archaeological vob archives 2 specific-decorative-and-patterns-bronzes-calligraphy-ceramics.csv 9.8 KB

  1. No. Pinyin Chinese English Used as Example Type
  2. 1 ànhuā 暗花 veiled decoration N/ADJ 龙泉窑暗花执壶 S/C
  3. 2 bālénghú 八棱壶(壺) octagonal bottle N 青花八棱壶 S/C
  4. 3 báicí 白瓷 white porcelain N 邢窑以烧制白瓷著名 S/C
  5. 4 báidìhēihuā 白地黑花 a kind of glaze using minerals like iron and magganese as ingredients of painting material to draw designs on porcelain body N/ADJ 白地黑花瓷 S/C
  6. 5 báitáo 白陶 white pottery N 白陶鬶 S/C
  7. 6 bānwén 斑纹(紋) streak; mottle N/ADJ S/C
  8. 7 bīnglièwén 冰裂纹(紋) broken-ice crackle N/ADJ S/C
  9. 8 bù 瓿 bowl-shaped vessel N 青瓷瓿 S/C
  10. 9 căitáo 彩陶 earthenware N 低温彩陶 S/C
  11. 10 chángjĭngpĭng 长(長)颈瓶 vase with elongated neck ADJ 青瓷长颈瓶 S/C
  12. 11 chéngsèjì 呈色剂(劑) color agent N 青瓷一般以氧化铁为呈色剂 S/C
  13. 12 chuīyòu 吹釉 glazing by sufflation N 吹釉是瓷器上釉工艺的一种极常用的手法 S/C
  14. 13 chìtáo 赤陶 terracotta N S/C
  15. 14 císhí 瓷石 feldspathic stone,china stone N 上层瓷石 S/C
  16. 15 cípiàn 瓷片 potsherd N 碎瓷片 S/C
  17. 16 dānsèyòu 单(單)色釉 monochrome glazes N/ADJ 宋代流行单色釉瓷器 S/C
  18. 17 dānsèyòu 单(單)色釉瓷器 single color wares N 宋代流行单色釉瓷器 S/C
  19. 18 dănpíng 胆(膽)瓶 gall-bladder vase with a straight neck and a bulging belly N S/C
  20. 19 dànkécăitáo 蛋壳(殼)彩陶 painted eggshell pottery N/ADJ 蛋壳彩陶碗 S/C
  21. 20 diāoxiāng 雕镶(鑲) carved ornament luted into the body N/V S/C
  22. 21 diăncăi 点(點)彩 scippling decoration N/ADJ S/C
  23. 22 dié 碟 small circular dish N 青瓷碟 S/C
  24. 23 dòucăi 斗(鬥)彩 contending colors; strongly contrasting colors N/ADJ S/C
  25. 24 duīhuā 堆花 embossed decoration N/ADJ S/C
  26. 25 duīyòu 堆釉 massed glaze N 堆釉花鸟瓶 S/C
  27. 26 duīzhī 堆脂 massed fat or lard N/ADJ S/C
  28. 27 fălángcăi 珐(琺)琅(瑯)彩 cloisonné enamel N/ADJ S/C
  29. 28 fángshuĭ 防水 impervious to liquid ADJ 瓷器具有防水性 S/C
  30. 29 fĕncăi 粉彩 soft colors; famille rose decoration N/ADJ S/C
  31. 30 fèngshŏuhú 凤(鳳)首壶(壺) ewer with pheonix head N 三彩凤首壶 S/C
  32. 31 fèngwĕizūn 凤(鳳)尾樽 phoenix tail jar N 青花鹤纹凤纹樽 S/C
  33. 32 gài 盖(蓋) cover,lid N 壶盖 S/C
  34. 33 gàiguàn 盖(蓋)罐 covered jar N 青瓷盖罐 S/C
  35. 34 gāolĭngtŭ 高岭(嶺)土 white china clay N 采用高岭土烧制而成 S/C
  36. 35 gāowēnyòu 高温釉 high-fired glaze N/ADJ 高温釉是指烧成温度高于1300℃的釉 S/C
  37. 36 gāozúbēi 高足杯 stemp cup N 鎏金葡萄纹高足杯 S/C
  38. 37 guàn 罐 jar N 彩绘陶罐 S/C
  39. 38 guànĕrpíng 贯(貫)耳瓶 vase with octagonal body and two tubular ears N 青瓷贯耳瓶 S/C
  40. 39 guángcăi 广(廣)彩 white porcelain made at Jingdezhen and sent to Guangdong to be painted mainly with red, sometimes with light green or gold and fired again, desings are usually from popular stories N/ADJ S/C
  41. 40 hăitángbēi 海棠杯 begonia flower-shaped cup N S/C
  42. 41 hēicí 黑瓷 black porcelain N 德清窑主窑烧制黑瓷 S/C
  43. 42 húlúpíng 葫芦(蘆)瓶 vase in the shape of a gourd N S/C
  44. 43 hŭzĭ 虎子 tiger-shaped vessel N 青瓷虎子 S/C
  45. 44 huàhuā 划(劃)花 incised design V/ADJ 金耀州窑划花犀牛望月青瓷碗 S/C
  46. 45 huāpén 花盆 flower pot N 钧窑海棠红花盆 S/C
  47. 46 huītáo 灰陶 grey earthenware N 灰陶薰炉 S/C
  48. 47 huíhuíqīng 回回青 mohamedan blue; fine cobalt blue of certain Ming wares N S/C
  49. 48 hóngtáo 红(紅)陶 reddish earthenware N 红陶匜 S/C
  50. 49 jīshŏuhú 鸡(雞)首壶 chicken-spout ewer N 黑釉鸡首壶 S/C
  51. 50 jīguānhú 鸡(雞)冠壶(壺) flask decorated with a cockscomb N S/C
  52. 51 jiāgōng 加工 shaping V 加工成型 S/C
  53. 52 jìqīng 霁(霽)青 sky-clearing blue N S/C
  54. 53 jìngpíng 净(淨)瓶 holy-water vase N 定窑白瓷刻花净瓶 S/C
  55. 54 kāipiàn 开(開)片 crackled N/ADJ 哥窑瓷器开片明显 S/C
  56. 55 kèhuā 刻划(劃) carved design V/ADJ 耀州窑青釉刻画执壶 S/C
  57. 56 lāpī 拉坯 wheel-throwing V 拉坯成形 S/C
  58. 57 lèihén 泪(淚)痕 tear stain N S/C
  59. 58 lóngyáo 龙(龍)窑 dragon kilin; climbing kilin N 龙窑最早出现在战国时期 S/C
  60. 59 lúnzhì 轮(輪)制 wheel-made V/ADJ 器身采用轮制 S/C
  61. 60 lǜyòu 绿釉 green glaze N 绿釉陶仓 S/C
  62. 61 méipíng 梅瓶 prunus vase N S/C
  63. 62 míngjì 铭记 inscriptions; remark N 六朝纪年瓷多有铭记 S/C
  64. 63 mìsè 秘色 olive green of fine Yue ware N 秘色瓷 S/C
  65. 64 móyìn 模印 mould-impressed; moulded low-relief V/ADJ 碗口沿模印花朵纹 S/C
  66. 65 móguāng 磨光 burnished V/ADJ 磨光压划纹黑陶盖豆 S/C
  67. 66 niúchē 牛车(車) ox with cart N 灰陶牛车 S/C
  68. 67 pán 盘(盤) plate N 青瓷盘 S/C
  69. 68 pén 盆 pot,tub N 炭盆 S/C
  70. 69 pī 坯 the paste after being modelled before firing N 陶坯 S/C
  71. 70 piĕkŏuwăn 撇口碗 cymbal bowl; flared-mouth bowl N S/C
  72. 71 qiănfúdiāo 浅浮雕 low relief V/ADJ 浅浮雕龙纹 S/C
  73. 72 qīngbáicí 青白瓷 bluish white ware N 青白瓷也称影青 S/C
  74. 73 qīngcí 青瓷 green glaze porcelain;high-fired celadon wares N 青瓷托盘 S/C
  75. 74 qīngcígāng 青瓷缸 celadon urn N 越窑青瓷缸 S/C
  76. 75 qīngcíjĭng 青瓷井 celadon model of well N 东汉青瓷井 S/C
  77. 76 qīngcíyú 青瓷盂 celadon pot N 安徽屯溪土墩墓出土了两件青瓷盂 S/C
  78. 77 qīnghuācí 青花瓷 blue and while porcelain N 元代青花瓷的纹饰繁缛细密 S/C
  79. 78 qīngyòu 青釉 celadon N 青釉碗 S/C
  80. 79 qiūyĭnwén 蚯蚓纹(紋) earthworm mark associated with Jun ware N S/C
  81. 80 sāncăi 三彩 three color glazing N 唐三彩 S/C
  82. 81 sānzúxĭ 三足洗 tripod basin N 钧窑三足洗 S/C
  83. 82 sēngmàohú 僧帽壶(壺) monk's cup jug N S/C
  84. 83 shāyăn 砂眼 pore; pitting N S/C
  85. 84 shāi 筛(篩) sieve N/V 青瓷筛 S/C
  86. 85 shāozhì 烧(燒)制(製) fire N/V 高温烧制 S/C
  87. 86 shuāngĕrpíng 双(雙)耳瓶 amphora N S/C
  88. 87 shuāngyúhú 双(雙)鱼(魚)壶(壺) double-fish bottle N S/C
  89. 88 shuĭzhù 水注 water dropper N 青瓷蛙形水注 S/C
  90. 89 suìwén 碎纹(紋) crackle of more or less close mesh N/ADJ S/C
  91. 90 sìxìguàn 四系罐 jar with four rings N 青瓷四系罐 S/C
  92. 91 sùsāncăi 素三彩 a kind of glaze:designs painted on a plain porcelain body in three colors often seen during Kangxi's reign of Qing dynasty N/ADJ S/C
  93. 92 tāigŭ 胎骨 paste or body of pottery N 秦代漆器胎骨多为木胎 S/C
  94. 93 táocāng 陶仓(倉) pottery storehouse N 绿釉陶仓 S/C
  95. 94 táofănglún 陶纺(紡)轮(輪) pottry spindle whorls N S/C
  96. 95 táolóu 陶楼(樓) pottery towered pavilion N 绿釉陶楼 S/C
  97. 96 táoqì 陶器 pottery; earthenware N 东汉陶器 S/C
  98. 97 táoshìyŏng 陶侍俑 pottery figures of attendants N 合浦汉墓出土陶侍俑 S/C
  99. 98 táoshuĭxiè 陶水榭 pottery water pavilion N S/C
  100. 99 táoxūnlú 陶薰炉(爐) pottery censer N 几何纹陶薰炉 S/C
  101. 100 táoyàn 陶砚(硯) pottery inkslab N 山西唐墓出土白釉瓷碗、陶砚等文物 S/C
  102. 101 táoyuèyŏng 陶乐(樂)俑 pottery figures of musicans N 西安唐墓出土两组陶乐俑 S/C
  103. 102 tànpén 炭盆 charcoal basin N S/C
  104. 103 tíliáng 提梁 loop handle N 青瓷提梁壶 S/C
  105. 104 tiānqīngyòu 天青釉 sky-blue glaze N 天青釉三足洗 S/C
  106. 105 tiānqiúpíng 天球瓶 globular vase N 粉彩鹌鹑猎纹天球瓶 S/C
  107. 106 tiēhuā 贴(貼)花 applied design V/ADJ 汉代漆器常用金银箔贴花装饰手法 S/C
  108. 107 tiĕgŭ 铁(鐵)骨 iron body; porcelain body of dark color S/C
  109. 108 tiĕxiù 铁(鐵)锈(鏽) a brown glaze strewn with metallic specks and with patches of deep red N/ADJ 瓶器身饰铁锈斑 S/C
  110. 109 tuòhú 唾壶(壺) spittoon N 随葬青瓷唾壶 S/C
  111. 110 tùháobān 兔毫斑 hare's hair streak N S/C
  112. 111 wēnhú 温(溫)壶(壺) warming vessel N S/C
  113. 112 wēnjiŭwăn 温(溫)酒碗 warming bowl N 定窑白瓷温酒碗 S/C
  114. 113 wèng 瓮(甕) urn N 陶瓮 S/C
  115. 114 wŭqŭwăn 五曲碗 bowl with five-lobed rim N 青瓷五曲碗 S/C
  116. 115 wŭcăi 五彩 polychrome; five-colored N/ADJ S/C
  117. 116 xiábō 匣钵(缽) saggar N S/C
  118. 117 xiàngĕrpíng 象耳瓶 vase with elephant-shaped handle N S/C
  119. 118 yāyìn 压印 stamp V/ADJ 压印网格纹 S/C
  120. 119 yáo 窑(窯) kiln N 越窑 S/C
  121. 120 yáobiàn 窑(窯)变(變) furnace transmutation N/ADJ 窑变是由于釉的组成不同,或者几种釉施于同一器皿之上,在烧制过程中发生一系列复杂的化学反应所造成的色彩变化。 S/C
  122. 121 yàntái 砚(硯)台 ink-stand N 青瓷砚台 S/C
  123. 122 yănghuà 氧化 oxidization N 氧化过程 S/C
  124. 123 yĭngqīng 影青 shadow blue N 青白瓷也称影青 S/C
  125. 124 yìngtáo 硬陶 stoneware N 硬陶罍 S/C
  126. 125 yìngyòutáo 硬釉陶 stoneware with feldspathic glaze N 汉代硬釉陶 S/C
  127. 126 yòu 釉 lead-glazed earthenware N 釉陶 S/C
  128. 127 yòutáo 釉陶 glazed wares; glazed pottery N 釉陶是表面施釉的陶器 S/C
  129. 128 yòulĭhóng 釉里(裡)红(紅) red within the glaze; underglaze red N S/C
  130. 129 yòuxiàcăi 釉下彩 decorated underglaze with splashes of brown N S/C
  131. 130 yuánshĭcíqì 原始瓷器 original porcelain N 胶州积贝墓出土原始瓷器 S/C
  132. 131 yùhúchūnpíng 玉壶(壺)春瓶 pear-shaped vase with flared lip N S/C
  133. 132 zèng 甑 steamer N 陶甑 S/C
  134. 133 zhăn 盏(盞) small cup N 茶盏,托盏 S/C
  135. 134 zhànyòu 蘸釉 glazing by immersion N 蘸釉是瓷器的传统施釉方法之一 S/C
  136. 135 zhègūbān 鹧(鷓)鸪(鴣)斑 partridge feather mottle N S/C
  137. 136 zhíhú 执(執)壶(壺) vase with broad mouth N 青瓷执壶 S/C
  138. 137 zĭkŏutiĕzú 紫口铁(鐵)足 one of the products of Guan kiln,Ge Kiln and Long quan kiln, light glazed mouth rim and foot rim of purple or iron color N/ADJ S/C
  139. 138 zōngyăn 棕眼 palm eye N S/C