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  1. Lesson Twenty Eight: Dialogue I applied for visa to China
  2. Shihai: Ding, yesterday morning I called you, and you were not here. Where were
  3. you?
  4. Renmei: I went to the Chinese Consulate in New York to apply for visas. (I) was
  5. busy the whole day.
  6. Shihai: Isn’t the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.? How come you went to
  7. New York?
  8. Renmei: The one in D.C. is the Embassy; the one in New York is the Consulate.
  9. You can apply a visa in the Consulate, and you can also apply a visa in the
  10. embassy.
  11. Shihai: Now I understand it. So, how many Chinese embassies and how many
  12. consulates are there in the United States?
  13. Renmei: I know there is only one embassy, and ( it ) is in D.C.. As far as
  14. consulates, there is one in New York, one in California, and there is
  15. another one in Texas. I don’t know whether there are any others in
  16. others places.
  17. Shihai: Then, where to apply for a visa if ( one wants to) go to Taiwan?
  18. Renmei: To go to Taiwan, ( one ) needs to apply the visa in Taiwan’s Foreign
  19. Affairs Office in the Unites States. I know that there is such an office in
  20. both D.C. and New York.
  21. Shihai: I plan to visit Taiwan next year.
  22. Renmei: Really? Have you had your passport ready yet?
  23. Shihai: I’m in the process of applying. Oh, yes, yesterday I called you because I
  24. wanted to invite you and Xueyou to a ball game.
  25. Renmei: What kind of game?
  26. Shihai: Football game.
  27. Renmei: American football or European football?
  28. Shihai: Of course European football. I and you and Xueyou, we have been friends
  29. for many years. How can I not know what you guys like and what you
  30. guys don’t like? You were not home. I had no choice but to invite David
  31. and other guys.
  32. Renmei: Who played with whom? And who won?
  33. Shihai: New Jersey team played with Texas team. One to one tied. No (one) lost
  34. and (no) one won either.
  35. Renmei: A tied game (no win no lose), no fun.
  36. Shihai: Who says it’s no fun.
  37. 初级第二十八课: 对话 我去纽约领馆办签证了
  38. 世海 : 小丁,昨天上午我给你打电话,你不在。你上哪儿去了?
  39. 人美 : 我去纽约的中国领馆办签证了。整整忙了一天。
  40. 世海 : 中国领馆不是在华盛顿吗?你怎麽去纽约了?
  41. 人美 : 华盛顿的是大使馆。纽约的是领馆。你可以在大使馆办签证, 也可以
  42. 在领馆办签证。
  43. 世海 : 原来是这麽回事。那麽,中国在美国有几个大使馆,几个领馆呢?
  44. 人美 : 我知道中国大使馆就一个,在华盛顿;领馆嘛,纽约有一个;加州有一个;
  45. 德州也有一个。别的地方还有没有,我就不知道了。
  46. 世海 : 那麽,去台湾要到哪儿签证呢?
  47. 人美 : 去台湾得到台湾驻美国办事处办签证。我知道华盛顿和纽约都有台湾办事处。
  48. 世海 : 我想明年去台湾看看。
  49. 人美 : 是吗?那你申请了护照了吗?
  50. 世海 : 正在申请呢。对了,昨天我打电话找你,是因为我想请你和学友看球赛。
  51. 人美 : 看什麽球赛?
  52. 世海 : 足球赛。
  53. 人美 : 美式的还是欧式的?
  54. 世海 : 当然是欧式的。我跟你还有学友,我们是多年的老朋友了。你们喜欢
  55. 什麽不喜欢什麽,我还不知道吗?你们不在,我就只好请大为他们了。
  56. 人美 : 谁和谁赛?谁赢了?
  57. 世海 : 纽泽西队和德州队赛。一比一平。没输,也没赢。
  58. 人美 : 没输没赢,一定没有意思。
  59. 世海 : 谁说没有意思?
  60. 初級第二十八課: 對話 我去紐約領館辦簽證了
  61. 世海 ﹕ 小丁,昨天上午我給你打電話,你不在。你上哪兒去了?
  62. 人美 ﹕ 我去紐約的中國領館辦簽證了。整整忙了一天。
  63. 世海 ﹕ 中國領館不是在華盛頓嗎?你怎麼去紐約了?
  64. 人美 ﹕ 華盛頓的是大使館。紐約的是領館。你可以在大使館辦簽證, 也可以
  65. 在領館辦簽證。
  66. 世海 ﹕ 原來是這麼回事。那麼,中國在美國有幾個大使館,幾個領館呢?
  67. 人美 ﹕ 我知道中國大使館就一個,在華盛頓;領館嘛,紐約有一個;加州有一個;
  68. 德州也有一個。別的地方還有沒有,我就不知道了。
  69. 世海 ﹕ 那麼,去台灣要到哪兒簽證呢?
  70. 人美 ﹕ 去台灣得到台灣駐美國辦事處辦簽證。我知道華盛頓和紐約都有台灣辦事處。
  71. 世海 ﹕ 我想明年去台灣看看。
  72. 人美 ﹕ 是嗎?那你申請了護照了嗎?
  73. 世海 ﹕ 正在申請呢。對了,昨天我打電話找你,是因為我想請你和學友看球賽。
  74. 人美 ﹕ 看什麼球賽?
  75. 世海 ﹕ 足球賽。
  76. 人美 ﹕ 美式的還是歐式的?
  77. 世海 ﹕ 當然是歐式的。我跟你還有學友,我們是多年的老朋友了。你們喜歡
  78. 什麼不喜歡什麼,我還不知道嗎?你們不在,我就只好請大為他們了。
  79. 人美 ﹕ 誰和誰賽?誰贏了?
  80. 世海 ﹕ 紐澤西隊和德州隊賽。一比一平。沒輸,也沒贏。
  81. 人美 ﹕ 沒輸沒贏,一定沒有意思。
  82. 世海 ﹕ 誰說沒有意思?
  83. Chūjí Dì èrshíbā Kè: Duìhuà
  84. Wŏ qù Niŭyuē Lĭngguăn Bàn Qiānzhèng le
  85. Wŏ qù Niŭyuē Lĭngguăn Bàn Qiānzhèng le
  86. Shìhăi: Xiăo Dīng, zuótiān shàngwŭ wŏ gĕi nĭ dă dinhuà, nĭ bú zài. Nĭ shàng
  87. năr qù le?
  88. Rénmĕi: Wŏ qù Niŭyuē Zhōngguó lĭngguăn bàn qiānzhèng le. Zhĕngzhĕng máng
  89. le yìtiān.
  90. Shìhăi: Zhōngguó lĭngguăn búshì zài Huáshèngdùn ma? Nĭ zĕnme qù Niŭyuē le?
  91. Rénmĕi: Huáshèngdùn de shì dàshĭguăn, Niŭyuē de shì lĭngguăn. Nĭ kĕyĭ zài
  92. dàshĭguăn bàn qiānzhèng, yĕ kĕyĭ zài lĭngguăn bàn qiānzhèng.
  93. Shìhăi: Yuánlái shì zhème huí shì. Nàme, Zhōngguó zài Mĕiguó yŏu jĭgè
  94. dàshìguăn, jĭgè lĭngguăn ne?
  95. Rénmĕi: Wŏ zhīdào Zhōngguó dàshĭguăn jiù yīgè zài Huáshèngdùn; lĭngguăn ma,
  96. Niŭyuē yŏu yígè. Jiāzhōu yŏu yígè. Dézhōu yĕ yŏu yígè. Biéde dìfāng hái
  97. yŏu méiyŏu, wŏ jiù bù zhīdào le.
  98. Shìhăi: Nàme, qù Táiwān yào dào năr qiānzhèng ne?
  99. Rénmĕi: Qù Táiwān dĕi dào Táiwān zhù Mĕiguó bànshìchù bàn qiānzhèng. Wŏ
  100. zhīdào Huáshèngdùn hé Niŭyuē dōu yŏu Táiwān bànshìchù.
  101. Shìhăi: Wŏ dăsuàn míngnián qù Táiwān kànkan.
  102. Rénmĕi: Shìma? Nà nĭ shēnqĭng le hùzhào le ma?
  103. Shìhăi: Zhèngzài shēnqĭng ne. Duìle, zuótiān wŏ dă diànhuà zhăo nĭ, yīngwèi wŏ
  104. xiăng qĭng nĭ hé Xuéyŏu kàn qiúsài.
  105. Rénmĕi: Kàn shénme qiúsài?
  106. Shìhăi: Zúqiú sài.
  107. Rénmĕi: Mĕishì de háishì ōushì de?
  108. Shìhăi: Dāngrán shì ōushì de. Wŏ gēn nĭ háiyŏu Xuéyŏu, wŏmen shì duōnián de
  109. lăopéngyou le. Nĭmen xĭhuān shénme bù xĭhuān shénme, wŏ hái bùzhīdào
  110. ma? Nĭmen bú zài, wŏ jiù zhĭhăo qĭng Dàwéi tāmen le.
  111. Rénmĕi: Shuí hé shuí sài? Shuí yíng le?
  112. Shìhăi: Niŭzéxī duì hé Dézhōu duì sài. Yī bĭ yī píng. Méi yíng, yĕ
  113. méi shū.
  114. Rénmĕi: Méi shū méi yíng, yídìng méiyŏu yìsi:
  115. Shìhăi: Shuí shuō méiyŏu yìsi?
  116. Lesson Twenty Eight: Article They got the visa for China
  117. Ding and her boy friend will go to Peking University to attend a short
  118. term language training class this summer vocation. So, yesterday they
  119. went to the Chinese Consulate in New York to apply for visas. They set
  120. out at ten o’clock in the morning. They did not get to New York until
  121. eleven forty. They altogether spent one hour and forty minutes on the
  122. road. There were a lot of people at the Consulate applying for visas.
  123. Ding and Xueyou got to the visa window only after standing in the
  124. line for about an hour. The consul who handled Ding and Xueyou’s
  125. application is a woman, (whose) last name is Zhang, (and she ) was
  126. quite nice.
  127. Consul Zhang Asked Ding why she wanted to go to study in China. Ding
  128. answered that the facilities in the United States were good, and the
  129. teachers taught very well. But the opportunities of speaking Chinese
  130. were not many. Except asking questions and answering questions in the
  131. class, there were almost no chance of using Chinese in daily life. So,
  132. (she) wanted very much to take advantage of the summer vocation to go
  133. to Beijing. In this way, besides learning Chinese, (she) can also know
  134. about the Chinese society. Ding said that she hoped that consul would
  135. support her plan and grand her visa to go to China.
  136. When (they) got out of the consulate, it was already three in the
  137. afternoon. From ten o’clock in the morning to three o’clock in the
  138. afternoon, Ding and Xueyou were fully occupied for five hours. (they)
  139. did not eat, neither did (they) drink. Although Ding and Xueyou were
  140. both hungry and tired, they were very happy, because they got the
  141. visas and would go and visit China very soon.
  142. 初级第二十八课: 短文 他们拿到了去中国的签证
  143. 小丁和她的男朋友今年暑假要去北京大学参加一个短期语言训练班,所以,昨天
  144. 他们到纽约中国领馆办签证。他们早上十点出发,十一点四十才到纽约。路上一
  145. 共花了一小时四十分钟。在领馆办签证的人很多。小丁和学友排了快一个小时的
  146. 队才来到签证窗口。给小丁和学友办签证的领事是个女的,姓张,很热情。
  147. 张领事问小丁为什麽要去中国留学。小丁回答说美国大学的设备很好,老师教得
  148. 也很好,但是说中文的机会不多。除了在课上用中文问问题,回答问题以外,平常
  149. 几乎没有用中文的机会,所以很想利用暑假去北京,这样,除了学习中文以外,还
  150. 可以了解一下中国社会。小丁说她希望领事能支持她的计划,给她去中国的签证。
  151. 从领馆出来的时候,已经下午三点了。从上午十点到下午三点,小丁和学友忙了整
  152. 整五个小时。饭也没有吃,水也没有喝。虽然小丁和学友又累又饿,但是他们很高
  153. 兴,因为他们拿到了签证,很快就可以去中国了。
  154. 初級第二十八課: 短文 他們拿到了去中國的簽證
  155. 小丁和她的男朋友今年暑假要去北京大學參加一個短期語言訓練班,所以,昨天
  156. 他們到紐約中國領館辦簽證。他們早上十點出發,十一點四十才到紐約。路上一
  157. 共花了一小時四十分鐘。在領館辦簽證的人很多。小丁和學友排了快一個小時的
  158. 隊才來到簽證窗口。給小丁和學友辦簽證的領事是個女的,姓張,很熱情。
  159. 張領事問小丁為什麼要去中國留學。小丁回答說美國大學的設備很好,老師教得
  160. 也很好,但是說中文的機會不多。除了在課上用中文問問題,回答問題以外,平常
  161. 幾乎沒有用中文的機會,所以很想利用暑假去北京,這樣,除了學習中文以外,還
  162. 可以了解一下中國社會。小丁說她希望領事能支持她的計劃,給她去中國的簽證。
  163. 從領館出來的時候,已經下午三點了。從上午十點到下午三點,小丁和學友忙了整
  164. 整五個小時。飯也沒有吃,水也沒有喝。雖然小丁和學友又累又餓,但是他們很高
  165. 興,因為他們拿到了簽證,很快就可以去中國了。
  166. Chūjí Dì èrshíbā Kè: Duǎnwén
  167. Tā men nádào le qù Zhōngguó de qiānzhèng
  168. tā men nádào le qù Zhōngguó de qiānzhèng
  169. Xiăo Dīng hé tāde nán péngyŏu jīnnián shŭjià yào qù Bĕijīng Dàxué cānjiā yígè
  170. duănqī yŭyán xùnliàn bān, suŏyĭ, zuótiān tāmen dào NiŭyuēZhōngguólĭngguăn bàn
  171. qiānzhèng. Tāmen zăoshàng shídiăn chūfā, shíyīdiăn sìshícái dào Niŭyuē. Lùshàng
  172. yígòng huāle yìxiăoshísìshífēnzhōng. Zài lĭngguăn bàn qiānzhèng de rén hĕn duō.
  173. Xiăo Dīng héXuéyŏu pái le kuài yígèxiăoshíde duì cái lái dào qiānzhèng chuāngkŏu.
  174. Gĕi Xiăo Dīng hé Xuéyŏu bàn qiānzhèng de lĭngshì shì gè nŭde, xìng Zhāng, hĕn
  175. rèqíng.
  176. Zhāng lĭngshì wèn Xiăo Dīng wèishénme yào qù Zhōngguó liú xué. Xiăo Dīng huídá
  177. shuō Mĕiguó dàxué de shèbèi hĕn hăo, lăoshī jiāo de yĕ hĕn hăo, dànshì shuō
  178. Zhōngwén de jīhuì bù duō. Chúle zài kèshàng yòng Zhōngwén tí wèntí huí dá wèntí
  179. yĭwài, píngcháng jĭhu méiyou yòng Zhōngwén de jīhuì, Suŏyĭ hĕnxiăng lìyòng
  180. shŭjià qù Bĕijīng, zhèyàng, chúle xuéxí Zhōngwén yĭwài, hái kĕyĭ liăojiĕ yíxià
  181. Zhōnguó shèhuì Xiăo Dīng shuō tā xīwàng lĭngshì néng zhīchí tāde jìhuà gĕi tā
  182. qù Zhōngguó de qiānzhèng.
  183. Cóng lĭngguăn chūlái de shíhòu, yĭjīng xiàwŭ sāndiăn le. Cóng shàngwŭ shídiăn
  184. dào xiàwŭ sān diăn, Xiăo Dīng hé Xuéyŏu máng le zhĕngzheng wŭ gè xiăoshí. Fàn
  185. yĕ méiyŏu chī shuĭ yĕ méiyŏu hē. Suīrán Xiăo Dīng hé Xuéyŏu yòu lèi yòu è,
  186. dànshì tāmen hĕn gāoxìng, yīnwèi tānmen nádào le qiānzhèng, hĕn kuài jiù kĕyĭ
  187. qù Zhōngguó le.
  188. 词 汇
  189. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. Examples
  190. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. 领馆 lĭngguăn n. consulate
  192. 签证 qiānzhèng n. visa
  193. 大使馆 dàshĭguăn n. embassy
  194. 办事处 bànshìchù n. business office
  195. 护照 hùzhào n. passport
  196. 球赛 qiúsài n. ball game
  197. 足球 zúqiú n. football
  198. 式 shì n. style
  199. 训练班 xùnliàn bān n. training class
  200. 分钟 fēnzhōng n. minute
  201. 小时 xiăoshí n. hour
  202. 钟头 zhōngtóu n. hour
  203. 队 duì n. team
  204. 窗口 chuāngkŏu n. window
  205. 领事 lĭngshì n. consul
  206. 设备 shèbèi n. facility
  207. 暑假 shŭjià n. summer vocation
  208. 社会 shèhuì n. society
  209. 计划 jìhuà n. plan
  210. 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn place n. Washington
  211. 加州 Jiāzhōu place n. California
  212. 德州 Dézhōu place n. Texas
  213. 办 bàn v. to handle
  214. 驻 zhù v. to reside
  215. 申请 shēnqĭng v. to apply for
  216. 赢 yíng v. to win
  217. 输 shū v. to lose
  218. 平 píng v. to tie
  219. 排(队) pái (duì) v. to line up
  220. 支持 zhīchí v. to support
  221. 热情 rèqíng adj. enthusiastic
  222. 累 lèi adj. tired
  223. 饿 è adj. hungry
  224. 短期 duănqī adj. short term
  225. 整整 zhĕngzhĕng adj. adv. whole, entire
  226. 几乎 jĭhū adv. almost
  227. 比 bĭ prep. to, compare to, than
  228. 语 法
  229. 1.The time-measure complement:
  230. A word or phrase attached to a verb or adjective predicate to complete the meaning is known as a complement. A time-measure complement is a time phrase such as 一天,一个星期,三十分钟,
  231. 五个小时,which follows the verb to indicate the duration of the action. For example:
  232. 我要看五个小时。 I will watch for five hours.
  233. 他吃了半个小时。 He ate for half an hour.
  234. 她姐姐看电视看了一天。 Her older sister watched TV for a day.
  235. 我听新闻要听二十分钟。 I will listen to the news for twenty minutes.
  236. Note that:
  237. (1). An auxiliary verb such as 要, 想 can be used to express the intent: 我要看五个小时。
  238. (2). Aspectual particle 了can be used to express the completed aspect: 他吃了半个小时。
  239. (3). When the verb has an object,
  240. a)the verb has to be repeated:
  241. 她姐姐看电视看了一天。 我听新闻要听二十分钟。
  242. b)you can also treat the object and the complement as a unit of quantified object, and structure
  243. the sentence thus:
  244. 她姐姐看了一天的电视。
  245. 我要听二十分钟的新闻。
  246. (4). To question the duration of the action such questions as 多久,多长时间,几天,几个小时 can
  247. be used. For example:
  248. 你要听多久? How long will you listen?
  249. 她想了多长的时间? How long has she been thinking?
  250. 他弟弟作作业作了多长时间? How long did his younger brother work on the homework?
  251. 你去中国要去几个星期? How many weeks will you be in China?
  252. 你要坐几个小时的火车? How many hours’ train will you take?
  253. 2. Model Particle 了:
  254. Model particle 了is also known as “sentence particle 了”. Unlike the aspectual 了 , which comes
  255. after the verb, model particle is always found at the end of the sentence. The model particle 了can
  256. be used to express various different shade of meaning. In the previous lessons, we have encountered
  257. “太...了” pattern. In this pattern, model particle了 works with the adverb 太 to indicate
  258. excessiveness. For example:
  259. 这本书太贵了。 This book is too expensive.
  260. 汉字太难了。 Chinese characters are too difficult.
  261. In this lesson, we learn to use model particle to indicate that the event expressed in the narrative
  262. sentence has already taken place or accomplished. For example:
  263. 小张呢?她去实验室了。 Where is Zhang? She has gone to the lab.
  264. 你已经买了五张光碟了。你还想买。不行。 You have already bought five CD. You want
  265. more (You still want to buy). No.
  266. Note that:
  267. (1) Both aspectual 了and model 了can be present in a sentence. 你已经买了五张光碟了。
  268. (2) But when 了comes after the verb and at the end of the sentence as well, it functions both as
  269. an aspectual and model particle. For example:
  270. 她来了。
  271. 我吃了。
  272. (3) The model particle can be used to indicate that the action or event referred to is something
  273. which took place in the past, but past happenings do not always take the model particle.
  274. Compare the below two sentences:
  275. 我去看他的时候,他在打电话呢。 When I went to see him, he was making the call.
  276. 我去看他的时候,他打了电话了。 When I went to see him, he had made the call.
  277. (4) The negative form of the sentence with model particle 了 indicating accomplished event is
  278. made by putting the adverb 没(有 ) in front of the verb and at the same time dropping the 了.
  279. For example:
  280. 她买书了,没有买词典。 She bought books, (but) did not buy the dictionary.
  281. To form a question, you can add 吗 or 没有 at the end of the sentence. For example:
  282. 你看了那个电影了吗? Did you see the movie?
  283. 他回家了没有? Did he go home?
  284. To form an affirmative-negative question, you can juxtapose the affirmative and negative form.
  285. For example:
  286. 你吃没吃饭? Did you eat or not?
  287. 她去没去参加音乐会? Did she go to the concert or not?
  288. Summary:
  289. Subject Negation Verb Object Particle
  290. Affirmative 我妈妈 去 商店 了。
  291. Negative 她 没有 买 那本词典。
  292. Question 你 去 签证 了吗? 了没(有)?
  293. Affirmative- Negative 你哥哥 喝没 喝 你作的汤?
  294. 3. Sequential actions:
  295. We came across such a sentence pattern 我吃了饭就去 in Lesson 27. In this sentence there were two actions
  296. taking place: action 1 吃 ; action 2去 . Action 1 吃 takes place before action 2 去,so it has an aspectual
  297. particle 了right after the verb 吃 to indicate that the action 2 去 takes place only after action 1 is
  298. accomplished. Let’s see some more examples:
  299. 他看了电视 看书。 He watches TV (then) reads books.
  300. 你买了那本书(就)去上课。 You buy that book (first), (then) go to class.
  301. Summary:
  302. Subject Verb1 了 + (object) (就) Verb2+ (object)
  303. 她 买 了 书 回 家。
  304. Note that this pattern can be used to refer to events that either talk about future plans or habitual
  305. behaviors. If one wants to talk about the events that happened in the past, one should add model
  306. particle了 at the end of the sentence.
  307. For example:
  308. 昨天她看了电影就回家了。 Yesterday she saw a movie (then) went home.
  309. 上午我下了课去咖啡馆。 This morning after got out of the class I went to the coffee house.
  310. Summary:
  311. Subject Verb1 了 + (object) (就) Verb2+ (object) 了
  312. 她 买 了 书 回 家 了。
  313. 语 型
  314. Speech Patterns:
  315. 1.The time-measure complement:
  316. 1。昨天晚上你睡了几个小时?我睡了七个钟头,可是我还觉得累。
  317. 2。我爸爸妈妈在北京呆了两个月,去了五个城市,参观了无数的博物馆。
  318. 3。上大学的时候,我在医院当了几年的义工,认识了不少大夫。
  319. 4。从这儿到华盛顿坐火车要坐几个小时?我不知道,你问他吧。
  320. 5。昨天他念了几个钟头的书?他只念了五分钟的书。
  321. 6。今天上午我坐了 一个上午的火车。你去哪儿了?我去大使馆办签证了。
  322. 7。她在这儿一共只学了三个月的中文就去台湾了。
  323. 8。今天上午老师没来。这些孩子整整玩了一个上午。
  324. 1.Zuótiān nĭ shuì le jĭ ge xiăoshí? Wŏ shuì le qī ge zhōngtóu, kĕshì wŏ hái juéde lèi.
  325. 2.Wŏ bàba māma zài Bĕijīng dāi le liăng ge yuè, qù le wŭ ge chéngshì, cánguān le wúshù de bówùguăn.
  326. 3.Shàng dàxué de shìhòu, wŏ zài yīyuàn dāng le jĭ nián de yìgōng, rènshi le bùshăo de dàifu.
  327. 4.Cóng zhèr dào Huáshèngdùn zuò huŏchē yào zuò jĭ ge xiăoshì? Wŏ bù zhīdao, nĭ wèn tā ba.
  328. 5.Zuótiān tā niàn le jĭ ge zhōngtóu de shū? Tā zhĭ niàn le wŭ fēnzhōng de shū.
  329. 6.Jīntiān shàngwŭ wŏ zuò le yì ge shàngwŭ de huŏchē. Nĭ qù năr le? Wŏ qù dàshĭguăn bàn qiānzhèng le.
  330. 7.Tā zài zhèr yígòng zhĭ xué le sān ge yuè de Zhōngwén jiù qù Táiwān le.
  331. 8.Jīntiān shàngwŭ lăoshī méi lái. Zhè xiē háizi zhĕngzhĕng wánr le yí ge shàngwŭ.
  332. 1.Yesterday how many hour did you sleep? I slept for seven hours, but I still felt tired.
  333. 2.My parents stayed in Beijing for two months; (they) had been to five cities, and visited numerous museums.
  334. 3.When I was in college, I was a volunteer in a hospital and met quite a few doctors.
  335. 4.How many hours will it take by train from here to Washington? I don’t know. Ask him.
  336. 5.How many hours did he study? He only studied for five minutes.
  337. 6.This morning I sat in a train for the whole morning. Where did you go? I went to the embassy to apply for a visa.
  338. 7.She studied here only for three months before she left for Taiwan.
  339. 8.This morning the teacher did not come. These kids played for the entire morning.
  340. 2. Model Particle 了:
  341. 1。上午你和你姐姐去哪儿了?我们去中国大使馆了。你们去那个新展览馆了吗?没有。
  342. 2。昨天晚上你看电影了没有?看了。你看了几个电影?我就看一个。
  343. 3。星期天你看足球赛了吗?看了。你没看吗?没有。我太太不让我看。
  344. 4。你买没买那件上衣?没买。为什麽呢?那件上衣太贵了。
  345. 5。你喝没喝我作的鱼汤?喝了。怎么样?很不错。那麽,你再喝一点吧。
  346. 6。小张在吗?她去训练班了。晚上才能回来。
  347. 7。你吃早饭了吗?没呢。那我们一起去吧。不行,我现在没空。
  348. 8。今天下午你跟张老师去实验室了吗?我去了,张老师没去。你去的时候,他在作什麽呢?他在
  349. 跟学生说话呢。
  350. 1.Shàngwŭ nĭ hé nĭ jiĕjie qù năr le? Wŏmen qù Zhōngguó dàshĭguăn le. Nĭmen qù nàgè xīn zhănlănguăn le ma? Méi yŏu.
  351. 2.Zuótiān wănshàng nĭ kàn le diànyĭng méi yŏu? Kàn le. Nĭ kàn le jĭ ge diànyĭng? Wŏ jiù kàn yí ge.
  352. 3.Xīngqī tiān nĭ kàn zúqiú sài le ma? Kàn le. Nĭ méi kàn ma? Méi yŏu. Wŏ tàitai bú ràng wŏ kàn.
  353. 4.Nĭ măi méi măi nà jiàn shàngyī? Méi măi. Wèishénme ne? Nà jiàn shàngyī tài guì le.
  354. 5.Nĭ hē méi hē wŏ zuò de yútāng? Hē le. Zĕnmeyàng? Hĕn búcuò. Nàme, nĭ zài hē yì diănr ba.
  355. 6.Xiăo Zhāng zài ma? Tā qù xùnliàn bān le. Wănshàng cái néng huílái.
  356. 7.Nĭ chī zăofàn le ma? Méi ne. Nà wŏmen yìqĭ qù ba. Bù xìng, wŏ xiànzài méi kòngr.
  357. 8.Jīntiān xiàwŭ nĭ gēn Zhāng lăoshī qù shìyànshì le ma? Wŏ qù le. Zhāng lăoshī méi qù.
  358. Nĭ qù de shìhòu, tā zài zuò shénme ne? Tā zài gēn xuésheng shuō huà ne.
  359. 1.Where did you and sister go this morning? We went to the embassy. Did you go to the new exhibit hall? No.
  360. 2.Did you see movies last night? Yes. How many movies did you see? I only saw one.
  361. 3.Did you watch the football game on Sunday? Yes. You didn’t watch it? No. My wife would not allow me to watch (it).
  362. 4.Did you buy the jacket or not? No. Why? It was too expensive.
  363. 5.Did you taste the fish soup I made? Yes. How was it? Not bad. Then have some more.
  364. 6.Is Zhang in? She went to the training class. She won’t be back until tonight.
  365. 7.Did you have your breakfast? No yet. Let’s go together. No, I don’t have time now.
  366. 8.Did you go with Teacher Zhang to the lab this afternoon? I went, (but) Teacher Zhang didn’t. When you went,
  367. what was he doing? He was talking with students.
  368. 3.Sequential action:
  369. 1。今天下了课你作什麽?我下了课去医院当义工。你要在那儿工作多久?我要工作半天。
  370. 2。昨天晚上你去哪儿了?我吃了饭就去图书馆了。我在那儿呆了一个晚上。
  371. 3。明天下午你有空吗?下午什麽时候?下午三点左右我想问你几个语法问题。不行。下午三点我
  372. 要去台湾驻美国办事处。去了办事处,我要去看一个朋友。
  373. 4。上个星期天上午我吃了饭就去纽约了,所以你打电话的时候,我不在。
  374. 5。昨天我参观了展览馆就去火车站接朋友了。那你为什麽没有告诉我呢?我在食堂等了你一个
  375. 小时。真对不起。
  376. 1.Jīntiān xià le kè nĭ zuò shénme? Wŏ xià le kè qù yīyuàn dāng yìgōng. Nĭ yào zài nàr gōngzuò
  377. duō jiŭ ? Wŏ yào gōngzuò bàn tiān.
  378. 2.Zuótiān wănshàng nĭ qù năr le? Wŏ chī le fàn jiù qù túshūguăn le. Wŏ zài nàr dāi le yí ge wănshàng.
  379. 3.Mìngtiān xiàwŭ nĭ yŏu kòng ma? Xiàwŭ shénme shíhou? Xiàwŭ sān diăn zuŏyòu. wŏ xiăng wèn
  380. nĭ jĭ ge yŭfă wèntì. Bù xìng. Xiàwŭ sān diăn wŏ yào qù Táiwān zhù Mĕiguó bànshìchù. Qù le Bànshìchù, wŏ yào qù kàn yì ge péngyou.
  381. 4.Shàng ge xīngqī tiān shàngwŭ wŏ chī le fàn jiù qù Niŭyuē le,suŏyĭ nĭ dă diànhuà de shíhou, wŏ bú zài.
  382. 5.Zuótiān wŏ cānguān le zhănlănguăn jiù qù huŏchē zhàn jiē péngyou le. Nà nĭ wèishénme méi yŏu gàosu wŏ ne? Wŏ zài shìtáng dĕng le nĭ yí ge xiăoshí, Zhēn duìbuqĭ.
  383. 1.What do you do after class? After class I’ll go to hospital to volunteer. How long will you work there?
  384. I will work for half an hour.
  385. 2.Where did you go last night? After eating the dinner I went to the library. I stayed there for the whole evening.
  386. 3.Will you have time tomorrow afternoon? What time in the afternoon? Around three. I want to ask you a few grammatical
  387. questions. No. Three in the afternoon I will go Taiwan’s Business Office in the United States. After going the
  388. Office, I will visit a friend.
  389. 4.Last Sunday after the breakfast I went to New York, so when you called, I was not in.
  390. 5.Yesterday after visiting the exhibit, I went to the train station to pick up a friend. Then why didn’t you
  391. tell me? I waited for you in the dining hall for an hour.
  392. 4. 几乎没有时间/机会 V.+ (object) or 几乎没有 V.+ (object) 的时间/机会
  393. = (almost don’t have the time/opportunity to...
  394. 1。这几天我很忙,几乎没有时间睡觉/几乎没有睡觉的时间。
  395. 2。老师教得很好,可是在这儿我几乎没有机会说中文/我几乎没有说中文的机会。
  396. 3。那儿的人太多了。她几乎没有机会跟那个新来的学生说话/她几乎没有跟那个新来的学生说话的机会。
  397. 4。我们在北京就呆了几天,几乎没有机会去参观那些有名的博物馆/几乎没有参观那些有名的博物馆的机会。
  398. 5。电影七点开始,我们六点五十七分才到那儿,几乎没有时间买票/几乎没有买票的时间。
  399. 1.Zhè jĭ tiān wŏ hĕn máng, jĭhū méi yŏu shíjiān shuìjiào/jĭhū méi yŏu shuìjiào de shíjiān.
  400. 2.Lăoshī jiāo de hĕn hăo, kĕshì zài zhèr wŏ jĭhū méi yŏu jīhuì shuō Zhōngwén/Wŏ jĭhū méi yŏu shuō Zhōngwén de jīhuì.
  401. 3.Nàr de rén tài duō le. Tā jĭhū méi yŏu jīhuì gēn nà ge xīn lái de xuésheng shuō huà / tā jĭhū méi yŏu gēn nà ge xīn lái de xuésheng shuō huà de jīhuì.
  402. 4.Wŏmen zài Bĕijīng jiù dāi le jĭ tiān, jĭhū méi yŏu jīhuì qù cānguān nàxiē yŏumìng de bówùguăn/jĭhū méi yŏu cānguān nàxiē yŏumìng de bówùguăn de jīhuì.
  403. 5.Diànyĭng qī diăn kāishĭ, wŏmen liù diăn wŭshì fēn cái dào nàr, jĭhū méi yŏu shíjiān măi piào/jĭhū méi yŏu măi piào de shíjiān.
  404. 1.These days I have been quite busy. (I) almost don’t have the time to sleep.
  405. 2.The teachers teach well, but I almost do not have the opportunity to speak Chinese here.
  406. 3.There were too many people there. She had almost no chance to talk to the students who just came.
  407. 4.We stayed in Beijing only for few days. (We) almost didn’t have the time to visit those famous museums.
  408. 5.The movie started at seven. We arrived there at six fifty-seven. (We) almost had no time to buy tickets.
  409. 5.希望..能 = (hope that_can/will)
  410. 1。我很想去台湾看看。我希望明年能有机会。
  411. 2。这本书很难,生词很多。希望你能帮助我。
  412. 3。爸爸妈妈,我想去中国学习,希望你 们 能 支持我的计划。
  413. 4。这是我送你的生日礼物,希望你能喜欢。
  414. 5。我希望你能让我听你的课。
  415. 1.Wŏ hĕn xiăng qù Táiwān kànkan. Wŏ xīwàng mìngnián néng yŏu jīhuì.
  416. 2.Zhè bĕn shū hĕn nán, shēngcì hĕn duō. Xīwàng nĭmen néng bāngzhù wŏ.
  417. 3.Bàba māma, wŏ xiăng qù Zhōngguó xuéxí, xīwàng nĭ néng zhīchì wŏ de jìhuà.
  418. 4.Zhè shì wŏ sòng nĭ de shēngrì lĭwù, xīwàng nĭ néng xĭhuan.
  419. 5.Wŏ xīwàng nĭ néng ràng wŏ tīng nĭ de kè.
  420. 1.I like it very much to visit Taiwan. I hope that (I) can have the opportunity next year.
  421. 2.This book is difficult. New vocabularies are many (there are many new vocabularies). Hope that you can help me.
  422. 3.Mom, Dad, I want to go to study in China. Hope that you can support my plan.
  423. 4.This is a gift for you (this is the gift I gave you). Hope that you will like (it).
  424. 5.I hope that you will allow me to audit your class (to listen to your class).
  425. 6. 已经 V.(O) 了 VS. 还没 V.(O)呢 = already (did) VS. did not (do) yet:
  426. 1。你们都懂了吗?他们已经懂了。我不行,我还没懂呢。
  427. 2。客人都来了吗?男的都已经来了,女的都还没来呢。
  428. 3。你们三个吃饭了没有?我已经吃了,他们俩还没吃呢。
  429. 4。你的中文作业都作了吗?语法作业我已经作了,可是生词还没背呢。
  430. 5。护照你们都申请了没有?爸爸妈妈护照已经申请了。我还没呢。这两天太忙了。
  431. 1.Nĭmen dōu dŏng le ma? Tāmen yĭjīng dŏng le. Wŏ bù xìng. Wŏ hái méi dŏng ne.
  432. 2.Kèrén dōu lái le ma? Nán de dōu yĭjīng lái le. Nǚ de dōu hái méi lái ne.
  433. 3.Nĭmen sān ge chī fàn le méi yŏu? Wŏ yĭjīng chī le, Tāmen liăr hái méi chī ne.
  434. 4.Nĭ de Zhōngwén zuòyè dōu zuò le ma? Yŭfă zuòyè wŏ yĭjīng zuò le, kĕshì shēngcì hái méi bèi ne.
  435. 5.Hùzhào nĭmen dōu shēnqĭng le méi yŏu? Bàba māma hùzhào yĭngjīng shēnqĭng le. Wŏ hái méi ne. Zhè liăng tiān tài máng le.
  436. 1.Have you all understood (it)? They already did. I’m no good. I haven’t yet.
  437. 2.Have all the guests arrived? All of the male guests have already arrived. None of the female guests is here yet.
  438. 3.Have you three had food yet? I already did. They two haven’t yet.
  439. 4.Are all your Chinese homework done yet? I already did the grammar homework, but (I) haven’t memorized the vocabularies yet.
  440. 5.Have you all applied for the passports? My parents already did. I have not yet. These two days have been quite busy.