Lesson Thirty Two: Dialogue
Have you had a physical exam recently?

Xueyou: Teacher Liu, I want to take a physical examintion for new students. Do I need to call the doctor and make an appointment? Teacher Liu: No. You can go directly and look for Dr. Li at the Beijing University Hospital tomorrow afternoon. He is in charge of students' physical exam. Xueyou: Thank you, Teacher Liu! Teacher Liu: You are welcome. (The second day, at the Beijing University Hospital) Xueyou: Are you Dr. Li? Dr. Li: Yes. Are you a new student who has come to take a physical exam? Xueyou: Yes. I am a international student from the U.S. My name is Xueyou Xie. Dr. Li: Have you had a physical examination in in the U.S. recently? Xueyou: No. I had an exam once a year ago. Dr. Li: All right. Did you fill in the form? Xueyou: Yes, I did. Here you are. Dr.Li: Ok. You should first go to Room 101 to measure your height, weight, and blood pressure. Then you should go to Room 102 to check your eyes,ears and nose. Lastly you should go to Room 103 for an x-ray. Xueyou: Do I need to take a blood test? Dr.Li: Yes, we need to draw blood for a blood test. Please come to see me again when you finish. ( 2-3 hours later) Xueyou: Dr. Li, here is my physical exam form. Dr. Li: Have you had every item checked? Xueyou: Yes, I have had every item checked. Do you think I have any health problem? Dr.Li: You are very healthy. Don't worry. Howver, since you have just come to China, you should be very careful of hygene in drinking and eating. Xueyou: Thank you, Dr. Li. Dr. Li: You are welcome.


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