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  1. Happy Birthday to You
  2. Ding: Xueyou, what time now?
  3. Xie: Half past five. What are you busy with?
  4. Ding: Today is Hua Jiang’s birthday. He invited us to attend his B-day party.
  5. Xie: Yes, yes. What time did he say is the party?
  6. Ding: Seven.
  7. Xie: Now it is only five thirty; still early. What’s the fuss?
  8. Ding: Why not the fuss?! Today is Hua’s twenty-one birthday, we got to give
  9. him some gift. What do you think we get for him?
  10. Xie: Buy an interesting birthday card.
  11. Ding: Buy just a card? Too little.
  12. Xie: He likes music. Let’s get him a CD. Yes, When I had my birthday, the CD
  13. you gave me was nice. Let’s also buy him one.
  14. Ding: So, we have to leave now. (We) have to buy stuff on the way.
  15. Xie: OK....Renmei, what do you think I should wear?
  16. Ding: Whatever you like.
  17. Xie: Look, this pants, how is it?
  18. Ding: Not bad, but I like the dark-blue one better.
  19. Xie: Fine, (I’ll) do what you say.
  20. 祝你生日快乐
  21. 丁 : 学友,几点了?
  22. 谢 : 四点半。你忙什麽?
  23. 丁 : 今天是江华的生日。他请我们参加他的生日晚会。
  24. 谢 : 对了,对了。他说晚会是几点?
  25. 丁 : 七点。
  26. 谢 : 现在才五点半,还早呢。你忙什麽?
  27. 丁 : 我怎麽不忙?!今天是江华二十一岁的生日,我们
  28. 得送他礼物。你说我们买什麽送他呢?
  29. 谢 : 买一张有意思的生日卡吧。
  30. 丁 : 就买生日卡?太少了!
  31. 谢 : 江华喜欢音乐,送他一张光碟吧。对了,我生日的
  32. 时候,你送我的那张光碟很不错。我们也给他买一张吧。
  33. 丁 : 所以,我们现在得走啦。路上还得买东西呢。
  34. 谢 : 好吧.....人美,你说我穿什麽?
  35. 丁 : 随你的便。
  36. 谢 : 你看,这条裤子怎么样?
  37. 丁 : 不错,可是我更喜欢那条深蓝色的。
  38. 谢 : 行啊,听你的。
  39. 祝你生日快樂
  40. 丁 ﹕ 學友,幾點了?
  41. 謝 ﹕ 四點半。你忙什麼?
  42. 丁 ﹕ 今天是江華的生日。他請我們參加他的生日晚會。
  43. 謝 ﹕ 對了,對了。他說晚會是幾點?
  44. 丁 ﹕ 七點。
  45. 謝 ﹕ 現在才五點半,還早呢。你忙什麼?
  46. 丁 ﹕ 我怎麼不忙?!今天是江華二十一歲的生日,我們
  47. 得送他禮物。你說我們買什麼送他呢?
  48. 謝 ﹕ 買一張有意思的生日卡吧。
  49. 丁 ﹕ 就買生日卡?太少了!
  50. 謝 ﹕ 江華喜歡音樂,送他一張光碟吧。對了,我生日的
  51. 時候,你送我的那張光碟很不錯。我們也給他買一張吧。
  52. 丁 ﹕ 所以,我們現在得走啦。路上還得買東西呢。
  53. 謝 ﹕ 好吧.....人美,你說我穿什麼?
  54. 丁 ﹕ 隨你的便。
  55. 謝 ﹕ 你看,這條褲子怎么樣?
  56. 丁 ﹕ 不錯,可是我更喜歡那條深藍色的。
  57. 謝 ﹕ 行啊,聽你的。
  58. Zhù Nĭ Shēngrì Kuàilè
  59. ZhùNĭ Shēngrì Kuàilè
  60. Dīng: Xuéyŏu, jĭdiăn le?
  61. Xiè: Wŭdiăn bàn. Nĭ máng shénme?
  62. Dīng: Jīntiān shìJiāng Huá de shēngrì. Tā qĭng wŏmen cānjiā tāde shēngrì wănhuì
  63. Xiè: Duìle, duìle. Tā shuō wănhuìshì jĭdiăn?
  64. Dīng: Qīdiăn.
  65. Xiè: Xiànzài cái wŭdiăn bàn, hái zăo ne. Nĭ máng shénme?
  66. Dīng: Wŏzĕnme bù máng? Jīntiān shì Jiāng Huá èrshíyī suì de shēngrì, wŏmen dĕi
  67. sòng tālĭwù Nĭ shuō wŏmen sòng tā shénme ne?
  68. Xiè: Măi yìzhāng yŏu yìsi de shēngrìkă ba.
  69. Dīng: Jiùmăi shēngrìkă. Tài shăo le.
  70. Xiè: Jiāng Huáxĭhuān yīnyuè sòng tā yìzhāng guāngdié ba. Duìle, wŏ shēngrì de
  71. shíjòu, nĭ sòng wŏde nàzhāng guāngdié hĕn búcuò. Wŏmen yĕ gĕi tā măi
  72. yìzhāng ba.
  73. Dīng: Suŏyĭ wŏmen xiànzài dĕi zŏu la. Lùshàng hái dĕi măi dōngxi ne.
  74. Xiè: Hăoba...Rénmĕi, nĭ shuō wŏ chuān shénme?
  75. Dīng: Suínĭde biàn.
  76. Xiè: Nĭ kàn zhè tiáo kùzi zĕnme yàng?
  77. Dīng: Búcuò kĕshì wŏ gèng xĭhuān nàtiáo shēnlán de.
  78. Xiè: Xíng a, tīng nĭde.
  79. Hua Jiang’s birthday
  80. Today is Saturday; (it) is also Hua Jiang’s twenty-one birthday.
  81. Xueyou and I went to Hua’s home to attend his birthday party. The
  82. people who came to the party were quite a lot: some were Hua’s
  83. college classmates, some were Hua’s childhood friends. Everyone
  84. sang and danced; (everyone) laughed and had fun; (and everyone)
  85. was very happy.
  86. Hua showed us his family pictures. Hua’s grandparents were both
  87. in Taiwan, but Hua said he did not go to Taiwan often; his
  88. grandparents came often to the States to visit them. Every time
  89. when (they) came, they brought Hua a lot of Taiwan’s local
  90. specialties: there were goodies to eat, and there were things
  91. for use. Hua was happy.
  92. Hua has a younger sister, (who) is very beautiful. I asked Hua
  93. how old his sister was. He told me she was sixteen this year,
  94. and attended high school. Hua’s younger sister did not look like
  95. Hua, nor did she look like their mother, but she looked very much
  96. like their grandma. (It was) very interesting. Hua told me his
  97. grandparents liked her sister a lot. To be honest, I like her a
  98. lot, too.
  99. 江华的生日晚会
  100. 今天星期六,也是江华二十一岁的生日。我和学友去江华家参加他的生日晚会。
  101. 参加晚会的人很多,有的是江华大学的同学,有的是江华小时候的朋友。大家又
  102. 唱又跳,又笑又闹,非常开心。
  103. 江华让我们看他一家人的照片。江华的爷爷奶奶都在台湾,可是江华说他不常
  104. 回台湾,爷爷奶奶常来美国看他们。每次来,他们都给江华带很多台湾土特产,
  105. 有吃的,还有用的,江华很高兴。
  106. 江华有一个妹妹,很漂亮。我问江华他妹妹今年多大。江华告诉我她今年十六
  107. 岁,上高中。江华的妹妹不像江华,也不像他们的妈妈,可是很像他们的奶奶。
  108. 很有意思。江华告诉我他的爷爷奶奶非常喜欢他妹妹。说实在的,我也很喜欢
  109. 他妹妹。
  110. 江華的生日晚會
  111. 今天星期六,也是江華二十一歲的生日。我和學友去江華家參加他的生日晚會。
  112. 參加晚會的人很多,有的是江華大學的同學,有的是江華小時候的朋友。大家又
  113. 唱又跳,又笑又鬧,非常開心。
  114. 江華讓我們看他一家人的照片。江華的爺爺奶奶都在台灣,可是江華說他不常
  115. 回台灣,爺爺奶奶常來美國看他們。每次來,他們都給江華帶很多台灣土特產,
  116. 有吃的,還有用的,江華很高興。
  117. 江華有一個妹妹,很漂亮。我問江華他妹妹今年多大。江華告訴我她今年十六
  118. 歲,上高中。江華的妹妹不像江華,也不像他們的媽媽,可是很像他們的奶奶。
  119. 很有意思。江華告訴我他的爺爺奶奶非常喜歡他妹妹。說實在的,我也很喜歡
  120. 他妹妹。
  121. Jiāng Huá de shēngrì wănhuì
  122. Jiāng Huá de shēngrì wănhuì
  123. Jīntiān Xīngqīliù yĕshì Jiāng Huá èrshíyīsuì de shēngrì. Wŏ hé Xuéyŏu qù Jiāng Huá
  124. jiā cānjiā tāde shēngrì wănhuì. Cānjiā wănhuì de rén hĕn duō, yŏude shì Jiāng Huá
  125. dàxué de tóngxué yŏude shì Jiāng Huá xiăo shíhòu de péngyou. Dàjiā yòu chàng yòu
  126. tiào, yòu xiào yòu nào, fēicháng gāoxìng.
  127. Jiāng Huá ràng wŏmen kàn tā yìjiā rén de zhàopiàn. Jiāng Huá de yéye năinăi dōu zài
  128. Táiwān, kĕshì Jiāng Huá shuō tā bù cháng huí Táiwān, yéye năinai cháng lái Mĕiguó
  129. kàn tāmen. Mĕi cì lái, tāmen dōu gĕi Jiāng Huá dài hĕn duō. Táiwān tŭtèchăn, yŏu
  130. chīde, yŏu yòngde, Jiáng Huá hĕn gāoxìng.
  131. Jiāng Huá yŏu yígè mèimei, hĕn piàoliàng. Wŏ wèn Jiāng Huá tā mèimei jīnnián duō dà.
  132. Jiāng Huá gàosù wŏ tā jīnnián shíliù suì shàng gāozhōng. Jiāng Huá de mèimei bú xiàng
  133. Jiāng Huá yĕ bú xiàng tāmen de māma, kĕshì hĕn xiàng tāmen de năinai. Hĕn yŏu yìsi.
  134. Jiāng Huá gàosù wŏ tāde yéye năinai fēicháng xĭhuān tā mèimei. Shuō shízài de, wŏ yĕ
  135. hĕn xĭhuān tā mèimei.
  136. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. Examples
  137. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. 礼物 lĭwù n. gift, present
  139. 卡 kă n. card
  140. 光碟 guāngdié n. CD
  141. 色 sè n. color
  142. 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo, picture
  143. 爷爷 yéye n. grandpa
  144. 奶奶 năinai n. grandma
  145. 土特产 tŭtèchăn n. locally produced specialties
  146. 东西 dōngxi n. stuff, things
  147. 送 sòng v. to give as a gift
  148. 唱 chàng v. to sing
  149. 跳 tiào v. to jump, to dance
  150. 笑 xiào v. to laugh
  151. 闹 nào v. to make noise
  152. 让 ràng v. to let, to allow
  153. 带 dài v. to bring
  154. 像 xiàng v. to be like, to resemble
  155. 不错 búcuò adj. Not bad, nice
  156. 深蓝 shēnlán adj. Dark-blue, deep-blue
  157. 开心 kāixīn adj. happy, joyous
  158. 漂亮 piàoliang adj. beautiful
  159. 更 gèng adv. even more
  160. 非常 fēicháng adv. very
  161. 得 dĕi modal verb have to, need
  162. 怎麽 zĕnme interrogative pro. how, why
  163. 多 duō interrogative pro. how, to what extent
  164. ...的时候 shìhòu set exp. the time when
  165. 小时候 xiăo shìhòu idiomatic exp. when young
  166. 随你的便 suì nĭ de biàn idiomatic exp. do as you like
  167. 听你的 tīng nĭ de idiomatic exp. do what you say
  168. 说实在的 shuō shìzài de idiomatic exp. to be honest
  169. 1.When a verb/verb phrase or a clause modifying a noun:
  170. We have come across Chinese noun phrase such as: 很好的朋友, 乾净的房间 .In those two examples, the nouns 朋友
  171. and 房间 are respectively modified by the adjectives 很好 and 乾净 .The structural 的 marks the relationship
  172. between the modifier and the modified:
  173. 很好 的 朋友
  174. The modifier 的 the modified
  175. The format applies when the modifier is a verb/verb phrase or a clause. For example:
  176. 1. 学中文 的 学生 the students learning Chinese
  177. the modifier the modified the modified the modifier
  178. 2. 妈妈给我 的 书 the book given to me by Mom
  179. the modifier the modified the modified the modifier
  180. 3. 教我中文 的 老师 the teacher who teaches me Chinese
  181. the modifier the modified the modified the modifier
  182. 4. 我买 的 车 the car (which) I bought
  183. the modifier the modified the modified the modifier
  184. Points of merits:
  185. (1)Notice the difference in word order between the Chinese phrases and their English equivalents. In Chinese the
  186. modifier ALWAYS PRECEDES the modified, while in English the opposite is the truth.
  187. (2)In English, when a verb or a verb phrase modifies a noun, there is no structural connector to mark the relation.
  188. See example 1 and 2.
  189. (3)In English, when a clause modifies a noun, there is usually a structural connector, which could be WHICH, WHO,
  190. WHOM, WHEN, WHAT. But, whatever the connector is, when translated into Chinese, it takes the form of 的 .See
  191. example 3 and 4.
  192. (4)In Chinese, when the modified noun is understood in the context, it can be omitted. For example:
  193. 昨天妈妈买很多东西,有吃的( ),也有用的( ).
  194. Yesterday Mom bought a lot of stuff. There are stuff to eat; there are stuff to use.
  195. when the noun is used in a general sense, it can also be omitted. For example:
  196. 学中文的( ) those who study Chinese
  197. 今天来的( ) those who come today
  198. 她说的 ( ) what(those which) she said
  199. 2. The conjunction ...的时候:
  200. The conjunction ..的时候is an equivalent to English “when...” or “the time when...”. The difference between
  201. Chinese ..的时候 and English “when” or “the time when...” is that in Chinese the conjunction is AFTER
  202. the clause, while in English the conjunction is BEFORE the clause. For example:
  203. 我吃饭 的时候 when I eat
  204. clause conjunction conjunction clause
  205. 去年他回台湾 的时候 when he returned to Taiwan last year
  206. clause conjunction means conjuction clause
  207. Now let’s look at some sentences with a time clause:
  208. 我吃饭的时候 ,(我)不看电视。 When I eat, I don’t watch TV.
  209. 她来的时候,我不在。 I wasn’t in, when she came.
  210. Points of merits:
  211. Note that the position of English time clause is flexible, it could be before the main clause or after
  212. the main clause; but the position of Chinese time clause is fixed. It has to COME BEFORE the main clause.
  213. 3.The conjunction 又...又...:
  214. 又...又...means “both...and...” in English. The pattern 又 + adj/verb 又 + adj/verb is used to indicate two
  215. concurrent situations or actions. For example:
  216. 她的房间 又 大 又 乾净。 Her room is both big and clean.
  217. adj adj
  218. 大家 又 唱 又 跳。 Everyone is both singing and dancing.
  219. verb verb
  220. Points of merits:
  221. 1.When two adjectives are used in this way, they must be unidirectional, that is either complimentary
  222. or pejorative. For example:
  223. 又快又好 fast and good 又忙又累 busy and tiring
  224. 2.When two verbs are used in this way, they must be concurrent:
  225. 又说又笑 speak and laugh 又吃又喝 eat and drink
  226. 4.The interrogative pronoun 怎么样:
  227. The interrogative pronoun 怎么样 is used to solicit other people’s opinions. It can
  228. follow both a noun phrase and a sentence. For example:
  229. Noun phrase:
  230. 这个老师,怎么样? This teacher, what do you think?
  231. 那间房间,怎么样? What is your opinion of the room?
  232. Sentence:
  233. 九月我们去北京,怎么样? We are going to Beijing in September, what do you think?
  234. 看晚上的电影,怎么样? See a evening movie, how is that?
  235. 5.The interrogative pronoun 怎麽:
  236. The interrogative pronoun 怎麽 is often used to inquire about the manner of an action. For example:
  237. 你明天怎麽去纽约? How will you go to New York?
  238. 你怎麽念这个字? How do you pronoun this word?
  239. 怎麽 can also be use to inquire about reason. The difference between 怎麽 and 为什麽 in inquiry
  240. is the tone. 为什麽 goes after the fact while 怎麽 carries the tone of puzzlement, sometimes
  241. even of accusatory.
  242. 大家都学汉语, 你怎麽不学呢?
  243. Everyone study Chinese. How come you don’t?
  244. 今天你怎麽不去图书馆呢? 怎麽不去? 现在才八点。太早了。
  245. How come you don’t go to the library? Why won’t I go (Of course I’ll go)? It’s only eight now.
  246. ( It’s) too early.
  247. 6.The interrogative pronoun 多:
  248. The interrogative pronoun 多 works with adjectives and adverbs and with psycho-emotional verbs such
  249. as 爱,喜欢, 想 etc. When it works with adjectives, it means “how”. For example:
  250. 你的房间多大? How big is your room?
  251. 她多常回家? How often does she come home?
  252. When it works with psycho-emotional verbs, it means “to what extent”:
  253. 你多爱他? To what extent do you love him?
  254. 他多喜欢开车? To what extent does he like to drive? (To what extent is his
  255. craziness for driving?)
  256. 7.The adverb 更:
  257. The adverb 更 embodies comparative degree. It works with adjectives, psycho-emotional verbs and some adverbs:
  258. 他有书,我的书更多。 He has books, (but) my books are even more (I have more
  259. books).
  260. 我和姐姐更常去纽约。 My older sister and I go to New York more often.
  261. 我喜欢学中文,可是,我更喜欢学电脑。 I like to study Chinese, but like to study
  262. Computer Science more.
  263. 8. The modal verb 得:
  264. The modal verb 得 means “need to, have to, must” in English. It’s negation is 不用
  265. (need not). For example:
  266. 老师,今天我们得作汉字作业吗? 不用。
  267. Teacher, do we need to do character writing homework today? No.
  268. 世海,十点了,你得给你爸打个电话。不用。爸爸今天不在。
  269. Shihai, it’s ten. You should give your dad a call. Not necessary. Daddy is not home today
  270. Speech Patterns:
  271. 1.When a verb/verb phrase or a clause modifying a noun:
  272. a.Phrases:
  273. 1。买报的 2。昨天妈妈写的那个汉字 3。奶奶穿的那件大衣 4。唱歌的
  274. 5。在银行工作的姐姐 6。去中国学习的学生 7。王老师用的那台电脑
  275. 8。看书的 9。给她打电话的那个人 10。知道他名字的
  276. 11。我住的房间 12。我上大学的那天
  277. 1. măi bào de 2. Zuótiān māma xiĕde nàge Hànzì 3. Năinai chuān de nà jiàn dàyī
  278. 4. chànggē de 5. Zài yìnháng gōngzuò de jiĕjie 6. Qù Zhōnguó xuéxì de xuésheng
  279. 7. Wáng lăoshī yòng de nà tái diànnăo 8. Kàn shū de 9. Gĕi tā dă diànhuàde nàge rén
  280. 10. zhīdào tā mìngzì de 11. Wŏ zhù de fángjiān 12. Wŏ shàng dàxué de nàtian
  281. 1. those who buy newspaper 2. That Chinese character Mom wrote yesterday
  282. 3. that overcoat grandma is wearing 4. Those who sing 5. The older sister who works at the bank
  283. 6. The students who went to study in China 7. The computer used by teacher Wang
  284. 8. those who read 9. The person who called her 10. Those who know his name
  285. 11. the room where I live 12. The day when I attended the university
  286. b.Sentences:
  287. 1。你喜欢我们昨天去的那个图书馆吗? 很喜欢。是新的吧?
  288. 2。你哪一年来美国?我来美国的那年是一九八九年。你几月来? 八月。
  289. 3。在中文系教汉语的是你的姐姐还是妹妹? 不是我的姐姐,也不是我的妹妹。她是我的女朋友。
  290. 4。你喜欢吃爸爸作的菜吗?爸爸作的菜不错,可是,我更喜欢妈妈作的。
  291. 5。你去的那个学校有实验室吗?怎麽没有?
  292. 6。这是你的新车吗?对了。是我爸爸妈妈送我的生日礼物。
  293. 7。昨天跟你一起来参加新年晚会的那个男生是你的男朋友吧?对了。他姓什麽?
  294. 8。学日文的同学请跟我来。他说什麽?他说学日文的跟他去。
  295. 9。我认识的汉字都是我妈妈教的。
  296. 10。请我喝咖啡的那个同学姓白,叫大为。你认识吗?
  297. 1.Nĭ xĭhuān wŏmen zuótiān qùde nàge túshūguăn ma? Hĕn xĭhuān. Shì xīn de ba?
  298. 2.Nĭ nă yìnián lái Mĕiguó? Wŏlái Mĕiguó de nànián shì yījiŭbājiŭ nián. Nĭjĭ yuèlái? Bāyuè.
  299. 3.Zài Zhōngwén xì jiāo Hànyŭde shìnĭde jiĕjie háishi mèimei? Búshì wŏde jiĕjie, yĕbúshìwŏde mèimei; shì wŏde npéngyou.
  300. 4.Nĭxĭhuān chī bàba zuò de cài ma? Bàba zuò de cài búcuò kĕshì wŏ gèng xĭhuān māma zuò de.
  301. 5.Nĭ qùde nàge xuéxiào yŏu shìyànshì ma? Zĕnme méiyŏu?
  302. 6.Zhè shì nĭde xīn chē ma? Duìle, Shì wŏ bàba māma sòng wŏde lĭwù.
  303. 7.Zuótiān gēn nĭ yìqĭ lái cānjiā xīnnián wănhuì de nàge nánshēng shì nĭde nán péngyou ba? Duìle. Tā xìng shénme?
  304. 8. Xué Rìyŭ de tóngxué gēn wŏ lái. Tāshuō shénme? Tā shuō xué Rìyŭ de tóngxué gēn tā qù
  305. 9. Wŏ rènshi de Hànzì dōu shì wŏ māma jiāo de.
  306. 10. Qĭng wŏ hē kāfēi de nàge tóngxué xìng Bái, jiào Dàwéi. Nĭ rènshi ma?
  307. 1. Do you like the library we went yesterday? Very much. Is (it) a new one?
  308. 2. Which year did you came to the States? The year I came to the States was Nineteen Eighty-nine. What month did you come?
  309. August.
  310. 3. The one who teaches Chinese language in the Chinese Department is your older or younger sister?
  311. She is neither my older sister, nor my younger sister. She is my girl friend.
  312. 4. Do you like to eat the dishes your dad makes? The dishes my dad makes are nice, but, I like what my
  313. mom makes better.
  314. 5. Does the school you go to have labs? Of course (Why doesn't it have them?)!
  315. 6. Is this your new car? Right. (It) is a birthday gift from my parents ( is a birthday gift my parents gave
  316. me).
  317. 7. Is that guy who attended the New Year party together with you yesterday your boy friend? Yes. What is
  318. his last name?
  319. 8. Those students who study Japanese please come with me. What did he say? He said those who study
  320. Japanese go with him.
  321. 9. The characters I know are all those my mom taught me.
  322. 10.The classmate who invited me to coffee, his last name is Bai, and his first name is Dawei. Do you know
  323. him?
  324. 2. The conjunction ...的时候?
  325. 1。她喜欢开车的时候听中文录音。
  326. 2。妈妈,我看书的时候,你作什麽?我给你作吃的。
  327. 3。我打电话的时候,不喜欢别人听。
  328. 4。去台湾的时候,你给爷爷奶奶带什麽呢?
  329. 5。老的时候,我要去欧洲,非洲看看。
  330. 1.Tāxĭhuān kāichē de shìhòu tīng Zhōngwén lùyīn.
  331. 2.Māma, wŏ kàn shū de shìhòu, nĭ zuò shénme? Wŏ gĕi nĭ zuòchīde.
  332. 3.Wŏ dă diànhuà de shìhòu, bù xĭhuān biérén tīng.
  333. 4.Qù Táiwān de shìhòu, nĭ gĕi yéye năinai dài shénme ne?
  334. 5.Lăo de shìhòu, wŏ yào qù ōuzhōu, Fēizhōu kànkan.
  335. 1.She likes to listen to the Chinese tapes while she drives.
  336. 2.Mom, when I read, what do you do? I cook for you ( I make things for you to eat).
  337. 3.When I talk on the phone, ( I ) don't like others to listen in.
  338. 4.When (you) go to Taiwan, what do you bring to your grandparents?
  339. 5.I want to go to Europe and Africa to take a look, when ( I am ) old.
  340. 3.The expression 怎么样:
  341. 1。这儿人太多了。我们去那儿看看,怎麽样?
  342. 2。这条裤子不好看。深蓝的那条,怎么样?
  343. 3。你儿子写的汉字,怎么样?不错。你要他写什麽?
  344. 4。老师问的问题,怎麽样?难不难?
  345. 5。这是你第一次来美国吧?美国,怎么样?
  346. 1.Zhèr rén tài duō le. Wŏmen qù nàr kànkan, zĕnmeyàng?
  347. 2.Zhè tiáo kùzi bù hăokàn. Shēnlán de nà tiáo, zĕnmeyàng?
  348. 3.Nĭ érzi xiĕ de Hànzì zĕnmeyàng? Bú cuò. Nĭyào tā xiĕ shénme?
  349. 4.Lăoshī wèn de wèntì zĕnmeyàng? Nán bù nán?
  350. 5.Zhè shì nĭ dì yīcì lái Mĕiguó ba? Mĕi guó zĕnmeyàng?
  351. 1.There are too many people here ( It is too crowded here). Let's go and take a look there, OK?
  352. 2.This pair of pants is ugly. How about the dark-blue one?
  353. 3.How is your son in writing Chinese characters? Not bad? What do you want him to write?
  354. 4.What do you think of the questions the teacher asked? Are they difficult?
  355. 5.Is this your first time to the States? What do you think of the States?
  356. 4.The conjunction 又...又...:
  357. 1。爸爸作的菜真不错,又好看又好吃。
  358. 2。路上,她弟弟又哭又闹,真没有意思。
  359. 3。学中文真不容易,又得念又得写。要学的东西很多。
  360. 4。这是你的宿舍吗?真好,又大又乾净。住几个人?
  361. 1.Bàba zuò de cài zhēn búcuò yòu hăokàn yòu hăochī.
  362. 2.Lùshàng, tā dìdi yòu kū yòu nào, zhēn méiyŏu yìsi.
  363. 3.Xué Zhōngwén zhēn bù róngyì, yòu dĕi niàn yòu dĕi xiĕ Yào xué de dōngxi hĕn duō.
  364. 4.Zhè shì nĭde sùshèma? Zhēn hăo, yòu dà yòu gānjìng. Zhù jĭ ge rén?
  365. 1.The dishes Dad makes are really nice, both beautiful and tasty.
  366. 2.On the way, her younger brother cried and fussed. ( It ) is really no fun.
  367. 3.Learning Chinese is not easy. ( You ) have to read and ( you ) have to write. The things needs to learn are a lot.
  368. 4.Is this your dorm. Good, both big and clean. How many people live here?