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In this lesson we will learn about numbering floors in buildings as well as numbers larger than ten.



一楼 Yī lóu First floor 二楼 èr lóu Second floor 三楼 Sān lóu Third floor

四楼 Sì lóu Fourth floor 五楼 Wǔ lóu Fifth floor 六楼 Liù lóu Sixth floor

七楼 Qī lóu Seventh floor 八楼 Bā lóu Eighth floor 九楼 Jiǔ lóu Ninth floor

[http://MP3/E103901.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



align=right "A:" 厕所在哪儿? Cèsuǒ zài nǎr?

align=right "B:" 在三楼,下楼以后右拐。 Zài sān lóu, xiàlóu yǐhòu yòuguǎi.

align=right "A:" 谢谢。 Xièxie.



align=right "A:" 对不起,洗手间在哪里? Duìbuqǐ, xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ?

align=right "B:" 在二楼,上楼以后左拐。 Zài èr lóu, shànglóu yǐhòu zuǒguǎi.

align=right "A:" 谢谢。 Xièxie.



align=right 安娜":" 中国银行在哪里? Zhōngguó Yínháng zài nǎli?

align=right "B:" 在五楼。 Zài wǔ lóu.

align=right 安娜":" 那电梯在哪里? Nà diàntī zài nǎlǐ?

align=right "A:" 就在那儿。 Jiù zài nàr.

align=right 安娜":" 对不起,我看不见呢 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ kàn bú jiàn ne.

align=right "A:" 你看,就在那儿,在楼梯旁边。 Nǐ kàn, jiù zài nàer, zài lóutī pángbiān.

align=right 安娜":" 噢,看见了。谢谢。 Ō, kàn jiàn le. Xièxie.



十 Shí Ten 二十 èr shí Twenty 三十 Sān shí Thirty

四十 Sì shí Forty 五十 Wǔ shí Fifty 六十 Liù shí Sixty

七十 Qī shí Seventy 八十 Bā shí Eighty 九十 Jiǔ shí Ninety

一百 Yì bǎi One hundred 二百 èr bǎi Two hundred 一千 Yì qiān One thousand

[http://MP3/E103905.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]



五乘七等于三十五。 Wǔ chéng qī děngyú sānshí wǔ. Five times seven equals thirty five.

二乘六等于十二。Èr chéng liù děngyú shí'èr. Two times six equals twelve.

八乘九等于七十二。Bā chéng jiǔ děngyú qīshí'èr. Eight times nine equals seventy two.

三乘十一等于三十三。Sān chéng shíyī děngyú sānshí sān. Three times eleven equals thirty three.



四十除五等于八。 Sìshí chú wǔ děngyú bā. Forty divided by five equals eight.

二十八除七等于四。Èrshí bā chú qī děngyú sì. Twenty eight divided by seven equals four.

五十四除六等于九。Wǔshí sì chú liù děngyú jiǔ. Fifty four divided by six equals nine.

三十五除五等于七。Sānshíwǔ chú wǔ děngyú qī. Thirty five divided by five equals seven.

"39.08 The horrors of pronunciation"



Sì shì sì, shí shì shí, shísì shì shísì, sìshí shì sìshí.