FSI-Chinese-MOD3-Textbook.xml 269 KB

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  4. <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
  5. version="5.0">
  6. <title>Module 3: Money</title>
  7. <para>The Money Module (MON) will provide you with the skills needed to exchange moneys make
  8. simple purchases, and discuss your purchases in Chinese. </para>
  9. <para>Before starting this module, you must take and. pass the BIO Criterion Test. Prerequisites
  10. to units 4 and 5 of this module are tapes 5 and 6. Numbers resource module and tapes 3 and
  11. 4, Time and Dates resource module.</para>
  12. <para>The Criterion Test will focus largely on this module, but material from ORN, BIO and
  13. associated resource modules may also be included.</para>
  14. <section>
  15. <title>Objectives</title>
  16. <para>Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:</para>
  17. <orderedlist>
  18. <listitem>
  19. <para>Comprehend the numbers 1 through 99,9997 including those numbers used In money
  20. expressions, and say them in Chinese when given English equivalents. </para>
  21. </listitem>
  22. <listitem>
  23. <para>Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the MON Target Lists.
  24. </para>
  25. </listitem>
  26. <listitem>
  27. <para>Say any Chinese sentence in the MON Target Lists when cued with its English
  28. equivalent.</para>
  29. </listitem>
  30. <listitem>
  31. <para>Give the Chinese names, when given the English, for fifteen items to be bought
  32. .</para>
  33. </listitem>
  34. <listitem>
  35. <para>Say that he wants to make a purchases, find out if the item is sold, ask to
  36. see it, find out the price, ask to see other similar items and either make the
  37. purchase or say he does not want to buy the item.</para>
  38. </listitem>
  39. <listitem>
  40. <para>Talk in Chinese about the items he bought, the quantity he bought, the size
  41. and color of the items , and the price (cost) (including a comparison of his
  42. purchases with other Items).</para>
  43. </listitem>
  44. <listitem>
  45. <para>Ask for change (specific denominations).</para>
  46. </listitem>
  47. <listitem>
  48. <para>Say he wants to change money into local currency, find out where to change it,
  49. ask what the current exchange rate is, and complete the exchange using cash or
  50. traveler's checks.</para>
  51. </listitem>
  52. </orderedlist>
  53. </section>
  54. <section>
  55. <title>Unit 1 Target List</title>
  56. <informaltable frame="all">
  57. <tgroup cols="4">
  58. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  59. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  60. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  61. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  62. <tbody>
  63. <row>
  64. <entry>1.</entry>
  65. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng mǎi Yīngwén bào.
  66. </foreignphrase></entry>
  67. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想买英文报。</foreignphrase></entry>
  68. <entry>I would like to buy an English-language newspaper. </entry>
  69. </row>
  70. <row>
  71. <entry/>
  72. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Jiù zài zhèli.
  73. </foreignphrase></entry>
  74. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好。就在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  75. <entry>Fine. They are right here.</entry>
  76. </row>
  77. <row>
  78. <entry/>
  79. <entry/>
  80. <entry/>
  81. <entry/>
  82. </row>
  83. <row>
  84. <entry>2.</entry>
  85. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège bào duōshao
  86. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  87. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个报多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  88. <entry>How much is this newspaper?</entry>
  89. </row>
  90. <row>
  91. <entry/>
  92. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège bào wǔkuài qián
  93. yífèn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  94. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个报五块钱一份。</foreignphrase></entry>
  95. <entry>This newspaper is five dollars a copy.</entry>
  96. </row>
  97. <row>
  98. <entry/>
  99. <entry/>
  100. <entry/>
  101. <entry/>
  102. </row>
  103. <row>
  104. <entry>3.</entry>
  105. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu Měiguó zázhì
  106. meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
  107. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这里有美国杂志没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
  108. <entry>Are there any American magazines here?</entry>
  109. </row>
  110. <row>
  111. <entry/>
  112. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli méiyou Měiguó zázhì.
  113. </foreignphrase></entry>
  114. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这里没有美国杂志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  115. <entry>There aren't any American magazines here.</entry>
  116. </row>
  117. <row>
  118. <entry/>
  119. <entry/>
  120. <entry/>
  121. <entry/>
  122. </row>
  123. <row>
  124. <entry>4.</entry>
  125. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài Měiguó shū
  126. bu mai?</foreignphrase></entry>
  127. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  128. >你们这里卖美国书不卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
  129. <entry>Do you sell American books here?</entry>
  130. </row>
  131. <row>
  132. <entry/>
  133. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, Měiguó shū wǒmen
  134. bú mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  135. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  136. >对不起,美国书我们不卖。</foreignphrase></entry>
  137. <entry>I'm sorry, we don't sell American books.</entry>
  138. </row>
  139. <row>
  140. <entry/>
  141. <entry/>
  142. <entry/>
  143. <entry/>
  144. </row>
  145. <row>
  146. <entry>5.</entry>
  147. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bào, zázhì, yígòng duōshao
  148. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  149. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">报,杂志一共多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  150. <entry>How much are the newspaper and magazine altogether? </entry>
  151. </row>
  152. <row>
  153. <entry/>
  154. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yígòng sānshiwǔkuài qián.
  155. </foreignphrase></entry>
  156. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一共三十五块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  157. <entry>Altogether, it's thirty-five dollars.</entry>
  158. </row>
  159. <row>
  160. <entry/>
  161. <entry/>
  162. <entry/>
  163. <entry/>
  164. </row>
  165. <row>
  166. <entry>6.</entry>
  167. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhè liǎngzhāng dìtú duōshao
  168. qián? </foreignphrase></entry>
  169. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这两张地图多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  170. <entry>How much are these two maps? </entry>
  171. </row>
  172. <row>
  173. <entry/>
  174. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānshièrkuài
  175. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  176. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">三十二块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  177. <entry>Thirty-two dollars.</entry>
  178. </row>
  179. <row>
  180. <entry/>
  181. <entry/>
  182. <entry/>
  183. <entry/>
  184. </row>
  185. <row>
  186. <entry>7.</entry>
  187. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao qián?
  188. Sānshikuài qián yìběn. </foreignphrase></entry>
  189. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  190. >这个多少钱?三十块钱一本。好,</foreignphrase></entry>
  191. <entry>How much is this one? Thirty dollars a copy. </entry>
  192. </row>
  193. <row>
  194. <entry/>
  195. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒ mǎi
  196. yìběn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  197. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我买一本。</foreignphrase></entry>
  198. <entry>Fine, I'll buy one.</entry>
  199. </row>
  200. <row>
  201. <entry/>
  202. <entry/>
  203. <entry/>
  204. <entry/>
  205. </row>
  206. <row>
  207. <entry namest="c1" nameend="c4" align="center"><emphasis role="italic"
  208. >Additional required vocabulary (not presented on P-l and P-l
  209. tapes)</emphasis></entry>
  210. </row>
  211. <row>
  212. <entry/>
  213. <entry/>
  214. <entry/>
  215. <entry/>
  216. </row>
  217. <row>
  218. <entry>8.</entry>
  219. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yífèn (r)
  220. bàozhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  221. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">—份(儿)报纸</foreignphrase></entry>
  222. <entry>one newspaper</entry>
  223. </row>
  224. <row>
  225. <entry/>
  226. <entry/>
  227. <entry/>
  228. <entry/>
  229. </row>
  230. <row>
  231. <entry>9.</entry>
  232. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhǐ
  233. bǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  234. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一支笔</foreignphrase></entry>
  235. <entry>one pen</entry>
  236. </row>
  237. <row>
  238. <entry/>
  239. <entry/>
  240. <entry/>
  241. <entry/>
  242. </row>
  243. <row>
  244. <entry>10.</entry>
  245. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng
  246. zhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  247. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一张纸</foreignphrase></entry>
  248. <entry>one piece of paper</entry>
  249. </row>
  250. <row>
  251. <entry/>
  252. <entry/>
  253. <entry/>
  254. <entry/>
  255. </row>
  256. <row>
  257. <entry>11.</entry>
  258. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìběn
  259. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  260. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一本字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  261. <entry>one dictionary</entry>
  262. </row>
  263. <row>
  264. <entry/>
  265. <entry/>
  266. <entry/>
  267. <entry/>
  268. </row>
  269. <row>
  270. <entry>12.</entry>
  271. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hàn-Yīng
  272. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  273. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">汉-英字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  274. <entry>Chinese-English dictionary</entry>
  275. </row>
  276. <row>
  277. <entry/>
  278. <entry/>
  279. <entry/>
  280. <entry/>
  281. </row>
  282. <row>
  283. <entry>13.</entry>
  284. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīng-Hàn
  285. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  286. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">英-汉字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  287. <entry>English-Chinese dictionary</entry>
  288. </row>
  289. <row>
  290. <entry/>
  291. <entry/>
  292. <entry/>
  293. <entry/>
  294. </row>
  295. <row>
  296. <entry>14.</entry>
  297. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  298. >huàxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  299. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">化学</foreignphrase></entry>
  300. <entry>chemistry</entry>
  301. </row>
  302. <row>
  303. <entry/>
  304. <entry/>
  305. <entry/>
  306. <entry/>
  307. </row>
  308. <row>
  309. <entry>15.</entry>
  310. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  311. >shùxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  312. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">数学</foreignphrase></entry>
  313. <entry>mathematics</entry>
  314. </row>
  315. </tbody>
  316. </tgroup>
  317. </informaltable>
  318. </section>
  319. <section>
  320. <title>Unit 2 Target List</title>
  321. <para>
  322. <informaltable frame="all">
  323. <tgroup cols="4">
  324. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  325. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  326. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  327. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  328. <tbody>
  329. <row>
  330. <entry>1.</entry>
  331. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèige diǎnxin duōshao
  332. qián yìjīn?</foreignphrase></entry>
  333. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  334. >这个小的点心多少钱一斤?</foreignphrase></entry>
  335. <entry>How much is this kind of pastry per catty?</entry>
  336. </row>
  337. <row>
  338. <entry/>
  339. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bāmáo qián
  340. yìjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  341. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">八毛钱一斤.</foreignphrase></entry>
  342. <entry>Eighty cents a catty.</entry>
  343. </row>
  344. <row>
  345. <entry/>
  346. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ
  347. liǎngjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  348. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  349. >请你给我两斤。</foreignphrase></entry>
  350. <entry>Please give me two catties.</entry>
  351. </row>
  352. <row>
  353. <entry/>
  354. <entry/>
  355. <entry/>
  356. <entry/>
  357. </row>
  358. <row>
  359. <entry>2.</entry>
  360. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín hái yào diǎnr
  361. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  362. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  363. >您还要点儿什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
  364. <entry>What else do you want?</entry>
  365. </row>
  366. <row>
  367. <entry/>
  368. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú yào shénme
  369. le.</foreignphrase></entry>
  370. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  371. >我不要什么了。</foreignphrase></entry>
  372. <entry>I don't want anything else.</entry>
  373. </row>
  374. <row>
  375. <entry/>
  376. <entry/>
  377. <entry/>
  378. <entry/>
  379. </row>
  380. <row>
  381. <entry>3.</entry>
  382. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qìshuǐ duōshao qián
  383. yìpíng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  384. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  385. >汽水多少钱一瓶?</foreignphrase></entry>
  386. <entry>How much per bottle is the soda?</entry>
  387. </row>
  388. <row>
  389. <entry/>
  390. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liǎngmáo
  391. wǔ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  392. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">两毛五</foreignphrase></entry>
  393. <entry>Twenty-five cents.</entry>
  394. </row>
  395. <row>
  396. <entry/>
  397. <entry/>
  398. <entry/>
  399. <entry/>
  400. </row>
  401. <row>
  402. <entry>4.</entry>
  403. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèi shì sānkuài
  404. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  405. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是三快钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  406. <entry>Here's 3 dollars.</entry>
  407. </row>
  408. <row>
  409. <entry/>
  410. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhǎo nǐ liùmáo wǔfēn
  411. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  412. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  413. >找你六毛五分钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  414. <entry>Here's sixty-five cents change.</entry>
  415. </row>
  416. <row>
  417. <entry/>
  418. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xièxie.
  419. Zàijiàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  420. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">谢谢。再见。</foreignphrase></entry>
  421. <entry>Thanks you. Good-bye.</entry>
  422. </row>
  423. <row>
  424. <entry/>
  425. <entry/>
  426. <entry/>
  427. <entry/>
  428. </row>
  429. <row>
  430. <entry>5.</entry>
  431. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèige dà píngguǒ
  432. duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  433. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  434. >那个大苹果多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  435. <entry>How much are those large apples.</entry>
  436. </row>
  437. <row>
  438. <entry/>
  439. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàde sìmáo wǔfēn qián
  440. yìjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  441. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  442. >大的四毛五分钱一斤。</foreignphrase></entry>
  443. <entry>The large ones are forty-five cents a catty.</entry>
  444. </row>
  445. <row>
  446. <entry/>
  447. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng gěi wǒ sānjīn
  448. nèige xiǎode.</foreignphrase></entry>
  449. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  450. >请给我三斤那个小的</foreignphrase></entry>
  451. <entry>Please give me three catties of the small ones.</entry>
  452. </row>
  453. <row>
  454. <entry/>
  455. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Sānjīn yíkuài líng
  456. wǔ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  457. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  458. >好。三斤一块令五。</foreignphrase></entry>
  459. <entry>Certainly. Three catties are $1.05.</entry>
  460. </row>
  461. <row>
  462. <entry/>
  463. <entry/>
  464. <entry/>
  465. <entry/>
  466. </row>
  467. <row>
  468. <entry>6.</entry>
  469. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  470. >júzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  471. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">橘子</foreignphrase></entry>
  472. <entry>oranges, tangerines</entry>
  473. </row>
  474. <row>
  475. <entry/>
  476. <entry/>
  477. <entry/>
  478. <entry/>
  479. </row>
  480. <row>
  481. <entry>7.</entry>
  482. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  483. >píjiǔ</foreignphrase></entry>
  484. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">睥酒</foreignphrase></entry>
  485. <entry>beer</entry>
  486. </row>
  487. <row>
  488. <entry/>
  489. <entry/>
  490. <entry/>
  491. <entry/>
  492. </row>
  493. <row>
  494. <entry>8.</entry>
  495. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíkuài
  496. féizào</foreignphrase></entry>
  497. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一块肥皂</foreignphrase></entry>
  498. <entry>one bar of soap</entry>
  499. </row>
  500. <row>
  501. <entry/>
  502. <entry/>
  503. <entry/>
  504. <entry/>
  505. </row>
  506. <row>
  507. <entry>9.</entry>
  508. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò
  509. mǎimai</foreignphrase></entry>
  510. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">做买卖</foreignphrase></entry>
  511. <entry>to do business</entry>
  512. </row>
  513. <row>
  514. <entry/>
  515. <entry/>
  516. <entry/>
  517. <entry/>
  518. </row>
  519. <row>
  520. <entry>10.</entry>
  521. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  522. >dǎrén</foreignphrase></entry>
  523. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大人</foreignphrase></entry>
  524. <entry>adult</entry>
  525. </row>
  526. <row>
  527. <entry/>
  528. <entry/>
  529. <entry/>
  530. <entry/>
  531. </row>
  532. <row>
  533. <entry>11.</entry>
  534. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  535. >xiǎoháizi</foreignphrase></entry>
  536. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小孩子</foreignphrase></entry>
  537. <entry>child</entry>
  538. </row>
  539. </tbody>
  540. </tgroup>
  541. </informaltable>
  542. </para>
  543. </section>
  544. <section>
  545. <title>Unit 3 Target List</title>
  546. <para>
  547. <informaltable frame="all">
  548. <tgroup cols="4">
  549. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  550. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  551. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  552. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  553. <tbody>
  554. <row>
  555. <entry>1.</entry>
  556. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ kànkan
  557. nèige huāpíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  558. <entry/>
  559. <entry>Please give me that vase to look at.</entry>
  560. </row>
  561. <row>
  562. <entry/>
  563. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Něige? Zhèige lánde
  564. háishi zhèige hóngde?</foreignphrase></entry>
  565. <entry/>
  566. <entry>Which one? This blue one or this red one?</entry>
  567. </row>
  568. <row>
  569. <entry/>
  570. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèi liǎngge dōu gěi wǒ
  571. kànkan, hǎo ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  572. <entry/>
  573. <entry>Give me both of them to look at. All right?</entry>
  574. </row>
  575. <row>
  576. <entry/>
  577. <entry/>
  578. <entry/>
  579. <entry/>
  580. </row>
  581. <row>
  582. <entry>2.</entry>
  583. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèi liǎngge xuésheng,
  584. něige hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
  585. <entry/>
  586. <entry>Which of these two students is better?</entry>
  587. </row>
  588. <row>
  589. <entry/>
  590. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sīmǎ Xìn
  591. hǎo.</foreignphrase></entry>
  592. <entry/>
  593. <entry>Sīmǎ Xìn is better.</entry>
  594. </row>
  595. <row>
  596. <entry/>
  597. <entry/>
  598. <entry/>
  599. <entry/>
  600. </row>
  601. <row>
  602. <entry>3.</entry>
  603. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèige hóng huāpíng zhēn
  604. hǎokàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  605. <entry/>
  606. <entry>That red vase is really beautiful.</entry>
  607. </row>
  608. <row>
  609. <entry/>
  610. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín yǒu dà yìdiǎnrde
  611. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  612. <entry/>
  613. <entry>Do you have one little larger?</entry>
  614. </row>
  615. <row>
  616. <entry/>
  617. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Nǐ kàn zhèige
  618. zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  619. <entry/>
  620. <entry>We do. What do you think of this one?</entry>
  621. </row>
  622. <row>
  623. <entry/>
  624. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hěn hǎo. Hǎo, qǐng gěi
  625. wǒ liǎngge ba.</foreignphrase></entry>
  626. <entry/>
  627. <entry>It's very nice. Okay, how about giving me two, please.</entry>
  628. </row>
  629. <row>
  630. <entry/>
  631. <entry/>
  632. <entry/>
  633. <entry/>
  634. </row>
  635. <row>
  636. <entry>4.</entry>
  637. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Něige lánde tài guì
  638. le.</foreignphrase></entry>
  639. <entry/>
  640. <entry>That blue one is too expensive.</entry>
  641. </row>
  642. <row>
  643. <entry/>
  644. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ yào hóngde. Hóngde
  645. piányi.</foreignphrase></entry>
  646. <entry/>
  647. <entry>I want the red one. The red one is cheaper.</entry>
  648. </row>
  649. <row>
  650. <entry/>
  651. <entry/>
  652. <entry/>
  653. <entry/>
  654. </row>
  655. <row>
  656. <entry>5.</entry>
  657. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  658. >bái</foreignphrase></entry>
  659. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">白</foreignphrase></entry>
  660. <entry>to be white</entry>
  661. </row>
  662. <row>
  663. <entry/>
  664. <entry/>
  665. <entry/>
  666. <entry/>
  667. </row>
  668. <row>
  669. <entry>6.</entry>
  670. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  671. >hēi</foreignphrase></entry>
  672. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">黑</foreignphrase></entry>
  673. <entry>to be black</entry>
  674. </row>
  675. <row>
  676. <entry/>
  677. <entry/>
  678. <entry/>
  679. <entry/>
  680. </row>
  681. <row>
  682. <entry>7.</entry>
  683. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  684. >huáng</foreignphrase></entry>
  685. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">黄</foreignphrase></entry>
  686. <entry>to be yellow, to be brown</entry>
  687. </row>
  688. <row>
  689. <entry/>
  690. <entry/>
  691. <entry/>
  692. <entry/>
  693. </row>
  694. <row>
  695. <entry>8.</entry>
  696. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  697. >lǜ</foreignphrase></entry>
  698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">绿</foreignphrase></entry>
  699. <entry>to be to be green</entry>
  700. </row>
  701. <row>
  702. <entry/>
  703. <entry/>
  704. <entry/>
  705. <entry/>
  706. </row>
  707. <row>
  708. <entry>9.</entry>
  709. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  710. >jiù</foreignphrase></entry>
  711. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">旧</foreignphrase></entry>
  712. <entry>to be old, to be used, to be worn</entry>
  713. </row>
  714. <row>
  715. <entry/>
  716. <entry/>
  717. <entry/>
  718. <entry/>
  719. </row>
  720. <row>
  721. <entry>10.</entry>
  722. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  723. >xīn</foreignphrase></entry>
  724. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新</foreignphrase></entry>
  725. <entry>to be new</entry>
  726. </row>
  727. <row>
  728. <entry/>
  729. <entry/>
  730. <entry/>
  731. <entry/>
  732. </row>
  733. <row>
  734. <entry>11.</entry>
  735. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  736. >gāo</foreignphrase></entry>
  737. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高</foreignphrase></entry>
  738. <entry>to be tall</entry>
  739. </row>
  740. <row>
  741. <entry/>
  742. <entry/>
  743. <entry/>
  744. <entry/>
  745. </row>
  746. <row>
  747. <entry>12.</entry>
  748. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  749. >ǎi</foreignphrase></entry>
  750. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">矮</foreignphrase></entry>
  751. <entry>to be short (of stature)</entry>
  752. </row>
  753. <row>
  754. <entry/>
  755. <entry/>
  756. <entry/>
  757. <entry/>
  758. </row>
  759. <row>
  760. <entry>13.</entry>
  761. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  762. >gāoxìng</foreignphrase></entry>
  763. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高兴</foreignphrase></entry>
  764. <entry>to be happy</entry>
  765. </row>
  766. <row>
  767. <entry/>
  768. <entry/>
  769. <entry/>
  770. <entry/>
  771. </row>
  772. <row>
  773. <entry>14.</entry>
  774. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  775. >nánkàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  776. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">难堪</foreignphrase></entry>
  777. <entry>to be ugly</entry>
  778. </row>
  779. <row>
  780. <entry/>
  781. <entry/>
  782. <entry/>
  783. <entry/>
  784. </row>
  785. <row>
  786. <entry>15.</entry>
  787. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìbǎ
  788. yǔsǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  789. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一把雨伞</foreignphrase></entry>
  790. <entry>one umbrella</entry>
  791. </row>
  792. <row>
  793. <entry/>
  794. <entry/>
  795. <entry/>
  796. <entry/>
  797. </row>
  798. <row>
  799. <entry>16.</entry>
  800. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  801. >kàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  802. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看</foreignphrase></entry>
  803. <entry>to read, to look at, to visit</entry>
  804. </row>
  805. <row>
  806. <entry/>
  807. <entry/>
  808. <entry/>
  809. <entry/>
  810. </row>
  811. </tbody>
  812. </tgroup>
  813. </informaltable>
  814. </para>
  815. </section>
  816. <section>
  817. <title>Unit 4 Target List</title>
  818. <para>
  819. <informaltable frame="all">
  820. <tgroup cols="4">
  821. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  822. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  823. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  824. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  825. <tbody>
  826. <row>
  827. <entry>1.</entry>
  828. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒmen jiālide dōngxi,
  829. yǒude dào le, yǒude hái méi dào.</foreignphrase></entry>
  830. <entry/>
  831. <entry>Some of our household things have arrived, and some haven't
  832. arrived yet.</entry>
  833. </row>
  834. <row>
  835. <entry/>
  836. <entry/>
  837. <entry/>
  838. <entry/>
  839. </row>
  840. <row>
  841. <entry>2.</entry>
  842. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāmen màide pánziwǎn,
  843. yǒude zhēn hǎokàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  844. <entry/>
  845. <entry>Some of the dishes they sell are really beautiful.</entry>
  846. </row>
  847. <row>
  848. <entry/>
  849. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěshi guì
  850. yìdiǎn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  851. <entry/>
  852. <entry>But they are a little expensive.</entry>
  853. </row>
  854. <row>
  855. <entry/>
  856. <entry/>
  857. <entry/>
  858. <entry/>
  859. </row>
  860. <row>
  861. <entry>3.</entry>
  862. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ mǎide nàxie pánziwǎn
  863. dōu bú tài guì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  864. <entry/>
  865. <entry>All those dishes I bought were not too expensive.</entry>
  866. </row>
  867. <row>
  868. <entry/>
  869. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guìde wǒ méi
  870. mǎi.</foreignphrase></entry>
  871. <entry/>
  872. <entry>I didn't buy the expensive ones.</entry>
  873. </row>
  874. <row>
  875. <entry/>
  876. <entry/>
  877. <entry/>
  878. <entry/>
  879. </row>
  880. <row>
  881. <entry>4.</entry>
  882. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín mǎi shénme
  883. le?</foreignphrase></entry>
  884. <entry/>
  885. <entry>What did you buy?</entry>
  886. </row>
  887. <row>
  888. <entry/>
  889. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ mǎile shíge dà
  890. pánzi.</foreignphrase></entry>
  891. <entry/>
  892. <entry>I bought ten large plates.</entry>
  893. </row>
  894. <row>
  895. <entry/>
  896. <entry/>
  897. <entry/>
  898. <entry/>
  899. </row>
  900. <row>
  901. <entry>5.</entry>
  902. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐde fànwǎn shì shénme
  903. yánsède?</foreignphrase></entry>
  904. <entry/>
  905. <entry>What color are your rice bowls?</entry>
  906. </row>
  907. <row>
  908. <entry/>
  909. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì
  910. lánde.</foreignphrase></entry>
  911. <entry/>
  912. <entry>They're blue ones.</entry>
  913. </row>
  914. <row>
  915. <entry/>
  916. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ yě xǐhuān
  917. lánde.</foreignphrase></entry>
  918. <entry/>
  919. <entry>I like blue ones too.</entry>
  920. </row>
  921. <row>
  922. <entry/>
  923. <entry/>
  924. <entry/>
  925. <entry/>
  926. </row>
  927. <row>
  928. <entry>6.</entry>
  929. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐde zhège chábēi hěn
  930. hǎo.Shì zài shěnme dìfang mǎide?</foreignphrase></entry>
  931. <entry/>
  932. <entry>This teacup of yours is very nice. Where was it bought?</entry>
  933. </row>
  934. <row>
  935. <entry/>
  936. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shǐ zài Dìyī Gōngsī
  937. mǎide.</foreignphrase></entry>
  938. <entry/>
  939. <entry>It was bought at the First Company.</entry>
  940. </row>
  941. <row>
  942. <entry/>
  943. <entry/>
  944. <entry/>
  945. <entry/>
  946. </row>
  947. <row>
  948. <entry>7.</entry>
  949. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  950. bīngxiāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  951. <entry/>
  952. <entry>one refrigerator</entry>
  953. </row>
  954. <row>
  955. <entry/>
  956. <entry/>
  957. <entry/>
  958. <entry/>
  959. </row>
  960. <row>
  961. <entry>8.</entry>
  962. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng
  963. dìtǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  964. <entry/>
  965. <entry>one rug</entry>
  966. </row>
  967. <row>
  968. <entry/>
  969. <entry/>
  970. <entry/>
  971. <entry/>
  972. </row>
  973. <row>
  974. <entry>9.</entry>
  975. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  976. shūjiàzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  977. <entry/>
  978. <entry>one bookcase</entry>
  979. </row>
  980. <row>
  981. <entry/>
  982. <entry/>
  983. <entry/>
  984. <entry/>
  985. </row>
  986. <row>
  987. <entry>10.</entry>
  988. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìbǎ
  989. yǐzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  990. <entry/>
  991. <entry>one chair</entry>
  992. </row>
  993. <row>
  994. <entry/>
  995. <entry/>
  996. <entry/>
  997. <entry/>
  998. </row>
  999. <row>
  1000. <entry>11.</entry>
  1001. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng
  1002. zhuōzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  1003. <entry/>
  1004. <entry>one table</entry>
  1005. </row>
  1006. </tbody>
  1007. </tgroup>
  1008. </informaltable>
  1009. </para>
  1010. </section>
  1011. <section>
  1012. <title>Unit 5 Target List</title>
  1013. <para>
  1014. <informaltable frame="all">
  1015. <tgroup cols="4">
  1016. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1017. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1018. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1019. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1020. <tbody>
  1021. <row>
  1022. <entry>1.</entry>
  1023. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máfan nǐ, wǒ zhèr yǒu
  1024. yìbǎikuài Měijīnde lǚxíng zhǐpiào. </foreignphrase></entry>
  1025. <entry/>
  1026. <entry>Sorry to bother you. I have one hundred U.S. dollars in
  1027. traveler's checks here. </entry>
  1028. </row>
  1029. <row>
  1030. <entry/>
  1031. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ
  1032. huànhuan.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1033. <entry/>
  1034. <entry>Please change it for me.</entry>
  1035. </row>
  1036. <row>
  1037. <entry/>
  1038. <entry/>
  1039. <entry/>
  1040. <entry/>
  1041. </row>
  1042. <row>
  1043. <entry>2.</entry>
  1044. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ yào shénme
  1045. huàn?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1046. <entry/>
  1047. <entry>How do you want to change it?</entry>
  1048. </row>
  1049. <row>
  1050. <entry/>
  1051. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ
  1052. liǎngzhāng wǔkuàide ba.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1053. <entry/>
  1054. <entry>How about giving me two fives?</entry>
  1055. </row>
  1056. <row>
  1057. <entry/>
  1058. <entry/>
  1059. <entry/>
  1060. <entry/>
  1061. </row>
  1062. <row>
  1063. <entry>3.</entry>
  1064. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen shōu Měijīn
  1065. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1066. <entry/>
  1067. <entry>Do you accept U.S. currency?</entry>
  1068. </row>
  1069. <row>
  1070. <entry/>
  1071. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, wǒmen bù shōu
  1072. Měijīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1073. <entry/>
  1074. <entry>I'm sorry. We don't accept U.S. currency.</entry>
  1075. </row>
  1076. <row>
  1077. <entry/>
  1078. <entry/>
  1079. <entry/>
  1080. <entry/>
  1081. </row>
  1082. <row>
  1083. <entry>4.</entry>
  1084. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèr yǒu méiyou
  1085. yīnháng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1086. <entry/>
  1087. <entry>Is there a bank?</entry>
  1088. </row>
  1089. <row>
  1090. <entry/>
  1091. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Yínháng jiù zài
  1092. nàr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1093. <entry/>
  1094. <entry>There is. The bank is right over there.</entry>
  1095. </row>
  1096. <row>
  1097. <entry/>
  1098. <entry/>
  1099. <entry/>
  1100. <entry/>
  1101. </row>
  1102. <row>
  1103. <entry>5.</entry>
  1104. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, shì bu shi zài
  1105. zhèr huàn qián? </foreignphrase></entry>
  1106. <entry/>
  1107. <entry>May I ask, is it here that I change money?</entry>
  1108. </row>
  1109. <row>
  1110. <entry/>
  1111. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, shì zài zhèr
  1112. huàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1113. <entry/>
  1114. <entry>Yes, you change here.</entry>
  1115. </row>
  1116. <row>
  1117. <entry/>
  1118. <entry/>
  1119. <entry/>
  1120. <entry/>
  1121. </row>
  1122. <row>
  1123. <entry>6.</entry>
  1124. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jīntiānde páijià shì
  1125. duōshao?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1126. <entry/>
  1127. <entry>What is today's exchange rate?</entry>
  1128. </row>
  1129. <row>
  1130. <entry/>
  1131. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jīntiānde páijià shi
  1132. yíkuài Mèijīn huàn yíkuài jiǔmáo liù
  1133. Rénmínbì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1134. <entry/>
  1135. <entry>Today's exchange rate is one U.S. dollar to one dollar and
  1136. ninety-six cents in People currency.</entry>
  1137. </row>
  1138. <row>
  1139. <entry/>
  1140. <entry/>
  1141. <entry/>
  1142. <entry/>
  1143. </row>
  1144. <row>
  1145. <entry>7.</entry>
  1146. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1147. >Xièxie.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1148. <entry/>
  1149. <entry>Thank you.</entry>
  1150. </row>
  1151. <row>
  1152. <entry/>
  1153. <entry/>
  1154. <entry/>
  1155. <entry/>
  1156. </row>
  1157. <row>
  1158. <entry>8.</entry>
  1159. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1160. >Búkèqi.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1161. <entry/>
  1162. <entry>You are welcome.</entry>
  1163. </row>
  1164. <row>
  1165. <entry/>
  1166. <entry/>
  1167. <entry/>
  1168. <entry/>
  1169. </row>
  1170. <row>
  1171. <entry>9.</entry>
  1172. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  1173. diànshàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1174. <entry/>
  1175. <entry>one electric fan</entry>
  1176. </row>
  1177. <row>
  1178. <entry/>
  1179. <entry/>
  1180. <entry/>
  1181. <entry/>
  1182. </row>
  1183. <row>
  1184. <entry>10.</entry>
  1185. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  1186. diánshì</foreignphrase></entry>
  1187. <entry/>
  1188. <entry>one television</entry>
  1189. </row>
  1190. <row>
  1191. <entry/>
  1192. <entry/>
  1193. <entry/>
  1194. <entry/>
  1195. </row>
  1196. <row>
  1197. <entry>11.</entry>
  1198. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  1199. shōuyīnjī</foreignphrase></entry>
  1200. <entry/>
  1201. <entry>one radio</entry>
  1202. </row>
  1203. <row>
  1204. <entry/>
  1205. <entry/>
  1206. <entry/>
  1207. <entry/>
  1208. </row>
  1209. <row>
  1210. <entry>12.</entry>
  1211. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  1212. zhōng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1213. <entry/>
  1214. <entry>one clock</entry>
  1215. </row>
  1216. <row>
  1217. <entry/>
  1218. <entry/>
  1219. <entry/>
  1220. <entry/>
  1221. </row>
  1222. <row>
  1223. <entry>13.</entry>
  1224. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíge
  1225. shǒubiǎo</foreignphrase></entry>
  1226. <entry/>
  1227. <entry>one wristwatch</entry>
  1228. </row>
  1229. </tbody>
  1230. </tgroup>
  1231. </informaltable>
  1232. </para>
  1233. </section>
  1234. <section>
  1235. <title>Unit 6 Target List</title>
  1236. <para>
  1237. <informaltable frame="all">
  1238. <tgroup cols="4">
  1239. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1240. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1241. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1242. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1243. <tbody>
  1244. <row>
  1245. <entry>1.</entry>
  1246. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli kéyi huàn
  1247. Měijīn ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1248. <entry/>
  1249. <entry>Can U.S. currency be changed here?</entry>
  1250. </row>
  1251. <row>
  1252. <entry/>
  1253. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, bù kéyi. Nín
  1254. děi zài Táiwān Yínháng huàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1255. <entry/>
  1256. <entry>I'm sorry, that's not possible. You must change it at the Bank of
  1257. Taiwan.</entry>
  1258. </row>
  1259. <row>
  1260. <entry/>
  1261. <entry/>
  1262. <entry/>
  1263. <entry/>
  1264. </row>
  1265. <row>
  1266. <entry/>
  1267. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yínháng jǐdiǎn zhōng
  1268. kāi mén, jǐdiǎn zhōng guān mén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1269. <entry/>
  1270. <entry>What time does the bank open, and what time does it
  1271. close?</entry>
  1272. </row>
  1273. <row>
  1274. <entry/>
  1275. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǔdiǎn zhōng kāi mén,
  1276. sāndiǎn bàn guān mén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1277. <entry/>
  1278. <entry>It opens at nine o'clock and close at three-thirty.</entry>
  1279. </row>
  1280. <row>
  1281. <entry/>
  1282. <entry/>
  1283. <entry/>
  1284. <entry/>
  1285. </row>
  1286. <row>
  1287. <entry/>
  1288. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ yào huàn yìdiǎn
  1289. Táibì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1290. <entry/>
  1291. <entry>I want to change some money into Taiwan currency.</entry>
  1292. </row>
  1293. <row>
  1294. <entry/>
  1295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Yíkuài Měijīn huàn
  1296. sānshibākuài Táibì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1297. <entry/>
  1298. <entry>Certainly. One U.S. dollar is thirty-eight dollars in Taiwan
  1299. currency.</entry>
  1300. </row>
  1301. <row>
  1302. <entry/>
  1303. <entry/>
  1304. <entry/>
  1305. <entry/>
  1306. </row>
  1307. <row>
  1308. <entry/>
  1309. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ děngyiděng. Wǒ
  1310. jiù lái.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1311. <entry/>
  1312. <entry>Please wait a moment. I'll be right back.</entry>
  1313. </row>
  1314. <row>
  1315. <entry/>
  1316. <entry/>
  1317. <entry/>
  1318. <entry/>
  1319. </row>
  1320. <row>
  1321. <entry/>
  1322. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng gěi wǒ diǎn xiǎo
  1323. piàzi, xíng bu xíng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1324. <entry/>
  1325. <entry>Please give me some small bills. Would that be all right?</entry>
  1326. </row>
  1327. <row>
  1328. <entry/>
  1329. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méi shenme. It's
  1330. nothing.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1331. <entry/>
  1332. <entry>It's nothing.</entry>
  1333. </row>
  1334. <row>
  1335. <entry/>
  1336. <entry/>
  1337. <entry/>
  1338. <entry/>
  1339. </row>
  1340. <row>
  1341. <entry/>
  1342. <entry/>
  1343. <entry/>
  1344. <entry/>
  1345. </row>
  1346. <row>
  1347. <entry/>
  1348. <entry/>
  1349. <entry/>
  1350. <entry/>
  1351. </row>
  1352. <row>
  1353. <entry/>
  1354. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǎochen
  1355. (zǎochén)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1356. <entry/>
  1357. <entry>early morning</entry>
  1358. </row>
  1359. <row>
  1360. <entry/>
  1361. <entry/>
  1362. <entry/>
  1363. <entry/>
  1364. </row>
  1365. <row>
  1366. <entry/>
  1367. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǎoshang
  1368. (zǎoshàng)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1369. <entry/>
  1370. <entry>morning</entry>
  1371. </row>
  1372. <row>
  1373. <entry/>
  1374. <entry/>
  1375. <entry/>
  1376. <entry/>
  1377. </row>
  1378. <row>
  1379. <entry/>
  1380. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shàngwǔ
  1381. (shàngwu)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1382. <entry/>
  1383. <entry>forenoon, morning</entry>
  1384. </row>
  1385. <row>
  1386. <entry/>
  1387. <entry/>
  1388. <entry/>
  1389. <entry/>
  1390. </row>
  1391. <row>
  1392. <entry/>
  1393. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhōngwǔ
  1394. (zhōngwu)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1395. <entry/>
  1396. <entry>noon</entry>
  1397. </row>
  1398. <row>
  1399. <entry/>
  1400. <entry/>
  1401. <entry/>
  1402. <entry/>
  1403. </row>
  1404. <row>
  1405. <entry/>
  1406. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiàwǔ
  1407. (xiàwu)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1408. <entry/>
  1409. <entry>afternoon</entry>
  1410. </row>
  1411. <row>
  1412. <entry/>
  1413. <entry/>
  1414. <entry/>
  1415. <entry/>
  1416. </row>
  1417. <row>
  1418. <entry/>
  1419. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǎnshang
  1420. (zǎnshàng)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1421. <entry/>
  1422. <entry>evening</entry>
  1423. </row>
  1424. <row>
  1425. <entry/>
  1426. <entry/>
  1427. <entry/>
  1428. <entry/>
  1429. </row>
  1430. <row>
  1431. <entry/>
  1432. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1433. >yèli</foreignphrase></entry>
  1434. <entry/>
  1435. <entry>night</entry>
  1436. </row>
  1437. <row>
  1438. <entry/>
  1439. <entry/>
  1440. <entry/>
  1441. <entry/>
  1442. </row>
  1443. <row>
  1444. <entry/>
  1445. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1446. >bànyè</foreignphrase></entry>
  1447. <entry/>
  1448. <entry>midnight</entry>
  1449. </row>
  1450. <row>
  1451. <entry/>
  1452. <entry/>
  1453. <entry/>
  1454. <entry/>
  1455. </row>
  1456. <row>
  1457. <entry/>
  1458. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1459. >jiàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1460. <entry/>
  1461. <entry>to meet</entry>
  1462. </row>
  1463. <row>
  1464. <entry/>
  1465. <entry/>
  1466. <entry/>
  1467. <entry/>
  1468. </row>
  1469. <row>
  1470. <entry/>
  1471. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1472. >mámahūhū</foreignphrase></entry>
  1473. <entry/>
  1474. <entry>so-so, fair</entry>
  1475. </row>
  1476. </tbody>
  1477. </tgroup>
  1478. </informaltable>
  1479. </para>
  1480. </section>
  1481. <section>
  1482. <title>Unit 1</title>
  1483. <section>
  1484. <title>Reference List</title>
  1485. <informaltable>
  1486. <tgroup cols="5">
  1487. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1488. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1489. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  1490. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  1491. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  1492. <tbody>
  1493. <row>
  1494. <entry>1.</entry>
  1495. <entry>A:</entry>
  1496. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu Yīngwén bào
  1497. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1498. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1499. >这里有英文报吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1500. <entry>Are there any English-language newspapers here?</entry>
  1501. </row>
  1502. <row>
  1503. <entry/>
  1504. <entry>B:</entry>
  1505. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Jiù zài
  1506. nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1507. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有。就在那里</foreignphrase></entry>
  1508. <entry>Yes. They're right over there.</entry>
  1509. </row>
  1510. <row>
  1511. <entry>2.</entry>
  1512. <entry>A:</entry>
  1513. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu Yīngwén bào
  1514. meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1515. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1516. >这里有英文报没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1517. <entry>Are there any English-language newspapers here?</entry>
  1518. </row>
  1519. <row>
  1520. <entry/>
  1521. <entry>B:</entry>
  1522. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Jiù zài
  1523. nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1524. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1525. >有。就在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1526. <entry>Yes. They're right there.</entry>
  1527. </row>
  1528. <row>
  1529. <entry>3.</entry>
  1530. <entry>A:</entry>
  1531. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng mǎi Yīngwén
  1532. bào.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1533. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1534. >我想买英文报。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1535. <entry>I would like to buy English-language newspaper.</entry>
  1536. </row>
  1537. <row>
  1538. <entry/>
  1539. <entry>B:</entry>
  1540. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Jiù zài
  1541. zhèli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1542. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1543. >好。就在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1544. <entry>Fine. They're right here.</entry>
  1545. </row>
  1546. <row>
  1547. <entry>4.</entry>
  1548. <entry>A:</entry>
  1549. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao
  1550. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1551. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1552. <entry>How much is this one?</entry>
  1553. </row>
  1554. <row>
  1555. <entry/>
  1556. <entry>B:</entry>
  1557. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǔkuài
  1558. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1559. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">五块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1560. <entry>Five dollars.</entry>
  1561. </row>
  1562. <row>
  1563. <entry>5.</entry>
  1564. <entry>A:</entry>
  1565. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège Zhōngwén bào
  1566. duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1567. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1568. >这个中文报多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1569. <entry>How much is the Chinese-language newspaper?</entry>
  1570. </row>
  1571. <row>
  1572. <entry/>
  1573. <entry>B:</entry>
  1574. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānkuài qián
  1575. yífèn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1576. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">三块钱一份。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1577. <entry>Three dollars a copy.</entry>
  1578. </row>
  1579. <row>
  1580. <entry>6.</entry>
  1581. <entry>A:</entry>
  1582. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài Měiguó
  1583. zázhì bu mài?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1584. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1585. >你们这里卖美国书不卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1586. <entry>Do you sell American magazines here?</entry>
  1587. </row>
  1588. <row>
  1589. <entry/>
  1590. <entry>B:</entry>
  1591. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mài. Wǒmen zhèli
  1592. mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1593. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1594. >卖。我们这里卖。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1595. <entry>Yes, we sell them here.</entry>
  1596. </row>
  1597. <row>
  1598. <entry>7.</entry>
  1599. <entry>A:</entry>
  1600. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao
  1601. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1602. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1603. <entry>How much is this one?</entry>
  1604. </row>
  1605. <row>
  1606. <entry/>
  1607. <entry>B:</entry>
  1608. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānshikuài qián
  1609. yìběn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1610. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1611. >三十块钱一本。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1612. <entry>Thirty dollars a copy.</entry>
  1613. </row>
  1614. <row>
  1615. <entry/>
  1616. <entry>A:</entry>
  1617. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒ mǎi
  1618. yìběn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1619. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1620. >好。我买一本。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1621. <entry>Fine, I'll buy one.</entry>
  1622. </row>
  1623. <row>
  1624. <entry>8.</entry>
  1625. <entry>A:</entry>
  1626. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Měiguó
  1627. shū meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1628. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1629. >你们这里有美国书没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1630. <entry>Do you have American books here?</entry>
  1631. </row>
  1632. <row>
  1633. <entry/>
  1634. <entry>B:</entry>
  1635. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, Měiguó shū
  1636. wǒmen bú mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1637. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1638. >对不起, 美国书我们不卖。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1639. <entry>I'm sorry, we don't sell American books here.</entry>
  1640. </row>
  1641. <row>
  1642. <entry>9.</entry>
  1643. <entry>A:</entry>
  1644. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bào, zázhì, yígòng
  1645. duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1646. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1647. >报杂志一共多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1648. <entry>How much are the newspaper, the magazine altogether?</entry>
  1649. </row>
  1650. <row>
  1651. <entry/>
  1652. <entry>B:</entry>
  1653. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bào wǔkuài, zázhì
  1654. sānshikuài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1655. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1656. >报无怪;杂志三十块。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1657. <entry>The newspaper is five dollars; the magazine is thirty
  1658. dollars.</entry>
  1659. </row>
  1660. <row>
  1661. <entry/>
  1662. <entry>B:</entry>
  1663. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yígòng sānshiwǔkuài
  1664. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1665. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1666. >一共三十五块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1667. <entry>Altogether, it's thirty-five dollars.</entry>
  1668. </row>
  1669. <row>
  1670. <entry>10.</entry>
  1671. <entry>A:</entry>
  1672. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài dìtú bu
  1673. mài?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1674. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1675. >你们这里卖地图不卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1676. <entry>Do you sell maps here?</entry>
  1677. </row>
  1678. <row>
  1679. <entry/>
  1680. <entry>B:</entry>
  1681. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mài. Zài
  1682. nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1683. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">卖。在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1684. <entry>We do. They are other here.</entry>
  1685. </row>
  1686. <row>
  1687. <entry>11.</entry>
  1688. <entry>A:</entry>
  1689. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín xiǎng mǎi shénme
  1690. dìtú?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1691. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1692. >您想买什么地图?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1693. <entry>What kind of map would you like to buy?</entry>
  1694. </row>
  1695. <row>
  1696. <entry/>
  1697. <entry>B:</entry>
  1698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yìzhāng
  1699. Táiběi dìtú.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1700. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1701. >我想买一张台北地图。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1702. <entry>I would like to buy a map of Taipei.</entry>
  1703. </row>
  1704. <row>
  1705. <entry>12.</entry>
  1706. <entry>A:</entry>
  1707. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèzhāng Táiběi dìtú
  1708. duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1709. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1710. >这张台北地图多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1711. <entry>How much is this map of Taipei?</entry>
  1712. </row>
  1713. <row>
  1714. <entry/>
  1715. <entry>B:</entry>
  1716. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shíèrkuài
  1717. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1718. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">十二块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1719. <entry>Twelve dollars.</entry>
  1720. </row>
  1721. </tbody>
  1722. </tgroup>
  1723. </informaltable>
  1724. </section>
  1725. <section>
  1726. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  1727. <informaltable>
  1728. <tgroup cols="3">
  1729. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1"/>
  1730. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2"/>
  1731. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  1732. <tbody>
  1733. <row>
  1734. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yífèn (r)
  1735. bàozhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1736. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1737. >—份(儿)报纸</foreignphrase></entry>
  1738. <entry>one newspaper</entry>
  1739. </row>
  1740. <row>
  1741. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhǐ
  1742. bǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1743. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一支笔</foreignphrase></entry>
  1744. <entry>one pen</entry>
  1745. </row>
  1746. <row>
  1747. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng
  1748. zhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1749. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一张纸</foreignphrase></entry>
  1750. <entry>one piece of paper</entry>
  1751. </row>
  1752. <row>
  1753. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìběn
  1754. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1755. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一本字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  1756. <entry>one dictionary</entry>
  1757. </row>
  1758. <row>
  1759. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hàn-Yīng
  1760. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1761. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">汉-英字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  1762. <entry>Chinese-English dictionary</entry>
  1763. </row>
  1764. <row>
  1765. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīng-Hàn
  1766. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1767. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">英-汉字典</foreignphrase></entry>
  1768. <entry>English-Chinese dictionary</entry>
  1769. </row>
  1770. <row>
  1771. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1772. >huàxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  1773. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">化学</foreignphrase></entry>
  1774. <entry>chemistry</entry>
  1775. </row>
  1776. <row>
  1777. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1778. >shùxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  1779. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">数学</foreignphrase></entry>
  1780. <entry>mathematics</entry>
  1781. </row>
  1782. <row>
  1783. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bào
  1784. (yífèn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1785. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">报(一份)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1786. <entry>newspaper</entry>
  1787. </row>
  1788. <row>
  1789. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bàozhǐ
  1790. (yífèn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1791. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">报纸(一份)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1792. <entry>newspaper</entry>
  1793. </row>
  1794. <row>
  1795. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1796. >-běn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1797. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-本</foreignphrase></entry>
  1798. <entry>volume</entry>
  1799. </row>
  1800. <row>
  1801. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǐ
  1802. (yìzhī)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1803. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">笔(一支)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1804. <entry>pen</entry>
  1805. </row>
  1806. <row>
  1807. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dìtú
  1808. (yìzhāng)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1809. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">地图(一张)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1810. <entry>map</entry>
  1811. </row>
  1812. <row>
  1813. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1814. >duìbuqǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1815. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对不起</foreignphrase></entry>
  1816. <entry>I'm sorry</entry>
  1817. </row>
  1818. <row>
  1819. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1820. >duōshao</foreignphrase></entry>
  1821. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">多少</foreignphrase></entry>
  1822. <entry>how much, how many</entry>
  1823. </row>
  1824. <row>
  1825. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-fèn
  1826. (r)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1827. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-份(儿)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1828. <entry>copy</entry>
  1829. </row>
  1830. <row>
  1831. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1832. >jiù</foreignphrase></entry>
  1833. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">就</foreignphrase></entry>
  1834. <entry>right, exactly (with reference to space)</entry>
  1835. </row>
  1836. <row>
  1837. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1838. >-kuài</foreignphrase></entry>
  1839. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-块</foreignphrase></entry>
  1840. <entry>dollar (in context)</entry>
  1841. </row>
  1842. <row>
  1843. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1844. >mǎi</foreignphrase></entry>
  1845. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">买</foreignphrase></entry>
  1846. <entry>to buy</entry>
  1847. </row>
  1848. <row>
  1849. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1850. >mài</foreignphrase></entry>
  1851. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">卖</foreignphrase></entry>
  1852. <entry>to sell</entry>
  1853. </row>
  1854. <row>
  1855. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1856. >qián</foreignphrase></entry>
  1857. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">钱</foreignphrase></entry>
  1858. <entry>money</entry>
  1859. </row>
  1860. <row>
  1861. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shū
  1862. (yìběn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1863. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">书(一本)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1864. <entry>book</entry>
  1865. </row>
  1866. <row>
  1867. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1868. >xiǎng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1869. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">想</foreignphrase></entry>
  1870. <entry>to want to</entry>
  1871. </row>
  1872. <row>
  1873. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1874. >xiǎngyixiǎng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1875. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">想一想</foreignphrase></entry>
  1876. <entry>to think it over</entry>
  1877. </row>
  1878. <row>
  1879. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1880. >yīgòng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1881. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一共</foreignphrase></entry>
  1882. <entry>altogether</entry>
  1883. </row>
  1884. <row>
  1885. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zázhì
  1886. (yìběn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1887. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">杂志(一本)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1888. <entry>magazine</entry>
  1889. </row>
  1890. <row>
  1891. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1892. >-zhāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1893. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-张</foreignphrase></entry>
  1894. <entry>(counter for flat things, tables, paper, pictures, etc
  1895. ...)</entry>
  1896. </row>
  1897. <row>
  1898. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǐ
  1899. (yìzhāng)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1900. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">纸(一张)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1901. <entry>paper</entry>
  1902. </row>
  1903. <row>
  1904. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1905. >-zhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1906. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-支</foreignphrase></entry>
  1907. <entry>(counter for straight, stick-like objects)</entry>
  1908. </row>
  1909. <row>
  1910. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zìdiǎn
  1911. (yìběn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1912. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">字典(一本)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1913. <entry>dictionary</entry>
  1914. </row>
  1915. </tbody>
  1916. </tgroup>
  1917. </informaltable>
  1918. <section>
  1919. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  1920. <section>
  1921. <title>Notes on № 1 </title>
  1922. <informaltable>
  1923. <tgroup cols="5">
  1924. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1925. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1926. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  1927. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  1928. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  1929. <tbody>
  1930. <row>
  1931. <entry>1.</entry>
  1932. <entry>A:</entry>
  1933. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu
  1934. Yīngwén bào ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1935. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1936. >这里有英文报吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1937. <entry>Are there any English-language newspapers here?</entry>
  1938. </row>
  1939. <row>
  1940. <entry/>
  1941. <entry>B:</entry>
  1942. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Jiù zài
  1943. nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1944. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1945. >有。就在那里</foreignphrase></entry>
  1946. <entry>Yes. They're right over there.</entry>
  1947. </row>
  1948. </tbody>
  1949. </tgroup>
  1950. </informaltable>
  1951. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu</foreignphrase>: The
  1952. Chinese verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu</foreignphrase>
  1953. sometimes means "to have" and sometimes means "to be" in the sense of "to
  1954. exist". In exchange 1, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1955. >yǒu</foreignphrase> has the latter meaning. With this meaning, it often
  1956. translates into English as "there is/are."</para>
  1957. <para><emphasis role="bold">Topic-comment sentences:</emphasis> The subject of a
  1958. Chinese sentence need not be the person who performs an action or
  1959. experiences a state. Often, the relation ship between the subject and the
  1960. rest of the sentence Is looser and can be analyzed as topic-comment.</para>
  1961. <para>A topic is a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence which sets the
  1962. scene for the rest of the sentence. The topic is a starting point for
  1963. understanding a sentence, giving background Information and establishing the
  1964. perspective for listeners. For this reason, time and place phrases are often
  1965. used as topics.</para>
  1966. <informaltable frame="all">
  1967. <tgroup cols="3">
  1968. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  1969. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  1970. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  1971. <tbody>
  1972. <row>
  1973. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1974. >Zhèli</foreignphrase></entry>
  1975. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1976. >yǒu</foreignphrase></entry>
  1977. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yíngwén
  1978. báo.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1979. </row>
  1980. <row>
  1981. <entry>Here</entry>
  1982. <entry>there are</entry>
  1983. <entry>English-language newspapers.</entry>
  1984. </row>
  1985. </tbody>
  1986. </tgroup>
  1987. </informaltable>
  1988. <para>A comment is the rest of the sentence which follows the topic. Here are
  1989. some examples:<informaltable frame="all">
  1990. <tgroup cols="3">
  1991. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1992. <colspec colname="newCol2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  1993. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  1994. <thead>
  1995. <row>
  1996. <entry/>
  1997. <entry/>
  1998. <entry>He has a pen; he doesn't have paper. (literally, "Pen
  1999. he has; paper he doesn't)</entry>
  2000. </row>
  2001. </thead>
  2002. <tbody>
  2003. <row>
  2004. <entry>A:</entry>
  2005. <entry/>
  2006. <entry>Where are you calling from?</entry>
  2007. </row>
  2008. <row>
  2009. <entry>B:</entry>
  2010. <entry/>
  2011. <entry>Taiwan University</entry>
  2012. </row>
  2013. <row>
  2014. <entry/>
  2015. <entry/>
  2016. <entry>As for this map, they sell it for ten
  2017. dollars.</entry>
  2018. </row>
  2019. </tbody>
  2020. </tgroup>
  2021. </informaltable></para>
  2022. <para>Clearly, the last two examples are meaningful only when the relationship
  2023. between the initial nouns/pronouns and verbs is understood to be one of
  2024. topic-comment, not the usual subject-predicate relation of
  2025. actor-action.</para>
  2026. <para>While there is no single rule that tells you when to use topic-comment
  2027. sentences in Chinese, some helpful generalizations can be made. These
  2028. generalizations will be discussed as example-sentences appear in the
  2029. Reference lists.</para>
  2030. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiù zài nàli</foreignphrase>,
  2031. "They are right over here": You have learned <foreignphrase
  2032. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiù</foreignphrase> as "only," a synonym of
  2033. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǐ</foreignphrase>. In
  2034. exchange 1, you see another use of <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2035. >jiù</foreignphrase>: "right," "exactly," "precisely." This word is
  2036. often used to describe "right" where something is, and is followed by
  2037. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài</foreignphrase>,
  2038. "in/on."</para>
  2039. </section>
  2040. <section>
  2041. <title>Notes on № 2</title>
  2042. <para>
  2043. <informaltable>
  2044. <tgroup cols="5">
  2045. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2046. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2047. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2048. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2049. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2050. <tbody>
  2051. <row>
  2052. <entry>2.</entry>
  2053. <entry>A:</entry>
  2054. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu
  2055. Yīngwén bào meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2056. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2057. >这里有英文报没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2058. <entry>Are there any English-language newspapers
  2059. here?</entry>
  2060. </row>
  2061. <row>
  2062. <entry/>
  2063. <entry>B:</entry>
  2064. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu. Jiù
  2065. zài nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2066. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2067. >有。就在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2068. <entry>Yes. They're right there.</entry>
  2069. </row>
  2070. </tbody>
  2071. </tgroup>
  2072. </informaltable>
  2073. </para>
  2074. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu...méiyǒu</foreignphrase>:
  2075. The first sentence in exchange 2 is a yes/no-choice question. This type of
  2076. question is formed "by explicitly offering the listener a choice between an
  2077. affirmative and a negative answer. The negative alternative is tacked onto
  2078. the end of the sentence. Similar questions exist in English. But the English
  2079. question would be an impatient one, while the Chinese question is an
  2080. ordinary on:</para>
  2081. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu Yīngwén bào
  2082. méiyou?</foreignphrase></para>
  2083. <para><emphasis role="bold">Are there</emphasis> say English-language newspaper
  2084. here, or <emphasis role="bold">aren't there</emphasis>?</para>
  2085. <para><emphasis role="bold">Neutral tones</emphasis>: Whether or not a syllable
  2086. is pronounced in the Neutral tone often depends on the speed of speech and
  2087. the mood the speaker is trying to convey, In informal conversation between
  2088. native speakers, there are many more Neutral tones than in the more careful,
  2089. deliberate speech of a language teacher speaking to foreign student . (Bear
  2090. this point in mind when you find a discrepancy between the textbook marking
  2091. of a word and the pronunciation of that word on tape.)</para>
  2092. <para>Most syllables in any stretch of spoken Chinese are neither completely
  2093. ”Neutral"(i. e., with no audible change in pitch for the duration of the
  2094. syllable) nor completely "full" in length and amplitude, These syllables
  2095. will usually be somewhere in between the two extremes.</para>
  2096. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèli yǒu Yīngwen bào
  2097. meiyou?</foreignphrase> Are there any English-language newspapers
  2098. here?</para>
  2099. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhěli yǒu Yīngwén bào
  2100. méiyou"?</foreignphrase>
  2101. </para>
  2102. <para>Often a syllable will not Bound like a full tone. But if you ask "Then is
  2103. this syllable in the Neutral tone?" the answer will be "No, not exactly."
  2104. There is no distinct dividing line between a syllable with a tone and a
  2105. syllable in the Neutral tone. Very often, the most helpful answer to the
  2106. question "Should this be pronounced in the Neutral tone?" is "Pronounce it
  2107. the way you hear it." The language is taught in terms of four tones, but
  2108. your ears hear more.</para>
  2109. <para><inlinemediaobject>
  2110. <imageobject>
  2111. <imagedata
  2112. fileref="../../../../OCR/Chinois/FSI-Chinese/FSI%20Chinese%20result/Mod%203%20Textbook/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText_files/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-3.jpg"
  2113. />
  2114. </imageobject>
  2115. </inlinemediaobject></para>
  2116. </section>
  2117. <section>
  2118. <title>Notes on № 3</title>
  2119. <para>
  2120. <informaltable>
  2121. <tgroup cols="5">
  2122. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2123. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2124. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2125. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2126. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2127. <tbody>
  2128. <row>
  2129. <entry>3.</entry>
  2130. <entry>A:</entry>
  2131. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng
  2132. mǎi Yīngwén bào.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2133. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2134. >我想买英文报。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2135. <entry>I would like to buy English-language
  2136. newspaper.</entry>
  2137. </row>
  2138. <row>
  2139. <entry/>
  2140. <entry>B:</entry>
  2141. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Jiù
  2142. zài zhèli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2143. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2144. >好。就在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2145. <entry>Fine. They're right here.</entry>
  2146. </row>
  2147. </tbody>
  2148. </tgroup>
  2149. </informaltable>
  2150. </para>
  2151. <para>The auxiliary verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2152. >xiǎng</foreignphrase> is sometimes translated as "would like to" or "to
  2153. want to." Here are some examples of translations you have learned for
  2154. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎng</foreignphrase>;</para>
  2155. <para>
  2156. <informaltable frame="all">
  2157. <tgroup cols="2">
  2158. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  2159. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2160. <tbody>
  2161. <row>
  2162. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng
  2163. mǎi Yīngwén bào.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2164. <entry>
  2165. <para>I'm thinking of buying an English-language
  2166. newspaper. </para>
  2167. <para>OR</para>
  2168. <para> I would like to buy an English-language
  2169. newspaper. </para>
  2170. <para>OR</para>
  2171. <para> I want to buy an English-language
  2172. newspaper.</para>
  2173. </entry>
  2174. </row>
  2175. <row>
  2176. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng tā
  2177. xiǎng míngtiān zǒu.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2178. <entry>I think he is planning to leave tomorrow.</entry>
  2179. </row>
  2180. <row>
  2181. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ hěn
  2182. xiǎng niàn shú.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2183. <entry>I very much want to study.</entry>
  2184. </row>
  2185. <row>
  2186. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú tài
  2187. xiǎng qù.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2188. <entry>I don't want to go very much. ("<foreignphrase
  2189. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tài</foreignphrase>"
  2190. meaning "too," "excessively," appears in Unit 3)</entry>
  2191. </row>
  2192. </tbody>
  2193. </tgroup>
  2194. </informaltable>
  2195. </para>
  2196. </section>
  2197. <section>
  2198. <title>Notes on № 4</title>
  2199. <informaltable>
  2200. <tgroup cols="5">
  2201. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2202. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2203. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2204. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2205. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2206. <tbody>
  2207. <row>
  2208. <entry>4.</entry>
  2209. <entry>A:</entry>
  2210. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao
  2211. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2212. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2213. >这个多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2214. <entry>How much is this one?</entry>
  2215. </row>
  2216. <row>
  2217. <entry/>
  2218. <entry>B:</entry>
  2219. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǔkuài
  2220. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2221. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2222. >五块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2223. <entry>Five dollars.</entry>
  2224. </row>
  2225. </tbody>
  2226. </tgroup>
  2227. </informaltable>
  2228. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao
  2229. qián?</foreignphrase> In Chinese sentences that ask for and give prices,
  2230. the word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase> is
  2231. usually omitted.</para>
  2232. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì</foreignphrase> reappears,
  2233. however, in negative and contrastive sentences: <foreignphrase
  2234. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège bú shì sìkuài qián, shì wǔkuài
  2235. qián.</foreignphrase> "This (item) isn't four dollars; it's five
  2236. dollars."</para>
  2237. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǔkuài qián</foreignphrase>
  2238. literally means "five dollars money." The counter <foreignphrase
  2239. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-kuài</foreignphrase>, "dollars," indicates
  2240. the units of the general class "money" that are being counted (i.e., dollars
  2241. as opposed to cents.) </para>
  2242. </section>
  2243. <section>
  2244. <title>Notes on № 5</title>
  2245. <informaltable>
  2246. <tgroup cols="5">
  2247. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2248. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2249. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2250. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2251. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2252. <tbody>
  2253. <row>
  2254. <entry>5.</entry>
  2255. <entry>A:</entry>
  2256. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège Zhōngwén
  2257. bào duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2258. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2259. >这个中文报多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2260. <entry>How much is the Chinese-language newspaper?</entry>
  2261. </row>
  2262. <row>
  2263. <entry/>
  2264. <entry>B:</entry>
  2265. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānkuài qián
  2266. yífèn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2267. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2268. >三块钱一份。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2269. <entry>Three dollars a copy.</entry>
  2270. </row>
  2271. </tbody>
  2272. </tgroup>
  2273. </informaltable>
  2274. <para>Notice in the sentence <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège
  2275. Zhōngwén bào duōshao qián?</foreignphrase> that the general counter
  2276. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-ge</foreignphrase> is used
  2277. rather than the specific counter <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2278. >-fèn</foreignphrase>, "copy." The counter <foreignphrase
  2279. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-ge</foreignphrase> is often used in talking
  2280. about the <emphasis role="bold">KIND</emphasis> of thing. In this case the
  2281. question is about the price of ea newspaper as a publication, not about the
  2282. price of a copy. The specific counter would be used to talk about a
  2283. particular concrete object, as in a sentence like: "This copy of the China
  2284. Post is torn."</para>
  2285. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yífèn</foreignphrase>: In
  2286. Chinese, when you talk about the unit price of an item, the unit is a
  2287. counter. Notice that <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2288. >yífèn</foreignphrase> comes at the end of the sentence, just as "copy"
  2289. does in English.</para>
  2290. </section>
  2291. <section>
  2292. <title>Notes on № 6</title>
  2293. <informaltable>
  2294. <tgroup cols="5">
  2295. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2296. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2297. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2298. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2299. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2300. <tbody>
  2301. <row>
  2302. <entry>6.</entry>
  2303. <entry>A:</entry>
  2304. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài
  2305. Měiguó zázhì bu mài?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2306. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2307. >你们这里卖美国书不卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2308. <entry>Do you sell American magazines here?</entry>
  2309. </row>
  2310. <row>
  2311. <entry/>
  2312. <entry>B:</entry>
  2313. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mài. Wǒmen
  2314. zhèli mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2315. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2316. >卖。我们这里卖。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2317. <entry>Yes, we sell them here.</entry>
  2318. </row>
  2319. </tbody>
  2320. </tgroup>
  2321. </informaltable>
  2322. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mài</foreignphrase>, "to sell,"
  2323. differs from the word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2324. >mǎi</foreignphrase>, "to buy," only in its tone.</para>
  2325. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli</foreignphrase>,
  2326. "your place here," literally, "you here": Use <foreignphrase
  2327. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli</foreignphrase> when talking to
  2328. someone who represents a stores a bank, or other institutions. By putting
  2329. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèli (zhèr)</foreignphrase>,
  2330. "here," or <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nàli
  2331. (nàr)</foreignphrase>, "there," after a person's name or a pronoun, you
  2332. make a phrase referring to a place associated with the person. For example,
  2333. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nì nàli</foreignphrase> means
  2334. "over there where you are now," and <foreignphrase
  2335. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ zhèli</foreignphrase> means "here where I
  2336. am now," Use these phrases when you want to express the idea of an item
  2337. being close to a person (not necessarily ownership).</para>
  2338. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ nàli yǒu bǐ
  2339. méiou?</foreignphrase> Do you have a pen over there? (i.e., Is there a
  2340. pen over there where you are?")</para>
  2341. <para>This kind of phrase is also used to mean a person's home: <foreignphrase
  2342. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ nàli</foreignphrase>, "your place" (used
  2343. when the speaker is not at "your house"); <foreignphrase
  2344. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ zhèli</foreignphrase>: "my place" (used
  2345. when the speaker is at home.)</para>
  2346. <para>A: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén xǎojiě zài
  2347. náli?</foreignphrase> Where is Miss <foreignphrase
  2348. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén</foreignphrase>?</para>
  2349. <para>B: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā zài Liú tàitài
  2350. nàli</foreignphrase> She is at Mrs. <foreignphrase
  2351. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú</foreignphrase> house.</para>
  2352. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài Měiguó zázhì bu
  2353. mài?</foreignphrase> In this sentence, <foreignphrase
  2354. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli</foreignphrase> is used as a
  2355. topic. Literally, the sentence means: "As for your place here, are American
  2356. magazines sold?"</para>
  2357. </section>
  2358. <section>
  2359. <title>Notes on № 7</title>
  2360. <informaltable>
  2361. <tgroup cols="5">
  2362. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2363. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2364. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2365. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2366. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2367. <tbody>
  2368. <row>
  2369. <entry>7.</entry>
  2370. <entry>A:</entry>
  2371. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhège duōshao
  2372. qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2373. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2374. >这个多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2375. <entry>How much is this one?</entry>
  2376. </row>
  2377. <row>
  2378. <entry/>
  2379. <entry>B:</entry>
  2380. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānshikuài qián
  2381. yìběn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2382. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2383. >三十块钱一本。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2384. <entry>Thirty dollars a copy.</entry>
  2385. </row>
  2386. <row>
  2387. <entry/>
  2388. <entry>A:</entry>
  2389. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒ mǎi
  2390. yìběn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2391. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2392. >好。我买一本。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2393. <entry>Fine, I'll buy one.</entry>
  2394. </row>
  2395. </tbody>
  2396. </tgroup>
  2397. </informaltable>
  2398. <para>The counter <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">běn</foreignphrase>,
  2399. "volume", "copy," is used for both books and magazines.</para>
  2400. </section>
  2401. <section>
  2402. <title>Notes on № 8</title>
  2403. <informaltable>
  2404. <tgroup cols="5">
  2405. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2406. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2407. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2408. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2409. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2410. <tbody>
  2411. <row>
  2412. <entry>8.</entry>
  2413. <entry>A:</entry>
  2414. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli yǒu
  2415. Měiguó shū meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2416. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2417. >你们这里有美国书没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2418. <entry>Do you have American books here?</entry>
  2419. </row>
  2420. <row>
  2421. <entry/>
  2422. <entry>B:</entry>
  2423. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, Měiguó
  2424. shū wǒmen bú mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2425. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2426. >对不起, 美国书我们不卖。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2427. <entry>I'm sorry, we don't sell American books here.</entry>
  2428. </row>
  2429. </tbody>
  2430. </tgroup>
  2431. </informaltable>
  2432. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ</foreignphrase>,
  2433. literally means "unable to face (you)." This word is used to say "I'm sorry"
  2434. when you bump into a person, arrive late, and so on. It is not the word for
  2435. "I'm sorry" when you sympathize with someone else's misfortune (e.g., when a
  2436. relative dies.)</para>
  2437. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó shū wǒmen bú
  2438. mài.</foreignphrase>: In this sentence, <foreignphrase
  2439. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó shū</foreignphrase>, the object of the
  2440. verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">mài</foreignphrase>, occurs
  2441. at the beginning, in topic position. Here the order of the sentence element
  2442. is : topic - subject - verb. Some speakers of English use the same word
  2443. order. Compare:<informaltable frame="all">
  2444. <tgroup cols="3">
  2445. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  2446. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2447. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2448. <tbody>
  2449. <row>
  2450. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó
  2451. shū</foreignphrase></entry>
  2452. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2453. >wǒmen</foreignphrase></entry>
  2454. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  2455. mài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2456. </row>
  2457. <row>
  2458. <entry>American books</entry>
  2459. <entry>we</entry>
  2460. <entry>don't sell.</entry>
  2461. </row>
  2462. </tbody>
  2463. </tgroup>
  2464. </informaltable></para>
  2465. <para>Notice that <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  2466. mài</foreignphrase> is not the ending of a yes/no-choice question. The
  2467. phrase keeps its tones in this sentence.</para>
  2468. </section>
  2469. <section>
  2470. <title>Notes on № 9</title>
  2471. <informaltable>
  2472. <tgroup cols="5">
  2473. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2474. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2475. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2476. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2477. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2478. <tbody>
  2479. <row>
  2480. <entry>9.</entry>
  2481. <entry>A:</entry>
  2482. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bào, zázhì,
  2483. yígòng duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2484. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2485. >报杂志一共多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2486. <entry>How much are the newspaper, the magazine
  2487. altogether?</entry>
  2488. </row>
  2489. <row>
  2490. <entry/>
  2491. <entry>B:</entry>
  2492. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bào wǔkuài,
  2493. zázhì sānshikuài.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2494. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2495. >报无怪;杂志三十块。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2496. <entry>The newspaper is five dollars; the magazine is thirty
  2497. dollars.</entry>
  2498. </row>
  2499. <row>
  2500. <entry/>
  2501. <entry>B:</entry>
  2502. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yígòng
  2503. sānshiwǔkuài qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2504. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2505. >一共三十五块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2506. <entry>Altogether, it's thirty-five dollars.</entry>
  2507. </row>
  2508. </tbody>
  2509. </tgroup>
  2510. </informaltable>
  2511. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yígòng</foreignphrase>,
  2512. "altogether,": In totaling something up, the items being totaled begin the
  2513. sentence, in topic position, and are followed by the adverb <foreignphrase
  2514. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yígòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  2515. <para>In many situations you will hear prices given without the word
  2516. <foreignphrase>qián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  2517. </section>
  2518. <section>
  2519. <title>Notes on № 10-11</title>
  2520. <informaltable>
  2521. <tgroup cols="5">
  2522. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2523. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2524. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2525. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2526. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2527. <tbody>
  2528. <row>
  2529. <entry>10.</entry>
  2530. <entry>A:</entry>
  2531. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐmen zhèli mài
  2532. dìtú bu mài?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2533. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2534. >你们这里卖地图不卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2535. <entry>Do you sell maps here?</entry>
  2536. </row>
  2537. <row>
  2538. <entry/>
  2539. <entry>B:</entry>
  2540. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mài. Zài
  2541. nàli.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2542. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2543. >卖。在那里。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2544. <entry>We do. They are other here.</entry>
  2545. </row>
  2546. <row>
  2547. <entry>11.</entry>
  2548. <entry>A:</entry>
  2549. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín xiǎng mǎi
  2550. shénme dìtú?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2551. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2552. >您想买什么地图?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2553. <entry>What kind of map would you like to buy?</entry>
  2554. </row>
  2555. <row>
  2556. <entry/>
  2557. <entry>B:</entry>
  2558. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng mǎi
  2559. yìzhāng Táiběi dìtú.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2560. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2561. >我想买一张台北地图。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2562. <entry>I would like to buy a map of Taipei.</entry>
  2563. </row>
  2564. </tbody>
  2565. </tgroup>
  2566. </informaltable>
  2567. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shénme dìtú</foreignphrase>
  2568. literally means "what map." In exchange 11, this phrase is used to mean
  2569. "what kind of map."</para>
  2570. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng</foreignphrase>: the
  2571. counter <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-zhāng</foreignphrase> is
  2572. used for flat objects. Literally, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2573. >yìzhāng Táiběi dìtú</foreignphrase> means "one sheet Taipei map." In
  2574. exchange 11, the phrase is translated as "a map of Taipei."</para>
  2575. <para> </para>
  2576. </section>
  2577. <section>
  2578. <title>Notes on № 12</title>
  2579. <informaltable>
  2580. <tgroup cols="5">
  2581. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2582. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2583. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2584. <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4"/>
  2585. <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5"/>
  2586. <tbody>
  2587. <row>
  2588. <entry>12.</entry>
  2589. <entry>A:</entry>
  2590. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèzhāng Táiběi
  2591. dìtú duōshao qián?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2592. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2593. >这张台北地图多少钱?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2594. <entry>How much is this map of Taipei?</entry>
  2595. </row>
  2596. <row>
  2597. <entry/>
  2598. <entry>B:</entry>
  2599. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shíèrkuài
  2600. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2601. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2602. >十二块钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2603. <entry>Twelve dollars.</entry>
  2604. </row>
  2605. </tbody>
  2606. </tgroup>
  2607. </informaltable>
  2608. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèzhāng dìtú</foreignphrase>:
  2609. compare the two phrases which follow.<informaltable frame="all">
  2610. <tgroup cols="5">
  2611. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  2612. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2613. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2614. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  2615. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1*"/>
  2616. <tbody>
  2617. <row>
  2618. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2619. >zhè</foreignphrase></entry>
  2620. <entry/>
  2621. <entry>-<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2622. >zhāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2623. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2624. >dìtú</foreignphrase></entry>
  2625. <entry>this map</entry>
  2626. </row>
  2627. <row>
  2628. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2629. >zhè</foreignphrase></entry>
  2630. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2631. >liǎng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2632. <entry>-<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2633. >zhāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2634. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2635. >dìtú</foreignphrase></entry>
  2636. <entry>these two maps</entry>
  2637. </row>
  2638. </tbody>
  2639. </tgroup>
  2640. </informaltable></para>
  2641. <para>In the first phrase, the counter -<foreignphrase
  2642. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhāng</foreignphrase> does not have a number
  2643. in front of it. In effect, the number 1 was dropped after the specifier
  2644. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè</foreignphrase>. Notice
  2645. that when a specifier and a number occur together in Chinese, the word order
  2646. is just like English: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhè
  2647. liǎngzhāng dìtú</foreignphrase>, "these two maps."<informaltable
  2648. frame="all">
  2649. <tgroup cols="3">
  2650. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2651. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2652. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2653. <tbody>
  2654. <row>
  2655. <entry>13.</entry>
  2656. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yífèn (r)
  2657. bàozhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2658. <entry>one newspaper</entry>
  2659. </row>
  2660. <row>
  2661. <entry>14.</entry>
  2662. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhī
  2663. bǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2664. <entry>one pen</entry>
  2665. </row>
  2666. <row>
  2667. <entry>15.</entry>
  2668. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhāng
  2669. zhǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2670. <entry>one piece of paper</entry>
  2671. </row>
  2672. <row>
  2673. <entry>16.</entry>
  2674. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìběn
  2675. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  2676. <entry>one dictionary</entry>
  2677. </row>
  2678. <row>
  2679. <entry>17.</entry>
  2680. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hàn-Yīng
  2681. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  2682. <entry>Chinese-English dictionary</entry>
  2683. </row>
  2684. <row>
  2685. <entry>18.</entry>
  2686. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīng-Hàn
  2687. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  2688. <entry>English-Chinese dictionary</entry>
  2689. </row>
  2690. <row>
  2691. <entry>19.</entry>
  2692. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2693. >huàxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  2694. <entry>chemistry</entry>
  2695. </row>
  2696. <row>
  2697. <entry>20.</entry>
  2698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2699. >shùxué</foreignphrase></entry>
  2700. <entry>mathematics</entry>
  2701. </row>
  2702. </tbody>
  2703. </tgroup>
  2704. </informaltable></para>
  2705. <note>
  2706. <title>Notes on additional required vocabulary:</title>
  2707. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bàozhǐ</foreignphrase> and
  2708. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bào</foreignphrase>, two
  2709. words for "newspaper," are interchangeable.</para>
  2710. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yìzhī bǐ</foreignphrase>:
  2711. The counter for pens, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2712. >-zhī</foreignphrase>, is the counter for straight, stick-like
  2713. objects.</para>
  2714. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hàn-Yīng zìdiǎn, Yīng-Hàn
  2715. zìdiǎn</foreignphrase>: The word for "Chinese" in these expressions
  2716. comes from the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to A.D. 219.) <foreignphrase
  2717. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hàn</foreignphrase> is often used in
  2718. titles to refer to the Chinese people and their language.</para>
  2719. <mediaobject>
  2720. <imageobject>
  2721. <imagedata
  2722. fileref="Images/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-4.jpg"
  2723. />
  2724. </imageobject>
  2725. </mediaobject>
  2726. </note>
  2727. </section>
  2728. </section>
  2729. <section>
  2730. <title>Drills</title>
  2731. <para/>
  2732. <section>
  2733. <title/>
  2734. <para/>
  2735. </section>
  2736. <section>
  2737. <title/>
  2738. <para/>
  2739. </section>
  2740. <section>
  2741. <title/>
  2742. <para/>
  2743. </section>
  2744. <section>
  2745. <title/>
  2746. <para/>
  2747. </section>
  2748. <section>
  2749. <title/>
  2750. <para/>
  2751. </section>
  2752. <section>
  2753. <title/>
  2754. <para/>
  2755. </section>
  2756. <section>
  2757. <title/>
  2758. <para/>
  2759. </section>
  2760. <section>
  2761. <title/>
  2762. <para/>
  2763. </section>
  2764. <section>
  2765. <title/>
  2766. <para/>
  2767. </section>
  2768. <section>
  2769. <title/>
  2770. <para/>
  2771. </section>
  2772. </section>
  2773. </section>
  2774. <section>
  2775. <title>Unit 2</title>
  2776. <para/>
  2777. <section>
  2778. <title>Reference List</title>
  2779. <informaltable>
  2780. <tgroup cols="3">
  2781. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1"/>
  2782. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2"/>
  2783. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2784. <tbody>
  2785. <row>
  2786. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng mǎi diǎnr
  2787. diǎnxin.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2788. <entry/>
  2789. <entry>I'm going to buy some pastries.</entry>
  2790. </row>
  2791. <row>
  2792. <entry/>
  2793. <entry/>
  2794. <entry/>
  2795. </row>
  2796. <row>
  2797. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zheìge xiǎo diǎnxin
  2798. duōshao qián yìjīn?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2799. <entry/>
  2800. <entry>How much are these small pastries per catty?</entry>
  2801. </row>
  2802. <row>
  2803. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bāmáo qián
  2804. yìjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2805. <entry/>
  2806. <entry>Eighty cents a catty.</entry>
  2807. </row>
  2808. <row>
  2809. <entry/>
  2810. <entry/>
  2811. <entry/>
  2812. </row>
  2813. <row>
  2814. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gěi wǒ
  2815. liǎngjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2816. <entry/>
  2817. <entry>Give me two catties.</entry>
  2818. </row>
  2819. <row>
  2820. <entry/>
  2821. <entry/>
  2822. <entry/>
  2823. </row>
  2824. <row>
  2825. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ
  2826. liǎngjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2827. <entry/>
  2828. <entry>Please give me two catties.</entry>
  2829. </row>
  2830. <row>
  2831. <entry/>
  2832. <entry/>
  2833. <entry/>
  2834. </row>
  2835. <row>
  2836. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín hái yào diǎnr
  2837. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2838. <entry/>
  2839. <entry>What else do you want?</entry>
  2840. </row>
  2841. <row>
  2842. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ hái yào
  2843. qìshuǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2844. <entry/>
  2845. <entry>I want some soda.</entry>
  2846. </row>
  2847. <row>
  2848. <entry/>
  2849. <entry/>
  2850. <entry/>
  2851. </row>
  2852. <row>
  2853. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duōshao qián
  2854. yìpíng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2855. <entry/>
  2856. <entry>How much is it per bottle?</entry>
  2857. </row>
  2858. <row>
  2859. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liǎngmáo wǔfēn
  2860. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2861. <entry/>
  2862. <entry>It's twenty-five cents.</entry>
  2863. </row>
  2864. <row>
  2865. <entry/>
  2866. <entry/>
  2867. <entry/>
  2868. </row>
  2869. <row>
  2870. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèi shi sānkuài
  2871. qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2872. <entry/>
  2873. <entry>Here's three dollars.</entry>
  2874. </row>
  2875. <row>
  2876. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhǎo nǐ liùmáo
  2877. wǔfēn qián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2878. <entry/>
  2879. <entry>Here's sixty-five cents (in) change.</entry>
  2880. </row>
  2881. <row>
  2882. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xièxie.
  2883. Zàijiàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2884. <entry/>
  2885. <entry>Thank you. Good-bye</entry>
  2886. </row>
  2887. <row>
  2888. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2889. >Zàijiàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2890. <entry/>
  2891. <entry>Good-bye</entry>
  2892. </row>
  2893. <row>
  2894. <entry/>
  2895. <entry/>
  2896. <entry/>
  2897. </row>
  2898. <row>
  2899. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dà píngguǒ duōshao
  2900. qián yìjīn?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2901. <entry/>
  2902. <entry>How much are the large apples per catty?</entry>
  2903. </row>
  2904. <row>
  2905. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàde sìmáo wǔfēn
  2906. qián yìjīn.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2907. <entry/>
  2908. <entry>The large ones are forty-five cents a catty.</entry>
  2909. </row>
  2910. <row>
  2911. <entry/>
  2912. <entry/>
  2913. <entry/>
  2914. </row>
  2915. <row>
  2916. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎode duōshao qián
  2917. yìjinq?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2918. <entry/>
  2919. <entry>How much per catty are the small ones?</entry>
  2920. </row>
  2921. <row>
  2922. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānmáo
  2923. wǔ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2924. <entry/>
  2925. <entry>Thirty-five cents.</entry>
  2926. </row>
  2927. <row>
  2928. <entry/>
  2929. <entry/>
  2930. <entry/>
  2931. </row>
  2932. <row>
  2933. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐng gěi wǒ sānjīn
  2934. nèige xiǎode.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2935. <entry/>
  2936. <entry>Please give me three catties of the small ones.</entry>
  2937. </row>
  2938. <row>
  2939. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Sānjīn yíkuài
  2940. líng wǔ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2941. <entry/>
  2942. <entry>Certainly. Three catties are $1.05.</entry>
  2943. </row>
  2944. <row>
  2945. <entry/>
  2946. <entry/>
  2947. <entry/>
  2948. </row>
  2949. <row>
  2950. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín hái yào
  2951. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2952. <entry/>
  2953. <entry>What else do you want?</entry>
  2954. </row>
  2955. <row>
  2956. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ búyào shénme
  2957. le.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2958. <entry/>
  2959. <entry>I don't want anything else.</entry>
  2960. </row>
  2961. </tbody>
  2962. </tgroup>
  2963. </informaltable>
  2964. </section>
  2965. <section>
  2966. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  2967. <informaltable>
  2968. <tgroup cols="3">
  2969. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1"/>
  2970. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2"/>
  2971. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3"/>
  2972. <tbody>
  2973. <row>
  2974. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">júzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2975. <entry/>
  2976. <entry>oranges, tangerines</entry>
  2977. </row>
  2978. <row>
  2979. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">píjiǔ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2980. <entry/>
  2981. <entry>beer</entry>
  2982. </row>
  2983. <row>
  2984. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíkuài féizào</foreignphrase></entry>
  2985. <entry/>
  2986. <entry>one bar of soap</entry>
  2987. </row>
  2988. <row>
  2989. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò mǎimai</foreignphrase></entry>
  2990. <entry/>
  2991. <entry>to do business</entry>
  2992. </row>
  2993. <row>
  2994. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàrén</foreignphrase></entry>
  2995. <entry/>
  2996. <entry>adult</entry>
  2997. </row>
  2998. <row>
  2999. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎoháizi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3000. <entry/>
  3001. <entry>child</entry>
  3002. </row>
  3003. <row>
  3004. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dà</foreignphrase></entry>
  3005. <entry/>
  3006. <entry>to be large</entry>
  3007. </row>
  3008. <row>
  3009. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-de</foreignphrase></entry>
  3010. <entry/>
  3011. <entry>marker of modification</entry>
  3012. </row>
  3013. <row>
  3014. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diǎnr</foreignphrase></entry>
  3015. <entry/>
  3016. <entry>a little, some</entry>
  3017. </row>
  3018. <row>
  3019. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diǎnxin (yíkuài,
  3020. yìjīn)</foreignphrase></entry>
  3021. <entry/>
  3022. <entry>pastry, snack</entry>
  3023. </row>
  3024. <row>
  3025. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-fēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  3026. <entry/>
  3027. <entry>cent</entry>
  3028. </row>
  3029. <row>
  3030. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gěi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3031. <entry/>
  3032. <entry>to give</entry>
  3033. </row>
  3034. <row>
  3035. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hái</foreignphrase></entry>
  3036. <entry/>
  3037. <entry>also, additionally</entry>
  3038. </row>
  3039. <row>
  3040. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-jīn</foreignphrase></entry>
  3041. <entry/>
  3042. <entry>catty (1.1 pound)</entry>
  3043. </row>
  3044. <row>
  3045. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-kuài</foreignphrase></entry>
  3046. <entry/>
  3047. <entry>piece (counter)</entry>
  3048. </row>
  3049. <row>
  3050. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">líng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3051. <entry/>
  3052. <entry>zero</entry>
  3053. </row>
  3054. <row>
  3055. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">mǎimai</foreignphrase></entry>
  3056. <entry/>
  3057. <entry>business</entry>
  3058. </row>
  3059. <row>
  3060. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-máo</foreignphrase></entry>
  3061. <entry/>
  3062. <entry>dime</entry>
  3063. </row>
  3064. <row>
  3065. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-píng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3066. <entry/>
  3067. <entry>bottle</entry>
  3068. </row>
  3069. <row>
  3070. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">píngguǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3071. <entry/>
  3072. <entry>apple</entry>
  3073. </row>
  3074. <row>
  3075. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3076. <entry/>
  3077. <entry>please</entry>
  3078. </row>
  3079. <row>
  3080. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qìshuǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3081. <entry/>
  3082. <entry>soda, carbonated soft drink</entry>
  3083. </row>
  3084. <row>
  3085. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo</foreignphrase></entry>
  3086. <entry/>
  3087. <entry>to be small</entry>
  3088. </row>
  3089. <row>
  3090. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎohaízi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3091. <entry/>
  3092. <entry>child</entry>
  3093. </row>
  3094. <row>
  3095. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yào</foreignphrase></entry>
  3096. <entry/>
  3097. <entry>to want</entry>
  3098. </row>
  3099. <row>
  3100. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zàijiàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  3101. <entry/>
  3102. <entry>good-bye</entry>
  3103. </row>
  3104. <row>
  3105. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǎo</foreignphrase></entry>
  3106. <entry/>
  3107. <entry>to give change</entry>
  3108. </row>
  3109. <row>
  3110. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò mǎimai</foreignphrase></entry>
  3111. <entry/>
  3112. <entry>to do business</entry>
  3113. </row>
  3114. <row>
  3115. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngxiāo hézuòshè</foreignphrase></entry>
  3116. <entry/>
  3117. <entry>supply and marketing cooperative</entry>
  3118. </row>
  3119. </tbody>
  3120. </tgroup>
  3121. </informaltable>
  3122. <mediaobject>
  3123. <imageobject>
  3124. <imagedata
  3125. fileref="Images/0085-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentText-7.jpg"
  3126. />
  3127. </imageobject>
  3128. </mediaobject>
  3129. </section>
  3130. <section>
  3131. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  3132. <section>
  3133. <title>Notes on №1</title>
  3134. <informaltable frame="all">
  3135. <tgroup cols="5">
  3136. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3137. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3138. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3139. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3140. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3141. <thead>
  3142. <row>
  3143. <entry/>
  3144. <entry/>
  3145. <entry/>
  3146. <entry/>
  3147. <entry/>
  3148. </row>
  3149. </thead>
  3150. <tbody>
  3151. <row>
  3152. <entry/>
  3153. <entry/>
  3154. <entry/>
  3155. <entry/>
  3156. <entry/>
  3157. </row>
  3158. </tbody>
  3159. </tgroup>
  3160. </informaltable>
  3161. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Diǎnr</foreignphrase>: The word
  3162. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìdiǎnr</foreignphrase> (or
  3163. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìdiǎn</foreignphrase>) is a
  3164. combination of the number <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3165. >yī</foreignphrase>, "one," and the counter <foreignphrase
  3166. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diǎn</foreignphrase>, "a dot", "a little
  3167. bit." The number <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3168. >yī</foreignphrase> is often toneless, or, in this case, dropped when
  3169. its meaning is "a" rather than "one".</para>
  3170. <para>The <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase> version of this word, written
  3171. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diǎnr</foreignphrase> or
  3172. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yīdiǎnr</foreignphrase> is actually pronounced as if
  3173. written <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diǎr</foreignphrase> or
  3174. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yídiǎr</foreignphrase>. These words rhyme with the
  3175. English "tar,"</para>
  3176. </section>
  3177. <section>
  3178. <title>Notes on №2</title>
  3179. <informaltable frame="all">
  3180. <tgroup cols="5">
  3181. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3182. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3183. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3184. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3185. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3186. <thead>
  3187. <row>
  3188. <entry/>
  3189. <entry/>
  3190. <entry/>
  3191. <entry/>
  3192. <entry/>
  3193. </row>
  3194. </thead>
  3195. <tbody>
  3196. <row>
  3197. <entry/>
  3198. <entry/>
  3199. <entry/>
  3200. <entry/>
  3201. <entry/>
  3202. </row>
  3203. </tbody>
  3204. </tgroup>
  3205. </informaltable>
  3206. <para>A <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn</foreignphrase> is a unit of weight, usually
  3207. translated as "catty." In most</para>
  3208. <para>parts of China a <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn</foreignphrase> equals 1.1
  3209. pound.</para>
  3210. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bāmáo</foreignphrase> i You must use the equivalent of
  3211. "eight dimes" to say "eighty cents." It is wrong to say
  3212. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bāshifēn</foreignphrase> for "eighty cents."</para>
  3213. </section>
  3214. <section>
  3215. <title>Notes on №3-4</title>
  3216. <informaltable frame="all">
  3217. <tgroup cols="5">
  3218. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3219. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3220. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3221. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3222. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3223. <thead>
  3224. <row>
  3225. <entry/>
  3226. <entry/>
  3227. <entry/>
  3228. <entry/>
  3229. <entry/>
  3230. </row>
  3231. </thead>
  3232. <tbody>
  3233. <row>
  3234. <entry/>
  3235. <entry/>
  3236. <entry/>
  3237. <entry/>
  3238. <entry/>
  3239. </row>
  3240. </tbody>
  3241. </tgroup>
  3242. </informaltable>
  3243. <para>Indirect object: Notice that the indirect object, <foreignphrase
  3244. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ</foreignphrase>, precedes the direct
  3245. object, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liǎngjīn</foreignphrase>,
  3246. just as "me" precedes "two catties" in English.</para>
  3247. <informaltable frame="all">
  3248. <tgroup cols="3">
  3249. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3250. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3251. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  3252. <tbody>
  3253. <row>
  3254. <entry/>
  3255. <entry/>
  3256. <entry/>
  3257. </row>
  3258. <row>
  3259. <entry>Give</entry>
  3260. <entry>me</entry>
  3261. <entry>two catties.</entry>
  3262. </row>
  3263. </tbody>
  3264. </tgroup>
  3265. </informaltable>
  3266. <para>Polite request: A blunt imperative in Chinese has the same word order as a
  3267. command in English: (<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3268. >nǐ</foreignphrase>), verb, indirect object, direct object. To make a
  3269. polite request in Chinese, start off with <foreignphrase
  3270. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng</foreignphrase>, "please," or
  3271. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng nǐ</foreignphrase>
  3272. "please you." More literally <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3273. >qǐng</foreignphrase> means "to ask," "to request," but the idiomatic
  3274. equivalent of <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng</foreignphrase>
  3275. and <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng nǐ</foreignphrase> is
  3276. "please." Here are the three types of imperatives.</para>
  3277. </section>
  3278. <section>
  3279. <title>Notes on №5</title>
  3280. <informaltable frame="all">
  3281. <tgroup cols="5">
  3282. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3283. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3284. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3285. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3286. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3287. <thead>
  3288. <row>
  3289. <entry/>
  3290. <entry/>
  3291. <entry/>
  3292. <entry/>
  3293. <entry/>
  3294. </row>
  3295. </thead>
  3296. <tbody>
  3297. <row>
  3298. <entry/>
  3299. <entry/>
  3300. <entry/>
  3301. <entry/>
  3302. <entry/>
  3303. </row>
  3304. </tbody>
  3305. </tgroup>
  3306. </informaltable>
  3307. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hái</foreignphrase>: in exchange 5,
  3308. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hái</foreignphrase> something like "in addition": "What
  3309. do you want a little of in addition?" Since
  3310. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hái</foreignphrase> is an adverb, it is placed before the
  3311. verb.</para>
  3312. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qìshuǐ</foreignphrase>, "soda," refers to a carbonated soft
  3313. drink, not to club soda.</para>
  3314. </section>
  3315. <section>
  3316. <title>Notes on №6</title>
  3317. <informaltable frame="all">
  3318. <tgroup cols="5">
  3319. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3320. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3321. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3322. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3323. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3324. <thead>
  3325. <row>
  3326. <entry/>
  3327. <entry/>
  3328. <entry/>
  3329. <entry/>
  3330. <entry/>
  3331. </row>
  3332. </thead>
  3333. <tbody>
  3334. <row>
  3335. <entry/>
  3336. <entry/>
  3337. <entry/>
  3338. <entry/>
  3339. <entry/>
  3340. </row>
  3341. </tbody>
  3342. </tgroup>
  3343. </informaltable>
  3344. <para>Tone change for <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yī</foreignphrase>: The number 1,
  3345. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǐ</foreignphrase>, changes tone when followed by another
  3346. syllable. When followed by a syllable with a Falling tone,
  3347. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yī</foreignphrase> has a Rising tone. When followed "by
  3348. syllables with High, Rising, or Low tones, has a Falling tone.</para>
  3349. <informaltable frame="all">
  3350. <tgroup cols="4">
  3351. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3352. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3353. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  3354. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  3355. <thead>
  3356. <row>
  3357. <entry>High Tone follows</entry>
  3358. <entry>Rising Tone follows</entry>
  3359. <entry>Low Tone follows</entry>
  3360. <entry>Falling Tone follows</entry>
  3361. </row>
  3362. </thead>
  3363. <tbody>
  3364. <row>
  3365. <entry/>
  3366. <entry/>
  3367. <entry/>
  3368. <entry/>
  3369. </row>
  3370. <row>
  3371. <entry/>
  3372. <entry/>
  3373. <entry/>
  3374. <entry/>
  3375. </row>
  3376. <row>
  3377. <entry/>
  3378. <entry/>
  3379. <entry/>
  3380. <entry/>
  3381. </row>
  3382. <row>
  3383. <entry/>
  3384. <entry/>
  3385. <entry/>
  3386. <entry/>
  3387. </row>
  3388. </tbody>
  3389. </tgroup>
  3390. </informaltable>
  3391. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liǎngmáo wǔfēn qián</foreignphrase>: Notice that
  3392. "twenty-five cents" is expressed in Chinese as dimes plus cents: "two dimes
  3393. and five cents."</para>
  3394. </section>
  3395. <section>
  3396. <title>Notes on №7</title>
  3397. <informaltable frame="all">
  3398. <tgroup cols="5">
  3399. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3400. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3401. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3402. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3403. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3404. <thead>
  3405. <row>
  3406. <entry/>
  3407. <entry/>
  3408. <entry/>
  3409. <entry/>
  3410. <entry/>
  3411. </row>
  3412. </thead>
  3413. <tbody>
  3414. <row>
  3415. <entry/>
  3416. <entry/>
  3417. <entry/>
  3418. <entry/>
  3419. <entry/>
  3420. </row>
  3421. </tbody>
  3422. </tgroup>
  3423. </informaltable>
  3424. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèi</foreignphrase>: In the first sentence of exchange 7,
  3425. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèi</foreignphrase> is used without an attached counter.
  3426. A specifier was also used without a counter in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèi shi Mínzú
  3427. Fàndiàn</foreignphrase>. "That's the Nationalities Hotel."</para>
  3428. <para>The verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǎo</foreignphrase> means "to give change."
  3429. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhǎo nǐ liùmáo wǔfēn qián</foreignphrase> means something
  3430. like "I'm giving you sixty-five cents in change."</para>
  3431. </section>
  3432. <section>
  3433. <title>Notes on №8-9</title>
  3434. <informaltable frame="all">
  3435. <tgroup cols="5">
  3436. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3437. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3438. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3439. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3440. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3441. <thead>
  3442. <row>
  3443. <entry/>
  3444. <entry/>
  3445. <entry/>
  3446. <entry/>
  3447. <entry/>
  3448. </row>
  3449. </thead>
  3450. <tbody>
  3451. <row>
  3452. <entry/>
  3453. <entry/>
  3454. <entry/>
  3455. <entry/>
  3456. <entry/>
  3457. </row>
  3458. </tbody>
  3459. </tgroup>
  3460. </informaltable>
  3461. <para>The words <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàde</foreignphrase> and
  3462. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎode</foreignphrase> are translated as "large ones" and
  3463. ""small ones." The nonspecific noun "ones" may be used because the specific
  3464. thing being talked about (apples) was mentioned in an earlier sentence. The
  3465. marker -<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de</foreignphrase> shows that
  3466. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dà</foreignphrase> and
  3467. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo</foreignphrase> modify a noun mentioned earlier in
  3468. the conversation. Like their English translations "big ones" and "small
  3469. ones," <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàde</foreignphrase> and
  3470. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎode</foreignphrase> act as nouns.</para>
  3471. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānmáo wǔ</foreignphrase> is an abbreviated way of giving a
  3472. price. The last unit of money (ln this case,
  3473. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēn</foreignphrase> "cent") and the word for "money,"
  3474. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qián</foreignphrase> are left out. The unit omitted is
  3475. always the next unit below the unit which is expressed. For instance, "three
  3476. dollars and fifty cents" is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sānkuài
  3477. wǔ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3478. <para>You know that the unit omitted is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">máo</foreignphrase>
  3479. "dimes," because it is the next unit below
  3480. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kuài</foreignphrase>, "dollars." A one-unit price such as
  3481. "three dollars" or cents"can never be abbreviated this way, because there
  3482. would he no way of determining the unit marker omitted.</para>
  3483. </section>
  3484. <section>
  3485. <title>Notes on №10</title>
  3486. <informaltable frame="all">
  3487. <tgroup cols="5">
  3488. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3489. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3490. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3491. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3492. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3493. <thead>
  3494. <row>
  3495. <entry/>
  3496. <entry/>
  3497. <entry/>
  3498. <entry/>
  3499. <entry/>
  3500. </row>
  3501. </thead>
  3502. <tbody>
  3503. <row>
  3504. <entry/>
  3505. <entry/>
  3506. <entry/>
  3507. <entry/>
  3508. <entry/>
  3509. </row>
  3510. </tbody>
  3511. </tgroup>
  3512. </informaltable>
  3513. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānjīn nèige
  3514. xiǎode</foreignphrase>: The elements of this phrase appear in the
  3515. following order: number, counter, specifier, noun, (in Chinese, units of
  3516. measure, like <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn</foreignphrase>,
  3517. act as counters.) Earlier, you learned phrases whose element a appeared in a
  3518. different order: specifier, number, counter, noun, (<foreignphrase
  3519. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèi liǎngzhāng dìtú</foreignphrase>). In
  3520. both cases, the word order for the constructions Is the same in Chinese and
  3521. English.</para>
  3522. <informaltable frame="all">
  3523. <tgroup cols="6">
  3524. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3525. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3526. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  3527. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  3528. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1*"/>
  3529. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  3530. <tbody>
  3531. <row>
  3532. <entry/>
  3533. <entry/>
  3534. <entry/>
  3535. <entry/>
  3536. <entry/>
  3537. <entry/>
  3538. </row>
  3539. <row>
  3540. <entry/>
  3541. <entry/>
  3542. <entry/>
  3543. <entry/>
  3544. <entry/>
  3545. <entry/>
  3546. </row>
  3547. </tbody>
  3548. </tgroup>
  3549. </informaltable>
  3550. <informaltable frame="all">
  3551. <tgroup cols="6">
  3552. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3553. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3554. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  3555. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  3556. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1*"/>
  3557. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  3558. <tbody>
  3559. <row>
  3560. <entry/>
  3561. <entry/>
  3562. <entry/>
  3563. <entry/>
  3564. <entry/>
  3565. <entry/>
  3566. </row>
  3567. <row>
  3568. <entry/>
  3569. <entry/>
  3570. <entry/>
  3571. <entry/>
  3572. <entry/>
  3573. <entry/>
  3574. </row>
  3575. </tbody>
  3576. </tgroup>
  3577. </informaltable>
  3578. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zèige</foreignphrase> is translated as "those" in the first
  3579. sentence of exchange 10. Strictly speaking,
  3580. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nèige</foreignphrase> can refer only to one item, since
  3581. -<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ge</foreignphrase> is the counter for units. The apples,
  3582. however, are regarded collectively as one category of things.</para>
  3583. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yíkuài líng wǔ</foreignphrase>: In a price, the word
  3584. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">líng</foreignphrase> is always used for a "zero" in the
  3585. dimes position. In <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíkuài líng wǔ</foreignphrase>,
  3586. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">líng</foreignphrase> appears in the "dimes" place, so you
  3587. know that <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǔ</foreignphrase> must refer to cents.</para>
  3588. </section>
  3589. <section>
  3590. <title>Notes on №11</title>
  3591. <informaltable frame="all">
  3592. <tgroup cols="5">
  3593. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3594. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3595. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3596. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3597. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3598. <thead>
  3599. <row>
  3600. <entry/>
  3601. <entry/>
  3602. <entry/>
  3603. <entry/>
  3604. <entry/>
  3605. </row>
  3606. </thead>
  3607. <tbody>
  3608. <row>
  3609. <entry/>
  3610. <entry/>
  3611. <entry/>
  3612. <entry/>
  3613. <entry/>
  3614. </row>
  3615. </tbody>
  3616. </tgroup>
  3617. </informaltable>
  3618. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú yào shenme</foreignphrase>: The unstressed (and often
  3619. toneless) word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shenme</foreignphrase> corresponds to the
  3620. indefinite pronoun "anything" in negative sentences.</para>
  3621. <informaltable frame="all">
  3622. <tgroup cols="7">
  3623. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3624. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3625. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  3626. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  3627. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1*"/>
  3628. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  3629. <colspec colname="c7" colnum="7" colwidth="1*"/>
  3630. <tbody>
  3631. <row>
  3632. <entry/>
  3633. <entry/>
  3634. <entry/>
  3635. <entry/>
  3636. <entry/>
  3637. <entry/>
  3638. <entry/>
  3639. </row>
  3640. <row>
  3641. <entry/>
  3642. <entry/>
  3643. <entry/>
  3644. <entry/>
  3645. <entry/>
  3646. <entry/>
  3647. <entry/>
  3648. </row>
  3649. </tbody>
  3650. </tgroup>
  3651. </informaltable>
  3652. <para>This construction is commonly used to say "I don't want (I'm not buying,
  3653. I'm not reading) anything MUCH."</para>
  3654. <informaltable frame="all">
  3655. <tgroup cols="2">
  3656. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3657. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3658. <tbody>
  3659. <row>
  3660. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ mǎi shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3661. <entry>What are you buying?</entry>
  3662. </row>
  3663. <row>
  3664. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bù mǎi shenme, zhǐ mǎi yífèn
  3665. bào.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3666. <entry>I'm not buying anything much; I'm just buying a
  3667. newspaper.</entry>
  3668. </row>
  3669. </tbody>
  3670. </tgroup>
  3671. </informaltable>
  3672. <para>
  3673. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Le</foreignphrase>: In the second sentence of exchange 11,
  3674. new situation <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">le</foreignphrase> is used in a negative
  3675. sentence. The sentence says that NOW Mr. Andersen does not want anything
  3676. (while before, of course, he did want things.)</para>
  3677. <informaltable frame="all">
  3678. <tgroup cols="4">
  3679. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3680. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="5.0*"/>
  3681. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="3.0*"/>
  3682. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="5.0*"/>
  3683. <tbody>
  3684. <row>
  3685. <entry>12.</entry>
  3686. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">júzi </foreignphrase></entry>
  3687. <entry/>
  3688. <entry>oranges</entry>
  3689. </row>
  3690. <row>
  3691. <entry>13.</entry>
  3692. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">píjiǔ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3693. <entry/>
  3694. <entry>beer</entry>
  3695. </row>
  3696. <row>
  3697. <entry>14.</entry>
  3698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yíkuài féizào</foreignphrase></entry>
  3699. <entry/>
  3700. <entry>one bar of soap</entry>
  3701. </row>
  3702. <row>
  3703. <entry>15.</entry>
  3704. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò mǎimai</foreignphrase></entry>
  3705. <entry/>
  3706. <entry>to do business</entry>
  3707. </row>
  3708. <row>
  3709. <entry>16.</entry>
  3710. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàren</foreignphrase></entry>
  3711. <entry/>
  3712. <entry>adult</entry>
  3713. </row>
  3714. <row>
  3715. <entry>17.</entry>
  3716. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎoháizi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3717. <entry/>
  3718. <entry>child</entry>
  3719. </row>
  3720. </tbody>
  3721. </tgroup>
  3722. </informaltable>
  3723. <note>
  3724. <title>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</title>
  3725. <para>
  3726. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Júzi</foreignphrase>: In earlier modules, this word would
  3727. have been written <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jǘzi</foreignphrase>. Starting in the
  3728. Money Module, the umlaut (") will be written only after <emphasis
  3729. role="bold">n</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">l</emphasis>,
  3730. following the normal spelling rule in Pinyin romanization. You will have
  3731. to remember that the letter <emphasis role="bold">u</emphasis> after
  3732. <emphasis role="bold">j</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold"
  3733. >q</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">x</emphasis>, and <emphasis
  3734. role="bold">y</emphasis> is pronounced as if it were written
  3735. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ü</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3736. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yíkuài féizào</foreignphrase>: The counter used for
  3737. soap is -<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kuài</foreignphrase>. It literally means "a
  3738. lump" but is also translated as a "piece."</para>
  3739. <para>
  3740. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zuò mǎimai</foreignphrase>, "to do
  3741. business/trade"<informaltable frame="all">
  3742. <tgroup cols="2">
  3743. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3744. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3745. <tbody>
  3746. <row>
  3747. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā lái zuò mǎimai
  3748. le.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3749. <entry>He has come to do business.</entry>
  3750. </row>
  3751. </tbody>
  3752. </tgroup>
  3753. </informaltable>
  3754. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàren</foreignphrase>, "adult," literally, "big
  3755. person"</para>
  3756. <para>
  3757. <informaltable frame="all">
  3758. <tgroup cols="2">
  3759. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  3760. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  3761. <tbody>
  3762. <row>
  3763. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yǐjīng shi dàren
  3764. le.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3765. <entry>He is already an adult.</entry>
  3766. </row>
  3767. </tbody>
  3768. </tgroup>
  3769. </informaltable>
  3770. </para>
  3771. <para>
  3772. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎoháizi</foreignphrase>: Although
  3773. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">háizi</foreignphrase> means "child," the expression
  3774. more commonly used is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎohāizi</foreignphrase>,
  3775. literally, "small child."</para>
  3776. </note>
  3777. </section>
  3778. </section>
  3779. <section>
  3780. <title>Drills</title>
  3781. <para/>
  3782. <section>
  3783. <title/>
  3784. <para/>
  3785. </section>
  3786. <section>
  3787. <title/>
  3788. <para/>
  3789. </section>
  3790. <section>
  3791. <title/>
  3792. <para/>
  3793. </section>
  3794. <section>
  3795. <title/>
  3796. <para/>
  3797. </section>
  3798. <section>
  3799. <title/>
  3800. <para/>
  3801. </section>
  3802. <section>
  3803. <title/>
  3804. <para/>
  3805. </section>
  3806. <section>
  3807. <title/>
  3808. <para/>
  3809. </section>
  3810. <section>
  3811. <title/>
  3812. <para/>
  3813. </section>
  3814. <section>
  3815. <title/>
  3816. <para/>
  3817. </section>
  3818. <section>
  3819. <title/>
  3820. <para/>
  3821. </section>
  3822. </section>
  3823. </section>
  3824. <section>
  3825. <title>Unit 3</title>
  3826. <para/>
  3827. <section>
  3828. <title>Reference List</title>
  3829. <para>
  3830. <informaltable frame="all">
  3831. <tgroup cols="5">
  3832. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3833. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3834. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3835. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3836. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3837. <thead>
  3838. <row>
  3839. <entry/>
  3840. <entry/>
  3841. <entry/>
  3842. <entry/>
  3843. <entry/>
  3844. </row>
  3845. </thead>
  3846. <tbody>
  3847. <row>
  3848. <entry/>
  3849. <entry/>
  3850. <entry/>
  3851. <entry/>
  3852. <entry/>
  3853. </row>
  3854. </tbody>
  3855. </tgroup>
  3856. </informaltable>
  3857. </para>
  3858. </section>
  3859. <section>
  3860. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  3861. <para>
  3862. <informaltable frame="all">
  3863. <tgroup cols="3">
  3864. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3865. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3866. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3867. <thead>
  3868. <row>
  3869. <entry/>
  3870. <entry/>
  3871. <entry/>
  3872. </row>
  3873. </thead>
  3874. <tbody>
  3875. <row>
  3876. <entry/>
  3877. <entry/>
  3878. <entry/>
  3879. </row>
  3880. </tbody>
  3881. </tgroup>
  3882. </informaltable>
  3883. </para>
  3884. </section>
  3885. <section>
  3886. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  3887. <para/>
  3888. <section>
  3889. <title>Notes on №</title>
  3890. <para/>
  3891. <informaltable frame="all">
  3892. <tgroup cols="5">
  3893. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3894. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3895. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3896. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3897. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3898. <thead>
  3899. <row>
  3900. <entry/>
  3901. <entry/>
  3902. <entry/>
  3903. <entry/>
  3904. <entry/>
  3905. </row>
  3906. </thead>
  3907. <tbody>
  3908. <row>
  3909. <entry/>
  3910. <entry/>
  3911. <entry/>
  3912. <entry/>
  3913. <entry/>
  3914. </row>
  3915. </tbody>
  3916. </tgroup>
  3917. </informaltable>
  3918. </section>
  3919. <section>
  3920. <title>Notes on №</title>
  3921. <para/>
  3922. <informaltable frame="all">
  3923. <tgroup cols="5">
  3924. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3925. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3926. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3927. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3928. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3929. <thead>
  3930. <row>
  3931. <entry/>
  3932. <entry/>
  3933. <entry/>
  3934. <entry/>
  3935. <entry/>
  3936. </row>
  3937. </thead>
  3938. <tbody>
  3939. <row>
  3940. <entry/>
  3941. <entry/>
  3942. <entry/>
  3943. <entry/>
  3944. <entry/>
  3945. </row>
  3946. </tbody>
  3947. </tgroup>
  3948. </informaltable>
  3949. </section>
  3950. <section>
  3951. <title>Notes on №</title>
  3952. <para/>
  3953. <informaltable frame="all">
  3954. <tgroup cols="5">
  3955. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3956. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3957. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3958. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3959. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3960. <thead>
  3961. <row>
  3962. <entry/>
  3963. <entry/>
  3964. <entry/>
  3965. <entry/>
  3966. <entry/>
  3967. </row>
  3968. </thead>
  3969. <tbody>
  3970. <row>
  3971. <entry/>
  3972. <entry/>
  3973. <entry/>
  3974. <entry/>
  3975. <entry/>
  3976. </row>
  3977. </tbody>
  3978. </tgroup>
  3979. </informaltable>
  3980. </section>
  3981. <section>
  3982. <title>Notes on №</title>
  3983. <para/>
  3984. <informaltable frame="all">
  3985. <tgroup cols="5">
  3986. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3987. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3988. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3989. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3990. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3991. <thead>
  3992. <row>
  3993. <entry/>
  3994. <entry/>
  3995. <entry/>
  3996. <entry/>
  3997. <entry/>
  3998. </row>
  3999. </thead>
  4000. <tbody>
  4001. <row>
  4002. <entry/>
  4003. <entry/>
  4004. <entry/>
  4005. <entry/>
  4006. <entry/>
  4007. </row>
  4008. </tbody>
  4009. </tgroup>
  4010. </informaltable>
  4011. </section>
  4012. <section>
  4013. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4014. <para/>
  4015. <informaltable frame="all">
  4016. <tgroup cols="5">
  4017. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4018. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4019. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4020. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4021. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4022. <thead>
  4023. <row>
  4024. <entry/>
  4025. <entry/>
  4026. <entry/>
  4027. <entry/>
  4028. <entry/>
  4029. </row>
  4030. </thead>
  4031. <tbody>
  4032. <row>
  4033. <entry/>
  4034. <entry/>
  4035. <entry/>
  4036. <entry/>
  4037. <entry/>
  4038. </row>
  4039. </tbody>
  4040. </tgroup>
  4041. </informaltable>
  4042. </section>
  4043. <section>
  4044. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4045. <para/>
  4046. <informaltable frame="all">
  4047. <tgroup cols="5">
  4048. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4049. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4050. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4051. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4052. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4053. <thead>
  4054. <row>
  4055. <entry/>
  4056. <entry/>
  4057. <entry/>
  4058. <entry/>
  4059. <entry/>
  4060. </row>
  4061. </thead>
  4062. <tbody>
  4063. <row>
  4064. <entry/>
  4065. <entry/>
  4066. <entry/>
  4067. <entry/>
  4068. <entry/>
  4069. </row>
  4070. </tbody>
  4071. </tgroup>
  4072. </informaltable>
  4073. </section>
  4074. <section>
  4075. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4076. <para/>
  4077. <informaltable frame="all">
  4078. <tgroup cols="5">
  4079. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4080. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4081. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4082. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4083. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4084. <thead>
  4085. <row>
  4086. <entry/>
  4087. <entry/>
  4088. <entry/>
  4089. <entry/>
  4090. <entry/>
  4091. </row>
  4092. </thead>
  4093. <tbody>
  4094. <row>
  4095. <entry/>
  4096. <entry/>
  4097. <entry/>
  4098. <entry/>
  4099. <entry/>
  4100. </row>
  4101. </tbody>
  4102. </tgroup>
  4103. </informaltable>
  4104. </section>
  4105. <section>
  4106. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4107. <para/>
  4108. <informaltable frame="all">
  4109. <tgroup cols="5">
  4110. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4111. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4112. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4113. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4114. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4115. <thead>
  4116. <row>
  4117. <entry/>
  4118. <entry/>
  4119. <entry/>
  4120. <entry/>
  4121. <entry/>
  4122. </row>
  4123. </thead>
  4124. <tbody>
  4125. <row>
  4126. <entry/>
  4127. <entry/>
  4128. <entry/>
  4129. <entry/>
  4130. <entry/>
  4131. </row>
  4132. </tbody>
  4133. </tgroup>
  4134. </informaltable>
  4135. </section>
  4136. </section>
  4137. <section>
  4138. <title>Drills</title>
  4139. <para/>
  4140. <section>
  4141. <title/>
  4142. <para/>
  4143. </section>
  4144. <section>
  4145. <title/>
  4146. <para/>
  4147. </section>
  4148. <section>
  4149. <title/>
  4150. <para/>
  4151. </section>
  4152. <section>
  4153. <title/>
  4154. <para/>
  4155. </section>
  4156. <section>
  4157. <title/>
  4158. <para/>
  4159. </section>
  4160. <section>
  4161. <title/>
  4162. <para/>
  4163. </section>
  4164. <section>
  4165. <title/>
  4166. <para/>
  4167. </section>
  4168. <section>
  4169. <title/>
  4170. <para/>
  4171. </section>
  4172. <section>
  4173. <title/>
  4174. <para/>
  4175. </section>
  4176. <section>
  4177. <title/>
  4178. <para/>
  4179. </section>
  4180. </section>
  4181. </section>
  4182. <section>
  4183. <title>Unit 4</title>
  4184. <para/>
  4185. <section>
  4186. <title>Reference List</title>
  4187. <para>
  4188. <informaltable frame="all">
  4189. <tgroup cols="5">
  4190. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4191. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4192. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4193. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4194. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4195. <thead>
  4196. <row>
  4197. <entry/>
  4198. <entry/>
  4199. <entry/>
  4200. <entry/>
  4201. <entry/>
  4202. </row>
  4203. </thead>
  4204. <tbody>
  4205. <row>
  4206. <entry/>
  4207. <entry/>
  4208. <entry/>
  4209. <entry/>
  4210. <entry/>
  4211. </row>
  4212. </tbody>
  4213. </tgroup>
  4214. </informaltable>
  4215. </para>
  4216. </section>
  4217. <section>
  4218. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  4219. <para>
  4220. <informaltable frame="all">
  4221. <tgroup cols="3">
  4222. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4223. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4224. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4225. <thead>
  4226. <row>
  4227. <entry/>
  4228. <entry/>
  4229. <entry/>
  4230. </row>
  4231. </thead>
  4232. <tbody>
  4233. <row>
  4234. <entry/>
  4235. <entry/>
  4236. <entry/>
  4237. </row>
  4238. </tbody>
  4239. </tgroup>
  4240. </informaltable>
  4241. </para>
  4242. </section>
  4243. <section>
  4244. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  4245. <para/>
  4246. <section>
  4247. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4248. <para/>
  4249. <informaltable frame="all">
  4250. <tgroup cols="5">
  4251. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4252. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4253. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4254. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4255. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  4256. <thead>
  4257. <row>
  4258. <entry/>
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  4278. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4433. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4464. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4492. </informaltable>
  4493. </section>
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  4495. <section>
  4496. <title>Drills</title>
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  4540. <section>
  4541. <title>Unit 5</title>
  4542. <para/>
  4543. <section>
  4544. <title>Reference List</title>
  4545. <para>
  4546. <informaltable frame="all">
  4547. <tgroup cols="5">
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  4572. </informaltable>
  4573. </para>
  4574. </section>
  4575. <section>
  4576. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  4577. <para>
  4578. <informaltable frame="all">
  4579. <tgroup cols="3">
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  4600. </section>
  4601. <section>
  4602. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  4603. <para/>
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  4605. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4636. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4667. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4698. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4699. <para/>
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  4729. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  4760. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4761. <para/>
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  4789. </section>
  4790. <section>
  4791. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4792. <para/>
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  4820. </section>
  4821. <section>
  4822. <title>Notes on №</title>
  4823. <para/>
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  4849. </tgroup>
  4850. </informaltable>
  4851. </section>
  4852. </section>
  4853. <section>
  4854. <title>Drills</title>
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  4897. </section>
  4898. <section>
  4899. <title>Unit 6</title>
  4900. <para/>
  4901. <section>
  4902. <title>Reference List</title>
  4903. <para>
  4904. <informaltable frame="all">
  4905. <tgroup cols="5">
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  4929. </tgroup>
  4930. </informaltable>
  4931. </para>
  4932. </section>
  4933. <section>
  4934. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  4935. <para>
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  5179. <section>
  5180. <title>Notes on №</title>
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  5210. </section>
  5211. <section>
  5212. <title>Drills</title>
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