
词 汇
Chinese Words  Pinyin  Part of Speech	Engl. Trans.	Examples
演讲		yănjiăng	v.		to make speech, to lecture	
人文		rénwén		n.		humanities 
素养		sùyăng		n.		accomplishment, attainment
涉及		shèj		v.		to involve, to touch upon
众说纷纭 	zhòngshu? fēnyún set phrase	opinions vary	
“五四”	Wŭs		n.		May 4th Movement (1919)
回顾		huìg		v.		to retrospect
战争		zhànzhēng	n.		war	
现代化		xiàndàihu	n.		modernization
交错点		jiāocuòdiăn	n.		crossing point 
设想		shèxiăng	v.		to assume, to imagine	
美学		mĕixu		n.		aesthetics
核心		héxīn		n.		nucleus, core, kernel
禁		jìn		v.		to ban, not to allow
愚昧		yúmèi		n.		ignorant, stupid
无可奈何	wúkĕ nàihé	set phrase.	to have no alternative	
粗鄙		cūb		adj.		vulgar, coarse
原型		yuánxìng	n.		prototype	
顿悟		dùnw		v.		to be suddenly enlightened 
纵深		zòngshēn	n.		depth	
岸		àn		n.		bank, coast
实体		shìt		n.		entity
触摸		chùm		v.		to touch
树干		shùgàn		n.		tree trunk
无常		wúcháng		adj.		impermanent, changeable 	
迷宫		mìgōng		n.		maze, labyrinth 	
篱		lì		n.		fence
处境		chŭjìng		n.		situation	
迷惘		mìwăng		adj.		vast and hazy, perplexed 	
彷徨		pánghuáng	v.		to pace back and forth, to hesitate
出路		chūl		n.		outlet, way out 
颠倒		diāndăo		v.		to put upside down	
何尝		hécháng		adv.		how can it be that	
体认		tĭrèn		v.		to recognize
星座		xīngzu		n.		constellation	
格局		géjì		n.		pattern, structure
启蒙		qĭméng		v.		to enlighten	
摸索		mōsu		v.		to grope, to try, to find out
沙漠		shām		n.		desert
鉴		jiàn		v.		to reflect, to inspect
往		wăng		n.		past
测		cè		v.		to survey, to measure
以色列		Yĭsèli		n.		Israel 
蓬		péng		m.w.		for clumps of bamboo/grass, etc.
枯萎		kūwĕi		v.		to wither
地衣		dìy		n.		lichen
泡		pào		v.		to soak, to immerse
复活		fùhu		v.		to live, to revive
复苏		fùs		v.		to recover, to resuscitate
丰润		fēngrùn		adj.		plump and smooth-skinned	
饱满		băomăn		adj.		full, plump	
尽情		jìnqìng		adv.		as much as one likes
孤立		guli		n.		isolation
一点一滴	yidian-yidi	set phrase	every little bit	
线索		xiansuo		n.		thread	
辗转		zhanzhuan	v.		to pass through many hands/places
曲折		qūzh		n.		tortuous, winding
千丝万缕	qiánsī wànl	set phrase	countless ties/links	
来历 		láilì		n.		origin, background
惊天动地	jīngtiān-dòngd	set phrase	to shake the earth	
洪荒		hónghuāng	n.		primordial times	
惊骇		jīnghài		v.		to be frightened
起点		qĭdiăn		n.		starting point
南辕北辙	naáyuán-bĕizh	set phrase	to act at cross-purpose	
传播		chuánb		v.		to disseminate, to spread	
媒体		méitĭ		n.		media
权威		quánwēi		n.		authority	
国情		guóqìng		n.		condition/state of a country	
陈述		chénsh		v.		to narrate	
朱元璋		Zhū Yuánzhāng	n.		the emperor of Ming Dynasty
雍正		Yōngzhèng	n.		one emperor of Qing Dynasty	
斩钉截铁	zhăndīng-jiéti	set phrase	resolute and decisive	
纳闷		nàmèn		v.		to be puzzled, to be perplexed
真理		zhēnlĭ		n.		truth
苛刻		kēk		adj.		harsh
艾略特		□l□t		n.		Elliot
才气		cáiq		n.		talent
谱系		pŭx		n.		pedigree
毋宁		wùnìng		adv.		rather .. than ..	
动荡		dòngdàng	v.		to suffer upset / upheaval	
分裂		fēnli		v.		to split, to break up
断层		duàncéng	n.		 fault 	
原典 		yuándiăn	n.		original works	
重估 		chóngg		v.		reevaluate	
一元		yìyuán		adj.		unitary, unary
多元		duōyuán		adj.		many-faceted	
隐密		yĭnm		adj.		confidential
掠夺		l□du		v.		to plunder, to rob
解放		jiĕfàng		n.		liberation
变相		biànxiàng	adj.		in disguised form	
捆绑		kŭnbăng		v.		to truss up, to bind	
尼采		Nìcăi		n.		Nietzsche
困惑		kùnhu		n.		perplexity	
後现代		hòuxiàndài	n.		post modern
脚印 		jiăoyìn		n.		footprint
台大		Táidà		n.		Taiwan University



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