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  5. <title>8. EVALUATIVE/DESCRIPTIVE</title>
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  8. <body>
  9. <div class="grisleger">
  11. </div>
  12. <br/>
  13. <div class="gris">
  14. + <span class="pinyin">de</span> <span class="hanzi">的</span> + complement of degree
  15. Specify the degree or extent to which the object has been affected as a result of the action.
  16. </div>
  17. <ol>
  18. <li><audio src="../Audio/ba-IV-8.1.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
  19. <br/><span class="pinyin">Lǎoshī bǎ wèntí jiěshi de hěn qīngchu.</span><br/> <span class="hanzi">老师把问题解释得很清楚。</span><br/> The teacher has explained the question very clearly.</li>
  20. <br/>
  21. <li><audio src="../Audio/ba-IV-8.2.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
  22. <br/><span class="pinyin">Gōngzuò hé jiāwù bǎ tā lèi de bìngdǎo le.</span> <br/> <span class="hanzi">工作和家务把她累得病倒了。</span><br/> Work and household chores have exhausted her so much that she has fallen ill.
  23. <p><span class="gris">Note: It is important to remember that the complement comments on the object, not the subject. See the following examples.</span><br/></p></li>
  24. </ol>
  25. <br/>
  26. <ol type="A">
  27. <li><div class="exemple">
  28. <span class="pinyin"><del>Wǒmen bǎ diànyǐng kànde hěn gāoxìng.</del></span> (Ungrammatical)<br/>
  29. <span class="hanzi"><del>我们把电影看得很高兴。</del></span><br/>
  30. (We enjoyed the film very much.)
  31. </div>
  32. <p><span class="gris">Note that hěn gāoxìng 很高兴 in 8A comments on how the subject feels, not on to what extent the object has been affected. Therefore, this sentence should not use the bǎ 把 construction. The correct sentence should be:</span><br/></p></li>
  33. <li><div class="exemple">
  34. <audio src="../Audio/ba-IV-8A.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
  35. <br/>
  36. <span class="pinyin">Wǒmen kàn diànyǐng kànde hěn gāoxìng.</span> (Grammatical) <br/>
  37. <span class="hanzi">我们看电影看得很高兴。</span><br/>
  38. We enjoyed the film very much.
  39. </div></li>
  40. </ol>
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