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  11. <p><span style="color: rgb(139, 0, 0); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 22px;">恐怕</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">kǒngpà</span>) can be used to express "<b>I'm afraid that</b>," or "<b>I'm concerned that</b>," or even "<b>I'm worried that</b>," followed by some sort of reason. It doesn't need to be something you're literally afraid of; it may be that you're just trying to soften the blow of some bad news, as in, "<b>I'm afraid that</b> I'm too busy washing my hair tomorrow night to come over and see the 2000 pictures of your trip to ComicCon."</p>
  12. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  13. <p>"<span class="hanzi">恐怕</span>" comes at the beginning of the sentence. The meaning is similar to "<b>perhaps</b>" or "<b>probably</b>."</p>
  14. <div class="jiegou">
  15. <div class="deux">(Reason / Situation, )&#160;<span class="hanzist">恐怕</span>&#160;+ Fact / Conclusion</div>
  16. </div>
  17. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  18. <div class="exemple">
  19. <ul>
  20. <li><span class="hanzi">明天 我 很 忙,恐怕 没有 时间。</span>&#160;<span class="pinyin">Míngtiān wǒ hěn máng, kǒngpà méiyǒu shíjiān.&#160;</span><span class="trans">I'm busy tomorrow, I'm afraid I don't have time.</span></li>
  21. <li><span class="hanzi">已经 很 晚 了,恐怕 他 不 会 来 了。</span>&#160;<span class="pinyin">Yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, kǒngpà tā bù huì lái le.&#160;</span><span class="trans">It's already very late. I'm afraid he's not coming.</span></li>
  22. <li><span class="hanzi">这样 做 恐怕 不行。</span>&#160;<span class="pinyin">Zhèyàng zuò kǒngpà bù xíng.&#160;</span><span class="trans">I'm afraid it doesn't work this way.</span></li>
  23. <li><span class="hanzi">工作 太 多 了,恐怕 今天 做 不 完。</span>&#160;&#160;<span class="pinyin">Gōngzuò tài duō le, kǒngpà jīntiān zuò bù wán.&#160;</span><span class="trans">There's too much work. I'm afraid I can't finish it all today.</span></li>
  24. <li><span class="hanzi">饭 太 多 了,恐怕 我 吃 不 完。</span>&#160;<span class="pinyin">Fàn tài duō le, kǒngpà wǒ chī bù wán.&#160;</span><span class="trans">Rice is too much. I'm afraid I can't eat it all.</span></li>
  25. </ul>
  26. </div>
  27. <h2 id="我-with-恐怕"><span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;"></span>&#160;with&#160;<span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;">恐怕</span></h2>
  28. <p>A common mistake many people make when learning "<span class="hanzi">恐怕</span>“ is putting a pronoun, such as "<span class="hanzi"></span>," before ”<span class="hanzi">恐怕</span>.“ It's a reasonable assumption, as "<span class="hanzi">恐怕</span>“ translates to, "I'm afraid" but the pronoun is more or less implied and grammatically incorrect when preceded by&#160;<span class="hanzi"></span>:</p>
  29. <div class="exemple">
  30. <ul>
  31. <li><span class="hanzi">我 恐怕今天没有时间做作业。</span>&#160;<span class="vert">Never put 我 before 恐怕!&#160;</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ kǒngpà jīntiān méiyóǔ shíjiān zuò zuòyè.</span></li>
  32. <li><span class="hanzi">恐怕 我 今天 没有 时间 做 作业 。</span>&#160;<span class="vert">Always use 恐怕 before 我.&#160;</span><span class="pinyin">Kǒngpà wǒ jīntiān méiyóu shíjiān zuò zuòyè.&#160;</span><span class="trans">I'm afraid today I don't have time to do homework.</span></li>
  33. </ul>
  34. </div>
  35. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  36. <ul>
  37. <li><a href="&quot;Would_like_to&quot;_with_xiang" title="wikilink">"Would like to" with xiang</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="Wanting_to_do_something_with_yao" title="wikilink">Wanting to do something with yao</a></li>
  39. <li><a href="Auxiliary_verb" title="wikilink">Auxiliary verb</a></li>
  40. <li><a href="Auxiliary_verb_&quot;hui&quot;_for_&quot;will&quot;" title="wikilink">Auxiliary verb "hui" for "will"</a></li>
  41. </ul>
  42. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  43. <h3 id="videos">Videos</h3>
  44. <ul>
  45. <li>Yoyo Chinese: <a href=";list=PL94A5E422FB99CDDD&amp;index=17"> "Have to and Don't have to"</a></li>
  46. </ul>
  47. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  48. <ul>
  49. <li>Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 1 (3rd ed) (pp. 164-5) </li>
  50. <li>40 Lessons for Basic Chinese Course (<span class="hanzi">基础汉语40课下册</span>) (p. 301)</li>
  51. </ul>
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