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- <title>V. Aspect particle <span class="pinyin">le </span> <span class="hanzi">了 </span> and modal particle <span class="pinyin">le </span> <span class="hanzi">了 </span>used together</title>
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- V. Aspect particle <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> and modal particle <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> used together <span class="rouge">without a quantified object or duration between them</span> indicates that the action has been completed. Such a usage is the same in meaning and function as one that takes only the modal particle <span class="pinyin">le</span> <span class="hanzi">了</span> at the end of the sentence.
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- <ol>
- <li><audio src="../Audio/lele-V-1.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
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- <audio src="../Audio/lele-V-2.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
- <br/><span class="pinyin"><b></b>Wǒ kàn-le shū <span class="rouge">le</span><b></b> = Wǒ kàn shū <span class="rouge">le</span> </span><b></b> (Kàn is stressed.)<br/> <span class="hanzi">我看了书了。 = 我看书了。</span><br/> I've read the book.</li>
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