
词 汇
Chinese Words  Pinyin  Part of Speech	Engl. Trans.	Examples
班机          bānjī                    n.           flight
左右          zuǒyòu                   adv.         about, approximately
长得...       zhǎngde                  v.           to look like, to be grown
礼貌          lǐmào                    adj.         polite
点头          diǎntóu                  v.           to nod
没想到        méixiǎngdào              idiom exp.   did not think
发音          fāyīn                    n.           pronunciation
标准          biāozhǔn                 adj.         precise, standard
训练班        xùnliànbān                n.           training class, training
母校          mǔxiào                   n.           alma mater 
计算机        jìsuànjī                 n.           computer
系            xì                       n.           department
呆            dāi                      v.           to stay
家            jiā                    measure word   for families or business
公司          gōngsī                   n.           company
出差          chūchāi                  v.phrase     to go on a business trip
顺便          shùnbiàn                adv.         by taking advantage of the 
那            nà                      conj.        then, in that case       
外事办        wàishìbàn                n.           foreign affairs office 
出口处        chūkǒuchù                n.           exit
上车          shàngchē                v.phrase     to get in a car/on a bus
乘坐          chéngzuò                v.           to take (train/boat/plan)
降落          jiàngluò                v.           to land
实在          shízài                  adv.         really
当...的时候   dāng...deshíhòu        prep.phrase  (at the time) when
走进          zǒujìn                   v.           to walk/step into
海关          hǎiguān                  n.           customs
大厅          dàtīng                   n.           hall
惊讶          jīngyà                  adj.         suprised
变化          biànhuà                  n.           change
座            zuò                   measure word   for mountains, buildings
                                                   or other simmilar immovable
现代化        xiàndàihuà              adj.         modernized      
出            chū                     v.           to exit
高速公路      gāosùgōnglù              n.           highway
高层建筑      gāocéngjiànzhù         n.phrase       tall building
政治          zhèngzhì                 n.           politics
经济          jīngjì                   n.           economics
文化          wénhuà                   n.           culture
人口          rénkǒu                   n.           population
此外          cǐwài                   adv.         in addition to, besides     
吸引          xīyǐn                   v.           to attract
来自          láizì                   v.           to come from
世界各地      shìjiègèdì               n.           all over the world
游客          yóukè                   n.           tourist
旅游          lǚyóu                   v.n.         to tour, tour
旅游胜地      lǚyóushèngdì             n.           tourist resort
开            kāi                     v.           to drive
办理          bànlǐ                   v.           to handle,to process
报到注册      bàodàozhùcè            v.phrase       to register
手续          shǒuxù                  n.           precedure, paper work 
辛苦          xīnkǔ                   adj.          hard; not easy


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