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  83. <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;">Units 7<br><span>1<br>Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?<br>我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好?<br>It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover<br>做衣料不好,不如做被面子<br><br><span></span>2<br>Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine<br>小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧<br>But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else<br>她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧<br><br><span></span>3<br>What did your daughter go off to do?<br>您女儿干什么去了?<br>The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line<br>百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了<br><br><span></span>4<br>Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you <br>刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了<br>Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again<br>&nbsp;真是的,又让你花钱<br><br><span></span>5<br>Did you go to buy wool yarn?<br>你买毛线去了?<br>Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter<br>是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物<br><br><span></span>6<br>Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate<br>您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺<br>Yes, she’s really grown into an adult<br>是啊,他可真长成大人了<br><br><span></span>7<br>The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now<br>现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了<br>Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese<br>我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的<br><br><span></span>8<br>This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?<br>您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的?<br>I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store<br>在华侨商店挑的<br><br><span></span>9<br>I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon <br>我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了<br>Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them<br>您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧<br><br><span></span>10<br>Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she?<br>姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是<br>This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates<br>这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听<br><br><span></span>11<br>It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs<br>我想起来了,我那张生病住医院的证明可以用来买鸡蛋<br>They’re already bought, don’t you worry<br>已经买了,你放心吧<br><br><span></span>12<br>Look, my flowers are so easy to grow, it’s been only two months and most of them have bloomed<br>您看,这些花儿可好重了。才两个月的功夫,多数都开花儿了<br></span></div>
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  87. <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;">Unit 8<br><span>1<br>During the Tangshan earthquake, was your house affected?<br>唐山地震的时候,你们家的房子受到影响没有?<br>Our place is pretty good, there weren’t any big problems<br>我们的房子不错,没有什么大问题<br><span></span><br>2<br>I’ve heard that after they got their marriage certificate, they waited only a short time before their housing problem got solved<br>听说他们领了结婚证以后,等了不长的时间住房问题就得到解决了<br><span></span><br>3<br>Is the place where you’re living managed by your organisation or by the urban housing authority?<br>你住的房子是机关管理的还是房管所管理的<br>The place I live in is one that belongs to my organisation<br>我住的房子是属于我们机关的<br><span></span><br>4<br>In order to solve the problems of city residents in a comprehensive way, it’s necessary to build some apartment buildings<br>为了全面解决城市居民的住房问题,必须兴建一些公寓楼<br><span></span><br>5<br>Your health has been really good during this recent period<br>最近这段时期,你的身体可真不错呀<br>Yes, since things got reorganised at work, I haven’t been so tired, and my health has been a lot better<br>是啊,调整工作以后,我没有那么累了,身体好多了<br><span></span><br>6<br>During
  88. the period when the Gang of Four was causing trouble, work in the areas
  89. of industry, agriculture, culture, and foreign relations were all
  90. greatly influenced<br>四人帮横行的时期,工业,农业,文化,外交,各方面的工作都受到很大影响<br><span></span><br>7<br>I may be going to China next year<br>明年,我可能到中国去<br>I wonder if you have to wait a long time when going through the procedures<br>不知道办手续是不是得等很长的时间&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>I’ve heard that the procedures for applying to go to China have become much simpler now. You can try<br>我听说,现在申请去中国的手续已经简单的多了。你可以试试<br><span></span><br>8<br>With
  91. the vigorous efforts of a vast number of workers and cadre members, the
  92. difficulties we now have at our plant can surely be resolved<br>在广大工人,干部的积极努力下,我们厂现在的困难一定能够解决<br><span></span><br>9<br>According to the rules, we can assign you another room<br>根据规定,我们可以再给你分配一间房子<br>Thank you so much. With this arrangement, I’ll have a lot fewer difficulties<br>太谢谢了,这样儿以来,我的困难就少得多了<br><span></span><br>10<br>What do young people in the city do after they’re married if they want to have a child?<br>城市青年结婚以后,如果他们想要一个孩子,怎么办呢?<br>They should submit applications by the woman to her place of work, and her residential committee<br>他们应该由女方向她的工作单位和街道居民委员会提出申请<br><span></span><br>11<br>Many residents are enthusiastically taking part in our area’s capital construction <br>许多居民都积极参加了我们这个地区的基本建设<br>Because of this, our housing problem here can be solved sooner<br>因此,我们这儿的住房问题可以早点儿解决<br><span></span><br>12<br>After the earthquake, these buildings were basically still safe, but they still need to be checked once again<br>这些大楼经过地震以后,基本上还是安全的,可是还要再检查一次<br>Ok, hand this work over to us <br>行,这个工作就交给我们吧<br></span></div></div>
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