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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:pls="http://www.w3.org/2005/01/pronunciation-lexicon" xmlns:ssml="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><head><title>Preface</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docbook-epub.css"/><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.2"/><link rel="prev" href="pr01.xhtml" title="Colophon"/><link rel="next" href="pr03.xhtml" title="Introduction"/></head><body><header/><section class="preface" title="Preface" epub:type="preface" id="d0e33"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">Preface</h1></div></div></div><p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an inter-agency conference held at
- the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the
- U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese
- materials, to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei.</p><p> The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough in form and
- content to meet the requirements of a wide range of government agencies and academic
- institutions. </p><p>A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central
- Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State
- Department's Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security
- Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign
- Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and
- John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major
- Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (FSI); Kazuo Shitama
- (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz
- (CFFLS). </p><p>The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 1974 in space provided
- at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies
- provided funds and other assistance. </p><p>Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed
- consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia O’Connor
- of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James
- Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 1977, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy
- project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R.
- Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and
- contributed material to the project. The planning council drew up the original overall
- design for the materials and met regularly to review their development. </p><p>Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale,
- and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation with the planning council and with
- the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the
- instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also
- designed the communications classroom activities and wrote the teacher's guides. Lucille
- A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text. By 1978
- Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led by Ms. Barale, they have
- worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.</p><p>All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chi
- Chen, Hsiao-Jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for
- part of the time by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna
- Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus
- of dialogues.</p><p> Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A.
- Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola,
- and Kathleen Strype. </p><p>The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign
- Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script was voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen,
- Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The English script was read
- by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry, Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype. </p><p>The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute
- Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of
- Audio-Visual.</p><p> Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown
- University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service
- Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the
- University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia. </p><p>Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster, Commandants of the Defense
- Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for
- preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination,
- graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry
- out these tasks.</p><p>
- <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img style="text-align: right; " src="FSI-Chinese-MOD1-Textbook/Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-1.png"/></span></p></section><footer/></body></html>