Unit 6 Target List

1.Nǐmen zhèli kéyi huàn Měijīn ma? Can U.S. currency be changed here?
 Duìbuqǐ, bù kéyi. Nín děi zài Táiwān Yínháng huàn. I'm sorry, that's not possible. You must change it at the Bank of Taiwan.
 Yínháng jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi mén, jǐdiǎn zhōng guān mén? What time does the bank open, and what time does it close?
 Jiǔdiǎn zhōng kāi mén, sāndiǎn bàn guān mén. It opens at nine o'clock and close at three-thirty.
 Wǒ yào huàn yìdiǎn Táibì. I want to change some money into Taiwan currency.
 Hǎo. Yíkuài Měijīn huàn sānshibākuài Táibì. Certainly. One U.S. dollar is thirty-eight dollars in Taiwan currency.
 Qǐng nǐ děngyiděng. Wǒ jiù lái. Please wait a moment. I'll be right back.
 Qǐng gěi wǒ diǎn xiǎo piàzi, xíng bu xíng? Please give me some small bills. Would that be all right?
 Méi shenme. It's nothing. It's nothing.
 zǎochen (zǎochén) early morning
 zǎoshang (zǎoshàng) morning
 shàngwǔ (shàngwu) forenoon, morning
 zhōngwǔ (zhōngwu) noon
 xiàwǔ (xiàwu) afternoon
 wǎnshang (zǎnshàng) evening
 yèli night
 bànyè midnight
 jiàn to meet
 mámahūhū so-so, fair