Lesson Fifteen: Dialogue

Is there a Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures in your University?

Reading | Vocabulary | Grammar | Speech Pattern


A: Are you a college student? B: Yes. A: Is there a Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures in your university? B: Yes. And There are three academic disciplines in the East Asian Department: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. A: (Are you a student in the department?) A: Yes. I study Chinese in the department. B: How many teachers does the Chinese discipline have? A: I think (it) has ten. B: Are they all Chinese natives? A: Not all of them. There is one American. He teaches first year Mandarin Chinese, second year Chinese Grammar, and also teaches third year Chinese literature. B: Is there a reading-room in the East Asian Department? A: Yes. Our reading-room isn’t big. I don’t often read in the reading-room. I often go to our college library to study. There is a East Asian Library in our library. There are a lot of East Asian language books, and literature books there; also there are dictionaries, magazines and newspapers. B: Really? That’s wonderful!

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