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  1. Lesson Thirty Six: Dialogue Buying tea in a Beijing University store
  2. Home
  3. Rénměi and Xuéyǒu go to Sānjiǎodì in Běidà to buy tealeaves.
  4. Yíngyéyuán (Salesman): What do you want to buy?
  5. Rénměi: We would like to buy some tea and a tea set.
  6. Yíngyéyuán: We have every kind of tea here, but we don’t
  7. have tea sets.
  8. Xuéyǒu: It’s alright. What kinds of tea do you have?
  9. Yíngyéyuán: Here we have Hāngzhōu Lóngjīng, Ānhuī Mǎojiān,
  10. Fújiān Tiě Guānyīn and Jasmine teas. In addition we also
  11. have the Chrystathemum tea which people from Guǎngdōng like.
  12. Which kind would you like to buy?
  13. Xuéyǒu: When I was in America, I especially liked the
  14. Lóngjīng tea which my Chinese teacher gave me. I never drank
  15. the other teas before. Can you introduce them to me?
  16. Yíngyéyuán: Sure, Lóngjīng tea, Mǎojiān and Jasmine teas are
  17. all types of Green Tea. Tiě Guānyīn is a Black tea. The taste
  18. of Black Tea is more concentrated than Green Tea. Some people
  19. say that you should drink Green Tea in the summer and Black
  20. Tea in the winter. Chrysanthemum Tea has dry Chrysanthemum leaves
  21. inside; it has a fresh and cool taste. Chinese people like to
  22. drink Chrysanthemum tea during the summer.
  23. Rénměi: You did an excellent job introducing; I would like to try
  24. each type of tea.
  25. Yíngyéyuán: Lóngjīng tea, Mǎojiān and Tiě Guānyīn are more
  26. expensive than Jasmine and Chrysanthemum teas. I suggest you
  27. first buy one or two types of tea products and try them. The next
  28. time you come again you can buy other teas.
  29. Xuéyǒu: Ok. Rénměi, I want a box of Lóngjīng Tea, what would you
  30. like?
  31. Rénměi: I would like a box of Jasmine Tea.
  32. Yíngyéyuán: A box of Lóngjīng tea is fifteen kuài and eight mǎo.
  33. Jasmine tea is not as expensive as Lóngjīng. A box costs ten kuài
  34. and five mǎo. Altogether it costs twenty-six kuài and three mǎo.
  35. Rénměi: This is thirty kuài, can you give me change?
  36. Yíngyéyuán: Thanks, You have three kuài and seven mǎo change.
  37. This is your tea leaves. You are welcome to come again next time.
  38. Xuéyǒu: While I have the chance to ask, we want to buy a tea set,
  39. which general merchandise store should we go to?
  40. Yíngyéyuán: In the vicinity of the school there is a general
  41. merchandise store. The tea sets there are relatively cheap,
  42. but the product types are not as many as Zhōngguāncún general
  43. merchandise store. You can go to Zhōngguāncún general merchandise
  44. store and look around. There are purple sand tea sets, there are
  45. also white porcelain tea sets. The prices are excellent.
  46. Rénměi and Xuéyǒu: Thank you, tomorrow we will definitely look
  47. around. Goodbye.
  48. Yíngyéyuán: Goodbye.
  49. 初级第三十六课: 对话 在北大商店买茶叶
  50. (人美和学友去北大三角地的北大商店买茶叶。)
  51. 营业员:你们需要买什麽?
  52. 人美: 我们想买一些茶和一套茶具。
  53. 营业员:我们这儿有各种各样的茶, 可是没有茶具。
  54. 学友: 没关系。 你们有什麽茶?
  55. 营业员:我们这儿有杭州的龙井茶, 安徽的毛尖, 福建的铁观音和茉莉花茶,
  56. 还有广东人喜欢喝的菊花茶。 你们想买哪一种?
  57. 学友: 我在美国的时候,特别喜欢喝我的中国老师送我的龙井茶。 其他的茶
  58. 我都没有喝过, 你可以给我们介绍一下儿吗?
  59. 营业员:可以。 龙井茶,毛尖和茉莉花茶都是绿茶, 铁观音是红茶。 红茶的
  60. 味道比绿茶浓。 有的人说, 夏天应该喝绿茶, 冬天应该喝红茶。
  61. 菊花茶的里边有干菊花,清凉爽口。 中国人喜欢在夏天喝菊花茶。
  62. 人美: 你介绍得真好。 每一种茶我都想试试。
  63. 营业员:龙井茶,毛尖和铁观音比茉莉花茶和菊花茶贵。 我建议你们先买一
  64. 种或者两种茶品尝品尝。 下一次再来买别的茶。
  65. 学友: 对。 人美,我想要一盒龙井茶,你呢?
  66. 人美: 我要一盒茉莉花茶。
  67. 营业员:龙井茶一盒十五块八毛。 茉莉花茶没有龙井茶贵, 一盒十块五毛。
  68. 一共二十六块三毛。
  69. 人美: 这是三十块。 请您找一下儿。
  70. 营业员:谢谢。找您三块七毛。 这是你们的茶叶。 欢迎下次再来。
  71. 学友: 顺便问一下儿,我们想买一套茶具, 应该去哪一个百货商店?
  72. 营业员:学校附近就有一个百货商店。 那儿的茶具比较便宜。 不过, 茶具的
  73. 品种没有中关村百货商店多。 你们可以去中关村百货商店看看。那儿
  74. 有紫砂茶具,也有白瓷茶具。 价格也不错。
  75. 人美﹑学友:谢谢您。 我们明天就去那儿看看。 再见!
  76. 营业员:再见。
  77. 初級第三十六課: 對話 在北大商店買茶葉
  78. (人美和學友去北大三角地的北大商店買茶葉。)
  79. 營業員﹕你們需要買什麼﹖
  80. 人美﹕ 我們想買一些茶和一套茶具。
  81. 營業員﹕我們這兒有各種各樣的茶, 可是沒有茶具。
  82. 學友﹕ 沒關係。 你們有什麼茶﹖
  83. 營業員﹕我們這兒有杭州的龍井茶﹐ 安徽的毛尖﹐ 福建的鐵觀音和茉莉花茶﹐
  84. 還有廣東人喜歡喝的菊花茶。 你們想買哪一種﹖
  85. 學友﹕ 我在美國的時候﹐特別喜歡喝我的中國老師送我的龍井茶。 其他的茶
  86. 我都沒有喝過﹐ 你可以給我們介紹一下兒嗎﹖
  87. 營業員﹕可以。 龍井茶﹐毛尖和茉莉花茶都是綠茶﹐ 鐵觀音是紅茶。 紅茶的
  88. 味道比綠茶濃。 有的人說﹐ 夏天應該喝綠茶﹐ 冬天應該喝紅茶。
  89. 菊花茶的裡邊有干菊花﹐清涼爽口。 中國人喜歡在夏天喝菊花茶。
  90. 人美﹕ 你介紹得真好。 每一種茶我都想試試。
  91. 營業員﹕龍井茶﹐毛尖和鐵觀音比茉莉花茶和菊花茶貴。 我建議你們先買一
  92. 種或者兩種茶品嘗品嘗。 下一次再來買別的茶。
  93. 學友﹕ 對。 人美﹐我想要一盒龍井茶﹐你呢﹖
  94. 人美﹕ 我要一盒茉莉花茶。
  95. 營業員﹕龍井茶一盒十五塊八毛。 茉莉花茶沒有龍井茶貴﹐ 一盒十塊五毛。
  96. 一共二十六塊三毛。
  97. 人美﹕ 這是三十塊。 請您找一下兒。
  98. 營業員﹕謝謝。找您三塊七毛。 這是你們的茶葉。 歡迎下次再來。
  99. 學友﹕ 順便問一下兒﹐我們想買一套茶具﹐ 應該去哪一個百貨商店﹖
  100. 營業員﹕學校附近就有一個百貨商店。 那兒的茶具比較便宜。 不過﹐ 茶具的
  101. 品種沒有中關村百貨商店多。 你們可以去中關村百貨商店看看。那兒
  102. 有紫砂茶具﹐也有白瓷茶具。 價格也不錯。
  103. 人美﹑學友﹕謝謝您。 我們明天就去那兒看看。 再見﹗
  104. 營業員﹕再見。
  105. Lesson Thirty Six: Article Buying Dictionaries
  106. On a Friday after class, Xue You and Ren Mei went to Xin Hua bookstore in Beijing University together to buy dictionaries. There were a lot of students in the bookstore. Some of them were looking for books, some of them were waiting in line to pay.
  107. Xueyou and Renmei were standing in front of a bookshelf that sells dictionaries. A young sales associate asked them cordially : " what kind of dictionary would you like to buy?" Xueyou and Renmei told the sales associate that they are American exchange students who came to Beida to study Chinese. They want to buy some Chinese dictionaries, but they have no idea which one is good (appropriate). The sales associate introduced "Xian Da Han Ying Ci Dian" and "Xin Hua Zi Dian" to them. She told them that Ci Dian is different from Zi Dian; Ci Dian collects and explains vocabularies, while Zi Dian explains the pronunciation, meaning and usage of a character. "Xian Da Han Ying Ci Dian" is a Chinese-English dictionary. (People) can use Pin Yin to look up new words, and it is very convenient. "Xin Hua Zi Dian" is written in Chinese. People can use the radicals or strokes to look up new characters. It collects more characters and has more detailed explanations than "Xian Dan Han Ying Ci Dian". But "Xin Hua Zi Dian" is more difficult than "Xian Dan Han Ying Ci Dian" for foreign students. These two dictionaries also have different prices. A "Xian Dan Han Ying Ci Dian" is forty three dollars and eighty cents. "Xin Hua Zi Dian" is cheaper than "Xian Dai Han Ying Ci Dian",it is twenty Yuan. Xueyou and Renmei told the sales associate, Chinese dictionaries are cheaper than American dictionaries. They like both of the dictionaries that the clerk introduced very much. Finally, both Xueyou and Renmei bought one "Xin Hua Zi Dian" and one "Xian Dai Han Yu Ci Dian".
  108. Note: Both "Xin Hua Zi Dian" and "Xian Dai an Ying Ci Dian" are in simplified edition.
  109. 词 汇
  110. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. Examples
  111. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. 爸爸 baba n. father
  113. 妈妈 mama n. mother
  114. 朋友 pengyou n. friend
  115. 大夫 daifu n. doctor
  116. 车 che n. car, bus
  117. 书 shu n. book
  118. 这 zhe demonstrative pron. this
  119. 那 na dem. pron. that
  120. 她 ta pron. she, her
  121. 是 shi classificatory verb to be
  122. 的 de structural particle
  123. 语 法
  124. 1. Number:
  125. Like Chinese verbs, Chinese nouns do not differentiate between singular and plural.
  126. Thus English“ a book”and“ books”is expressed same as 书 in Chinese.
  127. 2. Structural particle 的:
  128. The structural particle ao indicates that the word or phrase preceding it
  129. functions as an attributive which defines or modifies the noun or noun phrase
  130. that comes after it. For example:
  131. 好的车 hao de che good cars
  132. 很忙的大夫 hen mang de daifu a very busy doctor
  133. 我的爸 爸 wo de baba my father
  134. 她妈妈的书 ta mama de shu her mom’s books
  135. In general, the particle ao comes in as a link marker between the modifier
  136. and the noun or the noun phrase modified. But, there are some cases in which
  137. o is optional:
  138. A. Where personal pronouns modify words denoting people in close relationship to them:
  139. 她( )爸爸 ta baba her father
  140. 我们( )哥哥 women gege our older brother
  141. 你( )朋友 ni pengyou your friends
  142. BB. Where monosyllabic adjectives modify nouns or noun phrases:
  143. 好( )哥哥 hao gege good older brother
  144. 好( )车 hao che good cars
  145. There are some other cases, which we’ll discuss in the lessons to come.
  146. 3. The classificatory verb 是:
  147. The verb 是 acts as a link between the subject and a description of it-usually a way of identifying it.
  148. For instance:
  149. 他是大夫。 Ta shi daifu. He is a doctor.
  150. To negate 是 use 不:
  151. 她不是我妈妈。 Ta bu shi wo mama. She is not my mom.
  152. To form a simple question, you just add interrogative particle ?U at the end of a statement:
  153. 这是你的车吗? Zhe shi nide che ma?
  154. 语 型
  155. Pronunciation notes:
  156. 1. Rules for the change of tones for 不:
  157. 不 “bu” is pronounced with the 4th tone “bu”, when it is followed by 1st, 2nd and 3rd tones. For example:
  158. bu hao bu mang bu gan (not dry)
  159. When 不 “bu” is followed by a 4th tone, it changes into 2nd tone. For example:
  160. Bu shi bu dui (not corret) bu chang (not sing)
  161. Note that when “bu” changes its tone, the tone mark should reflect the change.
  162. Speech Patterns:
  163. 1. The structural particle 的:
  164. 1。我爸爸的车很好。
  165. 2。那是你朋友吗?不是。她是我弟弟的朋友。
  166. 3。好大夫很忙。不忙的大夫不好。
  167. 4。那是好书。这不是。这是你的书吗?
  168. 5。我妈妈的车很好。你妈妈是大夫。大夫的车都是好车。
  169. 1. Wo baba de che hen hao.
  170. 2. Na shi ni pengyou ma? Bushi. Ta shi wo didi de pengyou.
  171. 3. Hao daifu hen mang. Bumang de daifu bu hao.
  172. 4. Na shi hao shu. Zhe bushi. Zhe shi ni de shu ma?
  173. 5. Wo mama de che hen hao. Ni mama shi daifu. Daifu de che dou shi Hao che.
  174. 1. My dad’s car is good.
  175. 2. Is that your friend? No. She is my younger brother’s friend.
  176. 3. Good Doctors are busy. The not-busy doctors (the doctors who are not busy) are not good.
  177. 4. That is a good book. This is not. Is this your book?
  178. 5. My mom’s car is good. Your mom is a doctor. The cars of doctors are all good.
  179. II. Sentences with classificatory verb:
  180. 1。 他哥哥是你朋友吗?是。他哥哥是我朋友。
  181. 2。 那不是你的车吗?不是。那是我爸爸的车。
  182. 3。这是你弟弟的书吗?这不是他的书,是我的书。
  183. 4。 他是大夫吗?他是大夫,也是我爸爸。
  184. 5。那是你朋友的哥哥吗?是。我朋友的哥哥很忙。他是大夫。
  185. 1. Ta gege shi ni pengyou ma? Shi. Ta gege shi wo pengyou.
  186. 2. Na bushi nide che ma? Bushi. Na shi wo baba de che.
  187. 3. Zhe shi ni didi de shu ma? Zhe bushi tade shu, shi wode shu.
  188. 4. Ta shi daifu ma? Ta shi daifu, ye shi wo baba.
  189. 5. Na shi ni pengyou de gege ma? Shi. Wo pengyou de gege hen mang. Ta shi daifu.
  190. 1. Is his older brother your friend? Yes. His older brother is my friend.
  191. 2. Isn’t that your car? No. That’s my dad’s car.
  192. 3. Is this your younger brother’s book? This is not his book. (This) is my book.
  193. 4. Is he a doctor? He is a doctor, and (he) is also my dad.
  194. 5. Is that your friend’s older brother? Yes. My friend’s older brother is busy. He is a doctor.