb 交易所, 交易所 (jiāoyìsuǒ) - trading_post,rialto,floor,exchange (place),exchange,securities industry,market 乾, 干 (gān) - dry 留學生, 留学生 (liúxuéshēng) - student studying abroad,returned student 修飾語, 修饰语 (xiūshìyǔ) - adjunct,qualifier,attributive,epanorthosis,modifier 容納, 容纳 (róngnà) - have capacity for,receive,admit,take,accommodate,store,recipient,seat,hold,accept,carry,bear,contain,have a capacity of 很少, 很少 (hěnshǎo) - little,few,not much/many 挖掘, 挖掘 (wājué) - excavate,unearth 侵略, 侵略 (qīnluè) - invade 近, 近 (jìn) - approach/reach (a particular level or state) 連接詞, 连接词 (liánjiēcí) - connective,conjunctive,conjunction 從不, 从不 (cóngbù) - ne'er,never 淡水, 淡水 (dànshuǐ) - Tamshui (a town in Taiwan) 清, 清 (qīng) - pure,clean,fresh,cool,lonely,poor 挖掘, 挖掘 (wājué) - excavate,unearth 孟子, 孟子 (mèngzi5) - Mengtse,Mencius,Mencius (philosopher who expounded on Dao or Way of Life) 穩, 稳 (wěn) - firm,stable,steady,staid,sedate,sure,certain 戰後, 战后 (zhànhòu) - postwar 福, 福 (fú) - felicity,happiness,blessing,good fortune 鴨, 鸭 (yā) - drake,duckling,duck 營造, 营造 (yíngzào) - construct,build 營造, 营造 (yíngzào) - construct,build 機制, 机制 (jīzhì) - mechanism 機率, 机率 (jīlù) - probability 賦予, 赋予 (fùyǔ) - indue,endow,lend,girt,gift,endue,entrust,inspire,give,impart,confer,grant 職員, 职员 (zhíyuán) - employee,servant,official,staff member,retainer,functionary,operative,office employees,officeholder,personnel,officer,staff_member,office worker,clerk,staffer 現任, 现任 (xiànrèn) - be incumbent,be currently in office 錄音帶, 录音带 (lùyīndài) - magnetic_tape,tape recording,audiotape,magnetic tape,tape,recording,taping 外籍, 外籍 (wàijí) - foreign nationality 薄, 薄 (bó) - lacking in warmth,infertile,light,cold,weak,thin,despise,flimsy 時時, 时时 (shíshí) - always,constantly,often 事務所, 事务所 (shìwùsuǒ) - office,business office,business premises 扭曲, 扭曲 (niǒuqū) - distort 叔叔, 叔叔 (shúshú) - father's younger brother,uncle,uncle (child's address for young males) 扭曲, 扭曲 (niǒuqū) - distort 延伸, 延伸 (yánshēn) - extend,stretch 哎呀, 哎呀 (āiyā) - jeez,of wonder,alas,wirra,swounds,lummy,shock,admiration 流動, 流动 (liúdòng) - flow,go from place to place 原諒, 原谅 (yuánliàng) - excuse,pardon 哩, 哩 (li5) - particle: expressing exclamation 氣勢, 气势 (qìshì) - air,powder,imposing manner,aura,manner,pith,vigor,atmosphere,vigour,verve,vehemence,fervor,momentum 畢業生, 毕业生 (bìyèshēng) - alumnus,postgraduate,grad,alum,alumna,graduating class,graduate 流動, 流动 (liúdòng) - flow,go from place to place 宗旨, 宗旨 (zōngzhǐ) - animus,object,purpose,aim,religion,bearing 關愛, 关爱 (guānài) - care for 遺傳, 遗传 (yíchuán) - bequeath,pass on to next generation 包袱, 包袱 (bāofú) - cloth wrapper, bundle wrapped in cloth, burden, millstone round one's neck, punch line (in cross-talk) 壟斷, 垄断 (lǒngduàn) - monopolize 壟斷, 垄断 (lǒngduàn) - monopolize 講到, 讲到 (jiǎngdào) - mention,observe,remark,note,refer to 聯賽, 联赛 (liánsài) - loop,league matches,league match 辯論, 辩论 (biànlùn) - argue,debate 關愛, 关爱 (guānài) - care for 瘦, 瘦 (shòu) - skinny,emaciated,thin,waste,lean (of meat) 遺傳, 遗传 (yíchuán) - bequeath,pass on to next generation 辯論, 辩论 (biànlùn) - argue,debate 指令, 指令 (zhǐlìng) - directive,instruction,dictation,bid,decree,rescript,fiat,injunction,dictate,instructions,order,bidding,mandate,command,edict 皮, 皮 (pí) - skin,leather,hide,wrapper,surface,thin/flat pieces/sheets,rubber 圖形, 图形 (túxíng) - motif,delineation,pattern,picture,fig,icon,graphical,graph,design,figure,sketch,construct,diagram,drawing 善用, 善用 (shànyòng) - take,make good use of 地步, 地步 (dìbù) - state,situation,extent,plight,condition 怪, 怪 (guài) - surprising,strange 威脅, 威胁 (wēixié) - menace,imperil 要不然, 要不然 (yàobùrán) - conj.: otherwise,or else,or 後悔, 后悔 (hòuhuǐ) - regret,repent 金牌, 金牌 (jīnpái) - gold medal 毒, 毒 (dú) - poison,toxin,narcotics 清晰, 清晰 (qīngxī) - distinct,clear (of sound/view) 草原, 草原 (cǎoyuán) - veld,ley,steppe,plain,pastureland,pasture,grassland,lea,grass,campo,prairie,grazing land,grasslands 立體, 立体 (lìtǐ) - three-dimensional,stereoscopic 幼兒, 幼儿 (yòuér) - babe,papoose,cheeper,child,nursling,infant,bairn,nurseling,cub,youngling 潛水, 潜水 (qiánshuǐ) - dive,go under water 矮, 矮 (ǎi) - short (of stature),low 據點, 据点 (jùdiǎn) - bridgehead,lodgment,fortified point,base,redoubt,foothold,lodging,lodgement,beachhead,strongpoint,stronghold 賠償, 赔偿 (péicháng) - compensate,pay for 碗, 碗 (wǎn) - m.[container] 精采, 精采 (jīngcǎi) - brilliant,splendid 潛水, 潜水 (qiánshuǐ) - dive,go under water 頻頻, 频频 (pínpín) - again and again,repeatedly 對話, 对话 (duìhuà) - dialogue 獲利, 获利 (huòlì) - obtain profit 隱藏, 隐藏 (yǐncáng) - cache,hold back,hidden,blot_out,suppress,disguise,concealment,remain under cover,lurk,secrete,reserve,recess,hoodwink,dissemble,stash,veil,hold in,bury,hide,conceal,occult,mask,ensconce,cover_up,palliate,obscure,hoard 精采, 精采 (jīngcǎi) - brilliant,splendid 召集人, 召集人 (zhàojírén) - convener 加工, 加工 (jiāgōng) - process 主婦, 主妇 (zhǔfù) - housewife, hostess 補, 补 (bǔ) - mend,patch,nourish,supplementary 地址, 地址 (dìzhǐ) - location,domicile,street address,address,name and address,destination 大為, 大为 (dàwéi) - greatly, markedly, significantly 抗爭, 抗争 (kàngzhēng) - resistance,struggle,resist,contend,make a stand against,make stand against,oppose 初步, 初步 (chūbù) - initial,preliminary,tentative 碰, 碰 (pèng) - explore,stub,paw,encounter,knock against,partake,run into,take one's chance,knock,disturb,touch,meet,bump 佔有率, 佔有率 (zhànyǒulù) - possessed rate 均衡, 均衡 (jūnhéng) - balance 抗戰, 抗战 (kàngzhàn) - fight,war of resistance 抗戰, 抗战 (kàngzhàn) - fight,war of resistance 毒品, 毒品 (dúpǐn) - kif,kaif,narcotics,drug,weed,grass,narcotic drugs,drugs 甚至於, 甚至于 (shènzhìyū) - even (to the point of),so much so that 盛行, 盛行 (shèngxíng) - be current,be in vogue 均衡, 均衡 (jūnhéng) - balance 訊號, 讯号 (xùnhào) - signal 服用, 服用 (fúyòng) - take,use,take (medicine) 班級, 班级 (bānjí) - classes and grades in school 盛行, 盛行 (shèngxíng) - be current,be in vogue 授課, 授课 (shòukè) - give lectures,give lessons 動人, 动人 (dòngrén) - moving,fetch,emotional,attractive,touching 現狀, 现状 (xiànzhuàng) - circumstance,present conditions,actuality,current status,present situation,status_quo,status quo 曲子, 曲子 (qǔzi5) - melody,song,tonal pattern,tune 外人, 外人 (wàirén) - inconnu,alien,outsider,stranger,bystander,foreigner 反抗, 反抗 (fǎnkàng) - revolt, resist 中原, 中原 (zhōngyuán) - Central Plains 只得, 只得 (zhǐdé) - have to 刊登, 刊登 (kāndēng) - publish in periodical 蓬勃, 蓬勃 (péngbó) - full of vitality,vigorous,rising,flourishing 變, 变 (biàn) - become,change into 簽名, 签名 (qiānmíng) - sign one's name,autograph 證明, 证明 (zhèngmíng) - certificate,identification,testimonial,proof 簽名, 签名 (qiānmíng) - sign one's name,autograph 簽訂, 签订 (qiāndìng) - conclude and sign (treaty/contract/etc.) 聯誼會, 联谊会 (liányíhuì) - sociable,friendship association,mixer,social affair,social_gathering,social gathering,social,get-together 簽訂, 签订 (qiāndìng) - conclude and sign (treaty/contract/etc.) 說來, 说来 (shuōlái) - having brought this up... 男友, 男友 (nányǒu) - boyfriend 香, 香 (xiāng) - fragrant,scented,savory,appetizing,popular,welcome 演變, 演变 (yǎnbiàn) - transmute 困擾, 困扰 (kùnrǎo) - perplex,puzzle 妥協, 妥协 (tuǒxié) - come to terms,compromise 長江, 长江 (chángjiāng) - Yangtze_River,Yangtze Kiang,Kiang,Yangtze,the Changjiang River,Yangtze River,Chang,Yangtze river,the Yangtse River 骨髓, 骨髓 (gǔsuí) - medullary,bone marrow,marrow,bone_marrow,marrowbone,medulla,medulla oblongata,bulb 神奇, 神奇 (shénqí) - magical,mystical,miraculous 理, 理 (lǐ) - texture,grain (in wood/etc.),reason,logic,truth,natural science (esp. physics),law,principle,doctrine,theory 靠近, 靠近 (kàojìn) - come near,hug,stand_by,come on,nigh,snuggle,go up,be close to,near,be nearby,approach,draw near,cling,meet 神奇, 神奇 (shénqí) - magical,mystical,miraculous 碗, 碗 (wǎn) - bowl 溪, 溪 (xī) - stream,rivulet,brook,runnel,runlet,crick,creek,small stream 醒來, 醒来 (xǐnglái) - waken,awaken,rouse,wake up,wake 演變, 演变 (yǎnbiàn) - transmute 球隊, 球队 (qiúduì) - side,team,ball game team 妥協, 妥协 (tuǒxié) - come to terms,compromise 說謊, 说谎 (shuōhuǎng) - prevaricate,fable,lie,tell a lie,falsify 臺中, 台中 (táizhōng) - Taichung (big city in Taiwan) 衝動, 冲动 (chōngdòng) - get excited,be impetuous 總幹事, 总干事 (zǒnggànshì) - general_manager,director general,general manager 寧可, 宁可 (níngkě) - (would) rather,better 農場, 农场 (nóngchǎng) - rancher,pen,farming,wick,ranch,hacienda,grange,farm,homestead,farmstead,plantation,steading,land 誠懇, 诚恳 (chéngkěn) - sincere 回顧, 回顾 (huígù) - look back,review 心聲, 心声 (xīnshēng) - heartfelt wish, aspiration, thinking 華視, 华视 (huáshì) - China TV station 上司, 上司 (shàngsī) - superior, boss 只, 只 (zhǐ) - m.[general] 分辨, 分辨 (fēnbiàn) - distinguish, differentiate 毛, 毛 (máo) - hair, feather, down, wool, mildew, mold, Surname 主管, 主管 (zhǔguǎn) - be in charge of,be responsible for 分手, 分手 (fēnshǒu) - part,part company,separate,say good-bye,break up 回顧, 回顾 (huígù) - look back,review 喜, 喜 (xǐ) - delighted,pleased,like,be fond of,be keen on,happy 田野, 田野 (tiányě) - countryside,open country,field,infield 緊緊, 紧紧 (jǐnjǐn) - closely,tightly 一共, 一共 (yīgòng) - altogether, in all, all told 型式, 型式 (xíngshì) - pattern,form,shape,style,mold,precept,mold-making,modelling,type,model 有意思, 有意思 (yǒuyìsī) - interesting,meaningful,enjoyable 衝動, 冲动 (chōngdòng) - get excited,be impetuous 然, 然 (rán) - conj.: however,but 君, 君 (38139) - gentleman,sir,monarch,sovereign,supreme ruler 君, 君 (38139) - gentleman,sir,monarch,sovereign,supreme ruler 具, 具 (jù) - m.[general] 度假, 度假 (dùjià) - spend one's holidays 根源, 根源 (gēnyuán) - rootage,parent,origin,spore,source,rootstock,germ,springhead,cradle,whence,paternity,spawn,mother,root,seed,fount,fountainhead 度假, 度假 (dùjià) - spend one's holidays 島嶼, 岛屿 (dǎoyǔ) - island,islands,islands and islets,isle 部位, 部位 (bùwèi) - segment,part,capsule,aspect,position,region,situs,place 溫和, 温和 (wēnhé) - mild,moderate,temperate,tame,gentle 細菌, 细菌 (xìjùn) - bacillus,bacilli,bacteria,B,bacteriological,microbe,contaminant,bacterium,clump,germ,microphyte,bacterial 情節, 情节 (qíngjié) - plot,verisimilitude,buildup,scenario,literary argument,argument,circumstances,story,clue,intrigue,details,action 情態, 情态 (qíngtài) - mood,situation,demeanor,spirit,modal,condition 造形, 造形 (zàoxíng) - modelling,mold-making 國防部, 国防部 (guófángbù) - Ministry of Defense 逾, 逾 (yū) - exceed,go beyond,become even more 殺死, 杀死 (shāsǐ) - croak,crease,devitalize,blast,account_for,mow_down,zap,despatch,martyr,finish_off,do_away_with,unlive,slay,kill,murder,take 法案, 法案 (fǎàn) - bill,act,proposed law,proposed bill,proposed law/bill 誠懇, 诚恳 (chéngkěn) - sincere 語音, 语音 (yǔyīn) - spoken pronunciation of characters,pronunciation,spoken (vs. written) pronunciation of characters,speech sounds,phonetic 遠景, 远景 (yuǎnjǐng) - distant view,long shot,futurity,vista,lookout,distance,perspective,prospect,long-range perspective,long_shot 適時, 适时 (shìshí) - at right moment,early,timely,betimes 歌手, 歌手 (gēshǒu) - warbler,voice,vocalist,singer,bulbul,performer,lark,songster 熱情, 热情 (rèqíng) - enthusiasm,passion 選購, 选购 (xuǎngòu) - choose and buy 輻射, 辐射 (fúshè) - radiancy,Geigers,radiation,radiant 親友, 亲友 (qīnyǒu) - gossip,kith,hail-fellow,relatives and friends,kith and kin,sidekick,familiar,inseparable 短暫, 短暂 (duǎnzhàn) - fleet,of short duration,brief,transient 順便, 顺便 (shùnbiàn) - incidentally,conveniently,en passant,obiter,apropos,in passing,handily 標準, 标准 (biāozhǔn) - standard 鑑定, 鑑定 (jiàndìng) - appraise,identify,authenticate 選購, 选购 (xuǎngòu) - choose and buy 盤勢, 盘势 (pánshì) - current price tendency 出走, 出走 (chūzǒu) - leave, run away, flee 辭職, 辞职 (cízhí) - resign 不大, 不大 (bùdà) - not very/too, not often 中小學, 中小学 (zhōngxiǎoxué) - primary and middle school 王子, 王子 (wángzǐ) - king's son, prince 考上, 考上 (kǎoshàng) - pass,be admitted to,pass entrance examination,nail,make it 鑑定, 鑑定 (jiàndìng) - appraise,identify,authenticate 趨, 趋 (qū) - run,hasten,hurry along,tend towards,incline towards,run/hasten forward,incline,run forward,hasten forward,tend to become,incline/tend towards 辭職, 辞职 (cízhí) - resign 獅子, 狮子 (shīzi5) - leonine,Panthera leo,king of beasts,lion 建物, 建物 (jiànwù) - building,structure 蘋果, 苹果 (píngguǒ) - mincemeat,pome,apple,Empire 伸出, 伸出 (shēnchū) - extrude,obtrude,jut,jut_out,reach/jut out,extend,jut out,outstretch,stick,porrect,stretch,stretch forth,project,poke,thrust,streek,outthrust,protract,protend,outshoot,put forward,hold_out,hold out,overhang,protrude,loll,reach,reach_out,reach out,tongue,put out,jetty,stretch_out,stretch out,stick_out,stick out,push,outreach 肢體, 肢体 (zhītǐ) - member,limbs and trunk,solid body substance,body,subfigure,limbs 神通, 神通 (shéntōng) - magical power 地方性, 地方性 (dìfāngxìng) - territoriality 依舊, 依旧 (yījiù) - as_usual,as was common,as usual,still,as before 仲介, 仲介 (zhòngjiè) - introduce 折扣, 折扣 (zhékòu) - allowance,rebate,price reduction,discount,agio,reduction,deduction,percentage 仲介, 仲介 (zhòngjiè) - introduce 保有, 保有 (bǎoyǒu) - hold 相繼, 相继 (xiāngjì) - about,one_after_another,one after another,in succession 修行, 修行 (xiūxíng) - cultivate/practice doctrine 修行, 修行 (xiūxíng) - cultivate/practice doctrine 省委, 省委 (shěngwěi) - provincial Party committee 從而, 从而 (cóngér) - conj.: thus,thereby 自信, 自信 (zìxìn) - self-confidence 專科, 专科 (zhuānkē) - specialized subject,training school,community colleges,specialty,specialism 捐, 捐 (juān) - donation,subscription,relinquish,abandonment,subscribe,contribution,donate,abandon,contribute 竟是, 竟是 (jìngshì) - turn out to be 航線, 航线 (hángxiàn) - trade route,ship route,skyway,seaway,course,air or shipping line,sea lane,air/shipping line/route,passage,shipping route,air,shipping line,route,air line,line of flight,airline 情結, 情结 (qíngjiē) - complex 率領, 率领 (shuàilǐng) - lead,head,command 細心, 细心 (xìxīn) - careful,attentive 細心, 细心 (xìxīn) - careful,attentive 旋律, 旋律 (xuánlù) - air,chant,canto,melodic line,rhythm,strain,melodic phrase,melodic,melody,line,aria,movement,cantus,tonal pattern,tune,descant,note 最終, 最终 (zuìzhōng) - final,ultimate 掉, 掉 (diào) - drop,reduce,exchange,lose,fall behind,be missing,fall,knock,come off,change,shed,turn 種植, 种植 (zhòngzhí) - plant,grow 一般而言, 一般而言 (yībānéryán) - generally,in the main,in general,generally speaking,en clair 生死, 生死 (shēngsǐ) - or death,life or death,life and/or death,life and death,life and 化妝品, 化妆品 (huàzhuāngpǐn) - cosmetics 大笑, 大笑 (dàxiào) - guffaw,outlaugh,yell,howl,laugh,roar 適度, 适度 (shìdù) - moderate 精彩, 精彩 (jīngcǎi) - brilliant,splendid 緩慢, 缓慢 (huǎnmàn) - largo,slow 精彩, 精彩 (jīngcǎi) - brilliant,splendid 王國, 王国 (wángguó) - kingdom, realm, domain 頭, 头 (tóu) - det.: first,previous 劇本, 剧本 (jùběn) - part,playbook,drama,script,play,scenario,libretto 包, 包 (bāo) - m.[container] 末, 末 (mò) - tip,end 不明, 不明 (bùmíng) - fail to understand 布, 布 (bù) - cloth 月光, 月光 (yuèguāng) - moonlight, moonbeam 地價, 地价 (dìjià) - land price 轉業, 转业 (zhuǎnyè) - change job 講求, 讲求 (jiǎngqiú) - strive for,pay attention to,be particular about,stress 護理, 护理 (hùlǐ) - nursing 點頭, 点头 (diǎntóu) - take a bow,nod one's head,noddle,nod 轉業, 转业 (zhuǎnyè) - change job 嘴巴, 嘴巴 (zuǐbā) - jaw,cheeks,kisser,mouth 家教, 家教 (jiājiào) - tutor 盈餘, 盈余 (yíngyū) - surplusage,profit,margin,increment,surplus,excess 竹, 竹 (zhú) - Phyllostachys bambusoides,bamboo,madake,giant timber bamboo,ku-chiku 坦承, 坦承 (tǎnchéng) - concede,confess,profess 孤獨, 孤独 (gūdú) - lonely,solitary 米, 米 (mǐ) - m.[standard] 孤獨, 孤独 (gūdú) - lonely,solitary 種植, 种植 (zhòngzhí) - plant,grow 表現出, 表现出 (biǎoxiànchū) - show up 孫, 孙 (sūn) - grandchild,grandson,generations below that of the grandchild,Sun,generations below that of grandchild,second growth of plants,Surname 侵犯, 侵犯 (qīnfàn) - violate,infringe on (sb.'s rights) 果實, 果实 (guǒshí) - fruitery,fruitage,gains,fruits,fruit,fructification 侵犯, 侵犯 (qīnfàn) - violate,infringe on (sb.'s rights) 郵票, 邮票 (yóupiào) - postage_stamp,album,label,stamp,postage,postage stamp,stickies 自願, 自愿 (zìyuàn) - voluntary,act voluntarily 挑選, 挑选 (tiāoxuǎn) - choose,select 會計, 会计 (kuàijì) - accountant,bookkeeper 勞力, 劳力 (láolì) - labour,work force,labour force,labor (force),labor 費, 费 (fèi) - cost,spend,expend 新竹縣, 新竹县 (xīnzhúxiàn) - Hsin-chu (a county in Taiwan) 運動會, 运动会 (yùndònghuì) - sports meeting,sport,gymkhana,athletic meeting,fixture,gate,game,sports meet,games,sports_meeting,meet 堅強, 坚强 (jiānqiáng) - strong,firm,staunch 目光, 目光 (mùguāng) - sight,vision,view,gaze,look 堅強, 坚强 (jiānqiáng) - strong,firm,staunch 偏偏, 偏偏 (piānpiān) - just,but,only 挑選, 挑选 (tiāoxuǎn) - choose,select 給付, 给付 (jǐfù) - pay 靜態, 静态 (jìngtài) - static state 演唱會, 演唱会 (yǎnchànghuì) - vocal recital 播出, 播出 (bòchū) - broadcast,disseminate 經貿, 经贸 (jīngmào) - economy and trade 播出, 播出 (bòchū) - broadcast,disseminate 發射, 发射 (fāshè) - launch, project, discharge, shoot, transmit, emit 幹什麼, 干什么 (gànshénmo5) - do something 發射, 发射 (fāshè) - launch, project, discharge, shoot, transmit, emit 聘請, 聘请 (pìnqǐng) - engage,invite 浪費, 浪费 (làngfèi) - extravagant 舞, 舞 (wǔ) - dance 無疑, 无疑 (wúyí) - surely,undoubtedly,beyond doubt,certainty,pardi,certainly,easily 噪音, 噪音 (zàoyīn) - dissonance,row,rumour,noise,discord,squeal,discordance,mush,racket 與其, 与其 (yǔqí) - rather than 學說, 学说 (xuéshuō) - theory,system,philosophy,school of thought,ism,doctrine,doctrinal,hypothesis 日圓, 日圆 (rìyuán) - m.[standard] 有力, 有力 (yǒulì) - forceful,strong,potent,powerful 大道, 大道 (dàdào) - wide road, the way of virtue and justice 午餐, 午餐 (wǔcān) - midday meal, lunch 中, 中 (zhòng) - hit (target),attain,be hit by,pass an exam 肌肉, 肌肉 (jīròu) - brawn,muscular,beef,flesh,muscle,thew,sinew 禪, 禅 (chán) - zen,Zen (Buddhism),deep meditation,Zen,dhyana 處境, 处境 (chǔjìng) - situation,site,plight,situation (usu. unfavorable),predicament,circumstances 繞, 绕 (rào) - circle,revolution,coil,wind,revolve around sth.,entwine,weave,baffle,go around,confuse,go round,thread,move round,revolve,confusion,meander,make a detour,bypass,reel,be fuddled,detour,become entangled 國營, 国营 (guóyíng) - state operated/run 警告, 警告 (jǐnggào) - warn,admonish 住院, 住院 (zhùyuàn) - be hospitalized 先天, 先天 (xiāntiān) - a priori,congenital,natural,innately,innate,inborn 低於, 低于 (dīyū) - be lower than 夾, 夹 (jiá) - press from both sides,place in between,mix,mingle,intersperse,carry secretly 找尋, 找寻 (zhǎoxún) - find,look_for,look for,grope,seek,search,establish,regain 移送, 移送 (yísòng) - transfer under escort,transfer a criminal,render,turn in,get in,hand over,deliver 住院, 住院 (zhùyuàn) - be hospitalized 起床, 起床 (qǐchuáng) - uprise,get up from bed,arise,get out of bed,turn out,rise,deck,get_up,awake,get up 相容, 相容 (xiāngróng) - be compatible with 是非, 是非 (shìfēi) - right and wrong,quarrel,dispute 南京, 南京 (nánjīng) - Nanjing (capital of Jiangsu) 省立, 省立 (shěnglì) - province-established 浴室, 浴室 (yūshì) - W.C.,bathroom,shower room,balneary,water closet,loo,toilet,closet,bath 拆, 拆 (chāi) - section,disaffiliate,unseal,rip,dismantle,dismantlement,unweave,pull down,take apart,tear open 密度, 密度 (mìdù) - density,texture,thickness,consistency,compactness,concentration,denseness 壯觀, 壮观 (zhuàngguān) - sublime,spectacular,magnificent 紀念館, 纪念馆 (jìniànguǎn) - memorial museum,museum in memory of sb.,memorial hall,monument,memorial hall/museum,museum,memorial 迷人, 迷人 (mírén) - beguile,enamor,charm,becharm,enchanting,charming,enwrap,attractive 高雄縣, 高雄县 (gāoxióngxiàn) - Kaohsiung(a county in Taiwan) 深遠, 深远 (shēnyuǎn) - profound and far-reaching 追查, 追查 (zhuīchá) - investigate,trace,find out 眼神, 眼神 (yǎnshén) - eye,expression in one's eyes,sight,eyesight 眷村, 眷村 (juàncūn) - military village 追查, 追查 (zhuīchá) - investigate,trace,find out 粗, 粗 (cū) - wide (in diameter),thick 國有, 国有 (guóyǒu) - belong to the state,nationalized,state-owned 開刀, 开刀 (kāidāo) - decapitate,operate,make sb. first target of attack,have operation,perform an operation,behead,perform an surgery,have an operation,make ... the first target of attack,perform operation,operate on,surgery,perform 邀集, 邀集 (yāojí) - invite,invite to assemble,invite to meet together,call together 水墨, 水墨 (shuǐmò) - ink painting without color 激勵, 激励 (jīlì) - encourage,impel,urge 選修, 选修 (xuǎnxiū) - study,read,take ... as an elective course,take as an elective,take,learn 激勵, 激励 (jīlì) - encourage,impel,urge 甄試, 甄试 (zhēnshì) - examination 標誌, 标志 (biāozhì) - earmark,banner,standing for,logo,symbol,marker,stamp,sign,symbolization,mark,emblem,seal,logotype,symbolizing,blip,marking,insignia 甲, 甲 (jiǎ) - det.: first, first of the ten Heavenly Stems 去, 去 (qù) - get rid of,remove,cast out 可觀, 可观 (kěguān) - goodly,substantial 下車, 下车 (xiàchē) - get off/out of vehicle 讀經, 读经 (dújīng) - read classics 提及, 提及 (tíjí) - allude,cite,reference,come up,speak_to,refer to,notice,syllable,mention,advert to 埋, 埋 (mái) - hide away,burial,bury,inter 仍舊, 仍旧 (réngjiù) - still, as before 奉獻, 奉献 (fèngxiàn) - offer as tribute,present with all respect 沿海, 沿海 (yánhǎi) - coast,coastal,along the coast,littoral 任, 任 (rèn) - m.[general] 安心, 安心 (ānxīn) - reassured,disburden,set one's mind at rest,feel at ease,reassuring,keep one's mind on sth.,be relieved 奉獻, 奉献 (fèngxiàn) - offer as tribute,present with all respect 進展, 进展 (jìnzhǎn) - progress,advance 厚, 厚 (hòu) - thick,fat,magnanimous,favor,kind,generous,deep,strong in flavor,large,stress,profound,rich 農委會, 农委会 (nóngwěihuì) - Council of Agriculture 即為, 即为 (jíwéi) - be 開啟, 开启 (kāiqǐ) - open 立陶宛, 立陶宛 (lìtáowǎn) - Lithuania 鄉公所, 乡公所 (xiānggōngsuǒ) - administrative office for group of villages 開啟, 开启 (kāiqǐ) - open 座談, 座谈 (zuòtán) - forum,symposium 門票, 门票 (ménpiào) - entrance/admission ticket,admission ticket,admission fee,admission price,entrance ticket,admission charge,cover_charge,admission,entrance fee,entrance money,pasteboard,price of admission,entrance 一體, 一体 (yītǐ) - an organic/integral whole, all concerned 裏面, 裏面 (lǐmiàn) - inside,interior 試驗, 试验 (shìyàn) - test,experiment 惡性, 恶性 (èxìng) - malignant,pernicious,vicious,deadly,malignancy,viciousness,lethal,venomous,fatal,virulent 鄉鎮, 乡镇 (xiāngzhèn) - villages and towns,small town,village,village and town,small towns 董事, 董事 (dǒngshì) - director,trustee 跡象, 迹象 (jīxiàng) - breath,gleam,spark,intimation,indication,trace,vestige,glint,evidence,sign,showing,mark,shadow,glimmer,appearance,relic,hint,phenomenon,augury 鞋子, 鞋子 (xiézi5) - footgear,chaussure,footwear,pinchers,shoes,shoe 瑞典, 瑞典 (ruìdiǎn) - Sweden 導師, 导师 (dǎoshī) - don,guide of a great cause,hierophant,teacher,tutor,imam,supervisor,leader in a cause,preceptor,professor,preceptorship,adviser,teacher in charge of class,mentor,counselor 選定, 选定 (xuǎndìng) - select,designate 選定, 选定 (xuǎndìng) - select,designate 用以, 用以 (yòngyǐ) - wherewith,in order to,wherewithal,so as to 出任, 出任 (chūrèn) - take up the post of 循, 循 (xún) - follow,abide by 不顧, 不顾 (búgù) - ignore 絲, 丝 (sī) - m.[proximation] 央行, 央行 (yāngháng) - The Central Bank of China 騷擾, 骚扰 (sāorǎo) - harass,molest 騷擾, 骚扰 (sāorǎo) - harass,molest 田徑, 田径 (tiánjìng) - track and field,track-and-field,athlete,athletics,sport 在意, 在意 (zàiyì) - take notice of,care about,pay attention to,take ... to heart,care,mind 循, 循 (xún) - follow,abide by 往來, 往来 (wǎnglái) - contact,intercourse 慎重, 慎重 (shènzhòng) - careful,cautious,serious,discreet 往來, 往来 (wǎnglái) - contact,intercourse 何處, 何处 (héchù) - where 事變, 事变 (shìbiàn) - exigency,events,course of events,emergency,incident,pinch,affair 好, 好 (hào) - be fond of 老家, 老家 (lǎojiā) - native place,old home,one's original home 立法委員, 立法委员 (lìfǎwěiyuán) - legislator 空軍, 空军 (kōngjūn) - airforce,air_force,Luftwaffe,air force,squadron 貢獻, 贡献 (gòngxiàn) - contribute,dedicate,devote 負責任, 负责任 (fùzérèn) - be responsible for,responsible,conscientious,be in charge of 高, 高 (gāo) - surname 高大, 高大 (gāodà) - tall and big,great,massive 終身, 终身 (zhōngshēn) - lifetime,life,marriage,all one's life,lifelong 缺失, 缺失 (quēshī) - lacuna,drawback,gaps and omissions,deletion,defect,hole 教會, 教会 (jiàohuì) - communion,mission,ecclesiastic,kirk,ecclesia,church,chapel,(Christian) church 啟發, 启发 (qǐfā) - enlighten,stimulate 啟發, 启发 (qǐfā) - enlighten,stimulate 南韓, 南韩 (nánhán) - South Korea 抱持, 抱持 (bàochí) - maintain,maintain (opinion,etc.),maintain (opinion/etc.) 心願, 心愿 (xīnyuàn) - breathing 裏, 裏 (lǐ) - internal,interior,inside 蔬菜, 蔬菜 (shūcài) - vegetal,kale,greenstuff,veggie,greengrocery,kail,greens,vegetables,truck,veg,sass,vegetable,vegetative 零用錢, 零用钱 (língyòngqián) - pin money,spending money,pocket_money,petty_cash,pocket money,poket money,petty cash,pin_money 餐館, 餐馆 (cānguǎn) - chophouse,restaurant,porterhouse,osteria,cafe,caff 算了, 算了 (suànle5) - Forget about it.,That's enough! 錯, 错 (cuò) - mistake,error,blunder,grindstone 融資, 融资 (róngzī) - capital 舞者, 舞者 (wǔzhě) - hoofer,dancer 濃, 浓 (nóng) - thick,concentrated,stress,favor,dense 打擊, 打击 (dǎjí) - strike,hit,attack 考試, 考试 (kǎoshì) - examine,test 不堪, 不堪 (bùkān) - can't bear/stand 氣象, 气象 (qìxiàng) - meteorologic,advection,isotherm,meteorology,cirrocumulus,meteorological,altostratus,atmosphere,prevailing spirit/atmosphere,scene,nimbus,prevailing atmosphere,climatic phenomenon,cirrostratus,cumulonimbus,prevailing spirit,meteorological phenomena,altocumulus 冊, 册 (cè) - m.[general] 縮小, 缩小 (suōxiǎo) - recede,dwindle away,narrow,foreshorten,shrinkage,narrow down,abridge,minify,reduction,puncture,compress,specialize,scale down,dwindle,deflate,minish,take in,reduce,lessen,shorten,diminish,dwindle down,shrink,subside,deescalate,retract 爛, 烂 (làn) - rot,sodden,deteriorate,fester,mushy,mashed,dissolute,poor,worn-out,decayed,rotten 開幕, 开幕 (kāimù) - open,inaugurate (meeting/etc.),raise curtain 人為, 人为 (rénwéi) - man-made, artificial 弱勢, 弱势 (ruòshì) - the weak 意外, 意外 (yìwài) - unexpected,unforeseen 行政院長, 行政院长 (xíngzhèngyuànzhǎng) - premier 物體, 物体 (wùtǐ) - object,body,thrust,substance,matter,physical object 家事, 家事 (jiāshì) - family matters,housekeeping,housework,domesticity,housewifery,menage,family matter,domestic affairs,family financial situation 徐, 徐 (xú) - Xv,Surname 拍照, 拍照 (pāizhào) - take a picture,take (picture),shoot (film),snap,film,take a photograph,take,photograph,shoot 病, 病 (bìng) - fall sick 東歐, 东欧 (dōngōu) - hamster,Eastern Europe,kvass,Eastern European 頓時, 顿时 (dùnshí) - suddenly,at once,immediately 刻, 刻 (kè) - m.[standard] 傳染, 传染 (chuánrǎn) - infect,be contagious 開幕, 开幕 (kāimù) - open,inaugurate (meeting/etc.),raise curtain 單身, 单身 (dānshēn) - unmarried,single 傳染, 传染 (chuánrǎn) - infect,be contagious 景色, 景色 (jǐngsè) - view,scenic,outlook,perspective,scene,scenery,prospect,landscape 印, 印 (yìn) - print,engrave 現任, 现任 (xiànrèn) - presently hold office of 外匯, 外汇 (wàihuì) - foreign exchange 測量, 测量 (cèliáng) - survey,measure 緩緩, 缓缓 (huǎnhuǎn) - postpone,postponement,little by little,slowly,put off,gradually,delay 右手, 右手 (yòushǒu) - right hand, right-hand side 學費, 学费 (xuéfèi) - entrance_fee,tuition fee,premium,schooling,tuition 頻道, 频道 (píndào) - channel,transmission channel,frequency channel 一味, 一味 (yīwèi) - blindly, stubbornly 糖, 糖 (táng) - refined sugar,carob bar,negus,sugar,candy,carbohydrate,sweets 製品, 制品 (zhìpǐn) - manufacture,ware,facture,manufactured goods,products 數, 数 (shǔ) - count 樓梯, 楼梯 (lóutī) - stairs,staircase 天真, 天真 (tiānzhēn) - naive,innocent 嚮往, 嚮往 (xiàngwǎng) - long for,dream of 熱愛, 热爱 (rèài) - love ardently 山谷, 山谷 (shāngǔ) - mountain valley 不一, 不一 (bùyī) - vary,differ 卡片, 卡片 (kǎpiàn) - card 女友, 女友 (nǔyǒu) - female friend 引, 引 (yǐn) - quote, cite 公聽會, 公听会 (gōngtīnghuì) - hearing 出貨, 出货 (chūhuò) - dispatch goods 發作, 发作 (fāzuò) - break out,flare up,explode,have fit of anger,get_into,have a fit of anger,show effect 顯現, 显现 (xiǎnxiàn) - demonstrate,come on,show,uncover,show_up,express,come out,manifest oneself,show up,turn up,appear,reveal,reveal oneself,emerge,show_off,appearance,run,evince,surface,kithe,take_on,unveil,break,bring out 戰績, 战绩 (zhànjī) - military successes 嚮往, 嚮往 (xiàngwǎng) - long for,dream of 顧及, 顾及 (gùjí) - study,give consideration to,consider,take into account,consult,attend to,allow_for 藝人, 艺人 (yìrén) - creative person,artiste,entertainer,artist,artisan,cackler,actor,handcraftsman,performer 共享, 共享 (gòngxiǎng) - enjoy together,share 亞運, 亚运 (yǎyùn) - Asian Games 地毯, 地毯 (dìtǎn) - carpet,footcloth,rug,carpeting,tapis 熱愛, 热爱 (rèài) - love ardently 沒有, 没有 (méiyǒu) - particle: used to ask if an action has been completed 搖, 摇 (yáo) - rock,agitate,wigwag,row,pan,swing,shake,wave,scull,turn 受理, 受理 (shòulǐ) - accept and hear a case 肝癌, 肝癌 (gānyán) - cancer of liver,liver cancer 受理, 受理 (shòulǐ) - accept and hear a case 老年人, 老年人 (lǎoniánrén) - oldster,old man,old,old people,ancient,senior citizen,the aged,old person,woman,senior_citizen 何, 何 (hé) - Surname 保養, 保养 (bǎoyǎng) - take good care of one's health,maintain,keep in good repair 保養, 保养 (bǎoyǎng) - take good care of one's health,maintain,keep in good repair 花朵, 花朵 (huāduǒ) - blossom,flower,posy,bloom,inflorescence 促成, 促成 (cùchéng) - facilitate,effect 屋子, 屋子 (wūzi5) - room,house 桌子, 桌子 (zhuōzi5) - mahogany,table,desk 成交量, 成交量 (chéngjiāoliàng) - quantity of a deal 誇張, 夸张 (kuāzhāng) - overpitch,overact,vapor,overpaint,overcolor,overstate,overplay,overdraw,overblow,hyperbolize,overcharge,stretch,amplify,enhance,aggrandize,ham,highfalutin,vaunt,magnify,boast,dilate,overdo,exaggerate 測量, 测量 (cèliáng) - survey,measure 威力, 威力 (wēilì) - world power,superpower,major power,rod,great power,prowess,tooth,might,power 部, 部 (bù) - part,section,unit,headquarters,office,board,ministry,troops 新人, 新人 (xīnrén) - newlywed 記者會, 记者会 (jìzhěhuì) - backgrounder,news conference 書店, 书店 (shūdiàn) - bookstore 現金, 现金 (xiànjīn) - quids,rhino,clink,ready,cash reserve in bank,dough,dust,ducat,kale,cash,blunt,till,ready money 消化, 消化 (xiāohuà) - digest 消化, 消化 (xiāohuà) - digest 商機, 商机 (shāngjī) - call option,business opportunity 性教育, 性教育 (xìngjiàoyū) - sex education,sexual education 回想, 回想 (huíxiǎng) - look_back,retrospect,recur,recollection,cut back,think back,echo,remember,reflect,recollect,recall,recapture,go back,flash_back,commemorate,retroject,retrace,flash back 不解, 不解 (bùjiě) - not understand 憲法, 宪法 (xiànfǎ) - constitution,charter 熟, 熟 (shú) - ripe,cooked,done,deep (sleep, thoughts, etc.) 外商, 外商 (wàishāng) - foreign business man,foreign merchant 談論, 谈论 (tánlùn) - discuss 談論, 谈论 (tánlùn) - discuss 親人, 亲人 (qīnrén) - those dear to one,one's parents,spouse,children,etc.,one's family members,dear ones,relative,close relatives,folks 可靠, 可靠 (kěkào) - reliable,dependable 視窗, 视窗 (shìchuāng) - counter,window,wicket 變革, 变革 (biàngé) - change,revolution 牌, 牌 (pái) - dominoes,plate,prosodic pattern for ^1 ci2 ^ or ^3 qu3,card,cards,cards, dominoes, etc.,brand,tablet,prosodic pattern for ^1ci2^ or ^3qu3^ 圖說, 图说 (túshuō) - illustrated,illustrated/pictorial handbook,illustrated handbook,pictorial handbook 主語, 主语 (zhǔyǔ) - subject 一貫, 一贯 (yīguàn) - consistent, persistent, all along 外觀, 外观 (wàiguān) - shell,outward appearance,show,externality,visual aspect,exterior,effect,superficies,look,likeness,appearance,facade,surface,presentment,apparel,impression,facies,aspect,complexion,resemblance,semblance,guise,frontage,outwardness,rind,garb,showing,face,veneer,outside,garment,getup 瓦斯, 瓦斯 (wǎsī) - gas 主觀, 主观 (zhǔguān) - subjective 關卡, 关卡 (guānkǎ) - an outpost of the tax office,tax office outpost,barrier,checkpoint 囉, 囉 (luó) - particle: calling attention to,or mildly warning of,a situation 邊界, 边界 (biānjiè) - confine,margin,bounds,marchland,boundary,demarcation line,demarcation,borderline,precinct,skirt,frontier,list,borderland,delimitation,butting,bound,boundary line,perimeter,outskirts,coast,march,line,border,mete,limit,skirting,edge 廳, 厅 (tīng) - department,provincial government department,office,lobby,salle,hall 轉為, 转为 (zhuǎnwéi) - change into,change to 抑制, 抑制 (yìzhì) - forbear,chasten,last out,govern,forebear,help,baste,cumber,rein,hamshackle,damp,disable,harness,restrain,muffle,stay,rule,hold in,bottle_up,throttle,constrain,retard,moderate,cork,swallow,hold,mortify,smother,rebuke,withhold,refrain,soften,control,break,curb,oppress,inhibit,ride out,coerce,dominate,bridle,constrict,choke,inhibition,dampen,restraint 減低, 减低 (jiǎndī) - bring down,turn down,undercut,take away,lour,reduction,lower,decline,wane,cut,depress,mitigate,lessen,cut_down,cripple,reduce,unbuild,go_down,de-escalate,go down,detract,sink,drop_off,play_down,drop off 臉色, 脸色 (liǎnsè) - brow,countenance,facial_expression,look,facial expression,colouring,complexion 怎能, 怎能 (zěnnéng) - How can 屍體, 尸体 (shītǐ) - remains,body,corps,corpus,mort,cadaver,stiff,cadaverine,deader,carcass,corpse,ashes,dust,clay,ash,dead body,corse,bones 鳥兒, 鸟儿 (niǎoér) - bird 成就感, 成就感 (chéngjiùgǎn) - sense of achievement,feeling of achievement,achievability 美軍, 美军 (měijūn) - U.S. Army,American soldier,American army,gook 師長, 师长 (shīzhǎng) - teacher 河流, 河流 (héliú) - freshet,rivers,river 容積, 容积 (róngjī) - volume,cubic_measure,capacity,bulk,proportion,content,cubage,solidity 信徒, 信徒 (xìntú) - creed,votary,believer,follower,devotee,sheep,lamb,disciple,worshipper,churchman,laity,adherent,worshiper 品味, 品味 (pǐnwèi) - savor,taste 客家, 客家 (kèjiā) - Hakka 要素, 要素 (yàosù) - basics,ingredient,essential,key element,constituent,fashioning,element,core,making,stuff,essential factor,factor,essence,strand,elemental,devising,chemistry,requisite,momentum 氧氣, 氧气 (yǎngqì) - O,atomic number 8,oxygen 塑膠, 塑胶 (sùjiāo) - plastics,plastic,synthetic resin,plastic cement 乘, 乘 (chéng) - ride 信用卡, 信用卡 (xìnyòngkǎ) - charge plate,charge card,credit card,credit_card,charge_card,bank card 雷射, 雷射 (léishè) - optical maser,laser 國建, 国建 (guójiàn) - national construction 無不, 无不 (wúbù) - without exception,invariably 處長, 处长 (chùzhǎng) - department,section chief,commissioner,department/office head,department head,head of a department,office head 採集, 采集 (cǎijí) - oyster,collect,gather,pick up and put together 書本, 书本 (shūběn) - volume,book 笑, 笑 (xiào) - laugh at,ridicule 掀起, 掀起 (xiānqǐ) - lift,raise,surge,cause to surge,start (movement/etc.) 偏遠, 偏远 (piānyuǎn) - remote,faraway 親密, 亲密 (qīnmì) - chum,intimate,close 鋼鐵, 钢铁 (gāngtiě) - iron and steel 燃燒, 燃烧 (ránshāo) - burn 雕刻, 雕刻 (diāokè) - statue 噴, 喷 (pēn) - splosh,spray,sprinkle,spout,puff,gush,splash,spurt 燃燒, 燃烧 (ránshāo) - burn 綠島, 绿岛 (lùdǎo) - Green Island 輪流, 轮流 (lúnliú) - by turns,in turn 鄰近, 邻近 (línjìn) - adjoin,next to,neighbour,close_to,near,border on,be close to,be adjacent to,be near,neighbor 擊敗, 击败 (jíbài) - trounce,bat,frustrate,trump,down,lace,overwhelm,thrash,overpower,stoush,snooker,floor,overcome,drub,beat out,defeat,war,have the best,clobber,lick,conquer,smite,outmatch,worst,sort_out,smash,crush,outgun,vanquish,beat,put_down,pip,get the best,bear_down 結, 结 (jié) - tie,knit,knot,weave,congeal,form,forge,cement,settle,conclude 分發, 分发 (fēnfā) - distribute, hand out, issue 謹慎, 谨慎 (jǐnshèn) - cautious,circumspect 樂曲, 乐曲 (yuèqǔ) - composition,piece of music,music,musical composition,piece,number,opus 世上, 世上 (shìshàng) - in the world, on earth 外婆, 外婆 (wàipó) - granny,maternal grandmother,grandma,grandmother 巨人, 巨人 (jùrén) - colossus,whale,Titan,Goliath,titan,bouncer,darb,goliath,Brobdingnagian,heavyweight,monster,behemoth,giant,Heracles,hulk 用功, 用功 (yònggōng) - study,studious,hardworking,niggle,grind 人情, 人情 (rénqíng) - human feelings, favor, gift, present 公務人員, 公务人员 (gōngwùrényuán) - civil_service,civil servant,civil_servant,civil service 生日, 生日 (shēngrì) - birthday 天才, 天才 (tiāncái) - genius, talent, gift 尺寸, 尺寸 (chǐcùn) - measurement, dimension 覺, 觉 (jué) - sense,feel,wake (up),become aware/awakened,discover 戀愛, 恋爱 (liànài) - love,romantic attachment 謹慎, 谨慎 (jǐnshèn) - cautious,circumspect 短線, 短线 (duǎnxiàn) - small amount/quantity,a little/few 停放, 停放 (tíngfàng) - park,place 戀愛, 恋爱 (liànài) - love,romantic attachment 走入, 走入 (zǒurù) - enter,walk in,go in 孝順, 孝顺 (xiàoshùn) - filial,show filial obedience 多樣化, 多样化 (duōyànghuà) - diversify,make varied 多樣化, 多样化 (duōyànghuà) - diversify,make varied 住家, 住家 (zhùjiā) - domicile,lodging,dwelling_house,dwelling,household,abode,dwelling house,home,resident,habitation,residence 步道, 步道 (bùdào) - sidewalk,pavement 免得, 免得 (miǎnde5) - conj.: so as not to,so as to avoid 股份, 股份 (gǔfèn) - equity,concern,share,stake,stock,interest 派員, 派员 (pàiyuán) - assign sb. to do sth. 知識分子, 知识分子 (zhīshìfènzǐ) - wig,intellectual,educated person,educated person (high school or college equivalent),intellect,intelligentsia,clerisy 停放, 停放 (tíngfàng) - park,place 傳承, 传承 (chuánchéng) - pass down through generations 售, 售 (shòu) - get (plan,sale,get accepted,get (plan/etc.) accepted,etc.) accepted,sell 攻下, 攻下 (gōngxià) - seize,capture,conquer,take over,overcome 牽, 牵 (qiān) - lead along (by holding hand/halter/etc.),pull,involve,implicate 笨, 笨 (bèn) - dull,cumbersome,wooden-headed,clumsy,stupid,awkward 散步, 散步 (sànbù) - take a walk 蚊子, 蚊子 (wénzi5) - culex,mosquito,punkie 愛國, 爱国 (àiguó) - love one's country,patriotic 傳承, 传承 (chuánchéng) - pass down through generations 國旗, 国旗 (guóqí) - flag,ensign,national flag 異, 异 (yì) - surprise,other,another,unusual,separate,treat specially,feel surprised,different,foreign (place),disloyal,strange 逃, 逃 (táo) - guy,escape,egress,scarper,break away,shrink from,fly,take flight,evade,run away,evasion,flee,run,shirk,turn tail,bunk,lam,dodge 基督教, 基督教 (jīdūjiào) - Christian religion,Christianity,Christendom,Christianism,Christian 常識, 常识 (chángshì) - nous,reason,mother_wit,general knowledge,common_sense,mother wit,horse sense,public knowledge,common sense,sense,good sense,gumption,commonsense,wisdom 掌聲, 掌声 (zhǎngshēng) - clapping,applause 教訓, 教训 (jiàoxùn) - lesson,moral 愛國, 爱国 (àiguó) - love one's country,patriotic 賓語, 宾语 (bīnyǔ) - object 寫下, 写下 (xiěxià) - sign,put,set_down,put_down,take,write down 總數, 总数 (zǒngshù) - result,all,amount of money,aggregate,sum total,summation,amount,number,sum,total,tale,sum of money,totality,capita,quantity 電腦化, 电脑化 (diànnǎohuà) - computerize 聚, 聚 (jù) - get together,assemble,forgather,gather 精確, 精确 (jīngquè) - elegant,accurate,precise,exact 登山, 登山 (dēngshān) - engage in mountain-climbing,sport 富有, 富有 (fùyǒu) - be rich/wealthy 登山, 登山 (dēngshān) - engage in mountain-climbing,sport 學子, 学子 (xuézǐ) - student,disciple 創下, 创下 (chuàngxià) - set,create,build 簽約, 签约 (qiānyuē) - sign a contract 電池, 电池 (diànchí) - galvanic pile,electric battery,pile,D,battery,cell,(electric) cell,electric_battery,element,voltaic pile 電腦化, 电脑化 (diànnǎohuà) - computerize 出版社, 出版社 (chūbǎnshè) - publisher, press 加快, 加快 (jiākuài) - speed up, accelerate 手槍, 手枪 (shǒuqiāng) - pistol 工藝, 工艺 (gōngyì) - technology, craft 台東, 台东 (táidōng) - Taitung (City in Taiwan) 文書, 文书 (wénshū) - document, official correspondence, secretary, secretariat 繪圖, 绘图 (huìtú) - draw pictures,prepare engineering drawings 繪圖, 绘图 (huìtú) - draw pictures,prepare engineering drawings 簽約, 签约 (qiānyuē) - sign a contract 蘇, 苏 (sū) - Surname 換言之, 换言之 (huànyánzhī) - in other words 中醫, 中医 (zhōngyī) - trad. Ch. medicine, doctor of trad. Ch. medicine 尺度, 尺度 (chǐdù) - measure, scale 再者, 再者 (zàizhě) - conj.: moreover,besides 火車站, 火车站 (huǒchēzhàn) - railway station 僅僅, 仅仅 (jǐnjǐn) - strictly,solely,exclusively,entirely,alone,merely,only,purely,simply,scantly,narrowly,barely,just 伸手, 伸手 (shēnshǒu) - ask for help,stretch one's hand,meddle in,stretch,hold out one's hand,stretch out one's hand,reach 矣, 矣 (yǐ) - particle: used in classical Chinese to express exclamation 老實, 老实 (lǎoshí) - honest,frank,well-behaved,good,simple-minded,naive 良心, 良心 (liángxīn) - sense of right and wrong,conscientiousness,conscience,moral sense,scruples 多重, 多重 (duōchóng) - multiple 旺盛, 旺盛 (wàngshèng) - vigorous,prosperous,exuberant 股東, 股东 (gǔdōng) - raider,shareholder,interest,old fogy,shareowner,curio,antique,partner,stockholder,interest group 苗栗縣, 苗栗县 (miáolìxiàn) - Miaoli(a county in Taiwan) 約, 约 (yuē) - ask,invite 受訓, 受训 (shòuxùn) - receive/undergo training 流失, 流失 (liúshī) - run off,be washed away 專注, 专注 (zhuānzhù) - be absorbed in 作出, 作出 (zuòchū) - make (decision/etc.) 流失, 流失 (liúshī) - run off,be washed away 感興趣, 感兴趣 (gǎnxìngqù) - be interested,be interested in 連繫, 连系 (liánxì) - contact 富, 富 (fù) - wealthy,abundant 條款, 条款 (tiáokuǎn) - title,item,purview,detail,statute title,stipulation,proviso,point,article,provisions,provision,term,clause,condition 專注, 专注 (zhuānzhù) - be absorbed in 商業區, 商业区 (shāngyèqū) - business_district,strip,white way,business zone,downtown,business district 甜, 甜 (tián) - sweet,agreeable 聊, 聊 (liáo) - endure,rely/depend on,rely on,depend on,chat 莫斯科, 莫斯科 (mòsīkē) - capital of the Soviet Union,Russian capital,Moscow 神情, 神情 (shénqíng) - patina,way,expression,facial_expression,look,patine 連繫, 连系 (liánxì) - contact 擁抱, 拥抱 (yǒngbào) - embrace 實地, 实地 (shídì) - concretely,on the ground,on the ground/spot,spot,on the spot 擁抱, 拥抱 (yǒngbào) - embrace 學童, 学童 (xuétóng) - schoolchild,schoolboy,schooler,school children 湯, 汤 (tāng) - hot/boiling water,hot springs,soup,broth 右派, 右派 (yòupài) - right 世間, 世间 (shìjiān) - earth, world 量產, 量产 (liàngchǎn) - set bounds to produce 想, 想 (xiǎng) - miss 下去, 下去 (xiàqù) - go on,continue,go down,descend,take_up,descent 平, 平 (píng) - flat,level,even,ordinary,common,uniform,safe and sound,peaceful,calm,fair,just,objective 之上, 之上 (zhīshàng) - on 全民健保, 全民健保 (quánmínjiànbǎo) - National Health Insurance 外交部, 外交部 (wàijiāobù) - foreign office,diplomatic building,Foreign Ministry,Ministry of Foreign Affairs 避開, 避开 (bìkāi) - beg,preclude,avoidance,escape,sidestep,leapfrog,stave_off,get_around,shun,keep_away,keep away,turn away,skirt,fend_off,avoid,evade,ditch,miss,avert,eschew,flee,divert,parry,sheer,dodge 體型, 体型 (tǐxíng) - type of build,type of build/figure,build,body type,figure,somatotype,type of figure,habitus,body-build,physique,type of human physique 週末, 週末 (zhōumò) - weekend 得主, 得主 (dézhǔ) - recipient,winner 體育館, 体育馆 (tǐyūguǎn) - stadium,coliseum,gym,turnhall,palestra,gymnasium 左右, 左右 (zuǒyòu) - left and right 相連, 相连 (xiānglián) - communicate,be joined,interconnect,be linked together,intercommunicate,interlink,meet,attach 堅決, 坚决 (jiānjué) - firm,determined 罪嫌, 罪嫌 (zuìxián) - criminal suspect 行駛, 行驶 (xíngshǐ) - go (of vehicles/boats/etc.) 行駛, 行驶 (xíngshǐ) - go (of vehicles/boats/etc.) 兼任, 兼任 (jiānrèn) - hold a concurrent post,part-time,hold concurrent post 好聽, 好听 (hǎotīng) - pleasant to hear 為期, 为期 (wéiqí) - by/lasting (a definite time) 科, 科 (kē) - department,section,rules,laws,a branch of academic or vocational study,stage directions,(animal) family,a division or subdivision of an administrative uni,family,branch of study,faculty,administrative section 美濃, 美浓 (měinóng) - Meinung(a town in Taiwan) 誠意, 诚意 (chéngyì) - candour,singleness,sincerity,good faith,candor 名利, 名利 (mínglì) - fame and gain,fame and wealth 遊憩, 遊憩 (yóuqì) - relax and play 持有, 持有 (chíyǒu) - boast,take,possess,hold,carry 新光, 新光 (xīnguāng) - hsinkuang consortium 最早, 最早 (zuìzǎo) - very first 眼鏡, 眼镜 (yǎnjìng) - cheater,lorgnon,spectacles,specs,glasses,spectacle,barnacles,eyeglasses,barnacle,eyeglass,glass 海面, 海面 (hǎimiàn) - offing,sea surface,offshore,sea level,rim 第, 第 (dì) - mansion,stadium,decker,det.: marker of ordinal numerals,abomasum,residence 客家人, 客家人 (kèjiārén) - Hakka 膨脹, 膨胀 (péngzhàng) - expand,swell,inflate 單獨, 单独 (dāndú) - tete-a-tete,apart,unaccompanied,individually,singly,solely,alone,on one's own 蟲, 虫 (chóng) - bug,worm,insect 膨脹, 膨胀 (péngzhàng) - expand,swell,inflate 解脫, 解脱 (jiětuō) - free (extricate) oneself,release from worldly cares 隧道, 隧道 (suìdào) - tube,tunnel 熊膽, 熊胆 (xióngdǎn) - gall of bear (used as medicine) 熱潮, 热潮 (rècháo) - rush,surge,spate,upsurge 復, 复 (fù) - again 學系, 学系 (xuéxì) - department (of school) 鼓掌, 鼓掌 (gǔzhǎng) - clap one's hands; applaud 鼓掌, 鼓掌 (gǔzhǎng) - clap one's hands; applaud 日記, 日记 (rìjì) - diary, journal 日趨, 日趋 (rìqū) - gradually,day_by_day 外出, 外出 (wàichū) - go out 出路, 出路 (chūlù) - way out, outlet, employment opportunities 外出, 外出 (wàichū) - go out 解脫, 解脱 (jiětuō) - free (extricate) oneself,release from worldly cares 鐘, 钟 (zhōng) - timekeeper,timepiece,ticker,carillon,Zhong,time,bell,handleless cup,chime,gong,carillon playing,bell ringing,clock,Surname 此後, 此后 (cǐhòu) - thenceforth,henceforth,since then,thereafter,after this,hereafter 衝, 冲 (chōng) - charge,rush,dash 同伴, 同伴 (tóngbàn) - associate,friend,associator,chum,gentry,cully,familiar,fellow traveller,accompanist,fellow traveler,stablemate,companion,mate,compeer,peer,pard,bunkie,consociate,fellow,buddy,campmate,comrade 供給, 供给 (gōngjǐ) - supply,provide,furnish 事故, 事故 (shìgù) - circumstance,trouble,mischance,accident,mishap,affair,bad luck,natural event,happening,occurrence 握, 握 (wò) - take hold of,agitate,grasp,double,bite,shake,hold 受害, 受害 (shòuhài) - suffer injury,suffer loss,fall victim,loss,suffer,be affected,victimize,be victimized 表明, 表明 (biǎomíng) - argue,utter,disclose,enunciate,indicate,speak_for,make clear,indication,prove,point,express,manifest,tell,state clearly,give,denote,evince,unfold,portend,declare,kithe,make known,signalize 炒作, 炒作 (chǎozuò) - stir 香水, 香水 (xiāngshuǐ) - perfumery,cologne,aroma,perfume,fragrance,scent,rosewood,fragrancy 氣溫, 气温 (qìwēn) - atmospheric temperature,mercury,temperature,air temperature 供給, 供给 (gōngjǐ) - supply,provide,furnish 炒作, 炒作 (chǎozuò) - stir 教, 教 (jiào) - cause/ask to 買到, 买到 (mǎidào) - obtain,buy,purchase 畝, 亩 (mǔ) - acre,m.[standard], 畔, 畔 (pàn) - boundary,border of field,side,border,bank 現, 现 (xiàn) - just,at the time,extempore 情趣, 情趣 (qíngqù) - flavor,temperament and interest,spice,savour,appeal,interestingness,interest,temperament 理工, 理工 (lǐgōng) - science and engineering 造就, 造就 (zàojiù) - bring up,train 跌, 跌 (dié) - fall,tumble 總算, 总算 (zǒngsuàn) - at long last,finally 群體, 群体 (qúntǐ) - population,community,society,grouping,group,colony,groups 集體, 集体 (jítǐ) - collective 談起, 谈起 (tánqǐ) - speak of,talk about,mention 硬碟, 硬碟 (yìngdié) - fixed disk,hard disc,disk drive,hard_drive,hard_disk,hard drive,Winchester drive,disc drive,hard disk,hard disk/drive 棒, 棒 (bàng) - good,fine,strong 遊覽, 游览 (yóulǎn) - go sight-seeing,tour,visit 效能, 效能 (xiàonéng) - effect,effectuality,efficiency,effectivity,performance,virtue,sufficiency,effectualness,efficacy,usefulness,efficaciousness,effectiveness 選舉, 选举 (xuǎnjǔ) - elect (by vote),select by examination 遊覽, 遊览 (yóulǎn) - go sight-seeing,tour,visit 確立, 确立 (quèlì) - radicate,entrench,establishment,build,establish,establish firmly 獨, 独 (dú) - by oneself,alone,in solitude,only 功效, 功效 (gōngxiào) - efficacy, effect 月份, 月份 (yuèfèn) - month 月份, 月份 (yuèfèn) - month 公益, 公益 (gōngyì) - public good/welfare 不知不覺, 不知不觉 (bùzhībùjué) - unconsciously, unaware 失蹤, 失踪 (shīzōng) - be missing 終究, 终究 (zhōngjiù) - eventually,in the end,after all 懷, 怀 (huái) - yearn for,conceive (a child),keep in mind,miss,cherish,carry,become pregnant,think of,conceive,nourish 租界, 租界 (zūjiè) - colony,concession,(foreign) concession,settlement 失蹤, 失踪 (shīzōng) - be missing 行事, 行事 (xíngshì) - handle,execute 好笑, 好笑 (hǎoxiào) - laughable,funny 旁人, 旁人 (pángrén) - other people 淡, 淡 (dàn) - tasteless,light,wishy-washy,pale,thin,weak 佩服, 佩服 (pèifú) - admire 那樣, 那样 (nàyàng) - such,so,in that case 交代, 交代 (jiāodài) - hand over,explain,make clear,brief,tell,account for,justify oneself,confess 岩石, 岩石 (yánshí) - muck,chimney,rock,petrous,stone 行事, 行事 (xíngshì) - handle,execute 交代, 交代 (jiāodài) - hand over,explain,make clear,brief,tell,account for,justify oneself,confess 任教, 任教 (rènjiào) - be a teacher,hold teaching post,profess 浮現, 浮现 (fúxiàn) - appear before one's eyes,float,suggest,come up,rise up,surface,ray,rise,appear,emerge 冒, 冒 (mào) - risk,brave 處在, 处在 (chǔzài) - be in,be (in a certain condition),be 專欄, 专栏 (zhuānlán) - column,special column,spot,feature,feature article,columnar 因子, 因子 (yīnzǐ) - gene,determinant,factor,divisor 風波, 风波 (fēngbō) - crisis,disturbance 處, 处 (chǔ) - be situated in,be in a certain condition,dwell,live 臭, 臭 (chòu) - whiff,foul,malodorous,disgraceful,stinking,odorous,disgusting 許可, 许可 (xǔkě) - permit,allow 貨幣, 货币 (huòbì) - coinage,mintage,tin,coin,currency,specie,monetary,money,metal money,piece 垂直, 垂直 (chuízhí) - perpendicular,vertical 泡, 泡 (pào) - steep,soak,immerse 招牌, 招牌 (zhāopái) - plate,sign,shop sign,fascia,signboard,placard,facia,nameboard 許可, 许可 (xǔkě) - permit,allow 說起, 说起 (shuōqǐ) - to bring up a subject in talk,to mention 監測, 监测 (jiāncè) - monitor,supervise 應邀, 应邀 (yìngyāo) - on invitation,at sb.'s invitation,receive an invitation 監測, 监测 (jiāncè) - monitor,supervise 語氣, 语气 (yǔqì) - mood,tenor,strain,modality,manner of speaking,tone,mode,tone of voice,note 遠離, 远离 (yuǎnlí) - be far away,stand aloof,be far off (the mark/etc.) 遠處, 远处 (yuǎnchù) - distance,bottom,distant place,distant point 距離, 距离 (jùlí) - be apart/away from 新進, 新进 (xīnjìn) - freshman 郵局, 邮局 (yóujú) - post office 辨識, 辨识 (biànshì) - identify 發言人, 发言人 (fāyánrén) - voice,spokesman,representative,interpreter,prophet,addresser,spokesperson,prolocutor,addressor,fugleman,coryphaeus 辨識, 辨识 (biànshì) - identify 標本, 标本 (biāoběn) - example,representative,pattern,specimen,root cause and symptoms of disease,sample,model 徵求, 征求 (zhēngqiú) - ask_for,seek,solicit 糟, 糟 (zāo) - massacre,muddle,spoiled (lit.,flub,fig.),pickle,goof,bumble,rotten 遠離, 远离 (yuǎnlí) - be far away,stand aloof,be far off (the mark/etc.) 徵, 征 (zhēng) - levy,impose,collect,solicit,call-up,ask for,draft,enrollenrol 出自, 出自 (chūzì) - come from, be out of 市政, 市政 (shìzhèng) - civic,municipal,civicism,municipal administration 公寓, 公寓 (gōngyū) - flats, apartment house, public housing 子孫, 子孙 (zǐsūn) - posterity,rod,scion,materialization,progeniture,offspring,descendant,children and grandchildren,spawn,son,generation,issue,increase,descendent,seed,child,descendants,fruit,get,progeny 晶片, 晶片 (jīngpiàn) - silicon chip,chip,microchip,chips,wafer,micro chip 法庭, 法庭 (fǎtíng) - judicature,areopagy,court,courtroom,tribunal,banc,forum,gate,banco,lockup,lawcourt,bailey 小學生, 小学生 (xiǎoxuéshēng) - (primary) pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl 含, 含 (hán) - include 武功, 武功 (wǔgōng) - military accomplishment,military accomplishments,acrobatic skill,gest,geste,opera 登上, 登上 (dēngshàng) - get on,board,ascend,mount,climb,scramble,step on 刪除, 删除 (shānchú) - delete,leave out 刪除, 删除 (shānchú) - delete,leave out 局部, 局部 (júbù) - partial,department,section,parts,part,det.: part,maculation,region,spot,dapple,fleck,patch,division,speckle 作為, 作为 (zuòwéi) - conduct,deed,action 洛杉磯, 洛杉矶 (luòshānjī) - Los Angeles 相近, 相近 (xiāngjìn) - be close to,near,be close,be near,alike,neighbor,be similar to,close,be close/near 派系, 派系 (pàixì) - side,sect,schism,cabal,in-crowd,factions,junto,clique,junta,coterie,camarilla,faction 負起, 负起 (fùqǐ) - assume,take over,take on,adopt,shoulder,bear 直, 直 (zhí) - straight,vertical,just,righteous,honest,frank,forthright,stiff,numb 發, 发 (fā) - develop,expand,open up,discover,expose,show one's feeling 會議室, 会议室 (huìyìshì) - meeting/conference room,meeting room,consistory,council chamber,boardroom,conference room,meeting 交由, 交由 (jiāoyóu) - entrust 留意, 留意 (liúyì) - be careful,watch,see,insure,see to it,pay attention to,keep one's eyes open,take notice,listen,heed,mind,ensure,advert,assure,control,look out,check,ascertain,regard 當事人, 当事人 (dāngshìrén) - interested parties,those directly involved,principal,client,the party concerned,privy,party,litigant,person concerned 無論如何, 无论如何 (wúlùnrúhé) - disregarding,aught,in any event,anyway,in any case,ought,at any rate,no matter what happens,irrespective,no matter,however,leastwise,anyhow,anywise,irregardless,leastways,whatever may come,disregardless,no matter what,regardless,come hell or high water,in_any_case 勒索, 勒索 (lēsuǒ) - extort,blackmail 教書, 教书 (jiāoshū) - teach school,teach,teach in school,teach (usu. for a living) 粒, 粒 (lì) - granule,grain,kernel,pellet,m.[general], 蛋白質, 蛋白质 (dànbáizhí) - albuminoid,proteide,proteid,albumin,albumen,protein 勒索, 勒索 (lēsuǒ) - extort,blackmail 晚餐, 晚餐 (wǎncān) - dinner,supper 淪為, 沦为 (lúnwéi) - be reduced to 餐, 餐 (cān) - m.[event] 導遊, 导遊 (dǎoyóu) - tourist guide 牆壁, 墙壁 (qiángbì) - wall 錄取, 录取 (lùqǔ) - enroll,recruit,admit 綠地, 绿地 (lùdì) - greenness,greenery patches,meadow,grassland 榮民, 荣民 (róngmín) - veteran 緊密, 紧密 (jǐnmì) - settle,close together,rapid and intense,compact,inseparable,close 錄取, 录取 (lùqǔ) - enroll,recruit,admit 戰火, 战火 (zhànhuǒ) - flames of war 線上, 线上 (xiànshàng) - network,on line 試辦, 试办 (shìbàn) - run pilot scheme 發, 发 (fā) - send out,deliver,start,set out,begin 殼, 壳 (ké) - plate,crust,shell,case,test,theca,hard surface,exuviae,eggshell,hull,rind,casing,cod,valve,scale,housing,husk,shuck 試辦, 试办 (shìbàn) - run pilot scheme 干預, 干预 (gānyū) - intervene, interfere 飄, 飘 (piāo) - blow about,float,blow/drift about,flutter,wave,blow,drift about 過世, 过世 (guòshì) - die,pass away 藥品, 药品 (yàopǐn) - pharmaceutical,medicines and chemical reagents,drug,restorative 安置, 安置 (ānzhì) - find place for,help settle down,arrange for 額外, 额外 (éwài) - extra,added,additional 開出, 开出 (kāichū) - open up,make_out,out 露營, 露营 (lùyíng) - camp out,encamp,bivouac 簡報, 简报 (jiǎnbào) - bulletin,brief report 贊同, 赞同 (zàntóng) - approve of,endorse 簡易, 简易 (jiǎnyì) - simple and easy,simply constructed,unsophisticated 贊同, 赞同 (zàntóng) - approve of,endorse 巴士, 巴士 (bāshì) - bus 代表性, 代表性 (dàibiǎoxìng) - typology 下班, 下班 (xiàbān) - get_off 用力, 用力 (yònglì) - exert self,exert oneself,put forth one's strenght,exert self (physically) 傾向, 倾向 (qīngxiàng) - be inclined to,side with,prefer 全然, 全然 (quánrán) - at_all,in_the_least,diametrically,aught,entirely,all_over,for_all_the_world,right-down,completely 露營, 露营 (lùyíng) - camp out,encamp,bivouac 簡易, 简易 (jiǎnyì) - simple and easy,simply constructed,unsophisticated 思索, 思索 (sīsuǒ) - study,puzzle,deliberate,cogitate,devise,think deeply,speculate,consider,contemplate,meditate,ponder 美食, 美食 (měishí) - cate,luxury,good food,delicious food,fleshpot 修飾, 修饰 (xiūshì) - decorate,adorn,embellish,make/dress up,polish (a piece of writing) 修飾, 修饰 (xiūshì) - decorate,adorn,embellish,make/dress up,polish (a piece of writing) 信賴, 信赖 (xìnlài) - trust,count on,have faith in 突出, 突出 (túchū) - outstanding 信賴, 信赖 (xìnlài) - trust,count on,have faith in 美學, 美学 (měixué) - aesthetic,aesthetics,esthetics,esthetic 深受, 深受 (shēnshòu) - passive signifier 美女, 美女 (měinǔ) - looker,bombshell,siren,cookie,peach,dish,sweetheart,peri,lulu,beautiful woman,charmer,smasher,belle,knockout,mantrap,Venus,stunner,beauty,lovely 吸毒, 吸毒 (xīdú) - take drugs 吸毒, 吸毒 (xīdú) - take drugs 防火, 防火 (fánghuǒ) - fireproof,prevent fire,fire prevention 取出, 取出 (qǔchū) - uncase,withdraw,retrieval,dislodge,educe,retrieve,take out,take away,dredge,withdrawal,draw,gut,get,fish,bring forward 安置, 安置 (ānzhì) - find place for,help settle down,arrange for 何在, 何在 (hézài) - where?,what place? 修養, 修养 (xiūyǎng) - accomplishment,training,mastery,self-cultivation 釣魚, 钓鱼 (diàoyū) - go fishing,fish,go angling,angle 後續, 后续 (hòuxù) - follow up 約束, 约束 (yuēshù) - control,restrain,bind 探究, 探究 (tànjiù) - investigate 消費, 消费 (xiāofèi) - consume 過世, 过世 (guòshì) - die,pass away 詮釋, 诠释 (quánshì) - annotate,expound 私下, 私下 (sīxià) - tete-a-tete,in private/secret,in private,privately,in secret,secret 這樣子, 这样子 (zhèyàngzi5) - so,this way 穿梭, 穿梭 (chuānsuō) - weave,shuttle back and forth,waver,shuttle 敏銳, 敏锐 (mǐnruì) - keen,incisive,acute,sharp 約束, 约束 (yuēshù) - control,restrain,bind 高手, 高手 (gāoshǒu) - dab,master-hand,expert,master,facility,proficient,ace 核定, 核定 (hédìng) - check and ratify,appraise and decide 核定, 核定 (hédìng) - check and ratify,appraise and decide 探究, 探究 (tànjiù) - investigate 紐西蘭, 纽西兰 (niǒuxīlán) - House_of_Representatives,New_Zealand,short for Xin1jiang1, Xi1zang4, Lan2zhou1 (punning complaint at distant job assignment),New Zealand 優待, 优待 (yōudài) - special treatment 散發, 散发 (sànfā) - spray,radiate,emission,send out,give forth,exhale,distribution,diffuse,distribute,emit,issue,diffusion,emanate,send forth,sent out,give out,reek,furnace 農會, 农会 (nónghuì) - peasant association 經銷, 经销 (jīngxiāo) - sell on commission,sell 麻醉, 麻醉 (mázuì) - anesthesize,poison,drug 硬, 硬 (yìng) - doggedly 條約, 条约 (tiáoyuē) - accord,understanding,pact,convention,concord,agreement,treaty 校友, 校友 (xiàoyǒu) - schoolfriend,alumnus,alum,old_boy,alumna,schoolfellow,old boy 淺, 浅 (qiǎn) - shallow,superficial,easy,simple,light (of color) 產物, 产物 (chǎnwù) - result,development,child,offspring,product,outcome,fruit,progeny,spawn 動工, 动工 (dònggōng) - begin construction 猶如, 犹如 (yóurú) - like,as,just as,be just as,be just like/as,be just like 台視, 台视 (táishì) - Taiwan Television Enterprise Ltd,TTV 習性, 习性 (xíxìng) - habits and characteristics,leaning,aptitude,habitude,propensity,habit,proclivity,habit and characteristic,habitus,inclining,temperament 推銷, 推销 (tuīxiāo) - promote sale of,peddle 深厚, 深厚 (shēnhòu) - deep,profound,solid,deep-seated 晚會, 晚会 (wǎnhuì) - evening entertainment,soiree,evening party,social evening,party,evening,evening entertainment/party 動工, 动工 (dònggōng) - begin construction 避, 避 (bì) - avoid,preclude,evade,repel,prevent,forbid,ward off,shun,keep away,forestall,foreclose,stay away from 體會到, 体会到 (tǐhuìdào) - know/learn from experience,realize 瀕臨, 濒临 (bīnlín) - near,border on,be close to,verge,be on the verge of,be on verge of 凡事, 凡事 (fánshì) - everything 練習, 练习 (liànxí) - practice 才能, 才能 (cáinéng) - ability, talent 縣立, 县立 (xiànlì) - county-established,cantonal 打球, 打球 (dǎqiú) - play a ball game using arms/hands 手工, 手工 (shǒugōng) - handwork 地檢署, 地检署 (dìjiǎnshǔ) - The Prosecutorial Agency 位元, 位元 (wèiyuán) - m.[standard] 肉體, 肉体 (ròutǐ) - soma,physical structure,body,corporality,the body,fleshly,clay,flesh and blood,flesh,somatic,the human body,organic structure,clod 付費, 付费 (fùfèi) - fee,expense,pay 擁擠, 拥挤 (yǒngjǐ) - crowded,pushed and squeezed together 擁擠, 拥挤 (yǒngjǐ) - crowded,pushed and squeezed together 餘, 余 (yū) - det.: odd,plus 架設, 架设 (jiàshè) - erect (on stilts/posts)