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  6. <body><h1>STANDARD CHINESE</h1><h3>A MODULAR APPROACH</h3><h2>STUDENT TEXT</h2>
  7. <p>;</p><h4>MODULE 5: TRANSPORTATION MODULE 6: ARRANGING A MEETING</h4><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-1.jpg" style="width:51pt;height:15pt;"/>
  14. <p>STUDENT TEXT</p>
  16. <p>AUGUST 1979</p>
  17. <p>PREFACE</p>
  18. <p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language training community for improving and updating Chinese materials to reflect current usage in Beijing and Taipei.</p>
  19. <p>The conference resolved to develop materials vhich were flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a wide range of government agencies and academic institutions.</p>
  20. <p>A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State Department<sup>1</sup>s Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder III, Joseph C- Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major Bernard Muller-Thym (DLI); Janies R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III (FSI);</p>
  21. <p>Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS).</p>
  22. <p>The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 19了紅 in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.</p>
  23. <p>Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok* Frances Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia 0<sup>f</sup>Connor of the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the fall of 19了了, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on the planning council and contributed material to the project - The planning council drew up the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to review their development.</p>
  24. <p>Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey, Lucille A, Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation with the planning council and vith the Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the communication-based classroom activities and wrote the teacher<sup>f</sup>s guides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text.</p>
  25. <p>By 1978 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C_ Pola had joined the staff. Led by-Ms. Barale, they worked as a team to produce the materials subsequent to Module 6.</p>
  26. <p>All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chih Chen, Hsiao-jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time by Chieh-fang 0u Lee,Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues.</p>
  27. <p>Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bovden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong, Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola, and Kathleen Strype.</p>
  28. <p>The production of tape recordings vas directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio, The Chinese script vas voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr, Li. and Ms. Yang. The English script was read &quot;by Ms. Bar ale, Ms. Barry,</p>
  29. <p>Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.</p>
  30. <p>The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.</p>
  31. <p>Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the University of Virginia,</p>
  32. <p>Colonel Saanuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster, Commandants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination, graphic arts, editing, typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to carry out these tasks.</p>
  33. <p>iv</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-2.png" style="width:259pt;height:102pt;"/>
  34. <p>CONTENTS</p>
  35. <p>Preface..............................iii</p>
  37. <p>Objectives ....................................................1</p>
  38. <p>Map of Běijīng................................................2</p>
  39. <p>Map of Taipei..................................................3</p>
  40. <p>Target Lists ..................................................k</p>
  41. <p>UNIT 1</p>
  42. <p>Reference List......................12</p>
  43. <p>Vocabulary........................lU</p>
  44. <p>Reference Notes......................15</p>
  45. <p>Using buses <sup>!t</sup>When<sup>n</sup></p>
  46. <p>”First,” &quot;last,” ”next,” ”previous”</p>
  47. <p>Duo, <sup>t!</sup>to be many,” and shao,&quot;to be few”</p>
  48. <p>Vocabulary Booster (Modes of Transportation) ....... 22</p>
  49. <p>Drills..........................23</p>
  50. <p>UNIT 2</p>
  51. <p>Reference List......................30</p>
  52. <p>Vocabulary........................31</p>
  53. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 32</p>
  54. <p>The marker a and its variant ya The locational endings -shang and -li More on the marker ba The aspect marker ne ”Then”: jiu, zai, cai Drills.....7T.................38</p>
  55. <p>UNIT 3</p>
  56. <p>Reference List......................UU</p>
  57. <p>Vocabulary.................... • • • . U6</p>
  58. <p>Reference Notes ...................... U8</p>
  59. <p>The prepositional verb ba Adverbs expressing manner Drills..........................5 紅</p>
  60. <p>UNIT h</p>
  61. <p>Reference List......................59</p>
  62. <p>Vocabulary........................6l</p>
  63. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 62</p>
  64. <p>Choice questions with hāishi More on topics and comments Compound verbs of result Drills..........................6 了</p>
  65. <p>UNIT 5</p>
  66. <p>Reference List......................了2</p>
  67. <p>Vocabulary........................7^+</p>
  68. <p>v</p>
  69. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 了5</p>
  70. <p>Distances</p>
  71. <p>Approximate num'bers Ban^ <sup>,f</sup>one half&quot;</p>
  72. <p>Drills..........................80</p>
  73. <p>UNIT 6</p>
  74. <p>Reference List...........................8了</p>
  75. <p>Vocabulary........................89</p>
  76. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 91</p>
  77. <p>More on verb reduplication (two-syllable verbs)</p>
  78. <p>Compound verbs of direction More on new-situation le Drills..........................96</p>
  79. <p>UNIT 了</p>
  80. <p>Reference List......................101</p>
  81. <p>Vocabulary........................103</p>
  82. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 105</p>
  83. <p>More on compound verbs of result ”工<sub>f</sub>”</p>
  84. <p>Vocabulary Booster (Animals) ............... 110</p>
  85. <p>Drills..........................Ill</p>
  86. <p>UNIT 8</p>
  87. <p>Reference List......................11 了</p>
  88. <p>Vocabulary........................119</p>
  89. <p>Reference Notes .......................121</p>
  90. <p>&quot;Why” and <sup>ff</sup>because<sup>ft</sup> Time NOT spent</p>
  91. <p><sup>t!</sup>All,<sup>Tr</sup>^<sup>r</sup>not all,” ”all. • .not”</p>
  92. <p>&quot;Again”: you, zai Drills.....7T...................129</p>
  94. <p>Objectives..........................135</p>
  95. <p>Target Lists ......................... 136</p>
  96. <p>UNIT 1</p>
  97. <p>Reference List......................ihk</p>
  98. <p>Vocabulary........................1U6</p>
  99. <p>Reference Notes......................li]■了</p>
  100. <p>Making an appointment</p>
  101. <p>Gēn for <sup>u</sup>and<sup>n</sup> and gen for &quot;with”</p>
  102. <p>Three words for <sup>tT</sup>time&quot;</p>
  103. <p>The prepositional verb dui,”to,” &quot;towards,,,<sup>n</sup>facing<sup>n</sup> Comparisons: &quot;more than’<sup>1</sup> More on compound verbs of result Drills..........................155</p>
  104. <p>vii</p>
  105. <p>UNIT 2</p>
  106. <p>Reference List......................l6l</p>
  107. <p>Vocabulary........................l63</p>
  108. <p>Reference Notes......................16紅</p>
  109. <p>Making phone calls</p>
  110. <p>The aspect marker zai for ongoing action ” What ever <sub>5</sub> <sup>M</sup> &quot;whenever,&quot; &quot;whoever ,<sup>!T !</sup>Vherever<sup>f</sup>'</p>
  111. <p>Verbs and general objects</p>
  112. <p>Vocabulary Booster (Occupations) ..........................171</p>
  113. <p>Drills..........................1了3</p>
  114. <p>UNIT 3</p>
  115. <p>Reference List......................1了8</p>
  116. <p>Vocabulary........................l80</p>
  117. <p>Reference Notes ...................... l8l</p>
  118. <p>Extending an invitation ’’Not only. • .but also…&quot;</p>
  119. <p>Comparisons: &quot;equal to,,’ &quot;alike&quot;</p>
  120. <p>’’Anyone,’’ <sup>ff</sup>anything,&quot; &quot;anyplace,&quot; <sup>n</sup>anytime&quot;</p>
  121. <p>Comparison: compound verbs of result and manner adverbs ”Furthermore”</p>
  122. <p>Drills..........................188</p>
  123. <p>UNIT h</p>
  124. <p>Reference List......................igk</p>
  125. <p>Vocabulary........................196</p>
  126. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 197</p>
  127. <p>Meeting people</p>
  128. <p>More on completion le</p>
  129. <p>The prepositional verb xiang, &quot;facing&quot;</p>
  130. <p>Duo and shǎo as adverbs</p>
  131. <p>Vocabulary Booster (Opposites) .............. 201</p>
  132. <p>Drills..........................20k</p>
  133. <p>UNIT 5</p>
  134. <p>Reference List......................208</p>
  135. <p>Vocabulary........................210</p>
  136. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 212</p>
  137. <p>Taking and leaving messages Changing an appointment The prepositional verb ba Gang and gāngcai</p>
  138. <p>More on compound verbs of result Drills..........................220</p>
  139. <p>UNIT 6</p>
  140. <p>Reference List......................225</p>
  141. <p>Vocabulary........................22 了</p>
  142. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 229</p>
  143. <p>Invitation to lunch Comparisons: &quot;less than&quot; <sup>n</sup>even more”</p>
  144. <p>Comparison overview</p>
  145. <p>Sentence patterns: &quot;although&quot; and &quot;&quot;both.. .and..</p>
  146. <p>Drills..........................235</p>
  147. <p>viii</p>
  148. <p>UNIT 了</p>
  149. <p>Reference List......................2^1</p>
  150. <p>Vocabulary........................2U3</p>
  151. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 2UU</p>
  152. <p>Arranging an introduction</p>
  153. <p>Using word order to express &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and <sup>T,</sup>a<sup>,!</sup></p>
  154. <p>Objects of reduplicated verbs</p>
  155. <p>Three-part motion verbs</p>
  156. <p>Verbs for <sup>tT</sup>remember<sup>f,</sup> and <sup>Tf</sup>forget&quot;</p>
  157. <p>Drills..........................253</p>
  158. <p>UNIT 8</p>
  159. <p>Reference List..................... . 258</p>
  160. <p>Vocabulary........................259</p>
  161. <p>Reference Notes ...................... 26l</p>
  162. <p>Declining invitations</p>
  163. <p>The prepositional verb ti,<sup>,f</sup>in place of&quot;</p>
  164. <p>More on compound verbs of result Comparison: něng, kěyi, hui Drills..........................266</p>
  166. <p>The Tran sport at ion Module (TRN) will provide you with the skills needed to use taxis, trains, buses, and planes in China.</p>
  167. <p>Before starting this module, you must take and pass the DIR Criterion Test •</p>
  168. <p>The TRN Criterion Test will focus largely on from ORN, BIO, MON, DIR, and associated resource</p>
  169. <p>this module, but material modules is also included•</p>
  170. <p>OBJECTIVES</p>
  171. <p>Upon successful completion of this module <sub>s</sub> the student should be able to</p>
  172. <p>I</p>
  173. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the TRN Target Lists.</p>
  174. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Say any Chinese sentence in the TRN Target Lists when cued with its English equivalent•</p>
  175. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the bus system: find out which buses go to a specific destination, at vhat times they leave, how often they run, where to buy tickets, where to change &quot;buses (if necessary), when the last &quot;bus of the day leaves,and where his stop is.</p>
  176. <p>k. Take a taxi: hail one, tell the driver where to go, and use commands such as &quot;hurry,&quot; &quot;slow dovn,” and ”stop here,<sup>Tt</sup></p>
  177. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the train system: find out which trains go to a specific destination, at what times they leave, when and vhere to buy tickets, whether or not tickets are available for a train leaving on a specific date</p>
  178. <p>at a specific time,the distance to the destination, the duration of the train trip to that place,which platform the train leaves from, what to do with luggage, and whether or not the train has a dining car,</p>
  179. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take a plane: reserve a ticket for a certain date and time; find out whether or not the flight is direct, the duration of the flight,and traveling time to the airport; and arrange for transportation to the airport•</p>
  180. <p>了. Describe in detail a trip (taken in the past or planned for the future): places visited (which places and what they are like), traveling companions ,transportation for the trip, length of stay, number of previous trips to the same places.</p>
  181. <p>1</p>
  182. <p>ro</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-3.jpg" style="width:699pt;height:514pt;"/>
  183. <p>Taipei</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-4.jpg" style="width:475pt;height:592pt;"/>
  184. <p>TRN</p>
  185. <p>k</p>
  186. <p>UNIT 1 TARGET LIST</p>
  187. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Xīměndīng qu, zuS jllii chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What bus do you take to get to</p>
  188. <p>Ximending?</p>
  189. <p>Zuo Shltalu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take Number 18.</p>
  190. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shlbalu chē duo bu duo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there many Number 18 &quot;buses?</p>
  191. <p>Bu hen du5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not very many*</p>
  192. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě jǐfěn zh5ng you yibān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How often is there a bus?</p>
  193. <p>chē?</p>
  194. <p>h. Wo měige Xīngqīliu dōu qu kan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I go to see a movie every Saturday, dianyīng.</p>
  195. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zuihou yibān che shi jidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time is the last &quot;bus?</p>
  196. <p>zhSng?</p>
  197. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěbān chē shi bu shi qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does this bus go to Ximending?</p>
  198. <p>Xīměndīng?</p>
  199. <p>Shi. Shang chē ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. Get onl</p>
  200. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Xīměndīngde shihou, q,ing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When we get to XimencLing, please</p>
  201. <p>gaosong wo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tell me.</p>
  202. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo shi bu shi zai zhěli xiet &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it here that I get off?</p>
  203. <p>chē?</p>
  204. <p>Bu shi. Xia ylzh&amp;n. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No. The next stop.</p>
  205. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  206. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shang- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, previous (something)</p>
  207. <p>10• t6u- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;first (something)</p>
  208. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gaosu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell, to inform (alternate</p>
  209. <p>pronunciation for gSosong)</p>
  210. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be few</p>
  211. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiā chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off the &quot;bus; &quot;Out, please 1<sup>11</sup> lU. you(de) shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes</p>
  212. <p>15. chěng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;city</p>
  213. <p>TRN</p>
  214. <p>5</p>
  215. <p>UNIT 2 TARGET LIST</p>
  216. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao zhǎnlǎnguǎn you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a direct bus to the</p>
  217. <p>zhldachē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibit ion hall?</p>
  218. <p>Měiyou. Zu5 Yīlu chē, zu5 dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No. Take the Number 1 bus; take</p>
  219. <p>Xīdān huan chē, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;it to Xīdan and change buses,</p>
  220. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zirmen zěi nar mǎi piěo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where do we buy tickets?</p>
  221. <p>Zai chēshang mǎi piāo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We buy tickets on the bus.</p>
  222. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hǎo, xiltnzeli zSu bal &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, let*s go nowl</p>
  223. <p>k. Ēil ZSnmen bō. shi zuSguS zhan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hey I Haven* t we gone past our</p>
  224. <p>le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stop?</p>
  225. <p>Hěi měi ne. Xilt yfzh&amp;n cěi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not yet. We don<sup>f</sup>t get off until</p>
  226. <p>xia chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the next stop.</p>
  227. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lěojia, Shiwulu qlchezhan zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Excuse me, where is the Number 15</p>
  228. <p>nar? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bus stop?</p>
  229. <p>Ji\i zki něige l\5kSurshang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s (just) on that corner.</p>
  230. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  231. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gonggong qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public bus (local)</p>
  232. <p>了. -li &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in (locational ending)</p>
  233. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on</p>
  234. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shSng ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to start work, to go to work</p>
  235. <p>10. xiā &quot;ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off from work, to leave work</p>
  236. <p>TRN</p>
  237. <p>6</p>
  238. <p>UNIT 3 TARGET LIST</p>
  239. <p>1. Wo yao zu3 jichěngche dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 want to take a taxi to the train huǒchēzhān qu. station.</p>
  240. <p>2_ Wo zhī you zhě liǎngjiān xlngli. I have only these two suitcases*</p>
  241. <p>Hǎo, wo ba xlngli fang zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, I<sup>f</sup>ll put the suitcases in front, qianbian,</p>
  242. <p>3. Ni kāide tai kuāi le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are driving too fasti</p>
  243. <p>ii. Tā kāi che, kaide bu kuai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He doesn丨t drive fast.</p>
  244. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you shijiān, lěidej£. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have time. We can make it in time.</p>
  245. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing mSn yidian kāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little slower.</p>
  246. <p>了. Biě kāi name kuSil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don<sup>f</sup>t drive so fasti</p>
  247. <p>8. Qing ni zai qianbian něige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please stop at that bank up ahead ylnhāng ting yfxiā. for a moment.</p>
  248. <p>9* Bu yong zhǎo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Keep the change.</p>
  249. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  250. <p>10• chuzū qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taxi (PRC)</p>
  251. <p>11 • lāibuji &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can<sup>f</sup>t make it in time</p>
  252. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;car, motor vehicle</p>
  253. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhěme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so, to this extent, in this way lU. zěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so, to this extent, in this way</p>
  254. <p>TRN</p>
  255. <p>了</p>
  256. <p>UNIT 4 TARGET LIST</p>
  257. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiang qu Tainan wan jitian. I<sup>f</sup>m thinking of going to Tainan to</p>
  258. <p>relax for a few days.</p>
  259. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni shuS shi zuo huochē qu hao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would you say it<sup>1</sup> s better to go by</p>
  260. <p>ne, haishi zuo Gonglūju qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train or to go by bus? hǎo ne?</p>
  261. <p>Zuo huoche qu hǎo, Dāo Tainan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s better to go by train. To go</p>
  262. <p>qu zuo Gongluju &quot;bli da fangbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to Tainan, it’s not very convenient</p>
  263. <p>to take the bus,</p>
  264. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zuo huochē děi xiān mǎi piao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If 工 taJte the train, is it necessary</p>
  265. <p>ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to buy tickets ahead of time?</p>
  266. <p>Ni zuihao liǎngsāntiān yiqiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be best for you to go to</p>
  267. <p>qu mǎi piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b*uy your tickets two or three</p>
  268. <p>days ahead of time.</p>
  269. <p>Zuo G5ngluju ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And if I take the bus?</p>
  270. <p>B11 bi xiān mǎi piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s not necessary to buy tickets</p>
  271. <p>ahead of time.</p>
  272. <p>h. Ni yāo zuo shěnme shlhoude chē? What train do you want to take?</p>
  273. <p>Wo yāo zuo shangwǔde chē, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I want to take a morning train,</p>
  274. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duibuqǐ<sub>9</sub> shāngwude piao d5u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm sorry, the tickets for the</p>
  275. <p>maiwan le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning trains are all sold out.</p>
  276. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  277. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chuān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;boat, ship</p>
  278. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ditiě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;subway (abbreviation for dixiā</p>
  279. <p>tiědao)</p>
  280. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dixia huochē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;underground train, subway</p>
  281. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wan (wānr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself</p>
  282. <p>10• -wān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be finished (occurs in compound</p>
  283. <p>verbs of result)</p>
  284. <p>TRN</p>
  285. <p>8</p>
  286. <p>UNIT 5 TARGET LIST</p>
  287. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiang d£io NSnj īng qu kānkan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to go to NanJ īng to</p>
  288. <p>look around,</p>
  289. <p>Ni Jihua něitian qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What day do you plan to go?</p>
  290. <p>Mfngtiān huoshi hōutian qu d5u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tomorrow and (or) the day after are</p>
  291. <p>k^i. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;both possible.</p>
  292. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shanghai if NĀnjīng you du6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How fax is Shanghai from NānJīng?</p>
  293. <p>yuan?</p>
  294. <p>You. 1iangbaiwǔshiduo gonglū• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s over 250 kilometers.</p>
  295. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zu5 huoche yao zou duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How long does it take to go &quot;by train?</p>
  296. <p>shlhou?</p>
  297. <p>Yao zou sige běn xiaoshi• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes four and a half hours•</p>
  298. <p>1+. Zhei shi v5 diyīci delo N&amp;ijīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This will be the first time I h&amp;ve</p>
  299. <p>qii. Ylqiěn měi quguo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gone to Nanjing, I haven<sup>f</sup>t gone</p>
  300. <p>there before.</p>
  301. <p>5_ Bange xiSoshl g5u le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Half an hour is enough.</p>
  302. <p>6. Wo xīvang xiSwǔ if kāi zhěr. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hope to leave here in the afternoon.</p>
  303. <p>Shisāndiǎn ling wǔfen you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>f</sup>s an express at 1305. yltelng těkuāi.</p>
  304. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  305. <p>7* dǎsuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to plan to</p>
  306. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huSzhe (huSzhe) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or (alternate form of huSshi)</p>
  307. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yihěu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afterwards, later on, in the future 10, zhongtSu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hour (alternate word for xiaoshi)</p>
  308. <p>TRN</p>
  309. <p>9</p>
  310. <p>UNIT 6 TARGET LIST</p>
  311. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huoche jidian zhSng kai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time does the train leave? Shlbādian wǔshiwǔfen fa chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It departs at 1855•</p>
  312. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing nǐ bǎ nide huzhāo he &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me your passport and</p>
  313. <p>lūxlngzhěng gěi wo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travel permit•</p>
  314. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Shanghai qude chē zki dijǐ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On which platform is the train to</p>
  315. <p>zhāntSi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shanghai?</p>
  316. <p>U. Bfi y5ng jl• HĀi zǎo ne. Ni &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No need to be anxious. It<sup>f</sup>s still xian zili zhěige jiēdSishi early. First, rest a &quot;bit in xiūxixiuxi. this waiting room,</p>
  317. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo zhěijiān xlngli zěnme ban? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What should I do about this suit-</p>
  318. <p>Shi bu shi kěyi nashang chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;case of mine? May I take it onto</p>
  319. <p>qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the train?</p>
  320. <p>Kěyi ba xingli nashang che qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may take the suitcase onto the</p>
  321. <p>train.</p>
  322. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěibān che you canchē ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This train has a dining car, I</p>
  323. <p>suppose?</p>
  324. <p>You. You Zhongcan, yě you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. There<sup>1</sup>s Chinese food and Xīcān, there<sup>1</sup>s also Western food.</p>
  325. <p>Haojlle, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Great.</p>
  326. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  327. <p>7<sub>#</sub> ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to move</p>
  328. <p>8, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;nāshangqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take up nāshanglai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring up nSxiaqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take down něxialai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring down</p>
  329. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to run</p>
  330. <p>10• wan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be late</p>
  331. <p>11. yuětai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train platform (alternate word for</p>
  332. <p>zhant£i_, more common in Taiwan)</p>
  333. <p>TRN</p>
  334. <p>10</p>
  335. <p>UNIT 7 TARGET LIST</p>
  336. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lao Song, zěnmeyang? Mang ne? Song, how are things going? Are you</p>
  337. <p>busy?</p>
  338. <p>Bu zěnme mSng. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not especially busy,</p>
  339. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qǐng ni gěi wo ding yizhāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please reserve a plane ticket for me.</p>
  340. <p>fēijī piao.</p>
  341. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Piāo dinghao le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ticket has &quot;been reserved,</p>
  342. <p>Něibān fēijī? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which flight? What time does it</p>
  343. <p>Jǐdiǎn zhōng qjfēi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take off?</p>
  344. <p>H. Zheibān fēijī zhi fěi Guangzhou Does this flight go directly to ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guangzhou?</p>
  345. <p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cong Sānlī七un dao fēijichang yao How much time does it take to go</p>
  346. <p>duSshao shijiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from Sānlitun to the airport?</p>
  347. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ruguo wo bādiān zhōng llkai Jiǎ, If 工 leave home at eight o'clock,</p>
  348. <p>laidejl ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can make it in time. Right?</p>
  349. <p>7* Qing ni pai ge chē lai jii wo, Please send a car to pick me up and song wo dao fēijīchang qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take me to the airport.</p>
  350. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  351. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-hǎo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be satisfactorily completed</p>
  352. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luguǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hotel</p>
  353. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shuōhao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have come to an agreement (about</p>
  354. <p>something); (something) has been agreed on</p>
  355. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiǎnghǎo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have reached a conclusion (about</p>
  356. <p>something); (something) has been thought out</p>
  357. <p>12* yaoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (alternate word for ruguo)</p>
  358. <p>13. zuShǎo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have finished doing (something);</p>
  359. <p>(something) has been finished</p>
  360. <p>TRN</p>
  361. <p>11</p>
  362. <p>UNIT 8 TARGET LIST</p>
  363. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hǎo jiǔ měi jiān, nin chū men &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 haven’t seen you in a long time.</p>
  364. <p>le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have been away,工 suppose?</p>
  365. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nin wěishěnme gang huilai you qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did you go again when you had</p>
  366. <p>le ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;just come back from there?</p>
  367. <p>Wo zhěici dao GuǎngzhSu qu shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This time 工 went to Guangzhōu</p>
  368. <p>yīnwei wo you yige hen haode &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;because 工 had a very good friend</p>
  369. <p>pěngyou cong Xianggang lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coming there from Hong Kong.</p>
  370. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you yiniān měi jian le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We had not seen each other for a</p>
  371. <p>year.</p>
  372. <p>Tā qing wo pěi ta yiqi qīi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She asked me to accompany her (in</p>
  373. <p>luxing• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;her) travels•</p>
  374. <p>k. Sānge yuě yǐqian ta hai bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three months ago she didn<sup>1</sup>t know</p>
  375. <p>zhīdao něng bu něng lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yet whether she would be able to</p>
  376. <p>come or not,</p>
  377. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐmen d5u quguo shěnme difang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What places did you go to?</p>
  378. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HangzhSu gen Sūzhōu zhēn shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hangzhou and SūzhSu are really</p>
  379. <p>piaoliang• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;beautiful•</p>
  380. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You jīhui wo yao zai qu yici. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I have the chance, I would like</p>
  381. <p>to go again.</p>
  382. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěixiē difang ni d5u quguo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have gone to all those places,</p>
  383. <p>ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 suppose?</p>
  384. <p>Měi d5u quguo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven't been to all of them.</p>
  385. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui guo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to one’s native country</p>
  386. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui jiǎ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come/go home</p>
  387. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hulqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go &quot;back</p>
  388. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  389. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rěnao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be lively/bustling/noisy</p>
  390. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be interesting lU. měi (you) yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be uninteresting 15. suoyǐ (suoyi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;therefore, so</p>
  391. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  392. <p>12</p>
  393. <p>UNIT 1</p>
  394. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  395. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dalo Xīměndīng q.u, zu3 Jīlō. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What bus do you take to get to</p>
  396. <p>chi ? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ximending ?</p>
  397. <p>B: Zu5 Shlbālu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take Number 18.</p>
  398. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As Shftalu chē du5 bu duo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there many Number 18 buses?</p>
  399. <p>B: Bň hen du5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not very many.</p>
  400. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Měi gě du5shao shfhou you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much time is there &quot;between buses?</p>
  401. <p>yiban chē?</p>
  402. <p>B: Měi gě ěrshifēn zhong you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup>s one every twenty minutes. yibān.</p>
  403. <p>C: Wo měige Xīngqīliu d5u qū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I go to see a movie every Saturday, kan diānying.</p>
  404. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: ZuīhSu yibān chē shi jldiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time is the last bus?</p>
  405. <p>zhōng?</p>
  406. <p>B: Shlyīdian shlfēn• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eleven-ten•</p>
  407. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D: Zhěbān chē shi bu shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does this &quot;bus go to Ximending?</p>
  408. <p>Xīměndīng?</p>
  409. <p>Es Shi. Sh^ng chē bal &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, Get onl</p>
  410. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: DSo Xīměndīngde shlhou, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When we get to Ximending, please</p>
  411. <p>qJng gaosong wS. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tell me,</p>
  412. <p>F: Hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay.</p>
  413. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Hii you Jīzhan dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many more stops are there to</p>
  414. <p>Xīměndīng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(before) Ximending?</p>
  415. <p>F: Xia ylzh^n jiu shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The next stop is Ximending,</p>
  416. <p>Xīměndīng*</p>
  417. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  418. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shitng- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, previous (something)</p>
  419. <p>10• t6u- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;first (something)</p>
  420. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  421. <p>13</p>
  422. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gaosu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell, to inform (alternate</p>
  423. <p>pronunciation for gaosong)</p>
  424. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be few</p>
  425. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiS. chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off the bus; &quot;Out, pleasel” lk. y5u(de) shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes</p>
  426. <p>15. chěng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;city</p>
  427. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  428. <p>lk</p>
  429. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  430. <p>-ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for regularly scheduled</p>
  431. <p>trips of buses, planes, subways, trains, etc.)</p>
  432. <p>chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vehicle, bus, car</p>
  433. <p>chěng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;city</p>
  434. <p>duo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be many</p>
  435. <p>-fen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a minute</p>
  436. <p>gaosong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell, to inform</p>
  437. <p>gaosu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell, to inform</p>
  438. <p>ge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to separate, to divide off</p>
  439. <p>jīlu chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhat number bus</p>
  440. <p>měi- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;every, each</p>
  441. <p>shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get on</p>
  442. <p>shang- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, previous (something)</p>
  443. <p>shao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be few</p>
  444. <p>tou- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;first (something)</p>
  445. <p>xia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off</p>
  446. <p>xia- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;next (something)</p>
  447. <p>xiā che &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off the bus; <sup>M</sup>Out, please!<sup>If</sup></p>
  448. <p>Xīměndīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(an area of Taipei)</p>
  449. <p>you(de) shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes</p>
  450. <p>zhān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a stop, a station</p>
  451. <p>zuihōu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, final (something)</p>
  452. <p>(introduced on C-2 axld P-2 tapes)</p>
  453. <p>Běihǎi Gōngyuān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a famous park in Běijīng)</p>
  454. <p>biide shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;other times</p>
  455. <p>Dongjīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tokyo</p>
  456. <p>fāng jia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to close for a holiday</p>
  457. <p>haowān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be fun (lit. , <sup>n</sup>good for relaxing&quot;)</p>
  458. <p>hui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;will</p>
  459. <p>sījī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;driver of a hired vehicle</p>
  460. <p>zou &quot;ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;let<sup>1</sup> s go</p>
  461. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  462. <p>5</p>
  463. <p>1</p>
  464. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  465. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dao Xīměndīng qu, zuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What bus do you take to get to</p>
  466. <p>jīlu chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ximending?</p>
  467. <p>B: Zuo Shibǎlu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take Number 18,</p>
  468. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Shibālu chē duō bu duo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there many Number 18 buses?</p>
  469. <p>B: Bu hen duō. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not very many.</p>
  470. <p>Notes on Nos. 1-2</p>
  471. <p>Ximending literally means ”West Gate ding”--ding being a Japanese term for &quot;district.’, Ximending is the area of Taipei which surrounds the former west gate of the city. Today the district includes many shops, department stores, and movie theaters.</p>
  472. <p>Lu is the word for &quot;route.<sup>ff</sup> The question jǐlu? asks for the route number of the bus.</p>
  473. <p>Zuo, <sup>n</sup>to ride/to go by/to take [a conveyance]&quot;:* Here zuo (literally,</p>
  474. <p>”to sit”)means to go by some means of transportation which the passenger is inside of (e.g.,car,plane, boat, train,bus, elevator--NOT a motorcycle or a horse). In exchange 1, zuo is used as a main verb. It can also be used as a prepositional verb, as in</p>
  475. <p>Ni zěnme qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How are you going? (i.e.,by what</p>
  476. <p>means of transportation)</p>
  477. <p>Wo zuo huochē qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 am going &quot;by train.</p>
  478. <p>Duō,” to be many/much,&quot; is an adjectival verb.** There are several points to remember about duō:</p>
  479. <p>a. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adjectival verbs are sometimes used &quot;before a noun to modify it (e.g., xin zhuōzi,&quot;new table&quot;; da fangzi, &quot;Mg house”). However, when duō is used in this way, it must be modified, for example, by hen or tai.</p>
  480. <p>Tā mǎile hen duō dongxi. He bought a lot of things,</p>
  481. <p>Běijīng jiēshang you hen There are many toilets on the duō cěsuǒ. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;streets of B§ijīng,</p>
  482. <p>b. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Much more often, however, duō is used as the main verb of a sentence•</p>
  483. <p>Nide shū zhēn duō! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You really have a lot of books!</p>
  484. <p>Jīntiān jiēshangde rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are a lot of people out today,</p>
  485. <p>hen duō. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(literally, &quot;on the streets</p>
  486. <p>today”)</p>
  487. <p>*Zuo appeared earlier in Zuo diantI dao ěrlou, &quot;Take the elevator to the second floor.&quot;</p>
  488. <p>**Adjectival verbs are one type of STATE verb. See BIO, Unit 6.</p>
  489. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  490. <p>16</p>
  491. <p>c. Often it does not occur to students to use duō as the main verb of a sentence because in English they do not usually say <sup>n</sup>The students are many.” They would say &quot;There are many students,&quot; with &quot;many” as an adjective preceding ”students.” Compare:</p>
  492. <p>(There are a lot of people here.)</p>
  493. <p>Zhěrde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rěn hen duō.</p>
  494. <p>(A lot of people came.)</p>
  495. <p>Lāide rěn hen duō.</p>
  496. <p>NOTE: Shao, ”to &quot;be fev,” is used in almost the same ways as duō. (See Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary.)</p>
  497. <p>3. A: Měi gě duōshao shlhou you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much time is there between buses?</p>
  498. <p>yiban chē?</p>
  499. <p>B: Měi gě ěrshifēn zhōng y5u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup>s one every twenty minutes,</p>
  500. <p>yibān.</p>
  501. <p>/</p>
  502. <p>Notes on No. 3</p>
  503. <p>Měi- is the vord for <sup>n</sup>each,<sup>n</sup> &quot;every-<sup>,T</sup></p>
  504. <p>Gě is a verb meaning &quot;to separate,’<sup>f</sup> ”to divide -<sup>t!</sup> It is used for intervals of time between regularly occurring events (e.g., &quot;every half hour&quot;). In exchange 3,gā. refers to the length of time between buses.</p>
  505. <p>mei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;duōshao shxhou</p>
  506. <p>(every divide-off how much time) <sup>ff</sup>(every) how often&quot; [interval]</p>
  507. <p>The first sentence could also be translated as <sup>n</sup>Hov often is there a bus?&quot; or ”How often do the buses run?”</p>
  508. <p>Yibān chē: The counter -bān is used for scheduled trips, or runs, of a vehicle. Yibān chē is one bus run.</p>
  509. <p>Ěrshifēn zhōng: The counter -fēn, for minutes, is usually followed by zhōng, ’<sup>f</sup>clock, CZhōng means <sup>lf</sup>o<sup>f</sup> clock&quot; in telling time.) <sup>!,</sup>One minuteis yifēn zhōng.</p>
  510. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  511. <p>IT</p>
  512. <p>Měi gě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ěrshifēn zhōng you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yibān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chē.</p>
  513. <p>(each interval twenty minutes there is one [run] bus)</p>
  514. <p>”There's a bus every twenty minutes.”</p>
  515. <p>U. C: Wo měige Xīngqīliu dōu qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I go to see a movie every Saturday,</p>
  516. <p>kan dianyīng.</p>
  517. <p>Notes on No. b</p>
  518. <p>Měige: When used with a noun, měi- acts as a specifier and must be followed &quot;by a counter or a noun that does not require a counter.</p>
  519. <p>měi(ge) rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;every person</p>
  520. <p>měizhāng zhuōzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;every table</p>
  521. <p>měitiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;every day</p>
  522. <p>Dōu, <sup>n</sup>all<sup>11</sup>: Here the adverb dōu implies ’’each and every,<sup>ft</sup> or &quot;without exception”--&quot;every Saturday, without exception. When the subject of a sentence is specified by měi-, the following verb is usually modified by the adverb dōu.</p>
  523. <p>5. A: Zuihou yibān chē shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time is the last bus?</p>
  524. <p>jīdian zhōng?</p>
  525. <p>B: Shiyīdiǎn shifēn• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eleven-t en•</p>
  526. <p>Note on No* 5</p>
  527. <p>Zuihou yibān chē: Zui is the word for &quot;most,&quot; or <sup>n</sup>-est.<sup>TI</sup> Zuihou means ’’latest,&quot; or <sup>,f</sup>last.<sup>n</sup> Note the order in which the elements of this phrase appear:</p>
  528. <p>zuihou yi -bān chē</p>
  529. <p>(last &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one run bus) &quot;the last &quot;bus&quot;</p>
  530. <p>Both the number and the counter are required in this phrase.</p>
  531. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  532. <p>*For a discussion of the use of shi bu shi before another verb to form a question, see MON, Unit 5, notes on No. 8.</p>
  533. <p>18</p>
  534. <p>Compare: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yi -bān chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;”the first bus”</p>
  535. <p>xia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yi -ban chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>!f</sup>the next bus<sup>t!</sup></p>
  536. <p>shang yi -ban chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;the last (previous)</p>
  537. <p>I-1-1-^-1 <sub>bus</sub>”</p>
  538. <p>(See Note on No. 8 and Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary for xia-,</p>
  539. <p>”next”; shang-,&quot;last,” ”previous”; and tou-, &quot;first.”)</p>
  540. <p>6. D: Zhěbān chē shi bu shi qū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does this bus go to Ximending?</p>
  541. <p>Ximending?</p>
  542. <p>E: Shi. Shang chē *ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. Get on!</p>
  543. <p>Notes on No. 6</p>
  544. <p>Shi bu shi qu, &quot;does it go to&quot;:* The use of shi bu shi qu rather than qu bu qu in this sentence implies that the speaker has an idea that the bus does go to Ximending and wants to make sure. (Zhěbān chē qu bu qu Ximending? would also be correct.)</p>
  545. <p>Q\i Ximending, <sup>T!</sup>go to Ximending&quot;: The destination directly follows the main verb qu. You now know tvo ways to indicate destination:</p>
  546. <p>Wo dao Xīměndīng qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am going to Ximending.</p>
  547. <p>Wo qu Xīměndīng.</p>
  548. <p>The two forms are equally widely used.</p>
  549. <p>Shang chē: This verb has several meanings. In the Directions Module, the meaning was ”to go up” in Shang l6u, youbian jiu shi mai ditūde&gt; In this exchange, the meaning of shang is &quot;to get on/in [a vehicle]•”</p>
  550. <p>*For a discussion of the use of shi bu shi before another verb to form a question, see MON, Unit 5, notes on No. 8.</p>
  551. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  552. <p>19</p>
  553. <p>了. A: Dao Xīměndlngde shlhou, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When we get to Ximending, please</p>
  554. <p>qing gaosong wo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tell me.</p>
  555. <p>F: Hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay.</p>
  556. <p>Note on No. T</p>
  557. <p>Dao Ximěndingde shlhou means ”when we arrive in Ximending•” If you want to say, in Chinese, &quot;when Csomething happens],&quot; add -de shlhou to the phrase which names the happening.</p>
  558. <p>In English,&quot;when” can mean either ”during the same time’,(e.g. <sub>9</sub> <sup>n</sup>when I was a student<sup>n</sup>) or ”immediately after” (e.g- , &quot;when the light turns green&quot;). In Chinese, however, two different expressions are used for the two meanings: -de shlhou for ”at the same &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and ylhSu for &quot;immediately</p>
  559. <p>after.<sup>n</sup></p>
  560. <p>Wo zai Xiānggǎngde shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When [i.e., while] I vas in Hong</p>
  561. <p>hen xīhuan qu k&amp;n dianyīng. Kong, I liked to go to the movies</p>
  562. <p>very much.</p>
  563. <p>Wo daole Talběi ylhdu, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When Ci.e., after] I got to Taipei,</p>
  564. <p>maile hen duō Zhōngwěn shū. I bought a lot of Chinese books.</p>
  565. <p>8. A: Hai you jīzhan dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many more stops are there to</p>
  566. <p>Xīměndīng? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(before) Ximending?</p>
  567. <p>F: Xia yizhan jiu shi Xīměndīng. The next stop is Ximending.</p>
  568. <p>Note on No. 8</p>
  569. <p>Xia yizhan: Here xia means <sup>1!</sup>the next.&quot; It is a specifier. Xia is usually followed by a numeral or a counter,as in the following examples:</p>
  570. <p>xiage yuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;next month</p>
  571. <p>xia yibān chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the next &quot;bus</p>
  572. <p>The phrase xia yizhan contains no counter because -zhan, like -niān and -tiān, is not used with a counter.</p>
  573. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  574. <p>20</p>
  575. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shang- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, previous (something)</p>
  576. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tou- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;first (something)</p>
  577. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gaosu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell (alternate pronunciation)</p>
  578. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be fev</p>
  579. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xia chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off the bus; &quot;Out, please!<sup>11</sup> lk. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yǒu(de) shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes</p>
  580. <p>15* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chěng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;city</p>
  581. <p>Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
  582. <p>The specifier shang-,&quot;last,” ”previous,,,is used in the same patterns as xia-.</p>
  583. <p>shangge yue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last month</p>
  584. <p>shang yibān chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the previous bus</p>
  585. <p>Tou-, ”first,&quot; literally &quot;head&quot;: Let<sup>f</sup> s contrast di_ and tou-: Di- has no meaning of its own. Its function is to make a cardinal number into an ordinal number: for example, sān, <sup>u</sup>three,<sup>M</sup> becomes disān, &quot;third,<sup>n</sup> as in disānge men, <sup>TT</sup>the third door.<sup>tf</sup> Tou- has a meaning of its own: &quot;first,<sup>fT</sup> as in tousānge men, <sup>M</sup>the firs七 three doors.&quot;</p>
  586. <p>Tou- is always followed by at least a number plus a counter (or a noun that does not require a counter).</p>
  587. <p>toiiliāngge rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the first two people</p>
  588. <p>tousānběn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the first three volumes</p>
  589. <p>tousitiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the first four days</p>
  590. <p>Notice that t6uliSngge, ”the first tvo,” and dier^e, ”the second one, must use different words for &quot;two/' because</p>
  591. <p>toulianRge (COUNTING)</p>
  592. <p>diěrge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(NOT COUNTING)</p>
  593. <p>T6uyige&gt; &quot;the first one,<sup>!f</sup> and diyige,<sup>M</sup>the first one, are similar in meaning and often interchangeable.</p>
  594. <p>Gaosu, ”to tell”: Gaosong is the usual colloquial pronunciation in Běijīng speech. Gaosu is the usual colloquial pronunciation in many other places in China, including Taiwan. The fact that, in a Taipei setting, the first speaker in exchange 了 uses gaosong tells you that he is almost certainly not a native of Taiwan.</p>
  595. <p>Shǎo, ”to &quot;be few”: Most of the comments about duō in these Reference Notes (exchange 2) also apply to the adjectival verb shao&gt; Most frequently, shao is used as the main verb of a sentence.</p>
  596. <p>Wode qian bu shao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have quite a bit of money.</p>
  597. <p>Zai Taiwan meiyou gōngzuode There are fev people in Taiwan rěn hen shao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;who do not have jobs.</p>
  598. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  599. <p>21</p>
  600. <p>One point deserves special attention: Although you may say hen duō shū for &quot;a lot of books,&quot; you may not say hen shao shū. Hen shǎo can rarely modify a noun which followsand neither can shǎo, zhēn shao, and related expressions.</p>
  601. <p>Xi|:_chē_, ”to get off [a vehicle],” may be used to signal that you wish to get off--that this is your stop. The expression would be translated as &quot;Out, please,&quot; or &quot;Getting off, getting off,<sup>1</sup>’ used by passengers in crowded buses and elevators.</p>
  602. <p>You(de) shlhou, &quot;sometimes,,’ precedes the verb of a sentence, as other time expressions do.</p>
  603. <p>Tā yǒude shlhou kan Yīngwěn He sometimes reads English newspapers, bāo.</p>
  604. <p>Wo you shlhou zuo Shibālň. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sometimes I take the Number 18 bus.</p>
  605. <p>chē.</p>
  606. <p>Originally, chěng meant ’<sup>f</sup>city vail. This early meaning still affects modern usage: you must say &quot;going INto the city,’’ not just <sup>n</sup>to the city,</p>
  607. <p>Tā jīntiān dao chěnglītou qu. He is going to the city today.</p>
  608. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  609. <p>22</p>
  611. <p>Modes of Transport at ion</p>
  612. <p>&quot;bicycle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zixlngchē [Běijīng]; jiǎotflichē</p>
  613. <p>CTaivan]</p>
  614. <p>boat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chuan</p>
  615. <p>motorboat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qiting</p>
  616. <p>r owTdo at &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huSt I ng</p>
  617. <p>sailboat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fānchuSn</p>
  618. <p>sampan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shānban</p>
  619. <p>bus &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gonggong q.ichē</p>
  620. <p>coach (long-distance) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;changtū qichē</p>
  621. <p>car (automobile) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;q.ichē<sub>t</sub> chēzi, chē</p>
  622. <p>helicopter &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhlshēngfiijī</p>
  623. <p>horseback riding &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ql ma</p>
  624. <p>jeep &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jlpǔche</p>
  625. <p>motorcycle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m6tu5che</p>
  626. <p>plane &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fēijī</p>
  627. <p>jet &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pēngishi fēijī, pēnqijī [PRC];</p>
  628. <p>pensheshi feijī, penshejī [Taivan]</p>
  629. <p>subway &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dixiātiě, ditiě, dixiā huSchē</p>
  630. <p>taxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chūzū qichē, chūzū chē [PRC];</p>
  631. <p>jichěngche [Taivan]</p>
  632. <p>train &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huoche</p>
  633. <p>trolley &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dianche</p>
  634. <p>truck &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kachē</p>
  635. <p>walking &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zou lu</p>
  636. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  637. <p>DRILLS</p>
  638. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  639. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Dao Xīměndīng qu, zu3</p>
  640. <p>jxlu chē?</p>
  641. <p>(cue) hasn’t yet (What bus do you take to get to Ximending?)</p>
  642. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Wǔguānchu qu, zuo j5!lū chē?</p>
  643. <p>has already</p>
  644. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deio Nan j īng Lu qu, zuo jīlu chē?</p>
  645. <p>did not</p>
  646. <p>U. Dito ZhSngshān Lu qii, zu5 jilu chē? hasn<sup>f</sup>t yet</p>
  647. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dito Xīměndīng qu, zuō jīlu che?</p>
  648. <p>has already</p>
  649. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DSo tā jiā qu, zuo jīlu chē?</p>
  650. <p>hasn<sup>f</sup>t yet</p>
  651. <p>T. DSo caishichǎng qu, zuo jilu chē? did not</p>
  652. <p>You: D备o Xīměndīng qu, zu3 Jilu che<sub>9</sub> tā hāi měi gaosu wo.</p>
  653. <p>(He hasn’t yet told me what bus to take to get to Ximending•)</p>
  654. <p>Dslo Wǔguānchu qu, zu5 jīlu che, tā yljīng gaosu wo le.</p>
  655. <p>Deio NSnjīng Lu q.u, zuS jilō. chē, ta měi gaosu wo.</p>
  656. <p>Dāo Zhongshān Lu qu, zuo Jilu chē, tā hai měi gaosu wo.</p>
  657. <p>Dko Xīměndīng qu, zu5 jilii chē, tā yjjīng gaosu wo le,</p>
  658. <p>D&amp;o tā jiā ciu, zub j3Clň chē, tā hāi měi gaosu wo.</p>
  659. <p>Dao caishichǎng qu, zu5 jīlu chē, tā měi gaosu wo.</p>
  660. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  661. <p>1. Speaker:</p>
  662. <p>Zu5 Shibālu chē. (Take the Nijmber 18 bus.)</p>
  663. <p>2. Zuo Yllu chē.</p>
  664. <p>3. Zuo Shllu chē.</p>
  665. <p>k, Zu5 5. ZuS</p>
  666. <p>Liulii chē. Wulu chē.</p>
  667. <p>You; Qing ni gaosu wo, zu5 Shibālu chē, kěyi bu keyi?</p>
  668. <p>(Please tell me, would it &quot;be all right to take the Number 18 bus?)</p>
  669. <p>Qing</p>
  670. <p>bu</p>
  671. <p>ni gaosu wo, keyi?</p>
  672. <p>zuo</p>
  673. <p>Yllu chē, kěyi Qing ni gaosu wo, zuo Shllu chi,</p>
  674. <p>Liulu chē, Wǔlu chē,</p>
  675. <p>kěyi bu keyi?</p>
  676. <p>Qing ni gaosu wo, keyi *bu keyi?</p>
  677. <p>Qīng ni gaosu wo, kěyi bu keyi?</p>
  678. <p>zuo</p>
  679. <p>zu5</p>
  680. <p>23</p>
  681. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  682. <p>)• Zuo Qllu chē.</p>
  683. <p>Qǐng ni gaosu wo, zu5 Qllu chē, kěyi &quot;bu keyi?</p>
  684. <p>7. Zuo Shlěrlu chē.</p>
  685. <p>Qing ni gaosu vo, zuS Shierlu chē, kěyi bu keyi?</p>
  686. <p>Response Drill</p>
  687. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Měi gě duoshao shlhou</p>
  688. <p>you yibān che?</p>
  689. <p>(cue) ěrshifēn zhong (How often is there a &quot;bus?)</p>
  690. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě duō shao shlhou you yiban</p>
  691. <p>chē? shifěn zhong</p>
  692. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě du5shao shlhou you yi*bān</p>
  693. <p>chē? vǔfēn zhSng</p>
  694. <p>紅.Měi gě duSshao shihou you yibān chē? &quot;bafen zh5ng</p>
  695. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě duoshao shlhou you yiban</p>
  696. <p>chē? ěrshifēn zhong</p>
  697. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě duoshao shlhou you yibān</p>
  698. <p>chē? shlwufēn zhSng</p>
  699. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měi gě duōshao shlhou you yibān</p>
  700. <p>chē? shxěrfēn zh5ng</p>
  701. <p>You: Mei gě ěrshifēn zhong you yibān chē.</p>
  702. <p>(There*s a bus every twenty minutes.)</p>
  703. <p>Měi gě shlfēn zhōng ySu yxbān che.</p>
  704. <p>Měi gě wufēn zhong you yibān chē.</p>
  705. <p>Měi gě bafēn zhong you yibān chē*</p>
  706. <p>Měi gě chē.</p>
  707. <p>Měi ge chē.</p>
  708. <p>Měi ge chē.</p>
  709. <p>ěrshifēn</p>
  710. <p>shlwǔfen</p>
  711. <p>shlěrfen</p>
  712. <p>zhōng</p>
  713. <p>zhōng</p>
  714. <p>zhōng</p>
  715. <p>you yiban you yiban you yiban</p>
  716. <p>2k</p>
  717. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  718. <p>D. Response Drill</p>
  719. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shibālu chē duo &quot;bu</p>
  720. <p>duo?</p>
  721. <p>(cue) ěrshifēn zhōng (Are there many Number l8 buses?)</p>
  722. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yllu chē duō bu duo?</p>
  723. <p>vǔfēn zhong</p>
  724. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Tāinan qude chē du5 bu duo?</p>
  725. <p>vǔshifēn zhSng</p>
  726. <p>U. Dao Jīl6ng qude chē duō bu duo? sishifēn zh5ng</p>
  727. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shllu chē duō bu duo?</p>
  728. <p>shlfen zhSng</p>
  729. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sanlň chē du5 bu duo?</p>
  730. <p>ěrshiwufēn zhōng</p>
  731. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;firlu chē duo bu duo?</p>
  732. <p>shlwufēn zhong</p>
  733. <p>You: Bu shǎo. Měi gě ěrshifēn zhong you yiban.</p>
  734. <p>(Quite a few. There's one every tventy minutes.)</p>
  735. <p>Bu shǎo, Měi gě vǔfēn zhSng you yiban.</p>
  736. <p>Bu shǎo, Měi ge wǔshifēn zhōng you yibān.</p>
  737. <p>Bu shǎo. Měi gě sishifen zhong you yibān.</p>
  738. <p>Bu shao, Mei gě shlfēn zhong you yibān.</p>
  739. <p>Bu shao, Měi gě ěrshiwǔfen zh5ng you yibān.</p>
  740. <p>Bu shǎo. Mei gě shiwǔfen zhōng you yibān.</p>
  741. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  742. <p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker: Neibān chi shi jidian zhSng?</p>
  743. <p>(cue) Těizhōng (What time is that bus?)</p>
  744. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neiban chē shi jidian zhong?</p>
  745. <p>Tainan</p>
  746. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neibān chē shi jidian zhōng?</p>
  747. <p>Jīl6ng</p>
  748. <p>1+. Neibān chē shi jīdiǎn zhōng? Jiāyi</p>
  749. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něiban chē shi jidian zh5ng?</p>
  750. <p>TSibei</p>
  751. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něibān chē shi jidian zhSng?</p>
  752. <p>Huālian</p>
  753. <p>You: Qingwěn, něiban</p>
  754. <p>dao Tiizhōng qude chē shi jidian zhong? (May I ask, vhat time is that bus to Taizhong?)</p>
  755. <p>Qingvrěn, dao Tāinān qude neibān che shi jidian zhōng?</p>
  756. <p>Qīngwěn, dSo Jīlong qude nei&quot;ban chē shi jidian zh5ng?</p>
  757. <p>Qxngwěn, dao Jiāyi q^de něiban chi shi jidian zhōng?</p>
  758. <p>Qlngwěn, dao Tāiběi qude něiban chē shi jidian zhōng?</p>
  759. <p>Qlngwěn, dě,o HuāliSn qude něibān che shi jidian zhSng?</p>
  760. <p>25</p>
  761. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  762. <p>7. Něiban chē shi jǐdian zhong? Gaoxi6ng</p>
  763. <p>Qǐngwěn, dao Gāoxiong qude neiban chē shi jǐdiǎn zhSng?</p>
  764. <p>Response Drill</p>
  765. <p>Speaker: Zhě shi yibān (cue)</p>
  766. <p>bu shi zuihěu che?</p>
  767. <p>11:10</p>
  768. <p>3.</p>
  769. <p>5.</p>
  770. <p>6. 7.</p>
  771. <p>Zhě shi 11:30</p>
  772. <p>Zhě shi 12:00</p>
  773. <p>Zhě shi! 11:1+0</p>
  774. <p>Zhě Qhi 12:10</p>
  775. <p>Zhě shi 11:00</p>
  776. <p>Zhě shi 10:50</p>
  777. <p>(Is this the last bus?) bu shi zuihěu yi*bān chē?</p>
  778. <p>bu shi zuihou yibān chē?</p>
  779. <p>bu shi zuihou ylban chē?</p>
  780. <p>bu shi zuihou yibān chē?</p>
  781. <p>bu shi zuihou yiban chi?</p>
  782. <p>bu shi zuihSu yiban chē?</p>
  783. <p>You: Bu shi, Zuīhou yiban che shi shlyīdian shlfēn,</p>
  784. <p>(No. The last bus is at 11:10.)</p>
  785. <p>Bō, shi. Zuih5u yibān chi shi shlyīdiSn ban,</p>
  786. <p>Bu shi. Zuihou yiban che shi shfěrdian.</p>
  787. <p>Bu shi. Zuihou yibān che shi shlyīdian slshifēn.</p>
  788. <p>Bu shi. ZuihSu yiban che shi shlěrdian shlfen.</p>
  789. <p>Bu shi. ZuihSu yibān chē shi shiyīdiǎn.</p>
  790. <p>Bu shi, ZuihSu yiban chi shi shldiǎn wǔshifēn.</p>
  791. <p>G. Transformation Drill</p>
  792. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zhěiban chi dāo</p>
  793. <p>Xīměndīng ma? (Does this Tdus go to Ximending?)</p>
  794. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zheiban chē āko ZhSngshān BSilu</p>
  795. <p>ma?</p>
  796. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěiban che āko Zhōnghua Lu qu</p>
  797. <p>ma?</p>
  798. <p>You; Zheiban che shi bu shi qu Xīměndīng?</p>
  799. <p>(Does this bus go to Ximending?)</p>
  800. <p>Zhěiban chē shi bu shi qd Zhongshān Běilu?</p>
  801. <p>ZheilDSn che shi bu shi qu Zhonghu^ Lu?</p>
  802. <p>k. Zhěiban chē dao Ziy6u Lu qu ma? Zheiban che shi bu shi c^u Ziy6u</p>
  803. <p>26</p>
  804. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  805. <p>Zhěiban chē dao dāo</p>
  806. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěibān chē</p>
  807. <p>qō. ma?</p>
  808. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěil)ān che</p>
  809. <p>ma?</p>
  810. <p>Rěncii Lu qu ma? Nānjlng Donglu</p>
  811. <p>dāo Hěping Xīl\i q\i</p>
  812. <p>Zheiban che shi bu shi shi bu shi</p>
  813. <p>Zheiban che Donglu?</p>
  814. <p>Zhěibān che Xīlu?</p>
  815. <p>qu Rěnai Lu? qu Nanj īng</p>
  816. <p>shi bu shi qu Hěping</p>
  817. <p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Drill</p>
  818. <p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ta xia chē le.</p>
  819. <p>(cue) Xīměndīng (He got off the bus.)</p>
  820. <p>OR Tā xia chē,</p>
  821. <p>(cue) Xīměndīng (He is getting off the bus.)</p>
  822. <p>2. Ta sh^ng chē le.</p>
  823. <p>Zhōngshǎn Běilu</p>
  824. <p>3* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā sh^ng chē. Hěping Dōngloi</p>
  825. <p>U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xia che le. Mlnshēng Lō</p>
  826. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā shang chē le* Rěnai L\i</p>
  827. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta xia chē. ZhSnghui L\i</p>
  828. <p>You: Tā shi zai Xīměndīng xiade chē* (He got off the bus at Ximending.)</p>
  829. <p>Ta zai Xīměndīng xia chē.</p>
  830. <p>(He is getting off the bus at Ximending,)</p>
  831. <p>Ta shi zāi Zhongshān Beilu shāngde che.</p>
  832. <p>Ta zai Hěping D5nglu shang chē.</p>
  833. <p>Tā shi z&amp;i Mlnshēng xiade chē,</p>
  834. <p>Ta shi z^i Rěnai Līi sh^ngde che.</p>
  835. <p>Ta zai ZhonghuS Lu xia chē.</p>
  836. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Expansion Drill</p>
  837. <p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker; Dslo Xīměndīng qing g^osu wo.</p>
  838. <p>(cue) shlhou (When we GET TO Ximending, please tell me,)</p>
  839. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Zhongshān Běilu qīng geiosu</p>
  840. <p>wo. yiqian</p>
  841. <p>3* DSo N^nJīng Donglu qing gaosu wo• shfhou</p>
  842. <p>You: Dao Xīměndlngde shlhou qǐng gaosu wo,</p>
  843. <p>(When we get to XIMENDING, please tell me.)</p>
  844. <p>Dao Zhongshān Běilu yxqiin qīng gaosu wo.</p>
  845. <p>Dao Nanjing Donglude shihou qing gsiosu wo.</p>
  846. <p>27</p>
  847. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  848. <p>k<sub>ē</sub> Dāo Rěnai Lu qing gaosu wo. yiq.iān</p>
  849. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāo Minquān Lu qxng gaosu wo.</p>
  850. <p>shlhou</p>
  851. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Hěping Xīlu qxng g&amp;osu wo.</p>
  852. <p>yiqiSn</p>
  853. <p>T* Dao Ziy6u Lu. qing gaos-u wo. shlhou</p>
  854. <p>Dao Rěnai Lu yiqian qǐng gaosu wo,</p>
  855. <p>Dao Mlnquan Lude shlhou qǐng g^osu wo.</p>
  856. <p>Dao Hěping Xilu yǐq.iān qxng gaosu wo.</p>
  857. <p>Dao Ziy6u Lude shlhou qing gaosu</p>
  858. <p>J<sub>#</sub> Response Drill</p>
  859. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Hai you J5!zhan dao</p>
  860. <p>Xīměndīng?</p>
  861. <p>(cue) xia (How many more stops are there to [before] Ximending?)</p>
  862. <p>OR HSi you jǐzhan dSo Xīměndīng?</p>
  863. <p>(cue) 3 (How many more stops are there to Cbeforel Ximending?)</p>
  864. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hai you jǐzhan dao ZhSnghua Lu?</p>
  865. <p>xia</p>
  866. <p>You: Xiet yizhan Jiu shi Xīměndīng, (The next stop is Ximending.)</p>
  867. <p>3. Hai you jīzhan āko Donglu? 2</p>
  868. <p>U. Hai you jǐzhan dao Nanlu? xia</p>
  869. <p>NanJīng Xīnshēng Hěi you jīzhan dao Ziy6u Lii?</p>
  870. <p>Hai you sanzhan jiu shi Xīměndīng•</p>
  871. <p>(Three more stops, and that<sup>1</sup> Ximending.)</p>
  872. <p>Xiel yizhan jiu shi Zhōnghuě. Lu.</p>
  873. <p>H^i you liǎngzheLn jiu shi N^njīng D5nglu.</p>
  874. <p>Xiā yizhan jiu shi Xīnshēng Nlinlxi.</p>
  875. <p>Hai you liǎngzhan jiň shi Ziy6u Lu,</p>
  876. <p>6. Hai you jǐzhān dao Mlnshēng Lu? xia</p>
  877. <p>Xia yizhan jiu shi Mlnshēng Lu,</p>
  878. <p>TRN, Unit 1</p>
  879. <p>K. Expansion Drill</p>
  880. <p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker: Tā dao Zhongguo qu.</p>
  881. <p>(cue) nian (He goes to China,)</p>
  882. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā kan Zhōngguo diānyǐng.</p>
  883. <p>yuě</p>
  884. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā dao Niǔ Yuē qu. xīngqī</p>
  885. <p>U. Tā dao xuěxiao lai* tiān</p>
  886. <p>5. Tā mǎi Yīngwěn zāzhi• Xīngqīwu</p>
  887. <p>Tā d^o tiān</p>
  888. <p>caishichǎng qu, T. Ta kSn bao, tiān</p>
  889. <p>You: Tā meinian dou dao Zhongguo qu, (He goes to China every year.)</p>
  890. <p>Tā meige yuě dou kan Zhongguo diānyǐng.</p>
  891. <p>Tā měige xīngqī dou dāo Niǔ Yuě qu.</p>
  892. <p>Tā měitiān d5u dao xuěxiao lai.</p>
  893. <p>Ta meige Xīngqīwǔ d5u mai Yīngwěn zāzhi,</p>
  894. <p>Tā měitiān d5u dao caishichǎng qu, Tā meitian d5u kān bāo.</p>
  895. <p>29</p>
  896. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  897. <p>30</p>
  898. <p>UNIT 2</p>
  899. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  900. <p>(in Běijīng)</p>
  901. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: D&amp;o zhǎnlǎnguǎn you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a direct bus to the</p>
  902. <p>zhfdachē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibition hall?</p>
  903. <p>B: Měiyou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No.</p>
  904. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: DeLo n&amp;r qu, zuo Jllxi che &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What bus do you take to get there?</p>
  905. <p>ya?</p>
  906. <p>B: ZuS Yīlū che. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take the Number 1 bus.</p>
  907. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Zu5 dao Xīdan huān che. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take it to Xīdān and change buses.</p>
  908. <p>U, A: Z^nmen zai nar mǎi piSo? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where do we &quot;buy tickets?</p>
  909. <p>B: Zai chēshang mai piao* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We &quot;buy tickets on the bus.</p>
  910. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Hao, xianz^i zou &quot;bal &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, let<sup>f</sup>s go nowl</p>
  911. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Ēil Zixmen bň shi zu5gu3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Heyl Haven<sup>f</sup>t we gone past our</p>
  912. <p>zhkn le &quot;ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stop?</p>
  913. <p>B: HSi měi ne. Xia yizhan clti &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not yet* We don,t get off until</p>
  914. <p>xiS che, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the next stop.</p>
  915. <p>7# * C: LHoJia, Shlvulu qichēzhān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Excuse me, where is the Number 15</p>
  916. <p>zki nar? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bus stop?</p>
  917. <p>D: Jiu zai něige lukourshang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>1</sup> s (just) on that corner.</p>
  918. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  919. <p>8. g5nggdng qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public bus (local)</p>
  920. <p>9* -li &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in (locational ending)</p>
  921. <p>10# -shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on</p>
  922. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shetng ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to start work, to go to work</p>
  923. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiit ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off from work, to leave work</p>
  924. <p>* This exchange occurs on the P-l tape &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;only.</p>
  925. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  926. <p>ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(tone softener)</p>
  927. <p>cai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then and only then, not until</p>
  928. <p>gonggong qiche &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public bus (local)</p>
  929. <p>-li &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in (locational ending)</p>
  930. <p>piao (yizhāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ticket, coupon</p>
  931. <p>qichēzhan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bus stop</p>
  932. <p>-shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on (locational ending)</p>
  933. <p>shang bān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go to work, to start work</p>
  934. <p>xia bān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get off from work, to leave work</p>
  935. <p>Xīdān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a district in Běijīng)</p>
  936. <p>zSnmen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;we (specifically includes the</p>
  937. <p>listener)</p>
  938. <p>zhǎnlǎnguǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibition hall</p>
  939. <p>zhldāchě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;direct bus , nonstop bus</p>
  940. <p>zuS dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to ride to</p>
  941. <p>zu5gu5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to ride past</p>
  942. <p>(introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)</p>
  943. <p>Andingmen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a neighborhood in Beijing)</p>
  944. <p>bJjiao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;comparatively, relatively</p>
  945. <p>dSngvruyuin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zoo</p>
  946. <p>liǎngci &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;two times, twice</p>
  947. <p>Xiao (name) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Little (name) Cfamiliar form of name</p>
  948. <p>among friends3</p>
  949. <p>xiSngmāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;panda</p>
  950. <p>zhǎnlǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to exhibit</p>
  951. <p>zhěici &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this time</p>
  952. <p>31</p>
  953. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  954. <p>32</p>
  955. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  956. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dao zhǎnlǎnguǎn you meiyou Is there a direct bus to the exhibi-</p>
  957. <p>zhldache? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tion hall?</p>
  958. <p>B: Meiyou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No.</p>
  959. <p>Notes on No. 1</p>
  960. <p>Dao zhǎnlǎnguǎn is the topic of the first sentence in exchange 1.</p>
  961. <p>Zhidachě refers to a city bus in exchange 1, although the word is more properly used to refer to buses between cities.</p>
  962. <p>Changed tones: You have now learned several three-syllable words in which the middle syllable changes tone in normal fast speech. These words and the changes you hear are</p>
  963. <p>Jiānādā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiānāda</p>
  964. <p>Xīměndīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xīměndīng</p>
  965. <p>zhǎnlǎnguǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhǎnlǎnguǎn zhǎnlǎnguǎn</p>
  966. <p>zhidachě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhidāchē</p>
  967. <p>(For further discussion of this type of tone change, see Tone Changes in the P&amp;R Summary.)</p>
  968. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dao nar qu, zuo jǐlu chē ya? What bus do you take to get there?</p>
  969. <p>B: Zuo Yīlu chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take the Number 1 bus-</p>
  970. <p>Note on No. 2</p>
  971. <p>Ya is a variant form of the marker a^. If the word directly preceding the ends in a vowel, the semivowel ^ or w may be inserted; the marker is then pronounced 过 <sup>or va</sup>. If the word directly preceding ends in a consonant ,that sound is carried forward as the initial sound of the marker:</p>
  972. <p>/(consonant sound)aj</p>
  973. <p>Ni shi nǎrde rěn /n/a?</p>
  974. <p>Ni xing Wang /ng/a?</p>
  975. <p>Ni hǎo /w/a?</p>
  976. <p>Tā zhēn kuai /^/a!</p>
  977. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  978. <p>33</p>
  979. <p>3. B: Zuo dao Xīdān huan chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take it to Xīdān and change buses.</p>
  980. <p>Notes on No. 3</p>
  981. <p>Zuo dao Xīdān: In earlier exchanges, phrases consisting of āko and a place vord were placed before the main ver&quot;b in a sentence. In this exchange, you see that dao + place word can also be placed after the main verb. Dao is toneless when it follows the verb of a sentence.</p>
  982. <p>Huan is used in exchange 3 for ”changing&quot; from one bus to another. It vas used in earlier modules for ”changing” from one currency to another.</p>
  983. <p>k. A: Zanmen zai nar mai piao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where do we buy tickets?</p>
  984. <p>B: Zai chēshang mai piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We &quot;buy tickets on the bus.</p>
  985. <p>Notes on No. k</p>
  986. <p>Although spelled zanmen, this vord is actually pronounced zamen, and in everyday conversation even as zām. Both vomen and zanmen are translated as ”we.” Most speakers of Chinese outside Běijīng use only vSmen•</p>
  987. <p>Many Chinese from Beijing use the pronoun vSmen only when the person being spoken to is not included in the &quot;we. To show that the person being spoken to IS included in the <sup>n</sup>we,,’ zanmen is used.</p>
  988. <p>For instance, if everyone in a room is Chinese, any one person could say to all of the others Zanmen dou shi Zhōngguo rěn, <sup>,f</sup>All of us are Chinese,<sup>!t</sup> If an American then entered the room, someone might say to him W5men shi Zhōngguo rěn, nǐ shi Meiguo rěn, ”We are Chinese, and you are American•”</p>
  989. <p>The phrase z茳i chēshang consists of the verb zai followed by the noun chē plus the locational ending -shang. Some verbs like zai must &quot;be followed by a place word or phrase (or by time words or phrases). But not all nouns which refer to things which occupy space can be used as place words. You must learn which words can function as place words and which cannot.</p>
  990. <p>Zhěr, nar, relative location words (zuobianr, dōngbianr, vaibianr, etc,), and names of cities and countries may be used as place words. In general, nouns vhich refer to buildings, institutions, organizations, parks, and other specific locations may be used as place words. Nouns vhich refer to vehicles, people, books, furniture, and other things that can &quot;be moved around are NOT considered place words. When a noun from this group is to be used in a phrase with zai, either a locatioňal ending is added to the noun or the place word zhěr or nar follows it.</p>
  991. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  992. <p>3b</p>
  993. <p>Zai zhuōzishang you hen duō There are many books on the table, shū.</p>
  994. <p>Tā zai neige zhuōzi nar &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He studies at that table,</p>
  995. <p>niān shū.</p>
  996. <p>Locational endings: -shang,”on”; -li,&quot;in”; -v§.i,&quot;outside”; and -xia, &quot;under,,’ are locational endings.</p>
  997. <p>Tā zai l6uxia mai dongxi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is &quot;buying things dovnstairs,</p>
  998. <p>Fāndianli you meiyou mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a place to buy candy in</p>
  999. <p>tangde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the hotel?</p>
  1000. <p>You have learned three generally equivalent ways to form place expressions: noun + locational ending; noun followed by relative location word; noun + de_ followed by relative location word.</p>
  1001. <p>Tā zai men- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-wai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;děng ni,</p>
  1002. <p>Tā zai men &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wāi- -bianr děng ni.</p>
  1003. <p>Tā zai men -de wai- -bianr deng ni.</p>
  1004. <p>5. B: Hǎo, xianzai zou ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, let<sup>1</sup>s go now!</p>
  1005. <p>Note on No. 5</p>
  1006. <p>Ba: You have seen the marker ba used in different situations at the ends of sentences. In each case, however, its effect was to soften the impact of whatever the speaker was saying. Here is a summary of the uses you have seen:</p>
  1007. <p>a. After a phrase which puts forth an opinion or guess, ba adds a questioning tone (BIO, Unit 2).</p>
  1008. <p>Tā dagai bu lai le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He’s protably not coming after all,</p>
  1009. <p>is he?</p>
  1010. <p>Ni shi Wei Shaoxiao *ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You must be Major Weiss,</p>
  1011. <p>&quot;b. After a statement which puts forth a course of action, ba softens the tone. Ba may be used at the end of a sentence with a meaning ranging anywhere from tentative and consulting to suggesting or advising to requesting or ordering. (The tone of ba sentences varies according to the person being spoken to, the speaker<sup>f</sup>s tone of voice, and other words, such as qing, &quot;please,” in a sentence.) (MON, Unit 3)</p>
  1012. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1013. <p>35</p>
  1014. <p>Nī zou ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leave! (ORDERING)</p>
  1015. <p>Ni haohāor xiǎngxiang ba! You think it over carefully!</p>
  1016. <p>(ADVISING)</p>
  1017. <p>Qing ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please go ahead! (INVITING)</p>
  1018. <p>Zanmen zou ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let<sup>f</sup>s go, (SUGGESTING)</p>
  1019. <p>Wo mai dāde &quot;ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I guess I<sup>1</sup>11 get the large one.</p>
  1021. <p>There is no single way to translate this use of ba. In the examples above,</p>
  1022. <p>you can see that when the sub j ect is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;” you,<sup>,T</sup> ba goes untranslated; when the</p>
  1023. <p>subject is ”we,<sup>ff</sup> ba is translated as &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>ff</sup>let<sup>f</sup>s<sup>ff</sup>; and when the subject is &quot;ba is translated as <sup>f,</sup>I guess.<sup>n</sup></p>
  1024. <p>6. A: Ěi! Zanmen bū shi zuoguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hey! Haven’t we gone past our stop? zhan le ba?</p>
  1025. <p>B: Hai měi ne. Xiā yizhan cai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not yet. We don<sup>f</sup>t get off until the</p>
  1026. <p>xia chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;next stop.</p>
  1027. <p>Notes on No. 6</p>
  1028. <p>Bu shi: Below are some examples of affirmative questions and their negative counterparts (using bu shi). Notice that in the two negative examples shi means something like ’’to be the case that&quot;&quot;’,</p>
  1029. <p>Tā yǐjīng zou le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Has he already gone?</p>
  1030. <p>Tā &quot;bu shi yǐjīng zou le ba? Hasn’t he already gone? (Isn’t it</p>
  1031. <p>the case that he has already gone?)</p>
  1032. <p>Tā zh\i zai Shanghai ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does she live in Shanghai?</p>
  1033. <p>Tā bū shi zhu zai Shanghai Doesn<sup>?</sup>t she live in Shanghai? ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Isn*t it the case that she</p>
  1034. <p>lives in Shanghai?)</p>
  1035. <p>Zuoguo le: To the main verb zuo, ”to ride,&quot; ”to take,&quot; the ending -guo is added to indicate the result of the action--&quot;going past/too far.<sup>u</sup> (The full verb guo means &quot;to pass/彳 <sup>f</sup>’to cross.<sup>n</sup>) The ending -gud may also be added to the verb z5ix,<sup>n</sup>to go,&quot; to indicate result•</p>
  1036. <p>Ou,ni zhǎo Nan we i Hutong! Oh, you are looking for Nanwei Hutong. Ni zouguo le! Nǐ dei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have valked past it. You will</p>
  1037. <p>wang hui zou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have to go &quot;back.</p>
  1038. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1039. <p>36</p>
  1040. <p>Aspect marker ne: You have frequently seen an aspect marker used to indicate a CHANGE: completion le_ shows that an action or process has been carried out (Tā z5u le, ”He has left”); new situation le marks a change in the past, present, or future (Tāde day! pole, &quot;His coat is worn out<sup>Tf</sup>). In exchange 6,the aspect marker ne^ indicates the ABSENCE OF CHANGE. In this exchange, ne_ emphasizes that there has &quot;been no change in the situation. You may vant to think of ne_ as the opposite of le.</p>
  1041. <p>The marker ne^ is used with ACTION and STATE ver&quot;bs.</p>
  1042. <p>Tā xiānzāi niān shū ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is studying now.</p>
  1043. <p>Tā zai zhěr ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He<sup>f</sup>s here.</p>
  1044. <p>Zhěizhi &quot;bi hai kěyi xiě ne. This pen is still good (can still</p>
  1045. <p>write).</p>
  1046. <p>Hai,”still,&quot; <sup>n</sup>yet&quot;: When this adverb is used, the sentence very often ends vith the marker ne.</p>
  1047. <p>Mingtiān vǒ hai bu zou ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>T</sup>m not leaving tomorrow (yet).</p>
  1048. <p>(i.e.,工’11 still &quot;be here tomorrow.)</p>
  1049. <p>Tā hai měi lai ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hasn’t come yet.</p>
  1050. <p>”Still” and ”yet” may, however, be translated into Chinese with either hai or ne.</p>
  1051. <p>Tā hai měi lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hasn't come yet.</p>
  1052. <p>Tā měi lai ne.</p>
  1053. <p>Cai means &quot;then and only then&quot; or <sup>n</sup>not until then. It is used to talk about something that has happened or will happen later than expected.</p>
  1054. <p>Women mingtiān cai zou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We don<sup>f</sup>t leave until tomorrow.</p>
  1055. <p>Sentences in which cai is used emphasize when something happened, rather than the fact that it happened. Therefore (shi)... -de,not le, is used to indicate completed action.</p>
  1056. <p>Tā (shi) badian zhōng cai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He didn<sup>f</sup>t come until eight o<sup>f</sup>clock,</p>
  1057. <p>lāide.</p>
  1058. <p>Wo zuotiān cai daode• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't arrive until yesterday.</p>
  1059. <p>Notice that the shi in the shi. •. -de construction may be omitted. Also, cai is placed AFTER a time word or phrase and BEFORE the verb-</p>
  1060. <p>You have learned three words for <sup>!,</sup>then<sup>n</sup>: jiu, zai, cai. Jiu is used for action taking place earlier than expected. Cai and zai imply that something happens later than expected. Cai and jiu are used in descriptions of completed or future action. Zai is used mostly for plans, suggestions, and commands--in reference to future actions.</p>
  1061. <p>Tā zuotiān jiu dao le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He arrived yesterday (already).</p>
  1062. <p>Tā (shi) zuotiān cai laide. He didn’t come until yesterday.</p>
  1063. <p>Ni mingtiān zai zou ba! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don<sup>f</sup>t go until tomorrow!</p>
  1064. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1065. <p>37</p>
  1066. <p>Notice that, in the description of past events, most sentences containing jiu also contain the completion le marker.</p>
  1067. <p>7. C: Lāojia, Shlwǔlu qichēzhan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Excuse me. Where is the Number 15</p>
  1068. <p>zai nar? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bus stop?</p>
  1069. <p>D: Jiu zai něige lukourshang. It<sup>f</sup>s (just) on that corner.</p>
  1070. <p>Note on No. 了</p>
  1071. <p>LukSurshang, literally <sup>,?</sup>on the intersection&quot;: LūkSur means &quot;road mouth,<sup>u</sup> a crossroads or intersection. The vord is a place-vord expression and may follov zai with or without the locational ending -shang.</p>
  1072. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1073. <p>38</p>
  1074. <p>DRILLS</p>
  1075. <p>A. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Substitution Drill</p>
  1076. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Dao Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn You: Dao Minzd. Fandian you meiyou</p>
  1077. <p>you meiyou zhidāchē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhld£chē?</p>
  1078. <p>(cue) Mlnzu FSndiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(is there a direct *bus to the</p>
  1079. <p>(Is there a direct bus &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nationalities Hotel?)</p>
  1080. <p>to the Běijīng Exhibition Hall?)</p>
  1081. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dlto MlnzlI Fandian you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāo Sānlitlan you meiyou zhldSchē?</p>
  1082. <p>zhldSche? Sanlitun</p>
  1083. <p>3* Dāo Sānlǐt&lt;ln you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Xīdān ySu meiyou zhīdachi? zhidāchē? Xīdan</p>
  1084. <p>U. Deto Xīdan you meiyou zhīd£chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Dong dan Caishichang you meiyou</p>
  1085. <p>Dongdān Gaishichǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhldSchē?</p>
  1086. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dāo Dōngdān Cāishichǎng you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao DSngdān Dianyingyuan you meiyou</p>
  1087. <p>meiyou zhldachē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhidachě?</p>
  1088. <p>DSngdān DiānyJngyuan</p>
  1089. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao DSngdān Dianyingyuan you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Jiānāda Wǔguānchu you meiyou</p>
  1090. <p>meiyou zhidāchē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhfdachē?</p>
  1091. <p>JianSdS WiSguanchu</p>
  1092. <p>7# Dao J iānāda Wǔguānchīi you meiyou zhidachě?</p>
  1093. <p>B. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Response Drill</p>
  1094. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Dao Beijing Zhǎnlǎnguǎn You: Meiyou, děi zai Xīdān huan che.</p>
  1095. <p>you meiyou zhldachē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(There isn<sup>f</sup>t. You have to</p>
  1096. <p>(cue) Xīdan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change buses at Xīdan.)</p>
  1097. <p>(Is there a direct bus to the Běijīng Exhibition Hall?)</p>
  1098. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dsio Sānlitun you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meiyou, děi z^i Dongdān huan chē.</p>
  1099. <p>zhlděchē? DSngdān</p>
  1100. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dfto Guānghua Lu you meiyou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měiyou, děi zai tamen nar hiian chē.</p>
  1101. <p>zhldachē? tāmen nar</p>
  1102. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1103. <p>U. Dāo DSngdān Dianyingyuan you meiyou zhidāchē? Qianměn</p>
  1104. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao JianSda Wǔguānchu you meiyou</p>
  1105. <p>zhi dlichē ? Xīdān</p>
  1106. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao QiSnmen you meiyou zhldachē?</p>
  1107. <p>DSngdān</p>
  1108. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Wangfǔjǐng Dājiē you meiyou</p>
  1109. <p>zhlděche? cěishichǎng nar</p>
  1110. <p>Měiyou,</p>
  1111. <p>Meiyou,</p>
  1112. <p>Meiyou,</p>
  1113. <p>děi</p>
  1114. <p>dei</p>
  1115. <p>děi</p>
  1116. <p>Měiyou, děi huan chē.</p>
  1117. <p>zai Qiānměn huan chē. zai Xīdān huan chē. zai Dongdān huan che. zai caishichǎng nar</p>
  1118. <p>C. Expansion Drill</p>
  1119. <p>1. Speaker: dao nar qu (cue) jǐ (to go there)</p>
  1120. <p>OR dao zhǎnlǎnguǎn qu (cue) 3 (to go to the exhibition hall)</p>
  1121. <table border="1">
  1122. <tr><td>
  1123. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  1124. <p>d£LO</p></td><td>
  1125. <p>Dongdān qu</p></td><td>
  1126. <p>3</p></td></tr>
  1127. <tr><td>
  1128. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  1129. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  1130. <p>nar qu</p></td><td>
  1131. <p></p></td></tr>
  1132. <tr><td>
  1133. <p>1+.</p></td><td>
  1134. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  1135. <p>Xīnhuā Shūdiān qu</p></td><td>
  1136. <p>1</p></td></tr>
  1137. <tr><td>
  1138. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  1139. <p>dko</p></td><td>
  1140. <p>Sānlittln qu</p></td><td>
  1141. <p>5</p></td></tr>
  1142. <tr><td>
  1143. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  1144. <p>dilo</p></td><td>
  1145. <p>DSngdān Caishichǎng qu</p></td><td>
  1146. <p>Ji</p></td></tr>
  1147. </table>
  1148. <p>You: Dao nar qu zuo jilu che?</p>
  1149. <p>(What Cnumber 1 bus do you take to go there?)</p>
  1150. <p>Dao zhǎnlǎnguǎn qu zuo Sanlu chē.</p>
  1151. <p>(To go to the exhibition hall, take the Number 3 bus.)</p>
  1152. <p>Dko Dōngdān qu zuo Sanlu chē.</p>
  1153. <p>Dao nar qu zu5 jīlu chē?</p>
  1154. <p>Dao Xīnhuě Shūdiān qu zuo Yīlu chē,</p>
  1155. <p>Dao Sanlitun qu zu5 Wǔlu che*</p>
  1156. <p>Dao Dongdān Caishichǎng qu zuo jilu chē?</p>
  1157. <p>D. Response Drill</p>
  1158. <p>1. Speaker: Nln xiān zuo Yīlu chē, zu5 dao Xīdān hulin chē.</p>
  1159. <p>(You first take the Number 1 bus. Take it to Xīdān and change buses.)</p>
  1160. <p>You: Wo xiān zuo Yīlu chi, zu5 dao Xīdān huan che, dui bu dui?</p>
  1161. <p>(工 first take the Number 1 bus.</p>
  1162. <p>I take it to Xīdān and change buses. Right?)</p>
  1163. <p>39</p>
  1164. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1165. <p>2, Nln xian zuS Sanlu chi, zuo dao WSngfujīng Dājiē huān chē.</p>
  1166. <p>3* Nln xian zuo Liiilu che, zu5 dao DSngdān huan chē.</p>
  1167. <p>U. Nln xiān zuS Wǔlu chē, zuō dao Qianměn huan che.</p>
  1168. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nln xian zu5 Shllu che, zu5 dao</p>
  1169. <p>Sanlitūn hu&amp;n chē.</p>
  1170. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nln xian zuo Qllu che, zuo dao</p>
  1171. <p>Hitan Lu huān chē.</p>
  1172. <p>了. Nin xiān zu5 Shlěrlu chē, zuo dao Guānghua Lu huan chē.</p>
  1173. <p>Wo xiān zuo Sanlu chē, zu5 dao Wangfǔjǐng Dājiē huān chē, dui bu dui?</p>
  1174. <p>Wo xiān zu5 Liulu chē, zuo dao Dongdān huan chē, dui bu dui?</p>
  1175. <p>Wo xiān zu5 Wǔlu che, zuo dao Qi£nměn huān che, dui bu dui?</p>
  1176. <p>Wo xiān zu5 Shilu che, zuo dao Sanlitun huan che, dui &quot;bu dui?</p>
  1177. <p>Wo xian zuo Qllu chē, zuō dao RitSn Lu huan che, dui bu dui?</p>
  1178. <p>Wǒ xiān zu5 Shierlu chē, zuō dao Guānghua Lu huan chē, dui bu dui?</p>
  1179. <p>E. Response Drill</p>
  1180. <p>1. Speaker: Dao nar qu xiān zuo</p>
  1181. <p>Sanlu chē, r^nhou zuo Wulxi che.</p>
  1182. <p>(To go there, first take the Number 3 &quot;bus; then take the Number 5 bus•)</p>
  1183. <p>You: Wo xiān zuo Sanlu chē, rSnhou zuo Wǔlu che. Qǐngwen, zai nar huan che?</p>
  1184. <p>(I first take the Number 3 bus; then take the Number 5 &quot;bus. May 工 ask, where do I change buses?)</p>
  1185. <p>2, Dāo Zhǎnlǎnguǎn qu xiān zu5 Yīlu che, ranhSu zuo Sīlu che.</p>
  1186. <p>Wǒ xian zub Yīlu chē, ranhou zuo Silu chē, Qingwěn, zk± nar huan chē?</p>
  1187. <p>3. Dao WSngfujing D&amp;jiē qu xiān</p>
  1188. <p>zu5 Ērlu che, rěnhSu zuō Wǔlu chē.</p>
  1189. <p>Wo xiān zuo Ērlu che, rSnhou zu5 Wǔlu chē. Qīngvrěn, zai nar huan che?</p>
  1190. <p>k<sub>m</sub> Dao Ritan Lu qu xiān zuo Qilu chē, rānhSu zuō Sānlu chē.</p>
  1191. <p>Wo xian zuo Qllu chē, ranhou zuo Sānlu chē, Qǐngwěn, zai nar huan che?</p>
  1192. <p>5. Dao SSnlit知 qjH. xiān zu5 Liulu chē, rěnhSu zuS Ěrlu che.</p>
  1193. <p>Wo xiān zuS Liūlu chē, rěnhou zuS Ērlu chē, Qingwěn, zai nar huan che?</p>
  1194. <p>6. Dāo Ritěn Lu qu xiān zu5 Shflu che, ranhSu zuo Qllu chi.</p>
  1195. <p>Wo xian zu5 Shllu chē, r£nhSu zuS Qllu che. Qingwen, zai nar huSn chē?</p>
  1196. <p>ho</p>
  1197. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1198. <p>了, Dao Xīdān qu xiān zuō Shiwulu chē, ranhou zu5 Liulu chē.</p>
  1199. <p>Wǒ xiān zuo Shiwulu chē, ranhou zu5 Liňlu chē, Qingwěn, z&amp;i nar huan chē?</p>
  1200. <p>F, Expansion Drill</p>
  1201. <p>1. Speaker: Zanmen zai nǎr mǎi piao?</p>
  1202. <p>(cue) chēshang (Where do we buy tickets?)</p>
  1203. <p>Zanmen</p>
  1204. <p>zhěr</p>
  1205. <p>z^i nǎr mǎi piao? 3. Zānmen zai nar mǎi piao?</p>
  1206. <p>k.</p>
  1207. <p>5.</p>
  1208. <p>6. T.</p>
  1209. <p>nar</p>
  1210. <p>Zanmen zki nǎr mǎi Dongdān nar</p>
  1211. <p>Zanmen zai nar mǎi chēshang</p>
  1212. <p>Zanmen zai nǎr mǎi caishichǎng nar</p>
  1213. <p>piao?</p>
  1214. <p>piao?</p>
  1215. <p>piao?</p>
  1216. <p>Zanmen zai nar mai piao? Xīdān nar</p>
  1217. <p>You; Zanmen zsti nǎr mai piao? Zeti chēshang mai piao ma?</p>
  1218. <p>(Where do we buy tickets? Do ve buy them on the bus?)</p>
  1219. <p>ZUnmen zai nǎr mǎi mǎi piao ma?</p>
  1220. <p>Zěnmen zai nǎr mǎi mǎi pi&amp;o ma?</p>
  1221. <p>pisto? Zai zhěr piao? Zai nar</p>
  1222. <p>Zanmen zai nar mǎi piao? Zai Dongdān nar mǎi pieio ma?</p>
  1223. <p>Zanmen zai nǎr mǎi piao? Z&amp;i chēshang mai piao ma?</p>
  1224. <p>Z£nmen zai nǎr mǎi piSo? Zai caishichǎng nar mǎi piao ma?</p>
  1225. <p>Z£nmen zili nǎr mǎi pieio? Zai Xīdān nar mǎi piāo ma?</p>
  1226. <p>G. Transformation Drill</p>
  1227. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zānmen jiǔdiǎn zhong</p>
  1228. <p>shang bān.</p>
  1229. <p>(We start work at nine o<sup>1</sup>clock.)</p>
  1230. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women wudiǎnbān xiā bān.</p>
  1231. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women xiě yizhan xia che.</p>
  1232. <p>U. Ylnhěng Jiǔdian zhōng kāi měn.</p>
  1233. <p>5. Women xiā yizhan huān chē.</p>
  1234. <p>You: Zānmen jiǔdian zhōng cěl sheing ban.</p>
  1235. <p>(We don^ start work until nine o*clock•)</p>
  1236. <p>Women wudiǎnblln cSi xia ban.</p>
  1237. <p>Women xiě yizhan cSi xiā che.</p>
  1238. <p>YlnhSng jiǔdian zhSng cai kāi měn.</p>
  1239. <p>Women xia y£zhan cSi huan che.</p>
  1240. <p>i+1</p>
  1241. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1242. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen liudiǎn zh5ng xia &quot;ban.</p>
  1243. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen shldiǎn zhōng shang bān.</p>
  1244. <p>Tāmen liudiǎn zhōng cāi xia &quot;ban, Tāmen shldiǎn zhōng cai shang ban.</p>
  1245. <p>H. Response Drill Speaker:</p>
  1246. <p>NSnJīng Donglu dao le ma?</p>
  1247. <p>(cue) hai měi ne (Have we reached Nanjing Dōnglu?)</p>
  1248. <p>Nanjing DSnglu dao le ma?</p>
  1249. <p>(cue) dao le (Have we reached Něnjīng DSnglu?)</p>
  1250. <p>2, Zhōnghua Lu dao le ma? hěi měi ne</p>
  1251. <p>3# Dali Jiě dao le ma? dko le</p>
  1252. <p>dao le ma?</p>
  1253. <p>U. Zhongshān Běilū hāi měi ne</p>
  1254. <p>5. Hěpfng Xīlu dao le ma? dao le</p>
  1255. <p>6* JIl6ng Lu dao le ma? hěi měi ne</p>
  1256. <p>You: H£i mei ne, Xi茗 yizhan xia che.</p>
  1257. <p>(Not yet. We don<sup>f</sup>t get until the next stop.)</p>
  1258. <p>cSi</p>
  1259. <p>off</p>
  1260. <p>Dao le. Women zai zhěr xiā chē.</p>
  1261. <p>(We have already arrived. We get off here.)</p>
  1262. <p>Hai měi ne* Xia yizhan cSi xiā chē,</p>
  1263. <p>Dāo le. Women zai zhěr xia chē.</p>
  1264. <p>Hai měi ne. Xiā ylzh&amp;n cai xiě chē,</p>
  1265. <p>Dao le. Women zai zhěr xia chē.</p>
  1266. <p>Hāi měi ne. Xiā yizhan cāi xia chē,</p>
  1267. <p>I. Response Drill</p>
  1268. <p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker: Qǐngvěn Shlvulū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Jiu zai něige lukourshang.</p>
  1269. <p>qichēzhan zai nǎr? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(it<sup>f</sup>s [just] on that corner.)</p>
  1270. <p>(cue) něige lukourshang (May 工 ask, where is the Number 15 &quot;bus stop?)</p>
  1271. <p>2.</p>
  1272. <p>^Lngwěn Shisllu qichēzhan zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jixi zsLi něige dalou nar,</p>
  1273. <p>nar? neice dāl6u nar</p>
  1274. <p>něige dāl6u nar</p>
  1275. <p>b2</p>
  1276. <p>TRN, Unit 2</p>
  1277. <p>3* Qingvěn Liiilu qichēzhan zai nar? l^de něibian</p>
  1278. <p>Jiu zai lude něibian.</p>
  1279. <p>U. QJngwěn,Yīlu qichēzhein zk± nar? něige ylnhUng qiěnbian</p>
  1280. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīngven, Sānl\i qichēzhan zai</p>
  1281. <p>nǎr? něige shāngdi&amp;n nar</p>
  1282. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qingwěn, Qllň qichēzhan zai nǎr?</p>
  1283. <p>caishichǎng q.i£nl)ian</p>
  1284. <p>7* Qīngven, Shilu qichēzhan zai nar? něige diānyǐngyuSn qi&amp;ibian</p>
  1285. <p>Jiu zai neige yinhSng qi^nbian.</p>
  1286. <p>Jiu zai něige shāngdian nar.</p>
  1287. <p>Jiu zSi něige caishichǎng qi^nbian.</p>
  1288. <p>Ji\i zSi něige dianyīngyua;n qi^Lnbian,</p>
  1289. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  1290. <p>Speaker: Tā jidian zh5ng lS.i?</p>
  1291. <p>Ta j iǔdian zhong lai ma?</p>
  1292. <p>(cue) 8 o<sup>1</sup>clock (What time is he coming? Is he coming at nine o<sup>f</sup>clock?)</p>
  1293. <p>OR Tā jǐdiǎn zh5ng iSi?</p>
  1294. <p>Tā jiǔdian zhong l£i ma?</p>
  1295. <p>(cue) 10 o<sup>1</sup>clock (What time is he coming? Is he coming at nine o<sup>f</sup>clock?)</p>
  1296. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā jidian zhōng</p>
  1297. <p>zhong l^i ma?</p>
  1298. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā jidian zhong</p>
  1299. <p>zh5ng lai ma?</p>
  1300. <p>k. Tā jidian zhSng zhong lāi ma?</p>
  1301. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta jidian zhōng</p>
  1302. <p>zh5ng lSi ma?</p>
  1303. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā Jīdiǎn zhSng</p>
  1304. <p>zhōng lSi ma?</p>
  1305. <p>llii? Tā sidian 5 o*clock</p>
  1306. <p>lai? Ta yidian 12 o<sup>1</sup>clock</p>
  1307. <p>lai? Tā bādiǎn 了 o*clock</p>
  1308. <p>lSi? Tā liudiǎn 8 o*clock</p>
  1309. <p>lfii? Tā shldiǎn</p>
  1310. <p>11 o*clock</p>
  1311. <p>You: Tā shuo ta bādiǎn zhong jiu l£i.</p>
  1312. <p>(He says he is coming at eight o<sup>f</sup>clock.)</p>
  1313. <p>Tā shuo tā shldiǎn zh5ng cai lSi ne.</p>
  1314. <p>(He says he isn<sup>f</sup>t coming until ten o<sup>f</sup>clock,)</p>
  1315. <p>Tā shuS ta wudian zhSng cāi lSi ne,</p>
  1316. <p>Tā shuo ta shlěrdian zhong jiii lSi«</p>
  1317. <p>Tā shuo ta qīdian zhōng ji\i lILi.</p>
  1318. <p>Ta shu5 ta bǎdian zhōng c£i l£i ne.</p>
  1319. <p>Tā shuo ta shfyidian zh5ng cāi iSi ne.</p>
  1320. <p>k3</p>
  1321. <p>TRN, Unit</p>
  1322. <p>Itli</p>
  1323. <p>UNIT 3</p>
  1324. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  1325. <p>(in Taipei)</p>
  1326. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: ii, jichěngchel &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hey, taxi!</p>
  1327. <p>B: Ni deto nali? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where are you going?</p>
  1328. <p>A: Dao huochezhān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To the train station.</p>
  1329. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;* B: Zhi you zhě yxjian xlngli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there only this one piece of</p>
  1330. <p>ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luggage?</p>
  1331. <p>A: Shi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes.</p>
  1332. <p>3.*B: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo bǎ xlngli fang zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1*11 put the suitcase in front•</p>
  1333. <p>qianbian,</p>
  1334. <p>A: Ni kaide tai kuāi lei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are driving too fast!</p>
  1335. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Tā kāi chē, kaide bu kuai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He doesn<sup>1</sup>t drive fast.</p>
  1336. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Women you shijiān, laideji. We have time. We can make it in</p>
  1337. <p>time.</p>
  1338. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Qing man yidian kāi* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little slower,</p>
  1339. <p>8.** &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Biě kāi name kuai! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don<sup>f</sup>t drive so fasti</p>
  1340. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Zhě shi nfnde xlngli• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here is your suitcase.</p>
  1341. <p>A: Xiěxie. Duō shao qian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you. How much is it [the</p>
  1342. <p>fare]?</p>
  1343. <p>B: Ērshiqīkuāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Twenty-seven dollars.</p>
  1344. <p>A: Zhě shi sanshikuāi, bu yong Here<sup>T</sup>s thirty dollars. Keep the zhǎo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change. (literally, &quot;No need</p>
  1345. <p>to give me change.<sup>ff</sup>)</p>
  1346. <p>10. A: Qǐng ni zai qianbian něige &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please stop at that bank up ahead</p>
  1347. <p>ylnh^ng ting ylxia, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for a moment.</p>
  1348. <p>B: Hǎo. Wo ba chē ting zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay. I,ll park the car over</p>
  1349. <p>neibian děng nīn. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there and wait for you.</p>
  1350. <p>* This exchange occurs on the C-l tape only.</p>
  1351. <p>** This exchange occurs on the P-l tape only.</p>
  1352. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1353. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  1354. <p>11• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chūzū qiche</p>
  1355. <p>12, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;laibujl</p>
  1356. <p>13• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qichē</p>
  1357. <p>1^. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhěme</p>
  1358. <p>15. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zěnme</p>
  1359. <p>taxi (PRC)</p>
  1360. <p>can<sup>f</sup>t make it in time</p>
  1361. <p>car, motor vehicle</p>
  1362. <p>so, to this extent<sub>5</sub> in this way</p>
  1363. <p>so, to this extent, in this way</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-5.png" style="width:454pt;height:349pt;"/>
  1364. <p>^5</p>
  1365. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1366. <p>U6</p>
  1367. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  1368. <p>ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(prepositional v^erb which indicates</p>
  1369. <p>the direct object)</p>
  1370. <p>biě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;don<sup>f</sup>t</p>
  1371. <p>b1i ySng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;no need to</p>
  1372. <p>chuzū qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taxi (PRC)</p>
  1373. <p>fang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to put</p>
  1374. <p>huǒchēzhān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train station</p>
  1375. <p>-jian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for items or articles such</p>
  1376. <p>as suitcases and clothing)</p>
  1377. <p>jxchěngchē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taxi (Taipei)</p>
  1378. <p>kǎi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to drive (a vehicle)</p>
  1379. <p>kuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be fast</p>
  1380. <p>lSibujl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can<sup>f</sup>t make it in time</p>
  1381. <p>lěidejl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can make it in time</p>
  1382. <p>man &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be slow</p>
  1383. <p>name &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so, to that extent, in that way</p>
  1384. <p>qichē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;car, motor vehicle</p>
  1385. <p>shijiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;time</p>
  1386. <p>ting &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to stop, to park</p>
  1387. <p>xlngli (yljian) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luggage, suitcase</p>
  1388. <p>ylxiS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a short amount of time</p>
  1389. <p>zěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so, to this extent, in this way</p>
  1390. <p>zhěme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so, to this extent, in this way</p>
  1391. <p>(introduced on C-2 tape)</p>
  1392. <p>chī fan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have a meal</p>
  1393. <p>jinliang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to exert all one’s effort, to do</p>
  1394. <p>one<sup>f</sup>s best to</p>
  1395. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1396. <p>hi</p>
  1397. <p>Lao (name) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Old (name) [familiar nickname for</p>
  1398. <p>an older person among close friends]</p>
  1399. <p>motuSchē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;motoreyele</p>
  1400. <p>ni.chuqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take (something) out</p>
  1401. <p>s5ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to see someone off, to escort someone</p>
  1402. <p>to a train station, airport<sub>9</sub> bus depot, or pier</p>
  1403. <p>(introduced in Communication Game)</p>
  1404. <p>Zheng hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Right on time.</p>
  1405. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1406. <p>hQ</p>
  1407. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  1408. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Ai, jichengchē! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hey, taxi!</p>
  1409. <p>B: Nī dao nali? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where are you going?</p>
  1410. <p>A: Dao huochēzhan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To the train station.</p>
  1411. <p>Note on No. 1</p>
  1412. <p>Ni dao nali? This expression, like the English &quot;Where to?” is not a full sentence. The taxi driver is using a shortened form of Ni dao nali qū?</p>
  1413. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Zhī you zhě yijiān xlngli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there only this one piece of</p>
  1414. <p>ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luggage?</p>
  1415. <p>A: Shi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes.</p>
  1416. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Wo ba xingli fang zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I’ll put the suitcase in front *</p>
  1417. <p>qiān'bian.</p>
  1418. <p>Notes on Nos. 2-3</p>
  1419. <p>Zhě yijian xingli: -jian is the counter for xingli.</p>
  1420. <p>Ba is a prepositional verb which often cannot be directly translated into English. Originally, as a full verb, bǎ meant &quot;to hold something with one<sup>T</sup>s hands.&quot; Today ba is usually used as a prepositional verb which brings the direct object to the front of the sentence, before the main verb. In some cases, ba may be translated as &quot;take.&quot;</p>
  1421. <p>Tā ba zhěiben shū fang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He put the book on the table,</p>
  1422. <p>zai zhuōzishang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(He took the book and put it on</p>
  1423. <p>the table.)</p>
  1424. <p>But, in many cases, the meaning of ”take” does not correspond to the function of ba in the sentence.</p>
  1425. <p>Ba may be used with many types of objects, concrete and abstract. As a prepositional verb, ba shows that its object (the noun which follows) is the direct object in the sentence, even though it does not follow the main verb.</p>
  1426. <p>Tā mai tāde qichē le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sold his car.</p>
  1427. <p>Tā ba tāde qichē mai le.</p>
  1428. <p>The next questions are <sup>M</sup>Why use bǎ?” and ”When is bǎ used?” On the next page are some basic rules for using bā.</p>
  1429. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1430. <p>U9</p>
  1431. <p>a. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The object in a ba phrase must be a particular known thing. This rule follows the general pattern in Chinese of an object preceding the verb, in topic position or in a ba phrase, being specific.* The object in a ba phrase should be translated &quot;by the English definite article ”the” or by other words that indicate definiteness,such as <sup>n</sup>that<sup>M</sup> and ”my.”</p>
  1432. <p>Ni you xingli ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have any luggage?</p>
  1433. <p>You. Zhǐ you zhě yijian. Yes. I have only this one piece,</p>
  1434. <p>Hǎo. Wo bǎ xingli fangzai Okay. I will put the suitcase in qianbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;front -</p>
  1435. <p>b. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The obj ect of a ta phrase must be at the disposal of the sub j ect before the action &quot;begins. Thus the object of kanj ian,” to see,” cannot be used vith bǎ, nor can the object of mai,<sup>u</sup>to buy/<sup>1</sup></p>
  1436. <p>Wo māile neiben shū. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I &quot;bought the book.</p>
  1437. <p>Wo ~bǎ něiběn shū mai le. I sold the book.</p>
  1438. <p>c. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F§ng zai q.ianbian: The verb in a bǎ sentence is usually a transitive ACTION verb. An action verb refers to an activity that can be done voluntarily,either physically (mai^ ”to sell”)or mentally (nian» ”to study”). Contrast this with a state verb, which refers to a quality or condition that the subject has no control over.</p>
  1439. <p>For instance, you can decide to study or to learn something,so xuě is an action verb. But you cannot decide to knov something, so zhidao is a state verb. Although some state verbs, like zhidao and xlhuan, are transitivej the objects of these verbs cannot be put in a ba phrase because these verbs are not action verbs.</p>
  1440. <p>d. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A ta sentence does not end with only a ver&quot;b of one syllable. Either the verb has several syllables or a phrase follows the verb. In the final sentence of exchange 3,the action ver*b fang is followed by zai and the destination qiajabian^</p>
  1441. <p>h. A: Ni kāide tai kuai le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are driving too fast!</p>
  1442. <p>Notes on No. k</p>
  1443. <p>-de: To describe hov action is performed, the marker -de is added to the verb describing the action,and that verb is followed &quot;by an adjectival verb which expresses the MANNER in which the action takes place.</p>
  1444. <p>*An object which follows the verb is nonspecific unless marked as specific with zhěi or něi.</p>
  1445. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1446. <p>50</p>
  1447. <p>Cultural information: Taxi drivers are not offended by comments about their driving such as the exclamation in exchange U. If ignored<sub>5</sub> a request to slow down should &quot;be repeated.</p>
  1448. <p>5. C: Tā kāi chē, kāide bii kuai. He doesn<sup>f</sup>t drive fast.</p>
  1449. <p>Notes on No. 5</p>
  1450. <p>Verb, object, and the description of manner: If an action verb with a direct object is to be described in terms of how the action is done, use the following pattern.</p>
  1451. <p>Tā shuō Zhōngguo hua shuō -de &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;man.</p>
  1452. <p>_ Jien_^ bu</p>
  1453. <p>(he speak Chinese &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;speak &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;slow)</p>
  1454. <p>very</p>
  1455. <p>not—</p>
  1456. <p>&quot;He speaks Chinese too/very/not slowly.<sup>ff</sup></p>
  1457. <p>Notice that the main vert and direct object occur first; then the main verb is repeated, followed &quot;by -de and the description of manner. Compare the pattern above with the pattern you learned in the Biographic Informa-tion Module, Unit 8: W5 nian Yxngvěn nianle liunian,&quot;工 studied English for six years.&quot;</p>
  1458. <p>The main verb is repeated when BOTH the direct object and a duration phrase or a description of manner MUST follow the verb directly. In such a case, Chinese handles this post-verb ”traffic Jam” by making a topic out of the more general information (what is being done): the verb and direct object. The more specific information about how the action is done *becoraes the comment. A literal translation of the pattern example above is ”As for (the way) he speaks Chinese, (he) speaks too/very/not slowly.<sup>ft</sup></p>
  1459. <p>A special point to observe: In English, we may say <sup>u</sup>He doesn<sup>?</sup>t speak Chinese slowly,” putting the negative word before <sup>n</sup>speak.<sup>tf</sup> In Chinese, the negation must be placed directly in front of the word that is referred to (in the example, man, <sup>n</sup>slow<sup>ĪT</sup>--not saying that he āoesn<sup>H</sup>t speak, but saying that his speech is not slow).</p>
  1460. <p>Linguists have pointed out the potentially comical effect of using English word order for sentences in Chinese with manner descriptions.</p>
  1461. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1462. <p>If you were to use English word order to say ”1 can't speak Chinese very veil,” Wo bu hui shuō Zhōngguo hua hen hǎo, your sentence would mean, literally, ’’(The fact that) I can’t speak Chinese is very good.” The right way to say &quot;I can't speak Chinese very well” is Wo shuō Zhōngguo hua shuōde bū tai hao.</p>
  1463. <p>6. A: Women you shījiān, lāidejl. We have time. We can make it in</p>
  1464. <p>time.</p>
  1465. <p>了. A: Qǐng man yidian kāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little slower.</p>
  1466. <p>Notes on Nos. 6-T</p>
  1467. <p>Shljiān: You now knov two words for &quot;time”: shlhou and shijiān. Shijiān is used for an amount of time, Shlhou is usually used for a point or period in time when something happens.</p>
  1468. <p>Laideji is an idiom meaning ’’able to make it on time [to do some-thing].&quot; The negative, ”not able to make it on time,’<sup>1</sup> is lāibuji.</p>
  1469. <p>(See the Meeting Module for additional discussion of such idioms.)</p>
  1470. <p>Qing man yidian kāi, ”Please drive a little slower”: In the notes on exchange 5, you learned a pattern for describing manner: vert + -de 十 adjectival verb. In this sentence, however, the adjectival verb man + yidian precede the verb kāi. When the adjectival verbs man<sub>s</sub> kuai, zao, and van are followed by yidian, the phrases thus formed may either precede or follov the ver&quot;b of the sentence.</p>
  1471. <p>Qing man yidian kāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little slower.</p>
  1472. <p>Qǐng kāi man yidian.</p>
  1473. <p>Qing kuai yidian kāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little faster.</p>
  1474. <p>Qing kāi kuai yidian.</p>
  1475. <p>Qing ni zao yidian lai. Please come a little earlier.</p>
  1476. <p>Qing ni lai zao yidian.</p>
  1477. <p>Qing ni wan yidian lai. Please come a little later.</p>
  1478. <p>Qing ni lai wan yidian.</p>
  1479. <p>Many adjectival verbs + yidian must follow the sentence verb.</p>
  1480. <p>Xiě xiǎo yidian, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Write it a little smaller•</p>
  1481. <p>Xiě da yidian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Write it a little bigger.</p>
  1482. <p>Zuo hao yidian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do it a little better.</p>
  1483. <p>The marker -de is optional, and usually omitted, before adjectival verb 十 yidian phrases.</p>
  1484. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1485. <p>52</p>
  1486. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Biě kāi name kuai! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't drive so fast!</p>
  1487. <p>Note on No. 8</p>
  1488. <p>Here you see a third way to describe the performance of an action. First, you saw a straight description:</p>
  1489. <p>Nī kāide tai kuāi le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are driving too fast I</p>
  1490. <p>OR</p>
  1491. <p>Tā nian shū niande bu cuo. She is doing pretty veil in her</p>
  1492. <p>studies.</p>
  1493. <p>Then, you saw a command in which an adjectival verb + yidian phrase could be placed either &quot;before or after the main sentence verb:</p>
  1494. <p>Qīng man yxdiǎn kāi- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please drive a little slower.</p>
  1495. <p>Qǐng kāi man yidian.</p>
  1496. <p>Now, in Bie kāi name kuai, you see a negative command. The modifying adjectival ver&quot;b follows the main verl). The marker -de is optional, and usually omitted, as long as the adjectival verb is preceded by name or zhěme (zěnme)•</p>
  1497. <p>Biě zou name man le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quit walking so slowly!</p>
  1498. <p>Biě qilai zěnme wanI &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't get up so late!</p>
  1499. <p>Ni zou name man, zanmen jiu If you walk so slowly, we won<sup>!</sup>t laibuji le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;make it in time!</p>
  1500. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Zhě shi ninde xingli. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here is your suitcase.</p>
  1501. <p>A: Xiěxie. Du5shao qiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you- How much is it [the</p>
  1502. <p>fare]?</p>
  1503. <p>B: fershiqikuai• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Twenty-seven dollars•</p>
  1504. <p>A: Zhě shi sanshikuāi, bu yong Here<sup>1</sup> s thirty dollars. Keep the zhao le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;change, (literally, &quot;No need to</p>
  1505. <p>give me change.&quot;)</p>
  1506. <p>Notes on No. 9</p>
  1507. <p>Ěrshiqlkuai: This money phrase does not contain the word q.ian because the counter kuai can stand alone if the reference could clearly be only to money. Other counters for money, such as mao and fēn, usually require the addition of q.iān.</p>
  1508. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1509. <p>★The literal meaning of the verb yong is <sup>ff</sup>to use.</p>
  1510. <p>Bu yong zhǎo le: Bū yong is an idiom meaning &quot;no need to, A more literal translation of the sentence is <sup>ff</sup>No need to give me change•” Ni bū yong kāi name kuāi vould be translated as &quot;There <sup>f</sup>s no need for you to drive that fast.&quot;*</p>
  1511. <p>10. A: Qīng ni zai qiān'bian něige Please stop at that bank up ahead ylnhang ting ylxiā. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for a moment.</p>
  1512. <p>B: Hao. Wo ba chē ting zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay. I<sup>1</sup>11 park the car over there</p>
  1513. <p>neibian děng nin. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and wait for you.</p>
  1514. <p>Note on No. 10</p>
  1515. <p>Ylxia, &quot;awhile,” is used to indicate a short, indefinite amount of time. The use of this vord communicates indefiniteness, just as reduplicating the verb would have done (tingyitlng) • The first speaker in this exchange does not commit himself to an exact length of time.</p>
  1516. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1517. <p>DRILLS</p>
  1518. <p>. Expansion Drill</p>
  1519. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Nx kāide tai kuāi le,</p>
  1520. <p>(cue) che (You are driving too fast•)</p>
  1521. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā tingde tai kuai le. chē</p>
  1522. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī kānde tāi man le. shū</p>
  1523. <p>1+. Tā shuSde tāi kuāi le,</p>
  1524. <p>Yīngwěn</p>
  1525. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni xuěde tai man le.</p>
  1526. <p>ZhSngvěn</p>
  1527. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā niande těi kuai le,</p>
  1528. <p>zhěngzhixuě</p>
  1529. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐ kande tai man le. &quot;bāo</p>
  1530. <p>B. Expansion Drill</p>
  1531. <table border="1">
  1532. <tr><td>
  1533. <p>1.</p></td><td colspan="2">
  1534. <p>Speaker:</p></td><td colspan="2">
  1535. <p>:Qǐng ni man kāi.</p>
  1536. <p>(Please drive slowly.)</p></td></tr>
  1537. <tr><td>
  1538. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  1539. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  1540. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1541. <p>man</p></td><td>
  1542. <p>zou.</p></td></tr>
  1543. <tr><td>
  1544. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  1545. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  1546. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1547. <p>man</p></td><td>
  1548. <p>shuō.</p></td></tr>
  1549. <tr><td>
  1550. <p>lu</p></td><td>
  1551. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  1552. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1553. <p>kuai</p></td><td>
  1554. <p>shuo.</p></td></tr>
  1555. <tr><td>
  1556. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  1557. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  1558. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1559. <p>man</p></td><td>
  1560. <p>xiā chē.</p></td></tr>
  1561. <tr><td>
  1562. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  1563. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  1564. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1565. <p>kuāi</p></td><td>
  1566. <p>q.u.</p></td></tr>
  1567. <tr><td>
  1568. <p>7.</p></td><td>
  1569. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  1570. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  1571. <p>kuai</p></td><td>
  1572. <p>shang che.</p></td></tr>
  1573. </table>
  1574. <p>You; Nǐ kāi chē kaide tai kusLi le. (You are driving too fast•)</p>
  1575. <p>Ta ting chē tlngde tāi ku^i le.</p>
  1576. <p>Nǐ keln shū ketnde tai man le.</p>
  1577. <p>Tā shuo Yīngwěn shuode tāi kuāi le.</p>
  1578. <p>Nī xuě Zhongwěn xuěde tai mkn le.</p>
  1579. <p>Tā niān zhěngzhixuě niande tai kuāi le,</p>
  1580. <p>Nī kān bāo kānde tai man le.</p>
  1581. <p>You: Qīng ni mān yidian kǎi.</p>
  1582. <p>(Please drive a little slower.)</p>
  1583. <p>Qing ni man yidian zou*</p>
  1584. <p>Qǐng ni mein yidian shuo.</p>
  1585. <p>Qǐng ni ku^i yidian shu5.</p>
  1586. <p>Qīng ni man yidian xlk chē,</p>
  1587. <p>Qing ni kuai yidian qu,</p>
  1588. <p>Qīng ni ku&amp;i yidian shāng chē.</p>
  1589. <p>5k</p>
  1590. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1591. <p>C. Expansion Drill</p>
  1592. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: N5l kāi che, kaide tai</p>
  1593. <p>kuai le,</p>
  1594. <p>(You are driving too fast.)</p>
  1595. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni kan shǔ, kande tSi mein le.</p>
  1596. <p>3. N3l kSn bāo kānde tāi man le.</p>
  1597. <p>U. Ni shu5 Yīngwěn shuode teli kuāi le,</p>
  1598. <p>5. Ni kai chē kaide tāi kuai le.</p>
  1599. <p>6. Ni měi piao maide tai mkn le.</p>
  1600. <p>7. Ni shuō ZhSngwěn shuode tai m^n le.</p>
  1601. <p>You; Ni kāi chē kaide tai kueti le.</p>
  1602. <p>Qǐng ni man yidian kāi.</p>
  1603. <p>(You are driving too fast.</p>
  1604. <p>Please drive a little slower.)</p>
  1605. <p>Ni kSn shū, kande tāi man le. Qīng ni kuai yidian kan.</p>
  1606. <p>Ni kan bao kande tai man le. Qing ni kuai yidian kan.</p>
  1607. <p>Ni shuS Yīngwěn shuode tai kuai le, Qtng ni man yidian shuo.</p>
  1608. <p>Ni kāi chē kāide tai kuai le, Qīng ni mSn yidian kai«</p>
  1609. <p>Ni mai piao māide tai man le. Qing ni kuai yidian mai.</p>
  1610. <p>Ni shuo Zhongwěn shuōde tai man le, Qīng ni kuai yidian shuo.</p>
  1611. <p>D. Response Drill</p>
  1612. <p>1. Speaker:</p>
  1613. <p>3.</p>
  1614. <p>Women you shlfēn zh5ng <sub>f</sub> laidejl lāibuji?</p>
  1615. <p>(cue) teli yuan (We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?)</p>
  1616. <p>Women you shlfēn zhong <sub>9</sub> laidejl lSibujl?</p>
  1617. <p>(cue) hen Jin (We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?)</p>
  1618. <p>Women you sānshifěn zhōng <sub>9</sub> lěidejl lSibuji? tai yuan</p>
  1619. <p>Women you ěrshifēn zhōng, lāidejl laibuji? hen jin</p>
  1620. <p>You; Tai yuan. Jiu you shlfen zhōng, lSibujl.</p>
  1621. <p>(It<sup>1</sup>s too far, [If] we have only ten minutes, ve can<sup>f</sup>t make it in time.)</p>
  1622. <p>Hen Jin. You shlfen zhong<sub>9</sub> lāidejl.</p>
  1623. <p>(It<sup>f</sup>s very near, [If] we have ten minutes, we can make it in time.)</p>
  1624. <p>Tai yuan, Jiu you sanshifēn zhōng, laibuji.</p>
  1625. <p>Hen jin. You ěrshifēn zhōng, laidejf.</p>
  1626. <p>55</p>
  1627. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1628. <p>k<sub>9</sub> Women you shlwufēn zh5ng<sub>9</sub></p>
  1629. <p>lěidejl l£i&quot;bujl? tai yuan</p>
  1630. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you shlfēn zhSng,</p>
  1631. <p>lěidejl lěibuji? h§n jin</p>
  1632. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you ěrshifēn zhong,</p>
  1633. <p>liidejl lěibujl? t&amp;i yuSn</p>
  1634. <p>Tai yuan, Jiu you shlwufēn zh5ng費 lliibujf.</p>
  1635. <p>Hen jin. You shifin zhōng<sub>y</sub> lěidejf.</p>
  1636. <p>Tcti yuan. Jiu you ěrshifēn zhōng, lSibuj1•</p>
  1637. <p>E• Transformation Drill</p>
  1638. <p>1. Speaker: Qing man yidian kāi,</p>
  1639. <p>(Please drive a little slower•)</p>
  1640. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng</p>
  1641. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Q?ng h• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng 5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing 6• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng 7• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qtng</p>
  1642. <p>kuSi yidian z8u. m^n yidiǎn shuo, kuSi yidian kāi. kuai yidian kān* man yidian shuo, kuāi yidian zǒu.</p>
  1643. <p>You: Bie kāi zhěme ku^il</p>
  1644. <p>(Don*t drive so fasti )</p>
  1645. <p>Biě z5u zheme mkxd Biě shuS zhěme ku^il Biě kǎi zhěme mānl Biě k这n zhěme man! Biě shuo zhěme kuail Biě zou zheme manl</p>
  1646. <p>F. Expansion Drill</p>
  1647. <p>1. Speaker: Women l£idejl.</p>
  1648. <p>(cue) qīng (We can make it in time.)</p>
  1649. <p>OR Women iňidej1• (cue) biě (We can make it in time.)</p>
  1650. <p>2* WSmen ySu shijiān. qing</p>
  1651. <p>You: Women l£ideji. Qīng ni mstn idiān kai. can make it in time. Please drive a little slower.)</p>
  1652. <p>Women lSideJl• Biě kāi name ku^il</p>
  1653. <p>(We can make it in time. Don't drive so fasti)</p>
  1654. <p>WSmen y5u shi jian. Qīng ni mkn yidian kai.</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-6.png" style="width:16pt;height:18pt;"/>
  1655. <p>56</p>
  1656. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1657. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you shijiān. biě</p>
  1658. <p>U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women lāidejl. qǐng</p>
  1659. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women lāidejl. biě</p>
  1660. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women you shi jian. qǐng</p>
  1661. <p>Women you shijiān. Biě kāi něme kuail</p>
  1662. <p>Women l£idejl. Qǐng ni man yidian kai.</p>
  1663. <p>Women lāidejl. Biě kāi neizne kuail</p>
  1664. <p>Women you shijian, Qing ni man yidian kai.</p>
  1665. <p>G, Response Drill</p>
  1666. <p>1, Speaker: Ērshiqīkuai.</p>
  1667. <p>(cue) bū (Twenty-seven dollars.)</p>
  1668. <p>Ěrshiqīkuai,</p>
  1669. <p>(cue) sān (Twenty-seven dollars•)</p>
  1670. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ērshiliu kuāi.沾</p>
  1671. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ērshi kuSi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shf</p>
  1672. <p>k. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ērshiwǔ kuai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b\i</p>
  1673. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;firshiyī kuai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jiǔ</p>
  1674. <p>You: Zhě shi sānshikuai. B11 ySng zhǎo le,</p>
  1675. <p>(Here*s thirty dollars• Keep the change•)</p>
  1676. <p>Zhě shi sānshikuai. Qing ni zhǎo sānkoiai qiSn.</p>
  1677. <p>(Here’s thirty dollars. Please give me three dollars [in] change.)</p>
  1678. <p>Zhě shi sānshikuai. B1i yong zhǎo le.</p>
  1679. <p>Zhe shi sānshikuai• Qing ni zhao shlkuai qiān.</p>
  1680. <p>Zhě shi sānshikua:i• Bū y5ng zhSo le.</p>
  1681. <p>Zhě shi sānshikuai. Qīng ni zhao j iǔkuSi qiSn.</p>
  1682. <p>Ērshibā kuai.</p>
  1683. <p>bil</p>
  1684. <p>Zhě shi sānshikuai• Btl ySng zhǎo le.</p>
  1685. <p>57</p>
  1686. <p>TRN, Unit 3</p>
  1687. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  1688. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Qīng ni ting yixiā,</p>
  1689. <p>(cue) yinh^ng (Please stop for a moment•)</p>
  1690. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing ni t£ng ylxial.</p>
  1691. <p>cfiLishichǎng</p>
  1692. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing ni ting ylxieL.</p>
  1693. <p>dianyingyuan</p>
  1694. <p>k. Qīng ni ting y£xisl. shūdiān</p>
  1695. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni ting ylxia.</p>
  1696. <p>xuěxiao</p>
  1697. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing ni ting ylxi^.</p>
  1698. <p>fandian</p><h6>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qīng ni ting ylxict.</h6>
  1699. <p>yfnhěng</p>
  1700. <p>You: Qing ni zai něige yinhSng ting ylxia.</p>
  1701. <p>(Please stop a moment•)</p>
  1702. <p>Qing ni zili něige ylxi^.</p>
  1703. <p>Qing ni zāi něige ylxiā.</p>
  1704. <p>Qxng ni zāi něige</p>
  1705. <p>Qing ni něige y£xia.</p>
  1706. <p>Qing ni zSi něige ylxia.</p>
  1707. <p>Qing ni zeti neige yfxiā.</p>
  1708. <p>at that bank for cILishichang ting diSnylngyu^n ting shudian ting xuěxiao ting fSndi§ji ting ylnhāng t£ng</p>
  1709. <p>58</p>
  1710. <p>TRN, Unit b</p>
  1711. <p>59</p>
  1712. <p>UNIT 4</p>
  1713. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  1714. <p>(in Taipei)</p>
  1715. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo xiang qu Tainān wan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>f</sup>m thinking of going to Tainan to</p>
  1716. <p>Jitiān, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;relax for a fev days,</p>
  1717. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zu5 Gongliijli xfng bu xfng?* Would it be all right to take the</p>
  1718. <p>bus?</p>
  1719. <p>B: Dao Tainan qu zu5 GongluTo go to Tainan, it<sup>f</sup>s not very &quot;bň da fangbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;convenient to take the bus.</p>
  1720. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Shi zuo huoche qu hǎo ne, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it better to go by train or to</p>
  1721. <p>hSishi zuo Gonglujti qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;go by bus?</p>
  1722. <p>hao ne?</p>
  1723. <p>D: ZuS huoche qu hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It’s better to go *by train,</p>
  1724. <p>k. E: Ni shu5 shi zuo huoche qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would you say it<sup>1</sup> s better to go by</p>
  1725. <p>hao ne, hSishi zuS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train or to go by bus?</p>
  1726. <p>Gonglňjtl qu hao ne?</p>
  1727. <p>F: Dio Tāiněn zu3 huoche zui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To Tainan, it’s most convenient to</p>
  1728. <p>fangbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take the train.</p>
  1729. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dei xian rmi piao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it necessary to &quot;buy tickets ahead</p>
  1730. <p>of time?</p>
  1731. <p>B: Ni zui hǎo liǎngsāntiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It vould &quot;be best for you to go to</p>
  1732. <p>yiqiSn qu mǎi pieto, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;buy your tickets two or three days</p>
  1733. <p>ahead of time.</p>
  1734. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zu5 Gōnglňjil yě dei xian mǎi If I take the bus, is it also neces-</p>
  1735. <p>piao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sary to &quot;buy tickets ahead of time?</p>
  1736. <p>Bs Bti Tdx xiān mǎi piao, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s not necessary to buy tickets</p>
  1737. <p>ahead of time,</p>
  1738. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: N3C yao zuS shěnme shlhoude What train do you want to talce?</p>
  1739. <p>che?</p>
  1740. <p>A: Wo yao zu3 shāngwude che. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 want to take a morning train.</p>
  1741. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: DuilDuqǐ, shSngwǔde piao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>f</sup>m sorry, the tickets for the</p>
  1742. <p>dou maiwSn le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning trains are all sold out.</p>
  1743. <p>★The speakers on tape always say zuo Gōnglūjūde chē for what is written here as zuo Gōngluju. Both expressions are acceptable. (See notes on No. 2.)</p>
  1744. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1745. <p>60</p>
  1746. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  1747. <p>9. chuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;boat» ship</p>
  1748. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ditiě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;subway (abbreviation for dxxiel</p>
  1749. <p>tiědeto)</p>
  1750. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dixiā huoche &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;underground train, subway</p>
  1751. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;van (wanr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself</p>
  1752. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-wan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be finished (occurs in compound</p>
  1753. <p>verbs of result)</p>
  1754. <p>TRN, Unit h</p>
  1755. <p>61</p>
  1756. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  1757. <p>bu bi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not necessary, don<sup>f</sup>t have to</p>
  1758. <p>chuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;boat» ship</p>
  1759. <p>ditiě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;subway (abbreviation for dixia</p>
  1760. <p>tiědao)</p>
  1761. <p>dixiā, huoche &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;underground train, subway</p>
  1762. <p>fangbian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be convenient</p>
  1763. <p>Gongluju &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bureau of Highways (Taiwan)</p>
  1764. <p>huochē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train</p>
  1765. <p>liangsān- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;two or three</p>
  1766. <p>maiwān le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be sold out</p>
  1767. <p>w£n (wānr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself</p>
  1768. <p>-wlin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be finished (occurs in compound</p>
  1769. <p>verbs of result)</p>
  1770. <p>xian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ahead of time, beforehand</p>
  1771. <p>zui hǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;it would be best to</p>
  1772. <p>(introduced on &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C-2 tape)</p>
  1773. <p>hua chuān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to row a boat</p>
  1774. <p>san &quot;bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take a walk</p>
  1775. <p>shan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hill, mountain</p>
  1776. <p>ohvS. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rivers,lakes (literally, <sup>fl</sup>water<sup>fl</sup>)</p>
  1777. <p>ySuyong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to swim</p>
  1778. <p>TRN, Unit b</p>
  1779. <p>62</p>
  1780. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  1781. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo xiang qu Tainan wan jitiān. I<sup>f</sup>m thinking of going to Tainan</p>
  1782. <p>to relax for a few days.</p>
  1783. <p>Note on No. 1</p>
  1784. <p>The basic meaning of the verb van is &quot;to play.&quot; It is often best translated into English as <sup>TT</sup>to relax,,<sup>1</sup> &quot;to enjoy oneself.”</p>
  1785. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zuo Gōnglujū xing bu xing? Would it be all right to take</p>
  1786. <p>the bus?</p>
  1787. <p>B: D&amp;o Tainān qu zuo Gongluju To go to Tainan, it <sup>!</sup>s not very bū da fingbian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;convenient to take the bus.</p>
  1788. <p>Notes on No. 2</p>
  1789. <p>Gōngluju, &quot;the Bureau of Highways&quot; in Taiwan, is the agency which administers the island<sup>1</sup>s intercity bus system. The phrase zuo Gōnglujū means &quot;to take a Bureau of Highways bus.<sup>u</sup> This phrasing is analogous to <sup>!t</sup>I<sup>?</sup>m going by Greyhound.&quot; In talking about the buses themselves, you would have to say Gōnglujude chē, &quot;the buses of the Bureau of Highways”:</p>
  1790. <p>Gōngluj ude chē hen shūfu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The buses of the Bureau of High</p>
  1791. <p>ways are very comfortable.</p>
  1792. <p>(shūfu, ”to be comfortable&quot;)</p>
  1793. <p>Sentences containing ~both dao and zuo phrases: The zuo phrase usually comes first in a sentence with toth a prepositional phrase expressing destination (dao.••) and a prepositional phrase expressing means of conveyance (zuo. &quot;&nbsp;). However, if the destination is being stressed, the dao phrase may &quot;be placed at the beginning of the sentence, in the topic position. (See the second sentence in exchange 2.)</p>
  1794. <p>Tā měitiān zuo g5nggong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He rides the &quot;bus to school every</p>
  1795. <p>q^iche dao xuěxiao lai, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;day.</p>
  1796. <p>Dao ylnhang qu, ta *bū zuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To go to the bank, he doesn*t take gonggong qichē. Tā the &quot;bus- He walks there, zou lu qu.</p>
  1797. <p>Bu da might also be translated as &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>,T</sup>not too,&quot; &quot;not so,&quot;</p>
  1798. <p>TRN, Unit b</p>
  1799. <p>63</p>
  1800. <p>3. C: Shi zuo huochē qu hǎo ne, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it better to go by train or to</p>
  1801. <p>haishi zuo Gongluju qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;go by bus?</p>
  1802. <p>hao ne?</p>
  1803. <p>D: Zuo huochē qu hao- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>1</sup> s better to go by train.</p>
  1804. <p>Notes on No. 3</p>
  1805. <p>Shi...haishi: In a choice-type question, shi and haishi serve to mark off the choices more clearly. Below are some of the most common ways of asking the question &quot;Do you want the red one or the yellow one?<sup>11</sup></p>
  1806. <p>Ni yao h6ngde, haishi yao huāngde? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(preferred <sub>forms)</sub></p>
  1807. <p>Ni shi yao hongde, haishi yāo huāngde?</p>
  1808. <p>Ni yao hongde, huāngde? (FAMILIAR, VERY COLLOQUIAL; NO PAUSE AT</p>
  1809. <p>COMMA)</p>
  1810. <p>Ni shi yao hongde, shi yao huangde? (LEAST PREFERRED; shi</p>
  1811. <p>UNSTRESSED HERE)</p>
  1812. <p>The marker ne_ clarifies the choices in a choice-type question, Ne may be placed after one or the other choice or after both choices.</p>
  1813. <p>Nǐ jīntiān qu ne, hāishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are you going today or tomorrow?</p>
  1814. <p>mingtiān qu?</p>
  1815. <p>Ni jīntiān qu, haishi mingtiān qu ne?</p>
  1816. <p>Nǐ jīntiān qu ne, shi mingtiān</p>
  1818. <p>Zuo huochē qu hao: Here a whole phrase, which could also be a sentence, is used as the subj ect of the sentence.</p>
  1819. <p>Zuo huochē qu hao.</p>
  1820. <p>(ride train go good)</p>
  1821. <p>Hǎo is translated here as ’’&quot;better,” not as <sup>!l</sup>good.<sup>n</sup> Adjectival verb日 used alone (i*e., not modified by words such as hen and tai) usually express comparison.</p>
  1822. <p>Něige xuěsheng hao? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which student is better?</p>
  1823. <p>Shěi kuai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Who is faster?</p>
  1824. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1825. <p>6k</p>
  1826. <p>k. E: Ni shuō shi zuo huochē qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would you say it<sup>1</sup> s better to go by</p>
  1827. <p>hao ne, haishi zuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train or to go by bus?</p>
  1828. <p>Gongluju qu hao ne?</p>
  1829. <p>F: Dao Tainan zuo huochē zui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To Tainan, it<sup>f</sup> s most convenient to</p>
  1830. <p>fangbian- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take the train.</p>
  1831. <p>Note on No. b</p>
  1832. <p>When nǐ shuō begins a question, the phrase is translated as &quot;would you say<sup>n</sup> or &quot;do you think.<sup>If</sup></p>
  1833. <p>5. A: Děi xiān mai piao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it necessary to buy tickets</p>
  1834. <p>ahead of time?</p>
  1835. <p>B: Nī zui hao liǎngsāntiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be best for you to go to</p>
  1836. <p>yiqian qu mǎi piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buy your tickets two or three</p>
  1837. <p>days ahead of time.</p>
  1838. <p>Notes on No. 5</p>
  1839. <p>The adverb xiān may sometimes be translated as ”ahead of time 广 &quot;beforehand.<sup>,f</sup></p>
  1840. <p>Zui hǎo, &quot;best ,<sup>t!</sup> acts as an adverb in exchange 5,coming after the subject nī_ in the second sentence. Zui hǎo is used to offer advice politely, not to warn a person that he had &quot;better<sup>1</sup> or <sup>n</sup>best<sup>u</sup> do something.</p>
  1841. <p>Liangsantiān: When approximate amounts, such as &quot;two or three,” are given in Chinese, the numbers are read together, with no equivalent of <sup>T?</sup>or.<sup>Tf</sup> This system is also used when two words are combined to indicate an approximate date.</p>
  1842. <p>siwǔge rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;four or five people</p>
  1843. <p>minghoutiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tomorrow or the day after</p>
  1844. <p>QīlDāyuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;July or August</p>
  1845. <p>LiSngsantiān yīqian: For <sup>11</sup> ahead of time,,’ &quot;in advance,&quot; yiqiān is used (instead of xiān) vhen the amount of time is stated. Yiqian follows the vord indicating the amount of time.</p>
  1846. <p>Ni dei xiān q.u mai pislo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have to go ahead of time to buy</p>
  1847. <p>tickets.</p>
  1848. <p>Ni děi liǎngsāntiān yiqiān You have to go tvo or three days qu mǎi piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ahead of time to buy tickets.</p>
  1849. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1850. <p>*<sup>n</sup>Must not” as in <sup>f,</sup>You must not go<sup>u</sup> can be translated as Tati něng: Ni bu něng q.^.</p>
  1851. <p>65</p>
  1852. <p>6. A: Zuo Gongluju yě děi xiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I take the bus, is it also</p>
  1853. <p>mSi piao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;necessary to buy tickets ahead</p>
  1854. <p>of time?</p>
  1855. <p>B: Bū bi xiān mai piao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Itnot necessary to buy tickets</p>
  1856. <p>ahead of time.</p>
  1857. <p>Notes on No. 6</p>
  1858. <p>Zu5 Gongluju, &quot;if I take the &quot;bus”: The beginning of the first sentence in exchange 6 is translated with an <sup>n</sup>if&quot; in English. Literally, the Chinese sentence is ’’Take the bus, also have to beforehand &quot;buy tickets?,<sup>1</sup> In a sense the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;part of the sentence is a kind of topic in Chinese, providing the</p>
  1859. <p>setting for the second part of the sentence. In Chinese, the setting or condition can often be put in the topic position. In English, a particular word must be used to clarify the relationship of the first part of the sentence to the second part.</p>
  1860. <p>If I take the &quot;bus,• •&quot;</p>
  1861. <p>„ v &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When one takes the bus.....</p>
  1862. <p>Zuo Gonglūju,•••• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-</p>
  1863. <p>For taking the bus,&quot;&quot;</p>
  1864. <p>To take the bus ” &quot;&nbsp;•</p>
  1865. <p>Bu bi, &quot;not necessary,<sup>!T</sup> ”dor^t have to,” is the phrase to use as the negative of the auxiliary dei,&quot;have to•” Dei cannot be made negative.*</p>
  1866. <p>了. B: Nī yao zuo shěnme shlhoude What train do you want to take? chē?</p>
  1867. <p>A: Wo yao zuo shangwǔde chē. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I want to take a morning train.</p>
  1868. <p>Hote on Ho. 了</p>
  1869. <p>Shěnme shlhoude chē has been translated simply as &quot;what train.&quot; More literally, the phrase means <sup>u</sup>a train (arriving at) vhat time,</p>
  1870. <p>*<sup>n</sup>Must not” as in <sup>f,</sup>You must not go<sup>u</sup> can be translated as Tati něng: Ni bu něng q.^.</p>
  1871. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1872. <p>66</p>
  1873. <p>8. B: Duibuqi, shāngwiide piao dōu I’m sorry, the tickets for the</p>
  1874. <p>maiwan le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning trains are all sold out.</p>
  1875. <p>Notes on No. 8</p>
  1876. <p>Wan, <sup>ft</sup>to end,” &quot;to be over/’ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cannot take a direct object.</p>
  1877. <p>Wanle ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it over?</p>
  1878. <p>Wānle meiyou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it over yet?</p>
  1879. <p>Hai měi wān ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It isn<sup>T</sup>t over yet.</p>
  1880. <p>By itself, the expression Wan le! means &quot;That's all,” ”There<sup>f</sup>s no more,” or &quot;That<sup>f</sup>s it!” People often end speeches and recordings vith Wan le!</p>
  1881. <p>Maivan le, <sup>n</sup>to be sold out,<sup>tf</sup> literally <sup>Tl</sup>sell finished&quot;: Here is another example of a compound verb of result.* Compound verbs of result communicate both the action being performed and its result. In compound verbs of result, the first verb indicates the action; and the second, the result. Not every action verb is used in compound verbs of result» nor are verbs indicating the result always predictable.</p>
  1882. <p>All examples which have been presented in this and previous modules occur with completion le. 、</p>
  1883. <p>When -van is used as an ending, it indicates finishing, as in Wo hai měi shuōvan, ”1 haven’t finished speaking yet,” or depletion, as in maivan le, &quot;sold out,&quot; and ySngvan le, ”used up•” In English, you might just say &quot;finished,” without indicating what you have finished doing. In Chinese, the action which has been finished is usually mentioned.</p>
  1884. <p>Wo chīwan le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have finished eating.</p>
  1885. <p>Wo huawan le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 have finished drawing.</p>
  1886. <p>Wo k&amp;nwan le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have finished reading.</p>
  1887. <p>Wo hai měi shuōvan ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have not finished talking yet.</p>
  1888. <p>Tā hai měi zuowan ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has not finished (doing some</p>
  1889. <p>thing) yet.</p>
  1890. <p>*In DIR, Unit k<sub>9</sub> you learned kanj ian, <sup>n</sup>to see,<sup>ft</sup> literally ^look-perceive.<sup>,T</sup></p>
  1891. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1892. <p>DRILLS</p>
  1893. <p>A. Response Drill</p>
  1894. <p>1. Speaker: Ni qu n^li? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Wo xiang qu Tainān wan jitian.</p>
  1895. <p>(cue) Tainan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I*m thinking of going to</p>
  1896. <p>(Where are you going?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tainan to relax for a few</p>
  1897. <p>days•)</p>
  1898. <table border="1">
  1899. <tr><td>
  1900. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  1901. <p>Ni</p></td><td>
  1902. <p>qū</p></td><td>
  1903. <p>nali?</p></td><td>
  1904. <p>Xīnzhti</p></td><td>
  1905. <p>wS</p></td><td>
  1906. <p>xiǎng</p></td><td>
  1907. <p>qu</p></td><td>
  1908. <p>Xīnzhli van jitian.</p></td></tr>
  1909. <tr><td>
  1910. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  1911. <p>Nī</p></td><td>
  1912. <p></p></td><td>
  1913. <p>něli?</p></td><td>
  1914. <p>JiSyi</p></td><td>
  1915. <p>wS</p></td><td>
  1916. <p>xiǎng</p></td><td>
  1917. <p></p></td><td>
  1918. <p>Jiayi wān Jitian.</p></td></tr>
  1919. <tr><td>
  1920. <p>k.</p></td><td>
  1921. <p>Ni</p></td><td>
  1922. <p></p></td><td>
  1923. <p>nāli?</p></td><td>
  1924. <p>GāoxiSng</p></td><td>
  1925. <p>WS</p></td><td>
  1926. <p>xiǎng</p></td><td>
  1927. <p>&lt;iu</p></td><td>
  1928. <p>Gaoxiong wěn Jitian</p></td></tr>
  1929. <tr><td>
  1930. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  1931. <p>N3l</p></td><td>
  1932. <p></p></td><td>
  1933. <p>nāli?</p></td><td>
  1934. <p>HualiSn</p></td><td>
  1935. <p>Wo</p></td><td>
  1936. <p>xiǎng</p></td><td>
  1937. <p>qu</p></td><td>
  1938. <p>Huāliān wan jitian*</p></td></tr>
  1939. <tr><td>
  1940. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  1941. <p>Ni</p></td><td>
  1942. <p>q.u</p></td><td>
  1943. <p>nlili?</p></td><td>
  1944. <p>Tāidong</p></td><td>
  1945. <p>Wǒ</p></td><td>
  1946. <p>xiǎng</p></td><td>
  1947. <p>qu</p></td><td>
  1948. <p>TāidSng wan Jitian,</p></td></tr>
  1949. <tr><td>
  1950. <p>T.</p></td><td>
  1951. <p>Ni</p></td><td>
  1952. <p>q.u</p></td><td>
  1953. <p>nSli?</p></td><td>
  1954. <p>Tāiběi</p></td><td>
  1955. <p>wo</p></td><td>
  1956. <p>xiang</p></td><td>
  1957. <p>&lt;1U</p></td><td>
  1958. <p>Tāiběi wan jitian.</p></td></tr>
  1959. </table>
  1960. <p>B. Expansion Drill</p>
  1961. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zu5 GongliijU, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Dao Tāinan qu zuS Gōngluj ta xing</p>
  1962. <p>(cue) TaīnSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bu xing?</p>
  1963. <p>(Take the bus*) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(To go to Tainan, vould it be</p>
  1964. <p>all right to take the bus?)</p>
  1965. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zuō huoche. Jiāyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Jiāyi qň zuō huoche xing bu</p>
  1966. <p>xing?</p>
  1967. <p>3* Zu5 zhidāchē. GaoxiSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao GāoxiSng qti zu5 zhidāchē xing</p>
  1968. <p>bu xing?</p>
  1969. <p>U. Zuō jlchěngche. TSidSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Těid5ng qu zu5 jichěngchē xing</p>
  1970. <p>bu xing?</p>
  1971. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zuo huSche. Hualilln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D&amp;o Huālian qu zu5 huoche x£ng</p>
  1972. <p>&quot;bu xing?</p>
  1973. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZuS jichěngchē Jll6ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Jīl6ng qu zu5 Jichěngchē xing</p>
  1974. <p>bu xing?</p>
  1975. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZuS Gongluju. TSizhong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dao Tāizhong qu zu5 Gongluju xing</p>
  1976. <p>&quot;bu xing?</p>
  1977. <p>67</p>
  1978. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  1979. <p>C* Response Drill</p>
  1980. <p>1, Speaker:</p>
  1981. <p>2,</p>
  1982. <p>Zuo gonggong qiche xing bu xing?</p>
  1983. <p>(cue) kěshi bu da (Would it be all right to take the bus?)</p>
  1984. <p>Zuo gonggong qiche xing bu xing?</p>
  1985. <p>(cue) zui (Would it be all right to taJte the &quot;bus?)</p>
  1986. <p>Zuo huochē xing bu xing? kěshi &quot;bū da</p>
  1987. <p>3. Zuo Gongluju xing bu xing? zui</p>
  1988. <p>You: Zuo gSnggong qichē xing, kěshi bu da fangbian,</p>
  1989. <p>(It would &quot;be all right to take the &quot;bus, but it<sup>f</sup>s not very convenient.)</p>
  1990. <p>Zu5 gonggong qichē xing, zui fangbian.</p>
  1991. <p>(It vould be all right to take the bus; it<sup>f</sup>s most convenient.)</p>
  1992. <p>Zuo huSchē xing, kěshi bu da fangbian,</p>
  1993. <p>Zu3 Gōngluju xing, zui fangbian.</p>
  1994. <p>k<sub>9</sub> Zu3 jichěngchē xing bu xfng? zui</p>
  1995. <p>Zuo jichěngchē xing, zui fāngbian.</p>
  1996. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zu3 Sanlu che xing bu xing?</p>
  1997. <p>kěshi btl da</p>
  1998. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZuB Wǔlu che xing bu xing?</p>
  1999. <p>zui</p>
  2000. <p>Zuo Sanlu che xing, kěshi bu da fāngbian.</p>
  2001. <p>Zuo Wǔlu che xing, zui fangbian.</p>
  2002. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  2003. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Zuo huoche hao bu</p>
  2004. <p>hSo?</p>
  2005. <p>(cue) Gongluju (is it all right to take the train?)</p>
  2006. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīntiān qu hao bu hao?</p>
  2007. <p>mingtiān</p>
  2008. <p>3* ZuS GSngluju hao bu hao? jichěngchē</p>
  2009. <p>U. Mingtiān qu hao bu hǎo? houtiān</p>
  2010. <p>5. Zu5 huSche hǎo tm hǎo? qiche</p>
  2011. <p>You: Nǐ shu5 shi zu5 huSche qu hao ne, hāishi zu5 Gonglūju qu hao ne?</p>
  2012. <p>(Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by &quot;bus?)</p>
  2013. <p>Nǐ shuo, jīntiān qu hǎo ne, hāishi mingtiān qu hǎo ne?</p>
  2014. <p>Ni shuo shi zuo Gongluju qu hǎo ne, haishi zu5 jichěngchē qu hǎo ne?</p>
  2015. <p>NJ shu5, mingtiān qii hao ne<sub>f</sub> haishi hSutiān qii hao ne?</p>
  2016. <p>Ni shuo shi zu5 huochē qu hao ne, hěishi zuo qiche qu hǎo ne?</p>
  2017. <p>68</p>
  2018. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  2019. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jīntiān qxi hǎo bu hǎo?</p>
  2020. <p>mingtiān</p>
  2021. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zu5 fēijī hǎo bu hao?</p>
  2022. <p>huoche</p>
  2023. <p>Ni shuo, jīntiān qu hao ne, haishi mingtiān qu hǎo ne?</p>
  2024. <p>Ni shuo shi zuo feijī qu hǎo ne, haishi zuo huoche qu hao ne?</p>
  2025. <p>E. Response Drill</p>
  2026. <p>1. Speaker</p>
  2027. <p>OR</p>
  2028. <table border="1">
  2029. <tr><td>
  2030. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  2031. <p>Děi</p></td><td>
  2032. <p>xiān</p></td></tr>
  2033. <tr><td>
  2034. <p>k.</p></td><td>
  2035. <p>Dei</p></td><td>
  2036. <p>xiān</p></td></tr>
  2037. <tr><td>
  2038. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  2039. <p>Děi</p></td><td>
  2040. <p>xiān</p></td></tr>
  2041. <tr><td>
  2042. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  2043. <p>Dei</p></td><td>
  2044. <p>xiān</p></td></tr>
  2045. </table>
  2046. <p>Děi xiān mǎi piao ma?</p>
  2047. <p>(cue) yes (Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?)</p>
  2048. <p>Dei xiān mai piao ma?</p>
  2049. <p>(cue) no (Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?)</p>
  2050. <p>You: Dei xian mǎi piao*</p>
  2051. <p>(It<sup>!</sup>s necessary to buy ahead of time,)</p>
  2052. <p>tickets</p>
  2053. <p>Bu bi xian mai piao,</p>
  2054. <p>(it<sup>1</sup>s not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time*)</p>
  2055. <p>2, Dei xiān yes</p>
  2056. <p>niān ZhSngguo lishī ma? Dei xiān niSn Zhongguo lishǐ.</p>
  2057. <p>zuo Yllu chē ma? no</p>
  2058. <p>dao Xīdan ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yes</p>
  2059. <p>huan qian ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;no</p>
  2060. <p>qu kan gege ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;no</p>
  2061. <p>Bu bi xian zuo Yllu che, Dei xiān dao Xīdan.</p>
  2062. <p>Bu bi xian huan qiān.</p>
  2063. <p>Bu bi xiān qu k这n gěge.</p>
  2064. <p>Response Drill</p>
  2065. <p>1. Speaker:</p>
  2066. <p>Děi xian mǎi piao ma?</p>
  2067. <p>(cue) 2 or 3 days (Is it necessary to &quot;buy tickets ahead of time?)</p>
  2068. <p>Děi xiān mai piao ma?</p>
  2069. <p>(cue) no (Is it necessary to biay tickets ahead of time?)</p>
  2070. <p>Dei xian mǎi piao ma? 2 days</p>
  2071. <p>You: Nǐ zui hao liǎngsāntiān yiqian mǎi piao.</p>
  2072. <p>(It would be best for you to &quot;buy your tickets two or three days ahead of time,)</p>
  2073. <p>Bu bi xian mǎi piao.</p>
  2074. <p>(It*s not necessary to &quot;buy tickets ahead of time,)</p>
  2075. <p>Nx zui hao liǎngtiān yiqian mǎi piao,</p>
  2076. <p>69</p>
  2077. <p>TRN, Unit k</p>
  2078. <p>3. Dei xian 4 or 5</p>
  2079. <p>hu£tn q.ian ma? days</p>
  2080. <p>U. Dei xian no</p>
  2081. <p>qū kan gēge ma? k6Ln zheiběn shū ma?</p>
  2082. <p>• Dei xian huSn qian ma? no</p>
  2083. <p>Dei xiān 3 days</p>
  2084. <p>Nī zui hao slwǔtian yxq.iSn hu^n qi£n.</p>
  2085. <p>Bli bi xian qu keln gěge.</p>
  2086. <p>Ni zui hao santiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kan</p>
  2087. <p>zhěiben shū.</p>
  2088. <p>Bň bi xian huān qiSn.</p>
  2089. <p>G« Response Drill</p>
  2090. <p>1. Speaker: Nī ycto zub shěnme shlhoude che?</p>
  2091. <p>(cue) shdngwǔ (What train do you want to take?)</p>
  2092. <p>2. Ni yāo zuō jidian xietwǔ 2:10</p>
  2093. <p>zhongde chi?</p>
  2094. <p>You: Wo yāo zuS shlingwǔde che.</p>
  2095. <p>(I vant to take a morning train.)</p>
  2096. <p>Wo yāo zuS xiāwu liangdiǎn shlfende chē.</p>
  2097. <p>3. NX yāo zuS wǎnshang</p>
  2098. <p>Ni yāo zu5 zaoshang</p>
  2099. <p>5. Ni yao zuS shangvǔ</p>
  2100. <p>shěnme shfhoude che? Wo yāo zu5 vǎnshangde che.</p>
  2101. <p>Jidian</p>
  2102. <p>9:50</p>
  2103. <p>zhongde che?</p>
  2104. <p>Wo yāo zu5 zaoshang J iǔdian wǔshifěnde che.</p>
  2105. <p>shěnme shfhoude chē? Wo yao zu5 shāngwude chē.</p>
  2106. <p>6. Nī yāo zu5 Jidian shangvǔ 11:U0</p>
  2107. <p>7* Nī yslo zub shěnme xiavu</p>
  2108. <p>zhongde chē? shlhoude che?</p>
  2109. <p>Wo yao zu5 shSngwǔ shlyīdian sishifende che.</p>
  2110. <p>Wo yao zuS xiliwude che.</p>
  2111. <p>70</p>
  2112. <p>TRN, Unit 紅</p>
  2113. <p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Drill</p>
  2114. <p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: QJngwěn, shangwǔde</p>
  2115. <p>chēpiāo hai you meiyou?</p>
  2116. <p>(May I ask, are there still tickets for the morning train?)</p>
  2117. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qingwen, deto TāinSn qude chēpiāo</p>
  2118. <p>hāi you meiyou?</p>
  2119. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qingwěn, mingtiān shangwǔde</p>
  2120. <p>chepiao hai you meiyou?</p>
  2121. <p>U. QJngwěn, dao HuāliSn qude chēpiāo hai you meiyou?</p>
  2122. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qingwen, jīntiān xietwude chepiao</p>
  2123. <p>hěi you meiyou?</p>
  2124. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qǐngvěn, dSo GaoxiSng qude</p>
  2125. <p>chepiao hai you meiyou?</p>
  2126. <p>了《 Qingwěn, mfngtiānde chēpiāo hSi you meiyou?</p>
  2127. <p>You; Qingwen, shangwǔde chēpiāo d5u maiwan le meiyou?</p>
  2128. <p>(May I ask, are the tickets for the morning trains all sold out?)</p>
  2129. <p>Qlngwěn, dāo T^inSn qude chipieio dou maiwan le meiyou?</p>
  2130. <p>Qǐngwen, mingtiān shangwǔde chepiao d5u māiwSn le meiyou?</p>
  2131. <p>Qǐngwěn, dao Huāliān qude chēpiāo d5u māiwān le meiyou?</p>
  2132. <p>Qlngwěn, jīntiān xi&amp;wude chepiao dou māiwlLti le meiyou?</p>
  2133. <p>Qǐngven, dao GaoxiSng qude chepiao d5u māivSn le meiyou?</p>
  2134. <p>Qxngwěn, mlngtiande chepiao dōu maiwSn le meiyou?</p>
  2135. <p>11</p>
  2136. <p>TRN, Unit</p>
  2137. <p>72</p>
  2138. <p>UNIT 5</p>
  2139. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  2140. <p>(in Běijīng)</p>
  2141. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo yě xiang āko Něnjīng qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would also like to go to NSnj īng</p>
  2142. <p>kankan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look around.</p>
  2143. <p>B: Ni jihua něitian qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What day do you plan to go?</p>
  2144. <p>A: Mingtiān huoshi hSutiān qti &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tomorrow and (or) the day after are</p>
  2145. <p>dou kěyi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;both possible,</p>
  2146. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Shanghai ll Nanjing you du6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov far is Shanghai from Nńnjīng?</p>
  2147. <p>yuan?</p>
  2148. <p>B: You liangbaiwǔshiduo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>1</sup>s over 250 kilometers. gonglJ•</p>
  2149. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zuo huoche y^o zou duSshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How long does it take to go by train?</p>
  2150. <p>shihou?</p>
  2151. <p>B: Děgai yāo zou sige bān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It probably takes four and a half</p>
  2152. <p>xiaoshi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hours,</p>
  2153. <p>1+. C: Yao zou bange xiaoshi• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes half an hour,</p>
  2154. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Ni jihua z&amp;i Nfin j īng zhu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many days do you plan to stay</p>
  2155. <p>jitian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in Nanjing?</p>
  2156. <p>A: Zhěi shi wo diyīci dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This will &quot;be the first time I have</p>
  2157. <p>Něnjīng q.īi, Yǐqian měi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gone to Mnjīng. I haven*t gone</p>
  2158. <p>quguo, Ni shuo liangtian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there before. Would you say two</p>
  2159. <p>gou bu gou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;days are enough?</p>
  2160. <p>B: Liangtian g5u le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two days are enough.</p>
  2161. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Měitiān you jit&amp;ng chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many trips are there each day?</p>
  2162. <p>A: XiSvǔ you meiyou chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are there trains in the afternoon?</p>
  2163. <p>A: Wo xīvang xiavu llkāi zhěr. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;工 hope to leave here in the afternoon.</p>
  2164. <p>了.*B: Shfsandian ling wufēn you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup> s an express at 1305* yibān těkuai•</p>
  2165. <p>8*** B: Shfsǎndiǎn ling wufěn you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup>s an express at 1305• yltang těkuai•</p>
  2166. <p>* This exchange occurs on the C-l tape only,</p>
  2167. <p>**This exchange occurs on the P-l tape only*</p>
  2168. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2169. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  2170. <p>9. dǎsuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to plan to</p>
  2171. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huSzhě (huozhe) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or (alternate form of huSshi)</p>
  2172. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ylhōu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afterwards, later on, in the future</p>
  2173. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zh5ngt6u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hour (alternate word for xiaoshi)</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-7.png" style="width:453pt;height:320pt;"/>
  2174. <p>Gate at Shenzhen, vhere people get off the train from Hong Kong, valk across a bridge into China (through the gate in photo),and board a train for Guangzhōu. Most of the people in the picture are Hong Kong residents on their way to visit relatives in Guǎngzhōu.</p>
  2175. <p>73</p>
  2176. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2177. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  2178. <p>b^n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half (followed by a counter or a noun</p>
  2179. <p>vhich does not take a counter)</p>
  2180. <p>-ci &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;occasion, time</p>
  2181. <p>dagSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;probably<sub>9</sub> approximately</p>
  2182. <p>dǎsuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(dǎsuan) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to plan to</p>
  2183. <p>diyīci &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(diyīci) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the first time</p>
  2184. <p>-duo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;over, more than</p>
  2185. <p>gSnglī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kilometer</p>
  2186. <p>gou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be enough</p>
  2187. <p>huoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or</p>
  2188. <p>huozhě (hu3zhe) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or</p>
  2189. <p>jihua &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to plan to</p>
  2190. <p>kankan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to see, to look around, to sight-see,</p>
  2191. <p>to visit</p>
  2192. <p>llkāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to leave</p>
  2193. <p>-tang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(counter for bus trips, train trips,</p>
  2194. <p>etc.)</p>
  2195. <p>těkuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;express train</p>
  2196. <p>xiǎoshl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hour</p>
  2197. <p>xīwSng (xīvang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to hope</p>
  2198. <p>yāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;must, to have to; to take (a certain</p>
  2199. <p>amount of time)</p>
  2200. <p>yihōu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afterwards, later on; in the future</p>
  2201. <p>yiqiěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;before, in the past</p>
  2202. <p>zh5ngt6u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hour (introduced on C-2 tape)</p>
  2203. <p>biide difang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;other places (cf. biěren, &quot;other</p>
  2204. <p>people<sup>11</sup>)</p>
  2205. <p>cānguan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to visit as an observer</p>
  2206. <p>duSshao hko &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;what size (shoe)</p>
  2207. <p>gongchang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;factory</p>
  2208. <p>Juěding &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to decide</p>
  2209. <p>yishuāng plxiě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a pair of leather shoes</p>
  2210. <p>y5u hao you pianyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;both good and inexpensive</p>
  2211. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2212. <p>75</p>
  2213. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  2214. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo yě xiǎng dao Nan j īng qu I would also like to go to Nanjing</p>
  2215. <p>kankan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look around.</p>
  2216. <p>B: Ni jihua něitian qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What day do you plan to go?</p>
  2217. <p>A: Mingtiān huoshi houtiān qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tomorrow and (or) the day after are dōu kěyi. both possible.</p>
  2218. <p>Notes on No. 1</p>
  2219. <p>Kankan, <sup>IT</sup>to have a look&quot;: In exchange 1, kankan refers to doing some sight-seeing. The reduplicated verb form implies an indefinite amount of sight-seeing, best translated into English as <sup>tf</sup>to have a look,’’ &quot;to look around•”</p>
  2220. <p>Huoshi (alternate, huozhē) is used for &quot;or” when both alternatives are acceptable or possible.</p>
  2221. <p>Wo qu mǎi yldiǎnr pi jiǔ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I vill go to buy some beer or</p>
  2222. <p>huoshi mǎi yldiǎnr qishui. some soft drinks.</p>
  2223. <p>Tā mingtiān huoshi houtiān Is he coming to see you tomorrow lai kan ni ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or the day after? (i.e. , some</p>
  2224. <p>time during the next two days)</p>
  2225. <p>Haishi is used for <sup>T,</sup>or<sup>u</sup> when a choice is required between the alternatives.</p>
  2226. <p>Ni mai pi jiǔ hāishi mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are you buying beer or (are you</p>
  2227. <p>qishuī? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buying) soft drinks?</p>
  2228. <p>Ni xihuan dade haishi xihuan Do you like the large one or (do xiaode? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you like) the small one?</p>
  2229. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Shanghai li Nan j īng you duo How far is Shanghai from NlnJ īng?</p>
  2230. <p>yuan?</p>
  2231. <p>B: You liāngbǎi wǔshiduo gōngli. It’s over 250 kilometers.</p>
  2232. <p>Notes on No. 2</p>
  2233. <p>Shanghai li Nanjing you du6 yuan? You is used in expressing the distance between two points•</p>
  2234. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2235. <p>了 6</p>
  2236. <p>Shanghai ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nanjing you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;duo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yuan?</p>
  2237. <p>(Shanghai be separated Nānjxng there is how much distance?) from</p>
  2238. <p>”How far is Shanghai from Nanjing?&quot;</p>
  2239. <p>Tianjin ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Běijīng you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;120 gōnglī,</p>
  2240. <p>(Tianjin be separated Beijing there is 120 kilometers.) from</p>
  2241. <p>&quot;Tiānjin is 120 kilometers from Beijing.<sup>n</sup></p>
  2242. <p>Liǎngbai vushiduō gōnglǐ: Approximate numbers may be expressed *by adding -duo_ to number phrases. When added immediately after a number, before the counter,* -duō refers to an indefinite amount within the range of the round num'ber.</p>
  2243. <p>liangbaiduo gōnglǐ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than 200 kilometers (&quot;but</p>
  2244. <p>fewer than 300)</p>
  2245. <p>yiqiānduōge xuěsheng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than 1,000 students (but</p>
  2246. <p>fewer than 2,000)</p>
  2247. <p>sānshiduōkuāi qiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than 30 dollars (but fewer</p>
  2248. <p>than Uo)</p>
  2249. <p>Beginning with 20, -duo may &quot;be used in this way with any round numlDer.</p>
  2250. <p>With round numbers from 20 through 90,-ji may be used instead of -duo.</p>
  2251. <p>ěrshiduoge rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than 20 persons (but fewer</p>
  2252. <p>、...s, ^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;than 30)</p>
  2253. <p>ershijige ren</p>
  2254. <p>sishiduō gōnglǐ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than Uo kilometers (but</p>
  2255. <p>v , ., <sub>v</sub> - — &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fewer than 50)</p>
  2256. <p>sishiji gongli</p>
  2257. <p>With the nxan'ber 10, only -ji is used, never -duō.</p>
  2258. <p>shijikuai qian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more than 10 dollars (but fewer</p>
  2259. <p>than 20)</p>
  2260. <p>*Gōngli is one of the nouns used without a counter.</p>
  2261. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2262. <p>Xiaoshi: Formerly, the Chinese considered that one day and night (2l+ hours) was divided into twelve 2-hour periods of time. Each of these time periods was divided into two xiaoshi, &quot;small hours,<sup>!ī</sup> when telling time by the Western 2U-hour system gained popularity throughout the world.</p>
  2263. <p>了了</p>
  2264. <p>3. A: Zuo huochē yao zou duō shao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How long does it take to go by</p>
  2265. <p>shlhou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train?</p>
  2266. <p>B: Dāgāi yao zou sige bān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It probably takes four and a half</p>
  2267. <p>xiaoshi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hours•</p>
  2268. <p>U. C: Yāo zou bange xiaoshi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes half an hour.</p>
  2269. <p>Notes on Nos. 3-b</p>
  2270. <p>The auxiliary verb yao, ”to want,” is sometimes used as ”to need to,”</p>
  2271. <p>&quot;to have to.&quot; (See the first sentence in exchange 3-)</p>
  2272. <p>Zuo huochē yao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zou duōshao shlhou?</p>
  2273. <p>(ride train have to go how much time?)</p>
  2274. <p>”How long does it take to go by train?&quot;</p>
  2275. <p>Yao may also be used as a main verb meaning <sup>tT</sup>to take [a certain amount of time3<sup>M</sup>:</p>
  2276. <p>Zuo huochē yao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;duōshǎo shlhou?</p>
  2277. <p>(ride train takes how much time?)</p>
  2278. <p><sup>m</sup>How long does it take by train?”</p>
  2279. <p>Ban-, <sup>Tl</sup>a half (of),&quot; is used like a nxamber--before a counter or before a noun vhich does not require a counter.</p>
  2280. <p>bange xiaoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half an hour</p>
  2281. <p>bānnian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half a year</p>
  2282. <p>bange pingguǒ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half an apple</p>
  2283. <p>Sige ban: When ban FOLLOWS a counter or a noun not requiring a counter, the word is translated as &quot;and a half.&quot;</p>
  2284. <p>liǎngkuai bān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;two and a half dollars</p>
  2285. <p>santiān ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;three and a half days</p>
  2286. <p>yige ban xiaoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one and a half hours</p>
  2287. <p>Xiaoshi: Formerly, the Chinese considered that one day and night {2k hours) was divided into twelve 2-hour periods of time. Each of these time periods was divided into two xiaoshi, &quot;small hours,<sup>!ī</sup> when telling time by the Western 2U-hour system gained popularity throughout the world.</p>
  2288. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2289. <p>了 8</p>
  2290. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Ni jihua zai Nanjīng zhu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How many days do you plan to stay</p>
  2291. <p>jitian? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in Nānjīng?</p>
  2292. <p>A: Zhei shi wo diyīci dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This will be the first time I have Nanjing qu. Yiqiān měi gone to Nanjing. I haven<sup>f</sup>t gone quguo. Nǐ shuo liǎngtiān there before. Would you say two gou bu gou? days are enough?</p>
  2293. <p>B: Liǎngtiān gou le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two days are enough.</p>
  2294. <p>Note on No. 5</p>
  2295. <p>Gou le: The last sentence in exchange 5 ends vith the new-situation marker l£. This marker is used to describe what a situation is, was, or will be AT A SPECIFIED TIME. The travel agent says that, when the visit has lasted two days, THEN it will be long enough.</p>
  2296. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Měitiān you jitang chē? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hov many trains are there each day? A: Xiawu you meiyou chē? Are there trains in the afternoon? A: Wo xīvang xiawu llkāi zhěr. I hope to leave here in the afternoon.</p>
  2297. <p>Notes on No, 6</p>
  2298. <p>Jitāng: The counter -tang is used when the trip mentioned is not a particular one, scheduled at a certain time. Similarly, it can also &quot;be used to talk about the number of trips a person has made, or vill make.</p>
  2299. <p>Llkāi,”to leave,” may be followed by an object (the place). On the other hand,zou, <sup>M</sup>to leave,&quot; is never followed by an object.</p>
  2300. <p>Nǐ shěnme shlhou llkāi zhěr? When are you leaving here?</p>
  2301. <p>Ni shěnme shlhou zou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When are you leaving?</p>
  2302. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2303. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Shisāndiǎn ling wǔfēn you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup>s an express at 1305.</p>
  2304. <p>yibān těkuai.</p>
  2305. <p>8, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Shisāndiǎn ling wǔfēn you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There<sup>1</sup>s an express at 1305.</p>
  2306. <p>yitāng těkuai.</p>
  2307. <p>Notes on Nos. 了-8</p>
  2308. <p>Shisāndiǎn ling vǔfēn: For train and bus schedules, a 2U-hour clock is commonly used in China, beginning with 1 a.m. and continuing to midnight ,or 2U00.</p>
  2309. <p>12-hour clock &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2h~hour clock</p>
  2310. <p>zaoshang shldiān 10 a.m. shidiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1000</p>
  2311. <p>xiawǔ yidian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 p.m. shisāndiǎn 1300</p>
  2312. <p>xiawu wǔdiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 p.m. shiqīdiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 了00</p>
  2313. <p>wanshang shidiǎn 10 p.m. ěrshiěrdiǎn 2200</p>
  2314. <p>Ling is included to indicate the zero in &quot;1305.”</p>
  2315. <p>Těkuai is an abbreviation for těbiě kuaichē, <sup>lf</sup>special express train.<sup>ff</sup></p>
  2316. <p>Yibān and yxtang, counters for trips made by trains, buses, planes, and other conveyances, are sometimes interchangeable.</p>
  2317. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2318. <p>80</p>
  2319. <p>DRILLS</p>
  2320. <p>A. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Response Drill</p>
  2321. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: WS dSsuan dao Nfinj īng You: N5l dǎsuan něitian</p>
  2322. <p>qu kSnkan, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(What day do you plan to go?)</p>
  2323. <p>(cue) něitian (I^ planning to go to NanJīng to look around.)</p>
  2324. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiǎng delo Xīān qu kSnkan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐ xiǎng jiyuě qu?</p>
  2325. <p>Jlyuě</p>
  2326. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo Jihua dāo Hfiběi qu kltnkan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī jihua xlngqīj? qu?</p>
  2327. <p>xīngqījl</p>
  2328. <p>U. Wo dǎsuan dko Bhilnghǎi qň. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;N2 dǎsuan Jǐhlto qu?</p>
  2329. <p>kankan. jlhao</p>
  2330. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo jihua delo Suzhou qii kānkaru N3l jihua jiyue q.u?</p>
  2331. <p>Jiyuě</p>
  2332. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiǎng dāo Běijīng kankan. Ni xiǎng něitian qu?</p>
  2333. <p>něitian</p>
  2334. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo dSsuan delo Wuchang qň. klbikan. Ni dǎsuan xīngqīji qu?</p>
  2335. <p>xīngqīji</p>
  2336. <p>B, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Response Drill</p>
  2337. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ni dǎsuan shěnme shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: WS dǎsuan xiage yuě dao N£nJīng</p>
  2338. <p>dao MnJ īng qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qu kankan,</p>
  2339. <p>(cue) xiěge yuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(l<sup>f</sup>m planning to go to see</p>
  2340. <p>(When are you planning &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nanjing next month.) to go to N&amp;ijīng?)</p>
  2341. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni jihua jlyue dilo Sh^nghSi qu? Wo jihua Liuyul dao Shanghai qu</p>
  2342. <p>Liuyul &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kllnkan.</p>
  2343. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni xiang něitian d^o GuSngzhōu Wo xiǎng houtiān dao Guangzhou qu</p>
  2344. <p>qīi? hSutian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kankan.</p>
  2345. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2346. <p>81</p>
  2347. <p>1+, Ni dǎsuan neiulSn d爸o Zhongguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS dǎsuan mlngni^ln dao Zhongguo qu</p>
  2348. <p>qu? mlngnian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kankan.</p>
  2349. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī jihua jǐyue dāo Xianggang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ jihua Ēryuě āko Xianggang qu</p>
  2350. <p>qu? Ěryue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kankan,</p>
  2351. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NJ xiǎng xīngqījǐ dao Běijīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo xiǎng Xīngqīsān dao Běijīng qu</p>
  2352. <p>q\i? Xīngqīsān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k&amp;nkan,</p>
  2353. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī dǎsuan jidian zh5ng d盏o ta &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo dǎsuan sandian zhong dao ta nlr</p>
  2354. <p>něr qīi? sandian zhong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qu kilnkan.</p>
  2355. <p>C, Response Drill</p>
  2356. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Nī jihua něitian &lt;iu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: Xīngq.īěr huSzhě Xīngqīsān, d5u</p>
  2357. <p>(cue) Xīngqīěr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kěyi,</p>
  2358. <p>(What day do you plan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Tuesday and [or] Wednesday</p>
  2359. <p>to go?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are both possible,)</p>
  2360. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī jihua něitian qu? vuhlto &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wuheto huSzhě liuhao, d5u kěyi,</p>
  2361. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni xiǎng jJyuě qu? Wǔyuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǔyuě huSzhe Liuyuě, dou kěyi.</p>
  2362. <p>k. Ni xiǎng něinian qu? 19了了 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yījiǔqīqī huSzhe Yījiǔqība, d5u kěyi,</p>
  2363. <p>5. Nī dǎsuan shěnme shihou qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiayuě slhSo hu5zhě xiāyuě wǔh^o,</p>
  2364. <p>xiayuě sihao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;d5u kěyi,</p>
  2365. <p>6<sub>#</sub> Ni dǎsuan jidian zhSng qň? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shangwu shidiǎn huōzhě shetogwu</p>
  2366. <p>shangvm shidiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shlyīdian, dou kěyi,</p>
  2367. <p>7<sub>#</sub> Ni Jihua jǐhāo qu? ěrshiqī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ērshiqfhlto huSzhě Ērshiběh&amp;o, dōu</p>
  2368. <p>kěyi.</p>
  2369. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2370. <p>Transformation Drill</p>
  2371. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shanghai ll Nanjing</p>
  2372. <p>yuan ma?</p>
  2373. <p>(cue) du6 (Is Shanghai far from Nānjīng?)</p>
  2374. <p>OR Shanghai ll Nanjing yuan ma?</p>
  2375. <p>(cue) duSshao (Is Shanghai fax from NSnjīng?)</p>
  2376. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Běijīng ll Tiānjīn yuan ma?</p>
  2377. <p>duo</p>
  2378. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Běijīng l£ Shetnghai yuan ma?</p>
  2379. <p>duoshao</p>
  2380. <p>k. MnjTng li Beijing yuan ma? duoshao</p>
  2381. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guǎngzh5u ll Wuhan yuan ma?</p>
  2382. <p>duo</p>
  2383. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shanghai li HSngzhou yuan ma?</p>
  2384. <p>duoshao</p>
  2385. <p>You: Shanghai ll yuan?</p>
  2386. <p>(How far is NSnjxng?)</p>
  2387. <p>N^njīng you du6</p>
  2388. <p>Shanghai from</p>
  2389. <p>Shanghai ll Nanjing you duoshao g5nglī?</p>
  2390. <p>(How many kilometers is Shanghai from Nānjīng?)</p>
  2391. <p>Běijīng l£ TiānjIn you du6 yuan?</p>
  2392. <p>Běijīng li Shanghai you duoshao gōnglī?</p>
  2393. <p>Ninjīng li Běijīng you duSshao gongl??</p>
  2394. <p>Guangzhou ll Wuhan you du6 yuan?</p>
  2395. <p>Shanghai ll Hingzhōu you duoshao gonglJ?</p>
  2396. <p>Response Drill</p>
  2397. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shanghai ll NSnjīng you</p>
  2398. <p>du6 yuan?</p>
  2399. <p>(cue) dag^i 270 (How far is Shanghai from Nānjīng?)</p>
  2400. <p>OR Tianjīn ll Běijīng you duo yuan?</p>
  2401. <p>(cue) 80duo (How far is Tiānjīn from Běijīng?)</p>
  2402. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BSiJīng li HSngzhSu you du6</p>
  2403. <p>yuan? 900du5</p>
  2404. <p>You: DsLgfiLi you erbǎiq.īshl gonglx •</p>
  2405. <p>(it<sup>1</sup>s probably 2了0 kilometers.)</p>
  2406. <p>Dagai li Běijīng you bāshlduo gōnglǐ.</p>
  2407. <p>(it<sup>1</sup>s probably more than 80 kilometers,)</p>
  2408. <p>Dāgāi ll Hāngzhou you jiǔbǎiduo gongl?•</p>
  2409. <p>82</p>
  2410. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2411. <p>3, Běijīng ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shanghai you duo</p>
  2412. <p>yuan? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dāgai 800</p>
  2413. <p>k<sub>9</sub> NSnjīng ll Shanghai you du6</p>
  2414. <p>yuan? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dagāi 200</p>
  2415. <p>5. Wǔhān li TOOduS</p>
  2416. <p>6* Hāngzhou yuan?</p>
  2417. <p>Běijīng you du6 yuan?</p>
  2418. <p>ll Shanghai you du6 ITOduo</p>
  2419. <p>Dslgai you babai g5ngli*</p>
  2420. <p>Dāgāi you ěrbǎi gonglū•</p>
  2421. <p>Dagai li B§ijīng you qībaiduS gōngli•</p>
  2422. <p>Dag^i li Shanghai you yībaiqlshlduS gonglǐ•</p>
  2423. <p>F. Transformation Drill</p>
  2424. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Shanghai ll Nānjīng you</p>
  2425. <p>sanbai gonglī.</p>
  2426. <p>(cue) měi (Shanghai is 300 kilometers from īng•)</p>
  2427. <p>OR Shanghai ll Něnjīng y5u sānbai gSnglJ,</p>
  2428. <p>(cue) děgai (Shanghai is 300 kilometers from Běijīng#)</p>
  2429. <p>OR Shanghai ll Něnjīng you sanbǎi g5ngl£<sub>v</sub> (cue) du5 (Shanghai is 300 kilometers from Běijīng.)</p>
  2430. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Běijīng li Shanghai you yiqian</p>
  2431. <p>gSnglī. mei</p>
  2432. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wuhan ll Běijīng you bābai</p>
  2433. <p>gōngli • dāgeti</p>
  2434. <p>U. Něnjīng l£ Shanghai ySu erbǎi gōngli• duo</p>
  2435. <p>5. HāngzhSu ll Shanghai you yibǎi gongli. duo</p>
  2436. <p>You; Shanghai lī NSnJīng měiyou sanbǎi gSnglī.</p>
  2437. <p>(Shanghai isn't [is less than] 300 kilometers trcm Nfinjlng*)</p>
  2438. <p>Shanghai ll N£njIng dāgai ySu sānbai g5ngl3C.</p>
  2439. <p>(Shanghai is probably 300 kilometers from Běijīng.)</p>
  2440. <p>Shanghai ll Nānjīng you santaiduo gonglī.</p>
  2441. <p>(Shanghai is more than 300 kilometers from Běijīng,)</p>
  2442. <p>Běijīng li Shanghai měiyou yiqian gongli•</p>
  2443. <p>Wǔh&amp;n li Běijīng dagai you bābǎi gongli.</p>
  2444. <p>N£nJīng l£ Shanghai you ěrbaiduS gSnglǐ.</p>
  2445. <p>HangzhSu ll Shanghai you yibaiduS gongli.</p>
  2446. <p>83</p>
  2447. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2448. <p>1.</p>
  2449. <p>Substitution Drill</p>
  2450. <p>Speaker: Zuō huochē yao zou jxge zhongt6u?</p>
  2451. <p>(cue) duo jiǔ (How many hours does it take by</p>
  2452. <p>2.</p>
  2453. <p>3.</p>
  2454. <p>Zu5 huSche yao zou duoshao shlhou</p>
  2455. <p>Zuo huSche yāo zou shlhou? jxtiān</p>
  2456. <p>train?) du6 jiǔ?</p>
  2457. <p>duSshao</p>
  2458. <p>ZuS huoche yao jǐge xīngqī</p>
  2459. <p>Zuo huoche yāo Jjge xiaoshi</p>
  2460. <p>Zu3 huochē yao duoshao tiān</p>
  2461. <p>zou jītiān?</p>
  2462. <p>You: Zuo huochē yāo zou du6 jiǔ?</p>
  2463. <p>(How long does it take &quot;by train?)</p>
  2464. <p>Zuo huSchē yāo zou duoshao shlhou?</p>
  2465. <p>Zuo huochē yao zou jǐtiān?</p>
  2466. <p>Zu3 huoche yao zou jǐge xīngqī?</p>
  2467. <p>zou jīge xīngq.ī? Zuo huoche yāo zou jige xiǎoslxi?</p>
  2468. <p>zou jīge xiaoshi? Zuo huochē yao zou duoshao tian?</p>
  2469. <p>Zuo huoche yao zou duoshao tian?</p>
  2470. <p>H, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformation Drill</p>
  2471. <p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Yao zou bange zh5ngt6u,</p>
  2472. <p>(cue) 1 (It takes half an hour.)</p>
  2473. <p>OB Yao zou &quot;bantian.</p>
  2474. <p>(cue) 3 (it takes half a day.)</p>
  2475. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yao zou bange yuě. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2</p>
  2476. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yao zou bange xīngqī• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 U. Yāo zou banniān. 1</p>
  2477. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSo zou bange zhongtou. “</p>
  2478. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yao zou bange yuě, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1</p>
  2479. <p>You: Yao zou yige ban zh5ngt6u,</p>
  2480. <p>(It takes an hour and a half,)</p>
  2481. <p>Yko zou santiān &quot;ban.</p>
  2482. <p>(It takes three and a half days.)</p>
  2483. <p>Yao zou liǎngge ban yuě, Yao zou yige bān xīngqī• Yao zou yinian ban.</p>
  2484. <p>Yao zou sige ban zhōngtSu, Yao zou yige bān yuě.</p>
  2485. <p>Qk</p>
  2486. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2487. <p>I. Expansion Drill 1. Speaker:</p>
  2488. <p>2.</p>
  2489. <p>3.</p>
  2490. <p>Zhei shi wǒ diyīci dao Něnjlng qu.</p>
  2491. <p>(cue) yihSu (This will be the first time I have gone to Nanjing.)</p>
  2492. <p>Zhěi shi wo diyīci dāo Nanjing qu.</p>
  2493. <p>(cue) yǐqian (This will be the first time I have gone to Nanjing.)</p>
  2494. <p>Zhěi shi hua.</p>
  2495. <p>Zhěi shi fan.</p>
  2496. <p>Zhei shi yǐhōu</p>
  2497. <p>Zhěi shi yǐqiěn</p>
  2498. <p>ta diyīci yǐhōu</p>
  2499. <p>ta diyīci yiqian</p>
  2500. <p>xuě Zhongguo</p>
  2501. <p>chī Zhōngguo</p>
  2502. <p>wǒ diyīci dao zhěr lai. wǒ diyīci d&amp;o zher iSi,</p>
  2503. <p>Zhěi shi wǒ dīyīci qu, yiqian</p>
  2504. <p>dao Měiguo</p>
  2505. <p>You: Zhe shi wo diyīci dao Nanj īng qu, Yxhou hāi yao qu.</p>
  2506. <p>(This will be the first time I have gone to Nanjing,</p>
  2507. <p>Later on I want to go again.)</p>
  2508. <p>Zhě shi wǒ diyīci dao Nānjīng qu. Yǐqi£n měi quguo.</p>
  2509. <p>(This will be the first time I have gone to Nanjing, I haven’t gone there before.)</p>
  2510. <p>Zhe shi tā diyīci xuě ZhSngguo hui-Yǐhou hSi yāo xuě.</p>
  2511. <p>Zhě shi ta diyīci chī ZhSngguo fein. Yīq.i£n mei chīguo,</p>
  2512. <p>Zhě shi vS diyīci dāo zhěr lai, Yǐhou hai yao lSi.</p>
  2513. <p>Zhě shi wo diyīci dao zhěr lILi. Yiqian měi lliiguo,</p>
  2514. <p>Zhě shi wǒ diyīci dao Měiguo qīi. YǐqiSn měi quguo*</p>
  2515. <p>J. Response Drill</p>
  2516. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ni shuo l^i liǎngtiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You: L^i liǎngtiān gou le,</p>
  2517. <p>gou bu gou? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(It would be enough to come</p>
  2518. <p>(Would you say it would &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for two days.)</p>
  2519. <p>be enough to come for two days?)</p>
  2520. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐ shuS qu liǎngtiān g5u bu gou? Qu liǎngtiān g5u le.</p>
  2521. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī shuS xuě liǎngniande ZhSngvěn Xuě liangniande Zh5ngwěn g5u le.</p>
  2522. <p>gou bu gou?</p>
  2523. <p>Ni shuo zhu sānge yuě gSu bu gou?</p>
  2524. <p>Zhu sānge yuě gou le.</p>
  2525. <p>TRN, Unit 5</p>
  2526. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐ shuo nian jiūge xīngqī g5u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nian jiuge xīnggī gou le.</p>
  2527. <p>&quot;bu gou?</p>
  2528. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni shuo dao něr q.u wanr shltiān WUnr sh£tiān gōu le.</p>
  2529. <p>g3u bu gou?</p>
  2530. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni shu5 zou yige zhSngtou g3u Zou yige zhongtSu gou le,</p>
  2531. <p>tm gou?</p>
  2532. <p>K, Expansion Drill</p>
  2533. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo xīvang xiawǔ likāi</p>
  2534. <p>zhěr.</p>
  2535. <p>(cue) Xiāwu you J ft ling chē?</p>
  2536. <p>(I hope to leave here in the afternoon.)</p>
  2537. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS xīvang xiāwu llkai zher.</p>
  2538. <p>Xiāwil you meiyou che?</p>
  2539. <p>3* Wǒ xīvang wǎnshang likai zhěr. Wǎnshang you jltāng chē?</p>
  2540. <p>U. Wo xīvang Xīngqīsān llkai zhěr. Xīngqīsān you jitang chē?</p>
  2541. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS xīwang mingtiān llkāi zhěr.</p>
  2542. <p>Mingtiān you jJtSng chē?</p>
  2543. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS xīwang jīntiān shangwu l£kāi</p>
  2544. <p>zhěr • Shangwň you meiyou chē?</p>
  2545. <p>了. xīwang Xīngqīwu likai zhěr. Xīngqīwǔ ySu jǐtāng che?</p>
  2546. <p>You: Wo xīwang xi§.wu llkāi zhěr, Xi&amp;wǔ you jitang chē?</p>
  2547. <p>(I hope to leave here in the afternoon* Hov many trains are there in the afternoon?)</p>
  2548. <p>Wo xīwang xiāwǔ llkai zhěr, Xiclvǔ you meiyou chē?</p>
  2549. <p>Wo xīwang wǎnshang llkai zhěr. Wǎnshang ySu jǐtěng che?</p>
  2550. <p>Wo xīwang Xīngqīsān llkai zher. Xīngqīsān you Jītang chē?</p>
  2551. <p>Wo xīwemg mfngtiān likǎi zhěr, Mingtiān you jxtltng chē?</p>
  2552. <p>Wo xīvang jīntiān shangwu llkǎi zhěr. Shangwu you meiyou che?</p>
  2553. <p>Wo xīvang Xīngc[īwS llkai zhěr. Xīngqīvǔ you jltSng chē?</p>
  2554. <p>86</p>
  2555. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2556. <p>87</p>
  2557. <p>UNIT 6</p>
  2558. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  2559. <p>(in Běijīng)</p>
  2560. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Jidian zh5ng kai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time does it leave?</p>
  2561. <p>B: Shlbādian wǔshiwufen fa chē. It departs at 1855.</p>
  2562. <p>A: Na hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's fine,</p>
  2563. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Q^ng ni bǎ nide huzhao hě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me your passport and</p>
  2564. <p>luxingzhěng gěi wo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travel permit•</p>
  2565. <p>A: Hǎo, gěi ni. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, here it is.</p>
  2566. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dao Shanghai qude che zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On which platform is the train to</p>
  2567. <p>dijJ zhantSi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shanghai?</p>
  2568. <p>B: Zāi diyī zhant£i• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It<sup>f</sup>s on Platform Nunfber 1.</p>
  2569. <p>B: Bu yong • Hai zǎo ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No need to be anxious. It<sup>f</sup>s still</p>
  2570. <p>early.</p>
  2571. <p>B: Ni xiān zai zhěige jiedaishi First, rest a bit in this waiting xiūxixiuxi, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;room•</p>
  2572. <p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo zhěijiein xingli zěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What should I do about this</p>
  2573. <p>ban? Shi bu shi kěyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;suitcase of mine? May I take it</p>
  2574. <p>nashang chē qu? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;onto the train?</p>
  2575. <p>B: Kěyi ba xlngli nashang che &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may take the suitcase onto the</p>
  2576. <p>qu, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train•</p>
  2577. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhěiban chē you canchē ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This train has a dining car, I</p>
  2578. <p>suppose?</p>
  2579. <p>B: You. You Zhongcān, yě you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, There<sup>1</sup> s Chinese food and</p>
  2580. <p>Xīcan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there<sup>1</sup>s also Western food,</p>
  2581. <p>A: Hǎojlie. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Great.</p>
  2582. <p>7, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C: Xiā yfzhein jiu shi Shanghai The next station is Shanghai•</p>
  2583. <p>le.</p>
  2584. <p>C: Kuāi yao dao zhan le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are about to arrive at the</p>
  2585. <p>station.</p>
  2586. <p>C: Nin zhǔnběi xia che ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please get ready to get off the</p>
  2587. <p>train.</p>
  2588. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2589. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P~1 tapes)</p>
  2590. <p>8, ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to move</p>
  2591. <p>9m n£shangqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take up</p>
  2592. <p>nSshanglai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring up</p>
  2593. <p>nlixiag.u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take down</p>
  2594. <p>nCxialai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring down</p>
  2595. <p>10. pao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to run</p>
  2596. <p>11• van &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be late</p>
  2597. <p>12• yuětěi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train platfom (alternate vord for</p>
  2598. <p>zh^nt^i• more conmon in Taiwan)</p>
  2599. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2600. <p>89</p>
  2601. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  2602. <p>ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to move (e.g., furniture) (new house)</p>
  2603. <p>ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to handle, to manage <sub>9</sub> to do</p>
  2604. <p>canche &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dining car</p>
  2605. <p>fa che &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to depart (from the first terminal</p>
  2606. <p>of a train route)</p>
  2607. <p>hǎojfle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be wonderful, to te great</p>
  2608. <p>hě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and</p>
  2609. <p>huzhao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;passport</p>
  2610. <p>jf &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be anxious</p>
  2611. <p>jiedetishi (jied&amp;ishl) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;waiting room</p>
  2612. <p>-jfie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;extremely, awfully</p>
  2613. <p>kai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to leave</p>
  2614. <p>kusti &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soon</p>
  2615. <p>luxlngzhlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travel permit</p>
  2616. <p>ně &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to pick up, to hold, to take</p>
  2617. <p>n^shanglai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring up</p>
  2618. <p>n^shangqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take up</p>
  2619. <p>něxialai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to bring down</p>
  2620. <p>naxiaqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take down</p>
  2621. <p>pǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to run</p>
  2622. <p>van &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be late</p>
  2623. <p>Xīcan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Western food</p>
  2624. <p>xiūxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to rest, to relax</p>
  2625. <p>yko &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vill, going to</p>
  2626. <p>yultfii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train platform</p>
  2627. <p>zao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be early</p>
  2628. <p>zhslnt^i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;train platform</p>
  2629. <p>Zhongcān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese food</p>
  2630. <p>zhunběi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to prepare, to get ready</p>
  2631. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2632. <p>(introduced on C-2 tape)</p>
  2633. <p>&quot;bang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to help</p>
  2634. <p>bu yāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;don<sup>f</sup>t</p>
  2635. <p>lāilai wangwǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coming and going</p>
  2636. <p>q^dianzhan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;station vhere a train originates</p>
  2637. <p>(literally,&quot;starting station<sup>11</sup>)</p>
  2638. <p>shūfu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be comfortable</p>
  2639. <p>Train from Guangzhou at the entrance to China</p>
  2640. <p>90</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-8.png" style="width:473pt;height:327pt;"/>
  2641. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2642. <p>91</p>
  2643. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  2644. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Jīdian zhōng kāi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What time does it leave?</p>
  2645. <p>B: Shlbādiǎn wushivǔfēn fā chē. It departs at 1855*</p>
  2646. <p>A: Na hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That<sup>1</sup> s fine.</p>
  2647. <p>Note on No, 1</p>
  2648. <p>Kāi and fā chē: When referring to trains, the verb kāi, ”to start,&quot; means <sup>ft</sup>to start off&quot; or ’’to leave.&quot; The technical term fā chē, ”to send o.ut the train,<sup>Tt</sup> is used in reference to a train which is departing from the terminal at the beginning of a trip, or line.</p>
  2649. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Qīng ni *ba nide huzhao he &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please give me your passport and</p>
  2650. <p>lūxlngzhěng gěi wo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travel permit.</p>
  2651. <p>A: Hao, gěi ni. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay, here it is.</p>
  2652. <p>Notes on No. 2</p>
  2653. <p>He, <sup>n</sup>and,<sup>lf</sup> is a common alternate to gēn. Both h£ and gēn are used as ’’and’’ between nouns.</p>
  2654. <p>Bǎ nide huzhao.••: The prepositional verb ba points out the direct objects (passport and travel permit) and brings those objects to the &quot;beginning of the sentence, preceding the main verb. Without this construction, a &quot;traffic Jam<sup>,f</sup> of sentence elements would follov that verb.</p>
  2655. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Dao Shanghai qude chē zki &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On which platform is the train</p>
  2656. <p>dijǐ zhantai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to Shanghai?</p>
  2657. <p>B: Zai diyī zhantai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It’s on Platform Number 1.</p>
  2658. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2659. <p>92</p>
  2660. <p>ll. B: Bū yong ji. Hai zao ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No need to be anxious. 工t<sup>f</sup>s still</p>
  2661. <p>early.</p>
  2662. <p>B: Nī xiān zai zhěige jiēdāishi First, rest a bit in this waiting xiūxixiuxi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;room.</p>
  2663. <p>Notes on No. k</p>
  2664. <p>In exchange k<sub>9</sub> the aspect marker ne_ emphasizes that there has been no change in the situation.</p>
  2665. <p>Tā zai zhěr ne. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is here.</p>
  2666. <p>When the adverb hai, &quot;still,” <sup>1}</sup>yet,<sup>t!</sup> is used, the sentence very often ends vith the marker ne.</p>
  2667. <p>Mingtiān wǒ hai &quot;bu zǒvl ne. I am not leaving tomorrow (yet)-</p>
  2668. <p>(i.e. , I will still *be here tomorrow.)</p>
  2669. <p>Verb reduplication: In Unit 3 of the Money Module, you learned that reduplication is one way to indicate ASPECT, although markers are more common, INDEFINITENESS is the aspect expressed when an action verb is reduplicated. The speaker does not commit himself to the duration or extent of the action.</p>
  2670. <p>In the last sentence of No. b, the speaker asks the listener to &quot;rest a &quot;bit.&quot; Instead of using additional words to indicate a short duration, the speaker reduplicates the verb, xiūxi, expressing some duration, but of no particular limit.</p>
  2671. <p>To reduplicate a two-syllable verb, simply repeat the whole verb. The repetition is unstressed, or even toneless: xiūxixiuxi</p>
  2672. <p>Xiān: Since this use of <sup>ft</sup>first<sup>11</sup> is not followed by an explicit ''afterwardsxiān might also be translated as <sup>Tf</sup>for the time being&quot; or ’’right now.<sup>n</sup></p>
  2673. <p>Wo xiān zou le, nimen manmānr Right now I<sup>f</sup>m going to excuse chī ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;myself; you take your time</p>
  2674. <p>eating,</p>
  2675. <p>Nī xiān biě ji,manmānr zhǎo. For the time &quot;being, don<sup>f</sup>t be</p>
  2676. <p>anxious; take your time looking for it.</p>
  2677. <p>THN, Unit 6</p>
  2678. <p>93</p>
  2679. <p>5. A: Wo zhěijiān xingli zěnme ban? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What do 工 do about this suitcase Shi bu shi kěyi nashang of mine? May I take it onto chē qu? the train?</p>
  2680. <p>B: Kěyi *bǎ xlngli nashang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may take the suitcase onto che qu. the train-</p>
  2681. <p>Notes on Mo. 5</p>
  2682. <p>Zěnme baji means something like &quot;how should [something] &quot;be managed” or ”what should be done Cabout something],</p>
  2683. <p>,Nashang chē qu, &quot;take onto the train/<sup>1</sup> is a COMPOUND VERB OF DIRECTION vhich has &quot;been separated by a noun object. Na is the verb ”to pick up,<sup>,f</sup> ”to hold,” &quot;to take,” ”to bring,&quot; The directional endings -shang, ”up,&quot; &quot;onto,&quot;* and gUj, <sup>,T</sup>to go,” tell you that the action takes place up and away from the speaker.</p>
  2684. <p>na &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;q.u</p>
  2685. <p>(hold up/onto away) ”to take up/onto&quot;</p>
  2686. <p>Compound verbs of direction are easily formed, as shown in the chart below. The first column contains action verbs you have learned which may be used. The endings in the middle column are relatively few. For the second part of the directional ending,only lai and q.u may be used.</p>
  2687. <p>ACTION &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DIRECTION</p>
  2688. <p>na (to carry) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-shang (up) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lai (towards)</p>
  2689. <p>zou (to walk/go) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-xia (down) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qu (away)</p>
  2690. <p>bān (to move) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-chū (out)</p>
  2691. <p>pǎo (to run) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;—Jin (in)</p>
  2692. <p>kāi (to drive) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-hui (back)</p>
  2693. <p>(MD OTHERS)</p>
  2694. <p>Compound verbs of direction may be two or three syllables: chugu, <sup>n</sup>to go out”; zSuchuqu, ”*to walk out&quot;</p>
  2695. <p>★You have seen shang used as several different parts of speech:</p>
  2696. <p>s^ng lou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go up <sub>(FULL</sub></p>
  2697. <p>shang che &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get on</p>
  2698. <p>shangbianr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;upper, above (IN PLACE WORDS)</p>
  2699. <p>shangge yue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;last, previously (SPECIFIER)</p>
  2700. <p>zai chēshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on (LOCATIONAL ENDING Cwith nouns])</p>
  2701. <p>nāshangqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;up, onto (DIRECTIONAL ENDING Cwith verbs])</p>
  2702. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2703. <p>9h</p>
  2704. <p>It is possible to split up a two-part directional ending &quot;by placing an object or location before the final lai or gu.</p>
  2705. <p>nashang chē qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take onto the train/bus</p>
  2706. <p>nachu yiběn shū lai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bring out a book</p>
  2707. <p>xia lou qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;go downstairs</p>
  2708. <p>A direct obj ect (such as něiběn shū) may be placed EITHER at the beginning of a sentence, using bǎ, OR later in the sentence, splitting up the directional ending. Locations which are the goal of the action (such as chē and l$u above) MUST &quot;be placed &quot;between the two parts of the directional ending.</p>
  2709. <p>Ba xingli nashang chē qu: In the last sentence of exchange 5,the direct object,xingli, is placed before the verb. The location of the action, chē, is placed before the final ^u. When both a location and a direct object occur in a sentence with a multisyllabic directional verb, the location is placed between the two syllables of the directional ending, and the direct object is moved closer to the beginning of the sentence.</p>
  2710. <p>6. A: Zheibān chē you canchē ba? This train has a dining car,I</p>
  2711. <p>suppose?</p>
  2712. <p>B: You. You Zhongcān, yě you Yes. There<sup>f</sup>s Chinese food and Xīcān. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there<sup>f</sup>s also Western food*</p>
  2713. <p>A: Haojlle. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Great.</p>
  2714. <p>Note on No. 6</p>
  2715. <p>The ending -jile, meaning &quot;extremely,<sup>,f</sup> &quot;awfully,” may &quot;be added to adjectival verbs,</p>
  2716. <p>Něige pingguo d&amp;jile. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That apple is huge.</p>
  2717. <p>Zuo huochē fāngbianjlle. Riding the train is extremely</p>
  2718. <p>convenient•</p>
  2719. <p>Tā zǒude kuāi j lie. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He walks awfully fast.</p>
  2720. <p>-jile is seldom used in Taiwan.</p>
  2721. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2722. <p>95</p>
  2723. <p>7. C: Xia yizhan jiu shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The next station is Shanghai.</p>
  2724. <p>Shanghai le.</p>
  2725. <p>C: Kuai yao dao zhān le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are about to arrive at the</p>
  2726. <p>station.</p>
  2727. <p>C: Nin zhunběi xia chē ba. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please get ready to get off the</p>
  2728. <p>train.</p>
  2729. <p>Notes on No. 了</p>
  2730. <p>Kuai means <sup>,f</sup>soon<sup>tf</sup> in the second sentence of exchange 了. You have already learned another meaning for kuai: &quot;to be fast&quot;</p>
  2731. <p>In the sentence Kuai yko āho zhan le, yao is an auxiliary verb meaning or &quot;to &quot;be going to.<sup>n</sup> Other meanings you have learned for yelo are ”to want,” &quot;to need,” &quot;to have to,” ”to require•”</p>
  2732. <p>Nev-situation le: The aspect marker Le for new situations occurs in the first two sentences of No•了• In Xia yizhan ,1iū shi Shanghai le, the speaker uses le_ to communicate a change in the circumstances: after passing through many stations, Shanghai will finally be the next station.</p>
  2733. <p>When a speaker uses le, he is saying that something has changed in reference to him or in reference to the listener. In the first sentence in No. 了,Shanghai itself has not changed, but what constitutes the <sup>,f</sup>next station” for the speaker and the listener has changed.</p>
  2734. <p>In Kuai yao dao zh^n le, new-situation le_ marks a change which is about to take place—their arrival. Here are examples of references to future changes:</p>
  2735. <p>Tā mingniān jiu shxsui le. He will be ten (years old) next year.</p>
  2736. <p>Wǒ zou le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm leaving nov. (1*11 be leaving</p>
  2737. <p>now.)</p>
  2738. <p>Piao kuai yao maivan le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tickets will soon be sold out.</p>
  2739. <p>Many speakers of English have trouble with nev-situation le^because they vould not think of using it when the Chinese do. Take note of situations which the Chinese consider to be changes, and try to use new-situation le_ in your speech.</p>
  2740. <p>TRN» Unit</p>
  2741. <p>DRILLS</p>
  2742. <p>!•</p>
  2743. <p>2.</p>
  2744. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  2745. <p>Speaker: Jidian zhong kai?</p>
  2746. <p>(cue) huoche (What time does it leave?)</p>
  2747. <p>JldiSn zhong kai? gongliljlide che</p>
  2748. <p>Jidian zhong kāi? gonggong qichē</p>
  2749. <p>k.</p>
  2750. <p>JĪdian zhong</p>
  2751. <p>Jidian zhong</p>
  2752. <p>Jīdiǎn zhong yinhěng</p>
  2753. <p>kai? kai? kāi měn?</p>
  2754. <p>zhfd^che</p>
  2755. <p>7.</p>
  2756. <p>Jidian zhong kai měn? ySuzhěngjd.</p>
  2757. <p>You; Něitān huoche jidian zhong kai? (What time does that train leave?)</p>
  2758. <p>Neibān</p>
  2759. <p>kāi?</p>
  2760. <p>Nliban</p>
  2761. <p>kāi?</p>
  2762. <p>Něiban</p>
  2763. <p>Neibān</p>
  2764. <p>gōngluj 1ide che jīdiǎn zhong</p>
  2765. <p>gonggong qiche jidian zhong</p>
  2766. <p>zhldSche jidian zhong kai? těkueii jidian zhong kai?</p>
  2767. <p>Něige ylnhSng jidian zhong kai měn?</p>
  2768. <p>Něige y6uzhěngj1i jidian zhong kai men?</p>
  2769. <p>Response Drill</p>
  2770. <p>1. Speaker:</p>
  2771. <p>ZuS sidian zhōngde che, laidejl ma?</p>
  2772. <p>(cue) no (Can we maJce the four o*clock train?)</p>
  2773. <p>ZuS s!tdiǎn zhongde che, laidejf ma?</p>
  2774. <p>(cue) yes (Can we make the four o*clock train?)</p>
  2775. <p>ZuS jiǔdian ěrshifēnde che, lSidejl ma? no</p>
  2776. <p>ZuS shfdiSn wushifende che, lSidejl ma? yes</p>
  2777. <p>You: Lāibujf, yijlng wan le.</p>
  2778. <p>(We can<sup>f</sup>t make it; we are already late.)</p>
  2779. <p>Lāidejl, hSi zao ne. (Don,t worry. It<sup>1</sup>s still early.)</p>
  2780. <p>Laibuji, yijīng wan le&lt;</p>
  2781. <p>LSidejf, hāi zao ne,</p>
  2782. <p>96</p>
  2783. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2784. <p>U. Zu5 qīdian vushifēnde che, lSideji ma? no</p>
  2785. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZuS sxdian llngvǔfēnde che,</p>
  2786. <p>laidejl ma? yes</p>
  2787. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ZuS liǎngdiǎn llngbāfēnde chē,</p>
  2788. <p>laidejl ma? no</p>
  2789. <p>Laibuji, yijīng wan le.</p>
  2790. <p>Lěidejl, hai zao ne.</p>
  2791. <p>Liibujl<sub>f</sub> yJjīng wan le.</p>
  2792. <p>C. Expansion Drill</p>
  2793. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker; Zai dij? zhāntSi?</p>
  2794. <p>(cue) Shanghai (On which platform is it?)</p>
  2795. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zeti d^san zhāntSi• Mnjlng</p>
  2796. <p>!. Zki dijl zhantSi? Guangzhōu</p>
  2797. <p>ZsLi diěr zhantlLi • Tiānj īn</p>
  2798. <p>5. Zki dijī zhantSi? Qīngdǎo</p>
  2799. <p>6. Z这i diyī zhantHi• HltngzhSu</p>
  2800. <p>了* Zai dijī zhantlLi? Běijīng</p>
  2801. <p>You: Dao Shanghai q^de che z^i dijī zh&amp;ntSi?</p>
  2802. <p>(On which platform is the train to Shlinghai?)</p>
  2803. <p>Dāo Nanjing qiide chē zai disSn</p>
  2804. <p>D^o Guangzhou qilcle che zeti dtjl zhāntSi?</p>
  2805. <p>Deto Tiānj īn qude che zāi diěr zhiLnt£i •</p>
  2806. <p>Dko Qingdao qiide che zāi dijī zhantSi?</p>
  2807. <p>D^o Hangzhou qīide che zili diyī zh^ntii•</p>
  2808. <p>Deio Běijīng qīide chē zk± dijī zhantai?</p>
  2809. <p>Substitution Drill</p>
  2810. <p>!• Speaker:</p>
  2811. <p>Duibuqǐ, vS dei zai zhěr xiūxixiuxi•</p>
  2812. <p>(cue) zhěige difang (Excuse me, I must rest here a moment•)</p>
  2813. <p>You: Duituql <sub>9</sub> v5 dei zili zhěige difang xiūxixiuxi. (Excuse me<sub>9</sub> I must rest at this place a moment •)</p>
  2814. <p>97</p>
  2815. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2816. <p>Dux&quot;buqǐ, v8 děi zai zhěige difang xiuxixitoxi • j iāli</p>
  2817. <p>Duibuqi, wo děi zai jiali xiǔxi-xiuxi. fandianli</p>
  2818. <p>Duituq?, wo děi zai jiāli xiūxi-xiaxi.</p>
  2819. <p>Duibuqi, wo děi zěi fandianli xiūxixiuxi•</p>
  2820. <p>Duituqi <sub>9</sub> wo děi zai fāndianli xiūxixiuxi. cheli</p>
  2821. <p>Duibuql<sub>9</sub> wǒ děi zai chēli xiūxixiuxi.</p>
  2822. <p>Duituqǐ, wǒ dei zai chili xiūxi-xiuxi, jiēdāishi</p>
  2823. <p>Duībuqi, vǒ děi zk± Jiēdāishi xiūxixiuxi• zhěr</p>
  2824. <p>Duibuqǐ, wo děi zai jiēdāishi xiūxixiuxi.</p>
  2825. <p>Duibuqi <sub>f</sub> wo děi zai zhěr xiǔxi-xiuxi.</p>
  2826. <p>J• Duibuq^, wo děi zai zhěr xiūxi-xivixi.</p>
  2827. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  2828. <p>Repeat the speaker appropriate.</p>
  2829. <p>statements and add Zenme ban? or Zěn?pe zou? as</p>
  2830. <p>1. Speaker:</p>
  2831. <p>Wo zhěijiān xlngli hai zai zher.</p>
  2832. <p>(This suitcase of mine is still here.)</p>
  2833. <p>OR Ta yāo dao nkr qu.</p>
  2834. <p>(He wants to go there.</p>
  2835. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo zhěixiě dōngxi hěi z茗i 2hěr.</p>
  2836. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta yaLo dao Wangfǔjing Dajie qu.</p>
  2837. <p>Wo něixiē xlngli hāi zai chēshang.</p>
  2838. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā yko dao Shanghai qū,</p>
  2839. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo zhěixiē zazhi hai měi maiwan.</p>
  2840. <p>You: Wo zhěijiān xlngli hai zai zhěr. Zenme ban?</p>
  2841. <p>(This suitcase of mine is still here. What should I do about it?)</p>
  2842. <p>Tā yao dao nar qu. Zenme zou?</p>
  2843. <p>(He wants to go there. How do I get there [go]?)</p>
  2844. <p>W5 zhěixiē dongxi hai zai zhěr.</p>
  2845. <p>Zěnme ban?</p>
  2846. <p>Ta yao dāo Wangfǔjing Dājiē q.u.</p>
  2847. <p>Zěnme zou?</p>
  2848. <p>Wo něixiē xlngli h£i zai chēshang• Zěnme b&amp;n?</p>
  2849. <p>Tā yelo dao Shanghai qu. Zenme zou?</p>
  2850. <p>Wo zhěixiē zazhi hll měi maiwan. Zěnme beln?</p>
  2851. <p>98</p>
  2852. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2853. <p>Response Drill Speaker:</p>
  2854. <p>2. Nlmen yě</p>
  2855. <p>3 • Nimen dōu</p>
  2856. <p>Tamen you ZhSngcān haishi Xīcan?</p>
  2857. <p>(cue) ye (Do they have Chinese food or Western food?)</p>
  2858. <p>Tāmen yao zhěige hāishi něige?</p>
  2859. <p>(cue) dou (Do they want this or that?)</p>
  2860. <p>mǎi zhuozi hāishi yizi? mǎi pěnzi hāishi wan?</p>
  2861. <p>k<sub>m</sub> Tāmen mǎi zhěige h6ngcLe hāishi něige l£nde? dou</p>
  2862. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tāmen kan zhěixiē zazhi haishi</p>
  2863. <p>neixiē biio? ye</p>
  2864. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ni nian jīngjixue hāishi</p>
  2865. <p>zhěngzhixuě? yě</p>
  2866. <p>You: Tāmen you ZhSngcān, yě you Xīcān.</p>
  2867. <p>(They have Chinese food and they also have Western food.)</p>
  2868. <p>Zhěige, něige, tāmen d5u yāo. (They want both this and that•)</p>
  2869. <p>Women mai zhuōzi, yě mai yīzi‘</p>
  2870. <p>Pňnzi, wan, women dou mai.</p>
  2871. <p>H6ngde, ltnāe<sub>9</sub> tāmen dou mǎi.</p>
  2872. <p>Tāmen kān zhěixiē zāzhi<sub>9</sub> yě kan něixiē beto.</p>
  2873. <p>Wo nian jīngjixue, ye niān zhěngzhixuě.</p>
  2874. <p>G. Expansion Drill</p>
  2875. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Kuai yao dao zhlin le,</p>
  2876. <p>(We are about to arrive at the station,)</p>
  2877. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiā yizhan jiu shi Běijīng le.</p>
  2878. <p>3* Kuai yao dao Tianjīn le,</p>
  2879. <p>Xifit yizhan jiu shi Mnjīng le.</p>
  2880. <p>You: Kuai yāo dao zhln le. Women zhǔnbei xia che &quot;ba.</p>
  2881. <p>(We are about to arrive at the station. Let<sup>1</sup>s get ready to get off.)</p>
  2882. <p>Xia yizhan jiu shi Běijīng le.</p>
  2883. <p>Women zhǔnběi xiā chē ba.</p>
  2884. <p>Kueti yao dao Tianjin le. Women zhunběi xia che ba.</p>
  2885. <p>Xia yizhan jiu shi Wānjīng le. Women zhunběi xia chē ba.</p>
  2886. <p>99</p>
  2887. <p>TRN, Unit 6</p>
  2888. <p>5* Kuāi yao dao Hangzhou le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kuai yāo dao Hangzhou le. Women</p>
  2889. <p>zhǔnbei xiā che ba.</p>
  2890. <p>6. Xiā yizhan jiu shi Shanghai le. Xiā yizhan jiu shi Shanghai le.</p>
  2891. <p>Women zhǔn'běi xia che ba.</p>
  2892. <p>7« Kuāi yāo dao GuǎngzhSu le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kuai yao dao Guangzhou le. Women</p>
  2893. <p>zhunběi xiā che ba.</p>
  2894. <p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Expansion Drill</p>
  2895. <p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Tā kěyi nāshanglai ma? You; Tā kěyi nashang chē lāi ma?</p>
  2896. <p>(cue) chē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Can he bring it in the car?)</p>
  2897. <p>(Can he bring it?)</p>
  2898. <table border="1">
  2899. <tr><td>
  2900. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  2901. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2902. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2903. <p>naxiālai ma?</p></td><td>
  2904. <p>lou</p></td><td>
  2905. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2906. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2907. <p>nSxia l6u 1豸i ma?</p></td></tr>
  2908. <tr><td>
  2909. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  2910. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2911. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2912. <p>nashangqu ma?</p></td><td>
  2913. <p>huoche</p></td><td>
  2914. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2915. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2916. <p>nashang huSche qu ma?</p></td></tr>
  2917. <tr><td>
  2918. <p>U.</p></td><td>
  2919. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2920. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2921. <p>nāshanglai ma?</p></td><td>
  2922. <p>l6u</p></td><td>
  2923. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2924. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2925. <p>nashang l6u lai ma?</p></td></tr>
  2926. <tr><td>
  2927. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  2928. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2929. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2930. <p>naxiaqu ma?</p></td><td>
  2931. <p>che</p></td><td>
  2932. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2933. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2934. <p>nāxiei chē qu ma?</p></td></tr>
  2935. <tr><td>
  2936. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  2937. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2938. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2939. <p>naxiālai ma?</p></td><td>
  2940. <p>huoche</p></td><td>
  2941. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2942. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2943. <p>naxiā huochē lai ma?</p></td></tr>
  2944. <tr><td>
  2945. <p>T.</p></td><td>
  2946. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  2947. <p>kěyi</p></td><td>
  2948. <p>nashangqu ma?</p></td><td>
  2949. <p>l6u</p></td><td>
  2950. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  2951. <p>keyi</p></td><td>
  2952. <p>nashāng l6u qii ma?</p></td></tr>
  2953. </table>
  2954. <p>100</p>
  2955. <p>TRN, Unit 7</p>
  2956. <p>101</p>
  2957. <p>UNIT 7</p>
  2958. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  2959. <p>(in Běijīng)</p>
  2960. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Lao Song, zěnmeyang? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Song, how are things going?</p>
  2961. <p>Mang ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are you busy?</p>
  2962. <p>B: Bū zěnme mang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not especially busy.</p>
  2963. <p>Nī you shi ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can 工 do something for you?</p>
  2964. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Wo Siyue Shlsihao yāo dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ifm going to Guǎngzhōu on April lk.</p>
  2965. <p>Guangzhou qu. Qǐng ni &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please reserve a plane ticket for</p>
  2966. <p>gěi wo ding yizhāng fēijī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;me.</p>
  2967. <p>piao.</p>
  2968. <p>B: Hǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sure.</p>
  2969. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Piao dxnghao le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ticket has been reserved.</p>
  2970. <p>A: Něibān fēijī? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which flight? What time does it</p>
  2971. <p>Jǐdiǎn zhong qifēi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;take off?</p>
  2972. <p>B: Jiudian shlvǔfēn qifēi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes off at 9:15.</p>
  2973. <p>U. A: Zheibān fēijī zhi fei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does this flight go directly to</p>
  2974. <p>Guǎngzh5u ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guǎngzh5u?</p>
  2975. <p>B: Shi, zhi fēi Guangzhōu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, it flies directly to Guǎngzh5u.</p>
  2976. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Cong Sānlitun dao feijīchang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much time does it take to go</p>
  2977. <p>yao duoshao shijiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from Sānlitun to the airport?</p>
  2978. <p>B: Yāo sishifěn zhSng. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes forty minutes.</p>
  2979. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Ruguo wǒ badian zhōng llkai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I leave home at eight o<sup>1</sup>clock,</p>
  2980. <p>jiā, laidej£ ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can make it in time. Right?</p>
  2981. <p>B: Lāidejl. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes.</p>
  2982. <p>了. A: Qǐng ni mingtiān zaoshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please send a car to pick me up</p>
  2983. <p>pai ge chē lai jie vo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tomorrow morning•</p>
  2984. <p>B: Hǎo. Wo mingtiān bādiǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay. I<sup>1</sup>11 send a car at eight</p>
  2985. <p>zhSng pai chē song ni dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;o<sup>f</sup> clock tomorrow to take you to</p>
  2986. <p>feijīchǎng qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the airport.</p>
  2987. <p>TRN, Unit 7</p>
  2988. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  2989. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-hao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be satisfactorily completed</p>
  2990. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lSguSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hotel</p>
  2991. <p>10• shu5hSo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have come to an agreement (about</p>
  2992. <p>something); (something) has been agreed on</p>
  2993. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xianghSo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have reached a conclusion (about</p>
  2994. <p>something); (something) has been thought out</p>
  2995. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yāoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (alternate word for ruguS)</p>
  2996. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zuShao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have finished doing (something);</p>
  2997. <p>(something) has been finished</p>
  2998. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  2999. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  3000. <p>bu ■ zěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not especially,not particularly</p>
  3001. <p>ding &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to reserve</p>
  3002. <p>dinghao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have (been) reserved</p>
  3003. <p>fēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to fly</p>
  3004. <p>fēijī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;airplane</p>
  3005. <p>fēijīchǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;airport</p>
  3006. <p>GuSngzhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(name of a city in the PRC—Canton)</p>
  3007. <p>-hao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be satisfactorily completed</p>
  3008. <p>jiē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet/pick up/get (someone)</p>
  3009. <p>lǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to *be old in years</p>
  3010. <p>luguǎn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hotel</p>
  3011. <p>mang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be busy</p>
  3012. <p>pai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to send/assign (a person to do</p>
  3013. <p>something)</p>
  3014. <p>qīfei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take off (airplane)</p>
  3015. <p>rtSguo (ruguo) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if</p>
  3016. <p>Sānlǐttin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a district in Běijīng where many</p>
  3017. <p>Foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other countries live) shuohao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have come to an agreement (about</p>
  3018. <p>something); (something) has been agreed on</p>
  3019. <p>xiǎngliǎo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have reached a conclusion (about</p>
  3020. <p>something); (something) has been thought out</p>
  3021. <p>yaoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if</p>
  3022. <p>zhi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;directly</p>
  3023. <p>zuShao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have finished doing (something);</p>
  3024. <p>(something) has been finished</p>
  3025. <p>103</p>
  3026. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-9.png" style="width:455pt;height:265pt;"/>
  3027. <p>ShanghSi-made Jeep and other vehicles in a parking lot outside the train station in Guangzhou</p>
  3028. <p>(introduced on C-2 tape)</p>
  3029. <p>chū chāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go on a business trip</p>
  3030. <p>chuzhǎng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;division chief</p>
  3031. <p>gǎn'bushāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;von<sup>f</sup>t be able to catch (a plane,</p>
  3032. <p>train, etc.)</p>
  3033. <p>hai hǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fairly good/well</p>
  3034. <p>kāi hui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to attend a meeting/conference</p>
  3035. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3036. <p>5</p>
  3037. <p>0</p>
  3038. <p>1</p>
  3039. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  3040. <p>1. A: Lao Song, zěnmeyāng? Mang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Song, how are things going? Are ne? you busy?</p>
  3041. <p>B: Bu zěnme mang. Ni you shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not especially busy. Can I do ma? something for you?</p>
  3042. <p>Notes on No. 1</p>
  3043. <p>The greeting zěnmeyang is more informal than ni hao a. Zenmeyang is used only if the two people already know each other.</p>
  3044. <p>Mang ne? and Mang ma? are translated into English as <sup>n</sup>Are you busy?'<sup>1</sup> However, the two Chinese questions are not interchangeable. When a speaker asks the question Mang ma? he really wants to find out whether someone is &quot;busy. On the other hand, Mang ne? is an example of the Chinese custom of greeting a person &quot;by stating the obvious. The speaker is simply acknowledging the fact that the listener is busy. The question mark following Mang ne? shows that the speaker is inviting the listener to comment. You might think of Mang ne? as something like the English &quot;Well, it looks like you are working hard,<sup>n</sup> which invites a response like &quot;Sure am&quot; or <sup>M</sup>0h, I<sup>T</sup>m really not doing much of anything.<sup>n</sup></p>
  3045. <p>Ne may be used in many sentences to comment on vhat the person being addressed is doing at the moment:</p>
  3046. <p>Chi fan ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Having dinner, I see?</p>
  3047. <p>Z茗i zhěr ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well, you<sup>1</sup>re here?</p>
  3048. <p>Mai dongxi ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doing some shopping, eh?</p>
  3049. <p>These sentences are almost greetings in themselves.</p>
  3050. <p>The overall intonation of the question Mang ma? is higher than that of a statement. The intonation of Mang ne? is somewhat lower. Listen carefully to the tape.</p>
  3051. <p>Bu zěnme may precede a state verb. The expression would then mean &quot;not especially<sup>u</sup>not particularly•”</p>
  3052. <p>Wo bu zěnme xīhuan něiběn shū.工 don<sup>f</sup>t particularly like that book.</p>
  3053. <p>Wǒ bu zěnme qīngchu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not particularly clear on this.</p>
  3054. <p>(This isn<sup>f</sup>t very clear to me.)</p>
  3055. <p>WS jīntiān bu zěnme hao. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>f</sup>m not particularly veil today.</p>
  3056. <p>Tā bu zěnme you qian. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's not especially rich.</p>
  3057. <p>Wǒ *bū zěnme xiang qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don<sup>f</sup>t especially vant to go.</p>
  3058. <p>Contrast &quot;bu zěnme vith bū zěnme,&quot;not as much as that”:</p>
  3059. <p>Wo &quot;bu zěnme xīhuan kan dian- I don't like to go to the movies that yīngr. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;much. (i.e., as much as someone</p>
  3060. <p>else just mentioned)</p>
  3061. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3062. <p>106</p>
  3063. <p>Wǒ bu zěnme xihuan kan dian- 工 don’t particularly like to go yīngr. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to the movies.</p>
  3064. <p>2. A: Wǒ Siyue Shisihao yao dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>!</sup>m going to Guangzhou on April lb.</p>
  3065. <p>Guangzhou Qīng ni &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please reserve a plane ticket for</p>
  3066. <p>gěi wo ding yizhāng fēijī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;me.</p>
  3067. <p>piao.</p>
  3068. <p>B: Hǎo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sure.</p>
  3069. <p>3- B: PiSo dinghǎo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ticket has &quot;been reserved.</p>
  3070. <p>A: Neibān fēijī? Jīdian zhōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which flight? What time does it qǐfēi? take off?</p>
  3071. <p>B: Jiudian shiwufēn qifēi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes off at 9:15.</p>
  3072. <p>Note on No. 3</p>
  3073. <p>Dinghǎo is a compound verb of result. When used as the final element in a compound verb of result, hǎo indicates that the action described by the initial verb has been brought to a successful conclusion.</p>
  3074. <p>The same form of the verb, dinghǎo,is used to describe an object having something done to it and a person doing something to an object,</p>
  3075. <p>Piao dinghǎo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ticket has been reserved.</p>
  3076. <p>Wo &quot;bǎ piao dinghǎo le. I have reserved the ticket*</p>
  3077. <p>Here are additional examples of compounds with the result-ending -hao:</p>
  3078. <p>WSmen yījIng shuōhao le. We have already come to an agreement about it. (We have already talked it out to a conclusion.)</p>
  3079. <p>Nǐ xiǎnghǎo le meiyou? Have you reached a conclusion yet?</p>
  3080. <p>(Have you thought it out to a conclusion yet?)</p>
  3081. <p>Wo yījīng bǎ jīntiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have already finished making the</p>
  3082. <p>wǎnshang yao chide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;things we are going to eat tonight,</p>
  3083. <p>dongxi zuohǎo le.</p>
  3084. <p>Nīde xingli zhǔnběihǎo Is your luggage ready? le ma?</p>
  3085. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3086. <p>107</p>
  3087. <p>U. A: Zheibān fēijī zhi fēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does this flight go directly to</p>
  3088. <p>GuSngzhōu ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guangzhou?</p>
  3089. <p>B: Shi,zhl fēi Guangzhou. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes,it flies directly to Guangzhou.</p>
  3090. <p>Notes on No* h</p>
  3091. <p>Zheibān fēiji, ”this flight&quot;: In Chinese, the specifier zhei- is used to refer to what has just &quot;been talked about. In English, &quot;that” and ”the” are used for the same purpose.</p>
  3092. <p>The adverb zhl is not used in as many situations as is its English translation, &quot;directly,<sup>M</sup> &quot;straight.<sup>ff</sup> In other contexts,the word for &quot;directly” or ”direct” vould be zhljiē, and the word for &quot;straight<sup>11</sup> vould be yizhl,</p>
  3093. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Cong Sānlitun dao fēijlchǎng How much time does it take to go</p>
  3094. <p>yao duoshao shijiān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from Sānlltua to the airport?</p>
  3095. <p>B: Yao sishifěn zhōng. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes forty minutes.</p>
  3096. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Rliguo wo bādiǎn zhōng llkāi If I leave home at eight o<sup>f</sup>clock, I</p>
  3097. <p>Jiā<sub>5</sub> lSideJ1 ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can make it in time. Right?</p>
  3098. <p>B: Lāidejl. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes.</p>
  3099. <p>Note on No, 6</p>
  3100. <p>Rliguo is one of the commonest words in Chinese for <sup>n</sup>ifAnother widely used word for <sup>tf</sup>if<sup>!l</sup> is yetoshi, (See Additional Required Vocabulary, No. 12.) You have already learned that the idea of ”if&quot; may be conveyed in Chinese without any special word:</p>
  3101. <p>Zuo Gongluju děi xiān mǎi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I take the bus, is it necessary</p>
  3102. <p>piao ma? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;buy tickets ahead of time?</p>
  3103. <p>Bādiǎn zhōng llkāi Jiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I leave home at eight o<sup>1</sup> clock,</p>
  3104. <p>lāidejl ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can make it in time. Right?</p>
  3105. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3106. <p>108</p>
  3107. <p>了, A: Qǐng ni mingtiān zaoshang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please send a car to pick me up pai ge chē lai jiē wo. tomorrow morning.</p>
  3108. <p>B: Hǎo. Wǒ mingtiān &quot;badian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay. I'll send a car at eight zhōng pai chē song ni o<sup>f</sup> clock tomorrow to take you dao fēijīchǎng q.u. to the airport •</p>
  3109. <p>Notes on No. 了</p>
  3110. <p>The verb pai means &quot;to send/assign someone [to do something],</p>
  3111. <p>Ge: You have already learned that, when toneless, yige means ”a,&quot; not &quot;one.” In the first sentence of exchange 7, you see that yige can &quot;be reduced to the one syllable ge. This reduction happens most frequently when &quot;a” follows the sentence verb.</p>
  3112. <p>zhao ge rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look for someone (i.e, , a person)</p>
  3113. <p>chī ge pingguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to eat an apple</p>
  3114. <p>The verlD jiē means,,to meet,” as in ’’meeting someone at the station,” or <sup>n</sup>to get,” &quot;to pick up,<sup>tf</sup> as in ”1*11 come by to get you (pick you up) about eight o<sup>f</sup>clock.&quot;</p>
  3115. <p>Pai ge chē lai jiē vo ’ literally ”send a car to come pick me up”:</p>
  3116. <p>In English, ”come” may be omitted. In Chinese, lai must separate the action (pai ge chē) from the purpose of the action (jiē vo)• Either lāi or £u may be used to mark purpose expressions, depending on the direction of the action.</p>
  3117. <p>The verb song means ”to take/escort someone&quot; in the last sentence of exchange 了. Song may also mean ”to send” in the sense of ”delivering an object,<sup>ff</sup> in contrast with the verb pai,vhich means ”to send a person.<sup>fT</sup></p>
  3118. <p>Qing pai ge rěn dao wo jiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please send a man over to my house-lai.</p>
  3119. <p>Qǐng bā zhuōzi song dao wo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please deliver the table to my house, jiā qu.</p>
  3120. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3121. <p>109</p>
  3122. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-hao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be satisfactorily completed</p>
  3123. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luguan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hotel</p>
  3124. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shuohao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have come to an agreement (about</p>
  3125. <p>something); (something) has been agreed on</p>
  3126. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiānghao le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have reached a conclusion (about</p>
  3127. <p>something); (something) has teen thought out</p>
  3128. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yaoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (alternate word for ruguo)</p>
  3129. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zuohǎo le &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to have finished doing (something);</p>
  3130. <p>(something) has been finished</p>
  3131. <p>Note on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
  3132. <p>Luguǎn is the general term for any kind of hotel. When following a verb or the prepositional verb zai, luguan may be followed by the locational ending -li,’’in,<sup>fT</sup> or there may be no locative ending. This is also the case with other place words naming institutions,&quot;business establishments,and organizations.</p>
  3133. <p>Tā zai zhěige luguanli (OR He stayed in this hotel for tvo zai zhěige luguan) zhule &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;months,</p>
  3134. <p>liǎngge yuě.</p>
  3135. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3136. <p>110</p>
  3138. <p>Animals</p>
  3139. <p>&quot;bear &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xi6ng</p>
  3140. <p>camel &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;luotuo</p>
  3141. <p>cat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;māo</p>
  3142. <p>chicken &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jī</p>
  3143. <p>cow &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;niu</p>
  3144. <p>deer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lu</p>
  3145. <p>dog &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;g$u</p>
  3146. <p>donkey &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lu</p>
  3147. <p>duck &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yǎ</p>
  3148. <p>elephant &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiang</p>
  3149. <p>fish &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yti</p>
  3150. <p>fox &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huli</p>
  3151. <p>goat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shānyāng</p>
  3152. <p>horse &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mǎ</p>
  3153. <p>lion &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shīzi</p>
  3154. <p>monkey &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;houzi</p>
  3155. <p>mouse/rat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lǎoshǔ</p>
  3156. <p>panda &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiSngmǎo</p>
  3157. <p>pig &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhu</p>
  3158. <p>sheep &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yang</p>
  3159. <p>tiger &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;laohu</p>
  3160. <p>turkey &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huojī</p>
  3161. <p>wolf &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lang</p>
  3162. <p>TRN, Unit 7</p>
  3163. <p>DRILLS</p>
  3164. <p>A. Transformation Drill</p>
  3165. <p>Speaker: Qing ni gěi wo mai</p>
  3166. <p>yizhāng chuan piao. (Please buy one boat ticket for me.)</p>
  3167. <p>You:</p>
  3168. <p>Qing ni chuan (Please</p>
  3169. <p>gěi wo ding piao.</p>
  3170. <p>yizhāng</p>
  3171. <p>reserve one boat ticket</p>
  3172. <p>for me•)</p>
  3173. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qǐng ni gěi Ma Xiansheng mai</p>
  3174. <p>liangzhāng huoche piao.</p>
  3175. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing ni gei Mao Taitai mai</p>
  3176. <p>yizhāng gōnglujňde chēpiāo.</p>
  3177. <p>U. Qing ni gěi Lin Xiǎojiě mǎi</p>
  3178. <p>sanzhǎng zhiděchěde chepiao.</p>
  3179. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qǐng ni gSi Liū 而shi mǎi</p>
  3180. <p>sānzhāng těkuaichēde chēpiāo•</p>
  3181. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qing ni gěi Zh5u Xiansheng mǎi</p>
  3182. <p>liangzhāng fēijī piao,</p>
  3183. <p>T* Qing ni gěi Zhāo T&amp;itai mai liangzhāng chuān piao.</p>
  3184. <p>Qing ni gei Ma Xiansheng ding liangzhāng huochē piao,</p>
  3185. <p>Qǐng ni gěi Māo Taitai ding yizhāng gōngluj tide chepiao.</p>
  3186. <p>Qǐng ni gěi Līn Xiaojiě ding sānzhāng zhldSchede chepiao,</p>
  3187. <p>Qing ni gěi Liu Nushi ding sānzhāng těkuāichēde chepiao.</p>
  3188. <p>Qing ni gěi Zh5u XiSnsheng ding liangzhāng fēijī piao.</p>
  3189. <p>Qing ni gěi Zhao Taitai ding liangzhāng chuan pi^o.</p>
  3190. <p>B. Expansion Drill</p>
  3191. <p>1. Speaker: Wǒ yao dao GuangzhSu qu.</p>
  3192. <p>(cue) huoche piao (I want to go to Guangzhou.)</p>
  3193. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao dao Beijing qu.</p>
  3194. <p>fēijī piao</p>
  3195. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao dao Nanj īng qu.</p>
  3196. <p>těkuaichide piao</p>
  3197. <p>U. Wo yao dao Qīngdǎo qň. chuSn piao</p>
  3198. <p>5, Wǒ yko dao Tianjīn qu, qxchě piāo</p>
  3199. <p>You: WS yāo dao Guǎngzhōu qu, kěyi bu keyi ding yxzhang huSchē piao?</p>
  3200. <p>(I vant to go to GuangzhSu,</p>
  3201. <p>May I reserve a train ticket?)</p>
  3202. <p>Wo yao dao Běijīng q\i<sub>9</sub> kěyi bu keyi ding yizhāng feijī piao?</p>
  3203. <p>Wo yao dao Nānjīng qu, kěyi bu keyi ding yizhāng těkuaichide piao?</p>
  3204. <p>WS yao dao Qīngdǎo qu, kěyi bu keyi ding yx zhang chu£n pieio?</p>
  3205. <p>Wo yao dao Tiānjīn qu, kěyi bu keyi ding yizhāng qiche piSo?</p>
  3206. <p>Ill</p>
  3207. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3208. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yeio dao Hangzhou qyi^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS y^o d^o HangzhSu qu<sub>&gt;</sub> kěyi bu keyi</p>
  3209. <p>feijī pielo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ding yizhāng fēijī piSo?</p>
  3210. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yāo dao Suzhou qu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo yao dao SūzhSu gu, kěyi bu keyi</p>
  3211. <p>zhidāchē de piāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ding yizhāng zhldāchēde pieto?</p>
  3212. <p>C. Response Drill</p>
  3213. <p>1, Speaker; ZuShSo le ma?</p>
  3214. <p>(cue) no (Have you finished doing it?)</p>
  3215. <table border="1">
  3216. <tr><td>
  3217. <p>2,</p></td><td>
  3218. <p>ShuShao le ma?</p></td><td>
  3219. <p>yes</p></td></tr>
  3220. <tr><td>
  3221. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  3222. <p>Xiǎnghǎo le ma?</p></td><td>
  3223. <p>soon</p></td></tr>
  3224. <tr><td>
  3225. <p>k.</p></td><td>
  3226. <p>Dinghao le ma?</p></td><td>
  3227. <p>not yet</p></td></tr>
  3228. <tr><td>
  3229. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  3230. <p>Shuohao le ma?</p></td><td>
  3231. <p>no</p></td></tr>
  3232. <tr><td>
  3233. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  3234. <p>ZuShao le ma?</p></td><td>
  3235. <p>soon</p></td></tr>
  3236. <tr><td>
  3237. <p>T.</p></td><td>
  3238. <p>XiǎnghSo le ma?</p></td><td>
  3239. <p>not yet</p></td></tr>
  3240. </table>
  3241. <p>You; Měi zuShǎo ne.</p>
  3242. <p>(I haven*t finished doing it.)</p>
  3243. <p>Shuōhao le*</p>
  3244. <p>Kuai xiǎnghǎo le*</p>
  3245. <p>成i měi ālnghao ne.</p>
  3246. <p>Měi shuShǎo ne,</p>
  3247. <p>Kuāi zu3hSo le.</p>
  3248. <p>Hai mei xiǎnghǎo ne.</p>
  3249. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  3250. <p>Speaker: Neiban (Which</p>
  3251. <p>feijī?</p>
  3252. <p>flight?)</p>
  3253. <p>Neiban huSche? (Which train?)</p>
  3254. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neiban q^chē?</p>
  3255. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něiban fēijī?</p>
  3256. <p>You: N§i&quot;bān fēijī? Jidian zh5ng qǐfēi?</p>
  3257. <p>(Which flight? What time does it take off?)</p>
  3258. <p>Něiban huochē? Jǐdiǎn zh5ng kai?</p>
  3259. <p>(Which train? What time does it leave?)</p>
  3260. <p>Něiban qiche? Jidian zh5ng kāi?</p>
  3261. <p>Neiban fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zh5ng qJfei?</p>
  3262. <p>112</p>
  3263. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3264. <p>U、 Něiban zhldSchi? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něitān</p>
  3265. <p>5, Něiban těkuaiche? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neibān</p>
  3266. <p>kāi?</p>
  3267. <p>zhldSchē? Jidian zhong kai? těkuelichi? Jīdiǎn zhSng</p>
  3268. <p>6. Něiban fēijī? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Něiban fēijī? Jidian zhong qlfei?</p>
  3269. <p>E. Substitution Drill</p>
  3270. <p>1. Speaker: Zheibān fēijī zhi fei Guǎngzhōu ma?</p>
  3271. <p>(cue) N^njīng (Does this flight go directly to Guǎngzhōu?)</p>
  3272. <p>You: Zhěibān feijī zhi ma?</p>
  3273. <p>(Does this flight to NSnjīng?)</p>
  3274. <p>fēi Něnjīng go directly</p>
  3275. <table border="1">
  3276. <tr><td>
  3277. <p>Zheiban</p>
  3278. <p>ma?</p></td><td>
  3279. <p>feijī zhi Shelnghǎi</p></td><td>
  3280. <p>fēi</p></td><td>
  3281. <p>N^njīng</p></td><td>
  3282. <p>Zhlibān</p></td><td>
  3283. <p>fēijī</p></td><td>
  3284. <p>zhi</p></td><td>
  3285. <p>fei</p></td><td>
  3286. <p>Shanghai ma?</p></td></tr>
  3287. <tr><td>
  3288. <p>Zheiban</p>
  3289. <p>ma?</p></td><td>
  3290. <p>fēijī zhi Běijīng</p></td><td>
  3291. <p>fēi</p></td><td>
  3292. <p>Shanghai</p></td><td>
  3293. <p>Zheibān</p></td><td>
  3294. <p>feijī</p></td><td>
  3295. <p>zhi</p></td><td>
  3296. <p>fēi</p></td><td>
  3297. <p>Běijīng ma?</p></td></tr>
  3298. <tr><td>
  3299. <p>Zheibān</p>
  3300. <p>ma?</p></td><td>
  3301. <p>fēijī zhi WuhsLn</p></td><td>
  3302. <p>fěi</p></td><td>
  3303. <p>Běijīng</p></td><td>
  3304. <p>Zheibān</p></td><td>
  3305. <p>fēijī</p></td><td>
  3306. <p>zhi</p></td><td>
  3307. <p>fii</p></td><td>
  3308. <p>WǔhlLn ma?</p></td></tr>
  3309. <tr><td>
  3310. <p>Zheil&gt;an</p></td><td>
  3311. <p>feijī zhi</p></td><td>
  3312. <p>fēi</p></td><td>
  3313. <p>Wǔhān ma?</p></td><td>
  3314. <p>Zhěibān</p></td><td>
  3315. <p>fēijī</p></td><td>
  3316. <p>zhi</p></td><td>
  3317. <p>fēi</p></td><td>
  3318. <p>SūzhSu ma?</p></td></tr>
  3319. </table>
  3320. <p>Sūzhōu</p>
  3321. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhěd/bSn fēijī zhf fēi Suzhou ma?</p>
  3322. <p>Qīngdǎo</p>
  3323. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhliban fēijī zhi fēi Qīngdǎo ma?</p>
  3324. <p>Zhliban feijī zhi fēi Qīngdǎo ma?</p>
  3325. <p>113</p>
  3326. <p>TRN, Unit 7</p>
  3327. <p>F, Transformation Drill</p>
  3328. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: C6ng Sanlītňn dSo</p>
  3329. <p>huSchēzhan yāo duSshao shijian?</p>
  3330. <p>(cue) duoshaofēn zhong</p>
  3331. <p>(How much time does it take to go frcm Sanlltlin to the train station?)</p>
  3332. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C6ng Dongdān ddo WSngfǔjlng</p>
  3333. <p>D^jiě yko duoshao shijian? duSshao shlhou</p>
  3334. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C6ng ChUngān Jie āko Ritěnlň</p>
  3335. <p>yek) duoshao shfjian?</p>
  3336. <p>Jifēn zhong</p>
  3337. <p>h<sub>m</sub> C6ng Běijīng dSo Guangzhou yeto duoshao shijian? jitian</p>
  3338. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C6ng NānJIng deio Shltnghai yelo</p>
  3339. <p>duoshao shijian? duoshao xiSoshl</p>
  3340. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C6ng H&amp;igzhou dao Guǎngzhōu yelo</p>
  3341. <p>du5shao shiJian? duoshao xiaoshi</p>
  3342. <p>C6ng GuanghuĀltl dito huSchēzheLn yāo duoshao shiJian? duoshaofēn zhong</p>
  3343. <p>G. Transformation Drill</p>
  3344. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Ruguo wS bādiǎn zhSng</p>
  3345. <p>llkai jia, laidejl ma?</p>
  3346. <p>(If I leave home at eight o*clock, can I make it?)</p>
  3347. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rfiguo vS shldiǎn zhong lfkai</p>
  3348. <p>xuěxiSlo, lSidejl ma?</p>
  3349. <p>You: C6ng Sanllttin dilo huǒchēzhān yao duSshaofēn zhong?</p>
  3350. <p>(How many minutes from SSnlXttin to the train station?)</p>
  3351. <p>C6ng Dongdān dko Wěngfǔjlng Dajiē yko duōshao shfhou?</p>
  3352. <p>C6ng Ch^ngan Jie dao Ritěnl\i y&amp;o jifēn zhong?</p>
  3353. <p>Cong Běijīng dao GuangzhSu yko jItian?</p>
  3354. <p>C6ng Nllnjīng dao Sheuighai ySo duoshao xiaoshi?</p>
  3355. <p>C6ng HangzhSu d^o Guangzhou ySo duoshao xiǎoshf?</p>
  3356. <p>C6ng GuanghuSlii d&amp;o huǒchēzhān y&amp;o duoshaofēn zhong?</p>
  3357. <p>You: Rtiguo vo badian zhong llkǎi Jia,shěnme shfhou dāo? (If I leave home at eight o<sup>f</sup>clock, what time will I arrive?)</p>
  3358. <p>Ruguo w5 shldiǎn zhong llkai xuěxiao <sub>%</sub> shěnme shihou dāo?</p>
  3359. <p>114</p>
  3360. <p>TRN, Unit 7</p>
  3361. <p>3. Rugu5 Li Xiansheng shiyīdiǎn shlfen llkāi Dashiguǎn, lāidejl ma?</p>
  3362. <p>U. Ruguo Zhang Nushi shlyuě qīhao llkai zhěli, laidejl ma?</p>
  3363. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ruguo tā sidianban llkāi fāndisin,</p>
  3364. <p>laidejl ma?</p>
  3365. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ruguo nx zaoshang qīdian zhSng</p>
  3366. <p>llkai jiā, lāidejl ma?</p>
  3367. <p>RňguS tāmen xianzai likāi chēzhān, laidejl ma?</p>
  3368. <p>Ruguo Li Xiansheng shlyīdian shlfen llkāi D^shiguan, shěnme shlhou dao?</p>
  3369. <p>Rōguo Zhang Nushi shlyuě qlh&amp;o llkāi zhěli, shěnme shlhou dao?</p>
  3370. <p>Ruguo tā sidianban llkāi fandian, shěnme shlhou dlo?</p>
  3371. <p>Ruguo nī zaoshang qīdian zhong llkāi jia, shěnme shlhou děo?</p>
  3372. <p>Ruguo tāmen xianzai llkai chēzhān, shenme shīhou d&amp;o?</p>
  3373. <p>H. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Expansion Drill</p>
  3374. <p>I. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Qing ni lai jiē wo.</p>
  3375. <p>(Please pick me up.)</p>
  3376. <table border="1">
  3377. <tr><td>
  3378. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  3379. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3380. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3381. <p>lai jiē ta.</p></td></tr>
  3382. <tr><td>
  3383. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  3384. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3385. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3386. <p>qu jiē tamen.</p></td></tr>
  3387. <tr><td>
  3388. <p></p></td><td>
  3389. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3390. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3391. <p>qu jie ta.</p></td></tr>
  3392. <tr><td>
  3393. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  3394. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3395. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3396. <p>song wo qu.</p></td></tr>
  3397. <tr><td>
  3398. <p>6,</p></td><td>
  3399. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3400. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3401. <p>lSi jii ta.</p></td></tr>
  3402. <tr><td>
  3403. <p>7.</p></td><td>
  3404. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3405. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3406. <p>song tamen qu</p></td></tr>
  3407. </table>
  3408. <p>You; Qxng ni pai ge che lěi jiē wo</p>
  3409. <p>(Please send a car to pick me</p>
  3410. <table border="1">
  3411. <tr><td>
  3412. <p></p></td><td colspan="2">
  3413. <p>up.)</p></td><td>
  3414. <p></p></td><td>
  3415. <p></p></td><td>
  3416. <p></p></td></tr>
  3417. <tr><td>
  3418. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3419. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3420. <p>pai</p></td><td>
  3421. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3422. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3423. <p>lěi jie ta.</p></td></tr>
  3424. <tr><td>
  3425. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3426. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3427. <p>pai</p></td><td>
  3428. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3429. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3430. <p>qii jiē tamen*</p></td></tr>
  3431. <tr><td>
  3432. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3433. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3434. <p>pāi</p></td><td>
  3435. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3436. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3437. <p>qu jie ta.</p></td></tr>
  3438. <tr><td>
  3439. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3440. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3441. <p>peti</p></td><td>
  3442. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3443. <p>chi</p></td><td>
  3444. <p>s5ng wo qu.</p></td></tr>
  3445. <tr><td>
  3446. <p>Qing</p></td><td>
  3447. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3448. <p>pai</p></td><td>
  3449. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3450. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3451. <p>lāi Jie ta.</p></td></tr>
  3452. <tr><td>
  3453. <p>Qǐng</p></td><td>
  3454. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3455. <p>pai</p></td><td>
  3456. <p>ge</p></td><td>
  3457. <p>che</p></td><td>
  3458. <p>s5ng tamen qu</p></td></tr>
  3459. </table>
  3460. <p>115</p>
  3461. <p>TRN, Unit 了</p>
  3462. <p>I. Expansion Drill</p>
  3463. <p>1. Speaker: Wo song ni āko fēijīchǎng qu.</p>
  3464. <p>(I<sup>1</sup>11 take you to the airport•)</p>
  3465. <table border="1">
  3466. <tr><td>
  3467. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  3468. <p>WS</p></td><td>
  3469. <p>song</p></td><td>
  3470. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3471. <p>āko</p></td><td>
  3472. <p>huǒchēzhān qu.</p></td></tr>
  3473. <tr><td>
  3474. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  3475. <p>W5</p></td><td>
  3476. <p>sbng</p></td><td>
  3477. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3478. <p>āko</p></td><td>
  3479. <p>qichēzhan qu*</p></td></tr>
  3480. <tr><td>
  3481. <p>1*.</p></td><td>
  3482. <p>Wo</p></td><td>
  3483. <p>sbng</p></td><td>
  3484. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3485. <p>dāo</p></td><td>
  3486. <p>tā jiā qu.</p></td></tr>
  3487. <tr><td>
  3488. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  3489. <p>wS</p></td><td>
  3490. <p>sěng</p></td><td>
  3491. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3492. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  3493. <p>ylnhang qu«</p></td></tr>
  3494. <tr><td>
  3495. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  3496. <p>Wo</p></td><td>
  3497. <p>sSng</p></td><td>
  3498. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3499. <p>d&amp;o</p></td><td>
  3500. <p>dashiguǎn qu.</p></td></tr>
  3501. <tr><td>
  3502. <p>7.</p></td><td>
  3503. <p>Wo</p></td><td>
  3504. <p>sdng</p></td><td>
  3505. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3506. <p>dāo</p></td><td>
  3507. <p>fēijīchǎng qň.</p></td></tr>
  3508. </table>
  3509. <p>You: Wǒ p&amp;i chē song ni dao fēijīchǎng qū.</p>
  3510. <p>(I’ll send a car to take you to the airport,)</p>
  3511. <table border="1">
  3512. <tr><td>
  3513. <p>Wo pai qu.</p></td><td>
  3514. <p>che</p></td><td>
  3515. <p>s3ng</p></td><td>
  3516. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3517. <p>daio</p></td><td>
  3518. <p>huochē zheLn</p></td></tr>
  3519. <tr><td>
  3520. <p>Wo pai qu.</p></td><td>
  3521. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3522. <p>s5ng</p></td><td>
  3523. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3524. <p>āko</p></td><td>
  3525. <p>qichēzhan</p></td></tr>
  3526. <tr><td>
  3527. <p>Wo pāi</p></td><td>
  3528. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3529. <p>s5ng</p></td><td>
  3530. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3531. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  3532. <p>tā jia qu.</p></td></tr>
  3533. <tr><td>
  3534. <p>Wǒ pai</p></td><td>
  3535. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3536. <p>sSng</p></td><td>
  3537. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3538. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  3539. <p>ylnhang</p></td></tr>
  3540. <tr><td>
  3541. <p>Wo pai qu.</p></td><td>
  3542. <p>che</p></td><td>
  3543. <p>s5ng</p></td><td>
  3544. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3545. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  3546. <p>dāshiguan</p></td></tr>
  3547. <tr><td>
  3548. <p>Wo pai q,u.</p></td><td>
  3549. <p>chē</p></td><td>
  3550. <p>s5ng</p></td><td>
  3551. <p>ni</p></td><td>
  3552. <p>dao</p></td><td>
  3553. <p>fēijīchǎng</p></td></tr>
  3554. </table>
  3555. <p>116</p>
  3556. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3557. <p>11 了</p>
  3558. <p>UNIT 8</p>
  3559. <p>REFERENCE LIST</p>
  3560. <p>(in Běijīng)</p>
  3561. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Hǎo jiǔ měi Jian, nin chū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven’t seen you for a long time.</p>
  3562. <p>men le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have been away,工 suppose?</p>
  3563. <p>A: Shi a, wo ySu dao Guang zhōu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes,工 went to Guǎngzhōu again, qu le.</p>
  3564. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Nin wěishěnme gang huilai, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did you go again when you had</p>
  3565. <p>yōu qu le ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;just come back from there?</p>
  3566. <p>A: WS zhěici dao Guangzhou qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This time I went to Guǎngzh5u</p>
  3567. <p>shi yīnwei wo you yige hěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;because I had a very good friend</p>
  3568. <p>hǎode pěngyou c6ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coming there from Hong Kong. Xianggang lSi.</p>
  3569. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Women you yinian měi jia:n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We had not seen each other for a</p>
  3570. <p>le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;year.</p>
  3571. <p>A: Tā qīng wo pěi ta yiqx qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She asked me to accompany her (in</p>
  3572. <p>luxfng. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;her) travels•</p>
  3573. <p>U. A: Sānge yuě ylqiixi wǒ zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three months ago, vhen I was in</p>
  3574. <p>GuǎngzhSu, něige shlhou tā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guangzhōu, she didn’t know yet</p>
  3575. <p>hěi bň zhīdao něng bu něng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;whether she would be able to</p>
  3576. <p>lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;come or not.</p>
  3577. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B: Nimen dou quguo shěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What places did you go to?</p>
  3578. <p>difang?</p>
  3579. <p>A: Kanj īng, Sheinghǎi, HSngzhōu, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We went to NCnjīng, Shanghai,</p>
  3580. <p>Suzhou, dou qň le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hangzhou, and Suzhou. Hangzhōu</p>
  3581. <p>Hāngzhou zhēn shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is really beautiful, piaoliang.</p>
  3582. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: You jīhui wo yao zai qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I have the chance, I would like</p>
  3583. <p>ylci. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go again.</p>
  3584. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhěixiē difang nī dōu quguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have gone to all those places,</p>
  3585. <p>le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I suppose?</p>
  3586. <p>B: Měi dou quguo* Wo hěi měi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven’t been to all of them, I</p>
  3587. <p>quguo Sūzhōu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still haven<sup>1</sup>t been to Suzh5u.</p>
  3588. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3589. <p>118</p>
  3590. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui guo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to one<sup>1</sup>s native country</p>
  3591. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui jiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come/go home 10. hulqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go back</p>
  3592. <p>ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-l and P-l tapes)</p>
  3593. <p>11 • rěnao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be lively/b\istling/noisy</p>
  3594. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be interesting</p>
  3595. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;měi (you) yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be uninteresting lk. suoyi (suoyi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;therefore, so</p>
  3596. <p>TRN, Unit</p>
  3597. <p>119</p>
  3598. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  3599. <p>chū men (chū měnr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go out, to go away from home,</p>
  3600. <p>to go out of town</p>
  3601. <p>gang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;only a short while ago, just</p>
  3602. <p>Hangzhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a city in Zhejiang Province in the</p>
  3603. <p>PRC, formerly spelled Hangchow)</p>
  3604. <p>hSo jiu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a long time</p>
  3605. <p>hu£ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to, to go back to</p>
  3606. <p>hui gu6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to one<sup>1</sup>s native country</p>
  3607. <p>huf jiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return home</p>
  3608. <p>huilai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come back</p>
  3609. <p>hulqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go tack</p>
  3610. <p>jifitn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet, to see</p>
  3611. <p>JIhui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;opportunity,chance</p>
  3612. <p>měi(you) yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be uninteresting</p>
  3613. <p>něng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can; to be able to</p>
  3614. <p>pěi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to accompany</p>
  3615. <p>picLOliang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be beautiful</p>
  3616. <p>qing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to request, to invite</p>
  3617. <p>rěnao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be lively/bustling/noisy</p>
  3618. <p>suSyl (suSyi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;therefore, bo</p>
  3619. <p>Suzhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(a city in Jiangsu Province in the</p>
  3620. <p>PRC, formerly spelled Soochow)</p>
  3621. <p>vlishěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;why</p>
  3622. <p>yīnwei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;because</p>
  3623. <p>yiqi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;together, along with</p>
  3624. <p>ySu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;again (with completed actions)</p>
  3625. <p>you yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be interesting</p>
  3626. <p>Z€li &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;again (with uncompleted actions)</p>
  3627. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p><img src="0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText_files/0150-FSI-StandardChinese-Module05TRN-StudentText-10.png" style="width:311pt;height:256pt;"/>
  3628. <p>120</p>
  3629. <p>(introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)</p>
  3630. <p>huār kāile &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the flowers have bloomed (literally&gt;</p>
  3631. <p>&quot;opened&quot;)</p>
  3632. <p>jiānglfii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in the future</p>
  3633. <p>sh5udao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to receive</p>
  3634. <p>ySmlngde difang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;famous place</p>
  3635. <p>zuijin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;recently</p>
  3636. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3637. <p>121</p>
  3638. <p>REFERENCE NOTES</p>
  3639. <p>1. B: Hǎo jiǔ měi Jian, nin chū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven’t seen you for a long time,</p>
  3640. <p>men le ba? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have been away, I suppose?</p>
  3641. <p>A: Shi a, wS y5u delo Guangzhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, I went to Guangzhou again• qu le.</p>
  3642. <p>Notes on No* 1</p>
  3643. <p>HSo jiǔ,&quot;very long&quot;: In this phrase, the vord hSo means &quot;very•” Some additional examples of this use of hSo are</p>
  3644. <p>hǎo dei. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;very large</p>
  3645. <p>hǎo duō rěn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a good many people</p>
  3646. <p>hSo jitian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;quite a few days</p>
  3647. <p>Persons from Taiwan frequently use hSo_, <sup>,f</sup>very,<sup>n</sup> before another hSo, as in Hǎo hSovan! &quot;What fun!” and Hao hSochll &quot;Delicious!” Speakers from B§ijīng think that this repetition of hǎo sounds bad.</p>
  3648. <p>The verb Jian means &quot;to see someone” in the sense of ”to visit/talk vith someone. ~The verb k^njian is used for <sup>n</sup>to see&quot; in the sense of ”to perceive an object.&quot;</p>
  3649. <p>Chū měn means ”to go out<sup>M</sup>to go away from home,<sup>n n</sup>to go out of town&quot;; literally, &quot;to go out the door.&quot;</p>
  3650. <p>Y5u is the word for ’’again” which is used with completed actions. (See notes on No. 6 for <sup>11</sup> again<sup>11</sup> with actions that have not been completed.)</p>
  3651. <p>Ou, ni y5u lāi le! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, you have come again!</p>
  3652. <p>Qishul y6u měiyou le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are out of soda again.</p>
  3653. <p>Tā zu6tiān měi shāng ke. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday he didn<sup>f</sup>t attend class.</p>
  3654. <p>Jīntiān y5u měi shāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today, again, he didn’t attend</p>
  3655. <p>class.</p>
  3656. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3657. <p>2. B: Nin wěishěnme gang huilai, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did you go again when you had</p>
  3658. <p>you qu le ne? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just come back from there?</p>
  3659. <p>A: W5 zhěici dao GUangzhōu q.0. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This time I went to GuSngzhōu</p>
  3660. <p>shi yīnwei wo you yige hen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;because I had a very good friend</p>
  3661. <p>lmode pěngyou c6ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coming there from Hong Kong.</p>
  3662. <p>Xianggang lai.</p>
  3663. <p>Notes on No. 2</p>
  3664. <p>Wěishěnme, <sup>Tl</sup>vhy,&quot; follows the subject in the first sentence of exchange 2. This question word usually occurs in that position. (In English, &quot;why<sup>11</sup> always precedes the subject.)</p>
  3665. <p>Ni věishěnme you q.tl le ne?</p>
  3666. <p>(Why &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;did you go again?)</p>
  3667. <p>Sometimes věishěnme precedes the subject of a sentence:</p>
  3668. <p>Wei shěnme tā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;měi qtl?</p>
  3669. <p>Tā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;věi8hěnme měi qň? <sup>!,</sup>Why didn’t he go?”</p>
  3670. <p>Gang, &quot;only a short while ago,&quot; <sup>,f</sup>Just<sup>,f</sup>: The first sentence in the exchange could also be translated as ”Why,having Just come back from there, did you go again?&quot;</p>
  3671. <p>The adverb gang is used in sentences describing something that has just been done, in other vords, completed action. But notice that the marker le for completion is not used here. The marker le^ is added vhen the focus is on whether or not the action has &quot;been performed, not on vhen or hov it was performed. Gang is often used in sentences emphasizing the recentness of an action, not the fact that it was done; therefore le is not used.</p>
  3672. <p>Ni shi shěnme shlhou lāide? When did you come here?</p>
  3673. <p>Gang lUi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I Just got here.</p>
  3674. <p>Ni mělmei zili bu z&amp;i? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is your little sister here?</p>
  3675. <p>Tā gang z5u. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She Just left.</p>
  3676. <p>Hui, <sup>u</sup>to return,” &quot;to go back&quot;: Like chu, &quot;to go out,” and Jin. <sup>n</sup>to enterT<sup>7</sup>*&quot; hui must be followed by either a place word or a directional ending.</p>
  3677. <p>hui Běijīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to BSiJIng</p>
  3678. <p>hulguS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to one’s native country</p>
  3679. <p>huljiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return home</p>
  3680. <p>huilai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come back</p>
  3681. <p>huiqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go back</p>
  3682. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3683. <p>123</p>
  3684. <p>The meaning of huilai is not as broad as that of the English translation <sup>,f</sup>to come &quot;back,” which has two meanings: 1) to come from someplace else to the original place (”He leaves for work at eight and doesn<sup>f</sup>t come back till six.”) and 2) to come another time (&quot;Mr. Wang isn’t in today; come back tomorrow.<sup>Tf</sup>) Huilai means <sup>,T</sup>to return to a particular place.<sup>n</sup> To say &quot;to come another time” in Chinese, you vould use an adverb meaning &quot;again&quot; and the verb lai. For example,</p>
  3685. <p>Wang Xiānsheng jīntiān bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Wang isn't in today; please</p>
  3686. <p>zai, qing ni mingtiān zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;come back tomorrow, lai.</p>
  3687. <p>Něige rěn zuotiān you lai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That guy came &quot;back looking for you</p>
  3688. <p>zhǎo ni, nǐ Tdu zai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yesterday, but you were out.</p>
  3689. <p>Ne: Because of the question word veishěnme, ”why,” the first sentence in exchange 2 is clearly a question. The marker ne_ is not needed to indicate a question, but does give an added ring of inquisitiveness to the sentence. Questions ending in ne_ often seem to be asking for definite answers.</p>
  3690. <p>Yinvei,”&quot;because<sup>u</sup>: Here are some simpler sentences containing yinvei:</p>
  3691. <p>Ni wěishěnme měi lai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why didn<sup>!</sup>t you come?</p>
  3692. <p>Yīnwei wo hen mang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because I was very busy.</p>
  3693. <p>Ni věishěnme lāiwǎn le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did you come late?</p>
  3694. <p>Yīnwei wo zoucuo le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because I made a wrong turn.</p>
  3695. <p>Nī wěishěnme you qu le? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did you go again?</p>
  3696. <p>Yīnwei wode pěngyou cong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because my friend was coming from</p>
  3697. <p>Xianggang lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hong Kong,</p>
  3698. <p>The word order in the second sentence of exchange 2 may be described in terms of a pattern:</p>
  3699. <p>SENTENCE shi yīnwei SENTENCE</p>
  3700. <p>W5 zhěici dao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wo you yige hěn</p>
  3701. <p>Guangzhou qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;haode pěngyou</p>
  3702. <p>cong Xianggang lai.</p>
  3703. <p>The phrase hen haode pěngyou contains the marker of modification ~de&gt;</p>
  3704. <p>The modifying phrase ADVERB + ADJECTIVAL VERB (e.g.,zui xiao,tai gāo) is followed by -de. Therefore hǎo pěngyou does not need -de,but hen hǎode pěngyou does.</p>
  3705. <p>The verb y5u is translated in the past tense in the second sentence of this exchange: ’<sup>f</sup>I HAD a • • • friend coming.&quot; Notice that there is no completed-action marker in the sentence. You cannot be used with a completed-action marker &quot;because it is a STATE verb, not an action verb,</p>
  3706. <p>(See notes on Nos. 了-8 in BIO,Unit 8,and on No. b in this unit.)</p>
  3707. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3708. <p>12k</p>
  3709. <p>3. A: Women you yinian měi jian le* We had not seen each other for a year. A: Tā qǐng wo pěi ta yiqī qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She asked me to accompany her (in her)</p>
  3710. <p>luxing. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;travels*</p>
  3711. <p>Notes on No. 3</p>
  3712. <p>You yinian měi: To state the period of time within which something has not happened, place the amount of time in front of the negative and the verb. The verb you may be placed in front of the amount of time.</p>
  3713. <p>Women &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(you) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sānniān měi jian le.</p>
  3714. <p>(as for us there &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 years haven<sup>1</sup>1 met)</p>
  3715. <p>have &quot;been</p>
  3716. <p><sup>īf</sup>We haven^ seen each other for three years.”</p>
  3717. <p>In this example, new«situation le might be translated as <sup>ff</sup>as of now.&quot;</p>
  3718. <p>When you are talking about a period of time within which something will not happen,the same pattern is used, but y5u may NOT be added:</p>
  3719. <p>Wo liǎngtiān *bu chī fan. <sup>n</sup>I<sup>f</sup>m not going to eat for _I_^_I two days •<sup>n</sup></p>
  3720. <p>The verb qǐng, which you have already learned as <sup>n</sup>please,<sup>n</sup> means &quot;to request [that a person do something!<sup>1</sup>' or &quot;to invite.<sup>u</sup> Normally, when you qing someone to take a trip or to go out, you are saying that you will pay all expenses.</p>
  3721. <p>k. A: Sānge yuě yīqian wo zāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three months ago, when I was in</p>
  3722. <p>Guangzhou, něige shlhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guangzhou, she didn<sup>f</sup>t know yet</p>
  3723. <p>tā hai bu zhidao něng bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;whether she vould be able to</p>
  3724. <p>něng lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;come or not.</p>
  3725. <p>Notes on No. k</p>
  3726. <p>Yigian, <sup>īf</sup>ago<sup>Tt</sup>: You have already seen yiqiān used after a phrase to mean &quot;before.<sup>tf</sup></p>
  3727. <p>Wo shang bān yīqian, vo mǎi Before I start vork,工 will &quot;buy diǎnr chide. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;something to eat•</p>
  3728. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3729. <p>125</p>
  3730. <p>In No. U,yigian is used after an amount of time to mean &quot;ago.&quot;</p>
  3731. <p>Liangnian yīqian, wo měiyou Two years ago, I didn<sup>!</sup>t have a car. qichē.</p>
  3732. <p>Něng, ”can,” ”to be able to,” &quot;to be capable of”: The most general word in Chinese for &quot;to be able to<sup>n</sup> is něng. The meanings of něng and kěyi, <sup>n</sup>to be permitted &quot;by someone” or &quot;permissible according to some rules or conventions,&quot; overlap•</p>
  3733. <p>Neige shlhou tā hai zhidao: The negative is bu, even though the sentence refers to the past. The negative měi cannot be used here &quot;because it is the negative of completed action. The verb zhidao, like the verb you and adjectival verbs such as hao,is a state verb and cannot be thought of as completed.</p>
  3734. <p>Since the negative of a state verb is the same in the present and past tenses, the intended time must be discovered from the context. One reason for using neige shlhou in No. k is to make the time reference very clear.</p>
  3735. <p>STATE VERBS include all adjectival verbs, auxiliary verbs, and a few other verbs. Here are some examples:</p>
  3736. <p>STATE VERBS</p>
  3737. <p>Adjectival Verbs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Auxiliaries &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Others</p>
  3738. <p>da &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shi</p>
  3739. <p>xiǎo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kěyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zai</p>
  3740. <p>gui &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;něng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you</p>
  3741. <p>pianyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xing</p>
  3742. <p>kuai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bū bi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jiao</p>
  3743. <p>man &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhīdao</p>
  3744. <p>duō &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xiang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xīhuan shǎo gāoxing</p>
  3745. <p>Yījiǔsānylniān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dongxi dōu bu In 1931,everything vas inexpensive.</p>
  3746. <p>gul.</p>
  3747. <p>Wǒ zai Děguode &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shlhou bu hux When I was in Germany <sub>9</sub> I couldn<sup>f</sup>t</p>
  3748. <p>shuō Děguo hua. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;speak German•</p>
  3749. <p>WS yiqiān bu xihuan nian shū. Before,I didn’t like to study.</p>
  3750. <p>Bu zhidao něng bu něng lai, <sup>n</sup>didn<sup>f</sup>t know if she would be able to come&quot;: The ob j ect of the verb zhidao is a choice-type question, něng bu něng lai. Here are more examples of this usage:</p>
  3751. <p>Wǒ bu zhīdao hai you měiyou. I don<sup>f</sup>t knov if there are any left.</p>
  3752. <p>Ni venwen tā maile měiyou. Ask him if he bought it.</p>
  3753. <p>Wǒ xiǎng zhīdao tāmen lai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to know if they are</p>
  3754. <p>bu lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coming or not.</p>
  3755. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3756. <p>126</p>
  3757. <p>English-speaking students of Chinese are often tempted to translate &quot;if&quot; as ruguo or yaoshi; to do so, however, is wrong. The following rule may help you remember to use a choice-type question: Whenever the <sup>f,</sup>if<sup>n</sup> in an English sentence means &quot;whether,” use a choice-type question in Chinese.</p>
  3758. <p>For example, ”1 vould like to know if they are coming<sup>11</sup> means <sup>Tf</sup>I vould like to know whether they are coming”; therefore, in Chinese, you would use a choice-type question as the object of the verb zhidao•</p>
  3759. <p>5. B: Nimen dōu quguo shěnme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What places did you go to? dlfang?</p>
  3760. <p>A: NanJ īng, Shelnghai, Hangzhou, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We went to Nānjīng, Shanghai, Hang-</p>
  3761. <p>Sūzhōu, dōu qu le. Hang- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhōu, and Sūzhōu. Hangzhǒu is</p>
  3762. <p>zhou zhēn shi piaoliang. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;really beautiful.</p>
  3763. <p>Notes on No. 5</p>
  3764. <p>Nimen dōu quguo shěnme difang? is ambiguous. It could mean either &quot;What places did all of you go to?” or &quot;What are all the places that you went to?”</p>
  3765. <p>You already know that dōu may refer to an object when that object precedes the verb, in topic position. (See the second sentence in exchange 5-)</p>
  3766. <p>In this first sentence of the exchange, dōu is referring to an object which occurs after the vert. When an object includes a question word, it is not placed before dōu in the sentence.</p>
  3767. <p>Tā dōu. quguo shenme dlfang? What are all the places that he</p>
  3768. <p>vent to?</p>
  3769. <p>Ta dōu nianguo shěnme shū? What are all the books that she has</p>
  3770. <p>read?</p>
  3771. <p>Tā dōu mǎiguo shěnme dōngxi? What are all the things that he</p>
  3772. <p>bought ?</p>
  3773. <p>The shi in Hangzhōu zhēn shi piaoliang has &quot;been added for emphasis. Shi is not required &quot;before adjectival verts.</p>
  3774. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3775. <p>127</p>
  3776. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: You jīhui wo yelo zai qu ylci. If I have the chance, I would like</p>
  3777. <p>to go again.</p>
  3778. <p>Notes on No. 6</p>
  3779. <p>The adverb zai means <sup>n</sup>again<sup>n</sup> in talking about actions that have not &quot;been completed.~(&quot;This adverb was translated previously in your text as ”then<sup>M</sup> in commands,)</p>
  3780. <p>Mingtiān zāi lSi ta! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Come again tomorrow.</p>
  3781. <p>Qīng ni zeli shuō ytcl. Please say it again.</p>
  3782. <p>Yicl means <sup>M</sup>one occurrence of going,” or &quot;one trip/<sup>1</sup> in this sentence. (The English translation does not include an equivalent of yici,)</p>
  3783. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Zhěixiē difang ni dōu q^guo You have gone to all those places,</p>
  3784. <p>le ta? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I suppose?</p>
  3785. <p>B: Mei dōu quguo. WS hai měi I haven<sup>1</sup>t been to all of them. I quguo Sūzhōu. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still haven<sup>f</sup>t been to Sūzhōu.</p>
  3786. <p>Note on No, 7</p>
  3787. <p>Mei dōu, &quot;not all<sup>1</sup>’: In the second sentence of exchange T» the negative měi precedes the adverb dou. Placing a negative before dōu instead of after it changes the meaning of the phrase. Compare the sentences below:</p>
  3788. <p>Tāmen dōu bu lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are all not coming. (All of</p>
  3789. <p>them are not coming.)</p>
  3790. <p>Tāmen bu dou lai. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not all of them are coming.</p>
  3791. <p>WS dōu měi quguo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven,t &quot;been to any of them.</p>
  3792. <p>Wo měi dou qiiguo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven’t been to all of them.</p>
  3793. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3794. <p>128</p>
  3795. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui gu6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to return to one<sup>f</sup>s native country</p>
  3796. <p>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hui Jiā &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come/go home</p>
  3797. <p>10. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hulqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go back</p>
  3798. <p>11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rěnao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be 1 i vely/&quot;bust 1 ing /no i sy</p>
  3799. <p>12. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be interesting</p>
  3800. <p>13. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;měi (you) yisi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to 'be uninteresting lU. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;suoyi (suoyi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;therefore, so</p>
  3801. <p>Note on Additional Required Vocabulary</p>
  3802. <p>Suoyi (also pronounced su6yi) is the word <sup>,,</sup>therefore,<sup>n</sup> &quot;so.</p>
  3803. <p>Wo hen mang, suoyi měi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was very busy, so I didn*t go.</p>
  3804. <p>In Chinese sentences expressing cause and result, the pattern yīnvei.,. suoyi.., is preferred. English speakers often find difficulty in using this pattern because it sounds unnatural in English to say &quot;Because I vas very &quot;busy, so_ I didn’t go.” In English, either <sup>,f</sup>*because<sup>n</sup> or ”so” would be omitted; but, in Chinese, both yinvei and suoyi are oj^ten retained.</p>
  3805. <p>Yīnwei wo hen mang, suoyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was very busy, so I didn<sup>f</sup>t go.</p>
  3806. <p>měi qu, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(OR &quot;Because 工 was very &quot;busy,</p>
  3807. <p>I didn't go.”)</p>
  3808. <p>Yīnwei tā shi hǎo xuěsheng, Because he is a good student, all suoyi laoshī d5u xihuan ta. the teachers like him.</p>
  3809. <p>Yīnwei w5 měiyou hizhāo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't have a passport, so I can*t</p>
  3810. <p>su6yi xiānzāi wo hai bu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;leave yet. (OR &quot;Because I don<sup>T</sup>t</p>
  3811. <p>něng llkāi. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have a passport, I can’t leave</p>
  3812. <p>yet,)</p>
  3813. <p>Yīnwei wS yao dao Zhōngguo I have to learn Chinese because qii, suoyi vo yelo xuě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm going to go to China.</p>
  3814. <p>Zhōngwěn.</p>
  3815. <p>Yīnwei vo měiyou chē, su6yi I don’t have a car, so I can’t live wo *bu něng zhude ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too far avay from school. (OR</p>
  3816. <p>xuexifik) tai yuan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Because I don<sup>f</sup>t have a car, I</p>
  3817. <p>can <sup>f</sup>t live too far avay from school,)</p>
  3818. <p>Notice that suoyi always precedes the subject of the sentence.</p>
  3819. <p>Suoyi may also mean &quot;that’s why&quot;,: ”That’s vhy you came here by plane<sub>%</sub> Suoyi ni shi zu5 fēijī laide• When used this way, the word 8u5yi is stressed.</p>
  3820. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3821. <p>DRILLS</p>
  3822. <p>Trans format ion Drill</p>
  3823. <table border="1">
  3824. <tr><td>
  3825. <p>1.</p></td><td colspan="2">
  3826. <p>Speaker: Tā chū měn le.</p></td></tr>
  3827. <tr><td>
  3828. <p></p></td><td>
  3829. <p></p></td><td>
  3830. <p>(He has gone out</p></td></tr>
  3831. <tr><td>
  3832. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  3833. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3834. <p>dsto Zhongguo qu le.</p></td></tr>
  3835. <tr><td>
  3836. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  3837. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  3838. <p>niān shū le.</p></td></tr>
  3839. <tr><td>
  3840. <p>k.</p></td><td>
  3841. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  3842. <p>shltzigqu le.</p></td></tr>
  3843. <tr><td>
  3844. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  3845. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3846. <p>dao pěngyou Jia q■&amp; le.</p></td></tr>
  3847. <tr><td>
  3848. <p>6.</p></td><td>
  3849. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3850. <p>iSi le.</p></td></tr>
  3851. <tr><td>
  3852. <p>7.</p></td><td>
  3853. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  3854. <p>hulqu le.</p></td></tr>
  3855. </table>
  3856. <p>You: Ta ySu chū měn le ma?</p>
  3857. <p>(Has he gone out again?)</p>
  3858. <table border="1">
  3859. <tr><td>
  3860. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3861. <p>y5u</p></td><td>
  3862. <p>dao Zhongguo q\i</p></td><td>
  3863. <p>le ma?</p></td></tr>
  3864. <tr><td>
  3865. <p>Ta</p></td><td>
  3866. <p>y5u</p></td><td>
  3867. <p>ni^n shu le ma?</p></td><td>
  3868. <p></p></td></tr>
  3869. <tr><td>
  3870. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3871. <p>y3u</p></td><td>
  3872. <p>shāngqu le ma?</p></td><td>
  3873. <p></p></td></tr>
  3874. <tr><td>
  3875. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3876. <p>yBu</p></td><td>
  3877. <p>dsio pěngyou Jia</p></td><td>
  3878. <p>qyi le ma?</p></td></tr>
  3879. <tr><td>
  3880. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3881. <p>ySu</p></td><td>
  3882. <p>lSi le ma?</p></td><td>
  3883. <p></p></td></tr>
  3884. <tr><td>
  3885. <p>Tā</p></td><td>
  3886. <p>y3u</p></td><td>
  3887. <p>hulqu le ma?</p></td><td>
  3888. <p></p></td></tr>
  3889. </table>
  3890. <p>B. Expansion Drill</p>
  3891. <p>1<sub>#</sub> Speaker: Wo yao kan yige pěngyou• (I want to see a friend.)</p>
  3892. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS yao mai yitěn Zhōngguo</p>
  3893. <p>z^diǎn.</p>
  3894. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xiǎng mǎi yige huāplng.</p>
  3895. <p>k. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā yao k&amp;nkan mǔqin.</p>
  3896. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā dǎsuan qu huān yidian qiSn.</p>
  3897. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xiang xuě Zhongwěn.</p>
  3898. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā dǎsuan mǎi yidian dongxi.</p>
  3899. <p>You: Wo zhěici qīi shi yao kiln yige pěngyou.</p>
  3900. <p>(The reason 1*111 going this time is Cthat3 I want to see a friend.)</p>
  3901. <p>Wo zhěici qu shi y&amp;o mǎi yib§n Zhongguo zldiǎn.</p>
  3902. <p>Tā zhěici qň shi huāplng.</p>
  3903. <p>xiǎng mai yige</p>
  3904. <p>Tā zhěici qō. shi yelo kankan mǔqin.</p>
  3905. <p>Tā zhěici shi dǎsuan huān yidiSn qiān,</p>
  3906. <p>Tā zhěici &lt;^l shi xiǎng xuě ZhSngvěn.</p>
  3907. <p>Tā zhěici qi shi dSsuan mai yidiǎn dongxi•</p>
  3908. <p>129</p>
  3909. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3910. <p>C. Substitution Drill</p>
  3911. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo you yiniSn měi qň.</p>
  3912. <p>le.</p>
  3913. <p>(cue) kanj ian ta (I haven’t gone for a year.)</p>
  3914. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you yinian měi kānjian ta le,</p>
  3915. <p>āko Shanghai qu</p>
  3916. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you yiniān měi deio Shanghai</p>
  3917. <p>qu le. k&amp;n Zhongwěn &quot;bāo</p>
  3918. <p>Wo you yiniān měi ksLn Zhōngwěn bāo le. qu kstn ta</p>
  3919. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ you yiniān měi qu kstn ta le.</p>
  3920. <p>zuS feijī</p>
  3921. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo you yiniān měi feijī le.</p>
  3922. <p>dao zhěr lai</p>
  3923. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ you yiniSn měi dko zhěr lai</p>
  3924. <p>le.</p>
  3925. <p>You: Wo you yinian měi kanjian ta le.</p>
  3926. <p>(I haven<sup>f</sup>t seen him for a year.)</p>
  3927. <p>Wo you yiniān le.</p>
  3928. <p>měi ōāq Shanghai q,\i měi kan ZhSngvěn bāo Wo you yiniān měi qu ksin ta le.</p>
  3929. <p>Wo you yiniěn le.</p>
  3930. <p>Wo you yiniSn měi zuo fēijī le.</p>
  3931. <p>W5 you yiniSn měi dao zhěr lāi le.</p>
  3932. <p>Transformation Drill</p>
  3933. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo gege qing vo pěi ta</p>
  3934. <p>qu ltlxlng.</p>
  3935. <p>(My older brother asked me to accompany him [in his] travels.)</p>
  3936. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo jiejie qing wo pěi ta q\i</p>
  3937. <p>mǎi dongxi.</p>
  3938. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wo sLiren qing wo pěi ta qi</p>
  3939. <p>kan pěngyou•</p>
  3940. <p>k<sub>m</sub> Zhang Tongzhi qǐng vo pěi ta dao Běijīng qīi.</p>
  3941. <p>5. Li T6ngzhl qǐng wo pěi ta āko bovuguan qu.</p>
  3942. <p>You; Wo děi pěi wo gege qīi luxlng • (I must accompany my older brother 匚in his] travels.)</p>
  3943. <p>WS děi pěi wo jiejie qu mǎi dongxi,</p>
  3944. <p>W5 děi pěi wo airen qu kan pěngyou.</p>
  3945. <p>Wo dei pěi Zhang Tongzhi dao Běijīng qu.</p>
  3946. <p>Wo děi pěi L? T6ngzhi dao &quot;bSwuguan qu.</p>
  3947. <p>130</p>
  3948. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3949. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta</p>
  3950. <p>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā</p>
  3951. <p>qīng wo pěi qǐng wo pěi</p>
  3952. <p>ta mai shū. ta qu huan qian.</p>
  3953. <p>Wǒ děi pěi ta qu mǎi shū. Wo děi pěi ta qu huān qian.</p>
  3954. <p>E. Substitution Drill</p>
  3955. <p>1. Speaker: Tā něige shlhou hSi &quot;bu zhīdao něng bu něng lai,</p>
  3956. <p>(cue) shěnme shlhou (At that time he did not yet know whether or not he would be able to come.)</p>
  3957. <p>Tā něige shěnme</p>
  3958. <p>shlhou</p>
  3959. <p>shlhou</p>
  3960. <p>xīngqījǐ</p>
  3961. <p>3. Tā něige shlhou xīngqīJx lěi.</p>
  3962. <p>hai bu zhīdao lai.</p>
  3963. <p>hai bu zhīdao kěyi bu keyi</p>
  3964. <p>U* Ta něige shlhou hSi bu zhīdao kěyi bu keyi lěi, jiyuě</p>
  3965. <p>5# Tā něige shlhou hai bu zhidao jiyuě lai. něng bu něng</p>
  3966. <p>6. Ta neige shihou hāi bu zhidao něng bu něng lai. jJhao</p>
  3967. <p>T, Tā něige shlhou hāi bu zhīd&amp;o jihāo lai.</p>
  3968. <p>You; Tā neige shěnme (At that</p>
  3969. <p>shlhou hai bu zhīdao</p>
  3970. <p>shlhou lāi.</p>
  3971. <p>time he did not yet</p>
  3972. <p>know what time to come,)</p>
  3973. <p>Ta něige shlhou hai bu zhīdao xīngqīji lai.</p>
  3974. <p>Tā neige shlhou hai bu zhTdSo kěyi bu keyi lai.</p>
  3975. <p>Ta něige shlhou hai bu zhīdao jǐyuě lai.</p>
  3976. <p>Tā něige shlhou hāi bu zhīdao něng bu něng lai.</p>
  3977. <p>Tā neige shlhou hai bu zhīdao jihao lai.</p>
  3978. <p>參</p>
  3979. <p>131</p>
  3980. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  3981. <p>Response Drill</p>
  3982. <p>1, Speaker: Nimen dou quguo shěnme difang?</p>
  3983. <p>(cue) Shanghai<sub>9</sub> Nlnjīng (What places did you go to?)</p>
  3984. <p>Nimen dou quguo shěnme difang? n? shuōde</p>
  3985. <p>Nīmen d5u niānguo shěnme? zhěngzhixuě, jīngj ixui</p>
  3986. <p>Nǐmen dou mǎi shěnme le? zhuozi, panziwǎn</p>
  3987. <p>Nimen zu6tiān dou mǎi shěnme le? shǔ, zazhi</p>
  3988. <p>Nimen dōu yāo shěnme yānsěde? lande, hongde</p>
  3989. <p>Nimen jīntiān d5u quguo shěnme difang? bovuguan, zhǎnlǎnguǎn</p>
  3990. <p>You: Shanghai, Nanjing women dōu qu le •</p>
  3991. <p>(We vent to both Shanghai and Nanjing.)</p>
  3992. <p>Ni shuōde něixiē difang women d5u qu le.</p>
  3993. <p>Zhěngzhixuě, jīngjixue women dou nieLn le.</p>
  3994. <p>Zhuozi, pSnziwǎn women dou mǎi le.</p>
  3995. <p>Shū<sub>9</sub> zazhi women d5u mai le.</p>
  3996. <p>Lānde<sub>9</sub> h5ngde women dou yao.</p>
  3997. <p>Bovuguan, zhǎnlǎnguǎn women dōu qu le.</p>
  3998. <p>G• Transformation Drill</p>
  3999. <p>1, Speaker: Tāmen dōu lai le ma?</p>
  4000. <p>(cue) not all (Did they all come?)</p>
  4001. <p>You: Tāmen mei dou lSi.</p>
  4002. <p>(Not all of them came.)</p>
  4003. <table border="1">
  4004. <tr><td>
  4005. <p>2.</p></td><td>
  4006. <p>Tāmen</p></td><td>
  4007. <p>d5u</p></td><td colspan="2">
  4008. <p>qu le ma?</p></td><td>
  4009. <p>none</p></td><td>
  4010. <p>Tāmen</p></td><td>
  4011. <p>dou</p></td><td>
  4012. <p>měi</p></td><td>
  4013. <p>qi.</p></td></tr>
  4014. <tr><td>
  4015. <p>3.</p></td><td>
  4016. <p>Tamen</p></td><td>
  4017. <p>d5u</p></td><td>
  4018. <p>zou</p></td><td>
  4019. <p>le ma?</p></td><td>
  4020. <p>not all</p></td><td>
  4021. <p>Tāmen</p></td><td>
  4022. <p>měi</p></td><td>
  4023. <p>d5u</p></td><td>
  4024. <p>zou.</p></td></tr>
  4025. <tr><td>
  4026. <p>k.</p></td><td>
  4027. <p>Tamen</p></td><td>
  4028. <p>dou</p></td><td>
  4029. <p>mǎi</p></td><td>
  4030. <p>le ma?</p></td><td>
  4031. <p>none</p></td><td>
  4032. <p>Tamen</p></td><td>
  4033. <p>dou</p></td><td>
  4034. <p>měi</p></td><td>
  4035. <p>mǎi.</p></td></tr>
  4036. <tr><td>
  4037. <p>5.</p></td><td>
  4038. <p>Tāmen</p>
  4039. <p>not</p></td><td>
  4040. <p>d5u</p>
  4041. <p>all</p></td><td>
  4042. <p>miLi</p></td><td>
  4043. <p>Zhōngguo</p></td><td>
  4044. <p>shū ma?</p></td><td>
  4045. <p>Tamen</p></td><td colspan="3">
  4046. <p>bň d5u m^i Zhongguo shū.</p></td></tr>
  4047. </table>
  4048. <p>6, Shanghai, Běijīng, N^njīng tamen d5u quguo le ma? not all</p>
  4049. <p>Tāmen měi dou qxiguo.</p>
  4050. <p>7. Tāmen d5u laiguo ma? none</p>
  4051. <p>Tātnen dou měi lāiguo •</p>
  4052. <p>132</p>
  4053. <p>TRN, Unit 8</p>
  4054. <p>Transformation Drill</p>
  4055. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Wo mingtiān yao zai</p>
  4056. <p>qu ylci.</p>
  4057. <p>(Tomorrow I want to go again•)</p>
  4058. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta houtiān yao zai lai ylci.</p>
  4059. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mlngnian yao zai nian ylci. U. Wo xiage yuě yāo zai kan yici.</p>
  4060. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā xiage xīngqī yao zai zuo</p>
  4061. <p>ylci.</p>
  4062. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wǒ xiawu yao zai xuě yfci.</p>
  4063. <p>飞• Tā xiage Xīngqīyī yāo zai kāi ylci.</p>
  4064. <p>You: Wo zuotiān you qule ylci• (Yesterday 工 vent again.)</p>
  4065. <p>Tā qiantian you laile ylci,</p>
  4066. <p>Tā qunian you nianle ylci.</p>
  4067. <p>Wo shangge yuě you kanle yīci.</p>
  4068. <p>Ta shangge xīngqī y5u zuole ylci.</p>
  4069. <p>Wo shangwu you xuěle yici.</p>
  4070. <p>Ta shangge Xīngqīyī yōu kSile ylci,</p>
  4071. <p>Trans format ion Drill</p>
  4072. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker: Nǐmen d5u quguo shěnme</p>
  4073. <p>difang?</p>
  4074. <p>(cue) zhěige difang (What places did you go to?)</p>
  4075. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nimen dōu mǎi shěnme le?</p>
  4076. <p>shū</p>
  4077. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nimen dou yao shěnme?</p>
  4078. <p>mǎi lānde</p>
  4079. <p>k<sub>m</sub> Nǐmen dōu zhuguo shěnme fandiān? něige fandiān</p>
  4080. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐmen dou nianguo shěnme?</p>
  4081. <p>zhěngzhixuě</p>
  4082. <p>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nǐmen dōu kan shěrme dianyīng</p>
  4083. <p>le? zhěige dianying</p>
  4084. <p>1• Nimen dou xing shěnme? Lǐ</p>
  4085. <p>You: Nimen d5u quguo zhěige difang ma?</p>
  4086. <p>(Did all of you go to this place?)</p>
  4087. <p>Nimen d5u mǎi shū le ma?</p>
  4088. <p>Nimen d5u yao mǎi lānde ma?</p>
  4089. <p>Nǐmen dōu zhuguo něige fandian ma?</p>
  4090. <p>Nimen d5u nianguo zhěngzhixuě ma?</p>
  4091. <p>Nimen</p>
  4092. <p>ma?</p>
  4093. <p>dou</p>
  4094. <p>kan zhěige dianyīng le Nimen dōu xing Lǐ ma?</p>
  4095. <p>133</p>
  4096. <p>W, Unit 8</p>
  4097. <p>Expansion Drill</p>
  4098. <p>Speaker: Tā y5u qu le^</p>
  4099. <p>(cue) huflai (He<sup>f</sup>s gone again•)</p>
  4100. <p>」■■ you lai le, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hulqu</p>
  4101. <p>iā yōu zou le. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;huilai</p>
  4102. <p>■j<sup>:</sup>ā you hulqu le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lai</p>
  4103. <p>Tā you huilai le* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;qu</p>
  4104. <p>:_5 y5u huilai le i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zS\i</p>
  4105. <p>You: Tā wěishěnme gang huilai ySu. qu le ne?</p>
  4106. <p>(Why did he go again when he had just come back?)</p>
  4107. <p>Ta weishěnme gang le ne?</p>
  4108. <p>Tā wěishěnme gang le ne?</p>
  4109. <p>Tā wěishěnme gang le ne?</p>
  4110. <p>Tā wěishěnme gang ne?</p>
  4111. <p>Ta wěishěnme gang le ne?</p>
  4112. <p>hulqu you lai huilai ySu zou lai you hulqu qu you huilai le zou you huilai</p>
  4113. <p>Tā you qu le*</p>
  4114. <p>huilai</p>
  4115. <p>Ta wěishěnme gang huilai yōu qii le ne?</p>
  4116. </body>
  4117. </html>