Browse Source

premier commit

Eric Streit 6 years ago

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Logs
+# Runtime data
+# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
+# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
+# nyc test coverage
+# Grunt intermediate storage (
+# Bower dependency directory (
+# node-waf configuration
+# Compiled binary addons (
+# Dependency directories
+# TypeScript v1 declaration files
+# Optional npm cache directory
+# Optional eslint cache
+# Optional REPL history
+# Output of 'npm pack'
+# Yarn Integrity file
+# dotenv environment variables file
+# parcel-bundler cache (
+# next.js build output
+# nuxt.js build output
+# vuepress build output
+# Serverless directories
+# FuseBox cache
+# DynamoDB Local files
+# Original

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+1	1	一	yī	yī	un	one	[sound:##]	web
+2	1	丨	gǔn	gǔn	ligne	line	[sound:##]	web
+3	1	丶	zhǔ	zhǔ	point	stroke	[sound:##]	web
+4	1	丿 乀 乁	fú	丿piē, 乀 (fú), 乁(yí) 	oblique	oblique	[sound:##]	web
+5	1	乙 乚 乛	yǐ	乙乛yì, 乚(yǐn)	second	sickle	[sound:##]	web
+6	1	亅	jué	jué	crochet	hook	[sound:##]	web
+7	2	二	èr	èr	deux	two	[sound:##]	web
+8	2	亠	tóu	tóu	couvercle	shelter, head	[sound:##]	web
+9	2	人 亻	rén	rén	homme	man	[sound:##]	web
+10	2	儿	er	rù	entrer	child	[sound:##]	web
+11	2	入	rù	rén	jambes	to enter	[sound:##]	web
+12	2	八 丷	bā	bā	huit	eight, separate	[sound:##]	web
+13	2	冂	jiōng	jiǒng	boîte	scope	[sound:##]	web
+14	2	冖	mì	mì	sur	to cover	[sound:##]	web
+15	2	冫	bīng	bīng	glace	ice	[sound:##]	web
+16	2	几	jǐ	jī	table	table	[sound:##]	web
+17	2	凵	qiǎn	qǔ	boîte ouverte	container	[sound:##]	web
+18	2	刂 刁 刀 ク	dāo	dāo	couteau	knife	[sound:##]	web
+19	2	力	lì	lì	force	force	[sound:##]	web
+20	2	勹	bāo	bāo	envelopper	to wrap	[sound:##]	web
+21	2	匕	bǐ	bǐ	cuillère	spoon, man overthrown	[sound:##]	web
+22	2	匚	fāng	fāng	boîte ouverte (sur la droite)	open box	[sound:##]	web
+23	2	匸	xì	xǐ	enceinte cachée	to hide	[sound:##]	web
+24	2	十	shí	shí	dix	ten	[sound:##]	web
+25	2	卜	bo	bǔ	divination	divination	[sound:##]	web
+26	2	卩	jié	jié	sceau	seal	[sound:##]	web
+27	2	厂	chǎng	hàn	falaise	production facility	[sound:##]	web
+28	2	厶	sī	sī	privé	secret	[sound:##]	web
+29	2	又 ヌ	yòu	yòu	encore	still, hand	[sound:##]	web
+30	3	口	kǒu	kǒu	bouche	mouth	[sound:##]	web
+31	3	囗	wéi	wéi	enclos	enclosure	[sound:##]	web
+32	3	土	tǔ	tǔ	terre	earth	[sound:##]	web
+33	3	士	shì	shì	érudit 	scholar	[sound:##]	web
+34	3	夂	zhǐ	suī (bas)	aller	to go	[sound:##]	web
+35	3	夊	suī	zhi (haut)	aller lentement	go slowly	[sound:##]	web
+36	3	夕	xī	xì	soir	evening	[sound:##]	web
+37	3	大	dà	dà	grand	big	[sound:##]	web
+38	3	女	nǚ	nǚ	femme	woman	[sound:##]	web
+39	3	子	zi	zǐ	enfant	child	[sound:##]	web
+40	3	宀	mián	mián	toit	roof	[sound:##]	web
+41	3	寸	cùn	cùn	pouce (unité de longueur)	thumb	[sound:##]	web
+42	3	小 ⺌ ⺍	xiǎo	xiǎo	petit	small	[sound:##]	web
+43	3	尢	yóu	wāng	estropier	weak	[sound:##]	web
+44	3	尸	shī	shī	corps	dead body	[sound:##]	web
+45	3	屮	chè	chè	germer	germ	[sound:##]	web
+46	3	山	shān	shān	montagne	mountain	[sound:##]	web
+47	3	川 巛	chuān	川 巛 chuān, 巜 (guì) 	rivière	river	[sound:##]	web
+48	3	工	gōng	gōng	travail	work	[sound:##]	web
+49	3	己	jǐ	jǐ	soi-même	personal	[sound:##]	web
+50	3	巾	jīn	jīn	turban	turban	[sound:##]	web
+51	3	干	gàn	gān	sec	dry	[sound:##]	web
+52	3	幺	yāo	yāo	fil court	tiny	[sound:##]	web
+53	3	广	guǎng	yǎn	falaise avec un point	shelter	[sound:##]	web
+54	3	廴	yǐn	yǐn	grande enjambée	great, stride	[sound:##]	web
+55	3	廾	gǒng	gǒng	deux mains	two, hands	[sound:##]	web
+56	3	弋	yì	yì	tirer	arrow-grapin	[sound:##]	web
+57	3	弓	gōng	gōng	arc	bow	[sound:##]	web
+58	3	彐 彑	jì	jì	museau	snout	[sound:##]	web
+59	3	彡	shān	shān	hérisser	beard, brush	[sound:##]	web
+60	3	彳	chì	chì	pas	walk around	[sound:##]	web
+61	4	心 忄	xīn	xīn	cœur	heart	[sound:##]	web
+62	4	戈	gē	gē	hallebarde	halberd	[sound:##]	web
+63	4	戶 户	hù	hù	porte	gate	[sound:##]	web
+64	4	手 扌 才	shǒu	shǒu	main	hand	[sound:##]	web
+65	4	支	zhī	zhī	branche	branch	[sound:##]	web
+66	4	攴 攵	pū	pū	toquer	to bump, hand	[sound:##]	web
+67	4	文	wén	wén	écriture	writing	[sound:##]	web
+68	4	斗	dòu	dǒu	louche	measurer	[sound:##]	web
+69	4	斤	jīn	jīn	épée	ax, 500 grams	[sound:##]	web
+70	4	方	fāng	fāng	carré	square, direction	[sound:##]	web
+71	4	无	wú	wú	sans	without	[sound:##]	web
+72	4	日	rì	rì	soleil	sun	[sound:##]	web
+73	4	曰	yuē	yuē	dire	to say	[sound:##]	web
+74	4	月	yuè	yuè	lune	moon	[sound:##]	web
+75	4	木 朩	mù	mù	arbre	tree	[sound:##]	web
+76	4	欠	qiàn	qiàn	manquer de	tired	[sound:##]	web
+77	4	止	zhǐ	zhǐ	arrêter	to stop	[sound:##]	web
+78	4	歹	dǎi	dǎi	mort	death	[sound:##]	web
+79	4	殳	shū	shū	arme	weapon	[sound:##]	web
+80	4	母 毋 毌	mǔ	mú	ne pas	mother	[sound:##]	web
+81	4	比	bǐ	bǐ	comparer	to confront	[sound:##]	web
+82	4	毛	máo	máo	fourrure	fur	[sound:##]	web
+83	4	氏	shì	shì	clan	clan	[sound:##]	web
+84	4	气	qì	qì	vapeur	air	[sound:##]	web
+85	4	水 氵 氺	shuǐ	shuì	eau	water	[sound:##]	web
+86	4	火 灬	huǒ	huǒ	feu	fire	[sound:##]	web
+87	4	爪 爫	zhǎo	zhǎo	griffe	claw	[sound:##]	web
+88	4	父	fù	fù	père	father	[sound:##]	web
+89	4	爻	yáo	yáo	double	double	[sound:##]	web
+90	4	爿	pán	qiáng	moitié de tronc d'arbre	splitted, wood	[sound:##]	web
+91	4	片	piàn	piàn	tranche	slice	[sound:##]	web
+92	4	牙	yá	yá	dent	tooth, ivory	[sound:##]	web
+93	4	牛 牜 ⺧	niú	niú	vache	beef	[sound:##]	web
+94	4	犬 犭	quǎn	quǎn	chien	dog	[sound:##]	web
+95	5	玄	xuán	xuán	profond	deep	[sound:##]	web
+96	5	王 玉	yù	yù	jade	jade	[sound:##]	web
+97	5	瓜	guā	guā	melon	melon	[sound:##]	web
+98	5	瓦	wǎ	wǎ	tuile	tile	[sound:##]	web
+99	5	甘	gān	gān	doux	sweet	[sound:##]	web
+100	5	生	shēng	shēng	vie	be born	[sound:##]	web
+101	5	用	yòng	yòng	utiliser	to use	[sound:##]	web
+102	5	田	tián	tián	champs	field	[sound:##]	web
+103	5	疋 ⺪	pǐ	pǐ	fermeture d'un habit	roll, piece of cloth	[sound:##]	web
+104	5	疒	nè	chuáng	maladie	disease	[sound:##]	web
+105	5	癶	bō	bò	tente à pointe	to go up	[sound:##]	web
+106	5	白	bái	bái	blanc	white	[sound:##]	web
+107	5	皮	pí	pí	peau	skin	[sound:##]	web
+108	5	皿	mǐn	mǐn	récipient	container	[sound:##]	web
+109	5	目	mù	mù	œil	eye	[sound:##]	web
+110	5	矛	máo	máo	lance	spear	[sound:##]	web
+111	5	矢	shǐ	shǐ	arc	arrow	[sound:##]	web
+112	5	石	shí	shí	pierre	stone	[sound:##]	web
+113	5	示 礻	shì	shì	esprit	to venerate, to show	[sound:##]	web
+114	5	禸	róu	rǒu	piste	get away	[sound:##]	web
+115	5	禾	hé	hé	grain	grain	[sound:##]	web
+116	5	穴	xué	xuè	cavité	cave, swing door	[sound:##]	web
+117	5	立	lì	lì	debout	standing up	[sound:##]	web
+118	6	竹 ⺮ ケ	shì	zhú	bambou	bamboo	[sound:##]	web
+119	6	米	mǐ	mǐ	riz	rice	[sound:##]	web
+120	6	糸 纟	mì	mì	soie	silk	[sound:##]	web
+121	6	缶	fǒu	fǒu	jarre	jar	[sound:##]	web
+122	6	网 罒 罓 罓	wǎng	wǎng	fillet	net	[sound:##]	web
+123	6	羊 ⺶ ⺷	yáng	yáng	mouton	sheep	[sound:##]	web
+124	6	羽	yǔ	yǔ	plume	feather	[sound:##]	web
+125	6	老 耂	lǎo	lǎo	vieux	old	[sound:##]	web
+126	6	而	ér	ér	et	and	[sound:##]	web
+127	6	耒	lěi	lěi	labourer	plow	[sound:##]	web
+128	6	耳	ěr	ěr	oreille	ear	[sound:##]	web
+129	6	聿	yù	yù	pinceau	brush	[sound:##]	web
+130	6	肉 月	ròu	ròu	viande	meat	[sound:##]	web
+131	6	臣	chén	chén	ministre	minister	[sound:##]	web
+132	6	自	zì	zì	soi-même	personal	[sound:##]	web
+133	6	至	zhì	zhì	atteindre	to reach	[sound:##]	web
+134	6	臼	jiù	jiù	mortier	mortar	[sound:##]	web
+135	6	舌	shé	shé	langue	tongue	[sound:##]	web
+136	6	舛	chuǎn	chuǎn	s'opposer	to oppose	[sound:##]	web
+137	6	舟	zhōu	zhōu	bâteau	boat	[sound:##]	web
+138	6	艮	gěn	gèn	arrêt	decided	[sound:##]	web
+139	6	色	sè	sè	couleur	color	[sound:##]	web
+140	6	艹	cao	cǎo	herbe	vegetable	[sound:##]	web
+141	6	虍	hū	hū	tigre	tiger	[sound:##]	web
+142	6	虫	chóng	chóng	bestiole	insect	[sound:##]	web
+143	6	血	xuè	xuě	sang	blood	[sound:##]	web
+144	6	行	xíng	xíng	marcher, enclôt	circulate	[sound:##]	web
+145	6	衣 衤	yī	yī	habit	cloth	[sound:##]	web
+146	6	西 覀	xi	yà	ouest	lid	[sound:##]	web
+147	7	见	jiàn	jiàn	voir	to see	[sound:##]	web
+148	7	角	jiǎo	jué	corne	horn	[sound:##]	web
+149	7	言 讠	yán	yán	discours	speech (trad)	[sound:##]	web
+150	7	谷	gǔ	gǔ	vallée	valley	[sound:##]	web
+151	7	豆	dòu	dòu	pois	pea	[sound:##]	web
+152	7	豕	chù	shǐ	cochon	pig	[sound:##]	web
+153	7	豸	zhì	zhì	blaireau	feline, cat family	[sound:##]	web
+154	7	贝	bèi	bèi	coquillage	shell, money	[sound:##]	web
+155	7	赤	chì	chì	rouge	red	[sound:##]	web
+156	7	走	zǒu	zǒu	marcher	to walk	[sound:##]	web
+157	7	足	zú	zú	pied	foot	[sound:##]	web
+158	7	身	shēn	shēn	corps	body	[sound:##]	web
+159	7	车	chē	chē	carriole	car	[sound:##]	web
+160	7	辛	xīn	xīn	amer	bitter	[sound:##]	web
+161	7	辰	chén	chén	matin	morning	[sound:##]	web
+162	7	辶	chuò	chuò	marche	brisk walking	[sound:##]	web
+163	7	阝 (邑)	fù	yì	ville	city	[sound:##]	web
+164	7	酉	yǒu	yǒu	vin	alcohol	[sound:##]	web
+165	7	釆	biàn	biàn	distinguer	to distinguish	[sound:##]	web
+166	7	里	lǐ	lǐ	village	neighborhood	[sound:##]	web
+167	8	金 钅	jīn	jīn	or	gold, metal	[sound:##]	web
+168	8	长	zhǎng	cháng	long	long	[sound:##]	web
+169	8	门	mén	mén	porte	gate	[sound:##]	web
+170	8	阝(阜)	fù	fù	butte	mound	[sound:##]	web
+171	8	隶	lì	dài	esclave	servant	[sound:##]	web
+172	8	隹	zhuī	zhuī	oiseau à queue courte	short-tailed bird	[sound:##]	web
+173	8	雨	yǔ	yǔ	pluie	rain	[sound:##]	web
+174	8	青	qīng	qīng	bleu, vert	blue/green	[sound:##]	web
+175	8	非	fēi	fēi	faute	false	[sound:##]	web
+176	9	面	miàn	miàn	face	face	[sound:##]	web
+177	9	革	gé	gé	cuir	leather	[sound:##]	web
+178	9	韦	wéi	wéi	cuir tanné	tanned leather	[sound:##]	web
+179	9	韭	jiǔ	jiǔ	poireau	leek	[sound:##]	web
+180	9	音	yīn	yīn	son	sound	[sound:##]	web
+181	9	页 頁	yè	yè	feuille	head, leaf	[sound:##]	web
+182	9	风	fēng	fēng	vent	wind	[sound:##]	web
+183	9	飞	fēi	fēi	voler	to fly	[sound:##]	web
+184	9	食 饣	shí	shí	manger	to eat	[sound:##]	web
+185	9	首	shǒu	shǒu 	tête	head	[sound:##]	web
+186	9	香	xiāng	xiāng	parfum	perfume	[sound:##]	web
+187	10	马	mǎ	mǎ	cheval	horse	[sound:##]	web
+188	10	骨	gǔ	gǔ	os	bone	[sound:##]	web
+189	10	高	gāo	gāo	haut	high	[sound:##]	web
+190	10	髟	biāo	biāo	cheveux	hair	[sound:##]	web
+191	10	鬥	dòu	dòu	combat	fight	[sound:##]	web
+192	10	鬯	chàng	chàng	vin de sacrifice	sacrificial wine	[sound:##]	web
+193	10	鬲	gé	lì	chaudron	cauldron	[sound:##]	web
+194	10	鬼	guǐ	guǐ	fantôme	ghost	[sound:##]	web
+195	11	鱼	yú	yú	poisson	fish	[sound:##]	web
+196	11	鸟	niǎo	niǎo	oiseau	bird	[sound:##]	web
+197	11	鹵	lǔ	lǔ	sel	salt	[sound:##]	web
+198	11	鹿	lù	lù	daim	deer	[sound:##]	web
+199	11	麦	mài	mài	blé	corn	[sound:##]	web
+200	11	麻	má	má	chanvre	hemp	[sound:##]	web
+201	12	黃	huáng	huáng	jaune	yellow	[sound:##]	web
+202	12	黍	shǔ	shǔ	millet	millet	[sound:##]	web
+203	12	黑	hēi	hēi	noir	black	[sound:##]	web
+204	12	黹	zhǐ	zhǐ	broderie	embroidery	[sound:##]	web
+205	13	黾	miǎn	mǐn	grenouille	frog	[sound:##]	web
+206	13	鼎	dǐng	dǐng	tripode	tripod	[sound:##]	web
+207	13	鼓	gǔ	gǔ	tambour	drum	[sound:##]	web
+208	13	鼠	shǔ	shǔ	rat	rat	[sound:##]	web
+209	14	鼻	bí	bí	nez	nose	[sound:##]	web
+210	14	齐	qí	qǐ	régulier	regular	[sound:##]	web
+211	15	齿	chǐ	chǐ	dent	tooth, engrenage	[sound:##]	web
+212	16	龙	lóng	lóng	dragon	dragon	[sound:##]	web
+213	16	龟	guī	guī	tortue	tortoise	[sound:##]	web
+NaN	17	yuè flute	undefined	yuè	flute	undefined	[sound:##]	web

+ 1501 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1501 @@
+    "radicauxEN": [{
+        "numero": 1,
+        "hanzi": "一",
+        "pinyin": "yī",
+        "translation": "one",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 2,
+        "hanzi": "丨",
+        "pinyin": "gǔn",
+        "translation": "line",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 3,
+        "hanzi": "丶",
+        "pinyin": "zhǔ",
+        "translation": "stroke",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 4,
+        "hanzi": "丿 乀 乁",
+        "pinyin": "fú",
+        "translation": "oblique",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 5,
+        "hanzi": "乙 乚 乛",
+        "pinyin": "yǐ",
+        "translation": "sickle",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 6,
+        "hanzi": "亅",
+        "pinyin": "jué",
+        "translation": "hook",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 7,
+        "hanzi": "二",
+        "pinyin": "èr",
+        "translation": "two",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 8,
+        "hanzi": "亠",
+        "pinyin": "tóu",
+        "translation": "shelter, head",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 9,
+        "hanzi": "人 亻",
+        "pinyin": "rén",
+        "translation": "man",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 10,
+        "hanzi": "儿",
+        "pinyin": "er",
+        "translation": "child",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 11,
+        "hanzi": "入",
+        "pinyin": "rù",
+        "translation": "to enter",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 12,
+        "hanzi": "八 丷",
+        "pinyin": "bā",
+        "translation": "eight, separate",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 13,
+        "hanzi": "冂",
+        "pinyin": "jiōng",
+        "translation": "scope",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 14,
+        "hanzi": "冖",
+        "pinyin": "mì",
+        "translation": "to cover",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 15,
+        "hanzi": "冫",
+        "pinyin": "bīng",
+        "translation": "ice",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 18,
+        "hanzi": "刂 刁 刀 ク",
+        "pinyin": "dāo",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 20,
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 21,
+        "hanzi": "匕",
+        "pinyin": "bǐ",
+        "translation": "spoon, man overthrown",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 22,
+        "hanzi": "匚",
+        "pinyin": "fāng",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 23,
+        "hanzi": "匸",
+        "pinyin": "xì",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 24,
+        "hanzi": "十",
+        "pinyin": "shí",
+        "translation": "ten",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 25,
+        "hanzi": "卜",
+        "pinyin": "bo",
+        "translation": "divination",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 26,
+        "hanzi": "卩",
+        "pinyin": "jié",
+        "translation": "seal",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 27,
+        "hanzi": "厂",
+        "pinyin": "chǎng",
+        "translation": "production facility",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 28,
+        "hanzi": "厶",
+        "pinyin": "sī",
+        "translation": "secret",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 29,
+        "hanzi": "又 ヌ",
+        "pinyin": "yòu",
+        "translation": "still, hand",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 30,
+        "hanzi": "口",
+        "pinyin": "kǒu",
+        "translation": "mouth",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 31,
+        "hanzi": "囗",
+        "pinyin": "wéi",
+        "translation": "enclosure",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 32,
+        "hanzi": "土",
+        "pinyin": "tǔ",
+        "translation": "earth",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 33,
+        "hanzi": "士",
+        "pinyin": "shì",
+        "translation": "scholar",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 34,
+        "hanzi": "夂",
+        "pinyin": "zhǐ",
+        "translation": "to go",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 35,
+        "hanzi": "夊",
+        "pinyin": "suī",
+        "translation": "go slowly",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 36,
+        "hanzi": "夕",
+        "pinyin": "xī",
+        "translation": "evening",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 37,
+        "hanzi": "大",
+        "pinyin": "dà",
+        "translation": "big",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 38,
+        "hanzi": "女",
+        "pinyin": "nǚ",
+        "translation": "woman",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 39,
+        "hanzi": "子",
+        "pinyin": "zi",
+        "translation": "child",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 40,
+        "hanzi": "宀",
+        "pinyin": "mián",
+        "translation": "roof",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 41,
+        "hanzi": "寸",
+        "pinyin": "cùn",
+        "translation": "thumb",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 42,
+        "hanzi": "小 ⺌ ⺍",
+        "pinyin": "xiǎo",
+        "translation": "small",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 43,
+        "hanzi": "尢",
+        "pinyin": "yóu",
+        "translation": "weak",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 44,
+        "hanzi": "尸",
+        "pinyin": "shī",
+        "translation": "dead body",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 45,
+        "hanzi": "屮",
+        "pinyin": "chè",
+        "translation": "germ",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 46,
+        "hanzi": "山",
+        "pinyin": "shān",
+        "translation": "mountain",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 47,
+        "hanzi": "川 巛",
+        "pinyin": "chuān",
+        "translation": "river",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 48,
+        "hanzi": "工",
+        "pinyin": "gōng",
+        "translation": "work",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 49,
+        "hanzi": "己",
+        "pinyin": "jǐ",
+        "translation": "personal",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 50,
+        "hanzi": "巾",
+        "pinyin": "jīn",
+        "translation": "turban",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 51,
+        "hanzi": "干",
+        "pinyin": "gàn",
+        "translation": "dry",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 52,
+        "hanzi": "幺",
+        "pinyin": "yāo",
+        "translation": "tiny",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 53,
+        "hanzi": "广",
+        "pinyin": "guǎng",
+        "translation": "shelter",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 54,
+        "hanzi": "廴",
+        "pinyin": "yǐn",
+        "translation": "great, stride",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 55,
+        "hanzi": "廾",
+        "pinyin": "gǒng",
+        "translation": "two, hands",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 56,
+        "hanzi": "弋",
+        "pinyin": "yì",
+        "translation": "arrow-grapin",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 57,
+        "hanzi": "弓",
+        "pinyin": "gōng",
+        "translation": "bow",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 58,
+        "hanzi": "彐 彑",
+        "pinyin": "jì",
+        "translation": "snout",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 59,
+        "hanzi": "彡",
+        "pinyin": "shān",
+        "translation": "beard, brush",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 60,
+        "hanzi": "彳",
+        "pinyin": "chì",
+        "translation": "walk around",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 61,
+        "hanzi": "心 忄",
+        "pinyin": "xīn",
+        "translation": "heart",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 62,
+        "hanzi": "戈",
+        "pinyin": "gē",
+        "translation": "halberd",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 63,
+        "hanzi": "戶 户",
+        "pinyin": "hù",
+        "translation": "gate",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 64,
+        "hanzi": "手 扌 才",
+        "pinyin": "shǒu",
+        "translation": "hand",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 65,
+        "hanzi": "支",
+        "pinyin": "zhī",
+        "translation": "branch",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 66,
+        "hanzi": "攴 攵",
+        "pinyin": "pū",
+        "translation": "to bump, hand",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 67,
+        "hanzi": "文",
+        "pinyin": "wén",
+        "translation": "writing",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 68,
+        "hanzi": "斗",
+        "pinyin": "dòu",
+        "translation": "measurer",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 69,
+        "hanzi": "斤",
+        "pinyin": "jīn",
+        "translation": "ax, 500 grams",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 70,
+        "hanzi": "方",
+        "pinyin": "fāng",
+        "translation": "square, direction",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 71,
+        "hanzi": "无",
+        "pinyin": "wú",
+        "translation": "without",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 72,
+        "hanzi": "日",
+        "pinyin": "rì",
+        "translation": "sun",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 73,
+        "hanzi": "曰",
+        "pinyin": "yuē",
+        "translation": "to say",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 74,
+        "hanzi": "月",
+        "pinyin": "yuè",
+        "translation": "moon",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 75,
+        "hanzi": "木 朩",
+        "pinyin": "mù",
+        "translation": "tree",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 76,
+        "hanzi": "欠",
+        "pinyin": "qiàn",
+        "translation": "tired",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 77,
+        "hanzi": "止",
+        "pinyin": "zhǐ",
+        "translation": "to stop",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 78,
+        "hanzi": "歹",
+        "pinyin": "dǎi",
+        "translation": "death",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 79,
+        "hanzi": "殳",
+        "pinyin": "shū",
+        "translation": "weapon",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 80,
+        "hanzi": "母 毋 毌",
+        "pinyin": "mǔ",
+        "translation": "mother",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 81,
+        "hanzi": "比",
+        "pinyin": "bǐ",
+        "translation": "to confront",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 82,
+        "hanzi": "毛",
+        "pinyin": "máo",
+        "translation": "fur",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 83,
+        "hanzi": "氏",
+        "pinyin": "shì",
+        "translation": "clan",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 84,
+        "hanzi": "气",
+        "pinyin": "qì",
+        "translation": "air",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 85,
+        "hanzi": "水 氵 氺",
+        "pinyin": "shuǐ",
+        "translation": "water",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 86,
+        "hanzi": "火 灬",
+        "pinyin": "huǒ",
+        "translation": "fire",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 87,
+        "hanzi": "爪 爫",
+        "pinyin": "zhǎo",
+        "translation": "claw",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 88,
+        "hanzi": "父",
+        "pinyin": "fù",
+        "translation": "father",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 89,
+        "hanzi": "爻",
+        "pinyin": "yáo",
+        "translation": "double",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 90,
+        "hanzi": "爿",
+        "pinyin": "pán",
+        "translation": "splitted, wood",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 91,
+        "hanzi": "片",
+        "pinyin": "piàn",
+        "translation": "slice",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 92,
+        "hanzi": "牙",
+        "pinyin": "yá",
+        "translation": "tooth, ivory",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 93,
+        "hanzi": "牛 牜 ⺧",
+        "pinyin": "niú",
+        "translation": "beef",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 94,
+        "hanzi": "犬 犭",
+        "pinyin": "quǎn",
+        "translation": "dog",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 95,
+        "hanzi": "玄",
+        "pinyin": "xuán",
+        "translation": "deep",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 96,
+        "hanzi": "王 玉",
+        "pinyin": "yù",
+        "translation": "jade",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 97,
+        "hanzi": "瓜",
+        "pinyin": "guā",
+        "translation": "melon",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 98,
+        "hanzi": "瓦",
+        "pinyin": "wǎ",
+        "translation": "tile",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 99,
+        "hanzi": "甘",
+        "pinyin": "gān",
+        "translation": "sweet",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 100,
+        "hanzi": "生",
+        "pinyin": "shēng",
+        "translation": "be born",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 101,
+        "hanzi": "用",
+        "pinyin": "yòng",
+        "translation": "to use",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 102,
+        "hanzi": "田",
+        "pinyin": "tián",
+        "translation": "field",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 103,
+        "hanzi": "疋 ⺪",
+        "pinyin": "pǐ",
+        "translation": "roll, piece of cloth",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 104,
+        "hanzi": "疒",
+        "pinyin": "nè",
+        "translation": "disease",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 105,
+        "hanzi": "癶",
+        "pinyin": "bō",
+        "translation": "to go up",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 106,
+        "hanzi": "白",
+        "pinyin": "bái",
+        "translation": "white",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 107,
+        "hanzi": "皮",
+        "pinyin": "pí",
+        "translation": "skin",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 108,
+        "hanzi": "皿",
+        "pinyin": "mǐn",
+        "translation": "container",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 109,
+        "hanzi": "目",
+        "pinyin": "mù",
+        "translation": "eye",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 110,
+        "hanzi": "矛",
+        "pinyin": "máo",
+        "translation": "spear",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 111,
+        "hanzi": "矢",
+        "pinyin": "shǐ",
+        "translation": "arrow",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 112,
+        "hanzi": "石",
+        "pinyin": "shí",
+        "translation": "stone",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 113,
+        "hanzi": "示 礻",
+        "pinyin": "shì",
+        "translation": "to venerate, to show",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 114,
+        "hanzi": "禸",
+        "pinyin": "róu",
+        "translation": "get away",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 115,
+        "hanzi": "禾",
+        "pinyin": "hé",
+        "translation": "grain",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 116,
+        "hanzi": "穴",
+        "pinyin": "xué",
+        "translation": "cave, swing door",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 117,
+        "hanzi": "立",
+        "pinyin": "lì",
+        "translation": "standing up",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 118,
+        "hanzi": "竹 ⺮ ケ",
+        "pinyin": "shì",
+        "translation": "bamboo",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 119,
+        "hanzi": "米",
+        "pinyin": "mǐ",
+        "translation": "rice",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 120,
+        "hanzi": "糸 纟",
+        "pinyin": "mì",
+        "translation": "silk",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 121,
+        "hanzi": "缶",
+        "pinyin": "fǒu",
+        "translation": "jar",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 122,
+        "hanzi": "网 罒 罓 罓",
+        "pinyin": "wǎng",
+        "translation": "net",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 123,
+        "hanzi": "羊 ⺶ ⺷",
+        "pinyin": "yáng",
+        "translation": "sheep",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 124,
+        "hanzi": "羽",
+        "pinyin": "yǔ",
+        "translation": "feather",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 131,
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 133,
+        "hanzi": "至",
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+        "translation": "to reach",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 134,
+        "hanzi": "臼",
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+        "translation": "mortar",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 135,
+        "hanzi": "舌",
+        "pinyin": "shé",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 136,
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "hanzi": "舟",
+        "pinyin": "zhōu",
+        "translation": "boat",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 138,
+        "hanzi": "艮",
+        "pinyin": "gěn",
+        "translation": "decided",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 139,
+        "hanzi": "色",
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+        "translation": "color",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 140,
+        "hanzi": "艹",
+        "pinyin": "cao",
+        "translation": "vegetable",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 141,
+        "hanzi": "虍",
+        "pinyin": "hū",
+        "translation": "tiger",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 142,
+        "hanzi": "虫",
+        "pinyin": "chóng",
+        "translation": "insect",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 143,
+        "hanzi": "血",
+        "pinyin": "xuè",
+        "translation": "blood",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 144,
+        "hanzi": "行",
+        "pinyin": "xíng",
+        "translation": "circulate",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 145,
+        "hanzi": "衣 衤",
+        "pinyin": "yī",
+        "translation": "cloth",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 146,
+        "hanzi": "西 覀",
+        "pinyin": "xi",
+        "translation": "lid",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 147,
+        "hanzi": "见",
+        "pinyin": "jiàn",
+        "translation": "to see",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 148,
+        "hanzi": "角",
+        "pinyin": "jiǎo",
+        "translation": "horn",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 149,
+        "hanzi": "言 讠",
+        "pinyin": "yán",
+        "translation": "speech (trad)",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 150,
+        "hanzi": "谷",
+        "pinyin": "gǔ",
+        "translation": "valley",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 151,
+        "hanzi": "豆",
+        "pinyin": "dòu",
+        "translation": "pea",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 152,
+        "hanzi": "豕",
+        "pinyin": "chù",
+        "translation": "pig",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 153,
+        "hanzi": "豸",
+        "pinyin": "zhì",
+        "translation": "feline, cat family",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 154,
+        "hanzi": "贝",
+        "pinyin": "bèi",
+        "translation": "shell, money",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 155,
+        "hanzi": "赤",
+        "pinyin": "chì",
+        "translation": "red",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 156,
+        "hanzi": "走",
+        "pinyin": "zǒu",
+        "translation": "to walk",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 157,
+        "hanzi": "足",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 158,
+        "hanzi": "身",
+        "pinyin": "shēn",
+        "translation": "body",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 159,
+        "hanzi": "车",
+        "pinyin": "chē",
+        "translation": "car",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 160,
+        "hanzi": "辛",
+        "pinyin": "xīn",
+        "translation": "bitter",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 161,
+        "hanzi": "辰",
+        "pinyin": "chén",
+        "translation": "morning",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 162,
+        "hanzi": "辶",
+        "pinyin": "chuò",
+        "translation": "brisk walking",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 163,
+        "hanzi": "阝 (邑)",
+        "pinyin": "fù",
+        "translation": "city",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 164,
+        "hanzi": "酉",
+        "pinyin": "yǒu",
+        "translation": "alcohol",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 165,
+        "hanzi": "釆",
+        "pinyin": "biàn",
+        "translation": "to distinguish",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 166,
+        "hanzi": "里",
+        "pinyin": "lǐ",
+        "translation": "neighborhood",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 167,
+        "hanzi": "金 钅",
+        "pinyin": "jīn",
+        "translation": "gold, metal",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 168,
+        "hanzi": "长",
+        "pinyin": "zhǎng",
+        "translation": "long",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 169,
+        "hanzi": "门",
+        "pinyin": "mén",
+        "translation": "gate",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 170,
+        "hanzi": "阝(阜)",
+        "pinyin": "fù",
+        "translation": "mound",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 171,
+        "hanzi": "隶",
+        "pinyin": "lì",
+        "translation": "servant",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 172,
+        "hanzi": "隹",
+        "pinyin": "zhuī",
+        "translation": "short-tailed bird",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 173,
+        "hanzi": "雨",
+        "pinyin": "yǔ",
+        "translation": "rain",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 174,
+        "hanzi": "青",
+        "pinyin": "qīng",
+        "translation": "blue/green",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 175,
+        "hanzi": "非",
+        "pinyin": "fēi",
+        "translation": "false",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 176,
+        "hanzi": "面",
+        "pinyin": "miàn",
+        "translation": "face",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 177,
+        "hanzi": "革",
+        "pinyin": "gé",
+        "translation": "leather",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 178,
+        "hanzi": "韦",
+        "pinyin": "wéi",
+        "translation": "tanned leather",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 179,
+        "hanzi": "韭",
+        "pinyin": "jiǔ",
+        "translation": "leek",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 180,
+        "hanzi": "音",
+        "pinyin": "yīn",
+        "translation": "sound",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 181,
+        "hanzi": "页 頁",
+        "pinyin": "yè",
+        "translation": "head, leaf",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 182,
+        "hanzi": "风",
+        "pinyin": "fēng",
+        "translation": "wind",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 183,
+        "hanzi": "飞",
+        "pinyin": "fēi",
+        "translation": "to fly",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 184,
+        "hanzi": "食 饣",
+        "pinyin": "shí",
+        "translation": "to eat",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 185,
+        "hanzi": "首",
+        "pinyin": "shǒu",
+        "translation": "head",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 186,
+        "hanzi": "香",
+        "pinyin": "xiāng",
+        "translation": "perfume",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 187,
+        "hanzi": "马",
+        "pinyin": "mǎ",
+        "translation": "horse",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 188,
+        "hanzi": "骨",
+        "pinyin": "gǔ",
+        "translation": "bone",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 189,
+        "hanzi": "高",
+        "pinyin": "gāo",
+        "translation": "high",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 190,
+        "hanzi": "髟",
+        "pinyin": "biāo",
+        "translation": "hair",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 191,
+        "hanzi": "鬥",
+        "pinyin": "dòu",
+        "translation": "fight",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 192,
+        "hanzi": "鬯",
+        "pinyin": "chàng",
+        "translation": "sacrificial wine",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 193,
+        "hanzi": "鬲",
+        "pinyin": "gé",
+        "translation": "cauldron",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 194,
+        "hanzi": "鬼",
+        "pinyin": "guǐ",
+        "translation": "ghost",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 195,
+        "hanzi": "鱼",
+        "pinyin": "yú",
+        "translation": "fish",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 196,
+        "hanzi": "鸟",
+        "pinyin": "niǎo",
+        "translation": "bird",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 197,
+        "hanzi": "鹵",
+        "pinyin": "lǔ",
+        "translation": "salt",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 198,
+        "hanzi": "鹿",
+        "pinyin": "lù",
+        "translation": "deer",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 199,
+        "hanzi": "麦",
+        "pinyin": "mài",
+        "translation": "corn",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 200,
+        "hanzi": "麻",
+        "pinyin": "má",
+        "translation": "hemp",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 201,
+        "hanzi": "黃",
+        "pinyin": "huáng",
+        "translation": "yellow",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 202,
+        "hanzi": "黍",
+        "pinyin": "shǔ",
+        "translation": "millet",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 203,
+        "hanzi": "黑",
+        "pinyin": "hēi",
+        "translation": "black",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 204,
+        "hanzi": "黹",
+        "pinyin": "zhǐ",
+        "translation": "embroidery",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 205,
+        "hanzi": "黾",
+        "pinyin": "miǎn",
+        "translation": "frog",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 206,
+        "hanzi": "鼎",
+        "pinyin": "dǐng",
+        "translation": "tripod",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 207,
+        "hanzi": "鼓",
+        "pinyin": "gǔ",
+        "translation": "drum",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 208,
+        "hanzi": "鼠",
+        "pinyin": "shǔ",
+        "translation": "rat",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 209,
+        "hanzi": "鼻",
+        "pinyin": "bí",
+        "translation": "nose",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 210,
+        "hanzi": "齐",
+        "pinyin": "qí",
+        "translation": "regular",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 211,
+        "hanzi": "齿",
+        "pinyin": "chǐ",
+        "translation": "tooth, engrenage",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 212,
+        "hanzi": "龙",
+        "pinyin": "lóng",
+        "translation": "dragon",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 213,
+        "hanzi": "龟",
+        "pinyin": "guī",
+        "translation": "tortoise",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": null,
+        "hanzi": "yuè flute",
+        "pinyin": "undefined",
+        "translation": "undefined",
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {}, ]

+ 1715 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1715 @@
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+    <translation>one</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
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+    <translation>line</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
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+    <numero>5</numero>
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+    <origin>web</origin>
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+    <numero>8</numero>
+    <hanzi>亠</hanzi>
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+    <origin>web</origin>
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+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>9</numero>
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+    <origin>web</origin>
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+    <numero>10</numero>
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+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>11</numero>
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+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
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+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>12</numero>
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+    <translation>eight, separate</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>13</numero>
+    <hanzi>冂</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiōng</pinyin>
+    <translation>scope</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>14</numero>
+    <hanzi>冖</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mì</pinyin>
+    <translation>to cover</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>15</numero>
+    <hanzi>冫</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bīng</pinyin>
+    <translation>ice</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>16</numero>
+    <hanzi>几</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>table</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>17</numero>
+    <hanzi>凵</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qiǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>container</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>18</numero>
+    <hanzi>刂 刁 刀 ク</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>knife</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>19</numero>
+    <hanzi>力</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lì</pinyin>
+    <translation>force</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>20</numero>
+    <hanzi>勹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>to wrap</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>21</numero>
+    <hanzi>匕</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>spoon, man overthrown</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>22</numero>
+    <hanzi>匚</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>open box</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>23</numero>
+    <hanzi>匸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xì</pinyin>
+    <translation>to hide</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>24</numero>
+    <hanzi>十</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shí</pinyin>
+    <translation>ten</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>25</numero>
+    <hanzi>卜</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bo</pinyin>
+    <translation>divination</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>26</numero>
+    <hanzi>卩</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jié</pinyin>
+    <translation>seal</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>27</numero>
+    <hanzi>厂</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chǎng</pinyin>
+    <translation>production facility</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>28</numero>
+    <hanzi>厶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>sī</pinyin>
+    <translation>secret</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>29</numero>
+    <hanzi>又 ヌ</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>still, hand</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>30</numero>
+    <hanzi>口</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>kǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>mouth</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>31</numero>
+    <hanzi>囗</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wéi</pinyin>
+    <translation>enclosure</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>32</numero>
+    <hanzi>土</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>tǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>earth</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>33</numero>
+    <hanzi>士</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>scholar</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>34</numero>
+    <hanzi>夂</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>to go</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>35</numero>
+    <hanzi>夊</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>suī</pinyin>
+    <translation>go slowly</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>36</numero>
+    <hanzi>夕</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xī</pinyin>
+    <translation>evening</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>37</numero>
+    <hanzi>大</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dà</pinyin>
+    <translation>big</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>38</numero>
+    <hanzi>女</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>nǚ</pinyin>
+    <translation>woman</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>39</numero>
+    <hanzi>子</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zi</pinyin>
+    <translation>child</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>40</numero>
+    <hanzi>宀</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mián</pinyin>
+    <translation>roof</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>41</numero>
+    <hanzi>寸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>cùn</pinyin>
+    <translation>thumb</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>42</numero>
+    <hanzi>小 ⺌ ⺍</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xiǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>small</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>43</numero>
+    <hanzi>尢</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yóu</pinyin>
+    <translation>weak</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>44</numero>
+    <hanzi>尸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shī</pinyin>
+    <translation>dead body</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>45</numero>
+    <hanzi>屮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chè</pinyin>
+    <translation>germ</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>46</numero>
+    <hanzi>山</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shān</pinyin>
+    <translation>mountain</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>47</numero>
+    <hanzi>川 巛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuān</pinyin>
+    <translation>river</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>48</numero>
+    <hanzi>工</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gōng</pinyin>
+    <translation>work</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>49</numero>
+    <hanzi>己</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>personal</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>50</numero>
+    <hanzi>巾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>turban</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>51</numero>
+    <hanzi>干</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>dry</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>52</numero>
+    <hanzi>幺</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>tiny</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>53</numero>
+    <hanzi>广</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guǎng</pinyin>
+    <translation>shelter</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>54</numero>
+    <hanzi>廴</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǐn</pinyin>
+    <translation>great, stride</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>55</numero>
+    <hanzi>廾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǒng</pinyin>
+    <translation>two, hands</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>56</numero>
+    <hanzi>弋</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yì</pinyin>
+    <translation>arrow-grapin</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>57</numero>
+    <hanzi>弓</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gōng</pinyin>
+    <translation>bow</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>58</numero>
+    <hanzi>彐 彑</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jì</pinyin>
+    <translation>snout</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>59</numero>
+    <hanzi>彡</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shān</pinyin>
+    <translation>beard, brush</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>60</numero>
+    <hanzi>彳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chì</pinyin>
+    <translation>walk around</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>61</numero>
+    <hanzi>心 忄</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>heart</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>62</numero>
+    <hanzi>戈</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gē</pinyin>
+    <translation>halberd</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>63</numero>
+    <hanzi>戶 户</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hù</pinyin>
+    <translation>gate</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>64</numero>
+    <hanzi>手 扌 才</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>hand</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>65</numero>
+    <hanzi>支</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhī</pinyin>
+    <translation>branch</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>66</numero>
+    <hanzi>攴 攵</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pū</pinyin>
+    <translation>to bump, hand</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>67</numero>
+    <hanzi>文</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wén</pinyin>
+    <translation>writing</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>68</numero>
+    <hanzi>斗</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>measurer</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>69</numero>
+    <hanzi>斤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>ax, 500 grams</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>70</numero>
+    <hanzi>方</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>square, direction</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>71</numero>
+    <hanzi>无</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wú</pinyin>
+    <translation>without</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>72</numero>
+    <hanzi>日</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>rì</pinyin>
+    <translation>sun</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>73</numero>
+    <hanzi>曰</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yuē</pinyin>
+    <translation>to say</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>74</numero>
+    <hanzi>月</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yuè</pinyin>
+    <translation>moon</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>75</numero>
+    <hanzi>木 朩</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mù</pinyin>
+    <translation>tree</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>76</numero>
+    <hanzi>欠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qiàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>tired</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>77</numero>
+    <hanzi>止</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>to stop</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>78</numero>
+    <hanzi>歹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dǎi</pinyin>
+    <translation>death</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>79</numero>
+    <hanzi>殳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shū</pinyin>
+    <translation>weapon</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>80</numero>
+    <hanzi>母 毋 毌</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>mother</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>81</numero>
+    <hanzi>比</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>to confront</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>82</numero>
+    <hanzi>毛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>máo</pinyin>
+    <translation>fur</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>83</numero>
+    <hanzi>氏</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>clan</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>84</numero>
+    <hanzi>气</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qì</pinyin>
+    <translation>air</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>85</numero>
+    <hanzi>水 氵 氺</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shuǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>water</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>86</numero>
+    <hanzi>火 灬</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>huǒ</pinyin>
+    <translation>fire</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>87</numero>
+    <hanzi>爪 爫</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>claw</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>88</numero>
+    <hanzi>父</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fù</pinyin>
+    <translation>father</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>89</numero>
+    <hanzi>爻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yáo</pinyin>
+    <translation>double</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>90</numero>
+    <hanzi>爿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pán</pinyin>
+    <translation>splitted, wood</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>91</numero>
+    <hanzi>片</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>piàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>slice</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>92</numero>
+    <hanzi>牙</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yá</pinyin>
+    <translation>tooth, ivory</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>93</numero>
+    <hanzi>牛 牜 ⺧</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>niú</pinyin>
+    <translation>beef</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>94</numero>
+    <hanzi>犬 犭</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>quǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>dog</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>95</numero>
+    <hanzi>玄</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xuán</pinyin>
+    <translation>deep</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>96</numero>
+    <hanzi>王 玉</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yù</pinyin>
+    <translation>jade</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>97</numero>
+    <hanzi>瓜</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guā</pinyin>
+    <translation>melon</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>98</numero>
+    <hanzi>瓦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wǎ</pinyin>
+    <translation>tile</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>99</numero>
+    <hanzi>甘</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gān</pinyin>
+    <translation>sweet</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>100</numero>
+    <hanzi>生</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shēng</pinyin>
+    <translation>be born</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>101</numero>
+    <hanzi>用</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yòng</pinyin>
+    <translation>to use</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>102</numero>
+    <hanzi>田</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>tián</pinyin>
+    <translation>field</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>103</numero>
+    <hanzi>疋 ⺪</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>roll, piece of cloth</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>104</numero>
+    <hanzi>疒</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>nè</pinyin>
+    <translation>disease</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>105</numero>
+    <hanzi>癶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bō</pinyin>
+    <translation>to go up</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>106</numero>
+    <hanzi>白</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bái</pinyin>
+    <translation>white</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>107</numero>
+    <hanzi>皮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pí</pinyin>
+    <translation>skin</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>108</numero>
+    <hanzi>皿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǐn</pinyin>
+    <translation>container</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>109</numero>
+    <hanzi>目</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mù</pinyin>
+    <translation>eye</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>110</numero>
+    <hanzi>矛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>máo</pinyin>
+    <translation>spear</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>111</numero>
+    <hanzi>矢</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>arrow</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>112</numero>
+    <hanzi>石</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shí</pinyin>
+    <translation>stone</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>113</numero>
+    <hanzi>示 礻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>to venerate, to show</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>114</numero>
+    <hanzi>禸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>róu</pinyin>
+    <translation>get away</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>115</numero>
+    <hanzi>禾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hé</pinyin>
+    <translation>grain</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>116</numero>
+    <hanzi>穴</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xué</pinyin>
+    <translation>cave, swing door</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>117</numero>
+    <hanzi>立</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lì</pinyin>
+    <translation>standing up</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>118</numero>
+    <hanzi>竹 ⺮ ケ</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>bamboo</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>119</numero>
+    <hanzi>米</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>rice</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>120</numero>
+    <hanzi>糸 纟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mì</pinyin>
+    <translation>silk</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>121</numero>
+    <hanzi>缶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>jar</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>122</numero>
+    <hanzi>网 罒 罓 罓</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wǎng</pinyin>
+    <translation>net</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>123</numero>
+    <hanzi>羊 ⺶ ⺷</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>sheep</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>124</numero>
+    <hanzi>羽</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>feather</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>125</numero>
+    <hanzi>老 耂</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>old</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>126</numero>
+    <hanzi>而</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ér</pinyin>
+    <translation>and</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>127</numero>
+    <hanzi>耒</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lěi</pinyin>
+    <translation>plow</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>128</numero>
+    <hanzi>耳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ěr</pinyin>
+    <translation>ear</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>129</numero>
+    <hanzi>聿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yù</pinyin>
+    <translation>brush</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>130</numero>
+    <hanzi>肉 月</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ròu</pinyin>
+    <translation>meat</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>131</numero>
+    <hanzi>臣</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chén</pinyin>
+    <translation>minister</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>132</numero>
+    <hanzi>自</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zì</pinyin>
+    <translation>personal</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>133</numero>
+    <hanzi>至</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhì</pinyin>
+    <translation>to reach</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>134</numero>
+    <hanzi>臼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiù</pinyin>
+    <translation>mortar</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>135</numero>
+    <hanzi>舌</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shé</pinyin>
+    <translation>tongue</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>136</numero>
+    <hanzi>舛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>to oppose</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>137</numero>
+    <hanzi>舟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhōu</pinyin>
+    <translation>boat</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>138</numero>
+    <hanzi>艮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gěn</pinyin>
+    <translation>decided</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>139</numero>
+    <hanzi>色</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>sè</pinyin>
+    <translation>color</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>140</numero>
+    <hanzi>艹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>cao</pinyin>
+    <translation>vegetable</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>141</numero>
+    <hanzi>虍</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hū</pinyin>
+    <translation>tiger</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>142</numero>
+    <hanzi>虫</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chóng</pinyin>
+    <translation>insect</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>143</numero>
+    <hanzi>血</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xuè</pinyin>
+    <translation>blood</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>144</numero>
+    <hanzi>行</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xíng</pinyin>
+    <translation>circulate</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>145</numero>
+    <hanzi>衣 衤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yī</pinyin>
+    <translation>cloth</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>146</numero>
+    <hanzi>西 覀</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xi</pinyin>
+    <translation>lid</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>147</numero>
+    <hanzi>见</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>to see</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>148</numero>
+    <hanzi>角</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>horn</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>149</numero>
+    <hanzi>言 讠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yán</pinyin>
+    <translation>speech (trad)</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>150</numero>
+    <hanzi>谷</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>valley</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>151</numero>
+    <hanzi>豆</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>pea</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>152</numero>
+    <hanzi>豕</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chù</pinyin>
+    <translation>pig</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>153</numero>
+    <hanzi>豸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhì</pinyin>
+    <translation>feline, cat family</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>154</numero>
+    <hanzi>贝</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bèi</pinyin>
+    <translation>shell, money</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>155</numero>
+    <hanzi>赤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chì</pinyin>
+    <translation>red</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>156</numero>
+    <hanzi>走</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>to walk</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>157</numero>
+    <hanzi>足</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zú</pinyin>
+    <translation>foot</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>158</numero>
+    <hanzi>身</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shēn</pinyin>
+    <translation>body</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>159</numero>
+    <hanzi>车</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chē</pinyin>
+    <translation>car</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>160</numero>
+    <hanzi>辛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>bitter</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>161</numero>
+    <hanzi>辰</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chén</pinyin>
+    <translation>morning</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>162</numero>
+    <hanzi>辶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuò</pinyin>
+    <translation>brisk walking</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>163</numero>
+    <hanzi>阝 (邑)</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fù</pinyin>
+    <translation>city</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>164</numero>
+    <hanzi>酉</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>alcohol</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>165</numero>
+    <hanzi>釆</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>biàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>to distinguish</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>166</numero>
+    <hanzi>里</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>neighborhood</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>167</numero>
+    <hanzi>金 钅</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>gold, metal</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>168</numero>
+    <hanzi>长</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǎng</pinyin>
+    <translation>long</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>169</numero>
+    <hanzi>门</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mén</pinyin>
+    <translation>gate</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>170</numero>
+    <hanzi>阝(阜)</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fù</pinyin>
+    <translation>mound</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>171</numero>
+    <hanzi>隶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lì</pinyin>
+    <translation>servant</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>172</numero>
+    <hanzi>隹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhuī</pinyin>
+    <translation>short-tailed bird</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>173</numero>
+    <hanzi>雨</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>rain</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>174</numero>
+    <hanzi>青</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qīng</pinyin>
+    <translation>blue/green</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>175</numero>
+    <hanzi>非</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>false</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>176</numero>
+    <hanzi>面</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>miàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>face</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>177</numero>
+    <hanzi>革</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gé</pinyin>
+    <translation>leather</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>178</numero>
+    <hanzi>韦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wéi</pinyin>
+    <translation>tanned leather</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>179</numero>
+    <hanzi>韭</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>leek</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>180</numero>
+    <hanzi>音</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>sound</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>181</numero>
+    <hanzi>页 頁</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yè</pinyin>
+    <translation>head, leaf</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>182</numero>
+    <hanzi>风</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēng</pinyin>
+    <translation>wind</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>183</numero>
+    <hanzi>飞</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>to fly</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>184</numero>
+    <hanzi>食 饣</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shí</pinyin>
+    <translation>to eat</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>185</numero>
+    <hanzi>首</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>head</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>186</numero>
+    <hanzi>香</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xiāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>perfume</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>187</numero>
+    <hanzi>马</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǎ</pinyin>
+    <translation>horse</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>188</numero>
+    <hanzi>骨</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>bone</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>189</numero>
+    <hanzi>高</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>high</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>190</numero>
+    <hanzi>髟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>biāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>hair</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>191</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬥</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>fight</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>192</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬯</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chàng</pinyin>
+    <translation>sacrificial wine</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>193</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬲</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gé</pinyin>
+    <translation>cauldron</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>194</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>ghost</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>195</numero>
+    <hanzi>鱼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yú</pinyin>
+    <translation>fish</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>196</numero>
+    <hanzi>鸟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>niǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>bird</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>197</numero>
+    <hanzi>鹵</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>salt</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>198</numero>
+    <hanzi>鹿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lù</pinyin>
+    <translation>deer</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>199</numero>
+    <hanzi>麦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mài</pinyin>
+    <translation>corn</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>200</numero>
+    <hanzi>麻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>má</pinyin>
+    <translation>hemp</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>201</numero>
+    <hanzi>黃</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>huáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>yellow</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>202</numero>
+    <hanzi>黍</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>millet</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>203</numero>
+    <hanzi>黑</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>black</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>204</numero>
+    <hanzi>黹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>embroidery</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>205</numero>
+    <hanzi>黾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>miǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>frog</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>206</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼎</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dǐng</pinyin>
+    <translation>tripod</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>207</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼓</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>drum</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>208</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>rat</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>209</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bí</pinyin>
+    <translation>nose</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>210</numero>
+    <hanzi>齐</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qí</pinyin>
+    <translation>regular</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>211</numero>
+    <hanzi>齿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>tooth, engrenage</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>212</numero>
+    <hanzi>龙</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lóng</pinyin>
+    <translation>dragon</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>213</numero>
+    <hanzi>龟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guī</pinyin>
+    <translation>tortoise</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>NaN</numero>
+    <hanzi>yuè flute</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>undefined</pinyin>
+    <translation>undefined</translation>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+1	一	yī	un	1	[sound:##]	web
+2	丨	gǔn	ligne	1	[sound:##]	web
+3	丶	zhǔ	point	1	[sound:##]	web
+4	丿, 乀 , 乁	丿piē, 乀 (fú), 乁(yí) 	oblique	1	[sound:##]	web
+5	乙, 乛, 乚	乙乛yì, 乚(yǐn)	second	1	[sound:##]	web
+6	亅	jué	crochet	1	[sound:##]	web
+7	二	èr	deux	2	[sound:##]	web
+8	亠	tóu	couvercle	2	[sound:##]	web
+9	人 亻	rén	homme	2	[sound:##]	web
+10	儿	rù	entrer	2	[sound:##]	web
+11	入	rén	jambes	2	[sound:##]	web
+12	八 丷	bā	huit	2	[sound:##]	web
+13	冂	jiǒng	boîte	2	[sound:##]	web
+14	冖	mì	sur	2	[sound:##]	web
+15	冫	bīng	glace	2	[sound:##]	web
+16	几	jī	table	2	[sound:##]	web
+17	凵	qǔ	boîte ouverte	2	[sound:##]	web
+18	刀	dāo	couteau	2	[sound:##]	web
+19	力	lì	force	2	[sound:##]	web
+20	勹	bāo	envelopper	2	[sound:##]	web
+21	匕	bǐ	cuillère	2	[sound:##]	web
+22	匚	fāng	boîte ouverte (sur la droite)	2	[sound:##]	web
+23	匸	xǐ	enceinte cachée	2	[sound:##]	web
+24	十	shí	dix	2	[sound:##]	web
+25	卜	bǔ	divination	2	[sound:##]	web
+26	卩	jié	sceau	2	[sound:##]	web
+27	厂	hàn	falaise	2	[sound:##]	web
+28	厶	sī	privé	2	[sound:##]	web
+29	又	yòu	encore	2	[sound:##]	web
+30	口	kǒu	bouche	3	[sound:##]	web
+31	囗	wéi	enclos	3	[sound:##]	web
+32	土	tǔ	terre	3	[sound:##]	web
+33	士	shì	érudit 	3	[sound:##]	web
+34	夂	suī (bas)	aller	3	[sound:##]	web
+35	夊	zhi (haut)	aller lentement	3	[sound:##]	web
+36	夕	xì	soir	3	[sound:##]	web
+37	大	dà	grand	3	[sound:##]	web
+38	女	nǚ	femme	3	[sound:##]	web
+39	子	zǐ	enfant	3	[sound:##]	web
+40	宀	mián	toit	3	[sound:##]	web
+41	寸	cùn	pouce (unité de longueur)	3	[sound:##]	web
+42	小	xiǎo	petit	3	[sound:##]	web
+43	尢 尣	wāng	estropier	3	[sound:##]	web
+44	尸	shī	corps	3	[sound:##]	web
+45	屮	chè	germer	3	[sound:##]	web
+46	山	shān	montagne	3	[sound:##]	web
+47	川 巛 巜	川 巛 chuān, 巜 (guì) 	rivière	3	[sound:##]	web
+48	工	gōng	travail	3	[sound:##]	web
+49	己	jǐ	soi-même	3	[sound:##]	web
+50	巾	jīn	turban	3	[sound:##]	web
+51	干	gān	sec	3	[sound:##]	web
+52	幺	yāo	fil court	3	[sound:##]	web
+53	广	yǎn	falaise avec un point	3	[sound:##]	web
+54	廴	yǐn	grande enjambée	3	[sound:##]	web
+55	廾	gǒng	deux mains	3	[sound:##]	web
+56	弋	yì	tirer	3	[sound:##]	web
+57	弓	gōng	arc	3	[sound:##]	web
+58	彐 彑	jì	museau	3	[sound:##]	web
+59	彡	shān	hérisser	3	[sound:##]	web
+60	彳	chì	pas	3	[sound:##]	web
+61	心 忄	xīn	cœur	4	[sound:##]	web
+62	戈	gē	hallebarde	4	[sound:##]	web
+63	戶	hù	porte	4	[sound:##]	web
+64	手 扌	shǒu	main	4	[sound:##]	web
+65	支	zhī	branche	4	[sound:##]	web
+66	攴 攵 	pū	toquer	4	[sound:##]	web
+67	文	wén	écriture	4	[sound:##]	web
+68	斗	dǒu	louche	4	[sound:##]	web
+69	斤	jīn	épée	4	[sound:##]	web
+70	方	fāng	carré	4	[sound:##]	web
+71	无	wú	sans	4	[sound:##]	web
+72	日	rì	soleil	4	[sound:##]	web
+73	曰	yuē	dire	4	[sound:##]	web
+74	月	yuè	lune	4	[sound:##]	web
+75	木	mù	arbre	4	[sound:##]	web
+76	欠	qiàn	manquer de	4	[sound:##]	web
+77	止	zhǐ	arrêter	4	[sound:##]	web
+78	歹	dǎi	mort	4	[sound:##]	web
+79	殳	shū	arme	4	[sound:##]	web
+80	毋	mú	ne pas	4	[sound:##]	web
+81	比	bǐ	comparer	4	[sound:##]	web
+82	毛	máo	fourrure	4	[sound:##]	web
+83	氏	shì	clan	4	[sound:##]	web
+84	气	qì	vapeur	4	[sound:##]	web
+85	水 氵	shuì	eau	4	[sound:##]	web
+86	火 灬	huǒ	feu	4	[sound:##]	web
+87	爪 爫	zhǎo	griffe	4	[sound:##]	web
+88	父	fù	père	4	[sound:##]	web
+89	爻	yáo	double	4	[sound:##]	web
+90	爿	qiáng	moitié de tronc d'arbre	4	[sound:##]	web
+91	片	piàn	tranche	4	[sound:##]	web
+92	牙	yá	dent	4	[sound:##]	web
+93	牛 牜	niú	vache	4	[sound:##]	web
+94	犬 犭	quǎn	chien	4	[sound:##]	web
+95	玄	xuán	profond	5	[sound:##]	web
+96	玉 王	yù	jade	5	[sound:##]	web
+97	瓜	guā	melon	5	[sound:##]	web
+98	瓦	wǎ	tuile	5	[sound:##]	web
+99	甘	gān	doux	5	[sound:##]	web
+100	生	shēng	vie	5	[sound:##]	web
+101	用	yòng	utiliser	5	[sound:##]	web
+102	田	tián	champs	5	[sound:##]	web
+103	疋	pǐ	fermeture d'un habit	5	[sound:##]	web
+104	疒	chuáng	maladie	5	[sound:##]	web
+105	癶	bò	tente à pointe	5	[sound:##]	web
+106	白	bái	blanc	5	[sound:##]	web
+107	皮	pí	peau	5	[sound:##]	web
+108	皿	mǐn	récipient	5	[sound:##]	web
+109	目	mù	œil	5	[sound:##]	web
+110	矛	máo	lance	5	[sound:##]	web
+111	矢	shǐ	arc	5	[sound:##]	web
+112	石	shí	pierre	5	[sound:##]	web
+113	示 礻	shì	esprit	5	[sound:##]	web
+114	禸	rǒu	piste	5	[sound:##]	web
+115	禾	hé	grain	5	[sound:##]	web
+116	穴	xuè	cavité	5	[sound:##]	web
+117	立	lì	debout	5	[sound:##]	web
+118	竹	zhú	bambou	6	[sound:##]	web
+119	米	mǐ	riz	6	[sound:##]	web
+120	糸 纟	mì	soie	6	[sound:##]	web
+121	缶	fǒu	jarre	6	[sound:##]	web
+122	网 罒	wǎng	fillet	6	[sound:##]	web
+123	羊	yáng	mouton	6	[sound:##]	web
+124	羽	yǔ	plume	6	[sound:##]	web
+125	老	lǎo	vieux	6	[sound:##]	web
+126	而	ér	et	6	[sound:##]	web
+127	耒	lěi	labourer	6	[sound:##]	web
+128	耳	ěr	oreille	6	[sound:##]	web
+129	聿	yù	pinceau	6	[sound:##]	web
+130	肉	ròu	viande	6	[sound:##]	web
+131	臣	chén	ministre	6	[sound:##]	web
+132	自	zì	soi-même	6	[sound:##]	web
+133	至	zhì	atteindre	6	[sound:##]	web
+134	臼	jiù	mortier	6	[sound:##]	web
+135	舌	shé	langue	6	[sound:##]	web
+136	舛	chuǎn	s'opposer	6	[sound:##]	web
+137	舟	zhōu	bâteau	6	[sound:##]	web
+138	艮	gèn	arrêt	6	[sound:##]	web
+139	色	sè	couleur	6	[sound:##]	web
+140	艸 艹	cǎo	herbe	6	[sound:##]	web
+141	虍	hū	tigre	6	[sound:##]	web
+142	虫	chóng	bestiole	6	[sound:##]	web
+143	血	xuě	sang	6	[sound:##]	web
+144	行	xíng	marcher, enclôt	6	[sound:##]	web
+145	衣 衤	yī	habit	6	[sound:##]	web
+146	襾 覀	yà	ouest	6	[sound:##]	web
+147	見 见	jiàn	voir	7	[sound:##]	web
+148	角	jué	corne	7	[sound:##]	web
+149	言 讠	yán	discours	7	[sound:##]	web
+150	谷	gǔ	vallée	7	[sound:##]	web
+151	豆	dòu	pois	7	[sound:##]	web
+152	豖	shǐ	cochon	7	[sound:##]	web
+153	豸	zhì	blaireau	7	[sound:##]	web
+154	貝 贝	bèi	coquillage	7	[sound:##]	web
+155	赤	chì	rouge	7	[sound:##]	web
+156	走	zǒu	marcher	7	[sound:##]	web
+157	足	zú	pied	7	[sound:##]	web
+158	身	shēn	corps	7	[sound:##]	web
+159	車 车	chē	carriole	7	[sound:##]	web
+160	辛	xīn	amer	7	[sound:##]	web
+161	辰	chén	matin	7	[sound:##]	web
+162	辵 辶	chuò	marche	7	[sound:##]	web
+163	邑 阝(à droite)	yì	ville	7	[sound:##]	web
+164	酉	yǒu	vin	7	[sound:##]	web
+165	釆	biàn	distinguer	7	[sound:##]	web
+166	里	lǐ	village	7	[sound:##]	web
+167	金	jīn	or	8	[sound:##]	web
+168	長 长	cháng	long	8	[sound:##]	web
+169	門 门	mén	porte	8	[sound:##]	web
+170	阜 阝(à gauche)	fù	butte	8	[sound:##]	web
+171	隶	dài	esclave	8	[sound:##]	web
+172	隹	zhuī	oiseau à queue courte	8	[sound:##]	web
+173	雨	yǔ	pluie	8	[sound:##]	web
+174	青	qīng	bleu, vert	8	[sound:##]	web
+175	非	fēi	faute	8	[sound:##]	web
+176	面	miàn	face	9	[sound:##]	web
+177	革	gé	cuir	9	[sound:##]	web
+178	韋 韦	wéi	cuir tanné	9	[sound:##]	web
+179	韭	jiǔ	poireau	9	[sound:##]	web
+180	音	yīn	son	9	[sound:##]	web
+181	頁 页	yè	feuille	9	[sound:##]	web
+182	風 风	fēng	vent	9	[sound:##]	web
+183	飛 飞	fēi	voler	9	[sound:##]	web
+184	食 飠 饣	shí	manger	9	[sound:##]	web
+185	首	shǒu 	tête	9	[sound:##]	web
+186	香	xiāng	parfum	9	[sound:##]	web
+187	馬 马	mǎ	cheval	10	[sound:##]	web
+188	骨	gǔ	os	10	[sound:##]	web
+189	高	gāo	haut	10	[sound:##]	web
+190	髟	biāo	cheveux	10	[sound:##]	web
+191	鬥	dòu	combat	10	[sound:##]	web
+192	鬯	chàng	vin de sacrifice	10	[sound:##]	web
+193	鬲	lì	chaudron	10	[sound:##]	web
+194	鬼	guǐ	fantôme	10	[sound:##]	web
+195	魚 鱼	yú	poisson	11	[sound:##]	web
+196	鳥 鸟	niǎo	oiseau	11	[sound:##]	web
+197	鹵	lǔ	sel	11	[sound:##]	web
+198	鹿	lù	daim	11	[sound:##]	web
+199	麥 麦	mài	blé	11	[sound:##]	web
+200	麻	má	chanvre	11	[sound:##]	web
+201	黃	huáng	jaune	12	[sound:##]	web
+202	黍	shǔ	millet	12	[sound:##]	web
+203	黑	hēi	noir	12	[sound:##]	web
+204	黹	zhǐ	broderie	12	[sound:##]	web
+205	黽 黾	mǐn	grenouille	13	[sound:##]	web
+206	鼎	dǐng	tripode	13	[sound:##]	web
+207	鼓	gǔ	tambour	13	[sound:##]	web
+208	鼠 鼡	shǔ	rat	13	[sound:##]	web
+209	鼻	bí	nez	14	[sound:##]	web
+210	齊 齐	qǐ	régulier	14	[sound:##]	web
+211	齒 齿	chǐ	dent	15	[sound:##]	web
+212	龍 龙	lóng	dragon	16	[sound:##]	web
+213	龜 龟	guī	tortue	16	[sound:##]	web
+214	龠	yuè	flute	17	[sound:##]	web

+ 1715 - 0

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+        "traits": 1,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 5,
+        "hanzi": "乙, 乛, 乚",
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+        "translation": "second",
+        "traits": 1,
+        "origin": "web",
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+        "traits": 2,
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+        "translation": "entrer",
+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 11,
+        "hanzi": "入",
+        "pinyin": "rén",
+        "translation": "jambes",
+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 12,
+        "hanzi": "八 丷",
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "translation": "boîte",
+        "traits": 2,
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 14,
+        "hanzi": "冖",
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 17,
+        "hanzi": "凵",
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 18,
+        "hanzi": "刀",
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
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+        "traits": 2,
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+        "hanzi": "匸",
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
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+        "traits": 2,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 2,
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 2,
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 30,
+        "hanzi": "口",
+        "pinyin": "kǒu",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 31,
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 33,
+        "hanzi": "士",
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+        "translation": "érudit ",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 36,
+        "hanzi": "夕",
+        "pinyin": "xì",
+        "translation": "soir",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 37,
+        "hanzi": "大",
+        "pinyin": "dà",
+        "translation": "grand",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 38,
+        "hanzi": "女",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 39,
+        "hanzi": "子",
+        "pinyin": "zǐ",
+        "translation": "enfant",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 40,
+        "hanzi": "宀",
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+        "translation": "toit",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 41,
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 42,
+        "hanzi": "小",
+        "pinyin": "xiǎo",
+        "translation": "petit",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 43,
+        "hanzi": "尢 尣",
+        "pinyin": "wāng",
+        "translation": "estropier",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 44,
+        "hanzi": "尸",
+        "pinyin": "shī",
+        "translation": "corps",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 45,
+        "hanzi": "屮",
+        "pinyin": "chè",
+        "translation": "germer",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 46,
+        "hanzi": "山",
+        "pinyin": "shān",
+        "translation": "montagne",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 47,
+        "hanzi": "川 巛 巜",
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+        "translation": "rivière",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 48,
+        "hanzi": "工",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 49,
+        "hanzi": "己",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 50,
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+        "pinyin": "jīn",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 51,
+        "hanzi": "干",
+        "pinyin": "gān",
+        "translation": "sec",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 52,
+        "hanzi": "幺",
+        "pinyin": "yāo",
+        "translation": "fil court",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 53,
+        "hanzi": "广",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 55,
+        "hanzi": "廾",
+        "pinyin": "gǒng",
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "numero": 57,
+        "hanzi": "弓",
+        "pinyin": "gōng",
+        "translation": "arc",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 58,
+        "hanzi": "彐 彑",
+        "pinyin": "jì",
+        "translation": "museau",
+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "hanzi": "彡",
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 3,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "translation": "cœur",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "translation": "porte",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 64,
+        "hanzi": "手 扌",
+        "pinyin": "shǒu",
+        "translation": "main",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 65,
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 70,
+        "hanzi": "方",
+        "pinyin": "fāng",
+        "translation": "carré",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 71,
+        "hanzi": "无",
+        "pinyin": "wú",
+        "translation": "sans",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 72,
+        "hanzi": "日",
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+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
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+        "translation": "dire",
+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
+    }, {
+        "numero": 74,
+        "hanzi": "月",
+        "pinyin": "yuè",
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+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "traits": 4,
+        "origin": "web",
+        "sound": "[sound:##]"
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+        "hanzi": "欠",
+        "pinyin": "qiàn",
+        "translation": "manquer de",
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+    <pinyin>mián</pinyin>
+    <translation>toit</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>41</numero>
+    <hanzi>寸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>cùn</pinyin>
+    <translation>pouce (unité de longueur)</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>42</numero>
+    <hanzi>小</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xiǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>petit</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>43</numero>
+    <hanzi>尢 尣</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>estropier</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>44</numero>
+    <hanzi>尸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shī</pinyin>
+    <translation>corps</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>45</numero>
+    <hanzi>屮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chè</pinyin>
+    <translation>germer</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>46</numero>
+    <hanzi>山</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shān</pinyin>
+    <translation>montagne</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>47</numero>
+    <hanzi>川 巛 巜</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>川 巛 chuān, 巜 (guì) </pinyin>
+    <translation>rivière</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>48</numero>
+    <hanzi>工</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gōng</pinyin>
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+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>49</numero>
+    <hanzi>己</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>soi-même</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>50</numero>
+    <hanzi>巾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>turban</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>51</numero>
+    <hanzi>干</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gān</pinyin>
+    <translation>sec</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>52</numero>
+    <hanzi>幺</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>fil court</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>53</numero>
+    <hanzi>广</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>falaise avec un point</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>54</numero>
+    <hanzi>廴</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǐn</pinyin>
+    <translation>grande enjambée</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>55</numero>
+    <hanzi>廾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǒng</pinyin>
+    <translation>deux mains</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>56</numero>
+    <hanzi>弋</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yì</pinyin>
+    <translation>tirer</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>57</numero>
+    <hanzi>弓</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gōng</pinyin>
+    <translation>arc</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>58</numero>
+    <hanzi>彐 彑</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jì</pinyin>
+    <translation>museau</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>59</numero>
+    <hanzi>彡</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shān</pinyin>
+    <translation>hérisser</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>60</numero>
+    <hanzi>彳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chì</pinyin>
+    <translation>pas</translation>
+    <traits>3</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>61</numero>
+    <hanzi>心 忄</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>cœur</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>62</numero>
+    <hanzi>戈</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gē</pinyin>
+    <translation>hallebarde</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>63</numero>
+    <hanzi>戶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hù</pinyin>
+    <translation>porte</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>64</numero>
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+    <pinyin>shǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>main</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>65</numero>
+    <hanzi>支</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhī</pinyin>
+    <translation>branche</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>66</numero>
+    <hanzi>攴 攵 </hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pū</pinyin>
+    <translation>toquer</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>67</numero>
+    <hanzi>文</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wén</pinyin>
+    <translation>écriture</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>68</numero>
+    <hanzi>斗</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>louche</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>69</numero>
+    <hanzi>斤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>épée</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>70</numero>
+    <hanzi>方</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>carré</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>71</numero>
+    <hanzi>无</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wú</pinyin>
+    <translation>sans</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>72</numero>
+    <hanzi>日</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>rì</pinyin>
+    <translation>soleil</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>73</numero>
+    <hanzi>曰</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yuē</pinyin>
+    <translation>dire</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>74</numero>
+    <hanzi>月</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yuè</pinyin>
+    <translation>lune</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>75</numero>
+    <hanzi>木</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mù</pinyin>
+    <translation>arbre</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>76</numero>
+    <hanzi>欠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qiàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>manquer de</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>77</numero>
+    <hanzi>止</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>arrêter</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>78</numero>
+    <hanzi>歹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dǎi</pinyin>
+    <translation>mort</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>79</numero>
+    <hanzi>殳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shū</pinyin>
+    <translation>arme</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>80</numero>
+    <hanzi>毋</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mú</pinyin>
+    <translation>ne pas</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>81</numero>
+    <hanzi>比</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>comparer</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>82</numero>
+    <hanzi>毛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>máo</pinyin>
+    <translation>fourrure</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>83</numero>
+    <hanzi>氏</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>clan</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>84</numero>
+    <hanzi>气</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qì</pinyin>
+    <translation>vapeur</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>85</numero>
+    <hanzi>水 氵</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shuì</pinyin>
+    <translation>eau</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>86</numero>
+    <hanzi>火 灬</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>huǒ</pinyin>
+    <translation>feu</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>87</numero>
+    <hanzi>爪 爫</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>griffe</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>88</numero>
+    <hanzi>父</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fù</pinyin>
+    <translation>père</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>89</numero>
+    <hanzi>爻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yáo</pinyin>
+    <translation>double</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>90</numero>
+    <hanzi>爿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qiáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>moitié de tronc d'arbre</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>91</numero>
+    <hanzi>片</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>piàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>tranche</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>92</numero>
+    <hanzi>牙</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yá</pinyin>
+    <translation>dent</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>93</numero>
+    <hanzi>牛 牜</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>niú</pinyin>
+    <translation>vache</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>94</numero>
+    <hanzi>犬 犭</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>quǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>chien</translation>
+    <traits>4</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>95</numero>
+    <hanzi>玄</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xuán</pinyin>
+    <translation>profond</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>96</numero>
+    <hanzi>玉 王</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yù</pinyin>
+    <translation>jade</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>97</numero>
+    <hanzi>瓜</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guā</pinyin>
+    <translation>melon</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>98</numero>
+    <hanzi>瓦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wǎ</pinyin>
+    <translation>tuile</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>99</numero>
+    <hanzi>甘</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gān</pinyin>
+    <translation>doux</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>100</numero>
+    <hanzi>生</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shēng</pinyin>
+    <translation>vie</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>101</numero>
+    <hanzi>用</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yòng</pinyin>
+    <translation>utiliser</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>102</numero>
+    <hanzi>田</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>tián</pinyin>
+    <translation>champs</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>103</numero>
+    <hanzi>疋</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>fermeture d'un habit</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>104</numero>
+    <hanzi>疒</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>maladie</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>105</numero>
+    <hanzi>癶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bò</pinyin>
+    <translation>tente à pointe</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>106</numero>
+    <hanzi>白</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bái</pinyin>
+    <translation>blanc</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>107</numero>
+    <hanzi>皮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>pí</pinyin>
+    <translation>peau</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>108</numero>
+    <hanzi>皿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǐn</pinyin>
+    <translation>récipient</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>109</numero>
+    <hanzi>目</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mù</pinyin>
+    <translation>œil</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>110</numero>
+    <hanzi>矛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>máo</pinyin>
+    <translation>lance</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>111</numero>
+    <hanzi>矢</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǐ</pinyin>
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+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>112</numero>
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+    <pinyin>shí</pinyin>
+    <translation>pierre</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>113</numero>
+    <hanzi>示 礻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shì</pinyin>
+    <translation>esprit</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>114</numero>
+    <hanzi>禸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>rǒu</pinyin>
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+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>115</numero>
+    <hanzi>禾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hé</pinyin>
+    <translation>grain</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>116</numero>
+    <hanzi>穴</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xuè</pinyin>
+    <translation>cavité</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>117</numero>
+    <hanzi>立</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lì</pinyin>
+    <translation>debout</translation>
+    <traits>5</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>118</numero>
+    <hanzi>竹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhú</pinyin>
+    <translation>bambou</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>119</numero>
+    <hanzi>米</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>riz</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>120</numero>
+    <hanzi>糸 纟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mì</pinyin>
+    <translation>soie</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>121</numero>
+    <hanzi>缶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>jarre</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>122</numero>
+    <hanzi>网 罒</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wǎng</pinyin>
+    <translation>fillet</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>123</numero>
+    <hanzi>羊</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>mouton</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>124</numero>
+    <hanzi>羽</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>plume</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>125</numero>
+    <hanzi>老</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>vieux</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>126</numero>
+    <hanzi>而</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ér</pinyin>
+    <translation>et</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>127</numero>
+    <hanzi>耒</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lěi</pinyin>
+    <translation>labourer</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>128</numero>
+    <hanzi>耳</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ěr</pinyin>
+    <translation>oreille</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>129</numero>
+    <hanzi>聿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yù</pinyin>
+    <translation>pinceau</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>130</numero>
+    <hanzi>肉</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>ròu</pinyin>
+    <translation>viande</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>131</numero>
+    <hanzi>臣</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chén</pinyin>
+    <translation>ministre</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>132</numero>
+    <hanzi>自</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zì</pinyin>
+    <translation>soi-même</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>133</numero>
+    <hanzi>至</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhì</pinyin>
+    <translation>atteindre</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>134</numero>
+    <hanzi>臼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiù</pinyin>
+    <translation>mortier</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>135</numero>
+    <hanzi>舌</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shé</pinyin>
+    <translation>langue</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>136</numero>
+    <hanzi>舛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuǎn</pinyin>
+    <translation>s'opposer</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>137</numero>
+    <hanzi>舟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhōu</pinyin>
+    <translation>bâteau</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>138</numero>
+    <hanzi>艮</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gèn</pinyin>
+    <translation>arrêt</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>139</numero>
+    <hanzi>色</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>sè</pinyin>
+    <translation>couleur</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>140</numero>
+    <hanzi>艸 艹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>cǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>herbe</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>141</numero>
+    <hanzi>虍</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hū</pinyin>
+    <translation>tigre</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>142</numero>
+    <hanzi>虫</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chóng</pinyin>
+    <translation>bestiole</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>143</numero>
+    <hanzi>血</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xuě</pinyin>
+    <translation>sang</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>144</numero>
+    <hanzi>行</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xíng</pinyin>
+    <translation>marcher, enclôt</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>145</numero>
+    <hanzi>衣 衤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yī</pinyin>
+    <translation>habit</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>146</numero>
+    <hanzi>襾 覀</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yà</pinyin>
+    <translation>ouest</translation>
+    <traits>6</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>147</numero>
+    <hanzi>見 见</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>voir</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>148</numero>
+    <hanzi>角</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jué</pinyin>
+    <translation>corne</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>149</numero>
+    <hanzi>言 讠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yán</pinyin>
+    <translation>discours</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>150</numero>
+    <hanzi>谷</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>vallée</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>151</numero>
+    <hanzi>豆</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>pois</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>152</numero>
+    <hanzi>豖</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>cochon</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>153</numero>
+    <hanzi>豸</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhì</pinyin>
+    <translation>blaireau</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>154</numero>
+    <hanzi>貝 贝</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bèi</pinyin>
+    <translation>coquillage</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>155</numero>
+    <hanzi>赤</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chì</pinyin>
+    <translation>rouge</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>156</numero>
+    <hanzi>走</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>marcher</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>157</numero>
+    <hanzi>足</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zú</pinyin>
+    <translation>pied</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>158</numero>
+    <hanzi>身</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shēn</pinyin>
+    <translation>corps</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>159</numero>
+    <hanzi>車 车</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chē</pinyin>
+    <translation>carriole</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>160</numero>
+    <hanzi>辛</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>amer</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>161</numero>
+    <hanzi>辰</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chén</pinyin>
+    <translation>matin</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>162</numero>
+    <hanzi>辵 辶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chuò</pinyin>
+    <translation>marche</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>163</numero>
+    <hanzi>邑 阝(à droite)</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yì</pinyin>
+    <translation>ville</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>164</numero>
+    <hanzi>酉</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǒu</pinyin>
+    <translation>vin</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>165</numero>
+    <hanzi>釆</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>biàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>distinguer</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>166</numero>
+    <hanzi>里</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>village</translation>
+    <traits>7</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>167</numero>
+    <hanzi>金</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>or</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>168</numero>
+    <hanzi>長 长</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>cháng</pinyin>
+    <translation>long</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>169</numero>
+    <hanzi>門 门</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mén</pinyin>
+    <translation>porte</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>170</numero>
+    <hanzi>阜 阝(à gauche)</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fù</pinyin>
+    <translation>butte</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>171</numero>
+    <hanzi>隶</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dài</pinyin>
+    <translation>esclave</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>172</numero>
+    <hanzi>隹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhuī</pinyin>
+    <translation>oiseau à queue courte</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>173</numero>
+    <hanzi>雨</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>pluie</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>174</numero>
+    <hanzi>青</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qīng</pinyin>
+    <translation>bleu, vert</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>175</numero>
+    <hanzi>非</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>faute</translation>
+    <traits>8</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>176</numero>
+    <hanzi>面</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>miàn</pinyin>
+    <translation>face</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>177</numero>
+    <hanzi>革</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gé</pinyin>
+    <translation>cuir</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>178</numero>
+    <hanzi>韋 韦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>wéi</pinyin>
+    <translation>cuir tanné</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>179</numero>
+    <hanzi>韭</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>jiǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>poireau</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>180</numero>
+    <hanzi>音</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yīn</pinyin>
+    <translation>son</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>181</numero>
+    <hanzi>頁 页</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yè</pinyin>
+    <translation>feuille</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>182</numero>
+    <hanzi>風 风</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēng</pinyin>
+    <translation>vent</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>183</numero>
+    <hanzi>飛 飞</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>fēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>voler</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>184</numero>
+    <hanzi>食 飠 饣</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shí</pinyin>
+    <translation>manger</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>185</numero>
+    <hanzi>首</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǒu </pinyin>
+    <translation>tête</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>186</numero>
+    <hanzi>香</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>xiāng</pinyin>
+    <translation>parfum</translation>
+    <traits>9</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>187</numero>
+    <hanzi>馬 马</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǎ</pinyin>
+    <translation>cheval</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>188</numero>
+    <hanzi>骨</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>os</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>189</numero>
+    <hanzi>高</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>haut</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>190</numero>
+    <hanzi>髟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>biāo</pinyin>
+    <translation>cheveux</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>191</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬥</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dòu</pinyin>
+    <translation>combat</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>192</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬯</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chàng</pinyin>
+    <translation>vin de sacrifice</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>193</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬲</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lì</pinyin>
+    <translation>chaudron</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>194</numero>
+    <hanzi>鬼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>fantôme</translation>
+    <traits>10</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>195</numero>
+    <hanzi>魚 鱼</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yú</pinyin>
+    <translation>poisson</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>196</numero>
+    <hanzi>鳥 鸟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>niǎo</pinyin>
+    <translation>oiseau</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>197</numero>
+    <hanzi>鹵</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>sel</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>198</numero>
+    <hanzi>鹿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lù</pinyin>
+    <translation>daim</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>199</numero>
+    <hanzi>麥 麦</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mài</pinyin>
+    <translation>blé</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>200</numero>
+    <hanzi>麻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>má</pinyin>
+    <translation>chanvre</translation>
+    <traits>11</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>201</numero>
+    <hanzi>黃</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>huáng</pinyin>
+    <translation>jaune</translation>
+    <traits>12</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>202</numero>
+    <hanzi>黍</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>millet</translation>
+    <traits>12</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>203</numero>
+    <hanzi>黑</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>hēi</pinyin>
+    <translation>noir</translation>
+    <traits>12</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>204</numero>
+    <hanzi>黹</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>zhǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>broderie</translation>
+    <traits>12</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>205</numero>
+    <hanzi>黽 黾</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>mǐn</pinyin>
+    <translation>grenouille</translation>
+    <traits>13</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>206</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼎</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>dǐng</pinyin>
+    <translation>tripode</translation>
+    <traits>13</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>207</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼓</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>gǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>tambour</translation>
+    <traits>13</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>208</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼠 鼡</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>shǔ</pinyin>
+    <translation>rat</translation>
+    <traits>13</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>209</numero>
+    <hanzi>鼻</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>bí</pinyin>
+    <translation>nez</translation>
+    <traits>14</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>210</numero>
+    <hanzi>齊 齐</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>qǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>régulier</translation>
+    <traits>14</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>211</numero>
+    <hanzi>齒 齿</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>chǐ</pinyin>
+    <translation>dent</translation>
+    <traits>15</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>212</numero>
+    <hanzi>龍 龙</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>lóng</pinyin>
+    <translation>dragon</translation>
+    <traits>16</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>213</numero>
+    <hanzi>龜 龟</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>guī</pinyin>
+    <translation>tortue</translation>
+    <traits>16</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>
+  <enregistrement>
+    <numero>214</numero>
+    <hanzi>龠</hanzi>
+    <pinyin>yuè</pinyin>
+    <translation>flute</translation>
+    <traits>17</traits>
+    <origin>web</origin>
+    <sound>[sound:##]</sound>
+  </enregistrement>

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+* Les radicaux de l'écriture chinoise
+J'ai créé à partir de pages web une liste des radicaux avec leurs prononciation. Je ne sais pas si cela peut être utile, mais les voilà.