Chūjí Dì Shísān Kè

Language Structure

Duì huà  |  Duǎn wén  | Cí huì  |  Yǔ fǎ

Speech Patterns: affirmative-negative questions: 1. 今天你忙不忙?不忙,你呢?我也不忙。我们去纽约玩儿,好吗? 2. 这是不是你的车?不是。我的车是美国车。 3. 你弟弟也住宿舍吗?对了。他住六楼。我住四搂。 4. 你常不常去看你妈妈?不常。可是我妈妈常来这儿看我。 5. 请问,王老师在不在?在。请进,请坐,请喝茶。 1. Jīntiān nǐ máng bù máng? Bù máng, nǐ ne? Wǒ yě bù máng. Wŏmen qù niŭyuē wánr, hăo ma? 2. Zhè shì bú shì nĭde chē? Bú shì. Wŏde chē shì Mĕiguóchē. 3. Nǐ dìdi yě zhù sùshè ma? Duìle. Tā zhù liù lóu, wǒ zhù wǔ lóu. 4. Nǐ cháng bú cháng qù kàn nǐ māma? Bù cháng. Kĕshǐ wǒ māma cháng lái zhèr kàn wǒ. 5. Qĭngwèn, Wáng lăoshī zài bú zài? Zài. Qĭng jìn, qĭng zuò, Qĭng hē chá. 1. Are you busy today? No, and you? I’m not busy either. Let’s go to New York to have fun, OK? 2. Is this your car? No. My car is American-made. 3. Does your younger brother also live in the dorm? Yes. He lives on the 6th floor, and I live on the 4th. 4. Do you often go to see your mom? No. But she comes here to visit me all the time. 5. Excuse me, Is Teacher Wang in? Yes. Come in, please. Sit down, please. Have some tea, please. Indirect questions: 1. 大夫问我喜欢喝什么茶。我说我喜欢喝中国茶。她说喝茶好。 2. 她问你,你妈妈的电话是多少。请告诉她,我也不知道。 3. 王老师问我,为什么不学中文。我说我很忙。 4. 她妈妈问我,你吸不吸烟。我说,现在的学生都不吸烟。她说:"真的吗?" 5. 她哥哥问她,她的朋友是不是美国人。她说不是。她告诉她哥哥,她的朋友是韩国人。 1. Dàifu wèn wǒ xĭhuān hē shénme chá? Wǒ shuō wǒ xĭhuān hē Zhōngguó chá. Tā shō hē chá hăo. 2. Tā wèn nǐ, nǐ māma de diànhuà shì duōshăo. Qĭng gàosù tā, wǒ yě bù zhīdào. 3. Wáng lăoshī wèn wǒ, wèishénme bù xué Zhōngwén. Wǒ shuō wǒ hĕn máng. 4. Tā māma wèn wǒ, nǐ xī bù xīyān. Wǒ shuō xiànzài de xuéshēng dōu bù xīyān. Tā shu:“Zhēnde ma?” 5. Tā gēge wèn tā, tāde péngyou shì bú shì Mĕiguórén. Tā shuō bú shì. Tā gàosù tā gēge, tāde péngyou shì Hánguórén. 1. The doctor asked me what tea I like to drink. I said I like Chinese tea. He said drinking tea is good. 2. She asked you what your mom’s phone number is. Please tell her I don’t know either. 3. Teacher Wang asked me why I didn’t study Chinese. I said I am busy. 4. Her mom asked me whether you smoke. I said nowadays’ students would not smoke. She said: “Really?” 5. Her older brother asked her whether her friend is American. She said no. She told her brother her friend is Korean.

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