1. Chinese Characters Pronunciation Part of Speech English Gloss Lesson Number
  2. (漢字 - Hànzì) (拼音 - Pīnyīn) (詞性 – Cíxìng) (英文 – Yīngwén) (第幾課 - Dìjǐkè)
  3. 爱 ài Verb to love, to like 8
  4. 爱 人 àirén n. spouse 14
  5. 安徽 ān huī place name a province of China 33
  6. 安静(安靜) ānjìng adj. quiet 16
  7. 安排 ānpái v. to arrange 35
  8. 按照 ànzhào adv. according to 34
  9. 吧 ba Interrogative Particle 6
  10. 八 bā numeral eight 11
  11. 把 bǎ mw. used to classify or count things such as chairs, pens, knives, etc. 22
  12. 爸爸 bàba Noun father 4, 5
  13. 白 bái numeral hundred 11
  14. 白 bái adj. white 16
  15. 摆 bǎi v. to display, to place 33
  16. 百里挑一 Bǎilǐ tiāoyī idiom one out of a hundred 25
  17. 百 事 可 樂 bǎishì kělè n. Pepsi-cola 19
  18. 百闻不如一见 bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn idiom hearing about it a hundred times is not as good as seeing it once 30
  19. 半 bàn numeral. half 17
  20. 办 bàn v. to handle 28
  21. 搬 bān v. to move 22
  22. 班机 bānjī n. Flight 31
  23. 办理 bànlǐ v. to handle,to process 31
  24. 办事 bànshì v. to take care of (some) business, to handle matters 30
  25. 办事处 bànshìchù n. business office 28
  26. 报到注册 bàodàozhùcè v.phrase to register 31
  27. 报告 bàogào n. report 23
  28. 包裹 bāoguǒ n. parcel,package 34
  29. 包裹单 bāoguǒdān n. package (arrival) notice 34
  30. 背 bèi v. to memorize 18
  31. 北 běi direction word North 23
  32. 杯  bēi  n. m.w. cup 19
  33. 北京 běijīng Place Name Beijing 7
  34. 本 běn m. measure word 14
  35. 笔(筆) bǐ n. pen 13
  36. 比 bǐ prep. to, compare to, than 28
  37. 变化 biànhuà n. change 31
  38. 边 biānr suffix (for direction words) 22
  39. 表(錶) biǎo n. watch 17
  40. 标准 biāozhǔn adj. precise, standard 31
  41. 标准 biāozhǔn adj. standardized 29
  42. 别 bié negation in an imperative sentence 29
  43. 别的 bié de adj./n. other 18
  44. 别提有多高兴了 Biétì yǒu duō gāoxìng le set exp. You wouldn’t believe how happy sb. Is/are 27
  45. 笔记 bǐjì n. notes 35
  46. 毕竟 bìjìng adv. after all 35
  47. 必修课 bìxiū kè n. compulsory course 26
  48. 博士 bóshì n. Ph.D. 35
  49. 博物馆 bówùguǎn n. museum 27
  50. 不 bù Adverb not 1, 2, 3
  51. 部 bù suffix (sector) 23
  52. 不敢当 bù gǎn dāng idiomatic exp. an answer to other’s compliment 25
  53. 不好意思 bù hǎo yìsi adj. embarrassed 24
  54. 不安 bù'ān adj. uneasy 29
  55. 不错 búcuò adj. Not bad, nice 21
  56. 不错 búcuò idiom exp. not bad 34
  57. 不到长城非好汉 búdàochángchéng fēi hǎohàn idiom exp. If you fail to reach the Great Wall, you are not a man. 35
  58. 部分 bùfèn n. part, section 23
  59. 不 過 búguò conj. but 19
  60. 不过 búguò conj. however, but 30
  61. 不仅(仅) bùjǐnjǐn conj.,adv. not only 30
  62. 不客气 búkèqi Idiomatic Expression you are welcome 8
  63. 菜 cài n. vegetable, dishes 27
  64. 菜 cài  n. dishes of a meal (courses) 19
  65. 餐 館 cānguǎn  n. restaurant 19
  66. 参加 cānjiā v. to participate 20
  67. 曾 céng adv. once 33
  68. 厕所 cèsuǒ n. toilet 22
  69. 测验 cèyàn n. quiz 35
  70. 茶 chá Noun tea 8
  71. 查 chá v. to check 12
  72. 长 cháng Adjective long 7
  73. 尝 cháng v. to taste 27
  74. 唱 chàng v. to sing 21
  75. 常常 chángcháng adv. often 10
  76. 长城 chángchéng Proper Noun Great Wall 7
  77. 长江 chángjiāng Proper Noun Yangtze River 7
  78. 查资料 cházīliào v. to cosult/look up information (books, papers periodicals etc.) 35
  79. 车 chē Noun car 4, 5
  80. 城 chéng n. city 27
  81. 成语 chéngyǔ n. idiom, sayings 25
  82. 乘坐 chéngzuò v. to board 29
  83. 乘坐 chéngzuò v. to take (train/boat/plan) 31
  84. 衬衫(襯衫) chènshān n. shirt 16
  85. 吃遍 chī biàn v. to eat all of 27
  86. 抽(时间) chōu (shíjiān) v. to find (time), to save (time) 35
  87. 出 chū v. to exit 31
  88. 穿 chuān v. to wear 16
  89. 床 chuáng n. bed 18
  90. 窗户 chuānghù n. window 22
  91. 窗口 chuāngkǒu n. window 28
  92. 出差 chūchāi v.phrase to go on a business trip 31
  93. 出发 chūfā v. to set out, to leave 27
  94. 厨房 chúfáng n. kitchen 22
  95. 出口处 chūkǒuchù n. exit 31
  96. 除了...以外,...还... chúle..yǐwài,hái conj. besides 27
  97. 春花 chūn huā n. spring flowers 33
  98. 春天 chūn tiān n. spring 33
  99. 春雨 chūn yǔ n. spring rain 33
  100. 春节 chūnjié n. Spring Festival 27
  101. 次 cì m. time 20
  102. 此外 cǐwài adv. in addition to, besides 31
  103. 从...到 cóng...dào conj. from...to 33
  104. 聪明 cōngmìng adj. Smart, clever 30
  105. 大 dà adj. big 11
  106. 打 dǎ v. to beat, to make a call 17
  107. 打工 dǎ gōng v. to work part time 24
  108. 带 dài v. to bring 21
  109. 带 dài v. to bring, to take 24
  110. 带 dài v. to bring 29
  111. 呆 dāi v. to stay 27
  112. 呆 dāi v. to stay 31
  113. 大夫 dàifu Noun doctor 4, 5
  114. 单身 dān shēng adj. single (not married) 33
  115. 当 dāng v. to work as, to function as 26
  116. 当...的时候 dāng...deshíhòu prep.phrase (at the time) when 31
  117. 当然 dāngrán adv. certainly 35
  118. 担心 dānxīn v. to worry about serve the present 30
  119. 到 dào v. to arrive 18
  120. 到 dào v. to arrive 19
  121. 到 dào v. to arrive 27
  122. 倒 dào v. to pour 29
  123. 大使馆 dàshǐguǎn n. embassy 28
  124. 打算 dǎsuan v. to plan 12
  125. 打算 dǎsuàn v./n to plan/ plan 24
  126. 大厅(大廳) dàtīng n. lobby 18
  127. 大厅 dàtīng n. hall 31
  128. 大衣 dàyī n. overcoat 16
  129. 大约 dàyuē adv. about, approximately 30
  130. 的 de Structural Particle 4, 5
  131. ...的时候 de shìhòu set exp. the time when 21
  132. 德国 déguó Place Name Germany 6
  133. 得 děi modal verb have to, need 21
  134. 等 děng v. to wait for 16
  135. 等待 děngdài v. to await 29
  136. 德州 Dézhōu place n. Texas 28
  137. 第 dì prefix 20
  138. 底 dǐ suffix late 27
  139. 第一次 dì yī cì set phrase the first time 20
  140. 点(點) diǎn m. o’clock 17
  141. 點 diǎn v. to order 19
  142. 电话(電話) diànhuà n. phone 11
  143. 电脑 diànnǎo Noun computer 8
  144. 电脑(電腦) diànnǎo n. computer 16
  145. 电脑室(電腦室) diànnǎoshì n. computer room 18
  146. 电视 diànshì Noun television 8
  147. 点头 diǎntóu v. to nod 31
  148. 点心 diǎnxīn n. dimsum, desert 24
  149. 电影(電影 ) diànyǐng n. movie 17
  150. 电影院(電影院) diànyǐngyuàn n. cinema 17
  151. 钓 diào v. to hook 24
  152. 钓鱼 diào yú n. to go fishing 24
  153. 调查 diàochá v. to investigate 35
  154. 弟弟 dìdi Noun younger brother 1, 2, 3
  155. 地理 dìlǐ n. geography 23
  156. 地理上 dìlǐ shàng adv. geographically 23
  157. 地图 dìtú Noun map 7
  158. 地址 dìzhǐ n. address 34
  159. 懂 dǒng v. to understand 23
  160. 东 dōng direction word East 23
  161. 冬天 dōng tiān n. winter 33
  162. 东北 dōngběi direction word Northeast 23
  163. 动画片 dònghuà piàn n. animated film 29
  164. 东南 dōngnán direction word Southeast 23
  165. 动物 dòngwù n. animal 34
  166. 东西 dōngxi n. stuff, things 21
  167. 东亚(東亞) Dōngyà place name East Asia 15
  168. 都 dōu Adverb both, all 1, 2, 3
  169. 读(讀) dú v. to read 12
  170. 杜牧 Dù Mù person name a well-known poet in the Tang Dynasty 33
  171. 锻炼 duànliàn v. to do physical exercise, to work out 24
  172. 短期 duǎnqī adj. short term 28
  173. 對 duì prep. to, for 19
  174. 队 duì n. team 25
  175. 队 duì n. team 28
  176. 对 duì measure word a pair of,couple 35
  177. 对 duì direction word opposite 22
  178. 对了(對了) duì le idiomatic exp. right, correct 11
  179. 对...有/没有兴趣 duì... yǒu/méi yǒu xìngqu to be (not) interested in 26
  180. 对不起(對不起) duìbuqǐ idiomatic exp. sorry 11
  181. 多 duō adj. many 13
  182. 多 duō interrogative pro. how, to what extent 21
  183. 多少 duōshǎo question word how many, how much 11
  184. 饿 è adj. hungry 25
  185. 饿 è adj. hungry 28
  186. 二 èr numeral two 10
  187. 而且 érqiě conj. but also 30
  188. 发展 fā zhǎn v. to develop 33
  189. 法国 fǎguó Place Name France 6
  190. 方便 fāngbiàn adj. convenient 22
  191. 方法 fāngfǎ n. way; method 34
  192. 房间 (房間) fángjiān n. room 10
  193. 房间(房間) fángjiān n. room 11
  194. 访问 Fǎngwèn v. to pay a visit 23
  195. 翻译 fānyì n. translation 26
  196. 反正 fǎnzhèng adv. anyway 24
  197. 发音 fāyīn n. pronunciation 31
  198. 非常 fēicháng adv. very 21
  199. 飞机 fēijī n. airplane 29
  200. 非洲 fēizhōu Place Name Africa 7
  201. 分 fēn m. minute 17
  202. 分明 fēn míng adj. distinctive 33
  203. 分别 fēnbié v. to part 29
  204. 封 fēng m. 20
  205. 封 fēng measure word for letters 34
  206. 风味 fēng wèi adj. local style 33
  207. 丰富 fēngfù adj. plentiful, rich 30
  208. 丰富 fēngfù adj. plentiful 35
  209. 风景 fēngjǐng n. scenery, landscape 34
  210. 风筝 fēngzhēng n. kite 34
  211. 分钟 fēnzhōng n. minute 28
  212. 福建 fú jiàn place name a province of China 33
  213. 辅导 fǔdǎo v. to tutor 35
  214. 附近 fùjìn n. vicinity,? nearby 22
  215. 佛 吉 尼 亚 Fújíníyà n. place name: Virginia 14
  216. 肤色 fūsè n. skin color 29
  217. 复习 fùxí v. to review 24
  218. 复印机 fùyìnjī n. copy machine 23
  219. 复杂 fùzá adj. complicated 23
  220. 感 gǎn v. to feel, to have 30
  221. 感恩节(感恩節) Gǎn'ēnjié n. Tanksgiving 20
  222. 刚刚 gānggāng adv. just 34
  223. 干净 (乾淨) gānjìng adj. clean 10
  224. 感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù v. to be interested (in) 35
  225. 高层建筑 gāocéngjiànzhù n.phrase tall building 31
  226. 告诉(告訴) gàosu v. to tell 12
  227. 告诉(告訴) gàosu v. to tell 13
  228. 告 诉 gàosu v. to tell 14
  229. 高速公路 gāosùgōnglù n. highway 31
  230. 个 gè m. measure word 14
  231. 歌 gē n. song 19
  232. 哥哥 gēgē Noun older brother 1, 2, 3
  233. 给 gěi prep. /v to, for/ to give 14
  234. 给 ( 給 ) gěi v. to give 12
  235. 跟 gēn prep. with 17
  236. 更 gèng adv. even more 21
  237. 歌 曲 gēqǔ n. music and lyric 19
  238. 各 種 各 樣 gèzhong gèyàng adj. Of different kind 19
  239. 工 程 师 gōngchéngshī n. engineer 14
  240. 攻读 gōngdú v. to pursue study 35
  241. 公共 gōnggòng adj. public 11
  242. 公司 gōngsī n. company 31
  243. 工作 gōngzuò n./v job, profession/ to work 14
  244. 够 gòu adj enough 30
  245. 古诗 gǔ shī n. ancient poem(s) 33
  246. 刮风 guā fēng v. to blow wind 33
  247. 逛 guàng v. to go (shopping) 30
  248. 广播 guǎngbō n. broadcast, loudspeaker 29
  249. 光碟 guāngdié n. CD 21
  250. 广东 Guǎngdōng n. Canton 23
  251. 关於 guānyú prep. on, about, concerning 23
  252. 古 典 gǔdiǎn adj. classical 19
  253. 故宫 gùgōng n. the Forbidden City 27
  254. 贵 guì adj. expensive 34
  255. 贵姓(貴姓) guì xìng idiomatic exp. What is your family name? 9
  256. 桂林 Guìlìn place n. a city in China 27
  257. 古老 gǔlǎo adj. ancient 30
  258. 鼓励 gǔlì v. to encourage 35
  259. 国 guó Noun country 6
  260. 过(過) guò v. to spend (a holiday) 20
  261. 过 guò v. to pass 29
  262. 国庆节 guó qìng jié n. the national day 33
  263. 過 一 會 兒 guò yí huǐr time word after a while 19
  264. 过道 guòdào n. passageway 22
  265. 国家 guójiā Noun nation 7
  266. 過 去 guòqù time word in the past 19
  267. 过去 guòqù n. the past 30
  268. 过一会儿 guòyìhuǐr adv. later 23
  269. 故事片 gùshì piān n. feature film 29
  270. 古为今用 Gǔwéijīnyòng idiom to make the past serve the present 30
  271. 还(還) hái adv. still 20
  272. 还好 hái hǎo idiomatic exp. fortunately 33
  273. 海关 hǎiguān n. customs 31
  274. 還 是 háishì  conj. or 19
  275. 孩 子 háizi n. children 14
  276. 寒冷 hán lěng adj. cold 33
  277. 杭州 háng zhōu place name a city of China 33
  278. 航空小姐 hángkōng xiǎojiě n. steward 29
  279. 航空信 hángkōngxìn n. air mail 34
  280. 韩国(韓國) Hánguó place name South Korea 11
  281. 韩文(韓文) Hánwén n. Korean language 15
  282. 汉语 hànyǔ Noun Chinese language 6
  283. 号 hào n. number 34
  284. 好 hǎo Adjective good 1, 2, 3
  285. 好的 hǎo de idiomatic exp. OK, fine, all right 11
  286. 河 hé n. river 25
  287. 喝 hē Verb to drink 8
  288. 黑 hēi adj. black 16
  289. 很 hěn Adverb very 1, 2, 3
  290. 红(紅) hóng adj. red 16
  291. 红叶 hóng yè n. red leaf 33
  292. 後 hòu direction word back, behind 22
  293. 壺 hú n.m.w. pitcher 19
  294. 湖 hú n. lake 34
  295. 花 茶 huā chá n. scented tea, jasmine tea 19
  296. 画报 ( 畫報 ) huàbào n. pictorial 12
  297. 还 ( 還 ) huán v. to return (a thing) 12
  298. 换(換) huàn v. to change 16
  299. 换 huàn n. to change 26
  300. 欢度(歡度) huāndù v. to celebrate 20
  301. 欢渡 huāndù v. to celebrate (a holiday) 30
  302. 黄河 huánghé Proper Noun Yellow River 7
  303. 欢呼雀跃 huānhūquèyuè idiom to cheer,to exclaim 34
  304. 欢迎 huānyíng Verb to welcome 8
  305. 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn n. Washington 23
  306. 华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn place n. Washington 28
  307. 化学(化學) huàxué n. Chemistry 13
  308. 华裔(華裔) huáyì n. Chinese descendent 17
  309. 会(會) huì aux. Will, shall 20
  310. 会 huì aux. v. know how to, can 26
  311. 回 huì v. to return 27
  312. 火车 huǒchē n. train 24
  313. 火腿 huǒtuǐ n. ham 25
  314. 或者 huòzhě conj. or 26
  315. 互相 hùxiāng adv. mutually, 15
  316. 护照 hùzhào n. passport 28
  317. 寄 jì v. to mail 34
  318. 家 jiā n. family, home 13
  319. 家 jiā measure word for families or business establishments 31
  320. 佳节(佳節) jiājié n. holiday 20
  321. 佳节 jiājié n. festival, holiday 30
  322. 件 jiàn m. for articles/items 16
  323. 间 jiān mw. used to classify rooms 22
  324. 间 jiān suffix 22
  325. 见到 jiàn dào v. to see 27
  326. 讲(講) jiǎng v. to say 12
  327. 将 jiāng aux. verb will, shall 29
  328. 降落 jiàngluò v. to land 31
  329. 奖学金 jiǎngxuéjīn n. scholarship 35
  330. 健康 jiànkāng adj. healthy 20
  331. 健康 jiànkāng n. health 27
  332. 健康 jiànkāng adj. healthy 29
  333. 健身房 jiànshēn fáng n. gyms 22
  334. 健身房 jiànshēnfáng n. gym 35
  335. 检验 jiǎnyàn v. to check, to evaluate 35
  336. 叫 jiào v. to call, (his, her, my, your) first name is? 9
  337. 教 jiāo v. to teach 12
  338. 教 jiāo v. to teach 15
  339. 教练 jiàoliàn n. coach 25
  340. 交谈 jiāotán v. to converse 35
  341. 郊外 jiāowài n. outskirts, suburbs 24
  342. 饺子 jiǎozi n. Chinese dumpling 35
  343. 假期 jiàqī n. vacation 35
  344. 家人 jiārén n. family members 20
  345. 加深 jiāshēn v. to deepen 26
  346. 加州 Jiāzhōu place n. California 28
  347. 机场 jīchǎng n. airport 29
  348. 激动 jīdòng adj. excited 29
  349. 节(節) jié n. holiday 20
  350. 借 . jiè v to lend 12
  351. 接 jiē v. to pick up (a person) 20
  352. 结婚 jié hūn v. to marry 33
  353. 解释 jiě shì v. to explain 33
  354. 姐 妹 jiěimèi n. female siblings 14
  355. 姐 姐 jiějie n. older sister 14
  356. 节日(節日 ) jiérì n. holiday 20
  357. 介绍(介紹) jièshào v. to introduce, to recommend 13
  358. 接受 jiēshòu v. to accept 20
  359. 几乎 jǐhū adv. almost 28
  360. 计划 jìhuà n. plan 28
  361. 机会 jīhuì n. opportunity 35
  362. 进 jìn Verb to enter 8
  363. 进步 jìnbù v. to progress 29
  364. 经济 jīngjì Noun economy, economics 8
  365. 经济 jīngjì n. economics 31
  366. 静静地 jìngjìngde v. quietly 34
  367. 经 理 jīnglǐ n. manager, director 14
  368. 惊讶 jīngyà adj. suprised 31
  369. 经验 jīngyàn n. experience 35
  370. 今天 jīntiān time word today 10
  371. 紧张 jǐnzhāng adj. busy 35
  372. 计算机 jìsuànjī n. computer 31
  373. 旧(舊) jiù adj. used, worn, old 16
  374. 酒 jiǔ Noun alcohol 8
  375. 九 jiǔ numeral nine 11
  376. 旧 jiù adj. old 34
  377. 久远 jiǔyuǎn adj. long and far 30
  378. 继续 jìxù v. to continue, to go on 30
  379. 机长 jīzhǎng n. captain 29
  380. 举 jǔ v. to cite, to raise 23
  381. 举 jǔ v. to lift 24
  382. 覺 得 juéde v. to feel, 19
  383. 觉得 juéde v. to feel 29
  384. 决定 juédìng v. to decide, to make up one’s mind 29
  385. 决定 juédìng v. to decide, to determine 30
  386. 举重 jǔzhòng v. to lift weights 24
  387. 橘 子 水 júzishuǐ n. orange juice 19
  388. 卡 kǎ n. card 21
  389. 咖啡 kāfēi Noun coffee 8
  390. 开(開) kāi v. to open, to drive 17
  391. 开 kāi v. to drive 31
  392. 开始 kāi shǐ n. begin 33
  393. 开(玩笑) kāi(wánxiào) v. to make (a joke) 30
  394. 開 始 kāishǐ v. to begin, to start 19
  395. 开始 kāishǐ v. to begin, to start 27
  396. 开心 kāixīn adj. happy, joyous 21
  397. 看 kàn Verb to look 7
  398. 考试 kǎoshì n. quiz, exam 26
  399. 课(課) kè n. class, lesson 17
  400. 刻 kè m. a quarter of an hour 17
  401. 渴 kě  adj. thirsty 19
  402. 课程 kèchéng n. course schedule 35
  403. 可 口 可 樂 kěkou kělè n. Coca-cola 19
  404. 可以 kěyǐ aux. v. can, may 26
  405. 空儿(空兒) kòngr n. spare time, free time 20
  406. 口语 kǒu yǔ n. spoken language 33
  407. 口  kǒu  n. mouth 19
  408. 口语(口語) kǒuyǔ n. spoken language 15
  409. 快 kuài adj. fast, quick 25
  410. 快速 kuài sù adv. rapidly 33
  411. 筷子 kuàizi n. chopsticks 27
  412. 矿泉水 kuàngquán shuǐ n. mineral water 25
  413. 枯燥 kūzào adj. boring, dull 30
  414. 裤子(褲子) kùzi n. pants, trousers 16
  415. 来 lái v. to come 11
  416. 来自 láizì v. to come from 31
  417. 蓝(藍) lán adj. blue 16
  418. 朗读(朗讀) lǎngdú v. to read out loud 18
  419. 老师 lǎoshī Noun teacher 6, 8
  420. 累 lèi adj. tired 28
  421. 里 lǐ direction word inside 22
  422. 凉快 liáng kuài adj. nice and cool 33
  423. 凉爽 liáng shuǎng adj. pleasantly cool 33
  424. 联欢 liánhuān n. get-together 27
  425. 恋人 liànrén n. lover 35
  426. 聊天 liáo tiān v. to chat 33
  427. 了解(瞭解) liǎojiě v. to know 12
  428. 了解 liǎojiě v. n. to understand, understanding 26
  429. 聊天 liáotiān v. to chat 35
  430. 理解 lǐjiě v. to understand 35
  431. 理解 lǐjiě v. to understand 29
  432. 离开(離開) líkāi v. to leave 18
  433. 离开 líkāi v. to leave, to depart 29
  434. 礼貌 lǐmào adj. polite 31
  435. 零 líng numeral zero 10
  436. 领馆 lǐngguǎn n. consulate 28
  437. 领事 lǐngshì n. consul 28
  438. 邻居(鄰居) línjū n. neighbor 13
  439. 历史 lìshǐ n. history 30
  440. 留 liú v. to leave 18
  441. 六 liù numeral six 11
  442. 留话(留話) liú huà v. to leave a message 18
  443. 流利 liúli adj. fluent 25
  444. 流 行 liúxíng adj. popular 19
  445. 礼物 lǐwù n. gift, present 21
  446. 利用 lìyòng v. to make use of 35
  447. 例子 lìzi n. example, instance 23
  448. 龙井 lóng jǐng proper noun a special type of tea 33
  449. 龙井茶 lóngjǐngchá n. longjing tea, Dragonwell tea 30
  450. 楼(樓) lóu n. floor, building 11
  451. 楼(樓) lóu n. building, 15
  452. 绿(綠) lǜ adj. green 16
  453. 旅客 lǚkè n. traveler, passenger 29
  454. 论文 lùnwén n. dissertation 35
  455. 录音(錄音 ) lùyīn n./v tape recording/ to make a tape recording 18
  456. 錄 音 帶 lùyindài n. audio-tape 19
  457. 旅游(旅遊) lǚyóu v./n. to travel 12
  458. 旅游 lǚyóu v.n. to tour, tour 31
  459. 旅游胜地 lǚyóushèngdì n. tourist resort 31
  460. 吗 ma Interrogative Particle 1, 2, 3
  461. 买(買) mǎi v. to buy 13
  462. 妈妈 māma Noun mother 4, 5
  463. 慢 màn adj. slow 25
  464. 满 mǎn adj. full 33
  465. 满 mǎn adj. full 35
  466. 忙 máng Adjective busy 1, 2, 3
  467. 滿 載 而 歸 mǎnzài érguī idiom  to return fully loaded 19
  468. 毛尖 máo jiān proper noun a special type of tea 33
  469. 茅台 máotái n. a strong Chinese liquor 27
  470. 没 méi adv. negator for 14
  471. 每 měi adj./adv. every, each 18
  472. 美丽 měi lì adj. beautiful 33
  473. 没想到 méi xiǎng dào idiomatic exp. did not expect 25
  474. 没关系(沒關係) méiguānxì idiomatic exp. It’s all right. It doesn’t matter. 11
  475. 美国 měiguó Place Name America 6
  476. 美丽 měilì adj. beautiful 29
  477. 妹 妹 mèimei n. younger sister 14
  478. 没想到 méixiǎngdào idiom exp. did not think 31
  479. 美洲 měizhōu Place Name America 7
  480. 门 mén measure subject, class 30
  481. 门 mén measure word used for subjects of study 35
  482. 孟浩然 mèng hào person name a well known poet in the Tang Dynasty 33
  483. 门口(門口) ménkǒu n. entrance, gateway 18
  484. 面 miàn suffix (for direction words) 22
  485. 面包 miànbāo n. bread 25
  486. 迷路 mílù v. to lose 34
  487. 明白 míngbai v. to understand 16
  488. 明白 mìngbai v. to be clear 23
  489. 明白 mìngbái v. to understand 30
  490. 民 歌 míngē  n. folk song 19
  491. 名胜古迹 mìngshènggǔjì n. tourist attraction: famous places and ancient sites 30
  492. 名师出高徒 Mìngshī chū gāotú idiom a master of fame will produce excellent disciples 25
  493. 明天 míngtiān time word tomorrow 12
  494. 明信片 míngxìnpiàn n. postcard 34
  495. 名字 míngzi n. name, first name 9
  496. 母校 mǔxiào n. alma mater 31
  497. 那 nà conj. then, in that case 31
  498. 哪 nǎ Interrogative Demonstrative Pronoun which 6
  499. 那 nà / nèi Demonstrative Pronoun that 4, 5
  500. 奶酪 nǎilào n. cheese 25
  501. 奶奶 nǎinai n. grandma 21
  502. 哪里 nǎlǐ idiomatic exp. an answer to other’s compliment 25
  503. 那么 nàme then, so 8
  504. 那麽 nàme conj. then, so 23
  505. 南 nán direction word South 23
  506. 难 nán adj. difficult 24
  507. 南方的 nán fāng de adj. southern 33
  508. 南非 nánfēi Place Name South Africa 6
  509. 难过 nánguò adj. sad 29
  510. 闹 nào v. to make noise 21
  511. 那儿 (那兒) nàr place name there 10
  512. 那儿(那兒) nàr pr. there 15
  513. 哪儿 (哪兒) nǎr place name where 10
  514. 呢 ne Modal Particle 1, 2, 3
  515. 能 néng aux. v. may, can 26
  516. 你 nǐ Pronoun you 1, 2, 3
  517. 年 nián measure word year 16
  518. 年 nián m./n. year 20
  519. 念 niàn v. to read 33
  520. 年轻 nián qīng adj. young 33
  521. 你们 nǐmen Pronoun you (pl.) 1, 2, 3
  522. 纽约 ( 紐約 ) Niǔyuē place name New York 12
  523. 牛仔裤(牛仔褲) niúzǎi kù n. jeans 17
  524. 纽 泽 西 Niǔzéxī n. place name: New Jersey 14
  525. 暖和 nuǎn huo adj. warm 33
  526. 努力 nǔlì adj. diligent 25
  527. 努力 nǔlì adj. hard-working, studious 29
  528. 偶然 ǒurán adj. accidental, serendipitous 26
  529. 欧洲 ōuzhōu Place Name Europe 7
  530. 排(队) pái (duì) v. to line up 28
  531. 旁 páng direction word next to 22
  532. 盆 pén measure word for things held in a basin, tub, or pot 34
  533. 踫见 pèngjiàn v. to bump into, meet by chance 24
  534. 朋友 péngyou Noun friend 4, 5
  535. 漂亮 piàoliang adj. beautiful 15
  536. 漂亮 piàoliang adj. beautiful 21
  537. 啤 酒 píjiǔ n. beer 19
  538. 品尝 pǐn cháng v. to taste (to evaluate or enjoy) 33
  539. 平 píng v. to tie 28
  540. 平均 píng jūn n. average 33
  541. 平面图 pìngmiàn tú n. floor plane 22
  542. 平时 píngshí n. ordinarily, usually, normally 35
  543. 平信 píngxìn n. ordinary mail 34
  544. 沏 qì v. to make (tea) 30
  545. 起 qǐ v. to get up, to arise 18
  546. 七 qī numeral seven 11
  547. 期 qī measure word for things scheduled by periods 35
  548. 起床 qǐ chuáng v. to get up (out of bed after waking) 18
  549. 气候 qì hòu n. weather 33
  550. 前 qián direction word front 22
  551. 签证 qiānzhèng n. visa 28
  552. 瞧 qiáo v. to look 16
  553. 敲(门) qiāo mén v. to knock (on the door) 33
  554. 起飞 qǐfēi v. to take off 29
  555. 奇怪 qíguài adj. strange, unusual 25
  556. 期刊 qīkān n. journal 35
  557. 请 qǐng Verb to request 8
  558. 请 (請) qǐng v. to invite 10
  559. 晴朗 qíng lǎng adj. clear, sunny 33
  560. 请问(請問) qǐng wèn idiomatic exp. May I ask? 9
  561. 庆祝 qìng zhù v. to celebrate 33
  562. 请教 qǐngjiào v. to consult; to ask for advise 35
  563. 情况 qíngkuàng n. situation 35
  564. 亲人(親人) qīnrén n. families and relatives 20
  565. 秋天 qiū tiān n. fall, autumn 33
  566. 球赛 qiúsài n. ball game 28
  567. 去 qù v. to go 10
  568. 取 qǔ v. to pick up 34
  569. 曲 qǔ  n. music 19
  570. 缺 quē v. to lack, to be short of 23
  571. 裙子 qúnzi n. skirt 16
  572. 让 ràng v. to let, to allow 21
  573. 然後 ránhòu adv. then 30
  574. 人 rén Noun person 6
  575. 人口 rénkǒu n. population 31
  576. 人类学 rénlèi xué n. anthropology 26
  577. 认识 ( 認識 ) rènshi v. to recognize, to know, 12
  578. 认为 rènwéi v. to think 30
  579. 人物 rénwù n. character 12
  580. 人物 rénwù n. person 34
  581. 认真 rènzhēn adj. serious, earnest 25
  582. 认真 rènzhēn adj. serious, earnest 29
  583. 热情 rèqíng adj. enthusiastic 28
  584. 日 rì m./n. day,date 20
  585. 日报 rìbào n. daily, journal 23
  586. 日裔 rìyì n. (of) Japanese origin 30
  587. 三 sān numeral three 10
  588. 散心 sànxīn v. to relax, to unwind 24
  589. 色 sè n. color 21
  590. 沙发 shāfā n. sofa 30
  591. 上 shàng v. to attend (class) 17
  592. 上 shàng direction word upper 22
  593. 上车 shàngchē v.phrase to get in a car/on a bus 31
  594. 商店 shāngdiàn n. shop, store 30
  595. 上海 shànghǎi Place Name Shanghai 7
  596. 上午 shàngwǔ time word morning 17
  597. 上衣 shàngyī n. jacket 16
  598. 摄氏度 shè shì dù n. degree in centigrade 33
  599. 设备 shèbèi n. facility 28
  600. 社会 shèhuì n. society 28
  601. 谁 shéi / shuí Interrogative Pronoun who 6
  602. 谁的 shéi de / shuí de Interrogative Possessive Pronoun whose 6
  603. 身份 shēnfèn n. identity 34
  604. 生日 shēngrì n. birthday 20
  605. 深蓝 shēnlán adj. Dark-blue, deep-blue 21
  606. 什么 shénme Interrogative Pronoun what 7
  607. 神秘 shénmì adj. mysterious 29
  608. 申请 shēnqǐng v. to apply 35
  609. 申请 shēnqǐng v. to apply for 28
  610. 身体 shēntǐ n. health 29
  611. 十 shí numeral ten 11
  612. 食 shí v. to eat 17
  613. 是 shì Classificatory Verb to be 4, 5
  614. 试 shì v. to try 27
  615. 式 shì n. style 28
  616. 湿 shī adj. wet 33
  617. 诗 shī n. poems; poetry 33
  618. 是不是因为....的缘故 Shì bú shi yīnwèi...de yuángù Isn’t it because that 26
  619. 是的 shì de idiomatic exp. right, correct 11
  620. 诗句 shī jù n. poetic line; verse 33
  621. 诗人 shī rén n. poet 33
  622. 实践 shíjiàn v. to put into practice, practical 35
  623. 时间 shìjiān n. time 22
  624. 世界 shìjiè Noun world 7
  625. 世界各地 shìjiègèdì n. all over the world 31
  626. 事情 shìqing n. business 12
  627. 事儿(事兒) shìr n. matter, 13
  628. 食堂 shítáng n. dining hall 17
  629. 实习 shíxí v. to intern 29
  630. 实验室(實驗室) shíyànshì n. lab 15
  631. 适应 shìyìng v. to adjust. to adapt 35
  632. 室友 shìyǒu n. roommate 16
  633. 室友 shìyǒu n. roomate 10
  634. 实在 shízài adv. really 31
  635. 首 shǒu measure word for songs and poems 33
  636. 手机 shǒujī n. cell phone 30
  637. 收信人 shōuxìnrén n. addressee; receiver 34
  638. 手续 shǒuxù n. precedure, paper work 31
  639. 书 shū Noun book 4, 5
  640. 输 shū v. to lose 28
  641. 刷 shuā v. to brush 18
  642. 刷牙 shuā yá n. to brush teeth 18
  643. 帅(帥) shuài adj. cool 13
  644. 书店(書店) shūdiàn n. bookstore 13
  645. 书 店 shūdiàn n. bookstore 14
  646. 书法(書法) shūfǎ n. calligraphy 15
  647. 睡觉(睡覺) shuìjiào v. to go to bed, to sleep 18
  648. 暑假 shǔjià n. summer vocation 27
  649. 暑假 shǔjià n. summer vocation 28
  650. 书架 shūjià n. bookshelf 22
  651. 顺便 shùnbiàn adv. by taking advantage of the opportunity 31
  652. 顺便问一下儿 shùnbiànwènyíxiàr diom exp. by the way 34
  653. 顺利 shùnlì adj. smooth 35
  654. 顺利 shùnlì adj. (go) well, (do) fine 30
  655. 说 shuō Verb to speak 7
  656. 说实在的 shuō shìzài de idiomatic exp. to be honest 21
  657. 树叶 shùyè n. leaf 33
  658. 四 sì numeral four 10
  659. 四季 sì jì n. four seasons 33
  660. 送 sòng v. to give as a gift 21
  661. 送 sòng v. to send, to deliver 29
  662. 送别 sòngbié v. to see somebody off 29
  663. 送茶倒水 sòngchá dàoshuǐ set phrase serve tea and beverages 29
  664. 俗话 súhuà n. old saying 35
  665. 岁(歲) suì m. years old 20
  666. 随你的便 suì nǐ de biàn idiomatic exp. do as you like 21
  667. 随身 suíshēn exp. (carry) on one's person; (take) with one 34
  668. 所谓 suǒwèi v. so called 30
  669. 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so 13
  670. 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so 16
  671. 所以 suǒyǐ conj. so, therefore 18
  672. 宿舍 sùshè n. dorm 10
  673. 他 tā Pronoun he 1, 2, 3
  674. 她 tā Pronoun she 4, 5
  675. 台 tái m. for machines 16
  676. 台湾 táiwān Place Name Taiwan 6
  677. 台湾(臺灣) Táiwān place name Taiwan 15
  678. 他们 tāmen Pronoun they 1, 2, 3
  679. 谈(談) tán v. to talk 20
  680. 唐代 táng dài n. phrase Tang Dynasty 33
  681. 唐 人 街  Tángrén jiē n. Chinatown 19
  682. 套 tào measure word (for books, furniture, rooms, methods, remarks, etc.) set; suit; suite 34
  683. 套房 tàofáng n. suite 22
  684. 特有 tè yǒu adj. unique, special to 33
  685. 特快转递 tèkuàizhuāndì phrase express mail 34
  686. 天 tiān m./n. date, day 18
  687. 天空 tiān kōng n. the sky 33
  688. 天坛 tiāntán place name the Temple of Heaven 35
  689. 条(條) tiáo m. for long or narrow things 16
  690. 跳 tiào v. to jump, to dance 21
  691. 条件(條件) tiáojiàn n. condition 16
  692. 铁观音 tiě guān yīn proper noun a special type of tea 33
  693. 提高 tígāo v. to improve 35
  694. 停 tìng v. to stop, to park 25
  695. 听(聽) tīng v. to listen 18
  696. 聽 tīng v. to listen to 19
  697. 听你的 tīng nǐ de idiomatic exp. do what you say 21
  698. 停车场 tíngchēchǎng n. parking lot 26
  699. 听讲 tīngjiǎng v. to listen (to lectures) 35
  700. 听说(聽說) tīngshuō v. to have been 17
  701. 同路 tóng lù idiomatic exp. to go in the same direction 22
  702. 通常 tōngcháng adv. generally; usually 34
  703. 同 時 tóngshí time word at the same time 19
  704. 同学(同學) tóngxué n. classmate 11
  705. 图 tú n. picture, drawing 22
  706. 团聚(團聚) tuánjù v. to get together 20
  707. 团圆(團圓) tuányuán n. reunion 20
  708. 图书馆(圖書館 ) túshūguǎn n. library 15
  709. 土特产 tǔtèchǎn n. locally produced specialties 21
  710. T恤衫 Txùshān n. T-shirt 30
  711. 外 wài direction word outside 22
  712. 外事办 wàishìbàn n. foreign affairs office 31
  713. 外语(外語) wàiyǔ n. foreign language(s) 9
  714. 外语学院(外語學院) wàiyǔ xuéyuàn Proper n. The Institute of Foreign Languages 9
  715. 外资企业 wàizīqǐyè n. foreign invested business 35
  716. 玩 wán v. to play 10
  717. 晚 wǎn adj. late 25
  718. 晚饭(晚飯) wǎnfàn n. dinner 18
  719. 王 wáng Family Name Wang 8
  720. 忘 wàng v. to forget 24
  721. 忘 wàng v. to forget 26
  722. 网络 wǎngluò n. Internet 23
  723. 晚会(晚會) wǎnhuì n. evening party 20
  724. 完全 wánquán adv. totally, exactly 22
  725. 玩 (兒 ) wánr v. to play, to have fun 19
  726. 玩笑 wánxiào n. joke, kidding 30
  727. 位 wèi m. measure word 14
  728. 为... wèi... prep. for 33
  729. 为...考虑 wèi..kǎolǜ set phrase for the sake of 27
  730. 未来 wèilái n. the future 30
  731. 为人师表 Wéirén shībiǎo Teach by setting a good example 26
  732. 为什么(爲什麽) wèishénme question word why 9
  733. 为什么(爲什麽) wèishénme question word why 16
  734. 位於 wèiyú v. to be located, to be situated 23
  735. 文 wén Noun written language 6
  736. 问(問) wèn v. to ask 13
  737. 问路 wèn lù idiomatic exp. to ask for direction 22
  738. 文化 wénhuà n. culture 31
  739. 文人墨客 wénrénmòkè n. phrase scholar; man of letters man of letters 33
  740. 问题(問題) wèntí n. question, problem 13
  741. 文学(文學) wénxué n. literature 15
  742. 我 wǒ Pronoun I 1, 2, 3
  743. 我们 wǒmen Pronoun we, us 1, 2, 3
  744. 卧室 wòshì n. bedroom 22
  745. 五 wǔ numeral five 10
  746. 无数 wúshù adj. numerous 27
  747. 午夜 wǔyè time word midnight 34
  748. 系 xì n. academic department 15
  749. 系 xì n. department 31
  750. 洗 xǐ v. to wash 18
  751. 吸 xī Verb to inhale 8
  752. 西 xī direction word West 23
  753. 些 xi ē   m.w.  some 19
  754. 洗澡 xǐ zaǒ n. to take a bath/shower 18
  755. 下 xià v. to get out of (class) 17
  756. 下 xià direction word below 22
  757. 夏天 xià tiān n. summer 33
  758. 先 xiān adv. first 27
  759. 西安 Xī'ān place n. a city in China 27
  760. 西安 xī'ān place name 35
  761. 先 xiān adv. before,first 30
  762. 鲜花 xiān huā n. fresh flowers 33
  763. 現 代 xiàndài  adj. modern, contempory 19
  764. 现代化 xiàndàihuà adj. modernized 31
  765. 像 xiàng v. to be like, to resemble 21
  766. 想 xiǎng v. to miss 14
  767. 香山 xiāng shān place name Fragrant Hill 33
  768. 香港 Xiānggǎng n. Hong Kong 23
  769. 相机 xiàngjī n. camera 35
  770. 羡慕 xiànmù adj. envious 30
  771. 羡慕 xiànmù v./adj to envy, to admire / envious 22
  772. 现在 (現在) xiànzài time word now 10
  773. 笑 xiào v. to laugh 21
  774. 小吃 xiǎo chī n. local delicacies 33
  775. 小时候 xiǎo shìhòu idiomatic exp. when young 21
  776. 校车(校車) xiàochē n. campus bus, school bus 13
  777. 校车(校車) xiàochē n. school bus 18
  778. 小 姐 xiǎojiě  n. miss 19
  779. 小时 xiǎoshí n. hour 28
  780. 校园 xiàoyuán n. campus 34
  781. 校园 xiàoyuán n. campus 35
  782. 下午 xiàwǔ time word afternoon 17
  783. 西北 xīběi direction word Northwest 23
  784. 写 xiě v. to write 14
  785. 谢谢 xièxie Idiomatic Expression thank you 1, 2, 3, 8
  786. 写信封 xiěxìnfēng v. phrase to address an envelope 34
  787. 写作 xiězuò n. composition, writing 35
  788. 喜欢(喜歡) xǐhuan v. to like 9
  789. 喜欢(喜歡 ) xǐhuan v. to like 16
  790. 喜 歡 xǐhuan v. to like 19
  791. 信 xìn n. letter 14
  792. 新建 xīn jiàn adj. new-built 33
  793. 西南 xīnán direction word Southwest 23
  794. 信封 xìnfēng n. envelope 34
  795. 行 xíng adj. OK, fine 24
  796. 姓 xìng n. / v. family name / family name is? 9
  797. 行 嗎? Xíng ma?  Idiomatic exp.  Is it OK? 19
  798. 幸福 xìngfú adj. happy 20
  799. 姓名 xìngmíng n. full name 9
  800. 星期 xīngqī m./n. week, day of the week 20
  801. 星 期 六 xingqi liù time word Saturday 19
  802. 兴趣(興趣) xìngqu n. interest 12
  803. 兴趣 xìngqu n. interest 26
  804. 兴趣 xìngqù n. interest 30
  805. 行政上 xìngzhèng shàng adv. administratively 23
  806. 辛苦 xīnkǔ adj. hard; not easy 31
  807. 心理学 xīnlǐxué n. psychology 30
  808. 新闻(新聞) xīnwén n. news, journalism 11
  809. 新闻 xīnwén n. news 23
  810. 兄弟姐妹 xiōngdì jiěmèi n. siblings 25
  811. 修 xiū v. to take (a course) 35
  812. 休息 xiūxi v. to take a break, to rest 23
  813. 希 望 xīwàng v. to hope 19
  814. 希望 xīwàng v. to hope, to wish 23
  815. 希望 xīwàng v. to hope, to wish 30
  816. 吸引 xīyǐn v. to attract 31
  817. 吸引 xīyǐn v. to attract 30
  818. 洗澡间 xǐzǎo jiān n. bathroom 22
  819. 选 xuǎn v. to choose; to select 34
  820. 选 xuǎn v. to select, to choose 26
  821. 许多(許多) xǔduó adj. many 20
  822. 学 xué Verb to learn 8
  823. 学会 xué huì v. to learn how to 27
  824. 学科(學科) xuékē n. academic discipline 15
  825. 学生 xuéshēng Noun student 8
  826. 学位 xuéwèi n. degree 35
  827. 学习(學習) xuéxí v. to learn, to study 9
  828. 学习(學習) xuéxí v. to study, to learn 13
  829. 学院(外語) xuéyuàn n. college, institute 9
  830. 训练班 xùnliàn bān n. training class 28
  831. 训练班 xùnliànbān n. training class, training, program 31
  832. 牙 yá n. tooth 18
  833. 烟 yān Noun cigarette 8
  834. 炎热 yán rè adj. hot 33
  835. 严格 yángé adj. strict 25
  836. 仰泳 yǎngyǒng n. butterfly style 26
  837. 研究 yánjiū v. to study, to do research on 26
  838. 研究所 yánjiūsuǒ n. research institute; graduate school 35
  839. 研究院 yánjiūyuàn n. graduate school 26
  840. 要 yào v. to want 12
  841. 要 yào v. to want 19
  842. 要 yào aux. v. shall, will 24
  843. 要 yào aux. v. shall, will 26
  844. 邀请(邀請) yāoqǐng n. invitation 20
  845. 遥远 yáoyuǎn adj. far 35
  846. 亚洲 yàzhōu Place Name Asia 7
  847. 也 yě Adverb also 1, 2, 3
  848. 爷爷 yéye n. grandpa 21
  849. 一 yī numeral one 10
  850. 意思 yì si n. meaning 33
  851. (一)点儿 yì)diǎnr pronoun some 24
  852. 一点儿也不 yīdiǎnryěbù idiomatic exp. not at all 30
  853. 一定 yídìng adv. surely, certainly 16
  854. 一定 yídìng adv. Surely, certainly 20
  855. 一共 yígòng adv. in all 16
  856. 义工 yìgōng n. volunteer 24
  857. 以后(以後) yǐhòu time word/conj in the near or not near future/after 17
  858. 已经 yǐjīng adv. already 30
  859. 一路平安 yìlù pìngān set phrase bon voyage 29
  860. 饮(飲) yǐn v. to drink 17
  861. 饮料 yǐn liào n. beverage; drink (esp. a soft drink 33
  862. 赢 yíng v. to win 28
  863. 应该 yīnggāi aux. v. ought to, must 26
  864. 英国 yīngguó Place Name England 6
  865. 银 行 yíngháng n. bank 14
  866. 英美文学 yīngměi wénxué n. British and American literature 35
  867. 英文 yīngwén Noun English language 6
  868. 营业 yíngyè v. to do business 34
  869. 营业员 yíngyèyuán n. clerk 34
  870. 饮料 yǐnliào n. drinks 27
  871. 因为(因爲) yīnwèi conj. because 13
  872. 音 樂 yinyuè n. music 19
  873. 一起(一起) yìqǐ adv. together 13
  874. 一起 yìqǐ prep. together 17
  875. 以前 yǐqián time word/conj before, in the past / before 17
  876. 一切 yīqiè n. everthing, the whole thing 30
  877. 意思 yìsi n. meaning 30
  878. 一下儿 yíxiàr adv. for a while 11
  879. 一样 yìyàng adj. the same, similar 23
  880. 医院 yīyuàn n. hospital 24
  881. 椅子 yǐzi n. chair 22
  882. 用 yòng v. to use 11
  883. 游 yóu v. to swim 25
  884. 又 yòu adv.        again 19
  885. 有 yǒu v. to have, to posess 14
  886. 右 yòu direction word right 22
  887. 有 幫 助 you bāngzhu adj.  helpful 19
  888. 有的 yǒu de pron. some 18
  889. 有关 yǒu guān adj. pertinent, relevant to 26
  890. 游览 yóu lǎn v. to tour 33
  891. 有意思 yǒu yìsi adj. interesting 17
  892. 有意义 yǒu yìyì adj. meaningful 26
  893. 邮费 yóufèi n. postage 34
  894. 邮局(郵局) yóujú n. post-office 13
  895. 邮局 yóujú n. post office 34
  896. 游客 yóukè n. tourist 31
  897. 邮票(郵票) yóupiào n. stamp 13
  898. 有时候(有時候) yǒushíhòu time word sometimes 18
  899. 犹太(猶太) Yóutài n. adj. Jew, Jewish 11
  900. 右下角 yòuxiàjiǎo direction word lower right corner 34
  901. 有限 yǒuxiàn adj. to be limited 35
  902. 游泳 yóuyǒng v.o. to swim 25
  903. 游泳馆 yóuyǒngguǎn n. natatorium, swimming hall 35
  904. 犹豫不决 yóuyù bùjué set phrase can’t make up one’s mind 29
  905. 有志者事竟成 Yǒuzhìzhě shìjìngchéng. There is a will there is a way. 26
  906. 鱼 yú n. fish 24
  907. 遇 yù v. to encounter 12
  908. 雨伞 yǔ sǎn n. umbrella 33
  909. 缘故 yuángù n. reason 26
  910. 原来是这麽一回事 Yuánlái shì zhème yì huí shì Now, I understand. 26
  911. 愿意 yuànyì aux. v. be willing to 26
  912. 原因 yuányīn n. reason 35
  913. 原因 yuányīn n. reason 30
  914. 远在他乡(遠在他鄉) yuǎnzài tāxiāng idiom far away from home 20
  915. 月 yuè m./n. month 20
  916. 越来越 yuè lái yuè ad. more and more 33
  917. 越...越 yuè...yuè... conj. the more...the more 26
  918. 阅读 yuèdú n. reading 30
  919. 约会(約會) yuēhuì n. appointment/date 20
  920. 阅览室(閱覽室 ) yuèlǎnshì n. reading-room 15
  921. 语法(語法) yǔfǎ n. grammar 15
  922. 愉快 yúkuài adj. pleasant 20
  923. 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú n. badminton 35
  924. 预习 yùxí v. to preview 24
  925. 语言(語言) yǔyán n. language 15
  926. 在 zài v. to be located in/on/at, etc. 10
  927. 再说 zài shuō conj. also, in addition 29
  928. 再见(再見) zàijiàn idiomativ exp. Good bye 11
  929. 赞美 zàn měi v. to praise; to laud 33
  930. 脏(髒) zāng adj. dirty 11
  931. 早 zǎo adj. early 25
  932. 早饭(早飯) zǎofàn n. breakfast 18
  933. 杂志(雜誌) zázhì n. magazine 15
  934. 怎麽 zěn me idiomatic exp. what's happening 33
  935. 怎麽 zěnme interrogative pro. how, why 21
  936. 怎麽走 zěnme zǒu idiomatic exp. How (does one) go to get to 22
  937. 长得... zhǎngde v. to look like, to be grown 31
  938. 展览 zhǎnlǎn n. exhibit 22
  939. 找 zhǎo v. to look for 10
  940. 招待 zhāodài v. to entertain, to treat 20
  941. 招待所 zhāodàisuǒ n. guest house 20
  942. 着急 zháojí adj. anxious 27
  943. 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo, picture 21
  944. 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo 23
  945. 照片 zhàopiàn n. photo, picture 34
  946. 照相 zhàoxiàng v. to take pictures 35
  947. 这 zhè / zhèi Demonstrative Pronoun this 4, 5
  948. 这不 zhè bu idiomatic exp. but, no... 33
  949. 这麽说 zhème shuō Idiomatic exp. in this way, according to what you say 23
  950. 这麽/那麽 zhème/nàme adv. so, such 24
  951. 真 zhēn Adverb really 7
  952. 真的 zhēnde idiomatic exp. really 11
  953. 真的吗(真的嗎) Zhēnde ma idiomatical exp. Really? 15
  954. 正好 zhènghǎo adv. just happened to, coincidentally 30
  955. 证件 zhèngjiàn n. documents, credentials, certificate 34
  956. 整洁 zhěngjié adj. clean 29
  957. 整理 zhěnglǐ v. to arrange; to put in order 34
  958. 整理 zhěnglǐ v. to clean, to organize, to straighten up 23
  959. 挣钱(掙錢) zhèngqián v. to make money 16
  960. 整整 zhěngzhěng adj. adv. whole, entire 28
  961. 政治 zhèngzhì n. politics 31
  962. 真正 zhēnzhèng adj. truely 35
  963. 这儿 (這兒) zhèr place name here 10
  964. 只 zhǐ adv. only 10
  965. 纸(紙) zhǐ n. paper 13
  966. 只 zhī measure word for boats, birds, some animals, some containers, and one of certain paired things 34
  967. 值班 zhíbān v. to be on duty 16
  968. 支持 zhīchí v. to support 28
  969. 知道 zhīdao v. to know 10
  970. 指导 zhǐdǎo v. to teach, to instruct, to guide 30
  971. 指点 zhǐdiǎn v. to advise 25
  972. 知识 zhīshì n. knowledge 30
  973. 职 员 zhíyuán n. staff member 14
  974. 中 zhōng suffix mid 27
  975. 中 zhōng direction word middle 22
  976. 中国 zhōngguó Noun China 6
  977. 中国民航 Zhōngguó Mìnháng n. Air China 29
  978. 种类 zhǒnglèi n. kinds, types 34
  979. 钟头 zhōngtóu n. hour 28
  980. 中文 zhōngwén Noun Chinese language 6
  981. 中文 Zhōngwén n. Chinese language 15
  982. 中心 zhōngxīn n. center 22
  983. 重要 zhòngyào adj. important 24
  984. 周到 zhōudào adj. attentive 29
  985. 周末 zhōumò n. weekend 24
  986. 周末 zhōumò n. weekend 35
  987. 住 zhù v. to reside, to live in 10
  988. 祝 zhù v. to wish 20
  989. 驻 zhù v. to reside 28
  990. 壮观 zhuàngguān adj. magnificent 35
  991. 专心 zhuānxīn adj. to be concentrated (on); to be attentive (to) 35
  992. 专业 zhuānyè n. academic field, profession 26
  993. 专业 zhuānyè n. major (field of study) 35
  994. 祝贺(祝賀) zhùhè v. to congradulate 20
  995. 准备 zhǔnbèi v. to prepare 24
  996. 准备 zhǔnbèi v. to prepare, to get ready 29
  997. 桌子 zhuōzi n. table, desk 22
  998. 主意 zhǔyi n. idea 34
  999. 字典 zìdiǎn n dictionary 12
  1000. 资料(資料) zīliào n. materials 16
  1001. 自然 zìrán adj. natural, 26
  1002. 总是(總是 ) zǒngshì adv. always 18
  1003. 总统 zǒngtǒng n. president 23
  1004. 走进 zǒujìn v. to walk/step into 31
  1005. 坐 zuò Verb to sit 8
  1006. 作 zuò v. to do 14
  1007. 座 zuò measure word for mountains, buildings or other simmilar immovable objects 31
  1008. 左 zuǒ direction word left 22
  1009. 左右 zuǒ yòu adv. about 33
  1010. 作家 zuòjiā n. writer 26
  1011. 作业(作業) zuòyè n. homework 18
  1012. 左右 zuǒyòu adv. about, approximately 31
  1013. 左右 zuǒyòu n. about, give and take 18
  1014. 足球 zúqiú n. football 28