一 一 yī det.: one 在 在 zài in / at / on / etc. 有 有 yǒu have / possess 个 個 ge m.[general] 我 我 wǒ I / me / ego / self 不 不 bù non / do not / no / nowise / not / nope / nae / no more / nix 这 這 zhè now / this / det.: this / it 了 了 le entirely 他 他 tā he, she, it, they (referring to inanimate things in object position) 也 也 yě also / too / as well / either / even 就 就 jiù then, at once, right away, an indicator strengthening speaker's evaluation 人 人 rén person, people 都 都 dōu all / even / already 说 說 shuō speak / talk / explain / scold 而 而 ér conj.: and yet 我们 我們 wǒmen we 你 你 nǐ you 了 了 le particle: indicating new situation; indicating completed action 要 要 yào must / should 会 會 huì will 对 對 duì toward 及 及 jí conj.: and 和 和 hé conj.: and 与 與 yǔ conj.: and / together with 以 以 yǐ using, taking, from a point on, because of 很 很 hěn pretty / thrice / monstrously / gey / quite / mighty / stinking / sopping / some / assai / full / most / clinking / much / thumping / awfully / fiendishly / thundering / very / real / really / bally / proper / grossly / powerful / so / rattling / well / considerably / greatly / terribly 种 種 zhǒng m.[kind] 的 的 de particle: emphasizing an action/situation 大 大 dà great / macro / old / very / vast / tall / big / high / much 能 能 néng can or to be capable of 着 著 zhe [aspect] 她 她 tā she / her / she (neologism for {1ta1}[2]) / ) 那 那 nà det.: that 上 上 shàng on / above 但 但 dàn conj.: but / yet / still / nevertheless / only / merely 年 年 nián m.[standard] 还 還 hái still / yet / also / too / as well / besides 可以 可以 kěyǐ can / may 最 最 zuì most / to the highest degree / much / superlatively 自己 自己 zìjǐ lonesome / number_one / own / ego / self / oneself / name 为 為 wéi by 来 來 lái to 所 所 suǒ that which 他们 他們 tāmen they 两 兩 liǎng det.: two / both (sides) / either (side) / a few / some 各 各 gè det.: each / every 可 可 kě can / may 为 為 wéi be / become 为 為 wéi be / become 或 或 huò conj.: or / either or 好 好 hǎo good 等 等 děng conj.: and so on, etc 又 又 yòu again / moreover 将 將 jiāng be about to 因为 因為 yīnwèi conj.: because / for / on account of 于 於 yū in / at / to / from / out of / by 由 由 yóu from / via / by / through / owing/due to 从 從 cóng from / since / through 更 更 gèng more / still/even more / further / furthermore 被 被 bèi by 才 才 cái then and only then, just now, only (before a number) 才 才 cái then and only then, just now, only (before a number) 已 已 yǐ already 者 者 zhě nominal suffix / one who / -er 每 每 měi det.: every 次 次 cì m.[activity] 把 把 bǎ indicating pre-verbal object as thing dealt with by the action 三 三 sān det.: three 什么 什麼 shéme anything / what 问题 問題 wèntí problem / mishap / query / job / interface / question / inquiry / matter / enquiry / trouble / issue / worry / subject / topic / hang-up / business / quaere 其 其 qí det.: its / his / her / their / it / this / that 让 讓 ràng allow / induce somebody to do sth. 此 此 cǐ this / det.: this / here 做 做 zuò make / do 再 再 zài again / once more / further(more) / in a higher degree / and then / not (do sth.) before 所以 所以 suǒyǐ conj.: so / therefore / as a result 只 只 zhǐ only / merely 与 與 yǔ with / to 则 則 zé then / in that case 台湾 台灣 táiwān Taiwan 却 卻 què however / but / yet / indeed 并 並 bìng conj.: and 位 位 wèi location / digit / m.[general] / / status / figure / throne / position / place / condition 想 想 xiǎng think / suppose / reckon / consider / want to / would like to / feel like (doing sth.) 去 去 qù in order to 呢 呢 ne particle: marking quesitons about subject already mentioned; indicating strong affirmation 学生 學生 xuéshēng academic / pupil / pup / tutee / follower / scholar / schoolchild / schoolboy / alumnus / disciple / learner / scholastic / student 表示 表示 biǎoshì demonstrate / exhibit / prove / show / extend / manifest / express / stamp / signify / mark / witness / look / give / denote / evince / expression / bespeak / say / profess / mean / offer / utter / infer / indicate / represent / read / speak / refer / give tongue to / intend / be / shew / pay / stand_for / establish / stand for / present / render / betoken 到 到 dào up until 公司 公司 gōngsī place of business / business organization / incorporation / establishment / business concern / office / concern / business establishment / business / enterprise / company / corporation 将 將 jiāng introducing object of main verb 如果 如果 rúguǒ conj.: if 社会 社會 shèhuì community / society / monde / social / public 看 看 kàn see / look at / watch / read / look upon / regard / look after / call on / visit 小 小 xiǎo small / little / petty / minor;young 天 天 tiān m.[standard] 因此 因此 yīncǐ conj.: therefore / consequently 新 新 xīn new / fresh / up-to-date 但是 但是 dànshì conj.: but / however / yet / still 它 它 tā they (neologism for {1ta1}[3] [4]), [4]) / ) / this / that / it 中 中 zhōng center / middle / interior 使 使 shǐ rarefy / piss_off / germinate / drench / blow_out / leave / cut_up / refract / run / dress_up / compose / shed / frizz / put_off / trot / send / strike / send (as envoy) / peal / alienate / pull_in / tone_up / bring around / astound / sublease / wither / cripple / bed_down / address / rehearse / usage / warm / smell_out / throw / inflect / get_down / skunk / capsize / congeal / bowl_over / bring_on / unseat / ensure / amalgamate / pro 工作 工作 gōngzuò work / job 全 全 quán det.: all / Surname / whole / Quan 觉得 覺得 juéde imagine / guess / believe / reckon / suspect / suppose / think / listen / feel / consider / think_of / appear / conceive 使用 使用 shǐyòng use / employ / apply 使用 使用 shǐyòng use / employ / apply 这些 這些 zhèxiē det.: these 里 裡 lǐ inside 并 並 bìng actually / truly 由于 由於 yóuyū conj.: owing/due/thanks to 时候 時候 shíhòu day / moment / (a point in) time / (duration of) time / time 知道 知道 zhīdào tell / have / ken / understand / infer / wis / learn / cognize / gather / know / be aware of / wise up / savvy / mind / realize 这样 這樣 zhèyàng so / such / like this / this way 一 一 yī as soon as 认为 認為 rènwéi find / treat / deem / suppose / look_on / repute / discount / esteem / accredit / feel / account / calculate / estimate / take to be / reckon / expect / think / hold / trust / recognise / opine / sound off / adjudge / consideration / consider / regard as / look upon / believe_in / disbelieve / allow / conceive / regard / call / imagine / view / forecast / believe / suspect / rate / animadvert / look on / listen / speak up / figure / c 时间 時間 shíjiān moment / day / clock time / fourth_dimension / relativity / hour / duration / time / when / while / temporal / economy 事 事 shì responsibility / trouble / event / thing / worry / accident / case / involvement / work / affair / job / concern / business / toast / matter 过 過 guò [aspect] 向 向 xiàng to / towards 可能 可能 kěnéng probably / maybe 中国 中國 zhōngguó Cathay / China / china 美国 美國 měiguó House_of_Representatives / the United States of America / US / U.S.A. / bench / Columbia / Yankeeland / U.S. / United States / Democrat / Yankeedom / USA / America / United States of America 到 到 dào arrive / reach / go to 和 和 hé (together) with 几 幾 jǐ det.: how many / a few / several / some 系统 系統 xìtǒng lineage / filiation / scheme / pedigree / system / formation / superstructure / programme / organization / succession / tract / system of rules / organisation / program 政府 政府 zhèngfǔ sirkar / state / country / nation / governmental / body politic / government / administration / civil order / polity / commonwealth / regime / res publica / land 大家 大家 dàjiā sundry / great master / rich and influential family / pontiff / all of us / everyone / authority / master / distinguished family 国家 國家 guójiā sirkar / state / country / patria / a people / nationality / nation / republic / soli / body politic / clime / national / civil order / polity / commonwealth / land / res publica 许多 許多 xǔduō lot / scores / lots / sight / pot / heap / quantity / plenty / slews / ton / battalion / many / scads / tidy sum / power / spate / chunk / pile / crowd / vastness / batch / lashings / whole lot / mint / mound / pocketful / large number / trunkful / ream / mickle / great deal / flock / mass / slew / heaps / a lot of / piles / whole slew / mess / raff / slue / gobs / much / lotta / multitude / volume / wad / store / raft / tons / satiety / rafts / doze 生活 生活 shēnghuó life / existence / livelihood 跟 跟 gēn with, to, from 已经 已經 yǐjīng already 大学 大學 dàxué university / college 研究 研究 yánjiù study / research 因 因 yīn conj.: because / as 本 本 běn det.: this 二 二 èr det.: two, second 活动 活動 huódòng activity / maneuver / behavior 该 該 gāi det.: this, that 世界 世界 shìjiè mundane / creation / world / monde / orb / nature / domain 应 應 yīng should / ought to 四 四 sì det.: four 希望 希望 xīwàng hope / wish 方式 方式 fāngshì path / plan / pattern / tenor / system / method / manner / style / way / guise / fashion / wise / means / shape / how / embodiment / agency / gate / mode / sort 内 內 nèi inside 项 項 xiàng m.[general] 啊 啊 ā particle: used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation 下 下 xià under (condition/fact etc.) 环境 環境 huánjìng circumambiency / environmental / circumstances / environment / entourage / surround / atmosphere / setting / surroundings / ambiance / condition / context / circumstance / surrounding / frame / milieu / ambient / consideration / environs / medium / ambience 一些 一些 yīxiē det.: some, a few, a little 必须 必須 bìxū must 文化 文化 wénhuà civilization / literacy / acculturation / Kultur / vandalism / cultural / education / schooling / culture 高 高 gāo tall / high 孩子 孩子 háizi kid / issue / chap / daughter / children / sonny / son or daughter / child / spawn / boy / kipper / son 没有 沒有 méiyǒu not have / there is not / be without 不能 不能 bùnéng must/may/can not / not be allowed 如 如 rú according to / in accordance with / such as / as if / like / for example 开始 開始 kāishǐ begin / start 开始 開始 kāishǐ begin / start 开始 開始 kāishǐ begin / start 元 元 yuán m.[standard] 不同 不同 bùtóng different 仍 仍 réng yet / anyway / still 网路 網路 wǎnglù WWW / net / network / Internet / meshwork / web / world wide web / mesh / reticulation 日本 日本 rìběn Nippon / Cipango / Nihon / Japan / japan / Japanese 用 用 yòng with 中心 中心 zhōngxīn center / heart / hub 来 來 lái come / arrive 对 對 duì right; correct 虽然 雖然 suīrán conj.: though / although 重要 重要 zhòngyào important / significant / major 重要 重要 zhòngyào important / significant / major 地方 地方 dìfāng country / soil / terrain / part / clime / way / territory / room / neighbourhood / tinderbox / locality (as distinct from the central administrat / child / tract / province / position / respect / where / region / space / place / local 进行 進行 jìnxíng be in progress / go on / carry on/out 进行 進行 jìnxíng be in progress / go on / carry on/out 关系 關係 guānxì relation / bearing / impact / membership credentials / "backdoor connections" 市场 市場 shìchǎng bourse / bazar / marketplace / grocery store / agora / bazaar / securities industry / grocery / piazza / plaza / rialto / mart / pitch / market 太 太 tài excessively, too, extremely, very 老师 老師 lǎoshī rabbi / professor / swami / instructor / teacher / mast 提供 提供 tígōng feed / offer / put_up / afford / proffer / set_up / capitalize / bring_forward / sponsor / extend / ply / provision / sustain / equip / supply / cough_up / bear / render / furnish / cater / billet / provide 学校 學校 xuéxiào seminary / schoolhouse / educational institution / school / institution 应该 應該 yīnggāi should / ought to 指出 指出 zhǐchū point / point_out / catch_out / bespeak / indicate / denote / point out (that) / note / show / designate / point out 经济 經濟 jīngjì economy / financial condition / income 其他 其他 qítā det.: others / the rest / other / else 家 家 jiā family / household / home / house 家 家 jiā family / household / home / house 发展 發展 fāzhǎn develop / expand / grow 发展 發展 fāzhǎn develop / expand / grow 教育 教育 jiàoyū education 成为 成為 chéngwéi find / join / comprise / turn to / commemorate / sample / entomb / come_up / commence / get hold / learn / add up / necessitate / run / make up / constitute / make / form / come / amount / represent / fall / presage / change / be / turn / turn into / become / line up / come up / shape / portend / foretell / get 多 多 duō many / much / more / more than the correct/required number / excessive / too much / much/far more 非常 非常 fēicháng extraordinary / unusual / special / very / extremely / highly 便 便 biàn as early as / soon afterwards / little as / as early / and then / and so / so / as early/little as / as little as / then / in that case 方面 方面 fāngmiàn side / aspect / sector / part / light / facet / behalf / way / respect / direction / bearing / field / phase / sphere / angle / hand 很多 很多 hěnduō det.: 吃 吃 chī feed / have / be subject to / absorb / chow / live on / eat / have one's meals / be a strain / exhaust / fare / take in / live off / annihilate / wipe out / partake / suffer / ingest / consume / graze / lunch / manducate / incur / take / get / use up / make / taste / soak up 然后 然後 ránhòu therewith / and so / and_then / and then / thereupon / after that / so / then / with that 未 未 wèi or not (at end of sentence) / have not yet / or not / not 发现 發現 fāxiàn find / discover 电脑 電腦 diànnǎo electronic computer / computery / data processor / information processing system / computer 一样 一樣 yīyàng same / equal / similar 而且 而且 érqiě conj.: furthermore / and 心 心 xīn heart / mind / feeling / center / core 心 心 xīn heart / mind / feeling / center / core 不过 不過 búguò conj.: but, however, only 无法 無法 wúfǎ nohow / unable to / unable / cannot 企业 企業 qìyè proposition / business enterprise / business organization / business concern / concern / commercial enterprise / endeavour / endeavor / industry / business / project / corporation / enterprise 正 正 zhèng precisely / punctually 服务 服務 fúwù be in the service of / serve 服务 服務 fúwù be in the service of / serve 较 較 jiào rather / quite / relatively / more 不会 不會 búhuì won't 台湾 臺灣 táiwān Taiwan 曾 曾 zēng once / ever / before 吗 嗎 mā particle: calling for agreement or disagreement 空间 空間 kōngjiān elbow room / allowance / margin / roomage / open air/sky/space / road / leeway / way / open air / sheets / room / tolerance / opening / clear / sky / spacial / interspace / vacuity / spatial / dimension / open sky/space / space / place / vacuum 看到 看到 kàndào view / receive / ken / observe / lamp / catch / see / take in / watch / chatter away / lay_eyes_on / boast / brag / shoot the breeze / spy / catch sight of, catch sight of 五 五 wǔ det.: five 如何 如何 rúhé how 国内 國內 guónèi interior (of country) / interior / home / intestine / internal / domestic 们 們 men pluralizer after pronouns and nouns of persons 无 無 wú not have / there is not 对于 對於 duìyū (in regard) to / toward / at / for 以及 以及 yǐjí conj.: as well as, along with, and 之后 之後 zhīhòu later / behind / at the back of / after 可是 可是 kěshì conj.: but, yet, however 当 當 dāng when / while 人员 人員 rényuán strength / personnel / force / staff 比 比 bǐ compared with 先 先 xiān earlier / in advance / before 产品 產品 chǎnpǐn baby / brand / output / product / produce / end product / merchandise / fruitage / growth / manufacture / wares / production 资讯 資訊 zīxùn stuff / message / information / news / info 资料 資料 zīliào food / source / info / means / data / information / material / datum / data point / matter 比较 比較 bǐjiǎo relatively / fairly 先生 先生 xiānshēng doctor of Chinese medicine / Don / mulla / Ms. / sir. / teacher / gentleman / gospodin / Signor / signor / fortune-teller / babu / baboo / Herr / Mister / bey / mister / bwana / husband / siree / buckra / sirrah / senor / guv / sahib / Mr. / rabbi / don / signore / Dan / sir / m'sieur / effendi / Tuan / baas / Monsieur / lording / monsieur / doctor / Mr / milord / Mynheer / signior / esquire / bookkeeper / Senor / rabboni / Senhor / sieur / sen 地 地 dì the earth / land / soil / fields / ground / place / position / background / distance 除了 除了 chúle except / besides 大陆 大陸 dàlù Ch. mainland 需要 需要 xūyào need / want / require / demand 像 像 xiàng be like 在 在 zài indicating an action in progress 给 給 gěi give / give to 岁 歲 suì year (for crops) / m.[standard] / / year of age / year (of age) / year / annum / year for crops 请 請 qǐng request / ask (a favor) / engage / hire (teacher/etc.) / Please... 月 月 yuè moon 些 些 xiē m.[proximation] 名 名 míng m.[general] 另 另 lìng det.: another 若 若 ruò conj.: if / as if 亦 亦 yì also / too 地区 地區 dìqū section / country / area / latitude / zone / terrain / parts / locality / sector / province / prefecture / region / district / faubourg 技术 技術 jìshù mechanics / know-how / prowess / science / Minerva / superior skill / art / competence / technology / craft / craftsmanship / skill / education / technique / artistry / engineering / technological / equipment / technical 至 至 zhì to, until, till 特别 特別 tèbié unusual / specially 其实 其實 qíshí as a matter of fact / actually / in fact 国际 國際 guójì international 不要 不要 búyào never / noway / don't want / don't (do sth.) 发生 發生 fāshēng happen / occur / take place 发生 發生 fāshēng happen / occur / take place 参加 參加 cānjiā join / attend / take part in / give (advice/etc.) 一定 一定 yīdìng must 其中 其中 qízhōng among / of them / in it / among them / which / them / det.: it / in / in which 问 問 wèn ask / examine / question / interrogate 台北 台北 táiběi capital of Nationalist China / capital of Republic of China on Taiwan / Taipei 包括 包括 bāokuò consist_of / consist of / subtend / embrace / comprise / incorporate / embody / involve / count / subsume / take_in / comprehend / incorporation / include / comprize / run / cover / package / consist in 讲 講 jiǎng discourse / utter / talk / negotiation / make clear / negotiate / parley / pay attention to / speak / syllable / discuss / explain / tell / be particular about / explanation / interpretation / interpret / relate / discussion / stress / mouth / say / remark / verbalize 造成 造成 zàochéng make_for / give rise to / create / set_up / strike / creation / cause / contribute / bring_about / procure / give / bring about / cut_out / necessitate / shape / present / bring_forth / generate / yield / make / breed 看 看 kàn think / consider 像 像 xiàng be like / resemble 常 常 cháng often / usually / frequently 即 即 jí at present / in the immediate future / then / promptly / at once 喜欢 喜歡 xǐhuān like / love / be fond of / be happy/elated 喜欢 喜歡 xǐhuān like / love / be fond of / be happy/elated 去 去 qù go / go to 没 沒 méi not 出现 出現 chūxiàn appear / arise / emerge 出现 出現 chūxiàn appear / arise / emerge 政治 政治 zhèngzhì paternalism / trouble / government / policy / political relation / political science / polity / politics / political affairs / political 话 話 huà words / thing / language / tongue / talk / speech / spoken_language / conversation / utterance / expression / story / tale / saying / natural language / sayings / word 走 走 zǒu scram / travel / foot / go away / evaporate / ankle / waltz / step / bugger off / etc. / go through / leave / leak / run / buzz off / leg / pad / fork / visit / go / escape / lose flavor / work / call on / strike / sashay / trace / pursue / gang / lose shape/etc. / get_along / come_along / walk / hoof it / lose flavor/shape/etc. / leg it / let out / shape / drive / cover / take / get / hoof / move 单位 單位 dānwèi department / unit / denomination / module / building block / unit of measurement / monad / unit (in measurement or organization) 一直 一直 yīzhí e'er / away / continuously / all the way / right / forever / all_along / always / the whole way / all along / straight / slap / through / ever / evermore 吧 吧 ba particle: used to show mild imperative or uncertainty 是否 是否 shìfǒu whether or not / is it so or not 当然 當然 dāngrán certainly / of course 整 整 zhěng det.: exact 整 整 zhěng det.: exact 处理 處理 chǔlǐ handle / deal with / dispose of / process 处理 處理 chǔlǐ handle / deal with / dispose of / process 历史 歷史 lìshǐ past records / historical / history 了解 了解 liǎojiě understand / comprehend / find out / acquaint oneself with 了解 了解 liǎojiě understand / comprehend / find out / acquaint oneself with 那 那 nà then / in that case 怎么 怎麼 zěnme how 机会 機會 jīhuì scouth / occasion / good luck / hap / liberty / fortune / opportunity / chance / joss / hazard / happy chance / probability / luck / scope / room / break / turn / opening 家 家 jiā m.[general] 听 聽 tīng hear / list / hearken / obey / obedience / listen / heed / administer / let / allow / hark 所有 所有 suǒyǒu det.: all 只要 只要 zhǐyào conj.: so long as / provided 朋友 朋友 péngyǒu amigo / connections / kith / friend / boy / crony / ami / boy/girl friend / companion / mate / boy friend or girl friend / compadre / boy friend / Mac / paisano / matey / old_boy / sport / folks / pard / hearty / Kamerad / cocker / cobber / girl friend / pardner / company 令 令 lìng make / cause 甚至 甚至 shènzhì even (to the point of) / so much so that 用 用 yòng use / employ / apply / eat / drink / spend 真 真 zhēn really, truly, indeed, clearly 六 六 liù det.: six 呀 呀 ya particle: replacing 啊 when preceding word ends in a, e, i, o, or (y)u; used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation 情况 情況 qíngkuàng event / things / state of affairs / circumstantiality / case / circumstances / way / plight / experimental condition / streak / military situation / matter / condition / mood / circumstance / context / occasion / thing / instance / affair / shape / situation / juncture / consideration 还是 還是 háishì still / nevertheless 钱 錢 qián copper coin / cash / money / fund / sum 方法 方法 fāngfǎ know-how / plan / attack / system / stepping-stone / manner / method / gateway / idea / measure / way / guise / key / wise / quomodo / plan of attack / tack / machinery / process / avenue / modus / how / means / channel / gate / approach / agency / gamesmanship / mode / medium / sort 点 點 diǎn m.[proximation] 任何 任何 rènhé aught / det.: any 经验 經驗 jīngyàn experience 艺术 藝術 yìshù beaux-arts / aesthetical / artistic production / artistic / ars / art / academy / aesthetic / artistic creation / skill / craft / artistry / esthetic 你们 你們 nǐmen you / you (plural) / you-all 十 十 shí det.: ten 主要 主要 zhǔyào main / chief / principal / major 妈妈 媽媽 māmā mummy / mammy / ma / mother / mamma / mum / mommy / female parent / mom / Mama / mater / mama / momma 增加 增加 zēngjiā increase / raise / add 增加 增加 zēngjiā increase / raise / add 提出 提出 tíchū put forward / pose / raise 提出 提出 tíchū put forward / pose / raise 为什么 為什麼 wèishéme why / why? / how come / why is it that? / whereat / whereto 以 以 yǐ conj.: in order to, so as to 您 您 nín you 计画 計畫 jìhuà plan / project / program 作 作 zuò do / make / rise / write / compose / pretend / affect / feign 利用 利用 lìyòng use / utilize / take advantage of / exploit 利用 利用 lìyòng use / utilize / take advantage of / exploit 东西 東西 dōngxī thing / creature 在 在 zài exist / live / be at/in/on / depend on / rest with 条 條 tiáo bar / item / short note / a long narrow piece / streak / clause / stripe / sth. long and narrow / filet / m.[general] / / article / strip / assize / twig / ingot / slip 设计 設計 shèjì design / plan 找 找 zhǎo look for / seek / call on / approach 之间 之間 zhījiān among, between 成长 成長 chéngzhǎng grow up / mature 成长 成長 chéngzhǎng grow up / mature 能够 能夠 nénggòu can / able / would / may 决定 決定 juédìng decide / resolve / make up one's mind / determine 学习 學習 xuéxí study / learn / emulate 学习 學習 xuéxí study / learn / emulate 谁 誰 shéi who / someone / anyone 见 見 jiàn see / be exposed to / become visible / call on / refer to / meet with / appear to be / appear / vide / catch sight of / meet 半 半 bàn det.: half 半 半 bàn det.: half 时代 時代 shídài day / period / a period in one's life / epoch / present time / historical period / time / chapter / period in one's life / modern times / historic period / contemporary world / times / era / modern world / age 完成 完成 wánchéng fill in / finish out / fulfil / practice / complete / finish / encompass / clear_up / top_off / cleave / top off / accomplishment / make out / effect / perfective / fulfill / go through / exercise / discharge / fill out / completion / end / run / bring ... to fruition / round_out / achieve / execute / round out / make / cap off / accomplish / practise / follow through / come / finalize / fulfilment / dispatch / bring ... 带 帶 dài look after / raise 相当 相當 xiāngdāng quite / fairly / considerably 同学 同學 tóngxué class fellow / fellow student / condisciple / classmate / schoolmate / schoolfellow / form of address used in speaking to a student 件 件 jiàn correspondence / paper / document / bit / m.[general] / / single item / letter / piece 能力 能力 nénglì department / potency / ability / acquisition / acquirement / capacity / performance / oomph / sufficiency / energy / competence / accomplishment / size / might / faculty / hand / coequal / efficiency / inner resources / capability / giftie / attainment / capableness / zip / skill / competency / power 别人 別人 biérén others / other people / another person 生命 生命 shēngmìng breath / god / head / anima / days / organism / blood / life / living thing / skin / longevity / being / vital / life form 下 下 xià below / under / underneath 来 來 lái time (since) 场 場 cháng m.[event] 会议 會議 huìyì synod / moot / conference / board / convocation / soviet / congress / talks / indaba / negotiation / junta / group discussion / convention / meeting place / session / council / rendezvous / colloquy / coming together / powwow / seance / meeting / forum / consultation / roll-up / get-together / assembly 容易 容易 róngyì easy 开发 開發 kāifā develop / open up / exploit 开发 開發 kāifā develop / open up / exploit 民众 民眾 mínzhòng civil / crowd / masses / populace / rank_and_file / the masses / the masses of the people / the populace / demos / mob / multitude / plebs / commons / the common people / the people / million / public 事情 事情 shìqíng proposition / pie / shebang / thing / affair / occasions / undertaking / concern / question / business / schmear / matter 书 書 shū volume / document / style of calligraphy / book / script / letter 事实 事實 shìshí mood / circumstance / fact / factual / reality / verity / case / deed / sooth / troth / actuality / truth / matter / matter of fact 有关 有關 yǒuguān be related 自 自 zì from / since 组织 組織 zǔzhī tissue / nerve / weave / organization / organized system 言 言 yán say / talk / speak 多 多 duō more than the correct/required number / much/far more 爱 愛 ài love / like / be fond of / be keen on / cherish / be apt to 建立 建立 jiànlì establish / set up / found 建立 建立 jiànlì establish / set up / found 相关 相關 xiāngguān cognate / relational / interrelate / associated / be interrelated / relevant / related / be mutually related 均 均 jūn without exception / all 产生 產生 chǎnshēng come into being / produce / engender / emerge 多 多 duō det.: more than / much more 产生 產生 chǎnshēng come into being / produce / engender / emerge 业者 業者 yèzhě dealer / interest 解决 解決 jiějué solve / resolve / settle / dispose of / finish off 解决 解決 jiějué solve / resolve / settle / dispose of / finish off 完全 完全 wánquán completely / fully / wholly / absolutely 的话 的話 dehuà conj.: if 接受 接受 jiēshòu receive (honors / have / receive / acknowledge / sweep up / espouse / etc.) / come to grips / adopt / embrace / greet / welcome / hook on / seize on / take up / accede / taken / entertain / latch on / buy / fasten on / swallow / imbibe / accept / receive (honors/etc.) / undergo / get to grips / take / adapt / acceptance / thole 知 知 zhī tell / notify / inform / be expert in / know / sense / be aware of / administration / notification / administer / be in charge of / realize 约 約 yuē about / around 建筑 建築 jiànzhù]], [[jiànzhú jiànzhú building / structure / edifice / architecture 一般 一般 yībān general / ordinary / common 推动 推動 tuīdòng push forward / promote 推动 推動 tuīdòng push forward / promote 过程 過程 guòchéng unconscious process / mechanism / process / act / round / course 管理 管理 guǎnlǐ manage / supervise / take care of 管理 管理 guǎnlǐ manage / supervise / take care of 功能 功能 gōngnéng functional / niche / function / competence / capacity / anatomy 手 手 shǒu hand 打 打 dǎ generalized verb of doing with specific meaning determined by its object / strike / hit / fight / construct / forge / mix 水 水 shuǐ water / H2O / liquid / bubble / a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc. / Shiu / waters / aqueous / Aquarius / river / Surname / blister / drink / eau / aqua 要求 要求 yāoqiú request / demand 小朋友 小朋友 xiǎopéngyǒu child (adult address to child) / little boy / children / little boy/girl / girl / little girl / little boy or girl / child 教授 教授 jiàoshòu professor 难 難 nán make difficulties / take to task / put ... into a difficult position / disagreeable / make difficult / unpleasant / hard / difficult / troublesome / blame 我国 我國 wǒguó our country 告诉 告訴 gàosù tell / preach / notify / impart / inform / represent / apprize / send word / share / advise / give notice / apprise / assure / let know 内容 內容 nèiróng subject_matter / content / cognitive content / internal / contents / mental object / meat / substance / matter / lining 结果 結果 jiéguǒ result / outcome / consequence 调查 調查 diàochá investigate / look into / survey 调查 調查 diàochá investigate / look into / survey 家庭 家庭 jiātíng hearthstone / background / fireside / establishment / household / hearth / domestic / hearthside / menage / home / family unit / family / house 成立 成立 chénglì found / establish / be tenable / hold water 成立 成立 chénglì found / establish / be tenable / hold water 选择 選擇 xuǎnzé select / opt 经营 經營 jīngyíng manage / run / engage in 经营 經營 jīngyíng manage / run / engage in 然而 然而 ránér conj.: even so / but 父母 父母 fùmǔ parental / parents / father and mother / folks 写 寫 xiě description / bewrite / direct / describe / pencil / draw / paint / inscribe / write / depiction / write_out / throw_off / depict / address / author / screeve / word / compose 人类 人類 rénlèi man / wight / human_being / human / human race / mankind / individual / human species / Homo_sapiens / populace / creature / hominid / world / mortality / microcosm / humans / humanitarianism / humanity / humanness / human beings/species / people / species / humankind / human beings / public / mortal 至于 至於 zhìyū as for/to 买 買 mǎi pick up / invest / hire / buy / purchase / put_down / trade / get 尤其 尤其 yóují especially 配合 配合 pèihé coordinate, cooperate 配合 配合 pèihé coordinate, cooperate 进入 進入 jìnrù go_into / get_in / debouch / get in / go into / move into / come_into / pass / step_in / lapse / get_into / set in / go in / get into / kick in / penetrate / intromission / pierce / come_in / come in / enter / entry / sink / impenetrate 例如 例如 lìrú for instance/example / e.g. / such as 得 得 děi should be / need 讨论 討論 tǎolùn to discuss / to take something up with someone / to talk about 讨论 討論 tǎolùn to discuss / to take something up with someone / to talk about 依 依 yī according to / judging by 作品 作品 zuòpǐn writing / musical composition / whole kit and caboodle / works (of literature / artwork / kit and caboodle / product / whole works / creation / full treatment / kit and boodle / whole kit and boodle / works (of literature/art) / composition / thing / piece of music / workpiece / output / art) / written material / opus / whole shebang / whole caboodle / production / whole kit / piece / workmanship / wo 情形 情形 qíngxíng circumstance / trimness / event / trim / instance / state of affairs / case / circumstances / status / situation / condition 资源 資源 zīyuán resource / natural resources / mine / resources 原因 原因 yuányīn origin / causation / reason / wherefore / causal / breeder / spore / cause / causal agent / whence / causal agency / occasion / root / subject / causality / why / starter 啦 啦 lā particle: used when informing somebody of st.; indicating excitement/doubt/comfort/etc. 妳 妳 nǐ you(female) 运动 運動 yùndòng sports / athletics / exercise / movement / campaign 观念 觀念 guānniàn conception / intension / theory / philosophy / idolum / connotation / idea / sense / presentation / notion / concept / construct / intellection / presentment / thought / notional / conceit 给 給 gěi for / for the benefit of / by (in passive cons.) 软体 軟體 ruǎntǐ software 品质 品質 pǐnzhí calibre / appraisal / caliber / character / self / intrinsic / brew / quality / timber / sort 经过 經過 jīngguò pass / go through / undergo 如此 如此 rúcǐ thus / like this / such 嗯 嗯 ēn O.K. / How come / Huh / What / Why / Agreed! / well / um 精神 精神 jīngshén god / guts / heart / pneuma / consciousness / vigor / life / energy / vim / courage / esprit / moral / get-up-and-go / ginger / vitality / Psyche / psyche / spunk / gumption / juice / sand / mind / mental / mens / mickey / mettle / nature / grit / oomph / genius / vigour / substance / psychic / backbone / nous / nerve / pazazz / essence / pep / spirit / inward / drive / push / soul / gist 影响 影響 yǐngxiǎng influence 之 之 zhī it, him, her, this 过 過 guò pass / cross / transfer (e.g. / ownership) / undergo a process / go through / celebrate / observe 好像 好像 hǎoxiàng seem / be like 成 成 chéng become / turn into 参与 參與 cānyū participate in 参与 參與 cānyū participate in 以后 以後 yǐhòu afterwards / later / future / in the future / hereafter 于是 於是 yūshì conj.: thereupon / hence / consequently / as a result 部分 部分 bùfèn partial / department / section / partialness / slice / pars / part / det.: part / percent / partage / sphere / component / divvy / segment / portion / fraction / sector / chapter / share / percentage / piece / division / sectional / parcel 另外 另外 lìngwài conj.: in addition, besides, moreover 公园 公園 gōngyuán common / green / garden / commons / park 透过 透過 tòuguò via 训练 訓練 xùnliàn training 努力 努力 nǔlì make great effort / try hard 努力 努力 nǔlì make great effort / try hard 研究 研究 yánjiù research / study 具有 具有 jùyǒu be provided with / have / have got / possess / hold / possession / carry / inhere / bear 共同 共同 gòngtóng common / joint 所谓 所謂 suǒwèi so-called 下 下 xià det.: next, second 行为 行為 xíngwéi fact / demeanor / form / deportment / dealing / behavior / doings / course / act / point / goings-on / demeanour / procedure / lapse / going / bearing / turn / behaviour / activity / ongoing / thing / human action / conduct / commitment / human activity / behavioral / agency / deed / comportment / action 合作 合作 hézuò cooperate / collaborate / work together 经 經 jīng as a result of / through / after 合作 合作 hézuò cooperate / collaborate / work together 目标 目標 mùbiāo polestar / objective / goal / bourn / object / meaning / aim / end point / target / cause / landmark / butt / lodestar / bull's eye / mark / tee / cynosure / end / bell ringer / loadstar / quaesitum / destination 起来 起來 qǐlái [aspect] 考虑 考慮 kǎolù think over / consider 考虑 考慮 kǎolù think over / consider 长 長 cháng long / be strong/good (in/at) 意见 意見 yìjiàn latitude / point_of_view / estimation / sight / conceit / verdict / hypothesis / attitude / estimate / possibility / judgement / appraisal / ground / slant / differing opinion / ruling / complaint / thinking / suggestion / comment / advisement / mind / apprehension / say / vote / impression / deliverance / view / understanding / feeling / idea / notion / sentiment / judgment / advice / current / opinion / advert / theory / v 办法 辦法 bànfǎ road / expedient / policy / agency / measure / way / method / means 音乐 音樂 yīnyuè music 连 連 lián conj.: including 受 受 shòu passive signifier 厂商 廠商 chǎngshāng factory owner / factories and stores / firm / maker / business organization / business concern / manufacturing business / concern / manufacturer / business 只 隻 zhī m.[general] 受到 受到 shòudào experience / receive / come in for / suffer / undergo / come_in_for / be given / come_to / be subjected to 一切 一切 yīqiè det.: everything, every 或是 或是 huòshì conj.: or / perhaps 中央 中央 zhōngyāng central authorities (of state/party/etc.) 某 某 mǒu det.: some / certain 女性 女性 nǔxìng lady / female sex / womankind / feminie / female / sex / petticoat / femininity / female person / woman / she / patroness / womanhood / fair / feminine 教学 教學 jiāoxué teach and study 教学 教學 jiāoxué teach and study 极 極 jí extraordinary / unusual / special / very / extremely / highly 获得 獲得 huòdé find / cop / acquirement / come_into / gain / draw / pick_up / pull / achievement / score / procure / come_by / get hold / purchase / nab / come upon / derive / latch / incur / achieve / make / bring / receive / arrive / come_out / pocket / obtain / luck into / sack / win / enter upon / pick up / garner / harvest / attain / come up / line up / extract / secure / possess / earn / reap / accrue / cover / take / acquire / get / arrive_at 真的 真的 zhēnde really / truly / indeed 路 路 lù road / path / way / journey / distance / means / sequence / logic / line / region / district / route / sort / grade / class 来 來 lái particle: used to denote the beginning of an action 快 快 kuài fast / quick / quick-witted / ingenious / sharp (of knives) / straightforward 国小 國小 guóxiǎo primary/elementary school / primary school 部份 部份 bùfèn composition / segment / section / side / portion / slice / proportion / part / det.: part / share / component / division / phase / place / piece 工程 工程 gōngchéng process / construction / engineering / engineering project / project 女人 女人 nǔrén jade / crumpet / female / female person / Gill / bitch / chick / fair / squaw / womenfolk / adult female / doll / momma / wench / skirt / womankind / girl / jill / wife / broad / petticoat / sister / woman / bimbo / bird / jane / she / hen / hairpin / dame / women 举行 舉行 jǔxíng hold (meeting/etc.) 举行 舉行 jǔxíng hold (meeting/etc.) 句 句 jù sentence / m.[general] / 只是 只是 zhǐshì merely / only / just / simply be 段 段 duàn m.[general] 根据 根據 gēnjù on the basis of / according to 现象 現象 xiànxiàng phenomenon / phenomenal / appearance 人民 人民 rénmín multitude / citizen / quarter / Volk / hoi polloi / subject / people / nationals / masses / the people / mass / demotic 土地 土地 tǔdì country / acre / terra / soil / premise / realm / territory / dirt / local god of the land / farming / earth / ground / kingdom / holding / agrarian / solid ground / benefice / esplees / tract / village god / glebe / terra firma / land / dry land 面对 面對 miànduì face up / stand up / face / look_out_on / confront / front / affront / envisage / accost / breast 注意 注意 zhùyì pay attention to / take note of 注意 注意 zhùyì pay attention to / take note of 这里 這裡 zhèlǐ this place / there / here 新闻 新聞 xīnwén unco / leak / intelligence / newsworthiness / witting / journalistic / information / journalism / courant / news 继续 繼續 jìxù go / resume / keep_on / abide / come on / persist in / extend / run_on / run on / carry_on / stretch / sustain / pursue / keep going / continuance / get_along / get_on / remain / continue / keep_up / go ahead / keep up / come up / continuation / hold / carry / run / go_on / maintain / go on / bide / plow ahead / hold_on / piece / restart 相信 相信 xiāngxìn deem / believe / credit / esteem / accredit / feel / trow / count / have faith in / guess / lippen / buy / be convinced of / hold / think / trust / accept / know / hone / believe_in / favour / believe in / hope 政策 政策 zhèngcè statism / tack / line / policy / statecraft 变成 變成 biànchéng grow_into / change into / go / form / grow into / change state / develop into / turn to / fall / turn_into / be / turn / become / turn into / grow / run / get 计划 計劃 jìhuà plan / project / program 强调 強調 qiángdiào underscore / spotlight / place emphasis on / point_up / highlight / point / point up / enforce / emphasise / urge / underline / overstress / give emphasis to / play up / keynote / insist / punctuate / accent / betone / foreground / emphasize / emphatic / stress / set off / overemphasize / accentuate / bring out 学 學 xué study / learn / imitate / mimic 人士 人士 rénshì public figure / personage 前 前 qián front 前 前 qián det.: former / preceding 存在 存在 cúnzài exist / be 存在 存在 cúnzài exist / be 制度 制度 zhìdù ism / organization / dispensation / regimen / machine / regulations / form / system / regime / organisation / economy / institutional / institution 意义 意義 yìyì importance / significance / denotation / purport / drift / signality / emptiness / meaning / construction / bearing / substance / import / effect / insignificancy / hang / signification / sense 代表 代表 dàibiǎo representative / delegate 课程 課程 kèchéng course of instruction / lesson / course / course of lectures / course of study / curricular / class / curricula / syllabus / curriculum / program 该 該 gāi ought to / should 没 沒 méi not have / there is not / be without 至 至 zhì conj.: 需求 需求 xūqiú need / requisition / demand / want / desiderative / requirement / call 人生 人生 rénshēng lifetime / life / lifespan / human life / time of life 那些 那些 nǎxiē det.: those 成功 成功 chénggōng succeed 成功 成功 chénggōng succeed 爸爸 爸爸 bàbà old man / father / papa / pappa / daddy / pa / begetter / pop / dada / dad / male parent / pater / pappy / pops / poppa 产业 產業 chǎnyè estate / manufacture / industry / domain / manufacturing / property 负责 負責 fùzé preside / be responsible for / see / entail / sponsor / be in charge of / blame / answer / undertake / liable / respond 民间 民間 mínjiān grass roots / people-to-people / nongovernmental / among the people / folk / popular 虽 雖 suī conj.: though / although / even if 影响 影響 yǐngxiǎng influence / affect / effect 直接 直接 zhíjiē direct / immediate 几乎 幾乎 jīhū chiefly / anear / about / near / just_about / most / well-nigh / almost / closely / practically / intimately / all but / nearly / just about / virtually / much / nigh 分 分 fèn m.[general] 实际 實際 shíjì practical / literal 实际 實際 shíjì practical / literal 团体 團體 tuántǐ fraternity / sect / phalanx / collective / body / group / sodality / element / organisation / corporation / confession / college / establishment / brotherhood / community / organization / squad / union / administration / society / army / commonwealth / consort / company / lineup / combine / governance / clan / combination / fellowship / organizational / bloc / team / party / connection / family / brass / squadron 价值 價值 jiàzhí value / worth 使得 使得 shǐdé render / wreck / compel / cause / make 类 類 lèi m.[kind] 形成 形成 xíngchéng take shape / form 形成 形成 xíngchéng take shape / form 科技 科技 kējì technology / tech / engineering science / applied science / science and technology / technological / engineering 这么 這麼 zhèmo so / such / this way / like this 当 當 dāng assume office of / take charge of 七 七 qī det.: seven 不但 不但 búdàn conj.: not only 往 往 wǎng go toward 本身 本身 běnshēn per se / self / oneself / identity / itself 标准 標準 biāozhǔn standard / criterion 似乎 似乎 sìhū it seems / quasi / apparently / seemingly / as if 应用 應用 yìngyòng application / use 或者 或者 huòzhě conj.: or / either...or... 动物 動物 dòngwù thing / critter / crittur / zoic / anthropomorphism / animal / deer / animate being / beast / creature / burrow / sire / worker / fauna / brute 电话 電話 diànhuà blower / phone call / headphone / earpiece / telephone / telephone_call / buzz / earphone / horn / telephone set / phone_call / telephony / phone 态度 態度 tàidù stance / treatment / demeanor / dealing / deportment / pose / behavior / manner / demeanour / way / bearing / attitude / air / behaviour / front / mien / conduct / mental attitude / approach / posture / address / position / bedside_manner / movement / gesture / comportment / presence / sort 建设 建設 jiànshè construction 事业 事業 shìyè proposition / task / pidgin / institution / undertaking / deed / facilities / life history / endeavour / endeavor / cause / career / project / action / enterprise 老 老 lǎo old / aged;of long standing / outdated / tough / overgrown / dark (of colors) 那么 那麼 nàmo so 常常 常常 chángcháng oftentimes / ofttimes / commonly / ordinarily / oft / often / a great deal / normally / frequently / unremarkably / much / usually 字 字 zì graphic symbol / writing / pronunciation (of a word) / form of a written character / receipt / printing type / script / name taken at the age of 20 / courtesy name / wordage / character / grapheme / contract / scripts / symbolic representation / style of handwriting / word 坐 坐 zuò sit / take seat 举办 舉辦 jǔbàn conduct / hold / run 举办 舉辦 jǔbàn conduct / hold / run 自我 自我 zìwǒ self / oneself 有的 有的 yǒude det : some 具 具 jù possess / have / provide / furnish 目的 目的 mùdì view / pretence / objective / goal / purport / intention / bourn / object / motive / motivation / meaning / aim / end point / hent / target / scope / sense of purpose / errand / purposefulness / sake / function / end / purpose / quaesitum / intent 块 塊 kuài m.[general] 条件 條件 tiáojiàn mood / formula / conditional / precondition / prerequisite / requisition / factor / qualification / requirement / stipulation / proviso / circumstances / provision / term / reservation / if / condition 即使 即使 jíshǐ conj.: even, even if/though 好 好 hǎo very / quite / good to / easy to 十分 十分 shífēn very, fully, utterly, extremely 多少 多少 duōshǎo det.: how many / how much / many 放 放 fàng loose / bloom / make longer / set ... free / let somebody have his own way / show / readjust / free / make larger / put in / fly / etc. / release / discharge / leave alone / bung / lay aside / put / expansion / make longer/larger/etc. / fling / localize / lend (money) at interest / let go / set / pasture / pose / set free / blossom / lay / let off / put out to pasture / send away / play / expand / make larger/etc. / readjus 又 又 yòu conj.: and / in addition / but / on the other hand 电影 電影 diànyǐng cinematography / moving_picture / pix / kinema / picture / film / movie / moving picture / flick / cinema / motion_picture / cinematic / celluloid / picture show / motion picture / flicker 科学 科學 kēxué ology / scientific / science / scientific knowledge 执行 執行 zhíxíng carry out / execute 执行 執行 zhíxíng carry out / execute 边 邊 biān border / boundary 委员会 委員會 wěiyuánhuì board / soviet / commission / committee / court / citizens committee / mission / delegacy / deputation / delegation / council 沟通 溝通 gōutōng communicate / link up 沟通 溝通 gōutōng communicate / link up 开 開 kāi open / open up / reclaim (land) / open out / come loose / start / begin / operate / turn on (light) / run (business) / hold (meeting/etc.) / divide into / reveal 开 開 kāi open / open up / reclaim (land) / open out / come loose / start / begin / operate / turn on (light) / run (business) / hold (meeting/etc.) / divide into / reveal 开 開 kāi open / open up / reclaim (land) / open out / come loose / start / begin / operate / turn on (light) / run (business) / hold (meeting/etc.) / divide into / reveal 一起 一起 yīqǐ in_chorus / together / in all / in the same place / holus-bolus / altogether / in company 张 張 zhāng m.[general] 针对 針對 zhēnduì in the light of / in connection with 员工 員工 yuángōng employee / personnel / reason / force / staff / cause 引起 引起 yǐnqǐ elicit / beget / causation / give rise to / incite / pique / engender / bring_on / trigger / fire / compel / kick_up / superindividual / draw / spawn / invite / touch_off / occasion / lead / bring_about / procure / touch off / raise / enkindle / give / poke / produce / capture / generate / stir / arouse / excite / put forward / provoke / breed / bring / conjure up / grip / create / kindle / tempt / set_up / interest / give rise / enga 自然 自然 zìrán natural world 那么 那麼 nàmo like that / in that way 安全 安全 ānquán safe / secure 总统 總統 zǒngtǒng president (of a republic) 安全 安全 ānquán safe / secure 此外 此外 cǐwài conj.: besides / in addition / moreover 拥有 擁有 yǒngyǒu occupy / have / receive / aught / hold back / keep / keep back / owe / retain / own / possess / possession / hold / seize / take / acquire / corral / hold on 并且 並且 bìngqiě conj.: and / besides / moreover 事件 事件 shìjiàn fact / event / page / incidental / go / case / job / natural event / timing / proceedings / social occasion / happening / occurrence / matter / occasion / incident / shebang / affair / chapter / concernment 设计 設計 shèjì plan / design 研究所 研究所 yánjiùsuǒ graduate_school / research institute / school / laboratory / graduate school / institute 语言 語言 yǔyán linguistic communication / lingual / language / idiom / tongue / oral communication / speech / perspicuity / lingo / contumely / Fortran / parole / natural language / spoken language / linguistic process 严重 嚴重 yánzhòng serious / significant / acute / critical / severe / grave 故事 故事 gùshì spiel / recital / relation / scam / rede / plot / yarn / narration / story / fiction / tale / history / legend / narrative 学术 學術 xuéshù ology / academic / systematic learning / science / learning 片 片 piàn m.[general] 设备 設備 shèbèi installation / set / device / appointment / plant / fixing / system / appliance / fixture / fitting / accommodation / fitment / finishing / unit / furnishings / materiel / contrivance / paraphernalia / facilities / rig / equipage / setout / facility / fixings / equipment 之外 之外 zhīwài beyond, apart from, excluding 车 車 chē vehicle 基本 基本 jīběn fundamental / essential / main 实在 實在 shízài indeed / really / honestly / in fact / as a matter of fact 久 久 jiǔ for long time / of specified duration 套 套 tào m.[general] 达到 達到 dádào extend to / find / fulfil / compass / encompass / extend / gain / answer / achievement / succeed / fulfill / live_up_to / attainment / strain / bring_up / achieve / get to / touch / strive / make / accomplish / progress to / come / hit / come_out / obtain / reach / attain / clock_up / suffice / do / get / arrive_at 改善 改善 gǎishàn improve / perfect 改善 改善 gǎishàn improve / perfect 死 死 sǐ die 结构 結構 jiégòu constitution / configuration / framing / structural / design / underframe / framework / construction / structure / schematism / economy / fabric / mechanics / composition / machinery / contexture / texture / constellation / fable / ordonnance / skeleton / organization / frame / architecture / chemistry / make 住 住 zhù inhabit / cease / stay / visit / shack / dwell / stop / people / live / reside / populate / dig 皆 皆 jiē all / everyone 改变 改變 gǎibiàn change / transform 改变 改變 gǎibiàn change / transform 拿 拿 ná take / hold / seize / capture 小组 小組 xiǎozǔ squad / section / unit / group 支持 支持 zhīchí sustain / hold out / bear;support / back / stand by 支持 支持 zhīchí sustain / hold out / bear;support / back / stand by 座 座 zuò fare / stand / base / constellation / footstall / pedestal / m.[general] / / customer / Aquarius / seating / plinth / place / seat 医院 醫院 yīyuàn spital / hospital / infirmary / hospice 既 既 jì conj.: since...then 仅 僅 jǐn scantily / simply / alone / merely / barely / only / but / just 值得 值得 zhíde be worth / merit / pay / rate / behove / worthwhile / worth / worthy / deserve / call_for / command 学者 學者 xuézhě academic / literate / pandit / letters / litterateur / learned person / literati / philomath / pundit / academician / faculty member / scholar / bookman / clerk / student / scholarly person / man of letters / man of learning / speleologist / doctor / clerisy / initiate / swami / punditry / savant / learned man / sophist 八 八 bā det.: eight 交通 交通 jiāotōng intercourse / commutation / transportation / communication / commuting / traffic / traffic_light / liaison man / communications / dealings / liaison 阶段 階段 jiēduàn staged / period / phase angle / stage / gradation / level / peg / grade / remove / phase / leg / step 就是 就是 jiùshì conj.: even if / even 申请 申請 shēnqǐng apply for 主管 主管 zhǔguǎn person in charge 申请 申請 shēnqǐng apply for 同 同 tóng det.: simialr / same 感觉 感覺 gǎnjué sense perception / feeling 电视 電視 diànshì TV / box / iconoscope / video / television set / teevee / orthicon / huckster / TV set / radiovision / television / telecasting / airwave / telly 母亲 母親 mǔqīn venter / materfamilias / mother / mither / sultana / maternal / female parent / mater 嘛 嘛 má particle: used to persuade someone to do something; used to emphasize the obvious 香港 香港 xiānggǎng Hong Kong 记者 記者 jìzhě journalist / writer / correspondent / newspaperwoman / newspaperman / gazetteer / newswriter / reporter / pressman / newshound / newsman / newsperson 压力 壓力 yālì force per unit area / P / strain / overwhelming force / pressure sensation / burdensomeness / oppressiveness / pressure / onerousness / stress / compulsion / constraint / muscle / lading 快乐 快樂 kuàilè happy / cheerful 快乐 快樂 kuàilè happy / cheerful 喝 喝 hē drink 敢 敢 gǎn dare / make bold / have courage to / be sure / have confidence to / venture / have the confidence to / be certain 院 院 yuàn public facility / college / courtyard / designation for certain government offices and pub / hospital / clinic / branch of government / university / institutes / compound / abbey / academy / institute / yard / educational institution / faculty 也许 也許 yěxǔ possibly / peradventure / conceivably / assumedly / mayhap / doubtless / ablings / perhaps / perchance / potentially / probably / maybe / presumably / ablins / just 人们 人們 rénmen workforce / hands / work force / folk / people / they / the people / men / manpower / common people 谈 談 tán talk / chat 生产 生產 shēngchǎn produce / manufacture 生产 生產 shēngchǎn produce / manufacture 怕 怕 pà I'm afraid / dread / funk / I suppose / be afraid of / fear 就 就 jiù prep.: with regard to / concerning 身体 身體 shēntǐ soma / system / physical structure / body / health / carcase / corpus / frame / person / somatic / organic structure / personage 规定 規定 guīdìng rules / disciplines / regulations 程度 程度 chéngdù latitude / rate / degree / point / measure / way / grade / gree / pitch / cut / length / plane / stage / level / extent / scale / notch 积极 積極 jījí positive / active / energetic / vigorous 积极 積極 jījí positive / active / energetic / vigorous 知识 知識 zhīshì lear / know-how / understanding / ken / instruction / science / sophistication / consciousness / light / awareness / cognizance / knowledge / lore / mastery / know / cognition / acquaintanceship / mind / intellect / knowingness / equipment 作为 作為 zuòwéi regard as / look on as / take for 机构 機構 jīgòu internal structure of an organization / motion / gadget / instrumentality / institute / organ / mechanism / gear / representation / mechanics / machinery / apparatus / establishment / institution / means / organization / agency / setup / delegacy / outfit 而是 而是 érshì conj.: if not A, then B 鼓励 鼓勵 gǔlì encourage / urge 鼓励 鼓勵 gǔlì encourage / urge 角色 角色 jiǎosè theatrical role / character / persona / part / function / office / fictional character / actor / fictitious character / personage / role 状况 狀況 zhuàngkuàng repair / background / picture / state (of affairs) / state of affairs / status / gear / scene / setting / scope / condition / state / circumstance / trimness / context / showing / trim / factor / condition/state (of affairs) / situation / shoes / consideration / place 专家 專家 zhuānjiā guru / pundit / adept / expertise / professional person / specializer / specialist / proficient / whiz / oner / expert / swami / savant / dab / professional / authority / stunner / technician 据 據 jù according to / on the grounds of 清楚 清楚 qīngchǔ clear 不仅 不僅 bùjǐn conj.: not only 比赛 比賽 bǐsài match / competition 玩 玩 wán amuse oneself / treat lightly / have fun / resort to / enjoy / appreciate / play / toy / trifle with / employ / disport / shoot / amuse onself 效果 效果 xiàoguǒ operation / execution / result / effect / background / sound effects / purpose / point / background signal / fruitage / outcome / force / punch 越 越 yuè (~A~B) the more A the more B 保护 保護 bǎohù protect / safeguard 保护 保護 bǎohù protect / safeguard 共 共 gòng totally / together / in all / in company / altogether 开放 開放 kāifàng lift a ban/etc. / be turned on / be in operation 开放 開放 kāifàng lift a ban/etc. / be turned on / be in operation 附近 附近 fùjìn neighborship / neighborhood / precinct / vicinity / neighbourhood 上 上 shàng det.: preceding, previous 父亲 父親 fùqīn parent / father / pere / Pa / begetter / governor / abba / male parent / pater / guv 专业 專業 zhuānyè professional 经费 經費 jīngfèi finances / monetary resource / expenses / expense / expenditure / pecuniary resource / fund / outlay / funds / outgo / cash in hand 曾经 曾經 céngjīng in one case / / one time / formerly / syne / at one time / of all time / once / ever 工作 工作 gōngzuò work 愿意 願意 yuànyì will / be willing / please / wish / like / care 分别 分別 fēnbié separately / respectively 重视 重視 zhòngshì attach importance to / take sth. seriously / value 重视 重視 zhòngshì attach importance to / take sth. seriously / value 不少 不少 bùshǎo det.: a lot of 欢迎 歡迎 huānyíng invite / greet / take in / receive / welcome / gratulate / embrace / salute 小孩 小孩 xiǎohái kid / tyke / encumbrance / kinchin / youngster / wean / small fry / chick / juvenile / imp / urchin / minor / nestling / prattler / tike / kiddie / tot / fry / bud / mammet / pinafore / nipper / enfant / mite / bairn / chicken / shaver / child / chit / kiddy / infant / tiddler / sprig 小时 小時 xiǎoshí hour 中国人 中國人 zhōngguórén Chink / Chinee / Chinese / Chow / chow / John / a Chinese 显示 顯示 xiǎnshì demonstrate / argue / exhibit / prove / display / show / illustrate / manifest / demonstration / announce / stamp / unroll / witness / write / give / evince / dangle / betray / bespeak / say / profess / develop / indicate / signal / flaunt / read / register / manifestation / speak / reveal / evidence / tell / shew / proclaim / discover / stage / bear / establish / record / prognosticate / betoken / note / signalize 中共 中共 zhōnggòng Chinese Communist Party 出 出 chū produce / turn out / arise / happen 男人 男人 nánrén male / man / chap / mankind / buck / bastard / gentleman / jack / gent / men / blighter / cuss / hombre / lad / adult male / groom / husband / bimbo / dog / fellow / mon / menfolk / fella 避免 避免 bìmiǎn forbear / preclude / refrain_from / forebear / escape / help / elude / leapfrog / refrain from / stave_off / evite / shun / obviate / avoid / evade / waive / help oneself / ward_off / ward / miss / avert / ward off / balk / refrain 属于 屬於 shǔyū fall under / be part of / pertain / appertain / belong / relegate / fall into / belong_to / fall_under / reside / belong to / attach 实施 實施 shíshī put into effect / implement 实施 實施 shíshī put into effect / implement 声音 聲音 shēngyīn voice / vocal / language / huskiness / vox / vocalization / audio / noise / sonic / tone / sound / phone / audio frequency 主义 主義 zhǔyì tenet / principle / hang / system / ticket / creed / philosophy / school of thought / evangel / ism / gospel / masonry / maxim / doctrine / -ism 行动 行動 xíngdòng action / operation 不可 不可 bùkě cannot / should not / must not 只有 只有 zhǐyǒu can only / have no choice but / to be forced to 校园 校園 xiàoyuán schoolyard / campus 兴趣 興趣 xìngqù relish / appetite / zestfulness / dish / cup of tea / pastime / hobby / interest / gusto / bag / avocation / zest 山 山 shān Shan / jebel / pike / mountain / whitethorn / hump / anything resembling a mountain / gable / kop / chimney / hill / Surname / mount 表现 表現 biǎoxiàn manifestation / expression 得 得 dé get 回来 回來 huílái come back / get_back / recur / revisit / come / return / be back / come_back 主任 主任 zhǔrèn head / principal / captain / chair / director / head teacher / chief / chairman / school principal 里面 裡面 lǐmiàn inside / interior 经常 經常 jīngcháng everyday / daily / alway / often / a great deal / frequently / sempre / much / regularly / constantly / evermore / day-to-day 不再 不再 búzài no more/longer 电子 電子 diànzǐ electron 受 受 shòu receive / accept / endure / suffer / be subjected to 思想 思想 sīxiǎng cogitation / mentation / imagery / imaging / lunatic_fringe / mental imagery / idea / thinking / imagination / ideology / thought / pensee / ideological 头 頭 tóu head / hair (style) / top/end of sth. / chief 终于 終於 zhōngyū in the last analysis / at long last / at last / lastly / ultimately / all things considered / out / on the whole / at_last / eventually / in the final analysis / finally 谢谢 謝謝 xièxiè thank 协助 協助 xiézhù assist / help 协助 協助 xiézhù assist / help 除 除 chú except 当地 當地 dāngdì locality / the place (named/mentioned/etc.) 正式 正式 zhèngshì formal (of actions/speeches/etc.) 真正 真正 zhēnzhèng true / indeed / certainty 低 低 dī let droop / hang down / lower 性 性 xìng nature / character / sex / gender 份 份 fèn m.[general] 因素 因素 yīnsù consideration / ingredient / constituent / factor / strand / component / element 推出 推出 tuīchū present to public 推出 推出 tuīchū present to public 上 上 shàng go up / mount / board / get on / go to / go to / leave for / present / forge/go ahead / enter / place sth. in position 价格 價格 jiàgé price 去 去 qù particle: used to denote an action away from the speaker or to denote the direction of the action 认识 認識 rènshì know / recognize 认识 認識 rènshì know / recognize 方向 方向 fāngxiàng path / set / directional / aspect / tenor / course / lay / exposure / way / range / aim / trend / direction / bearing / orientation / hand / tack / way of life / quarter / channel / line / heading 责任 責任 zérèn need / care / encumbrance / buck / accountability / blame / obligation / turn / load / responsibleness / incumbrance / responsibility / onus / commission / burden / commitment / loading / trust / pigeon / charge / business / fault / place / liability / duty / guardianship 说明 說明 shuōmíng explain / illustrate / show 说明 說明 shuōmíng explain / illustrate / show 工业 工業 gōngyè industrial / industry 大量 大量 dàliàng det.: any numer of, a great many 做 做 zuò be / become / be used as 逐渐 逐漸 zhújiàn step_by_step / by degrees / gradually 心理 心理 xīnlǐ mental_state / psychology / mentality 一点 一點 yīdiǎn det.: a little bit 供 供 gōng supply / feed / be for (the use/convenience of) 须 須 xū must / have to 简单 簡單 jiǎndān terse / casual / commonplace / simple / oversimplified / ordinary / uncomplicated 运用 運用 yùnyòng utilize / wield / apply 运用 運用 yùnyòng utilize / wield / apply 观察 觀察 guānchá observe / survey / inspect 观察 觀察 guānchá observe / survey / inspect 往往 往往 wǎngwǎng oftentimes / ofttimes / always / more often than not / frequently / oft / often 规划 規劃 guīhuà plan / program 减少 減少 jiǎnshǎo reduce / decrease 减少 減少 jiǎnshǎo reduce / decrease 重新 重新 chóngxīn over_again / newly / afresh / anew / again 业务 業務 yèwù service / practice / vocational work / line of work / affair / line / occupation / professional work / business / transaction 报导 報導 bàodǎo report / 仍然 仍然 réngrán still / yet 感到 感到 gǎndào feel / sense 开放 開放 kāifàng open to the world / open to traffic or public use 领域 領域 lǐngyū demesne / line of business / field of operation / country / background / terrain / realm / part / arena / sphere of influence / setting / territory / precinct / radius / scope / domain / sphere / frontier / orbit / preserve / area / world / kingdom / ambit / signory / province / region / field / universe / hemisphere 有效 有效 yǒuxiào run / stand / valid / effective / efficacious / avail / make / hold 女 女 nǔ girl / female / woman / neodymium / hen / daughter / beaver / creature 要 要 yào want/wish (to) / ask (for) 从事 從事 cóngshì engross / have / join / treat / plow / handle / follow / embark / undertake / attend_to / attack / occupy / absorb / go_into / work / engage / prosecute / go_about / go in for / pursue / be / meddle / embark_on / perform / enter / cover / deal / address / be engaged in / deal with / place / wage 发挥 發揮 fāhuī bring into play / give free rein to / develop (idea/etc.) / elaborate 发挥 發揮 fāhuī bring into play / give free rein to / develop (idea/etc.) / elaborate 人才 人才 réncái talent / capable person / a talented person / qualified personnel / a person of ability 反而 反而 fǎnér conj.: on the contrary, instead 行政 行政 xíngzhèng administration 银行 銀行 yínháng jug / depository financial institution / bank building / banking company / banking concern / bank 公共 公共 gōnggòng common / commonly / publicly / public / communal 媒体 媒體 méitǐ mass media / media / medium 提高 提高 tígāo raise / heighten / enhance / increase / improve 提高 提高 tígāo raise / heighten / enhance / increase / improve 代 代 dài period / generation 自然 自然 zìrán naturally / of course / in ordinary course of events 社区 社區 shèqū community 力量 力量 lìliàng fibre / strength / potency / ability / guts / kick / cogency / point / dint / energy / mightiness / physical strength / demon / force / punch / whiz / tooth / might / forcefulness / exercise / fiber / powerfulness / lift / pith / leverage / agency / push / muscle / power 啊 啊 ā indicating elation / indicating doubt or questioning / indicating puzzled surprise / indicating agreement/approval 教育部 教育部 jiàoyūbù Education / Ministry of Education / Department of Education / Education Department 愈 愈 yū the more... 超过 超過 chāoguò overpass / overreach / outwalk / outstrip / overstep / outmarch / distance / pass / overstride / outpace / overtop / surpass / crown / exceed / overtake / preponderate / overrun / top / outrun / go_over / transcend / outrange / transgress / go past / break / excess / overhaul / overshine 维持 維持 wéichí keep / preserve 维持 維持 wéichí keep / preserve 家长 家長 jiāzhǎng masterman / housemaster / graybeard / patriarch / parent of schoolchildren / patriarchal / goodman / patriarchate / paterfamilias / the head of a family / genearch / patriarchy / householder / head of household / the parent or guadian of a child 结合 結合 jiéhé combine / unite / integrate / link / be joined in wedlock 结合 結合 jiéhé combine / unite / integrate / link / be joined in wedlock 校长 校長 xiàozhǎng prexy / head / principal / headteacher / schoolmaster / master / warden / president / beak / rector / superintendent / director / head teacher / preceptor / headmaster / chancellor / school principal 通常 通常 tōngcháng normal / commonly / customarily / more often than not / general / usual / on average / as a rule / ordinarily / mostly / as usual / typically / generally / normally / by and large / unremarkably / on the average / usually 缺乏 缺乏 quēfá be short of, lack 缺乏 缺乏 quēfá be short of, lack 委员 委員 wěiyuán commissar / committee man / committee / committee member / commissioner / committeeman / delegate / board member / commissary 特色 特色 tèsè motif / a character / a characteristic / manner / trait / differentiation / flavor / colour / singularity / distinction / characteristic / hue / stripe / physiognomy / a distinguishing feature / idiom / specialty / character / difference / particular / distinguishing feature / distinguishing feature/quality / salience / coloration / distinguishing quality / specific / feature / peculiarity / artistic st 结果 結果 jiéguǒ finally 有时 有時 yǒushí now and then / at times / betweentimes / from time to time / sometimes 教师 教師 jiàoshī beak / don / school teacher / schoolman / teacher / schoolmaster / preceptor / professor / pedagogue / schoolteacher / coach / master / instructor / educator / preceptorship 之前 之前 zhīqián before, prior to, ago 远 遠 yuǎn far / distant (lit./fig.) 控制 控制 kòngzhì control / dominate / command 控制 控制 kòngzhì control / dominate / command 本 本 běn m.[general] 否则 否則 fǒuzé conj.: otherwise / if not / or else 法 法 fǎ law / method / way / mode / standard / model / legalists / Legalist School / Buddhist doctrine / dharma / magic arts 少 少 shǎo lack / be deficient / lose / be missing 原则 原則 yuánzé god / rule / formula / regulation / principle / fundamental / axiom / basis / linguistic rule / faith / principium 要 要 yào demand / request 脸 臉 liǎn map / mug / kisser / puss / visage / snoot / frontispiece / pan / smiler / mazzard / mush / facial / countenance / phiz / figurehead / face / physiognomy / front / human face 通过 通過 tōngguò adopt / pass / carry (motion/legislation) 建议 建議 jiànyì propose / suggest / recommend 工具 工具 gōngjù stock-in-trade / instrumentality / instrument / ministry / hand_tool / escalator / creature / utensil / material / gear / pawn / lobster-joint / cat's-paw / kit / apparatus / tool / appurtenances / paraphernalia / means / wood / tackle / implement / medium / lever / outfit 作业 作業 zuòyè school assignment / work / task / operation / production 达 達 dá lead / attain / extend / amount to / ryke / express / attainment / inform / reach 节目 節目 jiémù item / item (on program) / programme / act / telecast / number / program 智慧 智慧 zhìhuì lore / sapiency / sconce / wit / intelligence / gumption / savvy / wiseness / soundness / wisdom / grey_matter / sapience 来自 來自 láizì come from / originate from / come / stem/originate from / attach_to / stem / come/stem/originate from / hail 而 而 ér conj.: and 变化 變化 biànhuà change / transformation 同样 同樣 tóngyàng same / equal / similar 形式 形式 xíngshì circumstance / form / kind / modality / reading / interpretation / variety / shape / embodiment / species / mode / version / sort 站 站 zhàn to stand 以为 以為 yǐwéi imagine / think/believe/consider erroneously / treat / deem / believe / suspect / suppose / consider erroneously / repute / animadvert / esteem / trow / speak up / feel / count / believe/consider erroneously / calculate / view as / guess / ween / look / expect / think erroneously / think / hold / opine / interpret / sound off / take_for / consider / take for 健康 健康 jiànkāng healthy / sound 健康 健康 jiànkāng healthy / sound 担任 擔任 dānrèn hold the post of / take charge of / assume / take_charge / fill / shoulder / adopt / skipper / assume the office of / assume office of / act_as / take / act as / play / undertake / take over / take on 人口 人口 rénkǒu population 规划 規劃 guīhuà program / plan 刚 剛 gāng exactly / only a short while ago / just now / barely / only just / just 特殊 特殊 tèshū exceptional / special / particular; peculiar / distinctive 原来 原來 yuánlái originally / formerly 道 道 dào say / speak / talk / think / suppose 分 分 fēn separate / distinguish / differentiate / discriminate 传统 傳統 chuántǒng rule / patrimony / legacy / custom / heritage / convention / conventionality / routine / normal practice / common practice / tradition 总是 總是 zǒngshì always 前往 前往 qiánwǎng depart / cruise / go_to / go / leave / go to / proceed to / pay / seek / leave for 投资 投資 tóuzī investment 加强 加強 jiāqiáng strengthen / augment / reinforce 加强 加強 jiāqiáng strengthen / augment / reinforce 不断 不斷 búduàn unceasingly, continuously 对象 對象 duìxiàng boy/girl friend / mate / fair game / boy friend / prey / boy / object / quarry / target / girl friend / catch / match 追求 追求 zhuīqiú seek, pursue, woo, court 追求 追求 zhuīqiú seek, pursue, woo, court 加上 加上 jiāshàng conj.: in addition (to) 比 比 bǐ compare / contrast / emulate / draw analogy 思考 思考 sīkǎo ponder over / reflect on 思考 思考 sīkǎo ponder over / reflect on 制作 製作 zhìzuò make / manufacture 制作 製作 zhìzuò make / manufacture 台北市 台北市 táiběishì capital of Republic of China on Taiwan 取得 取得 qǔdé gain / acquire / obtain 取得 取得 qǔdé gain / acquire / obtain 出来 出來 chūlái come forward / issue / come up / step up / step to the fore / out (toward one) / come_out / pop out / come out / rise / come to the fore / step forward / emergence / come forth / emerge 加入 加入 jiārù join / accede to 台 台 tái short for Taiwan 安排 安排 ānpái arrange / plan / fix up / provide (meals/etc.) 安排 安排 ānpái arrange / plan / fix up / provide (meals/etc.) 儿童 兒童 értóng kid / nipper / enfant / tyke / youngster / small fry / minor / shaver / nestling / tike / child / chit / fry / children / infant / tiddler / small-fry 国中 國中 guózhōng middle school / junior high school 范围 範圍 fànwéi demesne / latitude / shot / compass / extensity / panorama / parameter / boundary / arena / stretch / territory / radius / spectrum / scope / extension / sphere / orbit / circumscription / limits / purview / grasp / extent / region / space / limit / hemisphere / horizon / envelope / bounds / realm / terrain / tether / sphere of influence / range / circuit / domain / precinct / reach / area / length / spread / bailiwick / ambit / con 老人 老人 lǎorén oldster / ancient / old woman / crock / one's aged parents or grandparents / old man/woman / one's aged parents/grandparents / Sir / old person / gaffer / pop / one's aged parents / the aged/old / old_man / senior_citizen / oldie / greybeard / old man / graybeard / old / grandparents / the old / the aged / senior citizen / old_boy / old boy / woman / old-timer / old man or woman / one's aged grandparents 双方 雙方 shuāngfāng both / the two parties / two parties / both sides 牠 牠 tā it (animal) 北京 北京 běijīng capital of Red China / Beijing / Peking / Beijing (Peking) / Peiping 年轻 年輕 niánqīng junior / young 结束 結束 jiéshù end / close / conclude 结束 結束 jiéshù end / close / conclude 教 教 jiāo teach 程式 程式 chéngshì formula / instruction / computer programme / pattern / form / modality / subprogram / routine / programme / course / function / subroutine / procedure / mode / order / sequence / computer program / program 妇女 婦女 fùnǔ feme / womankind / female / femininity / cummer / woman / femme / quean / bevy / matron / toots / womanhood / feminine / womenfolk / women 找到 找到 zhǎodào light upon / find / discover / run_down / founded / regain / strike / come upon / come across / run down / trace / turn_up / happen upon / get / chance on / chance upon 彼此 彼此 bǐcǐ each other / one another / I/me too 全球 全球 quánqiú global / whole world 成本 成本 chéngběn cost 回到 回到 huídào remount / retour / recur / turn back / regress / regain / revert / go_back / return to / return / go back to 部 部 bù m.[general] 而已 而已 éryǐ particle: imparting finality (that's all) 之下 之下 zhīxià under the condition of / under / beneath / below 等 等 děng wait 变 變 biàn change / transform 期间 期間 qíjiān length / period / time period / amount of time / duration / course / interim / period of time / time / standing / chapter / tract / space / term / streak / efflux 非 非 fēi not 小姐 小姐 xiǎojiě Signorina / Senorita / senorita / signorina / young_lady / damosel / Dona / mum / young lady / damoiselle / missy / tootsy / demoiselle / damsel / Miss / Fraulein / miss / sheila / sister / toots / senhorita / damozel / Ladyship / ladyship / Mademoiselle / mademoiselle 整体 整體 zhěngtǐ integrity / allness / entirety / integer / integral / monolith / entireness / ensemble / wholeness / entire / tout ensemble / whole / totality / unity 采用 採用 cǎiyòng invoke / admit / assume / adoptive / use / adopt / select for use / embrace / accept / employment / take / introduce / take up / take_on / take over / take on / borrow / employ / adoption 根本 根本 gēnběn at all / utterly 叫 叫 jiào to be called 欧洲 歐洲 ōuzhōu Europe 正在 正在 zhèngzài course of / be / be in process 加以 加以 jiāyǐ handle; treat (used before polysyllabic verbs or verbal nouns) 充满 充滿 chōngmǎn swarm / be brimming / inhabit / be brimming with / teem / crawl / fill / lard / pullulate with / brim / be permeated with / bathe / be filled with / permeated with / abound in / implement / exuberate / fill up / flow / abound / burst / perfuse / foam / bristle / crackle / inform / pervade / be imbued with / simmer / glut / teem in / permeate / congest / be full of / reek / charge / suffuse / pullulate / overfill / swell 系列 系列 xìliè succession / set / spectrum / course / train / series 随着 隨著 suízhe along with / in the wake of / in pace with 早 早 zǎo early / long ago / in advance / beforehand / prematurely 等等 等等 děngděng conj.: and so on / etc 颇 頗 pǒ pretty / quite an / very / quite / jolly / fearfully / quite a / molto / middling / considerably / greatly 不足 不足 bùzú not be enough / not be worth (doing sth.) / cannot / should not 不足 不足 bùzú not be enough / not be worth (doing sth.) / cannot / should not 总 總 zǒng always / invariably / anyway / after all / inevitably / sooner or later 分析 分析 fēnxī analyze 深 深 shēn deepen / penetrating / profound / deep / dark 报告 報告 bàogào report / speech / (student) term paper 不错 不錯 búcuò not bad / pretty good;correct / right 在于 在於 zàiyū be at / on / lie / in / depend on / lie_in / rest with / lie in / be determined by / consist_in / consist in 旁 旁 páng side / by the side of / other 笑 笑 xiào smile / laugh 故 故 gù conj.: hence, so, therefore, as a result 消费者 消費者 xiāofèizhě customer / buyer / consumer 意识 意識 yìshì consciousness / witting / sensibility / conscious / conscience / ideology / awareness / subconscious / mentality 公尺 公尺 gōngchǐ m.[standard] 民族 民族 mínzú tribe / citizenry / ethnos / ethnic minority/group / race / nationality / group / Volk / nation / folk / people / ethnic group / ethnographer / family / ethnic minority 为主 為主 wéizhǔ give first place to 大众 大眾 dàzhòng the broad masses / roughscuff / the public / herd / concourse / commonality / riffraff / masses / commonness / the masses / throng / multitude / commonage / commonalty / plebeian / plebs / horde / the people/masses / community / the people / million / mass / public 到底 到底 dàodǐ to the end / at last / after all 愿 願 yuàn will / wish / may / desire 度 度 dù m.[activity] 大概 大概 dàgài chiefly / if not / perchance / approximately / believably / maybe / presumably / plausibly / almost / conceivably / most likely / assumedly / ablings / likely / perhaps / probably / supposedly / ablins / credibly / assumably / belike 对方 對方 duìfāng other party / the other party / fellow / party / other side / adversary / other side/party 官员 官員 guānyuán beg / official / mandarinate / administrative official / office-bearer / officer / bureaucrat / placeman / federal agent / government officials / agent / officialism / functionary / director / officeholder / officialdom / myrmidon 发表 發表 fābiǎo voice / enounce / enunciate / publish / free / sound / announce / pronounce / deliver / circulation / put_out / release / issue / vend / circularize / give / give_out / denote / present / circulate / publicize / blazon / promulgate / mouth 进一步 進一步 jìnyībù go step further 自由 自由 zìyóu free / unrestrained 正确 正確 zhèngquè correct / true / exact / proper / right 丰富 豐富 fēngfù rich / abundant / plentiful 丰富 豐富 fēngfù rich / abundant / plentiful 国民党 國民黨 guómíndǎng Kuomintang / Nationalist Party / Kuomintang (KMT) 战争 戰爭 zhànzhēng war / warfare 怎么样 怎麼樣 zěnmeyàng How are things? 只好 只好 zhǐhǎo can only / have no choice but / have to / be forced to 明显 明顯 míngxiǎn clear / obvious 改革 改革 gǎigé reform 改革 改革 gǎigé reform 表达 表達 biǎodá express / convey / voice 表达 表達 biǎodá express / convey / voice 肯定 肯定 kěndìng affirm / approve / regard as positive 肯定 肯定 kěndìng affirm / approve / regard as positive 强 強 qiáng strong / powerful / vigorous / better / slightly more than / plus 高兴 高興 gāoxìng glad, happy, cheerful, merry, pleased 高兴 高興 gāoxìng glad, happy, cheerful, merry, pleased 哪 哪 nǎ det.: which 树 樹 shù wood / Ruptiliocarpon caracolito / tree / arbor / Surname / caracolito 适合 適合 shìhé qualify / conform / fit / go / befit / quadrate / will / accord / tailor / beseem / serve / comport / gee / answer / become / fit_in / service / pertain / like / accommodate / agree / belong / characterize / make / suit / match 茶 茶 chá tea 别 別 bié don't 国外 國外 guówài overseas 关心 關心 guānxīn be concerned about 关心 關心 guānxīn be concerned about 苏联 蘇聯 sūlián Russia / Soviet / USSR / Soviet Union 成绩 成績 chéngjī execution / carrying into action / achievement / result / showing / carrying out / performance / grade / success / doing / batting average 人物 人物 rénwù character / persona / original / spirit / figure painting / character in literature / figure / person in literature / person / fish / personage / personality 听到 聽到 tīngdào hear 创造 創造 chuàngzào create / produce / bring about 创造 創造 chuàngzào create / produce / bring about 不必 不必 búbì need not / not have to 不论 不論 búlùn conj.: no matter how/who/what/etc. 尚 尚 shàng still / yet / fairly / rather 居民 居民 jūmín municipality / population / citizen / denizen / townie / people / dweller / populace / residenter / resident / towny / inhabitant / habitant / liver 不管 不管 bùguǎn conj.: no matter, regardless of 美丽 美麗 měilì beautiful 美丽 美麗 měilì beautiful 伊拉克 伊拉克 yīlākè Al-Iraq / Iraq / Irak 带来 帶來 dàilái bring / redound / impart / bring_on / bring on / express / fetch / lend / convey / contribute / bring about / bestow / carry / bring oneself / add / usher / incur / land 有 有 yǒu there is/are 般 般 bān way / kind / variety / sort 永远 永遠 yǒngyuǎn e'er / always / for_good / evermore / ever / forever 感情 感情 gǎnqíng warmheartedness / reticence / sensation / affection / susceptibility / feeling / feelings / heart / affective / withers / expression / tenderness / emotion / sentiment / fondness / soul / affectionateness / soulfulness / passion 儿子 兒子 érzi viscount / man-child / boy / male offspring / son 这样子 這樣子 zhèyàngzi so / such / like this / this way 起 起 qǐ [aspect] 全部 全部 quánbù lot / aggregate / all / gross / entirety / allness / shebang / caboodle / complete / bunch / sum / total / gamut / entire / det.: all / totality / whole 回家 回家 huíjiā return home 独立 獨立 dúlì stand alone 独立 獨立 dúlì stand alone 英国 英國 yīngguó Britain / Great_Britain / England / chapel / Great Britain / English / UK / reeve / John_Bull 回家 回家 huíjiā return home 投资 投資 tóuzī invest 理论 理論 lǐlùn theory 面临 面臨 miànlín have / face / confront / envisage / flank / present / be faced with / be up against / bide / meet 选手 選手 xuǎnshǒu participant / basketeer / athlete selected for a sports meet / basketball player / jock / contestant / cap / cager / athlete / player / champ / performer / player selected as contestant 分钟 分鐘 fēnzhōng m.[standard] 内部 內部 nèibù entrails / bowel / interior / inner / within / bosom / inside / innards / internal / inward 西方 西方 xīfāng the Occident / West / New World / occidental / westward / west / the West / the west / Hesperian / occident / Western / sunset / western hemisphere / western 人家 人家 rénjiā I (used by females) / dwelling / I / somebody else / somebody else's house / family / household 准备 準備 zhǔnbèi prepare / get ready 准备 準備 zhǔnbèi prepare / get ready 眼睛 眼睛 yǎnjīng eye 如 如 rú conj.: if / supposing 眼 眼 yǎn eye / small hole / aperture / salient/weighted point / salient/weighted point 离开 離開 líkāi leave / depart/deviate from 离开 離開 líkāi leave / depart/deviate from 竞争 競爭 jìngzhēng competition 专利 專利 zhuānlì patent 成果 成果 chéngguǒ product / achievement / outcome / gain / production / fruit / positive result / progeny / job 活 活 huó alive / live / vivid / save (somebody's life) / activate / save / be 心情 心情 xīnqíng cognitive state / cue / frame of mind / form / stomach / pulse / humor / feeling / temper / state of mind / cheer / humour / frame/state of mind / mood / vein / spirit / feelings / frame / frame_of_mind / habit of mind / mind / tune 介绍 介紹 jièshào introduce / present / recommend / suggest / let know / brief 现场 現場 xiànchǎng scene (of an incident) / location / site / locale / scene of a crime / locality / live / scene / spot / field 突然 突然 túrán suddenly / presto / unexpectedly / abruptly / at once / all_at_once / all together / all of a sudden / all at once 客户 客戶 kèhù clientage / custom / customer / client / business / patronage / clientele 间 間 jiān locality / room 印象 印象 yìnxiàng effect / mark / impress / embossment / impressional / image / imprint / engram / sound / intuition / impression 花 花 huā spend / expend / cost 海 海 hǎi water / foam / bottom / main / huge group of people / Surname / sea catfish / the sea / sea / mare / drink / fishpond / briny / great capacity / Neptune / billow / huge group of things / depth / waters / pond / wave / brine / big lake 真正 真正 zhēnzhèng genuine / true / real 保持 保持 bǎochí keep / maintain / preserve 时期 時期 shíqí epoch / season / date / period_of_time / phase / day / occasion / estate / period / length / period (of time) / phase angle / stage / conjuncture / chapter / times / era / leg / guardianship 层 層 céng m.[proximation] 保持 保持 bǎochí keep / maintain / preserve 方便 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 方便 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 帮助 幫助 bāngzhù aid / bridge_over / help / bestead / bring_on / tide_over / serve / support / facilitate / accommodate / carry_through / assist / administer / attend_to / assistance / befriend / further / favour 基础 基礎 jīchǔ base / foundation 个人 個人 gèrén individual person / man_jack / personal / individual (person) / man jack / individual / individuality / identity 新竹 新竹 xīnzhú Hsin Chu(city in Taiwan) 李 李 lǐ plum / Lee / Surname / Li 生 生 shēng give birth to / bear / grow / get / have / cause to happen / make (a fire) / exist / live 图书馆 圖書館 túshūguǎn library 她们 她們 tāmen they (female) 美元 美元 měiyuán m.[standard] 读 讀 dú study / read / attend school / take / read aloud / read (aloud) / peruse 以来 以來 yǐlái since 或许 或許 huòxǔ possibly / in all probability / peradventure / conceivably / mayhap / likely / perhaps / perchance / probably / maybe / haply / in all likelihood / belike 课 課 kè subject / course / class 病人 病人 bìngrén shut-in / patient / subject / sufferer / case / valetudinarian / invalid 实验 實驗 shíyàn experiment / test 有时候 有時候 yǒushíhòu from time to time / on_occasion / occasionally / somewhile / otherwhile / now and again / sometimes / now and then / at times / on occasion / whiles / once in a while 办理 辦理 bànlǐ handle / manage / attend / conduct / enact / transact / transaction 部门 部門 bùmén category / section / department / service / instrumentality / branch / realm / sector / ministry / province / divisional / classification / departmental / division 类似 類似 lèisì analogize / conform / analogic / be similar to / resemble / similar / analogous 广告 廣告 guǎnggào advertisement 送 送 sòng accompaniment / escort / see somebody off / see somebody off/out / to dispatch / see ... off / accompany / to deliver / send / direct / serve / guide / give as a present / deliver / see somebody out / see / lead / see ... out / conduct / give / to send / carry / delivery / carriage / take / hospitalize 够 夠 gòu be enough/sufficient/adequate 新加坡 新加坡 xīnjiāpō Singapore 担心 擔心 dānxīn worry / feel anxious 担心 擔心 dānxīn worry / feel anxious 商业 商業 shāngyè business enterprise / commercial / people / mercantilism / commercial pursuit / commercial enterprise / business sector / merchantry / trade / mercantile pursuit / business / commerce 掌握 掌握 zhǎngwò take ... into one's hands / know well / master / have in hand / grasp / command / possess / control 两岸 兩岸 liǎngàn both sides of a river / both sides of the Taiwan Straits (I.e., Chinese Mainland and Taiwan) 门 門 mén door / gate 方案 方案 fāngàn formula / plan / scheme / projection / programme / proposal / schema / strategy / project / design / program 至少 至少 zhìshǎo leastwise / leastways / at (the) least / at_least / only / fully / even a little / at least / at any rate / in the least / at least / at the least 看法 看法 kànfǎ side / view / mentality / idea / outlook / a way of looking at a thing / opinion / thought / sight / standpoint / hypothesis / attitude / hobbyhorse / viewpoint / possibility / theory / slant / pronouncement / way of looking at sth. / thinking / supposition / supposal 原本 原本 yuánběn originally / formerly 措施 措施 cuòshī measure / demarche / corrective / move / step 表现 表現 biǎoxiàn show / display / show off 社团 社團 shètuán gild / college / lodge / association / organization / club / body of persons / society / mass organization / order / league / guild / confraternity / corporation 九 九 jiǔ det.: nine 展开 展開 zhǎnkāi spread out / unfold / open up / launch / develop 展开 展開 zhǎnkāi spread out / unfold / open up / launch / develop 如 如 rú be like / measure up to 博士 博士 bóshì Ph.D / master of any trade/craft / master of any craft / Dr. / holder of doctoral degree / master of any trade / Erudite / doctoral / Doctor_of_Philosophy / Ph.D. / court academician / craft / "Erudite" / Doctor of Philosophy / doctor 道路 道路 dàolù track / path / runway / steps / route / course / toby / road / thoroughfare / way 竟 竟 jìng unexpectedly 项目 項目 xiàngmù event / head / item / particular / article / point / specific / entry / listing / clause / project 需 需 xū need 学院 學院 xuéyuàn seminary / college / school / hall / institute / academy / faculty 代表 代表 dàibiǎo represent / indicate 代表 代表 dàibiǎo represent / indicate 同意 同意 tóngyì agree / consent / approve 同意 同意 tóngyì agree / consent / approve 原住民 原住民 yuánzhùmín aborigine 策略 策略 cèluè coup / resource / enginery / wile / stratagem / gambit / practice / plant / diplomacy / artifice / trap / twist / tactical manoeuver / policy / game / mechanism / game plan / ambush / chicanery / finesse / lying in wait / maneuvering / joker / tactics / gimmick / manoeuvering / plan / device / art / tactical maneuver / maneuver / measure / play / tactic / manoeuvre / mechanics / tack / ambuscade / trickery / strategy / setup / r 白 白 bái white / clear / pure / plain / wrongly written/mispronounced / 平均 平均 píngjūn average 所 所 suǒ place / office / bureau / institute 靠 靠 kào depend/rely on 互相 互相 hùxiāng mutual / each other / mutually / one another / reciprocally 地位 地位 dìwèi station / estate / importance / appointment / character / footing / capacity / chair / estate of the realm / level / situation / status / standing / position / spot / connection / space / sphere / quality / place / condition 体育 體育 tǐyū training / physical education / athletics / sports / gymnastic / physical_education / physical training / physical culture / physical education/training / gym 样 樣 yàng m.[kind] 亚洲 亞洲 yǎzhōu Orient / Asian / Asia 采取 採取 cǎiqǔ operate / assume / adopt / accept / strike / take / take up / take over / borrow 日 日 rì m.[standard] 毕业 畢業 bìyè graduate / finish school 毕业 畢業 bìyè graduate / finish school 相同 相同 xiāngtóng be identical/alike / uniform / be identical / overlap / alike / identical / be alike 欣赏 欣賞 xīnshǎng appreciate / enjoy / admire 法律 法律 fǎlù constitution / juridical / legal / jus / judiciary / statute law / law / codex / legislation / jurisprudence / lex / code / Themis / statute / judicial / practice of law / prescript / forensic / natural law 欣赏 欣賞 xīnshǎng appreciate / enjoy / admire 词 詞 cí vocable / words / phrase / a kind of poetry originating in Tang dyn / statement / a form of classical poetry / part of speech / speech / Ci, Chinese poetry / term / word 大型 大型 dàxíng large-size (machines/factories/etc.) 中华 中華 zhōnghuá the Chinese nation / China 台大 台大 táidà National Taiwan University / National Taiwan University Hospital 意思 意思 yìsī significance / token of infection / intention / interest / idea / trace / meaning / thought / opinion / substance / etc. / import / a token of appreciation/etc. / indirect request / wish / a token of affection / desire / appreciation / fun / signification / gratitude / sense / hint / a token of affection/appreciation/etc. / suggestion / mind / intent 在一起 在一起 zàiyīqǐ be togather 系 係 xì be 持续 持續 chíxù perennate / hang on / carry_over / persist / steady / keep / carry over / keep on / proceed / stretch / carry_on / retain / sustain / persevere / continuity / endure / stay / continue / hang in / hold / maintain / run / span / go on / run for / last / go along / exist / hold on 群 群 qún m.[general] 慢慢 慢慢 mànmàn slowly; gradually 高雄 高雄 gāoxióng Kaohsiung, a city in Taiwan / Gaoxiong / Kaohsiung(a city in Taiwan) 制造 製造 zhìzào make / manufacture / engineer / create / fabricate 制造 製造 zhìzào make / manufacture / engineer / create / fabricate 医疗 醫療 yīliáo treat / cure 医疗 醫療 yīliáo treat / cure 邀请 邀請 yāoqǐng invite 邀请 邀請 yāoqǐng invite 满足 滿足 mǎnzú fulfil / fit / cope with / fill / be satisfied/contented / gloat / contented / arrive / be satisfied / satisfy / sate / gratify / serve / meet / appease / replete / supply / satisfied / fulfill / suffice / assuage / satiate / content / be contented / conform to / suit / match 速度 速度 sùdù pacing / wings / rate / quickness / fastness / velocity / swiftness / lick / pace / rapidity / speed / career / tempo 重点 重點 zhòngdiǎn taproot / accent / emphasis / focal point / point / keystone / hinge / salient point / stress / gravity 保存 保存 bǎocún preserve / conserve / keep 保存 保存 bǎocún preserve / conserve / keep 评估 評估 pínggū estimate / evaluate 评估 評估 pínggū estimate / evaluate 限制 限制 xiànzhì restrictiveness 符合 符合 fúhé fulfil / conform / fit / tally with / fill / come_up_to / cohere / satisfy / accord / coincide / assort / equate / answer / tally / consist / meet / be in keeping with / chime_in / fulfill / look / accord/tally with / relate / chime / live up to / square / accord with / conform to / correspond 利益 利益 lìyì privilege / profit / vantage / favor / interest / behoof / account / goodness / gain / increment / avail / boon / plus / commodity / lucre / advantage / stead / boot / benefit / welfare / good / asset / behalf / percentage / stake / favour 组成 組成 zǔchéng form / make up (into) / compose 组成 組成 zǔchéng form / make up (into) / compose 检查 檢查 jiǎnchá check / inspect / examine 检查 檢查 jiǎnchá check / inspect / examine 看见 看見 kànjiàn seeing / behold / see / descry / show / perceive / lay eyes on / lamp / spy / show up / sight / catch sight of, catch sight of 瞭解 瞭解 liǎojiě understand / comprehend / find out / acquaint oneself with 瞭解 瞭解 liǎojiě understand / comprehend / find out / acquaint oneself with 立刻 立刻 lìkè in a short time / at_once / promptly / offhand / at once / anon / instantly / straightway / now / slapbang / pronto / right_away / immediately / without delay / right away / forthwith / presto / at a time / before long / in a minute / swith / directly / in no time / incontinent / subito / without_delay / in real time / shortly / tout-de-suite / away / soon / presently / in a few seconds / very fast / chop-chop / at o 女儿 女兒 nǔér daughter / girl 数 數 shù det.: several 上课 上課 shàngkè attend class / go to class;give lesson/lecture 上课 上課 shàngkè attend class / go to class;give lesson/lecture 整合 整合 zhěnghé integrate 整合 整合 zhěnghé integrate 更多 更多 gèngduō det.: more 唯一 唯一 wéiyī sole / one and only / only / unique 人数 人數 rénshù number of people 的确 的確 díquè certainly / surely 主题 主題 zhǔtí motif / lemma / musical theme / theme / thesis / idea / literary argument / argument / motive / leitmotiv / matter / subject_matter / keynote / issue / subject / topic / mythos / melodic theme 用户 用戶 yònghù customer / subscriber / enjoyer / user / consumer 快速 快速 kuàisù expeditious / high-speed / fast / rapid / clip 设施 設施 shèshī installation / facilities 文学 文學 wénxué literary / philology / letters / letter / literature 步 步 bù m.[activity] 那里 那裡 nàlǐ that place 到 到 dào conj.: to 美 美 měi beautiful / pretty 需要 需要 xūyào need / demand 失去 失去 shīqù desert / shear / outgrow / loss / lost / miss / lose 做为 做為 zuòwéi excuse / to be as / to look upon as / purport / roof / to take for / to regard as / look on as / regard as / take for 复杂 複雜 fùzá complicated / complex 复杂 複雜 fùzá complicated / complex 届 屆 jiè m.[event] 作用 作用 zuòyòng action / function / effect / intention / motive 调整 調整 tiáozhěng adjust / readjust / regulate / restructure / balance 调整 調整 tiáozhěng adjust / readjust / regulate / restructure / balance 佔 佔 zhàn constitute / make up / account for 要求 要求 yāoqiú demand / request 高中 高中 gāozhōng senior middle school / senior high school / senior_high_school 动作 動作 dòngzuò demeanor / motion / behavior / performance / demeanour / play / turn / operation / operative / looseness / agency / gesticulation / movement / gesture / comportment / business / action / move 模式 模式 móshì example / normal / rule / formula / pattern / form / shape / style / way / mode / convention / fashion / model 多 多 duó to what degree / how... 吸引 吸引 xīyǐn engross / arrest / appeal / fascinate / attraction / fetch / draw / transfix / pull in / entrance / pull / enamour / spellbind / enamor / capture / trance / captivate / call / grip / fascination / absorb / bewitch / tempt / becharm / speak_to / fix / engage / catch / rivet / enchant / beguile / charm / seduce / take / enwrap / magnetize / draw in / attract 记得 記得 jìde come to mind / think back / remember / recollect / recall / rememberance / mind / retain / place / spring to mind / bear in mind 卖 賣 mài bring / parade / prostitute / make living at / go / sell out / show off / negotiate / exert to the utmost / tout / not spare / deal / betray / make living by / at / sell / make living by/at / betrayal / trade / fetch / market / bring in 例 例 lì example / instance / precedent / case / rule / regulation 推广 推廣 tuīguǎng popularize / spread / extend 推广 推廣 tuīguǎng popularize / spread / extend 本来 本來 běnlái originally / at first / of course 具体 具體 jùtǐ concrete / specific / particular 太太 太太 tàitài lady / memsahib / Dona / dona / Mrs / mum / Senora / senora / Mrs. / mistress of a household / madam / Frau / goodwife / missus / senhora / married woman / wife / vrouw / Madame / madame / missis / wahine / Signora / signora 之中 之中 zhīzhōng inside, among, within 宗教 宗教 zōngjiào theology / community / religious / cult / creed / faith / religion 旧 舊 jiù old / aged / onetime / bygone / used / worn / past / former 反应 反應 fǎnyìng reaction / response / repercussion 观众 觀眾 guānzhòng onlooker / TV audience / attendance / audience / spectator / viewers / followers / crowd / gallery / viewer / following / house / viewing audience 立场 立場 lìchǎng view / stance / language / stand / ground / capacity / standing / situation / position / perspective / standpoint / stand(point) 旅遊 旅遊 lǔyóu travel 旅遊 旅遊 lǔyóu travel 因而 因而 yīnér conj.: consequently 理念 理念 lǐniàn sense / conception / idea 它们 它們 tāmen they / they (non-human) 上面 上面 shàngmiàn surface of / aspect / higher authority / upper side / the higher authorities / on top/surface of / on surface of / top / the higher-ups / top side / upside / on top of / respect / above / on top / regard 回 回 huí return / go back 支 支 zhī m.[general] 少年 少年 shàonián nipper / covey / early youth (10-16) / juvenility / adolescent / youngster / teens / gossoon / boy / boy or girl of early youth / spalpeen / juvenile / callan / callant / shaver / lad / laddie / juvenile person / teenager / stripling / young boy / early youth / younker 辅导 輔導 fǔdǎo coach / tutor 争取 爭取 zhēngqǔ strive for / fight for / wrangle / work hard for / contest / go for / strive/fight for / contend / try_for / woo / try for / strive / win over / scramble / do all one can to 辅导 輔導 fǔdǎo coach / tutor 想到 想到 xiǎngdào imagine / ideate / think / envisage / anticipate / bethink / dream / recollect / think_of / call to mind / think of / occur / conceive of 可能 可能 kěnéng possible, probable 尊重 尊重 zūnzhòng respect / value / esteem 替 替 tì for / on behalf of 尊重 尊重 zūnzhòng respect / value / esteem 地点 地點 dìdiǎn location / site / locale / locality / topographic point / point / venue / spot / situs / land site / place / locus 何 何 hé det.: which / what 党 黨 dǎng section / Dang / political party / CCP / KMT / Ku_Klux_Klan / clique / The Party / party / tong / kinsfolk / the Party / faction / gang 进步 進步 jìnbù progress / advance / improve 进步 進步 jìnbù progress / advance / improve 欲 欲 yū choose / wish / care / want / desire / incline / propose 危机 危機 wéijī ambush / clutch / climacteric / crisis / precipice / hump / conjuncture / juncture / sharpness / gravity / edge 正常 正常 zhèngcháng normal / regular 角度 角度 jiǎodù aspect / perspective / degree / arcdegree / point of view / angle 尚未 尚未 shàngwèi as yet / til now / heretofore / yet / thus far / so far / until now / up to now / hitherto / not_yet / not yet 院长 院長 yuànzhǎng director/president (of museum/institute/etc.), head of branch of government 习惯 習慣 xíguàn habit / custom 期 期 qí m.[event] 环保 環保 huánbǎo environmental protection 交流 交流 jiāoliú exchange / interflow / interchange 困难 困難 kùnnán difficult 交流 交流 jiāoliú exchange / interflow / interchange 需 需 xū need / want / require 完整 完整 wánzhěng complete / integrated / intact 费用 費用 fèiyòng tax / cost / expense / expenditure / due / rate / exes / outlay / outgo / fee / terms / toll / price / disbursement / fare / expenses / disbursal / retainer / pay / damage / charge / monetary value / consideration / outgoing 完整 完整 wánzhěng complete / integrated / intact 上述 上述 shàngshù above-mentioned 呈现 呈現 chéngxiàn assume / crop out / dish / appearance / show / lay out / present / basset / appear / take_on / emergence / emerge / come forth 照顾 照顧 zhàogù look after / care for / attend to / patronize (as customer) 照顾 照顧 zhàogù look after / care for / attend to / patronize (as customer) 达成 達成 dáchéng reach (an agreement) 达成 達成 dáchéng reach (an agreement) 批 批 pī m.[general] 培养 培養 péiyǎng foster / train / develop / culture 培养 培養 péiyǎng foster / train / develop / culture 垃圾 垃圾 lèsè leavings / crap / sordes / trumpery / culch / garbage / filth / debris / cultch / sweeping / trashery / raffle / slush / truck / detritus / rubbish / trash / dirt / muck / litter / offscouring / offal / rubble / recrement / dust / rejectamenta / refuse / junk / gook 图 圖 tú picture / drawing / chart / map 扩大 擴大 kuòdà enlarge / expand / extend / swell / dilate 扩大 擴大 kuòdà enlarge / expand / extend / swell / dilate 篇 篇 piān m.[general] 比例 比例 bǐlì proportional / rate / proportionality / quotient / proportion / proportionment / scale / ratio / balance 风格 風格 fēnggé plan / signature / idiom / kind / aroma / manner / idiosyncrasy / negligence / style / mode / tone / expressive style / artistic style / touch 难以 難以 nányǐ be difficult to 机关 機關 jīguān mechanism / stratagem / scheme / intrigue 情绪 情緒 qíngxù form / pulse / humor / depression / temper / feeling / spirits / monkey / emotion / sentiment / humour / soulfulness / mood / heartbeat / heartstrings / sulks / chord / vein / feelings / emotional state / spirit / frame_of_mind / sentiments / moodiness / emotions / steam / tune / soul 劳工 勞工 láogōng work_force / navvy / galley slave / manual laborer / labor / mazdoor / peon / proletariat / working class / laborer / worker / workman / industrialist / labour / drudge / workingman / labourer 一旦 一旦 yīdàn conj.: once, some time or other 多媒体 多媒體 duōméitǐ multi-media 求 求 qiú seek / try / strive for 绝对 絕對 juéduì absolutely / definitely 资料库 資料庫 zīliàokù data bank / database / data base / databank 选举 選舉 xuǎnjǔ election 不可能 不可能 bùkěnéng impossibly 马上 馬上 mǎshàng in a short time / at_once / instantaneously / promptly / at once / incontinent / in the same breath / directively / instantly / slapbang / pronto / right_away / immediately / shortly / without delay / right away / tout-de-suite / forthwith / presently / in_no_time / at a time / soon / hereupon / in a few seconds / before long / at one time / outright / straightaway / in a minute / directly / momently / in a f 说话 說話 shuōhuà philosophize / thrum / talk / peach / babble out / speech / articulate / chat / speak / babble / gossip / blab out / sing / address / tattle / blab / mouth / say 享受 享受 xiǎngshòu enjoy 享受 享受 xiǎngshòu enjoy 工厂 工廠 gōngchǎng layout / mill / factory / remuneration / workshop / industrial plant / plant / hacienda / manufactory / works / shop 食物 食物 shíwù scran / board / ingesta / sustentation / provender / viand / chow / aliment / pabulum / edibles / prog / nurture / cheer / eatable / edible / alimentary / eatables / chowchow / nutrient / diet / bread / trencher / sustenance / nutriment / nosh / nutrition / victuals / cib. / vivers / eating / toke / meat / cib / grub / peck / viands / comestible / nourishment / fare / victual / food / commons / fodder / scoff / victualage / muckamuck / ta 消息 消息 xiāoxí communication / witting / message / item / news / peep / info / intelligence / notice / information / advertisement / tidings / advert / word 番 番 fān m.[event] 趋势 趨勢 qūshì stream / gravitation / tendency / wind / tide / drift / sequel / trend / current / direction / inclination / tendence / momentum / flow 房子 房子 fángzi building (of less than three stories) / room / building / property / house 观点 觀點 guāndiǎn view / aspect / stand / point_of_view / light / eyes / framework / sentiment / bet / standpoint / point of view / eye / viewpoint / slant / perspective / position / angle 购买 購買 gòumǎi invest / take / buy / make purchases / go shopping / purchase 普遍 普遍 pǔbiàn universal / general / widespread / common 普遍 普遍 pǔbiàn universal / general / widespread / common 设立 設立 shèlì establish / found 差异 差異 chāyì gap / departure / spread / variance / divergence / difference / diversity / discrepancy / imparity / disparity / contrast / interval / differentia / distinction 设立 設立 shèlì establish / found 差 差 chā be short / lack 另外 另外 lìngwài in addition / moreover / besides 统一 統一 tǒngyī unify / unite / integrate 青年 青年 qīngnián young people / adolescent / youngster / springal / boy / youth / youths / stripling / young / hobbledehoy / younker 统一 統一 tǒngyī unify / unite / integrate 行政院 行政院 xíngzhèngyuàn Executive Yuan 规模 規模 guīmó magnitude / dimensions / extent / scale / scope 股 股 gǔ m.[general] 破坏 破壞 pòhuài violate / destroy 破坏 破壞 pòhuài violate / destroy 想要 想要 xiǎngyào please / wish / like / desire / desirable / desiderate / purport / feel_like / wish well / propose / desired / purpose / direct / want to / feel like / aim / want / calculate 换 換 huàn adjourn / barter / exchange / commute / reseat / trade / conversion / convert / change 选 選 xuǎn select / pick / elect / choose / take / pick out / van 人力 人力 rénlì strength / manpower / resources / manual labor 美 美 měi America / United States 水准 水準 shuǐzhǔn level / plane / standard 首 首 shǒu m.[general] 河川 河川 héchuān river and creek / rivers / river 文字 文字 wénzì writing / phraseology / writing style / language / endearment / script / written language / text / writing phraseology / writing style/phraseology / character / textual / characters / symbolic representation / version / word-sign / literal / letter / word / literalness 立即 立即 lìjí at_once / off-hand / promptly / at once / down / instantly / directively / straightway / herewith / thereupon / ex tempore / without_delay / pronto / right_away / instant / straight / immediately / in_short_order / right away / instanter / straightaway / in short order / off-the-cuff 适当 適當 shìdàng beseem / proper / suitable / suit 医师 醫師 yīshī medico / MD / Aesculapius / physician / hakim / leech / Dr. / powwow / medic / Aesculapian / doc / doctor 属 屬 shǔ belong / be born in the year of / belong to / be subordinate to / be 重 重 zhòng heavy / weighty / important / considerable in amount/value 就是说 就是說 jiùshìshuō that is to say / in other words / namely 结婚 結婚 jiéhūn middle-aisle / intermarry / mate / conjoin / get married / couple / married / espouse / pair / marry / unite / get_married / get hitched with / spouse / splice / hook up with / wed 有 有 yǒu be / exist / also 日子 日子 rìzi yom / day / a particular day / livelihood / life / date / days / time 非 非 fēi run counter to / not conform to 贸易 貿易 màoyì deal / carriage trade / trade / business / commerce 相当 相當 xiāngdāng match / balance / correspond to / be equal to 参观 參觀 cānguān visit, tour 参观 參觀 cānguān visit, tour 公开 公開 gōngkāi bare / air / unclose / publish / come_out / make known to the public / publicize / divulgate / overt / publicise / public / disclosure / make known to public / unfurl / make public 顺利 順利 shùnlì smooth / successful / without a hitch 男 男 nán baron / male / man / steady / mankind / male person / boy / chauvinism / creature / son 销售 銷售 xiāoshòu sell / market 办 辦 bàn punish (by law) / manage / get ... ready / set_up / buy a fair amount of / set up / run / management / handle / tackle / attend to / do / punish / bring ... to justice 销售 銷售 xiāoshòu sell / market 维护 維護 wéihù safeguard / defend / uphold 维护 維護 wéihù safeguard / defend / uphold 投入 投入 tóurù throw/put into 称 稱 chēng call 加上 加上 jiāshàng add into 民进党 民進黨 mínjìndǎng Democratic Progressive Party 必 必 bì surely / must / certainly / have to / necessarily 自由 自由 zìyóu freedom / liberty 有限 有限 yǒuxiàn limited / finite 预算 預算 yūsuàn estimate / forethought / budget / estimation / budgetary 计算 計算 jìsuàn count / calculate / compute 计算 計算 jìsuàn count / calculate / compute 效率 效率 xiàolù sufficiency / effectualness / effectuality / productiveness / usefulness / efficiency / effectivity / effectiveness 样子 樣子 yàngzi tendency / pattern / form / manner / likelihood / way / resemblance / semblance / sample / guise / fashion / wise / model / air / mien / appearance / shape / suggestion / gesture / sort 访问 訪問 fǎngwèn visit / call on / interview 位于 位於 wèiyū be situated / situated / locate / precede / lie / come / nestle / subsist / underlie / sit / be located / skirt / rank 访问 訪問 fǎngwèn visit / call on / interview 接触 接觸 jiēchù come into contact with / get in touch with / engage / contact 接触 接觸 jiēchù come into contact with / get in touch with / engage / contact 流行 流行 liúxíng prevalent / popular / fashionable / in vogue / spread / rage (of contagious disease) 流行 流行 liúxíng prevalent / popular / fashionable / in vogue / spread / rage (of contagious disease) 喔 喔 wō particle: indicating exclamation/suggestion/mild imperative/etc. 股市 股市 gǔshì stock exchange / securities market / stock market / stock_market 召开 召開 zhàokāi convene / convoke 召开 召開 zhàokāi convene / convoke 运作 運作 yùnzuò operate / work 运作 運作 yùnzuò operate / work 出版 出版 chūbǎn come off the press / publish / come out 出版 出版 chūbǎn come off the press / publish / come out 藉 藉 jiè depend/rely on 观光 觀光 guānguāng rubberneck / take in / visit / sightsee / travel to / go sightseeing / tour 降低 降低 jiàngdī reduce / cut down / drop / lower 降低 降低 jiàngdī reduce / cut down / drop / lower 大约 大約 dàyuē about, around, probably, likely 来源 來源 láiyuán resource / wellspring / origin / provenance / quarter / root / source / beginning / springhead / fodder / fount / quarry / fountain / mint / parentage / whence / paternity 理由 理由 lǐyóu excuse / reasoning / reason / wherefore / argument / meaning / account / cause / room / alibi / substance / warranty / matter / justification / occasion / score / warrant / ground / sake / why / grounds / consideration / self-justification / skill 不断 不斷 búduàn unceasing / continuous 一点 一點 yīdiǎn a little / a bit 回答 回答 huídá answer / reply 青少年 青少年 qīngshàonián adolescent / stilyaga / teens / young person / teenager / teenagers / young people and teenagers / youths / youth / stripling / hobbledehoy / youngsters / younker 基本 基本 jīběn basic / elementary 一般 一般 yībān generally 看看 看看 kànkàn see / look at / watch / read / look upon / regard / call on / visit 合理 合理 hélǐ plausible / rational / reasonable / legitimate / equitable / sensible 采 採 cǎi pick / gather 跟 跟 gēn conj.: and 生物 生物 shēngwù living thing / organism 中华民国 中華民國 zhōnghuámínguó Republic_of_China / Republic of China 直到 直到 zhídào until / up to 叫 叫 jiào ask 气 氣 qì air / gas / smell / atmosphere / spirit 给予 給予 gěiyǔ bring / feed / offer / afford / hold_out / impart / adduce / lend / grant / contribute / given / concede / give to / give / bestow / add / put / render / deal / ladle / administer / assign / give_in / allow 中文 中文 zhōngwén Chinese / Ch. (written) language / Ch. language / Sinitic 法国 法國 fàguó France 答案 答案 dáàn result / script / resolution / solution / answer / key 规定 規定 guīdìng provide / formulate / fix / set 可能 可能 kěnéng possibility 准备 準備 zhǔnbèi intend / plan 金融 金融 jīnróng finance / banking 週 週 zhōu m.[standard] 下 下 xià put sth. into / apply / form (opinion/etc.) 农民 農民 nóngmín mujik / farmhand / granger / boor / farm worker / peasantry / countrymen / farmer / agriculture / husbandman / muzhik / peasant / fieldhand / moujik / fellah / muzjik 法令 法令 fǎlìng constitution / laws / ordinance / rescript / act / law / decretal / legislation / enactment / edict / law and decrees / regulation / ukase / decrees / decree / doom / ordonnance / statute / fiat / prescript / assize / commandment / legislative act 讯息 訊息 xùnxí communication / message / news / signal / info / data / intelligence / dispatch / information / messages / tidings / word 公里 公里 gōnglǐ m.[standard] 刚刚 剛剛 gānggāng just now / scarcely / fresh / only / exactly / a moment ago / hardly / but / just 红 紅 hóng in vogue / famous / redden / red / popular 较 較 jiào compare 声 聲 shēng m.[activity] 倍 倍 bèi -fold / multiplication / diameter / double / times / twice as much 加 加 jiā dramatise / plant / embroider / intercalate / lard / put in / blow up / inflict / deliver / aggrandize / plus / dramatize / increase / augment / embellish / augmentation / confer / append / add / pad / summate 民主 民主 mínzhǔ democracy / democratic rights 台北 臺北 táiběi Taibei / Taipei 无论 無論 wúlùn conj.: no matter what/how/etc. / regardless 办公室 辦公室 bàngōngshì agency / office / authority / government agency / bureau 一方面 一方面 yīfāngmiàn conj.: on one side, on the one hand..., on the other hand..., for one thing..., for another... 良好 良好 liánghǎo good / well 级 級 jí level / rank / grade 级 級 jí level / rank / grade 遊戏 遊戲 yóuxì recreation / game 道 道 dào doctrine / Daoism 酒 酒 jiǔ libation / bracer / plonk / wine / tipple / poison / pottle / spirits / creature / vin / cup / drink / hooch / arrack / medicine / alcohol / bottle / hootch / alcoholic drink / rum / bibble / potation / belly-wash / alcoholic beverage / Bacchus / booze / liquor / juice / fortifier / inebriant / lotion / intoxicant 形象 形象 xíngxiàng imagery / figure / form / picture / persona / image 跑 跑 pǎo travel / race / be away / escape / course / run errands / skirr / double / walk / be away/off / run away / be off / run about doing sth. / run / drive / paw the earth / run about doing ... / ride / leg 选择 選擇 xuǎnzé choice 导致 導致 dǎozhì bring / lead / bring_about / lead to / incite / result in / conduce / bring about / produce / bring_on / render / set off / spark_off / inspire / inflict / cause / land 提到 提到 tídào mention / refer to 气氛 氣氛 qìfēn mood / air / look / feeling / aura / aurae / spirit / smell / genius loci / feel / flavor / atmosphere / tone / karma / ambiance / ambience 动 動 dòng concuss / get moving / travel / go / use / eat or drink / act / arouse / stir / disturb / alter / touch / change / dynamic / locomote / move 院士 院士 yuànshì academician 指 指 zhǐ refer to 充分 充分 chōngfèn full / ample / abundant 现代 現代 xiàndài modern 必要 必要 bìyào necessary / indispensable 生态 生態 shēngtài ecological / ecosystem / biology / ecology / biota 汽车 汽車 qìchē automotive vehicle / machine / wheels / motorcar / motor vehicle / car / automotive / auto / wheel / autocar / motor / automobile / hoot / mobile / bus 例子 例子 lìzi exemplification / example / representative / illustration / instance / piece / case 有点 有點 yǒudiǎn kind_of / pretty / more or less / fairly / a_little / rather / something / somewhat / a bit / to some extent 博物馆 博物館 bówùguǎn museum 权力 權力 quánlì influence / rod / authoritativeness / clutches / whip_hand / dominance / say-so / reins / force / emirate / might / pretension / station / commission / grasp / leverage / danger / authority / place / power / arm / disposal / puissance 族群 族群 zúqún clan / race / tribe / group 妈 媽 mā a form of address for a married woman one generati / mummy / mum / mother / ma / mama / mam 墙 牆 qiáng wall 船 船 chuán bottom / body / ship / catcher / bow / bark / boat / shipboard / prow / watercraft / craft / drone / vessel / keel / sailer 基金会 基金會 jījīnhuì monetary fund / fundation / foundation / fund 诗 詩 shī verse form / poem / canto / verse / rhyme / number / song / poesy / poetry 杂志 雜誌 zázhì journal / bulletin / mag / magazine / periodical 生存 生存 shēngcún live / exist 且 且 qiě conj.: 且 且 qiě conj.: 天 天 tiān sky / heaven 小孩子 小孩子 xiǎoháizi dot / tyke / tiddler / pickaninny / child 生存 生存 shēngcún live / exist 大楼 大樓 dàlóu mansion / massif / hall / block / manse / edifice / building / multi-storied building / residence / mansion house 最好 最好 zuìhǎo had better / it would be best 读书 讀書 dúshū read / study / attend school 见到 見到 jiàndào see / meet / perceive 最佳 最佳 zuìjiā first-rate / best / superlative / optimum 出去 出去 chūqù go_out / go/get out / get_out / go out / get out / go / exit 想法 想法 xiǎngfǎ view / stance / mentality / idea / notion / sentiment / judgment / construct / thought / opinion / conception / viewpoint / judgement / belief / mind-set / what one has in mind / persuasion / perspective / concept / mind / impression 帮 幫 bāng help 医生 醫生 yīshēng Galen / MD / physician / Dr. / medic / doc / hakeem / medico / Aesculapius / medical man / surgeon / leech / doctor 坚持 堅持 jiānchí persist in / insist on 坚持 堅持 jiānchí persist in / insist on 创作 創作 chuàngzuò creative work / creation 广场 廣場 guǎngchǎng mews / agora / public square / concourse / carrefour / piazza / plaza / square / campus / place 成员 成員 chéngyuán member 留下 留下 liúxià stay / leave behind / leave / allocate / devote / entail / stick / stay behind / leave_behind / stay put / stick around / remain 森林 森林 sēnlín woodsy / jungle / forest / sylva / woods / wood / timberland / woodland / bocage / forestry / timber / greenwood 算 算 suàn consider / regard/count as 颗 顆 kē grain / m.[general] / 各 各 gè separately / differently 男女 男女 nánnǔ men and women 特性 特性 tèxìng attribute / distinctive feature / tang / a character / appanage / a characteristic / nature / trait / differentiation / data / habit / lineament / shtick / tone / distinction / identity / property / characteristic / specificity / ring / specialty / hair / character / cast / idiosyncrasy / specific / diagnosis / chemistry / feature / peculiarity / quality 影像 影像 yǐngxiàng simulacrum / blip / mental image / picture / portrait / video / image 遭 遭 zāo by 强烈 強烈 qiángliè strong / intense / violent 强烈 強烈 qiángliè strong / intense / violent 欸 欸 èi mild exclamation/sigh 解释 解釋 jiěshì explain / interpret / analyze 尽管 儘管 jǐnguǎn conj.: even though / despite 主动 主動 zhǔdòng on one's own initiative 喔 喔 wō of surprise 演出 演出 yǎnchū show / perform 文章 文章 wénzhāng nonsense / hidden meaning / writing / hidden / written material / article / implied meaning / essay / writings / literary works / patch / hidden/implied meaning 理想 理想 lǐxiǎng ideal / 重大 重大 zhòngdà great / major / crucial / weighty / whang / fatal / significant / grave 脚 腳 jiǎo foot / leg / base 演出 演出 yǎnchū show / perform 危险 危險 wéixiǎn dangerous / perilous 危险 危險 wéixiǎn dangerous / perilous 背景 背景 bèijǐng context / circumstance / locale / background / ground / stage setting / mise en scene / groundwork / background knowledge / frame / milieu / backcloth / scene / setting / backdrop 不少 不少 bùshǎo not few / many 唱 唱 chàng cry / chant / chirm / tune / vocalize / call / sing 即将 即將 jíjiāng in a short time / promptly / on the point of / at once / instantly / pronto / immediately / shortly / without delay / tout-de-suite / right away / forthwith / presently / soon / in a few seconds / before long / straightaway / in a minute / about to 大部分 大部分 dàbùfèn det.: most of, the majority of 通讯 通訊 tōngxùn communication / news report / newsletter 越来越 越來越 yuèláiyuè more_and_more / more and more 考试 考試 kǎoshì examination / test 考试 考試 kǎoshì examination / test 学期 學期 xuéqí school term / semester 反 反 fǎn counter / revolt / rebel / oppose / combat 心灵 心靈 xīnlíng psychical / mind / psyche / soul / spirit / mens / heart 获 獲 huò harvest / capture / obtain / get / catch / poll / be able to / reap / gather in / win 既然 既然 jìrán conj.: since / as / now that 设 設 shè set up / found 顾客 顧客 gùkè chap / client / shopper / correspondent / constituency / patronage / trade / market / guest / clientele / newspaperman / newspaperwoman / newswriter / pressman / customer agent / customer / business 家人 家人 jiārén relation / homefolk / inmate / kindred / household / relative / people / folks / kin / family members / family / kinsfolk / house 组 組 zǔ m.[general] 纷纷 紛紛 fēnfēn in droves / one_after_another / numerous and in great confusion 提升 提升 tíshēng promote / hoist / elevate 搞 搞 gǎo work / set up / work out / organize / cause / etc. / produce a certain effect / secure / manage / get hold of / carry / produce / organization / generalized doing: do / start / get / do / be engaged in / generalized doing: work/manage/etc. / make / generalized doing: do/work/manage/etc. 提升 提升 tíshēng promote / hoist / elevate 随时 隨時 suíshí whenever / whene'er / always / readily / whenever necessary / at all times / as occasion demands / at any time 譬如 譬如 pìrú for example / such as 子女 子女 zǐnǔ sons and daughters / children 确定 確定 quèdìng find / determination / make a point / pin down / narrow down / corroborate / prove / jell / settle / express / ensure / clench / assure / confirm / decide firmly / see / certain / define / clinch / nail_down / ascertain / determinate / guarantee / nail down / insure / fix / nail / peg / sustain / state / stipulate / secure / make_sure / seal / make sure / verify / find out / affirm / determine 公平 公平 gōngpíng fair / just / impartial 公平 公平 gōngpíng fair / just / impartial 视为 視為 shìwéi regard_as / deem / count / regard as / consider as / repute / look_on / regard/consider as / look_at / call / regard 技巧 技巧 jìqiǎo technics / artifice / superior skill / acquisition / acquirement / cunning / trick / dexterity / accomplishment / mechanism / craft / craftsmanship / technique / artistry / handiwork / mastery / handicraft / finesse / attainment / sleight / skill / implement / execution / prowess / ingenuity / art / method / dish / mechanics / knack / cup of tea / management / bag / proficiency / address / facility / virtuosity / workman 接着 接著 jiēzhe next / immediately after 画 畫 huà painting / pictures 领导 領導 lǐngdǎo lead / exercise leadership 领导 領導 lǐngdǎo lead / exercise leadership 小心 小心 xiǎoxīn beware / watch_out / keep one's eyes skinned / keep one's eyes peeled / careful / cautious / be careful / see / watch / guard / ware / cautionary / keep one's eyes open / take care / look_out / look out 主办 主辦 zhǔbàn sponsor / direct / direction / host / give 探讨 探討 tàntǎo inquire into / explore 赴 赴 fù repair / attendance / go / go to / come / seek / attend / betake 回 回 huí m.[general] 探讨 探討 tàntǎo inquire into / explore 回去 回去 huíqù go_home / go_back / retrocede / go back / be back / go / return 弟弟 弟弟 dìdì brother / little brother / younger brother / cadet / little_brother / viscount 风 風 fēng wind / common practice / custom / general mood / style / news / information 小学 小學 xiǎoxué primary school / elementary school 兴建 興建 xīngjiàn build / construct 兴建 興建 xīngjiàn build / construct 状态 狀態 zhuàngtài repair / form / lie / state (of affairs) / state of affairs / fix / status / going / plight / phase / condition / state / trimness / attitude / trim / shape / situation / posture / position / fettle / mode / predicament 支援 支援 zhīyuán backstop / support / side / help / patronize / root / stand by / bear / angel / hold out / back / see through / assist / assistance / sustain / back up 还是 還是 háishì conj.: or 治疗 治療 zhìliáo treatment / cure 衣服 衣服 yīfú clothes / wearing apparel / toggery / gear / tog / wear / bib-and-tucker / drapery / thing / dress / duds / vestment / wardrobe / clout / apparel / clothing / dud / wrapping / vesture / clobber / habit / robe / togs / livery / habilimentation / array / hull / garb / attire / attirement / stitch / rig / garment / raiment / wearable / dressing 名字 名字 míngzi first_name / forename / moniker / monaker / first name / monicker / cognomen / given name / name / patronymic / appellation 参考 參考 cānkǎo consult / refer to 女孩 女孩 nǔhái babe / damosel / quiff / number / young lady / damoiselle / gal / little girl / missy / young woman / demoiselle / damsel / fille / baby / girl / miss / petticoat / child / female child / mouse / she / colleen / daughter / damozel / moppet 男性 男性 nánxìng brother / male / him / man / male sex / adult male / mankind / masculine / mother's son / masculinity 教室 教室 jiàoshì classroom / schoolroom 太阳 太陽 tàiyáng Apollo / luminary / daystar / digit / sunlight / solar / sunshine / Phoebus / lamp / sun / Sol / fireball 在 在 zài be at/in/on 口 口 kǒu m.[general] 陈 陳 chén Surname 称为 稱為 chēngwéi call as 国民 國民 guómín citizen / country / citizenry / a people / nationality / nation / folk / subject / people / nationals / national / commonwealth / son / land 研讨会 研討會 yántǎohuì workshop / seminar / symposium 飞机 飛機 fēijī aerocraft / airplane / machine / craft / aeroplane / ship / aero / avion / aeronef / plane / aircraft 建筑师 建築師 jiànzhúshī surveyor / architect 王 王 wáng Rex / ameer / king / prince / emeer / monarch / shah / emir / amir / Surname / sovereign / Wang 究竟 究竟 jiùjìng actually / exactly / after all / in the end 花 花 huā flower / blossom / pattern / design / courtesan / prostitute 确实 確實 quèshí really / certainly / truly / indeed 公路 公路 gōnglù trunk road / calzada / route / main road / highroad / highway / road / thoroughfare / causeway / chaussee 至今 至今 zhìjīn thus_far / up_to_now / until_now / so far / to this day / up to now / to date / hitherto / erenow 天下 天下 tiānxià rule / world / China / domination / everywhere under heaven 考量 考量 kǎoliáng consider / think 考量 考量 kǎoliáng consider / think 日 日 rì Japan 管 管 guǎn run / manage / administer / have charge of / subject to discipline / bother about 少数 少數 shǎoshù det.: a few 判断 判斷 pànduàn judge / determine 快 快 kuài soon / quickly 扮演 扮演 bànyǎn play part of / play part of 判断 判斷 pànduàn judge / determine 扮演 扮演 bànyǎn play part of / play part of 相对 相對 xiāngduì be opposite / be face to face 校方 校方 xiàofāng school authorities 早已 早已 zǎoyǐ already / since / long ago / long ago/since / long since 读者 讀者 dúzhě audience / subscriber / reader 大会 大會 dàhuì synod / moot / conference / plenary meeting / congress / rally / plenum / mass meeting / plenary session 工人 工人 gōngrén navvy / hired man / operative / working person / laborer / shopworker / esne / working man / hired hand / worker / workpeople / workman / hand 数量 數量 shùliàng magnitude / scalar / aggregate / deal / measure / numerical quantity / measurement / sum / worth / amount / quantity / number 材料 材料 cáiliào making / aggregate / stuff / ingredients / food / ingredient / data / fodder / material / datum / stock / makings / data point / timber 建议 建議 jiànyì proposal / suggestion 特征 特徵 tèzhēng impress / trait / hallmark / cachet / stamp / characteristic / speciality / cast / feature / characteristic marks / features / artistic style / touch / trademark / earmark / particularity / nature / genius / imprint / lineament / mold / shtick / distinction / specificity / physiognomy / idiom / signature / character / salience / diagnosis / syndrome / stigma / stylemark / signalment 杀 殺 shā abatement / fight at close quarters / killing / go into battle / burn / reduction / slaughter / burn (of medicine) / fight / smite / abate / massacre / diddle / reduce / weaken / liquidate / smash / kill / slay / smart 算是 算是 suànshì regard_as / considered to be 革命 革命 gémìng revolt 革命 革命 gémìng revolt 国人 國人 guórén landsman / fellow countrymen / countryman / countrymen / compatriots 鱼 魚 yū paella / variegated carp / gudgeon / bighead / Yu / Surname / Argonaut / salmon / fish / catfish 操作 操作 cāozuò operate / manipulate 统计 統計 tǒngjì statistics 操作 操作 cāozuò operate / manipulate 德国 德國 déguó Deutschland / autobahn / FRG / Germany / German / Reich / Federal Republic of Germany 显然 顯然 xiǎnrán evidently / manifestly / clear / visibly / plainly / plain / distinctly / clearly / patently / apparently / obviously 信心 信心 xìnxīn trustfulness / trustingness / confidence / belief / affiance / religion / feeling / fay / trust / positiveness / notion / reliance / religious belief / faith / hope / impression 放弃 放棄 fàngqì depart / chuck up the sponge / scuttle / dispense with / throw in the towel / abort / throw in / flunk / foreswear / abnegate / pass / free / lay_down / abandonment / disclaim / part_with / pass_up / abdicate / release / ditch / abjure / jettison / waive / surrender / leave / give / recant / desert / give up / divest / yield / forswear / break / abandon / unguard / back_down / yield up / demit / relinquish / break_with / drop 懂 懂 dǒng have / comprehend / understanding / understand / compass / grasp / get the picture / glom / know / apprehend / twig / savvy / follow / make out / dig 治疗 治療 zhìliáo treat / cure 生活 生活 shēnghuó live 分析 分析 fēnxī analysis 忙 忙 máng hurry / hasten 建 建 jiàn establishment / erection / build / proposal / propose / set up / establish / found / advocate / erect / construction / construct 一生 一生 yīshēng lifetime / all / existence / life / throughout one's life / all one's life / career / all/throughout one's life 黑 黑 hēi black / dark / wicked / sinister / vicious / be greedy / extort 小说 小說 xiǎoshuō novel / offprint / fiction 主席 主席 zhǔxí chairwoman / presiding officer / president (of organization / chair / chair (of meeting) / prolocutor / chairperson / subchairman / chairmanship / state) / chairman / chair/president (of organization/state) / moderator / president 政大 政大 zhèngdà National Chengchi University 集团 集團 jítuán population / aggregate / circle / clique / grouping / bloc / phalanx / group / knot / aggregation 报名 報名 bàomíng register / inscribe / enter / enroll / enrol / enter one's name / sign up / recruit 理想 理想 lǐxiǎng ideal 着名 著名 zhùmíng famous / celebrated 道德 道德 dàodé value orientation / value-system / moral / code / moral principle / morals / morale / ethical motive / ethic / virtue / morality_play / morality / ethics / virtuousness / moral excellence 哪里 哪裡 nǎlǐ where 消失 消失 xiāoshī disappear / vanish / dissolve 消失 消失 xiāoshī disappear / vanish / dissolve 经由 經由 jīngyóu via / by way of 前面 前面 qiánmiàn front end / face / forepart / front / in front / ahead / preceding / above / fore / forgoing / frontage / obverse 遇到 遇到 yūdào come across / run_into / receive / meet with / encounter / run into / meet / befall 提 提 tí mention / refer to / promote / bring up 叫 叫 jiào cry / shout / yell 心态 心態 xīntài state_of_mind / state of mind / psychology 集中 集中 jízhōng concentrate / centralize / focus / put together 集中 集中 jízhōng concentrate / centralize / focus / put together 建筑物 建築物 jiànzhúwù foundation / shebang / erection / superstructure / buildup / architecture / construct / construction / edifice / building / structure / place / tenement / property / house / fabric 画面 畫面 huàmiàn frame / tableau / picture plane / picture / general appearance of a picture / picture_plane / appearance / TV screen / video 叫 叫 jiào cry / shout / yell 定 定 dìng decide 甚 甚 shèn muchly / extremely / very / bally / assai / more / what / more (than) / molto / greatly 可惜 可惜 kěxí it's a pity / unfortunately / it's too bad 把 把 bǎ m.[general] 医学 醫學 yīxué medicine / practice of medicine / medical science / leechcraft / physic / iatrology / medical 输入 輸入 shūrù import / input 百 百 bǎi cent / centum / century / hundred / det.: hundred 输入 輸入 shūrù import / input 型态 型態 xíngtài format 道理 道理 dàolǐ thread / principle / the right way / theory / reason / argument / sense / order / truth / rationality 愈来愈 愈來愈 yūláiyū even more / more_and_more / more and more 色彩 色彩 sècǎi hue / tincture / palette / tint / blazonry / leavening / tinct / grain / color / shade 歌 歌 gē song 现实 現實 xiànshí reality / actuality 婚姻 婚姻 hūnyīn connubiality / wedlock / marital / union / marriage / married couple / matrimonial / match / man and wife / matrimony 地球 地球 dìqiú the earth/globe / globe / world / Earth / ball / terrene / earth / the globe / the earth 指导 指導 zhǐdǎo guide / direct 指导 指導 zhǐdǎo guide / direct 架构 架構 jiàgòu construction / framework 进口 進口 jìnkǒu import 进口 進口 jìnkǒu import 论文 論文 lùnwén disquisition / memoir / paper / discourse / theme / treatise / thesis / article / tractate / dissertation 出国 出國 chūguó go abroad (from one's own country) 出国 出國 chūguó go abroad (from one's own country) 商品 商品 shāngpǐn article / product / merchandise / commodity / wares / ware / goods 市长 市長 shìzhǎng alcalde / city manager / mayor / portreeve / mayoral / civic leader / provost / civil leader / burgomaster 分为 分為 fēnwéi divide ... into / fall_into / divide(into) 梦 夢 mèng dream 以前 以前 yǐqián langsyne / ago / in the past / formerly / prevenient / before / previously 恐怕 恐怕 kǒngpà perhaps 死亡 死亡 sǐwáng be dead/doomed 哥哥 哥哥 gēgē big brother / elder brother / big_brother 档案 檔案 dǎngàn data file / documentation / record / archive / archives / file / dossier 死亡 死亡 sǐwáng be dead/doomed 满意 滿意 mǎnyì satisfy / well-pleasing / pleased / satisfied 满 滿 mǎn det.: entirely, wholly 可爱 可愛 kěài lovable / likeable / lovely 上海 上海 shànghǎi Shanghai 可爱 可愛 kěài lovable / likeable / lovely 休閒 休閒 xiūxián lie fallow 休閒 休閒 xiūxián lie fallow 有趣 有趣 yǒuqù merry / fascinating / interesting / fun / amusive / comic / amusing 职业 職業 zhíyè metier / vocation / iceman / mystery / engagement / work / walk of life / employment / job / occupational group / ploy / craft / trade / avocation / employ / racket / pursuit / profession / situation / line / occupation / position / calling / walk_of_life / career / billet / duty / living / shop 说法 說法 shuōfǎ way of saying sth. / wording / formulation / statement / version / argument 英文 英文 yīngwén English / English (language) / English language / English_language 紧张 緊張 jǐnzhāng be nervous 紧张 緊張 jǐnzhāng be nervous 预计 預計 yūjì estimate / view / predict / expect / calculate in advance / anticipate 兄弟 兄弟 xiōngdì brothers 体系 體系 tǐxì scheme / setup / system of rules / system / superstructure / cosmos / schema 间 間 jiān m.[general] 专案 專案 zhuānàn case / special case for investigation 孔子 孔子 kǒngzǐ Confucius 报导 報導 bàodǎo report 一半 一半 yíbàn det.: one half, in part, half 疾病 疾病 jíbìng trouble / attack / evil / ailment / affection / misery / malfunction / complaint / infirmity / disease / ill / illness / malady / decline / sickness / condition 其它 其它 qítā det.: others / the rest / other / else 外国 外國 wàiguó foreign / foreign country / outland / outremer 牠们 牠們 tāmen they (animal) 报纸 報紙 bàozhǐ paper / headliner / newspaper publisher / tabloid / copyreader / newspaper / rag / courant / newsprint / sheet / gazette / dailies 狗 狗 gǒu dog 协调 協調 xiétiáo coordinate / harmonize / bring into line 协调 協調 xiétiáo coordinate / harmonize / bring into line 念 念 niàn study / read / attend school / think_of / read aloud / think of / miss 哲学 哲學 zhéxué ism / philosophic / philosophical / philosophy / school of thought / doctrine 碰到 碰到 pèngdào come across / run_into / encounter / come_across / run into / touch / run_across / meet 提昇 提昇 tíshēng promote / hoist / elevate 提昇 提昇 tíshēng promote / hoist / elevate 关于 關於 guānyū about / with regard to / concerning 同仁 同仁 tóngrén fraternity / fellow worker / confrere / brotherhood / colleague 深入 深入 shēnrù thorough / deep-going 漫画 漫畫 mànhuà takeoff / cartoon / caricature 资金 資金 zījīn principal_sum / fund / bankroll / finance / coffer / ante / grubstake / munition / wherewithal / capital / working capital 比较 比較 bǐjiǎo compare / contrast 作业 作業 zuòyè work 比较 比較 bǐjiǎo compare / contrast 想像 想像 xiǎngxiàng imagine / ideate / suppose / picture / image / trow / envision / figure / dream / conceit / woolgather / conceive of / project / see / daydream / think / presume / envisage / stargaze / depicture / visualize / vision / feign / fancy / conceive / conjure_up / fantasy 短 短 duǎn short / brief 即可 即可 jíkě then could do something 西 西 xī W / Spain / west / occident / due west / western 相 相 xiāng each other / mutually 位置 位置 wèizhì positioning / site / stand / stance / about-face / lie / locality / spatial relation / setting / situs / locus / slot / ubiety / station / location / emplacement / ubication / situation / niche / positional / position / place / seat 错 錯 cuò wrong / mistaken / bad / poor / confused / complex 稳定 穩定 wěndìng stable / steady 寻找 尋找 xúnzhǎo comb / locate / quest / search / scout / chase / reconnoiter / look_around / look_for / look / look for / find_out / pick / reconnoitre / prospect / hunt / seek / rummage / shop 鸟 鳥 niǎo beak / caprimulgiform bird / jay / carinate bird / birdie / bird / carinate / chaffinch / flying bird / fowl 系 系 xì department (in a college) 如此 如此 rúcǐ so / such 系 系 xì department (in a college) 稳定 穩定 wěndìng stable / steady 长大 長大 zhǎngdà vegetate / be brought up / grow_up / maturate / grow / grow up / bulk / age / mature 促进 促進 cùjìn rush / help / step_up / advancement / progress / acceleration / subserve / encourage / facilitate / anticipate / accelerate / assist / fillip / expedite / advance / promotive / boost / further / provoke / hurry / redound / cultivate / induce / hasten / catalyze / speed / promote / contribute / impel / promotion / push / forward / stimulate / whet 人文 人文 rénwén letters / humanity / humanities 冲突 衝突 chōngtú conflict / clash 厨房 廚房 chúfáng office / cookery / cookhouse / kitchen / cookroom / but / caboose 海外 海外 hǎiwài oversea / overseas / abroad 表演 表演 biǎoyǎn perform / act / play / demonstrate 表演 表演 biǎoyǎn perform / act / play / demonstrate 再度 再度 zàidù once again / anew / eftsoons / second time / again / a second time / once more/again / once more 画 畫 huà draw / paint / draw line/sign / mark / decorate with painting/pictures 电信 電信 diànxìn telegraphy / telecommunications / telecommunication / telecom 反映 反映 fǎnyìng reflect / mirror / make known 北 北 běi atomic number 97 / northward / north / berkelium / Bk / northern 反映 反映 fǎnyìng reflect / mirror / make known 笔 筆 bǐ m.[general] 近 近 jìn almost 障碍 障礙 zhàngài discouragement / bottleneck / clog / bar / encumbrance / embarrassment / malfunction / jam-up / baffle / impediment / obstruction / rub / roadblock / stay / rubber / disturbance / balk / holdback / bunker / stymy / remora / obstacle / barrier / stumbling_block / hitch / handicap / lesion / hedge / snag / drawback / let / wall / crab / difficulty / penalty / hang-up / facer / hindrance / hurdle 焦点 焦點 jiāodiǎn focal point / point at issue / focal / focus / focal_point / central issue 忽然 忽然 hūrán suddenly 到处 到處 dàochù universally / everywhere / everyplace / far and near / about / around / far and wide / all_over / high_and_low / all over / throughout / high and low / far_and_near / passim / abroad / at all places 植物 植物 zhíwù vegetal / flora / herb / plant / grower / vegetable / plant life / vegetation / botanical / vegetive / dwarf / vegetative 显得 顯得 xiǎnde seem / look / appear 不一定 不一定 bùyīdìng not sure / maybe 摄影 攝影 shèyǐng photography 随 隨 suí v.2 right after v.1 概念 概念 gàiniàn estimate / conception / view / intention / image / estimation / idea / notion / concept / construct / paradox / approximation / impression 面积 面積 miànjī area unit / area / superficies / superficial / acreage / expanse / surface_area / square_measure / surface area / content / space / square measure 为何 為何 wèihé why / for what reason 高达 高達 gāodá reach up to 关键 關鍵 guānjiàn nub / turning_point / issue / crux / anchor / crux of the matter / juncture / hinge / mainstay / linchpin / lynchpin / key / backbone 作法 作法 zuòfǎ course of action / technique of writing / way of doing things / mode / practice / course / model 来到 來到 láidào arrive / come 如何 如何 rúhé how about it 来到 來到 láidào arrive / come 胡适 胡適 húshì philosopher / leading intellectual / leading intellectual, philosopher, exponent of vernacular writing / leading intellectual, philosopher, expon / exponent of vernacular writing 倒 倒 dào actually 人人 人人 rénrén everybody 仔细 仔細 zǐxì careful / be careful / look out 原 原 yuán originally / formerly 成就 成就 chéngjiù achievement / accomplishment / success 视 視 shì depend 行销 行銷 xíngxiāo sell 好几 好幾 hǎojǐ det.: several 辛苦 辛苦 xīnkǔ try / endure hardship / work hard / tug / tote / lug 年轻人 年輕人 niánqīngrén kid / sapling / young people / youngster / jack / young / young buck / chicken / kipper / youngling / punk / laddie / young_man / loon / young man / youth / stripling / shaveling / junior / sprat / whiffet / cub / springald / younker 信 信 xìn letter / mail / message 渐渐 漸漸 jiànjiàn gradually / by degrees / little by little 真 真 zhēn real / true 教材 教材 jiàocái textbook / teaching material 所 所 suǒ m.[general] 自然 自然 zìrán natural / free from affectation 动词 動詞 dòngcí verb 整理 整理 zhěnglǐ put in order / arrange 整理 整理 zhěnglǐ put in order / arrange 男生 男生 nánshēng brother / sonny boy / man / male / laddie / lad / boy student / male student / boy / schoolboy / sonny / cub / man student 遊客 遊客 yóukè traveler / holidaymaker / tourist / traveller / visitor / pilgrim / sightseer / tourism 等 等 děng till 女生 女生 nǔshēng schoolgirl / girl student / female student / female / girl / woman student / co-ed 对 對 duì m.[general] 怀疑 懷疑 huáiyí suspect / doubt 痛苦 痛苦 tòngkǔ be painful; pain 怀疑 懷疑 huáiyí suspect / doubt 痛苦 痛苦 tòngkǔ be painful; pain 交换 交換 jiāohuàn reciprocate / switching / barter / exchange / commute / switch / communicate / interchange / bandy / shift / trade / batter / truck / swop / change / counterchange / swap / clear / buy / transpose / change over / commune / turn around 互动 互動 hùdòng relate 互动 互動 hùdòng relate 设置 設置 shèzhì set/put up / install 张 張 zhāng Surname 设置 設置 shèzhì set/put up / install 留 留 liú continue / stay / keep / leave behind / leave / grow / accept / (let) grow / leave (sth.) / let grow / ask ... to stay / take / bide / wear / study in a foreign country / save / reserve / reservation / ask somebody to stay / remain 居住 居住 jūzhù inhabit / occupy / shack_up / locate / domicile / shack / abide / subsist / settle / live / howff / reside / indwell / populate / lodge in / quarter / dwell / people / belong / bide / hang_out / house / residence 因应 因應 yīnyìng in response to 丈夫 丈夫 zhàngfū masterman / man / papa / manliness / mister / goodman / married man / husband / hub / hubby 纪录 紀錄 jìlù minutes / notes / record / record 答 答 dá answer / reply / return (a call/etc.) / reciprocate 爱 愛 ài love 画家 畫家 huàjiā painterly / creative person / artist / painter / penman / artists 数字 數字 shùzì numeral / numerical / digit / amount / number / numeric / figure / digital / quantity 一向 一向 yīxiàng typically / all_along / up to now / always / consistently / all along / usually / forever 连线 連線 liánxiàn connect 以免 以免 yǐmiǎn conj.: in order to avoid, so as not to 固定 固定 gùdìng set / plant / imbed / fix / strap / jell / fixed / affix / peg / stick / clench / rivet / regularization / rigidify / embed / infix / anchor / fixate / hold / regularize / implant / stitch / stabile / engraft / fasten / immobilize / moor / peg down / flat 通信 通信 tōngxìn communicate by letter / correspond 连线 連線 liánxiàn connect 通信 通信 tōngxìn communicate by letter / correspond 恢复 恢復 huīfù resume / renew / recover / regain / restore / reinstate / rehabilitate 修正 修正 xiūzhèng revise / amend / correct 修正 修正 xiūzhèng revise / amend / correct 景观 景觀 jǐngguān view / perspective / aspect / scene / prospect / vista / panorama / landscape 线 線 xiàn thread / string / wire 县市 縣市 xiànshì county and city 他人 他人 tārén others / another person 恢复 恢復 huīfù resume / renew / recover / regain / restore / reinstate / rehabilitate 基于 基於 jīyū on the basis of / in view of / because of 只是 只是 zhǐshì conj.: however / but then 实现 實現 shíxiàn realize / achieve / bring about 演讲 演講 yǎnjiǎng lecture / speech 男子 男子 nánzǐ man / male 实现 實現 shíxiàn realize / achieve / bring about 具备 具備 jùbèi be provided with / supply / render / have / furnish / possess / provide / possession 奇怪 奇怪 qíguài wonder 空气 空氣 kōngqì air / airspace / atmosphere / aerial / deflector / atmospherics 会员 會員 huìyuán member 取 取 qǔ have / withdraw / choose / assume / take away / adopt / assumption / select / draw_out / withdrawal / obtain / remove / take / fetch / get / aim at / pick_up / sponge / adoption 深刻 深刻 shēnkè deep / profound 漂亮 漂亮 piàoliàng posh / handsome / brilliant / remarkable / splendid / beautiful / smart 菜 菜 cài vegetable / greens / dish / course / food 希望 希望 xīwàng hope 相互 相互 xiānghù each other / mutually / one another / in return / reciprocally 多数 多數 duōshù trillions / millions / mort / relative majority / throng / det : majority / prevalence / multitude / lac / Host / host / bulk / horde / raft / million / lakh / rimption / pack / skit / strength / acre / generality / ruck / chunk / number / shoal / multiplicity / billions / preponderance / jillions / zillions / grist / world / majority / meiny / regiment / legion / mass / plurality 总经理 總經理 zǒngjīnglǐ CEO / general_manager / chief executive officer / chief operating officer / executive / managing director / general manager / president 很多 很多 hěnduō many / much 收 收 shōu receive / accept / take in/back / gather in / conclude / stop 权利 權利 quánlì privilege / claim / merit / title / entitlements / escheatage / right / dib / authority / competency / obligation / pretension / prescription / dibs 照片 照片 zhàopiàn snapshot / shot / likeness / picture / photo / icon / image / caption / exposure / photograph / pic / ikon 病 病 bìng disease 物质 物質 wùzhí stuff / material / substance / materiality / matter 宿舍 宿舍 sùshè berth / serai / hall / dorm room / lodging_house / dormitory room / dorm / hostel / billet / dormitory / living quarters / house 即 即 jí be / mean 教练 教練 jiàoliàn training / drillmaster / wise man / tutor / drilling / handler / coacher / coach / instructor / private instructor / trainer / mentor 宇宙 宇宙 yǔzhòu all / cosmic / existence / world / creation / system / macrocosm / metagalactic / nature / cosmos / universal / universe 更加 更加 gèngjiā (even) more 住宅 住宅 zhùzhái shebang / dwelling_house / dwelling / roof / abode / residential / home / toft / howff / housing / habitation / homesite / tenement / place / residence / house / property 明白 明白 míngbái clarify / downright / recognize / agnize / tumble / follow / make out / catch / understand / discern / think / know / seize / agnise / twig / realize / get / realization 竟然 竟然 jìngrán unexpectedly / to one's surprise 光 光 guāng light / ray / brightness / honor / glory / luster 迅速 迅速 xùnsù fast / speedy / rapid / prompt 睡 睡 shuì sleep 大多数 大多數 dàduōshù det.: most of, the majority of 不良 不良 bùliáng unhealthy / harmful / bad 自动 自動 zìdòng automatic 哦 哦 ó particle: used when informing somebody of st. (to draw people's attention); indicating mild imperative/suggestion/exclamation/guess/etc. 突破 突破 túpò make a breakthrough / surmount 后面 後面 hòumiàn rear / back / in the rear / latter / behind / rearward / at the back 污染 污染 wūrǎn pollute / contaminate 污染 污染 wūrǎn pollute / contaminate 陆续 陸續 lùxù continuously / one after another / in succession 飞 飛 fēi hover in the air / flight / hover / volatilize / wing / disappear through volatilization / flutter / skip / hover/flutter in the air / fly / blow / flutter in the air / flit 内心 內心 nèixīn interior / inner being / conscience / inside / breast / bosom / innermost being / incenter / heart 女子 女子 nǔzǐ lady / female / femme / young lady / adult female / missy / young woman / fem / moll / womankind / fille / damsel / girl / miss / woman / wren / blade 玻璃 玻璃 bōlí plastic / vitrum / putty / vitreous / nylon / window / windowpane / cutter / glass 神 神 shén god / supreme / architect / Thor / superpersonality / Providence / providence / Deus / immortal / energy / numen / Being / divine / being / Surname / maker / Allah / vitality / look / deity / spirit / gum / omnipotent / anthropomorphism / expression / mind / soul / omniscience / immortality / omniscient / kami / Elohim / divinity 中 中 zhōng China 市民 市民 shìmín citizen / burgess / citizenry / metropolitan / townsman / townsfolk / town / towner / civic / residents of a city / townee / burgher / townspeople 承认 承認 chéngrèn receive / acknowledge / okay / approbate / validate / recognize / avow / admittance / count / confess / sanctify / grant / countersign / avouch / admit / acknowledgement / reckon / own / sanction / give diplomatic recognition / concede / cede / give / ratify / agree / recognise / accept / recognition / yield / allow / endorse / profess 不满 不滿 bùmǎn resentful / dissatisfied 不满 不滿 bùmǎn resentful / dissatisfied 年龄 年齡 niánlíng summer / age 近 近 jìn det.: close 记忆 記憶 jìyì memory 打算 打算 dǎsuàn mean / specify / plan / think / intention / propose / design / purpose / contemplate / allot / destine / calculate / intend / designate / be after 应用 應用 yìngyòng apply / use 老板 老闆 lǎobǎn proprietor / chief / shopkeeper / Tuan / baas / honcho / hirer / storekeeper / milord / bwana / mugwump / cit / market keeper / buckra / governor / boss / joss / tradesman / employer / guv 成熟 成熟 chéngshú ripe / mature 成熟 成熟 chéngshú ripe / mature 进 進 jìn enter / come/go into / advance 证明 證明 zhèngmíng prove / testify / bear out 证明 證明 zhèngmíng prove / testify / bear out 国立 國立 guólì run / state / state maintained / national / state-run / state-maintained / national run / state/national maintained/run / national maintained 施工 施工 shīgōng work on (of construction) 施工 施工 shīgōng work on (of construction) 口 口 kǒu mouth 名 名 míng name / fame / reputation 叫做 叫做 jiàozuò clepe / be known as / be called / call 入 入 rù agree with / set (of sun) / set / take in / join / receive / be admitted into / become a member of / enter / descend / infiltrate / conform with / conform to / interlard 包含 包含 bāohán comprehend / consist of / subtend / imply / boast / go / colligate / include / hold / encompass / embrace / bear / carry / comprise / incorporate / cover / embody / connote / consist in / house / subsume / contain 场所 場所 chángsuǒ site / digging / terrain / locality / point / arena / scene / room / locus / location / locale / stead / scene of action / lieu / amenity / meridian / where / spot / space / land site / place / seat 后 後 hòu rear / back / behind 行 行 xíng go / travel / prevail / circulate / be current 休息 休息 xiūxí repose / have / lie dormant / respire / take time off / have a rest / take a rest / take off / relax / take_time_off / have/take a rest / rest 从来 從來 cónglái all along / at all times / always 东 東 dōng east 要是 要是 yàoshì conj.: if / suppose / in case 适应 適應 shìyìng be accustomed to / conform / be used to / fit / humor / gear / orient / phase / adjust / accommodate / be accustomed / be inure to / get used to / adaptation / adapt / suit 工会 工會 gōnghuì trade/labor union 原 原 yuán primary / original 听说 聽說 tīngshuō hear / understand / learn / rumor / hear that... / hear/understand that... / be told / understand that... / hear of 高级 高級 gāojí high-level, high-class, quality 距离 距離 jùlí distance 不易 不易 búyì uneasy 有没有 有沒有 yǒuméiyǒu have or not have 不易 不易 búyì uneasy 人性 人性 rénxìng reason / hypostasis / humanitarianism / normal human feelings / humanness / humanity / humanism / human nature / flesh / humanistic / manhood 走到 走到 zǒudào go to 拍 拍 pāi clap / pat / lick somebody's boots 马 馬 mǎ horse 规则 規則 guīzé rule / regulation 以外 以外 yǐwài other than / except / beyond / outside 关怀 關懷 guānhuái show loving care/concern for 关怀 關懷 guānhuái show loving care/concern for 另一方面 另一方面 lìngyīfāngmiàn conj.: on the other hand 实力 實力 shílì strength / actual strength / efficiency 靠 靠 kào lean against / keep to / get near / come up to / near / depend/rely on 假如 假如 jiǎrú conj.: if / supposing / in case 研发 研發 yánfā research and develop / R&D / research and develop something / research and development 攻击 攻擊 gōngjí attack / assault / accuse / vilify 攻击 攻擊 gōngjí attack / assault / accuse / vilify 干部 幹部 gànbù organizer / staff / cadre 资格 資格 zīgé claim / credential / prerequisite / character / capability / qualifications / requirement / qualification / capacity / root/basis part of a character / status / sufficiency / seniority / competence / fitness / competency / condition 引进 引進 yǐnjìn recommend / introduce from elsewhere 引进 引進 yǐnjìn recommend / introduce from elsewhere 做到 做到 zuòdào achievement / accomplishment / achieve / accomplish 吃饭 吃飯 chīfàn feed / dine / make a living / keep alive / have a meal / eat 保险 保險 bǎoxiǎn insurance 发行 發行 fāxíng issue / publish / distribute / put on sale 发行 發行 fāxíng issue / publish / distribute / put on sale 坏 壞 huài spoiled 证券 證券 zhèngquàn document / bond / bill / stock certificate / security / certificate / portfolio / bond certificate / negotiable securities / stock 大幅 大幅 dàfú to a great extent 还有 還有 háiyǒu conj.: furthermore / in addition 公斤 公斤 gōngjīn m.[standard] 性质 性質 xìngzhí kidney / attribute / fibre / description / affection / temper / nature / self / mold / temperament / property / composition / character / hair / bent / kind / disposition / habitude / meridian / dimension / quality / note / sort 某些 某些 mǒuxiē little / some / det.: come 幸福 幸福 xìngfú happy 幸福 幸福 xìngfú happy 以上 以上 yǐshàng the above/foregoing/above-mentioned 明确 明確 míngquè define / make clear/definite / make definite / definite / make clear 联盟 聯盟 liánméng conference / alliance / coalition / hookup / ally / Verein / confederacy / federacy / circuit / combination / Bund / confederation / federation / union / bloc / league / axis 主持 主持 zhǔchí preside / head / care of / take care of / preside over / chair / minister / sponsor / direct / uphold / direction / take charge/care of / take charge of / moderate / emcee / celebrate / manage / host / mastermind / officiate / stand for / managment / run / take charge / compere 一再 一再 yīzài repeatedly / again and again / time and again / over_and_over 保育 保育 bǎoyū child care 师生 師生 shīshēng teacher and student 立委 立委 lìwěi legislator 改 改 gǎi alteration / rectification / transformation / change / correct / put ... right / transform / rectify / revision / switch over to / ameliorate / revise / put right / amend / correction / gybe / alter 年 年 nián age / New Year / a period in one's life / a period in history / harvest 保育 保育 bǎoyū child care 多半 多半 duōbàn det : the greater part 管道 管道 guǎndào pipeline / conduit / piping / channel (for communication/etc.) 绝不 絕不 juébù to no degree / by no means / scarcely / nowise / not by a long sight / not by a blame sight / never / ne'er / hardly 报 報 bào newspaper / periodical / bulletin / telegram 认同 認同 rèntóng identify, have meeting of the minds 认同 認同 rèntóng identify, have meeting of the minds 一致 一致 yīzhì symphonize / coheiress / identical / quadrate / accord / coincide / equate / homologize / answer / comport / concur / consist / unanimous / chime_in / agree / jibe / unite / square / correspond / consort 最多 最多 zuìduō the majority 股票 股票 gǔpiào capital stock / share / stock certificate / security / share certificate / stock 作者 作者 zuòzhě composer / author / writer / wright / paragrapher / auteur / paternity 岛 島 dǎo island / isle 细胞 細胞 xìbāo cell 病毒 病毒 bìngdú worm / viral / virus 卫生 衛生 wèishēng hygiene / health / sanitation 易 易 yì easy 抗议 抗議 kàngyì protest 免费 免費 miǎnfèi be free of charge / free_of_charge / gratuitous / gratis 抗议 抗議 kàngyì protest 教育局 教育局 jiàoyūjú Bureau of Education 哪 哪 na particle: formed by linking syllable ending in n with particle a 农业 農業 nóngyè farm / farming / geoponics / husbandry / agricultural / plow / agriculture 管制 管制 guǎnzhì regulate / govern / guard / break_in / tie_up / tutor / regularize / put under surveillance / order / control 一定 一定 yīdìng certain 自动化 自動化 zìdònghuà automation 展示 展示 zhǎnshì reveal / lay bare 展示 展示 zhǎnshì reveal / lay bare 情感 情感 qínggǎn affect / friendship / sensibility / bond / emotion / bosom / breast / sentiment / emotional / chasm / feeling / feelings 热 熱 rè hot 一边 一邊 yībiān at the same time / simultaneously;on the one/other hand 自动化 自動化 zìdònghuà automation 忘 忘 wàng forget / overlook / neglect 拒绝 拒絕 jùjué deny / rebut / bar / repel / naysay / scout / abnegate / overrule / reject / decline / disclaim / eliminate / refusal / deduct / turn away / snub / shut / thumb / debar / abjure / override / exclude / recant / turndown / withhold / renunciate / retract / repudiate / forswear / turn_down / turn down / nill / kick / brush_off / repulse / rule out / brush off / recoup / pass up / rebuff / rejection / renounce / refuse / nix / foreclose 只有 只有 zhǐyǒu conj.: only, alone 妻子 妻子 qīzǐ frow / feme / married woman / wifelike / wife / woman / femme / missis / squaw 行业 行業 hángyè metier / mystery / profession / line / game / craft / calling / trade / industry / biz / walk_of_life / racket / living 经理 經理 jīnglǐ amaldar / intendant / manager / steward / executive / managing director / exec / director / skipper / syndic / executive director 那样 那樣 nàyàng that kind of / like that 和平 和平 hépíng mild / peaceful 和平 和平 hépíng mild / peaceful 哭 哭 kū greet / cry / weep 城 城 chéng wall / city wall / city / kasbah / town / township / burgh / castle / burg 根 根 gēn m.[general] 主人 主人 zhǔrén lord / housemaster / host / symposiarch / marse / bwana / padrone / boss / master / baas / provider / mast / owner / landlord 厂 廠 chǎng factory / mill / plant / works / yard / depot 厂 廠 chǎng factory / mill / plant / works / yard / depot 大人 大人 dàrén grownup / adult / milord / respectful salutation for one's seniors/ / grown-up / respectful salutation for one's parents / Your Excellency / panjandrum / Highness / respectful salutation for one's parents/seniors/etc. / Tuan / Bahadur / bahadur / sahib 机器 機器 jīqì enginery / life / machinery / machine / plant / apparatus / engine / gizmo 不得 不得 bùdé must/may not / not be allowed 桥 橋 qiáo backbend / fret / span / pons / pier arch / bridge / spar 以下 以下 yǐxià the following 幅 幅 fú vector / width of cloth / size / piece / m.[general] / 公分 公分 gōngfēn m.[standard] 失败 失敗 shībài be defeated / fail / lose 失败 失敗 shībài be defeated / fail / lose 真实 真實 zhēnshí true / real / authentic / factual 主张 主張 zhǔzhāng advocate / stand for / maintain / hold 外面 外面 wàimiàn surface / outward appearance / without / outside / exterior 首 首 shǒu det.: first 直 直 zhí directly / straight / continuously / just / simply 真实 真實 zhēnshí true / real / authentic / factual 车子 車子 chēzi vehicle 星期 星期 xīngqí Sunday / week 表面 表面 biǎomiàn crust / superficial / facing / show / exterior / obverse / rind / face / superficies / top / outside / appearance / facade / surface / bosom / window dressing 纽约 紐約 niǒuyuē New York (city in American) 做法 做法 zuòfǎ way of doing sth. / modus_operandi / practice / manner / method / making sth. / way of making sth. / shtick / way / way of doing / way of doing/making sth. / personal manner 创意 創意 chuàngyì create new meanings / get-up-and-go / unique idea / new idea 台中 台中 táizhōng Taichung (big city in Taiwan) 乃 乃 nǎi therefore 构成 構成 gòuchéng constitute / form / compose / make up 网际 網際 wǎngjì internet 怎么办 怎麼辦 zěnmebàn what should someone do? 事务 事務 shìwù pursuit / shebang / routine / affair / work / concern / general affairs / desk / business / matter / transaction 眼前 眼前 yǎnqián before one's eyes 构成 構成 gòuchéng constitute / form / compose / make up 警察 警察 jǐngchá police officer / cop / trooper / bluecoat / finest / jack / peon / policeman / police force / constable / policemen / flattie / fuzz / constabulary / shamus / bull / bobby / robert / copper / tipstaff / rozzer / flatfoot / john / peeler / Vopo / law / runner / officer / gumshoe / pig / police / the police / beetle-crusher / flic 个性 個性 gèxìng kidney / specific property / personalism / fibre / individuation / personhood / particularity / fiber / character / individual character / self-identity / mentality / idiosyncrasy / spirit / individuality / individualism / selfhood / personality 研究院 研究院 yánjiùyuàn research institute / academy 意愿 意願 yìyuàn will / wish / desire / inclination / aspiration / request / pleasure 视讯 視訊 shìxùn visual signal / video / display 体制 體制 tǐzhì frame / organization / system of organization / framework / system / apparatus / framing / organisation 经济部 經濟部 jīngjìbù Ministry of Economic Affairs 感受 感受 gǎnshòu perception / sentiment / mood 负责人 負責人 fùzérén sponsor / point man / leading cadre / person in charge / undertaker / keeper 阳光 陽光 yángguāng sunray / shine / sun / sunlight / sunshine / sunbeam 用来 用來 yònglái in order to / so as to 修 修 xiū embellish / decorate / repair / mend / overhaul / build / construct / trim / prune 机场 機場 jīchǎng landing field / flying field / airfield / airport / airdrome / field / aerodrome 中东 中東 zhōngdōng Middle East 不用 不用 búyòng need not 妹妹 妹妹 mèimèi little_sister / sis / younger sister / little sister / sister 顾问 顧問 gùwèn counsellor / advisor / councillor / friend / consultant / counsellorship / counselorship / adviser / counselor 上市 上市 shàngshì go/appear on market 上市 上市 shàngshì go/appear on market 退休 退休 tuìxiū to retire / to go into retirement / to step down 退休 退休 tuìxiū to retire / to go into retirement / to step down 肯 肯 kěn be willing/ready to 早 早 zǎo early / premature 权益 權益 quányì rights and interests 店 店 diàn shop / store / inn 店 店 diàn shop / store / inn 够 夠 gòu quite 决定 決定 juédìng decision / resolution 审查 審查 shěnchá examine / investigate 审查 審查 shěnchá examine / investigate 轻 輕 qīng light / agile / alert / easy / simple / rash / reckless / unimportant / frivolous / slight / neglect 处 處 chù m.[general] 望 望 wàng gaze into distance / observe 年纪 年紀 niánjì years / old age / age 交易 交易 jiāoyì deal / trade / transaction 房间 房間 fángjiān apartment / aspect / houseroom / room / chamber / bedroom 性格 性格 xìnggé fibre / make-up / mettle / humor / nature / complexion / capacity / mentality / mould / mold / being / streak / temperament / personality / character / fiber / disposition / strain / makeup / make 毕竟 畢竟 bìjìng after all / when all is said and done 词典 詞典 cídiǎn lexicon / dictionary 平衡 平衡 pínghéng balance 平衡 平衡 pínghéng balance 哦 哦 ó softly chant (poem); recite (poem) with cadence 苦 苦 kǔ be troubled by / suffer from / cause somebody suffering / bitter 拉 拉 lā slit / press-gang / help / solicit / lend a helping hand / canvass / draw / zoom / transport by vehicle / pull / release / press / cut / schlep / play (bowed instruments) / tote / tug / gash / tow / bend / snake / schlepp / move (troops) / solicitation / haul / chat / solicit (business) / give a helping hand / drag out / force / play / slash / drum_up / claw / implicate / overstretch / empty the bowels / drag / trail / drag 大小 大小 dàxiǎo calibre / measurement / admeasurement / bulk / proportion / magnitude / extent / degree of seniority / dimension / girth / size / adults and children 佳 佳 jiā fine / beautiful / distinguished 保留 保留 bǎoliú continue to have / retain / hold back / reserve 保留 保留 bǎoliú continue to have / retain / hold back / reserve 玩具 玩具 wánjù yo-yo / bauble / plaything / toy / teether / knickknack 密切 密切 mìqiè osculate / intimate / close 不过 不過 búguò only, merely 打开 打開 dǎkāi unscrew / undo / break_out / open up / unbar / unpack / unwind / shoot / turn / switch_on / open / switch on / unroll / turn/switch on / unclose / straighten / unfold / crack / unwrap / ope / turn_on / turn on / chop 南 南 nán Yugoslavia / South / Nan / south / Surname / S / due south / austral / southern 乱 亂 luàn indiscriminate / riot / mix up / arbitrary / confused / throw into diorder / confuse / jumble / confusion / random / mishandle / in a turmoil / in a confused state of mind / snarl / in disorder / disturb 予以 予以 yūyǐ give 供应 供應 gōngyìng supply 文明 文明 wénmíng civilization / culture 按 按 àn according to / in accordance with 相处 相處 xiāngchǔ get along (with one another) 供应 供應 gōngyìng supply 相处 相處 xiāngchǔ get along (with one another) 消费 消費 xiāofèi expenditure 激烈 激烈 jīliè drastic / fierce / heated / acute / sharp / intense 付出 付出 fùchū pay / expend 付出 付出 fùchū pay / expend 竞争 競爭 jìngzhēng compete 基金 基金 jījīn finances / endowment fund / foundation / fundation / treasury / fund / corpus / endowment / exchequer / investment firm / investment trust / investment company 好处 好處 hǎochù pull / profit / advantage / stead / benefit / virtu / welfare / virtue / good / behoof / goodness / gain / pap / beauty / beaut 作家 作家 zuòjiā penster / scribe / ink-slinger / pen / inkslinger / writer / wright / novelist / litterateur / literator / tragedian / composer / author / penman / biobibliography / bookman 若是 若是 ruòshì conj.: if / supposing 金钱 金錢 jīnqián pewter / splosh / green / Oscar / siller / gelt / tin / coin / roll / dollar sign / funds / dollar mark / shekels / wealth / lucre / pecuniary / dinero / bankroll / dough / scratch / bread / means / moolah / shekel / shiner / cabbage / kale / spondulicks / pelf / oof / money / loot / wampum / brass / dollar 落实 落實 luòshí fix/decide in advance / ascertain / make sure / fulfill / implement / put into effect 落实 落實 luòshí fix/decide in advance / ascertain / make sure / fulfill / implement / put into effect 现有 現有 xiànyǒu now available / existing 等于 等於 děngyū be equal to / tantamount to / equal / be equal / amount / reach / be / be equivalent to 懂得 懂得 dǒngde experience / know / live / understanding / understand / twig / gaum / grasp 改进 改進 gǎijìn improve 分配 分配 fēnpèi distribute / allot / assign 购物 購物 gòuwù shopping 世纪 世紀 shìjì one C / centred / C / century / age / hundred / 100 共识 共識 gòngshì wavelength / common understanding / consensus 分配 分配 fēnpèi distribute / allot / assign 航空 航空 hángkōng air / aerospace / aerial / air travel / air power / aeronautical / navigation / voyage / aviation / aeronautic 累积 累積 lěijī accumulate 累积 累積 lěijī accumulate 法规 法規 fǎguī rule of law / proscription / ordinance / codification / laws and regulations / law / legislation / interdiction / rule / code / statutes / statute / canon / legislative act / law and regulations / prescription / prohibition / ban 程序 程序 chéngxù rules of order / parliamentary law / instruction / process / procedure / agenda / instance / parliamentary procedure / system / order / proceeding / programme / method / sequence / course / program 购物 購物 gòuwù shopping 贡献 貢獻 gòngxiàn contribution 特质 特質 tèzhí attribute / distinctive feature / make-up / particularity / ethos / a speciality / point / lineament / colour / identification / property / distinction / thing / speciality / difference / specialty / character / idiosyncrasy / feeling of identity / distinctiveness / specialness / makeup / spot / dimension / peculiarity / quality 任务 任務 rènwù imperative / assignment / cue / duty assignment / task / service / chore / labor / errand / job / lookout / undertaking / mission / military mission / duty / project / role 民意 民意 mínyì public_opinion / popular will 轻松 輕鬆 qīngsōng light / relaxed 军事 軍事 jūnshì war / martial / military affairs / legion / military 野生 野生 yěshēng desert / wild / godforsaken / waste / feral / uncultivated 道 道 dào m.[event] 形容 形容 xíngróng characterize / description / describe 展现 展現 zhǎnxiàn unfold before one's eyes 展现 展現 zhǎnxiàn unfold before one's eyes 挑战 挑戰 tiǎozhàn a challenge to battle/contest 河 河 hé watercourse / stream / Yellow River / fluvial / river / drink 起 起 qǐ to run up / to lift / to rise 满 滿 mǎn quite / very 辆 輛 liàng m.[general] 球 球 qiú ball 同 同 tóng together / in common 其次 其次 qícì conj.: next / second 统治 統治 tǒngzhì dominate / rule 统治 統治 tǒngzhì dominate / rule 跳 跳 tiào ricochet / make omissions / sell grain / vault / hop / bounce / bound / omission / omit / palpitate / move up and down / skip over / beat / take / spring / skip / dance / hurdle / skip (over) / jump / leap 严格 嚴格 yángé rigorously enforce / rigorous / tight / grim / strict 想起 想起 xiǎngqǐ retrieve / think back / envisage / hit / echo / remember / think_of / call to mind / recall / recollect / think of 楼 樓 lóu storey / Lou / tower / superstructure / storied building / story / floor / Surname / a storied building 修改 修改 xiūgǎi revise / amend / alter 投资人 投資人 tóuzīrén investor 修改 修改 xiūgǎi revise / amend / alter 帮忙 幫忙 bāngmáng assist / aid / smile / lend a hand / do a favour / help / oblige / give a hand / do favor / do a good turn 类型 類型 lèixíng category / species / genre / portrait / nature / stamp / cast / type 波 波 bō m.[event] 毛 毛 máo Mao / wool / bristle / nap / pilus / down / feather / mold / mildew / Surname / hair / 1 1 0 th yuan / 1 0 th yuan / dime / silk / cent / fur / marking 饭店 飯店 fàndiàn restraurant / restaurant / hotel 超越 超越 chāoyuè overpass / get_ahead / outdo / overshoot / outstrip / overstep / excel / outgo / outgrow / outmatch / overpeer / surpass / tower / exceed / overrun / outrun / transcend / cut_across / forerun / outclass / soar / transgress / antecede / beggar / break / outdistance / surmount 雨 雨 yǔ rain 必要 必要 bìyào need 旁边 旁邊 pángbiān by the side of / side / adjacency / near by 依然 依然 yīrán notwithstanding / natheless / withal / even so / yet / nonetheless / nevertheless / all the same / however / still / as before 看出 看出 kànchū perceive / tell / see / espy / discover / discern / make out / descry 旅行 旅行 lǔxíng travel / journey / tour 旅行 旅行 lǔxíng travel / journey / tour 熟悉 熟悉 shóuxī know sth. well / know somebody well / get into / ken / have an intimate knowledge of / acquaint / know sth. / know ... well / familiar / know sth./somebody well / be familiar with / somebody well 不同 不同 bùtóng difference 抓 抓 zhuā clutch / cop / grab / press-gang / scrape / arrest / hent / catch / pay special attention to / be responsible for / scratch up / take charge of / paw / grasp / scratch / claw / nab / clapperclaw / glom / seize / capture / snatch / prehend / stress 餐厅 餐廳 cāntīng dining hall / restaurant / eating place / eating house / hall / dining_room / rathskeller / brasserie / dining room/hall / refectory / dining room / lunchroom / diner / inn 不妨 不妨 bùfáng there is no harm in / might as well 平等 平等 píngděng equal 平等 平等 píngděng equal 困难 困難 kùnnán difficulty / straitened circumstances / dire straits 颜色 顏色 yánsè companion / countenance / pigment / coloring / tincture / dyestuff / colour / facial expression / tinct / grain / colouring / color 谈到 談到 tándào cite / speak_to / name / hit / about / speak / refer / speak about / mention / advert / allude / speak_of / speak of / talk about / bring up / touch_on / touch on / touch 弹性 彈性 tánxìng elasticity 从此 從此 cóngcǐ hereon / hence / henceforth / thereupon / therefrom / from now on / from then on 哈 哈 hā sound of laughter, haha 待 待 dài till 硬体 硬體 yìngtǐ hardware 种子 種子 zhǒngzi pippin / berry / pip / edible seed / key / spore / seed / canary seed 份子 份子 fènzǐ share for a joint undertaking, as in buy / member / gift of money / share for a joint undertaking, as in buying a gift 命运 命運 mìngyùn foredoom / lot / appointment / lottery / fortune / chance / dole / circumstances / allotment / predestination / cup / luck / fare / destiny / portion / kismet / fate / doom / line / fatality / weird / hazard / karma 看起来 看起來 kànqǐlái it looks as if / on the face of it / it appears / it seems / ostensibly / seemingly / apparently / it look as if 规范 規範 guīfàn constraint / norm 演奏 演奏 yǎnzòu give instrumental performance 演奏 演奏 yǎnzòu give instrumental performance 癌症 癌症 yánzhèng carcinomatosis / cancer 艺术家 藝術家 yìshùjiā poet / creative person / longhair / artist / painter 过 過 guò too / excessively 得以 得以 déyǐ can / so that...can(may)... 日本人 日本人 rìběnrén Jap / Nipponese / Japanner / skibby / Nip / Japanese 街 街 jiē county fair / fair / place / market / toby / street 极为 極為 jíwéi all / absolutely / extremely / dead / utterly / entirely / eminently / exceedingly / vitally / helluva / definitely / superlatively / totally / completely 先进 先進 xiānjìn advance 难道 難道 nándào Do you really mean to say that... 出发 出發 chūfā depart / get_off / proceed / take_the_road / part / set out / start from / start out / sidetrack / start/proceed from / stray / take the road / sally out / sally_forth / proceed from / set_off / sally forth / take off / start / set forth / set off / digress / straggle / start off / move 市府 市府 shìfǔ city government 谘询 諮詢 zīxún seek counsel of 嘴 嘴 zuǐ spigot / mug / rattletrap / kisser / trap / puss / visage / spile / nib / smiler / beak / countenance / snout / physiognomy / bill / cake-hole / bazoo / spout / anything shaped or functioning like a mouth / mouth / gob / neb 谘询 諮詢 zīxún seek counsel of 陪 陪 péi companion / see / escort / accompany / keep ... company / keep somebody company / assist / keep company / compensate / company 停 停 tíng stay / cease / put_off / cessation / stop / switch off / cheese / stop over / cut off / halt / turn off / lie at anchor / pause / park 连接 連接 liánjiē associate / coupled / conjoin / join / cable / interface / tie_in / joint / tie in / couple up / connect / bring together / couple / relate / conjunct / unite / couple_on / tie / couple on / attach / link 外交 外交 wàijiāo diplomatics / diplomatic negotiations / diplomacy / nonintervention / diplomatism / diplomatic / foreign affairs 营业 營業 yíngyè do business 营业 營業 yíngyè do business 期待 期待 qídài look forward to 骂 罵 mà chew_out / vituperate / dispraise / condemnation / condemn / baste / scold / rate / curse / tear_apart / chide / call names / abuse / reprove / rebuke / fling / thunder / reproof / swear 期待 期待 qídài look forward to 授权 授權 shòuquán empower / authorize 授权 授權 shòuquán empower / authorize 面前 面前 miànqián in_front / in front of / in the front of / in the face of / front / presence / before 始终 始終 shǐzhōng all_the_time / from beginning to end / from start to finish / always / all along / evermore / throughout 理解 理解 lǐjiě understand / comprehend 正好 正好 zhènghǎo just / exactly 多么 多麼 duóme to what extent / to what degree / however / what / how 澳洲 澳洲 àozhōu Australia 理解 理解 lǐjiě understand / comprehend 特定 特定 tèdìng specifically / ad-hoc / given / specially designated / specific / specialized / ad hoc / specified 县长 縣長 xiànzhǎng praefect / head of a county / county magistrate / county head/magistrate / magistrate / county head 认真 認真 rènzhēn serious / earnest / take for real 乐团 樂團 yuètuán orchestra / philharmonic orchestra / philharmonic society/orchestra / dance orchestra / dance band / band / philharmonic society 认真 認真 rènzhēn serious / earnest / take for real 主力 主力 zhǔlì brunt / main force / backbone 福利 福利 fúlì well-being / fringe_benefit / material benefits / social welfare / weal / welfare 不得不 不得不 bùdébù cannot but / have to 生意 生意 shēngyì business enterprise / vocation / practice / merchant / dealing / patronage / deal / commercial enterprise / trade / biz / business / dealings / racket 情 情 qíng sensibility / soil moisture content / affection / feeling / state of affairs / circumstances / interest / emotion / sentiment / condition / mood / situation / kindness / love / inclination / favour / passion 从小 從小 cóngxiǎo from childhood / as a child 展出 展出 zhǎnchū exhibit 展出 展出 zhǎnchū exhibit 看看 看看 kànkàn think / consider 取代 取代 qǔdài replace / substitute for / replacement / supersede / substitute / supersession / supplant / displace / preempt / outplace / take the place of / displacement 全面 全面 quánmiàn overall / comprehensive / all-round / all-out 名称 名稱 míngchēng title / denotation / compellation / appellative / designation / name / denomination / calling / rubric / appellation 队 隊 duì m.[general] 派 派 pài send / dispatch / assign / appoint 华人 華人 huárén Chinese / Ch. people 藉由 藉由 jièyóu depend/rely on 生气 生氣 shēngqì get angry / be angry 县府 縣府 xiànfǔ county government 冲击 衝擊 chōngjí lash / pound / charge / assault 资产 資產 zīchǎn resource / belongings / holding / material possession / asset / capital fund / competency / substance / property / capital / assets 试 試 shì offer / attempt / essay / flesh / try / seek / assay / test 发出 發出 fāchū voice / send_out / give_forth / send out / exhale / sound / fetch / pass off / shoot / effuse / issue / emanate / raise / give / shed / send/give out / utter / go / escape / proceed / send / give forth / give_off / give off / fall / eradiate / emit / flash / scintillate / issue_forth / give_out / give out / clank / reek / place / breathe 毫无 毫無 háowú completely lack 停止 停止 tíngzhǐ cease / flunk / desist / pass / suspend / stint / pass_off / break_up / stash / cut / stay / cessation / adjourn / rain_out / give / detain / blow_over / seize / give up / balk / cheese / abstain / refrain / knock_off / rest / abandon / break / knock off / drop / go / tie_up / stop / interdict / strike / lay_off / stow / cut off / discontinue / pause / leave_off / leave off / set aside / give_out / cut_out / give_up / delay / quit / cut out 基地 基地 jīdì base 感动 感動 gǎndòng be touched / be moved / affect / feel / stir / thrill / melt / magnetize / inspire / touch / reach / move 矛盾 矛盾 máodùn contradictory 药物 藥物 yàowù healer / pharmic / medicine / druggery / curative / drug / pharmaceuticals / medicines / medicaments / medicinal / medicament / pharmaceutical / medication / remedy / drugs 不幸 不幸 búxìng unfortunate 矛盾 矛盾 máodùn contradictory 改造 改造 gǎizào recast / rebuild / re-form / reconstruct / remake / transformation / remould / transmake / reform / transform / remodel / reorganize / retread / remold / remodify / reshape / remoulding / redo / alter / recreate / transmute / make over / refashion / revamp 感觉 感覺 gǎnjué feel / perceive / become aware of 董事长 董事長 dǒngshìzhǎng board chair 竞争力 競爭力 jìngzhēnglì competitive ability 中间 中間 zhōngjiān center, middle 毛泽东 毛澤東 máozédōng CCP leader, founder of PRC 痛 痛 tòng ache / pain 痛 痛 tòng ache / pain 采购 採購 cǎigòu choose and purchase 采购 採購 cǎigòu choose and purchase 堆 堆 duī m.[proximation] 蛇 蛇 shé ophidian / serpent / Indian python / snake / Python molurus / viper 有意 有意 yǒuyì have a mind to / be interested in 估计 估計 gūjì forecast / set / evaluate / rate / gauge / measure / count / assess / calculate / estimate / reckon / appraisal / compute / estimated / value / appraise / put / overrate / make / place / size_up 层次 層次 céngcì administrative levels / rank order / arrangement / arrangement of ideas / stratification / levels / gradation / level / grade / hierarchy / coat / place 主导 主導 zhǔdǎo leading / dominant / guiding 足够 足夠 zúgòu fully / enough / last / amply / suffice / sufficiently 林 林 lín circle / group / forest / wood / woods / line / circles / grove / collection of literary works / Lin / Surname / forestry 饭 飯 fàn food / meal / repast / cooked rice or other cereals / dinner 号 號 hào m.[general] 亲自 親自 qīnzì personally / in person / firsthand 主导 主導 zhǔdǎo leading / dominant / guiding 等到 等到 děngdào until 便宜 便宜 piányí cheap 更为 更為 gèngwéi (even) more 天空 天空 tiānkōng firmament / heavenly / empyrean / heavens / welkin / blue / canopy / cloud / the heavens / vault / air / sky / the sky / Aether / wild blue yonder / blue air / heaven / blue sky / space 反弹 反彈 fǎntán rebound 似 似 sì be similar/like / seem / appear 些 些 xiē a little bit 爸 爸 bà papa / dad / father 训练 訓練 xùnliàn train, drill 寻求 尋求 xúnqiú seek / explore 寻求 尋求 xúnqiú seek / explore 反弹 反彈 fǎntán rebound 手法 手法 shǒufǎ manoeuvering / artifice / manner / hanky-panky / legerdemain / tactical manoeuver / trick / tactical maneuver / maneuver / technique / play / tactic / manoeuvre / modus_operandi / prestidigitation / stroke / tact / skill / maneuvering / sleight / implement / touch / gimmick 私人 私人 sīrén one's own man / private / personal relative / personal friend/relative / personal friend / confidant 光碟 光碟 guāngdié compact disk / compact disc / CD ROM / compact_disk / CD 立法院 立法院 lìfǎyuàn general assembly / Legislative House / law-makers / Legislative Yuan/House / Legislative Yuan / legislature / House / legislative assembly 组合 組合 zǔhé make up / compose / unite 组合 組合 zǔhé make up / compose / unite 稍 稍 shāo a little bit / any / slightly / a little / mezzo / poco / a bit 层面 層面 céngmiàn storey / level / side / story / range / floor / coverage 中研院 中研院 zhōngyányuàn Academia Sinica 困扰 困擾 kùnrǎo perplexity / puzzle 热闹 熱鬧 rènào lively / buzzing with excitement 日后 日後 rìhòu in the future 实 實 shí truely / really / actually 热闹 熱鬧 rènào lively / buzzing with excitement 喜爱 喜愛 xǐài like / love / be fond of 喜爱 喜愛 xǐài like / love / be fond of 时 時 shí time (when) / period / hour 美好 美好 měihǎo fine / happy / glorious 机车 機車 jīchē motorbike / motorcycle / put-put / pig / loco / engine / locomotive 韩国 韓國 hánguó South Korea / Corea / Korea / ROK / Korean 收入 收入 shōurù earning / incoming / gainings / finance / ingathering / proceed / receipts / income / coming-in / taking / pocket / earnings / fruit / revenue / proceeds / living 议员 議員 yìyuán councillor / member of legislative body / deputy / councilman / council member / legislator / solon / Congresswoman / Member of Parliament / assemblyman / Congressman 卫星 衛星 wèixīng man-made satellite / artificial satellite / moon / acolyte / satellite 胜 勝 shèng be superior to / surpass / succeed / win victory / be victorious / get the better of / can bear / carry / excel / be successful / win 注 註 zhù explanatory note / annotation 彻底 徹底 chèdǐ thorough / drastic / exhaustive / outright / complete 预定 預定 yūdìng predetermination / predetermine / forespeak / preordain / engage / budget / reserve / phase / slate / fix in advance / predestine / state / preconcert / prearrange / take / schedule / destine / bespeak / foreordain / predestinate 房屋 房屋 fángwū casa / premises / buildings / digging / houses / housing / tenement / house 提醒 提醒 tíxǐng remind / warn / alert to 盖 蓋 gài cover, seal, affix seal, surpass, top, prevail over 营运 營運 yíngyùn operation / orbit / be in motion / gravitate / run (a program) / do business / move 提醒 提醒 tíxǐng remind / warn / alert to 所在 所在 suǒzài ubiety / location / place / locality 详细 詳細 xiángxì detailed / minute 盖 蓋 gài cover, seal, affix seal, surpass, top, prevail over 结论 結論 jiélùn ultimate / sequitur / consequent / ending / close / inference / closing / end matter / afterword / consequence / verdict / finality / back matter / conclusion / peroration / summation / summing-up / end / upshot / illation / outcome / conclusion (of a syllogism) 反正 反正 fǎnzhèng anyway / anyhow / in any case 牛 牛 nióu ox / cattle / cow 右 右 yòu right side as side of precedence / right side / west / winger / right / the right side / the Right / the right 广泛 廣泛 guǎngfàn extensive / wide-ranging 广泛 廣泛 guǎngfàn extensive / wide-ranging 愉快 愉快 yūkuài be happy / be cheerful 阵 陣 zhèn m.[event] 愉快 愉快 yūkuài be happy / be cheerful 优势 優勢 yōushì ascendence / laterality / preponderancy / vantage / ascendancy / ascendent / transcendency / dominance / predominance / draw / gree / upper_hand / prevalence / advantage / mastery / ascendency / supremacy / advantageousness / control / preeminence / dominion / jump / edge / better / deadwood / overweight / superiority / domination / sovereignty / preponderance / ascendance / transcendence / prepotency / hank / asce 流程 流程 liúchéng workflow / course (of river / technological process / process / driftage / manufacturing/technological process/workflow / etc.) / course (of river/etc.) / course / manufacturing / manufacturing process / technological workflow / circuit / flow 搭 搭 dā put up / construct / join together / add (money/etc.) 阶级 階級 jiējí state / social class / degree / people / gradation / echelon / persuasion / position / order / class / remove / social status / notch / parity / social rank / sort / step / condition / rank / social station 境界 境界 jìngjiè confine / state / delimitation / extent reached / ambit / bourne / realm / hem / boundary / bourn / plane attained / region / precinct / mete / division 大部份 大部份 dàbùfèn most / gross / heft / generality / mass / majority / det.: most of / the majority of / bulk 限制 限制 xiànzhì restrict / confine 连续 連續 liánxù continuously / successively 客人 客人 kèrén stranger / guest / caller / client / visitant / invitee / company / visitor 秩序 秩序 zhìxù order, sequence 力 力 lì power / strength / ability / force / physical strength 力 力 lì power / strength / ability / force / physical strength 这儿 這兒 zhèēr now / here 养 養 yǎng keep in good repair / keep / cultivate / cultivation / form / maintenance / foster / give birth to / convalesce / sustain / nourish / support / provide for / convalescence / grow / raise / maintain / acquire / rest / recuperate 保守 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative 保守 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative 过去 過去 guòqù go over / pass by 市立 市立 shìlì city-established / municipal 引发 引發 yǐnfā trigger / motivate / set / evoke / initiate / evoke emotion / initiation 东方 東方 dōngfāng oriental / dawning / northeast / eastward / E / Orient / orient / orientation / the Orient / Surname / sunrise / eastern / eastern hemisphere / Dongfang / due east / East / the East / east / the east 大盘 大盤 dàpán grail / market quotation / current price 奥会 奧會 àohuì International Olympic Committee 财务 財務 cáiwù finance / financial affairs / financial 经历 經歷 jīnglì go through / undergo / experience 经历 經歷 jīnglì go through / undergo / experience 面 面 miàn m.[general] 错误 錯誤 cuòwù error / blunder 爷爷 爺爺 yéyé grandad / Grandpa / granddad / grandpa / (paternal) grandfather / gramps / granddaddy / grandfather 国会 國會 guóhuì Storthing / Oireachtas / Cortes / Congress / congress / diet / the Diet / duma / congressional / Capitol / parliament / house 差距 差距 chājù spatial difference 伤害 傷害 shānghài harm 委讬 委託 wěituō authorize / commend / consign 之所以 之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ conj.: why 台 台 tái m.[event] 赶快 趕快 gǎnkuài quickly, hastily 移民 移民 yímín emigrant/immigrant 商店 商店 shāngdiàn concern / hospital / business / store / shoppe / shop 委讬 委託 wěituō authorize / commend / consign 投票 投票 tóupiào ballot / tender / bid / poll / cast / cast a vote / vote 同事 同事 tóngshì brother / coadjutor / workmate / friend / yokefellow / co-worker / fellow worker / confrere / colleague / stablemate / companion / crew / workfellow / staff / socius / coworker / bedfellow / fellow / haver / rival / comrade 进而 進而 jìnér conj.: proceeding to the next step 将军 將軍 jiāngjūn problem / mate / general / high-rank officer / marshal / full general / shogun / aga / warlord / tycoon / check 球员 球員 qiúyuán ballplayer / player / ball team member 原来 原來 yuánlái original 冷 冷 lěng cool / rare / cold / unfrequented / feel cold / chill / frosty(in manner) / shot from hiding / strange 感染 感染 gǎnrǎn infect / influence / affect 导演 導演 dǎoyǎn director 人间 人間 rénjiān the human world 古 古 gǔ ancient / age-old;not following current customs/practice 感染 感染 gǎnrǎn infect / influence / affect 财产 財產 cáichǎn aught / belonging / fortune / material possession / cash / riches / substance / assets / property / wealth / belongings / estate / seizin / thing / holding / possession / means / goods / asset / pelf / money / propertied / seisin / res / having 分享 分享 fēnxiǎng share (joy/rights/etc.) / partake of 遗址 遺址 yízhǐ ruins / remains / monument / relics 发觉 發覺 fājué light upon / discovery / find / see / espy / discover / perceive / strike / come upon / detection / come across / happen upon / detect / chance upon / chance on 造型 造型 zàoxíng moulding / molding / style / mold / mold-making / fashioning / mould-making / modelling / model 一面 一面 yīmiàn at the same time, simultaneously 分享 分享 fēnxiǎng share (joy/rights/etc.) / partake of 不只 不只 bùzhǐ not only / not merely / not_only 不禁 不禁 bùjīn can't help (doing sth.) 打破 打破 dǎpò shiver / better / explode / smash / crush / fall apart / discomfit / part / shatter / force / murder / wear / break / bust / drub / wear out 忽略 忽略 hūluè overpass / fail / pretermit / outlook / pass / overlook / neglectful / snub / cut / neglect / marginalize / miss / lose sight of / disregard / slur / ignore / forget 原有 原有 yuányǒu originally possess / previously exist 草案 草案 cǎoàn ground plan / plan / blueprint / a protocol / skeleton / a draft plan / a draft / sketch / rough / an outline / draft 害怕 害怕 hàipà dread / be afraid/scared / fearful / frighten / fear / frightened / shrink_from / be afraid / funk / scared / be scared / tremble 身为 身為 shēnwéi as / in the capacity of 性能 性能 xìngnéng operation / function (of machine / functioning / natural capacity / etc.) / capability / behavior / capacity / performance / function / funtion / property / function (of machine/etc.) 活泼 活潑 huópō lively / vivacious / vivid 记录 記錄 jìlù record / note 清华 清華 qīnghuá Qinghua / National Tsing Hua University 综合 綜合 zònghé synthetical / comprehensive / multiple / composite 讲话 講話 jiǎnghuà parley / jaw / turn to / address / talk / speak / say / speak to 尽量 儘量 jǐnliàng to the best of one's ability 违反 違反 wéifǎn outrage / depart / offend / violate / go_against / deviate / infringe / diverge / vary / go against / violation / contravene / transgress / infringement / infract / breach / break / run counter to 伟大 偉大 wěidà great / mighty 金额 金額 jīné amount of money / sum_of_money / sum / money / penny / amount/sum of money / sum of money / amount 功课 功課 gōngkè task / schoolwork / homework / preparation / prep / subject / lesson 伟大 偉大 wěidà great / mighty 场地 場地 chǎngdì grounds / site / ground / yard / precinct / space / course / place / park / property 庞大 龐大 pángdà huge / immense 市区 市區 shìqū urban area / city proper / row / urban district / downtown / urban_area 巴黎 巴黎 bālí City of Light / French capital / capital of France / Paris 反省 反省 fǎnxǐng introspect / self-questioning 主角 主角 zhǔjiǎo leading role / title_role / star / protagonist / lead / principal / title role / name part 理事长 理事長 lǐshìzhǎng presiding officer / chairman_of_the_board / chairman of the board / council chairperson 背后 背後 bèihòu rear / in the rear / behind / rearward / at the back / backside / back end 庞大 龐大 pángdà huge / immense 反省 反省 fǎnxǐng introspect / self-questioning 牺牲 犧牲 xīshēng sacrifice oneself / die martyr's death / do sth. at the expense of self or somebody else 天 天 tiān God / Heaven / nature / weather / season 蛮 蠻 mán pretty / very / quite / more or less / pretty much / fairly / rather / somewhat / to some extent 以便 以便 yǐbiàn conj.: so that, in order to, with the aim of 牺牲 犧牲 xīshēng sacrifice oneself / die martyr's death / do sth. at the expense of self or somebody else 预防 預防 yūfáng prevent / guard against 争 爭 zhēng be short of / disagree / argue / duel / arguement / compete / vie / dispute / contest / fence / be wanting / contend / debate / disputation / strive 种类 種類 zhǒnglèi kidney / description / race / form / nature / manner / variety / feather / ordering / ilk / style / class / order / stamp / type / genus / category / stripe / kind / strain / cast / shape / denomination / species / persuasion / league / classification / breed / sort 预防 預防 yūfáng prevent / guard against 就业 就業 jiùyè get or take up a job 本土 本土 běntǔ mainland / native / one's native country / metropolitan territory / continent 天气 天氣 tiānqì sky / elements / weather condition / atmospheric condition / weather 夫妻 夫妻 fūqī couple / spouse / pair / man and wife / husband and wife 左 左 zuǒ left side / east / the Left 优点 優點 yōudiǎn strong / merit / vantage / excellency / perfection / assets / beaut / advantage / excellence / upside / strong_point / good point / virtue / desert / desirability / strong point / long_suit / beauty / strong/good point / desirableness 嗯哼 嗯哼 ēnhēng well 就业 就業 jiùyè get or take up a job 事物 事物 shìwù proposition / pigeon / object / thing / affair / un 困境 困境 kùnjìng hell / soup / muddle / hell on earth / kettle of fish / embarrassment / mess / straits / stymie / hot potato / jam / hole / swamp / howdo-you-do / dilemma / spot / inferno / corner / difficult position / adversity / scrape / lurch / the pits / mire / box / fix / hot_potato / hardship / squeeze / pickle / dire straits / extremity / bind / puzzledom / morass / difficulty / quagmire / predicament 呼籲 呼籲 hūyū appeal to 呼籲 呼籲 hūyū appeal to 据说 據說 jùshuō they say / it is said / it is said that... / reputedly / allegedly 人事 人事 rénshì personnel / ways of the world / what is humanly possible / human affairs / occurrences in human life / consciousness of the outside world / personnel matters 大学生 大學生 dàxuéshēng man / university/college student / college man / university student / colleger / university / undergrad / undergraduate / college boy / college student / collegian / university_student / undergraduate student / geeks 洗 洗 xǐ wash / bathe / sack / develop (film) / shuffle (cards/etc.) 农村 農村 nóngcūn country / village / countryside / rural area 数学 數學 shùxué mathematics 女士 女士 nǔshì senorita / lady / Ms. / mum / Senora / educated girl / educated woman / madonna / madam / Miss / woman / ma'am / Madame / madame / gentlewoman / senhorita / dame / mademoiselle 风气 風氣 fēngqì mores / ethos / order_of_the_day / climate / established practice / genius / genius loci / atmosphere / tone / general mood / common practice / fashion 必然 必然 bìrán surely / inevitably / pardi / certainly 难得 難得 nándé hard to come by / rare / seldom 乐器 樂器 yuèqì chime / axe / musical instrument / instrument 果然 果然 guǒrán really / as expected / sure enough 安非他命 安非他命 ānfēitāmìng amphetamine sulphate / amphetamine / pep pill / pep bill / speed / benny / upper 床 床 chuáng bed 局 局 jú m.[event] 指 指 zhǐ point at/to/out 戏 戲 xì drama / play / show 除非 除非 chúfēi conj.: only if/when / unless 订 訂 dìng subscribe to / agree on / revise / draw up / staple together / book (seats) / conclude / order / book / subscribe / make corrections 研究员 研究員 yánjiùyuán fellowship / research worker / investigator / boffin / researcher / research_worker / research fellow 唉 唉 āi mild exclamation/sigh / Gosh! / My! 着手 著手 zhuóshǒu put hand to / initiatory / begin / set to / set_out / institute / proceed / start up / turn_to / fall / spring-clean / embark / go_about / undertake / accede to / enter upon / get to work / set about / commence / enter / put one's hand to / start 热烈 熱烈 rèliè ardent 按 按 àn press / push down 能源 能源 néngyuán energy sources / energy / juice / power sources / energy resources / the sources of energy / sources of energy 其余 其餘 qíyū etceteras / det.: others / remainder / the rest 找出 找出 zhǎochū rout out / find / unearth / rout up / rout / quest / observe / notice / grub / seek_out / dig_out / seek out / discover / find_out / root_out / spy / spot / detect / smoke out 影片 影片 yǐngpiàn celluloid / movie_film / flick / production / film / pic / movie 白色 白色 báisè White / white / whiteness / White (as symbol of anticommunism) / white (color) 可以 可以 kěyǐ passable / pretty good / not bad 等待 等待 děngdài wait for / await 创作 創作 chuàngzuò create / produce / write 等待 等待 děngdài wait for / await 年度 年度 niándù (school/etc.) year 慢 慢 màn tardy / rude / slow down / slow / slow up / retard / lose / defer / supercilious / postpone / decelerate 缺点 缺點 quēdiǎn privilege / bug / failing / flaw / demerit / blemish / debit / limitation / mar / defect / glitch / foible / infirmity / blot / vice / drawback / disadvantage / imperfection / blemishment / weakness / tache / defection / shortcoming / malady / frailty / fault 接近 接近 jiējìn approach / near / be close to 数据 數據 shùjù data 缺 缺 quē be short of / lack 中 中 zhōng [aspect] 条例 條例 tiáolì rules / regulation / enactment / regulations / ordonnance / ordinance / statute / act / prescription / ordinances 药 藥 yào healer / medicine / certain chemicals / drug / medicament / medicinal drug / aspirin / medication / remedy / physic 报告 報告 bàogào report / make known 身边 身邊 shēnbiān nearby / side / at hand 改为 改為 gǎiwéi change ... into / change to 指标 指標 zhǐbiāo directive / characteristic / guideline / quota / index / norm / indication / fingerboard / indicant / loadstar / guiding principle / target / needle / fingerpost / pointer / indicator 沿 沿 yán along 设定 設定 shèdìng frame / time 眼光 眼光 yǎnguāng brainstorm / eye / penetration / view / brainwave / way of looking at things / foresight / discernment / insight / vision / judgment / sight / taste 设定 設定 shèdìng frame / time 聪明 聰明 cōngmíng intelligent / bright / clever 聪明 聰明 cōngmíng intelligent / bright / clever 下列 下列 xiàliè listed below / following 打电话 打電話 dǎdiànhuà make telephone call 举 舉 jǔ lift / raise / hold up / cite / propose 医学院 醫學院 yīxuéyuàn faculty of medicine / medical school / school of medicine 参考 參考 cānkǎo reference 大自然 大自然 dàzìrán wild / earth / nature / natural state / state of nature 骑 騎 qí ride/sit astride / ride astride / override / get_onto / sit on the back of / sit / stride / ride_on / ride / mount / pedal / sit astride / bestraddle 人际 人際 rénjì human relation 汉人 漢人 hànrén Han / Han people / people of Han Dynasty / Han person/people / Han person / people / the Hans / the Han people / Han ethnic group 剩下 剩下 shèngxià be left over / leave / be left (over) / be left / remain 传播 傳播 chuánbò disseminate / propagate / spread 自从 自從 zìcóng since 传播 傳播 chuánbò disseminate / propagate / spread 冠军 冠軍 guànjūn champion 学会 學會 xuéhuì learned society / (scholarly) association 海洋 海洋 hǎiyáng briny / profound / main / deep / sea / oceanic / Neptune / brine / nautical / ocean / seas and oceans 彷彿 彷彿 fǎngfú seem / be like 东京 東京 dōngjīng Japanese capital / Tokio / Tokyo / Yeddo / Tongking / Yedo / capital of Japan / Edo / Tonkin 负担 負擔 fùdān burden / load / encumbrance 知名 知名 zhīmíng noted / famous 那儿 那兒 nǎēr that place 争议 爭議 zhēngyì controvert / controversy / dispute / disputation 实质 實質 shízhí quintessence / substantial / essence / meat / parenchyma / kernel / substantiality / measure / being / quiddity / solidity / substance / matter 查询 查詢 cháxún inquire into/about 查询 查詢 cháxún inquire into/about 校务 校務 xiàowù administrative affairs of school/college 部队 部隊 bùduì military personnel / troops / troop / regular army / soldiery / army / party / company 火车 火車 huǒchē choo-choo / railroad train / car train / marshalling_yard / puff-puff / train 幼稚园 幼稚園 yòuzhìyuán nursery school / preschool / infant_school / kindergarten 话题 話題 huàtí talking_point / theme / gambit / subject of a talk / ground / talk / talking point / topic / chapter / topic of conversation 感谢 感謝 gǎnxiè thank / be grateful 感谢 感謝 gǎnxiè thank / be grateful 奖金 獎金 jiǎngjīn pewter / gainings / money award / gratuity / bounty / stakes / subsidy / prix / premium / incentive / prize money / perquisite / purse / winnings / stake / prize / bonus / gratification 大师 大師 dàshī great master / lord / workmaster / artiste / Very Reverend / overlord / master / priest / maestro / non-Christian priest / Great Master 联络 聯絡 liánluò contact 联络 聯絡 liánluò contact 原始 原始 yuánshǐ original / firsthand / primeval / primitive 北市 北市 běishì capital of Republic of China on Taiwan 课题 課題 kètí task / problem / question for study / subject / topic / question for discussion / discussion / topical / question for study/discussion 路线 路線 lùxiàn track / path / cart track / way of life / itinerary / route / cartroad / course / road / channel / line / way / routeway / pipeline / curriculum 信仰 信仰 xìnyǎng belief 英雄 英雄 yīngxióng hero 契约 契約 qìyuē legal instrument / charter / bond / bargain / covenant / legal document / compact / stipulation / agreement / instrument / bargaining / pact / obligation / clause / paction / booking / affiance / indenture / promise / article / contract / concordat / official document / deed / handfast 订定 訂定 dìngdìng provide / prescribe 批评 批評 pīpíng criticize 法院 法院 fǎyuàn judicature / (law) court / judicatory / bar / courthouse / law court / court / tribunal / judiciary / banc / court of justice / jug / banco / forensic 订定 訂定 dìngdìng provide / prescribe 爱情 愛情 àiqíng god / warmheartedness / affection / love_affair / heart / kindness / tenderness / bosom / love / fondness / romantic love / affectionateness 依据 依據 yījù according to / on the basis of / judging by 适用 適用 shìyòng applicable / lend oneself / apply / be applicable / suit 学位 學位 xuéwèi academic_degree / degree / academic degree 水库 水庫 shuǐkù reservoir 千 千 qiān det.: thousand 民主 民主 mínzhǔ democratic 赞成 贊成 zànchéng endorsement / agree with / stand / assent / favor / cotton / uphold / subscribe / support / see / clear / approve / agree / sympathize / second / approve of / jibe / assist / indorse / optional / plump_for / favour / endorse 好奇 好奇 hàoqí curious / full of curiosity 好奇 好奇 hàoqí curious / full of curiosity 科威特 科威特 kēwēitè Koweit / Kuwait / capital of Kuwait 体会 體會 tǐhuì know/learn from experience / realize 体会 體會 tǐhuì know/learn from experience / realize 熊猫 熊貓 xióngmāo lesser panda / panda bear / binturong / giant panda / Ailurus fulgens / coon bear / Ailuropoda melanoleuca / red panda / panda / bear cat / cat bear / Arctictis bintourong / bearcat 暂时 暫時 zhànshí temporarily 万 萬 wàn det.: ten thousand / myriad / multitudinous 较为 較為 jiàowéi fairly / kind of / rather / sort of / comparatively / kinda / a little / relatively 单纯 單純 dānchún simple / pure / plain / artless 透露 透露 tòulù expose / disclose / divulge / develop / impart / unrip / confide / sound / fall / disembosom / get around / reveal / let_on / disclosure / let on / leakage / divulgence / get out / discover / let out / leak / declare / break / give away / bring out 品牌 品牌 pǐnpái brand / make / trademark 候选人 候選人 hòuxuǎnrén aspirant / nominee / campaigner / candidate / candidate (for election) 单纯 單純 dānchún simple / pure / plain / artless 看来 看來 kànlái it looks as if / it appears / it seems / it look as if 内涵 內涵 nèihán intension / comprehension / intention / connotation 登记 登記 dēngjì register / check in 登记 登記 dēngjì register / check in 棵 棵 kē head / tuft / m.[general] / 会长 會長 huìzhǎng president (of club/society/etc.) 核心 核心 héxīn nub / nucleus / meat / heart / core group / substance / center / core / the center / crux / essence / root / kernel / nitty-gritty / inwardness / pith / sum / marrow / bosom / gist 家具 家具 jiājù household goods / movable / furnishings / furniture / home furnishings / household stuff / implement / household furnishings / fitment 座谈会 座談會 zuòtánhuì colloquium / symposiac / panel_discussion / an informal discussion meeting / symposium / teach-in / forum / symposia / conversazione / panel discussion 症状 症狀 zhèngzhuàng symptom 火 火 huǒ fire;internal heat / anger / temper;firearms / ammunition 一带 一帶 yīdài neighborhood / area / region / district 患者 患者 huànzhě patient / subject / sufferer 很少 很少 hěnshǎo seldom 有名 有名 yǒumíng well-known / famous 依照 依照 yīzhào according to / in light of 忘记 忘記 wàngjì misremember / block / blank out / neglect / overlook / draw a blank / leave_out / disremember / fail / forget 小型 小型 xiǎoxíng spyglass / miniature / small-sized / bar / small-scale / pettiness 占 占 zhàn constitute / make up / account for 手段 手段 shǒuduàn resource / recourse / vehicle / wile / stratagem / gambit / artifice / instrument / twist / road / trick / ploy / shift / resort / polity / step / instrumentation / plan of attack / communication / artillery / finesse / means / channel / approach / implement / medium / gimmick / attack / device / refuge / method / instrumentality / stepping-stone / gateway / ministry / measure / way / tactic / expedient / quomodo / machinery / t 优秀 優秀 yōuxiù outstanding / excellent 倒是 倒是 dàoshì actually / contrariwise 明星 明星 míngxīng headliner / lucida / (movie/etc.) star / impersonator / (movie / famous performer / stardom / Venus / star / etc.) star / movie_star 吸收 吸收 xīshōu absorb / suck up / assimilate / recruit 吸收 吸收 xīshōu absorb / suck up / assimilate / recruit 人格 人格 réngé lot / fibre / fiber / character / spirit / selfhood / manhood / personality 指数 指數 zhǐshù exponential / index / index number / index (number) / indicant / exponential function / exponent / power / index_number / indicator 做好 做好 zuòhǎo do well 动态 動態 dòngtài situation / the movement (in a certain sphere of human activity) / development / trend / dynamic state / dynamic / trends 游泳 游泳 yóuyǒng fin / swim / bathe 不如 不如 bùrú be unequal/inferior to 出生 出生 chūshēng be born 出生 出生 chūshēng be born 遂 遂 suì accordingly / therewith / and then / and so / thereupon / so / with that / then 当作 當作 dāngzuò regard_as / regard as / look upon as / treat as / presume 会 會 huì can / be able to / be good at / be skillful in 学问 學問 xuéwèn lear / ology / lore / knowledge / learning / acquirement / learnedness / cognition / erudition / letter / eruditeness / scholarship 尝试 嘗試 chángshì attempt / try 全民 全民 quánmín whole/entire people / all the people 部落 部落 bùluò tribe 赚 賺 zhuàn knock_up / garner / take in / clear / make profit / earn / gain / draw / realize / make a profit / do / bring_in / get / pull_in / make / bring in / pick_up / pull in 联合国 聯合國 liánhéguó alignment / United Nations / United_Nations / alliance / confederation / coalition / confederate / alinement / UN 摆 擺 bǎi place / put / arrange 赚钱 賺錢 zhuànqián profit / gain / make profit / cash in on / earn money / make money 与会 與會 yǔhuì participate in conference 鸟类 鳥類 niǎolèi clutch / avian / avifauna / sanctuary / birdlife / feather / Aves / birds 答应 答應 dāyìng agree / promise 挂 掛 guà hang / put up / hitch / ring up 石头 石頭 shítou stony / chimney / rock / lapis / stone 挫折 挫折 cuòzhé frustratio / rebuff / defeat / founder / frustration / reverse / breakdown / blight / setback / throwback / abortion / backset / flivver / dash / cross 飞行 飛行 fēixíng fly 飞行 飛行 fēixíng fly 行程 行程 xíngchéng throw / travel / tenor / itinerary / route / journey / route/distance of travel / distance of travel / stroke / route of travel 理性 理性 lǐxìng reason 夫人 夫人 fūrén Lady / lady / memsahib / milady / Dona / Mistress / dona / grande dame / donna / Mrs / mum / Senora / grace / senora / Mrs. / madam / Frau / miladi / missus / senhora / wife / ma'am / Madame / madame / missis / Ladyship / Signora / signora 累 累 lèi tire / build by piling up / pile up / strain / weary / toil / accumulate / involve / tired / burthen / work hard / accumulation / fatigued / wear out 转变 轉變 zhuǎnbiàn change / transform 转变 轉變 zhuǎnbiàn change / transform 本质 本質 běnzhí suchness / basic nature / intrinsic quality / substantial / essentiality / innate character / entity / essential quality / basics / inbeing / essential / nature / self / feather / intrinsic / quiddity / being / substance / metal / quintessence / principle / kind / hypostasis / essence / fiber / internal / spirit / inwardness / woof / basis / gist 上班 上班 shàngbān start work / go to work / be on duty 兴奋 興奮 xīngfèn excited 那边 那邊 nàbiān beyond / that side / there 兴奋 興奮 xīngfèn excited 带动 帶動 dàidòng drive, spur on, bring along 急 急 jí rapid / fast / violent 带动 帶動 dàidòng drive, spur on, bring along 捷运 捷運 jiéyùn Rapid Transit 诸 諸 zhū various / Zhu / det.: all / Chu 广 廣 guǎng wide / spread / vast / expand / numerous 庆祝 慶祝 qìngzhù fete / celebration / keep / festive / commemorate / celebrate / observe / rejoice / felicitate 司机 司機 sījī driver 难过 難過 nánguò uncomfortable / feel bad / feel sorry / have hard time / bad / sad / have a hard time / be grieved / sorry 高雄市 高雄市 gāoxióngshì Kaohsiung city (a city in Taiwan) 习惯 習慣 xíguàn be accustomed/used to 出席 出席 chūxí attend / be present 出席 出席 chūxí attend / be present 外界 外界 wàijiè external world / external/outside world / the outside world / outside / environment / outside world / externality / external / the external world 女孩子 女孩子 nǔháizi babe / colleen / sissy / popsy / gal / girl 语法 語法 yǔfǎ phraseology / parlance / language / syntax / locution / sentence structure / grammar / expression / wording / phrasing / phrase structure / diction 页 頁 yè page / leaf / m.[general] / / sheet of paper / sheet / piece / piece of paper / folio 阅读 閱讀 yuèdú study / read / peruse 头 頭 tóu m.[general] 借 借 jiè lend 拍摄 拍攝 pāishè take (picture) / shoot (film) 拍摄 拍攝 pāishè take (picture) / shoot (film) 家族 家族 jiāzú tribe / covey / family line / race / household / menage / ilk / kinfolk / kin / clan / kinsfolk / phratry / kinship group / kindred / folk / people / kin group / sept / family 身心 身心 shēnxīn body and mind 专门 專門 zhuānmén special / specialized 可怜 可憐 kělián condole with / have pity on / sympathize with / abject / compassionate / lugubrious / feel for / pity 舞蹈 舞蹈 wǔdào dancing / saltation / nautch / dance / terpsichore / choreography / stage dancing 味道 味道 wèidào gustatory perception / gust / tang / taste perception / feeling / savor / flavor / taste sensation / savour / streak / flavour / relish / sapidity / smatch / soupcon / tincture / tasting / smell / smack / gustatory sensation / suggestion / snack / taste 个案 個案 gèàn case (in law/etc.) 事先 事先 shìxiān ahead / beforehand / in advance / in_advance / aforetime / aforehand 大专 大專 dàzhuān community colleges 下面 下面 xiàmiàn next / lower level / underside / following / underneath / subordinate / undersurface 下 下 xià m.[activity] 练习 練習 liànxí practice / exercise 就算 就算 jiùsuàn conj.: even if / granted that 南非 南非 nánfēi South Africa 表情 表情 biǎoqíng brow / air / countenance / glow / look / cast / visage / expression / facial expression / gesture / business / dramatics / facial gesture 耶 耶 yé particle: used when informing somebody of st.; expressing exclamation 藉着 藉著 jièzhe depend/rely on 以致 以致 yǐzhì conj.: so that, with the result that 自杀 自殺 zìshā commit suicide 助理 助理 zhùlǐ aide / adjunct / coadjutant / assistant / ancillary / auxiliary 自杀 自殺 zìshā commit suicide 洞 洞 dòng aperture / hole in the ground / kennel / puncture / excavation / perforation / bore / cave / howe / opening / gap / hole / orifice / scoop / hollow / cavity 测试 測試 cèshì test 台北市 臺北市 táiběishì Taipei 欧美 歐美 ōuměi Europe and America 奖励 獎勵 jiǎnglì reward / award 杯 杯 bēi m.[container] 体验 體驗 tǐyàn learn through practice/experience 浪费 浪費 làngfèi waste / squander 体验 體驗 tǐyàn learn through practice/experience 个人电脑 個人電腦 geréndiànnǎo personal computer / personal_computer / PC 本人 本人 běnrén myself / principal / in person / I / me / oneself / identity 口 口 kǒu opening / entrance / gate / crossing / intersection / river month 质疑 質疑 zhíyí call in question / challenge 质疑 質疑 zhíyí call in question / challenge 血液 血液 xiěyè blood 走向 走向 zǒuxiàng move toward / head for 形态 形態 xíngtài configuration / figuration / pattern / conformation / form / modality / appearance / contour / shape / morphology / morph 步骤 步驟 bùzòu process / instance / demarche / method / measure / approach / procedure / place / step / move 视觉 視覺 shìjué seeing / vision / visual sense / visual sensation / ocular / eyesight / sight / visual 正面 正面 zhèngmiàn right side / head / head-on / face / front / the right side / facade / obverse/right side / the obverse side / frontispiece / frontal / frontage / obverse side / obverse 收费 收費 shōufèi collect fees / charge 收费 收費 shōufèi collect fees / charge 促使 促使 cùshǐ incite / prod / prompt / spur / send / motive / induce / trigger / urge / bring on / cause / propel / shame / instigate / impel / actuate / motivate / bear on / push / get / move 补助 補助 bǔzhù subsidize 阶层 階層 jiēcéng section / circle / degree / social stratum / stratum / echelon / hierarchical / walk in life / walk_of_life / rank 期望 期望 qíwàng expectation / hope 实验室 實驗室 shíyànshì lab / science lab / laboratory 皮肤 皮膚 pífū leather / chap / integument / hide / cutis / complexion / brunet / cutaneous / bark / fell / derma / brunette / skin / transplant 病患 病患 bìnghuàn disease / illness / sickness / ailment / patient 武器 武器 wǔqì enginery / steel / arming / armament / weapons system / hardware / armored / armature / munition / weaponry / artillery / implements of war / armory / arms / ammunition / armor / weapon / arm / armoring 日益 日益 rìyì increasingly 大都 大都 dàdōu for the most part / mostly 奖 獎 jiǎng award / prize / reward 检讨 檢討 jiǎntǎo discuss thoroughly / self-criticize 萤幕 螢幕 yíngmù television set / silver screen / monitor / screen / projection screen / fluorescent screen 检讨 檢討 jiǎntǎo discuss thoroughly / self-criticize 禁止 禁止 jìnzhǐ estop / inhibit / bar / outlaw / banish / forbid / suppress / interdict / defend / taboo / veto / prohibit / enjoin / blackball / restrain / debar / proscribe / negative / disallow / relegate / nix / prohibition / ban 起来 起來 qǐlái to stand up / to rise 辅大 輔大 fǔdà FuJen Catholic University 旅客 旅客 lǔkè journeyer / guest / hotel guest / traveler / traffic / wayfarer / viator / rider / traveller / passer / passenger 绘画 繪畫 huìhuà painting 用 用 yòng use / good 用 用 yòng use / good 生 生 shēng unripe / green / raw / uncooked / unprocessed / crude / unfamiliar / strange / stiff / mechanical 脚步 腳步 jiǎobù footfall / tread / pace / foot / footstep / step 设计师 設計師 shèjìshī architect / designer / stylist 救 救 jiù relief / relieve / help / salve / salvage / rescue / save / succour 纳入 納入 nàrù take_in / bring ... into / to intake / integrate / to subsume / channel ... into / incorporate / channel into / bring into / to bring into / to fit into 南部 南部 nánbù meridional / the southern part of the country / southern part / South / south / the south 害 害 hài harm / injure / kill 计程车 計程車 jìchéngchē hack / taxicab / taxi / (metered) taxi / taximan / cab 光 光 guāng solely / merely / only 贵 貴 guì expensive / costly / highly valued 现代化 現代化 xiàndàihuà modernize 破 破 pò tear / split up / defeat / expose / eradicate / lay bare / cleave / expose the truth of / worn-out / break with / come apart / destroy / capture (city/etc.) / defeat (enemy) / broken / expose (lie/etc.) / destruction / cut / separate / tattered / reveal truth / fall apart / beat / capture / split / not intact / rupture / get rid of / do away with / break 吹 吹 chuī fall through (of plans) / wind / fall through / tout / play / gasconade / shoot a line / blow / break up / chuff / vaunt / boast / brag / gas / bluster / talk big / break off / toot / swash / play (wind instruments) / huff / puff / land 勇气 勇氣 yǒngqì gameness / pluck / guts / mettle / braveness / grit / heart / moxie / courage / backbone / boldness / pride / gutsiness / nerve / pecker / courageousness / valour / spirit / spunk / gallantry / valor / virtue / audacity / bravery / pluckiness / gumption / sand / gut / valiance 现代化 現代化 xiàndàihuà modernize 气候 氣候 qìhòu situation / clime / climatic / climate / weather / climactic 化学 化學 huàxué chemical science / chymistry / stink / chemical / chemistry 巴西 巴西 bāxī Brazil 人权 人權 rénquán human rights 这么多 這麼多 zhèmeduō det.:so much/many 生涯 生涯 shēngyá career / pilgrimage / profession / time 文件 文件 wénjiàn page / documental / archive / writ / documents / data file / paper / document / judicial writ / literature / circular / documentation / portfolio / archives / file / written document / papers 简直 簡直 jiǎnzhí simply / really 导向 導向 dǎoxiàng orientation 仪式 儀式 yíshì religious rite / ceremonial occasion / deeds / practice / form / rituality / office / formality / ritual / circumstance / ceremony / formalness / exercise / powwow / observance / ceremonial / rite / works 用途 用途 yòngtú purpose / service / help / use / value / mileage / avail 生长 生長 shēngzhǎng grow / develop 舞台 舞台 wǔtái board / arena / bandstand / stage / proscenium / boards 逢 逢 féng meet / come upon 逢 逢 féng meet / come upon 生长 生長 shēngzhǎng grow / develop 义工 義工 yìgōng volunteer 科学家 科學家 kēxuéjiā scientist 业主 業主 yèzhǔ proprietor 军队 軍隊 jūnduì military personnel / troops / armed forces / armament / military / soldiery / force / Sabaoth / array / army troops / military unit / host / military force / cohort / battalion / legion / troop / regular army / army / armed_forces / rank 各自 各自 gèzì each / respective / severalty / oneself 如果说 如果說 rúguǒshuō conj.: if 案件 案件 ànjiàn a police case / law case / case (of law/etc.) / a legal case / case 爆发 爆發 bàofā erupt, burst/break out 有如 有如 yǒurú seem / be like 各界 各界 gèjiè all circles / all walks of life 题目 題目 tímù exam questions / head / lemma / theme / thesis / examination questions / question / text / title / ground / subject / topic / exercise problems / chapter / caption / rubric / heading 街头 街頭 jiētóu street corner / street_corner / street (corner) / street 宽 寬 kuān wide / broad / generous / lenient / comfortably off / well-off / relax / relieve / extend 有如 有如 yǒurú seem / be like 爆发 爆發 bàofā erupt, burst/break out 底 底 dǐ underside / bottom / base / end / ground 决策 決策 juécè policy decision 抱 抱 bào hold/carry in arms / adopt / hatch / brood 故宫 故宮 gùgōng former imperial palace / National Palace Museum / Palace Museum 杰出 傑出 jiéchū excel at / exceed / shine at / outstanding / stand_out 窗 窗 chuāng winnock / aspect / window / casement 说明 說明 shuōmíng explanation / illustration / show 粮食 糧食 liángshí victuals / victualage / provisions / nutrient / ration / sustentation / provision / provender / food / purveyance / sustenance / foodstuff / commissariat / cereals / bread / viands / grain 固然 固然 gùrán conj.: though / although 变迁 變遷 biànqiān vicissitudinary / change 变迁 變遷 biànqiān vicissitudinary / change 议题 議題 yìtí item on the agenda / head / question / topic for discussion / topic for/under discussion / topic under discussion / subject under discussion / under discussion / topic for 凡 凡 fán conj.: whatever 太多 太多 tàiduō det.: a lot of 民俗 民俗 mínsú folklore / folk / folk custom / folkways 唱片 唱片 chàngpiàn pressing / waxing / cut / disc / phonogram / phonograph record / record / disk / wax / phonorecord / platter / recording / gramophone record / phonograph recording 实验 實驗 shíyàn test / experiment 处于 處於 chǔyū go / be in / be (in a certain condition) 效益 效益 xiàoyì beneficial result / benefit 古典 古典 gǔdiǎn classical 构想 構想 gòuxiǎng proposition 期望 期望 qíwàng expect/hope earnestly 推荐 推薦 tuījiàn recommend 收集 收集 shōují collect / gather 推荐 推薦 tuījiàn recommend 命 命 mìng life / lot / fate / destiny 车辆 車輛 chēliàng voiture / vehicular traffic / vehicle / cars / vehicle traffic / car / vehicles / carriage / rolling_stock / equipment 收集 收集 shōují collect / gather 实践 實踐 shíjiàn practice 商人 商人 shāngrén merchandiser / trader / businessman / merchant / monger / trafficker / chapman / dealer / cit / merchantman / tradespeople / merchantry / bargainer / man of affairs 华航 華航 huáháng China Airlines 头发 頭髮 tóufǎ barba / chevelure / lock / head of hair / hair / tress / mane / hair (on human head) 实践 實踐 shíjiàn practice 描述 描述 miáoshù describe 潮流 潮流 cháoliú stream / tidal flow / tidal_current / tideway / trend / movement / wind / sea / fashion / tide / tidal current 若干 若干 ruògān det.: a certain number / how many 方 方 fāng just / only just/then 台湾人 台灣人 táiwānrén Taiwanese 领袖 領袖 lǐngxiù foreman / leader / head / guru / cob / doyen / cacique / Duce / duce / gaffer / chief / boss / soul / sovereign / honcho 众多 眾多 zhòngduō multitudinous / numerous 故意 故意 gùyì purposive / deliberate / willful / intentional 和谐 和諧 héxié harmonious / concordant 和谐 和諧 héxié harmonious / concordant 取缔 取締 qǔdì ban (publication old custom etc.) / punish violator 取缔 取締 qǔdì ban (publication old custom etc.) / punish violator 抽 抽 chōu lash / whip / thrash 大地 大地 dàdì terra_firma / mother earth / mold / earth / soli 大门 大門 dàmén barndoor / portal / main entrance / front_door / gate / door / entry / main door/gate / front door / main entrance/door/gate / entrance 追 追 zhuī reminiscence / to pursue / course / reminisce / trace / chase after / recall / follow / chase / pursue / go after / to chase after / look into / pursuit / heel / chevy / find out / get to the bottom of / seek / run after 性别 性別 xìngbié sexuality / grammatical gender / sexual distinction / sex / gender 邀 邀 yāo invite 入学 入學 rùxué enter a school / enrol / college / enter school / enter / start school / matriculate / enter college 伤害 傷害 shānghài injure / harm 更新 更新 gēngxīn renew / replace 呈 呈 chéng assume (form, color, etc.) 更新 更新 gēngxīn renew / replace 中学 中學 zhōngxué middle_school / grammar_school / secondary school / Ch. learning / middle school / high_school / grammar school 吴 吳 wú Wu / Wu Kingdom (222-280) / a leading authority on Ming history / Wu Kingdom / southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang / Zhou period state / Surname 保障 保障 bǎozhàng ensure / guarantee / safeguard 书籍 書籍 shūjí volume / page / classic / books / fascicule / works / literature 四周 四周 sìzhōu all around / fringe / surrounding / periphery / environment / outer boundary / on all sides / on every side / vicinity 客观 客觀 kèguān objective 户 戶 hù m.[general] 检验 檢驗 jiǎnyàn test / examine / inspect 蒐集 蒐集 sōují collect / gather 蒐集 蒐集 sōují collect / gather 检验 檢驗 jiǎnyàn test / examine / inspect 独特 獨特 dútè special / distinctive / unique 无奈 無奈 wúnài be helpless 肉 肉 ròu pulp / chilli / cabobs / meat / lobscouse / paella / meaty / fleshy / flesh / marmite 无限 無限 wúxiàn infinite / limitless 观赏 觀賞 guānshǎng enjoy sight of / see and enjoy 观赏 觀賞 guānshǎng enjoy sight of / see and enjoy 可能性 可能性 kěnéngxìng possible action / chance / potentiality / likelihood / probability / expectation / contingency / potential / opening / odds / eventuality / expectancy / possibility / feasibleness / capability / capableness / presumption / likeliness / possible / feasibility 无奈 無奈 wúnài be helpless 现代人 現代人 xiàndàirén contemporary / neoteric / modernist / modern man / Homo sapiens sapiens / modern 情势 情勢 qíngshì aspect / things / appearance / terrain / topographical features / trend of events / circumstances / situation / plight / swim / regime 推展 推展 tuīzhǎn expand 推展 推展 tuīzhǎn expand 师大 師大 shīdà normal university / National Taiwan Normal University 宣布 宣布 xuānbù declare / proclaim / announce 律师 律師 lùshī scribe / counsellor / advocate / gown / avocat / solicitor / barrister / lawyer / counsel / jurist / counselor / counselor-at-law / attorney 宣布 宣布 xuānbù declare / proclaim / announce 波斯湾 波斯灣 pōsīwān Persian Gulf 饮食 飲食 yǐnshí dietetic / fare / food and drink / trencher / refection / diet 睡觉 睡覺 shuìjiào turn_in / log Z's / doss / slumber / catch some Z's / go to bed / sleep / doss down / crash / go_to_sleep / hit_the_sack / kip 空 空 kòng free / with spare time 联合 聯合 liánhé unite / ally 可见 可見 kějiàn therefore 访 訪 fǎng see / visit / pay a visit / seek by search / try to get / search / call on / seek by inquiry/search / seek by inquiry or search / seek by inquiry 电力 電力 diànlì electrical line of force / electrical energy / power / electricity / potential / electric power 失望 失望 shīwàng become disappointed / lose (hope/faith) 乡 鄉 xiāng home village/town / country / countryside / native place / rural area / town / village / township (under county) / township / country(side) / home village / hamlet / home town 旅馆 旅館 lǔguǎn gasthaus / caravanserai / nonresident / roadhouse / hotel / lodge / hostler / hostel / fonda / ordinary / inn / hostelry 政党 政黨 zhèngdǎng political party 取消 取消 qǔxiāo cancel / abolish / nullify 地面 地面 dìmiàn (earth's) surface / ground / floor / region 防止 防止 fángzhǐ estop / guard against / preclude / prevention / inhibit / avoidance / help / cumber / prevent / forbid / prohibit / obviate / restrain / deter / avoid / head_off / debar / guard / help oneself / ward_off / constrain / ward / encumber / avert / ward off / disenable / forfend / shield / countercheck / forestall / keep_from / foreclose 取消 取消 qǔxiāo cancel / abolish / nullify 言论 言論 yánlùn lecture / open discussion / talking to / speech 差别 差別 chābié disparity / contrast / difference / discrepancy / differentiation / distinction / differential 失望 失望 shīwàng become disappointed / lose (hope/faith) 建造 建造 jiànzào build / construct / make 代价 代價 dàijià reward / cost / cost (of doing sth.) / forfeit / expense / damage / wages / payoff / terms / toll / price / wage 戴 戴 dài wear / put on (of accessories) 跟 跟 gēn follow 常见 常見 chángjiàn commonly seen 房地产 房地產 fángdìchǎn blockbuster / real estate / realty / real_estate / real property / property 食品 食品 shípǐn menu / vivers / viand / chow / eatable / provisions / tuck / foodstuff / viands / nourishment / comestible / tack / nutrient / victual / food / grocery / victualage / cuisine 个别 個別 gèbié specifically / very few / specific / one or two exceptional / individual / exceptional 建造 建造 jiànzào build / construct / make 来宾 來賓 láibīn guest / visitant / invitee / visitor 重复 重複 chóngfù repeat / duplicate 兼 兼 jiān hold two or more jobs concurrently / do concurrently 意外 意外 yìwài accident / mishap 秒 秒 miǎo chronograph / m.[standard] / / s / sec / second 全体 全體 quántǐ great / entirety / general / ensemble / altogether / collectivity / entire / totality / whole body / whole / all / pie / crew / be-all / plenary assembly / en_bloc / wholeness / gamut 方 方 fāng direction / place / region 没想到 沒想到 méixiǎngdào unexpectedly 足以 足以 zúyǐ sufficient/enough to 损失 損失 sǔnshī loss 当场 當場 dāngcháng on the spot / then and there 舒服 舒服 shūfú comfortable 凭 憑 píng based on / according to 手术 手術 shǒushù operation 之内 之內 zhīnèi inside of, among, within 信任 信任 xìnrèn trust / have confidence in 血 血 xiě claret / blood / hematic / lifeline / lifeblood / sap 信任 信任 xìnrèn trust / have confidence in 公务员 公務員 gōngwùyuán jobholder / servant / public_servant / official / government official worker / functionary / government employee / public servant / officeholder / officialdom / officer / orderly / civil servant / government officials 浪漫 浪漫 làngmàn dissolute / debauched / romantic 浪漫 浪漫 làngmàn dissolute / debauched / romantic 业界 業界 yèjiè business circles 栋 棟 dòng ridgepole / m.[general] / 暴力 暴力 bàolì violence / force 腿 腿 tuǐ ham / a leg-like support / underpinning / thigh / gamb / shank / supporter / leg 充实 充實 chōngshí substantiate / enrich / replenish 公会 公會 gōnghuì gild / trade association / consortia / lodge / club / order / governance / professional club / organisation / corporation / professional association / fellowship / consortium / establishment / organization / administration / society / trade council / guild / brass 也就是说 也就是說 yějiùshìshuō i.e. 升级 升級 shēngjí upgrade / go up (in grade/etc.) / escalate 升级 升級 shēngjí upgrade / go up (in grade/etc.) / escalate 指示 指示 zhǐshì indicate / point out / instruct 充实 充實 chōngshí substantiate / enrich / replenish 古蹟 古蹟 gǔjī antiquity / high spot / national monument 还 還 hái even/still more / in addition / passably / fairly / even 紧急 緊急 jǐnjí urgent / critical 创业 創業 chuàngyè start undertaking / do pioneering work 新竹市 新竹市 xīnzhúshì Hsin Chu(city in Taiwan) 创业 創業 chuàngyè start undertaking / do pioneering work 里头 裡頭 lǐtóu inside / interior 基因 基因 jīyīn gene 崇拜 崇拜 chóngbài worship / adore 崇拜 崇拜 chóngbài worship / adore 风景 風景 fēngjǐng view / aspect / vista / panorama / scenery / prospect / scene / sight / landscape 也好 也好 yěhǎo particle: showing hesitant acceptance; (in ~也好, ~也好/罷) showing the acceptance or introduction of choices 日期 日期 rìqí calendar / when / date 佛教 佛教 fójiào Bodhisattva / Buddhist religion / Buddhism 一一 一一 yīyī one_by_one / one after another / one at a time / one by one 当局 當局 dāngjú authorities / (appropriate / concerned) authorities / authority / (appropriate/concerned) authorities / authorization 进 進 jìn receive / eat / drink / take / introduce 格式 格式 géshì pattern / form / a style / a format / etiquette / format / style / the form of characters or letters 北部 北部 běibù the north / the northern part of the country / northern part 吸食 吸食 xīshí suck / take in (liquids/narcotics/etc) 天天 天天 tiāntiān everyday / every_day / daily / every day / each day 现况 現況 xiànkuàng current situation 纸 紙 zhǐ paper 货 貨 huò commodity / idiot / money / blockhead / loading / goods 相反 相反 xiāngfǎn offending / adverse / opposite / converse, opposite / contrary / oppose / reverse 按照 按照 ànzhào according to / in the light of / on the basis of 特 特 tè unusual / special / extraordinarily 吸食 吸食 xīshí suck / take in (liquids/narcotics/etc) 见面 見面 jiànmiàn meet / see 见面 見面 jiànmiàn meet / see 发动 發動 fādòng start / launch / mobilize / arouse 公顷 公頃 gōngqīng m.[standard] 主机 主機 zhǔjī leader / lead plane / mainframe computer / host / server / mainframe / main engine 随便 隨便 suíbiàn informal / willful / do as one pleases / wanton / casual / random / careless 资本 資本 zīběn capitalization / principal / principal sum / finance / sth. capitalized on / corpus / working capital / capital 发动 發動 fādòng start / launch / mobilize / arouse 装 裝 zhuāng install / fit / assemble / load / pack / hold 走进 走進 zǒujìn enter / step_in / walk in / go in 分类 分類 fēnlèi sort 别 別 bié det.: other / another 泰国 泰國 tàiguó Siam / Thai / Thailand 伦敦 倫敦 lúndūn capital of the United Kingdom / Greater London / metropolis / London / British capital 秘书 秘書 mìshū secretarial / secretary / clerk / amanuensis / secretarial assistant 部属 部屬 bùshǔ category / troops under one's command / staff / subordinate 高度 高度 gāodù highly, greatly 问卷 問卷 wènjuàn questionnaire 干净 乾淨 gānjìng clean / clear 肝炎 肝炎 gānyán hepatitis 来临 來臨 láilín arrive / come / approach 来临 來臨 láilín arrive / come / approach 胡 胡 hú non-Han peoples in North/West / whiskers / non-Han peoples in West / moustache / dewlap / non-Han peoples in North / non-Han nationalities living in the north and west / beard / Hu / Surname / moustache, beard or whiskers 保证 保證 bǎozhèng pledge / guarantee 能否 能否 néngfǒu can or not 肚子 肚子 dùzi kyte / venter / womb / tummy / belly / stomach / paunch / abdomen / breadbasket / wame / tripe 地震 地震 dìzhèn quake 指定 指定 zhǐdìng earmark / appointed / specify / set / domicile / appointment / ticket / fix / name / delegate / specified / express / named / consign / designate / assignment / state / depute / appoint / nominate / dictate / assign / destine / determine 时常 時常 shícháng now_and_again / always / frequently / from_time_to_time / somewhile / oft / often 民营 民營 mínyíng privately run (of enterprises) 确保 確保 quèbǎo secure / insure / ensure / assure / reassure / guarantee 新台币 新台幣 xīntáibì New Taiwanese dollars 喊 喊 hǎn cry out / yell 途径 途徑 tújìng track / path / pathway / footpath / avenue / gateway / channel / road / way / pipeline / curriculum 民营 民營 mínyíng privately run (of enterprises) 一路 一路 yīlù taking the same route / throughtout the journey / all the way / all along / going the same way / through 输出 輸出 shūchū export 敏感 敏感 mǐngǎn subtle / susceptible / vulnerable / be sensitive / sensitive 温暖 溫暖 wēnnuǎn warm 可怕 可怕 kěpà fearful / terrible 生理 生理 shēnglǐ physiological / peristalsis / autacoid / endocrinology / chyle / diastole / chyme / physiology / phagocyte 月亮 月亮 yuèliàng moonlight / Cynthia / moon / lune / Phoebe / Diana / lunar 输出 輸出 shūchū export 癌 癌 yán tumor / sarcoma / leukemia / cancerous / melanoma / malignant tumor / cancer / malignancy / neoplasm / carcinoma 温暖 溫暖 wēnnuǎn warm 动机 動機 dòngjī motif / need / reason / instance / ground / incentive / signal / intention / motive / motivation / inducement / cause 连 連 lián in succession / one after another 带领 帶領 dàilǐng lead (army/party/etc.) / guide 带领 帶領 dàilǐng lead (army/party/etc.) / guide 东南亚 東南亞 dōngnányǎ Southeast Asia 印表机 印表機 yìnbiǎojī printer 成分 成分 chéngfèn constitution / class/economic status / composition / economic status / component_part / ingredient / one's profession or economic status / profession / component part / grammatical constituent / class / constituent / one's class status / class status / element / component / metal 据了解 據了解 jùliǎojiě according to hearsay / it is said that 儒家 儒家 rújiā Confucian school 可怕 可怕 kěpà fearful / terrible 教育 教育 jiàoyū educate / teach / inculcate 设法 設法 shèfǎ contrive / think up a method / devise / try 储存 儲存 chúcún lay in/up / store / stockpile 搭配 搭配 dāpèi group / pair 传输 傳輸 chuánshū transmission / transmit 离 離 lí distant/apart from 图书 圖書 túshū picture_book / books 搭配 搭配 dāpèi group / pair 高科技 高科技 gāokējì high technology, high tech 治 治 zhì study / research / cure / govern / treat / government / eliminate / harness / rule / manage / wipe out / management / administration / administer / control / punish / treat (disease) 门口 門口 ménkǒu porch / portal / doorway / gateway / threshold / room access / door / entering / entrance 外在 外在 wàizài external / extrinsic 储存 儲存 chúcún lay in/up / store / stockpile 符号 符號 fúhào sign / denotation / mark / icon / symbolical / symbol / notation / token / insignia / note / symbolic 风貌 風貌 fēngmào view / scene / elegant appearance and bearing / appearance / style and features / style and feature 名词 名詞 míngcí phrase / noun / term / synonym / substantive / name 合并 合併 hébìng merge / amalgamate 利润 利潤 lìrùn profit 合并 合併 hébìng merge / amalgamate 抢 搶 qiǎng pillage / loot / vie for (work/etc.) 干 幹 gàn do / work / fight 无数 無數 wúshù countlessness / thousand / limitlessness / infinitude / boundlessness / trillions / millions / myriad / innumerableness / unboundedness / billions / zillions / jillions / host / countless / legion / det.: innumerable / incalculability / million / infiniteness / innumerability / immensity / umpteen 奥运 奧運 àoyùn Olimpic Games / Olympic Games 就 就 jiù exactly / precisely / only / merely / just 句子 句子 jùzi sentence 娱乐 娛樂 yúlè amusement / entertainment / recreation 百货 百貨 bǎihuò general merchandise 分子 分子 fènzǐ member 厉害 厲害 lìhài terrible / devastating / tough / sharp 零 零 líng det.: zero / naught / nil 厉害 厲害 lìhài terrible / devastating / tough / sharp 残障 殘障 cánzhàng handicapped 残障 殘障 cánzhàng handicapped 国语 國語 guóyǔ putonghua / standard language / language / standard Chinese pronunciation / Mandarin Chinese / national language written and spoken / textbook for middle school students / middle school students / Mandarin / mandarin / textbook for primary / textbook for primary/middle school students / textbook for primary school students / vernacular / Mandarin_Chinese / common speech 少女 少女 shàonǔ signorina / tomato / puss / teens / Gill / bobbysocker / gill / trick / nymph / chick / pussy / missy / maiden / wench / bobbysoxer / demoiselle / girlish / damsel / girl / sheila / miss / jeune fille / squab / wren / pigeon / colleen / maid / burd / bud / lassie / virgin / girlishness / number / gal / skirt / fille / teenager / quean / lass / quail / shrimp / young girl / maidish 作 作 zuò regard as / take somebody or sth. for / act as / be / become 教堂 教堂 jiàotáng tabernacle / kirk / house_of_God / church / temple / fane / cathedral / church building / bema 许 許 xǔ det.: or so 风险 風險 fēngxiǎn peril / danger / risk / hazard 教科书 教科書 jiàokēshū textbook 黑色 黑色 hēisè black 资深 資深 zīshēn senior 资深 資深 zīshēn senior 就读 就讀 jiùdú study / attend school 晓得 曉得 xiǎode tell / know / ken 请问 請問 qǐngwèn Excuse me, may I ask...? 增进 增進 zēngjìn enhance / promote / further 增进 增進 zēngjìn enhance / promote / further 赢得 贏得 yíngdé nail down / rake_in / carry_off / nail / peg / conquer / try_for / gain / turn / win / garner / claim / earn / carry / capture / take / notch / nobble 犯罪 犯罪 fànzuì commit crime/offense 台币 台幣 táibì Taiwanese dollars 犯罪 犯罪 fànzuì commit crime/offense 偶尔 偶爾 ǒuěr once in a blue moon / from time to time / hardly ever / every so often / now and again / seldom / infrequently / on occasion / rarely / betweenwhiles / scarcely / unusually / occasionally / sporadically / every now and then / at times / now and then / once in a while 培训 培訓 péixùn cultivate, train 譬如说 譬如說 pìrúshuō for example / such as 上帝 上帝 shàngdì Creator / god / Yahveh / Almighty / almighty / Godhead / Jehovah / Being / Supreme_Being / God Almighty / Maker / Allah / deity / omnipotent / king / abba / Omniscience / omniscient / God / creator / Providence / Omnipotence / Deus / providence / Divine / lording / Lord / lord / maker / Supreme Being / judge / Dominus / Heaven / All-father / Adonai / Father-God / divinity / Father 种 種 zhòng plant / cultivate / sow 辈子 輩子 bèizi all one's life / lifetime 笔者 筆者 bǐzhě I, the author / (present) writer / penman / author / writer / spook / the author 丧失 喪失 sàngshī cost / forfeiture / forfeit / give_away / lapse / loss / bereaved / lose / jump 部长 部長 bùzhǎng commissar / manager / superintendent / cabinet minister / head of a section / minister / political commissar / ministerial / secretary / government minister / president / head of a department 寂寞 寂寞 jímò be lonely 培训 培訓 péixùn cultivate, train 设有 設有 shèyǒu set/put up 情报 情報 qíngbào poop / intelligence / intelligencer / tip-off / information / info / gen / dope 前来 前來 qiánlái come 飞弹 飛彈 fēidàn doodlebug / guided missile / V-1 / flying bomb / stray bullet / buzz bomb / missile / missilery / robot bomb / payload 虎 虎 hǔ tiger 寂寞 寂寞 jímò be lonely 专题 專題 zhuāntí special subject/topic 排名 排名 páimíng put names in order 怎样 怎樣 zěnyàng no matter how / in any way / in a certain way / how? / what / how 案例 案例 ànlì moot / precedent / common law / example of case / case / case law 传送 傳送 chuánsòng transmit / deliver 排名 排名 páimíng put names in order 允许 允許 yǔnxǔ permit / allow 允许 允許 yǔnxǔ permit / allow 认定 認定 rèndìng firmly believe / set one's mind on sth. 威胁 威脅 wēixié threat 认定 認定 rèndìng firmly believe / set one's mind on sth. 大声 大聲 dàshēng loud / loud voice 传送 傳送 chuánsòng transmit / deliver 当做 當做 dāngzuò consider/treat as / function / consider / regard_as / regard as / serve / consider as / look upon as / treat as 经销商 經銷商 jīngxiāoshāng dealership / bookdealer / manufacturer's agent / dealer / book seller / stockist / outlet / franchiser / franchisee 将近 將近 jiāngjìn almost 战 戰 zhàn war / warfare / battle 爱心 愛心 àixīn liking / pity / love / benevolence / mercy / fondness / commitment 回国 回國 huíguó return to one's country 跑到 跑到 pǎodào run to 过来 過來 guòlái come over/up / up / come over / come up / come_over / come here 印度 印度 yìndù Hindustan / Ind / India / Indic / Bharat 音 音 yīn voice / rhyme / news / D / blast / F / sound / tone / aspirate / tidings / asterisk / pure tone 待遇 待遇 dàiyū treatment (salary/etc.) 开会 開會 kāihuì hold/attend meeting 身分 身分 shēnfèn dignity / status / position / capacity / individuality / identity 存 存 cún harbour / keep / deposit (money) / gather / harbor / cherish / accumulate / existence / live / leave with / retain / reserve / save / consist / accumulation / preserve / survival / store / survive / check (luggage) / collect / deposit / place / bank / check / exist / be in stock / remain on balance 留学 留學 liúxué study abroad 重要性 重要性 zhòngyàoxìng moment / eminence / significance / importance / essentiality / ponderance / amount / belongingness / emphasis / magnitude / meaning / account / consequence / gravity / matter / momentousness / distinction / import / accent / essentialness / mark / weight / value / signification / consideration / fundamentality / weightiness / vitalness / stress / prominence / heft / preeminence / materiality / note 时机 時機 shíjī moment / day, an occasion / occasion / go / an opportune moment / opportunity / conjunction / conjuncture / juncture / a suitable (or right) time / turn / opportune moment 国科会 國科會 guókēhuì The National Science Council 时刻 時刻 shíkè moment / occasion / juncture / sand / hour / time 节 節 jié m.[event] 开会 開會 kāihuì hold/attend meeting 遭到 遭到 zāodào endure / encounter / meet with / run into / suffer / soak_up 不已 不已 bùyǐ incessantly / endlessly 中油 中油 zhōngyóu Chinese Petroleum Corporation 景气 景氣 jǐngqì conjuncture / activity / boom / prosperity 补充 補充 bǔchōng supply / supplement / augment / replenishment / complement / eke / fill again / accompany / add / renew / replenish / implement / stock / recruit / refill 公主 公主 gōngzhǔ princess 千万 千萬 qiānwàn by all means; absolutely 公布 公布 gōngbù promulgate / announce / publish 公布 公布 gōngbù promulgate / announce / publish 猪 豬 zhū piggy / porcine / pig / porker / hoggery / Sus scrofa / piggish / hog / piggery / swine 潜力 潛力 qiánlì bottom / possibility / ability / potency / capability / capableness / potentiality / potential / potential(ity) / latent capacity 黄金 黃金 huángjīn gold 单元 單元 dānyuán module / unit / unit of teaching materials / residential unit 街道 街道 jiēdào neighborhood / mews / gate / residential district / neighbourhood / street 略 略 luè a little bit / cursorily / any / something / slightly / somewhat / a little / poco / a bit 财产权 財產權 cáichǎnquán estate / property_right / [Law] the property right, the property right / property right 地理 地理 dìlǐ geographical / geographic / geographics / geographical features of a place / geography 周 周 zhōu Surname 到达 到達 dàodá find / arrive at / go_into / get_in / go / come / show / hit / strike / arrive / fetch_up / range / show_up / gain / come_to / win / reach / come to / attain / lead / go_down / come_in / arrival / get_at / get to / get / touch / make / come_through / arrive_at / land 电信局 電信局 diànxìnjú The Directorate of Telecommunications 促销 促銷 cùxiāo merchandise / sell 工程师 工程師 gōngchéngshī technologist / engineer / applied scientist 确实 確實 quèshí definitely true/real/certain/reliable 远距 遠距 yuǎnjù distant 惊人 驚人 jīngrén alarming / whacking / astounding / spectacular / amazing / astonishing 为 為 wèi because of / for (someone or something) 促销 促銷 cùxiāo merchandise / sell 为 為 wèi because of / for (someone or something) 彩色 彩色 cǎisè colour / chromatic / multicolour / colorful 真理 真理 zhēnlǐ god / true / gospel truth / verity / true statement / truism / gospel / truth / veritas 宣佈 宣佈 xuānbù expose / disclose / herald / outlaw / bid / preconize / announce / hail / acclaim / condemn / certify / give / decree / blazon / kithe / break / say / hammer / bring out / divulge / delate / enunciate / impart / publish / reveal / intimate / let on / pronounce / proclaim / discover / let out / hand_down / declare / black / promulgate / give away 变动 變動 biàndòng change / fluctuate 点 點 diǎn dot / decimal point / point / spot / drop (of liquid) / dot stroke (in Ch. characters) / place / aspect / feature / appointed time 变动 變動 biàndòng change / fluctuate 市政府 市政府 shìzhèngfǔ municipality / city government / municipal government / city_hall / corporation / city hall 躺 躺 tǎng couch / lie / lean back / recline 渐 漸 jiàn gradually / by degrees 普通 普通 pǔtōng ordinary / common / average 进来 進來 jìnlái come in / enter 涉及 涉及 shèjí come to / pertain / involvement / implicate / entail / relate / cover / deal / concern / bear on / run_on / involve / touch on / refer / touch upon / deal with / touch / come_to / relate to 保护区 保護區 bǎohùqū reserve / reservation / nature preserve / wilderness area 版本 版本 bǎnběn variant / text / variation / version / edition 制定 制定 zhìdìng formulate / draft 制定 制定 zhìdìng formulate / draft 定义 定義 dìngyì definition 事项 事項 shìxiàng issue / item / topic / subject / particular / transaction / matter 法则 法則 fǎzé principle / rule / formula / standard method / binding agreement / theorem / statute / law / precept 否认 否認 fǒurèn deny / disavow / repudiation / naysay / denial / gainsay / reject / veto / negate / disclaim / disown / challenge / dispute / renounce / disaffirm / negative / contradict / contravene / repudiate 抱怨 抱怨 bàoyuàn croak / kvetch / scold / quarrel / bitch / squeal / complain / bellyache / plain / grumble / whimper / natter / grizzle / repine / nark / complaint / sound off / nag / whine / quetch / grouch / kick / yammer / backbite / squawk / crab / beef / yawp / rail / rabbit / gripe / inveigh / grouse / moan / holler 宜兰 宜蘭 yílán Yilan (city in Taiwan) 人群 人群 rénqún multitude / scrooge / herd / ruck / scrouge / meiny / crowd / troop / confluence / drove / throng / flock / gang 广大 廣大 guǎngdà large / wide / vast / ample / large-scale / numerous / wide-spread 邻居 鄰居 línjū neighbor 模型 模型 móxíng formula / pattern / mould / mold / modeling / construct / die / convention / exponent / plaything / former / modelling / model / simulation / normal / rule / moulding / molding / shape / matrix / clay sculpture / restoration / toy 忍不住 忍不住 rěnbúzhù unable to endure / can't help but do something / can't help but do sth. / cannot help / unable to bear / can't bear 现行 現行 xiànxíng operation / in force/operation / currently in operation / in effect / force / currently in effect / in effect/force/operation / active / current 瓷器 瓷器 cíqì porcelain / chinaware 荷兰 荷蘭 hélán Dutch / Benelux / Netherland / The Netherlands / Netherlands / Holland 家乡 家鄉 jiāxiāng fatherland / country / home / country of origin / native place / mother country / hometown / native land / motherland / homeland 前途 前途 qiántú lookout / future / prospects / prospect / futurity / career 花莲 花蓮 huālián city in Taiwan / Hualien(city in Taiwan) 含 含 hán keep in mouth / cherish 合约 合約 héyuē contract / booking / obligation / treaty 官方 官方 guānfāng authorities / official / authority / regime / authorization / government 成效 成效 chéngxiào effect / result 克服 克服 kèfú surmount / conquer / put up with (hardship/etc.) 循环 循環 xúnhuán circulate / cycle.circulatory system 新鲜 新鮮 xīnxiān freshen / novel / fresh / new / strange 和解 和解 héjiě become reconciled 和解 和解 héjiě become reconciled 原先 原先 yuánxiān ab initio / at_first / initially / at the start / in_the_beginning / at first / originally 金 金 jīn metals / gold / money / ancient metal percussion instruments 油 油 yóu oil / fat / grease 台 臺 tái the short for Taiwan 巨大 巨大 jùdà gigantic / gargantuan / huge 公车 公車 gōngchē bus / cars provided by an organization 传说 傳說 chuánshuō legend 动力 動力 dònglì driving force / impetus / motivity / (motive) power / wheel / (motive) power/force / agency / vector / dynamics / force / motive_power / momentum / power 推行 推行 tuīxíng carry out / practice 鸡 雞 jī capercailzie / Gallus gallus / giblets / chook / horse of the wood / capercaillie / gallinaceous / Tetrao urogallus / sultan / chicken 回应 回應 huíyìng echo / react / answer / respond 介入 介入 jièrù intervene / interpose / get involved 内在 內在 nèizài inhesion / intrinsic / internality / inherent / internal / immanence / inherence 人体 人體 réntǐ soma / form / body / build / human body / anatomy / figure / chassis / physique / bod / carcass / shape / frame / physical body / material body / flesh / anthropometry 介入 介入 jièrù intervene / interpose / get involved 谓 謂 wèi mean / be called / say 台大 臺大 táidà National Taiwan University 确 確 què firmly / indeed / truly 能 能 néng can / be able to / be capable of 美术 美術 měishù constructivism / beaux arts / beaux-arts / artistic production / artistic creation / painting / fineart / fine_art / cubism / art / fine arts 活力 活力 huólì juvenility / sprightliness / pulse / youthfulness / stamina / bounciness / birr / sparkle / will / vigor / life / energy / vinegar / zap / vim / viridity / pride / livingness / vis / starch / get-up-and-go / mercury / vitality / zing / ginger / sap / pepper / zip / bang / verve / verdure / lifeblood / devilry / dynamism / nature / oomph / vigour / flush / punch / ambition / virility / life-blood / liveliness / pazazz / peppiness / pep / p 致 致 zhì incur / cause 活动 活動 huódòng exercise / move about / use personal influence or irregular means 完 完 wán exhaust / run_out / wipe_out / run out / pay / complete / completion / finish / be through / be over / use_up / wind up / payment / use up / pay (taxes) / end up 那么多 那麼多 nàmeduō det.: so much 物理 物理 wùlǐ physical / physics / natural philosophy / physical science 推行 推行 tuīxíng carry out / practice 终 終 zhōng eventually / after all / in the end 分成 分成 fēnchéng divide / split a bonus / divide into / divide (into) 台中市 台中市 táizhōngshì Taichung(big city in Taiwan) 代理 代理 dàilǐ act as agent/proxy 代理 代理 dàilǐ act as agent/proxy 乐趣 樂趣 lèqù amusement / playfulness / fun / merriment / pleasure / sweet / delight / bang / entertainment / enjoyment / pleasance / joy 超级 超級 chāojí super 劳动 勞動 láodòng work / labor 劳动 勞動 láodòng work / labor 唯有 唯有 wéiyǒu only / alone 宣传 宣傳 xuānchuán propagandist / publicist 交给 交給 jiāogěi relinquish / give_away / submit / give to / hand/give to / hand to / give_up / reach / hand 受伤 受傷 shòushāng injure / bruise / injured / be wounded / crush / hurt / sustain an injury / be injured / wounded / maimed / wound 讲师 講師 jiǎngshī docent / professor / lecturer / instructor / reader / lector 抵达 抵達 dǐdá reach / arrive at 体重 體重 tǐzhòng body weight / beef / (body) weight / avoirdupois / weight 不见得 不見得 bújiàndé not likely / not necessarily/likely / likely / unlikely / not necessarily 领导 領導 lǐngdǎo leader 蜗牛 蝸牛 guānióu snail 群众 群眾 qúnzhòng swarm / posse / herd / huddle / ruck / concourse / crowd / varletry / the masses/People / lineup / throng / the masses / mob / multitude / press / mobility / clamjamfry / People / crush / jam / horde / the People / confluence / army / flock / mass 抵达 抵達 dǐdá reach / arrive at 刻意 刻意 kèyì fastidiously / sedulously / conscious / purposely / painstakingly 李登辉 李登輝 lǐdēnghuī Li Denghui / a past president of Taiwan 合作社 合作社 hézuòshè cooperative / cooperation / co-op / artel 印尼 印尼 yìnní Indonesia 规格 規格 guīgé quality requirements / requirement / specification / standard / spec / criterion / measure / touchstone / specifications 价值观 價值觀 jiàzhíguān values / valuation 依赖 依賴 yīlài rely/depend on 百货公司 百貨公司 bǎihuògōngsī department store 依赖 依賴 yīlài rely/depend on 负担 負擔 fùdān bear / shoulder 封 封 fēng m.[general] 马路 馬路 mǎlù drive / road / driveway / riding / a road / carriageway / avenue / street / a street used by vehicular traffic 通知 通知 tōngzhī notify / inform 普及 普及 pǔjí popularize / disseminate / spread 坪 坪 píng m.[standard] 绿 綠 lù green 不安 不安 bùān be anxious; be uneasy; be restless 不安 不安 bùān be anxious; be uneasy; be restless 铁路 鐵路 tiělù rails / railroad track / loop-line / rail / Pullman / railway / road / couchette / chemmy / railroad 普及 普及 pǔjí popularize / disseminate / spread 录影带 錄影帶 lùyǐngdài videotape / video tape / recording 局面 局面 júmiàn aspect / picture / state of affairs / situation / conjuncture / facet / position / phase 团队 團隊 tuánduì team 优先 優先 yōuxiān preferential / preferred / priority 对 對 duì treat / be trained on / answer / reply / compare / check / set / adjust 进去 進去 jìnqù enter / entry / go_in / get in / go in 黄 黃 huáng Surname 神经 神經 shénjīng nervus / nerve 近来 近來 jìnlái newly / of late / lately / fresh / new / latterly / in recent times / freshly / yesterday / late / recently 英语 英語 yīngyǔ English / English (language) / profit / surplus 刺激 刺激 cìjī stimulate / provoke / irritate / upset 羊 羊 yáng kidney / drover / baa / trotter / argali / mutton / sheep / Surname 老虎 老虎 lǎohǔ cat / tiger / Panthera tigris / puss 所得 所得 suǒdé harvest / gains / taking / earnings / finance / revenue / proceeds / income 健全 健全 jiànquán sound / perfect 边 邊 biān v.1 and v.2 simultaneously 主体 主體 zhǔtǐ main body / body / hypostasis / main body/part / subject / principal part / corpus / main part / part 大致 大致 dàzhì roughly 对手 對手 duìshǒu mate / competitor / opposite / antagonist / comparative / contender / adversary / opponent / opposition / counterpart / equal / counterworker / rival / match 还要 還要 háiyào even more / even/still more / even / still more 健全 健全 jiànquán sound / perfect 建构 建構 jiàngòu fabricate 星星 星星 xīngxīng star 建构 建構 jiàngòu fabricate 大哥 大哥 dàgē eldest brother / elder brother / gang leader 培育 培育 péiyū cultivate / foster / breed 用心 用心 yòngxīn be diligent/attentive 书记 書記 shūjì scribe / penpusher / clerkship / amanuensis / secretarial assistant / pencil pusher / actuary / recorder / secretary / secretariat / clerk / scrivener 财政部 財政部 cáizhèngbù exchequer / ministry of finance / Treasury Department / Ministry of Fianance / Treasury / treasury / Comptroller of the Currency / Department of the Treasury 培育 培育 péiyū cultivate / foster / breed 遊行 遊行 yóuxíng parade / march / demonstrate 遊行 遊行 yóuxíng parade / march / demonstrate 行 行 xíng be all right 太平洋 太平洋 tàipíngyáng Pacific_Ocean / the Pacific / Pacific / Pacific Ocean / the Pacific Ocean 造 造 zào arrive at / training / create / go to / build / invent / construct / education / concoction / mint / invention / cook up / educate / establish / fabricate / make / concoct / train 咖啡 咖啡 kāfēi arabica / coffee / cafe / Java / java / mocha / blackstrap 名单 名單 míngdān checklist / register / registry / list / roll / listing / roster / name list 注重 注重 zhùzhòng lay stress on / pay attention to 周围 周圍 zhōuwéi all around / circumference / circumambience / compass / ambit / periphery / circumambiency / round / surrounding / perimeter / environment / precinct / vicinity / circuit / ambience / around 主权 主權 zhǔquán imperium / ascendance / reign / ascendency / ascendancy / possession / empire / majesty / signory / paramountcy / lordship / sovereign rights / sovereignty / raj / supremacy / dominion / ownership 水泥 水泥 shuǐní cement 近 近 jìn close / near 合法 合法 héfǎ legal / well-formed / rightful / lawful / legitimate 便利 便利 biànlì facilitate 落后 落後 luòhòu fall/lay behind 询问 詢問 xúnwèn ask about / inquire 询问 詢問 xúnwèn ask about / inquire 送给 送給 sònggěi present to / to give as a present / send to / give / send/present to / to present 惟 惟 wéi only / alone / but 表 表 biǎo table / form / list 纠纷 糾紛 jiūfēn entanglement / embarrassment / cobweb / skein / embroilment / dissension / complication / issue / conflict / confusion / dispute / shindig / knottiness / dustup / aggro / tangle / betanglement / maze / imbroglio / strife 空中 空中 kōngzhōng in_the_air / air / in the sky / sky / aerial / open air/sky / open air / space / open sky / midair 过于 過於 guòyū to a fault / unduly / too_much / troppo / over- / excessively / too / too much 任 任 rèn serve in a position / appoint to a position 晚 晚 wǎn far on in time / late 车站 車站 chēzhàn station 有助于 有助於 yǒuzhùyū helpful to / lead / advantage / redound / be conducive / conduce / be conducive to / conduce to / sell / contribute to / subserve / avail / contribute 便利 便利 biànlì facilitate 落后 落後 luòhòu fall/lay behind 之类 之類 zhīlèi conj.: such like 下降 下降 xiàjiàng descend / go/come down / drop / fall / decline 下降 下降 xiàjiàng descend / go/come down / drop / fall / decline 手续 手續 shǒuxù formality / procedures / formalities / procedure 转换 轉換 zhuǎnhuàn change / transform 转换 轉換 zhuǎnhuàn change / transform 立法 立法 lìfǎ legislation / legislative / legislate 刀 刀 dāo knife / sword / blade / sth. shaped like a knife 带给 帶給 dàigěi take / bring to 涵盖 涵蓋 hángài cover, include 差不多 差不多 chābùduō good enough 主持人 主持人 zhǔchírén anchor / emcee / host / symposiarch / anchorman / director / impresario / chair / chairperson / linkman / presenter / compere / master of ceremonies / moderator 完工 完工 wángōng finish doing sth. 里 里 lǐ m.[standard] 杨 楊 yáng poplar tree / Surname / Yang / poplar 内政部 內政部 nèizhèngbù Interior / Ministry of the Interior Affairs / interior / Department of the Interior / Ministry of Home Affairs / Interior Department 躲 躲 duǒ avoid / hide / hide oneself / dodge / hide (oneself) 美术馆 美術館 měishùguǎn picture gallary / salon / art gallery / pinacotheca / museum / gallery 领先 領先 lǐngxiān lead / lead (in competition) / precede / lead_up / be in lead / show / be in the lead / get the jump 不当 不當 búdàng unsuitable / inappropriate 不当 不當 búdàng unsuitable / inappropriate 用地 用地 yòngdì site / location / land (of certain purpose) 认知 認知 rènzhī cognize / perceive 认知 認知 rènzhī cognize / perceive 基层 基層 jīcéng grass-roots unit / basic/primary level 做出 做出 zuòchū throw_off / give / to make / to do / make / place 政权 政權 zhèngquán rein / political power / political/state power / state power / power / regime / political 什么 甚麼 shéme det.: what 风景区 風景區 fēngjǐngqū scenic spot 季节 季節 jìjié season 享有 享有 xiǎngyǒu enjoy (right/etc.) 对不起 對不起 duìbùqǐ be unfair to / I'm sorry / let ... down / let somebody down / excuse me 建设 建設 jiànshè build / construct 出口 出口 chūkǒu export 引导 引導 yǐndǎo guide / lead 出口 出口 chūkǒu export 引导 引導 yǐndǎo guide / lead 实行 實行 shíxíng put into effect / fulfil / put ... into practice / practise / practice / put into practice/effect / live / pass / obtain / prosecute / cause / phase / meet / carry_out / pull / effect / operate / carry out / actualize / use / effectuate / put ... into effect / perform / apply / put into practice / run / implement / execute / do / make / wage / implementation 错误 錯誤 cuòwù wrong / mistaken 国内外 國內外 guónèiwài inside and outside the country 迄 迄 qì till 神话 神話 shénhuà fairy story / fairy tale / mythos / mythic / fable / fairytale / myth / mythology 尽 盡 jìn use up / exhaust / try one's best / put to best use / end 花园 花園 huāyuán flower garden 非洲 非洲 fēizhōu Africa 组织 組織 zǔzhī organize / form 音乐会 音樂會 yīnyuèhuì musicale / philharmonic / concert 继 繼 jì then / afterwards 预估 預估 yūgū predict 预估 預估 yūgū predict 著作 著作 zhùzuò composition / writing / composing / oeuvre / work / opus / literature / writings / book / production / bookmaking / body of work 感受到 感受到 gǎnshòudào feel / sense / experience 保障 保障 bǎozhàng guarantee / safeguard 自主 自主 zìzhǔ be one's own master / take initiative 好多 好多 hǎoduō det : many, much 自主 自主 zìzhǔ be one's own master / take initiative 姑娘 姑娘 gūniáng quiff / cummer / gill / calico / girlie / missy / moll / damsel / fille / girl / jill / miss / judy / jeune fille / sheila / jane / lass / colleen / toots / daughter / young girl / lassie 财团 財團 cáituán financial group / foundation / consortium / a consortium / a syndicate / syndicate / pool / conglomerate / empire / big business / a money clique 预期 預期 yūqí expect / anticipate 安定 安定 āndìng stabilize 上升 上升 shàngshēng rise 上升 上升 shàngshēng rise 未必 未必 wèibì may_not / not necessarily / may not 吨 噸 dùn metric ton / acre / ton / m.[standard] / / A / MT / tonne / t 模拟 模擬 mónǐ imitate / simulate 发言 發言 fāyán speak / make statement/speech 底下 底下 dǐxià under / below / beneath 安定 安定 āndìng stabilize 模拟 模擬 mónǐ imitate / simulate 票 票 piào ticket / ballot / note 出门 出門 chūmén go_out / go on journey / go out / go on a journey / be away from home 辅助 輔助 fǔzhù assist 倾向 傾向 qīngxiàng tendency / trend / inclination 过年 過年 guònián celebrate/spend New Year 照 照 zhào according to / in accordance with / towards 庙 廟 miào shrine / sanctorium / joss house / temple fair / temple 帮 幫 bāng help / assist 人工 人工 réngōng man-made / artificiality / manual work / manpower / art / labor 礼 禮 lǐ gift / present 信 信 xìn believe / true 胜利 勝利 shènglì win victory/success 魅力 魅力 mèilì personal appeal / allurement / charisma / fascination / spell / attractive feature / glitter / witchery / lure / appeal / grace / loveliness / attraction / allure / enticement / seduction / glamour / pazazz / charm / pishogue / prestige / enchantment / glamor / witchcraft / magnetism / attractiveness / appealingness / hypnotism / bewitchment / invitation / personal magnetism / captivation 首长 首長 shǒuzhǎng magistrate / lord / principal / header / chief / governor / raja / leading cadre / doge / senior officer 胜利 勝利 shènglì win victory/success 过年 過年 guònián celebrate/spend New Year 毫不 毫不 háobù nohow / not at all / no / no more / none / nowise / nothing 组长 組長 zǔzhǎng chief/head of group/section 专长 專長 zhuāncháng department / excellence / metier / knowledge / speciality / specialty / specialism / specialisation / special skill/knowledge / special knowledge / adept / expertise / special skill / medium / forte / specialization 物品 物品 wùpǐn whatchamacallit / sundry / stuff / commodity / affair / physical object / goods / article / object / content / whatsis / res / sundries 哇 哇 wā Wah! 后者 後者 hòuzhě latter / the latter 辅助 輔助 fǔzhù assist 珍贵 珍貴 zhēnguì valuable / precious 景象 景象 jǐngxiàng prospects / spectacle / scene / picture / sight / show 选出 選出 xuǎnchū come_up / winnow / mark / come up / mark_out / select / single_out / center out / return / single out / vote / designate 澎湖 澎湖 pénghú Peng-hu(county in Taiwan) 学员 學員 xuéyuán trainee / member of institution of learning / student 监督 監督 jiāndū supervise / superintend / control 监督 監督 jiāndū supervise / superintend / control 加拿大 加拿大 jiānádà Northman / Canadian / Canada 以色列 以色列 yǐsèliè Beulah / Israel / Zion 参赛 參賽 cānsài take part in match, enter competition 混乱 混亂 hǔnluàn confused / chaotic 走出 走出 zǒuchū leave / walk out 收到 收到 shōudào hear / find / achievement / receive / receipt / obtain / achieve / incur / get / come_to 佛 佛 fó Buddha / Buddhism / image of Buddha 如同 如同 rútóng like / similar to 初 初 chū at the beginning of / in the early part of 混乱 混亂 hǔnluàn confused / chaotic 排 排 pái stand in line / arrange / put in order / sequence 岁月 歲月 suìyuè precession / years / days / time 参赛 參賽 cānsài take part in match, enter competition 届时 屆時 jièshí at appointed time / on the occasion 这边 這邊 zhèbiān this side / here 班 班 bān m.[event] 塑造 塑造 sùzào model / mold / portray 权威 權威 quánwēi authoritativeness / sanction / pontiff / prince / pundit / a person of authority / authority / princedom / muscle / power / pope 双重 雙重 shuāngchóng twofold / dual / diploid / double 古老 古老 gǔlǎo ancient / old 广播 廣播 guǎngbō broadcast / air 乐观 樂觀 lèguān be optimistic; be hopeful 乐观 樂觀 lèguān be optimistic; be hopeful 塑造 塑造 sùzào model / mold / portray 定期 定期 dìngqí fixed (of time) / periodically / regularly 强大 強大 qiángdà big and powerful / formidable 强大 強大 qiángdà big and powerful / formidable 社会主义 社會主義 shèhuìzhǔyì socialist / socialism 事宜 事宜 shìyí arrangements / matters concerned / affairs / arrangement / personal business 交往 交往 jiāowǎng associate / contact 交往 交往 jiāowǎng associate / contact 时空 時空 shíkōng time and space / space-time 露出 露出 lòuchū bare / demonstrate / disclose / expose / crop out / show / basset / uncover / protrude / appear / reveal / emerge / evidence / tell / uncase / outcrop / peep / betray / ride / ascertain 请教 請教 qǐngjiào consultation / Please enlighten me. / seek advice / take counsel / consult / ask / ask for advice 繁荣 繁榮 fánróng flourishing / prosperous / booming 嬉皮 嬉皮 xīpí flower child / hippy / hippie 繁荣 繁榮 fánróng flourishing / prosperous / booming 斤 斤 jīn m.[standard] 暨 暨 jì conj.: and 行情 行情 hángqíng prices / quotation / (market) quotations / market / price / quotations 先导 先導 xiāndǎo pacesetter / forerunner / precursor / vanguard / guide 防治 防治 fángzhì prevent and cure / prophylaxis and treatment 防治 防治 fángzhì prevent and cure / prophylaxis and treatment 列入 列入 lièrù be listed / be listed/placed / placed / be placed / rank 依据 依據 yījù basis / foundation 完美 完美 wánměi perfect / consummate 同胞 同胞 tóngbāo offspring of same parents / paisano / neighbour / countrymen / countryfolk / fellow countryman / neighbor / compatriot / countryman / cousin 原理 原理 yuánlǐ principle / tenet 财富 財富 cáifù opulence / pile / worth / fortune / moneybag / riches / mammon / substance / wealth / wealthy / gold / lucre / means / shekel / pelf / opulency / money / oof / nabobery 黄 黃 huáng yellow / spoiled / withered 难免 難免 nánmiǎn hard to avoid 中小企业 中小企業 zhōngxiǎoqìyè medium and small enterprise / middle and small types enterprises 全力 全力 quánlì all one's strength / wholehearted dedication 影响到 影響到 yǐngxiǎngdào concern / impinge_on / interfere 贵族 貴族 guìzú baron / aristocratism / atheling / nobleman / jarl / grandee / raja / aristocracy / patrician / blue blood / lord / magnifico / noble / aristocrat / baronage / peer / mogul / nobility / patricianhood / peerage / sirdar / amir / nobles 祖先 祖先 zǔxiān parent / father / forbear / forefathers / origin / progenitor / propositus / pedigree / forebear / forefather / antecedent / ascendent / grandfather / ancestor / forerunner / grandsire / stirp / root / ancestry / grandmother / antecedents / forbears / stirps / ascendant / primogenitor / ancestral / ancestors / sire / stock / forebears 待 待 dài treat / entertain 怎么 怎麼 zěnme what 流通 流通 liútōng circulate 流通 流通 liútōng circulate 姊姊 姊姊 jiějiě big_sister / older sister / big sister 纯 純 chún pure / simple 学会 學會 xuéhuì learn / master 联系 聯繫 liánxì integrate / relate / link / get in touch with 报 報 bào report / reply 报 報 bào report / reply 台风 颱風 táifēng typhoon 盘 盤 pán m.[event] 精致 精緻 jīngzhì fine / exquisite / delicate 联考 聯考 liánkǎo general examination / entrance examination 精致 精緻 jīngzhì fine / exquisite / delicate 队伍 隊伍 duìwǔ cue / procession / contingent / ranks / troops / gang 大台北 大台北 dàtáiběi Taipei area 和尚 和尚 héshàng bonze / talapoin / monk / Bhikku / Buddhist monk 联系 聯繫 liánxì integrate / relate / link / get in touch with 回收 回收 huíshōu recycle 回收 回收 huíshōu recycle 便是 便是 biànshì even if 后 後 hòu det.: later / succeeding 师范 師範 shīfàn teacher-training / pedagogical 陷入 陷入 xiànrù plunge / be immersed in / land oneself in / slump / be caught in / lapse / launch / get_into / fall_in / invaginate / be deep in / engulf / run_into / fall_into / be lost/immersed in / be lost / sink into / tangle / fall into / immerse / sink / be lost in / bed / immersed in / get bogged down in / land / sink/fall into 旅 旅 lǔ travel 高度 高度 gāodù altitude / height / high degree 租 租 zū rent out 副 副 fù m.[general] 义大利 義大利 yìdàlì Italy 篮球 籃球 lánqiú basketball 生产力 生產力 shēngchǎnlì fecundity / fertility / productive force / prolificacy / output / productivity 犯 犯 fàn violate / offend / attack / assail / work against / commit / have recurrence (of old illness) / revert (to bad habit) 评鑑 評鑑 píngjiàn pass judgment on / evaluate / assess 搜寻 搜尋 sōuxún search/look for / seek 搜寻 搜尋 sōuxún search/look for / seek 有利 有利 yǒulì be advantageous/beneficial 情境 情境 qíngjìng situation / experimental condition / condition / circumstances 处处 處處 chùchù everywhere / in all respects 则 則 zé m.[general] 物价 物價 wùjià commodity prices 宜 宜 yí right / suitable 弄 弄 nòng play with / make / do / handle / engage in / obtain / get / fetch / play tricks 根 根 gēn roots of a plant / the base 评鑑 評鑑 píngjiàn pass judgment on / evaluate / assess 趟 趟 tàng m.[activity] 歌曲 歌曲 gēqǔ melody / aria / song / madrigal / chant / lied / tune 烧 燒 shāo oven broil / roast / burn / broil / run a fever / baking / stew ... in soy sauce / cook / heat / bake / burning / burnt / stew / grill / cooking / have a temperature 赵 趙 zhào Zhao / Surname 文物 文物 wénwù historical relics / cultural objects / artifact / historical relic / cultural relic / cultural/historical objects/relics / cultural / historical objects / relics 四处 四處 sìchù about / all around / everywhere / everyplace / all over / throughout / around 心脏 心臟 xīnzàng ticker / cardiac / center / pump / heart 难怪 難怪 nánguài no wonder 唱歌 唱歌 chànggē sing 数目 數目 shùmù figure / count / amount / number 不时 不時 bùshí betweentimes / every so often / frequently / somewhile / at any time / every now and then / often 修订 修訂 xiūdìng revise 词汇 詞彙 cíhuì mental lexicon / vocabulary / wordbook / lexicon / word-stock / lexis / words and phrases 干脆 乾脆 gāncuì direct, forthright 社长 社長 shèzhǎng director (of association / principal / etc.) / director / president/director (of association/etc.) / president 修订 修訂 xiūdìng revise 唱歌 唱歌 chànggē sing 球场 球場 qiúchǎng playing_field / gridiron / court / ball field / field / pitch / course / park / ballpark 身份 身份 shēnfèn state / dignity / station / estate / body / estate of the realm / capacity / status / standing / caste / doctorate / place / identity / condition 解释 解釋 jiěshì explanation / interpretation 计画 計畫 jìhuà plan 水果 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 发明 發明 fāmíng invention 户外 戶外 hùwài air / outdoor / open_air / out-of-doors / open / outdoors / open air / open-air 司法 司法 sīfǎ justice / judicature / administration of justice / judicatory / judiciary / judgeship / judicial / judgship 热门 熱門 rèmén favorite / in great demand / popular 环保局 環保局 huánbǎojú State Bureau of Environmental Protection / Bureau of Environmental Protection 解放 解放 jiěfàng liberate / emancipate 草 草 cǎo female (of animals) / herb / herbage / female / careless / hasty / grass / rough / wort / draft / straw 东吴 東吳 dōngwú Soochow University 幸运 幸運 xìngyùn very fortunate / lucky 幸运 幸運 xìngyùn very fortunate / lucky 解放 解放 jiěfàng liberate / emancipate 违规 違規 wéiguī violate rule/regulation 下来 下來 xiàlái come down from a higher place 热心 熱心 rèxīn be enthusiastic about 算 算 suàn calculate / compute / figure / include / count / plan / think / suppose 领 領 lǐng receive / draw / get / have jurisdiction over / be in possession of 创新 創新 chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas / blaze new trails 电 電 diàn electricity 灵魂 靈魂 línghún god / anima / Psyche / psyche / spirit / pneuma / ghost / manes / soul 尊严 尊嚴 zūnyán honour / dignity / loftiness / face / worship / self-regard / majesty / sanctity / self-respect / dignified / stateliness / self-esteem / honor 协商 協商 xiéshāng consult / talk things over 网 網 wǎng net 协商 協商 xiéshāng consult / talk things over 军人 軍人 jūnrén soldiery / soldier / swordsman / buffcoat / armyman / serviceman / military 物件 物件 wùjiàn thing / article / object 省府 省府 shěngfǔ Taiwan Provincial Government 背 背 bèi learn by heart / recite from memory 书法 書法 shūfǎ calligraphy 违规 違規 wéiguī violate rule/regulation 创新 創新 chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas / blaze new trails 运输 運輸 yùnshū transport 运输 運輸 yùnshū transport 礼拜 禮拜 lǐbài week 观 觀 guān look at / watch / observe 愿望 願望 yuànwàng wish / desire / pleasure / Eros / will / orexis / desirability / dream / wishfulness / mind / mirage / wistfulness / aspiration / ambition / hope 临床 臨床 línchuáng clinical 练 練 liàn practice / exercise / boil and scour raw silk / educate / reeducate / nurture / coach / hone / drill / school / lunge / break / breed / train 麻烦 麻煩 máfán trouble somebody, bother 当成 當成 dāngchéng regard as / take for / consider as / regard/consider as / treat as / regard 皇帝 皇帝 huángdì emperor 男孩 男孩 nánhái feller / sonny boy / male child / tad / sonny / laddie / lad / child / man-child / cub / blighter / Jack / male offspring / boy 有钱 有錢 yǒuqián wealthy / be wealthy / be rich / rich / moneyed 瑞士 瑞士 ruìshì Svizzera / Swiss Confederation / bise / Schweiz / Switzerland / Suisse 何况 何況 hékuàng conj.: much less / let alone / all the more 扩充 擴充 kuòchōng expand / strengthen / augment 奖励 獎勵 jiǎnglì encourage and reward / award 扩充 擴充 kuòchōng expand / strengthen / augment 分佈 分佈 fēnbù be distributed (over an area) / be scattered 分布 分布 fēnbù be distributed (over an area) / be scattered 分布 分布 fēnbù be distributed (over an area) / be scattered 竞赛 競賽 jìngsài contest / competition 分佈 分佈 fēnbù be distributed (over an area) / be scattered 对应 對應 duìyìng correspondence / harmonize / map / homologous / corresponding / mapping / agree / reciprocal / counterpart / represent / stand for / accord / equate / homologize / correspond 严肃 嚴肅 yánsù serious / solemn 脱离 脫離 tuōlí depart / disaffiliate / sever / wander / disengage / renegade / defect / secede / splinter / break away / drop_out / free / opt / extricate / bolt / separate oneself from / break up / be divorced from / separate / deviate / swerve / break_loose / prescind / escape_from / pervert 主委 主委 zhǔwěi head member of a committee 应付 應付 yìngfù hack / cope_with / treat / stand / bridge_over / come_on / do sth. perfunctorily / cope with / handle / cope / do ... perfunctorily / deal/cope with / cut / make do / deal / deal with / respond 注意到 注意到 zhùyìdào find / acknowledge / mark / discover / observe / pay attention to / heed / notice / realize / detect / catch / note 安装 安裝 ānzhuāng install / erect / fix / mount 国王 國王 guówáng regal / crowned_head / Rex / crown / kingdom / Pharaoh / male monarch / roi / king 着 著 zhuó put on (clothes) 笔 筆 bǐ pen / technique of writing/calligraphy/drawing / stroke 发达 發達 fādá developed / flourishing 发达 發達 fādá developed / flourishing 单一 單一 dānyī one / unitary / singular / monolithic / single 安装 安裝 ānzhuāng install / erect / fix / mount 历经 歷經 lìjīng have experienced 饮料 飲料 yǐnliào stuff / bibation / drinkable / beverage / belly-wash / potation / quencher / soft_drink / slop / brewage / potable / drink 万一 萬一 wànyī conj.: just in case / if by any chance 机械 機械 jīxiè mechanics / enginery / rig / machinery / mechanism / machine / appliance / mechanical 影响力 影響力 yǐngxiǎnglì influence / potency / carry-over / impact / encroachment / force / leavening / consequence / pull / leaven / shadow / powerfulness / hold / impingement / authority / heft / juice / power / counterbalance 不免 不免 bùmiǎn unavoidably 加速 加速 jiāsù quicken / accelerate / expedite 加速 加速 jiāsù quicken / accelerate / expedite 加州 加州 jiāzhōu California 专 專 zhuān concentrated / special / specially / only / focused / tyrannical / arbitrary 比率 比率 bǐlù ratio / percentage / rate / proportion / clip / quotient 科目 科目 kēmù discipline / headings in account book / school subject / school course / school subject/course / subject / category of subjects / course 致力 致力 zhìlì concentrate_on / bend / devote oneself (to) / dedicate / devote oneself / devote oneself to / devote / work for 完善 完善 wánshàn perfect / consummate 成人 成人 chéngrén grownup / adult / majority / manhood / grown-up 吵架 吵架 chǎojià quarrel / have a row/spat 名额 名額 míngé number of people allowed / quota of people 完善 完善 wánshàn perfect / consummate 吵架 吵架 chǎojià quarrel / have a row/spat 发 發 fā distribute 换句话说 換句話說 huànjùhuàshuō that is to say / viz. / namely / in other words / videlicet 产 產 chǎn give birth to / be delivered of / produce 不然 不然 bùrán conj.: otherwise, if not, or else 支付 支付 zhīfù pay (money) / defray 可行 可行 kěxíng feasible 支付 支付 zhīfù pay (money) / defray 变化 變化 biànhuà change / vary 竞选 競選 jìngxuǎn campaign (for office) / run for 关 關 guān shut / close / turn off / lock up / close down 竞选 競選 jìngxuǎn campaign (for office) / run for 双手 雙手 shuāngshǒu lily-white / both hands 有些 有些 yǒuxiē kind_of / rather / somewhat 名 名 míng famous 表 表 biǎo indicate 社员 社員 shèyuán commune member 产 產 chǎn give birth to / be delivered of / produce 反应 反應 fǎnyìng react / respond 假 假 jiǎ false / fake / phony / artificial 乐园 樂園 lèyuán Elysian Fields / paradise / Valhalla / Eden / playground / Elysium / fairyland 饿死 餓死 èsǐ famish / starve / hunger / starve to death 湖 湖 hú water / waterfront / a name referring to the provinces of Hunan and Hub / lacustrine / loch / mere / lake / lough / Hunan and Hubei / laky 国际化 國際化 guójìhuà internationlize 营养 營養 yíngyǎng nutrition / nourishment 转 轉 zhuǎn turn / revolve / rotate 不便 不便 búbiàn inconvenient / inappropriate 反 反 fǎn on the contrary / instead 不便 不便 búbiàn inconvenient / inappropriate 山地 山地 shāndì mountainous / mountainous country / fields on a hill / hillside field / mountainous region / hilly country / upland / mountainous/hilly country / hilly area 考验 考驗 kǎoyàn test / trial 不变 不變 búbiàn not change 成 成 chéng accomplish / succeed 国际化 國際化 guójìhuà internationlize 时光 時光 shíguāng years / times / days / hour / time 念书 念書 niànshū read / study 多元化 多元化 duōyuánhuà become many-faceted 交通部 交通部 jiāotōngbù Ministry of Communications 依法 依法 yīfǎ in conformity with legal provisions / lawfully / in accordance with the law / wrongfully / legally / de jure / according to law 多元化 多元化 duōyuánhuà become many-faceted 艘 艘 sāo m.[general] 强化 強化 qiánghuà strengthen / intensify / consolidate 烟 煙 yān smoke / mist / vapor 势力 勢力 shìlì strength / influence / potency / weight / hold / leverage / yoke / sway / force / steam / presence / power / puissance 敌人 敵人 dírén antagonist / enemy / enemy force / foeman / opponent / adversary / hostile force / foe / opposing force 仪器 儀器 yíqì instrumentation / device / setup / apparatus / instrumental / instrument / armamentarium 功夫 功夫 gōngfū workmanship / skill / art 不景气 不景氣 bùjǐngqì depressive / in depression / in depressing state / recession 离婚 離婚 líhūn divorce 持 持 chí hold / grasp 财政 財政 cáizhèng finance 离婚 離婚 líhūn divorce 伦理 倫理 lúnlǐ value orientation / value-system / moral / moral principle / morals / ethical / ethical motive / ethic / moral principles / morality / ethics 强盗 強盜 qiángdào hijacker / ravener / robber / rifler / freebooter / housebreaker / mugger / stickup / highwayman / brigand / ripoff / robbery / bandit / dacoit 负面 負面 fùmiàn negative / negativeness / reverse (side) / reverse 企业界 企業界 qìyèjiè business / business circles / enterprise 红色 紅色 hóngsè red color 施行 施行 shīxíng put in force / execute / implement / apply / perform 施行 施行 shīxíng put in force / execute / implement / apply / perform 列为 列為 lièwéi be classified as 强化 強化 qiánghuà strengthen / intensify / consolidate 姓 姓 xìng name 关切 關切 guānqiè be deeply concerned 众人 眾人 zhòngrén everybody 关切 關切 guānqiè be deeply concerned 礼物 禮物 lǐwù tribute / giving / proffer / gift / compliment / box / benefice / acknowledgment / present / souvenir 不利 不利 búlì unfavorable / detrimental;unsuccessful 不佳 不佳 bùjiā be no good 不利 不利 búlì unfavorable / detrimental;unsuccessful 教育厅 教育廳 jiàoyūtīng Office of Education 家属 家屬 jiāshǔ blood relative / kinswoman / kinsman / household / kinfolk / kin / dependent / kinsfolk / family members / family dependents / cognate / folk / sib / people / dependents / blood relation / family members/dependents 咱们 咱們 zánmen we / you and I 呼吸 呼吸 hūxī take a breather / respiratory / take a breath / respire / catch one's breath / inspire / breathe / rest / suspire / respiration 儿女 兒女 érnǔ sons and daughters / young man and woman / children / young males and females / child 款 款 kuǎn m.[general] 象征 象徵 xiàngzhēng symbol / emblem / token 煮 煮 zhǔ boil / scald / seethe / poach / cook 显著 顯著 xiǎnzhù outstand / striking / noticeable / remarkable / appear / marked / notable / outstanding / stand_out 大跃进 大躍進 dàyuèjìn Great Leap Forward 止 止 zhǐ demeanor / bearing 付 付 fù hand/turn over to / commit to / pay 演员 演員 yǎnyuán actor or actress / playactor / imitator / stage manager / barnstormer / actor / performer / impersonator / cast / performing artist / dramatis personae / role player / histrionic / thespian / trouper / player / cast of characters / stager / histrion 婴儿 嬰兒 yīngér babe / baby infant / wean / neonate / papoose / nestling / parvulus / baby / cheeper / child / bantling / nursling / bambino / infant / nurseling / infantile / suckling / chrisom 典礼 典禮 diǎnlǐ religious rite / celebration / ceremony / ceremonial occasion / exercise / observance / function / ceremonial / ritual / order / rite 忍受 忍受 rěnshòu forbear / hack / dree / stomach / abide / hurt / aby / hold still for / stick / brave out / live on / ache / endure / cut / swallow / suffer / brave / brook / bide / thole / digest / receive / stand / absorb / go / put up / hold out / live / hold up / sustain / abye / support / stand_for / bear / stand for / survive / last / tolerate / weather 城镇 城鎮 chéngzhèn cities and towns 异常 異常 yìcháng unusual / extraordinary / abnormal 异常 異常 yìcháng unusual / extraordinary / abnormal 补助 補助 bǔzhù subsidization 案子 案子 ànzi case (of law/etc.) 好朋友 好朋友 hǎopéngyǒu gossip / chum / crony / buddie / matey / good friend / pal 轻易 輕易 qīngyì lightly / rashly 码头 碼頭 mǎtóu commercial/transportation center / port city / landing / pier / marina / commercial center / quay / wharf / levee / landing place / jetty / commercial / stage / commercial and transportation center / transportation center / wharfage / staith / dock 计划 計劃 jìhuà plan 服务业 服務業 fúwùyè service industry / service / service trades 工作站 工作站 gōngzuòzhàn work station / workstation 外表 外表 wàibiǎo shell / outward appearance / outwall / mess / presentation / resemblance / externality / semblance / guise / visual aspect / outwardness / exterior / rind / showing / look / superficies / likeness / mien / appearance / vizard / surface / garment / external / getup 熊 熊 xióng ursine / Xiong / Surname / bear 势必 勢必 shìbì certainly will / be bound to 斗争 鬥爭 dòuzhēng battle / fight 斗争 鬥爭 dòuzhēng battle / fight 研拟 研擬 yánnǐ research and formulate something 行列 行列 hángliè parade / procession / ranks / waiting line / cortege / promenade / row / single file / Indian file / column / queue / lineup / file / rank 研拟 研擬 yánnǐ research and formulate something 收藏 收藏 shōucáng collect / store up 法人 法人 fǎrén legal person / juridical/corporate person / corporate / legal/juridical/corporate person / juridical / incorporation / legal / artificial person / corporate person / incorporator / person / corp / juridic person / corporation 收藏 收藏 shōucáng collect / store up 企图 企圖 qìtú attempt / intend 再次 再次 zàicì once again / once_more / second time / again / a second time / over / third / once more/again / once more 科系 科系 kēxì department / department (in a college) / faculty 赞助 贊助 zànzhù support / assist 网球 網球 wǎngqiú lawn tennis / tennis / follow-through / tennis ball 人心 人心 rénxīn the will of people / human heart / public feeling / popular feeling 有用 有用 yǒuyòng belong / profit / count / useful / avail / powerful 赞助 贊助 zànzhù support / assist 聚集 聚集 jùjí gather / assemble / collect 编列 編列 biānliè budget 证据 證據 zhèngjù support / telltale / testification / witness / case / testimonial / documentation / grounds / evidential / token / proof / earnest / testimony / cogent evidence / attestation / testament / evidence 自身 自身 zìshēn self / oneself 编列 編列 biānliè budget 写作 寫作 xiězuò writing 写作 寫作 xiězuò writing 趁 趁 chèn while 进度 進度 jìndù pace / rate of advance / schedule / rate / planned speed / gradation / tempo 提前 提前 tíqián counter / foresee / shift to an earlier date / set ahead / advance date / advanced / advancement / move up / anticipate / advance / forestall 气息 氣息 qìxí breath / flatus / look / feeling / spirit / smell / snuff / feel / breathing / flavor / tone / taste / flavour 工业区 工業區 gōngyèqū industrial estate / industrial park 聚集 聚集 jùjí gather / assemble / collect 会谈 會談 huìtán talk 慾望 慾望 yūwàng appetence / libido / desire / lust / lecherousness / drive / flesh / lustfulness / want / passion 输 輸 shū lose / be defeated 优良 優良 yōuliáng fine / good 文献 文獻 wénxiàn document / bibliography / data related to a country's history / bibliographic / literature / data / data/documents related to a country's history/culture/etc. / documents related to a country's culture / documents related to a country's history / culture / etc. 筹备 籌備 chóubèi prepare / arrange / plan 劝 勸 quàn encourage / urge / talk / advise / advice / persuade / prevail / encouragement / try to persuade / exhort 追踪 追蹤 zhuīzōng follow trail, track 筹备 籌備 chóubèi prepare / arrange / plan 有线 有線 yǒuxiàn wired 会谈 會談 huìtán talk 逐步 逐步 zhúbù step by step / progressively 安打 安打 āndǎ base hit / safe hit / bingle 每 每 měi every / each / often / frequent 列印 列印 lièyìn put a seal on / cut a stencil and mimeograph / print / stamp / mimeograph 宣导 宣導 xuāndǎo guide people by creating better understanding 宣导 宣導 xuāndǎo guide people by creating better understanding 城堡 城堡 chéngbǎo fortress / Casbah / chateau / palace / fastness / fort / alcazar / citadel / acropolis / schloss / chateaux / castle 追踪 追蹤 zhuīzōng follow trail, track 收获 收穫 shōuhuò harvest / gains / results 手册 手冊 shǒucè companion / enchiridion / pamphlet / guidebook / notebook / vade_mecum / leaflet / handbook / booklet / brochure / folder / manual / vade mecum / workbook / guide 灯光 燈光 dēngguāng light / lighting / the light of a lamp / illuminance / glim / illumination / lamplight 语文 語文 yǔwén linguistic communication / (spoken and written) language / text / language / language and literature 团 團 tuán m.[proximation] 资策会 資策會 zīcèhuì Institute for Information Industry 一连串 一連串 yīliánchuàn a string of / in a row / a series of / a chain of / a succession of / in succession 有心 有心 yǒuxīn be careful / be cautious / cautious / have a mind to / expect 双 雙 shuāng m.[general] 绩效 績效 jīxiào results / effect 逼 逼 bī extort / press for / press on towards / drive / force / compel / close in on / press up to 镜头 鏡頭 jìngtóu training / lens / scene / shot / camera lens / vertex / optical lens 开心 開心 kāixīn feel happy / rejoice 否定 否定 fǒudìng negate / deny 否定 否定 fǒudìng negate / deny 地主 地主 dìzhǔ landholder / magnate / laird / host / landowner / lessor / master / squirearch / property owner / landman / landlady / landlord 老大 老大 lǎodà leader / eldest child (in a family) / guvnor / old / governor / boss / eldest child / master of a sailing vessel 研究生 研究生 yánjiùshēng don / postgraduate / grad student / grad / graduate student / student / graduate_student 气质 氣質 qìzhí kidney / fibre / charisma / crasis / mettle / humor / temper / predisposition / habit / mould / colour / class / streak / metal / temperament / disposition / strain / habitude / sensitivity / blood / proclivity / karma / gaseity / grain / makings / presence 拿出 拿出 náchū ante / produce / take_out / get out / pose / take out / bring forth / take away / bring out 诉求 訴求 sùqiú the point of demand/request 开心 開心 kāixīn feel happy / rejoice 稍微 稍微 shāowéi kind_of / sort_of / a little bit / some / slightly / passably / somewhat / moderately / a little / ratherish / a bit 利率 利率 lìlù profit / interest rate / rate_of_interest / rate of interest 当选 當選 dāngxuǎn get elected 当选 當選 dāngxuǎn get elected 台南 台南 táinán Tainan (big city in Taiwan) 拟定 擬定 nǐdìng formulate / conjecture 拟定 擬定 nǐdìng formulate / conjecture 隔 隔 gé separate / cut off / impede 经建会 經建會 jīngjiànhuì Council for Economic Planning and Development 贴 貼 tiē paste / glue / stick to 忽视 忽視 hūshì ignore / overlook / neglect 郝柏村 郝柏村 hǎobócūn ex-premier of Taiwan 查获 查獲 cháhuò track down / apprehend 拆除 拆除 chāichú demolish / remove 拆除 拆除 chāichú demolish / remove 忽视 忽視 hūshì ignore / overlook / neglect 式 式 shì m.[kind] 传来 傳來 chuánlái spread / arise / salute / deliver something to here 象征 象徵 xiàngzhēng symbolize / signify / stand for 乐 樂 lè happy / cheerful / be glad to / enjoy / be amused 罢了 罷了 bàle particle: elucidating a previous proposition so as to diminish its effect 演 演 yǎn elaborate / development / practise / practice / develop / act / performance / represent / deduction / drill / play / evolution / evolve / play the part of / perform / play the role of / mount / elaboration / deduce 出身 出身 chūshēn class origin / family background;one's previous experience/occupation 心得 心得 xīndé what one has learned from work/study/etc. / study / what one has learned from work / insight / acquaintanceship / what one has learned from study/etc. / etc. / what one has learned from work / study / etc. 出身 出身 chūshēn class origin / family background;one's previous experience/occupation 上学 上學 shàngxué attend school / be at school 去世 去世 qùshì die / pass away 上学 上學 shàngxué attend school / be at school 忙碌 忙碌 mánglù be busy / bustle about 卫生署 衛生署 wèishēngshǔ Department of Health 去世 去世 qùshì die / pass away 记忆体 記憶體 jìyìtǐ memory / [Computer] memory, memory / memory board / inner memory / memory (chip) / storage / store 定位 定位 dìngwèi fixed position 忙碌 忙碌 mánglù be busy / bustle about 纪念 紀念 jìniàn commemorate / mark 场面 場面 chángmiàn occasion / tableaux / locale / front / theatre / appearance / facade / theater / scene / spectacle / scope 得意 得意 déyì be proud of; be exalted; be complacent 得意 得意 déyì be proud of; be exalted; be complacent 寄 寄 jì attach oneself to / drop / transport / mail / ship / leave / entrust / post / get off / lodge at / depend on / send / entrustment / deposit / transmit / place / consign 基隆 基隆 jīlóng Keelung (city in Taiwan) 效应 效應 xiàoyìng effect 海水 海水 hǎishuǐ waters / seawater, salt water / sea / the sea / brine 贷款 貸款 dàikuǎn loan / credit 夫妇 夫婦 fūfù conjugality / couple / man_and_wife / husband and wife 拟 擬 nǐ intend / plan 代表 代表 dàibiǎo represent 旧金山 舊金山 jiùjīnshān Frisco / San Francisco 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly 尽量 盡量 jìnliàng (drink / to the full / eat) to the full / (drink/eat) to the full / to the best of one's ability 过度 過度 guòdù too / excessively 乃 乃 nǎi be 发起 發起 fāqǐ initiate / commence / stage / instigate / sparkplug / sponsor / inauguraion / start / launch / promote / inaugurate / initiation 角落 角落 jiǎoluò nook / quoin / angle / corner 防 防 fáng guard against / guard / prevent / prepare against / defence / resistance / guard/prepare against / resist / defend / provide against 附加 附加 fùjiā hang on / supervene / suffix / additional / affix / superimpose / inset / tack on / tack / attachment / tag on / append / add / subjoin / annex / engraft / attach 屏东 屏東 píngdōng Pingtung(city in Taiwan) 国籍 國籍 guójí nationality 章 章 zhāng m.[general] 义务 義務 yìwù duty / obligation / volunteer duty 开口 開口 kāikǒu uncork / open one's mouth / sharpen knife / vent / put the first edge on a knife / broach / speak_up / laugh out loudly / breach a dam / speak / start to talk 移民 移民 yímín emigrate 出 出 chū exceed / go beyond 主张 主張 zhǔzhāng view / position / stand / proposition 上涨 上漲 shàngzhǎng rise / go up (of water level/prices/etc.) 请求 請求 qǐngqiú ask / request / entreat 请求 請求 qǐngqiú ask / request / entreat 测试 測試 cèshì survey / measure and test 不到 不到 búdào less_than / be less than 恐惧 恐懼 kǒngjù fear / dread 来得 來得 láide emerge (from a comparison) as / come out as 请求 請求 qǐngqiú ask / request / entreat 得知 得知 dézhī find / hear / see / have / succeed / learn / get_onto / know / have learned of 挑战 挑戰 tiǎozhàn challenge to battle/contest 排除 排除 páichú get rid of / remove / eliminate 最为 最為 zuìwéi extremely / most / the most 排除 排除 páichú get rid of / remove / eliminate 眼泪 眼淚 yǎnlèi tear / teardrop / tears / eyedrop / waterworks 专辑 專輯 zhuānjí album / special issue / record album / special issue of periodical / short films / special collection of pamphlets, short films, etc. / special collection of pamphlets, short f / etc. 恐惧 恐懼 kǒngjù fear / dread 教导 教導 jiàodǎo instruct / give guidance 田 田 tián farmland / glebe / cropland / Surname / field / plow / Tian 仅有 僅有 jǐnyǒu have only... / there are only... 移植 移植 yízhí transplant / graft 核酸 核酸 hésuān nucleic acid / [Biochemistry] nucleic acid, nucleic acid 教导 教導 jiàodǎo instruct / give guidance 赶紧 趕緊 gǎnjǐn hasten / double-quick / losing no time / hurriedly 业绩 業績 yèjī achievement 点 點 diǎn put (a dot) / drip / sow in holes / check one by one / select / choose / hint / point out / mention / light / burn / kindle / touch on briefly / skim / order (dishes/etc.) 平静 平靜 píngjìng calm / quiet / tranquil 口号 口號 kǒuhào motto / shibboleth / slogan / watch word / watchcry / catchword / war_cry / cant / watchword / buzzword 山西 山西 shānxī Shansi / Shanxi province / Shanxi 出版品 出版品 chūbǎnpǐn publication 逃避 逃避 táobì get by / sidestep / get_around / weasel / fly / avoid / evade / ditch / shirk / evasive / fudge / escape / retreat / elude / put off / get off / skive / hedge / welsh / circumvent / wangle / duck / skirt / get away / get out / bilk / hide / ware / evasion / flee / parry / dodge 咬 咬 yǎo incriminate / grip / articulation / incriminate somebody else (usu. falsely) / be nitpicking (about use of words) / incrimination / articulate / bark / snap at / squeak / crunch / gnaw / tooth / pronounce / gnaw_at / prick / snap / knap / nip / bite off / begnaw / pronounce distinctly / pronunciation / be nitpicking / take / bite / seize with teeth / sting / incriminate somebody else 平静 平靜 píngjìng calm / quiet / tranquil 有关 有關 yǒuguān with regard to 背 背 bèi back of body/object 石油 石油 shíyóu crude / rock oil / crude oil / oil / coal oil / fossil_oil / fossil oil / petroleum 雪 雪 xuě snow 局长 局長 júzhǎng chief / head of bureau / director (of...) / superintendent / commissioner / director 展览 展覽 zhǎnlǎn exhibit / show / display 面貌 面貌 miànmào aspect / face / physiognomy / look / vestige / visage / appearance / features 展览 展覽 zhǎnlǎn exhibit / show / display 现实 現實 xiànshí practical / pragmatic 秘书长 秘書長 mìshūzhǎng secretary-general 讨厌 討厭 tǎoyàn disincline / to loathe / be disgusted with / to have a dislike of / scunner / to dislike / despise / keck / to take an aversion to / loathe / loathing / disrelish / hate / detest / dislike / disgusting / disfavor 移植 移植 yízhí transplant / graft 插 插 chā stuff / plug / get_in / insertion / insert / poke / thrust / tip / interposition / squeeze / stick / interpose / stick_in / stick in / shove 东部 東部 dōngbù orient / East / eastward / east 决心 決心 juéxīn determination / resolution 联邦 聯邦 liánbāng federacy / union / federal / nation / confederation / commonwealth / federation / confederacy 电台 電台 diàntái transceiver / transmitter-receiver / broadcasting station 讲座 講座 jiǎngzuò lecture / professorship / cathedra / talk-in / course of lecture / chair / course of lectures 猫 貓 māo pussycat / puss / malkin / cat / kitty / tabby / felid / feline / true cat / pussy 新兴 新興 xīnxīng burgeoning / new and developing / newly_arisen / rising 演讲 演講 yǎnjiǎng lecture / make speech 台电 台電 táidiàn Taiwan Power Company 曰 曰 yuē say / speak 选民 選民 xuǎnmín elector / voter / constituent / constituency / vote / electorate 充份 充份 chōngfèn full / sufficient / ample / abundant 俱乐部 俱樂部 jùlèbù club / (social) club / casino / Verein 锦标赛 錦標賽 jǐnbiāosài championship / tournament / tourney / series / championship contest 始 始 shǐ not until / not...until / only then 门 門 mén m.[general] 英 英 yīng Britain / England 推 推 tuī push / decline / refuse / reject / put off / postpone / delay 拿到 拿到 nádào take / get_hold_of / get 童年 童年 tóngnián childhood 期限 期限 qíxiàn time limit / allowed time / deadline / term 恶化 惡化 èhuà worsen 恶化 惡化 èhuà worsen 证实 證實 zhèngshí confirm / verify 硕士 碩士 shuòshì Master (of Arts) / M.A. / eminent scholar 编辑 編輯 biānjí edit / compile 审核 審核 shěnhé examine and verify 编辑 編輯 biānjí edit / compile 远 遠 yuǎn far behind/beyond 审核 審核 shěnhé examine and verify 分局 分局 fēnjú branch office 申报 申報 shēnbào report to higher body / declare (dutiable goods) 申报 申報 shēnbào report to higher body / declare (dutiable goods) 证实 證實 zhèngshí confirm / verify 与否 與否 yǔfǒu particle: meaning "whether or not" 迈向 邁向 màixiàng step/stride to 总之 總之 zǒngzhī in a word / tout ensemble / on the whole / all in all / altogether / in short 职务 職務 zhíwù engagement / job / part / office / line of duty / contribution / ministration / task / responsibility / commission / post / line of work / affair / hat / function / situation / occupation / line / province / share / duties / business / duty 延续 延續 yánxù continue / go on / last 吓 嚇 xià bounce / intimidate / frighten / daunt / bludgeon / scare / cow / bluster / horrify / huff / threaten 延续 延續 yánxù continue / go on / last 费率 費率 fèilù charge per unit / cost rate / tariff / rate 美国人 美國人 měiguórén American 高速 高速 gāosù great speed / velocity / high speed / high 商标 商標 shāngbiāo marque / mark / trade name / brand / logotype / monotype / nameplate / label / idiograph / trademark 嫌 嫌 xián dislike / mind 进修 進修 jìnxiū engage in advanced studies / take refresher course 进修 進修 jìnxiū engage in advanced studies / take refresher course 传递 傳遞 chuándì transmit / deliver / transfer 场合 場合 chǎnghé conjuncture / situation / event / occasion / social occasion / affair 诗人 詩人 shīrén muse / rhymist / swan / lark / Parnassus / Maker / minstrel / harmonist / metrist / maker / bulbul / songster / versifier / poet / singer / eisteddfod / bard 腰 腰 yāo isthmus / bend / haunch / middle / strategic pass / cingulum / reins / loin / pocket / small of the back / strait / waist of a garment / middle part / waist 传递 傳遞 chuándì transmit / deliver / transfer 股价 股價 gǔjià price of stock / stock price 歌声 歌聲 gēshēng voice / song / singing / sound of singing / singing voice 桃园 桃園 táoyuán TaoYuan (city in Taiwan) 温馨 溫馨 wēnxīn warm and fragrant 无比 無比 wúbǐ unparalleled / matchless 温馨 溫馨 wēnxīn warm and fragrant 着重 著重 zhuózhòng underscore / accent / concentrate / emphasize / attach importance / stress / set off / underline / accentuate / bring out 减轻 減輕 jiǎnqīng lighten / ease / mitigate 提 提 tí carry / take (in hand with arm down) / lift / raise 意味 意味 yìwèi signify / mean / imply 说不定 說不定 shuōbúdìng perhaps / maybe 公民 公民 gōngmín freeman / citizen / denizen / national / civic / freewoman / commonwealth / burgher / civics 中兴 中興 zhōngxīng renaissance / resurgence 移动 移動 yídòng move / shift 减轻 減輕 jiǎnqīng lighten / ease / mitigate 有待 有待 yǒudài be pending / await / remain (to be done) / remain 船员 船員 chuányuán crew / sailorman / sailor / shipmate / crewman / tarpaulin / old salt / seaman / bargeman / tar / boatman / Jack-tar / mariner / sea dog / gob / waister / seafarer 中兴 中興 zhōngxīng renaissance / resurgence 丢 丟 diōu discard / put aside 走路 走路 zǒulù go away / stroam / go on foot / walk 身材 身材 shēncái stature / figure 好玩 好玩 hǎowán amusing / interesting 师父 師父 shīfù guru / address for nun/etc. / teacher / tutor / address for monk / professional / master / nun / a polite form of address to a monk or nun / address for monk/nun/etc. / etc. 架 架 jià m.[general] 服装 服裝 fúzhuāng turnout / wearing_apparel / clothing / investiture / rigging / costuming / toggery / habilimentation / habiliment / drapery / garb / attire / toilette / frock / costume / dress / investment / garmenture / rig / garment / setout / implement / garniture / getup / outfit 枚 枚 méi enzyme / flare / ferment / school / mine / Surname / stick used as mouth gag / piece / rocket / m.[general] / 陈列 陳列 chénliè display / exhibit 陈列 陳列 chénliè display / exhibit 移动 移動 yídòng move / shift 前者 前者 qiánzhě predecessor / the former / former 宝贵 寶貴 bǎoguì valuable / precious 兴起 興起 xīngqǐ rise / spring up / be on the upgrade 遭受 遭受 zāoshòu suffer 遭受 遭受 zāoshòu suffer 联合 聯合 liánhé joint / combined 兴起 興起 xīngqǐ rise / spring up / be on the upgrade 摸 摸 mō feel out / sound out / fumble / feel for / palpate / feel / stroke / finger / try to find out / touch / grope for / feel/sound out 下 下 xià go downwards / descend / alight / go to / exit / leave 逻辑 邏輯 luójí logic 奶奶 奶奶 nǎinǎi nanna / address for married woman / granny / gran / grandmother / grandma / respectful form of address for an old woman / paternal grandmother 价位 價位 jiàwèi price 宝贵 寶貴 bǎoguì valuable / precious 牙齿 牙齒 yáchǐ ivory / grinder / snapper / chopper / masticator / dental / teeth / pearly / peg / dens / tooth 武力 武力 wǔlì military unit / armory / armoury / armed force / saber / arsenal / military force / armed strength / armed might / force / bayonet / force of arms 肿瘤 腫瘤 zhǒngliú tumor 题材 題材 tícái subject_matter / theme / material / content / subject / subject matter / depicted object 典型 典型 diǎnxíng typical / representative 作风 作風 zuòfēng path / way of life / idiom / style / way / style of work / expressive style / fashion 初步 初步 chūbù initially / preliminarily / tentatively 胃 胃 wèi ventriculus / solar_plexus / venter / kyte / gizzard / belly / tummy / paunch / stomach / craw / gastric / breadbasket / gut / tum / abomasum 从未 從未 cóngwèi ne'er / never 旅行社 旅行社 lǔxíngshè a tourist agency / travel_agency / a travel agency / travel service/agent / travel service / travel agent / travel agency 聊天 聊天 liáotiān jaw / visit / talk / claver / confabulate / chaffer / chat / chatter / quack / schmoose / gossip / gos / chin / natter / confab / chitchat / coze 执着 執著 zhízhuó rigid / punctilious 执着 執著 zhízhuó rigid / punctilious 乡土 鄉土 xiāngtǔ home village 顿 頓 dùn m.[event] 非法 非法 fēifǎ illegal / wrongfully / wrongful / unlawful / illegitimately / illicitly / unlawfully / lawlessly / nefariously / nefarious / illegally / illegitimate / lawless / illicit 统计 統計 tǒngjì add up / count 演唱 演唱 yǎnchàng sing in performance 十足 十足 shízú 1 0 0 percent;out-and-out;downright 介绍 介紹 jièshào introduction 古人 古人 gǔrén forefathers / our forefather / ancient / ancients / antiquity 穷 窮 qióng exhaust / exhausted / impoverished / hard-pressed / pursue to limit / poor 演唱 演唱 yǎnchàng sing in performance 细 細 xì fine / exquisite / minute / in small particles / meticulous / thin and soft / thin / careful / light / trifling / slender / delicate / detailed 体力 體力 tǐlì breath / brawn / strength / bottom / main / thews / stamina / vigor / energy / physical strength / vigour / vim / physical power / strength of body / vitality / physical power/strength / thew / muscle / sinew 涉嫌 涉嫌 shèxián alleged / be a suspect / be suspected of being involved 同性恋 同性戀 tóngxìngliàn homoeroticism / homosexual / homo / inversion / homosexuality / homosexualism / gay / gayness 无聊 無聊 wúliáo bored / boring / senseless / silly / stupid 机种 機種 jīzhǒng machine model 土 土 tǔ soil / earth / clay / land 边缘 邊緣 biānyuán margin / brink / periphery / bead / brim / borderline / skirt / lip / fringe / delimitation / flange / threshold / boundary line / perimeter / rand / outer boundary / hem / line / border / verge / marginality / marge / skirting / edging / edge / corner / rim 平安 平安 píngān safe and sound / quiet and stable 出面 出面 chūmiàn act in one's own capacity or on behalf o / act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization / act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organ / appear personally 半导体 半導體 bàndǎotǐ IC 平安 平安 píngān safe and sound / quiet and stable 工研院 工研院 gōngyányuàn Industrial Technology Research Institute 灯 燈 dēng blowlamp / lantern / light source / light / lamp / tube / valve / burner 地板 地板 dìbǎn boarding / planking / hatch / plat / floorboard / hatchway / floor board / flooring / planch / floor / footplate 舒适 舒適 shūshì comfortable / cozy 著作权 著作權 zhùzuòquán right of first publication / copyright 细节 細節 xìjié circumstance / minutiae / nicety / minutia / speciality / item / detail / particulars / punctilio / particular / point / specific / respect / regard / details 侵害 侵害 qīnhài encroach on (other's rights) / violate 侵害 侵害 qīnhài encroach on (other's rights) / violate 好看 好看 hǎokàn embarrassed / interesting / nice / good-looking / delightful 立 立 lì set up / erect 器材 器材 qìcái materials / materiel / equipment 地形 地形 dìxíng topography / physique / landscape / terrain / chorography / landform 欢乐 歡樂 huānlè happy / joyous / gay 说出 說出 shuōchū disclose / utter / articulation / bite out / talk / escape / broach / outtell / get off / articulate / pass / speak / fall / disembosom / babble / shoot / speak out / outspeak / mouth / verbalize 阳明 陽明 yángmíng philosopher who stressed intuition in opposition to Zhu Xi's "investigation of things" 正义 正義 zhèngyì justice 分散 分散 fēnsàn divert / diversify / diffract / disperse / deconcentrate / decentralize / dispel / disgregate / decentralization / scatter / distract / decentralise / shed / break up / dispersal 回忆 回憶 huíyì recollect / recall 测验 測驗 cèyàn test 欢乐 歡樂 huānlè happy / joyous / gay 海报 海報 hǎibào throwaway / poster / bill / flier / flyer / broadside / a playbill / a placard / circular / playbill / placard / broadsheet / handbill / a poster 高阶 高階 gāojiē high-class 副教授 副教授 fùjiàoshòu associate_professor / associate professor 信念 信念 xìnniàn confession / tenet / strong belief / belief / creed / persuasion / conviction / opinion / faith 花费 花費 huāfèi spend / expend 自在 自在 zìzài comfortable / unrestrained / at_ease / free 刺激 刺激 cìjī stimulation 技能 技能 jìnéng know-how / mastery of a technique / ability / acquisition / acquirement / mastery of a skill / proficiency / skill / craft / technical ability / technique / mastery of a skill/technique / facility / quality / faculty 私立 私立 sīlì privately run / private 回忆 回憶 huíyì recollect / recall 维修 維修 wéixiū keep in (good) repair / maintain 压迫 壓迫 yāpò oppress / repress / constrict 压迫 壓迫 yāpò oppress / repress / constrict 戏剧 戲劇 xìjù dramatic_work / dramatic composition / theatricals / dramatic work / stage / theatre / theater / drama / dramaturgy / play / dramatic art / boards / dramatics 公佈 公佈 gōngbù promulgate / announce / publish 廿 廿 niàn det.: twenty 公佈 公佈 gōngbù promulgate / announce / publish 升学 升學 shēngxué enter higher school 闹 鬧 nào give vent / be troubled by / give vent to anger / suffer from / make a noise / do / stir up trouble / make / go in for 上下 上下 shàngxià above and below / up and down / high and low / superior and inferior / senior and junior / old and young / ruler and subject / heaven and earth 说道 說道 shuōdào talk over / say 升学 升學 shēngxué enter higher school 自有 自有 zìyǒu have / possess / own 维修 維修 wéixiū keep in (good) repair / maintain 传 傳 chuán pass (on) / hand down / impart / teach / spread / transmit 走上 走上 zǒushàng move toward / take / mount / head for 没办法 沒辦法 méibànfǎ unable to / cannot 爬 爬 pá swarm / creep / shin / grabble / crawl / climb / go up / trail / climb up / mount / clamber / scramble 哪些 哪些 nǎxiē det.: which 清洁 清潔 qīngjié clean / sanitary 清洁 清潔 qīngjié clean / sanitary 探索 探索 tànsuǒ explore, probe 探索 探索 tànsuǒ explore, probe 滋味 滋味 zīwèi relish / richness / tang / sapidity / sapor / tinge / mouthful / savor / tasting / smack / flavor / savour / zest / taste / flavour 血管 血管 xiěguǎn afferent / vas / vena / blood_vessel / vessel / vein / blood vessel 解 解 jiě separate / divide / cut apart / untie / undo / explain / interpret / dissolve 筹备处 籌備處 chóubèichù preparatory/arrangements committee 团结 團結 tuánjié unite / rally 开拓 開拓 kāituò open up / develop / enlarge/expand (territory/etc.) 喜悦 喜悅 xǐyuè happy / joyous 开拓 開拓 kāituò open up / develop / enlarge/expand (territory/etc.) 龙 龍 lóng dragon / dinosaur 团结 團結 tuánjié unite / rally 价钱 價錢 jiàqián cost / monetary value / rate / price 尽速 盡速 jǐnsù as quickly/soon as possible 领导人 領導人 lǐngdǎorén leader 慢性 慢性 mànxìng chronic / slow (in taking effect) 台商 台商 táishāng Taiwan merchants 不致 不致 búzhì without resulting in 打工 打工 dǎgōng work part-time while studying in college / work as an employee / etc. 创 創 chuàng initiate / create / start doing / achieve ... for the first time / initiate (sth.) 限 限 xiàn set a limit / restrict 公营 公營 gōngyíng publicly owned/operated 根本 根本 gēnběn essence, foundation 行 行 xíng m.[proximation] 珍惜 珍惜 zhēnxí treasure / value / cherish / foster / appreciate / hold dear / prize / care for 容量 容量 róngliàng volume / measure of capacity / can / capability / capacity (of container) / capacity / bulk / volumetric / canful / content 园区 園區 yuánqū park 抬头 抬頭 táitóu raise one's head / gain ground / improve / go up (in price) 空地 空地 kòngdì gap / area / open / vacant lot / clear / open ground/space / vacancy / open ground / building site / open space / space / frontage / sandlot / clearing / opening 所长 所長 suǒzhǎng head of an institute/etc. 喜悦 喜悅 xǐyuè happy / joyous 停车 停車 tíngchē park the car 马来西亚 馬來西亞 mǎláixīyǎ Malaya / Malaysia(country in Asia) / Malaysia 停车 停車 tíngchē park the car 国防 國防 guófáng national defence / national defense 带有 帶有 dàiyǒu have, partake of 淘汰 淘汰 táotài weed out / competition / eliminate through selection / supersede / superannuate / weed / eliminate through selection or competition / screen_out / eliminate through competition / eliminate through selection/competition / fall into disuse / die out / eliminate / comb out / weed_out / selective 抬头 抬頭 táitóu raise one's head / gain ground / improve / go up (in price) 注音 注音 zhùyīn phonetic symbols 实用 實用 shíyòng practical / pragmatic / functional 梦想 夢想 mèngxiǎng fond dream 奋斗 奮鬥 fèndòu struggle / fight / strive 奋斗 奮鬥 fèndòu struggle / fight / strive 颇为 頗為 pǒwéi rather / somewhat 构造 構造 gòuzào constitution / configuration / make-up / build / anatomy / construction / structure / tectonic / fabric / compages / making / contexture / texture / conformation / apparatus / formation / architecture / makeup 热情 熱情 rèqíng enthusiastic 必定 必定 bìdìng inevitably / sure / for sure / by all means / needs / necessarily / sure enough / sure as shooting / be sure to / surely / certainly / of necessity / for certain 水平 水平 shuǐpíng level / horizontal / grade / degree / standard / horizontality 比赛 比賽 bǐsài compete in a game/activity/match 在乎 在乎 zàihū care about / take ... to heart / lie in / rest with / worry / care / mind 协议 協議 xiéyì agreement 编制 編制 biānzhì authorized staff/force 平面 平面 píngmiàn smooth / planar / planeness / plane / tabulate / level / flatness / two-dimensionality / table / sheet / horizontal surface / flat 刚好 剛好 gānghǎo exact / just right 彭 彭 péng Surname 放心 放心 fàngxīn disburden / set one's mind at rest / set one's mood at rest / be at ease / feel relieved / rest assured 含有 含有 hányǒu have / involve / infer / imply / tinge / include / number / carry / contain 停留 停留 tíngliú stay for a time or at a place 停车场 停車場 tíngchēchǎng parking_lot / parking area / parking / car_park / parking lot / car park / halt / yard / park 停留 停留 tíngliú stay for a time or at a place 售价 售價 shòujià asking price / selling price / selling_price / sell price / price 解除 解除 jiěchú remove / relieve / get rid of 照 照 zhào shine / illuminate 无形 無形 wúxíng invisible 违法 違法 wéifǎ illegal / be illegal / offend / violate / violate law / transgress / illegitimate / break the law 解除 解除 jiěchú remove / relieve / get rid of 北方 北方 běifāng norland / septentrion / compass north / northern part of country / northernness / northern / magnetic north / northward / north / the North / the northern part of the country 感觉到 感覺到 gǎnjuédào become aware / feel / sense 打击 打擊 dǎjí stun / frustration / blow 幢 幢 chuáng Buddhist stone pillar / ancient streamer / ancient pennant / ancient pennant/streamer / m.[general] / 模糊 模糊 móhú dim / fade / befog / blur / mix up / slur / fade out / blear / confuse / obscure 对抗 對抗 duìkàng baulk / pit / combat / antagonise / encounter / counterwork / countervail / counteract / opposition / resistance / cope / breast / defend / fight / stem / play / battle / fight down / meet / fight back / antagonize / face / confront / front / oppose / contradict / controvert / balk / resist / jib / countercheck / take on / counterbalance / match 驻 駐 zhù halt / stay / be stationed at 会场 會場 huìchǎng assembly_hall / fraternity house / conference / assembly hall / conference/assembly hall / theater / meeting-place / chapterhouse / meeting place / venue / conference hall / frat house 赢 贏 yíng lick / beat / whip / gain / capot / win 负 負 fù betray / abandon / go against 景 景 jǐng view / Jing / shot / routine / bit / act / number / situation / scene / scenery / Surname / turn / condition 回馈 回饋 huíkuì reward / feedback 歧视 歧視 qíshì treat with bias / despise 昆虫 昆蟲 kūnchóng bug / creeper / hexapod / coreid / insect / dor / coreid bug 原料 原料 yuánliào making / stuff / feedstock / ingredient / primary / raw_material / fodder / material / staple / raw material 歧视 歧視 qíshì treat with bias / despise 被迫 被迫 bèipò forced / be forced / be compelled/forced / be compelled 云 雲 yún cloud 邮件 郵件 yóujiàn mail / postal items / V-mail / mailing / postal matter / post / postbag / posting 守 守 shǒu guard / defend / keep watch 下来 下來 xiàlái [aspect] 枪 槍 qiāng rifle / gun 剑 劍 jiàn sword / skewer / fox / sabre / steel / snickersnee / brand / bilbo / saber / blade / glaive / falchion 课外 課外 kèwài extracurricular / outside class / after school 宁静 寧靜 níngjìng peaceful / tranquil / quiet 宁静 寧靜 níngjìng peaceful / tranquil / quiet 论 論 lùn discuss / talk about / consider / regard / mention / determine / decide on / discourse 编 編 biān group / arrangement / arrange / invent / entwine / weave / organize / edit / compilation / write / invention / pleach / cook up / plait / make up / braid / raddle / fabricate / compose / compile / fabrication 分组 分組 fēnzǔ divide into groups 预测 預測 yūcè calculate / forecast 一同 一同 yītóng together 密集 密集 mìjí concentrated / crowded together 代替 代替 dàitì fill in / replace / supply / supersede / replacement / substitute for / surrogate / oust / substitute / stand_in / stand in / cover / supplant / take the place of / fill_in / sub 凡是 凡是 fánshì conj.: whatever 开办 開辦 kāibàn open / set up / start (business/etc.) 意志 意志 yìzhì volition / will / zap / determination / pleasure / heart / willpower 创造力 創造力 chuàngzàolì imagination / creativeness / creative power / numen / device / creativity / Shakti / originality / ability / ingenuity / creative ability / wallop / creative power/ability 开办 開辦 kāibàn open / set up / start (business/etc.) 猜 猜 cāi guess / conjecture / speculation / suspect / put_on / speculate 晚间 晚間 wǎnjiān (in the) evening / night / in the evening / evening / (at) night / at night 密集 密集 mìjí concentrated / crowded together 挣扎 掙扎 zhēngzhá pull / buffet / flounder / labour / scrabble / struggle / worry / twist / grapple / tug / baffle / touse / wallow / flounce / writhe / welter / agonize 瓶 瓶 píng cruse / flask / vase / bottle / ninepin / jug / jar / pot / ampulla / m.[container] / 美金 美金 měijīn buck / dollar / U.S. dollar 挖 挖 wā scrape / scoop up / scoop / pick / excavate / excavation / grub / lift out / take up / scoop out / dig / grave 投手 投手 tóushǒu pitcher / twirler / hurler / caster / bowler 归 歸 guī return ... to / put in somebody's charge / take refuge / turn over to / return sth. to / come together / belong / give back to / marry / converge / return / take refuge (in Buddha/etc.) / go back to 发明 發明 fāmíng invent / expound 分组 分組 fēnzǔ divide into groups 考察 考察 kǎochá inspect / make on-the-spot investigation / observe and study 惊讶 驚訝 jīngyà amazed / astounded 听众 聽眾 tīngzhòng auditor / listener / hearer / audience / auditory / gallery / listeners 惊讶 驚訝 jīngyà amazed / astounded 不可以 不可以 bùkěyǐ cannot / should not / must not 考察 考察 kǎochá inspect / make on-the-spot investigation / observe and study 外国人 外國人 wàiguórén tramontane / gaijin / outlander / foreigner / alien / stranger / foriegner / uitlander / noncitizen / malihini 工资 工資 gōngzī earning / hire / remuneration / screw / laborage / pay / paycheck / wages / earnings / pay_packet / salary / wage_scale / differential / wage 平台 平台 píngtái patio / terrace / hathpace / platform 模样 模樣 móyàng sign / air / aspect / form / look / front / appearance / shape / suggestion 说到 說到 shuōdào touch_on / touch on / mention / refer to 遥远 遙遠 yáoyuǎn distant / faraway / remote 豪华 豪華 háohuá luxurious / sumptuous 交 交 jiāo associate with / make friends / fall in with / mate 心力 心力 xīnlì study / mental and physical efforts / mental and physical effort / work 决赛 決賽 juésài runoff / fight-off / cup_final / playoff / cup final / match_game / finals / final / run-off 剩 剩 shèng leave / be left (over) / surplus / remnant / be left / remain 安慰 安慰 ānwèi comfort / console 安慰 安慰 ānwèi comfort / console 取向 取向 qǔxiàng orientation 两性 兩性 liǎngxìng amphiprotic / hermaphroditic / both sexes / bi / amphoteric 度过 度過 dùguò pass / spend (time/etc.) 哇 哇 wā particle: formed by linking syllable ending in u-sound and the final particle a 哈哈 哈哈 hāhā sound of laughter, haha 笑容 笑容 xiàoróng grinning / smiling expression / laugh / smiling / a smile / a smiling face / smile / grin 专用 專用 zhuānyòng use for special purpose 把握 把握 bǎwò grasp firmly 扩张 擴張 kuòzhāng expand / enlarge / extend / dilate 载 載 zài transport / fill 伤心 傷心 shāngxīn injure / offend / broken-hearted / be sad / pierce / hurt / grieved / sad / spite / aggrieve / grieve / be grieved / sadden / smart / wound 尽 盡 jìn to the greatest extent / utmost 疑问 疑問 yíwèn interrogation / enquiry / question / interrogatory / demand / dubiousness / inquiry / interrogative / interrogative mood / doubtfulness / query / quaere / doubt 遵守 遵守 zūnshǒu honour / comply with / obey / keep / hold back / abide / keep back / comply / observe / abide_by / observance / abide by / respect / restrain / honor 介面 介面 jièmiàn interface 共和国 共和國 gònghéguó commonweal / commonwealth / republic 下雨 下雨 xiàyǔ rain 感受 感受 gǎnshòu be affected by / experience / feel 扩张 擴張 kuòzhāng expand / enlarge / extend / dilate 示范 示範 shìfàn demonstrate / exemplify / exhibit 大战 大戰 dàzhàn war, world war 定位 定位 dìngwèi orientate 亮 亮 liàng bright / light / loud and clear 示范 示範 shìfàn demonstrate / exemplify / exhibit 间接 間接 jiànjiē collaterally / indirect / collateral / indirectly / roundabout / secondhand 侦办 偵辦 zhēnbàn investigate (crime) 特有 特有 tèyǒu characteristic / especial 消除 消除 xiāochú smooth / lull / removal / cancel / eradicate / rase / to clear up / turn back / counteract / iron_out / wipe / drive off / abate / die / eliminate / drive away / obviate / avoid / exorcise / chase away / wipe out / annihilate / run off / unblock / drive out / stamp out / kill / lift / disarm / get rid of / slake / rid of / decimate / to remove / demagnetize / undo / to clear / sublate / carry off / blue-pencil / exterminate / sa 区分 區分 qūfēn section / demarcate / compart / sectionalize / zone / screen / compartmentalize / individuate / differentiation / distinguish / mark off / secern / district / segment / separate / mark / sieve / differentiate / mark out / classify / divide / ramify / screen out / set apart / sort 评价 評價 píngjià estimate / diagnoses / appraisal / mark / rating / rate / value / assessment / esteem / image / estimation / valuation / appraisement / opinion / rank / remark / evaluation 发掘 發掘 fājué excavate / unearth / explore 发掘 發掘 fājué excavate / unearth / explore 外销 外銷 wàixiāo sell abroad or elsewhere within country 还可以 還可以 háikěyǐ can / may 外销 外銷 wàixiāo sell abroad or elsewhere within country 不宜 不宜 bùyí be unsuitable 不如 不如 bùrú conj.: it would be better to 随即 隨即 suíjí therewith / thereupon / presently / hereupon / soon after that / immediately 随意 隨意 suíyì as one pleases 踊跃 踴躍 yǒngyuè enthusiastical / leap / jump / eager 能量 能量 néngliàng energy / capabilities 接下来 接下來 jiēxiàlái next / immediately after 接到 接到 jiēdào welcome / receive / meet 治安 治安 zhìān peace / order / public security / police / public order / security / public order/security 指示 指示 zhǐshì directive / instructions 同步 同步 tóngbù synchronize 茶叶 茶葉 cháyè tea / tea leaf / tea leaves 骗 騙 piàn chisel / cozen / palter / green / cheat / slang / put one over / defraud / befool / trick / jockey / victimize / outjockey / take in / leap on a horse / gum / put on / pigeon / humbug / betray / fob / flimflam / dupe / gyp / illude / mulct / deceit / put one across / rook / gull / bunco / hoodwink / beguile / diddle / fox / bilk / swindle / cod / fool / do / nobble / sting / deceive / con 富裕 富裕 fùyū plentiful / abundant / rich 优美 優美 yōuměi graceful / exquisite 压抑 壓抑 yāyì constrain / inhibit 优美 優美 yōuměi graceful / exquisite 预料 預料 yūliào expect / predict / anticipate 预料 預料 yūliào expect / predict / anticipate 剧团 劇團 jùtuán opera troupe / theater company / showman / rep / theatrical company / troupe / company 跨 跨 kuà lead / go / bestride / straddle / go beyond / run / pass / extend / stride / ride / cut across / step 压抑 壓抑 yāyì constrain / inhibit 开闢 開闢 kāipì open/set up / start / build (road) 没关系 沒關係 méiguānxì it doesn't matter / never mind 机能 機能 jīnéng function 名叫 名叫 míngjiào be called / be known as 开闢 開闢 kāipì open/set up / start / build (road) 念头 念頭 niàntóu thing / purport / spirit / intention / idea / vision / notion / thought / train / intent 富裕 富裕 fùyū plentiful / abundant / rich 改良 改良 gǎiliáng improve / ameliorate 改良 改良 gǎiliáng improve / ameliorate 利 利 lì profit / interest / advantage / benefit 核准 核准 hézhǔn check and approve / ratify 接收 接收 jiēshōu receive / take over (property/etc.) 核准 核准 hézhǔn check and approve / ratify 接收 接收 jiēshōu receive / take over (property/etc.) 相似 相似 xiāngsì resemblance / alike / be alike / be similar/alike / match / be similar / resemble 闻 聞 wén smell 贫穷 貧窮 pínqióng poor / needy 动物园 動物園 dòngwùyuán zoological_garden / zoo / zoological garden / menagerie 接近 接近 jiējìn intimate / close 饿 餓 è starve 瞧 瞧 qiáo look at / lay eyes on / behold / see / look / glaum / regard 诸如 諸如 zhūrú such as / all are alike 分公司 分公司 fēngōngsī branch 总统府 總統府 zǒngtǒngfǔ The Office of the President 同情 同情 tóngqíng sympathize with 贫穷 貧窮 pínqióng poor / needy 镇公所 鎮公所 zhèngōngsuǒ town_hall / public affairs office of town / town hall / townhouse / tolbooth 沙漠 沙漠 shāmò desert 放下 放下 fàngxià set_down / set down / lay/put down / lay / lower / lay_down / draw / lay down / dismount / put_down / plank / drop_away / deposit / digress / drop_off / depose / put down / place down 音色 音色 yīnsè tone color / clang / speech / colour / tone / timbre / quality / timber / color 相较 相較 xiāngjiào compare 拖 拖 tuō pull / drag / haul 好友 好友 hǎoyǒu peer / chum / crony / great friend / good friend / brick 吸 吸 xī drop / absorption / absorb / draw to oneself / sip / breathe in / attraction / suck / suck up / sup / draw_in / puff / drink / inhale / attract / inhaust 同情 同情 tóngqíng sympathize with 走势 走勢 zǒushì alignment / run / tendency / trend 西洋 西洋 xīyáng West / New World / the Western world / the West / occident / western hemisphere 书目 書目 shūmù booklist / bibliography / title catalogue / bibliology 资本主义 資本主義 zīběnzhǔyì capitalistic / capitalist economy / capitalism 增 增 zēng add / increase / rise / gain 历程 歷程 lìchéng appendage / kinetics / process / journey / course / outgrowth 浓厚 濃厚 nónghòu thick / strong / dense / rich / pronounced 失业 失業 shīyè lose one's job; be out of work 视野 視野 shìyě visual_field / eyeshot / view / ken / horizon / visual field / field of regard / purview / field of view / coast / sight / eyesight / field of vision / field / sight-shot / eyereach 永恒 永恆 yǒnghéng eternalize / perpetual / eternize / eternal 同志 同志 tóngzhì brother / pal / chum / crony / coterie / confrere / colleague / frater / tovarisch / compeer / paisano / brotherhood / copemate / brethren / sidekick / fellow / buddy / tavarish / comrade 中年 中年 zhōngnián middle age 极了 極了 jíle5 extremely / very 清大 清大 qīngdà National Tsing Hua University 记录 記錄 jìlù record 风味 風味 fēngwèi race / gust / special flavour / savor / flavor / savour / local color / relish / sapor / spice / tasting / local colour / smack / gusto / snack / savoriness / special flavor / flavorsomeness / zest / taste 合格 合格 hégé measure_up / reach standard / measure up / qualify / nail / make it / pass / qualified 身子 身子 shēnzi5 body 百姓 百姓 bǎixìng common_people / civvy / vulgus / crowd / common people / husbandman 太空 太空 tàikōng firmament, outer space 大力 大力 dàlì vigorously, energetically 勉强 勉強 miǎnqiǎng do with difficulty 外来 外來 wàilái foreign / adventive / externally / incoming / external / outside / exotic 失业 失業 shīyè lose one's job; be out of work 生病 生病 shēngbìng come down / ail / fall ill / traik / sick / sicken 钢琴 鋼琴 gāngqín forte-piano / piano / pianoforte 号码 號碼 hàomǎ pressmark / call mark / identification number / (serial) number / call number / no. / number 另 另 lìng conj.: in addition, besides 口味 口味 kǒuwèi a person's taste / flavor of food 天生 天生 tiānshēng inbred / born 回头 回頭 huítóu turn one's head / turn round / repent 心想 心想 xīnxiǎng think, assume 包装 包裝 bāozhuāng package, packing, packaging 对待 對待 duìdài treat / approach / handle 遊 遊 yóu travel / rove 感激 感激 gǎnjī feel grateful/indebted 单 單 dān singly / alone 师 師 shī teacher / master 学科 學科 xuékē study / area / school subject / science / subject field / subject / course / subject area / discipline / branch of learning / course of study / field of study / branch of knowledge / field 感激 感激 gǎnjī feel grateful/indebted 弟子 弟子 dìzǐ scholar / pupil / disciple / student / follower / child / adherent / youngster 招生 招生 zhāoshēng recruit students 好人 好人 hǎorén a healthy person / good person / goodman / somebody who tries to get along with everyone / bawcock / good / agreeable individual / good egg / a person who tries to get along with everyone (oft 倒 倒 dào pour 捕 捕 bǔ prawn / seizure / seize / arrest / catch 招生 招生 zhāoshēng recruit students 针 針 zhēn needle / pin / stitch / injection / shot / acupuncture 温度 溫度 wēndù barothermohygrograph / temperature / barothermohygrogram 长久 長久 chángjiǔ permanently / long / for a long time 运动 運動 yùndòng move / turn around / arrange things through pull 焦虑 焦慮 jiāolù anxious / apprehensive 支出 支出 zhīchū defrayal / payout / outgo / outgoing / expense / disbursal / expenditure / outlay / disbursement 焦虑 焦慮 jiāolù anxious / apprehensive 上班族 上班族 shàngbānzú office worker 一律 一律 yīlù equally, without exception 转移 轉移 zhuǎnyí shift / transfer / divert / change / transform 关注 關注 guānzhù follow with interest / pay close attention to 响 響 xiǎng make a sound 党部 黨部 dǎngbù local party committee 转移 轉移 zhuǎnyí shift / transfer / divert / change / transform 硬 硬 yìng hard / stiff / firm / tough / obstinate 洗澡 洗澡 xǐzǎo have a bath / lave / take a bath / tub / bath / wash / bathing / bathe 关注 關注 guānzhù follow with interest / pay close attention to 老鼠 老鼠 lǎoshǔ mouse / rat 昂贵 昂貴 ángguì cost / costly / expensive 决议 決議 juéyì resolution 动员 動員 dòngyuán mobilize / arouse 在场 在場 zàichǎng present / be present / be on the spot / stand_by / spot / be on the scene 兼顾 兼顧 jiāngù take account of / give consideration to / deal with two or more things 相比 相比 xiāngbǐ liken / equate / compare / comparison 后果 後果 hòuguǒ aftereffect / aftermath / consequent / wake / backwash / sequel / consequence / subsequence 混合 混合 hùnhé associate / immingle / muddle / incorporate / mixed / meld / confect / amalgamate / blend in / fuse / interblend / hybrid / admix / mingle / wuzzle / mix / shuffle / mercurify / engraft / concoct / interlace / interweave / immix / go / interfuse / mix_up / sophisticate / marry / combine / mix in / conflate / merge / intermix / jumble / commingle / decompound / intermingle / knead / coalesce / interflow / compound / commix / blend / 动员 動員 dòngyuán mobilize / arouse 阴影 陰影 yīnyǐng umbrage / shadow / shadiness / hatching / spectre / hatch / blight / umbra / penumbra / cloud / umber / shade / shadowiness 海峡 海峽 hǎixiá narrow / channel / straits / gullet / sound / strait / gut 幻想 幻想 huànxiǎng imagine / daydream / reverie / stargaze / fantasticate / fancify / dream / visionary / fancy / illusion / fantasize / chimerical / woolgather / illusory / fantasy 剧场 劇場 jùchǎng theater 衡量 衡量 héngliáng weigh / measure / judge 频率 頻率 pínlù relative frequency / frequency / periodicity 衡量 衡量 héngliáng weigh / measure / judge 亲切 親切 qīnqiè cordial / genial / warm 蓝 藍 lán blue 大胆 大膽 dàdǎn courageous / audacious / venture 议会 議會 yìhuì Sanhedrin / general assembly / Cortes / Knesset / diet / senate / Majlis / duma / law-makers / forum / junta / parliament / legislature / meeting place / parliamentary / assembly / president / house / legislative assembly 语意 語意 yǔyì semantic 主因 主因 zhǔyīn main reason / major cuase 团员 團員 tuányuán member (of delegation/organization/etc.) 亲切 親切 qīnqiè cordial / genial / warm 世 世 shì generation, life, lifetime, age, era, epoch, world, Surname 激动 激動 jīdòng boil / tingle / kindle / seethe / toss / inflammatory / tizz / excited / fire / throb / carry_away / ferment / effervesce / stirred / bespirit / heat / agitation / hound / agitate / invigorate / burnt / actuate / inflame / stir / agitated / excite / move / impassion 村民 村民 cūnmín village / villager / cottager 投 投 tóu heave / agree with / throw / drop / mail / join / toss / go to / cater to / lodge / send / put into / fit in with / flip / peck / pitch / hurtle / betoss / project / deliver / stay / sky / post / cast / delivery / throw into / throw oneself into / hurl / fling / poll / vote 交 交 jiāo hand over / deliver 官 官 guān government official / officeholder 次数 次數 cìshù number of times / frequancy / frequency / absolute frequency / legal case / oftenness / lawsuit / time / frequence 恐怖 恐怖 kǒngbù fearful / horrible 恐怖 恐怖 kǒngbù fearful / horrible 弱 弱 ruò infirm / a little less than / young / inferior / weak / a bit less than / feeble 屋顶 屋頂 wūdǐng roofing / rigging / rooftree / cap / roof top / house top / rooftop / attic / roof / housetop 迷宫 迷宮 mígōng inner ear / maze / labyrinth / internal ear 批判 批判 pīpàn criticize 民生 民生 mínshēng the people's livelihood / people's livelihood 规画 規畫 guīhuà plan / program 唯 唯 wéi only / alone / but 感 感 gǎn feel / sense / move / touch / be affected (by cold) 赏 賞 shǎng admire / enjoy 绿色 綠色 lùsè verdure / green / greenness / green color / verdancy / bice / virescence / vert / pistachio / viridity 遗憾 遺憾 yíhàn regret / pity 遗憾 遺憾 yíhàn regret / pity 灵活 靈活 línghuó nimble / agile / flexible / elastic 内阁 內閣 nèigé cabinet 山区 山區 shānqū mountain area 做成 做成 zuòchéng put / form / crimp / accomplish / successfully complete / model 观光客 觀光客 guānguāngkè rubberneck / dude / tripper / traveler / excursionist / visitant / holidaymaker / tourist / tourism / sightseer 出 出 chū go/come out / exit 老先生 老先生 lǎoxiānshēng deary / dearie / old gentleman 灵活 靈活 línghuó nimble / agile / flexible / elastic 研习 研習 yánxí examine and study 周边 周邊 zhōubiān circumference / computer peripheral / environs / peripheral device / precinct / peripheral / periphery / perimeter 希腊 希臘 xīlà Ellas / Hellas / Greece / Greek 姓名 姓名 xìngmíng surname and personal name / name / full name 抓住 抓住 zhuāzhù clutch / grip / grab / kep / nail / grapple / get_hold_of / catch / seize hold of / take_hold_of / grip somebody's attention / cleek / grasp / hold / nab / seize / tackle / capture / snatch / take / take hold of / prehend / catch hold of / glaum / hold on 合适 合適 héshì set / fit / accommodate / befit / suitable / right / appropriate / belong / beseem / becoming / suit 老百姓 老百姓 lǎobǎixìng plebe / populace / mister / civilians / roturier / ordinary people / common people 再见 再見 zàijiàn good-bye / see you again 指责 指責 zhǐzé censure / criticize 限于 限於 xiànyū be confined / restrict / be limited to / be confined to / limited to 研习 研習 yánxí examine and study 车祸 車禍 chēhuò smash-up / road accident / traffic accident 曝光 曝光 pùguāng expose 优惠 優惠 yōuhuì give preferential/special treatment 无意 無意 wúyì have no intention / not be inclined to / have no intention to 优惠 優惠 yōuhuì give preferential/special treatment 涨 漲 zhàng rise, go up (of water/prices/etc.) 实务 實務 shíwù matter-of-factness 潜能 潛能 qiánnéng latent / possibility / latent energy / potency / ability / latent ability / ergal / potentiality / latent energy/ability / potential 闻名 聞名 wénmíng known / famous / know somebody by repute / be familiar with somebody's name / well-known / famed 挤 擠 jǐ squeeze / press 说完 說完 shuōwán after saying something 歹徒 歹徒 dǎitú evildoer, ruffian, scoundrel 职位 職位 zhíwèi slot / appointment / character / berth / post / archbishopric / job / ministry / situation / office / position / spot / billet / place / posting 排列 排列 páiliè arrange / put in order 曝光 曝光 pùguāng expose 师资 師資 shīzī persons qualifies to teach / teachers / person qualified to teach 菲律宾 菲律賓 fēilùbīn ylang-ylang / Philippine Islands / Philippine / Philippines 妈祖 媽祖 māzǔ a deity of China 名义 名義 míngyì title / name 客气 客氣 kèqì be polite / stand on ceremony 服饰 服飾 fúshì neckline / attire / furnishings / costume / dress / trappings / finery / rig-out / apparel / dress and personal adornment 哎 哎 āi dissatisfaction / of surprise / swounds / warning 恐吓 恐嚇 kǒnghè threaten / intimidate 恐吓 恐嚇 kǒnghè threaten / intimidate 专心 專心 zhuānxīn occupy / immerge / pore / zoom in / concentrate / betake / dive / pay attention / concentrate effort / advert / give ear / center / rivet / concentrate one's attention / focus / hang / pay heed / devote / apply / be absorbed / be absorbed in / centre / attend 排列 排列 páiliè arrange / put in order 执政党 執政黨 zhízhèngdǎng ruling party 完毕 完畢 wánbì end / conclude / complete / completion / finish 气 氣 qì anger / get angry 卡通 卡通 kǎtōng cartoon 犀牛 犀牛 xīnióu rhino / rhinoceros 遍 遍 biàn m.[activity] 诞生 誕生 dànshēng be born / come into being / emerge 诞生 誕生 dànshēng be born / come into being / emerge 出售 出售 chūshòu offer for sale, sell 用品 用品 yòngpǐn succedaneum / articles for use / replacer / substitute 欠缺 欠缺 qiànquē lack, be deficient, be short of 自由化 自由化 zìyóuhuà liberalize 住户 住戶 zhùhù denizen / resident / inhabitant / building / household / dweller 台北县 台北縣 táiběixiàn Taipei County 摆脱 擺脫 bǎituō disembroil / free oneself / cast/shake off / fling_off / break away from / shake_off / disinvolve / disentangle / shake off / shift / wangle / cast off / extricate oneself from / shake / waste / free oneself from / disburden / ditch / manage / lose / cast / unload / extricate oneself / prescind / unship / slip / wriggle / shunt 供应商 供應商 gōngyìngshāng outfitter / provide merchant 讲究 講究 jiǎngjiù be particular about / pay attention to / stress / strive for / backbite 自由化 自由化 zìyóuhuà liberalize 命令 命令 mìnglìng commend / order 伯伯 伯伯 bóbó uncle-in-law / father's elder brother / uncle 东亚 東亞 dōngyǎ East Asia 若要 若要 ruòyào conj.: if somebody want... 笑话 笑話 xiàohuà joke / jest 胸 胸 xiōng thorax / pectus / pectoral / heart / chest / petto / bosom / breast / mind / bust 被害人 被害人 bèihàirén injured party / dupe / the injured party / victim 启用 啟用 qǐyòng start using/hiring 拿来 拿來 nálái bring / take something for / fetch 带回 帶回 dàihuí bring / bring_back / take back 启用 啟用 qǐyòng start using/hiring 必需 必需 bìxū need 配置 配置 pèizhì dispose (troops/etc.) / deploy 辅仁 輔仁 fǔrén FuJen Catholic University 提早 提早 tízǎo earlier than planned or expected / in advance / shift to an earlier time 温柔 溫柔 wēnróu gentle and soft 温柔 溫柔 wēnróu gentle and soft 谈判 談判 tánpàn negociate / treat / talks / negotiation / negotiate / talk terms / parley / palaver / negotiations / imparl 头痛 頭痛 tóutòng worry / have a headache 上级 上級 shàngjí higher level/authority 一度 一度 yīdù once 配置 配置 pèizhì dispose (troops/etc.) / deploy 诸多 諸多 zhūduō det.: a good deal / a lot of 电动 電動 diàndòng electric 助益 助益 zhùyì good / benefit / help and profit 公职 公職 gōngzhí public office/employment 冷静 冷靜 lěngjìng sober / calm 鬼 鬼 guǐ sinister plot / apparition / dirty trick / sprite / spook / spectre / revenant / spirit / wraith / genie / bogle / specter / ghost 冷静 冷靜 lěngjìng sober / calm 合唱团 合唱團 héchàngtuán choir / chorus / ensemble / glee club 求学 求學 qiúxué study / attend school 求学 求學 qiúxué study / attend school 重量 重量 zhòngliàng avoirdupois weight / weight / ponderousness / heaviness / loading / heft / ponderosity / avoirdupois / heftiness / massiveness / gravity / lading 长荣 長榮 chángróng Evergreen Group 陌生 陌生 mòshēng strange / unfamiliar 通路 通路 tōnglù lane / runway / corridor / adit / passageway / gateway / road / thoroughfare / way / routeway / laneway / aisle / route / avenue / inlet / approach / door / entry / access / boulevard 国父 國父 guófù founding_father / Father of the Republic / father of a nation / father of the republic / Father of the Republic (Sun Yatsen) 目录 目錄 mùlù beadroll / docket / catalog / contents / listing / catalogue / directory / muster / list / table of contents / bill / inventory / tabulation / cataloguer / table / cataloger / tabular matter / schedule 败 敗 bài defeat / fail / lose / counteract / be defeated / beat / spoil / decay / wither 考古 考古 kǎogǔ engage in archaeological studies 高等 高等 gāoděng higher / advanced 电讯 電訊 diànxùn telegraph / telecommunications / telecommunication / flash / telegraphic dispatch 遭遇 遭遇 zāoyū meet with / encounter 赶 趕 gǎn run after / pursue 台湾省 台灣省 táiwānshěng Taiwan 体质 體質 tǐzhí habit / constitution / crasis / habitus / health / habitude / physique 考虑到 考慮到 kǎolùdào weigh / consider / count / think over 途中 途中 túzhōng en route 考古 考古 kǎogǔ engage in archaeological studies 决议 決議 juéyì resolve / decide 记载 記載 jìzài put down in writing / record 施政 施政 shīzhèng govern / administer 角 角 jiǎo horn / bugle / sth. horn-shaped 先行 先行 xiānxíng beforehand / first / in advance / in_advance 美感 美感 měigǎn estheticism / aesthetic perception / perception / sense of beauty / aesthetic feeling/perception / beauty / aesthetic feeling 施政 施政 shīzhèng govern / administer 挑 挑 tiāo pluck / provoking / stir up / choose / incite / instigation / lance / shoulder / push sth. up / selection / carry on both ends of shoulder pole / push ... up with a pole or stick / choice / defy / prick / raise / instigate / poke / provocation / plunk / select / carry on the shoulder with a pole / push/poke sth. up / poke sth. up / pick / push / provoke 姿态 姿態 zītài mannerism / set / stance / pose / attitude / affectation / port / shadow / likeness / carriage / posture / position / movement / gesture / tournure / sort 青春 青春 qīngchūn springtime / flower / prime / juvenility / youthfulness / one's youth / young adulthood / youth / prime of life / youthhood / juvenescence / may 摊贩 攤販 tānfàn street peddler 日渐 日漸 rìjiàn with each passing day / day by day / gradually 图片 圖片 túpiàn pictorial matter / picture / photograph / pic / artwork 卫生局 衛生局 wèishēngjú Department of Health 弥补 彌補 míbǔ supply / atone / make_up / renew / make up / remedy / redeem / make good / compensate / recuperate / counterbalance 独自 獨自 dúzì unaccompanied / solely / by oneself / alone 夥伴 夥伴 huǒbàn feller / brother / associate / coagent / gentry / chum / crony / butty / mate / lad / companionate / cooperator / helpmeet / pard / haver / coachfellow / sidekick / campmate / rival / consort / coadjutor / associator / number / pal / teammate / cully / coterie / supporter / gang / adherent / collaborator / gossip / companion / compadre / compeer / paisano / matey / hearty / copemate / cocker / helpmate / bedfellow / marrow / cobber / 正 正 zhèng straight / upright / central / honest / just / unbiased 回归 回歸 huíguī reunification / return / regressive / regress 分开 分開 fēnkāi rive / uncouple / unyoke / divaricate / detach / disjoint / cleave / shift / break_up / cut / segregate / isolate / divorce / severalize / unclasp / divide / dissever / disjoin / break / come off / demarcate / fork / sever / sequester / disconnect / part / come away / sunder / break up / keep apart / separate / diverge / branch / set_off / ramify / split / sequestrate / untwine / separation / set apart / parcel 难题 難題 nántí problem / Gordian knot / grief / sticker / question / enigma / difficult problem / puzzler / spinosity / stickler / a hard nut to crack / puzzle / toughie / poser / difficulty / crux / nut / challenge / tickler / conundrum / knot / hump / knottiness / stinker / puzzlement / teaser / stumper / twister 罗马 羅馬 luómǎ Babylon / Rome / capital of Italy / Roma / Italian capital / Eternal City 明亮 明亮 míngliàng brighten / well-lit / shining / bright 谈话 談話 tánhuà talk / speech 藏 藏 cáng lay by / concealment / conceal / hide / store 个体 個體 gètǐ unit / individual / individuality 顺序 順序 shùnxù system / method / taxis / gradation / consecution / succession / order / ranking / rota / sequence / orderliness / turn 助教 助教 zhùjiào demonstrator / teaching assistant / assistant / tutor 前述 前述 qiánshù above-mentioned 帝国 帝國 dìguó Reich / imperial / empery / empire 特地 特地 tèdì purposely / specially / on purpose 执照 執照 zhízhào endorsement / charter / countenance / imprimatur / permit / warrant / sanction / qualification / certificate / licence / license 名为 名為 míngwéi be called / be known as 部会 部會 bùhuì organization of government 新闻局 新聞局 xīnwénjú Government Information Office 新生 新生 xīnshēng new student 万物 萬物 wànwù all things on earth / myriads of things / creation / all living things / universe / all nature 悲剧 悲劇 bēijù tragedy 早日 早日 zǎorì at an early date / early / soon 离去 離去 líqù leave 人选 人選 rénxuǎn choice among persons 电视台 電視台 diànshìtái television station / station / spreader / broadcaster / TV station 亲戚 親戚 qīnqī belongings / relation / kinswoman / kinsman / kith / kindred / cousinry / sib / ally / relative / relatives / kin / connection / kinsfolk / cousin 营业额 營業額 yíngyèé turnover / business volume 彰化 彰化 zhānghuà Chang-hwa (a county in Taiwan) 质 質 zhí nature / character / temperament / quality / matter / substance 一点儿 一點兒 yīdiǎnēr det.: a little bit 水源 水源 shuǐyuán headwaters, waterhead, source of water 主流 主流 zhǔliú main stream/current, essential/main aspect/trend 艺术品 藝術品 yìshùpǐn work of art 离去 離去 líqù leave 薪水 薪水 xīnshuǐ stipend / emolument / remuneration / screw / pay / wages / earnings / fee / compensation / pay_packet / salary / wage / living 观测 觀測 guāncè observe / survey 爱滋病 愛滋病 àizībìng acquired immune deficiency syndrome / AIDS 简介 簡介 jiǎnjiè brief introduction / synopsis 观测 觀測 guāncè observe / survey 光线 光線 guāngxiàn ray_of_light / shaft / beam / beam of light / radiation / light beam / sunray / light / lighting / ray / ray of light / shaft of light 范畴 範疇 fànchóu category 色情 色情 sèqíng sexy / eroticism / sex / pornographic / pornography / porn / coprology / porno / salacity 幅度 幅度 fúdù amplitude / breadth / extent / spread / range / spectrum / scope 夜间部 夜間部 yèjiānbù night division (school/college/etc.) 佛陀 佛陀 fótuó Gautama Buddha / Siddhartha / Gautama / Buddha / pickpocket / the Buddha 南方 南方 nánfāng S / due south / the southern part of the country / South / south / southern part of country / the South / southern 首度 首度 shǒudù first (time) 胖 胖 pàng fat / stout / plump 相当于 相當於 xiāngdāngyū muster / be equal to / equivalent / amount 狼 狼 láng wolf / greedy and cruel person 秘密 秘密 mìmì secret 商场 商場 shāngchǎng department store / bazar / line of business / field of operation / grocery store / emporium / bazaar / grocery / mall / commercial circle / field / market 海军 海軍 hǎijūn marine / naval / admiralty / jolly / navy 寻 尋 xún try to find / look for / seek / search 乡村 鄉村 xiāngcūn country / countryside / campong / rural / rural area / village / Kampong / hamlet 花钱 花錢 huāqián spend money 甫 甫 fǔ a moment ago / just now 烦恼 煩惱 fánnǎo vexation 逮捕 逮捕 dǎibǔ make an arrest 逮捕 逮捕 dǎibǔ make an arrest 开设 開設 kāishè open (shop/etc.) / offer (course/etc.) 厕所 廁所 cèsuǒ john / W.C. / can / jakes / lavatory / lav / cloaca / crapper / privy / water closet / bathroom / bog / washroom / closet / convenience / stool / rear / latrine / loo / facility / toilet / John / cloakroom 繁殖 繁殖 fánzhí breed / reproduce / propagate 融合 融合 rónghé mix together / fuse / stick together 渔船 漁船 yūchuán fisherman / fishermen / fisherboat / fisher / fishing boat / wherry 繁殖 繁殖 fánzhí breed / reproduce / propagate 刘 劉 liú Liu / Surname 下令 下令 xiàlìng give orders / order / give order / call_out / appoint / prescribe / call out / dictate 生动 生動 shēngdòng lively / moving / vivid / lifelike 融合 融合 rónghé mix together / fuse / stick together 老太太 老太太 lǎotàitài old lady / your (my/his/etc.) mother 成长率 成長率 chéngzhǎnglù rate of increase / increase / increment / rate of growth / growth rate 老是 老是 lǎoshì always 周 周 zhōu m.[standard] 开设 開設 kāishè open (shop/etc.) / offer (course/etc.) 抗 抗 kàng combat / defy / campaign / be a match for / agitate / be match for / contend with / resistance / resist / push / fight / refuse / refusal / crusade 看好 看好 kànhǎo believe something/someone will be worthy in the future 阿拉伯 阿拉伯 ālābó Arab / Arabian / Arabic 纪念 紀念 jìniàn commemoration / souvenir 长达 長達 chángdá lengthen out to 所属 所屬 suǒshǔ subsidiary 马祖 馬祖 mǎzǔ Matsu 真相 真相 zhēnxiàng fact / bottom / low-down / the real facts / dinkum / truth / real/true situation / size / score / real / lowdown / real situation / the real facts/truth / verity / the actual state of affairs / true situation / the real truth / the real situation 妥善 妥善 tuǒshàn appropriate / proper 编目 編目 biānmù catalogue 开创 開創 kāichuàng start / initiate 模特儿 模特兒 mótèēr poser / artist's model / model 图腾 圖騰 túténg totem 办公 辦公 bàngōng work (usu. in an office) / transact / work / handle official business 迟 遲 chí late 编目 編目 biānmù catalogue 线路 線路 xiànlù wiring / line / route / circuit 刊物 刊物 kānwù publication, periodical 而后 而後 érhòu thereafter 人潮 人潮 réncháo stream of people 声明 聲明 shēngmíng statement / pronouncement 动手 動手 dòngshǒu attack / get to work / hit out / begin / strike / hit / start work / handle / raise a hand to strike / fall / start action / touch 购 購 gòu buy 蛋 蛋 dàn clump / egg / lump / bunch / an egg-shaped thing 薪资 薪資 xīnzī salary / wages 好吃 好吃 hǎochī delicious / good to eat / tasty / enjoy eating good food / gluttonous 开创 開創 kāichuàng start / initiate 定居 定居 dìngjū settle down 被告 被告 bèigào tenant / indictee / accused / respondent / defendant / suspect / the accused / appellee 安静 安靜 ānjìng lull / quieten / quiesce / dummy / quiet down / quiet / hush / pipe down / peaceful 灾难 災難 zāinàn affliction / tragedy / adversity / catastrophe / wo / misadventure / calamitous / mishap / bad luck / tribulation / smashup / cataclysm / trouble / mischance / disaster / mucker / fate / calamity / scourge / plague / infliction / visitation / misfortune / casualty / suffering / melt-down 交谈 交談 jiāotán converse / chat 定居 定居 dìngjū settle down 同业 同業 tóngyè fraternity / person of same business / person of same trade/business / sodality / brotherhood / same trade/business / brethren / craft / trade / same trade / business / person of same trade / faculty / same business 住宿 住宿 zhùsù stay / put up / get accommodations 缺少 缺少 quēshǎo lack / be short of 何必 何必 hébì why must...? / there is no need 住宿 住宿 zhùsù stay / put up / get accommodations 交谈 交談 jiāotán converse / chat 便当 便當 biàndāng take-out food / box lunch/dinner / fast food / boxed meal / box lunch / bento 抽烟 抽煙 chōuyān smoke (pipe/etc.) 如同 如同 rútóng like 领队 領隊 lǐngduì leader of a group/team/etc. 进出 進出 jìnchū go in and out 减 減 jiǎn knock_down / derogate / cut / lessen / reduce / subtraction / diminish / reduction / decrease / dwindle / subtract / minus / deduct 新娘 新娘 xīnniáng bride 图案 圖案 túàn miniature / device / pattern / illumination / emblem / embossment / design / imprint / cutout / designing / type 脚踏车 腳踏車 jiǎotàchē machine / bicycle / cyclist / push-bike / cycle / motorcycle / bike / scooter / velocipede 频繁 頻繁 pínfán frequent / often 落 落 luò come down / have / remain where one is / go under / leave behind / lower / decline / stay behind / lag behind / dip / precipitate / go down / be missing / fall/leave/stay behind / belong to / set (of sun) / drop / ebb (of tide) / set / receive / set down / drop behind / light / rest with / obtain / fall / leave/stay behind / fall onto / turn over to / fall behind / sink / get / ebb / land / leave out 进出 進出 jìnchū go in and out 电梯 電梯 diàntī lift / elevator 学分 學分 xuéfēn point / semester hour / course credit / credit 题 題 tí m.[general] 实习 實習 shíxí practice / do fieldwork 支撑 支撐 zhīchēng prop up, sustain, support 母语 母語 mǔyǔ maternal language / mother_tongue / parent language / first language / vulgate / mother tongue 包 包 bāo wrap, surround, encircle, envelop, include, contain, undertake the whole thing, assure, guarantee 补习班 補習班 bǔxíbān cram school / continuation class / crammer 实习 實習 shíxí practice / do fieldwork 吃完 吃完 chīwán finish eating 乡下 鄉下 xiāngxià country / countryside / rural / village / province / country(side) / mofussil / back_country 交大 交大 jiāodà National Chiao Tung University 放宽 放寬 fàngkuān relax restrictions / ease / let out (e.g. / dress) 放宽 放寬 fàngkuān relax restrictions / ease / let out (e.g. / dress) 既有 既有 jìyǒu established / intrinsic / inherent / conventional / innate 研讨 研討 yántǎo deliberate / discuss 抽象 抽象 chōuxiàng abstract 研讨 研討 yántǎo deliberate / discuss 高山 高山 gāoshān jebel / high mountain / mountain / alp / mount / ben 假设 假設 jiǎshè suppose / assume / presume 贩卖 販賣 fànmài peddle / sell 票 票 piào m.[general] 贩卖 販賣 fànmài peddle / sell 国土 國土 guótǔ territorial dominion / state / country / colony / soil / nation / realm / soli / province / territory / mandate / dominion / land 票 票 piào m.[general] 无线电 無線電 wúxiàndiàn radio 各式各样 各式各樣 gèshìgèyàng various / kinds / sundry / all sorts / assorted 前言 前言 qiányán lead / introduction / preface / preamble / lead-in / front matter / prelims / prelim / premise / prelude / earlier remarks / foreword / prolusion / front_matter / prologue / induction 工商 工商 gōngshāng industrial and commercial circles / business circles / industry and commerce 激发 激發 jīfā spark / incite / suggest / explode / excitation / foster / motivate / arouse / stir / draw on / set off / energize / excite / stimulation / stimulate 学历 學歷 xuélì education / record of formal schooling / antecedents 趣味 趣味 qùwèi playfulness / merriment / savor / camp / interest / salt / delight / savour / liking / fun / gout / preference / spice / lust / gusto / palate / taste / delectation 天堂 天堂 tiāntáng paradise, heaven 提倡 提倡 tíchàng advocate / encourage / recommend 总裁 總裁 zǒngcái head examiner / director-general / president / governor 分数 分數 fēnshù point / score / mark / grade / fraction / football score / numeric 上山 上山 shàngshān go up a hill / go to the mountains 失 失 shī fail to achieve one's end / deviate from the normal / loss / let slip / miss / lose / fumble 肌肤 肌膚 jīfū skin 兵 兵 bīng fighter / troops / armed force / arms / dogface / pawn in Ch. chess / military / weapons / private / soldier / ranker / joe / army / pawn / rank-and-file soldier 提倡 提倡 tíchàng advocate / encourage / recommend 啤酒 啤酒 píjiǔ malt liquor / malt / suds / nappy / wallop / beery / malt_liquor / stout / barley-bree / brewage / beer 公开赛 公開賽 gōngkāisài open 信用 信用 xìnyòng honour / trustfulness / confidence / trustingness / trustworthiness / repute / affiance / credit / reposal / trust / tick / reputation / credence / jawbone / honor 测 測 cè measure out / conjecture / measure / infer / survey / fathom 提案 提案 tíàn motion / proposal / draft resolution 吋 吋 cùn m.[standard] 批评 批評 pīpíng criticism 尾巴 尾巴 yǐba5 appendage / a person shadowing somebody / stern / tail-like part / servile adherent / tail 风潮 風潮 fēngcháo agitation / unrest 星 星 xīng star / heavenly body 迷信 迷信 míxìn have blind faith in / make fetish of 吐 吐 tǔ articulation / utter / ptyalize / puke / articulate / vomit / spin / spew / tell / give up unwillingly / spit / speak out / spit up / disgorge / expectorate / cough up / spue / gob / throw up / say / cough out 铁 鐵 tiě shovel / smoothing iron / iron / ferrous / arms / Surname / Fe / ferrum / spade / weapon 重心 重心 zhòngxīn focus / fulcrum / heart / focusing / focussing / barycenter / centroid / centre of gravity / centering / centre_of_gravity / center of gravity / center_of_gravity / core 迷信 迷信 míxìn have blind faith in / make fetish of 海拔 海拔 hǎibá natural elevation / ALT / height above sea level / altitude / sea_level / height / EL / above sea level / sea level / elevation 众生 眾生 zhòngshēng all living creatures 明 明 míng know / distinct / obvious / open / understand / clear / overt / bright 征收 徵收 zhēngshōu levy / collect 变更 變更 biàngēng change / modify 尊敬 尊敬 zūnjìng respect / honor / esteem 征收 徵收 zhēngshōu levy / collect 线条 線條 xiàntiáo line (in drawing / bar / etc.) / printing / line (in drawing/printing/etc.) / contour / lines / striation / stria / line / trace / streak / tracing 疯狂 瘋狂 fēngkuáng insane / frenzied / unbridled 疯狂 瘋狂 fēngkuáng insane / frenzied / unbridled 总共 總共 zǒnggòng in all / all told / altogether 尊敬 尊敬 zūnjìng respect / honor / esteem 人家 人家 rénjiā somebody else, I (used by females) 元素 元素 yuánsù element 永 永 yǒng perpetually / forever / always 共产党 共產黨 gòngchǎndǎng Red / Communist Party / Communist party 共产主义 共產主義 gòngchǎnzhǔyì Marxism / bolshevism / Marxism-Leninism / Leninism / Sovietism / communism / sovietism / collectivism / Bolshevism 加速 加速 jiāsù acceleratedly 镜子 鏡子 jìngzi5 looking_glass / gaper / looking glass / mirror / spectacles / glass / glasses 丝毫 絲毫 sīháo scintilla / shred / shadow / vestige / det.: in the slightest amount / degree 职棒 職棒 zhíbàng Professional Baseball League 巡迴 巡迴 xúnhuí tour / make circuit of 自治 自治 zìzhì self-govern / autonomic 自治 自治 zìzhì self-govern / autonomic 终场 終場 zhōngcháng finis / end of performance / closing curtain / final period / finale / final session in an examination 同 同 tóng with / for 技艺 技藝 jìyì mechanical arts / science / feat / skill / craft / craftsmanship / artistry / craftship / workmanship 西班牙 西班牙 xībānyá Spanish / Spain / Hispania / dago / Hispanist / Espana 合乎 合乎 héhū conform with/to / accord / tally with / correspond to / accord with / conform_to / conform with / conform to / accord/tally with / to 巡迴 巡迴 xúnhuí tour / make circuit of 描写 描寫 miáoxiě describe / depict / portray 阻止 阻止 zǔzhǐ prevent / stop / prohibit 假期 假期 jiàqí season / holiday / leave / period of leave / vacation 偶像 偶像 ǒuxiàng mammet / god / Baal / hoodoo / icon / idol / image / effigy / fetich / fetish / model / graven image / matinee idol / swami / iconology / voodoo / joss / obeah / pagod / juju 描写 描寫 miáoxiě describe / depict / portray 特点 特點 tèdiǎn distinctive feature / trait / point / flavor / singularity / flavour / distinction / characteristic / excellence / speciality / specialty / idiosyncrasy / salience / distinctiveness / specialness / feature / spot / peculiarity 高血压 高血壓 gāoxiěyā high_blood_pressure / high blood pressure / hypertension 返回 返回 fǎnhuí come back / recur / turn back / come / hark back / regress / turn vehicle around / revert / come/go back / enter / return / go back / recall / take back / backtrack 阻止 阻止 zǔzhǐ prevent / stop / prohibit 怀念 懷念 huáiniàn cherish memory of / think of 乏 乏 fá lack 错过 錯過 cuòguò pass up / muff / throw_away / lose / let slip / miss / overslip / balk / overlook / cross / pass_up / slip 器官 器官 qìguān appendage / member / variety meat / penis / apparatus / organs / organ / transplant / phallus / extremity 渔民 漁民 yūmín fisherman / peterman / fisherfolk 头脑 頭腦 tóunǎo pericranium / leader / head / noggin / brain / brains / main threads / clue / nous / loaf / bean / psyche / headpiece / mind / pate / skull 树林 樹林 shùlín forest / motte / woods / wood / planting / grove / timberland / woodland / hurst / timber 分裂 分裂 fēnliè split, divide, break up 公告 公告 gōnggào declared / placard / declare / proclaim / herald / announce / bill / decree / advertise 市面 市面 shìmiàn marketplace / business/market conditions / business / market / market condition / business conditions / market conditions 羨慕 羨慕 xiànmù admire / envy 骄傲 驕傲 jiāoào be proud / take pride in 怀念 懷念 huáiniàn cherish memory of / think of 骄傲 驕傲 jiāoào be proud / take pride in 住宅区 住宅區 zhùzháiqū community / housing_development / residential quarters / residential district / residential_area / uptown / residential area 地图 地圖 dìtú map 麻烦 麻煩 máfán trouble 长度 長度 chángdù long measure / extent / long_measure / measurement / length / yardage / longness / linear measure 离 離 lí leave / part from / be away from / separate 相机 相機 xiàngjī camera 朵 朵 duǒ m.[general] 产量 產量 chǎnliàng turnout / turnoff / outturn / capacity / output / produce / product / fruitage / throughput / fruit / production / yield / crop 高层 高層 gāocéng high-level 运算 運算 yùnsuàn count / calculate / compute 执政 執政 zhízhèng hold power / govern 海岸 海岸 hǎiàn seashore / coastal / seaside / tidewater / seacoast / shore / coast / staith / rivage / seaboard / sea / beach 假 假 jiǎ borrow / avail of 运算 運算 yùnsuàn count / calculate / compute 诚实 誠實 chéngshí honest 羨慕 羨慕 xiànmù admire / envy 执政 執政 zhízhèng hold power / govern 隔间 隔間 géjiān partition / bay / divider / compartment / alcove 唸书 唸書 niànshū read / study 院校 院校 yuànxiào colleges and institutes / educational institution / school / universities and colleges 除此之外 除此之外 chúcǐzhīwài additionally / in addition / with the exception of this / in_addition / to boot / excepting this 棒球 棒球 bàngqiú no-hitter / apple / grounder / baseball game / homer / change-up / baseball / extra innings / curve / ball game / horsehide / infielder 圈 圈 quān m.[activity] 压 壓 yā weight_down / hold down / push down / compact / constrict / be getting near / suppress / squeeze / compress / risk money on / quell / bring pressure to / pull / press / keep under control / throttle / push/hold down / intimidate / scrunch / weigh down / scrouge / daunt / shelve / pigeonhole / contract / approach / keep under / push / stake / control 格外 格外 géwài piu / especially / all the more / helluva / particularly 写信 寫信 xiěxìn write a letter 对策 對策 duìcè expedient / cure / countermeasure / antidote / way to deal with a situation / countermove 及时 及時 jíshí timely, in time, promptly 种族 種族 zhǒngzú tribe / citizenry / race / nation / phyle / stem / stirp / phylon / ethnos / nationality / ethnic / folk / people / stirps / racial / ethnic group / family 分工 分工 fēngōng division of labour / divide the work 拜访 拜訪 bàifǎng pay visit / call on 前提 前提 qiántí precondition / prerequisite / reason / premiss / antecedent / stipulation / premise / presupposition / hypothesis / induction / condition 写信 寫信 xiěxìn write a letter 形状 形狀 xíngzhuàng set / figuration / physiognomy / form / appearance / shape 拜访 拜訪 bàifǎng pay visit / call on 居 居 jū occupy (position/place) 延长 延長 yáncháng lengthen / prolong / extend 向来 向來 xiànglái typically / heretofore / always / all along / forever 老婆 老婆 lǎopó old lady / broomstick / missis / missus / married woman / squaw / old_lady / wife 弄得 弄得 nòngde5 make_out / cause / make 服食 服食 fúshí take (medicine etc.) 拿起 拿起 náqǐ pick 指挥 指揮 zhǐhuī conduct / direct / command 宣传 宣傳 xuānchuán propagate / disseminate / give publicity to 宣传 宣傳 xuānchuán propagate / disseminate / give publicity to 指挥 指揮 zhǐhuī conduct / direct / command 要点 要點 yàodiǎn nub / head / essentials / highlight / core / effect / message / issue / detail / key strongpoint / kernel / hinge / upshot / best / capitulation / item / essential / point / salient point / substance / outline / main points / crux / essence / burden / knot / salience / pith / pivot / sum / marrow / gist 首都 首都 shǒudū capital (of country) 延长 延長 yáncháng lengthen / prolong / extend 引用 引用 yǐnyòng quote, cite, recommend, appoint 接纳 接納 jiēnà accept 条文 條文 tiáowén article / text / assize / stipulation / clause 神秘 神秘 shénmì mysterious / mystical 专线 專線 zhuānxiàn special telephone line / special telephone/etc. line / special railway/telephone/etc. line / special railway line / telephone / special railway / etc. line / line for special use 移转 移轉 yízhuǎn transfer 词类 詞類 cílèi parts of speech 愤怒 憤怒 fènnù indignant / angry 审议 審議 shěnyì deliberate 审议 審議 shěnyì deliberate 学到 學到 xuédào understudy / learn 断 斷 duàn give up / cut off / break off / stop / abstain from / judge / snap / break / decide 溃疡 潰瘍 kuìyáng ulcer 移转 移轉 yízhuǎn transfer 愤怒 憤怒 fènnù indignant / angry 考 考 kǎo study / inspect / give test / inspection / give / give/take test / test / investigate / verify / take test / give or take an examination / quiz / check 情景 情景 qíngjǐng scene / sight / circumstances 协定 協定 xiédìng agreement / accord / pact 投机 投機 tóujī speculate / be opportunistic 投机 投機 tóujī speculate / be opportunistic 姿势 姿勢 zīshì mannerism / plant / poise / motion / pose / attitude / sign / affectation / port / likeness / carriage / posture / position / setup / gesticulation / gesture / seat 阿姨 阿姨 àyí aunt / child's address to woman of similar age as parents / girl / babysitter / aunty / elderly unattached woman / cr#4 eche attendant / maiden aunt / family nurse / nursery/cr#4eche attendant / nurse / mother's sister / auntie / nursery eche attendant / child's address to woman of similar age / one's mother's sister 幽默 幽默 yōumò humor 流传 流傳 liúchuán spread / circulate / hand down 幽默 幽默 yōumò humor 持 持 chí hold a particular opinion/belief/attitude 流传 流傳 liúchuán spread / circulate / hand down 接纳 接納 jiēnà accept 晋级 晉級 jìnjí rise in rank / be promoted 晋级 晉級 jìnjí rise in rank / be promoted 耐心 耐心 nàixīn nerves / forbearance / longanimity / endurance / patience 化解 化解 huàjiě remove 轨道 軌道 guǐdào circle / path / trajectory / railroad track / orbital / course / proper way of doing things / trackage / track / orbit / flight / rail / railway / trackway / tramroad / career / orb 这样 這樣 zhèyàng so / such 记号 記號 jìhào earmark / symbolism / reader / impress / indicium / symbol / notation / tick / token / marker / type / sign / score / signature / mark / chip / character / seal / crack / marking / dent / ostent / indicia / check / impression 格局 格局 géjú pattern / setup / structure 强势 強勢 qiángshì powerful influence 劳资 勞資 láozī labour and capital / labor and capital 试图 試圖 shìtú attempt / pretend / set about / try / seek / undertake 学术界 學術界 xuéshùjiè educational / academe / academic circles / academia 且 且 qiě moreover, still, further, for a long time 称 稱 chēng say / state / commend / praise 前进 前進 qiánjìn go forward 未曾 未曾 wèicéng have not / never / did not / not yet 实 實 shí solid / full / substantial 法官 法官 fǎguān sentencer / Bench / judiciary / judgeship / bench / tippet / wig / justice / judicature / magistrate / court / judge / jurist / recorder / hakim / justicer / judgship 炒 炒 chǎo saute / stir-fry / roast / speculate / parch / fry / saut#2e / fire / saut#2 e / sack / scramble 干扰 干擾 gānrǎo disturb, interfere 任 任 rèn allow 每当 每當 měidāng whenever / every time 怪 怪 guài find sth. strange / blame 好不容易 好不容易 hǎobúróngyì hard to come by / rarely 行动 行動 xíngdòng move/get about / act / take action 拜 拜 bài acknowledge somebody as one's godfather / do obeisance / lead to / acknowledge ... as / result in / bring about / salute / acknowledge somebody as one's master / make a courtesy call / make courtesy call / acknowledge somebody as one's master/godfather / cause 勇敢 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave / courageous 勇敢 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave / courageous 宣称 宣稱 xuānchēng predicate / enounce / vouch / avow / make_out / lay_down / uphold / assert / declaration / make out / swan / pronounce / aver / swear / assertion / proclaim / certify / give_out / profession / declare / affirm / put forward / profess 前进 前進 qiánjìn go forward 指挥 指揮 zhǐhuī commander / director / conductor 迎接 迎接 yíngjiē greet / receive / welcome / accolade / meet 回合 回合 huíhé round of golf / bout / go-around / overshoot / encounter / round / turn / wave-off 携带 攜帶 xīdài bring / schlep / schlepp / take along / carry 平常 平常 píngcháng ordinary / common 华盛顿 華盛頓 huáshèngdùn Washington, D.C. 圆满 圓滿 yuánmǎn satisfactory 港 港 gǎng Hong Kong 荣誉 榮譽 róngyū honour / accolade / palm / commendation / credit / lustre / kudos / luster / bay / garland / izzat / laurels / glorification / glory / distinction / honor 确认 確認 quèrèn countersign / confirm / affirmation / identify with certainty / identify / acknowledgement / acknowledge / quiet / confirmation / recognize / seal / verify / uphold / affirm / notarize 大厦 大廈 dàxià building, mansion 工作室 工作室 gōngzuòshì workroom / bottega / studio / atelier / artist's workroom 平原 平原 píngyuán champaign / plain / campagna / field / park / flatlands 联招 聯招 liánzhāo recruit students jointly 联招 聯招 liánzhāo recruit students jointly 传达 傳達 chuándá pass on / transmit / communicate 宝宝 寶寶 bǎobǎo pet / sonny / darling baby / precious baby / baby / precious / poppet / sweetie / precious/darling baby 传达 傳達 chuándá pass on / transmit / communicate 举例 舉例 jǔlì instance / quote / adduce / give an example 故乡 故鄉 gùxiāng country / home / patria / place of birth / native place / hometown / homeland / motherland / birthplace 黄色 黃色 huángsè chrome / yellowness / yellow / salacity / or 光复 光復 guāngfù restore / recover (lost land) / recover 圆满 圓滿 yuánmǎn satisfactory 音响 音響 yīnxiǎng clank / acoustics / music center / sound / hi-fi set / stereo / audio / hi-fi / acoustic / hi-fi stereo component system 挺 挺 tǐng very / rather / quite 翅膀 翅膀 chìbǎng pinion / vane / plumage / pennon / flier / wing 郭 郭 guō Surname 国宅 國宅 guózhái house of government sell 记 記 jì write down / record 情慾 情慾 qíngyū desire / Kama / enamoredness / lust / Venus / letch / flesh / sexual passion / ardour / passion / amorousness 偷 偷 tōu steal 跳舞 跳舞 tiàowǔ hop / trip the light fantastic / trip / cakewalk / dancing / dance / saltate / hoof / step 犹 猶 yóu still / yet 庄子 莊子 zhuāngzǐ village / Chuang-tzu / hamlet / Chinese philosopher 缩短 縮短 suōduǎn shorten / curtail / cut down 学业 學業 xuéyè one's studies, schoolwork 紧 緊 jǐn tighten / tight / hard up / strict / urgent / tense / taut / stringent 手指 手指 shǒuzhǐ finger 不料 不料 búliào unexpectedly 瞩目 矚目 zhǔmù fix eyes on 瞩目 矚目 zhǔmù fix eyes on 党营 黨營 dǎngyíng political party owned/operated 优异 優異 yōuyì excellent / outstanding 缩短 縮短 suōduǎn shorten / curtail / cut down 集合 集合 jíhé gather / assemble / muster 护照 護照 hùzhào passport 承受 承受 chéngshòu bear / support / endure / inherit (legacy/etc.) 地带 地帶 dìdài belt / side / corridor / zone / geographical zone / terrain / region / district 订单 訂單 dìngdān order_form / order / order form / order form for goods / purchase order / indent 优异 優異 yōuyì excellent / outstanding 拓展 拓展 tuòzhǎn expand 拓展 拓展 tuòzhǎn expand 查 查 chá look into / consult / look up / search / investigate / consultation / audit / examination / investigation / check / examine 娶 娶 qǔ get married / conjoin / espouse / wive / take to wife / marry / get hitched with / hook up with / wed / take a wife 偷偷 偷偷 tōutōu on the QT / secretly / stealthily / on the Q.T. / in secret 接获 接獲 jiēhuò receive 发给 發給 fāgěi hand_out / distribution / issue / go / distribute / give_out / grant 强迫 強迫 qiángpò require / oust / press-gang / impose / obtrude / coerce / sandbag / coercion / force (somebody to do sth.) / enforce / pressure / compel / force / compulsory / push out / hustle / constrain / blackmail / strain / starve / oblige / thrust out / thrust / bear / impel / bulldoze / dragoon / force-feed / blackjack / high-pressure 如此一来 如此一來 rúcǐyīlái so that / with the result that 言 言 yán word / talk / character / speech 天然 天然 tiānrán natural 暗 暗 àn unclear / dull / hidden / dim / dusk / secret / dark 爱好 愛好 àihào love / like / be fond of / be keen on 帽子 帽子 màozi5 castor / lid / cap / brand / headgear / chapeau / titfer / hat / headpiece / label / amice / tag 凝聚 凝聚 níngjù condense (of vapor) / coalesce / concentrate 凝聚 凝聚 níngjù condense (of vapor) / coalesce / concentrate 彰化县 彰化縣 zhānghuàxiàn Chang-hwa (a county in Taiwan) 树木 樹木 shùmù trees 乙 乙 yǐ det.: second 太过 太過 tàiguò unduly / troppo 听见 聽見 tīngjiàn hear 藉以 藉以 jièyǐ conj.: so as to / for the purpose of / by way of 缴 繳 jiǎo turn_in / hand in / hand over/in / capture / pay / in / shell_out / hand over 爱好 愛好 àihào love / like / be fond of / be keen on 简化 簡化 jiǎnhuà simplify 富 富 fù be rich in / be full of 简化 簡化 jiǎnhuà simplify 防范 防範 fángfàn be on guard / keep lookout 防范 防範 fángfàn be on guard / keep lookout 论元 論元 lùnyuán argument 週期 週期 zhōuqí period / cycle 地下 地下 dìxià subterranean / underground / secretly / subsurface / secret / secret activity 肩 肩 jiān shoulder 男孩子 男孩子 nánháizi5 shaver / man / lad / boy 周遭 周遭 zhōuzāo entourage / all around / about / vicinity / surrounding / round / around 悄悄 悄悄 qiāoqiāo silently / stealthily / quietly 南港 南港 nángǎng Southport / Nankang 返 返 fǎn return 淡江 淡江 dànjiāng Tamkang University 陶瓷 陶瓷 táocí pottery and porcelain / ceramic / ceramics / china 答复 答覆 dáfù answer / reply 素质 素質 sùzhí calibre / fibre / stuff / vocation / diathesis / caliber / character / strain / predisposition / quality / timber 恨 恨 hèn regret / hate / detest / be exasperated 作战 作戰 zuòzhàn do battle / war / fight / battle / conduct operations 坚定 堅定 jiāndìng stabilizing / firm / steadfast / staunch / strengthen 增强 增強 zēngqiáng strengthen / enhance 耳朵 耳朵 ěrduǒ auricle / lobe / lobule / ear / auditory / lap / lug / lappet 对立 對立 duìlì oppose / set sth. against / be antagonist to 综合 綜合 zònghé synthesize 欢喜 歡喜 huānxǐ like / be fond of 模仿 模仿 mófǎng imitate / follow example of 默默 默默 mòmò quietly / silently 申诉 申訴 shēnsù appeal / complain 欢喜 歡喜 huānxǐ like / be fond of 增强 增強 zēngqiáng strengthen / enhance 左手 左手 zuǒshǒu the left hand / left / left hand / left-hand side / one's left hand 申诉 申訴 shēnsù appeal / complain 入侵 入侵 rùqīn invade 世人 世人 shìrén earthman / tellurian / subcelestial / temporalty / laity / people / earthling / common people 入侵 入侵 rùqīn invade 友人 友人 yǒurén friend 文教 文教 wénjiào culture and education 面包 麵包 miànbāo bun / staff of life / cookie / breadstuff / bread 转 轉 zhuǎn convey, pass on, transfer, transmit 课业 課業 kèyè task / lessons / schoolwork / lesson 团 團 tuán group / society / organization 天文 天文 tiānwén astronomy 彩券 彩券 cǎijuàn lottery ticket 优先 優先 yōuxiān preferentially / preemptively 对立 對立 duìlì oppose / set sth. against / be antagonist to 材质 材質 cáizhí stuff / material 埃及 埃及 āijí Egypt 看待 看待 kàndài apprehend / treatment / treat / look upon / regard 连结 連結 liánjié join / link 货物 貨物 huòwù portage / freight / hotshot / shipment / transit / payload / lading / load / commodity / traffic / salework / shipload / bale / consignment / ware / store / cargo / goods / loading / article / merchandise / invoice / charge / freightage 米 米 mǐ rice / shelled/husked seed 做生意 做生意 zuòshēngyì merchandise / deal / trade / sell / do business 连结 連結 liánjié join / link 深度 深度 shēndù measurement / fullness / profundity / depth / level / deepness / fulness / profoundness 试用 試用 shìyòng try out 模仿 模仿 mófǎng imitate / follow example of 钓鱼台 釣魚台 diàoyūtái an island 试用 試用 shìyòng try out 起伏 起伏 qǐfú rise and fall / undulate 等级 等級 děngjí graduated table / rate / degree / graduation / gradation / ordering / magnitude / caste / grade / social status / ranking / order / class / gree / scale of measurement / step / stream / estate / station / rating / value / echelon / order and degree / ordered series / scale / rubric / notch / division / rank / order of magnitude 开学 開學 kāixué start school / begin term 椅子 椅子 yǐzi5 chair 排斥 排斥 páichì repel / exclude / reject 起伏 起伏 qǐfú rise and fall / undulate 排斥 排斥 páichì repel / exclude / reject 痕迹 痕跡 hénjī spark / taint / scrape / show / imprint / trace / vestige / spoor / sign / track / nick / mark / print / scar / scratch / scent / ash / vestigial / trail / impression 总会 總會 zǒnghuì be bound to / be inevitable / be sure to happen 影子 影子 yǐngzi5 umbra / sign / silhouette / reflection / trace / shadow / vague impression 制造业 製造業 zhìzàoyè manufacture / industry / manufacturing industry 应当 應當 yīngdāng should 调节 調節 tiáojié regulate / adjust 调节 調節 tiáojié regulate / adjust 总理 總理 zǒnglǐ premier / prime minister 战场 戰場 zhàncháng field of battle / plain / theatre / camp / cockpit / battlefield / theater / battleground / field / battlefront 无穷 無窮 wúqióng infinite / endless / inexhaustible 整齐 整齊 zhěngqí in good order / neat / tidy / even / regular 整齐 整齊 zhěngqí in good order / neat / tidy / even / regular 弹 彈 tán pluck/play (musical instrument) 公文 公文 gōngwén official document 牛奶 牛奶 nióunǎi cow's milk 毛病 毛病 máobìng trouble, mishap, breakdown, defect, shortcoming, fault, mistake, illness 出土 出土 chūtǔ be unearthed, come out of the ground 公正 公正 gōngzhèng impartial 转型 轉型 zhuǎnxíng change / transform 圆 圓 yuán round / satisfactory / comprehensive 转型 轉型 zhuǎnxíng change / transform 望远镜 望遠鏡 wàngyuǎnjìng telescope 类别 類別 lèibié category / cubbyhole / categorization / race / kind / categorisation / reduction / persuasion / regimentation / rubric / classification / sort 承担 承擔 chéngdān bear / undertake / assume 虚拟 虛擬 xūnǐ conjecture / fictitious / pseudo / suppositional / fantasy 经济 經濟 jīngjì economical / thrifty / of economic value 老兵 老兵 lǎobīng veteran soldier / veteran_soldier / campaigner / veteran / old soldier 江 江 jiāng river 流 流 liú spread / circulate 完全 完全 wánquán complete / whole 研究室 研究室 yánjiùshì study / research room / research group 客厅 客廳 kètīng front room / livingroom / parlour / salon / family room / parlor / drawing_room / living_room / drawing room / sitting_room / living room / sitting room / drawing / drawing/living room 捕捉 捕捉 bǔzhuō seizure / seize / tackle / capture / snare / nobble / get / catch 做人 做人 zuòrén conduct oneself / behave / be an upright person 承办 承辦 chéngbàn undertake 粒子 粒子 lìzǐ particulate / particle / apparatus 承担 承擔 chéngdān bear / undertake / assume 消极 消極 xiāojí negative / passive / inactive 排 排 pái m.[general] 得分 得分 défēn score 站起来 站起來 zhànqǐlái stand_up / stand up / rise / arise / get up 从中 從中 cóngzhōng out of / from among / therefrom 郝 郝 hǎo Hao / Surname 承办 承辦 chéngbàn undertake 注册 註冊 zhùcè register 坏人 壞人 huàirén hellion / bad person / scoundrel / badman / baddie / villain / malefactor / evildoer 问道 問道 wèndào ask 捉 捉 zhuō clutch / cop / grasp / nip / hold / seize / capture / take hold of / hent / catch 退出 退出 tuìchū withdraw from / quit 开玩笑 開玩笑 kāiwánxiào kid / spoof / jive / gag / make fun of / josh / daff / rot / quip / chaff / rib / banter / jolly / fun / sport / put_on / clown / fool / droll / jape / joke / skylark / jest / jocose / crack a joke 注册 註冊 zhùcè register 搭乘 搭乘 dāchéng travel by / travel / travel (by a conveyance) / jet / take / fly / hitching / get_on 软 軟 ruǎn soft / weak / pliant / poor in quality 无关 無關 wúguān have nothing to do with 嘿 嘿 hēi hey! 罹患 罹患 líhuàn have / suffer from / suffer from an illness 鼻子 鼻子 bízi5 nasal / hooter / nozzle / snoot / sneezer / boko / schnozzle / conk / smeller / snout / beezer / proboscis / olfactory organ / snitch / nose / olfactory 击出 擊出 jíchū strike / throw / pick up 大象 大象 dàxiàng elephant 公立 公立 gōnglì public, established and maintained by the government 中部 中部 zhōngbù central section, middle 退出 退出 tuìchū withdraw from / quit 生命力 生命力 shēngmìnglì breath / animation / libido / lifeblood / Shakti / vitality / life-force / vital_force / vital force / life principle / juice / vital principle 任意 任意 rènyì willfully / at_will / arbitrarily 叙述 敘述 xùshù narrate / recount / relate 沙滩 沙灘 shātān sandy beach 多元 多元 duōyuán multiplex / multicomponent / multivariate / poly- 老人家 老人家 lǎorénjiā parent / parents / a respectful form of address for an old person / old person 深处 深處 shēnchù depth / bowel / recesses / profound / oceanic abyss / depths / deep / recess 吵 吵 chǎo shout for something 次 次 cì det.: next / second 企业家 企業家 qìyèjiā entrepreneur / industrial / big businessman / undertaker / enterpriser / business man 时段 時段 shíduàn slot / time slot / period of time 放大 放大 fàngdà megascopic / blow_up / magnify / blow up / amplify / enhance / enlarge / enlargement 派 派 pài m.[kind] 宣告 宣告 xuāngào declare / proclaim 宣告 宣告 xuāngào declare / proclaim 差不多 差不多 chābùduō almost / about 海域 海域 hǎiyū water / waters / maritime space / sea area 烤 烤 kǎo oven broil / warm (hands / bake / feet) near fire / torrefy / roast / scallop / warm (hands/feet) near fire / parch / crisp / grill / warm near fire / broil / toast 奇蹟 奇蹟 qíjī sign / prodigy / mirabilia / marvel / phenomenon / wonder / miracle / theurgy 播放 播放 bòfàng broadcast / transmit 操场 操場 cāochǎng schoolyard / school ground / school yard / drill ground / sportsground / playing field / playground / sports ground 播放 播放 bòfàng broadcast / transmit 伤 傷 shāng injure / wound / fall ill from / damage / harm 节奏 節奏 jiézòu pacing / cadency / musical rhythm / pulse / speech rhythm / rhythm / regular recurrence / pulsation / beat / pace / movement / tune / cadence / clip / tempo 汇率 匯率 huìlù interchange / exchange rate / rate of exchange / exchange / exchange_rate 提起 提起 tíqǐ mention / speak of 废水 廢水 fèishuǐ drainage / liquid waste / wastewater / sewer water / effluent / waste water 遇 遇 yū meet / encounter / treat / receive 环 環 huán ring / link 蚂蚁 螞蟻 mǎyǐ emmet / pismire / ant / carpenter ant 精力 精力 jīnglì stamina / get-up / birr / spirits / vigor / energy / cheer / vinegar / vim / whiz / pride / starch / get-up-and-go / mercury / zing / ginger / sap / verve / zip / git-up / pizazz / power / sinew / go / dynamism / oomph / vigour / foison / ambition / moxie / gimp / peppiness / pazazz / pep / pizzaz / snap / stingo / spirit / drive / pith / pizzazz / last / push / steam 上任 上任 shàngrèn take up an official post / assume post / incept / assume office 全面 全面 quánmiàn omnibearing 上台 上台 shàngtái enter 水质 水質 shuǐzhí water quality 陷阱 陷阱 xiànjǐng sweetener / pit / pitfall / hook / lure / trap / cobweb / shoal / trapan / booby_trap / noose / come-on / booby-trap / fall-trap / ambush / net / snare / quicksand / springe / decoy / trepan / mesh / bait / gin 变数 變數 biànshù variant / variable / pronumeral / variate / parameter / random variable 规画 規畫 guīhuà program / plan 粮 糧 liáng grain tax in kind / provisions / food / viand / grain 侵略 侵略 qīnluè invade 西部 西部 xībù western part / West / westward / west / the west 好手 好手 hǎoshǒu expert / professional / shake / good hand / past master 告知 告知 gàozhī acknowledge / expose / divulge / disclose / intimation / notify / impart / inform / communicate / apprize / notification / advise / give notice / assure / reveal / let on / tell / discover / acquaint / let out / send word / declare / instruct / apprise / break / give away / bring out 退 退 tuì retreat / retire / decline / ebb 交易所 交易所 jiāoyìsuǒ trading_post / rialto / floor / exchange (place) / exchange / securities industry / market 干 乾 gān dry 留学生 留學生 liúxuéshēng student studying abroad / returned student 修饰语 修飾語 xiūshìyǔ adjunct / qualifier / attributive / epanorthosis / modifier 容纳 容納 róngnà have capacity for / receive / admit / take / accommodate / store / recipient / seat / hold / accept / carry / bear / contain / have a capacity of 很少 很少 hěnshǎo little / few / not much/many 挖掘 挖掘 wājué excavate / unearth 侵略 侵略 qīnluè invade 近 近 jìn approach/reach (a particular level or state) 连接词 連接詞 liánjiēcí connective / conjunctive / conjunction 从不 從不 cóngbù ne'er / never 淡水 淡水 dànshuǐ Tamshui (a town in Taiwan) 清 清 qīng pure / clean / fresh / cool / lonely / poor 挖掘 挖掘 wājué excavate / unearth 孟子 孟子 mèngzi5 Mengtse / Mencius / Mencius (philosopher who expounded on Dao or Way of Life) 稳 穩 wěn firm / stable / steady / staid / sedate / sure / certain 战后 戰後 zhànhòu postwar 福 福 fú felicity / happiness / blessing / good fortune 鸭 鴨 yā drake / duckling / duck 营造 營造 yíngzào construct / build 营造 營造 yíngzào construct / build 机制 機制 jīzhì mechanism 机率 機率 jīlù probability 赋予 賦予 fùyǔ indue / endow / lend / girt / gift / endue / entrust / inspire / give / impart / confer / grant 职员 職員 zhíyuán employee / servant / official / staff member / retainer / functionary / operative / office employees / officeholder / personnel / officer / staff_member / office worker / clerk / staffer 现任 現任 xiànrèn be incumbent / be currently in office 录音带 錄音帶 lùyīndài magnetic_tape / tape recording / audiotape / magnetic tape / tape / recording / taping 外籍 外籍 wàijí foreign nationality 薄 薄 bó lacking in warmth / infertile / light / cold / weak / thin / despise / flimsy 时时 時時 shíshí always / constantly / often 事务所 事務所 shìwùsuǒ office / business office / business premises 扭曲 扭曲 niǒuqū distort 叔叔 叔叔 shúshú father's younger brother / uncle / uncle (child's address for young males) 扭曲 扭曲 niǒuqū distort 延伸 延伸 yánshēn extend / stretch 哎呀 哎呀 āiyā jeez / of wonder / alas / wirra / swounds / lummy / shock / admiration 流动 流動 liúdòng flow / go from place to place 原谅 原諒 yuánliàng excuse / pardon 哩 哩 li5 particle: expressing exclamation 气势 氣勢 qìshì air / powder / imposing manner / aura / manner / pith / vigor / atmosphere / vigour / verve / vehemence / fervor / momentum 毕业生 畢業生 bìyèshēng alumnus / postgraduate / grad / alum / alumna / graduating class / graduate 流动 流動 liúdòng flow / go from place to place 宗旨 宗旨 zōngzhǐ animus / object / purpose / aim / religion / bearing 关爱 關愛 guānài care for 遗传 遺傳 yíchuán bequeath / pass on to next generation 包袱 包袱 bāofú cloth wrapper, bundle wrapped in cloth, burden, millstone round one's neck, punch line (in cross-talk) 垄断 壟斷 lǒngduàn monopolize 垄断 壟斷 lǒngduàn monopolize 讲到 講到 jiǎngdào mention / observe / remark / note / refer to 联赛 聯賽 liánsài loop / league matches / league match 辩论 辯論 biànlùn argue / debate 关爱 關愛 guānài care for 瘦 瘦 shòu skinny / emaciated / thin / waste / lean (of meat) 遗传 遺傳 yíchuán bequeath / pass on to next generation 辩论 辯論 biànlùn argue / debate 指令 指令 zhǐlìng directive / instruction / dictation / bid / decree / rescript / fiat / injunction / dictate / instructions / order / bidding / mandate / command / edict 皮 皮 pí skin / leather / hide / wrapper / surface / thin/flat pieces/sheets / rubber 图形 圖形 túxíng motif / delineation / pattern / picture / fig / icon / graphical / graph / design / figure / sketch / construct / diagram / drawing 善用 善用 shànyòng take / make good use of 地步 地步 dìbù state / situation / extent / plight / condition 怪 怪 guài surprising / strange 威胁 威脅 wēixié menace / imperil 要不然 要不然 yàobùrán conj.: otherwise / or else / or 后悔 後悔 hòuhuǐ regret / repent 金牌 金牌 jīnpái gold medal 毒 毒 dú poison / toxin / narcotics 清晰 清晰 qīngxī distinct / clear (of sound/view) 草原 草原 cǎoyuán veld / ley / steppe / plain / pastureland / pasture / grassland / lea / grass / campo / prairie / grazing land / grasslands 立体 立體 lìtǐ three-dimensional / stereoscopic 幼儿 幼兒 yòuér babe / papoose / cheeper / child / nursling / infant / bairn / nurseling / cub / youngling 潜水 潛水 qiánshuǐ dive / go under water 矮 矮 ǎi short (of stature) / low 据点 據點 jùdiǎn bridgehead / lodgment / fortified point / base / redoubt / foothold / lodging / lodgement / beachhead / strongpoint / stronghold 赔偿 賠償 péicháng compensate / pay for 碗 碗 wǎn m.[container] 精采 精采 jīngcǎi brilliant / splendid 潜水 潛水 qiánshuǐ dive / go under water 频频 頻頻 pínpín again and again / repeatedly 对话 對話 duìhuà dialogue 获利 獲利 huòlì obtain profit 隐藏 隱藏 yǐncáng cache / hold back / hidden / blot_out / suppress / disguise / concealment / remain under cover / lurk / secrete / reserve / recess / hoodwink / dissemble / stash / veil / hold in / bury / hide / conceal / occult / mask / ensconce / cover_up / palliate / obscure / hoard 精采 精采 jīngcǎi brilliant / splendid 召集人 召集人 zhàojírén convener 加工 加工 jiāgōng process 主妇 主婦 zhǔfù housewife, hostess 补 補 bǔ mend / patch / nourish / supplementary 地址 地址 dìzhǐ location / domicile / street address / address / name and address / destination 大为 大為 dàwéi greatly, markedly, significantly 抗争 抗爭 kàngzhēng resistance / struggle / resist / contend / make a stand against / make stand against / oppose 初步 初步 chūbù initial / preliminary / tentative 碰 碰 pèng explore / stub / paw / encounter / knock against / partake / run into / take one's chance / knock / disturb / touch / meet / bump 佔有率 佔有率 zhànyǒulù possessed rate 均衡 均衡 jūnhéng balance 抗战 抗戰 kàngzhàn fight / war of resistance 抗战 抗戰 kàngzhàn fight / war of resistance 毒品 毒品 dúpǐn kif / kaif / narcotics / drug / weed / grass / narcotic drugs / drugs 甚至于 甚至於 shènzhìyū even (to the point of) / so much so that 盛行 盛行 shèngxíng be current / be in vogue 均衡 均衡 jūnhéng balance 讯号 訊號 xùnhào signal 服用 服用 fúyòng take / use / take (medicine) 班级 班級 bānjí classes and grades in school 盛行 盛行 shèngxíng be current / be in vogue 授课 授課 shòukè give lectures / give lessons 动人 動人 dòngrén moving / fetch / emotional / attractive / touching 现状 現狀 xiànzhuàng circumstance / present conditions / actuality / current status / present situation / status_quo / status quo 曲子 曲子 qǔzi5 melody / song / tonal pattern / tune 外人 外人 wàirén inconnu / alien / outsider / stranger / bystander / foreigner 反抗 反抗 fǎnkàng revolt, resist 中原 中原 zhōngyuán Central Plains 只得 只得 zhǐdé have to 刊登 刊登 kāndēng publish in periodical 蓬勃 蓬勃 péngbó full of vitality / vigorous / rising / flourishing 变 變 biàn become / change into 签名 簽名 qiānmíng sign one's name / autograph 证明 證明 zhèngmíng certificate / identification / testimonial / proof 签名 簽名 qiānmíng sign one's name / autograph 签订 簽訂 qiāndìng conclude and sign (treaty/contract/etc.) 联谊会 聯誼會 liányíhuì sociable / friendship association / mixer / social affair / social_gathering / social gathering / social / get-together 签订 簽訂 qiāndìng conclude and sign (treaty/contract/etc.) 说来 說來 shuōlái having brought this up... 男友 男友 nányǒu boyfriend 香 香 xiāng fragrant / scented / savory / appetizing / popular / welcome 演变 演變 yǎnbiàn transmute 困扰 困擾 kùnrǎo perplex / puzzle 妥协 妥協 tuǒxié come to terms / compromise 长江 長江 chángjiāng Yangtze_River / Yangtze Kiang / Kiang / Yangtze / the Changjiang River / Yangtze River / Chang / Yangtze river / the Yangtse River 骨髓 骨髓 gǔsuí medullary / bone marrow / marrow / bone_marrow / marrowbone / medulla / medulla oblongata / bulb 神奇 神奇 shénqí magical / mystical / miraculous 理 理 lǐ texture / grain (in wood/etc.) / reason / logic / truth / natural science (esp. physics) / law / principle / doctrine / theory 靠近 靠近 kàojìn come near / hug / stand_by / come on / nigh / snuggle / go up / be close to / near / be nearby / approach / draw near / cling / meet 神奇 神奇 shénqí magical / mystical / miraculous 碗 碗 wǎn bowl 溪 溪 xī stream / rivulet / brook / runnel / runlet / crick / creek / small stream 醒来 醒來 xǐnglái waken / awaken / rouse / wake up / wake 演变 演變 yǎnbiàn transmute 球队 球隊 qiúduì side / team / ball game team 妥协 妥協 tuǒxié come to terms / compromise 说谎 說謊 shuōhuǎng prevaricate / fable / lie / tell a lie / falsify 台中 臺中 táizhōng Taichung (big city in Taiwan) 冲动 衝動 chōngdòng get excited / be impetuous 总干事 總幹事 zǒnggànshì general_manager / director general / general manager 宁可 寧可 níngkě (would) rather / better 农场 農場 nóngchǎng rancher / pen / farming / wick / ranch / hacienda / grange / farm / homestead / farmstead / plantation / steading / land 诚恳 誠懇 chéngkěn sincere 回顾 回顧 huígù look back / review 心声 心聲 xīnshēng heartfelt wish, aspiration, thinking 华视 華視 huáshì China TV station 上司 上司 shàngsī superior, boss 只 只 zhǐ m.[general] 分辨 分辨 fēnbiàn distinguish, differentiate 毛 毛 máo hair, feather, down, wool, mildew, mold, Surname 主管 主管 zhǔguǎn be in charge of / be responsible for 分手 分手 fēnshǒu part / part company / separate / say good-bye / break up 回顾 回顧 huígù look back / review 喜 喜 xǐ delighted / pleased / like / be fond of / be keen on / happy 田野 田野 tiányě countryside / open country / field / infield 紧紧 緊緊 jǐnjǐn closely / tightly 一共 一共 yīgòng altogether, in all, all told 型式 型式 xíngshì pattern / form / shape / style / mold / precept / mold-making / modelling / type / model 有意思 有意思 yǒuyìsī interesting / meaningful / enjoyable 冲动 衝動 chōngdòng get excited / be impetuous 然 然 rán conj.: however / but 君 君 38139 gentleman / sir / monarch / sovereign / supreme ruler 君 君 38139 gentleman / sir / monarch / sovereign / supreme ruler 具 具 jù m.[general] 度假 度假 dùjià spend one's holidays 根源 根源 gēnyuán rootage / parent / origin / spore / source / rootstock / germ / springhead / cradle / whence / paternity / spawn / mother / root / seed / fount / fountainhead 度假 度假 dùjià spend one's holidays 岛屿 島嶼 dǎoyǔ island / islands / islands and islets / isle 部位 部位 bùwèi segment / part / capsule / aspect / position / region / situs / place 温和 溫和 wēnhé mild / moderate / temperate / tame / gentle 细菌 細菌 xìjùn bacillus / bacilli / bacteria / B / bacteriological / microbe / contaminant / bacterium / clump / germ / microphyte / bacterial 情节 情節 qíngjié plot / verisimilitude / buildup / scenario / literary argument / argument / circumstances / story / clue / intrigue / details / action 情态 情態 qíngtài mood / situation / demeanor / spirit / modal / condition 造形 造形 zàoxíng modelling / mold-making 国防部 國防部 guófángbù Ministry of Defense 逾 逾 yū exceed / go beyond / become even more 杀死 殺死 shāsǐ croak / crease / devitalize / blast / account_for / mow_down / zap / despatch / martyr / finish_off / do_away_with / unlive / slay / kill / murder / take 法案 法案 fǎàn bill / act / proposed law / proposed bill / proposed law/bill 诚恳 誠懇 chéngkěn sincere 语音 語音 yǔyīn spoken pronunciation of characters / pronunciation / spoken (vs. written) pronunciation of characters / speech sounds / phonetic 远景 遠景 yuǎnjǐng distant view / long shot / futurity / vista / lookout / distance / perspective / prospect / long-range perspective / long_shot 适时 適時 shìshí at right moment / early / timely / betimes 歌手 歌手 gēshǒu warbler / voice / vocalist / singer / bulbul / performer / lark / songster 热情 熱情 rèqíng enthusiasm / passion 选购 選購 xuǎngòu choose and buy 辐射 輻射 fúshè radiancy / Geigers / radiation / radiant 亲友 親友 qīnyǒu gossip / kith / hail-fellow / relatives and friends / kith and kin / sidekick / familiar / inseparable 短暂 短暫 duǎnzhàn fleet / of short duration / brief / transient 顺便 順便 shùnbiàn incidentally / conveniently / en passant / obiter / apropos / in passing / handily 标准 標準 biāozhǔn standard 鑑定 鑑定 jiàndìng appraise / identify / authenticate 选购 選購 xuǎngòu choose and buy 盘势 盤勢 pánshì current price tendency 出走 出走 chūzǒu leave, run away, flee 辞职 辭職 cízhí resign 不大 不大 bùdà not very/too, not often 中小学 中小學 zhōngxiǎoxué primary and middle school 王子 王子 wángzǐ king's son, prince 考上 考上 kǎoshàng pass / be admitted to / pass entrance examination / nail / make it 鑑定 鑑定 jiàndìng appraise / identify / authenticate 趋 趨 qū run / hasten / hurry along / tend towards / incline towards / run/hasten forward / incline / run forward / hasten forward / tend to become / incline/tend towards 辞职 辭職 cízhí resign 狮子 獅子 shīzi5 leonine / Panthera leo / king of beasts / lion 建物 建物 jiànwù building / structure 苹果 蘋果 píngguǒ mincemeat / pome / apple / Empire 伸出 伸出 shēnchū extrude / obtrude / jut / jut_out / reach/jut out / extend / jut out / outstretch / stick / porrect / stretch / stretch forth / project / poke / thrust / streek / outthrust / protract / protend / outshoot / put forward / hold_out / hold out / overhang / protrude / loll / reach / reach_out / reach out / tongue / put out / jetty / stretch_out / stretch out / stick_out / stick out / push / outreach 肢体 肢體 zhītǐ member / limbs and trunk / solid body substance / body / subfigure / limbs 神通 神通 shéntōng magical power 地方性 地方性 dìfāngxìng territoriality 依旧 依舊 yījiù as_usual / as was common / as usual / still / as before 仲介 仲介 zhòngjiè introduce 折扣 折扣 zhékòu allowance / rebate / price reduction / discount / agio / reduction / deduction / percentage 仲介 仲介 zhòngjiè introduce 保有 保有 bǎoyǒu hold 相继 相繼 xiāngjì about / one_after_another / one after another / in succession 修行 修行 xiūxíng cultivate/practice doctrine 修行 修行 xiūxíng cultivate/practice doctrine 省委 省委 shěngwěi provincial Party committee 从而 從而 cóngér conj.: thus / thereby 自信 自信 zìxìn self-confidence 专科 專科 zhuānkē specialized subject / training school / community colleges / specialty / specialism 捐 捐 juān donation / subscription / relinquish / abandonment / subscribe / contribution / donate / abandon / contribute 竟是 竟是 jìngshì turn out to be 航线 航線 hángxiàn trade route / ship route / skyway / seaway / course / air or shipping line / sea lane / air/shipping line/route / passage / shipping route / air / shipping line / route / air line / line of flight / airline 情结 情結 qíngjiē complex 率领 率領 shuàilǐng lead / head / command 细心 細心 xìxīn careful / attentive 细心 細心 xìxīn careful / attentive 旋律 旋律 xuánlù air / chant / canto / melodic line / rhythm / strain / melodic phrase / melodic / melody / line / aria / movement / cantus / tonal pattern / tune / descant / note 最终 最終 zuìzhōng final / ultimate 掉 掉 diào drop / reduce / exchange / lose / fall behind / be missing / fall / knock / come off / change / shed / turn 种植 種植 zhòngzhí plant / grow 一般而言 一般而言 yībānéryán generally / in the main / in general / generally speaking / en clair 生死 生死 shēngsǐ or death / life or death / life and/or death / life and death / life and 化妆品 化妝品 huàzhuāngpǐn cosmetics 大笑 大笑 dàxiào guffaw / outlaugh / yell / howl / laugh / roar 适度 適度 shìdù moderate 精彩 精彩 jīngcǎi brilliant / splendid 缓慢 緩慢 huǎnmàn largo / slow 精彩 精彩 jīngcǎi brilliant / splendid 王国 王國 wángguó kingdom, realm, domain 头 頭 tóu det.: first / previous 剧本 劇本 jùběn part / playbook / drama / script / play / scenario / libretto 包 包 bāo m.[container] 末 末 mò tip / end 不明 不明 bùmíng fail to understand 布 布 bù cloth 月光 月光 yuèguāng moonlight, moonbeam 地价 地價 dìjià land price 转业 轉業 zhuǎnyè change job 讲求 講求 jiǎngqiú strive for / pay attention to / be particular about / stress 护理 護理 hùlǐ nursing 点头 點頭 diǎntóu take a bow / nod one's head / noddle / nod 转业 轉業 zhuǎnyè change job 嘴巴 嘴巴 zuǐbā jaw / cheeks / kisser / mouth 家教 家教 jiājiào tutor 盈余 盈餘 yíngyū surplusage / profit / margin / increment / surplus / excess 竹 竹 zhú Phyllostachys bambusoides / bamboo / madake / giant timber bamboo / ku-chiku 坦承 坦承 tǎnchéng concede / confess / profess 孤独 孤獨 gūdú lonely / solitary 米 米 mǐ m.[standard] 孤独 孤獨 gūdú lonely / solitary 种植 種植 zhòngzhí plant / grow 表现出 表現出 biǎoxiànchū show up 孙 孫 sūn grandchild / grandson / generations below that of the grandchild / Sun / generations below that of grandchild / second growth of plants / Surname 侵犯 侵犯 qīnfàn violate / infringe on (somebody's rights) 果实 果實 guǒshí fruitery / fruitage / gains / fruits / fruit / fructification 侵犯 侵犯 qīnfàn violate / infringe on (somebody's rights) 邮票 郵票 yóupiào postage_stamp / album / label / stamp / postage / postage stamp / stickies 自愿 自願 zìyuàn voluntary / act voluntarily 挑选 挑選 tiāoxuǎn choose / select 会计 會計 kuàijì accountant / bookkeeper 劳力 勞力 láolì labour / work force / labour force / labor (force) / labor 费 費 fèi cost / spend / expend 新竹县 新竹縣 xīnzhúxiàn Hsin-chu (a county in Taiwan) 运动会 運動會 yùndònghuì sports meeting / sport / gymkhana / athletic meeting / fixture / gate / game / sports meet / games / sports_meeting / meet 坚强 堅強 jiānqiáng strong / firm / staunch 目光 目光 mùguāng sight / vision / view / gaze / look 坚强 堅強 jiānqiáng strong / firm / staunch 偏偏 偏偏 piānpiān just / but / only 挑选 挑選 tiāoxuǎn choose / select 给付 給付 jǐfù pay 静态 靜態 jìngtài static state 演唱会 演唱會 yǎnchànghuì vocal recital 播出 播出 bòchū broadcast / disseminate 经贸 經貿 jīngmào economy and trade 播出 播出 bòchū broadcast / disseminate 发射 發射 fāshè launch, project, discharge, shoot, transmit, emit 干什么 幹什麼 gànshénmo5 do something 发射 發射 fāshè launch, project, discharge, shoot, transmit, emit 聘请 聘請 pìnqǐng engage / invite 浪费 浪費 làngfèi extravagant 舞 舞 wǔ dance 无疑 無疑 wúyí surely / undoubtedly / beyond doubt / certainty / pardi / certainly / easily 噪音 噪音 zàoyīn dissonance / row / rumour / noise / discord / squeal / discordance / mush / racket 与其 與其 yǔqí rather than 学说 學說 xuéshuō theory / system / philosophy / school of thought / ism / doctrine / doctrinal / hypothesis 日圆 日圓 rìyuán m.[standard] 有力 有力 yǒulì forceful / strong / potent / powerful 大道 大道 dàdào wide road, the way of virtue and justice 午餐 午餐 wǔcān midday meal, lunch 中 中 zhòng hit (target) / attain / be hit by / pass an exam 肌肉 肌肉 jīròu brawn / muscular / beef / flesh / muscle / thew / sinew 禅 禪 chán zen / Zen (Buddhism) / deep meditation / Zen / dhyana 处境 處境 chǔjìng situation / site / plight / situation (usu. unfavorable) / predicament / circumstances 绕 繞 rào circle / revolution / coil / wind / revolve around sth. / entwine / weave / baffle / go around / confuse / go round / thread / move round / revolve / confusion / meander / make a detour / bypass / reel / be fuddled / detour / become entangled 国营 國營 guóyíng state operated/run 警告 警告 jǐnggào warn / admonish 住院 住院 zhùyuàn be hospitalized 先天 先天 xiāntiān a priori / congenital / natural / innately / innate / inborn 低于 低於 dīyū be lower than 夹 夾 jiá press from both sides / place in between / mix / mingle / intersperse / carry secretly 找寻 找尋 zhǎoxún find / look_for / look for / grope / seek / search / establish / regain 移送 移送 yísòng transfer under escort / transfer a criminal / render / turn in / get in / hand over / deliver 住院 住院 zhùyuàn be hospitalized 起床 起床 qǐchuáng uprise / get up from bed / arise / get out of bed / turn out / rise / deck / get_up / awake / get up 相容 相容 xiāngróng be compatible with 是非 是非 shìfēi right and wrong / quarrel / dispute 南京 南京 nánjīng Nanjing (capital of Jiangsu) 省立 省立 shěnglì province-established 浴室 浴室 yūshì W.C. / bathroom / shower room / balneary / water closet / loo / toilet / closet / bath 拆 拆 chāi section / disaffiliate / unseal / rip / dismantle / dismantlement / unweave / pull down / take apart / tear open 密度 密度 mìdù density / texture / thickness / consistency / compactness / concentration / denseness 壮观 壯觀 zhuàngguān sublime / spectacular / magnificent 纪念馆 紀念館 jìniànguǎn memorial museum / museum in memory of somebody / memorial hall / monument / memorial hall/museum / museum / memorial 迷人 迷人 mírén beguile / enamor / charm / becharm / enchanting / charming / enwrap / attractive 高雄县 高雄縣 gāoxióngxiàn Kaohsiung(a county in Taiwan) 深远 深遠 shēnyuǎn profound and far-reaching 追查 追查 zhuīchá investigate / trace / find out 眼神 眼神 yǎnshén eye / expression in one's eyes / sight / eyesight 眷村 眷村 juàncūn military village 追查 追查 zhuīchá investigate / trace / find out 粗 粗 cū wide (in diameter) / thick 国有 國有 guóyǒu belong to the state / nationalized / state-owned 开刀 開刀 kāidāo decapitate / operate / make somebody first target of attack / have operation / perform an operation / behead / perform an surgery / have an operation / make ... the first target of attack / perform operation / operate on / surgery / perform 邀集 邀集 yāojí invite / invite to assemble / invite to meet together / call together 水墨 水墨 shuǐmò ink painting without color 激励 激勵 jīlì encourage / impel / urge 选修 選修 xuǎnxiū study / read / take ... as an elective course / take as an elective / take / learn 激励 激勵 jīlì encourage / impel / urge 甄试 甄試 zhēnshì examination 标志 標誌 biāozhì earmark / banner / standing for / logo / symbol / marker / stamp / sign / symbolization / mark / emblem / seal / logotype / symbolizing / blip / marking / insignia 甲 甲 jiǎ det.: first, first of the ten Heavenly Stems 去 去 qù get rid of / remove / cast out 可观 可觀 kěguān goodly / substantial 下车 下車 xiàchē get off/out of vehicle 读经 讀經 dújīng read classics 提及 提及 tíjí allude / cite / reference / come up / speak_to / refer to / notice / syllable / mention / advert to 埋 埋 mái hide away / burial / bury / inter 仍旧 仍舊 réngjiù still, as before 奉献 奉獻 fèngxiàn offer as tribute / present with all respect 沿海 沿海 yánhǎi coast / coastal / along the coast / littoral 任 任 rèn m.[general] 安心 安心 ānxīn reassured / disburden / set one's mind at rest / feel at ease / reassuring / keep one's mind on sth. / be relieved 奉献 奉獻 fèngxiàn offer as tribute / present with all respect 进展 進展 jìnzhǎn progress / advance 厚 厚 hòu thick / fat / magnanimous / favor / kind / generous / deep / strong in flavor / large / stress / profound / rich 农委会 農委會 nóngwěihuì Council of Agriculture 即为 即為 jíwéi be 开启 開啟 kāiqǐ open 立陶宛 立陶宛 lìtáowǎn Lithuania 乡公所 鄉公所 xiānggōngsuǒ administrative office for group of villages 开启 開啟 kāiqǐ open 座谈 座談 zuòtán forum / symposium 门票 門票 ménpiào entrance/admission ticket / admission ticket / admission fee / admission price / entrance ticket / admission charge / cover_charge / admission / entrance fee / entrance money / pasteboard / price of admission / entrance 一体 一體 yītǐ an organic/integral whole, all concerned 裏面 裏面 lǐmiàn inside / interior 试验 試驗 shìyàn test / experiment 恶性 惡性 èxìng malignant / pernicious / vicious / deadly / malignancy / viciousness / lethal / venomous / fatal / virulent 乡镇 鄉鎮 xiāngzhèn villages and towns / small town / village / village and town / small towns 董事 董事 dǒngshì director / trustee 迹象 跡象 jīxiàng breath / gleam / spark / intimation / indication / trace / vestige / glint / evidence / sign / showing / mark / shadow / glimmer / appearance / relic / hint / phenomenon / augury 鞋子 鞋子 xiézi5 footgear / chaussure / footwear / pinchers / shoes / shoe 瑞典 瑞典 ruìdiǎn Sweden 导师 導師 dǎoshī don / guide of a great cause / hierophant / teacher / tutor / imam / supervisor / leader in a cause / preceptor / professor / preceptorship / adviser / teacher in charge of class / mentor / counselor 选定 選定 xuǎndìng select / designate 选定 選定 xuǎndìng select / designate 用以 用以 yòngyǐ wherewith / in order to / wherewithal / so as to 出任 出任 chūrèn take up the post of 循 循 xún follow / abide by 不顾 不顧 búgù ignore 丝 絲 sī m.[proximation] 央行 央行 yāngháng The Central Bank of China 骚扰 騷擾 sāorǎo harass / molest 骚扰 騷擾 sāorǎo harass / molest 田径 田徑 tiánjìng track and field / track-and-field / athlete / athletics / sport 在意 在意 zàiyì take notice of / care about / pay attention to / take ... to heart / care / mind 循 循 xún follow / abide by 往来 往來 wǎnglái contact / intercourse 慎重 慎重 shènzhòng careful / cautious / serious / discreet 往来 往來 wǎnglái contact / intercourse 何处 何處 héchù where 事变 事變 shìbiàn exigency / events / course of events / emergency / incident / pinch / affair 好 好 hào be fond of 老家 老家 lǎojiā native place / old home / one's original home 立法委员 立法委員 lìfǎwěiyuán legislator 空军 空軍 kōngjūn airforce / air_force / Luftwaffe / air force / squadron 贡献 貢獻 gòngxiàn contribute / dedicate / devote 负责任 負責任 fùzérèn be responsible for / responsible / conscientious / be in charge of 高 高 gāo surname 高大 高大 gāodà tall and big / great / massive 终身 終身 zhōngshēn lifetime / life / marriage / all one's life / lifelong 缺失 缺失 quēshī lacuna / drawback / gaps and omissions / deletion / defect / hole 教会 教會 jiàohuì communion / mission / ecclesiastic / kirk / ecclesia / church / chapel / (Christian) church 启发 啟發 qǐfā enlighten / stimulate 启发 啟發 qǐfā enlighten / stimulate 南韩 南韓 nánhán South Korea 抱持 抱持 bàochí maintain / maintain (opinion / etc.) / maintain (opinion/etc.) 心愿 心願 xīnyuàn breathing 裏 裏 lǐ internal / interior / inside 蔬菜 蔬菜 shūcài vegetal / kale / greenstuff / veggie / greengrocery / kail / greens / vegetables / truck / veg / sass / vegetable / vegetative 零用钱 零用錢 língyòngqián pin money / spending money / pocket_money / petty_cash / pocket money / poket money / petty cash / pin_money 餐馆 餐館 cānguǎn chophouse / restaurant / porterhouse / osteria / cafe / caff 算了 算了 suànle5 Forget about it. / That's enough! 错 錯 cuò mistake / error / blunder / grindstone 融资 融資 róngzī capital 舞者 舞者 wǔzhě hoofer / dancer 浓 濃 nóng thick / concentrated / stress / favor / dense 打击 打擊 dǎjí strike / hit / attack 考试 考試 kǎoshì examine / test 不堪 不堪 bùkān can't bear/stand 气象 氣象 qìxiàng meteorologic / advection / isotherm / meteorology / cirrocumulus / meteorological / altostratus / atmosphere / prevailing spirit/atmosphere / scene / nimbus / prevailing atmosphere / climatic phenomenon / cirrostratus / cumulonimbus / prevailing spirit / meteorological phenomena / altocumulus 册 冊 cè m.[general] 缩小 縮小 suōxiǎo recede / dwindle away / narrow / foreshorten / shrinkage / narrow down / abridge / minify / reduction / puncture / compress / specialize / scale down / dwindle / deflate / minish / take in / reduce / lessen / shorten / diminish / dwindle down / shrink / subside / deescalate / retract 烂 爛 làn rot / sodden / deteriorate / fester / mushy / mashed / dissolute / poor / worn-out / decayed / rotten 开幕 開幕 kāimù open / inaugurate (meeting/etc.) / raise curtain 人为 人為 rénwéi man-made, artificial 弱势 弱勢 ruòshì the weak 意外 意外 yìwài unexpected / unforeseen 行政院长 行政院長 xíngzhèngyuànzhǎng premier 物体 物體 wùtǐ object / body / thrust / substance / matter / physical object 家事 家事 jiāshì family matters / housekeeping / housework / domesticity / housewifery / menage / family matter / domestic affairs / family financial situation 徐 徐 xú Xv / Surname 拍照 拍照 pāizhào take a picture / take (picture) / shoot (film) / snap / film / take a photograph / take / photograph / shoot 病 病 bìng fall sick 东欧 東歐 dōngōu hamster / Eastern Europe / kvass / Eastern European 顿时 頓時 dùnshí suddenly / at once / immediately 刻 刻 kè m.[standard] 传染 傳染 chuánrǎn infect / be contagious 开幕 開幕 kāimù open / inaugurate (meeting/etc.) / raise curtain 单身 單身 dānshēn unmarried / single 传染 傳染 chuánrǎn infect / be contagious 景色 景色 jǐngsè view / scenic / outlook / perspective / scene / scenery / prospect / landscape 印 印 yìn print / engrave 现任 現任 xiànrèn presently hold office of 外汇 外匯 wàihuì foreign exchange 测量 測量 cèliáng survey / measure 缓缓 緩緩 huǎnhuǎn postpone / postponement / little by little / slowly / put off / gradually / delay 右手 右手 yòushǒu right hand, right-hand side 学费 學費 xuéfèi entrance_fee / tuition fee / premium / schooling / tuition 频道 頻道 píndào channel / transmission channel / frequency channel 一味 一味 yīwèi blindly, stubbornly 糖 糖 táng refined sugar / carob bar / negus / sugar / candy / carbohydrate / sweets 制品 製品 zhìpǐn manufacture / ware / facture / manufactured goods / products 数 數 shǔ count 楼梯 樓梯 lóutī stairs / staircase 天真 天真 tiānzhēn naive / innocent 嚮往 嚮往 xiàngwǎng long for / dream of 热爱 熱愛 rèài love ardently 山谷 山谷 shāngǔ mountain valley 不一 不一 bùyī vary / differ 卡片 卡片 kǎpiàn card 女友 女友 nǔyǒu female friend 引 引 yǐn quote, cite 公听会 公聽會 gōngtīnghuì hearing 出货 出貨 chūhuò dispatch goods 发作 發作 fāzuò break out / flare up / explode / have fit of anger / get_into / have a fit of anger / show effect 显现 顯現 xiǎnxiàn demonstrate / come on / show / uncover / show_up / express / come out / manifest oneself / show up / turn up / appear / reveal / reveal oneself / emerge / show_off / appearance / run / evince / surface / kithe / take_on / unveil / break / bring out 战绩 戰績 zhànjī military successes 嚮往 嚮往 xiàngwǎng long for / dream of 顾及 顧及 gùjí study / give consideration to / consider / take into account / consult / attend to / allow_for 艺人 藝人 yìrén creative person / artiste / entertainer / artist / artisan / cackler / actor / handcraftsman / performer 共享 共享 gòngxiǎng enjoy together / share 亚运 亞運 yǎyùn Asian Games 地毯 地毯 dìtǎn carpet / footcloth / rug / carpeting / tapis 热爱 熱愛 rèài love ardently 没有 沒有 méiyǒu particle: used to ask if an action has been completed 摇 搖 yáo rock / agitate / wigwag / row / pan / swing / shake / wave / scull / turn 受理 受理 shòulǐ accept and hear a case 肝癌 肝癌 gānyán cancer of liver / liver cancer 受理 受理 shòulǐ accept and hear a case 老年人 老年人 lǎoniánrén oldster / old man / old / old people / ancient / senior citizen / the aged / old person / woman / senior_citizen 何 何 hé Surname 保养 保養 bǎoyǎng take good care of one's health / maintain / keep in good repair 保养 保養 bǎoyǎng take good care of one's health / maintain / keep in good repair 花朵 花朵 huāduǒ blossom / flower / posy / bloom / inflorescence 促成 促成 cùchéng facilitate / effect 屋子 屋子 wūzi5 room / house 桌子 桌子 zhuōzi5 mahogany / table / desk 成交量 成交量 chéngjiāoliàng quantity of a deal 夸张 誇張 kuāzhāng overpitch / overact / vapor / overpaint / overcolor / overstate / overplay / overdraw / overblow / hyperbolize / overcharge / stretch / amplify / enhance / aggrandize / ham / highfalutin / vaunt / magnify / boast / dilate / overdo / exaggerate 测量 測量 cèliáng survey / measure 威力 威力 wēilì world power / superpower / major power / rod / great power / prowess / tooth / might / power 部 部 bù part / section / unit / headquarters / office / board / ministry / troops 新人 新人 xīnrén newlywed 记者会 記者會 jìzhěhuì backgrounder / news conference 书店 書店 shūdiàn bookstore 现金 現金 xiànjīn quids / rhino / clink / ready / cash reserve in bank / dough / dust / ducat / kale / cash / blunt / till / ready money 消化 消化 xiāohuà digest 消化 消化 xiāohuà digest 商机 商機 shāngjī call option / business opportunity 性教育 性教育 xìngjiàoyū sex education / sexual education 回想 回想 huíxiǎng look_back / retrospect / recur / recollection / cut back / think back / echo / remember / reflect / recollect / recall / recapture / go back / flash_back / commemorate / retroject / retrace / flash back 不解 不解 bùjiě not understand 宪法 憲法 xiànfǎ constitution / charter 熟 熟 shú ripe / cooked / done / deep (sleep, thoughts, etc.) 外商 外商 wàishāng foreign business man / foreign merchant 谈论 談論 tánlùn discuss 谈论 談論 tánlùn discuss 亲人 親人 qīnrén those dear to one / one's parents / spouse / children / etc. / one's family members / dear ones / relative / close relatives / folks 可靠 可靠 kěkào reliable / dependable 视窗 視窗 shìchuāng counter / window / wicket 变革 變革 biàngé change / revolution 牌 牌 pái dominoes / plate / prosodic pattern for ^1 ci2 ^ or ^3 qu3 / card / cards / cards, dominoes, etc. / brand / tablet / prosodic pattern for ^1ci2^ or ^3qu3^ 图说 圖說 túshuō illustrated / illustrated/pictorial handbook / illustrated handbook / pictorial handbook 主语 主語 zhǔyǔ subject 一贯 一貫 yīguàn consistent, persistent, all along 外观 外觀 wàiguān shell / outward appearance / show / externality / visual aspect / exterior / effect / superficies / look / likeness / appearance / facade / surface / presentment / apparel / impression / facies / aspect / complexion / resemblance / semblance / guise / frontage / outwardness / rind / garb / showing / face / veneer / outside / garment / getup 瓦斯 瓦斯 wǎsī gas 主观 主觀 zhǔguān subjective 关卡 關卡 guānkǎ an outpost of the tax office / tax office outpost / barrier / checkpoint 囉 囉 luó particle: calling attention to / or mildly warning of / a situation 边界 邊界 biānjiè confine / margin / bounds / marchland / boundary / demarcation line / demarcation / borderline / precinct / skirt / frontier / list / borderland / delimitation / butting / bound / boundary line / perimeter / outskirts / coast / march / line / border / mete / limit / skirting / edge 厅 廳 tīng department / provincial government department / office / lobby / salle / hall 转为 轉為 zhuǎnwéi change into / change to 抑制 抑制 yìzhì forbear / chasten / last out / govern / forebear / help / baste / cumber / rein / hamshackle / damp / disable / harness / restrain / muffle / stay / rule / hold in / bottle_up / throttle / constrain / retard / moderate / cork / swallow / hold / mortify / smother / rebuke / withhold / refrain / soften / control / break / curb / oppress / inhibit / ride out / coerce / dominate / bridle / constrict / choke / inhibition / dampen / restraint 减低 減低 jiǎndī bring down / turn down / undercut / take away / lour / reduction / lower / decline / wane / cut / depress / mitigate / lessen / cut_down / cripple / reduce / unbuild / go_down / de-escalate / go down / detract / sink / drop_off / play_down / drop off 脸色 臉色 liǎnsè brow / countenance / facial_expression / look / facial expression / colouring / complexion 怎能 怎能 zěnnéng How can 尸体 屍體 shītǐ remains / body / corps / corpus / mort / cadaver / stiff / cadaverine / deader / carcass / corpse / ashes / dust / clay / ash / dead body / corse / bones 鸟儿 鳥兒 niǎoér bird 成就感 成就感 chéngjiùgǎn sense of achievement / feeling of achievement / achievability 美军 美軍 měijūn U.S. Army / American soldier / American army / gook 师长 師長 shīzhǎng teacher 河流 河流 héliú freshet / rivers / river 容积 容積 róngjī volume / cubic_measure / capacity / bulk / proportion / content / cubage / solidity 信徒 信徒 xìntú creed / votary / believer / follower / devotee / sheep / lamb / disciple / worshipper / churchman / laity / adherent / worshiper 品味 品味 pǐnwèi savor / taste 客家 客家 kèjiā Hakka 要素 要素 yàosù basics / ingredient / essential / key element / constituent / fashioning / element / core / making / stuff / essential factor / factor / essence / strand / elemental / devising / chemistry / requisite / momentum 氧气 氧氣 yǎngqì O / atomic number 8 / oxygen 塑胶 塑膠 sùjiāo plastics / plastic / synthetic resin / plastic cement 乘 乘 chéng ride 信用卡 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ charge plate / charge card / credit card / credit_card / charge_card / bank card 雷射 雷射 léishè optical maser / laser 国建 國建 guójiàn national construction 无不 無不 wúbù without exception / invariably 处长 處長 chùzhǎng department / section chief / commissioner / department/office head / department head / head of a department / office head 采集 採集 cǎijí oyster / collect / gather / pick up and put together 书本 書本 shūběn volume / book 笑 笑 xiào laugh at / ridicule 掀起 掀起 xiānqǐ lift / raise / surge / cause to surge / start (movement/etc.) 偏远 偏遠 piānyuǎn remote / faraway 亲密 親密 qīnmì chum / intimate / close 钢铁 鋼鐵 gāngtiě iron and steel 燃烧 燃燒 ránshāo burn 雕刻 雕刻 diāokè statue 喷 噴 pēn splosh / spray / sprinkle / spout / puff / gush / splash / spurt 燃烧 燃燒 ránshāo burn 绿岛 綠島 lùdǎo Green Island 轮流 輪流 lúnliú by turns / in turn 邻近 鄰近 línjìn adjoin / next to / neighbour / close_to / near / border on / be close to / be adjacent to / be near / neighbor 击败 擊敗 jíbài trounce / bat / frustrate / trump / down / lace / overwhelm / thrash / overpower / stoush / snooker / floor / overcome / drub / beat out / defeat / war / have the best / clobber / lick / conquer / smite / outmatch / worst / sort_out / smash / crush / outgun / vanquish / beat / put_down / pip / get the best / bear_down 结 結 jié tie / knit / knot / weave / congeal / form / forge / cement / settle / conclude 分发 分發 fēnfā distribute, hand out, issue 谨慎 謹慎 jǐnshèn cautious / circumspect 乐曲 樂曲 yuèqǔ composition / piece of music / music / musical composition / piece / number / opus 世上 世上 shìshàng in the world, on earth 外婆 外婆 wàipó granny / maternal grandmother / grandma / grandmother 巨人 巨人 jùrén colossus / whale / Titan / Goliath / titan / bouncer / darb / goliath / Brobdingnagian / heavyweight / monster / behemoth / giant / Heracles / hulk 用功 用功 yònggōng study / studious / hardworking / niggle / grind 人情 人情 rénqíng human feelings, favor, gift, present 公务人员 公務人員 gōngwùrényuán civil_service / civil servant / civil_servant / civil service 生日 生日 shēngrì birthday 天才 天才 tiāncái genius, talent, gift 尺寸 尺寸 chǐcùn measurement, dimension 觉 覺 jué sense / feel / wake (up) / become aware/awakened / discover 恋爱 戀愛 liànài love / romantic attachment 谨慎 謹慎 jǐnshèn cautious / circumspect 短线 短線 duǎnxiàn small amount/quantity / a little/few 停放 停放 tíngfàng park / place 恋爱 戀愛 liànài love / romantic attachment 走入 走入 zǒurù enter / walk in / go in 孝顺 孝順 xiàoshùn filial / show filial obedience 多样化 多樣化 duōyànghuà diversify / make varied 多样化 多樣化 duōyànghuà diversify / make varied 住家 住家 zhùjiā domicile / lodging / dwelling_house / dwelling / household / abode / dwelling house / home / resident / habitation / residence 步道 步道 bùdào sidewalk / pavement 免得 免得 miǎnde5 conj.: so as not to / so as to avoid 股份 股份 gǔfèn equity / concern / share / stake / stock / interest 派员 派員 pàiyuán assign somebody to do sth. 知识分子 知識分子 zhīshìfènzǐ wig / intellectual / educated person / educated person (high school or college equivalent) / intellect / intelligentsia / clerisy 停放 停放 tíngfàng park / place 传承 傳承 chuánchéng pass down through generations 售 售 shòu get (plan / sale / get accepted / get (plan/etc.) accepted / etc.) accepted / sell 攻下 攻下 gōngxià seize / capture / conquer / take over / overcome 牵 牽 qiān lead along (by holding hand/halter/etc.) / pull / involve / implicate 笨 笨 bèn dull / cumbersome / wooden-headed / clumsy / stupid / awkward 散步 散步 sànbù take a walk 蚊子 蚊子 wénzi5 culex / mosquito / punkie 爱国 愛國 àiguó love one's country / patriotic 传承 傳承 chuánchéng pass down through generations 国旗 國旗 guóqí flag / ensign / national flag 异 異 yì surprise / other / another / unusual / separate / treat specially / feel surprised / different / foreign (place) / disloyal / strange 逃 逃 táo guy / escape / egress / scarper / break away / shrink from / fly / take flight / evade / run away / evasion / flee / run / shirk / turn tail / bunk / lam / dodge 基督教 基督教 jīdūjiào Christian religion / Christianity / Christendom / Christianism / Christian 常识 常識 chángshì nous / reason / mother_wit / general knowledge / common_sense / mother wit / horse sense / public knowledge / common sense / sense / good sense / gumption / commonsense / wisdom 掌声 掌聲 zhǎngshēng clapping / applause 教训 教訓 jiàoxùn lesson / moral 爱国 愛國 àiguó love one's country / patriotic 宾语 賓語 bīnyǔ object 写下 寫下 xiěxià sign / put / set_down / put_down / take / write down 总数 總數 zǒngshù result / all / amount of money / aggregate / sum total / summation / amount / number / sum / total / tale / sum of money / totality / capita / quantity 电脑化 電腦化 diànnǎohuà computerize 聚 聚 jù get together / assemble / forgather / gather 精确 精確 jīngquè elegant / accurate / precise / exact 登山 登山 dēngshān engage in mountain-climbing / sport 富有 富有 fùyǒu be rich/wealthy 登山 登山 dēngshān engage in mountain-climbing / sport 学子 學子 xuézǐ student / disciple 创下 創下 chuàngxià set / create / build 签约 簽約 qiānyuē sign a contract 电池 電池 diànchí galvanic pile / electric battery / pile / D / battery / cell / (electric) cell / electric_battery / element / voltaic pile 电脑化 電腦化 diànnǎohuà computerize 出版社 出版社 chūbǎnshè publisher, press 加快 加快 jiākuài speed up, accelerate 手枪 手槍 shǒuqiāng pistol 工艺 工藝 gōngyì technology, craft 台东 台東 táidōng Taitung (City in Taiwan) 文书 文書 wénshū document, official correspondence, secretary, secretariat 绘图 繪圖 huìtú draw pictures / prepare engineering drawings 绘图 繪圖 huìtú draw pictures / prepare engineering drawings 签约 簽約 qiānyuē sign a contract 苏 蘇 sū Surname 换言之 換言之 huànyánzhī in other words 中医 中醫 zhōngyī trad. Ch. medicine, doctor of trad. Ch. medicine 尺度 尺度 chǐdù measure, scale 再者 再者 zàizhě conj.: moreover / besides 火车站 火車站 huǒchēzhàn railway station 仅仅 僅僅 jǐnjǐn strictly / solely / exclusively / entirely / alone / merely / only / purely / simply / scantly / narrowly / barely / just 伸手 伸手 shēnshǒu ask for help / stretch one's hand / meddle in / stretch / hold out one's hand / stretch out one's hand / reach 矣 矣 yǐ particle: used in classical Chinese to express exclamation 老实 老實 lǎoshí honest / frank / well-behaved / good / simple-minded / naive 良心 良心 liángxīn sense of right and wrong / conscientiousness / conscience / moral sense / scruples 多重 多重 duōchóng multiple 旺盛 旺盛 wàngshèng vigorous / prosperous / exuberant 股东 股東 gǔdōng raider / shareholder / interest / old fogy / shareowner / curio / antique / partner / stockholder / interest group 苗栗县 苗栗縣 miáolìxiàn Miaoli(a county in Taiwan) 约 約 yuē ask / invite 受训 受訓 shòuxùn receive/undergo training 流失 流失 liúshī run off / be washed away 专注 專注 zhuānzhù be absorbed in 作出 作出 zuòchū make (decision/etc.) 流失 流失 liúshī run off / be washed away 感兴趣 感興趣 gǎnxìngqù be interested / be interested in 连系 連繫 liánxì contact 富 富 fù wealthy / abundant 条款 條款 tiáokuǎn title / item / purview / detail / statute title / stipulation / proviso / point / article / provisions / provision / term / clause / condition 专注 專注 zhuānzhù be absorbed in 商业区 商業區 shāngyèqū business_district / strip / white way / business zone / downtown / business district 甜 甜 tián sweet / agreeable 聊 聊 liáo endure / rely/depend on / rely on / depend on / chat 莫斯科 莫斯科 mòsīkē capital of the Soviet Union / Russian capital / Moscow 神情 神情 shénqíng patina / way / expression / facial_expression / look / patine 连系 連繫 liánxì contact 拥抱 擁抱 yǒngbào embrace 实地 實地 shídì concretely / on the ground / on the ground/spot / spot / on the spot 拥抱 擁抱 yǒngbào embrace 学童 學童 xuétóng schoolchild / schoolboy / schooler / school children 汤 湯 tāng hot/boiling water / hot springs / soup / broth 右派 右派 yòupài right 世间 世間 shìjiān earth, world 量产 量產 liàngchǎn set bounds to produce 想 想 xiǎng miss 下去 下去 xiàqù go on / continue / go down / descend / take_up / descent 平 平 píng flat / level / even / ordinary / common / uniform / safe and sound / peaceful / calm / fair / just / objective 之上 之上 zhīshàng on 全民健保 全民健保 quánmínjiànbǎo National Health Insurance 外交部 外交部 wàijiāobù foreign office / diplomatic building / Foreign Ministry / Ministry of Foreign Affairs 避开 避開 bìkāi beg / preclude / avoidance / escape / sidestep / leapfrog / stave_off / get_around / shun / keep_away / keep away / turn away / skirt / fend_off / avoid / evade / ditch / miss / avert / eschew / flee / divert / parry / sheer / dodge 体型 體型 tǐxíng type of build / type of build/figure / build / body type / figure / somatotype / type of figure / habitus / body-build / physique / type of human physique 週末 週末 zhōumò weekend 得主 得主 dézhǔ recipient / winner 体育馆 體育館 tǐyūguǎn stadium / coliseum / gym / turnhall / palestra / gymnasium 左右 左右 zuǒyòu left and right 相连 相連 xiānglián communicate / be joined / interconnect / be linked together / intercommunicate / interlink / meet / attach 坚决 堅決 jiānjué firm / determined 罪嫌 罪嫌 zuìxián criminal suspect 行驶 行駛 xíngshǐ go (of vehicles/boats/etc.) 行驶 行駛 xíngshǐ go (of vehicles/boats/etc.) 兼任 兼任 jiānrèn hold a concurrent post / part-time / hold concurrent post 好听 好聽 hǎotīng pleasant to hear 为期 為期 wéiqí by/lasting (a definite time) 科 科 kē department / section / rules / laws / a branch of academic or vocational study / stage directions / (animal) family / a division or subdivision of an administrative uni / family / branch of study / faculty / administrative section 美浓 美濃 měinóng Meinung(a town in Taiwan) 诚意 誠意 chéngyì candour / singleness / sincerity / good faith / candor 名利 名利 mínglì fame and gain / fame and wealth 遊憩 遊憩 yóuqì relax and play 持有 持有 chíyǒu boast / take / possess / hold / carry 新光 新光 xīnguāng hsinkuang consortium 最早 最早 zuìzǎo very first 眼镜 眼鏡 yǎnjìng cheater / lorgnon / spectacles / specs / glasses / spectacle / barnacles / eyeglasses / barnacle / eyeglass / glass 海面 海面 hǎimiàn offing / sea surface / offshore / sea level / rim 第 第 dì mansion / stadium / decker / det.: marker of ordinal numerals / abomasum / residence 客家人 客家人 kèjiārén Hakka 膨胀 膨脹 péngzhàng expand / swell / inflate 单独 單獨 dāndú tete-a-tete / apart / unaccompanied / individually / singly / solely / alone / on one's own 虫 蟲 chóng bug / worm / insect 膨胀 膨脹 péngzhàng expand / swell / inflate 解脱 解脫 jiětuō free (extricate) oneself / release from worldly cares 隧道 隧道 suìdào tube / tunnel 熊胆 熊膽 xióngdǎn gall of bear (used as medicine) 热潮 熱潮 rècháo rush / surge / spate / upsurge 复 復 fù again 学系 學系 xuéxì department (of school) 鼓掌 鼓掌 gǔzhǎng clap one's hands; applaud 鼓掌 鼓掌 gǔzhǎng clap one's hands; applaud 日记 日記 rìjì diary, journal 日趋 日趨 rìqū gradually / day_by_day 外出 外出 wàichū go out 出路 出路 chūlù way out, outlet, employment opportunities 外出 外出 wàichū go out 解脱 解脫 jiětuō free (extricate) oneself / release from worldly cares 钟 鐘 zhōng timekeeper / timepiece / ticker / carillon / Zhong / time / bell / handleless cup / chime / gong / carillon playing / bell ringing / clock / Surname 此后 此後 cǐhòu thenceforth / henceforth / since then / thereafter / after this / hereafter 冲 衝 chōng charge / rush / dash 同伴 同伴 tóngbàn associate / friend / associator / chum / gentry / cully / familiar / fellow traveller / accompanist / fellow traveler / stablemate / companion / mate / compeer / peer / pard / bunkie / consociate / fellow / buddy / campmate / comrade 供给 供給 gōngjǐ supply / provide / furnish 事故 事故 shìgù circumstance / trouble / mischance / accident / mishap / affair / bad luck / natural event / happening / occurrence 握 握 wò take hold of / agitate / grasp / double / bite / shake / hold 受害 受害 shòuhài suffer injury / suffer loss / fall victim / loss / suffer / be affected / victimize / be victimized 表明 表明 biǎomíng argue / utter / disclose / enunciate / indicate / speak_for / make clear / indication / prove / point / express / manifest / tell / state clearly / give / denote / evince / unfold / portend / declare / kithe / make known / signalize 炒作 炒作 chǎozuò stir 香水 香水 xiāngshuǐ perfumery / cologne / aroma / perfume / fragrance / scent / rosewood / fragrancy 气温 氣溫 qìwēn atmospheric temperature / mercury / temperature / air temperature 供给 供給 gōngjǐ supply / provide / furnish 炒作 炒作 chǎozuò stir 教 教 jiào cause/ask to 买到 買到 mǎidào obtain / buy / purchase 亩 畝 mǔ acre / m.[standard] / 畔 畔 pàn boundary / border of field / side / border / bank 现 現 xiàn just / at the time / extempore 情趣 情趣 qíngqù flavor / temperament and interest / spice / savour / appeal / interestingness / interest / temperament 理工 理工 lǐgōng science and engineering 造就 造就 zàojiù bring up / train 跌 跌 dié fall / tumble 总算 總算 zǒngsuàn at long last / finally 群体 群體 qúntǐ population / community / society / grouping / group / colony / groups 集体 集體 jítǐ collective 谈起 談起 tánqǐ speak of / talk about / mention 硬碟 硬碟 yìngdié fixed disk / hard disc / disk drive / hard_drive / hard_disk / hard drive / Winchester drive / disc drive / hard disk / hard disk/drive 棒 棒 bàng good / fine / strong 游览 遊覽 yóulǎn go sight-seeing / tour / visit 效能 效能 xiàonéng effect / effectuality / efficiency / effectivity / performance / virtue / sufficiency / effectualness / efficacy / usefulness / efficaciousness / effectiveness 选举 選舉 xuǎnjǔ elect (by vote) / select by examination 遊览 遊覽 yóulǎn go sight-seeing / tour / visit 确立 確立 quèlì radicate / entrench / establishment / build / establish / establish firmly 独 獨 dú by oneself / alone / in solitude / only 功效 功效 gōngxiào efficacy, effect 月份 月份 yuèfèn month 月份 月份 yuèfèn month 公益 公益 gōngyì public good/welfare 不知不觉 不知不覺 bùzhībùjué unconsciously, unaware 失踪 失蹤 shīzōng be missing 终究 終究 zhōngjiù eventually / in the end / after all 怀 懷 huái yearn for / conceive (a child) / keep in mind / miss / cherish / carry / become pregnant / think of / conceive / nourish 租界 租界 zūjiè colony / concession / (foreign) concession / settlement 失踪 失蹤 shīzōng be missing 行事 行事 xíngshì handle / execute 好笑 好笑 hǎoxiào laughable / funny 旁人 旁人 pángrén other people 淡 淡 dàn tasteless / light / wishy-washy / pale / thin / weak 佩服 佩服 pèifú admire 那样 那樣 nàyàng such / so / in that case 交代 交代 jiāodài hand over / explain / make clear / brief / tell / account for / justify oneself / confess 岩石 岩石 yánshí muck / chimney / rock / petrous / stone 行事 行事 xíngshì handle / execute 交代 交代 jiāodài hand over / explain / make clear / brief / tell / account for / justify oneself / confess 任教 任教 rènjiào be a teacher / hold teaching post / profess 浮现 浮現 fúxiàn appear before one's eyes / float / suggest / come up / rise up / surface / ray / rise / appear / emerge 冒 冒 mào risk / brave 处在 處在 chǔzài be in / be (in a certain condition) / be 专栏 專欄 zhuānlán column / special column / spot / feature / feature article / columnar 因子 因子 yīnzǐ gene / determinant / factor / divisor 风波 風波 fēngbō crisis / disturbance 处 處 chǔ be situated in / be in a certain condition / dwell / live 臭 臭 chòu whiff / foul / malodorous / disgraceful / stinking / odorous / disgusting 许可 許可 xǔkě permit / allow 货币 貨幣 huòbì coinage / mintage / tin / coin / currency / specie / monetary / money / metal money / piece 垂直 垂直 chuízhí perpendicular / vertical 泡 泡 pào steep / soak / immerse 招牌 招牌 zhāopái plate / sign / shop sign / fascia / signboard / placard / facia / nameboard 许可 許可 xǔkě permit / allow 说起 說起 shuōqǐ to bring up a subject in talk / to mention 监测 監測 jiāncè monitor / supervise 应邀 應邀 yìngyāo on invitation / at somebody's invitation / receive an invitation 监测 監測 jiāncè monitor / supervise 语气 語氣 yǔqì mood / tenor / strain / modality / manner of speaking / tone / mode / tone of voice / note 远离 遠離 yuǎnlí be far away / stand aloof / be far off (the mark/etc.) 远处 遠處 yuǎnchù distance / bottom / distant place / distant point 距离 距離 jùlí be apart/away from 新进 新進 xīnjìn freshman 邮局 郵局 yóujú post office 辨识 辨識 biànshì identify 发言人 發言人 fāyánrén voice / spokesman / representative / interpreter / prophet / addresser / spokesperson / prolocutor / addressor / fugleman / coryphaeus 辨识 辨識 biànshì identify 标本 標本 biāoběn example / representative / pattern / specimen / root cause and symptoms of disease / sample / model 征求 徵求 zhēngqiú ask_for / seek / solicit 糟 糟 zāo massacre / muddle / spoiled (lit. / flub / fig.) / pickle / goof / bumble / rotten 远离 遠離 yuǎnlí be far away / stand aloof / be far off (the mark/etc.) 征 徵 zhēng levy / impose / collect / solicit / call-up / ask for / draft / enrollenrol 出自 出自 chūzì come from, be out of 市政 市政 shìzhèng civic / municipal / civicism / municipal administration 公寓 公寓 gōngyū flats, apartment house, public housing 子孙 子孫 zǐsūn posterity / rod / scion / materialization / progeniture / offspring / descendant / children and grandchildren / spawn / son / generation / issue / increase / descendent / seed / child / descendants / fruit / get / progeny 晶片 晶片 jīngpiàn silicon chip / chip / microchip / chips / wafer / micro chip 法庭 法庭 fǎtíng judicature / areopagy / court / courtroom / tribunal / banc / forum / gate / banco / lockup / lawcourt / bailey 小学生 小學生 xiǎoxuéshēng (primary) pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl 含 含 hán include 武功 武功 wǔgōng military accomplishment / military accomplishments / acrobatic skill / gest / geste / opera 登上 登上 dēngshàng get on / board / ascend / mount / climb / scramble / step on 删除 刪除 shānchú delete / leave out 删除 刪除 shānchú delete / leave out 局部 局部 júbù partial / department / section / parts / part / det.: part / maculation / region / spot / dapple / fleck / patch / division / speckle 作为 作為 zuòwéi conduct / deed / action 洛杉矶 洛杉磯 luòshānjī Los Angeles 相近 相近 xiāngjìn be close to / near / be close / be near / alike / neighbor / be similar to / close / be close/near 派系 派系 pàixì side / sect / schism / cabal / in-crowd / factions / junto / clique / junta / coterie / camarilla / faction 负起 負起 fùqǐ assume / take over / take on / adopt / shoulder / bear 直 直 zhí straight / vertical / just / righteous / honest / frank / forthright / stiff / numb 发 發 fā develop / expand / open up / discover / expose / show one's feeling 会议室 會議室 huìyìshì meeting/conference room / meeting room / consistory / council chamber / boardroom / conference room / meeting 交由 交由 jiāoyóu entrust 留意 留意 liúyì be careful / watch / see / insure / see to it / pay attention to / keep one's eyes open / take notice / listen / heed / mind / ensure / advert / assure / control / look out / check / ascertain / regard 当事人 當事人 dāngshìrén interested parties / those directly involved / principal / client / the party concerned / privy / party / litigant / person concerned 无论如何 無論如何 wúlùnrúhé disregarding / aught / in any event / anyway / in any case / ought / at any rate / no matter what happens / irrespective / no matter / however / leastwise / anyhow / anywise / irregardless / leastways / whatever may come / disregardless / no matter what / regardless / come hell or high water / in_any_case 勒索 勒索 lēsuǒ extort / blackmail 教书 教書 jiāoshū teach school / teach / teach in school / teach (usu. for a living) 粒 粒 lì granule / grain / kernel / pellet / m.[general] / 蛋白质 蛋白質 dànbáizhí albuminoid / proteide / proteid / albumin / albumen / protein 勒索 勒索 lēsuǒ extort / blackmail 晚餐 晚餐 wǎncān dinner / supper 沦为 淪為 lúnwéi be reduced to 餐 餐 cān m.[event] 导遊 導遊 dǎoyóu tourist guide 墙壁 牆壁 qiángbì wall 录取 錄取 lùqǔ enroll / recruit / admit 绿地 綠地 lùdì greenness / greenery patches / meadow / grassland 荣民 榮民 róngmín veteran 紧密 緊密 jǐnmì settle / close together / rapid and intense / compact / inseparable / close 录取 錄取 lùqǔ enroll / recruit / admit 战火 戰火 zhànhuǒ flames of war 线上 線上 xiànshàng network / on line 试办 試辦 shìbàn run pilot scheme 发 發 fā send out / deliver / start / set out / begin 壳 殼 ké plate / crust / shell / case / test / theca / hard surface / exuviae / eggshell / hull / rind / casing / cod / valve / scale / housing / husk / shuck 试办 試辦 shìbàn run pilot scheme 干预 干預 gānyū intervene, interfere 飘 飄 piāo blow about / float / blow/drift about / flutter / wave / blow / drift about 过世 過世 guòshì die / pass away 药品 藥品 yàopǐn pharmaceutical / medicines and chemical reagents / drug / restorative 安置 安置 ānzhì find place for / help settle down / arrange for 额外 額外 éwài extra / added / additional 开出 開出 kāichū open up / make_out / out 露营 露營 lùyíng camp out / encamp / bivouac 简报 簡報 jiǎnbào bulletin / brief report 赞同 贊同 zàntóng approve of / endorse 简易 簡易 jiǎnyì simple and easy / simply constructed / unsophisticated 赞同 贊同 zàntóng approve of / endorse 巴士 巴士 bāshì bus 代表性 代表性 dàibiǎoxìng typology 下班 下班 xiàbān get_off 用力 用力 yònglì exert self / exert oneself / put forth one's strenght / exert self (physically) 倾向 傾向 qīngxiàng be inclined to / side with / prefer 全然 全然 quánrán at_all / in_the_least / diametrically / aught / entirely / all_over / for_all_the_world / right-down / completely 露营 露營 lùyíng camp out / encamp / bivouac 简易 簡易 jiǎnyì simple and easy / simply constructed / unsophisticated 思索 思索 sīsuǒ study / puzzle / deliberate / cogitate / devise / think deeply / speculate / consider / contemplate / meditate / ponder 美食 美食 měishí cate / luxury / good food / delicious food / fleshpot 修饰 修飾 xiūshì decorate / adorn / embellish / make/dress up / polish (a piece of writing) 修饰 修飾 xiūshì decorate / adorn / embellish / make/dress up / polish (a piece of writing) 信赖 信賴 xìnlài trust / count on / have faith in 突出 突出 túchū outstanding 信赖 信賴 xìnlài trust / count on / have faith in 美学 美學 měixué aesthetic / aesthetics / esthetics / esthetic 深受 深受 shēnshòu passive signifier 美女 美女 měinǔ looker / bombshell / siren / cookie / peach / dish / sweetheart / peri / lulu / beautiful woman / charmer / smasher / belle / knockout / mantrap / Venus / stunner / beauty / lovely 吸毒 吸毒 xīdú take drugs 吸毒 吸毒 xīdú take drugs 防火 防火 fánghuǒ fireproof / prevent fire / fire prevention 取出 取出 qǔchū uncase / withdraw / retrieval / dislodge / educe / retrieve / take out / take away / dredge / withdrawal / draw / gut / get / fish / bring forward 安置 安置 ānzhì find place for / help settle down / arrange for 何在 何在 hézài where? / what place? 修养 修養 xiūyǎng accomplishment / training / mastery / self-cultivation 钓鱼 釣魚 diàoyū go fishing / fish / go angling / angle 后续 後續 hòuxù follow up 约束 約束 yuēshù control / restrain / bind 探究 探究 tànjiù investigate 消费 消費 xiāofèi consume 过世 過世 guòshì die / pass away 诠释 詮釋 quánshì annotate / expound 私下 私下 sīxià tete-a-tete / in private/secret / in private / privately / in secret / secret 这样子 這樣子 zhèyàngzi5 so / this way 穿梭 穿梭 chuānsuō weave / shuttle back and forth / waver / shuttle 敏锐 敏銳 mǐnruì keen / incisive / acute / sharp 约束 約束 yuēshù control / restrain / bind 高手 高手 gāoshǒu dab / master-hand / expert / master / facility / proficient / ace 核定 核定 hédìng check and ratify / appraise and decide 核定 核定 hédìng check and ratify / appraise and decide 探究 探究 tànjiù investigate 纽西兰 紐西蘭 niǒuxīlán House_of_Representatives / New_Zealand / short for Xin1jiang1, Xi1zang4, Lan2zhou1 (punning complaint at distant job assignment) / New Zealand 优待 優待 yōudài special treatment 散发 散發 sànfā spray / radiate / emission / send out / give forth / exhale / distribution / diffuse / distribute / emit / issue / diffusion / emanate / send forth / sent out / give out / reek / furnace 农会 農會 nónghuì peasant association 经销 經銷 jīngxiāo sell on commission / sell 麻醉 麻醉 mázuì anesthesize / poison / drug 硬 硬 yìng doggedly 条约 條約 tiáoyuē accord / understanding / pact / convention / concord / agreement / treaty 校友 校友 xiàoyǒu schoolfriend / alumnus / alum / old_boy / alumna / schoolfellow / old boy 浅 淺 qiǎn shallow / superficial / easy / simple / light (of color) 产物 產物 chǎnwù result / development / child / offspring / product / outcome / fruit / progeny / spawn 动工 動工 dònggōng begin construction 犹如 猶如 yóurú like / as / just as / be just as / be just like/as / be just like 台视 台視 táishì Taiwan Television Enterprise Ltd / TTV 习性 習性 xíxìng habits and characteristics / leaning / aptitude / habitude / propensity / habit / proclivity / habit and characteristic / habitus / inclining / temperament 推销 推銷 tuīxiāo promote sale of / peddle 深厚 深厚 shēnhòu deep / profound / solid / deep-seated 晚会 晚會 wǎnhuì evening entertainment / soiree / evening party / social evening / party / evening / evening entertainment/party 动工 動工 dònggōng begin construction 避 避 bì avoid / preclude / evade / repel / prevent / forbid / ward off / shun / keep away / forestall / foreclose / stay away from 体会到 體會到 tǐhuìdào know/learn from experience / realize 濒临 瀕臨 bīnlín near / border on / be close to / verge / be on the verge of / be on verge of 凡事 凡事 fánshì everything 练习 練習 liànxí practice 才能 才能 cáinéng ability, talent 县立 縣立 xiànlì county-established / cantonal 打球 打球 dǎqiú play a ball game using arms/hands 手工 手工 shǒugōng handwork 地检署 地檢署 dìjiǎnshǔ The Prosecutorial Agency 位元 位元 wèiyuán m.[standard] 肉体 肉體 ròutǐ soma / physical structure / body / corporality / the body / fleshly / clay / flesh and blood / flesh / somatic / the human body / organic structure / clod 付费 付費 fùfèi fee / expense / pay 拥挤 擁擠 yǒngjǐ crowded / pushed and squeezed together 拥挤 擁擠 yǒngjǐ crowded / pushed and squeezed together 余 餘 yū det.: odd / plus 架设 架設 jiàshè erect (on stilts/posts) 文艺 文藝 wényì literature and art 沿途 沿途 yántú on the way / throughout a journey 招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 架设 架設 jiàshè erect (on stilts/posts) 招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 长官 長官 zhǎngguān official / principal / senior / superordinate / chief / commanding official / prefect / senior officer / president / higher-up / magistrate / ephor / superior / superintendent / commanding officer / director / governor / syndic / senior/commanding officer/official / chancellor 师傅 師傅 shīfù emperor / tutor of king / tutor of emperor / professional / address for service workers / master / general term of address in late 7 0 s an / general term of address in late 70s and 80s / master worker / tutor of king/emperor 哲学家 哲學家 zhéxuéjiā philosopher 夏威夷 夏威夷 xiàwēiyí Aloha State / Hawaii / Hawai'i / HI 放置 放置 fàngzhì dispose / feed / set / locate / go / plant / pose / sit / lay / stick / shove / repose / bestow / sock / lay aside / perch / put / position / deposit / depose / get / lay up / mount / place / localize 沈重 沈重 chénzhòng heavy / serious 泥土 泥土 nítǔ dirt / muck / earth / marl / soil / soli / clay / clart 卷 卷 juàn volume / coil / furl / roll / spool / documents / m.[general] / / part / data file / tome / reel / book / examination paper / cylindrical mass of something / file / dossier 自我 自我 zìwǒ stick to one's own way of doing things 见解 見解 jiànjiě eyeshot / view / horizon / understanding / outlook / light / eyes / spectacle / judgment / sentiment / eyesight / opinion / thought / sight / standpoint / bet / hypothesis / eye / viewpoint / theory / possibility / judgement / slant / doxy / purview / ruling / thinking / supposal / position / persuasion / mind 定期 定期 dìngqí periodical / regular 推销 推銷 tuīxiāo promote sale of / peddle 里长 里長 lǐzhǎng head of a neighborhood of 25 families / precinct head 善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind / decent 余 餘 yū det.: odd / plus 遗迹 遺跡 yíjī traces / site / hangover / remains / shadow / vestigium / relic / historical remains / vestiges / trace / vestige / monument / remnant 演说 演說 yǎnshuō speech / address 税 稅 shuì droit / tax / geld / due / scot / exaction / capital levy / gabelle / duty / taxation / revenue enhancement 经销 經銷 jīngxiāo sell on commission / sell 遊乐 遊樂 yóulè amuse oneself / have fun 麻醉 麻醉 mázuì anesthesize / poison / drug 评审 評審 píngshěn judge / referee / umpire 董事会 董事會 dǒngshìhuì board / board of directors / board of administration / syndicate / directorate / board of regents / board of trustees / board_of_directors / directory 病情 病情 bìngqíng patient's condition 善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind / decent 数位 數位 shùwèi digital 勇于 勇於 yǒngyū be bold in / have the courage to / have courage to / be brave in 商量 商量 shāngliáng talk / consult / arrange / confer / talk over / discussion / advise / discuss / concert 繁华 繁華 fánhuá flourishing / bustling / busy 章程 章程 zhāngchéng constitution / rules / charter / rule / regulation / code / regulations / solution / statute / law / contract / procedure / way / memorandum / prospectus 清新 清新 qīngxīn pure and fresh / refreshing (of style/fashion/etc.) 强人 強人 qiángrén Big Brother / strong man / strongman / big_brother / highwaymen / robbers / powerful person 降价 降價 jiàngjià lower prices 降价 降價 jiàngjià lower prices 哪儿 哪兒 nǎér where 致使 致使 zhìshǐ become / render / go / get / result in / cause / make 内外 內外 nèiwài inside and outside, domestic and foreign 明明 明明 míngmíng obviously / plainly 院方 院方 yuànfāng hospital authorities 员警 員警 yuánjǐng policeman 金门 金門 jīnmén Chinmen / Kinmen (County in Taiwan) 耶稣 耶穌 yēsū Galilean / Jesus / cross 倒 倒 dǎo fall over / topple / collapse 收拾 收拾 shōushí put in order / tidy up 自觉 自覺 zìjué be conscious/aware 形 形 xíng form / shape / body / entity 老板 老板 lǎobǎn proprietor / chief / shopkeeper / Tuan / baas / honcho / hirer / storekeeper / milord / mugwump / cit / market keeper / buckra / governor / boss / joss / tradesman / employer / guv 老年 老年 lǎonián senescence / caducity / senility / old_age / agedness / hoariness / age / old age 候鸟 候鳥 hòuniǎo visitant / bird of passage / bird_of_passage / migrator / migrant / migratory bird / visitor 踢 踢 tī shin / spurn / drop-kick / prick / boot / kick / toe / dropkick / play / lunge / punt 反复 反覆 fǎnfù repeatedly / backward_and_forward 力气 力氣 lìqì physical strength, effort 不法 不法 bùfǎ lawless, illegal 不惜 不惜 bùxí not stint, not hesitate (to do sth.) 营收 營收 yíngshōu income( of business) 福建 福建 fújiàn Fujian / Fujian (province) / Fukien 宽广 寬廣 kuānguǎng wide / vast / extensive / broad 总和 總和 zǒnghé sum / total / sum total 瓶颈 瓶頸 píngjǐng bottleneck 县政府 縣政府 xiànzhèngfǔ county government 通 通 tōng m.[event] 尽力 盡力 jìnlì do_one's_best / do all one can / render / take pains / be at pains / take_pains / stretch / strain / strive / try one's best 繁华 繁華 fánhuá flourishing / bustling / busy 减肥 減肥 jiǎnféi lose weight 等候 等候 děnghòu hold back / wait / look / expect / abide / await / hold off / tarry / expectation / hang_on 围墙 圍牆 wéiqiáng enclosing wall 队员 隊員 duìyuán team member 农历 農曆 nónglì farmer's_calendar / lunar calendar / lunar_calendar 减肥 減肥 jiǎnféi lose weight 电玩 電玩 diànwán computer game 增添 增添 zēngtiān increase / accession / throw in / point_up / add / subjoin / addition / lend 扩展 擴展 kuòzhǎn expand / spread / extend 心理学 心理學 xīnlǐxué psychology 镇 鎮 zhèn town / garrison post / trading center 齣 齣 chū play / m.[event] / 舆论 輿論 yūlùn sense / vox_populi / popular opinion / public opinion / opinion / public_opinion / consensus / vox populi 编辑 編輯 biānjí editor / compiler 发电 發電 fādiàn electricity generation / generate electricity 创造出 創造出 chuàngzàochū create 悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved / sorrowful 扩展 擴展 kuòzhǎn expand / spread / extend 义卖 義賣 yìmài sell something for public welfare 悲观 悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic 装置 裝置 zhuāngzhì install / fit 装置 裝置 zhuāngzhì install / fit 买卖 買賣 mǎimài buying and selling / business deal/transaction / (small) merchant enterprise 义卖 義賣 yìmài sell something for public welfare 管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject somebody to discipline / restrain and instruct 静 靜 jìng still / quiet / calm 新知 新知 xīnzhī new knowledge/learning 舞会 舞會 wǔhuì kickup / fandango / ball / debut / dance / promenade / dance (party) / shindig / prom 悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved / sorrowful 寝室 寢室 qǐnshì bedchamber / sleeping room / roost / chamber / dormitory / bower / lying / bedroom 管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject somebody to discipline / restrain and instruct 遴选 遴選 línxuǎn select (somebody for a post) 广东 廣東 guǎngdōng Kwangtung / Guangdong / Guangdong province 遴选 遴選 línxuǎn select (somebody for a post) 检察官 檢察官 jiǎncháguān public prosecutor 予 予 yǔ give 手臂 手臂 shǒubì arm 一家人 一家人 yìjiārén house 心头 心頭 xīntóu mind, heart 土壤 土壤 tǔrǎng soil 大厅 大廳 dàtīng big/main hall, parlor 检索 檢索 jiǎnsuǒ retrieve / research 南北 南北 nánběi north and south / from east to west / north-south 怀孕 懷孕 huáiyùn gravid / expect / in a family way / with child / pregnant / be pregnant / gestate / impregnate / carry / bear / carry to term / be expecting / conceive 顾 顧 gù turn round and look at / attend to / look after / take into consideration / visit / call on 医药 醫藥 yīyào medicament / medicine / curative / medication / remedy / physic 印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print 志愿 志願 zhìyuàn aspiration / wish / ideal 列 列 liè arrange / line up / list / enter in a list 肝 肝 gān hepatic / liver 印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print 替代 替代 tìdài replace / supervene upon / replacement / supersede / substitute for / alternate / substitute / supersession / displace / supplant 使命 使命 shǐmìng vocation / calling / military mission / mission / embassy / errand 恶劣 惡劣 èliè vile / nasty 研判 研判 yánpàn infer 研判 研判 yánpàn infer 长远 長遠 chángyuǎn long-range / long / long-term / far-reaching 叶子 葉子 yèzi5 foliage / frond / leafage / leaf / leave 恶劣 惡劣 èliè vile / nasty 男士 男士 nánshì gent / man / men / menfolk 悲观 悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic 郊区 郊區 jiāoqū suburban district / outskirts 准备好 準備好 zhǔnbèihǎo get ready 祭典 祭典 jìdiǎn memorial services / fiesta / sacrificial rites 脱 脫 tuō cast/come off / shed / take off / escape from 情事 情事 qíngshì affair / matter / thing / business 理 理 lǐ take notice of / pay attention to 持股 持股 chígǔ own stock 面 面 miàn entire area (as opposed to particular points) / surface / top / cover / face 油价 油價 yóujià oil/gasoline/petrol price 众 眾 zhòng every 祇 祇 zhǐ only 宝贝 寶貝 bǎobèi treasured object / treasure / darling / baby / cowry / good-for-nothing / odd character 可行性 可行性 kěxíngxìng feasibility 平行 平行 píngxíng of equal rank / parallel / simultaneous 手脚 手腳 shǒujiǎo hand and foot, motions (of hands/feet), underhand method, trick 主机板 主機板 zhǔjībǎn mother_board 宝 寶 bǎo treasure 山水 山水 shānshuǐ mountains and water, landscape, landscape painting 响起 響起 xiǎngqǐ ring_out / ring out / speak / sound / start to ring 蓝色 藍色 lánsè blue / blue (color) / blueness 钟头 鐘頭 zhōngtóu hour 纾解 紓解 shūjiě ease / relieve 重 重 zhòng value / put emphasis/stress on 青 青 qīng nature's color / green / blue / greenish black 急救 急救 jíjiù first aid / emergency treatment 表决 表決 biǎojué (decide by) vote 相差 相差 xiāngchā differ 探亲 探親 tànqīn go home to visit one's family / visit family / go to visit one's relatives 阻碍 阻礙 zǔài hinder / block / impede / bar 表决 表決 biǎojué (decide by) vote 消灭 消滅 xiāomiè eradicate / die out / eliminate / abolish / wipe out / annihilate / kill / slake / decimate / carry off / disappear / exterminate / lapse / expunge / abolition / knock out / quell / destroy / pass away / kill off / deafen / extermination / detruncate / liquidate / snuff_out / snuff out / extirpate / snuff / elimination / perish / discreate / vanish / extinguish 透明 透明 tòumíng diaphanous / see-through / crystalline / transparent 连络 連絡 liánluò contact 连络 連絡 liánluò contact 追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue / chase / seek 不可或缺 不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē indispensable 急救 急救 jíjiù first aid / emergency treatment 同 同 tóng be same as 壮 壯 zhuàng strong / make better / sturdy / magnificent / robust / make stronger / strengthen / make better/stronger 老 老 lǎo always (doing sth.) / for a long time / very 来回 來回 láihuí go to a place and come back / make a round trip / make a return journey / move to and fro / move back and forth / go to and fro 君子 君子 jūnzǐ a man of noble character / man of noble character / gentleman / man of worth / sovereign 放学 放學 fàngxué have winter holidays / classes are over / finish classes / have summer holidays / finish classes (for the day) 判决 判決 pànjué adjudge 射 射 shè loose / discharge in a jet / insinuate / go off / allude to / discharge / send out / fire / firing / shooting / emit / deliver / shoot 合 合 hé be equal to / amount to 东海 東海 dōnghǎi East China Sea / Donghai Sea 流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life 阻碍 阻礙 zǔài hinder / block / impede / bar 流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life 孩童 孩童 háitóng children 穿上 穿上 chuānshàng assume / wear / put_on / slip / enclothe / put on 异议 異議 yìyì remonstrance / dissent / expostulation / exception / dissidence / protestation / demur / objection / demurrer 判决 判決 pànjué adjudge 整整 整整 zhěngzhěng fully / full / whole 心境 心境 xīnjìng state/frame of mind, mood 荣总 榮總 róngzǒng Veterans General Hospital 纾解 紓解 shūjiě ease / relieve 优雅 優雅 yōuyǎ graceful / elegant / gracious 驾驶 駕駛 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle) / pilot (ship/plane) 录音 錄音 lùyīn record sound 图像 圖像 túxiàng picture / graph / icon / image 检视 檢視 jiǎnshì overlook 遗忘 遺忘 yíwàng misplace / bury / neglect / leave behind / escape / leave / elude / mislay / leave_behind / forget 检视 檢視 jiǎnshì overlook 钢 鋼 gāng steel 实例 實例 shílì example / exemplar / specimen / deuce / instance / concrete example 优雅 優雅 yōuyǎ graceful / elegant / gracious 山林 山林 shānlín mountain forest 录音 錄音 lùyīn record sound 烦恼 煩惱 fánnǎo vexed / worried 追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue / chase / seek 爱丁堡 愛丁堡 àidīngbǎo Edinburgh 期盼 期盼 qípàn look forward to 期盼 期盼 qípàn look forward to 菩萨 菩薩 púsà Buddhist idol / a term applied to a kindhearted person / kindhearted person / Bodhisattva / joss / Buddha / Boddhisatva 驾驶 駕駛 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle) / pilot (ship/plane) 距 距 jù be apart/away from 说服 說服 shuìfú persuade / talk somebody over 装饰 裝飾 zhuāngshì ornament 越南 越南 yuènán Viet Nam / Vietnam / nam / Annam 象 象 xiàng elephant 说服 說服 shuìfú persuade / talk somebody over 饼 餅 bǐng round flat cake / dumpling / pancake / tortilla / goody / cake / sth. shaped like a cake / a round flat cake 总公司 總公司 zǒnggōngsī main office / home office / headquaters / head office / main_office / home_office / front office / central office / headquarters 极力 極力 jílì sparing no effort / spare no effort / doing one's utmost / do one's utmost to 大赛 大賽 dàsài race / game / tournament / contest 失落 失落 shīluò lose 观看 觀看 guānkàn eye / view / watch / spectate / eyeball 全垒打 全壘打 quánlěidǎ fourbagger / round-tripper / swot / swat / home_run / home run / home run (baseball) / homer 撰写 撰寫 zhuànxiě write 无情 無情 wúqíng merciless / harden / heartless / ruthless 过关 過關 guòguān reach standard / pass a barrier / reach a standard / pass test / pass barrier / pass / go through ordeal / pass a test / go through an ordeal 传奇 傳奇 chuánqí legendry / romance / Tang and Song short stories / Ming and Qing poetic dramas / fable / short_story / legend 散 散 sàn break up 超商 超商 chāoshāng convenience store 鱼类 魚類 yūlèi Pisces / fin / fish / race of fishes / fish (as a general category) 准确 準確 zhǔnquè accurate / exact / precise 震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock / shake 摔 摔 shuāi throw / cast/throw down/off / drop / plunge / lose one's balance / off / swing / fall / tumble / throw down / cause to fall and break / cast down / cast / hurtle down / throw off / move backward and forward / fling / break 踏 踏 tà tread / trample / stamp / step / step on 震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock / shake 增设 增設 zēngshè add / add on 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng cover / interview / gather news 欧 歐 ōu short name for Europe 常态 常態 chángtài normal / normalcy / normal conditions / normality / order / conditions / normal behavior/conditions / normal behavior 检举 檢舉 jiǎnjǔ report (offense) / inform against (offender) 零件 零件 língjiàn section / part / components / spares / spare parts / parts / accessory 潜在 潛在 qiánzài potential / latent 检举 檢舉 jiǎnjǔ report (offense) / inform against (offender) 质量 質量 zhíliàng weight / molar / mass / quantity / quality 桥樑 橋樑 liáng bridge (lit./fig.) 撰写 撰寫 zhuànxiě write 回答 回答 huídá answer 北韩 北韓 běihán North Korea 反倒 反倒 fǎndào conj.: on the contrary, instead 北美 北美 běiměi North_America / North America 主意 主意 zhǔyì idea, plan, decision, definite view 亲身 親身 qīnshēn in person / personally / first-hand 冰 冰 bīng ice 早餐 早餐 zǎocān breaker / petit dejeuner / brekker / dejeuner / breakfast / morning tea 失落 失落 shīluò lose 更换 更換 gēnghuàn change / replace 更换 更換 gēnghuàn change / replace 改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct / rebuild 利息 利息 lìxí premium / usury / accrual / interest 中央 中央 zhōngyāng center / middle 竹子 竹子 zhúzi5 bamboo 升高 升高 shēnggāo up / hike / ascend / come up / arise / move up / climb / go up / lift / wax / loft / soar / heighten / rise / mount / escalate 波动 波動 bōdòng undulate / fluctuate 改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct / rebuild 成交 成交 chéngjiāo conclude a transaction / clinch a deal / strike a bargain / close a deal 情人 情人 qíngrén inamorato / steady / sweetie / Gill / jo / girlfriend / swain / valentine / paramour / turtledove / jill / girl / sweetling / mouse / heart-throb / lassie / truelove / soul mate / flame / ladybird / ladylove / lover / sweetheart / mistress / admirer / hon / lovey / inamorata / honeybunch / turtle / sweeting / bedmate 波动 波動 bōdòng undulate / fluctuate 终止 終止 zhōngzhǐ stop / end 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng cover / interview / gather news 终止 終止 zhōngzhǐ stop / end 野外 野外 yěwài air / out-of-doors / open / outdoors / open air / open country / balefire / field 软硬体 軟硬體 ruǎnyìngtǐ software and hardware 到来 到來 dàolái arrive 规矩 規矩 guījǔ rule / custom 俗称 俗稱 súchēng be commonly called... / be commonly called / be commonly known as... 况且 況且 kuàngqiě conj.: moreover / besides / in addition 风俗 風俗 fēngsú mores / custom / public decency / manner / institution / ritual / Sunna / manners / rite / guise 到来 到來 dàolái arrive 死者 死者 sǐzhě deceased person / dead / deceased / slain / the dead / departed / dead soul / decedent / the dead/departed / the deceased / the departed / dead person 村子 村子 cūnzi5 small town / village / settlement / hamlet 讨好 討好 tǎohǎo conciliate / have one's labor rewarded / blandish / accommodate / toady / oblige / toady to / curry favour with / grease / massage / propitiate / woo / fawn on / sugar / soft-soap / ingratiate / ingratiate oneself with 难忘 難忘 nánwàng unforgettable / memorable 警分局 警分局 jǐngfēnjú branch office of police bureau 艺文 藝文 yìwén art and literature 盼 盼 pàn hope/long for / expect 解说 解說 jiěshuō explain orally / appease 藉口 藉口 jièkǒu excuse / pretext 发烧 發燒 fāshāo fever / kindle / feverish / temperature / run a temperature / run a fever / have a fever / have a temperature 堂 堂 táng m.[event] 狭窄 狹窄 xiázhǎi narrow / bottleneck / narrow and limited / cramped 通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through / be current or of general use 国代 國代 guódài representative to People's Congress 通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through / be current or of general use 杀害 殺害 shāhài cut_down / liquidate / killing / kill / slay / cut_off / grease / remove / murder / destroy / do in / waste / ice / knock off 保母 保母 bǎomǔ baby-sitter 林立 林立 línlì stand in great numbers 科长 科長 kēzhǎng section chief 孙子 孫子 sūnzi5 son's son / grandson 筹码 籌碼 chóumǎ counter / jetton / dib / poker chip / chip / bargaining chip / medium_of_exchange 放松 放鬆 fàngsōng relax / slacken / loosen 收购 收購 shōugòu purchase / buy 地下室 地下室 dìxiàshì rumpus_room / soutane / undercroft / rooms built below ground / ground_floor / serdab / cellar / hypogeum / crypt / subterranean / silo / subterrane / souterrain / vault / cellarage / basement 竹东 竹東 zhúdōng Zhu Dong (town in Taiwan) 佔地 佔地 zhàndì cover / cover an area of / occupy (space) 抗体 抗體 kàngtǐ antibody 砍 砍 kǎn ax / hack / cut / shear / hew / chop_down / whack / carbonado / throw sth. at / hag / fall / chop 向量 向量 xiàngliàng vector / vector quantities / vectorial 容许 容許 róngxǔ let_in / have / receive / can / permission / permit / allow for / may / adhibit / might / admissive / provide for / admit / concede / cede / leave / suffer / tolerate / allow 存有 存有 cúnyǒu harbour / entertain / cherish / harbor / inhere 免 免 miǎn duty-free / be not allowed 放松 放鬆 fàngsōng relax / slacken / loosen 军方 軍方 jūnfāng armed forces / the military / military 面子 面子 miànzi5 reputation / face / prestige 视听 視聽 shìtīng seeing and hearing / audiovisual 收购 收購 shōugòu purchase / buy 切 切 qiē cut / slice 显示器 顯示器 xiǎnshìqì monitor / display / caller ID / indicator 迈进 邁進 màijìn forge ahead / stride forward / advance with big strides 听起来 聽起來 tīngqǐlái it sounds like 平凡 平凡 píngfán ordinary / common 口袋 口袋 kǒudài pocket 分区 分區 fēnqū zone, district 大队 大隊 dàduì a military group, production brigade, a large number (of) 功 功 gōng meritorious service, exploit, achievement, result, effect, skill 心事 心事 xīnshì weight on one's mind, worry 意象 意象 yìxiàng imagery / mental picture / thought / picture / idea / impression / image 一般 一般 yībān alike 华丽 華麗 huálì magnificent / gorgeous 下山 下山 xiàshān descend mountain / descend hill 预备 預備 yūbèi get ready / dight / set / ready / busk / preparation / store / set up / prepare / line / gear up / provide_for / provide / equip / outfit 华丽 華麗 huálì magnificent / gorgeous 犹豫 猶豫 yóuyū hesitant / fudge / oscillate / stagger / waver / be irresolute / scruple / irresolute / crane / pause / yo-yo / vacillate / hang / weaken / boggle / swither / dacker / balk / demur / swiver / hesitate 不见了 不見了 bújiànle5 be missing / disappear 殖民 殖民 zhímín settle / plant / colonize / populate / establish colony / establish a colony 德 德 dé Germany 对付 對付 duìfù counter / deal/cope with / face / confront / cope with / fix / make do / handle / deal / tackle / deal with 奖学金 獎學金 jiǎngxuéjīn burse / stipend / foundation / exhibition / studentship / scholarship 蒋介石 蔣介石 jiǎngjièshí Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nat / Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan / Jiang Jieshi 对照 對照 duìzhào contrast / compare 对照 對照 duìzhào contrast / compare 辉煌 輝煌 huīhuáng glorious / effulgent / brilliant 惨 慘 cǎn tragic / gloomy / savage / sorrowful / cruel / pitiful / miserable / dark 擅长 擅長 shàncháng excel / surpass / stand out / be good at / be skilled in / be expert in 黑暗 黑暗 hēiàn dark 观望 觀望 guānwàng straddle / pussyfoot / look on (from sidelines) / swiver / hesitate / waver / look on / wait and see 媳妇 媳婦 xífù the wife of a relative of the younger generation's / wife of somebody of younger generation / daughter-in-law / son's wife 露天 露天 lùtiān in the open air / outdoors 观摩 觀摩 guānmó view and emulate 韩 韓 hán Korea 招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit / take in 最爱 最愛 zuìài favor / most favored 移 移 yí removal / alteration / transform / shift / remove / movement / alter / change / move 显 顯 xiǎn demonstrate / be obvious / manifest / appear / display / show 描绘 描繪 miáohuì depict / describe / portray 当兵 當兵 dāngbīng soldier / serve in army / serve in the army / be a soldier 书面 書面 shūmiàn written / in written form / in writing 商家 商家 shāngjiā manager (of inn/shop/etc.) 偏 偏 piān stubbornly / on the contrary 彗星 彗星 huìxīng comet 添 添 tiān add / fuel / appose / addition / increase / have a baby 盼望 盼望 pànwàng hope/long for / look forward to 盼望 盼望 pànwàng hope/long for / look forward to 描绘 描繪 miáohuì depict / describe / portray 盆地 盆地 péndì pan / river basin / basin 无知 無知 wúzhī ignorant / stupid 招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit / take in 冒险 冒險 màoxiǎn take risks/chances 冒险 冒險 màoxiǎn take risks/chances 乘客 乘客 chéngkè fare / rider / passenger 制服 制服 zhìfú uniform 行人 行人 xíngrén foot traffic / passerby / goer / pedestrian / pedestrian traffic / passenger 任职 任職 rènzhí assignment / be in office / serve / hold a position / hold a post 光纤 光纖 guāngxiān glass fiber / optical fibre / fiber_optics / light guide / optical fiber / glass fibre 攻 攻 gōng assault / attack / censure / accuse 住处 住處 zhùchù domicile / hangout / dwelling / lodging / residency / domiciliation / diggings / abode / digs / quarters / habitation / lodgings / roost / living quarters / pad / residence 行李 行李 xínglǐ clobber / impedimenta / dunnage / luggage / baggage 攻势 攻勢 gōngshì offensive 妨害 妨害 fánghài traverse / impair / bar / cumber / be harmful to / trammel / encumber / sabotage / molest / obstruct / blanket / impairment / disturb / jeopardize / annoy / put in jeopardy 恰当 恰當 qiàdàng appropriate / proper / suitable / fitting 制成 製成 zhìchéng hew / make / successfully complete 轿车 轎車 jiàochē (horse-drawn) carriage / saloon / passenger car / car / limousine / carriage / coach / bus / sedan 验证 驗證 yànzhèng test and verify 验证 驗證 yànzhèng test and verify 观摩 觀摩 guānmó view and emulate 市镇 市鎮 shìzhèn small town / town 心思 心思 xīnsī thought, idea, thinking, state of mind, mood 心意 心意 xīnyì regard, kindly feeling, intention, purpose 少见 少見 shǎojiàn rare / seldom seen / unique 无知 無知 wúzhī ignorant / stupid 化为 化為 huàwéi become 赶到 趕到 gǎndào leave for / hurry to 厂牌 廠牌 chǎngpái brand name 线索 線索 xiànsuǒ track / thread / cue / lead / handhold / purchase / scent / train of thought / clue / trail / key / clew / pointer 嘉义 嘉義 jiāyì Chia-yi (a county in Taiwan) 道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize 经典 經典 jīngdiǎn canon / classic / classics / sutra / scriptures / scripture / Bible 子弟 子弟 zǐdì sons and younger brothers / children / juniors 对面 對面 duìmiàn opposite 脾气 脾氣 píqì kidney / dispose / irritation / surliness / behavior / temper / pique / habit / mould / irritability / bile / bad temper / biliousness / temperament / characteristic / dander / pettishness / disposition / stubborn disposition / blood / snappishness / proclivity / peevishness / grain 想像力 想像力 xiǎngxiànglì imaginative power / imaginative power/faculty / imaginativeness / vision / imagination / fancy / ideality / imaginative faculty / faculty 补习 補習 bǔxí take lessons after school/work 补习 補習 bǔxí take lessons after school/work 运气 運氣 yùnqì fortune / luck 道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize 对比 對比 duìbǐ ratio / correlation 数据机 數據機 shùjùjī modem 影展 影展 yǐngzhǎn film exhibition / film fair / film fair/festival / photographic exhibition / film festival / photo exhibition / festival 窗口 窗口 chuāngkǒu window / wicket / ticket window 一般来说 一般來說 yībānláishuō generally speaking 山脉 山脈 shānmài mountain range 民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize 千万 千萬 qiānwàn det.: ten million, (tens of) millions 打架 打架 dǎjià struggle / scrap / wrangle / fight / come to blows / box / scuffle / brawl 土著 土著 tǔzhù original inhabitants, aboriginals 充裕 充裕 chōngyū abundant 灵感 靈感 línggǎn motive / afflatus / rage / breathing / brainwave / muse / inspiration / brainchild 鲜明 鮮明 xiānmíng bright (of color) / distinct / distinctive 正当 正當 zhèngdāng proper / legitimate 局势 局勢 júshì situation 细腻 細膩 xìnì fine and smooth / exquisite / minute 连带 連帶 liándài jointly 务实 務實 wùshí deal with concrete matters relating to work / try to be practical/pragmatic / pragmatic / try to be pragmatic / try to be practical / deal with concrete matters 国画 國畫 guóhuà trad. Ch. painting 推测 推測 tuīcè infer / conjecture / guess 欲望 欲望 yūwàng appetence / indirect request / wish / appetite / stomach / concupiscence / desire / Kama / appetency / hunger / thirst / lech / orexis / rage / passion 颁发 頒發 bānfā issue / promulgate / award 逐年 逐年 zhúnián all the year round / for years / all year / year after year / year in year out 雨水 雨水 yǔshuǐ rain / Rainwater / rainwater / Rainwater (second solar term) / rainfall / Rain water (2nd solar term) 配备 配備 pèibèi equipment 亚太 亞太 yǎtài Asia-Pacific region 奠定 奠定 diàndìng establish / settle 大王 大王 dàiwáng king, magnate 开展 開展 kāizhǎn develop / launch / unfold 颁发 頒發 bānfā issue / promulgate / award 细腻 細膩 xìnì fine and smooth / exquisite / minute 保健 保健 bǎojiàn health care / health protection / care for one's health 忽 忽 hū suddenly 存款 存款 cúnkuǎn deposit / bank saving 走向 走向 zǒuxiàng trend / run / alignment / strike 妙 妙 miào wonderful / excellent / fine / ingenious / clever / subtle 吾 吾 wú I 垃圾场 垃圾場 lèsèchǎng rubbish dump / garbage heap / dump / tip / crematory / garbage dump / wasteyard / refuse / refuse heap / trash dump 重重 重重 chóngchóng layer upon layer / ring upon ring 亮丽 亮麗 liànglì beautiful / remarkable / brilliant / splendid / smart 海关 海關 hǎiguān chophouse / customhouse / customshouse / custom / haikwan / customs / douane 美景 美景 měijǐng vision / beauty_spot / beautiful sight / beautiful scenery 果真 果真 guǒzhēn really / as expected 首要 首要 shǒuyào chief / paramountcy / premiership / primacy / of first importance 音乐厅 音樂廳 yīnyuètīng odeum / concert hall / music_hall / lyceum / auditorium / odeon / music hall 苗栗 苗栗 miáolì Miaoli (a county inTaiwan) 欺骗 欺騙 qīpiàn cheat / dupe 幸好 幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately / luckily 办桌 辦桌 bànzhuō entertain guests at banquet 欺骗 欺騙 qīpiàn cheat / dupe 澳门 澳門 àomén Aomen (Macao) 推测 推測 tuīcè infer / conjecture / guess 震荡 震盪 zhèndàng shake / shock / quake 暴露 暴露 pùlù unmask / divulge / expose / develop / bewray / unhood / unhusk / uncover / lay bare / show_up / reveal / flash / uncase / debunk / discover / unkennel / revelation / betray / give_away / unveil 热带 熱帶 rèdài tropical zone / Torrid Zone / savanna / torrid / the tropics / the torrid zone / tropical_zone / tropical / tropic / tropics 战事 戰事 zhànshì war / hostilities 制 製 zhì make / manufacture / create 缘 緣 yuán fate / predestination 夕阳 夕陽 xìyáng setting sun 人道 人道 réndào human sympathy 下课 下課 xiàkè finish class / get out of class 民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize 心胸 心胸 xīnxiōng breadth of mind 尺 尺 chǐ m.[standard] 谘商 諮商 zīshāng confer / discuss / negotiate 想不到 想不到 xiǎngbúdào unable to anticipate 感官 感官 gǎnguān sentience / sensory faculty / sensation / sense/sensory organ / sensory organ / sentiency / sense organ / sense 号召 號召 hàozhào call / appeal (for supporters) 开展 開展 kāizhǎn develop / launch / unfold 谘商 諮商 zīshāng confer / discuss / negotiate 週年 週年 zhōunián m.[standard] 缘故 緣故 yuángù score / grounds / reason / cause / sake 道家 道家 dàojiā Taoist / Taoist school / Daoist school / Daoist religion / Daoist school/religion / religion 震荡 震盪 zhèndàng shake / shock / quake 号称 號稱 hàochēng be known as / claim to be 睡着 睡著 shuìzháo asleep / fall_asleep / go_off / nod off / drift off / doze off / fall asleep / dope off / flake / drowse off / conk / dormant / flake out / drop off 增长 增長 zēngzhǎng increase / grow 报案 報案 bàoàn report case to security authorities 报案 報案 bàoàn report case to security authorities 黑白 黑白 hēibái black and white / right and wrong / good and bad 号召 號召 hàozhào call / appeal (for supporters) 充足 充足 chōngzú ample 疼痛 疼痛 téngtòng pain / soreness / fester / suffer / hurt / ache / sore 简称 簡稱 jiǎnchēng be called sth. for short 脏 髒 zāng dirty / squalid / smudge / filthy / smutch / blur / smear 签署 簽署 qiānshǔ sign/initial (a document) 签署 簽署 qiānshǔ sign/initial (a document) 签证 簽證 qiānzhèng visa 体操 體操 tǐcāo jerk / physical exertion / workout / exercise / physical_exercise / gymnastic / calisthenics / exercising / gymnastics / physical exercise / gym 搬 搬 bān copy mechanically / remove / apply indiscriminately / take away / transfer / move / move (house) 真诚 真誠 zhēnchéng sincere / genuine / true 真诚 真誠 zhēnchéng sincere / genuine / true 衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail / decline 陈情 陳情 chénqíng state the situation/truth 陈情 陳情 chénqíng state the situation/truth 高职 高職 gāozhí professional school / college / quality / technical 绝 絕 jué extremely / most / absolutely / in the least / by any means / on any account 乡民 鄉民 xiāngmín countryside / villager 新埔 新埔 xīnbǔ Hsin-pu (a town in Taiwan) 无力 無力 wúlì powerless / feel weak / lack strength / incapable 媒介 媒介 méijiè vehicle / transmission / media / intermediary / instrumentality / means / channel / ministry / mediacy / mediateness / agency / meeja / implement / medium 郑 鄭 zhèng Zheng / Surname 贵 貴 guì det.: your (courteous usage) 计有 計有 jìyǒu calculate in advance / estimate 无从 無從 wúcóng unable to 园地 園地 yuándì special page in periodical / special section in periodical / park/garden area / special section / croft / page in periodical / garden area / special section/page in periodical / garden plot / park area / field / scope / park 灿烂 燦爛 cànlàn brilliant / glitter / splendid / resplend / resplendent / magnificent 墨西哥 墨西哥 mòxīgē Mexico 课本 課本 kèběn text edition / textbook / text / school text / schoolbook 抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan 领土 領土 lǐngtǔ demesne / country / nation / realm / soli / landgrave / princedom / territory / emirate / domain / state / seigneury / estate / seignory / territoriality / acres / possession / signory / territorial / province / landed estate / dominion / land 尴尬 尷尬 gāngà awkward / embarrassed 齐全 齊全 qíquán all in readiness / assort / complete 荣获 榮獲 rónghuò have the honor to win 学界 學界 xuéjiè educational / educational circles / academic circles / educational/academic circles / literati 运 運 yùn transportation / wield / transport / revolve / utilize / use / dribble / bear / carry / utilization 定案 定案 dìngàn pass / decide on / reach verdict 地域 地域 dìyū tract / area / latitude / quarter / territory / climate / region / scope / district / terrain / climactic 外部 外部 wàibù outer / surface / external / outwall / outside / exterior 门诊 門診 ménzhěn outpatient service 存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data) 宜兰县 宜蘭縣 yílánxiàn I-Lan (county of Taiwan) 列车 列車 lièchē train 多样 多樣 duōyàng diverse / multiform / various 抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan 存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data) 来访 來訪 láifǎng come to visit/call 成份 成份 chéngfèn composition / ingredient / one's profession or economic status / component part / part / chemistry / constituent / one's class status / component / note 衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail / decline 来访 來訪 láifǎng come to visit/call 连上 連上 liánshàng link / connect 计较 計較 jìjiào argue / arguement / wrangle / care / dispute / think over / haggle over / haggling over / mind / fuss about / discuss in minute detail 金瓜石 金瓜石 jīnguāshí a scenic spots in north Taiwan 门诊 門診 ménzhěn outpatient service 后遗症 後遺症 hòuyízhèng aftereffect / hangover / sequela / sequelae 玫瑰 玫瑰 méiguī rosebush / rose 科学园区 科學園區 kēxuéyuánqū Sciense-Based Industrial Park 负荷 負荷 fùhè load / charge / weight 包装 包裝 bāozhuāng pack, dress up 派出所 派出所 pàichūsuǒ police_station / police headquarters / police substation / police office / local police station / station house / substation / police station 抬 抬 tái lift / betray / carry (together) / raise / carry / argue for the sake of arguing 流氓 流氓 liúmáng roughscuff / rip / yobbo / badmash / swashbuckler / rascal / riffraff / scamp / raff / rapscallion / rogue / rowdy / hooliganism / cur / picaroon / varmint / yobo / ruffian / hector / roughneck / gaolbird / scalawag / gorilla / no-good / scallywag / hoodlum / limmer / tearaway / blackguard / picaro / hooligan / hessian / bullyboy / rascallion / indecency / bully / plug-ugly / shoulder-hitter / dingbat / caird / tough / varlet / sc 尴尬 尷尬 gāngà awkward / embarrassed 言语 言語 yányǔ spoken language / speech 升值 升值 shēngzhí revalue, appreciate 四川 四川 sìchuān Szechwan / Szechuan / Sichuan province / Sichuan 不及 不及 bùjí less than 加油 加油 jiāyóu gas / lubricate / oil / refuel / gas up / embolden / accelerate / lubrication / fuel / cheer / recreate / hearten / make an extra effort 外型 外型 wàixíng profile / contour / appearance / external form 大气 大氣 dàqì atmosphere, air, grand air, heavy breathing 应该 應該 yīnggāi right / proper 聆听 聆聽 língtīng hear / listen / listen carefully / breathe_in / listen respectfully 猛 猛 měng suddenly / abruptly 素材 素材 sùcái material / source material / medium 深思 深思 shēnsī ruminate / politic / chew / ponder deeply / consider carefully / speculate / bethink / rumination / chew the cud / perpend 脖子 脖子 bózi5 cervix / neck 书包 書包 shūbāo bag / book bag / satchel / schoolbag 捧 捧 pěng hold/carry sth. level in both hands / boost / boast / exalt / flatter 理所当然 理所當然 lǐsuǒdāngrán of course / naturally 划分 劃分 huàfēn divide / differentiate 通 通 tōng unimpeded / unblocked 国际性 國際性 guójìxìng international / internationalism / international character / internationality 规律 規律 guīlù law / regular pattern 速率 速率 sùlù velocity / speed / rate 省籍 省籍 shěngjí native/birth place 稀饭 稀飯 xīfàn gruel / rice/millet gruel / rice / congee / porridge / millet gruel / rice gruel 阿里山 阿里山 ālǐshān A-Li mountain 发音 發音 fāyīn pronunciation / articulation 极度 極度 jídù extremely / plaguey / exceedingly / deadly / vitally / to the utmost / passing / plaguily / badly / plaguy 划分 劃分 huàfēn divide / differentiate 照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate 开放式 開放式 kāifàngshì be open to general public or outside world 禁忌 禁忌 jìnjì tabu / vetanda / taboo / nono / contraindication 场景 場景 chángyǐng stage set / set / scenery / spectacle / scene / setting / set decoration 照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate 光碟机 光碟機 guāngdiéjī CD ROM 吸引力 吸引力 xīyǐnlì chemical attraction / seduction / affinity / fascination / charm / prestige / attractive feature / traction / attractive force / drawing power / appeal / magnetism / attractiveness / appealingness / attraction 光芒 光芒 guāngmáng ray_of_light / rays of light / brilliant ray / radiance 批判 批判 pīpàn critique 光明 光明 guāngmíng bright / promising / openhearted / guileless 行走 行走 xíngzǒu mooch / tread / go / make / navigate / go on foot / walk 低廉 低廉 dīlián cheap / low-priced 改成 改成 gǎichéng change ... into / turn... into / change to 冷气 冷氣 lěngqì air conditioning 冰箱 冰箱 bīngxiāng frig / electric refrigerator / fridge / freezer / refrigerator / deepfreeze / icebox / reefer / cooler / refrigeratory 兼具 兼具 jiānjù unite / have both...and... 多余 多餘 duōyū spare / redundant / unnecessary / superfluous / uncalled-for / surplus 致词 致詞 zhìcí make a speech 多多 多多 duōduō more 自私 自私 zìsī selfish / self-centered 亲近 親近 qīnjìn hobnob / hang out / affiliate / close / be close to / know / be on intimate terms with / intimate 保证 保證 bǎozhèng guarantee 洽询 洽詢 qiàxún talk over with 保 保 bǎo keep / maintenance / preserve soil moisture / stand guarantor / defend / protection / ensure / stand guarantor for somebody / preserve / preservation / warrant / bail / defence / protect / maintain / seek / guarantee 附 附 fù comply with / agree to / appose / attachment / enclose / get close to / enclosure / depend on / add / be near / rely on / attach 致词 致詞 zhìcí make a speech 办事处 辦事處 bànshìchù office / agency 封面 封面 fēngmiàn lid / book binding / title page of thread-bound book / front cover / front and back cover of book / back / cover / binding / title page 自称 自稱 zìchēng purport / claim to be / give_out / profess / call oneself 小子 小子 xiǎozi5 boy, guy, fellow 鉴于 鑑於 jiànyū conj.: in view of / seeing that 瞪 瞪 dèng open wide / glom / stare / open (one's eyes) wide / stare at / glower / open one's eyes wide / glare 驱动 驅動 qūdòng prompt / urge / spur on / drive 驱动 驅動 qūdòng prompt / urge / spur on / drive 丛林 叢林 cónglín underbrush / chaparral / bosquet / brake / bosk / jungle / forest / copse / jungly / brushwood / grove / thickset / underwood / thicket / mott / Budd. monastery 显示出 顯示出 xiǎnshìchū demonstrate / manifest / reveal / display / show 卅 卅 sà det.: thirty 方针 方針 fāngzhēn policy, guiding principle 考古学 考古學 kǎogǔxué archeology / archaeology / archaeological / palaeology / paleology 上游 上游 shàngyóu upper reaches of river, advanced position 蟑螂 蟑螂 zhāngláng blackbeetle / Asiatic cockroach / oriental cockroach / oriental roach / Blatta orientalis / cockroach / roach 户籍 戶籍 hùjí census register, registered permanent residence 公家 公家 gōngjiā state/public side 废纸 廢紙 fèizhǐ wastepaper 精华 精華 jīnghuá elite / prime / cream / plum / wale / goodness / distillation / substance / pink / quintessence / distillate / flower / extract / essence / gem / pick / marrow / soul / elixir 获利 獲利 huòlì profit 唢呐 嗩吶 suǒnà trumpet-like wind instrument 增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity) 醒 醒 xǐng waken / come to / wake up / sober up / be clear in mind / regain consciousness / wake / be awake / awaken / arouse / come alive / awake / be striking to the eye 增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity) 自私 自私 zìsī selfish / self-centered 说明会 說明會 shuōmínghuì news conference / briefing 莲花 蓮花 liánhuā sacred lotus / lotus / Nelumbo nucifera / lotus flower / Indian lotus 下游 下游 xiàyóu lower reaches (of river), lower level 剧情 劇情 jùqíng story line / story / plot / gut 回档 回檔 huídǎng rise again (after a fall); pick up 匹 匹 pī m.[general] 一连 一連 yīlián in a row, in succession, running 召集 召集 zhàojí call together, convene 正视 正視 zhèngshì face squarely / face / face up to / look squarely at / envisage 擦 擦 cā swab / shave / spread on / scrape / apply sth. on / spread sth. on / touch lightly / wipe / grate / rub / put/spread on / brush past / brush / obliterate / chafe / efface / sweep / scratch / fray / put on / apply / besmear / put / polish / scrape into shreds / fret / scrub / mop / erase 废除 廢除 fèichú abolish / abrogate / repeal 废除 廢除 fèichú abolish / abrogate / repeal 蒋公 蔣公 jiǎnggōng Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan 环保署 環保署 huánbǎoshǔ Environmental Protection Administration 实体 實體 shítǐ essence / reality / entity / substantive / substantiality / substantialness / existence / substratum / noumenon / substance / materiality 写实 寫實 xiěshí paint realistically / realistic / write / write realistically / write or paint realistically 摇头 搖頭 yáotóu shake one's head 婆婆 婆婆 pópó husband's mother / mother-in-law / maternal grandmother 介词 介詞 jiècí preposition 牛肉 牛肉 nióuròu beef 父子 父子 fùzǐ father and son 片子 片子 piànzi5 a roll of film, film, movie, record, album 充电 充電 chōngdiàn charge / electricize / refresh 士兵 士兵 shìbīng rank-and-file soldiers 旗下 旗下 qíxià those under one's command 本能 本能 běnnéng whim / appetence / vagary / instinct / instinctive / native ability / inherent aptitude / impulse / caprice / faculty 学人 學人 xuérén scholar / letters / student / learned person 谱 譜 pǔ musical notation / table / chart / design / guide 卖给 賣給 màigěi sell 战略 戰略 zhànluè stratagem / tactical / strategics / tactics / strategy 选票 選票 xuǎnpiào ballot 政经 政經 zhèngjīng politics and economy 副院长 副院長 fùyuànzhǎng president (of museum / subdean / subprincipal / etc.) / institute / vice-director 国产 國產 guóchǎn made in China / made in our country / make domestically 曲目 曲目 qǔmù title of music 就此 就此 jiùcǐ at this point / now / here and now / thus / thereon 强度 強度 qiángdù strength / intension / kick / degree / emphasis / intensity / depth / intensiveness 掩埋场 掩埋場 yǎnmáichǎng nuisance ground / scrap heap 政务 政務 zhèngwù government affairs/administration / administration / government administration / affairs of state / government affairs 风情 風情 fēngqíng demeanour / flavor / information about wind / local customs / bearing / feelings / flirtatious expressions / amorous feelings 前后 前後 qiánhòu front and rear / around or about / altogether 坐下来 坐下來 zuòxiàlái sit down 奇妙 奇妙 qímiào wonderful / marvelous 居多 居多 jūduō be in majority 有线电视 有線電視 yǒuxiàndiànshì cable_television / cable television / cable system / narrowcast / cable television service / cable / cable TV 绝种 絕種 juézhǒng become extinct / sterilize / die out 留给 留給 liúgěi retain/reserve for 男朋友 男朋友 nánpéngyǒu boyfriend 违背 違背 wéibèi violate / sin / go_against / infringe / go against / violation / belie / transgress / contravene / disobey / breach / break / run counter to 开课 開課 kāikè give a course / teach a subject / school begins 阳台 陽台 yángtái veranda / pergola / patio / terrace / mirador / trysting place / balcony / gallery / piazza / gazebo / deck / verandah 嫌犯 嫌犯 xiánfàn suspect 处分 處分 chǔfèn punishment 刺 刺 cì stab / prick / assassinate / irritate / stimulate / criticize 把握 把握 bǎwò assurance / certainty 朱 朱 zhū cinnabar / Zhu / Surname 吃亏 吃虧 chīkuī get the worst of it / come to grief / suffer loss / suffer losses 进军 進軍 jìnjūn march / advance / advance (as of troops) 盲目 盲目 mángmù blind 长辈 長輩 zhǎngbèi seniority / better / elder / superior / senior / elder member of family / eldership / elder generation / superordinate / higher-up 病房 病房 bìngfáng sickroom / ward / hospital ward / hospital room 社交 社交 shèjiāo social_intercourse / converse / social interaction / social contact / interaction / social contact/interaction / coterie / sociality / commerce 破产 破產 pòchǎn go bankrupt / come to naught 采行 採行 cǎixíng phase / adopt / employ / select for use 起 起 qǐ m.[event] 莫 莫 mò not / be/do not 船只 船隻 chuánzhī boat / watercraft / marine / ship / vessel 都会区 都會區 dūhuìqū city / metropolis 习俗 習俗 xísú mores / custom / form / consuetudinary / institute / social custom / Sunna / convention / convenance / consuetude / conventionalism / ways / respectability / usage / manners / consuetudinal / conventionality 音量 音量 yīnliàng intensity / volume / quantity / loudness / volume of sound 自 自 zì personally 破产 破產 pòchǎn go bankrupt / come to naught 托儿所 托兒所 tuōérsuǒ nursery school / foundling hospital / cr#4 eche / child-care centre / day_nursery / nursery / day care center / day care / day nursery / daycare / creche / cr#4eche / child-care center / play group / farm / preschool / nursery_school / playschool 台独 台獨 táidú Independence of Taiwan 发育 發育 fāyū grow / develop 足球 足球 zúqiú soccer / football 目睹 目睹 mùdǔ behold / see with one's own eyes / witness 名牌 名牌 míngpái nameplate / name tag 沙乌地阿拉伯 沙烏地阿拉伯 shāwūdìālābó Saudi Arabia 店面 店面 diànmiàn commodity section / storefront / parlor / shopfront 沙 沙 shā loam / Sha / sand / Surname / sth. granulated / sandy 哼 哼 hēng humph! 界限 界限 jièxiàn compass / ceiling / bounds / demarcation line / boundary / bourn / tether / purlieu / demarcation / precinct / pale / circumscription / borderland / limits / bound / ambit / butting / Rubicon / terminus / terminal point / confines / end / dividing line / extent / verge / terminus ad quem / limit / division / marge 枝 枝 zhī m.[general] 红树林 紅樹林 hóngshùlín black mangrove / Rhizophora mangle / Avicennia marina / mangrove 后人 後人 hòurén posperity / descendants / posterity / later generations 容积率 容積率 róngjīlù proportion 招 招 zhāo m.[general] 何不 何不 hébù why not 一口气 一口氣 yīkǒuqì without a break / at one go / in one breath / holus-bolus 共同体 共同體 gòngtóngtǐ community / integration 表 錶 biǎo timepiece / timekeeper / watch / ticker 漫长 漫長 màncháng very long / endless 精英 精英 jīngyīng quintessence / flower / broth of a boy / elite / broth of a man / aristocracy / essence / cream / powerhouse 暂停 暫停 zhàntíng suspense / suspended / suspend / intermit / set aside / discontinue / remit / stop / suspension / pause / break / time-out 整顿 整頓 zhěngdùn rectify / reorganize 整顿 整頓 zhěngdùn rectify / reorganize 暗示 暗示 ànshì (drop a) hint, suggest 外公 外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather 提议 提議 tíyì propose / suggest 露 露 lù betray / betrayal / appear / reveal / show 镇长 鎮長 zhènzhǎng town headman 警察局 警察局 jǐngchájú police_station / copshop / station / police bureau / can / police / kotwalee / tana / the police 骑士 騎士 qíshì equestrian / caballero / carpet knight / rider / cavalier / knight / knighthood / chevalier 联军 聯軍 liánjūn allied forces 继承 繼承 jìchéng inherit / carry on 继承 繼承 jìchéng inherit / carry on 双向 雙向 shuāngxiàng bipartite / double-edged / two-sided / bidirectional / double-faced 日军 日軍 rìjūn Japanese Army 报酬 報酬 bàochóu emolument / reward / fee / recompense / earnings / gratuity / requital / retribution / price / harvest / remuneration / quittance / pay / consideration / salary / compensation / honorarium / payment / meed / gratification / wage / guerdon 发育 發育 fāyū grow / develop 程 程 chéng distance / journey / procedure / order / regulation / rule 新任 新任 xīnrèn newly appointed 开花 開花 kāihuā burst forth / flower / bloom / split apart / explode / blossom / effloresce / unfold / feel elated / break apart / blow 慈悲 慈悲 cíbēi mercy / benevolence / pity 慈悲 慈悲 cíbēi mercy / benevolence / pity 饲养 飼養 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.) 栖息 棲息 qīxí inhabit / alight / locate / dwell / rest (of birds) / perch / settle / sit / light / relocate / halt / roost / rest 试试 試試 shìshì try / assay / try out / have a try / attempt / essay / sample / seek / taste 诠释 詮釋 quánshì annotation / interpretation 绝大多数 絕大多數 juédàduōshù det.: most of / majority 报到 報到 bàodào check in / register / registration / report for duty / appear / report / check_in 损失 損失 sǔnshī lose 极端 極端 jíduān extreme / exceeding 爱护 愛護 àihù cherish / treasure / take good care of 爱护 愛護 àihù cherish / treasure / take good care of 微 微 wéi slightly 脑海 腦海 nǎohǎi brain / mind 琴 琴 qín qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument / general name for stringed instruments / zither-like instrument / general name for certain musical instruments 饲养 飼養 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.) 动向 動向 dòngxiàng set / development / tendency / trend / movement / drift 精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite / elegant 班长 班長 bānzhǎng monitor / (work) team leader / squad leader / team leader / class monitor 创立 創立 chuànglì found / originate 微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile 脑筋 腦筋 nǎojīn way of thinking / ideas / head / mind / skull / brains 雷达 雷達 léidá radiolocator / radiodetector / locator / microwave radar / radiolocation / early warning radar / radio detection and ranging / radar 墨 墨 mò learning / Chinese ink / ink stick / Mohist School / Mexico / Mohism / ink / handwriting / ink cake / Surname / China ink 整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate / recondition 踩 踩 cǎi tread / tramp / tromp / scrunch / trample / walk / step / step on 实在 實在 shízài true / real / honest / dependable 精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite / elegant 发现 發現 fāxiàn discovery 整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate / recondition 报表 報表 bàobiǎo forms for reporting statistics / statement / forms for reporting statistics/etc. / forms for reporting etc. / report form / etc. 讽刺 諷刺 fèngcì satirize / mock 中毒 中毒 zhòngdú poison / taint / be poisoned 下跌 下跌 xiàdié fall, decline, decrease 切除 切除 qiēchú excise, resect 片段 片段 piànduàn part, extract, fragment 平方公尺 平方公尺 píngfānggōngchǐ m.[standard] 公约 公約 gōngyuē convention, pact, joint pledge 火灾 火災 huǒzāi fire disaster, conflagration 不好意思 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsī embarrassed / be ill at ease / find it embarrassing / feel embarrassed 趋向 趨向 qūxiàng tend/incline to 樱花 櫻花 yīnghuā oriental cherry 讽刺 諷刺 fèngcì satirize / mock 备受 備受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad) 来往 來往 láiwǎng associate / contact 来往 來往 láiwǎng associate / contact 法 法 fà France 灾害 災害 zāihài tragedy / cataclysm / visitation / fatality / ravage / catastrophe / disaster / suffering / calamity 何以 何以 héyǐ why / wherefor / why? / wherefore / how come / how? / whereto / how 奇特 奇特 qítè unusual / geezer / queer / exotic / peculiar 沙国 沙國 shāguó short of Saudi Arabia 待 待 dāi stay 抱 抱 bào hold (a particular opinion or belief) 俄罗斯 俄羅斯 èluósī Russia / Russians 当中 當中 dāngzhōng in the middle/center 性情 性情 xìngqíng constitution / fibre / aptness / acerbity / fiber / affection / temper / disposition / individuality / blood / streak / temperament 注意力 注意力 zhùyìlì mind / attention / concentration 备受 備受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad) 做完 做完 zuòwán get_over / fulfill / finish off / mop_up / get over / mop up / complete / clear up / finish up / polish_off / knock_off / get through / accomplish / polish off 基准 基準 jīzhǔn guideline / foundation / base / norm / standard / criterion / postulate / fundament / principle / groundwork / modulus / yardstick / benchmark / standard criterion / module / cornerstone / touchstone / datum / basis / fiducial 规程 規程 guīchéng rules / rules of order / parliamentary law / rule / regulation / regulations / parliamentary procedure / order 伞 傘 sǎn fimbria / brolly / sth. shaped like an umbrella / umbrella / mush / gamp / bumbershoot 打败 打敗 dǎbài rout / outplay / whip / scupper / wallop / mop up / finish / suffer a defeat / overrule / overwhelm / flog / rack up / whop / be beaten / overpower / subdue / overmatch / snooker / be defeated / larrup / outfight / overmaster / floor / whup / knock_off / best / drub / defeat / euchre / confound / lick / fall / outrival / worst / overthrow / convince / vanquish / beat / pip 资讯业 資訊業 zīxùnyè information technology 创立 創立 chuànglì found / originate 微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile 买卖 買賣 mǎimài do business / carry on trade 意念 意念 yìniàn consciousness / will / motif / thing / intellection / thought / impression / idea 穿过 穿過 chuānguò thread / pass through / traverse / penetrate / hook / go through / riddle / pierce / twist / go across / cleave / pass / lace / put_through / lace up / cut_through / cut across / cross / break / shoot 趋向 趨向 qūxiàng tend/incline to 精密 精密 jīngmì accurate / delicate / precise 广义 廣義 guǎngyì broad sense 着急 著急 zhāojí worry / feel anxious 收回 收回 shōuhuí take back / call in / recall / withdraw / countermand 补偿 補償 bǔcháng compensate / make up 欺负 欺負 qīfù browbeat / take advantage of / pick on 欺负 欺負 qīfù browbeat / take advantage of / pick on 跌破 跌破 diépò fall / drop 区隔 區隔 qūgé differentiate / set apart 揭开 揭開 jiēkāi open / disclose / resolve / unclose / uncover / revelation / reveal / unveil / bring out 选用 選用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply 盛 盛 shèng flourishing / prosperous / vigorous / energetic / magnificent / grand / abundant / plentiful / popular / widespread 得很 得很 de5hěn very / quite / awfully 株 株 zhū stub / individual plant / stem of a plant / plant / trunk of tree / stem of plant / trunk of a tree / m.[general] / 被单 被單 bèidān (bed) sheet 财经 財經 cáijīng finance and economics 患 患 huàn contract (an illness) 婚纱 婚紗 hūnshā gown / wedding dress 教官 教官 jiàoguān drillmaster / drill master / instructor / military instructor / schoolmaster 感冒 感冒 gǎnmào catch cold 干涉 干涉 gānshè interfere, intervene, meddle 关闭 關閉 guānbì close / shut (down) 关闭 關閉 guānbì close / shut (down) 联队 聯隊 liánduì wing (of air force) / league / wing / regiment 有一点 有一點 yǒuyìdiǎn a little bit 不符 不符 bùfú be inconsistent (with) 小鸟 小鳥 xiǎoniǎo small bird 世代 世代 shìdài generation, period, epoch 调适 調適 tiáoshì adjust 化妆 化妝 huàzhuāng make_up / bepaint / masquerade / put on make-up / make up / apply makeup / titivate 融入 融入 róngrù melt / thaw / blend / merge 本事 本事 běnshì literary source material / know-how / proficiency / skill / prowess / this matter / ability / capability 龙山寺 龍山寺 lóngshānsì Lung-Shan Temple 调适 調適 tiáoshì adjust 摧毁 摧毀 cuīhuǐ take_out / blot_out / bang up / blast / devastate / mow_down / zap / tobreak / wreck / smash up / bust up / smite / destroy / bust / demolish / knock_down / destruction / ravage / unbuild / liquidate / smash / deflower / knock_off / break / wrack 对岸 對岸 duìàn the opoosite shore / the other side / other side of river 浓度 濃度 nóngdù vividness / density / saturation / consistency / depth / intensity / thickness / deepness / fulness / chroma / concentration / consistence 选用 選用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply 稀有 稀有 xīyǒu rare / unusual 充斥 充斥 chōngchì flood, congest, be full of 戒 戒 jiè keep off / guard against / drop / keep from / stop / refrain from / desist from / forbear from / abstain from / exhort / avoid / admonition / give up / admonish / exhortation / warn 性行为 性行為 xìngxíngwéi erotism / sexual activity / the sex act / sexual behaviour / eroticism / sex / sex activity / sexuality / sex act / intimacy 界定 界定 jièdìng define 毒 毒 dú kill with poison 抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist / stand up to 前任 前任 qiánrèn predecessor 各行各业 各行各業 gèhánggèyè all professions / all trades / trades 良性 良性 liángxìng plus / benign / positive 伴随 伴隨 bànsuí accompany / follow 抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist / stand up to 依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on 来不及 來不及 láibùjí be too late to do sth. / 州 州 zhōu state / an administrative division / county / nomarchy / administrative division / shire / cantonal / presidency / government / eparchy / (autonomous) prefecture / prefecture / province / canton / commonwealth 依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on 异性 異性 yìxìng metamerism / isomerism / heterosexual / opposite sex / different nature 官僚 官僚 guānliáo bureaucrats / bureaucracy 猴子 猴子 hóuzi5 glib / ape / simian / glib/sharp-tongued person / clever / clever person / clever/glib/sharp-tongued person / monkey / sharp-tongued person / jackanapes 再说 再說 zàishuō furthermore / besides 伴随 伴隨 bànsuí accompany / follow 收回 收回 shōuhuí take back / call in / recall / withdraw / countermand 肩膀 肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder 疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore / neglect 白云 白雲 báiyún white cloud 契机 契機 qìjī moment / critical point / turning / turning point / juncture / moment o turning point / turning/critical point / momentum 通俗 通俗 tōngsú pop / common / popular 高潮 高潮 gāocháo water / high_tide / crescendo / coming / high tide/water / high tide / climax / upsurge / eagre / springtide / tidemark / sexual climax / blowoff / orgasm / culmination / payoff / wave / high / high water 桃园县 桃園縣 táoyuánxiàn Tao Yuan ( a County in Taiwan) 连战 連戰 liánzhàn ex-vice-president of Taiwan 清理 清理 qīnglǐ settle (accounts/etc.) / sort out affairs 清理 清理 qīnglǐ settle (accounts/etc.) / sort out affairs 疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore / neglect 动用 動用 dòngyòng put to use / draw on / put ... to use / use / employ / employment 表现出来 表現出來 biǎoxiànchūlái show 区隔 區隔 qūgé differentiate / set apart 海豚 海豚 hǎitún dolphin 抵 抵 dǐ arrive at 迫切 迫切 pòqiè imminent / imperative / pressing / urgent 金属 金屬 jīnshǔ spangle / metallic / metalline / tincture / malleability / metal / metals in general 恭喜 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulate 书写 書寫 shūxiě write 脂肪 脂肪 zhīfáng grease / fat / axunge / adipose / fatness / avoirdupois / fattiness / adipose tissue / fatty tissue 书写 書寫 shūxiě write 捐赠 捐贈 juānzèng contribute (as gift) / donate / present 展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future 处罚 處罰 chǔfá punish / penalize 接触到 接觸到 jiēchùdào come into contact with / get in touch with 捐赠 捐贈 juānzèng contribute (as gift) / donate / present 眼见 眼見 yǎnjiàn see sth. happen / watch helplessly 舍不得 捨不得 shěbùdé be grudge doing sth. / spare / begrudge / loathe to part with 帐 帳 zhàng reckoning / score / account statement / debt / screen / bill / credit / curtain / account book / accounting / canopy / account / military tent / tally / accounts 记载 記載 jìzài record / account 栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate / grow / foster / train / educate / give/receive patronage 野心 野心 yěxīn greed / careerism / ambition / ambitiousness / wild ambition 书画 書畫 shūhuà painting and calligraphy 炎热 炎熱 yánrè scorching/blazing hot 并购 併購 bìnggòu merge into 除 除 chú get rid of / eliminate / remove 专利权 專利權 zhuānlìquán patent / monopoly / patent right / patent (right) / concession / patent_right 迎 迎 yíng greet / go to meet / reception / meet face to face / face / receive / welcome / move towards / meet 陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany 改选 改選 gǎixuǎn hold another election 老旧 老舊 lǎojiù old 老子 老子 lǎozǐ Lao-zi (founder of Daoism) 身影 身影 shēnyǐng figure / silhouette / form 改选 改選 gǎixuǎn hold another election 海滩 海灘 hǎitān seabeach / seaside / sea beach / foreshore / beach 便民 便民 biànmín be convenient to the people 所幸 所幸 suǒxìng luckily 空白 空白 kòngbái blank space 空白 空白 kòngbái blank space 展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future 知名度 知名度 zhīmíngdù celebrity rating 师院 師院 shīyuàn teachers' college 成大 成大 chéngdà National Cheng Kung University 爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode / blow up 落地 落地 luòdì be born (of babies) / born / fail / fall to the ground / be born 童话 童話 tónghuà fairy story / fairy tale / fairy-tale / children's stories / fairytale / fairy tales 跨国 跨國 kuàguó transnationa / transnational / multinational 陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany 乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to 火山 火山 huǒshān volcano 乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to 付款 付款 fùkuǎn ante_up / ante up / foot / pay out / pay up / pay / shell_out / cash / pay a sum of money / disburse 工业化 工業化 gōngyèhuà industrialise / industrialization / urbanize / industrialize 麻雀 麻雀 máquè Passer domesticus / gutter-bird / spadger / house sparrow / sparrow / mahjong / tree sparrow / Passer montanus / hedge sparrow / Prunella modularis / dunnock / house_sparrow / English sparrow 大麻 大麻 dàmá marijuana 路 路 lù m.[general] 比重 比重 bǐzhòng proportion, specific gravity 爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode / blow up 护士 護士 hùshì graduate nurse / nana / nurse / sister / trained nurse / (hospital) nurse 跷家 蹺家 qiàojiā run away from home 艰苦 艱苦 jiānkǔ arduous 艰难 艱難 jiānnán difficult / hard 蟋蟀 蟋蟀 xīshuài grig / cricket 艰难 艱難 jiānnán difficult / hard 艰苦 艱苦 jiānkǔ arduous 栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate / grow / foster / train / educate / give/receive patronage 士气 士氣 shìqì morale 雕像 雕像 diāoxiàng imagery / effigy / statue / torso / representation / statuary / glyph 平地 平地 píngdì smooth / level / area / surface area / level/flat ground / flatland / expanse / flat ground / level ground 备 備 bèi prepare / get ready / be equipped with / have 祖国 祖國 zǔguó country / China (used only by Chinese) / mother_country / China / old_country / fatherland / home / country of origin / mother country / old country / homeland / native land / motherland / metropolis 寸 寸 cùn m.[standard] 大选 大選 dàxuǎn general election 遵循 遵循 zūnxún track / abide by / follow / conform to / adhere to 集 集 jí gather / collect 零售 零售 língshòu retail / (sell) retail 港口 港口 gǎngkǒu harbour / port / seaport / haven / harbor 压制 壓制 yāzhì suppress / stifle / inhibit / press 疗法 療法 liáofǎ therapy / cure / treatment / therapeutics 获胜 獲勝 huòshèng triumphant / triumph / beat / win victory / be victorious / conquer / gain / prevail / win 新建 新建 xīnjiàn newly build / just build 压制 壓制 yāzhì suppress / stifle / inhibit / press 农地 農地 nóngdì farmland / kingdom / ground / earth / farming / realm / solid ground / terra firma / cropland / land / dry land 迁 遷 qiān movement / change / move 感性 感性 gǎnxìng sensitive 感性 感性 gǎnxìng sensitive 黑人 黑人 hēirén black people / nigger / crow / Negroid / black person / dinge / spook / moke / jigaboo / Sambo / darky / Ethiopian / darkie / Negro / boogie / coon / black man / blackamoor / blackie / African / blacky / hoofer / unregistered resident / Black / darkey / black 落在 落在 luòzài accrue / alight / rest_on / fall / fall on / in 静坐 靜坐 jìngzuò sit quietly (as therapy) / sit-in 静坐 靜坐 jìngzuò sit quietly (as therapy) / sit-in 总会 總會 zǒnghuì headquarters of an association / central administrative body / club / clubhouse 请假 請假 qǐngjià vacate / ask for leave 美化 美化 měihuà beautify / embellish 香 香 xiāng joss stick 急速 急速 jísù at high speed / apace / very fast / rapidly 建国 建國 jiànguó found or build up a state 约定 約定 yuēdìng agree upon 生机 生機 shēngjī animation / verdure / vitality / vital_force / viability / life / verve / lease of life / new lease on life 查证 查證 cházhèng check and verify 荒谬 荒謬 huāngmiù absurd / preposterous 约定 約定 yuēdìng agree upon 家园 家園 jiāyuán home / homestead / native heath / homestall / homeland 前景 前景 qiánjǐng outlook / perspective / prospect / expectation / vista / foreground 查证 查證 cházhèng check and verify 建国 建國 jiànguó found or build up a state 夜市 夜市 yèshì night market 卓越 卓越 zhuóyuè excel / excel at / brilliant / shine / surpassing / paramount / shine at / outstanding 呎 呎 chǐ m.[standard] 制裁 制裁 zhìcái sanction / punish 更改 更改 gēnggǎi change / alter 换上 換上 huànshàng change 乌托邦 烏托邦 wūtuōbāng Utopia 罢工 罷工 bàgōng go on strike 瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě disintegrate / collapse 应变 應變 yìngbiàn meet contingency 影印 影印 yǐngyìn print by photo-offset / photocopy 影印 影印 yǐngyìn print by photo-offset / photocopy 穷人 窮人 qióngrén pauper / poor people / prole / poor / poor man / the poor / beggar / have-not 写出 寫出 xiěchū write / draw up 电机 電機 diànjī electrical machinery 应变 應變 yìngbiàn meet contingency 剧烈 劇烈 jùliè violent / fierce 骆驼 駱駝 luòtuó camel 电厂 電廠 diànchǎng power station / station / power plant / power_plant 文艺 文藝 wényì literature and art 沿途 沿途 yántú on the way / throughout a journey 招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 架设 架設 jiàshè erect (on stilts/posts) 招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 长官 長官 zhǎngguān official / principal / senior / superordinate / chief / commanding official / prefect / senior officer / president / higher-up / magistrate / ephor / superior / superintendent / commanding officer / director / governor / syndic / senior/commanding officer/official / chancellor 师傅 師傅 shīfù emperor / tutor of king / tutor of emperor / professional / address for service workers / master / general term of address in late 7 0 s an / general term of address in late 70s and 80s / master worker / tutor of king/emperor 哲学家 哲學家 zhéxuéjiā philosopher 夏威夷 夏威夷 xiàwēiyí Aloha State / Hawaii / Hawai'i / HI 放置 放置 fàngzhì dispose / feed / set / locate / go / plant / pose / sit / lay / stick / shove / repose / bestow / sock / lay aside / perch / put / position / deposit / depose / get / lay up / mount / place / localize 沈重 沈重 chénzhòng heavy / serious 泥土 泥土 nítǔ dirt / muck / earth / marl / soil / soli / clay / clart 卷 卷 juàn volume / coil / furl / roll / spool / documents / m.[general] / / part / data file / tome / reel / book / examination paper / cylindrical mass of something / file / dossier 自我 自我 zìwǒ stick to one's own way of doing things 见解 見解 jiànjiě eyeshot / view / horizon / understanding / outlook / light / eyes / spectacle / judgment / sentiment / eyesight / opinion / thought / sight / standpoint / bet / hypothesis / eye / viewpoint / theory / possibility / judgement / slant / doxy / purview / ruling / thinking / supposal / position / persuasion / mind 定期 定期 dìngqí periodical / regular 推销 推銷 tuīxiāo promote sale of / peddle 里长 里長 lǐzhǎng head of a neighborhood of 25 families / precinct head 善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind / decent 余 餘 yū det.: odd / plus 遗迹 遺跡 yíjī traces / site / hangover / remains / shadow / vestigium / relic / historical remains / vestiges / trace / vestige / monument / remnant 演说 演說 yǎnshuō speech / address 税 稅 shuì droit / tax / geld / due / scot / exaction / capital levy / gabelle / duty / taxation / revenue enhancement 经销 經銷 jīngxiāo sell on commission / sell 遊乐 遊樂 yóulè amuse oneself / have fun 麻醉 麻醉 mázuì anesthesize / poison / drug 评审 評審 píngshěn judge / referee / umpire 董事会 董事會 dǒngshìhuì board / board of directors / board of administration / syndicate / directorate / board of regents / board of trustees / board_of_directors / directory 病情 病情 bìngqíng patient's condition 善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind / decent 数位 數位 shùwèi digital 勇于 勇於 yǒngyū be bold in / have the courage to / have courage to / be brave in 商量 商量 shāngliáng talk / consult / arrange / confer / talk over / discussion / advise / discuss / concert 繁华 繁華 fánhuá flourishing / bustling / busy 章程 章程 zhāngchéng constitution / rules / charter / rule / regulation / code / regulations / solution / statute / law / contract / procedure / way / memorandum / prospectus 清新 清新 qīngxīn pure and fresh / refreshing (of style/fashion/etc.) 强人 強人 qiángrén Big Brother / strong man / strongman / big_brother / highwaymen / robbers / powerful person 降价 降價 jiàngjià lower prices 降价 降價 jiàngjià lower prices 哪儿 哪兒 nǎér where 致使 致使 zhìshǐ become / render / go / get / result in / cause / make 内外 內外 nèiwài inside and outside, domestic and foreign 明明 明明 míngmíng obviously / plainly 院方 院方 yuànfāng hospital authorities 员警 員警 yuánjǐng policeman 金门 金門 jīnmén Chinmen / Kinmen (County in Taiwan) 耶稣 耶穌 yēsū Galilean / Jesus / cross 倒 倒 dǎo fall over / topple / collapse 收拾 收拾 shōushí put in order / tidy up 自觉 自覺 zìjué be conscious/aware 形 形 xíng form / shape / body / entity 老板 老板 lǎobǎn proprietor / chief / shopkeeper / Tuan / baas / honcho / hirer / storekeeper / milord / mugwump / cit / market keeper / buckra / governor / boss / joss / tradesman / employer / guv 老年 老年 lǎonián senescence / caducity / senility / old_age / agedness / hoariness / age / old age 候鸟 候鳥 hòuniǎo visitant / bird of passage / bird_of_passage / migrator / migrant / migratory bird / visitor 踢 踢 tī shin / spurn / drop-kick / prick / boot / kick / toe / dropkick / play / lunge / punt 反复 反覆 fǎnfù repeatedly / backward_and_forward 力气 力氣 lìqì physical strength, effort 不法 不法 bùfǎ lawless, illegal 不惜 不惜 bùxí not stint, not hesitate (to do sth.) 营收 營收 yíngshōu income( of business) 福建 福建 fújiàn Fujian / Fujian (province) / Fukien 宽广 寬廣 kuānguǎng wide / vast / extensive / broad 总和 總和 zǒnghé sum / total / sum total 瓶颈 瓶頸 píngjǐng bottleneck 县政府 縣政府 xiànzhèngfǔ county government 通 通 tōng m.[event] 尽力 盡力 jìnlì do_one's_best / do all one can / render / take pains / be at pains / take_pains / stretch / strain / strive / try one's best 繁华 繁華 fánhuá flourishing / bustling / busy 减肥 減肥 jiǎnféi lose weight 等候 等候 děnghòu hold back / wait / look / expect / abide / await / hold off / tarry / expectation / hang_on 围墙 圍牆 wéiqiáng enclosing wall 队员 隊員 duìyuán team member 农历 農曆 nónglì farmer's_calendar / lunar calendar / lunar_calendar 减肥 減肥 jiǎnféi lose weight 电玩 電玩 diànwán computer game 增添 增添 zēngtiān increase / accession / throw in / point_up / add / subjoin / addition / lend 扩展 擴展 kuòzhǎn expand / spread / extend 心理学 心理學 xīnlǐxué psychology 镇 鎮 zhèn town / garrison post / trading center 齣 齣 chū play / m.[event] / 舆论 輿論 yūlùn sense / vox_populi / popular opinion / public opinion / opinion / public_opinion / consensus / vox populi 编辑 編輯 biānjí editor / compiler 发电 發電 fādiàn electricity generation / generate electricity 创造出 創造出 chuàngzàochū create 悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved / sorrowful 扩展 擴展 kuòzhǎn expand / spread / extend 义卖 義賣 yìmài sell something for public welfare 悲观 悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic 装置 裝置 zhuāngzhì install / fit 装置 裝置 zhuāngzhì install / fit 买卖 買賣 mǎimài buying and selling / business deal/transaction / (small) merchant enterprise 义卖 義賣 yìmài sell something for public welfare 管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject somebody to discipline / restrain and instruct 静 靜 jìng still / quiet / calm 新知 新知 xīnzhī new knowledge/learning 舞会 舞會 wǔhuì kickup / fandango / ball / debut / dance / promenade / dance (party) / shindig / prom 悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved / sorrowful 寝室 寢室 qǐnshì bedchamber / sleeping room / roost / chamber / dormitory / bower / lying / bedroom 管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject somebody to discipline / restrain and instruct 遴选 遴選 línxuǎn select (somebody for a post) 广东 廣東 guǎngdōng Kwangtung / Guangdong / Guangdong province 遴选 遴選 línxuǎn select (somebody for a post) 检察官 檢察官 jiǎncháguān public prosecutor 予 予 yǔ give 手臂 手臂 shǒubì arm 一家人 一家人 yìjiārén house 心头 心頭 xīntóu mind, heart 土壤 土壤 tǔrǎng soil 大厅 大廳 dàtīng big/main hall, parlor 检索 檢索 jiǎnsuǒ retrieve / research 南北 南北 nánběi north and south / from east to west / north-south 怀孕 懷孕 huáiyùn gravid / expect / in a family way / with child / pregnant / be pregnant / gestate / impregnate / carry / bear / carry to term / be expecting / conceive 顾 顧 gù turn round and look at / attend to / look after / take into consideration / visit / call on 医药 醫藥 yīyào medicament / medicine / curative / medication / remedy / physic 印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print 志愿 志願 zhìyuàn aspiration / wish / ideal 列 列 liè arrange / line up / list / enter in a list 肝 肝 gān hepatic / liver 印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print 替代 替代 tìdài replace / supervene upon / replacement / supersede / substitute for / alternate / substitute / supersession / displace / supplant 使命 使命 shǐmìng vocation / calling / military mission / mission / embassy / errand 恶劣 惡劣 èliè vile / nasty 研判 研判 yánpàn infer 研判 研判 yánpàn infer 长远 長遠 chángyuǎn long-range / long / long-term / far-reaching 叶子 葉子 yèzi5 foliage / frond / leafage / leaf / leave 恶劣 惡劣 èliè vile / nasty 男士 男士 nánshì gent / man / men / menfolk 悲观 悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic 郊区 郊區 jiāoqū suburban district / outskirts 准备好 準備好 zhǔnbèihǎo get ready 祭典 祭典 jìdiǎn memorial services / fiesta / sacrificial rites 脱 脫 tuō cast/come off / shed / take off / escape from 情事 情事 qíngshì affair / matter / thing / business 理 理 lǐ take notice of / pay attention to 持股 持股 chígǔ own stock 面 面 miàn entire area (as opposed to particular points) / surface / top / cover / face 油价 油價 yóujià oil/gasoline/petrol price 众 眾 zhòng every 祇 祇 zhǐ only 宝贝 寶貝 bǎobèi treasured object / treasure / darling / baby / cowry / good-for-nothing / odd character 可行性 可行性 kěxíngxìng feasibility 平行 平行 píngxíng of equal rank / parallel / simultaneous 手脚 手腳 shǒujiǎo hand and foot, motions (of hands/feet), underhand method, trick 主机板 主機板 zhǔjībǎn mother_board 宝 寶 bǎo treasure 山水 山水 shānshuǐ mountains and water, landscape, landscape painting 响起 響起 xiǎngqǐ ring_out / ring out / speak / sound / start to ring 蓝色 藍色 lánsè blue / blue (color) / blueness 钟头 鐘頭 zhōngtóu hour 纾解 紓解 shūjiě ease / relieve 重 重 zhòng value / put emphasis/stress on 青 青 qīng nature's color / green / blue / greenish black 急救 急救 jíjiù first aid / emergency treatment 表决 表決 biǎojué (decide by) vote 相差 相差 xiāngchā differ 探亲 探親 tànqīn go home to visit one's family / visit family / go to visit one's relatives 阻碍 阻礙 zǔài hinder / block / impede / bar 表决 表決 biǎojué (decide by) vote 消灭 消滅 xiāomiè eradicate / die out / eliminate / abolish / wipe out / annihilate / kill / slake / decimate / carry off / disappear / exterminate / lapse / expunge / abolition / knock out / quell / destroy / pass away / kill off / deafen / extermination / detruncate / liquidate / snuff_out / snuff out / extirpate / snuff / elimination / perish / discreate / vanish / extinguish 透明 透明 tòumíng diaphanous / see-through / crystalline / transparent 连络 連絡 liánluò contact 连络 連絡 liánluò contact 追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue / chase / seek 不可或缺 不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē indispensable 急救 急救 jíjiù first aid / emergency treatment 同 同 tóng be same as 壮 壯 zhuàng strong / make better / sturdy / magnificent / robust / make stronger / strengthen / make better/stronger 老 老 lǎo always (doing sth.) / for a long time / very 来回 來回 láihuí go to a place and come back / make a round trip / make a return journey / move to and fro / move back and forth / go to and fro 君子 君子 jūnzǐ a man of noble character / man of noble character / gentleman / man of worth / sovereign 放学 放學 fàngxué have winter holidays / classes are over / finish classes / have summer holidays / finish classes (for the day) 判决 判決 pànjué adjudge 射 射 shè loose / discharge in a jet / insinuate / go off / allude to / discharge / send out / fire / firing / shooting / emit / deliver / shoot 合 合 hé be equal to / amount to 东海 東海 dōnghǎi East China Sea / Donghai Sea 流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life 阻碍 阻礙 zǔài hinder / block / impede / bar 流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life 孩童 孩童 háitóng children 穿上 穿上 chuānshàng assume / wear / put_on / slip / enclothe / put on 异议 異議 yìyì remonstrance / dissent / expostulation / exception / dissidence / protestation / demur / objection / demurrer 判决 判決 pànjué adjudge 整整 整整 zhěngzhěng fully / full / whole 心境 心境 xīnjìng state/frame of mind, mood 荣总 榮總 róngzǒng Veterans General Hospital 纾解 紓解 shūjiě ease / relieve 优雅 優雅 yōuyǎ graceful / elegant / gracious 驾驶 駕駛 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle) / pilot (ship/plane) 录音 錄音 lùyīn record sound 图像 圖像 túxiàng picture / graph / icon / image 检视 檢視 jiǎnshì overlook 遗忘 遺忘 yíwàng misplace / bury / neglect / leave behind / escape / leave / elude / mislay / leave_behind / forget 检视 檢視 jiǎnshì overlook 钢 鋼 gāng steel 实例 實例 shílì example / exemplar / specimen / deuce / instance / concrete example 优雅 優雅 yōuyǎ graceful / elegant / gracious 山林 山林 shānlín mountain forest 录音 錄音 lùyīn record sound 烦恼 煩惱 fánnǎo vexed / worried 追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue / chase / seek 爱丁堡 愛丁堡 àidīngbǎo Edinburgh 期盼 期盼 qípàn look forward to 期盼 期盼 qípàn look forward to 菩萨 菩薩 púsà Buddhist idol / a term applied to a kindhearted person / kindhearted person / Bodhisattva / joss / Buddha / Boddhisatva 驾驶 駕駛 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle) / pilot (ship/plane) 距 距 jù be apart/away from 说服 說服 shuìfú persuade / talk somebody over 装饰 裝飾 zhuāngshì ornament 越南 越南 yuènán Viet Nam / Vietnam / nam / Annam 象 象 xiàng elephant 说服 說服 shuìfú persuade / talk somebody over 饼 餅 bǐng round flat cake / dumpling / pancake / tortilla / goody / cake / sth. shaped like a cake / a round flat cake 总公司 總公司 zǒnggōngsī main office / home office / headquaters / head office / main_office / home_office / front office / central office / headquarters 极力 極力 jílì sparing no effort / spare no effort / doing one's utmost / do one's utmost to 大赛 大賽 dàsài race / game / tournament / contest 失落 失落 shīluò lose 观看 觀看 guānkàn eye / view / watch / spectate / eyeball 全垒打 全壘打 quánlěidǎ fourbagger / round-tripper / swot / swat / home_run / home run / home run (baseball) / homer 撰写 撰寫 zhuànxiě write 无情 無情 wúqíng merciless / harden / heartless / ruthless 过关 過關 guòguān reach standard / pass a barrier / reach a standard / pass test / pass barrier / pass / go through ordeal / pass a test / go through an ordeal 传奇 傳奇 chuánqí legendry / romance / Tang and Song short stories / Ming and Qing poetic dramas / fable / short_story / legend 散 散 sàn break up 超商 超商 chāoshāng convenience store 鱼类 魚類 yūlèi Pisces / fin / fish / race of fishes / fish (as a general category) 准确 準確 zhǔnquè accurate / exact / precise 震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock / shake 摔 摔 shuāi throw / cast/throw down/off / drop / plunge / lose one's balance / off / swing / fall / tumble / throw down / cause to fall and break / cast down / cast / hurtle down / throw off / move backward and forward / fling / break 踏 踏 tà tread / trample / stamp / step / step on 震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock / shake 增设 增設 zēngshè add / add on 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng cover / interview / gather news 欧 歐 ōu short name for Europe 常态 常態 chángtài normal / normalcy / normal conditions / normality / order / conditions / normal behavior/conditions / normal behavior 检举 檢舉 jiǎnjǔ report (offense) / inform against (offender) 零件 零件 língjiàn section / part / components / spares / spare parts / parts / accessory 潜在 潛在 qiánzài potential / latent 检举 檢舉 jiǎnjǔ report (offense) / inform against (offender) 质量 質量 zhíliàng weight / molar / mass / quantity / quality 桥樑 橋樑 liáng bridge (lit./fig.) 撰写 撰寫 zhuànxiě write 回答 回答 huídá answer 北韩 北韓 běihán North Korea 反倒 反倒 fǎndào conj.: on the contrary, instead 北美 北美 běiměi North_America / North America 主意 主意 zhǔyì idea, plan, decision, definite view 亲身 親身 qīnshēn in person / personally / first-hand 冰 冰 bīng ice 早餐 早餐 zǎocān breaker / petit dejeuner / brekker / dejeuner / breakfast / morning tea 失落 失落 shīluò lose 更换 更換 gēnghuàn change / replace 更换 更換 gēnghuàn change / replace 改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct / rebuild 利息 利息 lìxí premium / usury / accrual / interest 中央 中央 zhōngyāng center / middle 竹子 竹子 zhúzi5 bamboo 升高 升高 shēnggāo up / hike / ascend / come up / arise / move up / climb / go up / lift / wax / loft / soar / heighten / rise / mount / escalate 波动 波動 bōdòng undulate / fluctuate 改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct / rebuild 成交 成交 chéngjiāo conclude a transaction / clinch a deal / strike a bargain / close a deal 情人 情人 qíngrén inamorato / steady / sweetie / Gill / jo / girlfriend / swain / valentine / paramour / turtledove / jill / girl / sweetling / mouse / heart-throb / lassie / truelove / soul mate / flame / ladybird / ladylove / lover / sweetheart / mistress / admirer / hon / lovey / inamorata / honeybunch / turtle / sweeting / bedmate 波动 波動 bōdòng undulate / fluctuate 终止 終止 zhōngzhǐ stop / end 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng cover / interview / gather news 终止 終止 zhōngzhǐ stop / end 野外 野外 yěwài air / out-of-doors / open / outdoors / open air / open country / balefire / field 软硬体 軟硬體 ruǎnyìngtǐ software and hardware 到来 到來 dàolái arrive 规矩 規矩 guījǔ rule / custom 俗称 俗稱 súchēng be commonly called... / be commonly called / be commonly known as... 况且 況且 kuàngqiě conj.: moreover / besides / in addition 风俗 風俗 fēngsú mores / custom / public decency / manner / institution / ritual / Sunna / manners / rite / guise 到来 到來 dàolái arrive 死者 死者 sǐzhě deceased person / dead / deceased / slain / the dead / departed / dead soul / decedent / the dead/departed / the deceased / the departed / dead person 村子 村子 cūnzi5 small town / village / settlement / hamlet 讨好 討好 tǎohǎo conciliate / have one's labor rewarded / blandish / accommodate / toady / oblige / toady to / curry favour with / grease / massage / propitiate / woo / fawn on / sugar / soft-soap / ingratiate / ingratiate oneself with 难忘 難忘 nánwàng unforgettable / memorable 警分局 警分局 jǐngfēnjú branch office of police bureau 艺文 藝文 yìwén art and literature 盼 盼 pàn hope/long for / expect 解说 解說 jiěshuō explain orally / appease 藉口 藉口 jièkǒu excuse / pretext 发烧 發燒 fāshāo fever / kindle / feverish / temperature / run a temperature / run a fever / have a fever / have a temperature 堂 堂 táng m.[event] 狭窄 狹窄 xiázhǎi narrow / bottleneck / narrow and limited / cramped 通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through / be current or of general use 国代 國代 guódài representative to People's Congress 通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through / be current or of general use 杀害 殺害 shāhài cut_down / liquidate / killing / kill / slay / cut_off / grease / remove / murder / destroy / do in / waste / ice / knock off 保母 保母 bǎomǔ baby-sitter 林立 林立 línlì stand in great numbers 科长 科長 kēzhǎng section chief 孙子 孫子 sūnzi5 son's son / grandson 筹码 籌碼 chóumǎ counter / jetton / dib / poker chip / chip / bargaining chip / medium_of_exchange 放松 放鬆 fàngsōng relax / slacken / loosen 收购 收購 shōugòu purchase / buy 地下室 地下室 dìxiàshì rumpus_room / soutane / undercroft / rooms built below ground / ground_floor / serdab / cellar / hypogeum / crypt / subterranean / silo / subterrane / souterrain / vault / cellarage / basement 竹东 竹東 zhúdōng Zhu Dong (town in Taiwan) 佔地 佔地 zhàndì cover / cover an area of / occupy (space) 抗体 抗體 kàngtǐ antibody 砍 砍 kǎn ax / hack / cut / shear / hew / chop_down / whack / carbonado / throw sth. at / hag / fall / chop 向量 向量 xiàngliàng vector / vector quantities / vectorial 容许 容許 róngxǔ let_in / have / receive / can / permission / permit / allow for / may / adhibit / might / admissive / provide for / admit / concede / cede / leave / suffer / tolerate / allow 存有 存有 cúnyǒu harbour / entertain / cherish / harbor / inhere 免 免 miǎn duty-free / be not allowed 放松 放鬆 fàngsōng relax / slacken / loosen 军方 軍方 jūnfāng armed forces / the military / military 面子 面子 miànzi5 reputation / face / prestige 视听 視聽 shìtīng seeing and hearing / audiovisual 收购 收購 shōugòu purchase / buy 切 切 qiē cut / slice 显示器 顯示器 xiǎnshìqì monitor / display / caller ID / indicator 迈进 邁進 màijìn forge ahead / stride forward / advance with big strides 听起来 聽起來 tīngqǐlái it sounds like 平凡 平凡 píngfán ordinary / common 口袋 口袋 kǒudài pocket 分区 分區 fēnqū zone, district 大队 大隊 dàduì a military group, production brigade, a large number (of) 功 功 gōng meritorious service, exploit, achievement, result, effect, skill 心事 心事 xīnshì weight on one's mind, worry 意象 意象 yìxiàng imagery / mental picture / thought / picture / idea / impression / image 一般 一般 yībān alike 华丽 華麗 huálì magnificent / gorgeous 下山 下山 xiàshān descend mountain / descend hill 预备 預備 yūbèi get ready / dight / set / ready / busk / preparation / store / set up / prepare / line / gear up / provide_for / provide / equip / outfit 华丽 華麗 huálì magnificent / gorgeous 犹豫 猶豫 yóuyū hesitant / fudge / oscillate / stagger / waver / be irresolute / scruple / irresolute / crane / pause / yo-yo / vacillate / hang / weaken / boggle / swither / dacker / balk / demur / swiver / hesitate 不见了 不見了 bújiànle5 be missing / disappear 殖民 殖民 zhímín settle / plant / colonize / populate / establish colony / establish a colony 德 德 dé Germany 对付 對付 duìfù counter / deal/cope with / face / confront / cope with / fix / make do / handle / deal / tackle / deal with 奖学金 獎學金 jiǎngxuéjīn burse / stipend / foundation / exhibition / studentship / scholarship 蒋介石 蔣介石 jiǎngjièshí Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nat / Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan / Jiang Jieshi 对照 對照 duìzhào contrast / compare 对照 對照 duìzhào contrast / compare 辉煌 輝煌 huīhuáng glorious / effulgent / brilliant 惨 慘 cǎn tragic / gloomy / savage / sorrowful / cruel / pitiful / miserable / dark 擅长 擅長 shàncháng excel / surpass / stand out / be good at / be skilled in / be expert in 黑暗 黑暗 hēiàn dark 观望 觀望 guānwàng straddle / pussyfoot / look on (from sidelines) / swiver / hesitate / waver / look on / wait and see 媳妇 媳婦 xífù the wife of a relative of the younger generation's / wife of somebody of younger generation / daughter-in-law / son's wife 露天 露天 lùtiān in the open air / outdoors 观摩 觀摩 guānmó view and emulate 韩 韓 hán Korea 招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit / take in 最爱 最愛 zuìài favor / most favored 移 移 yí removal / alteration / transform / shift / remove / movement / alter / change / move 显 顯 xiǎn demonstrate / be obvious / manifest / appear / display / show 描绘 描繪 miáohuì depict / describe / portray 当兵 當兵 dāngbīng soldier / serve in army / serve in the army / be a soldier 书面 書面 shūmiàn written / in written form / in writing 商家 商家 shāngjiā manager (of inn/shop/etc.) 偏 偏 piān stubbornly / on the contrary 彗星 彗星 huìxīng comet 添 添 tiān add / fuel / appose / addition / increase / have a baby 盼望 盼望 pànwàng hope/long for / look forward to 盼望 盼望 pànwàng hope/long for / look forward to 描绘 描繪 miáohuì depict / describe / portray 盆地 盆地 péndì pan / river basin / basin 无知 無知 wúzhī ignorant / stupid 招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit / take in 冒险 冒險 màoxiǎn take risks/chances 冒险 冒險 màoxiǎn take risks/chances 乘客 乘客 chéngkè fare / rider / passenger 制服 制服 zhìfú uniform 行人 行人 xíngrén foot traffic / passerby / goer / pedestrian / pedestrian traffic / passenger 任职 任職 rènzhí assignment / be in office / serve / hold a position / hold a post 光纤 光纖 guāngxiān glass fiber / optical fibre / fiber_optics / light guide / optical fiber / glass fibre 攻 攻 gōng assault / attack / censure / accuse 住处 住處 zhùchù domicile / hangout / dwelling / lodging / residency / domiciliation / diggings / abode / digs / quarters / habitation / lodgings / roost / living quarters / pad / residence 行李 行李 xínglǐ clobber / impedimenta / dunnage / luggage / baggage 攻势 攻勢 gōngshì offensive 妨害 妨害 fánghài traverse / impair / bar / cumber / be harmful to / trammel / encumber / sabotage / molest / obstruct / blanket / impairment / disturb / jeopardize / annoy / put in jeopardy 恰当 恰當 qiàdàng appropriate / proper / suitable / fitting 制成 製成 zhìchéng hew / make / successfully complete 轿车 轎車 jiàochē (horse-drawn) carriage / saloon / passenger car / car / limousine / carriage / coach / bus / sedan 验证 驗證 yànzhèng test and verify 验证 驗證 yànzhèng test and verify 观摩 觀摩 guānmó view and emulate 市镇 市鎮 shìzhèn small town / town 心思 心思 xīnsī thought, idea, thinking, state of mind, mood 心意 心意 xīnyì regard, kindly feeling, intention, purpose 少见 少見 shǎojiàn rare / seldom seen / unique 无知 無知 wúzhī ignorant / stupid 化为 化為 huàwéi become 赶到 趕到 gǎndào leave for / hurry to 厂牌 廠牌 chǎngpái brand name 线索 線索 xiànsuǒ track / thread / cue / lead / handhold / purchase / scent / train of thought / clue / trail / key / clew / pointer 嘉义 嘉義 jiāyì Chia-yi (a county in Taiwan) 道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize 经典 經典 jīngdiǎn canon / classic / classics / sutra / scriptures / scripture / Bible 子弟 子弟 zǐdì sons and younger brothers / children / juniors 对面 對面 duìmiàn opposite 脾气 脾氣 píqì kidney / dispose / irritation / surliness / behavior / temper / pique / habit / mould / irritability / bile / bad temper / biliousness / temperament / characteristic / dander / pettishness / disposition / stubborn disposition / blood / snappishness / proclivity / peevishness / grain 想像力 想像力 xiǎngxiànglì imaginative power / imaginative power/faculty / imaginativeness / vision / imagination / fancy / ideality / imaginative faculty / faculty 补习 補習 bǔxí take lessons after school/work 补习 補習 bǔxí take lessons after school/work 运气 運氣 yùnqì fortune / luck 道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize 对比 對比 duìbǐ ratio / correlation 数据机 數據機 shùjùjī modem 影展 影展 yǐngzhǎn film exhibition / film fair / film fair/festival / photographic exhibition / film festival / photo exhibition / festival 窗口 窗口 chuāngkǒu window / wicket / ticket window 一般来说 一般來說 yībānláishuō generally speaking 山脉 山脈 shānmài mountain range 民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize 千万 千萬 qiānwàn det.: ten million, (tens of) millions 打架 打架 dǎjià struggle / scrap / wrangle / fight / come to blows / box / scuffle / brawl 土著 土著 tǔzhù original inhabitants, aboriginals 充裕 充裕 chōngyū abundant 灵感 靈感 línggǎn motive / afflatus / rage / breathing / brainwave / muse / inspiration / brainchild 鲜明 鮮明 xiānmíng bright (of color) / distinct / distinctive 正当 正當 zhèngdāng proper / legitimate 局势 局勢 júshì situation 细腻 細膩 xìnì fine and smooth / exquisite / minute 连带 連帶 liándài jointly 务实 務實 wùshí deal with concrete matters relating to work / try to be practical/pragmatic / pragmatic / try to be pragmatic / try to be practical / deal with concrete matters 国画 國畫 guóhuà trad. Ch. painting 推测 推測 tuīcè infer / conjecture / guess 欲望 欲望 yūwàng appetence / indirect request / wish / appetite / stomach / concupiscence / desire / Kama / appetency / hunger / thirst / lech / orexis / rage / passion 颁发 頒發 bānfā issue / promulgate / award 逐年 逐年 zhúnián all the year round / for years / all year / year after year / year in year out 雨水 雨水 yǔshuǐ rain / Rainwater / rainwater / Rainwater (second solar term) / rainfall / Rain water (2nd solar term) 配备 配備 pèibèi equipment 亚太 亞太 yǎtài Asia-Pacific region 奠定 奠定 diàndìng establish / settle 大王 大王 dàiwáng king, magnate 开展 開展 kāizhǎn develop / launch / unfold 颁发 頒發 bānfā issue / promulgate / award 细腻 細膩 xìnì fine and smooth / exquisite / minute 保健 保健 bǎojiàn health care / health protection / care for one's health 忽 忽 hū suddenly 存款 存款 cúnkuǎn deposit / bank saving 走向 走向 zǒuxiàng trend / run / alignment / strike 妙 妙 miào wonderful / excellent / fine / ingenious / clever / subtle 吾 吾 wú I 垃圾场 垃圾場 lèsèchǎng rubbish dump / garbage heap / dump / tip / crematory / garbage dump / wasteyard / refuse / refuse heap / trash dump 重重 重重 chóngchóng layer upon layer / ring upon ring 亮丽 亮麗 liànglì beautiful / remarkable / brilliant / splendid / smart 海关 海關 hǎiguān chophouse / customhouse / customshouse / custom / haikwan / customs / douane 美景 美景 měijǐng vision / beauty_spot / beautiful sight / beautiful scenery 果真 果真 guǒzhēn really / as expected 首要 首要 shǒuyào chief / paramountcy / premiership / primacy / of first importance 音乐厅 音樂廳 yīnyuètīng odeum / concert hall / music_hall / lyceum / auditorium / odeon / music hall 苗栗 苗栗 miáolì Miaoli (a county inTaiwan) 欺骗 欺騙 qīpiàn cheat / dupe 幸好 幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately / luckily 办桌 辦桌 bànzhuō entertain guests at banquet 欺骗 欺騙 qīpiàn cheat / dupe 澳门 澳門 àomén Aomen (Macao) 推测 推測 tuīcè infer / conjecture / guess 震荡 震盪 zhèndàng shake / shock / quake 暴露 暴露 pùlù unmask / divulge / expose / develop / bewray / unhood / unhusk / uncover / lay bare / show_up / reveal / flash / uncase / debunk / discover / unkennel / revelation / betray / give_away / unveil 热带 熱帶 rèdài tropical zone / Torrid Zone / savanna / torrid / the tropics / the torrid zone / tropical_zone / tropical / tropic / tropics 战事 戰事 zhànshì war / hostilities 制 製 zhì make / manufacture / create 缘 緣 yuán fate / predestination 夕阳 夕陽 xìyáng setting sun 人道 人道 réndào human sympathy 下课 下課 xiàkè finish class / get out of class 民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize 心胸 心胸 xīnxiōng breadth of mind 尺 尺 chǐ m.[standard] 谘商 諮商 zīshāng confer / discuss / negotiate 想不到 想不到 xiǎngbúdào unable to anticipate 感官 感官 gǎnguān sentience / sensory faculty / sensation / sense/sensory organ / sensory organ / sentiency / sense organ / sense 号召 號召 hàozhào call / appeal (for supporters) 开展 開展 kāizhǎn develop / launch / unfold 谘商 諮商 zīshāng confer / discuss / negotiate 週年 週年 zhōunián m.[standard] 缘故 緣故 yuángù score / grounds / reason / cause / sake 道家 道家 dàojiā Taoist / Taoist school / Daoist school / Daoist religion / Daoist school/religion / religion 震荡 震盪 zhèndàng shake / shock / quake 号称 號稱 hàochēng be known as / claim to be 睡着 睡著 shuìzháo asleep / fall_asleep / go_off / nod off / drift off / doze off / fall asleep / dope off / flake / drowse off / conk / dormant / flake out / drop off 增长 增長 zēngzhǎng increase / grow 报案 報案 bàoàn report case to security authorities 报案 報案 bàoàn report case to security authorities 黑白 黑白 hēibái black and white / right and wrong / good and bad 号召 號召 hàozhào call / appeal (for supporters) 充足 充足 chōngzú ample 疼痛 疼痛 téngtòng pain / soreness / fester / suffer / hurt / ache / sore 简称 簡稱 jiǎnchēng be called sth. for short 脏 髒 zāng dirty / squalid / smudge / filthy / smutch / blur / smear 签署 簽署 qiānshǔ sign/initial (a document) 签署 簽署 qiānshǔ sign/initial (a document) 签证 簽證 qiānzhèng visa 体操 體操 tǐcāo jerk / physical exertion / workout / exercise / physical_exercise / gymnastic / calisthenics / exercising / gymnastics / physical exercise / gym 搬 搬 bān copy mechanically / remove / apply indiscriminately / take away / transfer / move / move (house) 真诚 真誠 zhēnchéng sincere / genuine / true 真诚 真誠 zhēnchéng sincere / genuine / true 衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail / decline 陈情 陳情 chénqíng state the situation/truth 陈情 陳情 chénqíng state the situation/truth 高职 高職 gāozhí professional school / college / quality / technical 绝 絕 jué extremely / most / absolutely / in the least / by any means / on any account 乡民 鄉民 xiāngmín countryside / villager 新埔 新埔 xīnbǔ Hsin-pu (a town in Taiwan) 无力 無力 wúlì powerless / feel weak / lack strength / incapable 媒介 媒介 méijiè vehicle / transmission / media / intermediary / instrumentality / means / channel / ministry / mediacy / mediateness / agency / meeja / implement / medium 郑 鄭 zhèng Zheng / Surname 贵 貴 guì det.: your (courteous usage) 计有 計有 jìyǒu calculate in advance / estimate 无从 無從 wúcóng unable to 园地 園地 yuándì special page in periodical / special section in periodical / park/garden area / special section / croft / page in periodical / garden area / special section/page in periodical / garden plot / park area / field / scope / park 灿烂 燦爛 cànlàn brilliant / glitter / splendid / resplend / resplendent / magnificent 墨西哥 墨西哥 mòxīgē Mexico 课本 課本 kèběn text edition / textbook / text / school text / schoolbook 抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan 领土 領土 lǐngtǔ demesne / country / nation / realm / soli / landgrave / princedom / territory / emirate / domain / state / seigneury / estate / seignory / territoriality / acres / possession / signory / territorial / province / landed estate / dominion / land 尴尬 尷尬 gāngà awkward / embarrassed 齐全 齊全 qíquán all in readiness / assort / complete 荣获 榮獲 rónghuò have the honor to win 学界 學界 xuéjiè educational / educational circles / academic circles / educational/academic circles / literati 运 運 yùn transportation / wield / transport / revolve / utilize / use / dribble / bear / carry / utilization 定案 定案 dìngàn pass / decide on / reach verdict 地域 地域 dìyū tract / area / latitude / quarter / territory / climate / region / scope / district / terrain / climactic 外部 外部 wàibù outer / surface / external / outwall / outside / exterior 门诊 門診 ménzhěn outpatient service 存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data) 宜兰县 宜蘭縣 yílánxiàn I-Lan (county of Taiwan) 列车 列車 lièchē train 多样 多樣 duōyàng diverse / multiform / various 抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan 存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data) 来访 來訪 láifǎng come to visit/call 成份 成份 chéngfèn composition / ingredient / one's profession or economic status / component part / part / chemistry / constituent / one's class status / component / note 衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail / decline 来访 來訪 láifǎng come to visit/call 连上 連上 liánshàng link / connect 计较 計較 jìjiào argue / arguement / wrangle / care / dispute / think over / haggle over / haggling over / mind / fuss about / discuss in minute detail 金瓜石 金瓜石 jīnguāshí a scenic spots in north Taiwan 门诊 門診 ménzhěn outpatient service 后遗症 後遺症 hòuyízhèng aftereffect / hangover / sequela / sequelae 玫瑰 玫瑰 méiguī rosebush / rose 科学园区 科學園區 kēxuéyuánqū Sciense-Based Industrial Park 负荷 負荷 fùhè load / charge / weight 包装 包裝 bāozhuāng pack, dress up 派出所 派出所 pàichūsuǒ police_station / police headquarters / police substation / police office / local police station / station house / substation / police station 抬 抬 tái lift / betray / carry (together) / raise / carry / argue for the sake of arguing 流氓 流氓 liúmáng roughscuff / rip / yobbo / badmash / swashbuckler / rascal / riffraff / scamp / raff / rapscallion / rogue / rowdy / hooliganism / cur / picaroon / varmint / yobo / ruffian / hector / roughneck / gaolbird / scalawag / gorilla / no-good / scallywag / hoodlum / limmer / tearaway / blackguard / picaro / hooligan / hessian / bullyboy / rascallion / indecency / bully / plug-ugly / shoulder-hitter / dingbat / caird / tough / varlet / sc 尴尬 尷尬 gāngà awkward / embarrassed 言语 言語 yányǔ spoken language / speech 升值 升值 shēngzhí revalue, appreciate 四川 四川 sìchuān Szechwan / Szechuan / Sichuan province / Sichuan 不及 不及 bùjí less than 加油 加油 jiāyóu gas / lubricate / oil / refuel / gas up / embolden / accelerate / lubrication / fuel / cheer / recreate / hearten / make an extra effort 外型 外型 wàixíng profile / contour / appearance / external form 大气 大氣 dàqì atmosphere, air, grand air, heavy breathing 应该 應該 yīnggāi right / proper 聆听 聆聽 língtīng hear / listen / listen carefully / breathe_in / listen respectfully 猛 猛 měng suddenly / abruptly 素材 素材 sùcái material / source material / medium 深思 深思 shēnsī ruminate / politic / chew / ponder deeply / consider carefully / speculate / bethink / rumination / chew the cud / perpend 脖子 脖子 bózi5 cervix / neck 书包 書包 shūbāo bag / book bag / satchel / schoolbag 捧 捧 pěng hold/carry sth. level in both hands / boost / boast / exalt / flatter 理所当然 理所當然 lǐsuǒdāngrán of course / naturally 划分 劃分 huàfēn divide / differentiate 通 通 tōng unimpeded / unblocked 国际性 國際性 guójìxìng international / internationalism / international character / internationality 规律 規律 guīlù law / regular pattern 速率 速率 sùlù velocity / speed / rate 省籍 省籍 shěngjí native/birth place 稀饭 稀飯 xīfàn gruel / rice/millet gruel / rice / congee / porridge / millet gruel / rice gruel 阿里山 阿里山 ālǐshān A-Li mountain 发音 發音 fāyīn pronunciation / articulation 极度 極度 jídù extremely / plaguey / exceedingly / deadly / vitally / to the utmost / passing / plaguily / badly / plaguy 划分 劃分 huàfēn divide / differentiate 照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate 开放式 開放式 kāifàngshì be open to general public or outside world 禁忌 禁忌 jìnjì tabu / vetanda / taboo / nono / contraindication 场景 場景 chángyǐng stage set / set / scenery / spectacle / scene / setting / set decoration 照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate 光碟机 光碟機 guāngdiéjī CD ROM 吸引力 吸引力 xīyǐnlì chemical attraction / seduction / affinity / fascination / charm / prestige / attractive feature / traction / attractive force / drawing power / appeal / magnetism / attractiveness / appealingness / attraction 光芒 光芒 guāngmáng ray_of_light / rays of light / brilliant ray / radiance 批判 批判 pīpàn critique 光明 光明 guāngmíng bright / promising / openhearted / guileless 行走 行走 xíngzǒu mooch / tread / go / make / navigate / go on foot / walk 低廉 低廉 dīlián cheap / low-priced 改成 改成 gǎichéng change ... into / turn... into / change to 冷气 冷氣 lěngqì air conditioning 冰箱 冰箱 bīngxiāng frig / electric refrigerator / fridge / freezer / refrigerator / deepfreeze / icebox / reefer / cooler / refrigeratory 兼具 兼具 jiānjù unite / have both...and... 多余 多餘 duōyū spare / redundant / unnecessary / superfluous / uncalled-for / surplus 致词 致詞 zhìcí make a speech 多多 多多 duōduō more 自私 自私 zìsī selfish / self-centered 亲近 親近 qīnjìn hobnob / hang out / affiliate / close / be close to / know / be on intimate terms with / intimate 保证 保證 bǎozhèng guarantee 洽询 洽詢 qiàxún talk over with 保 保 bǎo keep / maintenance / preserve soil moisture / stand guarantor / defend / protection / ensure / stand guarantor for somebody / preserve / preservation / warrant / bail / defence / protect / maintain / seek / guarantee 附 附 fù comply with / agree to / appose / attachment / enclose / get close to / enclosure / depend on / add / be near / rely on / attach 致词 致詞 zhìcí make a speech 办事处 辦事處 bànshìchù office / agency 封面 封面 fēngmiàn lid / book binding / title page of thread-bound book / front cover / front and back cover of book / back / cover / binding / title page 自称 自稱 zìchēng purport / claim to be / give_out / profess / call oneself 小子 小子 xiǎozi5 boy, guy, fellow 鉴于 鑑於 jiànyū conj.: in view of / seeing that 瞪 瞪 dèng open wide / glom / stare / open (one's eyes) wide / stare at / glower / open one's eyes wide / glare 驱动 驅動 qūdòng prompt / urge / spur on / drive 驱动 驅動 qūdòng prompt / urge / spur on / drive 丛林 叢林 cónglín underbrush / chaparral / bosquet / brake / bosk / jungle / forest / copse / jungly / brushwood / grove / thickset / underwood / thicket / mott / Budd. monastery 显示出 顯示出 xiǎnshìchū demonstrate / manifest / reveal / display / show 卅 卅 sà det.: thirty 方针 方針 fāngzhēn policy, guiding principle 考古学 考古學 kǎogǔxué archeology / archaeology / archaeological / palaeology / paleology 上游 上游 shàngyóu upper reaches of river, advanced position 蟑螂 蟑螂 zhāngláng blackbeetle / Asiatic cockroach / oriental cockroach / oriental roach / Blatta orientalis / cockroach / roach 户籍 戶籍 hùjí census register, registered permanent residence 公家 公家 gōngjiā state/public side 废纸 廢紙 fèizhǐ wastepaper 精华 精華 jīnghuá elite / prime / cream / plum / wale / goodness / distillation / substance / pink / quintessence / distillate / flower / extract / essence / gem / pick / marrow / soul / elixir 获利 獲利 huòlì profit 唢呐 嗩吶 suǒnà trumpet-like wind instrument 增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity) 醒 醒 xǐng waken / come to / wake up / sober up / be clear in mind / regain consciousness / wake / be awake / awaken / arouse / come alive / awake / be striking to the eye 增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity) 自私 自私 zìsī selfish / self-centered 说明会 說明會 shuōmínghuì news conference / briefing 莲花 蓮花 liánhuā sacred lotus / lotus / Nelumbo nucifera / lotus flower / Indian lotus 下游 下游 xiàyóu lower reaches (of river), lower level 剧情 劇情 jùqíng story line / story / plot / gut 回档 回檔 huídǎng rise again (after a fall); pick up 匹 匹 pī m.[general] 一连 一連 yīlián in a row, in succession, running 召集 召集 zhàojí call together, convene 正视 正視 zhèngshì face squarely / face / face up to / look squarely at / envisage 擦 擦 cā swab / shave / spread on / scrape / apply sth. on / spread sth. on / touch lightly / wipe / grate / rub / put/spread on / brush past / brush / obliterate / chafe / efface / sweep / scratch / fray / put on / apply / besmear / put / polish / scrape into shreds / fret / scrub / mop / erase 废除 廢除 fèichú abolish / abrogate / repeal 废除 廢除 fèichú abolish / abrogate / repeal 蒋公 蔣公 jiǎnggōng Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan 环保署 環保署 huánbǎoshǔ Environmental Protection Administration 实体 實體 shítǐ essence / reality / entity / substantive / substantiality / substantialness / existence / substratum / noumenon / substance / materiality 写实 寫實 xiěshí paint realistically / realistic / write / write realistically / write or paint realistically 摇头 搖頭 yáotóu shake one's head 婆婆 婆婆 pópó husband's mother / mother-in-law / maternal grandmother 介词 介詞 jiècí preposition 牛肉 牛肉 nióuròu beef 父子 父子 fùzǐ father and son 片子 片子 piànzi5 a roll of film, film, movie, record, album 充电 充電 chōngdiàn charge / electricize / refresh 士兵 士兵 shìbīng rank-and-file soldiers 旗下 旗下 qíxià those under one's command 本能 本能 běnnéng whim / appetence / vagary / instinct / instinctive / native ability / inherent aptitude / impulse / caprice / faculty 学人 學人 xuérén scholar / letters / student / learned person 谱 譜 pǔ musical notation / table / chart / design / guide 卖给 賣給 màigěi sell 战略 戰略 zhànluè stratagem / tactical / strategics / tactics / strategy 选票 選票 xuǎnpiào ballot 政经 政經 zhèngjīng politics and economy 副院长 副院長 fùyuànzhǎng president (of museum / subdean / subprincipal / etc.) / institute / vice-director 国产 國產 guóchǎn made in China / made in our country / make domestically 曲目 曲目 qǔmù title of music 就此 就此 jiùcǐ at this point / now / here and now / thus / thereon 强度 強度 qiángdù strength / intension / kick / degree / emphasis / intensity / depth / intensiveness 掩埋场 掩埋場 yǎnmáichǎng nuisance ground / scrap heap 政务 政務 zhèngwù government affairs/administration / administration / government administration / affairs of state / government affairs 风情 風情 fēngqíng demeanour / flavor / information about wind / local customs / bearing / feelings / flirtatious expressions / amorous feelings 前后 前後 qiánhòu front and rear / around or about / altogether 坐下来 坐下來 zuòxiàlái sit down 奇妙 奇妙 qímiào wonderful / marvelous 居多 居多 jūduō be in majority 有线电视 有線電視 yǒuxiàndiànshì cable_television / cable television / cable system / narrowcast / cable television service / cable / cable TV 绝种 絕種 juézhǒng become extinct / sterilize / die out 留给 留給 liúgěi retain/reserve for 男朋友 男朋友 nánpéngyǒu boyfriend 违背 違背 wéibèi violate / sin / go_against / infringe / go against / violation / belie / transgress / contravene / disobey / breach / break / run counter to 开课 開課 kāikè give a course / teach a subject / school begins 阳台 陽台 yángtái veranda / pergola / patio / terrace / mirador / trysting place / balcony / gallery / piazza / gazebo / deck / verandah 嫌犯 嫌犯 xiánfàn suspect 处分 處分 chǔfèn punishment 刺 刺 cì stab / prick / assassinate / irritate / stimulate / criticize 把握 把握 bǎwò assurance / certainty 朱 朱 zhū cinnabar / Zhu / Surname 吃亏 吃虧 chīkuī get the worst of it / come to grief / suffer loss / suffer losses 进军 進軍 jìnjūn march / advance / advance (as of troops) 盲目 盲目 mángmù blind 长辈 長輩 zhǎngbèi seniority / better / elder / superior / senior / elder member of family / eldership / elder generation / superordinate / higher-up 病房 病房 bìngfáng sickroom / ward / hospital ward / hospital room 社交 社交 shèjiāo social_intercourse / converse / social interaction / social contact / interaction / social contact/interaction / coterie / sociality / commerce 破产 破產 pòchǎn go bankrupt / come to naught 采行 採行 cǎixíng phase / adopt / employ / select for use 起 起 qǐ m.[event] 莫 莫 mò not / be/do not 船只 船隻 chuánzhī boat / watercraft / marine / ship / vessel 都会区 都會區 dūhuìqū city / metropolis 习俗 習俗 xísú mores / custom / form / consuetudinary / institute / social custom / Sunna / convention / convenance / consuetude / conventionalism / ways / respectability / usage / manners / consuetudinal / conventionality 音量 音量 yīnliàng intensity / volume / quantity / loudness / volume of sound 自 自 zì personally 破产 破產 pòchǎn go bankrupt / come to naught 托儿所 托兒所 tuōérsuǒ nursery school / foundling hospital / cr#4 eche / child-care centre / day_nursery / nursery / day care center / day care / day nursery / daycare / creche / cr#4eche / child-care center / play group / farm / preschool / nursery_school / playschool 台独 台獨 táidú Independence of Taiwan 发育 發育 fāyū grow / develop 足球 足球 zúqiú soccer / football 目睹 目睹 mùdǔ behold / see with one's own eyes / witness 名牌 名牌 míngpái nameplate / name tag 沙乌地阿拉伯 沙烏地阿拉伯 shāwūdìālābó Saudi Arabia 店面 店面 diànmiàn commodity section / storefront / parlor / shopfront 沙 沙 shā loam / Sha / sand / Surname / sth. granulated / sandy 哼 哼 hēng humph! 界限 界限 jièxiàn compass / ceiling / bounds / demarcation line / boundary / bourn / tether / purlieu / demarcation / precinct / pale / circumscription / borderland / limits / bound / ambit / butting / Rubicon / terminus / terminal point / confines / end / dividing line / extent / verge / terminus ad quem / limit / division / marge 枝 枝 zhī m.[general] 红树林 紅樹林 hóngshùlín black mangrove / Rhizophora mangle / Avicennia marina / mangrove 后人 後人 hòurén posperity / descendants / posterity / later generations 容积率 容積率 róngjīlù proportion 招 招 zhāo m.[general] 何不 何不 hébù why not 一口气 一口氣 yīkǒuqì without a break / at one go / in one breath / holus-bolus 共同体 共同體 gòngtóngtǐ community / integration 表 錶 biǎo timepiece / timekeeper / watch / ticker 漫长 漫長 màncháng very long / endless 精英 精英 jīngyīng quintessence / flower / broth of a boy / elite / broth of a man / aristocracy / essence / cream / powerhouse 暂停 暫停 zhàntíng suspense / suspended / suspend / intermit / set aside / discontinue / remit / stop / suspension / pause / break / time-out 整顿 整頓 zhěngdùn rectify / reorganize 整顿 整頓 zhěngdùn rectify / reorganize 暗示 暗示 ànshì (drop a) hint, suggest 外公 外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather 提议 提議 tíyì propose / suggest 露 露 lù betray / betrayal / appear / reveal / show 镇长 鎮長 zhènzhǎng town headman 警察局 警察局 jǐngchájú police_station / copshop / station / police bureau / can / police / kotwalee / tana / the police 骑士 騎士 qíshì equestrian / caballero / carpet knight / rider / cavalier / knight / knighthood / chevalier 联军 聯軍 liánjūn allied forces 继承 繼承 jìchéng inherit / carry on 继承 繼承 jìchéng inherit / carry on 双向 雙向 shuāngxiàng bipartite / double-edged / two-sided / bidirectional / double-faced 日军 日軍 rìjūn Japanese Army 报酬 報酬 bàochóu emolument / reward / fee / recompense / earnings / gratuity / requital / retribution / price / harvest / remuneration / quittance / pay / consideration / salary / compensation / honorarium / payment / meed / gratification / wage / guerdon 发育 發育 fāyū grow / develop 程 程 chéng distance / journey / procedure / order / regulation / rule 新任 新任 xīnrèn newly appointed 开花 開花 kāihuā burst forth / flower / bloom / split apart / explode / blossom / effloresce / unfold / feel elated / break apart / blow 慈悲 慈悲 cíbēi mercy / benevolence / pity 慈悲 慈悲 cíbēi mercy / benevolence / pity 饲养 飼養 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.) 栖息 棲息 qīxí inhabit / alight / locate / dwell / rest (of birds) / perch / settle / sit / light / relocate / halt / roost / rest 试试 試試 shìshì try / assay / try out / have a try / attempt / essay / sample / seek / taste 诠释 詮釋 quánshì annotation / interpretation 绝大多数 絕大多數 juédàduōshù det.: most of / majority 报到 報到 bàodào check in / register / registration / report for duty / appear / report / check_in 损失 損失 sǔnshī lose 极端 極端 jíduān extreme / exceeding 爱护 愛護 àihù cherish / treasure / take good care of 爱护 愛護 àihù cherish / treasure / take good care of 微 微 wéi slightly 脑海 腦海 nǎohǎi brain / mind 琴 琴 qín qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument / general name for stringed instruments / zither-like instrument / general name for certain musical instruments 饲养 飼養 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.) 动向 動向 dòngxiàng set / development / tendency / trend / movement / drift 精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite / elegant 班长 班長 bānzhǎng monitor / (work) team leader / squad leader / team leader / class monitor 创立 創立 chuànglì found / originate 微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile 脑筋 腦筋 nǎojīn way of thinking / ideas / head / mind / skull / brains 雷达 雷達 léidá radiolocator / radiodetector / locator / microwave radar / radiolocation / early warning radar / radio detection and ranging / radar 墨 墨 mò learning / Chinese ink / ink stick / Mohist School / Mexico / Mohism / ink / handwriting / ink cake / Surname / China ink 整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate / recondition 踩 踩 cǎi tread / tramp / tromp / scrunch / trample / walk / step / step on 实在 實在 shízài true / real / honest / dependable 精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite / elegant 发现 發現 fāxiàn discovery 整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate / recondition 报表 報表 bàobiǎo forms for reporting statistics / statement / forms for reporting statistics/etc. / forms for reporting etc. / report form / etc. 讽刺 諷刺 fèngcì satirize / mock 中毒 中毒 zhòngdú poison / taint / be poisoned 下跌 下跌 xiàdié fall, decline, decrease 切除 切除 qiēchú excise, resect 片段 片段 piànduàn part, extract, fragment 平方公尺 平方公尺 píngfānggōngchǐ m.[standard] 公约 公約 gōngyuē convention, pact, joint pledge 火灾 火災 huǒzāi fire disaster, conflagration 不好意思 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsī embarrassed / be ill at ease / find it embarrassing / feel embarrassed 趋向 趨向 qūxiàng tend/incline to 樱花 櫻花 yīnghuā oriental cherry 讽刺 諷刺 fèngcì satirize / mock 备受 備受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad) 来往 來往 láiwǎng associate / contact 来往 來往 láiwǎng associate / contact 法 法 fà France 灾害 災害 zāihài tragedy / cataclysm / visitation / fatality / ravage / catastrophe / disaster / suffering / calamity 何以 何以 héyǐ why / wherefor / why? / wherefore / how come / how? / whereto / how 奇特 奇特 qítè unusual / geezer / queer / exotic / peculiar 沙国 沙國 shāguó short of Saudi Arabia 待 待 dāi stay 抱 抱 bào hold (a particular opinion or belief) 俄罗斯 俄羅斯 èluósī Russia / Russians 当中 當中 dāngzhōng in the middle/center 性情 性情 xìngqíng constitution / fibre / aptness / acerbity / fiber / affection / temper / disposition / individuality / blood / streak / temperament 注意力 注意力 zhùyìlì mind / attention / concentration 备受 備受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad) 做完 做完 zuòwán get_over / fulfill / finish off / mop_up / get over / mop up / complete / clear up / finish up / polish_off / knock_off / get through / accomplish / polish off 基准 基準 jīzhǔn guideline / foundation / base / norm / standard / criterion / postulate / fundament / principle / groundwork / modulus / yardstick / benchmark / standard criterion / module / cornerstone / touchstone / datum / basis / fiducial 规程 規程 guīchéng rules / rules of order / parliamentary law / rule / regulation / regulations / parliamentary procedure / order 伞 傘 sǎn fimbria / brolly / sth. shaped like an umbrella / umbrella / mush / gamp / bumbershoot 打败 打敗 dǎbài rout / outplay / whip / scupper / wallop / mop up / finish / suffer a defeat / overrule / overwhelm / flog / rack up / whop / be beaten / overpower / subdue / overmatch / snooker / be defeated / larrup / outfight / overmaster / floor / whup / knock_off / best / drub / defeat / euchre / confound / lick / fall / outrival / worst / overthrow / convince / vanquish / beat / pip 资讯业 資訊業 zīxùnyè information technology 创立 創立 chuànglì found / originate 微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile 买卖 買賣 mǎimài do business / carry on trade 意念 意念 yìniàn consciousness / will / motif / thing / intellection / thought / impression / idea 穿过 穿過 chuānguò thread / pass through / traverse / penetrate / hook / go through / riddle / pierce / twist / go across / cleave / pass / lace / put_through / lace up / cut_through / cut across / cross / break / shoot 趋向 趨向 qūxiàng tend/incline to 精密 精密 jīngmì accurate / delicate / precise 广义 廣義 guǎngyì broad sense 着急 著急 zhāojí worry / feel anxious 收回 收回 shōuhuí take back / call in / recall / withdraw / countermand 补偿 補償 bǔcháng compensate / make up 欺负 欺負 qīfù browbeat / take advantage of / pick on 欺负 欺負 qīfù browbeat / take advantage of / pick on 跌破 跌破 diépò fall / drop 区隔 區隔 qūgé differentiate / set apart 揭开 揭開 jiēkāi open / disclose / resolve / unclose / uncover / revelation / reveal / unveil / bring out 选用 選用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply 盛 盛 shèng flourishing / prosperous / vigorous / energetic / magnificent / grand / abundant / plentiful / popular / widespread 得很 得很 de5hěn very / quite / awfully 株 株 zhū stub / individual plant / stem of a plant / plant / trunk of tree / stem of plant / trunk of a tree / m.[general] / 被单 被單 bèidān (bed) sheet 财经 財經 cáijīng finance and economics 患 患 huàn contract (an illness) 婚纱 婚紗 hūnshā gown / wedding dress 教官 教官 jiàoguān drillmaster / drill master / instructor / military instructor / schoolmaster 感冒 感冒 gǎnmào catch cold 干涉 干涉 gānshè interfere, intervene, meddle 关闭 關閉 guānbì close / shut (down) 关闭 關閉 guānbì close / shut (down) 联队 聯隊 liánduì wing (of air force) / league / wing / regiment 有一点 有一點 yǒuyìdiǎn a little bit 不符 不符 bùfú be inconsistent (with) 小鸟 小鳥 xiǎoniǎo small bird 世代 世代 shìdài generation, period, epoch 调适 調適 tiáoshì adjust 化妆 化妝 huàzhuāng make_up / bepaint / masquerade / put on make-up / make up / apply makeup / titivate 融入 融入 róngrù melt / thaw / blend / merge 本事 本事 běnshì literary source material / know-how / proficiency / skill / prowess / this matter / ability / capability 龙山寺 龍山寺 lóngshānsì Lung-Shan Temple 调适 調適 tiáoshì adjust 摧毁 摧毀 cuīhuǐ take_out / blot_out / bang up / blast / devastate / mow_down / zap / tobreak / wreck / smash up / bust up / smite / destroy / bust / demolish / knock_down / destruction / ravage / unbuild / liquidate / smash / deflower / knock_off / break / wrack 对岸 對岸 duìàn the opoosite shore / the other side / other side of river 浓度 濃度 nóngdù vividness / density / saturation / consistency / depth / intensity / thickness / deepness / fulness / chroma / concentration / consistence 选用 選用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply 稀有 稀有 xīyǒu rare / unusual 充斥 充斥 chōngchì flood, congest, be full of 戒 戒 jiè keep off / guard against / drop / keep from / stop / refrain from / desist from / forbear from / abstain from / exhort / avoid / admonition / give up / admonish / exhortation / warn 性行为 性行為 xìngxíngwéi erotism / sexual activity / the sex act / sexual behaviour / eroticism / sex / sex activity / sexuality / sex act / intimacy 界定 界定 jièdìng define 毒 毒 dú kill with poison 抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist / stand up to 前任 前任 qiánrèn predecessor 各行各业 各行各業 gèhánggèyè all professions / all trades / trades 良性 良性 liángxìng plus / benign / positive 伴随 伴隨 bànsuí accompany / follow 抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist / stand up to 依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on 来不及 來不及 láibùjí be too late to do sth. / 州 州 zhōu state / an administrative division / county / nomarchy / administrative division / shire / cantonal / presidency / government / eparchy / (autonomous) prefecture / prefecture / province / canton / commonwealth 依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on 异性 異性 yìxìng metamerism / isomerism / heterosexual / opposite sex / different nature 官僚 官僚 guānliáo bureaucrats / bureaucracy 猴子 猴子 hóuzi5 glib / ape / simian / glib/sharp-tongued person / clever / clever person / clever/glib/sharp-tongued person / monkey / sharp-tongued person / jackanapes 再说 再說 zàishuō furthermore / besides 伴随 伴隨 bànsuí accompany / follow 收回 收回 shōuhuí take back / call in / recall / withdraw / countermand 肩膀 肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder 疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore / neglect 白云 白雲 báiyún white cloud 契机 契機 qìjī moment / critical point / turning / turning point / juncture / moment o turning point / turning/critical point / momentum 通俗 通俗 tōngsú pop / common / popular 高潮 高潮 gāocháo water / high_tide / crescendo / coming / high tide/water / high tide / climax / upsurge / eagre / springtide / tidemark / sexual climax / blowoff / orgasm / culmination / payoff / wave / high / high water 桃园县 桃園縣 táoyuánxiàn Tao Yuan ( a County in Taiwan) 连战 連戰 liánzhàn ex-vice-president of Taiwan 清理 清理 qīnglǐ settle (accounts/etc.) / sort out affairs 清理 清理 qīnglǐ settle (accounts/etc.) / sort out affairs 疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore / neglect 动用 動用 dòngyòng put to use / draw on / put ... to use / use / employ / employment 表现出来 表現出來 biǎoxiànchūlái show 区隔 區隔 qūgé differentiate / set apart 海豚 海豚 hǎitún dolphin 抵 抵 dǐ arrive at 迫切 迫切 pòqiè imminent / imperative / pressing / urgent 金属 金屬 jīnshǔ spangle / metallic / metalline / tincture / malleability / metal / metals in general 恭喜 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulate 书写 書寫 shūxiě write 脂肪 脂肪 zhīfáng grease / fat / axunge / adipose / fatness / avoirdupois / fattiness / adipose tissue / fatty tissue 书写 書寫 shūxiě write 捐赠 捐贈 juānzèng contribute (as gift) / donate / present 展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future 处罚 處罰 chǔfá punish / penalize 接触到 接觸到 jiēchùdào come into contact with / get in touch with 捐赠 捐贈 juānzèng contribute (as gift) / donate / present 眼见 眼見 yǎnjiàn see sth. happen / watch helplessly 舍不得 捨不得 shěbùdé be grudge doing sth. / spare / begrudge / loathe to part with 帐 帳 zhàng reckoning / score / account statement / debt / screen / bill / credit / curtain / account book / accounting / canopy / account / military tent / tally / accounts 记载 記載 jìzài record / account 栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate / grow / foster / train / educate / give/receive patronage 野心 野心 yěxīn greed / careerism / ambition / ambitiousness / wild ambition 书画 書畫 shūhuà painting and calligraphy 炎热 炎熱 yánrè scorching/blazing hot 并购 併購 bìnggòu merge into 除 除 chú get rid of / eliminate / remove 专利权 專利權 zhuānlìquán patent / monopoly / patent right / patent (right) / concession / patent_right 迎 迎 yíng greet / go to meet / reception / meet face to face / face / receive / welcome / move towards / meet 陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany 改选 改選 gǎixuǎn hold another election 老旧 老舊 lǎojiù old 老子 老子 lǎozǐ Lao-zi (founder of Daoism) 身影 身影 shēnyǐng figure / silhouette / form 改选 改選 gǎixuǎn hold another election 海滩 海灘 hǎitān seabeach / seaside / sea beach / foreshore / beach 便民 便民 biànmín be convenient to the people 所幸 所幸 suǒxìng luckily 空白 空白 kòngbái blank space 空白 空白 kòngbái blank space 展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future 知名度 知名度 zhīmíngdù celebrity rating 师院 師院 shīyuàn teachers' college 成大 成大 chéngdà National Cheng Kung University 爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode / blow up 落地 落地 luòdì be born (of babies) / born / fail / fall to the ground / be born 童话 童話 tónghuà fairy story / fairy tale / fairy-tale / children's stories / fairytale / fairy tales 跨国 跨國 kuàguó transnationa / transnational / multinational 陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany 乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to 火山 火山 huǒshān volcano 乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to 付款 付款 fùkuǎn ante_up / ante up / foot / pay out / pay up / pay / shell_out / cash / pay a sum of money / disburse 工业化 工業化 gōngyèhuà industrialise / industrialization / urbanize / industrialize 麻雀 麻雀 máquè Passer domesticus / gutter-bird / spadger / house sparrow / sparrow / mahjong / tree sparrow / Passer montanus / hedge sparrow / Prunella modularis / dunnock / house_sparrow / English sparrow 大麻 大麻 dàmá marijuana 路 路 lù m.[general] 比重 比重 bǐzhòng proportion, specific gravity 爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode / blow up 护士 護士 hùshì graduate nurse / nana / nurse / sister / trained nurse / (hospital) nurse 跷家 蹺家 qiàojiā run away from home 艰苦 艱苦 jiānkǔ arduous 艰难 艱難 jiānnán difficult / hard 蟋蟀 蟋蟀 xīshuài grig / cricket 艰难 艱難 jiānnán difficult / hard 艰苦 艱苦 jiānkǔ arduous 栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate / grow / foster / train / educate / give/receive patronage 士气 士氣 shìqì morale 雕像 雕像 diāoxiàng imagery / effigy / statue / torso / representation / statuary / glyph 平地 平地 píngdì smooth / level / area / surface area / level/flat ground / flatland / expanse / flat ground / level ground 备 備 bèi prepare / get ready / be equipped with / have 祖国 祖國 zǔguó country / China (used only by Chinese) / mother_country / China / old_country / fatherland / home / country of origin / mother country / old country / homeland / native land / motherland / metropolis 寸 寸 cùn m.[standard] 大选 大選 dàxuǎn general election 遵循 遵循 zūnxún track / abide by / follow / conform to / adhere to 集 集 jí gather / collect 零售 零售 língshòu retail / (sell) retail 港口 港口 gǎngkǒu harbour / port / seaport / haven / harbor 压制 壓制 yāzhì suppress / stifle / inhibit / press 疗法 療法 liáofǎ therapy / cure / treatment / therapeutics 获胜 獲勝 huòshèng triumphant / triumph / beat / win victory / be victorious / conquer / gain / prevail / win 新建 新建 xīnjiàn newly build / just build 压制 壓制 yāzhì suppress / stifle / inhibit / press 农地 農地 nóngdì farmland / kingdom / ground / earth / farming / realm / solid ground / terra firma / cropland / land / dry land 迁 遷 qiān movement / change / move 感性 感性 gǎnxìng sensitive 感性 感性 gǎnxìng sensitive 黑人 黑人 hēirén black people / nigger / crow / Negroid / black person / dinge / spook / moke / jigaboo / Sambo / darky / Ethiopian / darkie / Negro / boogie / coon / black man / blackamoor / blackie / African / blacky / hoofer / unregistered resident / Black / darkey / black 落在 落在 luòzài accrue / alight / rest_on / fall / fall on / in 静坐 靜坐 jìngzuò sit quietly (as therapy) / sit-in 静坐 靜坐 jìngzuò sit quietly (as therapy) / sit-in 总会 總會 zǒnghuì headquarters of an association / central administrative body / club / clubhouse 请假 請假 qǐngjià vacate / ask for leave 美化 美化 měihuà beautify / embellish 香 香 xiāng joss stick 急速 急速 jísù at high speed / apace / very fast / rapidly 建国 建國 jiànguó found or build up a state 约定 約定 yuēdìng agree upon 生机 生機 shēngjī animation / verdure / vitality / vital_force / viability / life / verve / lease of life / new lease on life 查证 查證 cházhèng check and verify 荒谬 荒謬 huāngmiù absurd / preposterous 约定 約定 yuēdìng agree upon 家园 家園 jiāyuán home / homestead / native heath / homestall / homeland 前景 前景 qiánjǐng outlook / perspective / prospect / expectation / vista / foreground 查证 查證 cházhèng check and verify 建国 建國 jiànguó found or build up a state 夜市 夜市 yèshì night market 卓越 卓越 zhuóyuè excel / excel at / brilliant / shine / surpassing / paramount / shine at / outstanding 呎 呎 chǐ m.[standard] 制裁 制裁 zhìcái sanction / punish 更改 更改 gēnggǎi change / alter 换上 換上 huànshàng change 乌托邦 烏托邦 wūtuōbāng Utopia 罢工 罷工 bàgōng go on strike 瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě disintegrate / collapse 应变 應變 yìngbiàn meet contingency 影印 影印 yǐngyìn print by photo-offset / photocopy 影印 影印 yǐngyìn print by photo-offset / photocopy 穷人 窮人 qióngrén pauper / poor people / prole / poor / poor man / the poor / beggar / have-not 写出 寫出 xiěchū write / draw up 电机 電機 diànjī electrical machinery 应变 應變 yìngbiàn meet contingency 剧烈 劇烈 jùliè violent / fierce 骆驼 駱駝 luòtuó camel 电厂 電廠 diànchǎng power station / station / power plant / power_plant 校门 校門 xiàomén school gate 复句 複句 fùjù sentence of two or more clauses 率 率 shuài lead / command 诊所 診所 zhěnsuǒ clinic 准则 準則 zhǔnzé guideline / formula / principle / practice / norm / rule of thumb / standard / verity / criterion / canon / touchstone / basis / guidepost / maxim 画展 畫展 huàzhǎn art/paintings exhibition / art_exhibition / exhibition of paintings / art exhibition / art / paintings exhibition 绝望 絕望 juéwàng give up all hope / despair 期刊 期刊 qíkān journal / bulletin / periodical 裁判 裁判 cáipàn judge / referee / umpire 妇人 婦人 fùrén married woman 神祕 神祕 shénmì mysterious / mystical 荒谬 荒謬 huāngmiù absurd / preposterous 理会 理會 lǐhuì understand / comprehend / take notice of / pay attention to 院子 院子 yuànzi5 patio / court / courtyard / yard / compound 全身 全身 quánshēn mutton / the whole body / em / whole body / mut 罢工 罷工 bàgōng go on strike 仰赖 仰賴 yǎnglài look_to / rely_on / lie / lean / cling / rely on / repose_on / rest 绝望 絕望 juéwàng give up all hope / despair 佈置 佈置 bùzhì arrange / fix up / assign 更改 更改 gēnggǎi change / alter 佈置 佈置 bùzhì arrange / fix up / assign 幼虫 幼蟲 yòuchóng nit / embryo / grub / larva 瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě disintegrate / collapse 入境 入境 rùjìng enter a country 古董 古董 gǔdǒng old fogey / curio / antique / virtu / vertu / bygone / bric-a-brac 苏 蘇 sū short for Suzhou / short for Jiangsu province / short for former Soviet Union 严厉 嚴厲 yánlì stern / toughen / maul / severe 识 識 shì know / recognize 禅师 禪師 chánshī honorific title for a Buddhist monk / Zen master 蔡 蔡 cài Cai / Surname 闢 闢 pì open/set up / start / build 差点 差點 chādiǎn almost 健保 健保 jiànbǎo National Health Insurance 美化 美化 měihuà beautify / embellish 表格 表格 biǎogé tabular array / tabulation / table / form / blank / tabular matter 穿着 穿著 chuānzhuó dress / apparel 建档 建檔 jiàndǎng place on file 思维 思維 sīwéi thought / thinking 系主任 系主任 xìzhǔrèn academic administrator / dean / chairman 抗拒 抗拒 kàngjù resist / defy 身长 身長 shēncháng height (of person) 抗拒 抗拒 kàngjù resist / defy 低头 低頭 dītóu submission / surrender / submit / bow/hang one's head / bow / crouch / lower / yield / hang one's head / bow one's head / lower one's head 往事 往事 wǎngshì past / the past / past events 毁 毀 huǐ destruction / ruin / slay / damage / slander / spoil / bugger up / burn up / refashion / make over / destroy / defame / demolish 恶 惡 è evil / wicked / vicious 华裔 華裔 huáyì foreign citizen of Ch. origin 窗户 窗戶 chuānghù window / casement 陨石 隕石 yǔnshí meteorite / meteor / aerolite / stony meteorite 週刊 週刊 zhōukān supplement / weekly / weekly (publication) 德 德 dé morality / virtue / kindness 无可 無可 wúkě cannot 阳明山 陽明山 yángmíngshān Yangmingshan / mountain in Taiwan 发表会 發表會 fābiǎohuì news conference / briefing 高峰 高峰 gāofēng summit / apex / alp / vertex / acme / peak / height / pinnacle / high / all-time high 歌剧 歌劇 gējù revue / melodrama / opus / operatic / opera 庄严 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn / dignified / stately 祝福 祝福 zhùfú invoke blessing / wish happiness to 酒精 酒精 jiǔjīng ethanol / alcoholic / spirits of wine / alcohol / ardent spirits / ethyl alcohol / spirit / aqua vitae 毫无 毫無 háowú not at all 出入 出入 chūrù come in and go out 布条 布條 bùtiáo list / strips of cloth 本土化 本土化 běntǔhuà indigenization 史料 史料 shǐliào historical data/materials / materials / historical data / historical materials / annals 失误 失誤 shīwù mistake 再生 再生 zàishēng be reborn / regenerate 中外 中外 zhōngwài China and foreign countries 预约 預約 yūyuē make an appointment 文人 文人 wénrén man of letters, scholar, literati, civilian (vs. military) 总务处 總務處 zǒngwùchù general affairs section 出入 出入 chūrù come in and go out 天性 天性 tiānxìng natural instincts, nature 拓宽 拓寬 tuòkuān broaden 巧 巧 qiǎo clever / intelligent / skillful / ingenious / artful / deceiving / pretty / cute / opportune / fortuitous / coincidental 务必 務必 wùbì by_any_means / always / must / should / be 预约 預約 yūyuē make an appointment 蒋 蔣 jiǎng Jiang / Surname 反射 反射 fǎnshè reflect 示威 示威 shìwēi put on show of force / demonstrate / march 返国 返國 fǎnguó return to one's country 角逐 角逐 jiǎozhú contend / tussle 休假 休假 xiūjià have holiday/vacation/leave 放进 放進 fàngjìn put in 好意思 好意思 hǎoyìsī how can one have the nerve / how can one have the face / have the nerve 休假 休假 xiūjià have holiday/vacation/leave 要件 要件 yàojiàn important document 成群 成群 chéngqún cluster / in large numbers / in groups 建材 建材 jiàncái fixture / fitting / building materials / structural member / building material 示威 示威 shìwēi put on show of force / demonstrate / march 地狱 地獄 dìyū the pit / hell / infernal / pandemonium / abyss / underworld / ballyhack / Hades / hades / blaze / Sheol / infernal region / Gehenna / Tartarus / Avernus / Topheth / Tophet / heck / nether region / Scheol / Acheron / perdition / the lower regions / Abaddon / netherworld / Hel / Inferno / inferno / Hell 光荣 光榮 guāngróng honor / glory / credit 光荣 光榮 guāngróng honor / glory / credit 协办 協辦 xiébàn do sth. jointly 协调会 協調會 xiétiáohuì consultation 目的地 目的地 mùdìdì bourn / goal / destination / terminus / bourne 别墅 別墅 biéshù villa 迫使 迫使 pòshǐ distress / obligate / intrude / exact / haze / enforce / feeze / pressure / tie_down / force / compel / enjoin / flog / insist / condemn / oblige / thrust / impel / necessitate / drive / hurl / sell_up / nail_down / make / corner 徘徊 徘徊 páihuái perambulate / fluctuate / roll / hesitation / mosey / pace up and down / tarry / divagate / peripatetic / roam / stray / vacillate / linger / hover / rove / cast / pace back and forth / cruise / stravage / dally / maunder / wander / loiter / stroll / stooge / waver / drift / on the prowl / range / swan / hang_around / prowl / vagabond / fluctuation / ramble / hesitate / traik / skulk 启示 啟示 qǐshì apocalypse / illumination / revelation 庄严 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn / dignified / stately 降 降 jiàng fall / drop / lower 赠送 贈送 zèngsòng present / complimentary / ladle / give_away / present ... as a gift / proffer / gift / give / present as gift / donate / compliment / give ... as a present 面谈 面談 miàntán discuss face to face 角逐 角逐 jiǎozhú contend / tussle 便于 便於 biànyū easy to / convenient for 傢伙 傢伙 jiāhuǒ bastard / gent / bounder / gink / son-of-a-bitch / blighter / bod / heel / specimen / pistol / lad / cad / fellow / customer / implement / josser / dagger / gazabo / bleeder / blackguard / bozo / chappie / cat / joe / knocker / egg / jasper / bloke / merchant / gat / bugger / geezer / nabs / brother / feller / rascal / scout / dick / skate / hombre / cuss / jake / hound / cove / devil / dog / person / sirrah / beggar / fella / chap / guy / duck / buste 返国 返國 fǎnguó return to one's country 家用 家用 jiāyòng family used 风暴 風暴 fēngbào tempest / roughness / firestorm / windstorm / squall / blow / tempestuousness / storm 秒钟 秒鐘 miǎozhōng m.[standard] 柏林 柏林 bólín Berlin 英国人 英國人 yīngguórén nabob / British people / John Bull / Britisher / Anglo-Saxon / pom / Briton / English people / Anglo / Englishman / English / English person / the English / Englishmen / Brit / British / Englander / pommy / Brits / the British / limey 面谈 面談 miàntán discuss face to face 拓宽 拓寬 tuòkuān broaden 严谨 嚴謹 yánjǐn rigorous / strict / compact / well-knit 严谨 嚴謹 yánjǐn rigorous / strict / compact / well-knit 还 還 huán give back / return / repay / give/do sth. in return 再生 再生 zàishēng be reborn / regenerate 朝向 朝向 cháoxiàng head / face / look / confront / front / facing / point / steer / take / orient / tend / fasten / make / turn towards / turn 震惊 震驚 zhènjīng shock / amaze / astonish 繁忙 繁忙 fánmáng busy 歌谣 歌謠 gēyáo nursery rhyme / folk_song / song / lay / derry / folk song / ditty / ballad 预测 預測 yūcè forecast 震惊 震驚 zhènjīng shock / amaze / astonish 电视机 電視機 diànshìjī set / idiot_box / tv / goggle-box / idiot box / television receiver/set / teleset / television set / television receiver / TV set / goggle_box / tv set / goggle box / boob tube / receiver / telly / television 标榜 標榜 biāobǎng excessively praise / parade / glorify / advertisement / boast / boost / advertise / flaunt 澄清 澄清 chéngqīng clear up / clarify 繁忙 繁忙 fánmáng busy 工作者 工作者 gōngzuòzhě worker 嫁 嫁 jià marry (of a woman) 虚无 虛無 xūwú nothingness 评核 評核 pínghé examine and comment 解严 解嚴 jiěyán end martial law / lift curfew 路径 路徑 lùjìng path / lane / pathway / ways and means / route / footpath / method / way / career 遊乐区 遊樂區 yóulèqū playground 澄清 澄清 chéngqīng clear up / clarify 心血 心血 xīnxiě painstaking care/effort 关节 關節 guānjié joint 迈入 邁入 màirù stride forward 讚美 讚美 zànměi praise / eulogize 关 關 guān pass / barrier / crux / critical juncture / turning/key point / key part 赛程 賽程 sàichéng contest schedule/agenda 支配 支配 zhīpèi arrange, allocate, budget, control, dominate, govern 小提琴 小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin 误解 誤解 wùjiě misunderstanding 人民日报 人民日報 rénmínrìbào The People's Daily 台语 台語 táiyǔ Min / Taiwanese(Language) / Formosan / Min dialect / Hokkianese / Taiwanese / Fukkianese / Amoy / Fukien 不定 不定 búdìng uncertain / indeterminate / indefinite / undetermined 山坡 山坡 shānpō hillside, mountain slope 不等 不等 bùděng disparity 大雨 大雨 dàyǔ heavy rain 小镇 小鎮 xiǎozhèn whistle_stop 上来 上來 shànglái come_up / come up 引擎 引擎 yǐnqíng engine 解严 解嚴 jiěyán end martial law / lift curfew 木材 木材 mùcái patina / heartwood / wood / stuff / lumber / cabinet wood / timber 芝加哥 芝加哥 zhījiāgē Chicago 易于 易於 yìyū be apt to 后代 後代 hòudài descendant / posterity / descendants / later generations / ages / limb / later ages / get / descendent / later periods / offspring / later periods in history / progeny 拚命 拚命 pànmìng risk life / make death-defying effort 祈祷 祈禱 qídǎo pray 板桥 板橋 bǎn wooden bridge / Banchiau (city in Taiwan) 拜拜 拜拜 bàibài bow down 祈祷 祈禱 qídǎo pray 殿堂 殿堂 diàntáng mansion / manse / hall / palace / temple / residence / mansion house 相传 相傳 xiāngchuán tradition has it that... / according to legend / pass on from one to another / hand down from one to another / hand down or pass on from one to another 侦讯 偵訊 zhēnxùn interrogation / investigate and interrogate 汙染 汙染 wūrǎn pollution 更何况 更何況 gènghékuàng much less / let alone / all the more 好 好 hǎo conj.: so as to / so that 助 助 zhù aid / assist / assistance / help 取材 取材 qǔcái select material (for book/etc.) 抽出 抽出 chōuchū elicit / run_out / put forth (of certain plants) / take out / obtain by drawing / slide / take out (from in between) / take (part from whole) / draw / perm / whop / etc. / pull / get out / take ... out from in between / draw_out / reel / spare / pull out 重叠 重疊 chóngdié telescope / duplicate / superpose / overlap / repeated / lap 长久以来 長久以來 chángjiǔyǐlái long ago / long_since / lang syne / for a long time / long since 骨头 骨頭 gǔtóu os / strong character / bone / character / person of a certain character 感想 感想 gǎnxiǎng sentiment / reflections / feeling / thoughts / impressions / impression 索取 索取 suǒqǔ scrounge / extort / subpoena / obtain / charge / demand / exact / ask for 起初 起初 qǐchū initio / ab initio / first / primarily / early / in_the_beginning / originally / at_first / in the beginning / initially / at the start / at first / early on 神圣 神聖 shénshèng sacred / holy 探 探 tàn explore / stretch forward / visit / look for / call on / sound / stretch / stretch/pop forward / try to find out / survey / exploration / sounding / pop forward / pay a call on 配 配 pèi match / find sth. to fit/replace sth. else / deserve / be worthy of / be qualified / compound / mix 莫大 莫大 mòdà greatest / utmost 美元 美元 měiyuán U.S. dollar 参展 參展 cānzhǎn participate in exhibition 前卫 前衛 qiánwèi avant-garde 泪 淚 lèi tear / lachrymal / teardrop / brine / eyewater 都会 都會 dūhuì big city / city / metropolis 闪 閃 shǎn sprain / get out of the way / wink / shine / leave behind / have mishap / twist / sparkle / dodge / flash 参展 參展 cānzhǎn participate in exhibition 强劲 強勁 qiángjìn strong / forceful / sturdy / powerful 清醒 清醒 qīngxǐng waken / wake up / sober up / be wide-awake / be clear-headed / wide-awake / wake / be sober / awaken / be sober/wide-awake / sober / come alive / awake / come to / regain consciousness / arouse / sober_up 拿去 拿去 náqù eloign / collar / take something to / take_away / take away 华侨 華僑 huá overseas Chinese 消基会 消基會 xiāojīhuì Consumer's Foundation 活跃 活躍 huóyuè animate / kick around / active / invigoration / knock_about / cavort / enliven / vitalize / knock about / energize / flourish / invigorate / brighten / kick about / vitalization / vivify / move 规范 規範 guīfàn direct / formulate 衍生 衍生 yǎnshēng derive / form 东北 東北 dōngběi Northeast China / Manchuria 房价 房價 fángjià house/apartment purchase price / house purchase price / apartment purchase price / house 异国 異國 yìguó foreign country 巢 巢 cháo nest / lair 觅食 覓食 mìshí forage / scavenge / look for food / forage (of animals) 设厂 設廠 shèchǎng build a factory 更多 更多 gèngduō more 通车 通車 tōngchē be open to traffic / have transport service 明知 明知 míngzhī know perfectly well / be fully aware 特权 特權 tèquán regalia / privilege / charter / freedom / vested interest / exclusive right / franchise / perquisite / liberty / peculiar / exclusive / prerogative / vested_interest / faculty / indulgence 通话 通話 tōnghuà converse / communicate by telephone 起步 起步 qǐbù start (a task) 拿出来 拿出來 náchūlái take_out / take out 通话 通話 tōnghuà converse / communicate by telephone 堆 堆 duī pile/heap up 率先 率先 shuàixiān take lead/initiative 起步 起步 qǐbù start (a task) 设厂 設廠 shèchǎng build a factory 地坪 地坪 dìpíng terrace / floor 自认 自認 zìrèn avow / be conscious / own / aware / resign oneself to / accept as unavoidable 投注 投注 tóuzhù throw into / throw one's energy/emotion into / throw one's emotion into / throw one's energy into / mortgage / emotion into / throw one's energy 羽毛 羽毛 yǔmáo plumage / feathering / plume / feather 巡视 巡視 xúnshì make inspection tour 供水 供水 gōngshuǐ supply water 好比 好比 hǎobǐ like / may be likened to / be just like / can be compared to 求 求 qiú request / entreat 红血球 紅血球 hóngxiěqiú red_blood_cell / erythrocyte / red blood cell 血压 血壓 xiěyā blood pressure 社会局 社會局 shèhuìjú Department of Social Welfare 巡视 巡視 xúnshì make inspection tour 好莱坞 好萊塢 hǎoláiwù Hollywood 成品 成品 chéngpǐn end / end product / turnoff / end/finished product / finished product / facture 相对论 相對論 xiāngduìlùn relativity / theory of relativity / relativism / relativistic / theory_of_relativity 病变 病變 bìngbiàn pathology 建筑 建築 jiànzhú build / construct / erect 衍生 衍生 yǎnshēng derive / form 雄 雄 xióng male / grand / imposing / powerful / mighty 供水 供水 gōngshuǐ supply water 不平 不平 bùpíng dissatisfaction 通车 通車 tōngchē be open to traffic / have transport service 总部 總部 zǒngbù base of operations / head office / armory / base / headquarters 遭遇 遭遇 zāoyū vicissitudes of life 迁移 遷移 qiānyí move / remove / migrate 腐败 腐敗 fǔbài rotten / putrid / decayed / corrupt 不平 不平 bùpíng dissatisfaction 市中心 市中心 shìzhōngxīn central city / municipal center / down_town / core city / city center / civic center / hub / civic_center / down town / town 公所 公所 gōngsuǒ public affairs office / administrative office 歌唱 歌唱 gēchàng sing 不以为然 不以為然 bùyǐwéirán disagree / not approve of / acceptable / object to / consider sth. not so / take exception to / right 说出来 說出來 shuōchūlái come out with / speak up 出色 出色 chūsè outstanding / remarkable / splendid 出发点 出發點 chūfādiǎn terminus a quo / base / takeoff / starting_point / start / starting_post / beachhead / springboard / starting / starting point / starting post 工业局 工業局 gōngyèjú Industrial Development Bureau 土木 土木 tǔmù girder / construction / building 中药 中藥 zhōngyào trad. Ch. medicine 工夫 工夫 gōngfū workmanship / skill / art 蓝图 藍圖 lántú pattern / blueprint / cyanotype / design / project outline 糟糕 糟糕 zāogāo terrible / Too bad! / What a mess! 女朋友 女朋友 nǔpéngyǒu jane / girl / girl friend / lady friend / girlfriend / amie 腐败 腐敗 fǔbài rotten / putrid / decayed / corrupt 忍 忍 rěn forbear / endure / put up with / be hardhearted enough to / hold back / bear / bide / toleration / tolerate / have the heart to / tolerance 发佈 發佈 fābù issue / announce 发佈 發佈 fābù issue / announce 搬到 搬到 bāndào move 菁英 菁英 jīngyīng elite / person of outstanding ability 颁奖 頒獎 bānjiǎng present reward/honor 颁奖 頒獎 bānjiǎng present reward/honor 哟 喲 yāo particle: expressing exclamation/warning/negative evaluation/etc. 迁移 遷移 qiānyí move / remove / migrate 轮 輪 lún m.[event] 起码 起碼 qǐmǎ at least 亲眼 親眼 qīnyǎn with one's own eyes, personally 谈话 談話 tánhuà talk / chat 绰号 綽號 chuòhào nickname 歌唱 歌唱 gēchàng sing 疑虑 疑慮 yílù misgivings / doubts 频宽 頻寬 pínkuān channel capacity / broadband 宁愿 寧願 níngyuàn prefer / (would) rather / better / choose 餐饮 餐飲 cānyǐn catering / foods / table 善恶 善惡 shànè good and evil 定义 定義 dìngyì define 高市 高市 gāoshì Kaohsiung city (a city in Taiwan) 起飞 起飛 qǐfēi take off (of planes/etc.) 追寻 追尋 zhuīxún pursue / search / track down 起飞 起飛 qǐfēi take off (of planes/etc.) 国度 國度 guódù country / state / nation / national expenditure 拿 拿 ná introducing instrument or target 深感 深感 shēngǎn feel deeply 神明 神明 shénmíng god / gods / divinities / deity / deities / divinity 情侣 情侶 qínglǔ sweethearts / lovers 透过 透過 tòuguò seep through 进场 進場 jìnchǎng march into arena 担忧 擔憂 dānyōu be apprehensive 圣经 聖經 shèngjīng Holy Scripture / bible / Word of God / Holy Bible / scriptural / Vulgate / Holy_Writ / testimony / book / writings of ancient sages / version / Holy Writ / Scripture / Word / scripture / Bible / Good Book 崩溃 崩潰 bēngkuì collapse / fall apart 意图 意圖 yìtú intention / intent 节约 節約 jiéyuē economize / save 诉说 訴說 sùshuō tell / relate / recount 善意 善意 shànyì good_faith / grace / good intention / benevolence / love / goodwill / good will 黑暗 黑暗 hēiàn dark aspect / seamy side 伤口 傷口 shāngkǒu wound / cut 节约 節約 jiéyuē economize / save 黑面琵鹭 黑面琵鷺 hēimiànpílù Black-faced Spoonbill 援助 援助 yuánzhù support / aid 进场 進場 jìnchǎng march into arena 维他命 維他命 wéitāmìng calciferol / vitamine / vitamin 运转 運轉 yùnzhuǎn revolve / turn round / work / operate 指称 指稱 zhǐchēng assert / declare / profess 乖 乖 guāi be at variance / well-behaved / obedient / oppose 改编 改編 gǎibiān adapt / rearrange / revise 决心 決心 juéxīn decide / make up one's mind 忠告 忠告 zhōnggào remonstrance / remonstration / monition / wind / admonishment / sincere advice / tip / steer / advice / advert / lead / rede / dehortation / expostulation / counsel / hint / admonition / exhortation / confidential information / pointer 改编 改編 gǎibiān adapt / rearrange / revise 佳作 佳作 jiāzuò fine piece of writing / excellent work 法师 法師 fǎshī exorcist / reverend / rabbi / enchanter / monk / a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest / magus / Master (title for Buddhist/Daoist priest) / Master / master / Master (title for Buddhist / Daoist priest) 刻 刻 kē carve / engrave / cut 彷彿 彷彿 fǎngfú seem / as if 指称 指稱 zhǐchēng assert / declare / profess 面孔 面孔 miànkǒng phiz / face / physiognomy 浪潮 浪潮 làngcháo moving ridge / wave / tide 研商 研商 yánshāng study and discuss 贯彻 貫徹 guànchè carry out / implement 美商 美商 měishāng American business man / American merchants 香蕉 香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana 香味 香味 xiāngwèi spicery / incense / redolence / odor / aroma / spiciness / sweetness / fragrance / flavor / bouquet / sapidness / flavour / sapidity / perfume / spice / smell / snuff / scent / fragrancy / balm / nose / zest 信号 信號 xìnhào sign / cue / beacon / code / beacon fire / messenger / signal / semaphore / signaling / waft 恐龙 恐龍 kǒnglóng carnosaur / tyrannosaurus / Titanosaurus / dinosaur / dinosaurian 研商 研商 yánshāng study and discuss 流血 流血 liúxiě shed blood / hemorrhage / bloody / bleed 长城 長城 chángchéng impregnable bulwark / the Great Wall / Great Wall 食堂 食堂 shítáng mess_hall / eatery / hall / buttery / commissariat / (institutional) dining room / mess hall / mess / refectory / dining room / canteen 最少 最少 zuìshǎo minimum 斜 斜 xié oblique / inclined / tilted 业余 業餘 yèyū unpaid / dilettante / amateur / recreational 空前 空前 kōngqián unprecedented 宝座 寶座 bǎozuò throne 运转 運轉 yùnzhuǎn revolve / turn round / work / operate 拨 撥 bō move with hand/foot/stick/etc. / turn / stir / poke 体贴 體貼 tǐtiē be considerate, be thoughtful 转身 轉身 zhuǎnshēn turn round / go_about / face about / turn 坏事 壞事 huàishì rascality / evildoing / misdoing / villainy / roguery / bad thing / malfeasance / evil deed / caper 大展 大展 dàzhǎn exhibition 玉 玉 yū jade 民营化 民營化 mínyínghuà denationalize / privatize 大举 大舉 dàjǔ go_all_out / on a large scale / in a large scale / in a big way / (do sth.) on a large scale 上扬 上揚 shàngyáng rise 上扬 上揚 shàngyáng rise 大半 大半 dàbàn det.: more than half 不动产 不動產 búdòngchǎn immovable / demesne / real estate / movable / estate / realty / immovables / reality / real property / freehold / real_estate / hereditament / real_property 一块 一塊 yīkuài at same place / together 聚会 聚會 jùhuì get-together / gathering 公关 公關 gōngguān person in public relations 写成 寫成 xiěchéng write 鼓舞 鼓舞 gǔwǔ inspire / hearten / dance for joy / rejoice 联合会 聯合會 liánhéhuì union / league / federation 学长 學長 xuézhǎng fellow student / department/division head in college/university / one's senior at school 树枝 樹枝 shùzhī branch / twig 绿化 綠化 lùhuà make (a place) green / afforest 头部 頭部 tóubù costard / crest / caput / head / nose / top section 绿化 綠化 lùhuà make (a place) green / afforest 赌博 賭博 dǔbó gamble 中途 中途 zhōngtú halfway / midstream / midway 鼓舞 鼓舞 gǔwǔ inspire / hearten / dance for joy / rejoice 贪污 貪污 tānwū corrupt / venal 高明 高明 gāomíng brilliant / wise 深入 深入 shēnrù go deep into / penetrate into 弃 棄 qì abandonment / abandon / discard / throw away 财源 財源 cáiyuán financial resources / source of revenue 处置 處置 chǔzhì deal with / manage / dispose of / punish 专属 專屬 zhuānshǔ be specific to 处置 處置 chǔzhì deal with / manage / dispose of / punish 洽谈 洽談 qiàtán hold trade talk / negotiate 国中生 國中生 guózhōngshēng students of junior high school 突破 突破 túpò breakthrough / penetration 降至 降至 jiàngzhì drop to / fall to 信讬 信託 xìntuō entrust 贪污 貪污 tānwū corrupt / venal 假使 假使 jiǎshǐ conj.: if / in case / in the event that 张开 張開 zhāngkāi gap / yawn / gape / dehisce / unfold / open / spread / yaw / splay 单打 單打 dāndǎ play by oneself 停车位 停車位 tíngchēwèi parking spot 绑 綁 bǎng bind / tie / bind somebody's hands behind him / truss up 填 填 tián writing / fill in / stuff / write / fill / close / charge / fill up 贵宾 貴賓 guìbīn honored guest / VIP / visiting fireman / visitant / honoured guest / distinguished guest / visiting_fireman / honored/distinguished guest / honored 葡萄 葡萄 pútáo grape 隔壁 隔壁 gébì next door 沿岸 沿岸 yánàn coast / banks / seacoast / bank 光华 光華 guānghuá resplendence / splendor / brilliance / splendour / resplendency / glory 倾倒 傾倒 qīngdào pour 混 混 hùn fool/play around together 束缚 束縛 shùfú tie up / fetter 朝廷 朝廷 cháotíng imperial government / royal / court / courtly / royal government / government / royal/imperial court/government / imperial court / royal court 两 兩 liǎng m.[standard] 低落 低落 dīluò low / downcast 字典 字典 zìdiǎn lexicon / wordbook / lexical / thesaurus / chararter dictionary / dictionary 如意 如意 rúyì as one wishes 注目 注目 zhùmù notice / fix one's eyes on / fix eyes on / rivet / remark / gaze at 色调 色調 sèdiào hue / tincture / tint / nuance / tonality / tone / chromaticity / tinct / dye / key / shade 冷漠 冷漠 lěngmò cold and detached / unconcerned / indifferent 低落 低落 dīluò low / downcast 供需 供需 gōngxū supply and demand 告 告 gào accuse / go to law against 例外 例外 lìwài excepted 作物 作物 zuòwù crop 洽谈 洽談 qiàtán hold trade talk / negotiate 但愿 但願 dànyuàn wish / if only... / I wish that... / may / might 束缚 束縛 shùfú tie up / fetter 任内 任內 rènnèi during term of office 奇异 奇異 qíyì bizarre / freak / odd / queer / fantastic / strange 冷漠 冷漠 lěngmò cold and detached / unconcerned / indifferent 交互 交互 jiāohù each other / mutual / alternately / in turn 即已 即已 jíyǐ already 典范 典範 diǎnfàn quintessence / nonpareil / example / specimen / nonsuch / apotheosis / ideal / nonesuch / prototype / monument / paragon / role model / soul / saint / model 剖析 剖析 pǒuxī analyze / dissect 红茶 紅茶 hóngchá tea / bohea / black_tea / black tea 剖析 剖析 pǒuxī analyze / dissect 官兵 官兵 guānbīng officers and men / government troops 人马 人馬 rénmǎ rider and mount / forces / coolies and beasts of burden / troops 尼泊尔 尼泊爾 níbóěr Nepal 友谊 友誼 yǒuyí fellowship / comity / communion / attachment / companionship / friendly relationship / sodality / association / friendship / good-fellowship / friendliness / company / palship 方程式 方程式 fāngchéngshì equation / formula 加重 加重 jiāzhòng make heavier / punctuate / increase / make or become more serious / weight / become more serious / exacerbate / aggravate / exasperate / make more serious / become heavier / increase the weight of / make 半数 半數 bànshù half / half (the number) / det.: half 中华民族 中華民族 zhōnghuámínzú the Chinese nation / Ch. people 引来 引來 yǐnlái invoke / bring / invite / draw / ask for 权势 權勢 quánshì power and influence 及早 及早 jízǎo at an early date / as soon as possible 倘若 倘若 tǎngruò conj.: if / supposing / in case 厘清 釐清 líqīng clarify / bring home / make clear 城乡 城鄉 chéngxiāng urban and rural / town and country 集 集 jí collection of writings 看成 看成 kànchéng take for/as / as / look upon .. as / take for / take as / regard ... as 功用 功用 gōngyòng effect / function / usefulness / utility / use 审慎 審慎 shěnshèn cautious; circumspect 纤维 纖維 xiānwéi fiber, staple 等 等 děng class / grade 感慨 感慨 gǎnkài sigh with emotion 酸 酸 suān sick at heart / grieved / distressed / aching / tingling 云门 雲門 yúnmén Cloud Gate 节日 節日 jiérì festival / holiday 废弃物 廢棄物 fèiqìwù litter / refuse / trash 睡眠 睡眠 shuìmián sleep 尽情 盡情 jìnqíng fully / as much as one likes 猪肉 豬肉 zhūròu pork 疑惑 疑惑 yíhuò be perplexed / be uncertain 疑惑 疑惑 yíhuò be perplexed / be uncertain 频谱 頻譜 pínpǔ spectrum, spectrogram 构图 構圖 gòutú composition (of picture) 灭 滅 miè destruction / go out / put out / wipe out / extermination / put/go out / put / exterminate / turn off / destroy / extinguish 装备 裝備 zhuāngbèi equipment / outfit 集会 集會 jíhuì assemble / rally / gather 稍后 稍後 shāohòu later on 集会 集會 jíhuì assemble / rally / gather 隔离 隔離 gélí keep apart / segregate / isolate 富有 富有 fùyǒu be rich in / be full of 置身 置身 zhìshēn place/keep oneself 跟随 跟隨 gēnsuí keep abreast / succeed / heel / come after / keep up / follow / tag / pursue 寒冷 寒冷 hánlěng cold / frigid 隔离 隔離 gélí keep apart / segregate / isolate 标记 標記 biāojì sign / mark / symbol 极其 極其 jíqí absolutely / extremely / very / parlous / heaps / utterly / entirely / miserably / goldarn / precious / exceedingly / passing / definitely / plaguily / passingly / totally / staving / goldurn / completely 摸索 摸索 mōsuǒ grope / feel about / fumble / try to find out 劳动力 勞動力 láodònglì labor force / labor / capacity for physical labor / able-bodied person 慈善 慈善 císhàn benevolent / charitable / philanthropic / benevolently 炼钢 煉鋼 liàngāng make steel 开朗 開朗 kāilǎng clear up (of weather) 激起 激起 jīqǐ elicit / feed / animate / stir up / arise / pique / enliven / fire / fan / inspire / galvanize / raise / enkindle / stir / arouse / wind up / excite / turn on / provoke / spark / kindle / sex / prompt / evoke / uprouse / ferment / whip_up / awake / rouse / evocation / invigorate / exalt 监狱 監獄 jiānyū prison / jail 剧院 劇院 jùyuàn theater 摸索 摸索 mōsuǒ grope / feel about / fumble / try to find out 诱惑 誘惑 yòuhuò tempt / seduce / lure 诱惑 誘惑 yòuhuò tempt / seduce / lure 涨幅 漲幅 zhǎngfú range of rise 寿命 壽命 shòumìng life 莫过于 莫過於 mòguòyū nothing is more...than 相对的 相對的 xiāngduìde5 relatively 风光 風光 fēngguāng scene / view / sight 长老 長老 zhǎnglǎo elder / patriarch / elders / eldership / senior monk / paterfamilias / village elders / head of household / elder of a Buddhist monastery / graybeard / presbyter / sheikh / past_master / dean / past master / abbe 河南 河南 hénán Henan province 社会学 社會學 shèhuìxué demotics / sociological / sociology 耕耘 耕耘 gēngyún plowing and weeding / cultivation 接任 接任 jiērèn take over a job 顶尖 頂尖 dǐngjiān towering 副作用 副作用 fùzuòyòng side-effect 动画 動畫 dònghuà (animated) cartoon 排队 排隊 páiduì stand in line / queue 举动 舉動 jǔdòng behaviour / demeanor / dealing / deportment / motion / proceeding / conduct / behavior / demeanour / movement / comportment / action / move 口气 口氣 kǒuqì tone / note / manner of speaking / tone of voice / implication 开朗 開朗 kāilǎng clear up (of weather) 戏院 戲院 xìyuàn theater 耕耘 耕耘 gēngyún plowing and weeding / cultivation 现年 現年 xiànnián present age (of person) 推翻 推翻 tuīfān overturn / topple / repudiate / reverse 贪 貪 tān be corrupt / practice graft / covet / hanker after 混凝土 混凝土 hùnníngtǔ concrete 祝 祝 zhù bless / invoke blessing / express good wishes / wish 干燥 乾燥 gānzào dry / arid 牵涉 牽涉 qiānshè involve / drag in 结局 結局 jiéjú final result / outcome / ending 溪流 溪流 xīliú stream / rivulet / ghyll / rundel / gill / brook / watercourse / rundle / creek / river / flow 港务局 港務局 gǎngwùjú port office / port authority 时日 時日 shírì date / this day / auspicious time / day of the month / time 姐姐 姐姐 jiějiě sis / big_sister / elder sister / sister 沮丧 沮喪 jǔsàng depressed / disheartened 员 員 yuán m.[general] 招呼 招呼 zhāohū take care lest / receive / yoo-hoo / notify / take care of / recognize / say hello to / greet / halloo / speak / notification / come up to / hail / work hard / tell / beckon / get into a fight / address / accost / mind / ask / call 拔 拔 bá bare / tear / pluck / choose / take out / stand out among / displume / uproot / pull up / tweak / draw / pull off / deplumate / deplume / pull / surpass / get out / raise / suck out / select / seize / seizure / cool in water / lift / pull_out / pick / capture / yank / pull out / pick off 皮草 皮草 pícǎo furs at furriers 行使 行使 xíngshǐ exercise / perform 身高 身高 shēngāo height / stature / height (of person) 注射 注射 zhùshè inject 车票 車票 chēpiào ticket (for train/bus) 步调 步調 bùdiào gait / pacing / marching / foot / march / pace / step / tempo 上演 上演 shàngyǎn produce / bring on / put on stage / play / stage / mount / perform / bring out / performance 妨碍 妨礙 fángài preclude / clog / set_back / prevent / trammel / arrest / counteract / set back / impede / foul / hamper / discourage / thwart / obstruction / impediment / stymie / hinder / deter / debar / halter / intercept / interfere / retard / jam / detain / spoke / hobble / resist / balk / countercheck / stymy / blockade / stonewall / stop / beset / embarrass / hamstring / forbid / kibosh / handicap / block / prohibit / snag / fox / cramp / encumb 松 鬆 sōng crisp / loose / light and flaky / slack / loosen / relax / unbend / soft / not hard up 次长 次長 cìzhǎng subaltern / vice minister / under secretary / undersecretary / rhetoric / vice-minister 免疫 免疫 miǎnyì immunize / immune 尿液 尿液 niàoyì water / pee / piss / piddle / urine / weewee 委屈 委屈 wěiqū feel wronged / be obstructed (in career) / inconvenience (somebody) 合成 合成 héchéng prefabricate / composition / compound / synthesis / synthesize / synthesise / synthetic / synergistic / composite / compose 宋 宋 sòng Surname 完备 完備 wánbèi perfect 例行 例行 lìxíng regular / routine 投保 投保 tóubǎo protect / insure 奇 奇 qí strange / queer / rare 放射线 放射線 fàngshèxiàn radioactive rays 行使 行使 xíngshǐ exercise / perform 打扮 打扮 dǎbàn dress/make up / deck out / pose as 以内 以內 yǐnèi within / less than 日出 日出 rìchū sunrise 回头 回頭 huítóu later / by and by 力求 力求 lìqiú strive for / make every effort to / do one's best to / strive to 日出 日出 rìchū sunrise 叫声 叫聲 jiàoshēng hue / yawp / yell / hubhub / jug / clamor / interjection / call / bleat 了解到 了解到 liǎojiědào understand / comprehend / find out / acquaint oneself with 中产阶级 中產階級 zhōngchǎnjiējí bourgeois / third estate / middle bourgeoisie / middle_class / bourgeoisie / middle class/bourgeoisie / burgher / middle class 考验 考驗 kǎoyàn test 木栅 木柵 mùzhà picket_fence / palisade / crib / pale / Mu-cha 入口 入口 rùkǒu adit / window / gateway / propylaeum / entranceway / "in" door / entree / entrance / portal / in door / threshold / inlet / approach / door / entry / entering / access / entryway / intake / ingress 害羞 害羞 hàixiū be shy / bashful / coy / be bashful / shy / blush 大海 大海 dàhǎi seaway / sea / the open sea 沮丧 沮喪 jǔsàng depressed / disheartened 一刹那 一剎那 yīchànuó a very short time / tick / trice / a moment / shake 以至于 以至於 yǐzhìyū conj.: down/up to / to such an extent as to... / so...that... 一块儿 一塊兒 yīkuàiēr together 议程 議程 yìchéng agenda 盐 鹽 yán salt 摄氏 攝氏 shèshì Celsius (thermometer) 点 點 diǎn a bit 摄影 攝影 shèyǐng take a photograph / shoot a film / film 钻石 鑽石 zuànshí diamond, watch jewel 抓到 抓到 zhuādào cop / catch 铜 銅 tóng Cu / cuprum / atomic number 29 / copper / verdigris 大夫 大夫 dàifū a senior official in feudal China / physician / senior official / doctor 注射 注射 zhùshè inject 眼看 眼看 yǎnkàn see sth. happen / watch helplessly 阻力 阻力 zǔlì resistance / drag / impedimenta / impediment / obstruction / traction / pullback / retarding force 帝王 帝王 dìwáng Caesarean / purple / monarch / emperor / prince / roi / imperiality 后卫 後衛 hòuwèi halfback / guard / rearward / wingback / secondary / rear guard / rear / back / backfield / rearguard / fullback / running back / sweeper 抽样 抽樣 chōuyàng sample 花莲县 花蓮縣 huāliánxiàn Hualien County 抽样 抽樣 chōuyàng sample 承诺 承諾 chéngnuò promise 封闭 封閉 fēngbì resistant to anything new 哥 哥 gē brother / (elder) brother / blood brother / elder brother / brothers / boys 低价 低價 dījià cheap / song / low / low price 清凉 清涼 qīngliáng fresh and cool / refreshing 阻塞 阻塞 zǔsè block up / obstruct / clog 拿下 拿下 náxià put under arrest / put (somebody) under arrest 国乐 國樂 guóyuè trad. Ch. music 被动 被動 bèidòng passive 破裂 破裂 pòliè split up / flaw / rip / rend / splinter / part / break away / come_apart / chip off / come apart / bust / broken / break up / separate / chip / fracture / fall apart / split / break_down / crack / rupture / break off / come off / check / break / burst 推崇 推崇 tuīchóng esteem / praise highly 被动 被動 bèidòng passive 挽回 挽回 wǎnhuí retrieval / recover / retrieve / save / redeem / deliver 无所谓 無所謂 wúsuǒwèi not deserve the name of / be indifferent / cannot be designated as / not matter / can't be considered as 笑声 笑聲 xiàoshēng laughter 行动电话 行動電話 xíngdòngdiànhuà cellular_telephone / cellular telephone / cellular_phone / portable / walkie-talkie / cellular phone / walky-talky 印证 印證 yìnzhèng confirm / verify 印证 印證 yìnzhèng confirm / verify 伴 伴 bàn accompany 沙发 沙發 shāfā lounge / settee / sofa 决不 決不 juébù nohow / definitely not / anywise / scarcely / noway / nothing / never / in no way 老公 老公 lǎogōng old man / eunuch / married man / hubby / husband 制订 制訂 zhìdìng work/map out / formulate 制订 制訂 zhìdìng work/map out / formulate 合一 合一 héyī unify / unite / merge into one / coalesce / unification 柔软 柔軟 róuruǎn lithe / whippy / soft 足迹 足跡 zújī slot / track / footprint / footstep / wake / footmark / trace / trail / spoor / step 阻塞 阻塞 zǔsè block up / obstruct / clog 多达 多達 duōdá be as much as 即时 即時 jíshí instant 杯子 杯子 bēizi5 tumbler / drinking glass / cup / glass 急性 急性 jíxìng acute (of diseases) 拷贝 拷貝 kǎobèi re-create / copy 穿着 穿著 chuānzhuó dress 纪念堂 紀念堂 jìniàntáng memorial hall / commemoration hall / commemoration / memorial/commemoration hall / memorial 所有 所有 suǒyǒu own / possess 高尔夫球场 高爾夫球場 gāoěrfūqiúchǎng golf field 低价 低價 dījià cheap / song / low / low price 打死 打死 dǎsǐ kill / blast 动摇 動搖 dòngyáo totter / unnerve / faze / fluctuate / jounce / falter / oscillate / enervate / seesaw / stagger / waver / depolarize / vibrate / shaken / ferment / wabble / shake / churn / teeter / vacillate / wobble / rock / weaken / agitate / unsettle / sway / vacillation / hesitate 可贵 可貴 kěguì valuable / praiseworthy 可贵 可貴 kěguì valuable / praiseworthy 民谣 民謠 mínyáo rhymes / folk rhyme / lieder / folk songs / folk ballad / folk_song / Volkslied / lay / folk songs/rhymes / common measure / folk rhymes / derry / folk song / common meter / ballad 出血 出血 chūxiě shed blood / have a hemorrhage / bleeding / bleed / spend money / phlebotomize / hemorrhage / hemorrhagic / leech 出于 出於 chūyū proceed from / start from / stem from / start / proceed 白皮书 白皮書 báipíshū white paper/book / book / white paper / white book / white_paper 比照 比照 bǐzhào according to / compare to / in the light of 比不上 比不上 bǐbúshàng not compare with 不能不 不能不 bùnéngbù have to / cannot but 功力 功力 gōnglì effect / efficacy / craftsmanship / skill / capability / touch 分割 分割 fēngē cut apart / break up / partition 灌溉 灌溉 guàngài irrigate 猎人 獵人 lièrén shikaree / nimrod / yager / chasseur / chaser / jager / huntsman / jaeger / venerer / hunter 体积 體積 tǐjī volume, bulk 举手 舉手 jǔshǒu raise one's hand / haul_off / raise one's hand(s) / show / put up one's hand 议长 議長 yìzhǎng speaker (of legislative body), president 释放 釋放 shìfàng release, set free 讲评 講評 jiǎngpíng comment on and appraise 翻译 翻譯 fānyì translate, interpret 警员 警員 jǐngyuán constable 不停 不停 bùtíng non-stop 残酷 殘酷 cánkù brutal / ruthless 提出来 提出來 tíchūlái put forward / pose / raise 通道 通道 tōngdào path / scuttle / headway / corridor / passageway / gateway / gallery / close / walkway / areaway / hatchway / thoroughfare / lobby / winze / passage / aisle / opening / gangway / gap / passage(way) / clearance / passing / headroom / enterclose / inlet / jackladder / access / byway 倾听 傾聽 qīngtīng listen attentively to 开门 開門 kāimén open door (lit./fig.) 源自 源自 yuánzì originate / arise / grow / originate from / come / develop / spring up / derive / descend / be out of / rise 倾听 傾聽 qīngtīng listen attentively to 装饰 裝飾 zhuāngshì decorate / adorn / ornament / deck 脑袋 腦袋 nǎodài head 笔记 筆記 bǐjì short sketches / adversaria / notes / note 天花板 天花板 tiānhuābǎn plafond / ceiling 残酷 殘酷 cánkù brutal / ruthless 推崇 推崇 tuīchóng esteem / praise highly 尽快 儘快 jǐnkuài as quickly/soon as possible 器物 器物 qìwù implement / utensil 标题 標題 biāotí head / headline / title / superscription / statute title / header / headword / caption / cutline / rubric / heading 树叶 樹葉 shùyè leaves / foliage / leafage / leaf / leave / leaves (of trees) 遗物 遺物 yíwù hangover / legacy / survival / memento / survivor / things left behind by the deceased / holdover / souvenir / keepsake / reliquiae / things left by deceased / remnant 铺 鋪 pū pave / spread / overlay / extend / unfold / lay / surface / set in order / bespread 头 頭 tóu side 电通所 電通所 diàntōngsuǒ Computer & Communications Research Labs 分割 分割 fēngē cut apart / break up / partition 微弱 微弱 wéiruò faint / feeble / weak 广州 廣州 guǎngzhōu Canton / Guanzhou / Guangzhou city / Kuangchou / Guangzhou / Kwangchow 家电 家電 jiādiàn electrical household appliance / electrical home appliance / household electrical appliances 表扬 表揚 biǎoyáng praise / commend 表扬 表揚 biǎoyáng praise / commend 得罪 得罪 dézuì disoblige / offend / displease / affront 专任 專任 zhuānrèn full-time / regular 核子 核子 hézǐ nuclear / nucleon 统统 統統 tǒngtǒng all / entirely / totally / completely 酒店 酒店 jiǔdiàn wineshop / public house 纸张 紙張 zhǐzhāng paper 仿冒 仿冒 fǎngmào imitate 清除 清除 qīngchú eliminate / get rid of 长庚 長庚 chánggēng ancient Chinese name for Venus / Chang Gung / old name for Venus 清除 清除 qīngchú eliminate / get rid of 时数 時數 shíshù time 扫描 掃描 sǎomiáo scan 扫描 掃描 sǎomiáo scan 细致 細緻 xìzhì careful / meticulous / painstaking 跳水 跳水 tiàoshuǐ dive 登场 登場 dēngcháng be taken to threshing ground / come on stage 诊断 診斷 zhěnduàn diagnose 诊断 診斷 zhěnduàn diagnose 做错 做錯 zuòcuò make mistake / err 乖乖 乖乖 guāiguāi well-behaved / obedient 收取 收取 shōuqǔ collect / gather 抨击 抨擊 pēngjí attack (in speech/writing) / assail 抨击 抨擊 pēngjí attack (in speech/writing) / assail 姊妹 姊妹 jiěmèi elder and younger sisters 光辉 光輝 guānghuī radiancy / irradiancy / blaze / sparkle / fire / shininess / shine / resplendency / glory / glare / magnificence / sheen / lustre / grandeur / splendor / lucidity / coruscation / refulgence / grandness / burnish / brilliance / flame / glow / luminosity / glitter / luster / refulgency / radiance / irradiance / glowing / halo / resplendence / splendour / effulgence 灰色 灰色 huīsè pessimistic / grey / ashy / grayness / ambiguous / grizzle / gloomy / gray / greyness / obscure 收取 收取 shōuqǔ collect / gather 宛如 宛如 wǎnrú be just like 思潮 思潮 sīcháo trend of thought / thought / current / ideological trend / orientation / thoughts / genius 命令 命令 mìnglìng order / command 恐慌 恐慌 kǒnghuāng panic 忍耐 忍耐 rěnnài forbear / stand / go / stomach / abide / put up / hold_out / suppress / sustain / brave out / persevere / remain / support / endure / put up with / exercise restraint / suffer / restrain oneself / brave / bear / brook / resist / exercise patience / tolerate / thole / weather 坦白 坦白 tǎnbái frank / candid 行销 行銷 xíngxiāo be on sale / sell 西北 西北 xīběi northwest / Northwest China / the Northwest 成就 成就 chéngjiù achieve / accomplish 两厅院 兩廳院 liǎngtīngyuàn theater and music center 恐慌 恐慌 kǒnghuāng panic 放假 放假 fàngjià have a day off / have a vacation / have day off / have or be on vacation / have or be on holiday / have a holiday / vacation 堪称 堪稱 kānchēng may be rated as / can be rated as... 作画 作畫 zuòhuà draw/paint a picture 代理商 代理商 dàilǐshāng amaldar / agent / business_agent / broker / factor / business agent / manufacturer's agent 雇用 雇用 gùyòng employ / hire 压缩 壓縮 yāsuō reduce / pack together / compact / encapsulate / cut down / compressed / constrict / reduction / shrink / condensation / compress / condense / strangulate / compression 歌词 歌詞 gēcí words of song / lyrics 领取 領取 lǐngqǔ draw / receive 打出 打出 dǎchū tap / tee_off / play / beat_out / bingle 考生 考生 kǎoshēng candidate for an entrance examination / examinee 永续 永續 yǒngxù permanent / perpetual / everlasting 必修 必修 bìxiū required/obligatory (course) / obligatory / obligatory (course) / required 未婚 未婚 wèihūn single / maiden / unmarried 管线 管線 guǎnxiàn pipes and power lines / cables / general term for cables/etc. / general term for pipes/cables/etc. / pipeline / general term for pipes / etc. 手腕 手腕 shǒuwàn wrist 崭新 嶄新 zhǎnxīn newly / bran-new / spick-and-span / spic-and-span / brand-new / spick and span / completely new 一来 一來 yīlái in the first place / ... 共鸣 共鳴 gòngmíng sympathy / fellow feeling / vibration / consonance / resonance / sympathetic response 谦虚 謙虛 qiānxū make modest remarks 离家 離家 líjiā be away from home / leave home 缴交 繳交 jiǎojiāo deliver to, transmit 钥匙 鑰匙 yàoshi5 key 笼罩 籠罩 lóngzhào envelop, shroud 键入 鍵入 jiànrù enter / key in / key/type (in) / type (in) / type / key 体谅 體諒 tǐliàng make allowances for 右倾 右傾 yòuqīng Right deviation 冲突 衝突 chōngtú conflicting 并列 並列 bìngliè appose / collocate / stand side by side / be juxtaposed / juxtapose 钞票 鈔票 chāopiào bank note / paper money / bill 博览会 博覽會 bólǎnhuì expo / trade fair / exhibition / exposition / fair / Expo 登场 登場 dēngcháng be taken to threshing ground / come on stage 跳水 跳水 tiàoshuǐ dive 学年 學年 xuénián school/academic year 罚 罰 fá punish / penalize 戏曲 戲曲 xìqǔ traditional opera / drama / trad. opera / singing parts in ^chuan2 qi2 ^ and ^za2 / singing parts in ^chuan2qi2^ and ^za2ju4^ 机读 機讀 jīdú machine-read 鲍 鮑 bào sea-ear / abalone / Surname / Bao 撑 撐 chēng prop up / brace / push/move with a pole / maintain / keep up 雇用 雇用 gùyòng employ / hire 截止 截止 jiézhǐ end / cut off / expire / close 应征 應徵 yìngzhēng enlist 摩托车 摩托車 mótuōchē motorcycle / motorbike 调查局 調查局 diàochájú The Bureau of Investigation 缓和 緩和 huǎnhé relax / ease up / mitigate / appease 默契 默契 mòqì tacit/secret agreement / tacit agreement / understanding / secret agreement / privity / tacit 畅销 暢銷 chàngxiāo sell well 畅销 暢銷 chàngxiāo sell well 叹 嘆 tàn sigh / exclaim (admiringly/etc.) 领取 領取 lǐngqǔ draw / receive 享用 享用 xiǎngyòng enjoy the use of / enjoy (use of) / enjoyment / enjoy 招标 招標 zhāobiāo invite tenders/bids 守法 守法 shǒufǎ abide by law 名誉 名譽 míngyū honour / laurel / celebrity / worship / character / odor / credit / repute / fame / name / rep / reputation / honorary / distinction / regard / honor 巡逻 巡邏 xúnluó patrol 自助 自助 zìzhù bootstrap / self-service / self-helf 扭转 扭轉 niǒuzhuǎn turn round/back / reverse / remedy (a situation) 合唱 合唱 héchàng choir / do a chorus / sing in a chorus / chorus / descant 存放 存放 cúnfàng leave with / leave in somebody's care / deposit (money) 成败 成敗 chéngbài result / success or failure 罕见 罕見 hǎnjiàn rare / rarely seen 星团 星團 xīngtuán star cluster 降到 降到 jiàngdào drop to / fall to 移送法办 移送法辦 yísòngfǎbàn arrest and deal with according to law / bring to justice 威权 威權 wēiquán authoritativeness / authority / authoritarian / power 交易 交易 jiāoyì deal / trade 长途 長途 chángtú long-distance / long distance 革新 革新 géxīn innovate 皇家 皇家 huángjiā royal / imperial house / imperial family / imperial family/house / house 值 值 zhí be worth 附设 附設 fùshè have as an attached institution 招标 招標 zhāobiāo invite tenders/bids 油画 油畫 yóuhuà canvas / painting / canvass / oil / oil painting / oil_painting / oil paint 沾 沾 zhān moisten / daub / get ... out of association / soak / partake / profit from / touch / be stained with 起点 起點 qǐdiǎn starting point 起源 起源 qǐyuán origin 纠正 糾正 jiūzhèng correct / redress 归纳 歸納 guīnà sum up, conclude, induce 坐下 坐下 zuòxià subside / sit / sit down / sink / sit_down 低迷 低迷 dīmí low 低迷 低迷 dīmí low 交货 交貨 jiāohuò deliver goods 制止 制止 zhìzhǐ forbear / restrict / oppress / prevention / hold back / inhibit / allay / stop / prevent / staunch / turn back / arrest / stanch / suppress / interdict / discourage / pull_up / abate / blink / quell / restrain / deter / repress / crush / omit / shush / countercheck / check / curb / contain 扭转 扭轉 niǒuzhuǎn turn round/back / reverse / remedy (a situation) 雾 霧 wù (soft) rime 变为 變為 biànwéi change to, become 轰炸 轟炸 hōngzhà bomb 摄取 攝取 shèqǔ absorb, assimilate, take photograph of, shoot 宝石 寶石 bǎoshí precious stone, gem 守法 守法 shǒufǎ abide by law 警告 警告 jǐnggào (disciplinary) warning 巡逻 巡邏 xúnluó patrol 生前 生前 shēngqián during lifetime (of deceased) 因果 因果 yīnguǒ cause and effect / karma / preordained fate 存放 存放 cúnfàng leave with / leave in somebody's care / deposit (money) 宗 宗 zōng m.[general] 贝壳 貝殼 bèiké cowrie / shell / cameo / conch / seashell / valve / clamshell 有空 有空 yǒukòng have time (to do sth.) 忠实 忠實 zhōngshí leal / faithful / true 作文 作文 zuòwén composition 使出 使出 shǐchū exert / peg / use 老公公 老公公 lǎogōnggōng old man / husband's father / father-in-law / husbands' father / grandpa / old_man 革新 革新 géxīn innovate 摄取 攝取 shèqǔ absorb, assimilate, take photograph of, shoot 纠正 糾正 jiūzhèng correct / redress 会同 會同 huìtóng handle jointly with other organizations / join / handle jointly with other organizations concerned 准 準 zhǔn accurate / exact 提名 提名 tímíng nominate 笔墨 筆墨 bǐmò words / writing 路程 路程 lùchéng distance travelled / journey 截至 截至 jiézhì by (specified time), up to 台湾省 臺灣省 táiwānshěng Taiwan 齐 齊 qí complete / prepared / together 桩 樁 zhuāng m.[general] 湿 濕 shī humidify / moisten / humid / damp / dampen / wet 演戏 演戲 yǎnxì pretence / roleplay / playact / act / act in a play / playacting / put on a play / put on or act in a play / pretend / play act / play 提名 提名 tímíng nominate 纵使 縱使 zòngshǐ conj.: even if/though 螃蟹 螃蟹 pángxiè crab 演艺 演藝 yǎnyì histrionics 满 滿 mǎn full / complete / satisfied / conceited / reach limit / expire / be over 轮椅 輪椅 lúnyǐ wheelchair 巧妙 巧妙 qiǎomiào felicitous / skillful / ingenious / clever / shrewd 分化 分化 fēnhuà disintegrate 用法 用法 yòngfǎ hang / usage / use 北大 北大 běidà Peking University 人次 人次 réncì man-times / man-times (analogous to "man-hours") 分化 分化 fēnhuà disintegrate 反映出 反映出 fǎnyìngchū reflect / mirror 才华 才華 cáihuá literary talent / artistic talent / literary / literacy / flair / literary/artistic talent 平埔族 平埔族 píngbǔzú Pinnpou ethnic minority(in Taiwan) 旅程 旅程 lǔchéng travel plan / journeying / itinerary / route / stage / peregrination / journey 悠久 悠久 yōujiǔ long in time 野鸟 野鳥 yěniǎo wild birds 幕 幕 mù m.[event] 云林 雲林 yúnlín Yunlin 情怀 情懷 qínghuái feelings / mood 秦王 秦王 qínwáng the emperor of Qin 无非 無非 wúfēi nothing but / than / simply / only 连 連 lián Surname 野 野 yě wild / undomesticated 部署 部署 bùshù dispose / deploy 部署 部署 bùshù dispose / deploy 偏差 偏差 piānchā deviation / error 位子 位子 wèizi5 seat / place 当地人 當地人 dāngdìrén native / a local 意者 意者 yìzhě someone who is interested in something 想必 想必 xiǎngbì surely / it may be assumed that / presumably / most likely / presumptively / most probably / likely / most probably/likely 脆弱 脆弱 cuìruò fragile / frail / weak 痣 痣 zhì nevus / mole 无能 無能 wúnéng incompetent / incapable 传真 傳真 chuánzhēn portraiture / facsimile / fax 无能 無能 wúnéng incompetent / incapable 萎缩 萎縮 wěisuō wither / shrivel / shrink / sag / atrophy 喂 喂 wèi hello / hey 萎缩 萎縮 wěisuō wither / shrivel / shrink / sag / atrophy 换取 換取 huànqǔ get in return / buy / exchange ... for / barter ... for / exchange sth. for / exchange 渡过 渡過 dùguò pass / spend (time/etc.) 帐号 帳號 zhànghào account number (of bank/etc.) 描述 描述 miáoshù description 货品 貨品 huòpǐn kinds or types of goods / store / types of goods / goods / types of goods/product / product / merchandise / types of product / wares / truck 消防 消防 xiāofáng fight/prevent fire 桌 桌 zhuō m.[general] 混 混 hùn mix / confuse 带原者 帶原者 dàiyuánzhě reservoir 得来 得來 délái gain / receive 贫血 貧血 pínxiě anemia 排水 排水 páishuǐ drain off water 现存 現存 xiàncún be extant / be in stock 凉 涼 liáng cool / cold / discouraged / disappointed 跑去 跑去 pǎoqù run 淡化 淡化 dànhuà desalinate 排水 排水 páishuǐ drain off water 情操 情操 qíngcāo sentiment (intellectual/aesthetic/etc.) 评论 評論 pínglùn comment / commentary / review 爱上 愛上 àishàng fall for / fall in love with 进攻 進攻 jìngōng attack / assault 閒 閒 xián not busy / unoccupied / not in use / idle 脑子 腦子 nǎozi5 brain / mind / head 跨越 跨越 kuàyuè leap over / bestride / straddle / overstretch / span / stride / soar / spraddle / cut across / stride across 几何 幾何 jǐhé geometrical / geometry / geometric 买下 買下 mǎixià purchase / buy 进攻 進攻 jìngōng attack / assault 塔 塔 tǎ pagoda / stupa / tower 承诺 承諾 chéngnuò promise to do sth. 高温 高溫 gāowēn heat / high temperature 塞 塞 sè fill in / stuff in / stuff / fill / squeeze in / bung / spile / squeeze / line / stick / fill/stuff in 撤出 撤出 chèchū remove / take away / withdraw / evacuate 挡 擋 dǎng ward off / block / get in the way of 反之 反之 fǎnzhī contrarily / thereagainst / contrariwise / on_the_contrary / conversely / on the contrary / otherwise 井 井 jǐng Jing / well / Surname / something in the shape of a well 氾滥 氾濫 fànlàn be in flood / overflow / inundate / spread unchecked 上限 上限 shàngxiàn cap / upper limit 代表团 代表團 dàibiǎotuán contingent / delegacy / mission / deputation / delegation 氾滥 氾濫 fànlàn be in flood / overflow / inundate / spread unchecked 外加 外加 wàijiā additionally / in addition / superadd / additional / more / add / addition / extra 付诸 付諸 fùzhū submit/present to / present to / implement / submit / cause / submit to 糖尿病 糖尿病 tángniàobìng diabetic / diabetes / glycosuria 复制 複製 fùzhì duplicate / reproduce 整治 整治 zhěngzhì renovate, repair, dredge (river/etc.), punish, discipline, do, work at, prepare, make ready, arrange, regulate, deal with problem or adversary 复制 複製 fùzhì duplicate / reproduce 余额 餘額 yūé vacancies yet to be filled / remains / balance / remaining sum 维系 維繫 wéixì maintain 优越 優越 yōuyuè excel / exceed / superior / outstanding / transcend 卡车 卡車 kǎchē teamster / motortruck / lorry / camion / truck 容忍 容忍 róngrěn tolerate / condone 属性 屬性 shǔxìng attribute, property 惊奇 驚奇 jīngqí wonder, be surprised/amazed 弯曲 彎曲 wānqū distort 翻开 翻開 fānkāi unfold / open up / open / spread / spread out / break_out / tear up 撷取 擷取 jiéqǔ pick, select 点燃 點燃 diǎnrán light_up / light up / kindle / enkindle / burn / tind / light / inflame / ignition / set fire to / ignite / emblaze 市议会 市議會 shìyìhuì city council 生活圈 生活圈 shēnghuóquān living space 维系 維繫 wéixì maintain 出巡 出巡 chūxún carry out tour of inspection / be in royal progress / make tour of inspection 拒 拒 jù resistance / reject / resist / refuse / refusal / repel 包容 包容 bāoróng forgive / pardon / contain 包容 包容 bāoróng forgive / pardon / contain 大事 大事 dàshì important matter / nevermind / capper / overall situation / important events / major event / significant national events / major issue 甘心 甘心 gānxīn be reconciled / be willing / pleased / resigned to / be content with / be reconciled to / be reconciled/resigned to / be resigned to / resign oneself to 山头 山頭 shāntóu mountain stronghold / top of a mountain / hilltop / mountain top / faction 牙 牙 yá ivory / cuspid / fang / broker / tooth-like thing / tusk / tooth 故障 故障 gùzhàng malfunction / break 物种 物種 wùzhǒng species 容忍 容忍 róngrěn tolerate / condone 屏东县 屏東縣 píngdōngxiàn Pingtung County 派出 派出 pàichū send / dispatch 重整 重整 chóngzhěng rally 重整 重整 chóngzhěng rally 环绕 環繞 huánrào circle / environ / encincture / encirclement / hoop / surround / cincture / gird / circumvolute / sphere / skirt / encircle / circumfluent / enwreathe / revolve around / border / girdle / girth / enring / rim 看似 看似 kànsì looks like 月饼 月餅 yuèbǐng moon cake 河水 河水 héshuǐ river water 耐 耐 nài endure / durable / stand / withstand / be able to bear or endure / bear / resistance / resist 抱负 抱負 bàofù aspiration / ambition 外科 外科 wàikē surgery / chirurgery / surgical / surgical department 哎哟 哎喲 āiyāo of surprise/pain 美观 美觀 měiguān pleasing to the eye 美观 美觀 měiguān pleasing to the eye 拼命 拼命 pīnmìng go all out regardless of danger to one's life / fight desperately / exerting the utmost strength / risk life / make death-defying effort / defy death / risk one's life / with all one's might 侷限 侷限 júxiàn confinement / confine / limit 姓 姓 xìng surname / family/clan name 故障 故障 gùzhàng malfunction / break 福祉 福祉 fúzhǐ well-being / light / happiness / material benefits / social welfare / weal / blessedness / welfare 兇 兇 xiōng fiendish / ferocious / murderous 安宁 安寧 ānníng peaceful / tranquil / calm / composed / free from worry 列出 列出 lièchū list / provide list of 姓 姓 xìng surname / family/clan name 安全性 安全性 ānquánxìng security / safety 屁股 屁股 pìgǔ tail end / croupe / stern / tooshie / ass / tush / backside / posterior / arse / behind / haunch / arsehole / anus / end / bottom / can / buns / beam-ends / hip / bum / buttocks / hindquarters / hind end / fundament / tokus / croup / tushie / butt / fanny / slat / bucket / keister / buttock / rear / asshole / prat / rear end / tail / seat / derriere / rump 安宁 安寧 ānníng peaceful / tranquil / calm / composed / free from worry 死去 死去 sǐqù die 走私 走私 zǒusī smuggle 坊间 坊間 fāngjiān on the street stalls / in the bookshops 走私 走私 zǒusī smuggle 抉择 抉擇 juézé option / alternative / decision / choice 利多 利多 lìduō wrinkle 自来水 自來水 zìláishuǐ running/tap water / running / tap_water / running water / tap water 保送 保送 bǎosòng recommend somebody for admission to school/etc. 皇后 皇后 huánghòu kaiserin / queen consort / queen / empress / queen_consort / Kaiserin 息息相关 息息相關 xíxíxiāngguān be closely linked / be closely bound up 蔓延 蔓延 mànyán spread out / extend 格 格 gé lattice / grid / squares 梅 梅 méi Surname 发放 發放 fāfàng provide / grant / extend 配偶 配偶 pèiǒu spouse 填写 填寫 tiánxiě fill in a form 区运 區運 qūyùn regional sports meet 陆委会 陸委會 lùwěihuì Mainland Affairs Council 顶 頂 dǐng top / tip 消耗 消耗 xiāohào consume / use up / deplete 消耗 消耗 xiāohào consume / use up / deplete 现已 現已 xiànyǐ already 接待 接待 jiēdài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 淡大 淡大 dàndà Tamkang University 统合 統合 tǒnghé unified / synthesized 填写 填寫 tiánxiě fill in a form 族人 族人 zúrén clan members / relatives 统合 統合 tǒnghé unified / synthesized 寒 寒 hán shiver / cold 遊玩 遊玩 yóuwán amuse oneself / play / go sight-seeing / stroll about 唤起 喚起 huànqǐ arouse / call / recall 买进 買進 mǎijìn buy / purchase 纯粹 純粹 chúncuì unmixed / unalloyed / pure / unadulterated 财力 財力 cáilì financial resources 缺陷 缺陷 quēxiàn gap / deficiency / trouble / flaw / blemishment / blemish / shortage / limitation / incapacity / defect / shortcoming / deformity / defacement / drawback / disfigurement / disadvantage 终生 終生 zhōngshēng all one's life 做饭 做飯 zuòfàn do the cooking / prepare a meal / prepare meal 顶 頂 dǐng gore / butt / go against / push from below/behind / retort / turn down 有益 有益 yǒuyì profit / benefit / conduce / advantageous / be helpful / conducive / subserve / avail / suit 海运 海運 hǎiyùn sea transportation / ocean shipping 安徽 安徽 ānhuī Anhui (province) 威尼斯 威尼斯 wēinísī Venezia / Venice 流水 流水 liúshuǐ presto / turnover / flowing water / turnover (in business) / flowing/running water / flowing / running water 借用 借用 jièyòng use sth. for another purpose / have the loan of / use ... for another purpose / borrow 修理 修理 xiūlǐ repair / mend / fix 污水 污水 wūshuǐ slops / sewage / wastewater / sewerage / waste water / drainage / sewer water / slop / foul water / polluted water / waste / effluent 西方人 西方人 xīfāngrén Westerner / westerner / Hesperian / Western / western people 在座 在座 zàizuò be present 折 折 zhé m.[general] 言行 言行 yánxíng words and deeds 佳绩 佳績 jiājī good result / high score 多采多姿 多采多姿 duōcǎiduōzī varied and graceful 有事 有事 yǒushì be occupied/busy / if problems arise 修理 修理 xiūlǐ repair / mend / fix 用到 用到 yòngdào used in 走去 走去 zǒuqù walk to 大溪 大溪 dàxī Da xi 代为 代為 dàiwéi run things for someone 加盟 加盟 jiāméng align 凸显 凸顯 túxiǎn relieve / to make prominent or effective by contrast 上场 上場 shàngchǎng appear on the stage / enter / appear / enter the playing court / enter the playing field / enter the stage / appear on stage 加盟 加盟 jiāméng align 白人 白人 báirén whity / Caucasian / whitey / white man / buckra / white people / griffin / White / white race / haole / honky / gryphon / white person / white_man / paleface 奖章 獎章 jiǎngzhāng medal / decoration 用餐 用餐 yòngcān feed / dine / sup / eat a meal / have a meal 机密 機密 jīmì top secret 一大早 一大早 yīdàzǎo at dawn 不得已 不得已 bùdéyǐ have no alternative 本性 本性 běnxìng suchness / conscience / instinct / essentiality / mettle / inbeing / nature / self / natural disposition / natural character / sense / natural instincts / inwardness / interior / inherent quality 大专院校 大專院校 dàzhuānyuànxiào community colleges 史语所 史語所 shǐyǔsuǒ Institute of History and Philology 党员 黨員 dǎngyuán Party member 点点 點點 diǎndiǎn det.: a tiny bit 人手 人手 rénshǒu hired man / manpower / hired hand / hand 总体 總體 zǒngtǐ population / gross / entirety / macrocosm / ensemble / wholeness / collectivity / totality / oneness / whole / universe 认 認 rèn recognize, know, enter into a certain relationship with, admit, own up, accept as unavoidable, undertake to do sth. 操 操 cāo grasp / hold 关系 關係 guānxì concern / affect / to matter 甄选 甄選 zhēnxuǎn select / pick 蔓延 蔓延 mànyán spread out / extend 夺得 奪得 duódé strive for / contend for / compete for / carry off 云 云 yún say 远东 遠東 yuǎndōng Far East 调高 調高 tiáogāo transfer sth. to higher agency 随地 隨地 suídì anyplace / everywhere / anywhere 弊端 弊端 bìduān rigging / irregularity / malpractice / disadvantage / corrupt practice / abuse 积分 積分 jīfēn integration / score / integral calculus / integral_calculus / integral / total credits earned by student 课堂 課堂 kètáng classroom 蒙古 蒙古 ménggǔ Mongolia 摘 摘 zhé pick / pluck / make extracts 欧洲人 歐洲人 ōuzhōurén European 灯具 燈具 dēngjù lamps and lanterns 调高 調高 tiáogāo transfer sth. to higher agency 劳保 勞保 láobǎo labor insurance 买进 買進 mǎijìn buy / purchase 意识到 意識到 yìshìdào smell / be conscious / be aware of / sense / aware of / awake to / appreciate / be conscious of / realize / be conscious/aware of 渴望 渴望 kěwàng thirst/long for 麦克风 麥克風 màikèfēng microphone / mike 发放 發放 fāfàng provide / grant / extend 节点 節點 jiédiǎn knob / knot / node 违建 違建 wéijiàn non-conforming building 农田 農田 nóngtián country / farming area / farmland / soil / cultivated land / cropland 遊览车 遊覽車 yóulǎnchē charabanc / coach / tourist coach / tourer 接待 接待 jiēdài receive (guests) / serve (customers) 轴 軸 zhóu axle / shaft / axis / spool / rod 标竿 標竿 biāogān surveyor's pole 载入 載入 zàirù load / enter into / record in 要紧 要緊 yàojǐn be in a hurry to / serious / critical / essential / weigh / be anxious to / count / signify / important / matter 订购 訂購 dìnggòu order goods 订购 訂購 dìnggòu order goods 前方 前方 qiánfāng front_line / (war) front / ahead / front direction / front / the front 军官 軍官 jūnguān wardroom / officer / military officer / military_officer / striper / officiary 烈 烈 liè strong / violent / intense 保送 保送 bǎosòng recommend somebody for admission to school/etc. 美妙 美妙 měimiào beautiful / splendid / wonderful 哈佛 哈佛 hāfó Harvard 东区 東區 dōngqū Eastern area 保费 保費 bǎofèi insurance premium / premium / insurance (fee) 近代史 近代史 jìndàishǐ modern history 相通 相通 xiāngtōng communicate / intercommunicate / communicate with each other / be interlinked 怨 怨 yuàn blame / reproach / reprove 相对于 相對於 xiāngduìyú relative 恰好 恰好 qiàhǎo exactly / just right 乘坐 乘坐 chéngzuò travel (by a conveyance) 受损 受損 shòusǔn suffer loss / go / damage from 祈求 祈求 qíqiú call_down / invoke / plead / petition / earnestly hope / may / pray for / supplicate / adjure / pray 立 立 lì stand / exist / live 佛法 佛法 fófǎ Buddha dharma / Buddhist doctrine / power of Buddha 弦 弦 xián spring (of watch / string / quarter / string of musical instrument / etc.) / catling / chord / quadrature / bowstring / spring (of watch/etc.) / spring / the string of a musical instrument / quartile / catgut / cord / subtense / hypotenuse 汗 汗 hàn sudor / khan / sweat / lather / perspiration 作成 作成 zuòchéng help / consummate / successfully complete / compose 法治 法治 fǎzhì constitutionality / rule of law / law 成年 成年 chéngnián grow up / come of age 非凡 非凡 fēifán outstanding / extraordinary / uncommon 白雪 白雪 báixuě white snow 肺 肺 fèi lungs 官司 官司 guānsī lawsuit 树干 樹幹 shùgàn shaft / tree_trunk / trunk / stock / bole / tree trunk 拜托 拜託 bàituō request somebody to do sth. 比对 比對 bǐduì map 山东 山東 shāndōng Shantung / Shandong province / Shandong 加值 加值 jiāzhí add value 水分 水分 shuǐfèn moisture / inprecision / humidity / wet / moisture content / exaggeration 左边 左邊 zuǒbiān portside / nearside / the left-hand side / the left side / left / the left / left side 史前 史前 shǐqián prehistoric era 台中县 台中縣 táizhōngxiàn Taichung County 敲 敲 qiāo strike / beat (drum/etc.) 水土 水土 shuǐtǔ natural environment and climate / climate / water and soil 幕僚 幕僚 mùliáo aides and staff / assistant to high official/general 巩固 鞏固 gǒnggù consolidate / strengthen / solidify 演习 演習 yǎnxí maneuver / exercise / drill / practice 福特 福特 fútè Ford 演习 演習 yǎnxí maneuver / exercise / drill / practice 调 調 tiáo regulate / adjust / mediate 巩固 鞏固 gǒnggù consolidate / strengthen / solidify 赔 賠 péi compensate / pay for / stand a loss 出动 出動 chūdòng start_out / set out / dispatch / start off / send out 覆盖 覆蓋 fùgài plate / enshroud / cap / overlay / deluge / inundate / bestrew / steep / blanket / bespread / superimpose / clothe / clot / submerge / muffle / shroud / face / spread / shadow / drape / overflow / spread over / mantle / cover / sheathe / smother / coat / hood / lap / enclothe 点心 點心 diǎnxīn collation / snack / refreshment / refection / dimsum / pastry / light refreshments 举凡 舉凡 jǔfán conj.: whatever 响应 響應 xiǎngyìng respond, answer 联谊 聯誼 liányí socialize 职责 職責 zhízé department / responsibility / function / incumbency / office / charge / province / duty / obligation / role 谎言 謊言 huǎngyán tarradiddle / lie / inveracity / false statement / taradiddle / squib / falsehood / falsity / story / prevarication / fib / fairy-tale / crammer / fibbery / leasing / flam / untruth / tale / unveracity / fabrication 人类学 人類學 rénlèixué physical_anthropology / Pithecanthropus / humanics / anthropology 手足 手足 shǒuzú brothers 会报 會報 huìbào proceeding / transactions 主讲 主講 zhǔjiǎng be the speaker / give a lecture 刀子 刀子 dāozi5 knife / pocketknife / dagger / small knife 北平 北平 běipíng Beiping / Peking / Peiping 古物 古物 gǔwù ancient objects / antiquities 天使 天使 tiānshǐ intelligence / angel / angelic / nimbus / spirit 大哥大 大哥大 dàgēdà hand phone / man with power / rich person / cellular telephone / super boss / cellular_phone / portable / walkie-talkie / boss / mobile phone / portable/cellular telephone / godfather / powerful person / portable telephone / rich/powerful person 比对 比對 bǐduì map 四肢 四肢 sìzhī arms and legs / extremity / four limbs 情意 情意 qíngyì tender regards / affection 液晶 液晶 yìjīng liquid crystal 陪伴 陪伴 péibàn accompany / keep somebody company 陪伴 陪伴 péibàn accompany / keep somebody company 陈述 陳述 chénshù state 陈述 陳述 chénshù state 莫不 莫不 mòbù there's no one who doesn't/isn't 陆军 陸軍 lùjūn ground force / army / ground / ground/land force / land force 声称 聲稱 shēngchēng avouch / claim / assertion / purport / hold / profession / allege / represent / avow / declare / confess / announce / assert / say / aver / profess 追赶 追趕 zhuīgǎn chase after / pursue 教化 教化 jiàohuà enlighten people by education 细则 細則 xìzé detailed rules and regulations 累计 累計 lěijì add up 处 處 chǔ punish / sentence 累计 累計 lěijì add up 动植物 動植物 dòngzhíwù animal and plant 长年 長年 chángnián all year around 封闭 封閉 fēngbì seal / seal off / close 桶 桶 tǒng m.[container] 透视 透視 tòushì perspective 急 急 jí impatiently / anxiously / rapidly / urgently 贼 賊 zéi thief 毁灭 毀滅 huǐmiè destroy / exterminate 残障者 殘障者 cánzhàngzhě disabled / handicapped person / cripple 诗歌 詩歌 shīgē ode / verse / poetic / strain / rhyme / song / poems and songs / poetry / Parnassus 落成 落成 luòchéng be completed (of a building/etc.) 几 幾 jī almost / nearly 贫困 貧困 pínkùn poor / impoverished 募款 募款 mùkuǎn raise money 透视 透視 tòushì perspective 停下来 停下來 tíngxiàlái stop 晚饭 晚飯 wǎnfàn supper / dinner 祕密 祕密 mìmì confidential / sly / darkness / stealth / confidentiality / privacy / penetralia / huggermugger / arcanum / hugger-muggery / secrecy / secret 贫困 貧困 pínkùn poor / impoverished 记住 記住 jìzhù remember / learn by heart / bear in mind 剪 剪 jiǎn wipe out / exterminate / cut (with scissors) / clip / trim 教化 教化 jiàohuà enlighten people by education 饮茶 飲茶 yǐnchá drink tea 落成 落成 luòchéng be completed (of a building/etc.) 李远哲 李遠哲 lǐyuǎnzhé Yuan Tseh Lee / Nobel laureate 活生生 活生生 huóshēngshēng actually / really / while still alive / real / in real life / actual / living 国军 國軍 guójūn armed forces of Republic of China 青菜 青菜 qīngcài greengrocery / vegetable / greenstuff / green vegetables / greens / Chinese cabbage / vegetables / pakchoi / Ch. cabbage 幽浮 幽浮 yōufú UFO 虐待 虐待 nuèdài maltreat / tyrannize / abuse 虐待 虐待 nuèdài maltreat / tyrannize / abuse 准 准 zhǔn allow / grant / permit 为数 為數 wéishù amount to / number 面对面 面對面 miànduìmiàn face to face 组 組 zǔ form / make up (into) / compose 细部 細部 xìbù detail (of drawing) 堂哥 堂哥 tánggē elder male cousin (with same surname) 素养 素養 sùyǎng accomplishment / attainment 扫 掃 sǎo sweep / sweep away 理事 理事 lǐshì trustee / senator / manager / directorate / commissioner / director / governor / council member / board member / syndic / administrator 放入 放入 fàngrù interpose / load into / include 高涨 高漲 gāozhǎng rise / surge up / run high 商务 商務 shāngwù business affairs 高涨 高漲 gāozhǎng rise / surge up / run high 能干 能幹 nénggàn able-minded / competent 核能 核能 hénéng nuclear_power / nuclear energy / atomic power / atomic energy / nuclear_energy / nuclear power 造访 造訪 zàofǎng pay visit / call on 通 通 tōng communicate/connect (with) / join / share / be interchangeable with... 泪水 淚水 lèishuǐ tear / tear-drops 教育部长 教育部長 jiàoyūbùzhǎng minister of Education 时而 時而 shíér from time to time / sometimes / now...now / sometimes...sometimes 造访 造訪 zàofǎng pay visit / call on 雪梨 雪梨 xuělí Sydney 快要 快要 kuàiyào in a short time / promptly / at once / instantly / pronto / immediately / shortly / without delay / tout-de-suite / right away / forthwith / soon / in a few seconds / before long / straightaway / in a minute / in no time 合理化 合理化 hélǐhuà rationalize 佔领 佔領 zhànlǐng occupy / possess / hold / invade / seize / seizure / occupation / capture / conquer / take over 汽机车 汽機車 qìjīchē vehicle 批准 批准 pīzhǔn ratify / approve / sanction 刺激 刺激 cìjī provoking 西德 西德 xīdé West Germany 份量 份量 fènliàng percentage / weight / quantity 合同 合同 hétong bond / paction / covenant / bargain / compact / agreement / indenture / contract / whiz 似 似 sì seem 村庄 村莊 cūnzhuāng small town / village / thorpe / wick / settlement / thorp / hamlet 那里 那裡 nàlǐ how could it be possible? 洞穴 洞穴 dòngxuè cavern / grotto / scoop / subterranean / pocket / cave / subterrane / burrow / mine / souterrain / pothole / opening 老化 老化 lǎohuà age / grow older 风光 風光 fēngguāng grand 走过去 走過去 zǒuguòqù walk to 伸 伸 shēn extend / crane / stretch / extension 老化 老化 lǎohuà age / grow older 免于 免於 miǎnyū avoid / fend off / debar / head off / cheat / avert / ward off / deflect / stave off / obviate 房租 房租 fángzū house rent / rent (for house / rent (for house/flat/etc.) / etc.) / rent / flat 阿美族 阿美族 āměizú Ami ethnic minority (in Taiwan) 纠缠 糾纏 jiūchán bug / be in a tangle / pester / shadow / imply / worry / beset / enlace / intertwine / beleaguer / badger / tease / besiege / mat / tangle / weave / lock / kink / entangle / snarl / haunt / nag / harass / pursue / get entangled 放出 放出 fàngchū radiate / emission / give_off / spew / give off / extricate / deflate / emit / expel / release / effuse / evolve / pay_out / let_out / give / discharge / let out / give out / eject / discard 风筝 風箏 fēngzhēng kite 放映 放映 fàngyìng project (film) / screen / projection / project / show 风光 風光 fēngguāng grand 电 電 diàn give/get an electric shock 改用 改用 gǎiyòng change to use of sth. / change use of sth. 方位 方位 fāngwèi AZ / aspect / quarter / exposure / position / trend / spatial relation / azimuth / points of the compass / direction / orientation / bearing 头衔 頭銜 tóuxián viscountcy / title / official title / inheritance / style / handle / doctorate / prefix 码 碼 mǎ sth. indicating number / code 整 整 zhěng put in order / arrange / consolidate / repair / mend / do 踏上 踏上 tàshàng tread on / step on 憧憬 憧憬 chōngjǐng long for / look forward to 总务 總務 zǒngwù general affairs, person in charge of general affairs 憧憬 憧憬 chōngjǐng long for / look forward to 台北县 臺北縣 táiběixiàn Taipei County 撞 撞 zhuàng run into / strike / collide / meet by chance / rush / dash / dupe 认清 認清 rènqīng recognition / see clearly / see through to / get a clear understanding of / recognize 出炉 出爐 chūlú come out of the oven 期许 期許 qíxǔ hope / expect 子弹 子彈 zǐdàn musket ball / lead / shell / cartridge / bullet / ball / payload / slug 尝试 嘗試 chángshì try 回流 回流 huíliú regurgitate / refluent / regurgitation / backwash 大肆 大肆 dàsì wantonly 公演 公演 gōngyǎn perform in public 不慎 不慎 búshèn immodest / incautious 外长 外長 wàizhǎng Foreign Minister / exogenous / Minister of Foreign Affairs / foreign minister 水电 水電 shuǐdiàn hydropower / water and electricity 心脏病 心臟病 xīnzàngbìng heart trouble / heart disease / cardiopathy / heart_disease / heart condition 公演 公演 gōngyǎn perform in public 巴格达 巴格達 bāgédá Bagdad / Baghdad / capital of Iraq 小贩 小販 xiǎofàn wallah / hucksterer / grifter / hawker / Higgler / pedlar / coster / badger / vendor / chapman / peddler / roadman / faker 公认 公認 gōngrèn legalize / acknowledge generally / recognize / accept / generally acknowledge/recognize/accept / acknowledged / generally recognize/accept / generally acknowledge / vote 瀑布 瀑布 pùbù falls / linn / overfall / Niagara / waterfall / fall / cataract / chute / cascade / sault 女郎 女郎 nǔláng young_girl / young lady / young woman / fille / girl / miss / missy / maiden 意涵 意涵 yìhán meaning / implication / connotation 合理化 合理化 hélǐhuà rationalize 须要 須要 xūyào must / have to 复兴 復興 fùxīng revive / resurge / rejuvenate 复兴 復興 fùxīng revive / resurge / rejuvenate 期许 期許 qíxǔ hope / expect 禁 禁 jìn prohibit 遇见 遇見 yūjiàn come across / encounter / come_across / forgather / meet / meet up with 解说 解說 jiěshuō comment / interpretation 照射 照射 zhàoshè shine on / light up 景物 景物 jǐngwù scenery 量 量 liáng estimate / measure 发泄 發洩 fāxiè exhale / give vent to / give vent / let off / ventilate / let_out / abreact / vent / wreak 衔接 銜接 xiánjiē link up / join 干员 幹員 gànyuán capable official 衔接 銜接 xiánjiē link up / join 照射 照射 zhàoshè shine on / light up 顺 順 shùn smooth-going / plain sailing / arrange / put in order 开阔 開闊 kāikuò tolerant / open / widen / spacious / expansive 质询 質詢 zhíxún request explanation 热络 熱絡 rèluò enthusiastic 选取 選取 xuǎnqǔ select 热络 熱絡 rèluò enthusiastic 质询 質詢 zhíxún request explanation 图画 圖畫 túhuà illustration / painting / picture / portrait / graphic / depiction / drawing 盘旋 盤旋 pánxuán circle / whorl / stay / linger / hover / twist / wheel / spiral / yaw / whirl / convolve 余地 餘地 yūdì leeway / margin / room / latitude 鱼塭 魚塭 yūwēn fishpond 感恩 感恩 gǎnēn feel grateful / be thankful 鸡蛋 雞蛋 jīdàn hen's egg 摊位 攤位 tānwèi stand, booth, stall 嚼 嚼 jué chew, munch 惊喜 驚喜 jīngxǐ be pleasantly surprised 杂货店 雜貨店 záhuòdiàn grocery store / chandlery / drugstore / chandler / sundry store / grocery / bodega / grocery_store / general store 批准 批准 pīzhǔn ratify / approve / sanction 法律系 法律系 fǎlùxì legal department 键盘 鍵盤 jiànpán clavier / keyset / keyboard / fingerboard / piano keyboard / Klavier 偶而 偶而 ǒuér occasionally 虔诚 虔誠 qiánchéng pious / devout 偶然 偶然 ǒurán fortuitous / chance 脉络 脈絡 mòluò arteries and veins / vein (of leaf/etc.) / sequence of ideas 耗费 耗費 hàofèi consume / expend 抗原 抗原 kàngyuán antigen 耗费 耗費 hàofèi consume / expend 效用 效用 xiàoyòng effectuality / service / efficiency / effectivity / help / value / effectualness / usefulness / utility / avail / effectiveness 婚礼 婚禮 hūnlǐ wedding ceremony 起 起 qǐ start 时髦 時髦 shímáo fashionable / in vogue 情调 情調 qíngdiào sentiment / tone and mood / taste 系数 係數 xìshù quotiety / coefficient / ingredient / factor / constituent / modulus / element / component 这里 這裏 zhèlǐ here 拍卖 拍賣 pāimài auction / sell at reduced price 虔诚 虔誠 qiánchéng pious / devout 盛况 盛況 shèngkuàng grand occation / spectacular event / pomp / grand occasion / eclat 混淆 混淆 hǔnyáo blur / confuse / mix up 国手 國手 guóshǒu national contestant (in chess/etc.) 窄 窄 zhǎi narrow / petty / hard up 神仙 神仙 shénxiān immortal 时效 時效 shíxiào effectiveness / aging / prescription / period of effectiveness 顶多 頂多 dǐngduō at most/best 连锁 連鎖 liánsuǒ chain 疼 疼 téng hurt / ache / pain 依循 依循 yīxún follow 任用 任用 rènyòng appoint / assign to post 沉重 沉重 chénzhòng heavy / serious 来不及 來不及 láibùjí be too late to do sth. 字眼 字眼 zìyǎn words / wording / diction 作曲家 作曲家 zuòqǔjiā tunesmith / harmonist / musician / songsmith / composer 自强 自強 zìqiáng improve oneself / self-strengthening 任用 任用 rènyòng appoint / assign to post 盯 盯 dīng fix one's eyes on / gaze/stare at / gaze / stare at / gaze at 前辈 前輩 qiánbèi senior (in age/experience/etc.) / elder / older generation 疫苗 疫苗 yìmiáo bacterin / inoculum / vaccine 疲倦 疲倦 píjuàn languid / weary / tire / tiredness / lassitude / languor / jade / tired / ennui 巷 巷 xiàng back street / lane / alleyway / alley 服 服 fú take (medicine) 政客 政客 zhèngkè hack / politico / ward-heeler / politician / political hack / machine politician / statist 版权 版權 bǎnquán right of first publication / copyright 服气 服氣 fúqì be convinced / convince / feel things are fair 服药 服藥 fúyào take medicine 争夺 爭奪 zhēngduó fight for / enter into rivalry over / campaign / agitate / contend for / fight / push / crusade / scramble / vie with somebody for sth. 病例 病例 bìnglì case of illness / case (of illness) / case 信件 信件 xìnjiàn correspondence / missive / mail / letters / post / letter 拍卖 拍賣 pāimài auction / sell at reduced price 票价 票價 piàojià admission fee / the price of a ticket / entrance fee / ticket price / carfare 长短 長短 chángduǎn length / right and wrong / strong and weak points 座位 座位 zuòwèi perch / table / saddle / pew / place to sit / place / seat / locus 上去 上去 shàngqù go up 预先 預先 yūxiān in advance / beforehand 实话 實話 shíhuà true statement / truth / true story 县委 縣委 xiànwěi county Party committee 北区 北區 běiqū northern area 母 母 mǔ female (of birds/animals/etc.) 而今 而今 érjīn now 互 互 hù mutually / each other / mutual / together 下挫 下挫 xiàcuò fall / decline / decrease 山顶 山頂 shāndǐng mountaintop / summit of a mountain / hilltop / top of a mountain / mountain top / knap / ben 未知 未知 wèizhī unknow 打到 打到 dǎdào hit (the target) 淹没 淹沒 yānmò engross / float / overshadow / deluge / submerse / inundate / overwhelm / die / flood / submerge / drench / deafen / bury / swallow up / flood out / swallow / drown / whelm / inundation / swamp / immerse / submergence / overwhelming / eat up 地层 地層 dìcéng measure / geological formation / formation / geology / bed / stratification / stratum / layer 谋生 謀生 móushēng make a living / seek a livelihood / seek livelihood 一手 一手 yīshǒu single-handedly / alone 中断 中斷 zhōngduàn drop / go_off / go off / cut_off / suspend / discontinuance / intermit / discontinue / pause / break_off / terminate / suspension / break off / corrupt / fall_through / break / interrupt / knock off 餵 餵 wèi salt / feed 惩罚 懲罰 chéngfá punish, penalize 讲解 講解 jiǎngjiě explain, narrate 听取 聽取 tīngqǔ listen to 苏格兰 蘇格蘭 sūgélán Scotland 矿工 礦工 kuànggōng miner 筹措 籌措 chóucuò raise money 举起 舉起 jǔqǐ heize / heave / elevate / put_up / wind / put up / lift_up / set up / lift_out / hoist / uphold / hold_up / uprear / hold up / uplift / upraise / uptake / raise_up / raise / pry / rear / lift / erect / upheave / hoise / heft 槟榔 檳榔 bīnláng betel_nut / betel palm / areca / areca_nut / betel nut / pinang / areca nut 下挫 下挫 xiàcuò fall / decline / decrease 画廊 畫廊 huàláng painted corridor / (picture) gallery 货车 貨車 huòchē goods/freight train/wagon/van/car / truck / lorry 酗酒 酗酒 xùjiǔ drink excessively 无常 無常 wúcháng impermanent / changeable 发扬 發揚 fāyáng develop / carry on / make most of 烦 煩 fán trouble 感人 感人 gǎnrén touching / moving 发扬 發揚 fāyáng develop / carry on / make most of 策划 策劃 cèhuà plan / plot / engineer 遇上 遇上 yūshàng come across 殖民地 殖民地 zhímíndì Colony / plantation / colony / habitation / settlement / colonial 顺 順 shùn obey / follow / submit to 垦丁 墾丁 kěndīng Kenting (national park) 路段 路段 lùduàn section of highway/railway 馆长 館長 guǎnzhǎng director (of library / head / director (of library/etc.) / etc.) / curator / director / conservator 童工 童工 tónggōng child laborer / child labor 嗜好 嗜好 shìhào hobby / addiction / habit 亲爱 親愛 qīnài endear / beloved / dear 营利 營利 yínglì VA4 论点 論點 lùndiǎn line / question / line of reasoning / argumentation / talking point / logical argument / contention / thesis / argument 获取 獲取 huòqǔ derive / obtain / procure / gain / get / liberate / angle / win 编号 編號 biānhào serial number 独裁 獨裁 dúcái dictatorial / autarchical / despotism / dictatorship 历史系 歷史系 lìshǐxì department of history / Department of History / history department 雌 雌 cí female 台南 臺南 táinán Tainan 混淆 混淆 hǔnyáo blur / confuse / mix up 着想 著想 zháoxiǎng consider / take into consideration 依循 依循 yīxún follow 祕书 祕書 mìshū secretary 送往 送往 sòngwǎng deliver to 杰作 傑作 jiézuò tour de force / masterwork / showpiece / classic / tour_de_force / masterpiece 纷争 紛爭 fēnzhēng odds / affray / trouble / fracas / wrangle / dispute / squall / dispeace / imbroglio / strife / dissension / altercation 途 途 tú road / route / journey / way 参选 參選 cānxuǎn take part in election / enter election 食用 食用 shíyòng edible / eat 张贴 張貼 zhāngtiē put up (poster/etc.) 得失 得失 déshī gains and losses / successes and failures / merits and faults 抽籤 抽籤 chōuqiān draw/cast lots 剥削 剝削 bōxuè exploit 服从 服從 fúcóng obey / submit (oneself) to / be subordinated to 风行 風行 fēngxíng be in fashion / be popular 到时候 到時候 dàoshíhòu at appointed time / on the occasion 张 張 zhāng stretch / spread / expand / display / set out 现成 現成 xiànchéng ready-made 损坏 損壞 sǔnhuài damage / injure 农夫 農夫 nóngfū farmer 农药 農藥 nóngyào agricultural chemical / pesticide / farm chemical / insecticide / agricultural 登陆 登陸 dēnglù land / disembark 剩余 剩餘 shèngyū be left over / leave / remain 假设 假設 jiǎshè hypothesis 阵容 陣容 zhènróng battle array / lineup / disposition 最多 最多 zuìduō at (the) most 张贴 張貼 zhāngtiē put up (poster/etc.) 参选 參選 cānxuǎn take part in election / enter election 健行 健行 jiànxíng hike 健行 健行 jiànxíng hike 莫名其妙 莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào be baffled / without rhyme or reason / inexplicable 侮辱 侮辱 wǔrù insult / humiliate 邮政 郵政 yóuzhèng dawk / postal service / dak / mail / postal_service / post / postal 投降 投降 tóuxiáng surrender / capitulate 风行 風行 fēngxíng be in fashion / be popular 振动 振動 zhèndòng judder / ruffle / vibration / rock / riffle / oscillate / pulse / vibratory / vibrate / flick / flutter / flap / shimmy / pulsate 剥削 剝削 bōxuè exploit 肥 肥 féi fertile / fat / fertilize / rich 约谈 約談 yuētán schedule a meeting 苦难 苦難 kǔnàn suffering / misery / distress 投降 投降 tóuxiáng surrender / capitulate 省思 省思 xǐngsī introspect 吃掉 吃掉 chīdiào polish_off / wipe out / annihilate / consume (food) 沈默 沈默 chénmò reticent / taciturn / silent 交流道 交流道 jiāoliúdào slip road 好事 好事 hǎoshì an act of charity / alms / good deed/turn / good turn / good works / turn / good deed 波兰 波蘭 pōlán Poland 因缘 因緣 yīnyuán principal and secondary causes / silver dollar / predestined relationship / opportunity / chance 吸血鬼 吸血鬼 xīxiěguǐ bloodsucker / lamia / vampire / leech / Dracula 初中 初中 chūzhōng junior high school / junior_high_school / junior middle school / junior high 为由 為由 wéiyóu for the reason of... 烈酒 烈酒 lièjiǔ strong drink / hard drink / grog / tipple / aqua vitae / firewater / poison / spirits / tanglefoot / rozener / John Barleycorn / hard liquor / hooch / tangle-legs / short / spirit / ardent_spirits / strong_drink / knockdown / ardent spirits / liquor / booze / hard_drink / eyewater 约谈 約談 yuētán schedule a meeting 沼泽 沼澤 zhǎozé sump / cienaga / curragh / marshland / moss / vlaie / peat bog / morass / moorland / fen / slough / bog / fenland / marish / swamp / marsh / mere / moor 计算机 計算機 jìsuànjī counter / arithmometer / calculating machine / calculating_machine / computer / calculator 省思 省思 xǐngsī introspect 抽籤 抽籤 chōuqiān draw/cast lots 挥 揮 huī brandish / wipe off/away / command (an army) / scatter / disperse / squander (money/etc.) 陌生人 陌生人 mòshēngrén unco / alien / stranger / outcomer / outlander / foreigner / unknown 香槟 香檳 xiāngbīn Champagne / champagne 服从 服從 fúcóng obey / submit (oneself) to / be subordinated to 枕头 枕頭 zhěntou pillow 飞翔 飛翔 fēixiáng wheel / circle in the air / hover / fly 侮辱 侮辱 wǔrù insult / humiliate 首相 首相 shǒuxiàng prime minister 分担 分擔 fēndān share responsibility for 反观 反觀 fǎnguān look_back / look at sth. from different aspect 功利 功利 gōnglì utility / material gain 分 分 fēn distribute / allot 人世 人世 rénshì the human world / human world 巨 巨 jù huge / gigantic 考核 考核 kǎohé examination 本领 本領 běnlǐng address / proficiency / skill / knack / ability / capability / flair 生育 生育 shēngyū give birth to / bear 天命 天命 tiānmìng Destiny / dispensation / destiny / vocation / the mandate of heaven / kismet / Fate / mandate of heaven / manifest destiny / fate / God's will 田园 田園 tiányuán pastoral / fields and gardens / homestead / countryside / geoponics 公务 公務 gōngwù public service / public affairs / official business 分担 分擔 fēndān share responsibility for 公债 公債 gōngzhài government_bond / Treasury bond / government bond / fund / public loan / security / loan / government loan 损坏 損壞 sǔnhuài damage / injure 月球 月球 yuèqiú luminary / moon 太阳能 太陽能 tàiyángnéng solar_energy / solar power / solar_power / solar energy 缩减 縮減 suōjiǎn reduce, cut 键 鍵 jiàn key (of piano/computer/etc.), bond, bolt (of door) 觉 覺 jiào sleeping 镇压 鎮壓 zhènyā suppress, repress, put down, execute (counterrevolutionary) 灌输 灌輸 guànshū instill into, imbue with, teach, impart 大规模 大規模 dàguīmó large-handed / on large-scale / largely 大街 大街 dàjiē calzada / thoroughfare / prado / avenue / high street / boulevard / street / main street 共产 共產 gòngchǎn communist 回教 回教 huíjiào Moslemism / Islam / Mohammedanism / Islamism 心智 心智 xīnzhì intelligence / psyche / mental / wit / mental capacity / brain / mentality / wisdom / learning ability / brainpower 下手 下手 xiàshǒu put one's hand to / start / set about / set to, start 大伙 大夥 dàhuǒ us / we / we all / everyone 出海 出海 chūhǎi outstand / go to or put out to sea / put out to sea / go to sea 打断 打斷 dǎduàn fragment / disrupt / desist_from / cut_off / put_in / cut off / put in / discontinue / break up / cut short / barge in / punctuate / chime in / break_in / break in / butt in / interruption / burst_in_on / interpellate / cut in / break / interrupt 大大小小 大大小小 dàdàxiǎoxiǎo all sorts/kinds / various 登陆 登陸 dēnglù land / disembark 天色 天色 tiānsè sky / time of day / color of sky / weather 滴 滴 dī m.[general] 歌坛 歌壇 gētán vocal circle/group 顽皮 頑皮 wánpí naughty / mischievous 歌舞 歌舞 gēwǔ song and dance 绵延 綿延 miányán continuing / be continuous / stretch long and unbroken 适宜 適宜 shìyí fit / accommodate / befit / suitable / suit / appropriate 精进 精進 jīngjìn energetic / aggressive / enterprising 节庆 節慶 jiéqìng fete / fiesta / feast / festival 喜好 喜好 xǐhào like / love / be fond of 闷 悶 mēn shut indoors / seal / stuffy / shut oneself or somebody indoors / muffled (of sound) / in low spirits / bored / cover tightly / frowsty 搜集 搜集 sōují glean / conglomerate / pile up / amass / gather / accumulate / collect / cumulate / collection / gathering 湖南 湖南 húnán Hunan province 喜好 喜好 xǐhào like / love / be fond of 顽皮 頑皮 wánpí naughty / mischievous 捡 撿 jiǎn pick up / collect / gather 切入 切入 qiērù incise 民选 民選 mínxuǎn elected by the people / popularly elected 人行道 人行道 rénxíngdào path / pavement / sidewalk / footpath / banquette / paseo / footway / walkway / trottoir / sideway / causeway / walk 生育 生育 shēngyū give birth to / bear 战士 戰士 zhànshì man / belligerent / fighter / scrapper / gladiator / champion / paladin / soldier / warrior / hero / battler / combatant 乐于 樂於 lèyú indulge / delight / be happy to / take delight in 湿地 濕地 shīdì peat bog / fen / bog / marshland / fenland / dismal / marsh / swamp / quag / wash / swale / everglade / wetland 视线 視線 shìxiàn line of sight / view / line of vision / sight / line_of_vision / line_of_sight 制作人 製作人 zhìzuórén producer / manager 营地 營地 yíngdì encampment / post / camp / cantonment / bivouac / summer camp / campsite / camping ground / camping site / camping area / campground 糊涂 糊塗 hútú muddled / confused / thoughtless / slipshod 慕尼黑 慕尼黑 mùníhēi Munich 卖出 賣出 màichū (actually) sell 卖出 賣出 màichū (actually) sell 闽南语 閩南語 mǐnnányǔ Southern Fujian topolect 存活 存活 cúnhuó survive 博物院 博物院 bówùyuàn museum 沈默 沈默 chénmò reticent / taciturn / silent 孤立 孤立 gūlì isolated 奉 奉 fèng give, present, receive, esteem, revere, respect, believe in, wait upon, attend to, have the honor to 交错 交錯 jiāocuò intersect / interlace / interlock / intertwine / counterchange / crisscross 刻板 刻板 kèbǎn cut blocks for printing / inflexible / stiff / mechanical 征服 征服 zhēngfú break_through / subjugate / reduce / subdue / conquest / subjugation / subject / prostrate / vanquish / devastate / dragoon / master / conquer / overmaster / overcome 受益 受益 shòuyì be benefited / profit by / benefit / do good / benefit from 车行 車行 chēháng place for buying and hiring carts / garage 合办 合辦 hébàn run jointly / operate jointly / run cooperatively 光绪 光緒 guāngxù Guangxu (1875-1908) / Guangxu reign period (1875-l908) / Guangxu reign period 成形 成形 chéngxíng jell / take shape / hew / form / shape / shaping / forming 多方 多方 duōfāng in many ways / in every way 每隔 每隔 měigé at a distance from / after an interval of 羽球 羽球 yǔqiú badminton / shuttlecock 孤立 孤立 gūlì isolated 存活 存活 cúnhuó survive 强壮 強壯 qiángzhuàng strong / sturdy 悠閒 悠閒 yōuxián leisurely and carefree 悠閒 悠閒 yōuxián leisurely and carefree 追问 追問 zhuīwèn question/examine minutely 追问 追問 zhuīwèn question/examine minutely 通往 通往 tōngwǎng lead/go to 密码 密碼 mìmǎ cipher/secret code 前所未有 前所未有 qiánsuǒwèiyǒu unprecedented / hitherto unknown 为首 為首 wéishǒu head up / head / be headed by / serve as the leader 眉 眉 méi vallum / brow / eyebrow / the top margin of a page / supercilium / top margin of page 强制 強制 qiángzhì obligatorily 汇集 匯集 huìjí collect / compile / come together / converge / assemble 看病 看病 kànbìng consult a doctor / see a doctor / see doctor / see a patient / see patient 国文 國文 guówén written national language / national language and literature / Ch. literature 笛子 笛子 dízi5 fife / flute / bamboo flute 执法 執法 zhífǎ enforce law 执法 執法 zhífǎ enforce law 处理器 處理器 chǔlǐqì processor 蚊 蚊 wén mosquito 堆积 堆積 duījī heap/pile up 许许多多 許許多多 xǔxǔduōduō det.: many / much / a lot of 侵入 侵入 qīnrù invade / intrude into 商用 商用 shāngyòng for business use 原油 原油 yuányóu crude_oil / crude / crude (oil) / crude oil 注明 註明 zhùmíng indicate/note clearly 悲伤 悲傷 bēishāng sad / sorrowful 堆积 堆積 duījī heap/pile up 性命 性命 xìngmìng life 自此 自此 zìcǐ since then 串 串 chuàn m.[general] 估算 估算 gūsuàn estimate / reckon / appraise / calculate roughly 立志 立志 lìzhì resolve / be determined 育乐 育樂 yūlè education and entertainment 安全感 安全感 ānquángǎn sense of security 吃力 吃力 chīlì entail strenuous effort / be a strain 西南 西南 xīnán sou'-west / SW / southwest / Southwest China / southwestward / the Southwest 呵 呵 hē ah / oh 村落 村落 cūnluò village / dorp / hamlet 佣金 佣金 yōngjīn middleman's fee / brokerage / commission / procuration / rake-off / poundage / brokage / kickback 肥料 肥料 féiliào fecundation / soil / fertilization / dung / dressing / manure / fertilizer 重现 重現 chóngxiàn reappear 保全 保全 bǎoquán keep safe / preserve / maintain 争相 爭相 zhēngxiāng vie with each other 原告 原告 yuángào suitor / claimant / libelee / libelant / complainant / demandant / petitioner / pursuer / complaint / accuser / plaintiff / prosecutor / procecutor / relator / claimer 跟进 跟進 gēnjìn follow in wake of 芭蕾 芭蕾 bālěi ballet 跟进 跟進 gēnjìn follow in wake of 保全 保全 bǎoquán keep safe / preserve / maintain 重复 重覆 chóngfù duplicate / recurrent / ditto / repeat 砂石 砂石 shāshí sandstone 直线 直線 zhíxiàn straight_line / airline / straight / straight line / beeline 重现 重現 chóngxiàn reappear 根据 根據 gēnjù basis / grounds / foundation 侵入 侵入 qīnrù invade / intrude into 研习会 研習會 yánxíhuì workshop / seminar 上前 上前 shàngqián approach / go forward / come forward / come_forward / come 不准 不准 bùzhǔn deny 中锋 中鋒 zhōngfēng center (basketball) / centre / center forward / center forward (football) / center 市议员 市議員 shìyìyuán city councilor 包围 包圍 bāowéi surround / encircle 甘肃 甘肅 gānsù Kansu / Gansu / Gansu province 木头 木頭 mùtóu wood / log / timber 大三 大三 dàsān third year class / upper class 下水道 下水道 xiàshuǐdào sump / drainage_system / sewer / sewerage / culvert / cloaca / drainage / drainage system / sink / cesspit / cesspool / drain 奴隶 奴隸 núlì vassal / servant / Helot / serf / helot / chattel / thrall / slave / bondslave / bondservant / Mameluke / bondman / bond servant / minion / bondsman 不忘 不忘 búwàng remember / bear in mind 充当 充當 chōngdāng act_as / play the role of / allot / play the part of / act as / serve / serve/act as / serve as 侨生 僑生 shēng overseas Ch. students in China 右边 右邊 yòubiān right-hand side / the right 屡 屢 lǔ over and over again / again and again / repeatedly / over and over / time and again / frequently / time_and_again / time and time again 未免 未免 wèimiǎn rather / truly / inevitably 大理石 大理石 dàlǐshí marble 人质 人質 rénzhí surety / pawn / hostage 回馈 回饋 huíkuì feedback 打听 打聽 dǎtīng ask about / check_up_on / snoop / inquire/ask about / pry / inquire / find_out / seek / inquire about 人影 人影 rényǐng figure / sign of human presence / human shadow 丈 丈 zhàng male elder relative / a form of address for certain male relatives by ma / m.[standard] / / male elder person / male elder relative/person 包围 包圍 bāowéi surround / encircle 山洞 山洞 shāndòng cave / cavern 护 護 hù protect, guard, be partial to, shield, cover 鸽子 鴿子 gēzi5 pigeon, dove 踪迹 蹤跡 zōngjī slot / track / footprint / scent / trace / trail 全国性 全國性 quánguóxìng nationwide / countrywide / national 单调 單調 dāndiào monotonous / dull / drab / boring 微妙 微妙 wéimiào delicate / subtle 悲伤 悲傷 bēishāng sad / sorrowful 围绕 圍繞 wéirào move around / center on / revolve around 景致 景致 jǐngzhì view / aspect / prospect / scene / scenery / vista / panorama 汇集 匯集 huìjí collect / compile / come together / converge / assemble 来往 來往 láiwǎng come and go 丝 絲 sī silk / threadlike thing / tiny bit / trace 自信心 自信心 zìxìnxīn self-confidence 新奇 新奇 xīnqí novel / newfangled / new / strange 无用 無用 wúyòng wasted / useless 过境 過境 guòjìng be in transit / pass through the territory of a country / be in transit (international travel) / pass through a country's territory 饱受 飽受 bǎoshòu suffer enough from / have one's fill of / be subject to / endure one's fill of / endure one's fill of (hardship) 网络 網絡 wǎngluò meshwork / net / network / mesh / reticulation 著称 著稱 zhùchēng be widely known as 写照 寫照 xiězhào portraying / portrayal / depicting / representation / mirror / depiction / portraiture 恶 惡 è evil 督促 督促 dūcù supervise and urge 感叹 感嘆 gǎntàn sigh / exclaim 源头 源頭 yuántóu origin / wellspring / springhead / beginning / spring / well / fountainhead / root / source 壶 壺 hú kettle / pot / bottle / flask 暂 暫 zhàn temporary 标示 標示 biāoshì designate / highlight 钱 錢 qián Surname 零组件 零組件 língzǔjiàn spare parts / spares / components 尽头 盡頭 jìntóu vanishing_point / side / dead_end / vanishing point / end / nonplus / impasse / extremity 语言学 語言學 yǔyánxué phonology / language / glossology / language learning / linguistic / philology / linguistics 普渡 普渡 pǔdù save all beings 督促 督促 dūcù supervise and urge 好奇心 好奇心 hàoqíxīn curiosity 来自于 來自於 láizìyū originate in / originate from / stem / come 走动 走動 zǒudòng stump / visit each other / stretch one's legs / slope / ambulate / go / walk about / get around / navigate / get about 谅解 諒解 liàngjiě understand / make allowance for 饮 飲 yǐn drink / swallow (insults/etc.) / be hit (by bullet/etc.) 天皇 天皇 tiānhuáng the emperor of Japan / emperor / Mikado / mikado / emperor of Japan 尽 儘 jǐn to the greatest extent / utmost 蒙 蒙 méng cover 辣 辣 là sharp / spicy / biting (of smell/taste) / sharp / spicy / biting (of smell/taste) 惭愧 慚愧 cánkuì be ashamed / ashamed / blush 榕树 榕樹 róngshù small-fruited fig/banyan tree 模组 模組 mózǔ module 山丘 山丘 shānqiū hummock / height / eminence / swelling / hill / tomb / hillock 团圆 團圓 tuányuán reunion 代表会 代表會 dàibiǎohuì congress 燃料 燃料 ránliào combustible / firing / fuel / elding / fueling / combustible material 歌仔戏 歌仔戲 gēzǎixì Taiwan regional opera 宪政 憲政 xiànzhèng constitutional government / constitutionalism 梦幻 夢幻 mènghuàn chimera / languor / reverie / dreaminess / pipe_dream / dream / illusion / dreaming / translunary / somnolence 滑水 滑水 huáshuǐ water-ski 结盟 結盟 jiéméng form alliance / ally / align 舅舅 舅舅 jiùjiù mother's brother / uncle 圆形 圓形 yuánxíng circular / roundness / rondure / rotundity / round / circularity / wreath / circular shape 谅解 諒解 liàngjiě understand / make allowance for 欠 欠 qiàn yawn / be short of / lack / aught / wanting / slightly raise one's body / be not enough / raise slightly / lacking / owe / be behind with 倡导 倡導 chàngdǎo lead / initiate / introduce / proposal / initiation / propose 绳子 繩子 shéngzi5 rope, string 觉悟 覺悟 juéwù come to understand, realize 赞赏 讚賞 zànshǎng applaud, praise, appreciate 额度 額度 édù volume / limit 艺品 藝品 yìpǐn work of art 分泌 分泌 fēnmì secrete 上方 上方 shàngfāng surface of / upward / upwards / above / on top / upper 王朝 王朝 wángcháo reign / imperial court / dynasty / royal court / dynastic / imperial/royal court / imperial 北上 北上 běishàng proceed/go northward 不自觉 不自覺 búzìjué be not conscious/aware 由来 由來 yóulái filiation / origin / pedigree / derivation / cause / causal agent / whence / causal agency 主计处 主計處 zhǔjìchù Budget Accounting Statistics 日夜 日夜 rìyè day and night 不尽 不盡 bújìn not quite so 分泌 分泌 fēnmì secrete 只不过 只不過 zhǐbúguò only / just / merely 外围 外圍 wàiwéi circumference / margin / periphery 少爷 少爺 shàoyé childe / young master of the house / young son / child / Signorino / your son 北上 北上 běishàng proceed/go northward 美满 美滿 měimǎn happy / harmonious (of a family) 偏好 偏好 piānhào be partial to sth. 清澈 清澈 qīngchè limpid / clear 送来 送來 sònglái deliver 船长 船長 chuánzhǎng captain / skipper 晚年 晚年 wǎnnián old age / one's later years 书局 書局 shūjú bookstore / bookstall / press / publishing house / book company / bookshop 曹操 曹操 cáocāo one of most celebrated figures in Three Kingdoms period 偏好 偏好 piānhào be partial to sth. 伪造 偽造 wěizào forge / counterfeit 海湾 海灣 hǎiwān frith / estuary / gulf / bight / firth / loch / bay / fjord / sound / bayou / lough / arm / beach 仓储 倉儲 cāngchú keep (grain/goods/etc.) in storehouse 音乐家 音樂家 yīnyuèjiā musician 信息 信息 xìnxí data / communication / message / information / news 知情 知情 zhīqíng know the facts of a case 库存 庫存 kùcún inventory / armory / armoury / reserve / stock 振兴 振興 zhènxīng develop vigorously / promote 捏 捏 niē trump up / mould / hold between the finger and thumb / knead with the fingers / hold between fingers / mold / knead / pinch / nip / work / fabricate 超出 超出 chāochū overtop / surpass / exceed / outstep / outrun / forereach / transcend / overstep / go beyond / beyond / rise 中立 中立 zhōnglì neutral 南管 南管 nánguǎn Chinese tradtional instrument 结盟 結盟 jiéméng form alliance / ally / align 胜过 勝過 shèngguò be superior to 感冒 感冒 gǎnmào common cold 振兴 振興 zhènxīng develop vigorously / promote 盛会 盛會 shènghuì distinguished gathering / grand meeting 塞纳河 塞納河 sènàhé Seine_River 饱 飽 bǎo having eaten one's fill / satisfied / stuffed / full / satisfy / plump / be full / satiated 饰演 飾演 shìyǎn impersonate / act the part of / act / play part of / personate / play the role of / play / portray 奥林匹克 奧林匹克 àolínpīkè Olympia / Olympic / Olimpic Games 准时 準時 zhǔnshí punctual / punctually 过渡 過渡 guòdù ferry stream 造势 造勢 zàoshì create better situation 着实 著實 zhuóshí really / indeed / severely 清洗 清洗 qīngxǐ rinse / wash / purge 笙 笙 shēng reed pipe wind instrument 清洗 清洗 qīngxǐ rinse / wash / purge 将要 將要 jiāngyào going to / will / shall 伪造 偽造 wěizào forge / counterfeit 排定 排定 páidìng arrange / put in order / sequence 追究 追究 zhuījiù look into / find out / investigate 华文 華文 huáwén Ch. language/script 呼应 呼應 hūyìng echo / work in concert with 赤字 赤字 chìzì shortfall / deficit / shortage / red / budget deficit / trade deficit 年级 年級 niánjí grade / year (in school / etc.) 到场 到場 dàochǎng turn_out / be present / turn out / turn up / show up 自家 自家 zìjiā oneself 向善 向善 xiàngshàn do good turns 西装 西裝 xīzhuāng business suit / lounge suit / Western-style clothes / double breasted suit / single breasted suit / two piece suit / three piece suit 多加 多加 duōjiā in addition / moreover 受难 受難 shòunàn suffer calamities / be in distress / suffer disaster / suffer calamity 洪水 洪水 hóngshuǐ cataclysm / freshet / floodwater / flood / deluge / overflow / outpouring / alluvion / inundation / spate 技法 技法 jìfǎ skill and technique / technique and method 多寡 多寡 duōguǎ number / amount 形势 形勢 xíngshì aspect / lie / tide / state of affairs / state_of_affairs / contour / complexion / terrain / circumstances / topographical features / situation / outlook / posture / position / topological features 京都 京都 jīngdū capital of a country / Kyoto (Jp.) / Kyoto 呼应 呼應 hūyìng echo / work in concert with 防守 防守 fángshǒu defend / guard 江 江 jiāng Surname 些许 些許 xiēxǔ littleness / det.: a little / thought / groat / a few / a bit 竹林 竹林 zhúlín bamboo forest/grove / bamboo forest / grove / bamboo grove 防守 防守 fángshǒu defend / guard 法务部 法務部 fǎwùbù Ministry of Justice 步伐 步伐 bùfá marching / gait / walking / foot / footing / march / pace / cadence / step 经理人 經理人 jīnglǐrén handler / operator / syndic / impresario 发脾气 發脾氣 fāpíqì angry / be cross / lose one's temper / lose temper / get worked up / forget / get angry / be peevish 想出 想出 xiǎngchū formulate / excogitate / devise / recur / figure_out / invent / contrive / work out / call to mind / puzzle_out / project / dope / evolve / think_up / forge / drum_up / originate / think / think_of / think of 喘 喘 chuǎn gasp for breath, pant 端 端 duān hold sth. level / carry 肾 腎 shèn kidney 照样 照樣 zhàoyàng after a model / after a pattern / as_usual / likewise / in the same old way / as before / model 麻痺 麻痺 mábì torpify / slacken vigilance / anesthetize / blunt / paralytic / slumber / benumb 涨停 漲停 zhǎngtíng Limit Up 传真 傳真 chuánzhēn fax 历时 歷時 lìshí occupy / take (a period of time) / last / take / use up 筷子 筷子 kuàizi5 chopsticks 做爱 做愛 zuòài make love 预订 預訂 yūdìng set / place an order / book / subscribe / book_up / reserve / speak_for / hold / book up / subscription 铜像 銅像 tóngxiàng bronze statue 赶上 趕上 gǎnshàng emulate / happen to / overtake / run into / forereach / catch up with / run into (situation) / catch_up / meet up with / catch up / pull_up / be in time for / catch_up_with / catch / overhaul / make 报章 報章 bàozhāng newspapers 连忙 連忙 liánmáng promptly / at once 救援 救援 jiùyuán rescue / come to somebody's help 粗糙 粗糙 cūcào coarse / rough / crude 大脑 大腦 dànǎo brain / cerebral / encephalon / cerebrum 机票 機票 jīpiào plane ticket 接送 接送 jiēsòng receive and send off (guests/visitors) 添加 添加 tiānjiā add / increase 酒吧 酒吧 jiǔbā bar 处分 處分 chǔfèn discipline/punish somebody 恶鬼 惡鬼 èguǐ bogie / goblin / monster / bogy / cacodemon / demon / hobgoblin / hellhound / bogey 纯朴 純樸 chúnpú honest / simple / unsophisticated 做爱 做愛 zuòài make love 票房 票房 piàofáng booking/box office 时程 時程 shíchéng schedule 盛大 盛大 shèngdà grand / magnificent 添加 添加 tiānjiā add / increase 单价 單價 dānjià unit price 送医 送醫 sùyī be sent to hospital 内战 內戰 nèizhàn civil_war / civil war 功劳 功勞 gōngláo service / meritorious service / merit / meritoriousness / credit / contribution / exploit / deservingness 出击 出擊 chūjí launch attack / make sally 大军 大軍 dàjūn army / great concentration of troops / large contingent / main force / battalion / legion 外海 外海 wàihǎi open sea 介于 介於 jièyū be situated in between 位址 位址 wèizhǐ location / address 出击 出擊 chūjí launch attack / make sally 天文学 天文學 tiānwénxué astronomy 工商业 工商業 gōngshāngyè industry and commerce 举止 舉止 jǔzhǐ dispose / ongoing / demeanor / deportment / mien / behavior / conduct / manner / goings-on / carriage / demeanour / address / setup / comportment / guise / going / bearing / sort 瀰漫 瀰漫 mímàn fill the air, spread everywhere 摄 攝 shè absorb, assimilate, take photograph of, shoot, conserve (one's health), act for 礼仪 禮儀 lǐyí ceremony / courtesy / code / form / properness / correctitude / propriety / protocol / etiquette / ceremonial / amenity / decorum / decency / rite / devoir 强硬 強硬 qiángyìng strong / tough / unyielding 高出 高出 gāochū be higher/taller than 打猎 打獵 dǎliè hunt 总工会 總工會 zǒnggōnghuì federation of trade unions 审美 審美 shěnměi appreciate beauty 噢 噢 òu of surprised understanding 箭 箭 jiàn arrow 像 像 xiàng portrait / picture 精灵 精靈 jīnglíng spirit / demon 幕后 幕後 mùhòu background / backcloth / scene / backstage / behind the scenes / backdrop 小径 小徑 xiǎojìng back street / path / lane / defile / footpath / close / trackway / alley / alleyway / trail / narrow path 广阔 廣闊 guǎngkuò vast / capacious / broad 午后 午後 wǔhòu PM / P.M. / pm / post meridiem / afternoon / evening / postmeridian 截然不同 截然不同 jiéránbùtóng sharply/completely different 卖压 賣壓 màiyā Selling Climax 不予 不予 bùyǔ not grant 打入 打入 dǎrù throw into / infiltrate 支票 支票 zhīpiào cheque / chequer / (bank) check / bank check / check 一般性 一般性 yībānxìng universality / generic / Oxbridge / universalism / generality / vague generalization / universal / universal joint 据悉 據悉 jùxī it is reported / it is reported that... 乐意 樂意 lèyì willing / be willing / be willing to / be willing/ready to / be ready to 辛勤 辛勤 xīnqín industrious / hardworking 甚为 甚為 shènwéi extremely / very / even / exceeding / vitally / much 事业部 事業部 shìyèbù business department/ministry 抄袭 抄襲 chāoxí plagiarize / indiscriminately copy from others 孤单 孤單 gūdān solitary / friendless / alone 尖峰 尖峰 jiānfēng peak / highest peak 列 列 liè m.[general] 沉默 沉默 chénmò reticent / taciturn / silent 抑或 抑或 yìhuò conj.: or else / could it be that...? 立足 立足 lìzú have a footing / stand 辛勤 辛勤 xīnqín industrious / hardworking 沉默 沉默 chénmò reticent / taciturn / silent 直觉 直覺 zhíjué intuition 空虚 空虛 kōngxū hollow / void / devoid of meaning 重庆 重慶 chóngqìng city in Sichuan 空虚 空虛 kōngxū hollow / void / devoid of meaning 封锁 封鎖 fēngsuǒ blockade / block / seal off 名次 名次 míngcì position in a name list / position / place / place in a competition 有利于 有利於 yǒulìyū support / facilitate / profit / advantage / be advantageous / help / beneficial at 往返 往返 wǎngfǎn go and return 江南 江南 jiāngnán south of the river / area south of Yangtze 注视 注視 zhùshì watch attentively / gaze at 注视 注視 zhùshì watch attentively / gaze at 淨化 淨化 jìnghuà purify 江湖 江湖 jiānghú rivers and lakes / all corners of the country 没落 沒落 mòluò decline / wane 伊朗 伊朗 yīlǎng Iran 成语 成語 chéngyǔ set phrase / phrase / phrasal idiom / idiomatic expression / parlance / set_phrase / idiom 抄袭 抄襲 chāoxí plagiarize / indiscriminately copy from others 企管 企管 qìguǎn enterprise management 往返 往返 wǎngfǎn go and return 身后 身後 shēnhòu behind / in the rear / behind/at the back 没落 沒落 mòluò decline / wane 攸关 攸關 yōuguān affect / be related to 伙伴 伙伴 huǒbàn feller / associate / group / sodality / coagent / crony / butty / colleague / confrere / mate / lad / crew_member / sport / helpmeet / pard / fellow / coachfellow / haver / sidekick / consort / rival / coadjutor / stooge / associator / pal / teammate / cully / familiar / supporter / adherent / companion / gossip / fellowship / compeer / compadre / paisano / matey / hearty / copemate / cocker / bedfellow / marrow / cobber / buddy / par 岂不 豈不 qǐbù how couldn't/wouldn't 粗糙 粗糙 cūcào coarse / rough / crude 飞毛腿 飛毛腿 fēimáotuǐ fleet-footed / fleet-footed runner 初次 初次 chūcì for the first time 砍伐 砍伐 kǎnfā fell (trees) 消 消 xiāo removal / disappearance / need / efface / disappear / elimination / while away / pass the time in a leisurely way / dispel / remove / while away (time) / take / eliminate / annul / slake / vanish 祭拜 祭拜 jìbài worship 陶艺 陶藝 táoyì ceramics 流域 流域 liúyū river_basin / drainage area / drainage basin / valley / river basin / basin / drainage / water system / catchment / watershed / catchment basin / catchment area 纯朴 純樸 chúnpú honest / simple / unsophisticated 配上 配上 pèishàng group / pair 淨化 淨化 jìnghuà purify 救援 救援 jiùyuán rescue / come to somebody's help 浪 浪 làng furlong / breaker / wave / storm / billow 寂静 寂靜 jíjìng quiet / still 青蛙 青蛙 qīngwā frog 吸取 吸取 xīqǔ sop / take in / absorption / absorb / imbibe / assimilate / sop up / suck / drag / take up / draw / drink_in / suck up / puff / soak up / assimilation 起身 起身 qǐshēn get/stand up / leave / start (journey) 治好 治好 zhìhǎo heal / cure / restore health 星座 星座 xīngzuò sign of the zodiac / sign / star / mansion / planetary house / constellation / asterism / house 猛 猛 měng fierce / valiant / fearsome / severe 俟 俟 sì wait 狩猎 狩獵 shòuliè jack / run / track down / hunting / hunt / gun / hunt down 板块 板塊 bǎnkuài plate / tectonic plate 封锁 封鎖 fēngsuǒ blockade / block / seal off 砍伐 砍伐 kǎnfā fell (trees) 飞行员 飛行員 fēixíngyuán skyman / birdman / pilot / flyboy / flier / airman / aeronaut / flyer / aviator 花卉 花卉 huāhuì blossom / painting of flowers/plants / painting of plants / flower / plants / flowering plant / bloom / flowers and plants / painting of flowers 家门 家門 jiāmén door of house / clan / household / family 抱歉 抱歉 bàoqiàn feel apologetic / regret / apologetic / be sorry / be sorry/apologetic / be apologetic / sorry 迫害 迫害 pòhài persecute 南洋 南洋 nányáng Southeast China coastal provinces / Malay archipelago / South Sea / South Asia / South Seas 便捷 便捷 biànjié convenient / facile 迫害 迫害 pòhài persecute 便捷 便捷 biànjié convenient / facile 补救 補救 bǔjiù remedy 发包 發包 fābāo put out to contract 过分 過分 guòfèn excessive / undue 经过 經過 jīngguò process / course 农人 農人 nóngrén redneck / farmer 涂 塗 tú spread on / overlay / blot out / smear / bedaub / put on / apply / imbrue / besmear / paste / scrawl / scribble / application / cross out 汉语 漢語 hànyǔ Chinese/Sinitic language(s) / Chinese / Sinitic language / Chinese language / Sinitic / Sinitic language(s) 猪公 豬公 zhūgōng pig / hog / swine 聚落 聚落 jùluò station / village / settlement / dwelling place / town 漫画家 漫畫家 mánhuàjiā caricaturist / distortionist / cartoonist 演练 演練 yǎnliàn drill / practice 稀少 稀少 xīshǎo few / rare / scarce 审理 審理 shěnlǐ try / hear (case) 汉字 漢字 hànzì Sinogram / kanji / sinograph / Chinese character / Ch. character 审理 審理 shěnlǐ try / hear (case) 隔 隔 gé at a distance from / after an interval of 扬言 揚言 yángyán blazon / broadcast threats / threaten 农家 農家 nóngjiā peasant family 补救 補救 bǔjiù remedy 结晶 結晶 jiéjīng crystallisation / crystal / crystalline / crystallization 补偿 補償 bǔcháng remedy / recompense 发包 發包 fābāo put out to contract 气愤 氣憤 qìfèn angry / furious 挨 挨 āi suffer / endure 强暴 強暴 qiángbào rape 认可 認可 rènkě approve 样本 樣本 yàngběn example / exemplar / pattern / representative / sample book / specimen / instance / individual / stylebook / illustration / sample / piece / model 气愤 氣憤 qìfèn angry / furious 强暴 強暴 qiángbào rape 无辜 無辜 wúgū guiltless / innocent 机型 機型 jīxíng aircraft type 浮动 浮動 fúdòng float / drift / be unsteady / fluctuate 挨 挨 āi suffer / endure 反攻 反攻 fǎngōng counterstrike / counterattack / react / counteroffensive 一举 一舉 yījǔ at one stroke 公然 公然 gōngrán publically / brazenly / publicly / professedly / openly / in public 大二 大二 dàèr sophomore 不由得 不由得 bùyóude5 can't help 去除 去除 qùchú disembarrass / unclothe / cure / eradicate / clear_away / sublate / shake_off / shift / free / remove / eliminate / dismiss / weed out / clear / do_away_with / rid / seed / get_rid_of / pick / molt / get rid of / remedy / knock / exorcize / shunt 人气 人氣 rénqì limelight 天主教 天主教 tiānzhǔjiào papistry / Roman Catholicism / provincial / papism / catholicity / Catholicism / catholicism / Romanism / Catholic 心疼 心疼 xīnténg feel sorry / love / love dearly / make one's heart ache 口腔 口腔 kǒuqiāng oral_cavity / stomatological / oral / oral cavity 认得 認得 rèndé know / recognition / acknowledge / recognize / be acquainted with 拟订 擬訂 nǐdìng draw up, formulate 精 精 jīng perfect / excellent / refined / meticulous / precise / sharp / clever / shrewd / skilled / conversant / proficient 认可 認可 rènkě approve 误以为 誤以為 wùyǐwéi mistake / misapprehension 鞋 鞋 xié heel / shoes / boot / shoe 稿 稿 gǎo original text / original / stalk of grain / manuscript / stalk of cereal crops / (rough) draft / sketch / draft / straw 蒸汽 蒸汽 zhēngqì reek / evaporation / vapor / steam / vaporish / vapour / water vapor 筛选 篩選 shāixuǎn sift through, cull 墓 墓 mù grave / tomb / mausoleum 诺贝尔 諾貝爾 nuòbèiěr Noble / Nobel / Nobel Alfred Bernhard 精神科 精神科 jīngshénkē Department of Psychiatry 庆典 慶典 qìngdiǎn blowout / celebration / festa / gala / national celebration / potlatch / jamboree / festivity / commemoration / gala affair 导览 導覽 dǎolǎn conduct sightseeing tour 管理处 管理處 guǎnlǐchù management (office) / administration 课长 課長 kèzhǎng section chief 市公所 市公所 shìgōngsuǒ public affairs office / administrative office 命名 命名 mìngmíng name (somebody/sth.) 侵蚀 侵蝕 qīnshí corrode / erode 花草 花草 huācǎo flowers and plants 东北 東北 dōngběi the northeast 浮动 浮動 fúdòng float / drift / be unsteady / fluctuate 派遣 派遣 pàiqiǎn station / base / detail / detach / post / send / dispatch / send off / mission / despatch / place 拉开 拉開 lākāi draw_away / space out / pull open / draw away / undraw / draw back / pull_off / draw / draw off / pull off / unfurl / draft 法定 法定 fǎdìng constitutional / legal / statutory / lawful / legitimate 交涉 交涉 jiāoshè negotiate / make representations 吃惊 吃驚 chījīng stagger / scare / affright / be surprised / galvanize / fright / be startled / shocked / frighten / be shocked/amazed / frightened / be taken aback / startle / be shocked / amazed / start / be amazed / jump 有害 有害 yǒuhài disagree with / harmful / pernicious / detrimental / disagree_with 呆 呆 dāi idiotic / stay / silly / maladroit / blank / be / foolish 吾人 吾人 wúrén we 计 計 jì count / compute / calculate 命名 命名 mìngmíng name (somebody/sth.) 自然而然 自然而然 zìránérrán naturally / of oneself / spontaneously / automatically 定时 定時 dìngshí fix a time 每每 每每 měiměi often / invariably 回味 回味 huíwèi live over / call sth. to mind and ponder over it / relive / recall sth. and ponder it 呈现出 呈現出 chéngxiànchū present / appear / emerge 收盘 收盤 shōupán closing quotation (on exchange/etc.) 收盘 收盤 shōupán closing quotation (on exchange/etc.) 年少 年少 niánshào young of age 快门 快門 kuàimén camera shutter 妥当 妥當 tuǒdàng appropriate / proper 忍心 忍心 rěnxīn unfeeling / be hardhearted enough to / have the heart to 判定 判定 pàndìng judge / determine 政治家 政治家 zhèngzhìjiā politician / solon / statesman / national leader / statist 气流 氣流 qìliú breath / draught / overdraft / air_current / airstream / windage / air current / airflow / draft 交涉 交涉 jiāoshè negotiate / make representations 救济 救濟 jiùjì relieve / succor 判定 判定 pàndìng judge / determine 香港人 香港人 xiānggǎngrén Hong Konger 陆地 陸地 lùdì terrene / ground / earth / shore / landfall / solid ground / terra_firma / dry_land / terra firma / continent / dry land / land / terrestrial 租金 租金 zūjīn reprise / hire / letting / charterage / rental / rent / paycheck / borrowing cost 最终 最終 zuìzhōng last / final 救济 救濟 jiùjì relieve / succor 接手 接手 jiēshǒu take over (duties/etc.) 陶器 陶器 táoqì lathe / clayware / crockery / pottery / ceramic / ware / china / jug / earthen / earthenware / ceramics 绅士 紳士 shēnshì gentlemen / gentry 杀手 殺手 shāshǒu hit man / killer / able person 深信 深信 shēnxìn firmly believe 神色 神色 shénsè aspect / expression / look 宣扬 宣揚 xuānyáng publicize / propagate / advertise 宣扬 宣揚 xuānyáng publicize / propagate / advertise 夏 夏 xià Surname 炸弹 炸彈 zhàdàn bomb 所及 所及 suǒjí from what one reaches 放眼 放眼 fàngyǎn take broad view / scan widely 建设局 建設局 jiànshèjú Department of Economic Development 炸 炸 zhà saute / explosion / scamper / explode / blast / fry / flare up / deep-fry / blow up / fly into rage / flee in terror / bomb / burst 明瞭 明瞭 míngliǎo take_in / clarify / be clear about / understand / manifest 青睐 青睞 qīnglài favor / good graces 红包 紅包 hóngbāo payola / payoff / kickback / bonus / bribe / red paper bag with gift money 车程 車程 chēchéng mileage 席 席 xí m.[general] 郊遊 郊遊 jiāoyóu outing / excursion 侵蚀 侵蝕 qīnshí corrode / erode 郊遊 郊遊 jiāoyóu outing / excursion 出口 出口 chūkǒu exit 元帅 元帥 yuánshuài marshal / supreme commander 外语 外語 wàiyǔ foreign language 大势 大勢 dàshì general trend / general trend of events 升等 升等 shēngděng go up (in grade/etc.) 工商 工商 gōngshāng industry and commerce 上空 上空 shàngkōng in the sky / overhead 久久 久久 jiǔjiǔ for a long, long time / for a long long time 不复 不復 búfù no more / no longer / more 礼貌 禮貌 lǐmào courtesy, politeness, manners 读取 讀取 dúqǔ access 稳定性 穩定性 wěndìngxìng stability, stabilization 工学院 工學院 gōngxuéyuàn institute of polytechnic / college of engineering / polytechnic 生物学 生物學 shēngwùxué biology 大使 大使 dàshǐ elchee / embassador / ambassadorial / nuncio / ambassadorship / ambassador 出狱 出獄 chūyū get out of jail 用意 用意 yòngyì intention / purpose 北医 北醫 běiyī Taipei Medical College 内湖 內湖 nèihú Nei hu 二来 二來 èrlái conj.: in the second place 口水 口水 kǒushuǐ spit / slobber / drivel / spittle / saliva / slaver / drool / dribble 颠覆 顛覆 diānfù overturn, subvert 叙述 敘述 xùshù consideration / delineation / depiction / description 专人 專人 zhuānrén person specially assigned for a task/job 闭 閉 bì shut / stop / close / stop up / obstruct / switch off / obstruction / turn off / seel 排放 排放 páifàng discharge, drain off (gas/etc.) 马达 馬達 mǎdá motor 气味 氣味 qìwèi tang / wind / odor / savor / aurae / tint / flavor / leavening / savour / flavour / leaven / odour / aura / smatch / tinge / smell / smack / scent / taste 效力 效力 xiàolì effect 高尔夫球 高爾夫球 gāoěrfūqiú golf ball 终点 終點 zhōngdiǎn terminal point / destination / finish line 教职员 教職員 jiàozhíyuán teaching and administrative staff 桌椅 桌椅 zhuōyǐ ordinary household furniture 除去 除去 chúqù eliminate 卷入 捲入 juǎnrù be drawn into / be involved in 高贵 高貴 gāoguì noble / high 得多 得多 de5duō more 连署 連署 liánshǔ countersign / cosignatory / sign jointly / cosign 探望 探望 tànwàng look about / visit 动乱 動亂 dòngluàn turmoil / upheaval / disturbance 追随 追隨 zhuīsuí follow 音效 音效 yīnxiào sound effects 治理 治理 zhìlǐ administer / govern / bring under control / put in order 治理 治理 zhìlǐ administer / govern / bring under control / put in order 拖延 拖延 tuōyán delay / put off 标签 標籤 biāoqiān mark / ticket / gummed label / tab / markup / sticker / label / tally / tag 噁心 噁心 ěxīn vomit / keck / retch / turn sick / feel nauseated / nauseous / sicken / disgusting 排放 排放 páifàng discharge, drain off (gas/etc.) 就学 就學 jiùxué attend school 涨价 漲價 zhǎngjià rise in price 导入 導入 dǎorù introduce 记忆 記憶 jìyì remember / recall 智障 智障 zhìzhàng retarded 闻 聞 wén hear 称呼 稱呼 chēnghū call / address 就学 就學 jiùxué attend school 进驻 進駐 jìnzhù enter and garrison or be stationed 汇整 彙整 huìzhěng collect / gather 悲惨 悲慘 bēicǎn tragic / pathetic / miserable 逼近 逼近 bījìn press on towards / approach 雇主 雇主 gùzhǔ gaffer / beanfeast / master / governor / boss / employer / hirer 新郎 新郎 xīnláng groom / bridegroom 温泉 溫泉 wēnquán hot_spring / watering_place / thermae / thermal spring / hot spring 维也纳 維也納 wéiyěnà capital of Austria / Austrian capital / Vienna 落下 落下 luòxià fall/lag behind 农产品 農產品 nóngchǎnpǐn agricultural products / farm produce 喜剧 喜劇 xǐjù Thalia / comedy / sock 聘 聘 pìn engage / invite 脑部 腦部 nǎobù head 痛心 痛心 tòngxīn lacerate / pained / harrowing / grieved / distressed / deplore 逼近 逼近 bījìn press on towards / approach 落入 落入 luòrù fall in 碎 碎 suì break to pieces / break ... to pieces / garrulous / smash / knap / crumble / gabby / fragmentary / batter / broken 散文 散文 sǎnwén prose 指向 指向 zhǐxiàng head / point to / hold / point / maneuver / direct / steer / gear / pitch / manouevre / guide 修正案 修正案 xiūzhēngàn revised draft / amendment 空运 空運 kōngyùn air transport 爬上 爬上 páshàng get on / bestride / jump on / climb / mount up / hop on / mount / clamber / get_on / climb on 哈萨克 哈薩克 hāsàkè Kazakhstan / Kazak nationality / Kazakh / Kazak(h) ethnic minority (in NW China and former USSR) / Kazakstan / Kazak 肥胖 肥胖 féipàng fat / corpulent 返乡 返鄉 fǎnxiāng return to one's native place 肥胖 肥胖 féipàng fat / corpulent 个子 個子 gèzi5 height / stature / build 辛劳 辛勞 xīnláo toil 防卫 防衛 fángwèi defend 防卫 防衛 fángwèi defend 抛弃 拋棄 pāoqì dispose / cast aside / toss away / toss / lurch / throw out / put away / reject / abandonment / chuck / ditch / jettison / slough / renounce / flee / throw away / give up / desert / cast out / desolate / doff / chuck_out / fling / jilt / forgo / chuck out / discard / abandon / toss out / cast away / forsake 好评 好評 hǎopíng reputation / high opinion / favorable comment / conceit / favorable review / esteem 快活 快活 kuàihuó merry / cheerful / liven / jaunty / jolly / brighten / happy 延揽 延攬 yánlǎn recruit talent 依序 依序 yīxù in_order / in turn / sequentially / consecutive / in proper order 辛劳 辛勞 xīnláo toil 延揽 延攬 yánlǎn recruit talent 扶 扶 fú support / straighten ... up / support with the hand / place a hand on / help somebody up / relief / relieve / straighten sth. up / help ... up / help / support with hand 字符 字符 zìfú word-symbol / character 佳人 佳人 jiārén looker / peach / knockout / mantrap / dish / sweetheart / lulu / beautiful woman / stunner / beauty / sparkler / smasher 步入 步入 bùrù go into / walk into 利器 利器 lìqì sharp weapon / good tool / efficient instrument 花样 花樣 huāyàng pattern / variety 好用 好用 hǎoyòng practical 名片 名片 míngpiàn visiting_card / calling card / card / pasteboard / visiting card / carte / namecard / calling_card / visiting 拖延 拖延 tuōyán delay / put off 相片 相片 xiàngpiàn exposure / print / semblance / likeness / photo / photograph / photographic print 返乡 返鄉 fǎnxiāng return to one's native place 茁壮 茁壯 zhuózhuàng build_up / sturdy / build up 指控 指控 zhǐkòng accuse / charge 拍片 拍片 pāipiàn shoot a film / film / shooting / shoot film 香烟 香煙 xiāngyān cigarette / incense smoke 南投县 南投縣 nántóuxiàn Nantou County 致命 致命 zhìmìng take off / fatal / deadly / mortal 空运 空運 kōngyùn air transport 欣慰 欣慰 xīnwèi delighted / be gratified 穿越 穿越 chuānyuè cut / pass through / cut across / cross 小弟 小弟 xiǎodì little brother / male waiter 月经 月經 yuèjīng period / catamenia / curse / menstruous / menstrual / menses / emmenia / menstruation / monthly / flow / turn 公私立 公私立 gōngsīlì publicly and privately run 公害 公害 gōnghài public nuisance / nuisance / social effects of pollution / environmental pollution 共襄盛举 共襄盛舉 gòngxiāngshèngjǔ assist something togather 再三 再三 zàisān repeatedly / again and again / over and over again / thrice / time and again 不须 不須 bùxū need not / not have to 出狱 出獄 chūyū get out of jail 大四 大四 dàsì fourth year class / upper class 公众 公眾 gōngzhòng community / the public / masses / the people / public 人民币 人民幣 rénmínbì RMB / PRC currency 撤销 撤銷 chèxiāo cancel / rescind / revoke 鼻咽癌 鼻咽癌 bíyānyán nasopharyngeal darcinoma / rhinopharyngocele 德州 德州 dézhōu Lone-Star State / Texas / Dezhou 扑 撲 pū pat / attack / throw oneself at / rush at / tap / beat / dab / bend over / pounce on / lie_down / throw oneself on / flap / flutter / fling self at 撤销 撤銷 chèxiāo cancel / rescind / revoke 凭藉 憑藉 píngjiè rely/depend on 头顶 頭頂 tóudǐng crown of head / head / crown / top/crown of head / top of head / top / vertex / calvaria / pate / poll 涨价 漲價 zhǎngjià rise in price 小心翼翼 小心翼翼 xiǎoxīnyìyì with great care / cautiously 公吨 公噸 gōngdùn m.[standard] 滥用 濫用 lànyòng abuse, misuse 凭藉 憑藉 píngjiè rely/depend on 摘要 摘要 zhāiyào summary / abstract 出卖 出賣 chūmài sell_out / traffic / sell out / barter_away / peach / sell somebody down the river / lead astray / betray / sell / betrayal / go_back_on / offer for sale / double-cross / deceive 坏 壞 huài bad, evil, harmful 论语 論語 lúnyǔ {The Analects} / {The (Confucian) Analects} / The Analects of Confucius 凭藉 憑藉 píngjiè rely/depend on 宠物 寵物 chǒngwù pet 购置 購置 gòuzhì purchase (durables) 怀抱 懷抱 huáibào ambition, embrace 双打 雙打 shuāngdǎ foursome / doubles 归属 歸屬 guīshǔ belong to 镇民 鎮民 zhènmín burgess / villager / townsman / townsfolk / town / towner / townee / burgher / townspeople 转播 轉播 zhuǎnbò relay (radio/TV broadcast) 转动 轉動 zhuǎndòng turn (round), move 不忍 不忍 bùrěn cannot bear to 系 繫 xì gird 干扰 干擾 gānrǎo interference, jam 考绩 考績 kǎojī merit 不觉 不覺 bùjué unconsciously / unaware 入选 入選 rùxuǎn select / be selected / be chosen 出家 出家 chūjiā become nun / cloister / nun / become a monk or nun / become monk 会计师 會計師 kuàijìshī controller / comptroller / chartered accountant / accountant 损害 損害 sǔnhài injury / damage 请来 請來 qǐnglái invite 趁机 趁機 chènjī seizing the chance / take advantage of occasion / taking advantage of the occasion / seize chance 资本额 資本額 zīběné capitalization 新颖 新穎 xīnyǐng new and original / novel 歌迷 歌迷 gēmí lover of song, fan of a singer 码 碼 mǎ m.[standard] 声势 聲勢 shēngshì prestige and power / impetus / fame and influence / momentum 总额 總額 zǒngé gross / sum / rental / total / sum total / totality / amount 闻到 聞到 wéndào scent / perceive by smelling / wind / nose / smell 惯例 慣例 guànlì custom / pattern / practice / manner / tradition / routine / law / wont / habit / codex / ritual / convention / convenance / consuetude / usual practice / rule / use / observance / institution / modus operandi / precedent / conventionality / rite / praxis / natural law 漠视 漠視 mòshì treat as unimportant / ignore 踏入 踏入 tàrù tread / step / step on 新闻系 新聞系 xīnwénxì Department of Journalism 鹿 鹿 lù cervine / deer / European elk / elk / moose / Alces alces / cervid 萧 蕭 xiāo Xiao / Surname 谋 謀 móu stratagem / plan / scheme / plot / consult / discuss / seek / work for 谈恋爱 談戀愛 tánliànài be courting / court / talk love / woo 煤 煤 méi firing / coal 日光 日光 rìguāng day / visible radiation / daylight / sunlight / sunbeam / light / sunray / lighting / visible light / Nikko 漠视 漠視 mòshì treat as unimportant / ignore 气体 氣體 qìtǐ exhaust / fume / gaseous / gas / exhaust fumes / pneumatic / gaseity / mofette / fumes 旅途 旅途 lǔtú way / travel / route / traveling / travelling / trip / journey 索引 索引 suǒyǐn caption / index 发炎 發炎 fāyán inflame / inflammation / inflamed 创办 創辦 chuàngbàn found / launch / establishment / set up / establish 无力感 無力感 wúlìgǎn powerlessness 圣歌 聖歌 shènggē anthem / chorale / hymnody 解剖 解剖 jiěpǒu dissect 解剖 解剖 jiěpǒu dissect 队长 隊長 duìzhǎng captain / chieftain / skipper / police chief / header / headman / commandant / police captain / sirdar / team leader 新婚 新婚 xīnhūn be newly-married 轻微 輕微 qīngwéi light / trifling / trivial 复甦 復甦 fùsū resuscitate / recover 复甦 復甦 fùsū resuscitate / recover 债务 債務 zhàiwù debt / liabilities 遍及 遍及 biànjí extend/spread all over / pervade 超级市场 超級市場 chāojíshìchǎng supermarket 赚取 賺取 zhuànqǔ procure / gain / make profit / get / acquire / earn 工读生 工讀生 gōngdúshēng reform school student 出租 出租 chūzū hire / let / rent 中风 中風 zhòngfēng apoplectic / suffer from a stroke of apoplexy / have a stroke 生化 生化 shēnghuà hydrocortisone / lysine / biosynthesis / calciferol / biogenesis / phenylalanine / amylase / albumin / collagen / lipoprotein / choline / catalase / autolysis / biochemistry / nucleotide / citrin / androsterone / actin / androgen 文凭 文憑 wénpíng diploma 出租 出租 chūzū hire / let / rent 于 于 yū in / at; to / from / out of / by 下滑 下滑 xiàhuá fall / decline / decrease 趋于 趨於 qūyū incline to / trend / tend towards / tend 毛巾 毛巾 máojīn washcloth / flannel / Turkish towel / face towel / face cloth / hand_towel / towel / washrag / napkin / terry towel / hand towel 蓝天 藍天 lántiān blue sky 声明 聲明 shēngmíng state / announce 议论 議論 yìlùn debate, discuss 谴责 譴責 qiǎnzé condemn, denounce, censure 蜡烛 蠟燭 làzhú candle 变更 變更 biàngēng modification 侦测 偵測 zhēncè reconnoiter / scout / pry 城隍爷 城隍爺 chénghuángyé city god 小屋 小屋 xiǎowū shiel / hut / shack / cot / little house / shieling / maisonnette / lodge / cabin / hovel / cottage / cabana / bungalow / shebang / chalet / coop / gunyah / tupik / maisonette / hutch / hunting lodge / doghouse / loge / shanty / shed 占有 占有 zhànyǒu own / have / occupy / hold 旗 旗 qí banner / emblem 台电 臺電 táidiàn Taiwan Power Company 积 積 jī accumulate / amass / accumulation / store up 文艺复兴 文藝復興 wényìfùxīng renascence / Renaissance / renaissance / revival / rebirth 生下来 生下來 shēngxiàlái birth 曲折 曲折 qūzhé tortuous / winding / complicated 曲折 曲折 qūzhé tortuous / winding / complicated 加油站 加油站 jiāyóuzhàn pit / petrol_station / filling station / gasoline station / filling_station / gas station / gas_station / petrol station 下滑 下滑 xiàhuá fall / decline / decrease 乐队 樂隊 yuèduì orchestra / dance orchestra / dance band / band 出名 出名 chūmíng lend one's name / out / fame / become well-known / become famous / famous / use the name of / be famous / well-known 化 化 huà melt / dissolve / thaw / digest / remove / burn up / incinerate / disguise 水沟 水溝 shuǐgōu slot / waste pipe / runnel / ditch / drainpipe / trough / thank-you-ma'am / racecourse / raceway / drain / gutter 中古 中古 zhōnggǔ second-hand 主宰 主宰 zhǔzǎi dominate / dictate / decide 玉器 玉器 yūqì jade object / jadeware / jade article 主宰 主宰 zhǔzǎi dominate / dictate / decide 占有 占有 zhànyǒu own / have / occupy / hold 地盘 地盤 dìpán site / territory / territory under one's control / domain / turf 份 份 fèn share / portion 求助 求助 qiúzhù invoke / resort / seek help / recur / bring_in / turn to ... for help / appeal 老实说 老實說 lǎoshíshuō honestly 忠 忠 zhōng loyal / devoted / faithful / honest 身处 身處 shēnchǔ dwell / be (in a certain condition) 交叉 交叉 jiāochā cut / alternate / intercross / stagger / decussate / intersect / overlap / overlapping / intersection / cross / crisscross 年画 年畫 niánhuà New Year picture / New Year pictures 自尊 自尊 zìzūn self-worth / self-regard / pridefulness / pride / self-pride / self-respect / self-importance / self-esteem 果园 果園 guǒyuán arbour / garden / orchard 有钱人 有錢人 yǒuqiánrén millionaire / wealthy / better-to-do / have / the rich/wealthy / rich person / the wealthy / rich man / capitalist / wealthy man / plutocrat / rich / wealthy person / man of means / the rich 两旁 兩旁 liǎngpáng both sides / either side 所在地 所在地 suǒzàidì site / location / address / presence / place / seat / on-site / locus / locality 抹 抹 mǒ brush/wipe off / exclude 音节 音節 yīnjié syllable / key / pitch 流 流 liú flow / drift / wander 弱点 弱點 ruòdiǎn Achilles' heel / soft spot / failing / weakness / underbelly / defect / foible / infirmity / weak_point / blot / frailty / drawback / Achilles'_heel / soft_spot / weak point / vulnerability 前锋 前鋒 qiánfēng pack / head / lineman / herald / cutting edge / antecedent / vanguard / forwards / linemen / forerunner / forefront / van / forward 武装 武裝 wǔzhuāng arm 石化 石化 shíhuà lithification / petrification / petrochemical industry / petrifaction 改组 改組 gǎizǔ reorganize / reshuffle 执 執 zhí hold in hand / persist in / stick to / carry out / implement / direct / manage / catch / capture 自卑 自卑 zìbēi feel oneself inferior / have low self-esteem 占据 佔據 zhànjù inhabit / occupy / stand / assume / prevail / hold / invade / occupation / take / take up 牟 牟 móu Surname 伴奏 伴奏 bànzòu accompany (with musical instruments) 伴奏 伴奏 bànzòu accompany (with musical instruments) 交响乐团 交響樂團 jiāoxiǎngyuètuán orchestra / symphony_orchestra / symphony orchestra / symphony / philharmonic 步行 步行 bùxíng hoof it / tread / ambulate / leg it / foot / pedestrianize / footslog / tramp / go on foot / hoof / step / locomote / walk 肝硬化 肝硬化 gānyìnghuà cirrhosis of the liver / cirrhosis (of liver) / hepatocirrhosis / cirrhosis 何谓 何謂 héwèi what is / what is the meaning of / what is meant by 作弊 作弊 zuòbì indulge in corrupt practices / crib / cheat / fix / practice corruption / exam / misbehave / cheat on test / cheat on exam / corruption / practice fraud / practise fraud 占用 佔用 zhànyòng occupy / take over 享受到 享受到 xiǎngshòudào be able to enjoy 周恩来 周恩來 zhōuēnlái first premier of PRC 改组 改組 gǎizǔ reorganize / reshuffle 西瓜 西瓜 xīguā water melon / watermelon 佔用 佔用 zhànyòng occupy / take over 夸克 夸克 kuākè quark 妓女 妓女 jìnǔ slattern / ho / cyprian / scrubber / bitch / hetaera / tootsie / bawd / lady of pleasure / girlie / demimonde / wench / working girl / floozie / sporting lady / fancy woman / streetwalker / nightwalker / prostitute / dickeybird / street_girl / harlot / hooker / street girl / light-o'-love / woman of the street / floozy / courtesan / moll / doxy / strumpet / tart / whore / cocotte / trollop / hustler / brass 哥伦比亚 哥倫比亞 gēlúnbǐyǎ Columbia / Colombia 副词 副詞 fùcí adverb 迷惑 迷惑 míhuò puzzle / confuse / baffle 时分 時分 shífēn time 迷惑 迷惑 míhuò puzzle / confuse / baffle 迴避 迴避 huíbì evade / dodge / avoid (meeting somebody) 副主席 副主席 fùzhǔxí subchairman / croupier / vice-chairman / vice chairman / cochairman 狭小 狹小 xiáxiǎo narrow and small / narrow 祭祀 祭祀 jìsì offer sacrifices to gods/ancestors 时间表 時間表 shíjiānbiǎo time_sheet / schedule / timetable / time sheet 带走 帶走 dàizǒu take away 矩阵 矩陣 jǔzhèn matrix / dot matrix 祭祀 祭祀 jìsì offer sacrifices to gods/ancestors 访谈 訪談 fǎngtán interview 侦测 偵測 zhēncè reconnoiter / scout / pry 割 割 gē hack / cut / fissure / slit / crop / slice / mow / carbonado 贩售 販售 fànshòu deal / trade / sell / peddle 执意 執意 zhíyì insist on / be bent on 托 托 tuō hold in palm, support from under, serve as foil, set off, plead, give as a pretext, rely on, entrust, put lining in 副所长 副所長 fùsuǒzhǎng associate head of an institute/etc. 泡茶 泡茶 pàochá make tea 泡茶 泡茶 pàochá make tea 设想 設想 shèxiǎng imagine / assume / have consideration for 青花 青花 qīnghuā blue and white porcelain 规章 規章 guīzhāng rules / rule / regulation / regulations / regs / observance 城墙 城牆 chéngqiáng enceinte / city wall / rampart 武装 武裝 wǔzhuāng arm 美德 美德 měidé good / virtue / merit / goodness / virture / moral excellence / excellency 按摩 按摩 ànmó massage 自卑 自卑 zìbēi feel oneself inferior / have low self-esteem 流露 流露 liúlù betray/reveal unintentionally 理事会 理事會 lǐshìhuì council / board of directors 爬山 爬山 páshān mountaineer / climb mountain / climb 拯救 拯救 zhěngjiù spare / help / extricate / rescue / save / deliver 美方 美方 měifāng burro / USA authorities 纪律 紀律 jìlù disciplinary / discipline / ferule / morale / regime / laws and regulations 娃娃 娃娃 wáwá mammet / baby / doll / child 勉励 勉勵 miǎnlì encourage / urge 按摩 按摩 ànmó massage 流露 流露 liúlù betray/reveal unintentionally 增资 增資 zēngzī increase capital 学识 學識 xuéshì knowledge / learning / acquisition / reading / acquirement / attainment / literature / scholarly attainments / cognition / erudition / education / acquire / scholarship 漏洞 漏洞 lòudòng leak / flow / hole / loophole 营区 營區 yíngqū post 预见 預見 yūjiàn envision / predict / foresee / previse / foreknow / prefigure / envisage 震动 震動 zhèndòng shake / shock / vibrate 增资 增資 zēngzī increase capital 忧心 憂心 yōuxīn worried; anxious 应对 應對 yìngduì reply, answer 呕吐 嘔吐 ǒutù heave / barf / sick / puke / gag / vomit / cat / upchuck / reject / spew / vomitive / disgorge / bring_up / be sick / regorge / heave_up / throw up 忧心 憂心 yōuxīn worried; anxious 质问 質問 zhíwèn interrogate / bombard / pose / heckle / call to account / inquire / interrogation / oppugn / question / quiz / ask 驾车 駕車 jiàchē drive / drive a vehicle / drive a car 驾 駕 jià harness, draw (cart/etc.), drive, pilot, sail 震动 震動 zhèndòng shake / shock / vibrate 编码 編碼 biānmǎ compile 编班 編班 biānbān group into classes 纲领 綱領 gānglǐng summary / creed / programme / political program / political platform / guiding principle / digest / outline / program / platform 换成 換成 huànchéng change to 勤劳 勤勞 qínláo hardworking / ply / industrious 木板 木板 mùbǎn batten / deal / board / plank / planch / softwood 开销 開銷 kāixiāo disbursal / expense / spending / outlay / disbursement / expense account 演进 演進 yǎnjìn evolve / progress gradually 催 催 cuī urge / hurry / press / hasten / expedite 募款 募款 mùkuǎn collection / fundraising 善后 善後 shànhòu deal with aftermath 复出 復出 fùchū restart 黑洞 黑洞 hēidòng dark cave/hole / black hole 演进 演進 yǎnjìn evolve / progress gradually 费时 費時 fèishí take time / be time-consuming 盟军 盟軍 méngjūn Allies Forces / allied forces 感触 感觸 gǎnchù feel / texture / sentiment / thoughts and feelings / feeling / tactile property 就医 就醫 jiùyī seek medical advice 报考 報考 bàokǎo enter oneself for an examination 节节 節節 jiéjié one after another / step by step 善后 善後 shànhòu deal with aftermath 燕子 燕子 yànzi barn_swallow / swallow 经济学 經濟學 jīngjìxué economics 镜 鏡 jìng mirror, lens, glass 子公司 子公司 zǐgōngsī subsidiary company / subsidiary corporation / subcompany / subsidiary 下台 下台 xiàtái fall out of power / leave office / step down from the stage/platform 打量 打量 dǎliàng estimate / conjecture / size up / reckon / look up and down / suppose / give the once over / think / look ... up and down / measure with the eye / give the eye / calculate 人造 人造 rénzào man-made / synthetic / artificial 方才 方才 fāngcái just now / a moment ago / not...until / just / only by 布置 布置 bùzhì dispose / embellish / arrange / set up / lay / assign / fix up / upholster 手帕 手帕 shǒupà handkerchief 北投 北投 běitóu Peitou 临 臨 lín facing 公信力 公信力 gōngxìnlì trustworthiness / credit 鹰 鷹 yīng hawk, eagle, falcon 浏览 瀏覽 liúlǎn thumb / glance / riff / scan / riffle / leaf / riffle through / pass over / browse / dip_into / skim / skim through / run_through / flick / flip / dip into / glance over / peruse 虽说 雖說 suīsuō conj.: though, although 蹲 蹲 dūn squat on heels, stay 变异 變異 biànyì variation 复出 復出 fùchū restart 翻译 翻譯 fānyì translator, interpreter 加装 加裝 jiāzhuāng install / erect / fix / mount 反驳 反駁 fǎnbó refute / retort / negate 旗帜 旗幟 qízhì flag / stand / banner / colors / standard / colours / pennon / ensign / streamer / national flag / rallying point / signal flag 挤满 擠滿 jǐmǎn swarm / crawl / filled to overflowing / jam / draw together / crowd / crowded / overcrowd / crowd together / throng 共存 共存 gòngcún coexist 文革 文革 wéngé Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 考古学家 考古學家 kǎogǔxuéjiā archeologist / archaeologist 主从 主從 zhǔcóng principal and subordinate 回报 回報 huíbào repay / reciprocate / retaliate 下台 下台 xiàtái fall out of power / leave office / step down from the stage/platform 公用 公用 gōngyòng be for public use 编班 編班 biānbān group into classes 升迁 升遷 shēngqiān be transferred and promoted 手表 手錶 shǒubiǎo wristwatch 外地 外地 wàidì parts of the country other than where one is / place other than where one is 代 代 dài take the place of 天候 天候 tiānhòu weather 外头 外頭 wàitóu outside / out 升迁 升遷 shēngqiān be transferred and promoted 反驳 反駁 fǎnbó refute / retort / negate 前科 前科 qiánkē record / record of previous crime / previous criminal record / criminal record 舌头 舌頭 shétou5 lingua / clack / tongue / clapper / ability to talk / glossa / enemy soldier captured to extract inform / enemy soldier captured to extract information / an enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extra 有机 有機 yǒujī organic 政坛 政壇 zhèngtán political circles 宣示 宣示 xuānshì announce / proclaim 宣示 宣示 xuānshì announce / proclaim 急切 急切 jíqiè eager / impatient / in a hurry / in haste 轨迹 軌跡 guǐjī track / orbit / trail / locus 东南 東南 dōngnán sou'-east / Southeast China / southeast / SE 迎面 迎面 yíngmiàn head-on / face-to-face 休憩 休憩 xiūqì have/take a rest 咦 咦 yí of surprise/disapproval 套牢 套牢 tàoláo lock / lock up 爹 爹 diē old man / father / papa / pappa / daddy / pa / pop / dada / dad / pater 宫廷 宮廷 gōngtíng royal / royal/imperial court / cupbearer / court / royal or imperial court / royal court / imperial court / palace 砂石车 砂石車 shāshíchē sandstone car/truck 限定 限定 xiàndìng prescribe limit to / demarcate / specify / qualify / restrict / restriction / set limit to / specialize / prescribe a limit to / prescribe / prescribe/set limit to / set a limit to / restrain / delimitate / define / terminate / ration / determine / limit / delineate / delimit 庭院 庭院 tíngyuàn mews / patio / area / court / courtyard / close / cortile / yard / garth / garden 建立起 建立起 jiànlìqǐ establish / set up / found 投下 投下 tóuxià throw / drop / sink / fling / overhand 乱象 亂象 luànxiàng maze 签 簽 qiān sign, autograph 尖锐 尖銳 jiānruì sharp-pointed / sharpen / penetrate / acuminate / shrill / sharp / sharpened / intense / penetrating / piercing / incisive / acute 列举 列舉 lièjǔ chronicle / cite item by item / specify / list / marshal / number / enumeration / article / particularize / rehearse / count / recite / enumerate / itemize 作曲 作曲 zuòqǔ write music / compose 波湾 波灣 bōwān Persian Gulf 底层 底層 dǐcéng first floor / understratum / bottom / underside / the lowest rung / first / undersurface / underlayer / ground level / ground floor / first/ground floor / substratum / first_floor / basement 延迟 延遲 yánchí delay / postpone 收看 收看 shōukàn watch / tune in / watch (e.g. / receive / look in / watch (e.g., TV) / tune into / TV) 奔驰 奔馳 bēnchí run quickly / speed 延迟 延遲 yánchí delay / postpone 作曲 作曲 zuòqǔ write music / compose 自古以来 自古以來 zìgǔyǐlái from time immemorial / since ancient times 匈牙利 匈牙利 xiōngyálì Hungarian / Hungary 自行车 自行車 zìxíngchē two-wheeler / roadster / machine / bicycle / wheel / push-bike / cycle / motorcycle / bike / velocipede 走廊 走廊 zǒuláng slype / porch / hallway / foyer / corridor / hall / passageway / gallery / walkway / piazza / vestibule / ambulatory / verandah / alure / passage / aisle 老太婆 老太婆 lǎotàipó beldame / old_woman / grandam / beldam / old woman / grimalkin 休憩 休憩 xiūqì have/take a rest 在职 在職 zàizhí be on the job 高压 高壓 gāoyā high pressure / high voltage/tension / coercion / tyranny 基隆市 基隆市 jīlóngshì Keelung (city in Taiwan) 砸 砸 zá tamp / bungle / failure / fall through / smash / pound / fail / break / be bungled / ram 排行榜 排行榜 páihángbǎng seniority among siblings 问到 問到 wèndào ask 统筹 統籌 tǒngchóu plan as a whole 闪烁 閃爍 shǎnshuò twinkle / flicker / glisten 晚 晚 wǎn m.[standard] 野狼 野狼 yěláng wolf 启动 啟動 qǐdòng start 消费性 消費性 xiāofèixìng consumption 迴响 迴響 huíxiǎng echo 统独 統獨 tǒngdú consolidation and independence 岗位 崗位 gāngwèi post / station 假装 假裝 jiǎzhuāng pretend / feign / simulate 逃逸 逃逸 táoyì run away / abscond 急于 急於 jíyū anxious / anxious to (do sth.) / eager / desperate 亟待 亟待 jídài earnestly expect 启动 啟動 qǐdòng start 强行 強行 qiángxíng force 知性 知性 zhīxìng intellectuality / nous 突 突 tú suddenly / abruptly 排球 排球 páiqiú volleyball 省下 省下 shěngxià make unnecessary / save / save (money) 套牢 套牢 tàoláo lock / lock up 动脉 動脈 dòngmài artery 控告 控告 kònggào charge / accuse 草丛 草叢 cǎocóng thick growth of grass 曹 曹 cáo Surname 连 連 lián join / link / connect 副总裁 副總裁 fùzǒngcái veep / vice-president 退伍 退伍 tuìwǔ be demobilized 渊源 淵源 yuānyuán origin / source 茫然 茫然 mángrán ignorant / in the dark 从容 從容 cōngróng calm / unhurried / leisurely 统筹 統籌 tǒngchóu plan as a whole 张力 張力 zhānglì tensility / tension / strain / pulling force / tensional 崇高 崇高 chónggāo lofty / sublime 婚前 婚前 hūnqián before marriage 过夜 過夜 guòyè pass the night / stay overnight 割礼 割禮 gēlǐ circumcision rite 开采 開採 kāicǎi mine / extract / exploit 当面 當面 dāngmiàn directly / face_to_face / face to face / in one's presence 视力 視力 shìlì eyeshot / eye / seeing / visual sense / view / beholding / visual perception / vision / visual modality / light / visual sensation / eyesight / sight / sightedness 罪名 罪名 zuìmíng charge / accusation 滑 滑 huá slippery / smooth / cunning / crafty 模具 模具 mójù mould / pattern / mold / die / matrix 开采 開採 kāicǎi mine / extract / exploit 话语 話語 huàyǔ utterance / discourse / word / speech / spoken language / endearment / remark 圣火 聖火 shènghuǒ the holy torch 写字 寫字 xiězì write (characters) 电影院 電影院 diànyǐngyuàn cinema / movie (house) 赐 賜 sì favor / award / favour / grant 闰 閏 rùn intercalate 砖 磚 zhuān brick 亿 億 yì det.: hundred million 踏出 踏出 tàchū stride forward 银 銀 yín silver 解开 解開 jiěkāi unknot / loose / uncouple / unbuckle / unyoke / reel off / disengage / unreel / unloosen / disentwine / detach / untie / unwreathe / unlock / ravel / disentangle / unbraid / unsnarl / unhook / unfasten / unwind / unroll / tease apart / loosen / unhitch / unlace / undone / tease / unwire / uncord / unwrap / unleash / unthread / undo / disassemble / ravel out / disconnect / unlink / sleave / untangle / unpack / puzzle_out / unbend / u 脸颊 臉頰 liǎnjiá cheeks 箱 箱 xiāng m.[container] 猜测 猜測 cāicè guess / surmise 传说 傳說 chuánshuō it is said / they say 塞车 塞車 sāichē jam / traffic jam 善于 善於 shànyū excel / surpass / stand out / be adept in / be good at 新型 新型 xīnxíng pattern / novelty / of new type 爽 爽 shuǎng comfortable 督导 督導 dūdǎo superintend and direct 钙 鈣 gài atomic number 20 / calcium / Ca / calcic 运动场 運動場 yùndòngcháng playground / sports / sports ground / ephebeion / athletic ground / course / schoolyard / pavilion / stadium / sports/athletic ground / athletic_field / park 发布 發布 fābù issue / announce 发布 發布 fābù issue / announce 解散 解散 jiěsàn disperse / dismiss / separate / disband / disincorporate / demobilize / disbandment / dissolve / usher out / let / unmerge / dismissal / break_up / demob / dissolution / break up 游 游 yóu swim / float / travel / rove 想念 想念 xiǎngniàn imagine / long to see again / remember with longing / think_of / miss / yearn 盏 盞 zhǎn m.[general] 督导 督導 dūdǎo superintend and direct 无效 無效 wúxiào of/to no avail / null and void 平和 平和 pínghé calm / pacify / composed / moderate / gentle 平民 平民 píngmín vulgus / ragtag / commonality / third estate / plebe / populace / civvy / commoner / common people / rabble / the populace / multitude / ceorl / citizen / commonage / commonalty / common person / mister / roturier / plebeian / people / plebs / democracy / commons / the common people / mass / pleb / civilian / common man 外资 外資 wàizī foreign capital 用水 用水 yòngshuǐ water 不适 不適 búshì unwell / indisposed 不适 不適 búshì unwell / indisposed 日人 日人 rìrén Japanese 不仅仅 不僅僅 bùjǐnjǐn not only 听觉 聽覺 tīngjué sense of hearing 工商界 工商界 gōngshāngjiè industrial and commercial circles 引述 引述 yǐnshù cite / reference / quote / premise 出局 出局 chūjú out / out of game 骚动 騷動 sāodòng become restless, disturb, upset 谜 謎 mí puzzler / puzzle / rebus / crux / brain-teaser / mystery / conundrum / riddle / puzzlement / sticker / enigma / parable 橱窗 櫥窗 chúchuāng show/display window, showcase, glass-fronted billboard 教职 教職 jiàozhí teaching job 闯 闖 chuǎng rush / temper oneself / charge / broke / cause / battle through / break / dash / temper oneself (by battling difficulties) 讶异 訝異 yàyì be surprised at 警探 警探 jǐngtàn police detective 天安门 天安門 tiānānmén Tiananmen Square / Gate of Heavenly Peace / Tiananmen Square (in Beijing) / the Gate of Heavenly Peace / Tian An Men 不许 不許 bùxǔ can't 荣耀 榮耀 róngyào honor / glory 稽查 稽查 jīchá check (to prevent smuggling/etc.) 误会 誤會 wùhuì misunderstanding 远方 遠方 yuǎnfāng distance / beyond / beyondness / distant place / corner 汉子 漢子 hànzi5 man / johnny / fellow / joker / husband 庙宇 廟宇 miàoyǔ temple 稽查 稽查 jīchá check (to prevent smuggling/etc.) 撒 撒 sā drop / throw off all restraint / strow / shower / spill / release / spread / sprinkle / let oneself go / asperse / cast / let out / bestrewn / dredge / sow / scatter / bescatter / let go 不休 不休 bùxiū endlessly / ceaselessly 化成 化成 huàchéng become / resolve / change to 化 化 huà change / transform / convert 正常化 正常化 zhēngchánghuà normalize 奶 奶 nǎi breasts / milk 山路 山路 shānlù nek / pass / mountain road / mountain trail / ghaut / ghat 正规 正規 zhèngguī regular / standard 正常化 正常化 zhēngchánghuà normalize 生态系 生態系 shēngtàixì ecosystem 主演 主演 zhǔyǎn act leading role (in play/film) 紧接着 緊接著 jǐnjiēzhe5 follow close behind 上天 上天 shàngtiān Heaven / heaven / God / Providence 房舍 房舍 fángshè house 奔波 奔波 bēnbō rush about / be busy running about 西藏 西藏 xīzàng Tibet 名家 名家 míngjiā virtuoso / a person of academic or artistic distinction / artistic distinction / person of academic / virtuosi / person of academic/artistic distinction / famous expert / master / person of academic distinction / School of Logicians / person of artistic distinction 告别 告別 gàobié valedictory / take_leave / part from / leave / parting / say good-bye to / bid farewell to 自费 自費 zìfèi at one's own expense / be at one's own expense 同等 同等 tóngděng coequal / status / of same rank/status / on an equal footing / on an equal basis / of same class/rank/status / of same class / rank 病友 病友 bìngyǒu wardmate 直销 直銷 zhíxiāo sell by manufacturer 附属 附屬 fùshǔ adjunct / belong / pertain / appertain / affiliated / be attached / attached / adjective / auxiliary / be affiliated / subsidiary 奔波 奔波 bēnbō rush about / be busy running about 查出 查出 cháchū find / look_up / smell / investigate / find_out / find out / smoke_out / detect / track_down / smoke out / examine 流于 流於 liúyú become 空调 空調 kōngtiáo air conditioner / air-conditioning / air-conditioner 花费 花費 huāfèi expenditure / expenses 省主席 省主席 shěngzhǔxí governor of a province 苦恼 苦惱 kǔnǎo vexed / worried 苦恼 苦惱 kǔnǎo vexed / worried 拉回 拉回 lāhuí pull back 石器 石器 shíqì eolith / stone artifact / stone vessel / artifact / stone implement/artifact / stone implement / stoneware 延后 延後 yánhòu postpone / delay 陶冶 陶冶 táoyě mold/shape character/taste/etc. 奔 奔 bēn hurry / rush / be getting on for / head for / flee / run / run quickly / approach / hasten / be getting close to / go straight towards 缺席 缺席 quēxí be absent (from meeting/etc.) 自豪 自豪 zìháo pride / pride oneself on 安养 安養 ānyǎng live out life in retirement / provide for the aged 百分比 百分比 bǎifēnbǐ percent / per centum / pct / percentage / percent(age) 助力 助力 zhùlì ministry / aid / helping hand / assistance / help / instrumentality 如是 如是 rúshì in this way 年初 年初 niánchū beginning of year 名将 名將 míngjiàng famous general / great soldier 西式 西式 xīshì Western / Western style 良多 良多 liángduō very much / numerous 交通局 交通局 jiāotōngjú Traffic Bureau 使命感 使命感 shǐmìnggǎn mission 注入 注入 zhùrù inject / mainline / infuse / teem / impregnate / inflood / implant / pump / pour / funnel / pour into / inspire / pour/empty into / influx / empty into / breathe / empty / immit 合力 合力 hélì make concerted efforts 自觉 自覺 zìjué self-awareness/consciousness 白宫 白宮 báigōng White House 陶冶 陶冶 táoyě mold/shape character/taste/etc. 疏离 疏離 shūlí estranged 逛街 逛街 jiē stroll around the street / window-shop 核 核 hé pit / nuclear / nucleus / nut / sth. resembling a fruit stone / stone / core / nucleolus / hilum / kernel 草坪 草坪 cǎopíng lawn 航行 航行 hángxíng sail / fly 航行 航行 hángxíng sail / fly 深切 深切 shēnqiè heartfelt / deep / profound 紮实 紮實 zāshí sturdy / strong / solid / sound 偏 偏 piān be partial to 康熙 康熙 kāngxī period of emperor Shengzu / K'ang-hsi / period (1662-1723) of emperor Shengzu 探险 探險 tànxiǎn explore / adventure 讶异 訝異 yàyì be surprised at 妇运 婦運 fùyùn campaign for woman's rights 猜测 猜測 cāicè guess / surmise 动辄 動輒 dòngzhé always / at every turn / frequently / often / easily 缺席 缺席 quēxí be absent (from meeting/etc.) 看出来 看出來 kànchūlái find out 安养 安養 ānyǎng live out life in retirement / provide for the aged 深山 深山 shēnshān romote mountain / remote mountains 背部 背部 bèibù rear / back 胸部 胸部 xiōngbù chest / breast / thorax 急忙 急忙 jímáng in haste / hurriedly 明月 明月 míngyuè bright moon / legendary luminous pearl 胡琴 胡琴 húqín two-string bowed instruments 顶 頂 dǐng m.[general] 射箭 射箭 shèjiàn shoot an arrow / shoot / shoot arrow 汹湧 洶湧 xiōngyǒng boil / tempestuous / jaw / seethe / tide / billow / popple / turbulent / surge / welter 射击 射擊 shèjí shoot / fire 射击 射擊 shèjí shoot / fire 常务 常務 chángwù executive / standing 高耸 高聳 gāosǒng stand tall and erect / tower 叛乱 叛亂 pànluàn mutiny / revolt 盒子 盒子 hézi5 box / case / casket 抵制 抵制 dǐzhì boycott 神父 神父 shénfù Church Father / father / pastor / soutane / Pere / Padre / padre / Abba / priest / divine / anba / abbe / Father 疏离 疏離 shūlí estranged 航权 航權 hángquán air rights 叛乱 叛亂 pànluàn mutiny / revolt 抵制 抵制 dǐzhì boycott 爱惜 愛惜 àixí cherish / treasure 预期 預期 yūqí expectation 预售 預售 yūshòu sell in advance 堕落 墮落 duòluò degenerate / sink low 察觉 察覺 chájué realize / be aware 堕落 墮落 duòluò degenerate / sink low 睁 睜 zhēng open / open (the eyes) 轮廓 輪廓 lúnkuò outline / contour / rough sketch 战术 戰術 zhànshù tactical / war / tactics / military tactics / tactic / swordcraft 轮到 輪到 lúndào it will be sb's turn / go / be somebody's turn to do sth. / move 管理局 管理局 guǎnlǐjú management / administration / conservancy / management (office) 机缘 機緣 jīyuán circumstance / lucky chance / good luck / chance 称得上 稱得上 chēngde5shàng nominate / can be rated as... 磨 磨 mó grind, mill, turn round/about 画出 畫出 huàchū paint 台南市 臺南市 táinánshì Tainan 说明书 說明書 shuōmíngshū (technical) manual / (book of) directions / synopsis (of play/etc.) 极限 極限 jíxiàn breaking point / level best / utmost / limit/maximum / maximum / bounds / extreme / limitation / outside / boundary / uttermost / breaking_point / extremity / upper limit / limit 水晶 水晶 shuǐjīng quartz / rock crystal / rock_crystal / rhinestone / crystal / pebble 图书室 圖書室 túshūshì bibliotheca / morgue / library / reading room 旋转 旋轉 xuánzhuǎn revolve / gyrate / spin 插入 插入 chārù insert 勘查 勘查 kānchá reconnoiter / prospect 无异 無異 wúyì just like / same as 惹 惹 rě provoke 跟踪 跟蹤 gēnzōng track 抢购 搶購 qiǎnggòu rush to purchase 紫外线 紫外線 zǐwàixiàn sunray / ultraviolet radiation / ultraviolet light / ultraviolet illumination / UV / ultraviolet / ultraviolet ray 饮用 飲用 yǐnyòng drink 无助 無助 wúzhù unassisted / helpless 朝野 朝野 cháoyě court and commonality / government and public / governing party and opposition 诚如 誠如 chéngrú like / as 过分 過分 guòfèn excessively / over- 喉咙 喉嚨 hóulóng throat 跟踪 跟蹤 gēnzōng track 水流 水流 shuǐliú water / stream / streams / waters / rivers / current / river / flow 仙 仙 xiān immortal / fairy / celestial being 必备 必備 bìbèi necessary / essential / indispensable / fundamental 切断 切斷 qiēduàn sever / shut_off / amputate / disconnect / cut_off / joint / cut off / mutilate / cutting_off / lop / hang_up / interrupt / hang up / guillotine 回溯 回溯 huísù dwell / look back upon / harp / turn back / cut back / backdate / trace / flash_back / recall / retroject / retrace / backtrack / double back / flash back 本钱 本錢 běnqián principal / capital 一天到晚 一天到晚 yītiāndàowǎn all day long 手势 手勢 shǒushì sign / pantomime / gesticulation / motion / sign_language / gesture / signal 少量 少量 shǎoliàng dribblet / morsel / modicum / scattering / a few / whit / inch / small / daub / det.: a few / slug / element / dash / haet / dearth / fleabite / sprinkle / little / shred / smidgen / soupcon / a little/few / bit / suspicion / mouthful / tot / littleness / trifle / snack / small quantity / spot / few / groat / paucity / nibble / smattering / small amount / ounce / rag / lick / spatter / tad / skerrick / pennyworth / small amount/quanti 大臣 大臣 dàchén courtier / court / secretary / referendary / vizier / government minister / viziership / high officials / cabinet ministers / president / chancellor / minister 兰花 蘭花 lánhuā cymbidium, orchid 绘制 繪製 huìzhì plot 断层 斷層 duàncéng fault 摆设 擺設 bǎishè furnish and decorate (room) 点子 點子 diǎnzi5 drop (of liquid) / drop / idea / hint / dot / beat (of percussion instruments) / beat / spot / key point / speck / pointer 勘查 勘查 kānchá reconnoiter / prospect 担负 擔負 dānfù bear / shoulder / take on / be charged with 再一次 再一次 zàiyīcì once again / over again / again / once_again / once more 全心 全心 quánxīn wholeheartedly 标示 標示 biāoshì label 一齐 一齊 yīqí simul / in unison / together / simultaneously 大抵 大抵 dàdǐ generally speaking / in the main 下方 下方 xiàfāng lower part / downward / this world / downwards 在在 在在 zàizài everywhere / in all aspects 考卷 考卷 kǎojuàn examination paper 文明 文明 wénmíng civilized 不约而同 不約而同 bùyuēértóng happen to coincide / coincidentally do sth. 办事 辦事 bànshì dispose / handle affairs / work 分别 分別 fēnbié difference 山坡地 山坡地 shānpōdì hillside/sloping land 火力 火力 huǒlì firepower 市银 市銀 shìyín City Bank 不住 不住 búzhù endlessly 打仗 打仗 dǎzhàng fight battle / outplay / war / make war / fight / wage war / battle / go to war 可恶 可惡 kěwù hateful / abominable 心爱 心愛 xīnài love / treasure 美容 美容 měiróng improve looks 面目 面目 miànmù honour / countenance / aspect / face / facial_expression / sense of shame / look / appearance / visage / self-respect / features / honor 到时 到時 dàoshí at appointed time / on the occasion 宫殿 宮殿 gōngdiàn palatium / dome / alcazar / palace 查报 查報 chábào check and report 兼差 兼差 jiānchāi moonlighting / hold two or more posts concurrently / side job 美洲 美洲 měizhōu Columbia / American / (continental) America / the Americas / America 有鑑于此 有鑑於此 yǒujiànyūcǐ therefore / consequently 拜会 拜會 bàihuì pay somebody a visit 有形 有形 yǒuxíng tangible / visible 明定 明定 míngdìng stipulate / formulate 突发 突發 túfā burst out or occur suddenly 查报 查報 chábào check and report 若非 若非 ruòfēi conj.: if not for 美容 美容 měiróng improve looks 某某 某某 mǒumǒu a certain person 版画 版畫 bǎnhuà print making / graphic_art / engraving / graphic art / print / woodcut / zincograph / etching / block print 查缉 查緝 cháqì investigate and seize 老板娘 老闆娘 lǎobǎnniáng missis / missus / shopkeeper's wife / proprietress 预 預 yū in advance / beforehand 名人 名人 míngrén notability / luminary / celebrity / don / celeb / hotshot / lion / famous person / eminent peron / anybody / name / adept / star / figure / man of mark / proficient / performer / personality / social lion / nob / famous peron / guiding light / article / eminent person / boss / famous/eminent person / famous / toff / leading light / notable / swell / personage 放开 放開 fàngkāi set free / release / unhand / let go of / unclinch / unclasp / have a free hand in doing sth. / unstop / unloose / slip / let go 名列 名列 míngliè be listed/placed 安理会 安理會 ānlǐhuì Security Council / (U.N.) Security Council 成见 成見 chéngjiàn preconceived notion / preconceived opinion / preconception / prejudice / bias / parti pris / prepossession / preconceived idea 底片 底片 dǐpiàn negative / photographic plate 合资 合資 hézī joint venture / collect money / pool capital / raise funds / enter into partnership 回升 回升 huíshēng rise again (after a fall) / pick up 形容词 形容詞 xíngróngcí attribute / descriptive adjective / adjective / agreement / adverb / qualifying adjective / adjectival / attributive / epithet 州立 州立 zhōulì state / state-established 序列 序列 xùliè alignment / order / sequence / sequence-class / array / consecution 走近 走近 zǒujìn approach 免不了 免不了 miǎnbùliǎo unavoidably 扛 扛 kāng carry on the shoulder / carry on shoulder / carry together / lift with both hands / shoulder 尖 尖 jiān sharp-pointed / piercing / cuspidal / shrill / sharp 身分证 身分證 shēnfènzhèng ID / identity_card / I.D. / identification card / identity 租用 租用 zūyòng rent (for use) 殷切 殷切 yīnqiè ardent / eager 纯真 純真 chúnzhēn pure / sincere 纯真 純真 chúnzhēn pure / sincere 统一 統一 tǒngyī UNI-PRESIDENT ENTERPRISES CORP 偶然 偶然 ǒurán accidentally / occasionally 时 時 shí m.[standard] 狭义 狹義 xiáyì narrow sense 扇 扇 shàn m.[general] 甜蜜 甜蜜 tiánmì sweet / happy 采访 採訪 cǎifǎng interview 租用 租用 zūyòng rent (for use) 祖父 祖父 zǔfù grandad / gramps / grandfather / grandsire / (paternal) grandfather / granddad / grandpa / granddaddy 掌控 掌控 zhǎngkòng control 迷你 迷你 mínǐ mini 查缉 查緝 cháqì investigate and seize 冷战 冷戰 lěngzhàn cold war 甜蜜 甜蜜 tiánmì sweet / happy 泉州 泉州 quánzhōu Chuanchow / Chuanzhou 洋溢 洋溢 yángyì reek / brim with / be permeated with / overflow 寄给 寄給 jìgěi send to 杭州 杭州 hángzhōu Hangchow / Hangzhou / Hangzhou (capital of Zhejiang) 第一线 第一線 dìyīxiàn forefront / front/first line 真心 真心 zhēnxīn sincere / genuine / true 为难 為難 wéinán disoblige / feel awkward / make things difficult for / create difficulties / feel embarrassed / embarrass / create difficulties (for somebody) / be in a quandary / snarl / torment / bewilder / ride / bewildering 风采 風采 fēngcǎi carriage / graceful bearing / colour / mien / elegant demeanour / literary grace / elegant demeanor 套 套 tào encase / overlap / interlink / harness / hitch up / model on/after / copy / pump somebody about sth. 甚多 甚多 shènduō many / much 排行 排行 páiháng seniority among siblings 前瞻性 前瞻性 qiánzhānxìng forward looking 旋转 旋轉 xuánzhuǎn revolve / gyrate / spin 珊瑚 珊瑚 shānhú red coral / precious coral / coralline / coral 政见 政見 zhèngjiàn politics / political sympathies / political view 拜会 拜會 bàihuì pay somebody a visit 放过 放過 fàngguò let off / let slip / forgive / let off/slip / slip 炫耀 炫耀 xuànyào show_off / prank / flourish / boast / show off / strut / sport / splurge / swank / flaunt / make a display of / feature / brandish / flash 团长 團長 tuánzhǎng head of delegation / regimental commander / head of troupe/etc. / chief of a delegation / head of a troupe / troupe / head of delegation/troupe/etc. / chairman of a delegation / chief of a troupe / colonel / head of a delegation / etc. 遥测 遙測 yáocè telemeter 确切 確切 quèqiè correct / accurate / clear and unambiguous / precise / exact / definite / tangible 调查员 調查員 diàocháyuán surveyor / agent / investigator / federal agent 调降 調降 tiáojiàng lower (price/volume/etc.) 调降 調降 tiáojiàng lower (price/volume/etc.) 论述 論述 lùnshù exposition and argumentation 遣返 遣返 qiǎnfǎn repatriate 弹琴 彈琴 tánqín play stringed instrument / pluck / play / play keyboard instrument / play stringed / keyboard instrument 殴打 毆打 ōudǎ beat up / come to blows 踏实 踏實 tàshí dependable / at ease / solid 钢筋 鋼筋 gāngjīn steel reinforcing bar 电路 電路 diànlù (electric) circuit 敷衍 敷衍 fūyǎn elaborate / fudge / treat somebody lightly / treat somebody lightly/flippantly / treat somebody flippantly / expound / perfunctory / flippantly / elaboration / go through the motions / be perfunctory / irresponsible / skimp along / skimp along (in a task) 福尔摩沙 福爾摩沙 fúěrmóshā Formosa 遣返 遣返 qiǎnfǎn repatriate 拥 擁 yǒng embrace / hold 说词 說詞 shuōcí excuse 提报 提報 tíbào report 电器 電器 diànqì electrical equipment/appliance 解答 解答 jiědá answer / explain 艺廊 藝廊 yìláng art gallery 暴涨 暴漲 bàozhǎng rise suddenly and sharply (of floods/prices/etc.) 爱乐 愛樂 àiyuè philharmonic 溪水 溪水 xīshuǐ rivulet / mountain stream 躲避 躲避 duǒbì hide (oneself) / elude / dodge 傻 傻 shǎ stupid / muddleheaded / stunned / silly 抢救 搶救 qiǎngjiù rush to save 落伍 落伍 luòwǔ straggle / drop out / be outdated 过日子 過日子 guòrìzi5 live / get along / practice economy 黄河 黃河 huánghé Yellow River 声望 聲望 shēngwàng mana / celebrity / character / prestige / odour / repute / fame / name / prestigiousness / caste / renown / reputation / popularity 尊 尊 zūn m.[general] 催眠 催眠 cuīmián lull / hypnotize / mesmerize / hypnotic / lull (to sleep) 笔触 筆觸 bǐchù brush stroke in Ch. painting and calligraphy / brushwork / style of drawing/writing 落伍 落伍 luòwǔ straggle / drop out / be outdated 抢救 搶救 qiǎngjiù rush to save 厨师 廚師 chúshī cook / chef 殴打 毆打 ōudǎ beat up / come to blows 庆幸 慶幸 qìngxìng rejoice at a good outcome 款项 款項 kuǎnxiàng a sum of money / fund 引诱 引誘 yǐnyòu lure / seduce 刀 刀 dāo m.[standard] 山羊 山羊 shānyáng goat 子宫 子宮 zǐgōng venter / womb / belly / wame / uterus / uterine / matrix 用人 用人 yòngrén make use of personnel / employ people 上岸 上岸 shàngàn set ashore / set down / go ashore / shore / debark / disembark / land 公克 公克 gōngkè m.[standard] 引诱 引誘 yǐnyòu lure / seduce 才艺 才藝 cáiyì accomplishment / talent and skill / perfection / acquire 不便 不便 búbiàn inconveniently / inappropriately 水墨画 水墨畫 shuǐmòhuà wash painting / wash_drawing / ink and wash 反对党 反對黨 fǎnduìdǎng enemy / opponent / opposition / opposition party / the Opposition / foeman / the opposition / foe 生产线 生產線 shēngchǎnxiàn assembly line / line / production line / production_line / assemble line 地质 地質 dìzhí geology 渡 渡 dù cross (river/sea/etc.) / tide over / ferry across 继而 繼而 jìér then, afterwards 触角 觸角 chùjiǎo antenna, feeler 关岛 關島 guāndǎo Guam 读到 讀到 dúdào read 礼品 禮品 lǐpǐn present / beneficence / gift 中文系 中文系 zhōngwénxì Chinese Literature Department 犯错 犯錯 fàncuò make mistake / err 刘邦 劉邦 liúbāng founder of Han Dynasty / reigned as Gaozu 获悉 獲悉 huòxī have / understand / get_onto / learn / learn (of an event) 获准 獲准 huòzhǔn get_into / obtain permission 获益 獲益 huòyì be benefited / obtain profit / profit by / benefit / do good / benefit from 遥测 遙測 yáocè telemeter 外套 外套 wàitào stragulum / overclothes / outerwear / pall / surcoat / overcoat / loose coat / greatcoat / manta / outer garment / topcoat / coat / bolero / lagging / benny 二胡 二胡 èrhú alto fiddle 用处 用處 yòngchù use / value / practical application / function / purpose / point / usefulness / mileage / role 十二指肠 十二指腸 shíèrzhǐcháng duodenum 上当 上當 shàngdàng be duped / be taken in / get_stuck / be fooled / be tricked 暴涨 暴漲 bàozhǎng rise suddenly and sharply (of floods/prices/etc.) 牛郎 牛郎 nióuláng cowpuncher / cowboy / broncobuster / the cowherd in the legend "the Cowherd and Girl We / legendary Cowherd 刊出 刊出 kānchū publish 共通 共通 gòngtōng all / applicable to all / applicable to both / applicable to both/all 用具 用具 yòngjù kit / thing / fixing / tool / apparatus / appliance / instrument / outfitting / fitting / tackle / implement / utensil / outfit 失调 失調 shītiáo lose balance / dislocate 失调 失調 shītiáo lose balance / dislocate 左右 左右 zuǒyòu master / control / influence 比喻 比喻 bǐyū metaphor / analogy 犯错 犯錯 fàncuò make mistake / err 倒楣 倒楣 dǎoméi be out of luck / be unlucky 争吵 爭吵 zhēngchǎo quarrel / wrangle 孤儿 孤兒 gūér orphan 并发症 併發症 bìngfāzhèng syndrome 印制 印製 yìnzhì character / print 吃到 吃到 chīdào taste / eat 求职 求職 qiúzhí seek for job 海鲜 海鮮 hǎixiān seafood 降落 降落 jiàngluò descend / land / drop (in water level / etc.) 求职 求職 qiúzhí seek for job 波及 波及 bōjí affect / spread to 收 收 shōu collect / gather 科学院 科學院 kēxuéyuàn Chinese Academy of Sciences / Academy of Science / academy of sciences 信箱 信箱 xìnxiāng post-office box / mailbox / letter_box / letter box / postbox / box 降落 降落 jiàngluò descend / land / drop (in water level / etc.) 室友 室友 shìyǒu housemate / chum / roommate / chummy / roomie 招募 招募 zhāomù recruit / enlist 保密 保密 bǎomì maintain secrecy / hide / conceal / keep sth. secret / keep secret / hold_back 版面 版面 bǎnmiàn typeface / layout/makeup of printed sheet / layout / page / layout of printed sheet / makeup of printed sheet / space of a whole page 秉持 秉持 bǐngchí hold (a conviction/attitude) 皇室 皇室 huángshì imperial family/house / royalty / imperial house / royal_family / imperial family / royal house / royal line / house / royal family 受骗 受騙 shòupiàn be taken in / be fooled / be cheated / be deceived / bite 属下 屬下 shǔxià subordinate 刑事 刑事 xíngshì criminal / penal 居家 居家 jūjiā be at home 阳 陽 yáng positive/active/male principle in nature / sun / south of a hill / north of a river / male genitals 良知 良知 liángzhī sense of right and wrong / innate knowledge / intuitive knowledge / conscience / understanding friend / moral consciousness / moral sense / scruples 成名 成名 chéngmíng become famous / make name for oneself 划船 划船 huáchuán paddle/row boat 成名 成名 chéngmíng become famous / make name for oneself 困惑 困惑 kùnhuò perplexed / puzzled 灰 灰 huī ash / dust 有情 有情 yǒuqíng warm / affectionate / endowed with feeling/sentience 肝病 肝病 gānbìng liverish / liver disease 吃饱 吃飽 chībǎo eat one's fill 伴侣 伴侶 bànlǔ companion / mate / helpmate / coachfellow / familiar / partner / fere / company 地处 地處 dìchǔ be situated/located 困惑 困惑 kùnhuò perplexed / puzzled 光电 光電 guāngdiàn photoelectricity 划船 划船 huáchuán paddle/row boat 企图 企圖 qìtú attempt 杜鹃 杜鵑 dùjuān cuckoo 高昂 高昂 gāoáng held high (head/etc.) / high / elated / exalted 鬼神 鬼神 guǐshén supernatural beings 讨 討 tǎo demand / dun / marry (a woman) 愉悦 愉悅 yūyuè cheerful / delighted 清楚 清楚 qīngchǔ understand clearly 国宝 國寶 guóbǎo national treasure 消逝 消逝 xiāoshì die/fade away / vanish / elapse 消逝 消逝 xiāoshì die/fade away / vanish / elapse 逃走 逃走 táozǒu run away / flee 高空 高空 gāokōng high altitude / upper air 这样一来 這樣一來 zhèyàngyīlái thus 趁着 趁著 chènzhe5 while 密 密 mì dense / thick / intimate / close 梅花 梅花 méihuā plum blossom / clubs (on playing cards) / wintersweet 软片 軟片 ruǎnpiàn film (in a roll) 乾乾淨淨 乾乾淨淨 gāngānjìngjìng clean / neat and tidy 运送 運送 yùnsòng transport / convey 运送 運送 yùnsòng transport / convey 眉毛 眉毛 méimáo eyebrow / brow 帛琉 帛琉 bóliú Palau 专柜 專櫃 zhuānguì shoppe 迫不及待 迫不及待 pòbùjídài too impatient to wait 俱 俱 jù all / everyone 跑道 跑道 pǎodào track / lane / starting-rail / runway / course / chicane / tract / racetrack / racecourse / raceway 专程 專程 zhuānchéng special trip 招募 招募 zhāomù recruit / enlist 唇 唇 chún lip 花儿 花兒 huāér flower / NW China festival folk songs / flowers 争吵 爭吵 zhēngchǎo quarrel / wrangle 波及 波及 bōjí affect / spread to 美味 美味 měiwèi delicious / dainty 为限 為限 wéixiàn be within the limit of / as limit 责任感 責任感 zérèngǎn sense of responsibility/duty 愉悦 愉悅 yūyuè cheerful / delighted 纺织 紡織 fǎngzhī spinning and weaving / textile 淡水河 淡水河 dànshuǐhé Tamsui River 衰 衰 shuāi decline / wane 脱颖而出 脫穎而出 tuōyǐngérchū stand out / leap out / come to the fore / jump out / jump / show itself 晒 晒 shài air / cold-shoulder / soak up sun / sun-dry / shine on / sun upturned soil 扫描器 掃描器 sǎomiáoqì scanner 捷克 捷克 jiékè Czechoslovakia 纺织 紡織 fǎngzhī spinning and weaving / textile 掩饰 掩飾 yǎnshì cover up / gloss over 满满 滿滿 mǎnmǎn filled to capacity 机组 機組 jīzǔ crew / flight crew / set / unit 迟到 遲到 chídào tardy / be late / arrive late / be/come/arrive late / come / late / come/arrive late / be 缔造 締造 dìzào found / create 谋求 謀求 móuqiú go for / be in quest of / seek to gain / strive for / endeavor / try for / seek 操纵 操縱 cāozòng operate, control, rig, manipulate 幕 幕 mù curtain / screen / tent 嘴唇 嘴唇 zuǐchún lip / lips / kisser 赌 賭 dǔ gamble / bet 压低 壓低 yādī weight down, lower (voice/etc.) 盘子 盤子 pánzi5 plate / pan / salver / bowl / dish / tray 实况 實況 shíkuàng actual situation/happening 歌星 歌星 gēxīng singing star 数值 數值 shùzhí numerical value / amount / number 意图 意圖 yìtú intent 导盲犬 導盲犬 dǎomángquǎn guide dog 裤子 褲子 kùzi5 breeches / pant / unmentionables / britches / trouser / continuation / breeks / bags / unmentionable / inexpressible / pants / pantaloon / trousers 学运 學運 xuéyùn student movement 感伤 感傷 gǎnshāng be sad / be sentimental 装修 裝修 zhuāngxiū repair / renovate (house/etc.) / decorate / renovate (house / etc.) / renovate / furnish / renovation / fit up 反共 反共 fǎngòng anti-communist / anticommunism 水域 水域 shuǐyū water / waters / water area / body of water 复健 復健 fùjiàn rehabilitate 传入 傳入 chuánrù import 董监事 董監事 dǒngjiānshì director and member of supervisory board 新庄 新莊 xīnzhuāng Hsin Chuang 感伤 感傷 gǎnshāng be sad / be sentimental 意味 意味 yìwèi meaning / significance / implication / interest / overtone / flavor 奖品 獎品 jiǎngpǐn accolade / gainings / trophy / award / prize / prix / gree 精品 精品 jīngpǐn plum / showpiece / fine work / quality goods / top quality article / article of fine quality 废物 廢物 fèiwù crap / plug / wastage / dreg / crock / garbage / weed / riffraff / obsolete / ejecta / trashery / rubbish / trash / cur / chaff / offal / food waste / recrement / rejectamenta / waste matter / lumber / sullage / write-off / waste material / sordes / dud / good-for-nothing / black sheep / culch / ruck / wastefulness / slag / scapegrace / dissipation / cultch / raffle / flotsam / dreck / off-scum / no-account / waste / offscouring 截 截 jié m.[proximation] 德国人 德國人 déguórén German 预赛 預賽 yūsài preliminary contest 缔造 締造 dìzào found / create 疗效 療效 liáoxiào curative effect 嫌疑 嫌疑 xiányí cloud / suspicion 声浪 聲浪 shēnglàng clamor 巨星 巨星 jùxīng giant / giant star / superstar 生计 生計 shēngjì livelihood / keep / gelt / means of livelihood / bread and butter / maintenance / life / shekels / subsistence / support / lucre / dinero / dough / bread / moolah / cabbage / kale / pelf / loot / sustenance / living 申办 申辦 shēnbàn apply for 体坛 體壇 tǐtán sports circles 宝岛 寶島 bǎodǎo treasured island, Taiwan 礼服 禮服 lǐfú ceremonial robe / plumage / trappings / ceremonial dress / tux / robe / full_dress / black tie / full dress / gown / ceremonial robe or dress / dress / ball gown / dinner jacket / vestment / ceremonial robe/dress / formal attire / tuxedo / full-dress 归来 歸來 guīlái come back / be back / return / go back to 必要性 必要性 bìyàoxìng essentialness / essentiality / necessity 扩建 擴建 kuòjiàn extend (factory/mine/etc.) 不幸 不幸 búxìng misfortune 续集 續集 xùjí continuation (of a book), sequel 猎物 獵物 lièwù bag / game / quarry / venery / prey 转机 轉機 zhuǎnjī turn for better 籤 籤 qiān lot 摄影师 攝影師 shèyǐngshī photographer, cameraman 罗浮宫 羅浮宮 luófúgōng Louvre_Museum 开战 開戰 kāizhàn make war / battle against 罐头 罐頭 guàntóu tin, can, canned goods 生平 生平 shēngpíng life / all one's life / all one's life (of deceased)