lesson-vocabulary-simplified-5.cvs 898 B

  1. 请问 qı̌ng wèn may I ask; excuse me [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  2. 有 yǒu to have [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  3. 菜单 càidān menu [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  4. 请 qı̌ng please [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  5. 稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  6. 好的 hǎo de OK [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  7. 买单 mǎidān to ask for the bill [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  8. 好吃 hǎochı̄ tasty [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  9. 菜 cài dish [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  10. 汤 tāng soup [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod
  11. 点菜 diǎncài to order food [sound:ChinesePod-Newbie-L5-V-.flac] Newbie 5 ChinesePod