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- <title>VII. The potential complement cannot be used in the <span class="pinyin">bǎ </span> <span class="hanzi">把 </span> construction</title>
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- VII. The potential complement cannot be used in the <span class="pinyin">bǎ</span> <span class="hanzi">把</span> construction
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- <p>The potential complement is used for possibility, not disposal. Therefore, it does not occur in the <span class="pinyin">bǎ</span> <span class="hanzi">把</span> construction.</p>
- <div class="exemple">
- <span class="pinyin"><del>Nǐ bǎ gōngzuò zuòdewán.</del></span><br/>
- <span class="hanzi"><del>你把工作做得完。</del></span>(ungrammatical)<br/>
- (You can finish the work.)
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