1. ID Character Pinyin English Used as R M
  2. 1 进(進)行 jìnxíng carry out V 1 1
  3. 2 包括 bāokuò include V 1 1
  4. 3 保险(險) băoxiăn insurance N 1 1
  5. 4 保险(險) băoxiăn guarantee V 1 1
  6. 5 报(報) 告 bàogào report V 1 1
  7. 6 报(報) 告 bàogào report N 1 1
  8. 7 悲剧 (劇) bēijù tragedy N 1 1
  9. 8 本质(質) bĕnzhì original nature N 1 1
  10. 9 必须(須) bìxù must MV 1 1
  11. 10 毕(畢)业(業) bìyè graduate V-O 1 1
  12. 11 贬(貶)值 biănzhí depreciation N 1 1
  13. 12 表明 biăomíng make clear RVC 1 1
  14. 13 表示 biăoshì express V 1 1
  15. 14 表现(現) biăoxiàn behaviour, conduct N 1 1
  16. 15 表现(現) biăoxiàn act, show V 1 1
  17. 16 病毒 bìngdú virus N 1 1
  18. 17 并且 bìngqiĕ also, and ADV 1 1
  19. 18 播发(發) bōfā broadcast V/N 1 1
  20. 19 不便 búbiàn inconvenience; unsuitable N 1 1
  21. 20 不断(斷) búduàn continuously ADV 1 1
  22. 21 不幸 búxìng unfortunate(ly) ADV 1 1
  23. 22 部长(長) bùzhăng minister, head of Dept N 1 1
  24. 23 裁减(減) cáijiăn reduce, cut V 1 1
  25. 24 采取 cáiqŭ take, adopt V 1 1
  26. 25 财(財) 物 cáiwù property N 1 1
  27. 26 采(採)访(訪) căifăng interview,make inquiries V 1 1
  28. 27 残(殘)疾 cánjí disability N 1 1
  29. 28 曾经(經) céngjīng at one time ADV 1 1
  30. 29 阐(闡)述 chănshù set forth,elaborate V 1 1
  31. 30 长(長)篇 chángpiān lengthy ADJ 1 1
  32. 31 畅(暢)销(銷)书(書) chàngxiāoshū best sellers N 1 1
  33. 32 超过(過) chāoguò exceed V 1 1
  34. 33 沉重 chénzhòng heavy ADJ/SV 1 1
  35. 34 称(稱)為 chēngwéi to be called as… RVC 1 1
  36. 35 呈 chéng assume (form, colour, etc.) V 1 1
  37. 36 程度 chéngdù degree, level N 1 1
  38. 37 成败(敗) chéngbài success or failure N 1 1
  39. 38 成立 chénglì establish V 1 1
  40. 39 成效 chéngxiào effect, result N 1 1
  41. 40 持续(續) chíxù sustain, keep V 1 1
  42. 41 重新 chóngxīn re-, afresh ADV 1 1
  43. 42 出版 chūbăn publish V 1 1
  44. 43 出现(現) chūxiàn appear, emerge V 1 1
  45. 44 出于(於) chūyú arise from RVC 1 1
  46. 45 初见(見) chūjiàn initially seen V 1 1
  47. 46 传(傳)播 chuánbō spread V 1 1
  48. 47 传(傳)媒 chuánméi media N 1 1
  49. 48 次日 cìrì following day TW 1 1
  50. 49 促使 cùshĭ urge V 1 1
  51. 50 打击(擊) dăjí attack, strike V 1 1
  52. 51 帶领(領) dàilĭng lead, guide V 1 1
  53. 52 逮捕 dăibŭ arrest V 1 1
  54. 53 大多数(數) dàduōshù majority N 1 1
  55. 54 大幅度 dà fúdù on a large scale ADV 1 1
  56. 55 大量 dàliàng in large quantity ADV 1 1
  57. 56 大众(眾) dàzhòng the public N 1 2
  58. 57 担(擔)忧(憂) dānyōu be anxious about V 1 1
  59. 58 当(當)然 dāngrān of course, as it should be ADV 1 1
  60. 59 当(當)中 dāngzhōng in the middle, among PW 1 1
  61. 60 导(導)致 dăozhì cause, lead to, result in V 1 1
  62. 61 得悉 déxī learn about V 1 1
  63. 62 等 dĕng et cetera PN 1 1
  64. 63 低 dī low SV 1 1
  65. 64 底 dĭ end, bottom N 1 1
  66. 65 地区(區) dìqū district, area N 1 1
  67. 66 地位 dìwèi position N 1 1
  68. 67 董事 dŏngshì trustee N 1 1
  69. 68 斗争(爭) dòuzhēng struggle N 1 1
  70. 69 独(獨)立 dúlì independent(ly) ADJ/ADV 1 1
  71. 70 独(獨)立 dúlì independence N 1 1
  72. 71 毒品 dúpĭn hard drug, poison N 1 1
  73. 72 度假 dùjià spend holidays V-O 1 1
  74. 73 多于 duōyú more than SV 1 1
  75. 74 多余(餘) duōyú unnecessary ADJ/SV 1 1
  76. 75 发(發)表 fābiăo publish, issue V 1 1
  77. 76 发(發)生 fāshēng occur V 1 1
  78. 77 发(發)现(現) fāxiàn discover V 1 1
  79. 78 发(發)言人 fāyán rén spokesman N 1 1
  80. 79 反应(應) fănyìng response,reflect,reaction N 1 1
  81. 80 方面 fāngmiàn aspect N 1 1
  82. 81 方法 fāngfă method N 1 1
  83. 82 放假 fàngjià on vacation V-O 1 1
  84. 83 放弃(棄) fàngqì abandon V 1 1
  85. 84 分別 fēnbié separately ADV 1 1
  86. 85 分別 fēnbié apart, separate V 1 1
  87. 86 分布 fēnbù be scattered V 1 1
  88. 87 分析 fēnxī analysis N 1 1
  89. 88 分析 fēnxī analyse V 1 1
  90. 89 疯(瘋)狂 fēnghuáng crazy SV/ADV 1 1
  91. 90 否认(認) fŏurèn deny V 1 1
  92. 91 否则(則) fŏuzé otherwise ADV 1 1
  93. 92 副 fù deputy, vice N 1 1
  94. 93 反 făn anti- ADV 1 1
  95. 94 复(複)杂(雜) fùzá complicated SV 1 1
  96. 95 概念 gàiniàn concept N 1 1
  97. 96 干涉 gānshè interfere V 1 1
  98. 97 干预(預) gānyù intervene V 1 1
  99. 98 感染 gănrăn infect V 1 1
  100. 99 更加 gèngjiā even more, increasingly ADV 1 1
  101. 100 更正 gēngzhèng to correct V 1 2
  102. 101 共 gòng to be in total V 1 1
  103. 102 公安 gōng’ān police, public security N 1 1
  104. 103 公开 gōngkāi openly ADV 1 1
  105. 104 工作 gōngzuò work, to work V/N 1 1
  106. 105 功效 gōngxiào effect N 1 1
  107. 106 估计(計) gūjì estimate V 1 1
  108. 107 股价(價) gŭjià share price N 1 1
  109. 108 鼓励(勵) gŭlì encourage V 1 1
  110. 109 挂(掛)钩(鉤) guàgōu link up with V-O 1 1
  111. 110 管理 guănlĭ manage V 1 1
  112. 111 广(廣)场(場) guăngchăng square V 1 1
  113. 112 广(廣)播 guăngbō broadcast V 1 1
  114. 113 过(過)程 guòchéng process N 1 1
  115. 114 过(過)节(節) guòjié spend festival V-O 1 1
  116. 115 官员(員) guānyuán official N 1 1
  117. 116 关(關)系(係)到 guānxi dào affect V 1 2
  118. 117 国(國)内外 guónèiwài within the country and without N 1 1
  119. 118 害 hài harm V 1 1
  120. 119 号(號) 称(稱) hàochēng be known as V 1 1
  121. 120 合法 héfă legal SV 1 1
  122. 121 合格 hégé qualify, pass SV/ADJ 1 1
  123. 122 画(畫)面 huàmiàn Picture, image N 1 1
  124. 123 会(會)场(場) huìchăng place for meeting N 1 1
  125. 124 汇(匯)率 huìlǜ exchange rate N 1 1
  126. 125 活动(動) huódòng activity N 1 1
  127. 126 或者 huòzhé or CONJ 1 1
  128. 127 获(獲)得 huòdé obtain V 1 1
  129. 128 机(機)关(關) jīguān organization N 1 1
  130. 129 击(擊)垮 jīkuă collapse, break V 1 1
  131. 130 基于(於) jīyú be based on V 1 1
  132. 131 即 jí namely ADV 1 1
  133. 132 计(計)划(劃) jìhuà plan N 1 1
  134. 133 极(極)为(為) jíwéi extremely ADV 1 1
  135. 134 几(幾)乎 jĭhu almost ADV 1 1
  136. 135 记(記)者 jìzhě reporter N 1 1
  137. 136 接受 jiēshòu accept V 1 1
  138. 137 交涉 jiāoshè negotiation N 1 1
  139. 138 家务(務) jiāwù housework N 1 1
  140. 139 加快 jiākuài to speed up V 1 1
  141. 140 加速 jiāsù accelerate V 1 1
  142. 141 假期 jiàqī holiday (time ) N 1 1
  143. 142 监(監)测(測) jiāncè monitor V 1 1
  144. 143 将(將) jiāng will MV 1 1
  145. 144 检验(驗) jiănyàn test V/N 1 1
  146. 145 讲(講)话(話) jiănghuà speech N 1 1
  147. 146 交通 jiāotōng transport N 1 1
  148. 147 教授 jiàoshòu professor N 1 1
  149. 148 结(結)果 jiēguŏ result N 1 1
  150. 149 接到 jiēdào receive V 1 1
  151. 150 接替 jiētì replace V 1 1
  152. 151 结(結)构(構) jiégòu structure N 1 1
  153. 152 截至 jiézhì up to (a time); by (a time) V 1 2
  154. 153 介绍(紹) jièshào introduce, explain V 1 1
  155. 154 屆 时(時) jièshí at the appointed time TW 1 1
  156. 155 近来(來) jìnlái recently TW 1 1
  157. 156 金融 jīnróng banking N 1 1
  158. 157 尽(盡) jìn to the greatest extent ADV 1 1
  159. 158 仅(僅)仅 jĭnjĭn merely ADV 1 1
  160. 159 进(進)展 jìnzhăn development, progress N 1 1
  161. 160 经(經) jīng go through, pass, by means of… Co-V 1 1
  162. 161 经(經)典 jīngdiăn classic N 1 1
  163. 162 经(經)济(濟)师(師) jīngjìshī economists N 1 1
  164. 163 精神 jīngshen spirit N 1 2
  165. 164 景象 jĭngxiàng situation N 1 1
  166. 165 奖(獎) jiăng prize N 1 1
  167. 166 就业(業) jiùyè undertake employment V-O 1 1
  168. 167 居民委员(員)会(會) jūmín
  169. wĕiyánhuì neighbourhood committee N 1 1
  170. 168 举(舉)动(動) jŭdòng act N 1 1
  171. 169 居 jù occupy (similar to占) V 1 1
  172. 170 据 jù according to Co-V 1 1
  173. 171 剧(劇)烈 jùliè acute;severe;violent ADJ 1 1
  174. 172 具有 jùyŏu have V 1 1
  175. 173 开始 kāishĭ start, begin V 1 1
  176. 174 抗体(體) kàngtĭ antibody N 1 1
  177. 175 科学(學)院 kēxué yuàn Academy of Sciences N 1 1
  178. 176 可靠 kĕkào reliable SV/ADJ 1 1
  179. 177 渴望 kěwàng long for MV 1 1
  180. 178 恐怖 kŏngbù terrifying SV/ADJ 1 1
  181. 179 控制 kòngzhì control V 1 1
  182. 180 快乐(樂) kuàilè happy SV/ADJ 1 1
  183. 181 困扰(擾) kùnrăo to perplex, puzzle V 1 1
  184. 182 例 lì MW for (criminal) cases MW 1 1
  185. 183 利 lì profit N 1 1
  186. 184 历(歷)史 lìshĭ history N 1 1
  187. 185 立刻 lìkè immediately ADV 1 1
  188. 186 了解 liăojiě understand V 1 1
  189. 187 领(領 )导(導) lĭngdăo leader N 1 1
  190. 188 领(領)到 lǐngdào get; draw V 1 1
  191. 189 另外 lìngwài apart from this ADV 1 1
  192. 190 留心 liúxīn to be careful V-O 1 1
  193. 191 流行 liúxíng spread V 1 1
  194. 192 轮(輪)番 lúnfān take turns ADV 1 1
  195. 193 旅游(遊) lǚyóu travel N 1 1
  196. 194 率 lǜ rate N 1 1
  197. 195 面积(積) miànjí area N 1 1
  198. 196 名 míng MW for people MW 1 1
  199. 197 名流 míngliú distinguished personages N 1 1
  200. 198 命运(運) mìngyùn fate N 1 1
  201. 199 某 mŏu certain ADJ 1 1
  202. 200 内政 nèizhèng domestic politics N 1 1
  203. 201 能否 néngfŏu can or cannot MV 1 1
  204. 202 农(農)村 nóngcūn countryside N 1 1
  205. 203 殴(歐)元 ōuyuán Euro N 1 1
  206. 204 派 pài faction N 1 1
  207. 205 品 质(質) pĭnzhì quality N 1 1
  208. 206 平 安 píng’ān to be peaceful SVADJ 1 1
  209. 207 评(評)价(價) píngjià evaluate V 1 1
  210. 208 评(評)价(價) píngjià evaluation N 1 1
  211. 209 其 qí its 1 1
  212. 210 其实(實) qíshí actually, in reality ADV 1 1
  213. 211 其中 qízhōng among which ADV 1 1
  214. 212 起源 qĭyuán origin N 1 1
  215. 213 起源 qĭyuán strat from V 1 1
  216. 214 抢(搶)救 qiăngjiù give emergency treatment V 1 1
  217. 215 亲(親)自 qīnzì in person ADV 1 1
  218. 216 签证(證) qiānzhèng visa N 1 1
  219. 217 前任 qiánrèn predecessor N 1 1
  220. 218 青壮年 qīng zhuàngnián young people N 1 1
  221. 219 青年 qīngnián youth/young N 1 1
  222. 220 情况 qíngkuàng situation N 1 1
  223. 221 全日制 quánrì zhì full-time (job) N 1 1
  224. 222 确(確)认(認) quèrèn confirm V 1 1
  225. 223 确(確)实(實) quèshí indeed, really ADV 1 1
  226. 224 强(強)烈 qiángliè strongly ADV 1 1
  227. 225 趋(趨)势(勢) qūshì trend, tendency N 1 1
  228. 226 确(確)立 quèlì establish V 1 1
  229. 227 群众(眾) qúnzhòng people, mass N 1 1
  230. 228 全国(國) quánguó whole country N 1 1
  231. 229 人民 rénmín people N 1 1
  232. 230 人权(權) rénquán human rights N 1 1
  233. 231 人数(數) rénshù number of people N 1 1
  234. 232 任 rèn appointment MW 1 1
  235. 233 认(認)为(為) rènwéi think, realise V 1 1
  236. 234 认(認)识(識)到 rènshidào realise RVC 1 1
  237. 235 日常 rìcháng daily ADJ 1 1
  238. 236 日前 rìqián a few days ago ADV 1 1
  239. 237 如果 rúguó if ADV 1 1
  240. 238 日子 rìzi days N 1 1
  241. 239 扫(掃)兴(興) săo xìng to be demoralized SV 1 1
  242. 240 煽 动(動) shāndòng stir up V 1 1
  243. 241 上級 shàngjí higher authority N 1 1
  244. 242 上升 shàngshēng rise V 1 1
  245. 243 上演 shàngyăn be put in public display V 1 1
  246. 244 上万(萬) shàngwàn a number exceeding 10,000 NW 1 1
  247. 245 社会 shèhuì society / social community N/ADJ 1 1
  248. 246 设(設)立 shèlì set up V 1 1
  249. 247 申请(請) shēnqĭng apply V 1 1
  250. 248 慎重 shènzhòng caution N 1 1
  251. 249 甚 至 shèngzhì even ADV 1 1
  252. 250 生产(產) shēngchăn production N 1 1
  253. 251 生活 shēnghuó live, life N 1 1
  254. 252 声(聲)望 shēngwàng prestige;reputation N 1 1
  255. 253 生意 shēngyì business N 1 1
  256. 254 失窃(竊) shīqiè suffer theft N 1 1
  257. 255 时(時)候 shíhou time N 1 1
  258. 256 时(時)时 shíshí frequently ADV 1 1
  259. 257 实(實) 际(際) shíjì actual ADJ/SV 1 1
  260. 258 实(實)施 shíshī implement V 1 1
  261. 259 实(實)验(驗)室 shíjiànshì laboratory N 1 1
  262. 260 食堂 shítáng canteen N 1 1
  263. 261 市 shì city N 1 1
  264. 262 试(試)点(點) shìdiăn pilot area N 1 1
  265. 263 世纪(紀) shìjì century N 1 1
  266. 264 世界 shìjiè world N 1 1
  267. 265 市场(場) shìchăng market N 1 1
  268. 266 事件 shìjiàn incident N 1 1
  269. 267 事实(實) shìshí fact, evidence N 1 1
  270. 268 时(時)事 shìshí current affair N 1 1
  271. 269 事故 shìgù accident N 1 1
  272. 270 事務(务) shìwù general affairs N 1 1
  273. 271 受到 shòudào receive V 1 1
  274. 272 受影响(響) shòu yĭngxiăng to be affected V-O 1 1
  275. 273 疏忽 shūhu neglect V 1 1
  276. 274 输(輸)入 shūrù input, (blood) transfusion RVC 1 1
  277. 275 属(屬) 于(於) shŭyú belong to V 1 1
  278. 276 數(数)目 shùmù number N 1 1
  279. 277 司机(機) sījī driver N 1 1
  280. 278 送往 sòngwăng take / deliver to RVC 1 1
  281. 279 所谓(謂) suŏwèi so-called ADJ 1 1
  282. 280 所有的 suŏyŏude every(thing) ADJ 1 1
  283. 281 唆使 suōshĭ instigate V 1 1
  284. 282 特別 tèbié especially ADV 1 1
  285. 283 特点(點) tèdiăn characteristic N 1 1
  286. 284 特征(徵) tèzhēng characteristic N 1 1
  287. 285 提高 tígāo raise V 1 1
  288. 286 提供 tígòng provide V 1 1
  289. 287 同期 tóngqí same period N 1 1
  290. 288 途径(徑) tújìng way, channel N 1 1
  291. 289 图(圖)书(書) túshū books N 1 1
  292. 290 突出 tūchū stress V 1 1
  293. 291 团(團)聚 tuánjù gather V 1 1
  294. 292 团(團)体(體) tuántĭ group N 1 1
  295. 293 推出 tuīchū launch (a book) V 1 1
  296. 294 退出 tuìchū withdraw from DVC 1 1
  297. 295 外交部 wàijiāobù Foreign Office N 1 1
  298. 296 万(萬) wàn ten thousand NW 1 1
  299. 297 旺季 wàngjì high season N 1 1
  300. 298 危害 wēihài danger/endanger V 1 1
  301. 299 危机(機) wēijī crisis N 1 1
  302. 300 危险(險) wēixiăn danger, dangerous N/SV 1 1
  303. 301 违(違)法 wéifă break the law V-O 1 1
  304. 302 卫(衛)生部 wèishēng bù Ministry of Health N 1 1
  305. 303 下决(決)心 xiàjuéxīn resolve V-O 1 1
  306. 304 先鋒(锋) xiānfēng pioneer N 1 1
  307. 305 先例 xiānlì precedent N 1 1
  308. 306 項(项) xiàng MW for projects MW 1 1
  309. 307 消息 xiāoxi information, news N 1 1
  310. 308 消费(費) xiāofèi consume V/N 1 1
  311. 309 消费(費)者 xiāofèizhĕ consumers N 1 1
  312. 310 销(銷)毁 xiāohuǐ destroy V 1 1
  313. 311 销(銷)量 xiāoliàng quantity of sale N 1 1
  314. 312 销(銷)售 xiāoshōu sell/sale V/N 1 1
  315. 313 休克 xiūkè coma V 1 1
  316. 314 协(協)会(會) xiéhuì association N 1 1
  317. 315 行动(動) xíngdòng actions N 1 1
  318. 316 需求 xūqiú demand N 1 1
  319. 317 需要 xūyào need, needs V/N 1 1
  320. 318 宣传(傳) xuānchuán propagate V 1 1
  321. 319 选(選)择(擇) xŭnzé select V 1 1
  322. 320 选(選) 举(舉) xuănjŭ elect V 1 1
  323. 321 血液 xuèyè blood N 1 1
  324. 322 宣布 xuānbù announce V 1 1
  325. 323 寻(尋)找 xúnzhăo search, seek V 1 1
  326. 324 严(嚴)重 性 yánzhòng xìng seriousness N 1 1
  327. 325 医(醫)院 yīyuàn hospital N 1 1
  328. 326 遗(遺)憾 yíhàn to be regretful SV 1 1
  329. 327 遗(遺)失 yíshī lose V 1 1
  330. 328 仪(儀)式 yíshì ceremony N 1 1
  331. 329 以免 yĭmiăn in order to avoid ADV 1 1
  332. 330 一般 yìbān generally ADV 1 1
  333. 331 意识(識) yìshi awareness N 1 1
  334. 332 議(议)論(论) yìlùn talk about V 1 1
  335. 333 意外 yìwài accident N 1 1
  336. 334 因 yīn because ADV 1 1
  337. 335 因素 yīnsù element N 1 1
  338. 336 引起 yínqĭ cause V 1 1
  339. 337 饮(飲)食卫(衛)生 yĭnshĭ wèishēng food hygiene N 1 1
  340. 338 影响(響) yĭngxiăng affect, influence V 1 1
  341. 339 由于(於) yóuyú owing to ADV 1 1
  342. 340 有限 yŏuxiàn to be limited SV/ADJ 1 1
  343. 341 右翼 yòuyì right wing N 1 1
  344. 342 愚昧 yúmèi ignorant SV/ADJ 1 1
  345. 343 与(與) yŭ and, with CONJ 1 1
  346. 344 院士 yuànshì fellow N 1 1
  347. 345 原来(來) yuánlái actually/originally ADV 1 1
  348. 346 原则(則) yuánzé principle N 1 1
  349. 347 圆(圓)滿 yuánmăn wholeness N 1 1
  350. 348 远(遠)见(見) yuănjiàn foresight N 1 1
  351. 349 运动(動) yùndòng campaign N 1 1
  352. 350 再次 zàicì once again ADV 1 1
  353. 351 造成 zàochéng create (as)… RV 1 1
  354. 352 增长 zēngzhăng increase V 1 1
  355. 353 占 zhàn occupy, take V 1 1
  356. 354 则(則) zé MW for news items MW 1 1
  357. 355 增加 zēngjiā increase V 1 1
  358. 356 长(長) zhăng head of… N 1 1
  359. 357 招待会(會) zhāodàohuì reception N 1 1
  360. 358 阵(陣)形 zhènxíng shape and position N 1 1
  361. 359 证(證) zhèng certificate; permit N 1 1
  362. 360 政府 zhèngfŭ government N 1 1
  363. 361 证(證)件 zhèngjiàn ID, certificate N 1 1
  364. 362 ...之一 zhīyī one of… PN 1 1
  365. 363 支持 zhīchí support V 1 1
  366. 364 职(職)责(責) zhízé duty N 1 1
  367. 365 指出 zhĭchū point out DVC 1 1
  368. 366 指定 zhĭdìng designated ADJ 1 1
  369. 367 指明 zhĭmíng classify, clarify RVC 1 1
  370. 368 至 zhì to RC 1 1
  371. 369 制止 zhìzhĭ prevent, stop V 1 1
  372. 370 治理 zhìlĭi control, rule V 1 1
  373. 371 治疗(療) zhìliáo cure V 1 1
  374. 372 中午 zhōng wŭ noon TW 1 1
  375. 373 职(職)位 zhíwèi position N 1 1
  376. 374 治安 zhì’ān security (in community) N 1 1
  377. 375 至于(於) zhìyu as far as, concerning ADJ 1 1
  378. 376 逐年 zhúnián year by year ADV 1 1
  379. 377 主持 zhŭchí take charge of; chair V 1 1
  380. 378 主题(題) zhŭtí main theme N 1 1
  381. 379 主要 zhŭyào main, important ADJ/SV 1 1
  382. 380 专家 zhuānjiā expert N 1 1
  383. 381 转(轉) zhuăn transfer V 1 1
  384. 382 准许(許) zhŭnxŭ allow/permit V 1 1
  385. 383 资(資)料 zīliào material, data N 1 1
  386. 384 咨(諮)询(詢) zīxún consultancy N 1 1
  387. 385 自…以来(來) zì…yĭlái since Co-V 1 1
  388. 386 自治区(區) zìzhìqū autonomous region N 1 1
  389. 387 自由 zìyóu free SV 1 1
  390. 388 总(總)数(數) zŏngshù total number N 1 1
  391. 389 綜合 zōnghé integrated ADJ 1 1
  392. 390 组(組)织(織) zŭzhī organisation N 1 1
  393. 391 罪犯 zuìifàn criminal N 1 1
  394. 392 作用 zuòyòng function,role N 1 1
  395. 393 斗争(爭) dòuzhēng struggle V 1 1
  396. 394 面临(臨) miànlín be faced with V 1 1
  397. 395 解除 jiěchú remove; relieve; get rid of V 1 1
  398. 396 人士 rénshì personage; public figure N 1 1
  399. 397 变(變)动(動) biànòng change; alteration N 1 1
  400. 398 改变(變) gǎibiàn change; alter;modify V 1 1
  401. 399 权(權)力 quánlì power; authority N 1 1
  402. 400 平衡 pínghéng balance; equilibrium N 1 1
  403. 401 显(顯)著 xiǎnzhù notable;outstanding; ADJ/SV 1 1
  404. 402 罕见(見) hǎnjiàn seldom seen; rare ADJ/SV 1 1
  405. 403 发(發)出 fāchū issue; send out V 1 1
  406. 404 警告 jǐnggào warning N 1 1
  407. 405 判处(處) pànchú sentence; condemn V 1 1
  408. 406 死刑 sǐxíng death penalty; death sentence N 1 1
  409. 407 指控 zhǐkòng accuse; charge V 1 1
  410. 408 关(關)切 guānqiè concern N 1 1
  411. 409 分离(離)主义(義) fēnlízhǔyì separatism N 1 1
  412. 410 给(給)予 jíyú give; offer V 1 1
  413. 411 辩(辯)解 biànjiě provide an explanation V 1 1
  414. 412 流亡 liúwáng go into exile V 1 1
  415. 413 警告 jǐnggào warn V 1 1
  416. 414 关(關)切 guānqiè be deeply concerned V 1 1
  417. 415 更正 gēngzhèng correction N 1 1
  418. 416 估计(計) gūjì estimate N 1 1
  419. 417 战(戰)略 zhànlǜe strategy N 1 1
  420. 418 争(爭)议(議) zhēngyì dispute;argument N 1 1
  421. 419 间(間)接 jiānjiē indirectly ADV 1 1
  422. 420 针(針)对(對) zhēnduì point at; in accordance with V 1 1
  423. 421 明确(確) míngqùe clear and definite SV/ADJ 1 1
  424. 422 承诺(諾) chéngnuò promise to undertake V 1 1
  425. 423 交流 jiāoliú exchange; interflow V 1 1
  426. 424 合作 hézuò cooperate; work togethe V 1 1
  427. 425 继(繼)续(續) jìxù continue; go on (with); V 1 1
  428. 426 措辞(辭) cuòcí wording;diction N 1 1
  429. 427 捍卫(衛) hànwèi defend; guard; protect V 1 1
  430. 428 姿态(態) zītài gesture;attitude;pose N 1 1
  431. 429 购(購)买(買) gòumǎi purchase V 1 1
  432. 430 迫使 pòshǐ force; oblige; compel V 1 1
  433. 431 价(價)值观(觀) jiàzhíguān form of value N 1 1
  434. 432 有所 yŏusuŏ to some extent; somewhat ADV 1 1
  435. 433 措施 cuòshī measure; step N 1 1
  436. 434 意识(識)形态(態) yìshìxíngtài ideology N 1 1
  437. 435 众(眾)所周知 zhòngsuŏzhōuzhī as is known to all ADV 1 1
  438. 436 当(當)务(務)之急 dāngwùzhījí a task of top priority N 1 1
  439. 437 讨(討)价(價)还(還)价 tǎojàhuánjià bargain with sb. V 1 1
  440. 438 交流 jiāoliú exchange; interflow N 1 1
  441. 439 镇(鎮)压(壓) zhènyā suppress V 1 1
  442. 440 抗议(議) kàngyì protest V 1 1
  443. 441 示威 shìwēi demonstrate V 1 0
  444. 442 巩(鞏)固 gŏnggù consolidate V 1 1
  445. 443 基层(層) jīcéng grass-roots unit; basic level N 1 1
  446. 444 慰问(問) wèiwèn express sympathy for V 1 1
  447. 445 强硬 qiángyìng strong;tough;unyielding SV/ADJ 1 1
  448. 446 知名度 zhīmíngdù fame N 1 2
  449. 447 实(實)权(權) shíquán shíquán N 1 1
  450. 448 缺乏 quēfá be short of; lack 1 1
  451. 449 唯一 wéiyī only; sole; unique ADJ 1 1
  452. 450 常委 chángwěi standing committee member N 1 1
  453. 451 证(證)实(實) zhèngshí verify;confirm V 1 1
  454. 452 接班人 jiēbānrén successor N 1 1
  455. 453 记(記)忆(憶) jìyì memory N 1 1
  456. 454 制约(約) zhìyuē restrict V 1 1
  457. 455 示威 shìwēi demonstration N 1 1
  458. 456 致命 zhìmìng fatal;deadly;lethal;vital ADJ 1 1
  459. 457 拒绝(絕) jùjué refuse;reject;turn down V 1 1
  460. 458 敦促 dūncù urge;press V 1 1
  461. 459 保护(護) bǎohù protect;guard V 1 1
  462. 460 展开(開) zhǎnkāi launch;carry out V 1 1
  463. 461 助理 zhùlǐ assistant N 1 1
  464. 462 燃料 rănliào fuel N 1 1
  465. 463 供应(應) gōngyìng supply V 1 1
  466. 464 忧(憂)虑(慮) yōulǜ worried;anxious;concerned N 1 1
  467. 465 投票 tóupiào vote;cast a vote V-O 1 1
  468. 466 政坛(壇) zhèngtán political circles/world N 1 1
  469. 467 步骤 bùzhòu step;measure N 1 1
  470. 468 步伐 bùfá pace;step N 1 1
  471. 469 辞(辭)职(職) cízhí resign V-O 1 1
  472. 470 抵抗 dǐkàng resist V 1 1
  473. 471 制裁 zhìcái sanction N 1 1
  474. 472 供应(應) gōngyìng supply N 1 1
  475. 473 辞(辭)职(職) cízhí resignation N 1 1
  476. 474 抵抗 dǐkàng resistance N 1 1
  477. 475 准许(許) zhŭnxŭ allow/permit N 1 1
  478. 476 咨(諮)询(詢) zīxún consult V 1 1
  479. 477 强(強)硬 qángyìng strong; flinty; tough ADJ/SV 1 1
  480. 478 表决 biǎojué put to the vote;vote V 1 1
  481. 479 内阁(閣) nèigé cabinet N 1 0
  482. 480 违(違)禁 wéijìn violate a ban ADJ 1 1
  483. 481 范(範)围(圍) fànwéi scope;ange N 1 1
  484. 482 涉嫌 shèxián be suspected of being involved V 1 1
  485. 483 减缓 jiǎnhuǎn slow down V 1 2
  486. 484 简(簡)易 jiǎnyì simple and easy ADJ/SV 1 2
  487. 485 检(檢)验(驗) jiǎnyàn inspect;test;checkout V 1 1
  488. 486 摧毁 cuīhuǐ destroy V 1 1
  489. 487 矛盾 máodùn contradiction;conflict N 1 1
  490. 488 开(開)拓 kāituō open up;explore V 1 1
  491. 489 圣(聖)地 shèngdì sacred land N 1 1
  492. 490 武器 wǔqì weapon; arms N 1 1
  493. 491 广(廣)播 guăngbō broadcasting N 1 1
  494. 492 遵循 zūnxún follow; abide by V 1 1
  495. 493 改组 gǎizǔ reshuffle;reorganize V 1 1
  496. 494 职(職)务(務) zhíwù duties; job N 1 1
  497. 495 政治局 zhèngzhìjú the Political Bureau N 1 1
  498. 496 低调(調) dīdiào low profile ADJ/SV 1 1
  499. 497 谨(謹)慎 jǐnshèn careful; cautious SV 1 1
  500. 498 处(處)决 chùjué put to death; execute V 1 1
  501. 499 奏效 zòuxiào prove effective V 1 1
  502. 500 显(顯)然 xiǎnrán obviously; evidently ADV 1 1
  503. 501 举(舉)措 jǔcuò behave; move; act N 1 1
  504. 502 蒙蔽 méngpì deceive;hoodwink V 1 1
  505. 503 民意测(測)试(試) mínyìcèshì public opinion poll N 1 1
  506. 504 预(預)期 yùqī expected; anticipated ADJ 1 1
  507. 505 家族 jiāzú clan; family N 1 1
  508. 506 落选(選) luòxuǎn fail to be elected V-O 1 1
  509. 507 激烈 jīliè intense;fierce SV 1 1
  510. 508 对(對)手 duìshŏu opponent;rival N 1 1
  511. 509 微弱 wēiruò feeble; weak SV 1 1
  512. 510 席位 xíwèi seat(ina legislative assembly) N 1 1
  513. 511 占(佔)据(據) zhànjù occupy V 1 1
  514. 512 克服 kèfú overcome V 1 1
  515. 513 揭晓(曉) jiéxiǎo make known; publish V 1 1
  516. 514 连(連)任 liánrèn reelected consecutively V 1 1
  517. 515 意味着(著) yìwèizhe signify; mean; imply V 1 1
  518. 516 失败(敗) shībài be defeated; lose N 1 1
  519. 517 具有 jùyŏu possess;be provided with V 1 1
  520. 518 号(號)召 hàozhāo call; appeal V 1 1
  521. 519 纲(綱)领(領) gānglǐng guiding principle;creed N 1 1
  522. 520 拥有 yōngyŏu possess;own V 1 1
  523. 521 号(號)召 hàozhāo call; appeal N 1 1
  524. 522 权(權)力 quánlì power; authority N 1 1
  525. 523 优(優)势(勢) yōushì superiority;dominant position N 1 1
  526. 524 核查 héchá check (the facts);inspect V 1 1
  527. 525 基地 jīdì base N 1 1
  528. 526 寻(尋)求 xúnqiú seek; pursue V 1 1
  529. 527 批准 pīzhǔn ratify;approve;confirm V 1 1
  530. 528 外界 wàijiè the external world N 1 1
  531. 529 视(視)察 shìchá inspect an inspection visit VN 1 1
  532. 530 承认(認) chéngrèn admit; acknowledge; VN 1 1
  533. 531 构(構)成 gòuchéng constitute; form V 1 1
  534. 532 预(預)防 yùfáng prevention N 1 1
  535. 533 着(著)手 zhuóshŏu set about V 1 1
  536. 534 前夕 qiánxī eve N 1 1
  537. 535 从(從)事 cóngshì be engaged in; V 1 1
  538. 536 漫长(長) màncháng very long; endless ADJ 1 1
  539. 537 建议(議) jiànyì put one's hand to; set about V 1 1
  540. 538 指责(責) zhǐzé criticize V 1 1
  541. 539 捞(撈)取 lāoqǔ fish for V 1 1
  542. 540 认(認)同 rèntóng common ground N 1 1
  543. 541 海峡两(兩)岸 hǎixiáiliǎng’àn both shores of Taiwan Straits N 1 1
  544. 542 质(質)疑 zhìyí query N 1 1
  545. 543 现(現)场(場) xiànchǎng on-site;scene N 1 1
  546. 544 辩(辯)论(論) biànlùn argue; debate VN 1 1
  547. 545 挑剔 tiāotì nitpick; be hypercritical SV 1 1
  548. 546 视(視)察 shìchá an inspection visit N 1 1
  549. 547 承认(認) chéngrèn acknowledgement N 1 1
  550. 548 构(構)成 gòuchéng constitution; formation N 1 1
  551. 549 预(預)防 yùfáng prevent V 1 1
  552. 550 指责(責) zhǐzé criticism N 1 1
  553. 551 辩(辯)论(論) biànlùn debate N 1 1
  554. 552 首脑(腦) shŏunǎo head of… N 1 1
  555. 553 进(進)展 jìnzhǎn evolve; march; make progress V 1 1
  556. 554 戒备(備) jièbèi being on the alert N 1 1
  557. 555 数(數)以千计(計) shùyǐqiānjì numerous ADJ/SV 1 1
  558. 556 戒严(嚴) jièyán impose a curfew V 1 1
  559. 557 取得 qǔdé acquire;gain;obtain V 1 1
  560. 558 惊(驚)慌失措 jīnghuāngshīcuò panic striken;frightened SV 1 1
  561. 559 位于(於) wèiyú be located; be situated V 1 1
  562. 560 驻(駐) zhù be stationed V 1 1
  563. 561 标(標)语(語) biāoyǔ slogan;poster N 1 1
  564. 562 口号(號) kŏuhào slogan N 1 1
  565. 563 左翼(翼) zuŏyì left wing N 1 1
  566. 564 后(後)果 hòuguŏ consequence N 1 1
  567. 565 定居 dìngjū settle (down) V 1 1
  568. 566 议(議)员(員) yìyán parliamentarian N 1 1
  569. 567 消减 xiāojiǎn cut;reduce V 1 1
  570. 568 致力于 zhìlìyú devote oneself to V 1 1
  571. 569 脚(腳)踏实(實)地 jiǎotàoshídì earnest and down to earth ADV 1 1
  572. 570 引述 yǐnshù quote V 1 1
  573. 571 绑(綁)架 bǎngjià kidnap V 1 1
  574. 572 搜寻(尋) sōuxún search for;look for;seek V 1 1
  575. 573 适(適)当 shìdàng proper;appropriate ADJ/SV 1 1
  576. 574 计(計)划(劃) jìhuà plan V 1 1
  577. 575 检验(驗) jiănyàn test N 1 1
  578. 576 详(詳)细(細) xiángxì detailed ADJ/SV 1 1
  579. 577 盟国(國) méngguó allied country;ally N 1 1
  580. 578 峰会(會) fēnghuì summit meeting N 1 1
  581. 579 意义(義) yìyì meaning;sense;purport N 1 1
  582. 580 纷(紛)纷(紛) fēnfēn one after another ADV 1 1
  583. 581 东(東)道主 dōngdàozhǔ host N 1 1
  584. 582 回应(應) huíyìng reaction N 1 1
  585. 583 前提 qiántí preconditio;prerequisite N 1 1
  586. 584 参(參)照 cānzhào refer to V 1 1
  587. 585 坚(堅)持 jiānchí persist in;insist on V 1 1
  588. 586 立场(場) lichǎng position;stand;standpoint N 1 1
  589. 587 无(無)法 wúfǎ unable; incapable ADV 1 1
  590. 588 适(適)应(應) shìyìng suit;adapt;get with it;fit V 1 1
  591. 589 扮演 bànyǎn have a role;act V 1 1
  592. 590 角色 jiésè role;part N 1 1
  593. 591 互补(補) hùbǔ relatively complemented ADJ/SV 1 1
  594. 592 柱石 zhùshí pillar; mainstay N 1 1
  595. 593 扼要 éyào to the point ADJ/SV/ADV 1 1
  596. 594 方针 fāngzhēn policy;guiding principle N 1 1
  597. 595 消极 xiāojí negative ADJ/SV 1 1
  598. 596 抵触 dǐchù conflict N 1 1
  599. 597 抗议(議) kàngyì protest N 1 0
  600. 598 恐怖 kŏngbù terror N 1 1
  601. 599 快乐(樂) kuàilè happiness N 1 1
  602. 600 困扰(擾) kùnrăo to perplex V 1 1
  603. 601 利 lì to profit;to benefit V 1 1
  604. 602 不容 bùróng not tolerate; not allow V 1 1
  605. 603 设法 shèfǎ think of a way; try V 1 1
  606. 604 流行 liúxíng spreading N 1 1
  607. 605 值班 zhíbān be on duty V-O 1 1
  608. 606 旅游(遊) lǚyóu travel;sight seeing V 1 1
  609. 607 舆论 yǚlùn public opinion N 1 1
  610. 608 严谨 yánjǐn rigorous;strict SV/ADJ 1 1
  611. 609 差距 chājù distance N 1 1
  612. 610 重点 zhòngdiǎn focal point;stress N 1 1
  613. 611 趁机 chènjī take advantage of the occasion V-O 1 1
  614. 612 慎重 shènzhòng cautiously ADV 1 1
  615. 613 抵赖 dǐlài deny;disavow V 1 1
  616. 614 收集 shōují collect V 1 1
  617. 615 突出 tūchū outstanding;prominent SV/ADJ 1 1
  618. 616 危险(險) wēixiăn dangerous SV/ADJ 1 1
  619. 617 仿冒品 fǎngmào fake N 1 1
  620. 618 宣传(傳) xuānchuán propagate N 1 1
  621. 619 需要 xūyào needs N 1 1
  622. 620 选(選)择(擇) xŭnzé selection N 1 1
  623. 621 选(選) 举(舉) xuănjŭ election N 1 1
  624. 622 探讨(討) tàntǎo inquire into V 1 1
  625. 623 全球化 quánqiúhuà globalise V 1 1
  626. 624 简(簡)短 jiǎnduǎn brief;short SV/ADJ 1 1
  627. 625 确(確)立 quèlì establish V 1 1
  628. 626 导(導)向 dǎoxiàng guide;steering;guiding V 1 1
  629. 627 完备(備) wánbèi complete; perfect V 1 1
  630. 628 融入 róngrù merge;mix together V 1 1
  631. 629 彼此 bǐcǐ each other;both parties ADV 1 1
  632. 630 互惠 hùhuì mutually beneficial ADJ 1 1
  633. 631 互补(補) hùbǔ complementary N 1 1
  634. 632 资(資)源 zīyán resource N 1 1
  635. 633 接轨(軌) jiēguǐ to be compatible with… V 1 1
  636. 634 共存 gòngcún coexist;survive together N 1 1
  637. 635 不景气(氣) bujǐngqì depression;recession;slump SV 1 1
  638. 636 人才 réncái talent;qualified personnel N 1 1
  639. 637 培养(養) péiyǎng foster;train;develop V 1 1
  640. 638 探讨(討) tàntǎo investigation N 1 1
  641. 639 聚集 jùjí gather; assemble V 1 1
  642. 640 摧毁 cuīhuǐ destroy;wreck V 1 1
  643. 641 家喻户晓(曉) jiāyúhùxiǎo make known to every family SV 1 1
  644. 642 沿着(著) yánzhe along Co-V 1 1
  645. 643 互助 hùzhù help each other; mutual aid V 1 1
  646. 644 物资(資) wùzī goods and materials N 1 1
  647. 645 异(異)口同声(聲) yìkŏutóngshēng speak with [in] one voice ADV 1 1
  648. 646 家破人亡 jiāpòrénwáng family ruined SV/ADJ 1 1
  649. 647 十分 shífēn completely ADV 1 1
  650. 648 轰(轟)炸 hōngzhà bomb V 1 1
  651. 649 轰(轟)炸 hōngzhà bombardment N 1 1
  652. 650 扣押 kòuyā seize;detain V 1 1
  653. 651 提出 tíchū put [bring] forward; raise V 1 1
  654. 652 确(確)保 quèbǎo ensure;guarantee V 1 1
  655. 653 誓言 shìyán take a vow V 1 1
  656. 654 替罪羊 tìzuìyáng scapegoat; fall guy N 1 1
  657. 655 太空 tàikōng outer space N 1 1
  658. 656 强(強)烈 qiángliè strong;intense;violent ADJ/ADV 1 1
  659. 657 疑问(問) yíwèn query;question;problem N 1 1
  660. 658 废墟 fèixū ruins N 1 1
  661. 659 骚(騷)乱(亂) sāoluàn disturbance;riot N 1 1
  662. 660 谴(譴)责(責) qiǎnzé condemn;blame V 1 1
  663. 661 维(維)护(護) wéihù safeguard;uphold;keep V 1 1
  664. 662 乐(樂)观(觀) lèguān optimistic;hopeful SV/ADJ 1 1
  665. 663 获(獲)益 huòyì gain benefit from V 1 1
  666. 664 扩(擴)大 kuòdà expansion; amplify; upstep V 1 1
  667. 665 议(議)题(題) yìtí topic for discussion; agenda N 1 1
  668. 666 供认(認) gōngrèn confess V 1 1
  669. 667 损(損)失 sǔnshī lose loss V 1 1
  670. 668 投机倒把 tóujīdàobǎ play the market;capitalize on V 1 1
  671. 669 损(損)失 sǔnshī loss N 1 1
  672. 670 审(審)问(問) shěnwèn interrogate;question V 1 1
  673. 671 抓(獲)获 zhuāhuò arrest;capture;seize V 1 1
  674. 672 死心塌地 sǐxīntādì be dead set on ADV 1 1
  675. 673 关(關)押 guānyā lock up; put in prison V 1 1
  676. 674 策划(劃) cèhuà plan;plot V 1 1
  677. 675 议(議)员(員) yìyuán parliamentarian N 1 1
  678. 676 资(資)深 zīshēn experienced;highly qualified ADJ 1 1
  679. 677 签(簽)署 qiānshǔ sign V 1 1
  680. 678 审(審)问(問) shěnwèn interrogate;question N 1 1
  681. 679 抵达(達) dǐdá reach;arrive V 1 1
  682. 680 信服 xìnfú completely accept V 1 1
  683. 681 证(證)据(據) zhèngjù evidence;proof N 1 1
  684. 682 通缉(緝) tōngjì list as wanted V 1 1
  685. 683 运(運)转(轉) yùnzhuǎn work;operate;run V 1 1
  686. 684 抢(搶)劫 qiǎngjié rob;loot;plunder V 1 1
  687. 685 无(無)辜 wúgū innocent SV 1 1
  688. 686 否定 fŏudìng deny V 1 1
  689. 687 授权(權) shòuquán empower;authorize V 1 1
  690. 688 污染 wūrǎn pollute;contaminate V 1 1
  691. 689 统(統)计(計) tŏngjìn statistics;census N 1 1
  692. 690 内涵 nèihán connotation;connotative N/SV 1 1
  693. 691 运(運)转(轉) yùnzhuǎn work (machine) N 1 1
  694. 692 抢(搶)劫 qiǎngjié plunder N 1 1
  695. 693 污染 wūrǎn pollution;contamination N 1 1
  696. 694 统(統)计(計) tŏngjìn count V 1 1
  697. 695 涌进 yōngjìn gush;pour;surge V 1 1
  698. 696 影响(響) yĭngxiăng influence N 1 1
  699. 697 圆(圓)滿 yuánmăn completely ADV 1 1
  700. 698 圆(圓)滿 yuánmăn complete SV/ADJ 1 1
  701. 699 疏忽 shūhu carelessness; negligence N 1 1
  702. 700 召开(開) zhāokāi convene;convoke V 1 1
  703. 701 更换 gēnghuàn change;replace V 1 1
  704. 702 协(協)议(議) xiéyì agreement N 1 1
  705. 703 隔绝(絕) gējué completely cut off V 1 1
  706. 704 丑(醜)闻(聞) chŏuwén scandal N 1 1
  707. 705 创(創)始人 chuàngshǐrén founder N 1 1
  708. 706 间(間)谍(諜) jiāndié spy;secret agent N 1 2
  709. 707 细(細)节(節) xìjié details;particulars N 1 1
  710. 708 屡(屢)次 lǚcì time and again;repeatedly ADV 1 1
  711. 709 广(廣)泛 guăngfàn extensive;widespread ADV 1 1
  712. 710 逐步 zhúbù step by step ADV 1 1
  713. 711 切实(實) qièshí practical;feasible ADJ/SV 1 1
  714. 712 关注 guānzhù pay close attention to V 1 1
  715. 713 磋商 cuòshāng hold a discussion;consult V 1 1
  716. 714 一致 yízhì unanimous ADJ/ADV 1 1
  717. 715 情报(報) qíngbào intelligence;information N 1 1
  718. 716 相继(繼) xiāngjì in succession ADV 1 1
  719. 717 当(當)局 dāngjú the authorities N 1 1
  720. 718 磋商 cuòshāng discussion;consultation N 1 1
  721. 719 正常化 zhèngchánghuà normalize/normalization V/N 1 1
  722. 720 组(組)建 zŭjiàn organize;form V 1 1
  723. 721 挑战(戰) tiăozhàn challenge N 1 1
  724. 722 选(選)票 xuănpiào vote N 1 1
  725. 723 颁(頒)奖(獎) bānjiăng give prize V-O 1 1
  726. 724 政变(變) zhèngbiàn coup d'état;coup N 1 1
  727. 725 激进(進) jījìn radical ADJ/SV 1 1
  728. 726 线(線)索 xiànshuŏ clue N 1 1
  729. 727 践(踐)踏 jiàntà tread on;trample on [upon] V 1 1
  730. 728 不结(結)盟 bùjiéméng nonalignment ADJ 1 1
  731. 729 执(執)政 zhizhèng hold power;be in office V-O 1 1
  732. 730 责(責)任 zérèn duty; responsibility N 1 1
  733. 731 监(監)督 jiāndū supervise;monitor V 1 1
  734. 732 年度 niándù year;annual N 1 1
  735. 733 严(嚴)格 yángé strict;rigorous ADJ/SV 1 1
  736. 734 操纵(縱) cāozòng rig;manipulate V 1 1
  737. 735 暗杀(殺) ànshā assassinate V 1 1
  738. 736 引发(發) yĭnfā initiate V 1 1
  739. 737 直接 zhíjiē direct; immediate ADJ/ADV 1 1
  740. 738 全力以赴 quánlìyĭfù go to all lengths ADV 1 1
  741. 739 声(聲)称(稱) shēngchēng claim;declare V 1 1
  742. 740 关(關)键(鍵) guānjiàn crucial ADJ/SV 1 1
  743. 741 绝(絕)对(對) juéduì absolute ADV 1 2
  744. 742 派遣 pàiqiăn send someone on mission V 1 1
  745. 743 僵局 jiāngjú deadlock; impasse N 1 1
  746. 744 暗杀(殺) ànshā assassination N 1 1
  747. 745 辩(辯)护(護) biànhù argue in favour of V 1 1
  748. 746 严(嚴)肃(肅) yánsù solemn SV/ADJ 1 1
  749. 747 封锁(鎖) fēngsuŏ block;seal off V 1 1
  750. 748 及时(時) jíshí in time ADV 1 1
  751. 749 即刻 jìkè at once;immediately ADV 1 1
  752. 750 强(強)硬 qiángyìng tough;unyielding ADJ/SV 1 1
  753. 751 披露 pīlù announce;make public V 1 1
  754. 752 一系列 yīxìliè a series of;a train of ADJ 1 1
  755. 753 政权(權) zhèngquán political [state] power;regime N 1 1
  756. 754 启(啟)程 qĭchéng set out; start on a journey V-O 1 1
  757. 755 法庭 fătíng court N 1 1
  758. 756 敌(敵)视(視) díshì be hostile to V 1 1
  759. 757 经(經)营(營) jīngyíng manage;run V 1 1
  760. 758 辩(辯)护(護) biànhù defense N 1 1
  761. 759 封锁(鎖) fēngsuŏ blockade N 1 1
  762. 760 经(經)营(營) jīngyíng management N 1 1
  763. 761 履行 lǚxíng carry out;fulfil V 1 2
  764. 762 上述 shàngshù above-mentioned ADJ 1 1
  765. 763 阻扰(擾) zŭrăo obstruct;hinder V 1 1
  766. 764 协(協)调(調) xiétiáo coordinate;cohere with V 1 1
  767. 765 争(爭)端 zhēngduān dispute; conflict N 1 1
  768. 766 会(會)晤 huìwù meet V 1 1
  769. 767 释(釋)放 shìfàng release;set free V 1 1
  770. 768 弥(彌)补(補) mĭbŭ make up V 1 1
  771. 769 协(協)调(調) xiétiáo harmonious ADJ/SV 1 1
  772. 770 刑事 xíngshì criminal ADJ 1 1
  773. 771 保留 băoliú keep back; reserve V 1 1
  774. 772 草案 căoàn draft N 1 1
  775. 773 扫(掃)除 săochú remove;wipe out V 1 1
  776. 774 陆(陸)续(續) lùxù one after another ADV 1 1
  777. 775 贯(貫)彻(徹) guànchè carry out;implement V 1 2
  778. 776 冻(凍)结(結) dòngjiē freeze-up;congeal V 1 1
  779. 777 涉及 shèjí involve; relate to V 1 1
  780. 778 妥协(協) tuŏxié compromise V 1 1
  781. 779 牵(牽)涉 qiānshè drag in;involve V 1 1
  782. 780 高峰会(會)议(議) gāofēnghuìyì summit meeting N 1 2
  783. 781 澄(澄)清 chéngqīng clear up; clarify V 1 1
  784. 782 条(條)款 tiáokuăn clause; article N 1 1
  785. 783 迅速 xùnsù rapid; swift; speedy ADJ/SV 1 1
  786. 784 接触(觸) jiēchù come into contact with V 1 1
  787. 785 宣读(讀) xuāndú read out (in public) V 1 1
  788. 786 延迟(遲) yánchí delay V 1 1
  789. 787 推迟(遲) tuīchí put off;postpone V 1 1
  790. 788 奢侈 shēchì luxurious ADJ/SV 1 1
  791. 789 奢侈 shēchì luxury N 1 1
  792. 790 延长(長) yáncháng lengthen; extend; prolong V 1 1
  793. 791 克制 kèzhì restrain; exercise restraint V 1 1
  794. 792 启(啟)动(動) qǐdòng get sth. in gear;startover V 1 1
  795. 793 核实(實) héshí verify; check V 1 1
  796. 794 重申 chóngshēn reaffirm; reiterate V 1 1
  797. 795 主宰 zhǔzǎi dominate; dictate; decide V 1 1
  798. 796 框架 kuāngjià frame; framing N 1 1
  799. 797 原油 yuányóu crude oil; N 1 1
  800. 798 委任 wěirèn appoint; nominate V 1 1
  801. 799 持有 chíyǒu hold (views) V 1 1
  802. 800 动机(機) dòngjī motive; intention N 1 1
  803. 801 任命 rènmìng appoint; nominate V 1 1
  804. 802 任 rèn assume a post; take up a job V 1 1
  805. 803 议(議)案 yìàn proposal; motion; bill N 1 1
  806. 804 核心 héxīn core; heart; centre; elite N 1 1
  807. 805 态(態)度 tàidù attitude; approach N 1 1
  808. 806 节约 jiēyuē economize; save; economy V 1 1
  809. 807 具体(體) jùtĭ concrete; specific; particular ADJ/SV 1 1
  810. 808 调(調)控 tiáokòng regulate and control N 1 1
  811. 809 储(儲)备(備) chŭbèi store for future use V 1 1
  812. 810 储(儲)备(備) chŭbèi reserve N 1 1
  813. 811 短缺 duănquē deficit; shortage N 1 1
  814. 812 利息 lìxī interest N 1 1
  815. 813 消除 xiāochú eliminate; dispel; remove V 1 1
  816. 814 获(獲)释(釋) huòshì be released; be set free V 1 1
  817. 815 稳(穩)固 wěngù firm; steady; stable ADJ/SV 1 1
  818. 816 稳(穩)健 wěnjiàn firm; steady; solid ADJ/SV 1 1
  819. 817 涉嫌 shèxián be a suspect N 1 1
  820. 818 搜查 sōuchá search; ransack V 1 1
  821. 819 过(過)度 guòdù excessive; over; undue ADJ 1 1
  822. 820 过(過)渡 guòdù transition; transit N 1 1
  823. 821 升级(級) shēngji escalate; upgrade; promotion V-O 1 1
  824. 822 宏观(觀) hóngguān macroscopic view N 1 1
  825. 823 撤除 chèchú remove; dismantle V 1 1
  826. 824 惨(慘)重 cănzhòng heavy; grievous ADJ/SV 1 1
  827. 825 否决 fǒujué veto; vote down; overrule V 1 1
  828. 826 嫌疑 xiányí suspicion N 1 1
  829. 827 可疑 kěyí suspicious ADJ/SV 1 1
  830. 828 暂时(時) zànshí temporary; for the time being ADJ/ADV 1 1
  831. 829 企图(圖) qĭtú attempt MV/N 1 1
  832. 830 颠(顛)覆 diānfù overturn V 1 1
  833. 831 推翻 tuīfān overthrow; overturn V 1 1
  834. 832 试图(圖) shìtú try; attempt MV 1 1
  835. 833 贯(貫)彻(徹) guànchè carry out; implement V 1 1
  836. 834 实(實)行 shíxíng carry out; implement V 1 1
  837. 835 实(實)施 shíshī put into effect; implement V 1 1
  838. 836 意志 yìzhì will N 1 1
  839. 837 听(聽)取 tīngqŭ listen to V 1 1
  840. 838 意见(見) yìjiàn idea; view; opinion N 1 1
  841. 839 贪(貪)污 tánwū corruption V 1 1
  842. 840 款项(項) kuănxiàng a sum of money; fund N 1 1
  843. 841 公投 gōngtóu referendum N 1 1
  844. 842 宪(憲)法 xiànfă constitution; charter N 1 1
  845. 843 搜捕 sōubŭ track down and arrest V 1 1
  846. 844 警戒 jĭngjiè warn; warning V 1 1
  847. 845 警惕 jĭngtì vigilance N 1 1
  848. 846 警惕 jĭngtì be on guard against V 1 1
  849. 847 任期 rènqī term of office V-O 1 1
  850. 848 解散 jiěsàn dismiss V 1 1
  851. 849 开(開)发(發) kāifā develop; exploit V 1 1
  852. 850 搜救 sōujiù rescue V 1 1
  853. 851 调(調)整 tiáozhěng adjust V 1 1
  854. 852 实(實)质(質) shízhì substance; essence N 1 1
  855. 853 杰出 jiéchū outstanding ADJ 1 1
  856. 854 信仰 xìnyăng faith; belief N 1 1
  857. 855 一度 yídù at one time; on one occasion ADV 1 1
  858. 856 骨干(幹) gŭgàn backbone; mainstay N 1 1
  859. 857 占领(領) zhànlĭng capture; occupy; seize V 1 1
  860. 858 蔓延 mànyán creep; spread; extend V 1 1
  861. 859 使命 shĭmìng mission N 1 1
  862. 860 创(創)作 chuàngzuò produce; write V 1 1
  863. 861 呼吁(籲) hūyù appeal; call on V 1 1
  864. 862 赞(贊)扬(揚) zànyáng speak highly of; praise V 1 1
  865. 863 恐惧(懼) gǒngjù fear N 1 1
  866. 864 关(關)闭(閉) guānbì close; shut V 1 1
  867. 865 信仰 xìnyăng believe in V 1 1
  868. 866 征服 zhēngfú conquer V 1 1
  869. 867 殖民 zhím colonial ADJ 1 1
  870. 868 统(統)治 tǒngzhì rule; govern V 1 1
  871. 869 维(維)持 wéichí maintain; preserve V 1 1
  872. 870 部落 bùluò tribe N 1 1
  873. 871 屠杀(殺) túchā massacre V 1 1
  874. 872 残(殘)酷 cánkù cruel; brutal ADV 1 1
  875. 873 吩咐 fēnfu instruct; tell V 1 1
  876. 874 频(頻)繁 pínfán frequently; often V 1 1
  877. 875 伙(夥)伴 huŏbàn partner; companion N 1 1
  878. 876 积(積)累 jīlěi accumulate V 1 1
  879. 877 价(價)值 jiàzhí value N 1 1
  880. 878 数(數)据(據) shùjù data; record N 1 1
  881. 879 视(視)野 shìyě field of vision N 1 1
  882. 880 经(經)验(驗) jīngyàn experience N 1 1
  883. 881 经(經)历(歷) jīnglì to experience V 1 1
  884. 882 武装 wŭzhuāng battle outfit N 1 1
  885. 883 统(統)治 tǒngzhì rule N 1 1
  886. 884 秩序 zhìxu order N 1 1
  887. 885 屠杀(殺) túchā massacre N 1 1
  888. 886 吩咐 fēnfu instruction N 1 1
  889. 887 频(頻)繁 pínfán frequent SV 1 1
  890. 888 尤其 yóuqí especially; particularly ADV 1 1
  891. 889 预(預)料 yùliào expect; predict V 1 1
  892. 890 预(預)测 yùcè calculate; forecast V 1 1
  893. 891 仓(倉)促 cāngcù hurried; hurriedly ADV 1 1
  894. 892 评(評)估 pínggū estimat N 1 1
  895. 893 评(評)估 pínggū assess V 1 1
  896. 894 预(預)测 yùcè forecast N 1 1
  897. 895 款待 kuăndài treat cordially V 1 1
  898. 896 筹(籌)备(備) chóubèi prepare; arrange V 1 1
  899. 897 判断(斷) pànduàn judge; estimate V 1 1
  900. 898 介入 jièrù intervene; interpose V 1 1
  901. 899 遵守 zūnshǒu abide by; comply with V 1 1
  902. 900 营(營)救 yíngjiù rescue; save V 1 1
  903. 901 责(責)怪 zéguài blame V 1 1
  904. 902 创(創)新 chuàngxīn innovations N 1 1
  905. 903 坚(堅)定 jiāngdìng firm; staunch ADJ 1 1
  906. 904 精彩 jīngcăi brilliant; splendid; wonderful ADJ 1 1
  907. 905 福利 fúlì well-being; welfare N 1 1
  908. 906 刑罚(罰) xíngfá punishment N 1 1
  909. 907 透漏 tòulòu leak V 1 2
  910. 908 透露 tòulù disclose a secret V 1 1
  911. 909 机(機)遇 jīyù opportunity N 1 1
  912. 910 援助 yuánzhù aid N 1 1
  913. 911 论(論)坛(壇) lùntán forum N 1 1
  914. 912 小康 xiăokāng comparatively well-off ADJ 1 1
  915. 913 ...界 jiè circles; world; field N 1 1
  916. 914 企业(業) qĭyè enterprise; establishment N 1 1
  917. 915 实(實)力 shílì actual strength; strength N 1 1
  918. 916 领(領)域 lĭngyù territory; domain N 1 1
  919. 917 妥善 tuǒshàn appropriate(ly); proper(ly) ADV 1 1
  920. 918 赴 fù go to; attend V 1 1
  921. 919 数(數)以百计(計) shùyĭbăijì count by the hundreds SV/ADJ 1 1
  922. 920 千方百计(計) qiānfāngbăijì make every attempt to ADV 1 1
  923. 921 审(審)议(議) shěnyì under discussion; consider V 1 1
  924. 922 成员(員) chéngyuán member N 1 1
  925. 923 建设(設)性 jiànshèxìng constructive ADJ 1 1
  926. 924 戒备(備) jièbèi guard; be on the alert N 1 1
  927. 925 勘探 kāntàn prospect; prospection V/N 1 1
  928. 926 甚至 shènzhì even; (go) so far as to ADV 1 1
  929. 927 聚会(會) jùhuì get together; meeting N 1 1
  930. 928 负(負)债(債) fùzhài be in debt V-O 1 2
  931. 929 沟(溝)通 gōutōng connect; communicate V 1 1
  932. 930 补(補)助 bŭzhù subsidy N 1 1
  933. 931 示威 shìwēi demonstrate V-O 1 1
  934. 932 斡旋 wòxuán mediate V 1 1
  935. 933 大肆 dàshì without restraint; wantonly ADV 1 1
  936. 934 据(據)点(點) jùdiăn strongpoint; fortified point N 1 1
  937. 935 巨大 jùdà giant; immense ADJ 1 1
  938. 936 伟(偉)大 wěidà mighty ADJ 1 1
  939. 937 整顿(頓) zhěngdùn reorganize; readjust V 1 1
  940. 938 遇难(難) yùnàn die in an accident V-O 1 1
  941. 939 化验(驗) huàyàn laboratory test N 1 1
  942. 940 扣留 kòuliú detain V 1 1
  943. 941 搜索 sōusuǒ search for V 1 1
  944. 942 壁垒(壘) bòlěi barrier N 1 1
  945. 943 增值 zēngzhí appreciation; increment N 1 1
  946. 944 超标(標) chāobiāo to be over the limit V-O 1 1
  947. 945 投诉(訴) tóusù complain V 1 1
  948. 946 作证(證) zuòzhèng testify; give evidence V 1 1
  949. 947 被告 bèigào defendant N 1 1
  950. 948 公道 gōngdào fair; just SV 1 2
  951. 949 通过(過) tōngguò adopt; pass; carry V 1 1
  952. 950 变(變)革 biàngé transform; reform V 1 1
  953. 951 核实(實) héshí verify; check V 1 1
  954. 952 回顾(顧) huígù look back; review V 1 1
  955. 953 回忆(憶) huíyì recollect; recall V 1 1
  956. 954 迄今 qìjīn so far; up to now ADV 1 1
  957. 955 纪(紀)律 jìlǜ discipline N 1 1
  958. 956 严(嚴)密 yánmì tight; tidy ADJ 1 1
  959. 957 庇护(護) bìhù harbourage; shield N 1 1
  960. 958 前所未有 qiánsuǒwèitǒu unprecedented ADJ 1 1
  961. 959 作风(風) zuòfēng style of work N 1 1
  962. 960 增补(補) zēngbŭ enlargement; augment V 1 1
  963. 961 局部 júbù locality; part N 1 1
  964. 962 防范(範) fángfàn be on guard V 1 1
  965. 963 防止 fángzhĭ prevent; guard against V 1 1
  966. 964 陷入 xiànrù entrap V 1 1
  967. 965 爆发(發) bàofā erupt; burst (out) V 1 1
  968. 966 冲(衝)突 chōngtū clash; conflict N 1 1
  969. 967 沿途 yántú throughout a journey N 1 1
  970. 968 仿冒 făngmào imitate V 1 1
  971. 969 伪(僞)造 wěizào forge V 1 1
  972. 970 津贴 jīntiē subsidy; allowance N 1 1
  973. 971 现(現)状(狀) xiànzhuàng present situation N 1 1
  974. 972 更改 gēnggăi change; alter V 1 1
  975. 973 雇佣(傭) gùyòng employ; hire V 1 1
  976. 974 填补(補) tiánbŭ fill (a vacancy, gap) V 1 1
  977. 975 拉票 lāpiào garnering votes V-O 1 1
  978. 976 疲软(軟) píruǎn tired and feeble ADJ 1 1
  979. 977 疲软(軟) píruǎn slump N 1 1
  980. 978 默哀 mòāi pay silent tribute V 1 2
  981. 979 敲响(響) qiāoxiǎng to raise the alarm V-O 1 1
  982. 980 冲(衝)刺 chōngcì sprint V 1 1
  983. 981 游离(離) yóulí to dissociate V 1 1
  984. 982 衰竭 shuāijié failure (e.g. of an organ) N 1 1
  985. 983 转(轉)型 zhuănxíng to transform; reform V 1 1
  986. 984 功绩(績) gōngjì merit; good deeds N 1 1
  987. 985 巨头(頭) jùtóu giant; tycoon; big player N 1 1
  988. 986 导(導)弹(彈) dăodàn missile N 1 1
  989. 987 轨(軌)道 guǐdào orbit; track N 1 1
  990. 988 威胁(脅) wēixié to threaten V 1 1
  991. 989 威胁(威脅) wēixié threat N 1 1
  992. 990 中毒 zhòngdú to be poisoned V 1 1
  993. 991 涉案 shè'àn be involved in a case V 1 1
  994. 992 引渡 yǐndù to extradite V 1 1
  995. 993 嫌犯 xiánfàn suspect N 1 1
  996. 994 游(遊)说(説) yóushuì persuade V 1 1
  997. 995 制裁 zhìcái to sanction; punish V 1 1
  998. 996 意图(圖) yìtú intention N 1 1
  999. 997 灵(靈)柩 língjìu coffin N 1 1
  1000. 998 瞻仰 zhānyăng to revere; to admire V 1 1
  1001. 999 惯(慣)常 guàncháng regular(ly); usual(ly) ADJ/ADV 1 1
  1002. 1000 奥(奧)运(運)会(會) àoyùnhuì Olympic Games N 1 1
  1003. 1001 展现(現) zhănxiàn demonstrate; to emerge V 1 1
  1004. 1002 庆(慶)典 qìngdiăn celebration N 1 1
  1005. 1003 亮相 liàngxiàng to declare one's position V 1 1
  1006. 1004 总(縂)裁 zŏngcái chairman; director general N 1 1
  1007. 1005 先决(決)条(條)件 xiānjuétiáojiàn precondition; prerequisite N 1 1
  1008. 1006 让(讓)步 ràngbù to concede; to give in V 1 1
  1009. 1007 让(讓)步 ràngbù a concession N 1 1
  1010. 1008 见(見)证(證) jiànzhèng to witness V 1 1
  1011. 1009 见(見)证(證) jiànzhèng witness; testimony N 1 1
  1012. 1010 跌宕 diēdàng unconstrained ADJ 1 1
  1013. 1011 起伏 qĭfŭ ups and downs N 1 1
  1014. 1012 倡导(導) chàngdǎo to advocate; initiate V 1 1
  1015. 1013 火炬 huǒjù torch N 1 1
  1016. 1014 传(傳)递(遞) chuándì to transmit; pass on to sb else V 1 1
  1017. 1015 丝(絲)绸(綢) sīchóu silk N 1 1
  1018. 1016 纪(紀)录(錄) jìlù record N 1 1
  1019. 1017 抵制 dǐzhì to resist; boycott V 1 1
  1020. 1018 无(無)动(動)于(於)衷 wúdòngyúzhōng aloof; indifferent ADJ 1 1
  1021. 1019 借口 jièkǒu to use as an excuse V 1 1
  1022. 1020 借口 jièkǒu excuse; pretext N 1 1
  1023. 1021 引用 yǐnyòng quote V 1 1
  1024. 1022 拘捕 jūbǔ to arrest V 1 1
  1025. 1023 失宠(寵) shīchŏng to lose favour (with sb.) V 1 1
  1026. 1024 减(減)免 jiănmiăn to reduce (taxation, etc.) V 1 1
  1027. 1025 债(債)务(務) zhàiwù debt N 1 1
  1028. 1026 勋(勳)章 xūnzhāng medal N 1 1
  1029. 1027 荣(榮)誉(譽) róngyù honour N 1 1
  1030. 1028 分界线(綫) fēnjièxiàn boundary N 1 1
  1031. 1029 休闲(閒) xīuxián leisure; relaxation N 1 1
  1032. 1030 隔离(離) gélí to separate; to isolate V 1 1
  1033. 1031 派系 pàixì sect; faction N 1 1
  1034. 1032 诞(誕)生 dànshēng to be born V 1 1
  1035. 1033 立法 lìfǎ to legislate V 1 1
  1036. 1034 立法 lìfǎ legislation N 1 1
  1037. 1035 缉(緝)拿 jīná to arrest; to seize V 1 1
  1038. 1036 事宜 shìyí to make arrangements V 1 1
  1039. 1037 互利互赢(贏) hùlìhùyíng mutually beneficial ADJ 1 1
  1040. 1038 格局 géjú structure; pattern N 1 1
  1041. 1039 袭(襲)击(擊) xíjī to attack V 1 1
  1042. 1040 无(無)罪 wúzuì innocent (of crime) ADJ 1 1
  1043. 1041 元首 yuánshŏu head of state N 1 1
  1044. 1042 参(參)议(議)员(員) cānyìyuán senator N 1 1
  1045. 1043 睿智 ruìzhì wisdom N 1 1
  1046. 1044 全球变(變)暖 quánqíubiànnuǎn global warming N 1 1
  1047. 1045 创(創)办(辦) chuàngbàn to found; establish V 1 1
  1048. 1046 注(註)销(銷) zhùxiāo to cancel V 1 1
  1049. 1047 主导(導) zhŭdǎo to lead; to manage V 1 1
  1050. 1048 残(殘)骸 cánhái wreckage N 1 1
  1051. 1049 二氧化碳 èryǎnghuàtàn carbon dioxide N 1 1
  1052. 1050 延误(誤) yánwù delay N 1 1
  1053. 1051 匿名 nìmíng anonymous ADJ 1 1
  1054. 1052 预(預)算 yùsuàn budget N 1 1
  1055. 1053 图(圖)表 túbiǎo graph; chart N 1 1
  1056. 1054 赤字 chìzì deficit N 1 1
  1057. 1055 刺激 cìjī to stimulate; provoke V 1 1
  1058. 1056 刺激 cìjī stimulus; incentive N 1 1
  1059. 1057 投资(資) tóuzī to invest V 1 1
  1060. 1058 势(勢)头(頭) shìtóu momentum; tendency N 1 1
  1061. 1059 邮(郵)件 yóujiàn mail N 1 1
  1062. 1060 付诸(諸) fùzhū to put into effect V 1 1
  1063. 1061 作业(業) zùoyè task; homework N 1 1
  1064. 1062 科考 kēkáo scientific research N 1 1
  1065. 1063 间(間)隔 jiāngé gap; interval N 1 1
  1066. 1064 通报(報) tōngbào notification N 1 1
  1067. 1065 通报(報) tōngbào to notify; circulate info V-O 1 1
  1068. 1066 海域 hǎiyù sea area; maritime waters N 1 1
  1069. 1067 炒作 chǎozuò to hype V 1 1
  1070. 1068 渲染 xuànrǎn to exaggerate V 1 1
  1071. 1069 幼童 yòutóng young child N 1 1
  1072. 1070 疑凶(兇) yíxīong suspect N 1 1
  1073. 1071 鉴(鋻)定 jiàndìng to appraise; identify V 1 1
  1074. 1072 警戒 jĭngjiè to warn; to be alert for V 1 1
  1075. 1073 遭到 zāodào to suffer; meet with (sth unfortunate) V 1 1
  1076. 1074 担(擔)当(當) dāndāng to undertake V 1 1
  1077. 1075 排除 páichú to eliminate; remove V 1 1
  1078. 1076 基本 jīběn basic; fundamental ADJ 1 1
  1079. 1077 网(網)络(絡) wăngluò network; internet N 1 1
  1080. 1078 运(運)作 yùnzuò to operate V 1 1
  1081. 1079 落实(實) luòshí implement; carry out V 1 1
  1082. 1080 起草 qĭcǎo to draft; draw up (plans) V 1 1
  1083. 1081 契合 qìhé agree (with) V 1 1
  1084. 1082 纳(納)入 nàrù be incorporated into V 1 1
  1085. 1083 共识(識) gòngshí consensus N 1 1
  1086. 1084 巩(鞏)固 gŏnggù strengthen; consolidate V 1 1
  1087. 1085 规(規)划(劃) guīhuà plan; program N 1 1
  1088. 1086 气(氣)象 qìxiàng weather; meteorology N 1 1
  1089. 1087 阶(階)段 jiēduàn section; stage; phase N 1 1
  1090. 1088 急于(於) jíyú eager/anxious to; be in a hurry to ADJ 1 1
  1091. 1089 节(節)制 jiézhì to control; command V 1 1
  1092. 1090 设(設)施 shèshī facilities; installation N 1 1
  1093. 1091 突破 tūpò to break through (barrier, etc.) V 1 2
  1094. 1092 突破 tūpò breakthrough N 1 1
  1095. 1093 里程碑 lĭchéngbēi milestone N 1 1
  1096. 1094 推断(斷) tuīduàn to deduce; predict V 1 1
  1097. 1095 华(華)侨(僑) huáqiáo overseas Chinese N 1 1
  1098. 1096 形象 xíngxiàng image; form N 1 1
  1099. 1097 失实(實) shīshí false ADJ/SV 1 1
  1100. 1098 猜测(測) cāicè guess; speculate V 1 1
  1101. 1099 声(聲)誉(譽) shēngyù prestige; reputation N 1 1
  1102. 1100 援引 yuányǐn cite V 1 1
  1103. 1101 知名人士 zhīmíngrénshì celebrity N 1 1
  1104. 1102 潜(潛)力 qiánlì potential N 1 1
  1105. 1103 威望 wēiwàng prestige N 1 1
  1106. 1104 君主 jūnzhŭ monarch N 1 1
  1107. 1105 专(專)制 zhuānzhì autocracy; dictatorship N 1 1
  1108. 1106 限度 xiàndù limit N 1 1
  1109. 1107 明了 míngliǎo understand clearly V 1 1
  1110. 1108 操控 cāokòng operate and control; manipulate V 1 1
  1111. 1109 判刑 pànxíng sentence (to prison, etc.) V-O 1 1
  1112. 1110 终(終)身监(監)禁 zhōngshēnjiānjìn life imprisonment N 1 1
  1113. 1111 符合 fúhé to match; to accord with V 1 1
  1114. 1112 清廉 qīnglián honest; uncorrupted ADJ 1 1
  1115. 1113 诈(詐)取 zhàqŭ to swindle; defraud V 1 1
  1116. 1114 起诉(訴) qĭsù to sue V 1 1
  1117. 1115 悲痛 bēitòng sorrow; grief N 1 1
  1118. 1116 悲痛 bēitòng sorrowful; grieved ADJ 1 1
  1119. 1117 失利 shīlì to lose V 1 1
  1120. 1118 知情 zhīqǐng to know the facts; be in the know V-O 1 1
  1121. 1119 暴露 bàolù to expose; reveal V 1 1
  1122. 1120 招募 zhāomù to recruit; enlist V 1 1
  1123. 1121 回报(報) huíbào to report back; reciprocate; repay V 1 1
  1124. 1122 肥料 féiliào fertilizer; manure N 1 1
  1125. 1123 人道 réndào humane ADJ 1 1
  1126. 1124 智库(庫) zhìkù think tank N 1 1
  1127. 1125 犹(猶)豫 yóuyù to hesitate V 1 1
  1128. 1126 把握 bǎwò to grasp; seize V 1 1
  1129. 1127 潜(潛)逃 qiántáo to abscond V 1 1
  1130. 1128 拨(撥)款 bōkuǎn to allocate funds; to appropriate V-O 1 2
  1131. 1129 清真寺 qīngzhēnsì mosque N 1 1
  1132. 1130 工程 gōngchéng project; undertaking N 1 1
  1133. 1131 监(監)视(視) jiānshì to monitor; oversee V 1 1
  1134. 1132 摄(攝)像机(機) shèxiàngjī camera N 1 1
  1135. 1133 原料 yuǎnliào raw material N 1 1
  1136. 1134 片断(斷) piànduàn section; fragment N 1 1
  1137. 1135 油气(氣)田 yóuqìtián oil-gas field N 1 1
  1138. 1136 和谐(諧) héxié harmonious ADJ 1 1
  1139. 1137 听取 tīngqǔ to listen to V 1 1
  1140. 1138 劳(勞)工 láogōng labour(er); worker N 1 1
  1141. 1139 宽(寬)限 kuānxiàn to extend (a deadline, etc.) V 1 1
  1142. 1140 中立 zhōnglì neutral ADJ 1 1
  1143. 1141 争(爭)夺(奪) zhēngduó fight over; contest V 1 1
  1144. 1142 革命 gémìng (political) revolution N 1 1
  1145. 1143 流感 liúgăn flu N 1 1
  1146. 1144 规(規)模 guīmó scale; scope N 1 1
  1147. 1145 演习(習) yǎnxí to manoeuvre; to drill V 1 1
  1148. 1146 军(軍)事 jūnshì military ADJ 1 1
  1149. 1147 路线(綫) lùxiàn route; itinerary N 1 1
  1150. 1148 目击(擊)者 mùjīzhě eyewitness N 1 1
  1151. 1149 陆(陸)军(軍) lùjūn army N 1 1
  1152. 1150 登记(記) dēngjì to register V 1 1
  1153. 1151 温和 wēnhé moderate (policy, etc.) ADJ 1 1
  1154. 1152 化学(學) huàxué chemistry N 1 1
  1155. 1153 化学(學) huàxué chemical ADJ 1 1
  1156. 1154 争(爭)执(執) zhēngzhí to quarrel; dispute V 1 1
  1157. 1155 天文 tiānwén astronomy N 1 1
  1158. 1156 技术(術) jìshù technology; skill N 1 1
  1159. 1157 意愿(願) yìyuàn aspiration; wish N 1 1
  1160. 1158 意愿(願) yìyuàn wish (for); desire V 1 1
  1161. 1159 无(無)视(視) wúshì ignore; disregard; have no respect for V 1 1
  1162. 1160 为(爲)期 wéiqī lasting (a certain time) V 1 1
  1163. 1161 机(機)械 jīxiè machine(ry) N 1 1
  1164. 1162 支付 zhīfù to pay V 1 1
  1165. 1163 支付 zhīfù payment N 1 1
  1166. 1164 议(議)程 yìchéng agenda N 1 1
  1167. 1165 预(預)定 yùdìng to schedule in advance V 1 1
  1168. 1166 救济(濟) jìujì provide (emergency) relief V-O 1 1
  1169. 1167 渠道 qŭdào channel(s) N 1 1
  1170. 1168 迹(跡)象 jìxiàng sign; indication; mark N 1 1
  1171. 1169 着(著)陆(陸) zhuōlù to land; to touch down V 1 1
  1172. 1170 剥(剝)夺(奪) bōduó to deprive V 1 1
  1173. 1171 化解 huàjiě to dissolve; resolve; dispel (doubts) V 1 1
  1174. 1172 焚烧(燒) fénshāo to burn; to set on fire V 1 1
  1175. 1173 暂(暫)停 zàntíng to suspend V 1 1
  1176. 1174 盟友 méngyóu ally N 1 1
  1177. 1175 削减(減) xuējiǎn to cut down; reduce V 1 1
  1178. 1176 良知 liángzhī conscience N 1 1
  1179. 1177 贪(貪)图(圖) tāntú to seek; to covet V 1 1
  1180. 1178 通胀(脹) tōngzhàng inflation N 1 1
  1181. 1179 议(議)会(會) yìhuì parliament; legislative assembly N 1 1
  1182. 1180 参(參)与(與) cānyŭ to participate (in sth.) V 1 1
  1183. 1181 至关(關)重要 zhìguānzhòngyào very important ADJ 1 1
  1184. 1182 取决(決)于(於) qŭjuéyú to depend upon; hinge upon V 1 1
  1185. 1183 国(國)会(會) guóhuì parliament; Congress N 1 1
  1186. 1184 反恐 fǎnkǒng counter-terrorism ADJ 1 1
  1187. 1185 揭幕 jiēmù unveil V 1 1
  1188. 1186 走私 zŏusī to smuggle V 1 1
  1189. 1187 携(攜)带(帶) xiédài to carry V 1 1
  1190. 1188 局势(勢) júshì situation; state (of affairs) N 1 1
  1191. 1189 密切 mìqiè close(ly); intimate ADJ/ADV 1 1
  1192. 1190 调(調)查 diàochá survey; inquiry; investigation N 1 1
  1193. 1191 支撑(撐) zhīchēng to support; prop up V 1 1
  1194. 1192 翻覆 fānfù to overturn; to capsize N 1 1
  1195. 1193 股市 gŭshì stock market N 1 1
  1196. 1194 暴跌 bàodiē steep fall (in prices); slump N 1 1
  1197. 1195 泡沫 pàomò bubble (e.g. soap; economic; etc.) N 1 1
  1198. 1196 指数(數) zhǐshù index (numerical, statistical, etc.) N 1 1
  1199. 1197 汇(匯)价(價) huìjià exchange rate N 1 1
  1200. 1198 股民 gŭmín investors; shareholders N 1 1
  1201. 1199 周详(詳) zhōuxiáng thorough; detailed ADJ 1 1
  1202. 1200 施政 shīzhèng administration N 1 1
  1203. 1201 辉(輝)煌 huīhuǎng splendid; magnificent ADJ 1 1
  1204. 1202 障碍(礙) zhàng'ài obstacle; barrier; obstruction N 1 1
  1205. 1203 移交 yíjiāo to transfer; to hand over V 1 1
  1206. 1204 机(機)制 jīzhì mechanism N 1 1
  1207. 1205 失职(職) shīzhí to lose one's job V-O 1 1
  1208. 1206 渎(瀆)职(職) dùzhí neglect one's duty V-O 1 1
  1209. 1207 银(銀)行 yínháng bank N 1 1
  1210. 1208 考察 kăochá to inspect V 1 1
  1211. 1209 登报(報) dēngbào to publish in a newspaper V 1 1
  1212. 1210 宽(寬)恕 kuānshù to forgive V 1 1
  1213. 1211 宽(寬)恕 kuānshù forgiveness N 1 1
  1214. 1212 整理 zhěnglǐ to put things in order V 1 1
  1215. 1213 转(轉)移 zhuǎnyí to transfer; to divert V 1 1
  1216. 1214 倒塌 dǎotā to collapse V 1 1
  1217. 1215 电(電)力 diànlì electricity N 1 1
  1218. 1216 矿(礦)井 kuàngjǐng mine N 1 1
  1219. 1217 缓(緩)解 huǎnjiě relieve; alleviate V 1 1
  1220. 1218 保证(證) bǎozhèng to guarantee V 1 1
  1221. 1219 贡(貢)献(獻) gòngxiàn contribution N 1 0
  1222. 1220 挖掘 wājué to excavate V 1 1
  1223. 1221 枢(樞)纽(紐) shūniǔ a hub (e.g. of traffic network) N 1 1
  1224. 1222 平等 píngděng equality N 1 1
  1225. 1223 称(稱)赞(讚) chēngzàn to praise; to commend V 1 1
  1226. 1224 中毒 zhòngdú poisoning N 1 1
  1227. 1225 检(檢)测(測) jiǎncè to test; to examine; to detect V 1 1
  1228. 1226 对(對)话(話) duìhuà dialogue N 1 1
  1229. 1227 谈(談)判 tánpàn negotiations N 1 1
  1230. 1228 救援 jiùyuán to save; to rescue V 1 1
  1231. 1229 获(獲)救 huòjiù to be rescued V 1 1
  1232. 1230 纵(縱)火 zònghuǒ to commit arson V 1 1
  1233. 1231 终(終)止 zhōngzhǐ to stop V 1 1
  1234. 1232 核弹(彈)头(頭) hédàntóu nuclear warhead N 1 1
  1235. 1233 海军(軍) hǎijūn navy N 1 1
  1236. 1234 国(國)际(際) guójì international ADJ 1 1
  1237. 1235 惯(慣)例 guànlì convention N 1 1
  1238. 1236 欧(歐)盟 ōuméng European Union PropN 1 1
  1239. 1237 撤离(離) chèlí to withdraw from; evacuate V 1 1
  1240. 1238 协(協)助 xiézhù to provide assistance V 1 1
  1241. 1239 侨(僑)民 qiáomín national (of a country) N 1 1
  1242. 1240 击(擊)败(敗) jībài to defeat V 1 1
  1243. 1241 空缺 kòngquē vacancy N 1 1
  1244. 1242 议(議)事 yìshì to discuss official business V-O 1 1
  1245. 1243 日程 rìchéng schedule N 1 1
  1246. 1244 演讲(講) yǎnjiǎng to make a speech V-O 1 1
  1247. 1245 力促 lìcù to urge V 1 1
  1248. 1246 轰(轟)炸 hōngzhà to bomb V 1 1
  1249. 1247 空袭(襲) kōngxí air raid N 1 1
  1250. 1248 自杀(殺) zìshā suicide V 1 1
  1251. 1249 以眼还(還)眼 yǐyǎnhuányǎn an eye for an eye 1 1
  1252. 1250 火箭 huǒjiàn rocket N 1 1
  1253. 1251 发(發)射 fāshè to fire (a rocket); to launch (satellite) V 1 1
  1254. 1252 卫(衛)星 wèixīng (space) satellite N 1 1
  1255. 1253 庆(慶)祝 qìngzhù to celebrate V 1 1
  1256. 1254 违(違)规(規) wéiguī to violate (rules) V-O 1 1
  1257. 1255 超级(級) chāojí high level; super- ADJ 1 1
  1258. 1256 兴(興)奋(奮) xīngfèn excited ADJ/SV 1 1
  1259. 1257 丧(喪)失 sàngshī to lose; to forfeit V 1 1
  1260. 1258 考验(驗) kǎoyàn to test (sth.) V 1 1
  1261. 1259 未经(經) wèijīng not (yet) 1 1
  1262. 1260 运(運)载(載) yùnzài to carry; to deliver; to supply V 1 1
  1263. 1261 能力 nénglì ability; capability; capacity N 1 1
  1264. 1262 指示 zhǐshì to point out; indicate V 1 1
  1265. 1263 指示 zhǐshì instruction; direction N 1 1
  1266. 1264 准(準)则(則) zhǔnzé norm; guildeline N 1 1
  1267. 1265 团(團)结(結) tuánjié to join forces; to unite V 1 1
  1268. 1266 无(無)效 wúxiào ineffective; not valid ADJ 1 1
  1269. 1267 避难(難) bìnàn to take refuge; to seek asylum V-O 1 1
  1270. 1268 安理会(會) ānlǐhuì UN Security Council N 1 1
  1271. 1269 对(對)付 duìfù to deal with; to handle V 1 1
  1272. 1270 难(難)民 nànmín refugee N 1 1
  1273. 1271 恢复(復) huīfù to restore; to recover V 1 1
  1274. 1272 动(動)乱(亂) dòngluàn turmoil; upheaval; unrest N 1 1
  1275. 1273 天主教 tiānzhǔjiào Catholic Church N 1 1
  1276. 1274 撤出 chèchū to withdraw V 1 1
  1277. 1275 配合 pèihé to fit; correspond to; cooperate with V 1 1
  1278. 1276 犯罪 fànzuì to commit a crime V-O 1 1
  1279. 1277 坚(堅)决(決) jiānjué firm; resolute; determined SV 1 1
  1280. 1278 繁荣(榮) fánróng thriving and prosperous; flourishing SV 1 1
  1281. 1279 志愿(願)者 zhìyuànzhě volunteer N 1 1
  1282. 1280 分批 fēnpī in batches; group by group ADV 1 1
  1283. 1281 气(氣)温(溫) qìwēn (air) temperature N 1 1
  1284. 1282 迫不得已 pòbùdéyǐ have no alternative (but to) SV 1 1
  1285. 1283 参(參)选(選) cānxuǎn run in an election V-O 1 1
  1286. 1284 额(額)外 é​wài​ extra; additional ADJ 1 1
  1287. 1285 取代 qǔ​dài​ to replace; to substitute V 1 1
  1288. 1286 维(維)和 wéihé maintain peace V-O 1 1
  1289. 1287 促请(請) cùqǐng to urge and request V 1 1
  1290. 1288 临(臨)时(時) línshí temporary; provisional; at the last moment ADJ/ADV 1 1
  1291. 1289 派驻(駐) pàizhù to post; to station V 1 1
  1292. 1290 相对(對) xiāngduì relative; comparative ADJ 1 1
  1293. 1291 亲(親)善 qīnshàn close and friendly (between countries) ADJ 1 1
  1294. 1292 复(復)仇 fùchóu take revenge; to avenge V 1 1
  1295. 1293 掩护(護) yǎnhù to cover for V 1 1
  1296. 1294 通知 tōngzhī to notify V 1 1
  1297. 1295 通知 tōngzhī notification N 1 1
  1298. 1296 加深 jiāshēn deepen V 1 1
  1299. 1297 最后(後)通牒 zuìhòutōngdié ultimatum N 1 1
  1300. 1298 遇害 yùhài be killed V-O 1 1
  1301. 1299 祈祷(禱) qídǎo to pray V 1 1
  1302. 1300 致意 zhìyì pay one's respects V 1 1
  1303. 1301 充满(滿) chōngmǎn be full of V 1 1
  1304. 1302 调(調)停 tiáotíng mediate V 1 1
  1305. 1303 尽(儘)早 jǐnzǎo as soon as possible ADV 1 1
  1306. 1304 失控 shīkòng be out of control VO 1 1
  1307. 1305 原本 yuánběn originally ADV 1 1
  1308. 1306 补(補)贴(貼) bǔtiē subsidy N 1 1
  1309. 1307 出台(臺) chūtái to officially launch (e.g. policy) VO 1 1
  1310. 1308 卷(捲)入 juǎnrù be drawn into; be involved in (e.g. controversy) V 1 1
  1311. 1309 耗尽(盡) hàojìn exhaust; use up V 1 1
  1312. 1310 意向 yìxiàng intent N 1 1
  1313. 1311 能源 néngyuán source of energy N 1 1
  1314. 1312 严(嚴)惩(懲) yánchéng punish severely V 1 1
  1315. 1313 投入 tóurù put in (e.g. effort; investment) V 1 1
  1316. 1314 债(債)款 zhàikuǎn debt N 1 1
  1317. 1315 费(費)用 fèiyòng cost; expense N 1 1
  1318. 1316 天然气(氣) tiānránqì natural gas N 1 1
  1319. 1317 诚(誠)意 chéngyì sincerity; good faith N 1 1
  1320. 1318 领(領)袖 lǐngxiù leader N 1 1
  1321. 1319 违(違)反 wéifǎn go against; breach; violate (the law) V 1 1
  1322. 1320 法律 fǎlǜ law N 1 1
  1323. 1321 规(規)则(則) guīzé regulation N 1 1
  1324. 1322 炸弹(彈) zhàdàn bomb N 1 1
  1325. 1323 部署 bùshǔ deploy V 1 1
  1326. 1324 排队(隊) páiduì queue up; form a line VO 1 1
  1327. 1325 行刺 xíngcì assassinate VO 1 1
  1328. 1326 康复(復) kāngfù recover (i.e. health) V 1 1
  1329. 1327 邻(鄰)邦 línbāng neighbouring country N 1 1
  1330. 1328 危重 wēizhòng critically ill SV 1 1
  1331. 1329 收购(購) shōugòu purchase; take… over V 1 1
  1332. 1330 低估 dīgū underestimate V 1 1
  1333. 1331 疲弱 píruò tired and weak SV 1 1
  1334. 1332 态(態)势(勢) tàishì state; situation; posture N 1 1
  1335. 1333 刺杀(殺) cìshā assassinate V 1 1
  1336. 1334 欠款 qiànkuǎn owe a debt VO 1 1
  1337. 1335 欠款 qiànkuǎn arrears N 1 1
  1338. 1336 拖欠 tuōqiàn be in arrears V 1 1
  1339. 1337 条(條)约(約) tiáoyuē treaty N 1 1
  1340. 1338 特工 tègōng spy; secret agent N 1 2
  1341. 1339 声(聲)明 shēngmíng to state V 1 1
  1342. 1340 声(聲)明 shēngmíng statement; declaration N 1 1
  1343. 1341 病人 bìngrén patient; sick person; invalid N 1 1
  1344. 1342 基地组(組)织(織) jīdìzŭzhī Al Qaeda PropN 1 1
  1345. 1343 反对(對) fănduì oppose V 1 1
  1346. 1344 紧(緊)急 jĭnjí urgent ADJ 1 1
  1347. 1345 大使 dàshĭ ambassador N 1 1
  1348. 1346 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize ADJ 1 1
  1349. 1347 修改 xiūgăi revise; amend; alter V 1 1
  1350. 1348 导(導)演 dǎoyǎn director N 1 1
  1351. 1349 担(擔)任 dānrèn assume the office of…; hold a post V 1 1
  1352. 1350 顾(顧)问(問) gùwèn adviser; consultant N 1 1
  1353. 1351 艺(藝)术(術) yìshù art N 1 1
  1354. 1352 施压(壓) shīyā to [apply] pressure V 1 1
  1355. 1353 舞台(臺) wǔtái stage; arena N 1 1
  1356. 1354 赞(贊)助 zànzhù support; assistance; aid N 1 1
  1357. 1355 满(滿)足 mǎnzú satisfied; contented ADJ 1 1
  1358. 1356 满(滿)足 mǎnzú to satisfy; meet the demands of V 1 1
  1359. 1357 说(説)服 shuōfú persuade; convince VO 1 1
  1360. 1358 竞(競)争(爭) jìngzhēng compete V 1 1
  1361. 1359 开(開)放 kāifāng lift a ban, restriction, etc V 1 1
  1362. 1360 以往 yǐwǎng the past N 1 1
  1363. 1361 彻(徹)底 chèdǐ thorough; thoroughgoing; completely ADJ 1 1
  1364. 1362 秘密 mìmì secret; concealed ADJ 1 1
  1365. 1363 秘密 mìmì secret N 1 1
  1366. 1364 机(機)会(會) jīhuì opportunity N 1 1
  1367. 1365 发(發)动(動) fādòng initiate; launch; mobilize V 1 1
  1368. 1366 出任 chūrèn take up (an official post) V 1 1
  1369. 1367 发(發)起 fāqǐ advocate; initiate; launch (war, etc.) V 1 1
  1370. 1368 基础(礎) jīchǔ foundation; basis; starting point N 1 1
  1371. 1369 死亡 sǐwáng death N 1 1
  1372. 1370 性命 xìngmìng life (of human or animal) N 1 1
  1373. 1371 高潮 gāocháo high tide; upsurge; state of high-speed development N 1 1
  1374. 1372 目标(標) mùbiāo objective; target; goal; aim N 1 1
  1375. 1373 纪(紀)念 jìniàn commemorate V 1 1
  1376. 1374 高速公路 gāosùgōnglù motorway; freeway N 1 1
  1377. 1375 游(遊)客 yóukè tourist; sightseer; visitor N 1 1
  1378. 1376 破坏(壞) pòhuài destroy; damage; violate (regulation, etc.) V 1 1
  1379. 1377 慈善机(機)构(構) císhànjīgòu charity N 1 1
  1380. 1378 谅(諒)解 liàngjiě make allowances for; understand V 1 1
  1381. 1379 港口 gǎngkǒu port; harbour N 1 1
  1382. 1380 摩擦 mócā friction; tension; clash arising from conflict of interests N 1 1
  1383. 1381 摩擦 mócā rub V 1 1
  1384. 1382 参(參)观(觀) cānguān visit V 1 1
  1385. 1383 扩(擴)散 kuòsàn spread; diffuse; proliferate V 1 1
  1386. 1384 特殊 tèshū special; particular; exceptional ADJ 1 1
  1387. 1385 联(聯)合国(國) liánhéguó United Nations PropN 1 1
  1388. 1386 局面 júmiàn aspect; phase; situation N 1 1
  1389. 1387 往来(來) wănglái visit each other; in contact N 1 1
  1390. 1388 响(響)应(應) xiǎngyìng respond; answer V 1 1
  1391. 1389 示威者 shìwēizhě protester N 1 1
  1392. 1390 手段 shŏuduàn method N 1 1
  1393. 1391 援助 yuánzhù support; aid; assist V 1 1
  1394. 1392 依赖(賴) yīlài rely on; be dependent on V 1 1
  1395. 1393 财(財)政 cǎizhèng finance; fiscal administration N 1 1
  1396. 1394 禁止 jìnzhǐ prohibit; ban; forbid V 1 1
  1397. 1395 集会(會) jíhuì assemble; rally V 1 1
  1398. 1396 经(經)济(濟) jīngjì economy N 1 1
  1399. 1397 垄(壟)断(斷) lǒngduàn monopolize (the market) V 1 1
  1400. 1398 公正 gōngzhèng just; fair; impartial ADJ 1 1
  1401. 1399 真相 zhēnxiàng real situation; actual state of affairs; facts N 1 1
  1402. 1400 提升 tíshēng promote V 1 1
  1403. 1401 焦点(點) jiāodiăn focal point; central issue N 1 1
  1404. 1402 理性 lĭxìng rational ADJ 1 0
  1405. 1403 理性 lĭxìng reason N 1 1
  1406. 1404 正义(義) zhèngyì justice N 1 1
  1407. 1405 正义(義) zhèngyì just; righteous; benefiting the people ADJ 1 1
  1408. 1406 象征(徵) xiàngzhēng symbolize; signify; stand for V 1 1
  1409. 1407 象征(徵) xiàngzhēng symbol; token N 1 1
  1410. 1408 政局 zhèngjú political situation N 1 1
  1411. 1409 模式 móshì pattern; model N 1 1
  1412. 1410 核武器 héwŭqì nuclear weapon N 1 1
  1413. 1411 困境 kùnjìng difficulty; predicament N 1 1
  1414. 1412 人道主义(義) réndàozhŭyì humanitarianism N 1 1
  1415. 1413 极(極)度 jídù extreme; exceeding ADJ 1 1
  1416. 1414 极(極)度 jídù limit N 1 2
  1417. 1415 反导(導) făndăo anti-missile ADJ 1 1
  1418. 1416 系统(統) xìtŏng system N 1 1
  1419. 1417 眼光 yǎnguāng sight; foresight; vision N 1 1
  1420. 1418 视(視)野 shìyě field of vision (or view) N 1 1
  1421. 1419 开(開)阔(闊) kāikuò (of area, space) wide; (of ideas) open-minded ADJ 1 1
  1422. 1420 开(開)阔(闊) kāikuò broaden V 1 1
  1423. 1421 应(應)对(對) yìngduì reply; answer V 1 1
  1424. 1422 充分 chōngfèn (oft. abstract) enough; sufficient ADJ 1 1
  1425. 1423 敏感 mǐngǎn sensitive ADJ 1 1
  1426. 1424 形容 xíngróng describe V 1 1
  1427. 1425 胜(勝)利 shènglì victory; triumph; success N 1 1
  1428. 1426 胜(勝)利 shènglì attain an intended goal V 1 1
  1429. 1427 游(遊)行 yóuxíng parade; march; demonstration N 1 1
  1430. 1428 加薪 jiāxīn increase salary V-O 1 1
  1431. 1429 正常 zhèngcháng normal; usual; regular ADJ 1 1
  1432. 1430 避免 bìmiǎn prevent sth. from happening; avoid V 1 1
  1433. 1431 爆炸 bàozhà explode; blast; detonate V 1 1
  1434. 1432 自卫(衛) zìwèi defend oneself V 1 1
  1435. 1433 补(補)给(給) bǔjǐ supply; replenish (munitions, etc.) V 1 1
  1436. 1434 补(補)给(給) bǔjǐ provision N 1 1
  1437. 1435 表情 biǎoqíng (facial or body) expression N 1 1
  1438. 1436 严(嚴)峻 yánjùn stern; sever; rigorous ADJ 1 1
  1439. 1437 信任 xìnrèn trust; have confidence in V 1 1
  1440. 1438 签(簽)名 qiānmíng sign one's name V-O 1 1
  1441. 1439 印象 yìnxiàng impression N 1 1
  1442. 1440 衰退 shuāituì fall into decline; fail V 1 1
  1443. 1441 贸(貿)易 màoyì trade; commercial activity N 1 1
  1444. 1442 冲(衝)击(擊) chōngjī impact N 1 1
  1445. 1443 完善 wánshàn perfect; consummate ADJ 1 1
  1446. 1444 风(風)格 fēnggé character; integrity; style N 1 1
  1447. 1445 驳(駁)斥 bóchì refute; rebut V 1 1
  1448. 1446 交换 jiāohuàn exchange; interchange; swap V 1 1
  1449. 1447 管道 guǎndào pipeline; conduit; means N 1 1
  1450. 1448 石油 shíyóu oil, petroleum N 1 1
  1451. 1449 种(種)族 zhǒngzú race (of people) N 1 1
  1452. 1450 暴乱(亂) bàoluàn rebellion; riot; revolt N 1 1
  1453. 1451 逻(邏)辑(輯) luójí logic N 1 1
  1454. 1452 劫持 jiéchí hijack; abduct; hold under duress V 1 0
  1455. 1453 掌握 zhǎngwò grasp; master; know well; learn thoroughly V 1 1
  1456. 1454 运(運)输(輸) yùnshū transport; transportation N 1 1
  1457. 1455 过(過)时(時) guòshí out-of-date; outdated ADJ 1 1
  1458. 1456 总(總)理 zǒnglǐ premier; prime minister N 1 1
  1459. 1457 同胞 tóngbāo compatriot N 1 1
  1460. 1458 可能性 kěnéngxìng possibility N 1 1
  1461. 1459 依据(據) yījù according to; in the light of V 1 1
  1462. 1460 法院 fǎyuàn court N 1 1
  1463. 1461 腐败(敗) fǔbài (of system, org, etc.) corrupt; fraudulent ADJ 1 1
  1464. 1462 遗(遺)留 yíliú hand down V 1 1
  1465. 1463 模拟 mónǐ imitate; simulate V 1 1
  1466. 1464 公民 gōngmín citizen N 1 1
  1467. 1465 沉默 chénmò quiet; reticent; silent ADJ 1 1
  1468. 1466 公平 gōngpíng fair; just; impartial; equitable ADJ 1 1
  1469. 1467 审(審)理 shěnlǐ try; hear (a case) V 1 1
  1470. 1468 清白 qīngbái pure; clean; unsullied ADJ 1 1
  1471. 1469 分歧 fēnqí difference; dispute; divergene N 1 1
  1472. 1470 损(損)坏(壞) sǔnhuài damage N 1 1
  1473. 1471 脆弱 cuìruò fragile; weak; brittle ADJ 1 1
  1474. 1472 分配 fēnpèi distribute; allocate; assign V 1 1
  1475. 1473 商谈(談) shāngtán negotiate; confer V 1 1
  1476. 1474 代表 dàibiǎo delegate; representative N 1 1
  1477. 1475 决(決)议(議) juéyì resolution N 1 1
  1478. 1476 资(資)产(產) zīchǎn property; estate N 1 1
  1479. 1477 限制 xiànzhì limit; confine; place restrictions on V 1 1
  1480. 1478 限制 xiànzhì restriction; limit N 1 1
  1481. 1479 暴力 bàolì violence; force N 1 1
  1482. 1480 伤(傷)亡 shāngwáng casualties; injuries and deaths N 1 1
  1483. 1481 集体(體) jítǐ collective ADJ 1 1
  1484. 1482 祝贺(賀) zhùhè congratulate V 1 1
  1485. 1483 延续(續) yánxù continue; go on; last V 1 2
  1486. 1484 纠(糾)纷(紛) jiūfēn dispute; issue N 1 1
  1487. 1485 回复(復) huífù return (to a normal state); reply (to a letter) V 1 1
  1488. 1486 缓(緩)和 huǎnhé (of situation, etc.) relax; ease up; mitigate V 1 1
  1489. 1487 物价(價) wùjià prices N 1 1
  1490. 1488 候选(選)人 hòuxuǎnrén candidate N 1 1
  1491. 1489 协(協)商 xiéshāng consult; negotiate V 1 1
  1492. 1490 和谈(談) hétán peace talks N 1 1
  1493. 1491 体(體)制 tĭzhì system; structure; institution N 1 1
  1494. 1492 稳(穩)定 wĕndìng stable; steady ADJ 1 1
  1495. 1493 稳(穩)定 wĕndìng stabilize V 1 1
  1496. 1494 负(負)面 fùmiàn downside; negative ADJ 1 1
  1497. 1495 失业(業) shīyè lose one's job V-O 1 1
  1498. 1496 价(價)格 jiàgé price N 1 1
  1499. 1497 吸引 xīyĭn attract; draw; fascinate V 1 1
  1500. 1498 希望 xīwàng hope; wise; dream N 1 1
  1501. 1499 希望 xīwàng aspire; yearn; hanker V 1 1
  1502. 1500 反驳(駁) fănbó refute V 1 1
  1503. 1501 赔(賠)偿(償) péicháng compensate V 1 2
  1504. 1502 激动(動) jīdòng excite; move (sb.) V 1 1
  1505. 1503 制(製)造 zhìzào make; manufacture; produce V 1 1
  1506. 1504 下降 xiàjiàng descend; go down; drop; fall V 1 1
  1507. 1505 破产(產) pòchǎn go bankrupt V 1 1
  1508. 1506 侵略 qīnlüè invasion; aggression N 1 1
  1509. 1507 侵略 qīnlüè to invade V 1 1
  1510. 1508 极(極)限 jíxiàn limit; maximum; ceiling N 1 1
  1511. 1509 人生 rénshēng human life N 1 1
  1512. 1510 捐出 juānchū to donate V 1 1
  1513. 1511 货(貨)物 huòwù goods; commodities N 1 1
  1514. 1512 资(資)本 zībĕn capital N 1 1
  1515. 1513 评(評)论(論) pínglùn comment on; criticize or talk about V 1 1
  1516. 1514 评(評)论(論) pínglùn comment; commentary N 1 1
  1517. 1515 批评(評) pīpíng criticize; denounce; repudiate V 1 1
  1518. 1516 改善 găishàn improve; make the situation better V 1 1
  1519. 1517 平静(靜) píngjìng calm; quiet; tranquil ADJ 1 1
  1520. 1518 极(極)端 jíduān extreme N 1 1
  1521. 1519 合同 hétong contract N 1 1
  1522. 1520 亲(親)身 qīnshēn personally; in person ADV 1 1
  1523. 1521 违(違)背 wéibèi violate; go against; run counter to V 1 1
  1524. 1522 致力 zhìlì devote one's efforts to sth. V 1 1
  1525. 1523 进(進)口 jìnkǒu import V 1 1
  1526. 1524 流动(動) liúdòng flow; run; circulate V 1 1
  1527. 1525 流动(動) liúdòng mobile; on the move ADJ 1 1
  1528. 1526 互动(動) hùdòng interaction N 1 1
  1529. 1527 联(聯)合 liánhé joint; combined ADJ 1 1
  1530. 1528 联(聯)合 liánhé unite; ally V 1 1
  1531. 1529 利率 lìlǜ interest rate N 1 1
  1532. 1530 改革 găigé reform V 1 1
  1533. 1531 宗教 zōngjiào religion N 1 1
  1534. 1532 空间(間) kōngjiān space N 1 1
  1535. 1533 人造 rénzào man-made; artificial ADJ 1 1
  1536. 1534 设(設)备(備) shèbèi equipment; installation; facilities N 1 1
  1537. 1535 设(設)备(備) shèbèi equip; provide equipment V 1 1
  1538. 1536 通讯(訊) tōngxùn communications; news report N 1 1
  1539. 1537 数(數)字 shùzi numeral; digital; digit; figure N 1 1
  1540. 1538 安全 ānquán safety; security N 1 1
  1541. 1539 安全 ānquán safe ADJ 1 1
  1542. 1540 酒吧 jiŭbā bar N 1 1
  1543. 1541 童年 tóngnián childhood N 1 1
  1544. 1542 信心 xìnxīn confidence; faith in sb. N 1 1
  1545. 1543 亏(虧)损(損) kuīsŭn deficit; (financial) loss N 1 1
  1546. 1544 罢(罷)工 bàgōng strike N 1 1
  1547. 1545 震荡(蕩) zhèndàng upheaval N 1 1
  1548. 1546 震荡(蕩) zhèndàng shake; vibrate; quake V 1 1
  1549. 1547 监(監)管 jiānguăn supervise; keep watch on V 1 1
  1550. 1548 戏(戲)剧(劇)性 xìjùxìng dramatic; spectacular ADJ 1 1
  1551. 1549 非法 fēifă unlawful; illicit ADJ 1 1
  1552. 1550 现(現)金 xiànjīn cash N 1 1
  1553. 1551 边(邊)境 biànjìng border; frontier N 1 1
  1554. 1552 环(環)境 huánjìng environment; surroundings N 1 1
  1555. 1553 纳(納)税 nàshuì to pay taxes V-O 1 1
  1556. 1554 货(貨)币(幣) huòbì currency N 1 1
  1557. 1555 荣(榮)幸 róngxìng be privileged; feel honoured ADJ 1 1
  1558. 1556 怀(懷)疑 huáiyí doubt; suspect V 1 1
  1559. 1557 混乱(亂) hùnluàn confusion; chaos; disarray N 1 1
  1560. 1558 总(總)结(結) zŏngjié sum up; summarize V 1 1
  1561. 1559 总(總)结(結) zŏngjié summary N 1 1
  1562. 1560 考虑(慮) kăolǜ think over; consider V 1 1
  1563. 1561 气(氣)体(體) qìtĭ gas N 1 1