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  83. <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;">Unit 4<br><span></span>1<br><span style=""></span> Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?<br><span style=""></span> 一个<strong style="">高中</strong>学生看北京的<strong style="">电视教学</strong>节目,能不能看懂?<br><span style=""></span> The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it<br><span style=""></span> 大多数高中学生都能看懂<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 2<br><span style=""></span> She sings songs really beautifully<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">唱歌儿</strong>真好听<br><span style=""></span> You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera<br><span style=""></span> 你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是<strong style="">地方戏</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 3<br><span style=""></span> Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon<br><span style=""></span> 今天下午我们的教学<strong style="">讨论会</strong>不开了<br><span style=""></span> Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match<br><span style=""></span> 好极了,我<strong style="">能够</strong>去参加<strong style="">排球比赛</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 4<br><span style=""></span> His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses<br><span style=""></span> 他最近的<strong style="">作品深</strong>受广大群众欢迎<br><span style=""></span> Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly<br><span style=""></span> 最近两年,他提高的很快<br><span style=""></span> I’m really happy for him<br><span style=""></span> 真为他高兴<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 5<br><span style=""></span> Do you often study in addition to your work?<br><span style=""></span> 除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?<br><span style=""></span> A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">广大</strong>干部觉得要提高自己的<strong style="">思想</strong>水平就<strong style="">必须</strong>平常学习<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 6<br><span style=""></span> Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?<br><span style=""></span> 你明天晚上去<strong style="">打球儿</strong>吗?<br><span style=""></span> No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet<br><span style=""></span> 不,我要陪我<strong style="">师傅</strong>去看<strong style="">芭蕾舞</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 7<br><span style=""></span> In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend<br><span style=""></span> 为了<strong style="">满足</strong>年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个<strong style="">音乐会</strong><br><span style=""></span> Great, I’ll go too<br><span style=""></span> 真不<strong style=""></strong>,我也参加<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 8<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> What else do you like besides ping pong?<br><span style=""></span> 你除了爱打<strong style="">乒乓求儿</strong>以外,还喜欢什么?<br><span style=""></span> I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team<br><span style=""></span> 喜欢<strong style="">篮球</strong>。我还参加了学校的篮球队<br><span style=""></span><br><span></span> 9<br><span style=""></span> Auntie, what news is there today?<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">姨婆</strong>,今天有什么<strong style="">新闻</strong><br><span style=""></span> I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform<br><span style=""></span> 听说,一个有名的<strong style="">乐队</strong>要到我们这儿来演出了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 10<br><span style=""></span> You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">老是读书</strong>。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧<br><span style=""></span> Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while<br><span style=""></span> 好,我来看一会儿<strong style="">国际</strong>新闻节目<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 11<br><span style=""></span> Your schedule is filled up again every night this week<br><span style=""></span> 这个星期的每个晚上又<strong style="">排得满满儿的</strong><br><span style=""></span> You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy<br><span style=""></span> 你要读书,又要看<strong style=""></strong>,还想参加<strong style="">团体</strong>的活动, 是太忙了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 12<br><span style=""></span> This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?<br><span style=""></span> 这个<strong style="">京戏值得</strong>看,今天你想不想去?<br><span style=""></span> As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night. <br><span style=""></span> 今天晚上电视节目<strong style="">转播电影儿</strong>,咱们明天看京戏吧<br><span style=""></span> </div>
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  87. <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"> Unit 5<br><span><br><span></span></span>1<br><span style=""></span> I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region<br><span style=""></span> 听说你要到<strong style="">边疆</strong>出差去了<br><span style=""></span> Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip<br><span style=""></span> 对了。 为了这次<strong style="">出洋门儿</strong> ,这两天忙得<strong style="">不得了</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 2<br><span style=""></span> How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?<br><span style=""></span> 这次你出门儿办<strong style="">公事</strong><strong style="">, </strong>准备怎么走啊?<br><span style=""></span> By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket<br><span style=""></span> 坐飞机。下午到<strong style="">中国民航</strong><strong style="">机票</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 3<br><span style=""></span> You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?<br><span style=""></span> 旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?<br><span style=""></span> This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting. <br><span style=""></span> 这次出门儿,又过<strong style="">长江</strong>又过<strong style="">黄河</strong>,有意思极了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 4<br><span style=""></span> Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo?<br><span style=""></span> 从北京饭店到到<strong style="">动物园儿</strong>,要不要坐<strong style="">长途汽车</strong><br><span style=""></span> No, you can go by trolley bus<br><span style=""></span> 不用。坐<strong style="">无轨电车</strong>就行了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 5<br><span style=""></span> Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">总理十分关怀</strong>我们大学的教学工作<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 6<br><span style=""></span> Do you like to ride a bicycle?<br><span style=""></span> 你喜欢<strong style="">骑自行车</strong>儿吗?<br><span style=""></span> Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle<br><span style=""></span> 喜欢。 <strong style="">一般来说</strong>,如果和坐公共汽车<strong style=""></strong>,我还是爱骑车<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 7<br><span style=""></span> In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried.<br><span style=""></span> 过些<strong style="">日子</strong>,我女儿就要到<strong style="">轮船</strong>上去工作了。我有点儿不放心<br><span style=""></span> She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry<br><span style=""></span> 她是个有<strong style="">志气</strong>的孩子。你就放心吧<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 8<br><span style=""></span> How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good?<br><span style=""></span> 这个月你怎么买<strong style="">月票</strong>了?骑车不是好吗?<br><span style=""></span> Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring<br><span style=""></span> 每天上班得过两个<strong style=""></strong>,真累<br><span style=""></span> And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever, so it’s still more convenient to take a public bus<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">红灯</strong>一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 9<br><span style=""></span> Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public busses on the street have been reduced<br><span style=""></span> 你听说了吗?为了<strong style="">节省能源</strong>,这条路上的公共汽车<strong style="">减少</strong><br><span style=""></span> There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public busses is reduced by a few<br><span style=""></span> 这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 10<br><span style=""></span> Does china have ocean-going steamships now?<br><span style=""></span> 中国现在有<strong style="">远洋</strong>轮船吗?<br><span style=""></span> Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time<br><span style=""></span> 有,早就 有了远洋<strong style="">货轮</strong>和远洋<strong style="">客轮</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 11<br><span style=""></span> I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains<br><span style=""></span> 我希望我们的交通<strong style="">事业</strong>大发展,边疆早一点儿<strong style=""></strong>过车<br><span style=""></span> Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families<br><span style=""></span> 可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家<strong style="">看亲</strong>可就方便多了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 12<br><span style=""></span> Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday?<br><span style=""></span> 昨天她和谁到<strong style="">颐和园</strong>去了?<br><span style=""></span> That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire<br><span style=""></span> 那是他<strong style="">私人</strong>的事儿,我们最好不打听<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 13<br><span style=""></span> Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day?<br><span style=""></span> 你这么爱<strong style="">运动</strong>,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么<strong style="">原因</strong>吗?<br><span style=""></span> I want to enter the sports meet next spring<br>&nbsp;我要参加明年春天运动会<br><span style=""></span> </div>
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  91. <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;">Unit 6<br><span><br><span></span></span> 1<br><span style=""></span> It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables<br><span style=""></span> 今天<strong style=""></strong>十一月三号了,咱们家还没<strong style="">储存冬菜</strong><br><span style=""></span> Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time<br><span style=""></span> 你放心吧,<strong style="">耽误</strong> 不了<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 2<br><span style=""></span> Did you go to that market again to buy things?<br><span style=""></span> 你又去那个菜市场买东西了?<br><span style=""></span> I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly<br><span style=""></span> 我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的<strong style="">服务员态度</strong>好,可<strong style="">和气</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 3<br><span style=""></span> Is this child a registered resident of the city?<br><span style=""></span> 这个孩子是<strong style="">城市户口</strong>吗?<br><span style=""></span> Yes, this is her long-term resident registration<br><span style=""></span> 是,这是她的<strong style="">长期</strong>户口<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 4<br><span style=""></span> How are non-staple food items sold here?<br><span style=""></span> 这儿的<strong style="">副食品</strong>怎么卖?<br><span style=""></span> Many things are still supplied according to resident registration<br><span style=""></span> 不少东西还是<strong style="">根据</strong>户口<strong style="">供应</strong><br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 5<br><span style=""></span> You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again<br><span style=""></span> 这个月你儿子过生日,他又该<strong style="">增加定量</strong><br><span style=""></span> That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him<br><span style=""></span> 对了, 我应该到<strong style="">粮店</strong>给他改定量去<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 6<br><span style=""></span> What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?<br><span style=""></span> 给孩子增加定量的<strong style="">手术</strong>怎么办?<br><span style=""></span>
  92. You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at
  93. the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he
  94. writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet<br><span style=""></span> 到粮店去。 服务员看了户口上,孩子的<strong style="">年龄</strong>和生日,就会在<strong style="">粮本儿</strong>上写上新的定量<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 7<br><span style=""></span> I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet<br><span style=""></span> 听说粮店都是根据粮本儿<strong style="">发粮票儿</strong><br><span style=""></span> Is there some way you could explain this to me?<br><span style=""></span> 你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲?<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 8<br><span style=""></span> Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres?<br><span style=""></span> 工人的<strong style=""></strong><strong style=""></strong>,定量是不是比干部的定量高?<br><span style=""></span> The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same<br><span style=""></span> 对,干部的粮食定量比工人的<strong style=""></strong>,油的定量是一样的<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 9<br><span style=""></span> Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some<br><span style=""></span> 上个星期,我们<strong style="">副食店</strong>供应的鱼特别新鲜,<strong><span style=""></span></strong><strong style="">家儿</strong>都愿意买<br><span style=""></span><br><span></span> 10<br><span style=""></span> I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things<br><span style=""></span> 我想<strong style="">上街</strong>去买点儿东西<br><span style=""></span> Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">其实</strong>,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把<strong style="">货物</strong>送来的<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 11<br><span style=""></span> Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">姨妈</strong>,副食店服务员送<strong style=""></strong>来了<br><span style=""></span> You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items<br><span style=""></span> 你先去<strong style="">排队</strong>,我拿了<strong style="">副食本儿</strong>就来<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 12<br><span style=""></span> This company’s products are quite inexpensive<br><span style=""></span> 这个公司的<strong style="">产品</strong>相当便宜<br><span style=""></span> In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower<br><span style=""></span><strong style="">将来</strong>,生产搞的更好,<strong style="">价钱</strong>会更便宜<br><span style=""></span><br><span style=""></span> 13<br><span style=""></span> The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather<br><span style=""></span> 飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们<strong style="">走不了</strong><br><span style=""></span> </div></div>
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