Lesson Eighteen: Dialogue

Renmei Ding's Day

Reading | Vocabulary | Grammar | Speech Pattern | Exercise

    A: Hello, Is Renmei Ding there? B: She is not here. Are you Xueyou Xie? A: Yes, and you are ... B: I’m Yingying Wang, Ding’s roommate. A: Hi, Yingying Wang. Can I leave a message? B: Sure. Please wait for a moment. I’ll go get a pen ... OK, go ahead. A: Please tell Ding, Tonight I’m inviting her to dinner. I will drive over to pick her up at about seven ten. Ask her to wait for me in the lobby of the first floor in your dorm building. B: You’ll leave your dorm at seven ten, right? A: No. I’ll arrive at your dorm at about seven ten. B: OK, arrive at about seven ten. A: Right. B: Do you have any other matters? A: That’s it. Thank you, Yingying Wang. B: You are welcome. See you. A: See you.

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