Lesson Twenty One: Dialogue
Happy Birthday to You

Ding: Xueyou, what time now? Xie: Half past five. What are you busy with? Ding: Today is Hua Jiang’s birthday. He invited us to attend his B-day party. Xie: Yes, yes. What time did he say is the party? Ding: Seven. Xie: Now it is only five thirty; still early. What’s the fuss? Ding: Why not the fuss?! Today is Hua’s twenty-one birthday, we got to give him some gift. What do you think we get for him? Xie: Buy an interesting birthday card. Ding: Buy just a card? Too little. Xie: He likes music. Let’s get him a CD. Yes, When I had my birthday, the CD you gave me was nice. Let’s also buy him one. Ding: So, we have to leave now. (We) have to buy stuff on the way. Xie: OK....Renmei, what do you think I should wear? Ding: Whatever you like. Xie: Look, this pants, how is it? Ding: Not bad, but I like the dark-blue one better. Xie: Fine, (I’ll) do what you say.


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