archaeological vob archives 2 specific-decorative-and-patterns-bronzes-calligraphy-ceramics-jades.csv 7.5 KB

  1. No. Pinyin Chinese English Used as Example Illustration Type
  2. 1 āowén 凹纹(紋) concave N/ADJ S/J
  3. 2 băijù 摆(擺)锯(鋸) swing sawing N/V 使用摆锯一般会留下弧形锯痕 S/J
  4. 3 bàntòumíng 半透明 translucent ADJ/ADV 夔龙纹玉佩半透明 S/J
  5. 4 bēn 锛(錛) adze N 不少大墓还随葬长形石锛 S/J
  6. 5 bĕng 琫 sword ornaments N 玉剑琫 S/J
  7. 6 bì 璧 ritual object, round in shape with a big hole in the middle N 玉璧 S/J
  8. 7 chăn 铲(鏟) a square shaped blade with evenly thin mid section, and blades of all types N 玉铲 S/J
  9. 8 chè 彻(徹) carving away the outline N/V 二里头早期阶段已采用“勾”和“彻”两种方法 S/J
  10. 9 chōngmó 冲(衝)磨 impact abrasion N 交替旋转冲模出来的圆孔 S/J
  11. 10 cóng 琮 a jade in square shape with a hole in the middle N 玉琮 S/J
  12. 11 cūcāo 粗糙 rough ADJ/ADV 其余部位比较粗糙 S/J
  13. 12 dázăo 打凿(鑿) chipping V 新石器玉器多采用打凿、挖刮等工艺 S/J
  14. 13 dāo 刀 a square ended knife N 玉刀 S/J
  15. 14 diāokè 雕刻 engrave, carve V 雕刻成形 S/J
  16. 15 duìzuàn 对(對)钻(鑽) drill a piece from both sides towards the center V 在坯体上做两面对钻 S/J
  17. 16 gāngmăo 刚(剛)卯 square tubular pendant with inscriptions on it to ward off evil N 玉刚卯 S/J
  18. 17 gē 戈 dagger-axe N 玉戈 S/J
  19. 18 gé 格 sword guard or sword hilt N 玉剑格 S/J
  20. 19 gōu 勾 outlining N/V 二里头早期阶段已采用“勾”和“彻”两种方法 S/J
  21. 20 gōngxíngjù 弓形锯(鋸) bow-shaped saw N 雕工用弓形锯作出边缘圆润弯曲的透雕花纹 S/J
  22. 21 guān 琯 tubular bead N 玉琯 S/J
  23. 22 guănzuàn 管钻(鑽) hollow cylinder core boring N 采用管钻法钻孔 S/J
  24. 23 guāngzé 光泽 lustrous ADJ/ADV 玉璧质细、有光泽 S/J
  25. 24 guī 圭 an elongated tablet or flat sceptre, carried by nobles at court when offering sacrifices N 圭为中国古代在祭祀、宴飨、丧葬以及征伐等活动中使用的器具 S/J
  26. 25 hán 琀 a flat disc or tear drop shape with central perforation and cicadas of all types found in the mouth of some buried skeletons N 玉琀 S/J
  27. 26 héng 珩 pendants N 玉珩 S/J
  28. 27 hóngmănăo 红玛瑙 carnelian N S/J
  29. 28 huán 环(環) bi disc with medium size hole N 夔龙纹玉环 S/J
  30. 29 húkŏuzáo 弧口凿(鑿) gouges N 后来钢制的锯、切割盘、磨具、弧口凿和钻等工具的应用提高了玉器加工水平 S/J
  31. 30 huáng 璜 a jade tablet in the form of a semi-circle N 玉璜 S/J
  32. 31 jì 筓 headgears; hairpin N 玉筓 S/J
  33. 32 jīngzhì 精致(緻) delicate ADJ/ADV 不像龙山制品那样做工精致 S/J
  34. 33 jiēshíhòuzhòng 结(結)实(實)厚重 strong, robust body N 将器身做得结实厚重 S/J
  35. 34 jué 玦 Slit ring, a jade ring from which a segment has been cut N 玉玦;佩如环而有缺,逐臣待命於境,賜环則返,賜玦則絕 S/J
  36. 35 kăn 砍 chop V S/J
  37. 36 lè 勒 tubular used as a pendant or to form part of a string of beads N 玉勒 S/J
  38. 38 lúnzuàn 轮(輪)钻(鑽) wheel drill N 良渚玉器已采用轮钻 S/J
  39. 39 móguāng 磨光 polish down V 凸脊一般无需磨平或磨光 S/J
  40. 40 mólún 磨轮(輪) rotating polishing wheel N 二里头遗址已发现竖锯、钻管、钻头和旋转磨轮等工具 S/J
  41. 41 mójù 磨具 grinders N 后来钢制的锯、切割盘、磨具、弧口凿和钻等工具的应用提高了玉器加工水平 S/J
  42. 42 mópíng 磨平 ground V 凸脊一般无需磨平或磨光 S/J
  43. 43 pāoguāng 拋光 burnish V S/J
  44. 44 pītĭ 坯体(體) boulder N 在坯体上钻孔 S/J
  45. 45 píngzáo 平凿(鑿) chipping chisel V S/J
  46. 46 qī 戚 axe with notches and teeth N 玉戚 S/J
  47. 47 qiēgē 切割 cut; chip V 玉璜采用切割、钻孔、打磨等技法制成 S/J
  48. 48 qiēgēpán 切割盘(盤) cutting discs N 后来钢制的锯、切割盘、磨具、弧口凿和钻等工具的应用提高了玉器加工水平 S/J
  49. 49 qīngyù 青玉 greenish jade N 夔龙纹青玉环 S/J
  50. 50 rènkŏu 刃口 cutting edge(of an axe or knife) N 锋利的刃口 S/J
  51. 51 shíyīngshā 石英砂 quartz sand N 唐以前的工匠一直用石英砂进行研磨 S/J
  52. 52 shŏu 首 pommel for sword or macehead N 玉剑首 S/J
  53. 53 shŏujù 手锯(鋸) hand sawing N/V 用细绳和兽筋做成的手锯 S/J
  54. 54 shè 韘 thumb ring or archers' ring N 玉韘 S/J
  55. 55 shùjù 竖(豎)锯(鋸) jig saw N 二里头遗址已发现竖锯、钻管、钻头和旋转磨轮等工具 S/J
  56. 56 sīnánpèi 司南佩 pendants with a small hole N 司南佩的形状象两个对写的凹字 S/J
  57. 57 tiàn 瑱 earrings N 玉瑱 S/J
  58. 58 tīngzuàn 桯钻(鑽) solid drill head boring N 用桯钻法钻孔 S/J
  59. 59 tĭng 珽 retagular jade object N 玉珽 S/J
  60. 60 tòudiāo 透雕 openwork carving N/V 西周玉器已采用透雕法 S/J
  61. 61 tòushănshí 透闪(閃)石 tremolite N S/J
  62. 62 tòuzuàn 透钻(鑽) drill a piece from one side only V 在坯体上做一面透钻 S/J
  63. 63 wāguā 挖刮 scraping N/V 新石器玉器多采用打凿、挖刮等工艺 S/J
  64. 64 wēngzhòng 翁仲 beared human figure or beard old man N 玉翁仲 S/J
  65. 65 xī 觽 pointed pendant N 玉觽 S/J
  66. 66 xiāo 琥 tiger-shaped jade pedants N 玉琥 S/J
  67. 67 xìbì 系璧 small bi disc N 玉系璧 S/J
  68. 68 xiūzhĕng 修整 smooth off; tidy up N 侧面需要修整 S/J
  69. 69 xuánjī 璇玑(璣) bi disc with notches and teeth N 玉璇玑 S/J
  70. 70 xuánhén 旋痕 curved scars N 有些良渚玉器上留有盘曲的旋痕 S/J
  71. 71 xuánzhuànchēchuáng 旋转(轉)车(車)床 rotary lathe 关键的设备是旋转车床 S/J
  72. 72 yánmó 研磨 grind V 研磨料 S/J
  73. 73 yángqĭshí 阳(陽)起石 actinolite N S/J
  74. 74 yùchán 玉蝉(蟬) jade cicada N 口中发现玉蝉一枚 S/J
  75. 75 yùfùmiàn 玉覆面 jade mask N 东周玉覆面 S/J
  76. 76 yùpán 玉盘(盤) jade plate N 长沙汉墓出土玉盘 S/J
  77. 77 yùpèi 玉佩 jade pendant N 夔龙纹玉佩 S/J
  78. 78 yùrén 玉人 jade plaque in human form N 牛角发形玉人 S/J
  79. 79 yùshì 玉饰 jade ornaments N 棺内发现玉饰若干 S/J
  80. 80 yùyī 玉衣 jade suite N 金缕玉衣 S/J
  81. 81 yùzhuó 玉镯(鐲) jade bracelets N 玉镯一对 S/J
  82. 82 yuán 瑗 bi disc with small hole N 玉瑗 S/J
  83. 83 yuándiāo 圆(圓)雕 carved in the round; circular carving N/V 玉飞鹰采用圆雕制成 S/J
  84. 84 yuándĭngkŏng 圆(圓)顶(頂)孔 dome-shaped hole N 无论是圆锥孔还是圆顶孔,都做得十分细致 S/J
  85. 85 yuánzhuīkŏng 圆(圓)锥(錐)孔 cone hole N 无论是圆锥孔还是圆顶孔,都做得十分细致 S/J
  86. 86 yuè 钺 a wide bladed axe with large central perforation and symetrical side notches, for ceremonial or ritual use only N 玉钺 S/J
  87. 87 zàngyù 葬玉 burial jades N S/J
  88. 88 zhāng 璋 an elongated tablet with a pointed tip N 以赤璋礼南方 S/J
  89. 89 zhì 璏 sword buckle or sword slide N 玉剑璏 S/J
  90. 90 zhū 珠 beads N 玉珠 S/J
  91. 91 zhuī 锥(錐) awl-shaped pendant N 玉锥 S/J
  92. 92 zuàn 钻(鑽) drills N/V 后来钢制的锯、切割盘、磨具、弧口凿和钻等工具的应用提高了玉器加工水平 S/J
  93. 93 zuànguăn 钻(鑽)管 drill tube N 二里头遗址已发现竖锯、钻管、钻头和旋转磨轮等工具 S/J
  94. 94 zuànkŏng 钻(鑽)孔 drill holes; perforate N 将软玉钻孔 S/J
  95. 95 zuàntóu 钻(鑽)头(頭) drill bit N 二里头遗址已发现竖锯、钻管、钻头和旋转磨轮等工具 S/J
  96. 96 zuànxīn 钻(鑽)芯 solid circular core N 钻芯还连在圆形的残留体上 S/J