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In this lesson we will learn vocabulary related to various types of stores and commercial establishments.


商店 Shāngdiàn Store 书店 Shūdiàn Bookstore 药店 Yàodiàn Pharmacy 饭店 Fàndiàn Restaurant

玩具店 WánjùdiànToy store 花店 Huādiàn Flower store 干洗店 Gānxǐdiàn Drycleaners 洗衣店 Xǐyīdiàn Laundry

[http://MP3/E102601.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]


我去书店。 Wǒ qù shūdiàn. I'm going to the bookstore.

你去饭店吗?Nǐ qù fàndiàn ma? Are you going to a restaurant

小张去商店。Xiǎo Zhāng qù shāngdiàn. Junior Zhang is going to the store.

我们去不去药店?Wǒmen qù bú qù yàodiàn? Are we going to the pharmacy or not?

孩子们去玩具店。Háizimen qù wánjùdiàn. The children are going to the toy store.

[http://MP3/E102602.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]


李智慧":" 你好! Nǐ hǎo!

马特":" 你好! Nǐ hǎo!

李智慧: 你怎么样? Nǐ zěnmeyàng?

马特":" 不错,你呢? Bú cuò,nǐ ne?

李智慧":" 还行。你去哪儿? Hái xíng. Nǐ qù nǎr?

马特":" 我去书店。你呢? Wǒ qù shūdiàn. Nǐ ne?

李智慧":" 我去商店。 Wǒ qù shāngdiàn.

马特":" 再见。 Zàijiàn.

李智慧":" 再见。 Zàijiàn.

"26.04 Where's the flower shop?"

花店在哪儿? Huādiàn zài nǎr? Where's the flower shop? 药店在哪里? Yàodiàn zài nǎlǐ? Where is the pharmacy?

干洗店在哪儿? Gānxǐdiàn zài nǎr? Where's the drycleaners? 书店在哪里? Shūdiàn zài nǎlǐ? Where is the bookstore?

商店在哪儿? Shāngdiàn zài nǎr? Where's the store? 玩具店在哪里? Wánjùdiàn zài nǎlǐ? Where is the toy store?

[http://MP3/E102604.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]

"26.05 Excuse me, where is the pharmacy?"

莎拉":" 请问,药店在哪儿? Qǐngwèn, yàodiàn zài nǎr?

"B:" 就在那儿。 Jiù zài nàr.

莎拉":" 谢谢。 Xièxie.

"B": 不客气。 Bú kèqi.

"26.06 Welcome!"

刘小芳":" 请问,学生书店在哪儿? Qǐng wèn, xuésheng shūdiàn zài nàr?

李智慧":" 对不起,我是新来的学生,我不知道。 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ shì xīnlái de xuésheng, wǒ bù zhīdào.

刘小芳":" 你不是中国人吗? Nǐ bú shì Zhōngguórén ma?

李智慧":" 不,我是韩国留学生。 Bù, wǒ shì Hánguó liúxuéshēnɡ.

刘小芳":" 是吗?欢迎 ! Shì ma? Huānyíng!

"A Translate the following pinyin into English"

1.) Huādiàn 2.) Wánjùdiàn

3.) Fàndiàn 4.) Shūdiàn

5.) Yàodiàn 6.) Shāngdiàn