lesson-vocabulary-simplified-121.csv 492 B

  1. 师傅 shı̄fu master (driver)
  2. 开 kāi to drive
  3. 快 kuài faster
  4. 一点 yı̄diǎn a bit
  5. 赶时间 gǎn shı́jiān to be in a hurry
  6. 如果 rúguǒ if
  7. 迟到 chı́dào to arrive late
  8. 会 huı̀ will
  9. 被 bèi /
  10. 扣 kòu to dock
  11. 薪水 xı̄nshuı̌ salary
  12. 明白 mı́ngbai to understand
  13. 超速 chāosù exceed the speed limit
  14. 闯红灯 chuǎng hóng-dēng to run or drive through a red
  15. 罚款 fákuǎn to fine
  16. 抄近路 chāo jı̀nlù to take a short cut