Lesson Twenty: Dialogue

What Day of the Week
Is It Today?

Reading | Vocabulary | Grammar | Speech Pattern | Exercise

Aisa Languages

After class, Ding waits for Teacher Wang at the entrance of the Teaching Building. She wants to invite Wang to spend the Thanksgiving at her house. Wang: Ding, you are still here. Ding: yes, I’m waiting for you. Wang: What can I do for you (What’s the matter)? Ding: Are you free this Thursday? Wang: What date is this Thursday? Ding: Twenty-seventh, November twenty-seventh, Thanksgiving day. Teacher wang, are you free this Thursday? I want to invite to spend the holiday at my house. Wang: Thanks, thanks. We don’t have class this Thursday. I do have time. Ding: You know Thanksgiving is a holiday for family members to get together. You are here by yourself, so I want to invite you to celebrate the holiday with us. Wang: Thanks, thank. I certainly will go, certainly will. Ding: You don’t have a car. I will ask my boyfriend to pick you up. Where are you living now? Wang: I’m still living in the university’s guest house. Ding: Xie will pick you up at two in the afternoon, OK? Wang: At two? Fine, fine. I will wait for him at the gate of the guest house at two Thursday afternoon. Ding: OK. So see you Thursday. Wang: See you.

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