archaeological vob archives 2 specific-decorative-and-patterns-bronzes-calligraphy.csv 6.6 KB

  1. No. Pinyin Chinese English Used as Example Type
  2. 1 āotūfă 凹凸法 concavo-and-concave technique ADJ S/C&P
  3. 2 báimiáo 白描 plain line-drawing N/ADJ 白描花鸟图 S/C&P
  4. 3 băiyèdiăn 柏叶(葉)点(點) cypress leaf dot N S/C&P
  5. 4 bàibĭ 败(敗)笔(筆) worn-down brush N S/C&P
  6. 5 bĭhuà 笔(筆)画(畫) strokes N 基本笔画 S/C&P
  7. 6 biăobèi 裱褙 mounting N S/C&P
  8. 7 bēitiè 碑帖 rubbings(from stone tablets) N S/C&P
  9. 8 bĭjì 笔(筆)迹(跡) chirography N S/C&P
  10. 9 căoshū 草书(書) rapid writing; cursive script N 碑文以草书写成 S/C&P
  11. 10 chuíténgdiăn 垂藤点(點) hanging creeper dot N S/C&P
  12. 11 cìlícūn 刺梨皴 pear thorn wrinkle N S/C&P
  13. 12 cūn 皴 wrinkle, a Chinese painting technique N 披麻皴 S/C&P
  14. 13 cūxì 粗细(細) thickness and thinness N/ADJ 笔画粗细 S/C&P
  15. 14 dàhùndiăn 大混点(點) large turbid dot N S/C&P
  16. 15 dàzhuàn 大篆 greater seal character; majuscule script N S/C&P
  17. 16 dàibĭ 代笔(筆) ghost artist N 书画代笔历来有之 S/C&P
  18. 17 dàncăi 淡彩 light color N/ADJ 淡彩牡丹画 S/C&P
  19. 18 diăn 点(點) dot N S/C&P
  20. 19 dīngxiāngzhī 丁香枝 lilac branch N S/C&P
  21. 20 dòubàncūn 豆瓣皴 split bean wrinkle N S/C&P
  22. 21 fătiè 法帖 rubbings of model calligraphy to copy N S/C&P
  23. 22 fántáocūn 矾头(頭)皴 alum lump wrinkle N S/C&P
  24. 23 fēnggé 风(風)格 style N 绘画风格 S/C&P
  25. 24 fŭpīcūn 斧劈皴 axe-cut wrinkle N S/C&P
  26. 25 gōngbĭ 工笔(筆) elaborate style of painting; meticulous brushwork N 工笔重彩人物画 S/C&P
  27. 26 gōu 勾 the hook N S/C&P
  28. 27 gòutú 构(構)图(圖) composition N S/C&P
  29. 28 gŭwén 古文 ancient script attributed to Cang Jie in legendary times N S/C&P
  30. 29 guĭmiàncūn 鬼面皴 ghost face wrinkle N S/C&P
  31. 30 héyècūn 荷叶(葉)皴 lotus leaf wrinkle N S/C&P
  32. 31 héng 横(橫) the dash N S/C&P
  33. 32 huàfă 画(畫)法 techniques of painting N 花卉速写画法 S/C&P
  34. 33 huàpài 画(畫)派 school N 岭南画派 S/C&P
  35. 34 hújiāodiăn 胡椒点(點) black-pepper dot N S/C&P
  36. 35 húshuā 糊刷 paste brush N S/C&P
  37. 36 jiágŭwén 甲骨文 inscriptions on bone and tortoise-shell N S/C&P
  38. 37 jiĕsuŏcūn 解索皴 unravelled rope wrinkle N S/C&P
  39. 38 jièlíng 界绫(綾) vertical strips of silk seperating the picture from the superscription and the colophons N S/C&P
  40. 39 jīnwén 金文 inscriptions on bronze vessels N S/C&P
  41. 40 juānbiăo 绢(絹)裱 front mounting of ordinary silk N S/C&P
  42. 41 juānbĕn 绢(絹)本 original form written on silk N S/C&P
  43. 42 juănyŭncūn 卷云(雲)皴 rolling cloud wrinkle N S/C&P
  44. 43 juànzhóu 卷(捲)轴(軸) rolled paintings N 卷轴画 S/C&P
  45. 44 kăishū 楷书(書) regular script;model style N 元赵孟頫敬君墓碣铭楷书 S/C&P
  46. 45 kuăn 款 signature of the artist N 无款书画 S/C&P
  47. 46 língbiăo 绫(綾)裱 front mounting of thin silk N S/C&P
  48. 47 lìshū 隶书(書) official script; clerical script N 隶书起源于秦朝 S/C&P
  49. 48 luànyúncūn 乱(亂)云(雲)皴 turbid cloud wrinkle N S/C&P
  50. 49 măyácūn 马(馬)牙皴 horse tooth wrinkle N S/C&P
  51. 50 míngànduìbĭ 明暗对(對)比 chiaroscuro N/ADJ S/C&P
  52. 51 mògŭ 没骨 boneless style of painting; colored strokes without contour lines N/ADJ 没骨花卉 S/C&P
  53. 52 mòbĕn 摹本 copy; reproduction N S/C&P
  54. 53 nà 捺 down-stroke to the right N S/C&P
  55. 54 niăozhuàn 鸟篆 bird script N S/C&P
  56. 55 niúnáocūn 牛毛皴 cattle hair wrinkle N S/C&P
  57. 56 nóngdàn 浓(濃)淡 darkness and lightness N 笔画浓淡 S/C&P
  58. 57 pīmácūn 披麻皴 hemp wrinkle N S/C&P
  59. 58 píngtóudiăn 平头(頭)头(點) level head dot N S/C&P
  60. 59 pōmò 泼(潑)墨 ink splash N/ADJ 泼墨山水 S/C&P
  61. 60 pòwăngcūn 破网(網)皴 torn net wrinkle N S/C&P
  62. 61 pòbĭdiăn 破笔(筆)点(點) broken brush dot N S/C&P
  63. 62 qì 气(氣) representing the strength of brush-strokes N S/C&P
  64. 63 qīnglǜ 青绿(綠) blue-and-green N/ADJ 青绿山水 S/C&P
  65. 64 qŭtóudiăn 曲头(頭)点(點) bowed head dot N S/C&P
  66. 65 rénwùmiáo 人物描 strokes for figures N S/C&P
  67. 66 sècăide 色彩的 chromatic ADJ S/C&P
  68. 67 shén 神 spirit N/ADJ 传神 S/C&P
  69. 68 shígŭwén 石鼓文 inscriptions on the stone drums N S/C&P
  70. 69 shuĭmò 水墨 ink painting N 水墨画 S/C&P
  71. 70 shŭzúdi 鼠足点(點) rat's foot dot N S/C&P
  72. 71 shù 竖(豎) vertical line N S/C&P
  73. 72 shŭnbĭ 吮笔(筆) lick the brush V S/C&P
  74. 73 suílèifùcăi 随(隨)类(類)赋(賦)彩 comformity to kind in applying colors N S/C&P
  75. 74 tíbá 题(題)跋 annotation; remarks on painting;colophon N 西湖卧游图题跋 S/C&P
  76. 75 tícái 题(題)材 subject matter N 绘画题材 S/C&P
  77. 76 tiăo 挑 up-stroke to the right N S/C&P
  78. 77 tiējiān 贴(貼)笺(箋) paste the title label N S/C&P
  79. 78 tiĕxiàncūn 铁(鐵)线(線)皴 iron wire wrinkle N S/C&P
  80. 79 tuōzhī 拖枝 dragging branch N S/C&P
  81. 80 wèi 味 aesthetic taste N/ADJ S/C&P
  82. 81 wèibēi 魏碑 tablet style N 魏碑的笔力、字体强劲 S/C&P
  83. 82 wòbĭ 握笔(筆) brush grip N S/C&P
  84. 83 xiáohùndiăn 小混点(點) small turbid dot N S/C&P
  85. 84 xiăozhuàn 小篆 small seal script N S/C&P
  86. 85 xiĕyì 写(寫)意 free style N 写意人物画 S/C&P
  87. 86 xièzhăozhī 蟹爪枝 crab claw branch N S/C&P
  88. 87 xíngshū 行书(書) running script N 行书是介于楷书、草书之间的一种字体 S/C&P
  89. 88 yànpĭng 贗品 fake N S/C&P
  90. 89 yăngtáodiăn 仰头(頭)点(點) raised head dot N S/C&P
  91. 90 yìnjiàn 印鉴(鑑) seal impression N 傅抱石印鉴 S/C&P
  92. 91 yìnkuăn 印款 seal and signature N S/C&P
  93. 92 yìngbĭ 硬(笔)筆 stiff brush N S/C&P
  94. 93 yúdiăncūn 雨点(點)皴 raindrop wrinkle N S/C&P
  95. 94 yúxuĕdiăn 雨雪点(點) rain and snow dot N S/C&P
  96. 95 yúnléicūn 云(雲)雷皴 thunder head wrinkle N S/C&P
  97. 96 yùn 韵(韻) rhythm N/ADJ 气韵生动 S/C&P
  98. 97 zhāngfă 章法 composition N 书法章法 S/C&P
  99. 98 zhēnjì 真迹(跡) authentic piece N S/C&P
  100. 99 zhĭbiăo 纸(紙)裱 front mounting of paper; mounted on paper N/V S/C&P
  101. 100 zhĭbĕn 纸(紙)本 original form written on paper N S/C&P
  102. 101 zhōuwén 籀文 writing as developed by Shi Zhou N S/C&P
  103. 102 zhóugān 轴(軸)杆(桿) the wooden rod around which the scroll is rolled N S/C&P
  104. 103 zhóutóu 轴(軸)头(頭) the ornamental butts of a scroll roller N S/C&P
  105. 104 zhuāngbăn 装(裝)板 mounting board N S/C&P
  106. 105 zhuànshū 篆书(書) seal character;seal script N 篆书是大篆、小篆的统称 S/C&P
  107. 106 zìtiè 字帖 model calligraphy N S/C&P