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  1. 挨 ái Verb to endure, to suffer
  2. 爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu Verb not wanting to give sth. out of one's hand, to fondle admiringly
  3. 爱戴 ài dài Verb to love and respect
  4. 暧昧 ài mèi Adjective ambiguous, equivocal, dubious
  5. 哎哟 āi yō Interjunction ow, ouch, ah
  6. 癌症 ái zhèng Noun cancer
  7. 案件 àn jiàn Noun legal case, case
  8. 安居乐业 ān jū lè yè Verb to live in peace and work happily
  9. 案例 àn lì Noun case (law)
  10. 按摩 àn mó Noun massage
  11. Verb to massage
  12. 安宁 ān níng Noun peace
  13. Adjective peaceful, tranquil
  14. 暗示 àn shì Noun hint, suggestion
  15. Verb to hint, to suggest
  16. 安详 ān xiáng Adjective composed, serene
  17. 安置 ān zhì Verb to find a place for, to arrange for
  18. 昂贵 áng guì Adjective expensive, costly
  19. 熬 áo Verb to endure, to suffer, to boil for a long time
  20. 奥秘 ào mì Noun mystery, secret
  21. 凹凸 āo tū Adjective bumpy, uneven
  22. 扒 bā Verb to hold on to, to climb, to strip off
  23. 疤 bā Noun scar
  24. 巴不得 bā bu de Verb to be eager to, to look forward to
  25. 霸道 bà dào Verb to rule by might
  26. Adjective overbearing, dictatorial, arbitrary
  27. 罢工 bà gōng Noun strike
  28. Verb to go on strike
  29. 把关 bǎ guān Verb to check on, to guard a pass
  30. 巴结 bā jie Verb to flatter, to fawn
  31. 拔苗助长 bá miáo zhù zhǎng Verb to spoil things through a wish for quick results
  32. 把手 bǎ shou Noun handle, knob
  33. 把戏 bǎ xì Noun acrobatics, cheap trick, jugglery
  34. 掰 bāi Verb to break with both hands
  35. 拜访 bài fǎng Verb to pay a visit, to call on
  36. 百分点 bǎi fēn diǎn Noun percentage point
  37. 败坏 bài huài Verb to ruin, to corrupt, to undermine
  38. 拜年 bài nián Verb to wish a Happy New Year
  39. 摆脱 bǎi tuō Verb to get rid of, to break out of, to free oneself from
  40. 拜托 bài tuō Saying Please!
  41. 版本 bǎn běn Noun version, release
  42. 颁布 bān bù Verb to issue, to promulgate
  43. 颁发 bān fā Verb to award, to issue
  44. 伴侣 bàn lǚ Noun partner, mate
  45. 伴随 bàn suí Verb to accompany, to follow
  46. 半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi Verb to give up halfway
  47. 斑纹 bān wén Noun stripe, streak, maculation
  48. 扮演 bàn yǎn Verb to play the role of, to act
  49. 磅 bàng Measure Word for pound
  50. 绑架 bǎng jià Noun kidnapping
  51. Verb to kidnap
  52. 榜样 bǎng yàng Noun example, model
  53. 包庇 bāo bì Verb to shield, to cover up
  54. 报仇 bào chóu Noun revenge
  55. Verb to revenge, to avenge
  56. 报酬 bào chou Noun reward, pay, remuneration
  57. 报答 bào dá Verb to pay back, to repay
  58. 报到 bào dào Verb to check in, to register, to report for duty
  59. 爆发 bào fā Verb to erupt, to break out, to explode
  60. 报复 bào fù Noun revenge, retaliation
  61. Verb to revenge, to retaliate
  62. 抱负 bào fù Noun ambition, aspiration
  63. 包袱 bāo fu Noun burden, load
  64. 保管 bǎo guǎn Verb to keep, to take care of
  65. 曝光 bào guāng Noun exposure (photo)
  66. Verb to expose (photo, scandal, etc.)
  67. 饱和 bǎo hé Noun saturation
  68. Adjective saturated
  69. 饱经沧桑 bǎo jīng cāng sāng Verb having lived through a lot of painful changes
  70. 暴力 bào lì Noun violence
  71. 暴露 bào lù Verb to expose, to reveal
  72. 保密 bǎo mì Verb to keep sth. confidential, to maintain secrecy
  73. 保姆 bǎo mǔ Noun nanny, housekeeper
  74. 报社 bào shè Noun newspaper office
  75. 保守 bǎo shǒu Verb to guard, to keep
  76. Adjective conservative
  77. 包围 bāo wéi Verb to surround, to encircle
  78. 保卫 bǎo wèi Verb to defend, to safeguard
  79. 报销 bào xiāo Verb write-off, wipe out, apply for reimbursement
  80. 保养 bǎo yǎng Noun maintenance
  81. Verb to maintain, to take care of one's health
  82. 抱怨 bào yuàn Verb to complain, to grumble
  83. 爆炸 bào zhà Noun explosion
  84. Verb to explode, to blow up
  85. 保障 bǎo zhàng Verb to ensure, to guarantee
  86. 保重 bǎo zhòng Verb to take care of oneself
  87. 包装 bāo zhuāng Noun package
  88. Verb to pack
  89. 悲哀 bēi āi Adjective grieved, sorrowful
  90. 卑鄙 bēi bǐ Adjective mean, despicable
  91. 悲惨 bēi cǎn Adjective tragic, miserable
  92. 被动 bèi dòng Adjective passive
  93. 备份 bèi fèn Adjective backup
  94. 被告 bèi gào Noun defendant
  95. 北极 běi jí Place North Pole
  96. 贝壳 bèi ké Noun shell
  97. 背叛 bèi pàn Verb to betray
  98. 背诵 bèi sòng Verb to recite, to repeat from memory
  99. 备忘录 bèi wàng lù Noun memo, written reminder
  100. 奔波 bēn bō Verb to rush about
  101. 奔驰 bēn chí Verb to run quickly, to move fast
  102. 本能 běn néng Noun instinct
  103. 本钱 běn qián Noun capital (money)
  104. 本人 běn rén Pronoun I, myself
  105. Adverb oneself, personal
  106. 本身 běn shēn Pronoun itself, in itself
  107. 本事 běn shi Noun ability, skill
  108. 本着 běn zhe Preposition based on, in line with
  109. 笨拙 bèn zhuō Adjective clumsy
  110. 甭 béng Adverb need not (short for 不用)
  111. 蹦 bèng Verb to jump
  112. 迸发 bèng fā Verb to burst out, to gush, to spurt
  113. 崩溃 bēng kuì Noun breakdown
  114. Verb to break down, to collapse
  115. 臂 bì Noun arm
  116. 弊病 bì bìng Noun disadvantage, malpractice, ulcer
  117. 必定 bì dìng Adverb be sure to, certainly, undoubtedly
  118. 弊端 bì duān Noun malpractice, abuse
  119. 比方 bǐ fang Noun analogy, instance
  120. 逼迫 bī pò Verb to force, to compel
  121. 闭塞 bì sè Verb to block, to close up, to stop up
  122. Adjective inaccessible, unenlightened
  123. 鼻涕 bí tì Noun nasal mucus, snot
  124. 比喻 bǐ yù Noun metaphor
  125. 碧玉 bì yù Noun jasper
  126. 比重 bǐ zhòng Noun proportion, specific weight
  127. 扁 biǎn Adjective flat
  128. 遍布 biàn bù Verb to be found throughout
  129. 鞭策 biān cè Verb to urge on
  130. 贬低 biǎn dī Verb to belittle, to degrade, to depreciate
  131. 变故 biàn gù Noun accident, unforeseen event
  132. 辩护 biàn hù Verb to speak in defense of, to defend
  133. 边疆 biān jiāng Noun border area
  134. 边界 biān jiè Noun border, boundary
  135. 辩解 biàn jiě Verb to provide an explanation, to justify, to defend
  136. 边境 biān jìng Noun border, frontier
  137. 便利 biàn lì Adjective convenient, easy
  138. 变迁 biàn qiān Noun changes, vicissitudes
  139. 辨认 biàn rèn Verb to recognize, to identify
  140. 便条 biàn tiáo Noun (informal) note
  141. 贬义 biǎn yì Noun derogatory sense
  142. 便于 biàn yú Adjective easy, convenient
  143. 边缘 biān yuán Noun edge, fringe, brink
  144. 辩证 biàn zhèng Adjective dialectical, not good and not bad
  145. 编织 biān zhī Verb to weave, to knit, to plait
  146. 变质 biàn zhì Noun metamorphosis
  147. Verb to go bad, to deteriorate
  148. 辫子 biàn zi Noun queue, plait, pigtail
  149. 标本 biāo běn Noun specimen, sample
  150. 标记 biāo jì Noun sign, mark
  151. Verb to mark up
  152. 表决 biǎo jué Verb to decide by vote, to vote
  153. 飙升 biāo shēng Verb to rise rapidly
  154. 表态 biǎo tài Verb to declare one's position
  155. 标题 biāo tí Noun title, heading, caption
  156. 表彰 biǎo zhāng Verb to commend, to honour
  157. 憋 biē Verb to hold back, to restrain, to suppress feelings
  158. 别扭 biè niu Adjective awkward (speech), difficult (personality), uncomfortable
  159. 别墅 bié shù Noun villa
  160. 别致 bié zhì Adjective unusual, unconventional, original
  161. 濒临 bīn lín Adverb on the verge of, close to
  162. 冰雹 bīng báo Noun hail
  163. 并存 bìng cún Verb to coexist
  164. 并非 bìng fēi Adverb really not, not so
  165. 并列 bìng liè Verb to stand side by side, to be juxtaposed
  166. 拨打 bō dǎ Verb to call, to dial
  167. 博大精深 bó dà jīng shēn Adjective wide-ranging and profound
  168. 搏斗 bó dòu Noun combat, fight
  169. Verb to fight, to struggle, to wrestle
  170. 播放 bō fàng Verb to broadcast, to transmit
  171. 博览会 bó lǎn huì Noun exhibition, international fair
  172. 波浪 bō làng Noun wave
  173. 伯母 bó mǔ Noun aunt (wife of father's elder brother)
  174. 薄弱 bó ruò Adjective weak, frail
  175. 波涛汹涌 bō tāo xiōng yǒng Adjective turbulent, rough (wind, sea, etc.)
  176. 剥削 bō xuē Noun exploitation
  177. Verb to exploit
  178. 播种 bō zhòng Noun seed
  179. Verb to sow
  180. 补偿 bǔ cháng Noun compensation
  181. Verb to compensate, to make up
  182. 不得已 bù dé yǐ Verb to have no alternative but to
  183. 步伐 bù fá Noun pace, step, march
  184. 不妨 bù fáng Adverb might as well
  185. 不敢当 bù gǎn dāng Saying You flatter me!
  186. 布告 bù gào Noun notice, bulletin
  187. Verb to announce
  188. 不顾 bú gù Verb to ignore, to disregard
  189. Adverb in spite of, regardless of
  190. 不禁 bù jīn Adverb can't help, can't refrain from
  191. 补救 bǔ jiù Verb to remedy, to redeem
  192. 布局 bù jú Noun arrangement, composition
  193. 不堪 bù kān Verb can't bear, can't stand
  194. Adverb utterly, extremely
  195. 不可思议 bù kě sī yì Saying unbelievable!
  196. 不愧 bú kuì Adverb be worthy of, creditably
  197. 不料 bú liào Adverb unexpectedly
  198. 哺乳 bǔ rǔ Verb to suckle, to breast-feed
  199. 不时 bù shí Adverb now and then, from time to time
  200. 部署 bù shǔ Verb to dispose, to deploy
  201. 补贴 bǔ tiē Noun subsidy, allowance
  202. 部位 bù wèi Noun position, place, section
  203. 不惜 bù xī Verb to not hesitate to
  204. 不像话 bú xiàng huà Adjective unreasonable, shocking, outrageous
  205. 不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià Adjective about the same
  206. 不屑一顾 bú xiè yí gù Verb to disdain as beneath contempt
  207. 不言而喻 bù yán ér yù Verb to goe without saying, to be self-evident
  208. 不由得 bù yóu de Adverb can't help, cannot but
  209. 不择手段 bù zé shǒu duàn Saying by hook or by crook
  210. 不止 bù zhǐ Adverb without end, more than, not limited to
  211. 布置 bù zhì Verb to fix up, to arrange, to decorate
  212. 捕捉 bǔ zhuō Verb to catch
  213. 裁缝 cái feng Noun tailor
  214. Verb to sew
  215. 财富 cái fù Noun wealth, riches
  216. 才干 cái gàn Noun ability, competence, talent
  217. 采购 cǎi gòu Verb to procure, to purchase
  218. 采集 cǎi jí Verb to gather, to collect
  219. 采纳 cǎi nà Verb to accept, to adopt
  220. 裁判 cái pàn Noun judgment, referee, judge, umpire
  221. Verb to act as referee
  222. 彩票 cǎi piào Noun lottery, lottery ticket
  223. 财务 cái wù Noun financial affairs
  224. 裁员 cái yuán Verb to cut staff, to lay off employees
  225. 财政 cái zhèng Noun finance, public finances
  226. 残酷 cán kù Noun cruelty
  227. Adjective crueal, brutal
  228. 灿烂 càn làn Adjective bright, splendid, brilliant
  229. 残留 cán liú Verb to remain, to be left over
  230. 参谋 cān móu Noun staff officer, advisor
  231. Verb to give advice
  232. 残忍 cán rěn Adjective cruel, merciless, brutal
  233. 参照 cān zhào Noun reference
  234. Verb to refer to, to consult
  235. 舱 cāng Noun cabin, hold
  236. 苍白 cāng bái Adjective pale, wan
  237. 仓促 cāng cù Adjective hurried, hasty
  238. 仓库 cāng kù Noun storehouse, warehouse, depot
  239. 草案 cǎo àn Noun draft
  240. 操劳 cāo láo Verb to work hard, to look after
  241. 操练 cāo liàn Noun drill, exercise
  242. Verb to drill, to practice
  243. 草率 cǎo shuài Adjective careless, hasty, sloppy
  244. 嘈杂 cáo zá Adjective noisy, rackety
  245. 操纵 cāo zòng Verb to operate, to control, to handle
  246. 操作 cāo zuò Noun operation, handling
  247. Verb to work, to operate, to manipulate
  248. 策划 cè huà Verb to plan, to plot, to engineer
  249. 测量 cè liáng Verb to measure, to survey
  250. 策略 cè lüè Noun tactics
  251. 侧面 cè miàn Noun side, flank, lateral
  252. 层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng Verb to emerge in an endless stream
  253. 层次 céng cì Noun arrangement of ideas, administrative level
  254. 岔 chà Noun fork in the road
  255. Verb to diverge
  256. 查获 chá huò Verb to hunt down and seize
  257. 差距 chā jù Noun disparity, gap, difference
  258. 刹那 chà nà Time in an instant, split second
  259. 诧异 chà yì Adjective astonished, surprised
  260. 柴油 chái yóu Noun diesel fuel
  261. 搀 chān Verb to assist by the arm, to support, to mix
  262. 馋 chán Adjective greedy, gluttonous
  263. 颤抖 chàn dǒu Verb to shudder, to shiver
  264. 缠绕 chán rào Verb to twine, to wind, to bother
  265. 阐述 chǎn shù Verb to expound
  266. 产业 chǎn yè Noun industry, property
  267. Adjective industrial
  268. 倡导 chàng dǎo Verb to initiate, to advocate
  269. 场合 chǎng hé Noun situation, occasion
  270. 偿还 cháng huán Verb to reimburse, to repay
  271. 敞开 chǎng kāi Verb to open wide
  272. 猖狂 chāng kuáng Adjective savage, furious
  273. 场面 chǎng miàn Noun scene, occasion
  274. 常年 cháng nián Time throughout the year
  275. 昌盛 chāng shèng Adjective prosperous
  276. 尝试 cháng shì Noun try, attempt
  277. Verb to try, to attempt
  278. 场所 chǎng suǒ Noun location, place
  279. 畅通 chàng tōng Adjective unblocked, free-flowing
  280. 常务 cháng wù Noun routine, everyday business
  281. 畅销 chàng xiāo Verb to sell well
  282. 倡议 chàng yì Noun proposal, initiative
  283. Verb to suggest, to initiate
  284. 超级 chāo jí Preposition super-
  285. 潮流 cháo liú Noun tide, current, trend
  286. 钞票 chāo piào Noun paper money, bill
  287. 潮湿 cháo shī Adjective wet, damp, moist
  288. 嘲笑 cháo xiào Verb to make fun of, to mock
  289. 超越 chāo yuè Verb to surpass, to exceed
  290. 撤退 chè tuì Verb to withdraw, to retreat
  291. 撤销 chè xiāo Verb to repeal, to revoke
  292. 沉淀 chén diàn Noun sediment, deposit
  293. Verb to settle, to precipitate
  294. 陈旧 chén jiù Adjective old, old-fashioned, antiquated
  295. 陈列 chén liè Verb to display, to exhibit
  296. 沉闷 chén mèn Adjective oppressive, depressing, dull
  297. 陈述 chén shù Verb to state, to declare, to make a statement
  298. 沉思 chén sī Verb to ponder, to muse, to mediate, to contemplate
  299. 称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì Verb to have everything one could wish for
  300. 沉重 chén zhòng Adjective heavy, serious
  301. 沉着 chén zhuó Adjective composed, cool headed, calm
  302. 橙 chéng Noun orange (fruit)
  303. Adjective orange (colour)
  304. 盛 chéng Verb to hold, to fill
  305. 秤 chèng Noun steelyard
  306. 承办 chéng bàn Verb to undertake, to accept a contract
  307. 承包 chéng bāo Verb to contract, to undertake
  308. 城堡 chéng bǎo Noun castle
  309. 成本 chéng běn Noun costs (production, etc.)
  310. 惩罚 chéng fá Noun punishment
  311. Verb to punish
  312. 称号 chēng hào Noun title, term of address
  313. 成交 chéng jiāo Verb to reach a deal, to complete a contract
  314. 承诺 chéng nuò Noun promise, commitment
  315. Verb to promise, to agree to
  316. 澄清 chéng qīng Verb to clarify
  317. Adjective clear, limpid
  318. 成天 chéng tiān Adverb all day long
  319. 乘务员 chéng wù yuán Noun train manager, stewardess
  320. 呈现 chéng xiàn Verb to appear, to show, to present
  321. 成效 chéng xiào Noun effect, result
  322. 成心 chéng xīn Adverb on purpose, deliberately
  323. 成员 chéng yuán Noun member
  324. 诚挚 chéng zhì Adjective sincere, cordial, earnest
  325. 赤道 chì dào Noun equator
  326. 迟缓 chí huǎn Adjective slow, sluggish, tardy
  327. 持久 chí jiǔ Adjective lasting, persistent, enduring
  328. 吃苦 chī kǔ Verb to bear hardships, to suffer
  329. 吃力 chī lì Adjective strenuous, requiring effort
  330. 池塘 chí táng Noun pool, pond
  331. 迟疑 chí yí Verb to hesitate
  332. 赤字 chì zì Noun deficit (financial)
  333. 崇拜 chóng bài Noun adoration
  334. Verb to adore, to worship
  335. 充当 chōng dāng Verb to serve as, to act as
  336. 重叠 chóng dié Noun overlap, redundancy
  337. Verb to overlap
  338. 冲动 chōng dòng Noun impulse
  339. 崇高 chóng gāo Adjective lofty, sublime
  340. 冲击 chōng jī Noun shock, strike, attack, impact
  341. 崇敬 chóng jìng Noun respect
  342. Verb to revere, to respect
  343. 充沛 chōng pèi Adjective abundant, plentiful
  344. 充实 chōng shí Verb to enrich, to replenish
  345. Adjective substantial, rich
  346. 冲突 chōng tū Noun conflict, clash
  347. Verb to conflict, to clash
  348. 重阳节 Chóng yáng jié Noun Chong Yang festival
  349. 充足 chōng zú Adjective adequate, sufficient, abundant
  350. 筹备 chóu bèi Noun preparation
  351. Verb to get ready for, to prepare
  352. 踌躇 chóu chú Verb to hesitate
  353. 丑恶 chǒu è Adjective ugly, repulsive
  354. 抽空 chōu kòng Verb to find the time to do sth.
  355. 稠密 chóu mì Adjective thick, dense, intimate
  356. 储备 chǔ bèi Noun reserves
  357. Verb to store up
  358. 初步 chū bù Adjective initial, preliminary
  359. 储存 chǔ cún Noun storage, deposition
  360. Verb to store up, to stockpile
  361. 触犯 chù fàn Verb to offend, to violate
  362. 处分 chǔ fèn Noun punishment
  363. Verb to punish, to discipline
  364. 处境 chǔ jìng Noun plight, (unfavourable) situation
  365. 出路 chū lù Noun way out (of difficulty)
  366. 出卖 chū mài Verb to sell, to sell out, to betray
  367. 出身 chū shēn Noun family background, origin
  368. 出神 chū shén Verb to be lost in thought
  369. 出息 chū xi Noun promise, prospects
  370. 储蓄 chǔ xù Noun savings
  371. Verb to deposit money, to save
  372. 出洋相 chū yáng xiàng Verb to make a fool of oneself
  373. 处置 chǔ zhì Verb to handle, to deal with, to punish
  374. 串 chuàn Verb to string together, to connect
  375. Measure Word for rows, strings, skewers etc.
  376. 船舶 chuán bó Noun ships, boats
  377. 传达 chuán dá Verb to pass on, to transmit
  378. 传单 chuán dān Noun leaflet, flier
  379. 川流不息 chuān liú bù xī Verb to flow in an endless stream
  380. 喘气 chuǎn qì Verb to pant, to gasp, to breathe deeply
  381. 传授 chuán shòu Verb to pass on, to teach, to impart
  382. 穿越 chuān yuè Verb to pass though, to cross
  383. 床单 chuáng dān Noun bed sheet
  384. 创立 chuàng lì Verb to found, to establish
  385. 创新 chuàng xīn Noun innovation
  386. Verb to bring forth new ideas, to innovate
  387. 创业 chuàng yè Verb to start an enterprise, to do pioneering work
  388. 创作 chuàng zuò Noun creation, creative work
  389. Verb to create, to produce, to write
  390. 锤 chuí Noun hammer
  391. Verb to hammer
  392. 吹牛 chuī niú Verb to brag, to boast
  393. 吹捧 chuī pěng Verb to flatter, to lavish praise on
  394. 垂直 chuí zhí Adjective vertical, perpendicular
  395. 纯粹 chún cuì Adjective pure, simple, absolute
  396. 纯洁 chún jié Verb to purify
  397. Adjective pure, chaste, honest
  398. 刺 cì Noun thorn, splinter
  399. Verb to stab
  400. 伺候 cì hòu Verb to serve, to wait on
  401. 词汇 cí huì Noun vocabulary, words and phrases
  402. 次品 cì pǐn Noun substandard products, defective goods
  403. 慈祥 cí xiáng Adjective kind
  404. 雌雄 cí xióng Adjective male and female
  405. 次序 cì xù Noun suquence, order
  406. 丛 cóng Noun collection, tussock, thicket
  407. Measure Word for some plants
  408. 从容不迫 cóng róng bù pò Adjective calm, unhurried
  409. 凑合 còu he Verb to gather together, to improvise
  410. Adverb passable, not too bad
  411. 粗鲁 cū lǔ Adjective rude, rough, impolite
  412. 窜 cuàn Verb to flee, to escape
  413. 摧残 cuī cán Verb to devastate, to ruin
  414. 脆弱 cuì ruò Adjective flimsy, weak, frail
  415. 搓 cuō Verb to rub the hands together
  416. 磋商 cuō shāng Noun consultation
  417. Verb to consult, to discuss, to negotiate
  418. 挫折 cuò zhé Noun setback, reverse, defeat
  419. 搭 dā Verb to put up, to build, to take (boat, bus, train, etc.)
  420. 打包 dǎ bāo Verb to pack, to wrap
  421. 答辩 dá biàn Noun plea (law)
  422. Verb to reply to a charge
  423. 大不了 dà bu liǎo Adverb at worst, if worst comes to worst
  424. 大臣 dà chén Noun minister (in monarchy)
  425. 达成 dá chéng Verb to reach (agreement), to accomplish
  426. 搭档 dā dàng Noun partner
  427. Verb to cooperate, to work together
  428. 答复 dá fù Verb to answer, to reply
  429. 打官司 dǎ guān si Verb to sue, to go to court
  430. 大伙儿 dà huǒ r Pronoun everyone, all of us
  431. 打击 dǎ jī Noun blow, hit
  432. Verb to strike, to hit, to attack
  433. 打架 dǎ jià Noun fight, fistfight
  434. Verb to fight, to scuffle
  435. 打量 dǎ liang Verb to take measure of, to suppose, to reckon
  436. 打猎 dǎ liè Noun hunt
  437. Verb to go hunting
  438. 搭配 dā pèi Verb to arrange, to match
  439. 大厦 dà shà Noun large building, mansion
  440. 大肆 dà sì Adjective wantonly, without restraint
  441. 大体 dà tǐ Adverb in general, roughly, more or less
  442. 大意 dà yi Noun general idea, main idea
  443. 打仗 dǎ zhàng Verb to go to war, to fight, to make war
  444. 大致 dà zhì Adverb roughly, more or less
  445. 逮捕 dài bǔ Noun arrest
  446. Verb to arrest, to apprehend
  447. 代价 dài jià Noun price, cost
  448. 代理 dài lǐ Noun agency, representation
  449. Verb to act on behalf of, to represent
  450. 带领 dài lǐng Verb to guide, to lead
  451. 怠慢 dài màn Verb to neglect, to slight
  452. 歹徒 dǎi tú Noun gangster, evil-doer
  453. 蛋白质 dàn bái zhì Noun protein
  454. 担保 dān bǎo Verb to assure, to guarantee, to vouch for
  455. 诞辰 dàn chén Noun birthday
  456. 淡季 dàn jì Noun off season
  457. 胆怯 dǎn qiè Adjective timid, cowardly
  458. 诞生 dàn shēng Verb to be born, to be founded
  459. 淡水 dàn shuǐ Noun fresh water, potable water
  460. 党 dǎng Noun party, association, society
  461. 档案 dàng àn Noun file, record, archive
  462. 当场 dāng chǎng Adverb on the spot, at the scene
  463. 当初 dāng chū Adverb in the first place, originally
  464. 档次 dàng cì Noun grade, quality, level
  465. 当面 dāng miàn Adverb face to face, in sbd.'s presence
  466. 当前 dāng qián Time current, present
  467. 当事人 dāng shì rén Noun people concerned, party, client
  468. 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí Noun matter of vital importance
  469. 当心 dāng xīn Verb to take, care, to watch out
  470. 当选 dāng xuǎn Verb to be elected, to win an election
  471. 倒闭 dǎo bì Verb to go bankrupt
  472. 导弹 dǎo dàn Noun guided missile
  473. 稻谷 dào gǔ Noun paddy, rice crops
  474. 导航 dǎo háng Noun navigation
  475. Verb to navigate
  476. 捣乱 dǎo luàn Verb to make trouble, to disturb
  477. 盗窃 dào qiè Noun steal
  478. Verb to steal
  479. 导向 dǎo xiàng Noun guide, guideline
  480. 岛屿 dǎo yǔ Noun islands
  481. 得不偿失 dé bù cháng shī Verb the game is not worth the candle
  482. 得力 dé lì Adjective capable, competent
  483. 得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu Adjective blessed, gifted, rich, unique, advantageous
  484. 得罪 dé zuì Verb to offend, to displease, to commit an offense
  485. 蹬 dēng Verb to tread on, to step on
  486. 瞪 dèng Verb to stare, to open (one's eyes)
  487. 等级 děng jí Noun grade, rank
  488. 灯笼 dēng long Noun lantern
  489. 登陆 dēng lù Verb to land, to disembark, to log in
  490. 登录 dēng lù Verb to register, to login
  491. 堤坝 dī bà Noun dam
  492. 地步 dì bù Noun tight condition, plight, extent
  493. 抵达 dǐ dá Verb to arrive, to reach
  494. 抵抗 dǐ kàng Noun resistance
  495. Verb to resist, to fight back
  496. 敌视 dí shì Verb to be hostile to, to stand against
  497. 地势 dì shì Noun topography, terrain
  498. 递增 dì zēng Noun to increase progressively
  499. 抵制 dǐ zhì Verb to boycott, to resist, to reject
  500. 地质 dì zhì Noun geology
  501. 垫 diàn Noun pad, cushion, mat
  502. Verb to pad
  503. 颠簸 diān bǒ Verb to jolt, to bump
  504. 颠倒 diān dǎo Verb to turn upside down
  505. Adjective reversed, inverted, confused
  506. 奠定 diàn dìng Verb to establish, to found
  507. 惦记 diàn jì Verb to be concerned about, keep thinking about
  508. 典礼 diǎn lǐ Noun celebration, ceremony
  509. 典型 diǎn xíng Noun typical case, model
  510. 电源 diàn yuán Noun electric power source
  511. 点缀 diǎn zhuì Verb to intersperse, to embellish, to decorate
  512. 叼 diāo Verb to hold by the teeth or lips
  513. 吊 diào Verb to hang, to suspend, to express condolence to
  514. 调动 diào dòng Verb to transfer, to maneuver (troops, etc.)
  515. 雕刻 diāo kè Noun carving
  516. Verb to carve, to engrave
  517. 雕塑 diāo sù Noun statue, sculpture
  518. Verb to carve
  519. 跌 diē Verb to drop, to fall down
  520. 盯 dīng Verb to gaze at, fix one's eyes on, to watch attentively
  521. 定期 dìng qī Adjective regular, periodical
  522. 定义 dìng yì Noun definition
  523. 叮嘱 dīng zhǔ Verb to exhort repeatedly, to urge
  524. 丢人 diū rén Verb to lose face
  525. 丢三落四 diū sān là sì Adjective forgetful, scatterbrained
  526. 栋 dòng Measure Word for houses, buildings
  527. 动荡 dòng dàng Noun turbulence, unrest (political), upheaval
  528. 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ Noun host
  529. 动机 dòng jī Noun motive, intention, motivation
  530. 冻结 dòng jié Verb to freeze (loan, price, etc.), to block
  531. 动静 dòng jing Noun sound of movement, activity, happening
  532. 动力 dòng lì Noun power, driving force, motive power
  533. 动脉 dòng mài Noun artery
  534. 动身 dòng shēn Verb to leave, to go on a journey
  535. 董事长 dǒng shì zhǎng Noun chairman of the board, president
  536. 动手 dòng shǒu Verb to start work, to begin, to hit with hands
  537. 动态 dòng tài Noun developments, trends
  538. 洞穴 dòng xué Noun cave, cavern
  539. 动员 dòng yuán Noun mobilization
  540. Verb to mobilize, to arouse
  541. 东张西望 dōng zhāng xī wàng Verb to peer in all directions, to look around
  542. 兜 dōu Noun pocket, bag
  543. Verb to wrap up (in clothes)
  544. 陡峭 dǒu qiào Adjective steep, cliffy, precipitous
  545. 斗争 dòu zhēng Noun struggle, fight
  546. Verb to fight, to combat, to battle
  547. 赌博 dǔ bó Noun gambling
  548. Verb to gamble, to bet
  549. 独裁 dú cái Noun dictatorship, autocracy
  550. 督促 dū cù Verb to urge sbd. to do sth.
  551. 杜绝 dù jué Verb to put an end to, to eliminate
  552. 毒品 dú pǐn Noun drugs, narcotics, dope
  553. 堵塞 dǔ sè Noun blockage
  554. Verb to cause an obstruction, to stop
  555. 都市 dū shì Noun city, metropolis
  556. 端 duān Noun extremity, end, point
  557. Verb to carry
  558. 短促 duǎn cù Adjective short, brief (time)
  559. 断定 duàn dìng Verb to conclude, to come to a judgement
  560. 断断续续 duàn duàn xù xù Adverb off and on, intermittently
  561. 断绝 duàn jué Verb to sever, to break off
  562. 端午节 Duān wǔ jié Noun Dragon Boat Festival
  563. 端正 duān zhèng Adjective upright, regular
  564. 对策 duì cè Noun countermeasure
  565. 对称 duì chèn Noun symmetry
  566. Adjective symmetrical
  567. 对付 duì fu Verb to deal with, to cope with
  568. 兑换 duì huàn Verb to convert, to exchange
  569. 堆积 duī jī Verb to pile up, to accumulate
  570. 对抗 duì kàng Noun resistance, confrontation
  571. Verb to withstand, to resist
  572. 对立 duì lì Verb to oppose
  573. Adjective opposite, opposing
  574. 对联 duì lián Noun rhyming couplet
  575. 队伍 duì wu Noun troops, ranks
  576. 兑现 duì xiàn Verb to cash (cheque, etc.)
  577. 对应 duì yìng Verb to correspond
  578. Adjective corresponding, homologous
  579. 对照 duì zhào Noun comparison
  580. Verb to compare, to contrast
  581. 顿时 dùn shí Adverb at once, immediately, suddenly
  582. 堕落 duò luò Verb to degenerate, to corrupt
  583. 哆嗦 duō suo Verb to tremble, to shiver, to quiver
  584. 多元化 duō yuán huà Noun diversification, pluralism
  585. 恶化 è huà Verb to worsen
  586. 额外 é wài Adjective extra, additional
  587. 恶心 ě xin Noun nausea
  588. Verb to feel sick
  589. 遏制 è zhì Verb to keep within limits, not letting the impact be too big
  590. 恩怨 ēn yuàn Noun feeling of gratitude or resentment (at the same time)
  591. 耳环 ěr huán Noun earring
  592. 二氧化碳 èr yǎng huà tàn Noun carbon dioxide, CO2
  593. 而已 ér yǐ Saying that's all, nothing more
  594. 发布 fā bù Verb to release, to issue
  595. 发财 fā cái Verb to get rich
  596. 发呆 fā dāi Verb to be lost in thought, to look absent-minded
  597. 发动 fā dòng Verb to start, to launch, to arouse
  598. 发火 fā huǒ Verb to catch fire, to ignite, to get angry
  599. 发觉 fā jué Verb to become aware, to find, to discover
  600. 法人 fǎ rén Noun legal person
  601. 发射 fā shè Verb to start, to fire, to launch
  602. 发誓 fā shì Verb to vow, to swear
  603. 发行 fā xíng Verb to publish, to issue, to distribute, to release
  604. 发炎 fā yán Noun inflammation
  605. Verb to inflame
  606. Adjective inflamed
  607. 发扬 fā yáng Verb to develop, to enhance
  608. 发育 fā yù Noun development, growth
  609. Verb to develop
  610. 番 fān Verb to take turns
  611. Measure Word times
  612. 反驳 fǎn bó Verb to retort, to refute
  613. 反常 fǎn cháng Adjective unusual, abnormal
  614. 范畴 fàn chóu Noun category
  615. 反倒 fǎn dào Adverb on the contrary, instead
  616. 反动 fǎn dòng Adjective reactionary
  617. 反感 fǎn gǎn Noun resentment, antipathy, disfavour
  618. 繁华 fán huá Adjective flourishing
  619. 反抗 fǎn kàng Verb to resist, to rebel
  620. 反馈 fǎn kuì Noun feedback
  621. 泛滥 fàn làn Verb to flood, to overflow, to spread unchecked
  622. 贩卖 fàn mài Verb to sell, to peddle
  623. 繁忙 fán máng Adjective busy
  624. 反面 fǎn miàn Noun the other side, reverse side
  625. 反射 fǎn shè Noun reflection
  626. Verb to reflect, to reflex
  627. 反思 fǎn sī Verb to rethink, to think over again
  628. 繁体字 fán tǐ zì Noun traditional character
  629. 反问 fǎn wèn Noun rhetorical question, counter question
  630. 繁殖 fán zhí Verb to breed, to reproduce
  631. 反之 fǎn zhī Conjunction on the other hand, conversely
  632. 放大 fàng dà Verb to enlarge, to magnify
  633. 放射 fàng shè Noun radiation, emission
  634. Verb to radiate, to emit
  635. 防守 fáng shǒu Verb to defend, to protect
  636. 放手 fàng shǒu Verb to let go
  637. 方位 fāng wèi Noun direction, position
  638. 方言 fāng yán Noun dialect
  639. 防疫 fáng yì Noun disease prevention, protection against epidemic
  640. 防御 fáng yù Noun defense
  641. Verb to defend, to guard
  642. 方针 fāng zhēn Noun policy, guidelines
  643. 防止 fáng zhǐ Verb to prevent, to avoid
  644. 防治 fáng zhì Noun prevention and cure
  645. 纺织 fǎng zhī Verb spinning and weaving
  646. 诽谤 fěi bàng Verb to slander, to libel, to defame
  647. 废除 fèi chú Verb to abolish, to cancel, to abrogate
  648. 非法 fēi fǎ Adjective illegal
  649. 飞禽走兽 fēi qín zǒu shòu Noun birds and animal
  650. 沸腾 fèi téng Verb to boil, to reach ebullition
  651. 匪徒 fěi tú Noun gangster, bandit
  652. 肥沃 féi wò Adjective fertile
  653. 飞翔 fēi xiáng Verb to fly
  654. 废墟 fèi xū Noun ruins
  655. 飞跃 fēi yuè Verb to leap, to jump
  656. 分辨 fēn biàn Verb to distinguish, to defend oneself against an accusation
  657. 分寸 fēn cun Noun judgement for propriety, propriety
  658. 吩咐 fēn fù Verb to instruct, to tell, to command
  659. 分红 fēn hóng Noun bonus, dividend
  660. Verb to draw dividend
  661. 分解 fēn jiě Verb to resolve, to break down, to decompose
  662. 分量 fèn liàng Noun weight, quantity
  663. 分裂 fēn liè Noun fission
  664. Verb to split, to divide
  665. 分泌 fēn mì Verb to secrete
  666. 分明 fēn míng Adjective clearly demarcated, distinct
  667. 粉末 fěn mò Noun powder, dust
  668. 坟墓 fén mù Noun tomb
  669. 分歧 fēn qí Verb differences, discrepancy
  670. 分散 fēn sàn Verb to disperse, to scatter
  671. 粉色 fěn sè Adjective light pink
  672. 分手 fēn shǒu Verb to break up
  673. 粉碎 fěn suì Verb to break, to smash, to shatter
  674. 逢 féng Verb to meet by chance, to come across
  675. 风暴 fēng bào Noun storm
  676. 封闭 fēng bì Noun to seal, to close, to confine
  677. 风度 fēng dù Noun poise, grace, style
  678. 风光 fēng guāng Noun scene, sight, landscape, good reputation
  679. 封建 fēng jiàn Noun feudalism
  680. Adjective feudal
  681. 锋利 fēng lì Adjective sharp (e.g. knife)
  682. 丰满 fēng mǎn Adjective plump, well-rounded, plentiful
  683. 风气 fēng qì Noun common practice, atmosphere
  684. 风趣 fēng qù Noun humor
  685. Adjective humorous, witty
  686. 丰盛 fēng shèng Adjective rich, sumptuous
  687. 丰收 fēng shōu Verb have a good harvest
  688. 封锁 fēng suǒ Verb to blockade, to seal off
  689. 风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng Noun local conditions and customs
  690. 风味 fēng wèi Noun flavor or style typical for a region
  691. 奉献 fèng xiàn Noun dedication
  692. Verb to dedicate, to devote
  693. 否决 fǒu jué Noun veto
  694. Verb to veto, to reject, to overrule
  695. 副 fù Adjective deputy, vice-
  696. Measure Word for pairs, sets, etc.
  697. 腐败 fǔ bài Noun corruption
  698. Adjective corrupt, rotten
  699. 负担 fù dān Noun burden
  700. Verb to bear a burden
  701. 幅度 fú dù Noun range, extent
  702. 夫妇 fū fù Noun (married) couple, husband and wife
  703. 覆盖 fù gài Verb to cover, to lay over
  704. 符号 fú hào Noun symbol, mark, sign
  705. 附和 fù hè Verb to repeat what others say, to echo
  706. 复活 fù huó Noun resurrection
  707. Verb to bring back to life, to revive
  708. 附件 fù jiàn Noun enclosure, attachment, appendix
  709. 腐烂 fǔ làn Verb to rot, to perish
  710. 福利 fú lì Noun well-being; welfare
  711. 俘虏 fú lǔ Noun captive, prisoner
  712. Verb to capture, to arrest
  713. 服气 fú qì Verb to be convinced, to accept
  714. 福气 fú qi Noun good fortune, felicity
  715. 夫人 fū rén Noun lady, madam
  716. 辐射 fú shè Noun radiation
  717. Verb to radiate
  718. 腐蚀 fǔ shí Noun corrosion, corruption
  719. Verb to corrode, to rot, to corrupt
  720. 附属 fù shǔ Noun subsidiary
  721. Adjective subordinate, attached
  722. 腹泻 fù xiè Noun diarrhea
  723. Verb to have the runs
  724. 复兴 fù xīng Noun rebirth
  725. Verb to revive, to renew
  726. 腐朽 fǔ xiǔ Adjective rotten, decayed
  727. 敷衍 fū yǎn Verb to do sth. half-heartedly, to elaborate on
  728. 抚养 fǔ yǎng Verb to foster, to bring up
  729. 俯仰 fǔ yǎng Verb bend over, forward or down to watch
  730. 赋予 fù yǔ Verb to assign, to give, to endow
  731. 富裕 fù yù Noun richness, affluence
  732. Adjective prosperous, rich, affluent
  733. 辅助 fǔ zhù Noun auxiliary
  734. Verb to assist
  735. 副作用 fù zuò yòng Noun side effect
  736. 改良 gǎi liáng Verb to improve
  737. 盖章 gài zhāng Verb to affix a seal, to stamp
  738. 尴尬 gān gà Adjective embarrassed, awkward
  739. 干旱 gān hàn Noun drought
  740. Adjective arid, dry
  741. 干劲 gàn jìn Noun enthusiasm, vigor, drive
  742. 感慨 gǎn kǎi Verb to sigh with emotion
  743. 感染 gǎn rǎn Noun infection
  744. Verb to infect, to influence
  745. 干扰 gān rǎo Noun obstruction
  746. Verb to interfere, to disturb
  747. 干涉 gān shè Noun interference
  748. Verb to interfere, to intervene
  749. 甘心 gān xīn Verb to resign oneself to
  750. Adverb willingly, readily
  751. 干预 gān yù Noun intervention
  752. Verb to intervene, to meddle
  753. 杠杆 gàng gǎn Noun lever
  754. 港口 gǎng kǒu Noun port, harbour
  755. 纲领 gāng lǐng Noun guiding principle, program
  756. 港湾 gǎng wān Noun natural harbour, bay
  757. 岗位 gǎng wèi Noun post, position, station
  758. 高超 gāo chāo Adjective excellent, outstanding, superb
  759. 高潮 gāo cháo Noun high tide, upsurge, climax, orgasm
  760. 告辞 gào cí Verb to take leave, to bid farewell
  761. 高峰 gāo fēng Noun peak, summit
  762. 稿件 gǎo jiàn Noun manuscript, rough draft
  763. 告诫 gào jiè Noun warning, admonition
  764. Verb to warn, to admonish
  765. 高考 gāo kǎo Noun college entrance exam
  766. 高明 gāo míng Adjective wise, brilliant, bright
  767. 高尚 gāo shàng Adjective nobly, lofty, sublime
  768. 高涨 gāo zhǎng Noun upsurge, wave
  769. Verb to run high, to rise
  770. 割 gē Verb to cut, to cut apart
  771. 搁 gē Verb to place, to put, to put aside
  772. 疙瘩 gē da Noun lump, pimple, spot
  773. 隔阂 gé hé Noun estrangement, barrier
  774. 格局 gé jú Noun layout, structure, pattern
  775. 隔离 gé lí Verb to seperate, to isolate
  776. 格式 gé shi Noun format, specification
  777. 各抒己见 gè shū jǐ jiàn Verb everyone gives their own view
  778. 歌颂 gē sòng Verb to sing the praise of, to extol
  779. 个体 gè tǐ Noun individual, individuality
  780. Adjective individual
  781. 跟前 gēn qián Place in front of
  782. 根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù Adjective deep-rooted, ineradicable
  783. 跟随 gēn suí Verb to follow
  784. 根源 gēn yuán Noun origin, root, source
  785. 跟踪 gēn zōng Verb to tail, to run after, to follow
  786. 耕地 gēng dì Noun arable land, cultivated land
  787. 更新 gēng xīn Verb to replace, to renew, to update
  788. 更正 gēng zhèng Noun correction
  789. Verb to correct, to make a correction
  790. 公安局 gōng ān jú Noun Public Security Bureau
  791. 供不应求 gōng bú yìng qiú Verb supply does not meet demand
  792. 公道 gōng dao Noun justice
  793. Adjective fair, just
  794. 宫殿 gōng diàn Noun palace
  795. 工夫 gōng fu Noun labour, work, time skill, Kung Fu
  796. 公告 gōng gào Noun announcement, bulletin
  797. 巩固 gǒng gù Noun consolidation
  798. Verb to consolidate, to solidify
  799. 公关 gōng guān Noun public relations
  800. 共和国 gòng hé guó Noun republic
  801. 攻击 gōng jī Noun attack
  802. Verb to attack, to accuse
  803. 供给 gōng jǐ Verb to supply, to furnish, to provide
  804. 共计 gòng jì Noun total
  805. Verb to total, to count up
  806. 恭敬 gōng jìng Adjective deferential, respectful
  807. 功课 gōng kè Noun homework
  808. 攻克 gōng kè Verb to capture, to take, to seize
  809. 功劳 gōng láo Noun contribution, credit, meritorious service
  810. 公民 gōng mín Noun citizen
  811. 共鸣 gòng míng Noun resonance, sympathy
  812. 公婆 gōng pó Noun husband's parents
  813. 公然 gōng rán Adjective flagrantly, undisguised
  814. 公认 gōng rèn Verb to be generally acknowledged
  815. 公式 gōng shì Noun formula
  816. 公务 gōng wù Noun public affairs, official business
  817. 功效 gōng xiào Noun efficacy
  818. 工艺品 gōng yì pǐn Noun handicraft
  819. 公正 gōng zhèng Noun justice
  820. Adjective just, fair
  821. 公证 gōng zhèng Noun notarization
  822. Verb to notarize
  823. 勾结 gōu jié Verb to collude with, to gang up with
  824. 构思 gòu sī Noun conception
  825. Verb to design, to conceive
  826. 钩子 gōu zi Noun hook
  827. 股东 gǔ dōng Noun shareholder, stockholder
  828. 古董 gǔ dǒng Noun antique, curio
  829. 鼓动 gǔ dòng Verb to agitate, to arouse, to incite
  830. 孤独 gū dú Adjective lonely
  831. 股份 gǔ fèn Noun share, stock
  832. 辜负 gū fù Verb to fail to live up to, to be unworthy of, to disappoint
  833. 骨干 gǔ gàn Noun backbone, diaphysis
  834. 古怪 gǔ guài Adjective eccentric, cranky, oddly, grotesque
  835. 孤立 gū lì Noun isolation
  836. Verb to isolate
  837. Adjective isolated
  838. 顾虑 gù lǜ Noun misgivings, apprehensions
  839. Verb to have misgiving about
  840. 姑且 gū qiě Adverb temporarily, for the moment
  841. 固然 gù rán Adverb admittedly, it is true, no doubt
  842. 顾问 gù wèn Noun adviser, consultant
  843. 故乡 gù xiāng Noun home, hometown
  844. 固有 gù yǒu Adjective intrinsic, inherent, native
  845. 故障 gù zhàng Noun malfunction, breakdown, defect, fault
  846. 固执 gù zhi Adjective stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded
  847. 拐杖 guǎi zhàng Noun walking stick, crutches
  848. 罐 guàn Noun can, jar, pot
  849. 贯彻 guàn chè Verb to carry out, to implement, to put into practice
  850. 官方 guān fāng Noun officials, authorities
  851. Adjective official, authoritative
  852. 灌溉 guàn gài Noun irrigation
  853. Verb to irrigate, to water
  854. 观光 guān guāng Noun tourism, sightseeing
  855. Verb to tour, to go sightseeing
  856. 惯例 guàn lì Noun convention, tradition
  857. 管辖 guǎn xiá Verb to administer, to govern, to have jurisdiction over
  858. 关照 guān zhào Verb to take care, to look after, to inform
  859. 光彩 guāng cǎi Noun luster, splendor, brilliance
  860. Adjective honorable, glorious
  861. 光辉 guāng huī Noun radiance, brilliance
  862. Adjective brilliant, magnificent
  863. 广阔 guǎng kuò Adjective wide, vast
  864. 光芒 guāng máng Noun rays of light
  865. 跪 guì Verb to kneel
  866. 轨道 guǐ dào Noun railway, track, orbit
  867. 规范 guī fàn Noun norm, rule, standard
  868. 规格 guī gé Noun standard, norm, specification
  869. 归根到底 guī gēn dào dǐ Adverb to sum it up, in a final analysis, in the long run
  870. 规划 guī huà Noun plan, program
  871. Verb to plan, to work out
  872. 归还 guī huán Verb to return sth., to give back
  873. 归纳 guī nà Verb to conclude, to sum up, to summarize
  874. 规章 guī zhāng Noun rule, regulation
  875. 贵族 guì zú Noun nobleman, aristocrat, aristocracy, lord
  876. 棍棒 gùn bàng Noun club, cane, stick
  877. 过度 guò dù Adjective excessive
  878. 过渡 guò dù Noun transition
  879. Verb to cross over
  880. Adjective interim
  881. 果断 guǒ duàn Adjective firm, decisive
  882. 国防 guó fáng Noun national defense
  883. 过奖 guò jiǎng Verb to overpraise, to flatter
  884. 过滤 guò lǜ Noun filtration
  885. Verb to filter
  886. 过失 guò shī Noun error, fault, mistake
  887. 过问 guò wèn Verb to ask about, to concern with
  888. 国务院 guó wù yuàn Noun State Council (China), State Department (USA)
  889. 过瘾 guò yǐn Verb to satisfy a craving, to enjoy fully
  890. 过于 guò yú Adverb excessively, too much
  891. 嗨 hāi Saying Hi!
  892. 海拔 hǎi bá Noun height above sea level
  893. 海滨 hǎi bīn Noun shore, seaside
  894. 含糊 hán hu Adjective ambiguous, vague
  895. 罕见 hǎn jiàn Adjective rare, peculiar
  896. 捍卫 hàn wèi Verb to defend, to uphold
  897. 寒暄 hán xuān Verb to exchange conventional greetings, to make small talk
  898. 含义 hán yì Noun meaning, implication
  899. 航空 háng kōng Noun aviation
  900. 行列 háng liè Noun line, row, procession
  901. 航天 háng tiān Noun space flight
  902. 航行 háng xíng Verb to sail, to fly, to navigate
  903. 耗费 hào fèi Verb to use, to waste
  904. 好客 hào kè Noun hospitality
  905. Verb to be hospitable
  906. Adjective hospitable, friendly
  907. 豪迈 háo mài Adjective bold, heroic
  908. 毫米 háo mǐ Noun millimeter
  909. 毫无 háo wú Adverb not in the least, none whatsoever
  910. 号召 hào zhào Verb to call, to appeal
  911. 呵 hē Interjunction oh, ah
  912. 和蔼 hé ǎi Adjective kind, amiable
  913. 合并 hé bìng Verb to merge, to unite, to incorporate
  914. 合成 hé chéng Noun compound, synthesis
  915. Verb to compose, to constitute, to synthesize
  916. Adjective synthetic
  917. 合乎 hé hū Verb to accord with, conforming to
  918. 合伙 hé huǒ Verb to cooperate, to form a partnership
  919. 和解 hé jiě Noun reconciliation, compromise
  920. Verb to settle (a dispute out of court), to reconcile
  921. 和睦 hé mù Noun peaceful relations, harmony
  922. Adjective harmonious
  923. 和气 hé qi Adjective friendly, amiable
  924. 合身 hé shēn Verb to fit (clothes)
  925. 合算 hé suàn Verb reckon up
  926. Adjective worthwhile, be worth the money
  927. 和谐 hé xié Adjective harmonious
  928. 嘿 hēi Interjunction hey
  929. 恨不得 hèn bu de Verb to itch to, wish one could do sth.
  930. 痕迹 hén jì Noun mark, trace, vestige
  931. 狠心 hěn xīn Adjective heartless, cruel-hearted
  932. 哼 hēng Interjunction to express dissatisfaction
  933. 哄 hōng Interjunction roar of laughter
  934. 烘 hōng Verb to bake, to warm by a fire
  935. 红包 hóng bāo Noun cash gift, bribe
  936. 轰动 hōng dòng Verb to cause a great sensation, to make a stir
  937. 宏观 hóng guān Adjective macroscopic
  938. 洪水 hóng shuǐ Noun flood, deluge
  939. 宏伟 hóng wěi Adjective grand, imposing, magnificent
  940. 吼 hǒu Verb to roar, to howl, to shout
  941. 后代 hòu dài Noun later generations, descendants, offsprings
  942. 后顾之忧 hòu gù zhī yōu Noun worries about the future consequences
  943. 喉咙 hóu lóng Noun throat, larynx
  944. 后勤 hòu qín Noun logistics
  945. 候选 hòu xuǎn Noun candidate
  946. 互联网 hù lián wǎng Noun internet
  947. 胡乱 hú luàn Adverb carelessly, casually, at random
  948. 忽略 hū lüè Verb to neglect, to overlook
  949. 湖泊 hú pō Noun lake
  950. 呼啸 hū xiào Verb to whistle, to scream, to howl
  951. 呼吁 hū yù Noun appeal
  952. Verb to appeal
  953. 花瓣 huā bàn Noun petal
  954. 化肥 huà féi Noun chemical fertilizer
  955. 划分 huà fēn Verb to divide up, to mark off
  956. 华丽 huá lì Noun gorgeous, magnificent
  957. 华侨 huá qiáo Noun overseas Chinese
  958. 画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú Verb to overdo it, to ruin the effect by adding sth. superfluous
  959. 化石 huà shí Noun fossil
  960. 话筒 huà tǒng Noun microphone
  961. 化验 huà yàn Noun laboratory test, chemical analysis
  962. 化妆 huà zhuāng Noun make-up
  963. Verb to put make-up on
  964. 怀孕 huái yùn Noun pregnancy
  965. Verb to be pregnant
  966. 缓和 huǎn hé Verb to ease, to relax, to moderate
  967. 环节 huán jié Noun link, segment, connection
  968. 欢乐 huān lè Noun gladness, pleasure
  969. Adjective happy, joyous, gay
  970. 还原 huán yuán Noun reduction (chem.)
  971. Verb to restore to the original state
  972. 患者 huàn zhě Noun patient
  973. 黄昏 huáng hūn Noun dusk, nightfall
  974. 荒凉 huāng liáng Adjective desolate
  975. 慌忙 huāng máng Adjective hurried, hasty, in a great rush
  976. 荒谬 huāng miù Adjective absurd, ridiculous
  977. 恍然大悟 huǎng rán dà wù Verb to suddenly realize
  978. 荒唐 huāng táng Adjective ludicrous, absurd, beyond belief, fantastic
  979. 回报 huí bào Noun payback
  980. Verb to reback, to requite
  981. 汇报 huì bào Noun to report, to give an account of
  982. 回避 huí bì Verb to avoid, to obviate
  983. 回顾 huí gù Noun retrospection
  984. Verb to review, to look back
  985. 悔恨 huǐ hèn Noun remorse, regret
  986. Verb to regret, to be seized with remorse
  987. 辉煌 huī huáng Adjective splendid, brilliant, glorious
  988. 挥霍 huī huò Verb to squander (e.g. money)
  989. Adjective agile
  990. 贿赂 huì lù Noun bribe
  991. Verb to bribe
  992. 毁灭 huǐ miè Noun destruction, devastation
  993. Verb to destroy, to ruin
  994. 回收 huí shōu Verb to reclaim, to retrieve, to recover
  995. 会晤 huì wù Noun meeting, contact
  996. Verb to meet
  997. 混合 hùn hé Verb to mix, to blend
  998. 混乱 hùn luàn Noun chaos, confusion, disorder
  999. Adjective chaotic, disorderly, unorganized
  1000. 昏迷 hūn mí Noun coma, stupor
  1001. Adjective unconscious
  1002. 浑身 hún shēn Adverb from head to foot, all over
  1003. 混淆 hùn xiáo Verb to confuse, to mix up
  1004. 混浊 hùn zhuó Adjective turbid, dirty
  1005. 货币 huò bì Noun currency, money
  1006. 活该 huó gāi Verb to serve sbd. right
  1007. Adverb deservedly
  1008. 火箭 huǒ jiàn Noun rocket
  1009. 活力 huó lì Noun energy, vitality, vigor
  1010. 或许 huò xǔ Adverb perhaps, maybe
  1011. 火焰 huǒ yàn Noun flame, blaze
  1012. 火药 huǒ yào Noun gunpowder
  1013. 即便 jí biàn Conjunction even if, even thoug
  1014. 级别 jí bié Noun rank, level, grade
  1015. 疾病 jí bìng Noun disease, sickness
  1016. 继承 jì chéng Verb to inherit, to carry on, to succeed
  1017. 基地 jī dì Noun base, military base
  1018. 机动 jī dòng Adjective motorized, power-driven, flexible, mobile
  1019. 嫉妒 jí dù Noun jealousy
  1020. Verb to be jealous, to envy
  1021. Adjective jealous
  1022. 季度 jì dù Time quarter, 3 months
  1023. 极端 jí duān Adjective extreme, radical, utmost
  1024. 饥饿 jī è Noun hunger, starvation
  1025. Adjective hungry, starving
  1026. 激发 jī fā Verb to arouse, to excite, to inspire
  1027. 急功近利 jí gōng jìn lì Verb looking only for fast success
  1028. 机构 jī gòu Noun mechanism, organization, institution
  1029. 机关 jī guān Noun office, mechanism, organ, intrigue, plot trick
  1030. 籍贯 jí guàn Noun native place, place of ancestry
  1031. 忌讳 jì huì Noun taboo
  1032. Verb to abstain from
  1033. 即将 jí jiāng Verb to be about to
  1034. Adverb soon, right away
  1035. 计较 jì jiào Verb to haggle, to bicker
  1036. 基金 jī jīn Noun fund
  1037. 寂静 jì jìng Adjective silent, quiet
  1038. 急剧 jí jù Adjective rapid, sudden, abrupt
  1039. 季军 jì jūn Noun bronze medalist
  1040. 激励 jī lì Verb to encourage, to motivate
  1041. 机灵 jī ling Adjective clever, quick-witted
  1042. 机密 jī mì Noun secret
  1043. Adjective secret, classified
  1044. 技能 jì néng Noun skill, technical ability
  1045. 技巧 jì qiǎo Noun skill, technique
  1046. 急切 jí qiè Adjective eager, impatient
  1047. 激情 jī qíng Noun passion, enthusiasm
  1048. 集团 jí tuán Noun group, bloc, corporation
  1049. 寄托 jì tuō Verb to place (hope, etc.) on, consign
  1050. 继往开来 jì wǎng kāi lái Verb building on the past and forming the future
  1051. 极限 jí xiàn Noun limit, utmost
  1052. 吉祥 jí xiáng Adjective lucky, auspicious
  1053. 迹象 jì xiàng Noun sign, indication
  1054. 讥笑 jī xiào Noun ironical smile
  1055. Verb to sneer at, to ridicule
  1056. 机械 jī xiè Noun machine
  1057. Adjective mechanical, inflexible
  1058. 记性 jì xing Noun memory, recall
  1059. 纪要 jì yào Noun minutes, written summary of a meeting
  1060. 基因 jī yīn Noun gene
  1061. 机遇 jī yù Noun opportunity
  1062. 给予 jǐ yǔ Verb to give, to render, to present, to accord
  1063. 急于求成 jí yú qiú chéng Verb demanding quick results
  1064. 记载 jì zǎi Noun record
  1065. Verb to write down
  1066. 及早 jí zǎo Adverb as soon as possible
  1067. 急躁 jí zào Adjective impatient, irritable, impetuous
  1068. 机智 jī zhì Noun tact, alertness
  1069. Adjective quick-witted, tactful, resourceful
  1070. 家常 jiā cháng Noun daily life of a family
  1071. 加工 jiā gōng Noun processing
  1072. Verb to process, to manufacture
  1073. 家伙 jiā huo Noun fellow, guy, tool, weapon
  1074. 加剧 jiā jù Verb to intensify, to sharpen, to aggravate
  1075. 假设 jiǎ shè Noun hypothesis, assumption
  1076. Verb to suppose, to assume
  1077. Conjunction in case of
  1078. 假使 jiǎ shǐ Conjunction if, in case
  1079. 家属 jiā shǔ Noun family member, dependent
  1080. 佳肴 jiā yáo Noun delicacies, delicious food
  1081. 家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo Adjective widely known
  1082. 夹杂 jiā zá Verb to be mixed up with, to be mingled with
  1083. 拣 jiǎn Verb to choose, to pick
  1084. 溅 jiàn Verb to splash, to spatter
  1085. 鉴别 jiàn bié Verb to differentiate, to distinguish
  1086. 剪彩 jiǎn cǎi Verb to cut the ribbon (at opening ceremony)
  1087. 间谍 jiàn dié Noun spy
  1088. 坚定 jiān dìng Verb to steady, to strengthen
  1089. Adjective firm, steady, staunch
  1090. 鉴定 jiàn dìng Noun Evaluation
  1091. Verb to appraise, to evaluate
  1092. 监督 jiān dū Noun supervisor
  1093. Verb to control, to supervise
  1094. 尖端 jiān duān Noun sharp pointed end, tip, highest point, peak
  1095. 见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng Adjective experienced and knowledgeable
  1096. 间隔 jiàn gé Noun interval, gap, compartment
  1097. 坚固 jiān gù Adjective solid, firm, stable, strong
  1098. 简化 jiǎn huà Verb to simplify
  1099. 间接 jiàn jiē Adjective indirect
  1100. 见解 jiàn jiě Noun opinion, view, understanding
  1101. 简陋 jiǎn lòu Adjective simple and crude
  1102. 艰难 jiān nán Noun difficulty, hardship
  1103. Adjective difficult, hard
  1104. 健全 jiàn quán Adjective healthy, strong, robust
  1105. 坚韧 jiān rèn Adjective tough, durable, tenacious
  1106. 坚实 jiān shí Adjective solid, firm, substantial
  1107. 监视 jiān shì Verb to monitor, to oversee, to watch
  1108. 践踏 jiàn tà Verb to trample, to tread on
  1109. 检讨 jiǎn tǎo Noun self-criticism
  1110. 简体字 jiǎn tǐ zì Noun simplified character
  1111. 舰艇 jiàn tǐng Noun warship, naval vessel
  1112. 见闻 jiàn wén Noun what one sees and hears, knowledge, experience
  1113. 检验 jiǎn yàn Noun test
  1114. Verb to examine, to check, to test, to inspect
  1115. 简要 jiǎn yào Adjective concise, brief
  1116. 见义勇为 jiàn yì yǒng wéi Verb to stand up bravely for the truth
  1117. 坚硬 jiān yìng Adjective hard, solid
  1118. 监狱 jiān yù Noun prison, jail
  1119. 鉴于 jiàn yú Pronoun in view of, considering
  1120. 兼职 jiān zhí Noun part-time job
  1121. Verb part-time
  1122. 桨 jiǎng Noun oar, paddle
  1123. 将近 jiāng jìn Adverb nearly, about, on the verge of
  1124. 将军 jiāng jūn Noun admiral, general
  1125. Verb to challenge
  1126. 奖励 jiǎng lì Noun reward
  1127. Verb to reward
  1128. 降临 jiàng lín Verb to befall, to arrive
  1129. 奖赏 jiǎng shǎng Noun reward, prize (money)
  1130. Verb to reward
  1131. 僵硬 jiāng yìng Adjective stiff, stark, inflexible
  1132. 搅拌 jiǎo bàn Verb to stir, to mix up
  1133. 交叉 jiāo chā Verb to cross, to intersect
  1134. 交代 jiāo dài Verb to explain, to justify onself, to hand over (duties), to confess
  1135. 焦点 jiāo diǎn Noun focus, focal point
  1136. 焦急 jiāo jí Noun anxiety
  1137. Adjective anxious, worried
  1138. 较量 jiào liàng Verb to have a contest, to compete
  1139. 角落 jiǎo luò Noun corner, nook
  1140. 缴纳 jiǎo nà Verb to pay (taxes)
  1141. 娇气 jiāo qì Adjective squeamish, finicky
  1142. 交涉 jiāo shè Verb to negotiate
  1143. 交往 jiāo wǎng Noun association, contact
  1144. Verb to associate, to contact
  1145. 教养 jiào yǎng Noun upbringing, education
  1146. Verb to educate, to bring up
  1147. 交易 jiāo yì Noun transaction, business deal, trade
  1148. 皆 jiē Adverb all, each and every
  1149. 戒备 jiè bèi Verb to take precautions, to be on the alert
  1150. 阶层 jiē céng Noun hierarchy, social stratum
  1151. 杰出 jié chū Adjective outstanding, remarkable
  1152. 解除 jiě chú Noun relief, dissolution
  1153. Verb to relief, to remove, to dissolve
  1154. 揭发 jiē fā Noun revelation
  1155. Verb to expose, to disclose, to bring to light
  1156. 解雇 jiě gù Verb to fire, to sack, to dismiss
  1157. 借鉴 jiè jiàn Verb to take example by, to use as reference
  1158. 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì Verb to spare no effort, to do all one can
  1159. 结晶 jié jīng Noun crystal, crystallization
  1160. 结局 jié jú Noun ending, finale, conclusion
  1161. 接连 jiē lián Adverb in succession, in a row, one after another
  1162. 揭露 jiē lù Noun disclosure
  1163. Verb to expose, to unmask, to disclose
  1164. 解剖 jiě pōu Noun dissection, anatomy
  1165. Verb to dissect, to anatomize
  1166. 解散 jiě sàn Verb to dissolve, to disband, to dismiss
  1167. 结算 jié suàn Verb to balance, to settle accounts
  1168. 解体 jiě tǐ Verb to disintegrate
  1169. 界限 jiè xiàn Noun boundary, limit, border
  1170. 截至 jié zhì Preposition up to, by (time)
  1171. 借助 jiè zhù Adverb with the help of, drawing support from
  1172. 节奏 jié zòu Noun rhythm
  1173. 进而 jìn ér Conjunction then, and then
  1174. 进攻 jìn gōng Verb to attack, to assault
  1175. 进化 jìn huà Noun evolution
  1176. 津津有味 jīn jīn yǒu wèi Verb to do with great pleasure, to relish
  1177. 尽快 jǐn kuài Adverb as soon as possible
  1178. 近来 jìn lái Adverb recently, lately
  1179. 紧密 jǐn mì Adjective inseperable, close
  1180. 浸泡 jìn pào Verb to soak, to immerse
  1181. 紧迫 jǐn pò Adjective urgent, pressing
  1182. 金融 jīn róng Noun finance, banking
  1183. 晋升 jìn shēng Verb to promote (job)
  1184. 近视 jìn shì Adjective shortsighted
  1185. 劲头 jìn tóu Noun enthusiasm, vigor
  1186. 锦绣前程 jǐn xiù qián chéng Noun bright future
  1187. 进展 jìn zhǎn Noun progress
  1188. Verb to evolve, to make progress
  1189. 茎 jīng Noun stalk, stem
  1190. 井 jǐng Noun well
  1191. 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn Noun careful calculation and strict budgeting
  1192. 惊动 jīng dòng Verb to disturb, to alert, to alarm
  1193. 经费 jīng fèi Noun expenditure, regular expenses, funds
  1194. 警告 jǐng gào Verb to warn, to admonish
  1195. 精华 jīng huá Noun elite, essence
  1196. 精简 jīng jiǎn Verb to simplify
  1197. 境界 jìng jiè Noun boundary, realm
  1198. 兢兢业业 jīng jīng yè yè Adjective cautious and conscientious
  1199. 敬礼 jìng lǐ Noun salute
  1200. 精密 jīng mì Noun accuracy
  1201. Adjective exact, precise
  1202. 惊奇 jīng qí Verb to be amazed, to be surprised
  1203. 精确 jīng què Adjective accurate, precise
  1204. 竞赛 jìng sài Noun contest, competition
  1205. 经商 jīng shāng Verb to trade, to be in business
  1206. 警惕 jǐng tì Verb to be on the alert, to watch out for
  1207. 精通 jīng tōng Verb to be proficient
  1208. 镜头 jìng tóu Noun camera lens, shot, movie scene
  1209. 经纬 jīng wěi Noun warp and woof, main points, longitude and latitude
  1210. 精心 jīng xīn Adjective meticulous, fine, detailed
  1211. 竞选 jìng xuǎn Verb to run for office, to take part in election
  1212. 惊讶 jīng yà Noun stonishment, awe
  1213. Adjective surprised, amazed, astonished
  1214. 精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng Verb to keep improving sth. already outstanding
  1215. 精致 jīng zhì Adjective delicate, fine, exquisite
  1216. 颈椎 jǐng zhuī Noun cervical vertebra
  1217. 纠纷 jiū fēn Noun dispute, entanglement
  1218. 救济 jiù jì Verb to give relief to, to succor
  1219. 就近 jiù jìn Place nearby
  1220. 酒精 jiǔ jīng Noun alcohol, ethanol
  1221. 就业 jiù yè Verb to take up a job
  1222. 纠正 jiū zhèng Verb to correct, to put right
  1223. 就职 jiù zhí Verb to assume office, to take office
  1224. 剧本 jù běn Noun screenplay
  1225. 局部 jú bù Adverb in part, partial, local
  1226. 举动 jǔ dòng Noun action, activity, movement
  1227. 鞠躬 jū gōng Verb to bow
  1228. 聚精会神 jù jīng huì shén Verb to concentrate completely
  1229. 咀嚼 jǔ jué Verb to chew
  1230. 剧烈 jù liè Adjective acute, violent, severe
  1231. 拘留 jū liú Noun detention
  1232. Verb to detain, to arrest
  1233. 局面 jú miàn Noun situation, aspect
  1234. 沮丧 jǔ sàng Adjective dispirited, dejected, depressed
  1235. 局势 jú shì Noun situation
  1236. 举世闻名 jǔ shì wén míng Adjective world famous
  1237. 举世瞩目 jǔ shì zhǔ mù Verb to attract worldwide attention
  1238. 拘束 jū shù Adjective reticent, constrained, awkward
  1239. 据悉 jù xī Verb it is reported
  1240. 局限 jú xiàn Noun limit
  1241. Verb to limit, to confine
  1242. 居住 jū zhù Verb to reside, to live
  1243. 举足轻重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng Verb to play the decisive role
  1244. 决策 jué cè Noun (strategic) decision
  1245. Verb to make policy, to make a strategic decision
  1246. 绝望 jué wàng Noun desperation, hopelessness
  1247. Verb to despair, to lose courage
  1248. 觉悟 jué wù Noun conscousness, awareness
  1249. Verb to become aware of
  1250. 觉醒 jué xǐng Verb to awake, to come to realize
  1251. 军队 jūn duì Noun army
  1252. 卡通 kǎ tōng Noun cartoon
  1253. 开采 kāi cǎi Verb to exploit, to mine
  1254. 开除 kāi chú Verb to dismiss, to expel
  1255. 开阔 kāi kuò Verb to widen, to open up
  1256. Adjective wide, open
  1257. 开朗 kāi lǎng Adjective optimistic, easy-going
  1258. 开明 kāi míng Adjective enlightened, open-minded
  1259. 开辟 kāi pì Verb to open up, to start
  1260. 开水 kāi shuǐ Noun boiled water
  1261. 开拓 kāi tuò Verb to open up, to break new ground, to exploit
  1262. 开展 kāi zhǎn Verb to develop, to launch, to carry out
  1263. 开支 kāi zhī Noun expenses, expenditures
  1264. 看待 kàn dài Verb to look upon, to regard
  1265. 刊登 kān dēng Verb to publish (in a newspaper, magazine, etc.)
  1266. 勘探 kān tàn Noun exploration
  1267. Verb to prospect for
  1268. 看望 kàn wàng Verb to visit
  1269. 刊物 kān wù Noun publication
  1270. 扛 káng Verb to carry on the shoulder
  1271. 慷慨 kāng kǎi Adjective generous, liberal, fervent
  1272. 考察 kǎo chá Verb to inspect, to investigate
  1273. 考古 kǎo gǔ Noun archaeology
  1274. 考核 kǎo hé Verb to examine, to assess, to evaluate
  1275. 靠拢 kào lǒng Verb to draw close, to close up
  1276. 考验 kǎo yàn Noun test, trial
  1277. Verb to test, to try
  1278. 磕 kē Verb to knock
  1279. 刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn Verb to demand immediate action
  1280. 可观 kě guān Adjective considerable, impressive, respectable
  1281. 客户 kè hù Noun client, customer
  1282. 可口 kě kǒu Adjective tasty, delicious
  1283. 颗粒 kē lì Noun granule, kernel
  1284. 科目 kē mù Noun subject, course
  1285. 课题 kè tí Noun task, topic for study/discussion
  1286. 渴望 kě wàng Verb to thirst for, to long for
  1287. 可恶 kě wù Adjective hateful, repulsive
  1288. 可笑 kě xiào Adjective ridiculous, laughable
  1289. 可行 kě xíng Adjective feasable, practicable
  1290. 啃 kěn Verb to gnaw, to nibble, to bite
  1291. 恳切 kěn qiè Adjective earnest, sincere
  1292. 坑 kēng Noun pit, hole, tunnel
  1293. Verb to cheat, to entrap
  1294. 孔 kǒng Noun hole, aperture, opening
  1295. 空白 kòng bái Noun blank space, gap
  1296. 空洞 kōng dòng Noun cavity
  1297. Adjective empty, hollow
  1298. 恐吓 kǒng hè Verb to threaten, to frighten
  1299. 恐惧 kǒng jù Noun fear, dread, phobia
  1300. 空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu Adjective unmatched, unique
  1301. 空隙 kòng xì Noun gap, crack
  1302. 空想 kōng xiǎng Noun daydream, fantasy, phantasm
  1303. Verb to daydream, to build castles in the air
  1304. 空虚 kōng xū Noun emtiness
  1305. Adjective empty, hollow
  1306. 口气 kǒu qì Noun tone, manner (of saying something)
  1307. 口腔 kǒu qiāng Noun oral cavity
  1308. 口头 kǒu tóu Adjective verbal, spoken, oral
  1309. 口音 kǒu yīn Noun accent
  1310. 枯竭 kū jié Verb to dry up, to be exhausted (resources)
  1311. 苦尽甘来 kǔ jìn gān lái Saying bitterness finishes, sweetness begins
  1312. 枯燥 kū zào Adjective boring, dry, dull
  1313. 挎 kuà Verb to carry (on/over arm)
  1314. 跨 kuà Verb to step across, to stride over
  1315. 快活 kuài huo Adjective happy, cheerful
  1316. 宽敞 kuān chang Adjective spacious
  1317. 款待 kuǎn dài Verb to entertain hospitably, to treat hospitably
  1318. 款式 kuǎn shì Noun design, style, pattern
  1319. 筐 kuāng Noun basket
  1320. 框架 kuàng jià Noun frame, framework
  1321. 旷课 kuàng kè Verb to skip class
  1322. 况且 kuàng qiě Conjunction moreover, in addition
  1323. 亏待 kuī dài Verb to treat sbd. unfairly
  1324. 亏损 kuī sǔn Noun deficit, loss
  1325. Verb to lose, to make a loss
  1326. 捆绑 kǔn bǎng Verb to bind, to bind up
  1327. 昆虫 kūn chóng Noun insect
  1328. 扩充 kuò chōng Verb to expand, to enlarge
  1329. 扩散 kuò sàn Noun spread, diffusion
  1330. Verb to spread, to diffuse
  1331. 扩张 kuò zhāng Noun expansion
  1332. Verb to expand, to broaden
  1333. 啦 la Particle to end a sentence
  1334. 喇叭 lǎ ba Noun horn (car, etc.), loudspeaker, trumpet
  1335. 来历 lái lì Noun history, origin, source
  1336. 来源 lái yuán Noun source, origin
  1337. 懒惰 lǎn duò Adjective lazy, idle
  1338. 栏目 lán mù Noun column
  1339. 狼狈 láng bèi Verb to be in a difficult/embarrassing situation
  1340. 朗读 lǎng dú Verb to read aloud
  1341. 捞 lāo Verb to fish up, to dredge up
  1342. 唠叨 láo dao Verb to chatter, to prattle, to nag
  1343. 牢固 láo gù Adjective solid, firm, secure, strong
  1344. 牢骚 láo sāo Noun complaint, grievance
  1345. 乐趣 lè qù Noun joy, delight, pleasure
  1346. 乐意 lè yì Verb to be willing to, to be ready to
  1347. 雷达 léi dá Noun radar
  1348. 类似 lèi sì Adjective similar, analogous
  1349. 愣 lèng Verb to look distracted
  1350. Adjective distracted
  1351. Adverb rashly
  1352. 冷淡 lěng dàn Adjective indifferent, cold, unconcerned
  1353. 冷酷 lěng kù Adjective grim, hardhearted, callous
  1354. 冷却 lěng què Noun cooling
  1355. Verb to cool
  1356. 理睬 lǐ cǎi Verb to pay attention to, to show interest in
  1357. 立场 lì chǎng Noun position, standpoint, stand
  1358. 里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi Noun milestone
  1359. 历代 lì dài Time through the ages, successive generations
  1360. 利害 lì hài Noun pros and cons
  1361. 立交桥 lì jiāo qiáo Noun overpass, flyover
  1362. 礼节 lǐ jié Noun etiquette, manners
  1363. 历来 lì lái Adverb always, throughout the history
  1364. 利率 lì lǜ Noun interest rates
  1365. 黎明 lí míng Noun dawn, daybreak
  1366. 理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán Verb to go without saying
  1367. Adjective inevitable and right
  1368. 力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí Verb to be within one's power
  1369. 立体 lì tǐ Noun solid
  1370. Adjective 3D, stereoscopic
  1371. 力图 lì tú Verb to try hard to, to strive to
  1372. 例外 lì wài Noun exception
  1373. Verb to make an exception
  1374. Adjective exceptional
  1375. 力争 lì zhēng Verb to work hard for, to do all one can, to strive for, to argue strongly
  1376. 理智 lǐ zhì Noun reason, intellect
  1377. 理直气壮 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng Verb to be in the right and self-confident
  1378. 立足 lì zú Verb to have a footing, to base oneself on
  1379. 联欢 lián huān Verb to have a get-together
  1380. 廉洁 lián jié Noun integrity
  1381. Adjective honest, incorruptible
  1382. 联络 lián luò Noun communication, connection
  1383. Verb to contact, to get in touch with
  1384. 联盟 lián méng Noun alliance, union, coalition
  1385. 连年 lián nián Adverb for a series of years, over many years
  1386. 连锁 lián suǒ Noun chain
  1387. 连同 lián tóng Preposition together with, along with
  1388. 联想 lián xiǎng Noun association
  1389. Verb to associate with sth.
  1390. 晾 liàng Verb to dry in the air
  1391. 谅解 liàng jiě Verb understanding (sb.)
  1392. 良心 liáng xīn Noun conscience
  1393. 辽阔 liáo kuò Adjective vast, extensive
  1394. 列举 liè jǔ Noun list
  1395. Verb to list, to enumerate
  1396. 淋 lín Verb to sprinkle, to drench, to filter
  1397. 临床 lín chuáng Adjective clinical
  1398. 吝啬 lìn sè Adjective stingy, mean, miserly
  1399. 凌晨 líng chén Time early in the morning
  1400. 灵感 líng gǎn Noun inspiration, insight
  1401. 领会 lǐng huì Verb to understand, to grasp
  1402. 灵魂 líng hún Noun soul, spirit
  1403. 伶俐 líng lì Adjective clever, smart, witty
  1404. 灵敏 líng mǐn Adjective smart, sensitive, keen
  1405. 领事馆 lǐng shì guǎn Noun consulate
  1406. 领土 lǐng tǔ Noun territory
  1407. 领悟 lǐng wù Verb to understand, to comprehend
  1408. 领先 lǐng xiān Verb to lead, to be in front
  1409. 零星 líng xīng Adjective fragmentary, scattered, sporadic
  1410. 领袖 lǐng xiù Noun leader
  1411. 溜 liū Verb to skate, to escape in stealth, to sneak off
  1412. 流浪 liú làng Noun vagrant life
  1413. Verb to roam about, to wander, to be homeless
  1414. 留恋 liú liàn Verb to be reluctant to leave, to recall with nostalgia
  1415. 流露 liú lù Verb to express, to reveal (feelings)
  1416. 流氓 liú máng Noun hooligan, hoodlum, gangster
  1417. 留念 liú niàn Verb to keep as a souvenir
  1418. 留神 liú shén Verb to take care, to watch out
  1419. 流通 liú tōng Noun circulation
  1420. Verb to circulate, to flow
  1421. 垄断 lǒng duàn Noun monopoly
  1422. Verb to monopolize
  1423. 聋哑 lóng yǎ Adjective deaf and dumb
  1424. 笼罩 lǒng zhào Verb to envelop, to shroud
  1425. 隆重 lóng zhòng Adjective ceremonious, solemn, grand
  1426. 搂 lǒu Verb to hug, to embrace
  1427. 屡次 lǚ cì Adverb repeatedly
  1428. 履行 lǚ xíng Verb to carry out, to fulfill
  1429. 炉灶 lú zào Noun stove
  1430. 掠夺 lüè duó Verb to plunder, to rob
  1431. 略微 lüè wēi Adverb a little bit, slightly
  1432. 轮船 lún chuán Noun steamship
  1433. 轮廓 lún kuò Noun outline, contour, silhouette
  1434. 轮胎 lún tāi Noun tire
  1435. 论坛 lùn tán Noun forum (for discussion)
  1436. 论证 lùn zhèng Noun proof
  1437. Verb to prove a point, to expound on
  1438. 落成 luò chéng Noun completion of a building
  1439. Verb to complete (building)
  1440. 落实 luò shí Verb to carry out, to implement
  1441. Adjective practical, workable
  1442. 螺丝钉 luó sī dīng Noun screw
  1443. 啰唆 luō suo Verb to grumble
  1444. 络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué Adverb continuously; in an endless stream
  1445. 嘛 ma Particle expressing urging
  1446. 麻痹 má bì Noun paralysis
  1447. Adjective numb, lull
  1448. 麻木 má mù Adjective numb, insensitive
  1449. 码头 mǎ tóu Noun dock, pier, wharf
  1450. 麻醉 má zuì Noun anesthesia, narcosis
  1451. Verb to anesthetize
  1452. 迈 mài Noun mile
  1453. Verb to take a step, to stride
  1454. 脉搏 mài bó Noun pulse
  1455. 埋伏 mái fú Noun ambush
  1456. Verb to ambush, to lurk
  1457. 埋没 mái mò Noun oblivion
  1458. Verb to cover up (with earth, etc.), to bury
  1459. 埋葬 mái zàng Verb to bury
  1460. 漫长 màn cháng Adjective very long, endless
  1461. 漫画 màn huà Noun caricature, cartoon, manga
  1462. 慢性 màn xìng Adjective chronic
  1463. 蔓延 màn yán Verb to extend, to spread, to creep
  1464. 埋怨 mán yuàn Verb to complain, to grumble
  1465. 忙碌 máng lù Adjective busy
  1466. 茫茫 máng máng Adjective boundless, vast
  1467. 盲目 máng mù Adjective blind, aimless
  1468. 茫然 máng rán Adjective absent (mind), blank, puzzled
  1469. 冒充 mào chōng Verb to feign, to pretend to be
  1470. 茂盛 mào shèng Adjective luxuriant, exuberant, lush
  1471. 枚 méi Measure Word for medals, coins, rockets, etc.
  1472. 美观 měi guān Adjective pleasing to the eye, beautiful, artistic
  1473. 媒介 méi jiè Noun media, medium
  1474. 美满 měi mǎn Adjective happy, blissful
  1475. 美妙 měi miào Adjective great, wonderful, beautiful, splendid
  1476. 媒体 méi tǐ Noun media
  1477. 没辙 méi zhé Verb to not be able to do anything about it
  1478. 门诊 mén zhěn Noun outpatient service
  1479. 蒙 méng Verb to cover
  1480. 猛烈 měng liè Adjective fierce, violent
  1481. 梦想 mèng xiǎng Noun dream, wishful thinking
  1482. Verb to dream of
  1483. 萌芽 méng yá Noun sprout, germ, beginning (of sth.)
  1484. 眯 mī Verb to narrow one's eyes, to take a nap
  1485. 弥补 mí bǔ Verb to make up for, to compensate
  1486. 密度 mì dù Noun density
  1487. 密封 mì fēng Verb to seal up, to seal airtight
  1488. 迷惑 mí huò Verb to puzzle, to confuse
  1489. 弥漫 mí màn Verb to pervade, to fill the air with
  1490. 迷人 mí rén Adjective charming, fascinating
  1491. 迷失 mí shī Verb to lose the way, to get lost
  1492. 迷信 mí xìn Noun superstition
  1493. 免得 miǎn de Conjunction in order to avoid
  1494. 勉励 miǎn lì Verb to encourage
  1495. 面貌 miàn mào Noun face, appearance
  1496. 勉强 miǎn qiǎng Verb to do with difficulty, to force sbd. to do sth.
  1497. 免疫 miǎn yì Noun immunity
  1498. Adjective immune
  1499. 面子 miàn zi Noun face, prestige
  1500. 描绘 miáo huì Verb to describe, to protray
  1501. 渺小 miǎo xiǎo Adjective tiny, insignificant
  1502. 蔑视 miè shì Noun contempt
  1503. Verb to loath, to despise
  1504. 灭亡 miè wáng Verb to be destroyed, to become extinct, to perish
  1505. 敏感 mǐn gǎn Adjective sensitive, susceptible
  1506. 民间 mín jiān Adjective popular, among the people
  1507. 敏捷 mǐn jié Adjective quick, nimble, agile
  1508. 敏锐 mǐn ruì Adjective keen, sharp, acute
  1509. 民用 mín yòng Adjective for civilian use
  1510. 名次 míng cì Noun place in a competition, position in a ranking of names
  1511. 名额 míng é Noun quota of people
  1512. 名副其实 míng fù qí shí Verb to be worthy of the name
  1513. 明明 míng míng Adverb obviously, undoubtedly
  1514. 命名 mìng míng Verb to give a name to
  1515. 名誉 míng yù Noun reputation, honor, fame
  1516. 膜 mó Noun membrane, film
  1517. 摩擦 mó cā Noun friction, rubbing
  1518. Verb to rub against
  1519. 模范 mó fàn Noun model, fine example
  1520. 魔鬼 mó guǐ Noun devil
  1521. 磨合 mó hé Verb to get familiar with
  1522. 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào Verb unable to make head or tail of it
  1523. 默默 mò mò Adverb silently, quietly
  1524. 抹杀 mǒ shā Verb to erase, to deny, to write off
  1525. 模式 mó shì Noun mode, pattern
  1526. 魔术 mó shù Noun magic
  1527. 墨水儿 mò shuǐ r Noun ink
  1528. 摸索 mō suǒ Verb to fumble, to feel about
  1529. 模型 mó xíng Noun model, mould, matrix, pattern
  1530. 谋求 móu qiú Verb to seek, to strive for
  1531. 目睹 mù dǔ Verb to withness, to see with own eyes
  1532. 目光 mù guāng Noun sight, view, vision
  1533. 模样 mú yàng Noun look, style, appearance
  1534. 母语 mǔ yǔ Noun native language
  1535. 沐浴 mù yù Verb to take a bath
  1536. 纳闷儿 nà mèn r Verb to feel puzzled, to wonder
  1537. 拿手 ná shǒu Verb to be good at
  1538. 耐用 nài yòng Adjective durable
  1539. 难得 nán dé Adjective rare
  1540. 难堪 nán kān Adjective embarrassed, embarrassing, humiliating
  1541. 难免 nán miǎn Adjective hard to avoid, unavoidable
  1542. 难能可贵 nán néng kě guì Adjective commendable, estimable
  1543. 恼火 nǎo huǒ Verb to get angry, to be annoyed
  1544. 内涵 nèi hán Noun intention, meaning
  1545. 内幕 nèi mù Noun inside story
  1546. Place behind the scenes
  1547. 内在 nèi zài Adjective inherent, intrinsic
  1548. 能量 néng liàng Noun energy, capacity, ability
  1549. 嗯 ńg Interjunction expressing astonishment ("what", "huh", etc.)
  1550. 拟定 nǐ dìng Verb to draw up, to formulate
  1551. 年度 nián dù Noun year
  1552. 捏 niē Verb to pinch, to knead
  1553. 拧 níng Verb to twist, to wring, to pinch
  1554. 凝固 níng gù Verb to solidify, to congeal
  1555. 凝聚 níng jù Verb to condense, to coagulate
  1556. 宁肯 nìng kěn Conjunction would rather, would prefer
  1557. 凝视 níng shì Verb to gaze, to stare
  1558. 宁愿 nìng yuàn Conjunction would rather, prefer to
  1559. 纽扣儿 niǔ kòu r Noun button
  1560. 扭转 niǔ zhuǎn Verb to reverse, to turn round
  1561. 浓厚 nóng hòu Adjective dense, thick, strong (interest), deep
  1562. 农历 nóng lì Noun traditional Chinese calendar, lunar calendar
  1563. 奴隶 nú lì Noun slave
  1564. 虐待 nüè dài Noun mistreatment
  1565. Verb to mistreat, to abuse
  1566. 挪 nuó Verb to move, to shift
  1567. 哦 ò Interjunction oh
  1568. 殴打 ōu dǎ Verb to beat up, to hit
  1569. 呕吐 ǒu tù Verb to vomit, to throw up
  1570. 欧洲 Ōu zhōu Noun Europe
  1571. 趴 pā Verb to lie on the stomach
  1572. 派别 pài bié Noun faction, group, school of thought
  1573. 排斥 pái chì Verb to reject, to exclude, to repel
  1574. 排除 pái chú Verb to eliminate, to remove, to get rid of
  1575. 排放 pái fàng Noun emission
  1576. Verb to discharge, to void
  1577. 徘徊 pái huái Verb to move around, to fluctuate, to hesitate
  1578. 派遣 pài qiǎn Verb to send, to dispatch
  1579. 畔 pàn Noun bank, side, field-path
  1580. 攀登 pān dēng Verb to climb, to clamber, to pull oneself up
  1581. 判决 pàn jué Noun judgment, adjudication
  1582. Verb to judge, to sentence
  1583. 盘旋 pán xuán Verb to spiral, to circle, to hover
  1584. 庞大 páng dà Adjective huge, enormous
  1585. 泡沫 pào mò Noun foam, bubble
  1586. 抛弃 pāo qì Verb to discard, to abandon
  1587. 配备 pèi bèi Noun equipment
  1588. Verb to equip, to allocate
  1589. 配偶 pèi ǒu Noun spouse, partner
  1590. 配套 pèi tào Verb to form a complete set
  1591. 培训 péi xùn Noun training
  1592. Verb to train, to cultivate
  1593. 培育 péi yù Noun culture
  1594. Verb to cultivate, to breed, to foster
  1595. 盆地 pén dì Noun basin (geography), bowl, pan
  1596. 捧 pěng Verb to hold up with both hands, to flatter
  1597. 烹饪 pēng rèn Noun cooking, culinary arts
  1598. Verb to cook
  1599. 劈 pī Verb to hack, to chop, to cleave
  1600. 疲惫 pí bèi Adjective exhausted, tired
  1601. 批发 pī fā Noun wholesale
  1602. Verb to wholesale
  1603. 皮革 pí gé Noun leather
  1604. 屁股 pì gu Noun buttocks, buttom
  1605. 疲倦 pí juàn Noun fatigue
  1606. Adjective tired, sleepy
  1607. 批判 pī pàn Verb to criticize
  1608. 譬如 pì rú Adverb for example, for instance
  1609. 偏差 piān chā Noun deviation, error
  1610. 片段 piàn duàn Noun fragment, extract, episode
  1611. 偏见 piān jiàn Noun prejudice
  1612. 片刻 piàn kè Noun moment, short period of time
  1613. 偏僻 piān pì Adjective remote, out-of-the-way
  1614. 偏偏 piān piān Adverb contrary to expectations, against one's wish
  1615. 漂浮 piāo fú Verb to float, to drift
  1616. Adjective superficial, showy
  1617. 飘扬 piāo yáng Verb to wave, to flutter, to fly
  1618. 拼搏 pīn bó Verb to work as hard as possible
  1619. 品尝 pǐn cháng Noun sample
  1620. Verb to sample, to taste
  1621. 品德 pǐn dé Noun moral character
  1622. 贫乏 pín fá Adjective poor, lacking, insufficient
  1623. 频繁 pín fán Adverb frequently, often
  1624. 贫困 pín kùn Noun poverty
  1625. Adjective poor
  1626. 频率 pín lǜ Noun frequency
  1627. 拼命 pīn mìng Adjective with all one has, at all costs
  1628. 品行 pǐn xíng Noun behaviour, moral conduct
  1629. 品质 pǐn zhì Noun quality
  1630. 平凡 píng fán Adjective common, ordinary
  1631. 评估 píng gū Noun evaluation, assessment
  1632. Verb to evaluate, to assess
  1633. 评论 píng lùn Noun commentary, review
  1634. Verb to comment on, to discuss
  1635. 平面 píng miàn Noun plane, flat surface, plane surface
  1636. 平坦 píng tǎn Adjective flat, level, even
  1637. 平行 píng xíng Adjective parallel, simultaneous, at the same level
  1638. 平原 píng yuán Noun plain, field
  1639. 屏障 píng zhàng Noun protective screen, barrier, shield
  1640. 坡 pō Noun slope
  1641. 泼 pō Verb to splash, to spill
  1642. 颇 pō Adverb very, pretty
  1643. 迫不及待 pò bù jí dài Verb to be too impatient to wait, to brook no delay
  1644. 迫害 pò hài Noun persecution
  1645. Verb to persecute
  1646. 破例 pò lì Verb to make an exception
  1647. 魄力 pò lì Noun courage, daring, boldness
  1648. 扑 pū Verb to throw oneself on, to pounce
  1649. 铺 pū Verb to spread, to extend, to pave, to lay
  1650. 瀑布 pù bù Noun waterfall
  1651. 普及 pǔ jí Verb to popularize
  1652. Adjective popular, universally available
  1653. 朴实 pǔ shí Adjective plain, simple
  1654. 器材 qì cái Noun equipment, material
  1655. 起草 qǐ cǎo Noun draft
  1656. Verb to draft, to draw up
  1657. 启程 qǐ chéng Verb to set out on a journey
  1658. 起初 qǐ chū Adverb originally, at first
  1659. 欺负 qī fu Verb to bully, to intimidate
  1660. 起伏 qǐ fú Verb to undulate, to move up and down
  1661. 乞丐 qǐ gài Noun beggar
  1662. 气概 qì gài Noun mettle, spirit, lofty quality
  1663. 气功 qì gōng Noun qigong
  1664. 器官 qì guān Noun organ, apparatus
  1665. 起哄 qǐ hòng Verb to create a disturbance
  1666. 迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ Adverb so far, up to now
  1667. 凄凉 qī liáng Adjective desolate, dreary, lonely
  1668. 起码 qǐ mǎ Adverb at the minimum, at least
  1669. 奇妙 qí miào Adjective wonderful, fantastic
  1670. 旗袍 qí páo Noun Chinese dress
  1671. 欺骗 qī piàn Verb to deceive, to cheat
  1672. 气魄 qì pò Noun daring, boldness, verve
  1673. 齐全 qí quán Adjective complete
  1674. 气色 qì sè Noun complexion, colour
  1675. 歧视 qí shì Noun discrimination
  1676. Verb to discriminate against
  1677. 启示 qǐ shì Noun enlightenment, announcement, apocalypse
  1678. 启事 qǐ shì Noun announcement, notice
  1679. 气势 qì shì Noun momentum, vigor, imposing manner
  1680. 期望 qī wàng Noun hope, expectation
  1681. Verb to hope, to expect
  1682. 气味 qì wèi Noun odor, scent
  1683. 期限 qī xiàn Noun deadline, time limit
  1684. 气象 qì xiàng Noun meteorology
  1685. 齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì Verb to work as one, to make concerted efforts
  1686. 气压 qì yā Noun atmospheric pressure
  1687. 起义 qǐ yì Noun uprising, insurrection, revolt
  1688. Verb to revolt, to uprise, to rebel
  1689. 岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ Adjective outragious, preposterous
  1690. Saying This is not true, is it?
  1691. 起源 qǐ yuán Noun origin, source
  1692. Verb to originate, to come from
  1693. 旗帜 qí zhì Noun flag, banner
  1694. 掐 qiā Verb to pick, to pinch, to clutch
  1695. 恰当 qià dàng Adjective suitable, appropriate, proper
  1696. 恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù Adjective just right
  1697. 恰巧 qià qiǎo Adverb fortunately, by chance
  1698. 洽谈 qià tán Verb to talk over with, to negotiate with
  1699. 牵扯 qiān chě Verb to implicate, to involve
  1700. 签订 qiān dìng Verb to conclude and sign
  1701. 千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì Verb to try every possible way
  1702. 前景 qián jǐng Noun prospect, perspective, foreground
  1703. 迁就 qiān jiù Verb to accommodate to, to yield, to meet halfway
  1704. 潜力 qián lì Noun potential, capacity
  1705. 签署 qiān shǔ Verb to sign
  1706. 潜水 qián shuǐ Noun diving
  1707. Verb to dive, to go under water
  1708. 前提 qián tí Noun precondition, prerequisite
  1709. 迁徙 qiān xǐ Verb to move, to migrate
  1710. 谦逊 qiān xùn Noun modesty, humility
  1711. Adjective modest, humble
  1712. 潜移默化 qián yí mò huà Verb to influence secretly
  1713. 谴责 qiǎn zé Noun condemnation
  1714. Verb to denounce, to condemn, to criticize
  1715. 牵制 qiān zhì Verb to curb, to pin down, to control
  1716. 抢劫 qiǎng jié Noun robbery, plunderage
  1717. Verb to rob, to plunder
  1718. 抢救 qiǎng jiù Verb to rescue, to save
  1719. 强迫 qiǎng pò Verb to compel, to force
  1720. 强制 qiáng zhì Noun enforcement
  1721. Verb to enforce, to compel
  1722. 翘 qiào Verb to raise, to hold up
  1723. Adjective outstanding
  1724. 桥梁 qiáo liáng Noun bridge
  1725. 锲而不舍 qiè ér bù shě Verb to keep on working with perseverance
  1726. 切实 qiè shí Adjective feasible, realistic, practical
  1727. 侵犯 qīn fàn Verb to infringe on, to violate (law, rule, etc.)
  1728. 勤俭 qín jiǎn Adjective hardworking and frugal
  1729. 勤恳 qín kěn Adjective diligent, attentive, sincere
  1730. 钦佩 qīn pèi Verb to admire, to look up to
  1731. 亲热 qīn rè Adjective intimate, loving, affectionate
  1732. 亲身 qīn shēn Adjective personal, firsthand
  1733. Adverb personally
  1734. 氢 qīng Noun hydrogen
  1735. 情报 qíng bào Noun information, intelligence
  1736. 清澈 qīng chè Adjective clear, limpid
  1737. 清晨 qīng chén Time early morning
  1738. 清除 qīng chú Verb to clear away, to eliminate, to get rid of
  1739. 轻而易举 qīng ér yì jǔ Adjective easy, with ease
  1740. 请柬 qǐng jiǎn Noun invitation card
  1741. 请教 qǐng jiào Verb to consult, seek advice
  1742. 清洁 qīng jié Adjective clean, unpolluted
  1743. 情节 qíng jié Noun story, plot, circumstances
  1744. 晴朗 qíng lǎng Noun sunny, cloudless
  1745. 清理 qīng lǐ Verb to clean up, to put in order, to check up
  1746. 情理 qíng lǐ Noun reason, sense
  1747. 请示 qǐng shì Verb to ask for instructions
  1748. 请帖 qǐng tiě Noun invitation card
  1749. 倾听 qīng tīng Verb to listen attentively, to give an ear to
  1750. 清晰 qīng xī Adjective clear, distinct
  1751. 倾向 qīng xiàng Noun trend, tendency
  1752. Verb to tend to, to be inclined to
  1753. 倾斜 qīng xié Verb to incline, to lean, to slant
  1754. 清醒 qīng xǐng Adjective clear-headed, sober, awake
  1755. 情形 qíng xíng Noun circumstances, situation
  1756. 清真 qīng zhēn Adjective Muslim, halal (food)
  1757. 丘陵 qiū líng Noun hill
  1758. 渠道 qú dào Noun medium of communication, channel, ditch
  1759. 取缔 qǔ dì Verb to ban, to prohibit
  1760. 区分 qū fēn Verb to distinguish, to differentiate between
  1761. 屈服 qū fú Verb to submit, to surrender, to yield
  1762. 趣味 qù wèi Noun interest, delight, fun, taste
  1763. 区域 qū yù Noun area, region, district
  1764. 曲折 qū zhé Noun complications, winding
  1765. Adjective complicated, winding, zigzag
  1766. 驱逐 qū zhú Verb to expel, to banish
  1767. 曲子 qǔ zi Noun tune, melody, music
  1768. 犬 quǎn Noun dog
  1769. 权衡 quán héng Verb to weigh, to balance, to consider
  1770. 全局 quán jú Noun general situation
  1771. 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù Verb make an all-out effort, to go all out
  1772. 圈套 quān tào Noun trap, snare
  1773. 拳头 quán tou Noun fist
  1774. 权威 quán wēi Noun authority
  1775. Adjective authoritative
  1776. 权益 quán yì Noun rights and interest
  1777. 瘸 qué Verb to be lame, to limp
  1778. 确保 què bǎo Verb to assure, to guarantee
  1779. 缺口 quē kǒu Noun nick, jag, gap
  1780. 确立 què lì Verb to establish
  1781. 确切 què qiè Adjective exact, definite
  1782. 缺席 quē xí Noun absence
  1783. Adjective absent
  1784. 缺陷 quē xiàn Noun defect, flaw
  1785. 确信 què xìn Verb to be sure, to be certain of
  1786. 群众 qún zhòng Noun the masses (people)
  1787. 染 rǎn Verb to dye
  1788. 让步 ràng bù Noun concession
  1789. Verb to concede, to give in
  1790. 扰乱 rǎo luàn Verb to disturb
  1791. 饶恕 ráo shù Verb to forgive, to spare
  1792. 惹祸 rě huò Verb to stir up trouble
  1793. 热泪盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng Verb having one's eyes brimming with tears
  1794. 热门 rè mén Adjective popular, in vogue
  1795. 仁慈 rén cí Noun benevolence, charity
  1796. Adjective benevolent, charitable
  1797. 人道 rén dào Noun humanity, human sympathy
  1798. 认定 rèn dìng Verb to believe firmly
  1799. 人格 rén gé Noun personality, integrity
  1800. 人工 rén gōng Adjective artificial, man-made
  1801. 人家 rén jia Noun houshold, family
  1802. Pronoun others, people, him/her, I
  1803. 人间 rén jiān Noun this world
  1804. 认可 rèn kě Noun approval, acknowledgement
  1805. Verb to approve, to accept
  1806. 任命 rèn mìng Verb to appoint, to nominate
  1807. 忍耐 rěn nài Verb to exercise patience, to restrain oneself
  1808. 人士 rén shì Noun person, public figure
  1809. 忍受 rěn shòu Verb to bear, to endure
  1810. 人为 rén wéi Adjective artificial
  1811. 人性 rén xìng Noun human nature, humanity
  1812. 任性 rèn xìng Adjective willful, headstrong, capricious
  1813. 任意 rèn yì Adverb arbitrary, at will, at random
  1814. 人质 rén zhì Noun hostage
  1815. 任重道远 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn Verb the burden is heavy and the road is long
  1816. 仍旧 réng jiù Adverb still, yet
  1817. 日新月异 rì xīn yuè yì Verb to change with each passing day
  1818. 日益 rì yì Adverb more and more each day, increasingly
  1819. 溶解 róng jiě Noun solution, dissolution
  1820. Verb to dissolve, to melt
  1821. 容貌 róng mào Noun appearance, looks
  1822. 容纳 róng nà Verb to contain, to have the capacity of, to hold
  1823. 容器 róng qì Noun container, vessel
  1824. 融洽 róng qià Adjective harmonious
  1825. 容忍 róng rěn Verb to tolerate, to put up with
  1826. 揉 róu Verb to knead, to massage, to rub
  1827. 柔和 róu hé Adjective soft, mild, gentle
  1828. 弱点 ruò diǎn Noun weakness, weak point
  1829. 若干 ruò gān Pronoun some, a few
  1830. Number a certain number
  1831. 撒谎 sā huǎng Verb to tell lies
  1832. 腮 sāi Noun cheek
  1833. 散布 sàn bù Verb to scatter, to sow, to spread
  1834. 散发 sàn fā Noun emission, distribution
  1835. Verb to emit, to distribute
  1836. 三角 sān jiǎo Noun triangle
  1837. 散文 sǎn wén Noun prose, essay
  1838. 丧失 sàng shī Verb to lose, to forfeit
  1839. 嫂子 sǎo zi Noun wife of older brother
  1840. 色彩 sè cǎi Noun colour, colouring, tint
  1841. 啥 shá Pronoun what
  1842. 刹车 shā chē Noun brake
  1843. Verb to brake (car)
  1844. 筛选 shāi xuǎn Noun Screening
  1845. Verb to sieve out, to filter
  1846. 擅长 shàn cháng Verb to be good at
  1847. 山脉 shān mài Noun mountain range
  1848. 闪烁 shǎn shuò Verb to twinkle, to glimmer, to flicker
  1849. 擅自 shàn zì Adverb without permission, on one's own initiative
  1850. 商标 shāng biāo Noun trademark, logo
  1851. 上级 shàng jí Noun higher authorities, superiors
  1852. 上进心 shàng jìn xīn Noun desire to do better
  1853. 伤脑筋 shāng nǎo jīn Adjective troublesome, knotty
  1854. 上任 shàng rèn Verb to take office
  1855. 上瘾 shàng yǐn Noun addiction
  1856. Verb to be addicted to, to get into a habit
  1857. 上游 shàng yóu Place upper reaches; advanced position
  1858. 梢 shāo Noun tip of a branch
  1859. 捎 shāo Verb to pass on, to bring sth. to sb.
  1860. 哨 shào Noun whistle, sentry
  1861. 奢侈 shē chǐ Adjective luxurious, extravagant
  1862. 涉及 shè jí Verb involve, concern
  1863. 设立 shè lì Verb to set up, to establish
  1864. 社区 shè qū Noun community
  1865. 摄取 shè qǔ Verb to absorb, to take a photo
  1866. 摄氏度 shè shì dù Noun degree centigrade
  1867. 设想 shè xiǎng Verb to imagine, to assume
  1868. 设置 shè zhì Verb to install, to set up
  1869. 深奥 shēn ào Adjective deep, abstruse, profound
  1870. 申报 shēn bào Noun declaration
  1871. Verb to declare, to report, to register
  1872. 审查 shěn chá Noun censorship, investigation
  1873. Verb to censor, to inspect, to examine
  1874. 深沉 shēn chén Adjective deep, dull, heavy
  1875. 审理 shěn lǐ Verb to try (law), to hear (a case)
  1876. 审美 shěn měi Noun taste, appreciation of the beauty
  1877. Adjective esthetic
  1878. 审判 shěn pàn Noun trial
  1879. Verb put (sb) on trial
  1880. 神气 shén qì Noun (facial) expression
  1881. Adjective spirited, cocky
  1882. 神奇 shén qí Adjective miraculous, mystical
  1883. 神情 shén qíng Noun look, expression, mien
  1884. 深情厚谊 shēn qíng hòu yì Noun profound friendship
  1885. 神色 shén sè Noun expression, look
  1886. 神圣 shén shèng Adjective holy, sacred
  1887. 绅士 shēn shì Noun gentleman
  1888. 神态 shén tài Noun expression, manner
  1889. 渗透 shèn tòu Noun osmosis, infiltration
  1890. Verb to permeate, to infiltrate
  1891. 神仙 shén xiān Noun supernatural being, fairy, elf
  1892. Adjective immortal
  1893. 呻吟 shēn yín Verb to moan, to groan
  1894. 慎重 shèn zhòng Adjective cautious, careful, prudent
  1895. 盛产 shèng chǎn Verb to abound, to teem with
  1896. 牲畜 shēng chù Noun livestock, domesticated animals
  1897. 生存 shēng cún Noun existence
  1898. Verb to exist, to survive
  1899. 胜负 shèng fù Noun victory or defeat
  1900. 省会 shěng huì Noun provincial capital
  1901. 生机 shēng jī Noun chance of survival, vitality
  1902. 盛开 shèng kāi Verb to bloom
  1903. 生理 shēng lǐ Noun physiology
  1904. 声明 shēng míng Noun statement, declaration
  1905. Verb to state, to declare
  1906. 盛情 shèng qíng Noun magnificent hospitality, great kindness
  1907. 声势 shēng shì Noun momentum
  1908. 生疏 shēng shū Adjective strange, unfamiliar, out of practice
  1909. 生态 shēng tài Noun ecology
  1910. 生物 shēng wù Noun organism, living thing
  1911. 生效 shēng xiào Verb to take effect, to come into effect
  1912. 盛行 shèng xíng Verb to prevail, to be in vogue
  1913. 生锈 shēng xiù Noun corrosion
  1914. Verb to rust, to corrode
  1915. 生育 shēng yù Verb to bear, to give birth to, procreate
  1916. 声誉 shēng yù Noun reputation, fame
  1917. 拾 shí Verb to pick up
  1918. Number 10 (in banks)
  1919. 势必 shì bì Adverb certainly will, is bound to
  1920. 识别 shí bié Verb to identify, to distinguish
  1921. 时差 shí chā Noun time difference
  1922. 时常 shí cháng Adverb often, frequently
  1923. 世代 shì dài Noun generation, era
  1924. 时而 shí ér Adverb occasionally, from time to time
  1925. 师范 shī fàn Noun teacher training
  1926. Adjective pedagogical
  1927. 示范 shì fàn Noun demonstration
  1928. Verb to demonstrate, to show how to do sth.
  1929. 释放 shì fàng Verb to release, to set free
  1930. 是非 shì fēi Noun quarrel, dispute
  1931. Adjective right or wrong
  1932. 事故 shì gù Noun accident
  1933. 时光 shí guāng Time time, days
  1934. 实惠 shí huì Noun tangible benefit, material advantage
  1935. Adjective advantageous
  1936. 时机 shí jī Noun moment of opportunity, fortunate timing
  1937. 事迹 shì jì Noun deed, achievement
  1938. 施加 shī jiā Verb to exert (pressure)
  1939. 事件 shì jiàn Noun event, happening, incident
  1940. 世界观 shì jiè guān Noun worldview
  1941. 实力 shí lì Noun strength
  1942. 视力 shì lì Noun eyesight
  1943. 势力 shì li Noun force, power, influence
  1944. 使命 shǐ mìng Noun mission, task
  1945. 实施 shí shī Verb to carry out, to enforce, to implement
  1946. 时事 shí shì Noun current affairs, present situation
  1947. 逝世 shì shì Verb to pass away, to die
  1948. 实事求是 shí shì qiú shì Verb to be practical and realistic
  1949. 事态 shì tài Noun situation, state of affairs
  1950. 尸体 shī tǐ Noun dead body, cadaver
  1951. 试图 shì tú Verb to attempt, to try
  1952. 示威 shì wēi Noun demonstration
  1953. Verb to demonstrate against
  1954. 失误 shī wù Noun lapse, mistake, fault
  1955. 事务 shì wù Noun work, routine, affair
  1956. 视线 shì xiàn Noun line of sight
  1957. 事项 shì xiàng Noun matter, item
  1958. 试验 shì yàn Noun experiment
  1959. Verb to test, to experiment
  1960. 视野 shì yě Noun field of vision
  1961. 事业 shì yè Noun undertaking, career
  1962. 适宜 shì yí Adjective suitable, appropriate
  1963. 示意 shì yì Noun hint, sign, signal
  1964. Verb to hint, to signify
  1965. 石油 shí yóu Noun oil, petroleum
  1966. 施展 shī zhǎn Verb to give full play, to put to good use
  1967. 实质 shí zhì Noun essence, substance
  1968. 时装 shí zhuāng Noun fashionable dress, latest fashion
  1969. 失踪 shī zōng Verb to disappear, to be missing
  1970. 十足 shí zú Adjective complete, hundred percent, full of
  1971. 收藏 shōu cáng Verb to collect, to store up
  1972. 手法 shǒu fǎ Noun technique, trick, skill
  1973. 守护 shǒu hù Verb to guard, to protect
  1974. 手势 shǒu shì Noun gesture, sign, signal
  1975. 收缩 shōu suō Verb to shrink, to contract
  1976. 首要 shǒu yào Adjective most important, chief, principal
  1977. 收益 shōu yì Noun profit, income
  1978. 手艺 shǒu yì Noun craftsmanship, handicraft
  1979. 收音机 shōu yīn jī Noun radio
  1980. 授予 shòu yǔ Verb to award, to confer, to grant
  1981. 受罪 shòu zuì Verb to endure, to suffer, to have a hard time
  1982. 数 shǔ Verb to count
  1983. 竖 shù Verb to erect, to stand
  1984. Adjective vertical
  1985. 束 shù Noun bundle, cluster
  1986. Verb to bind, to tie
  1987. Measure Word for a bundle of
  1988. 舒畅 shū chàng Adjective happy, entirely free from worry
  1989. 数额 shù é Noun amount
  1990. 书法 shū fǎ Noun calligraphy
  1991. 束缚 shù fù Noun constraint, shackles
  1992. Verb to restrict, to bind, to tie down
  1993. 疏忽 shū hu Noun negligence, carelessness
  1994. Verb to neglect, to omit
  1995. 书籍 shū jí Noun books, works, literature
  1996. 书记 shū jì Noun secretary
  1997. 树立 shù lì Verb to set up, to establish
  1998. 书面 shū miàn Adjective written, in written form
  1999. 数目 shù mù Noun number, amount, quantity
  2000. 耍 shuǎ Verb to play with
  2001. 衰老 shuāi lǎo Verb to age, to grow old
  2002. Adjective old and weak
  2003. 率领 shuài lǐng Verb to lead, to command
  2004. 衰退 shuāi tuì Noun recession, decline
  2005. Verb to decline, to fall
  2006. 涮火锅 shuàn huǒ guō Verb to eat Hot Pot
  2007. 双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi Noun twins
  2008. 爽快 shuǎng kuài Adjective refreshed, rejuvenated, frank, outright
  2009. 水利 shuǐ lì Noun water conservancy, irrigation works
  2010. 水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu Noun faucet, tap
  2011. 水泥 shuǐ ní Noun cement
  2012. 司法 sī fǎ Noun judicature, justice
  2013. 司令 sī lìng Noun commander, commanding officer
  2014. 思念 sī niàn Verb to miss, to think of, to long for
  2015. 思索 sī suǒ Verb to think deeply, to ponder
  2016. 死亡 sǐ wáng Noun death
  2017. Verb to die
  2018. 思维 sī wéi Noun thought, thinking
  2019. 斯文 sī wen Adjective refined, educated, gentle
  2020. 肆无忌惮 sì wú jì dàn Adjective unrestrained, without the slightest scruple
  2021. 思绪 sī xù Noun train of thought, thinking, feeling
  2022. 饲养 sì yǎng Verb to raise, to rear
  2023. 四肢 sì zhī Noun arms and legs, four limbs
  2024. 私自 sī zì Adverb without approval, secretly, privately
  2025. 耸 sǒng Verb to shrug, to startle
  2026. 艘 sōu Measure Word for ships, boats
  2027. 搜索 sōu suǒ Verb to search, to look for sth.
  2028. 俗话 sú huà Noun proverb, saying
  2029. 素食主义 sù shí zhǔ yì Noun vegetarianism
  2030. 诉讼 sù sòng Noun lawsuit, litigation
  2031. 苏醒 sū xǐng Verb to wake up, to regain consciousness
  2032. 塑造 sù zào Verb to shape, to mould
  2033. 素质 sù zhì Noun quality, basic essence
  2034. 算了 suàn le Saying forget it!
  2035. 算数 suàn shù Verb to count, to hold, to keep one's word, to be valid
  2036. 隧道 suì dào Noun tunnel
  2037. 随即 suí jí Adverb immediately, right afterwards
  2038. 随身 suí shēn Verb to take with one
  2039. 随手 suí shǒu Adverb conveniently, without extra trouble
  2040. 随意 suí yì Adverb as one wishes, voluntary, random
  2041. 岁月 suì yuè Noun years
  2042. 损坏 sǔn huài Verb to damage, to break, to spoil
  2043. 索赔 suǒ péi Verb to claim damages
  2044. 索性 suǒ xìng Adverb might as well, simply
  2045. 塌 tā Verb to collapse, to fall down, to cave in
  2046. 踏实 tā shi Adjective down-to-earth, anxiety-free
  2047. 泰斗 tài dǒu Noun leading authority, magnate
  2048. 台风 tái fēng Noun hurricane, typhoon
  2049. 太空 tài kōng Noun outer space
  2050. 坦白 tǎn bái Noun confession
  2051. Verb to confess, to admit
  2052. Adjective frank, candid
  2053. 探测 tàn cè Noun sounding, eploration
  2054. Verb to explore, to sound, to probe
  2055. 瘫痪 tān huàn Noun paralysis
  2056. 贪婪 tān lán Noun greed
  2057. Adjective greedy, avid, grasping
  2058. 叹气 tàn qì Noun sigh
  2059. Verb to sigh
  2060. 摊儿 tān r Noun street vendor, stall, stand
  2061. 探索 tàn suǒ Verb to explore, to probe
  2062. 探讨 tàn tǎo Verb to investigate, to discuss, to probe into
  2063. 探望 tàn wàng Verb to visit
  2064. 贪污 tān wū Noun corruption
  2065. Adjective corrupt
  2066. 弹性 tán xìng Noun elasticity
  2067. 糖葫芦 táng hú lu Noun sugarcoated haws on a stick
  2068. 倘若 tǎng ruò Conjunction if, in case
  2069. 掏 tāo Verb to take out, to fish out
  2070. 陶瓷 táo cí Noun ceramics, porcelain
  2071. 讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià Verb to bargain
  2072. 淘气 táo qì Noun naughty
  2073. 淘汰 táo tài Verb to eliminate through selection, to wash
  2074. 滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué Verb talking non-stop
  2075. 特长 tè cháng Noun personal strength, speciality
  2076. 特定 tè dìng Adjective special, specific, particular
  2077. 特色 tè sè Noun distinguishing feature
  2078. Adjective characteristic
  2079. 提拔 tí bá Verb to select for promotion
  2080. 题材 tí cái Noun subject matter, theme
  2081. 提炼 tí liàn Verb to extract, to refine
  2082. 体谅 tǐ liàng Verb to empathize, to show understanding
  2083. 体面 tǐ miàn Noun dignity, face
  2084. Adjective honourable
  2085. 提示 tí shì Verb to prompt, to point out
  2086. 体系 tǐ xì Noun system, setup
  2087. 提议 tí yì Noun proposal, suggestion
  2088. Verb to propose, to suggest
  2089. 舔 tiǎn Verb to lick
  2090. 天才 tiān cái Noun talent, gift
  2091. Adjective talented, gifted
  2092. 田径 tián jìng Noun track and field, athletics
  2093. 天伦之乐 tiān lún zhī lè Noun family happiness
  2094. 天然气 tiān rán qì Noun natural gas
  2095. 天生 tiān shēng Adjective innate, natural
  2096. 天堂 tiān táng Noun paradise, heaven
  2097. 天文 tiān wén Noun astronomy
  2098. 挑拨 tiǎo bō Verb to instigate, to stir up trouble, to provoke
  2099. 调和 tiáo hé Noun reconciliation
  2100. Verb to harmonize, to mediate
  2101. 调剂 tiáo jì Verb to adjust, to regulate, to fill a prescription
  2102. 调节 tiáo jié Verb to adjust, to regulate, to reconcile
  2103. 调解 tiáo jiě Verb to mediate, to conciliate
  2104. 条款 tiáo kuǎn Noun clause, article, term
  2105. 条理 tiáo lǐ Noun orderliness, method, system
  2106. 调料 tiáo liào Noun flavouring, seasoning
  2107. 挑剔 tiāo ti Adjective picky, fussy
  2108. 挑衅 tiǎo xìn Noun provocation
  2109. Verb to provoke
  2110. 条约 tiáo yuē Noun treaty, pact
  2111. 跳跃 tiào yuè Verb to jump, to hop, to skip
  2112. 挺拔 tǐng bá Adjective tall and straight
  2113. 停泊 tíng bó Verb to anchor, to berth at
  2114. 停顿 tíng dùn Noun pause, halt
  2115. Verb to pause, to come to a standstill
  2116. 停滞 tíng zhì Verb to stagnate
  2117. 亭子 tíng zi Noun pavilion
  2118. 同胞 tóng bāo Noun brother or sister by blood, fellow citizen, compatriot
  2119. 统筹兼顾 tǒng chóu jiān gù Verb to make a plan taking into account all factors
  2120. 童话 tóng huà Noun fairy tale
  2121. 通货膨胀 tōng huò péng zhàng Noun inflation
  2122. 统计 tǒng jì Noun statistics
  2123. 铜矿 tóng kuàng Noun copper mine
  2124. 通俗 tōng sú Adjective popular, understandable
  2125. 统统 tǒng tǒng Adverb completely, entirely
  2126. 通用 tōng yòng Adjective commonly used, interchangeable
  2127. 同志 tóng zhì Noun comrade
  2128. Adjective homosexual
  2129. 投机 tóu jī Verb to speculate
  2130. Adjective opportunistic, congenial
  2131. 投票 tóu piào Noun poll
  2132. Verb to vote
  2133. 投降 tóu xiáng Noun surrender
  2134. Verb to surrender
  2135. 投掷 tóu zhì Verb to throw, to toss
  2136. 秃 tū Adjective bald, blunt
  2137. 图案 tú àn Noun design, pattern
  2138. 徒弟 tú dì Noun apprentice
  2139. 途径 tú jìng Noun way, approach, route
  2140. 涂抹 tú mǒ Verb to paint, to smear
  2141. 突破 tū pò Verb to break trhough, to make a breakthrough
  2142. 土壤 tǔ rǎng Noun soil, earth
  2143. 团结 tuán jié Noun rally
  2144. Verb to unite, to join forces, to hold a rally
  2145. 团体 tuán tǐ Noun group, organization, team
  2146. 团员 tuán yuán Noun member
  2147. 推测 tuī cè Noun speculation
  2148. Verb to speculate, to guess, to presume
  2149. 推翻 tuī fān Verb to overthrow, to overturn, to reverse, to topple
  2150. 推理 tuī lǐ Noun reasoning, inference
  2151. 推论 tuī lùn Noun deduction, reasoned conclusion
  2152. Verb to infer
  2153. 推销 tuī xiāo Verb to market, to sell
  2154. 吞咽 tūn yàn Verb to swallow
  2155. 妥当 tuǒ dang Adjective appropriate, proper, suitable
  2156. 脱离 tuō lí Verb to break away from, to separate oneself from
  2157. 唾沫 tuò mo Noun spittle, saliva
  2158. 妥善 tuǒ shàn Adjective appropriate, proper, careful
  2159. 妥协 tuǒ xié Noun compromise
  2160. Verb to comprmise, to reach terms
  2161. 拖延 tuō yán Noun adjournment, procrastination
  2162. Verb to adjourn, to delay
  2163. 椭圆 tuǒ yuán Noun ellipse
  2164. Adjective oval, elliptic
  2165. 托运 tuō yùn Verb to consign (goods), to check (baggage)
  2166. 哇 wa Particle oh
  2167. 瓦解 wǎ jiě Verb collapse, disintegrate
  2168. 挖掘 wā jué Verb to dig, to excavate
  2169. 娃娃 wá wa Noun baby, small child, doll
  2170. 外表 wài biǎo Noun appearance
  2171. 外行 wài háng Noun amateur, laity
  2172. Adjective unprofessional
  2173. 外界 wài jiè Noun the outside world
  2174. 歪曲 wāi qū Verb to distort, to misrepresent
  2175. 外向 wài xiàng Adjective extrovert
  2176. 丸 wán Measure Word for pills, small balls, etc.
  2177. 完备 wán bèi Adjective complete, perfect, faultless
  2178. 完毕 wán bì Verb to complete, to finish
  2179. 万分 wàn fēn Adverb very much, extremely
  2180. 顽固 wán gù Adjective stubborn, obstinate
  2181. 挽回 wǎn huí Verb to retrieve, to redeem, to save (face)
  2182. 挽救 wǎn jiù Verb to save, to rescue
  2183. 玩弄 wán nòng Verb to play with, to flirt
  2184. 顽强 wán qiáng Adjective tenacious, indomitable
  2185. 惋惜 wǎn xī Verb to feel sorry for sbd., to sympathize with
  2186. 玩意儿 wán yì r Noun toy
  2187. 往常 wǎng cháng Adverb as one used to do
  2188. 网络 wǎng luò Noun network, internet
  2189. 往事 wǎng shì Noun past events
  2190. Time the past
  2191. 妄想 wàng xiǎng Noun wishful thinking, a vain hope, delusion
  2192. Verb to vainly hope to do sth
  2193. 违背 wéi bèi Noun to disobey, to violate, to go against
  2194. 微不足道 wēi bù zú dào Adjective insignificant, negligible
  2195. 维持 wéi chí Verb to keep, to maintain, to preserve
  2196. 唯独 wéi dú Adverb only, just, alone
  2197. 威风 wēi fēng Noun power and prestige
  2198. Adjective majestic, awe-inspiring
  2199. 微观 wēi guān Adjective microscopic
  2200. 危机 wēi jī Noun crisis
  2201. 畏惧 wèi jù Verb to fear, to dread, to be afraid of
  2202. 胃口 wèi kǒu Noun appetite
  2203. 威力 wēi lì Noun might, formidable power
  2204. 未免 wèi miǎn Adverb rather, a bit too
  2205. 为难 wéi nán Verb to feel embarrassed, to feel awkward
  2206. 为期 wéi qī Verb be done by a definite date
  2207. 维生素 wéi shēng sù Noun vitamin
  2208. 为首 wéi shǒu Verb to head, to be headed by
  2209. 威望 wēi wàng Noun prestige
  2210. 慰问 wèi wèn Noun consolation, greetings
  2211. Verb to express sympathy
  2212. 威信 wēi xìn Noun prestige and public reliance (government, etc.)
  2213. 卫星 wèi xīng Noun satellite
  2214. 维修 wéi xiū Noun maintenance
  2215. Verb to maintain, to protect
  2216. 位于 wèi yú Verb to lie, to be located at
  2217. 委员 wěi yuán Noun committee member, commissioner
  2218. 伪造 wěi zào Verb to forge, to fake
  2219. 温带 wēn dài Noun temperate zone
  2220. 温和 wēn hé Adjective moderate, mild, temperate
  2221. 文凭 wén píng Noun diploma
  2222. 问世 wèn shì Verb to be published, to come out
  2223. 文物 wén wù n cultural relic
  2224. 文献 wén xiàn Noun document, literature
  2225. 文雅 wén yǎ Adjective elegant, refined
  2226. 文艺 wén yì Noun literature and art
  2227. 窝 wō Noun nest
  2228. Measure Word for broods, nests, etc.
  2229. 勿 wù Adverb (do) not
  2230. 无比 wú bǐ Adjective incomparable, matchless
  2231. 务必 wù bì Adverb to be sure to, must
  2232. 误差 wù chā Noun difference, error, inaccuracy (in easuring)
  2233. 无偿 wú cháng Adjective free, free of charge
  2234. 无耻 wú chǐ Adjective shameless, infamous, dishonorable
  2235. 无从 wú cóng Verb to have no way of doing sth., to not to be in a position to do sth.
  2236. 舞蹈 wǔ dǎo Noun dance
  2237. 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng Adjective aloof, indifferent, unconcerned
  2238. 无非 wú fēi Adverb nothing but, only, simply
  2239. 乌黑 wū hēi Adjective jet-black
  2240. 误解 wù jiě Noun misunderstanding
  2241. Verb to misunderstand
  2242. 无精打采 wú jīng dǎ cǎi Adjective dispirited, listless, in low spirits
  2243. 无可奉告 wú kě fèng gào Saying no comment
  2244. 无可奈何 wú kě nài hé Verb to have no alternative
  2245. 无赖 wú lài Noun rascal, hoodlum, hooligan
  2246. 无理取闹 wú lǐ qǔ nào Verb to make trouble without reason, to be deliberately awkward
  2247. 物美价廉 wù měi jià lián Adjective cheap and fine
  2248. 污蔑 wū miè Verb to slander, to defile
  2249. 无能为力 wú néng wéi lì Adjective powerless, helpless
  2250. 无穷无尽 wú qióng wú jìn Adjective endless, boundless
  2251. 侮辱 wǔ rǔ Verb to insult, to humiliate, to dishonor
  2252. 务实 wù shí Adjective pragmatic
  2253. 无微不至 wú wēi bú zhì Adjective meticulously
  2254. 武侠 wǔ xiá Noun martial arts chivalry (Chinese genre)
  2255. 诬陷 wū xiàn Verb to plant false evidence against sbd.
  2256. 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ Adjective carefree and without worries
  2257. 无知 wú zhī Noun ignorance
  2258. Adjective ignorant, innocent
  2259. 武装 wǔ zhuāng Noun military, arms, equipment
  2260. Verb to arm, to equip
  2261. 物资 wù zī Noun goods and materials
  2262. 溪 xī Noun small stream, small river
  2263. 细胞 xì bāo Noun cell (biology)
  2264. 媳妇 xí fu Noun wife, daughter-in-law
  2265. 膝盖 xī gài Noun knee
  2266. 袭击 xí jī Noun surprise attack
  2267. Verb to attack by surprise, to raid
  2268. 细菌 xì jūn Noun bacterium, germ
  2269. 系列 xì liè Noun series
  2270. 熄灭 xī miè Verb to go out, to die out, to stop burning
  2271. 吸取 xī qǔ Verb to absorb, to assimilate
  2272. 昔日 xī rì Time formerly, in olden days
  2273. 牺牲 xī shēng Noun sacrifice
  2274. Verb to sacrifice oneself, to lay down one's life
  2275. 习俗 xí sú Noun custom, tradition
  2276. 喜闻乐见 xǐ wén lè jiàn Verb to love to see and hear, a delight to see
  2277. 夕阳 xī yáng Noun the setting sun
  2278. 喜悦 xǐ yuè Noun joy, delight
  2279. Adjective happy, joyous
  2280. 细致 xì zhì Adjective careful, fine, meticulous
  2281. 霞 xiá Noun evening or morning glow
  2282. 狭隘 xiá ài Adjective narrow, tight, narrow minded
  2283. 峡谷 xiá gǔ Noun canyon, ravine
  2284. 夏令营 xià lìng yíng Noun summer camp
  2285. 下属 xià shǔ Noun subordinate, vassal
  2286. 狭窄 xiá zhǎi Adjective narrow, restricted (knowledge)
  2287. 弦 xián Noun bowstring, string, hypotenuse
  2288. 嫌 xián Noun suspicion, resentment
  2289. Verb to dislike, to mind
  2290. 现场 xiàn chǎng Noun scene, site, locale
  2291. Adjective live, on-the-spot, on-site
  2292. 现成 xiàn chéng Adjective ready-made, readily available
  2293. 宪法 xiàn fǎ Noun constitution (law)
  2294. 陷害 xiàn hài Verb to frame up
  2295. 闲话 xián huà Noun gossip, digression
  2296. 贤惠 xián huì Adjective chaste, virtuous (woman)
  2297. 衔接 xián jiē Verb to join together, to combine
  2298. 先进 xiān jìn Adjective advanced, developed
  2299. 鲜明 xiān míng Adjective clear-cut, distinct, colourful
  2300. 掀起 xiān qǐ Verb to lift, to begin, to set off
  2301. 先前 xiān qián Adverb before, previously
  2302. 馅儿 xiàn r Noun filling
  2303. 陷入 xiàn rù Verb to get caught up in, to sink into
  2304. 线索 xiàn suǒ Noun clue, hint, trail
  2305. 纤维 xiān wéi Noun fiber
  2306. 嫌疑 xián yí Noun suspicion
  2307. 显著 xiǎn zhù Adjective notable, outstanding, remarkable
  2308. 现状 xiàn zhuàng Noun current situation, status quo
  2309. 巷 xiàng Noun lane, alley
  2310. 相差 xiāng chà Verb to differ
  2311. 向导 xiàng dǎo Noun guide
  2312. 相等 xiāng děng Verb to be equal
  2313. Adjective equal
  2314. 想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ Verb to do everything possible
  2315. 相辅相成 xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng Verb to complement each other
  2316. 向来 xiàng lái Adverb always, all along
  2317. 响亮 xiǎng liàng Adjective loud and clear, resounding
  2318. 镶嵌 xiāng qiàn Noun mosaic
  2319. Verb to inlay, to embed, to set
  2320. 向往 xiàng wǎng Verb to yearn for, to look forward to
  2321. 相应 xiāng yìng Verb to correspond
  2322. Adjective corresponding, appropriate, relevant
  2323. 响应 xiǎng yìng Verb to answer, to respond to
  2324. 乡镇 xiāng zhèn Noun village, township
  2325. 消除 xiāo chú Verb to eliminate, to remove
  2326. 消毒 xiāo dú Noun disinfection, sterilization
  2327. Verb to disinfect, to sterilize
  2328. 消防 xiāo fáng Noun fire control, fire fighting
  2329. 消耗 xiāo hào Noun consumption
  2330. Verb to use up, to consume
  2331. 销毁 xiāo huǐ Verb to destry (by melting or burning)
  2332. 消极 xiāo jí Adjective negative, passive, inactive
  2333. 肖像 xiào xiàng Noun portrait
  2334. 小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì Adjective very careful, prudent, deliberate
  2335. 效益 xiào yì Noun benefit
  2336. 屑 xiè Noun crumbs, filings
  2337. Verb to be worth it
  2338. 携带 xié dài Verb to carry, to take along
  2339. 协会 xié huì Noun association, union, society
  2340. 谢绝 xiè jué Verb to refuse politely
  2341. 泄露 xiè lòu Verb to leak (information), to let out
  2342. 泄气 xiè qì Verb to feel discouraged, to lose heart, to be frustrated
  2343. 协商 xié shāng Verb to consult with, to talk things over, to negotiate about
  2344. 协议 xié yì Noun agreement, pact
  2345. 协助 xié zhù Verb to assist, to help, to aid
  2346. 写作 xiě zuò Noun writing
  2347. Verb to write, to compose
  2348. 新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè Noun metabolism
  2349. 心得 xīn dé Noun gained knowledge, what one has learned
  2350. 信赖 xìn lài Verb to trust, to rely on
  2351. 新郎 xīn láng Noun bridegroom
  2352. 心灵 xīn líng Noun heart, soul, spirit
  2353. Adjective bright, smart
  2354. 信念 xìn niàn Noun faith, belief, conviction
  2355. 新娘 xīn niáng Noun bride
  2356. 辛勤 xīn qín Adjective industrious, hardworking, diligent
  2357. 薪水 xīn shuǐ Noun salary, wage
  2358. 心态 xīn tài Noun attitude, way of thinking, mentality
  2359. 心疼 xīn téng Verb to love dearly, to feel distressed, to feel sorry
  2360. 欣慰 xīn wèi Verb to be gratified
  2361. 欣欣向荣 xīn xīn xiàng róng Adjective flourishing, thriving
  2362. 心血 xīn xuè Noun painstaking effort, heart's blood
  2363. 心眼儿 xīn yǎn r Noun mind, intention, cleverness
  2364. 信仰 xìn yǎng Noun belief, conviction, faith
  2365. Verb to believe in
  2366. 新颖 xīn yǐng Adjective new, original
  2367. 信誉 xìn yù Noun prestige, reputation, standing
  2368. 腥 xīng Adjective fishy (smell)
  2369. 性感 xìng gǎn Noun sex appeal
  2370. Adjective sexy
  2371. 兴高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè Verb to be happy and excited, to be in high spirits
  2372. 幸好 xìng hǎo Adverb fortunately
  2373. 兴隆 xīng lóng Adjective prosperous, thriving
  2374. 性命 xìng mìng Noun life
  2375. 性能 xìng néng Noun function, capability, performance
  2376. 性情 xìng qíng Noun nature, temperament
  2377. 刑事 xíng shì Adjective criminal, penal
  2378. 形态 xíng tài Noun shape, form, pattern
  2379. 兴旺 xīng wàng Adjective proserous, thriving
  2380. 行政 xíng zhèng Noun administration
  2381. 兴致勃勃 xìng zhì bó bó Verb to be in high spirits
  2382. 凶恶 xiōng è Adjective fierce, evil, wicked
  2383. 雄厚 xióng hòu Adjective rich, abundant, solid
  2384. 胸怀 xiōng huái Noun heart, mind, breadth of vision
  2385. 凶手 xiōng shǒu Noun murderer, assassin
  2386. 胸膛 xiōng táng Noun chest, thorax
  2387. 绣 xiù Verb to emroider
  2388. 羞耻 xiū chǐ Adjective ashamed
  2389. 修复 xiū fù Noun restoration
  2390. Verb to repair, to restore
  2391. 修建 xiū jiàn Verb to build, to construct
  2392. 嗅觉 xiù jué Noun sense of smell
  2393. 修理 xiū lǐ Verb to repair, to fix
  2394. 修养 xiū yǎng Noun training, self-cultivation, good manners
  2395. 虚假 xū jiǎ Adjective false, sham, dishonest
  2396. 酗酒 xù jiǔ Noun excessive drinking, alcohol abuse
  2397. 许可 xǔ kě Noun permission
  2398. Verb to allow, to permit
  2399. 畜牧 xù mù Noun animal husbandry
  2400. 需求 xū qiú Noun requirement, demand
  2401. 虚荣 xū róng Noun vanity
  2402. 虚伪 xū wěi Adjective hypocritical
  2403. 序言 xù yán Noun preface, prologue
  2404. 须知 xū zhī Noun notice, information
  2405. 选拔 xuǎn bá Verb to choose, to select
  2406. 悬挂 xuán guà Verb to hang, to suspend
  2407. 旋律 xuán lǜ Noun rhythm, melody
  2408. 悬念 xuán niàn Noun suspense (movie, play, etc.), concern
  2409. 宣誓 xuān shì Verb to swear an oath, to make a vow
  2410. 选手 xuǎn shǒu Noun athlete, player
  2411. 悬崖峭壁 xuán yá qiào bì Noun cliffside
  2412. 宣扬 xuān yáng Verb to publicize, to propagate, to make well known
  2413. 旋转 xuán zhuǎn Verb to rotate, to spin
  2414. 学历 xué lì Noun educational background
  2415. 削弱 xuē ruò Verb to weaken
  2416. 雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng Verb to add frost to snow
  2417. 学说 xué shuō Noun theory, doctrine
  2418. 学位 xué wèi Noun academic degree
  2419. 血压 xuè yā Noun blood pressure
  2420. 循环 xún huán Noun circle, loop
  2421. Verb to cycle, to circulate
  2422. 巡逻 xún luó Verb to patrol
  2423. 寻觅 xún mì Verb to look for
  2424. 熏陶 xūn táo Verb to nurture, to influence positively
  2425. 循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn Adverb step by step
  2426. 押金 yā jīn Noun deposit, down payment
  2427. 亚军 yà jūn Noun runner-up, second place
  2428. 压迫 yā pò Verb to oppress, to repress
  2429. 压岁钱 yā suì qián Noun money given to children during Spring Festival
  2430. 压缩 yā suō Noun compression
  2431. Verb to compress, to squeeze, to reduce
  2432. 压抑 yā yì Verb to constrain, to oppress
  2433. Adjective oppressive, stifling, depressing
  2434. 压榨 yā zhà Verb to press, to squeeze, to extract juice by squeezing
  2435. 压制 yā zhì Verb to suppress, to inhibit, to stifle
  2436. 演变 yǎn biàn Verb to evolve, to develop
  2437. 掩盖 yǎn gài Verb to conceal, to cover up, to hide
  2438. 眼光 yǎn guāng Noun vision, foresight
  2439. 沿海 yán hǎi Place coastal, along the coast
  2440. 严寒 yán hán Adjective freezing, very cold
  2441. 掩护 yǎn hù Noun protection, cover
  2442. Verb to screen, to shield, to cover
  2443. 烟花爆竹 yān huā bào zhú Noun fireworks and crackers
  2444. 演讲 yǎn jiǎng Verb to lecture, to make a speech
  2445. 严禁 yán jìn Verb to strictly prohibit
  2446. 严峻 yán jùn Adjective serious, grim severe
  2447. 严厉 yán lì Adjective strict, severe
  2448. 言论 yán lùn Noun speech, expression of opinion
  2449. 严密 yán mì Adjective strict, tight, rigorous
  2450. 淹没 yān mò Verb to submerge, to drown, to flood out
  2451. 延期 yán qī Verb to delay, to postpone, to defer
  2452. 炎热 yán rè Adjective burning hot, blistering hot
  2453. 眼色 yǎn sè Noun wink, meaningful glance
  2454. 延伸 yán shēn Verb to extend, to stretch, to spread
  2455. 眼神 yǎn shén Noun expression in eyes, eyesight
  2456. 岩石 yán shí Noun rock
  2457. 掩饰 yǎn shì Verb to conceal, to cover up
  2458. 验收 yàn shōu Verb to verify and accept, to check on receipt
  2459. 厌恶 yàn wù Verb to hate, to detest, to loath
  2460. 演习 yǎn xí Noun exercise, practice, maneuver
  2461. 眼下 yǎn xià Time now, at present
  2462. 延续 yán xù Verb to continue, to last
  2463. 演绎 yǎn yì Verb to deduce, to infer
  2464. 验证 yàn zhèng Verb to test and verify
  2465. 演奏 yǎn zòu Verb to perform music, to play (music)
  2466. 样品 yàng pǐn Noun sample, specimen
  2467. 氧气 yǎng qì Noun oxygen
  2468. 摇摆 yáo bǎi Verb to sway, to swing
  2469. 要不然 yào bu rán Conjunction otherwise
  2470. 要点 yào diǎn Noun main point, essential
  2471. 摇滚 yáo gǔn Noun Rock ’n’ Roll
  2472. 摇晃 yáo huàng Verb to rock, to shake, to sway
  2473. 遥控 yáo kòng Noun remote control
  2474. 要命 yào mìng Adjective extremely, serious
  2475. 要素 yào sù Noun essential factor, key element
  2476. 咬牙切齿 yǎo yá qiè chǐ Verb to grind one's teeth in anger
  2477. 谣言 yáo yán Noun rumor
  2478. 耀眼 yào yǎn Adjective dazzling, glaring
  2479. 遥远 yáo yuǎn Adjective faraway, remote, distant
  2480. 野蛮 yě mán Noun barbarous, uncivilized, wild
  2481. 野心 yě xīn Noun ambition
  2482. 亦 yì Adverb also
  2483. 翼 yì Noun wing, flank
  2484. Verb to assist; to help (an emperor)
  2485. 以便 yǐ biàn Conjunction so that, in order to
  2486. 遗产 yí chǎn Noun heritage, legacy
  2487. 异常 yì cháng Adjective exceptional, unusual, abnormal
  2488. 遗传 yí chuán Noun heredity, inheritance
  2489. Verb to inherit, to transmit
  2490. 依次 yī cì Adverb in turn, in proper order
  2491. 一度 yí dù Adverb once, for some time
  2492. 一帆风顺 yì fān fēng shùn Adjective smooth
  2493. 一贯 yí guàn Adjective consistent, constant, all along
  2494. 疑惑 yí huò Noun doubt
  2495. Verb to doubt
  2496. 依旧 yī jiù Adverb as before, still like before
  2497. 依据 yī jù Noun basis, grounds
  2498. Adverb according to, based on
  2499. 一举两得 yì jǔ liǎng dé Verb hit two birds with one stone
  2500. 依靠 yī kào Noun backing, support
  2501. Verb to rely on, to depend on
  2502. 依赖 yī lài Verb to depend on, to be dependent on
  2503. 毅力 yì lì Noun perseverance, willpower
  2504. 意料 yì liào Noun anticipation, expectation
  2505. Verb to anticipate, to expect
  2506. 一流 yī liú Adjective best, top quality
  2507. 遗留 yí liú Verb to leave behind, to hand down (to next generation)
  2508. 一律 yí lǜ Adjective same, uniformly
  2509. Adverb all, without exception
  2510. 以免 yǐ miǎn Conjunction in order to avoid, for fear that
  2511. 一目了然 yí mù liǎo rán Adjective obvious
  2512. 仪器 yí qì Noun instrument, apparatus
  2513. 毅然 yì rán Adverb firmly, resolutely
  2514. 一如既往 yì rú jì wǎng Adverb as before, just as in the past
  2515. 衣裳 yī shang Noun clothes
  2516. 遗失 yí shī Verb to lose, to miss
  2517. 仪式 yí shì Noun ceremony, ritual
  2518. 意识 yì shí Noun consciousness, awareness
  2519. Verb to be aware of
  2520. 一丝不苟 yì sī bù gǒu Adjective meticulous, not one hair out of place
  2521. 意图 yì tú Noun intention, purpose
  2522. 依托 yī tuō Verb to rely on, to depend on
  2523. 以往 yǐ wǎng Adverb in the past, formerly
  2524. 意味着 yì wèi zhe Verb to mean, to imply, to signify
  2525. 一向 yí xiàng Adverb always, all along, constantly
  2526. 意向 yì xiàng Noun intention, purpose, disposition
  2527. 一再 yí zài Adverb repeatedly, again and again
  2528. 以至 yǐ zhì Conjunction down to, up to, to such an extent as to
  2529. 以致 yǐ zhì Conjunction as a result, so that, consequently
  2530. 意志 yì zhì Noun will, determination
  2531. 抑制 yì zhì Verb to inhibit, to restrain, to suppress
  2532. 隐蔽 yǐn bì Verb to conceal, to hide
  2533. 引导 yǐn dǎo Noun introduction
  2534. Verb to guide, to lead, to direct
  2535. 隐患 yǐn huàn Noun hidden danger
  2536. 隐瞒 yǐn mán Verb to conceal, to hide, to cover up
  2537. 阴谋 yīn móu Noun plot, conspiracy, machination
  2538. 引擎 yǐn qíng Noun engine
  2539. 饮食 yǐn shí Noun food and drink
  2540. 印刷 yìn shuā Noun printing
  2541. Verb to print
  2542. 隐私 yǐn sī Noun one's secrets, private matters
  2543. 音响 yīn xiǎng Noun sound, stereo, acoustics
  2544. 引用 yǐn yòng Verb to quote, to cite
  2545. 隐约 yǐn yuē Adjective indistinct, faint
  2546. 应酬 yìng chou Noun social niceties, business dinner
  2547. 婴儿 yīng ér Noun baby, infant
  2548. 盈利 yíng lì Noun profit, gain
  2549. 迎面 yíng miàn Adverb head-on, face to face
  2550. 英明 yīng míng Adjective wise, brilliant
  2551. 荧屏 yíng píng Noun TV screen
  2552. 应邀 yìng yāo Adverb on invitation, at sbd.'s invitation
  2553. 英勇 yīng yǒng Noun bravery
  2554. Adjective heroic, brave, valiant
  2555. 用功 yòng gōng Adjective diligent, hardworking
  2556. 永恒 yǒng héng Noun eternity
  2557. Adjective eternal, everlasting
  2558. 拥护 yōng hù Noun advocacy
  2559. Verb to support, to stand up for, to advocate
  2560. 用户 yòng hù Noun user, consumer
  2561. 庸俗 yōng sú Adjective vulgar, philistine
  2562. 涌现 yǒng xiàn Verb to emerge in large numbers, to spring up
  2563. 拥有 yōng yǒu Verb to have, to possess
  2564. 勇于 yǒng yú Verb to dare to, to have the courage to
  2565. 踊跃 yǒng yuè Verb to leap, to jump
  2566. Adjective enthusiastic, eager
  2567. 诱惑 yòu huò Noun temptation, enticement
  2568. Verb to entice, to lure, to tempt
  2569. 油腻 yóu nì Adjective oily, greasy
  2570. 油漆 yóu qī Noun oil paints, lacquer
  2571. Verb to paint
  2572. 犹如 yóu rú Adverb similar to, as if, just lik
  2573. 优胜劣汰 yōu shèng liè tài Noun survival of the fittest
  2574. 有条不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn Adjective methodically, in an orderly way
  2575. 优先 yōu xiān Noun priority
  2576. Adjective preferential
  2577. 优异 yōu yì Adjective exceptional, outstanding
  2578. 忧郁 yōu yù Adjective sullen, heavyhearted, melancholy
  2579. 优越 yōu yuè Noun superiority
  2580. Adjective superior, advantageous
  2581. 幼稚 yòu zhì Adjective childish, immature, naive
  2582. 愈 yù Verb to recover
  2583. Conjunction the more ... the more
  2584. 愚蠢 yú chǔn Adjective stupid, foolish, silly
  2585. 预料 yù liào Verb to anticipate, to predict, to expect
  2586. 舆论 yú lùn Noun public opinion
  2587. 愚昧 yú mèi Noun ignorance
  2588. Adjective ignorant, fatuous
  2589. 渔民 yú mín Noun fisherman
  2590. 预期 yù qī Verb to expect, to anticipate
  2591. Adjective expected
  2592. 与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng Verb to increase steadily
  2593. 羽绒服 yǔ róng fú Noun down garment
  2594. 预赛 yù sài Noun preliminary competition, heats
  2595. 预算 yù suàn Noun budget
  2596. 欲望 yù wàng Noun desire, longing, appetite
  2597. 预先 yù xiān Adverb beforehand, prior
  2598. 预言 yù yán Noun prophecy
  2599. Verb to predict
  2600. 寓言 yù yán Noun fable
  2601. 予以 yǔ yǐ Verb to give, to grant
  2602. 预兆 yù zhào Noun omen, portent
  2603. 原告 yuán gào Noun plaintiff
  2604. 原理 yuán lǐ Noun principle, theory
  2605. 园林 yuán lín Noun garden, park
  2606. 圆满 yuán mǎn Adjective satisfactory, perfect
  2607. 源泉 yuán quán Noun source, fountain, spring
  2608. 原始 yuán shǐ Adjective original, primitive, firsthand
  2609. 元首 yuán shǒu Noun head of state
  2610. 元素 yuán sù Noun element, basic element
  2611. 冤枉 yuān wang Verb to treat sbd. unjustly, to do sbd. wrong
  2612. Adjective not worth the effort, not worthwhile
  2613. 原先 yuán xiān Adjective former, original
  2614. 元宵节 Yuán xiāo jié Noun Lantern festival
  2615. 岳父 yuè fù Noun wife's father
  2616. 乐谱 yuè pǔ Noun musical score, notation
  2617. 约束 yuē shù Noun restriction, constraint
  2618. Verb to restrict, to limit to
  2619. 熨 yùn Verb to iron
  2620. 蕴藏 yùn cáng Verb to hold in store, to contain
  2621. 酝酿 yùn niàng Verb to brew, to ferment, to incubate (used in abstract way)
  2622. 运算 yùn suàn Noun operation (mathematical)
  2623. Verb to calculate
  2624. 运行 yùn xíng Verb to be in motion, to run
  2625. 孕育 yùn yù Noun gestation
  2626. Verb to be pregnant, to gestate
  2627. 砸 zá Verb to smash, to pound, to fail
  2628. 咋 zǎ Adverb why, how
  2629. 杂技 zá jì Noun acrobatics
  2630. 杂交 zá jiāo Noun hybrid
  2631. Verb to hybridize, to cross
  2632. 宰 zǎi Verb to butcher, to slaughter
  2633. 在乎 zài hu Verb to care about, to mind, to be determined by
  2634. 再接再厉 zài jiē zài lì Verb to make persistent efforts, to double one's efforts
  2635. 灾难 zāi nàn Noun disaster, catastrophe
  2636. 栽培 zāi péi Noun cultivation, planting
  2637. Verb to grow, to cultivate
  2638. 在意 zài yì Verb to care about, to take to heart
  2639. 攒 zǎn Verb to accumulate, to hoard, to save (money)
  2640. 暂且 zàn qiě Adverb for now, for the moment, temporarily
  2641. 赞叹 zàn tàn Verb to gasp in admiration, highly praise
  2642. 赞同 zàn tóng Verb to agree with, to approve of
  2643. 赞扬 zàn yáng Verb to praise, to commend, to speak highly of
  2644. 赞助 zàn zhù Noun assistance, support
  2645. Verb to support, to assist, to sponsor
  2646. 造反 zào fǎn Verb to rebel, to revolt
  2647. 遭受 zāo shòu Verb to suffer, to be subject to
  2648. 糟蹋 zāo tà Verb to waste, to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to insult
  2649. 造型 zào xíng Noun modeling, molding
  2650. Verb to model, to mold
  2651. 遭殃 zāo yāng Verb to go through disaster, to suffer a calamity
  2652. 噪音 zào yīn Noun noise, rumble
  2653. 遭遇 zāo yù Verb to meet with (sth. unfortunate), to encounter
  2654. 责怪 zé guài Verb to blame, to rebuke
  2655. 贼 zéi Noun thief
  2656. 赠送 zèng sòng Verb to present as a gift
  2657. 增添 zēng tiān Verb to add, to increase
  2658. 渣 zhā Noun dregs, sediment, residue
  2659. 扎 zhā Verb to prick, to push a needle into
  2660. 眨 zhǎ Verb to wink, to blink
  2661. 诈骗 zhà piàn Verb to defraud, to swindle
  2662. 扎实 zhā shi Adjective strong, sturdy, robust
  2663. 债券 zhài quàn Noun bond, debenture
  2664. 摘要 zhāi yào Noun summary, brief
  2665. 斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě Verb to be resolute and decisive
  2666. 战斗 zhàn dòu Noun fight, battle
  2667. Verb to fight, to battle
  2668. 沾光 zhān guāng Verb to benefit from association with sbd.
  2669. 占据 zhàn jù Verb to occupy, to hold
  2670. 占领 zhàn lǐng Verb to capture, to occupy
  2671. 战略 zhàn lüè Noun strategy
  2672. 展示 zhǎn shì Noun show, exhibition, demonstration
  2673. Verb to show, to reveal, to display
  2674. 战术 zhàn shù Noun tactics
  2675. 展望 zhǎn wàng Noun outlook, prospect
  2676. Verb to look ahead
  2677. 展现 zhǎn xiàn Verb to unfold, to emerge, to come out
  2678. 崭新 zhǎn xīn Adjective brand new
  2679. 瞻仰 zhān yǎng Verb look at with reverence
  2680. 战役 zhàn yì Noun battle, military campaign
  2681. 占有 zhàn yǒu Verb to own, to possess
  2682. 障碍 zhàng ài Noun barrier, obstacle, obstruction
  2683. 长辈 zhǎng bèi Noun elder generation
  2684. 章程 zhāng chéng Noun statute, rule
  2685. 帐篷 zhàng peng Noun tent
  2686. 照料 zhào liào Verb to take care of
  2687. 着迷 zháo mí Verb to be fascinated, to be captivated
  2688. 朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó Verb to be full of youthful energy
  2689. 招收 zhāo shōu Verb to hire, to recruit
  2690. 招投标 zhāo tóu biāo Noun bidding, tender
  2691. 照样 zhào yàng Adverb in the same way as usual, as before
  2692. 照耀 zhào yào Verb shine, illuminate
  2693. 照应 zhào yìng Verb to take care of, to look after
  2694. 沼泽 zhǎo zé Noun swamp, marsh, wetlands
  2695. 折 zhé Verb to break, to bend, to fold, to discount
  2696. 遮挡 zhē dǎng Verb to shelter from
  2697. 折磨 zhé mó Noun torment
  2698. Verb to torment
  2699. 折腾 zhē teng Verb to do sth. over and over again, to toss about (sleeplessly)
  2700. 阵地 zhèn dì Noun front, position
  2701. 镇定 zhèn dìng Adjective cool, calm
  2702. 振奋 zhèn fèn Verb to inspire, to stimulate
  2703. 珍贵 zhēn guì Adjective precious, valuable
  2704. 震惊 zhèn jīng Verb to shock, to astonish
  2705. 镇静 zhèn jìng Adjective calm, cool, composed
  2706. 阵容 zhèn róng Noun line-up (sports), troop arrangement
  2707. 侦探 zhēn tàn Noun detective
  2708. 珍稀 zhēn xī Adjective rare and precious
  2709. 真相 zhēn xiàng Noun actual facts, truth
  2710. 振兴 zhèn xīng Verb to develop, to promote, to vitalize
  2711. 镇压 zhèn yā Noun suppression
  2712. Verb to suppress, to put down
  2713. 真挚 zhēn zhì Noun sincerity
  2714. Adjective sincere, cordial
  2715. 珍珠 zhēn zhū Noun pearl
  2716. 斟酌 zhēn zhuó Verb to consider, to deliberate, to weigh
  2717. 正当 zhèng dāng Adjective honest, fair, sensible
  2718. Conjunction just when
  2719. 争端 zhēng duān Noun controversial issue, point in dispute
  2720. 整顿 zhěng dùn Verb to consolidate, to reorganize, to tidy up
  2721. 争夺 zhēng duó Verb to fight for, to contend for
  2722. 蒸发 zhēng fā Noun evaporation
  2723. Verb to evaporate
  2724. 征服 zhēng fú Verb to conquer, to subdue
  2725. 正负 zhèng fù Adjective positive and negative
  2726. 正规 zhèng guī Adjective regular, according to standards
  2727. 正经 zhèng jing Adjective decent, honourable
  2728. 争气 zhēng qì Verb to try to make a good showing, be determined not to fall short
  2729. 正气 zhèng qì Noun healthy atmosphere, righteousness
  2730. 政权 zhèng quán Noun regime, political power
  2731. 证实 zhèng shí Verb to confirm, to verify
  2732. 征收 zhēng shōu Verb to levy, to impose, to collect
  2733. 证书 zhèng shū Noun credentials, certificate
  2734. 争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu Verb to strive to be the first and fear to be the last
  2735. 争议 zhēng yì Noun dispute, controversy
  2736. 正义 zhèng yì Noun justice
  2737. Adjective just, righteous
  2738. 正月 zhēng yuè Noun first month of the lunar year
  2739. 挣扎 zhēng zhá Verb to struggle, to agonize over
  2740. 郑重 zhèng zhòng Adjective serious, solemn
  2741. 症状 zhèng zhuàng Noun symptom
  2742. 枝 zhī Noun branch
  2743. Measure Word for sticks, rods, pencils, etc.
  2744. 治安 zhì ān Noun public security, law and order
  2745. 值班 zhí bān Verb to be on duty, to work a shift
  2746. 指标 zhǐ biāo Noun norm, index, target
  2747. 直播 zhí bō Noun live broadcast
  2748. 制裁 zhì cái Noun sanctions, punishment
  2749. Verb to impose sanction against, to punish
  2750. 支撑 zhī chēng Verb to support, to prop up
  2751. 支出 zhī chū Noun expense
  2752. Verb to spend, to expend
  2753. 致辞 zhì cí Verb to make a speech, to address
  2754. 制订 zhì dìng Verb to work out, to formulate
  2755. 指定 zhǐ dìng Verb to appoint, to designate, to assign
  2756. 脂肪 zhī fáng Noun fat (body)
  2757. 制服 zhì fú Noun uniform
  2758. Verb to subdue, to bring under control
  2759. 指甲 zhǐ jia Noun fingernail
  2760. 知觉 zhī jué Noun perception, consciousness
  2761. 治理 zhì lǐ Verb to govern, to administer
  2762. 智力 zhì lì Noun intelligence
  2763. 致力于 zhì lì yú Verb to devote to, to dedicate to
  2764. 指令 zhǐ lìng Noun order, instruction
  2765. 滞留 zhì liú Verb stand still, to detain
  2766. 支流 zhī liú Noun minor aspects, tributary (river)
  2767. 殖民地 zhí mín dì Noun colony
  2768. 指南针 zhǐ nán zhēn Noun compass
  2769. 智能 zhì néng Noun intelligence, brainpower
  2770. Adjective intelligent
  2771. 职能 zhí néng Noun function, role
  2772. 支配 zhī pèi Verb to control, to dominate
  2773. 志气 zhì qì Noun aspiration, ambition, spirit
  2774. 智商 zhì shāng Noun IQ
  2775. 指示 zhǐ shì Noun instruction
  2776. Verb to instruct, to point out
  2777. 致使 zhì shǐ Verb to cause, to result in
  2778. 指望 zhǐ wàng Noun hope
  2779. Verb to hope for, to expect, to count on
  2780. 职位 zhí wèi Noun position, post, office
  2781. 职务 zhí wù Noun post, job, duties
  2782. 支援 zhī yuán Verb to support, to provide assistance
  2783. 制约 zhì yuē Noun restriction
  2784. Verb to restrict, to condition
  2785. 指责 zhǐ zé Verb to criticize, to denounce, to accuse
  2786. 制止 zhì zhǐ Verb to curb, to stop, to prevent
  2787. 支柱 zhī zhù Noun pillar, backbone, mainstay
  2788. 知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè Verb to be happy with what one has
  2789. 忠诚 zhōng chéng Noun loyalty
  2790. Adjective loyal, devoted
  2791. 终点 zhōng diǎn Noun destination, end point, terminal
  2792. 中断 zhōng duàn Verb to break off, to interrupt, to discontinue
  2793. 终究 zhōng jiū Adverb in the end, after all
  2794. 中立 zhōng lì Noun neutrality a neutral
  2795. 肿瘤 zhǒng liú Noun tumor
  2796. 终年 zhōng nián Noun age at death
  2797. Adjective throughout the year
  2798. 终身 zhōng shēn Adjective lifelong
  2799. Adverb all one's life
  2800. 忠实 zhōng shí Adjective faithful, trustworthy
  2801. 众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī Saying as everyone knows
  2802. 衷心 zhōng xīn Adjective wholehearted, heartfelt
  2803. 重心 zhòng xīn Noun center of gravity, central core
  2804. 中央 zhōng yāng Noun center, central authorities
  2805. Adjective central
  2806. 终止 zhōng zhǐ Verb to stop, to end
  2807. 种子 zhǒng zi Noun seed
  2808. 种族 zhǒng zú Noun race, ethnicity
  2809. 州 zhōu Noun province, state (e.g. of US)
  2810. 舟 zhōu Noun boat
  2811. 粥 zhōu Noun porridge
  2812. 周边 zhōu biān Noun periphery, rim
  2813. 周密 zhōu mì Adjective careful, thorough
  2814. 周年 zhōu nián Noun anniversary
  2815. 周期 zhōu qī Noun period, cycle
  2816. 皱纹 zhòu wén Noun wrinkle
  2817. 昼夜 zhòu yè Time day and night, 24 hours
  2818. 周折 zhōu zhé Noun complication, setback
  2819. 周转 zhōu zhuǎn Noun turnover
  2820. Verb to circulate, to revolve
  2821. 株 zhū Noun tree trunk, tree root, plant
  2822. Measure Word for trees or plants
  2823. 拄 zhǔ Verb to lean on (a stick)
  2824. 主办 zhǔ bàn Verb to organize, to sponsor, to host
  2825. 主导 zhǔ dǎo Verb to lead, to manage
  2826. Adjective leading, predominant
  2827. 主管 zhǔ guǎn Noun person in charge, boss
  2828. Verb to be in charge of
  2829. 助理 zhù lǐ Noun assistant
  2830. 主流 zhǔ liú Noun main stream (of river), main aspect of a matter
  2831. 逐年 zhú nián Adverb year after year
  2832. 主权 zhǔ quán Noun sovereignty
  2833. 注射 zhù shè Noun injection
  2834. Verb to inject, to shoot
  2835. 注视 zhù shì Verb to watch attentively, to gaze at
  2836. 注释 zhù shì Noun annotation, note
  2837. Verb to annotate, to comment
  2838. 助手 zhù shǒu Noun assistant, helper
  2839. 主题 zhǔ tí Noun topic, subject (e-mail)
  2840. 诸位 zhū wèi Pronoun everyone, Ladies and Gentlemen
  2841. 铸造 zhù zào Noun casting, founding
  2842. Verb to cast, to found
  2843. 驻扎 zhù zhā Verb to station (troops)
  2844. 住宅 zhù zhái Noun residence, tenement
  2845. 注重 zhù zhòng Verb to emphasize, to attach importance to
  2846. 著作 zhù zuò Noun literary work, book, writings Noun to write
  2847. 拽 zhuài Verb to drag, to haul
  2848. 专长 zhuān cháng Noun specialty, special skill
  2849. 专程 zhuān chéng Noun special-purpose trip
  2850. 转达 zhuǎn dá Verb to pass on, to convey, to communicate
  2851. 传记 zhuàn jì Noun biography
  2852. 专科 zhuān kē Noun specialized subject, branch
  2853. 专利 zhuān lì Noun patent
  2854. 转让 zhuǎn ràng Verb to transfer, to make over
  2855. 专题 zhuān tí Noun special topic
  2856. 砖瓦 zhuān wǎ Noun tiles and bricks
  2857. 转移 zhuǎn yí Noun metastasis
  2858. Verb to shift, to divert, to transfer
  2859. 转折 zhuǎn zhé Noun turn
  2860. Verb to turn in the course of an event
  2861. 幢 zhuàng Measure Word for houses, buildings, etc.
  2862. 装备 zhuāng bèi Noun equipment
  2863. Verb to equip, to outfit
  2864. 壮观 zhuàng guān Adjective spectacular, magnificent, imposing, grand
  2865. 壮丽 zhuàng lì Noun magnificence
  2866. Adjective magnificent, majestic, glorious
  2867. 壮烈 zhuàng liè Adjective brave, heroic
  2868. 装卸 zhuāng xiè Verb to load or unload, to assemble or disassemble
  2869. 庄严 zhuāng yán Adjective solemn, dignified, stately
  2870. 庄重 zhuāng zhòng Adjective serious, grave, solemn
  2871. 追悼 zhuī dào Verb to grieve for, to pay the last tribute to
  2872. 追究 zhuī jiū Verb to investigate, to look into
  2873. 准则 zhǔn zé Noun norm, standard, criterion
  2874. 琢磨 zhuó mó Verb to ponder, to carve and polish
  2875. 着手 zhuó shǒu Verb to set out, to start, to put one's hand to it
  2876. 着想 zhuó xiǎng Verb to consider (other people's needs)
  2877. 卓越 zhuó yuè Adjective excellent, outstanding, distinguished
  2878. 着重 zhuó zhòng Verb to stress, to put emphasis on
  2879. 自卑 zì bēi Verb to feel inferior, to abase oneself
  2880. 资本 zī běn Noun capital
  2881. 资产 zī chǎn Noun property, assets
  2882. 子弹 zǐ dàn Noun bullet, cartridge
  2883. 自发 zì fā Adjective spontaneous
  2884. 自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng Verb to rely on your strengths, to be self-reliant
  2885. 自满 zì mǎn Adjective complacent, self-satisfied
  2886. 字母 zì mǔ Noun letter (alphabet)
  2887. 资深 zī shēn Adjective senior, deeply qualified
  2888. 姿态 zī tài Noun posture, gesture, attitude, bearing
  2889. 滋味 zī wèi Noun taste, flavour
  2890. 滋长 zī zhǎng Verb to grow, to develop
  2891. 资助 zī zhù Noun support, patronage
  2892. Verb to sponsor, to subsidize, to give financial assistance
  2893. 自主 zì zhǔ Noun autonomy, independence
  2894. Verb to decide for oneself
  2895. 总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī Adverb in short, in a word
  2896. 总和 zǒng hé Noun sum
  2897. 纵横 zòng héng Adjective with great ease, freely, vertically and horizontal
  2898. 踪迹 zōng jì Noun trail, trace, footprint
  2899. 棕色 zōng sè Adjective brown
  2900. 宗旨 zōng zhǐ Noun objective, aim, purpose
  2901. 揍 zòu Verb to beat up, to break to pieces
  2902. 走廊 zǒu láng Noun corridor, aisle, piazza
  2903. 走漏 zǒu lòu Verb to leak out, to divulge
  2904. 走私 zǒu sī Noun smuggling
  2905. Verb to smuggle
  2906. 组 zǔ Noun group, team
  2907. Verb to organize, to form
  2908. 阻碍 zǔ ài Verb to obstruct, to hinder, to block
  2909. 祖父 zǔ fù Noun grandfather (paternal)
  2910. 阻拦 zǔ lán Verb to stop, to obstruct
  2911. 租赁 zū lìn Verb to lease, to rent, to hire
  2912. 阻挠 zǔ náo Verb to thwart, to obstruct
  2913. 足以 zú yǐ Adverb enough to, sufficient to
  2914. 钻石 zuàn shí Noun diamond
  2915. 钻研 zuān yán Verb to study in depth, to dig into
  2916. 嘴唇 zuǐ chún Noun lip
  2917. 遵循 zūn xún Verb to follow, to abide by
  2918. 尊严 zūn yán Noun dignity, honour
  2919. 作弊 zuò bì Verb to cheat, to practice fraud
  2920. 做东 zuò dōng Verb to act as host
  2921. 作废 zuò fèi Verb to become invalid, to cancel, to delete
  2922. 作风 zuò fēng Noun style, attitude, way of work
  2923. 作息 zuò xī Verb to work and rest
  2924. 左右 zuǒ yòu Adverb about, approximately, around
  2925. 座右铭 zuò yòu míng Noun motto, maxim
  2926. 做主 zuò zhǔ Verb to decide, to take charge of, to support