# The YazikTrainer I'm thinking since a long time about writing programs to complete the Anki experience with some maybe more ludic or simply different kinds of exercises. I didn't invent anything, and the ideas were gavered aroud many of Internet sites. I wanted to do my own because most (all?) of them are just not free, or configuable, so I could not put my own data to play with. And I just wanted to build my own programs: it's funny! ## Some screenshots * Page d'accueil ![Page d'accueil](public_html/img/c1.png) * Liste d'exercices 1 ![Liste 1](public_html/img/c2.png) * Exercices de type 1 ![Exercices de type 1](public_html/img/c3.png) * Liste d'exercices 2 ![Liste d'exercices 2](public_html/img/c4.png) * Exercices de type 2 - Exercice à trous ![Exercices de type 2](public_html/img/3.png) - Travail de saisie de phrases en Hanzi ou Pinyin ![Exercices de type 2](public_html/img/6.png)